HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-13, Page 47- HIM 0 .4 THE N XPORITO JANUARY J& t toMr. acka-Y' would in all probability, becometh-a" now bridges as a. present O Lao po-mt wis X one Tunxiey as purobased the bouse he JkNUARYI- 1905 stuek' and i the crow�d e IM S 0 has be FOR LEAVING S040JE s-rofjE r 0 e overnm z ze -steel briAg on 0 -1 6 large., Ispan. Otic la - rVsjding in for the past to t lin cmbo as be made On e l ting a y1ear. My fxle6d informed me thiat witb, concrete -abutmegto, with -Uie few months from Mr. John McGill, after another, UoLonnan he had 'this Message for M. .,9: T-' p9int from a W 'T F 6itting and filling. that would' be -Miss Edna Hamilton turned 10 was trdquenily interrupted. ry..-Prominlent Conservative n. To� �uired would probably oog;t $2'500. -bidr itudies at the �us iness co-Ilege 'commenced to deal with the corrup- -,ronto* who had received t from a Tore Wea ii�i Our He.avy Gu m Rub wb co be ve
$2,100, while tw-6, Ektrucures f in Toronto last wet_�k.-I�tr. A. V. bers 9 10 11 12 Is -1-4 'aud. igh principles -won t1l ciroji* in the obty, who,had re- run up to $3,300 or VAN, so that arranging with the, foundry the r �hrjg around ijtab1e,8+, 4r 5 6 .7 tion question but at faiw- promine - and ciapaoityl his emilde _t'Liberal known in ialuen- t:he w6me stye would Plummer W -as n Ifnsall.flst week Fb� fothat ofvied it from a ThO heavy. gum rubbes J6 17 18 19 _20- 21. ov'er� -'Oven the COnserv-atives -very prwhient Uib- one -.bridge if it would fill the re� to mako�the X e Ole 3 �4 1.) finally, liseteiid ef-al, Senator, well knon also i a quirements, would. be� -a ide We cement block machines 4 of -which i all cNalli and 13luilline, are anest and9ighest winter footwear you tan buy, N22 withrat 5, 26 27 28 to tin, and at tho close tendr b e beet brands �ou wil I ha,�e no toubl,B with the wf,,ar, thd financial circles in Toronto isaving the ratepaers, There is they iar quite a number. Mr. 29 30 .31 The
... speaker an ovat io'n which must have considerble difference of opidjoi), plum rub'v za we sell are th� vAry Imst raad� in Ca�adg, ,ad Iud ........... m on in himnoble contest.,l " '' ' 'm -h,
e talks of moving to. n,ceered 1i esa he .0 V VA Eddorial Notes and Comment6- hoever, among'6t people who are sall if an dispose of his place nown makes Kant Kazk,') "Armour Olad," Duck T in a Position to judge of the matter he Ron. G. W. Ross, Premier Of On.. ey- contractor for ntly, as to. which of the. two this < I BreM and " Kini's NOW AD�RRTISVI"NTS A' Sppci C. P. It., has d- Stub Proof." These rubbers are: all waAe of heaii, duck canvas uppers, t6roughly tarici was nominated bylis old oon- plans hould be adopted, an as it cided to stop IMPregnatted with the very best work her until: the As a, good May of ou'r readcrs do d
phrotithesei after each -of West Middl4ex, tor'!the, is a matter ot considerable im- f st of a of the stitoqnts ParA -ubber they 1ave extra heavy soles and heels, are mq&f in on *Utah the n0t hall opportunity of perusing iT eleveJhth time t Mount Bridges PDXtaAcA,' * the , council decided to rough bucW i or lace, high or low cut, leather or rubber topp, -and in nt wiR be found weathee.% His forman, Mr. colum-M of tho1oron-r week., During his spewb while moet On'00 more at thO sitf, of 'the, . Tra�e.Y, left kor his home in St 0 Genuthe sale -F T. willis-6 jror�_$2 AOO a i)Air t $3.00 a pair, according to styj�e prico, �to Mail, w-,6 give the followinig fox further- examination, 0 Ten Day's. NeFaul Co._8 ibe *as poukiding his opponentsigood Catharines,��n 'N'v,desday. Miss L. spri -e-z4goKinnon & Co -5 =Y DOXt, anuark 14th, at �i Barr, who h IsPdimian of the kind of Qa)npai.gn and. strong, an enthusiastic Grit in .�tured a position, in HE' AVY X T SOOKS. GUM ubbars-_R Willis amd Son -4 o!clook n4 adjou One Obance-Gretir uddlStp-wart-1 that journal:is Making algain-sb the the.- audience, shouted God beilp the n to Seaforth in ackson18 establishment in Tories remi,wir tb,(� aftlexnoon, to thresh Lhe msn+ We;lb-oe the beavy knit socks to wear with rnbb... AV;,- Wtl To this the - 0.1 fnf.,-� 1 44-W OU -4 Oturio for thore lLooday. Government and its several, ptly retorted: "."res, they will �t`er -Out aa ch the a-nd if possible r 50c d0c, 75c. 81 W� a pair. prom and —4be, 65o aud oys i Qe &-pair. Varta for Hak-lKyal? lamphill-9 meber,8. tt isays:' best con nma all the help He can ive them. elusion Tendenfor Wodd-Wim Elliott.-fi T G' Sm""e, Card, ofTbad'ks--F MaMllhn-5 When next Orgnizer Gr ham I don't think'He's' on their side apy- Annual Noetini-K Y HoLean-5 ascends the public platforrill -he way. Canadian Bank of commerce, forth, now pays jntexe�;t from date ShviraholderW meeting -m -A filurdi 5 e- 8hOuld be asked to explain bi� con. Londesboro VInter Sale -F A Ed wards -8 -of de t 'on savings bank deposits, w Sb Yam for Sale -11,19 090-5 veGtion ith Byrdn.'Lott and ib�. The ameAdinent to 'the municipal The Posi Be. "ILL OWN _Wtes. Londnboro 3ROY',al rt Huron County Connell -W tatio-6 10y. Mr. Graham, noW. a Minis or of �aot pass&d by the Legislature in its Tomplaxis received an in;�itcCtanu to Sole ageutt Shoo �Dr inen,audihe Honse for ftt" MoNsughton-ar the A Happy- Vime,-On Tuesday even- Qiiiaiity Crowxi� was the -org-p�nlzi4 for sess*' of 1903, and Whiob came,into a-tten an 1Kt -home Shoes for w Empress Numery stook -S -p D111-8 -F-asteTn Ontario in the laie; co�ltot. in Auburn On' ing, January 3rd, t he home og Mr. onjen. Applicatiom Received-$ J Sbanno�40 33. Lott and Shibley w� fo:rce this year for the firat 'time, Wdilesday evening last. -Mr. Wat- and Mrs. George XOT)Onald, St� Roobludon of ODnd.-il-nee-D anley-5 vTo r1a ut son shiped a ca -r load.o rom requiring municipal. concillors to h ags f in the, -field ,by.' him. These w?l 1haes make -numb ly, was made- bright and happy by a, v Itad n armly eqngr Dividend, Notice -F., Wl:--S Choi &-olarations, Of qualif& 'here -on Wedn"dak last. -A er isitin w4t)CEhils brot&r, ]Wr. G-0origo 1. atulat-ed and invented a, Oobme b b* I e el- number of their friends who had as� Hall. Re hiW been in the� west for 'EMPtuus repast partaken f,the Blackina-Seri Bret" - y w 'don a _ cation bef orie, liine� o'clock on. Wie I rom- here attended, the party at Mr. sembled tr a good time. The hos- !wme ti Woo& Want#d-X Papple-.8 Oction might be oarrie tr c k - NoGreg Me. ;A number of the young bridril party drove . to H�Wall igbt followinig 'the nomintion, X)5' Conetanm' on Friday PitalitY -of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald they took hpa ballot box -a mean, contoln; tible, bvening people spe- A. Very r -even- the evening i Saw@ r9ed-0 Wllllains�_8 n Annual Nedlnir-H Drehwarin-8 only, �ters to cities and towns apd xprepi, foi- YUt.-A surprise party was Was most royal and Criminal swindle., upon ibe p ople. theY., made their inz last at. th� home of lowed -by showor�j of rice,!f lowers "d. C gal". Weismiller not to rural municigalitiles. hold at the home o Mr. Robert Cald- guests all feel at Perhaps it is it home an(I aimed IKT. Hugh unlop. "h knows good wishes.- Fmily Seen -11 3 aught b natural that it' or weon T4ursdg-y- evening,'when at 1g1vizbg t G. T. Annual atefing-K Bi6dertok-s does not roer to town4hips we do hem an enjoyable evening. hD who oxiganized for LQtt and w rtain.-It is� xpeeted. agent, was in Toronto'.: week O' tp On -know.' It is a very. pr about h ildrd gathere& All re;- T that a in o#.. will be', the eompanyls� $bibley A-6uld be,come -&'Mini er fin not OPeT am- no U he excitement of the evening was ary sokm Otai ondment -to, the law and be port baviiiig spent a very enjoyable the gramophone which caused, preached h 4'. Idext Sunday -by Rev. Sproat, v the ballot. box stuffing a. in should oxpjaoltio eve ing.-The new councillors held f Seafort further extended to include, mu- I was bo" Auri tude of -this.. ac inpst' )3ut the etti M T. 4� 4. .4 nioipa their first meeting on Mond -week, visit' 906d dea I 0 laughter and will be M r. Oliver, Lwowel.:36s. Wm. the past I -renresenta,tives. oy last i- W331.U aw iAL VAtm 0y, all wilo We're. Snell is not ;i Wei but fhe question of local option wa;s- I)r nabalf being 3f.vDougall.-Mrs. Clark, jaxplained, wherever GrahaM, ap ear esent.- 'n" left over' till . next Meeting. -Mr. confined to Wis hope i�o SM her wa!s also here -visiti.. na SEAkORTH, PRIDAY, Jan. 18 1904 is oin the Hd,,�en rogaiA &r at Tbis' is what th6 Globo very ro another passage of Goderich, fpent , few man, The friends of
Air. *in. Cole a' 136echwood. h"h the t ownship of H erly iieseribes as mad d1g j Oil L'r a speech t Mouift Bridges days at the honiel o his father ty, witi be pleased -in- t� learn that he The Domlnlca�.PaTllaincht'wan f law, Rev. Caadian Bank of Comme�roe, Sea- Or- It is strikdmg lyelow the f. which. shows. his aptness -at retort Nx. Clement, this me Hensa& has sufficient'. re-- He said homas Cole. hap purth 1 covered to Ago out aU4 also Natralists tell us 'thait, The Soveref$ Wedgesday, but -the It is las bad as the. trio ased a of deposit on savinigs bank mall -Mr. T forth, mow -pays interest from date
y opened 01 Bank of 01LIM a, obarter-
k ballot box Inew, engine and is deposlits, w4lk round a' Uttle. tb lobsters drofted their q -very, busy cutting e'd by Dominion -1? lanienth 42 brane as in Canada laws Speech *from 'the Throne was.not ls6b�me. The i - -_ -
very time a tbunder storm 'came object iv 'to at present. and agents in ail I to of e the world. fi�WiWA on delivered until Thursday. Mr. Suth- w-ftnect Mr. Graham, the Praiincia d"lis paid Iour nesayaw� Abi4titelm"ifty. 'long, the nervous bock beinIg so Varlm a Bank, -Seafortb, allows 11111181welled f erland, of FAsex,, was elected Speak-; gear tary, -in t he M�j - n& of the red- in to -rest I rom f depofit to wethods. courteous treat-11out, modern 'Conservatives are YOur Munt is invited. IL Arnold, We Ituve aout 30 pairs of eanvas leg- great. Well, the date 4
Brucefleld, Bill nob, 1.984.tf glugio, for boys rtn g from 8 to IS ers Of -the Mal, with Lott and Shib- lobsters, every, one of th0n, hey�lre, ure, I S aer and Mr. Maroil, Of Bonavent dwte of withdra*al. on savinigs bank managgr Henoall ley, and t& 'trick ballot box raud.- lobstersnd they, hav�e droppe Canadian Bank of Commeree, Sea- W. it, sale at' J. VFei millek's 40o per pair—r4u.%r ho, Quebee. Deputy. Speaker, At, a Con- Now, he Mail I is their Witus sole Akont d 1931-tf Annival clear for aeorge A. Slater -shoes for men and Ws eight tim".11 "They'll drop of do est from date Briefs.—The tences.that have beo Iorlb days onlyil imenning _jan�mry loth. Dodd aii6es kno'", as ever.'" Per- cla foorh, ow phys inter con for ladle, Seafortb. .0 Everything -in dry 11 goods at iednoed �prlces Call servative ,caucus Mr. L. Borden's son who -has given any, attni: on to the n Oar ags bank deposits., 're�naoe.d did a great deal -or, g ,as in -the ninth time, rom, an _M Ada this mattor knows, thait Mr, Gra- Ood earbi and secure �Owe of the many Vargaina, the rezignation as le,rder or the ar nthusistic Ii t 1933-tf to the assis- is ner in the,' ball. rvads, but there are some beat alwuyk yo flrWt�4- p ty , . Wti-inflPir ik� N -1985.1 tant in �XX. E[artrlps isto. hain had nothing with yes, thati wbat More 0 do Dominion --Bank, Seaforth, allows MAWS, Tet that sho4 be T em oed. gone tl in the Commons, was rev&ived, but they win. If Id h the bogus D Detroit on a visit._Wms j"G
t n claws lef t,'� answerd interest from date of deposit to Or laid down as drifts are f o' Br1'fftS'7M1', ohn Ca!njron, old- rM, in`g� Son 04 Th pp was the" of the Mail had. k Thos. Cameron, f Galbrait "'has returned- to Chk 'th hey have a not accep ted e, a baliot wax tbd Pxemier.!' date of withdrawal on savings bank The council should see to it at at Neu- after a plemiant Visit adjournpd. until, Friday, ��Ten Mr. qu i fte, true tha r. Graham w S. this village,'! Nlilway under tb accounts. once. -The people of this place feel. stadit -den will be re-appoin't Bor ed leader. -ganizer fo,r Lqevera' 1931.tf parental 1 of the c is hiet,' visitin f ri roof.—Mr. D. Sheppard, f -0
Toronto is con-4mrvative City,' Political Meeti- VVIry sorry for- the 4eath of Mt. J. It is understood that'he-will accept u(MciVs in Eastern Ontario at tl1_0 Mr. No- onto is VWiiag ter 7G -alt, was the guest �at: twe Lennan, fhe I(e -an dlit and res poeted cousin ajid that tho wmtituenoy of Carl- las t But jit jig overwhelmingly Conservative. 11 t form,candid4te for 'd Si;s. W, s X -r bver Xem, Years,_Mrs, X. Elliott ton will be vacated for �him and for not fme outh Huron an others, will ad- citii'e and 'publiD man be4ing torf� Mrs. j' ted --friends at hp that tafft and 8 ibl tho Conservatives -of Wiei` iller visi, wived the sad news, of 1. Aftfb� 4 of b
Toronto are' dres�s the ele tdrs in Wilson's Hall, It cLor of taxe f or %ever --*hich to will likely be elected-' by Weroyut in the field by him 11 S al port Hur,o- T 11 I as w"k n Ison, le -not to allow Politics Brumfield tis Y)ears and later' filled the ��ition *ster w- her father. 'Mr. Toh �V- K5rr' hey sensib -enough cclaraatlon� It is said -he w9l '�ajke - were �seleeted in the usual Friday vehiin the WeIsMille; returned ome a -f- 'Of XtXillop-�Mrs. Charles Logan -is -with �beir muniiciipal si- meeting to "Mme , e *at 7. 0 way b to interfere _b up his residence perm f -n aneftitly in Ot- 't no :3 township clerk.' �Both positions ter spend' t r, nice and .r, a
-e,Liberal ot tj)eir respecti. seCtiobsalld for t his they a 0 CJOOJC. o 7,ec�)w 1with his imProvip ly b tawx and practise law tere. Mr. in r�d lie to :�, M ontitted Mr. MoLonn&n will also, address the -h credit to liffs =O)M- uncle- ancl t* im. Wh�,g4!, _Mt. Mr. Sam 4atb, were filled wit
Foster has been appointed I red oTy.—The, schools b
R.-, ndMr. Graham bad n thing to the highes c- it. A:,b -th rema ,aleatora at fthe. west end sch are runni�y Q0 �a 11P a Ifetlic. each day.— I
eia ool house of As-- Mary� of :Goxri% rday even- ga re�nts. are si-na Grit fo� Ka 1 v1sliting ther. Pa R9 visit to f r n ,temporarily until Mr. Borden can nothing on t he A -y-or bys'a majority, of over ike ds d t o. show. t Toronto elected a 1h TAckerisiAith, on Satu y!
der -to -do with thair fel ti T re 49 elections Tory at Robf, Crawl, well and dlinghter,
;reeor cc ion. full blast a in. -The p id a fl
'ew Year's Eve tak,& his seat. ext 'at the same hour. -to have their children at- Mrs. M a; iAg n a Ous en" 000 John 0 wford Kippen _Xt Tt W -M Was,eiven in att4n'dan t -th
two f 91d rea Briefs. -Much sypathy -is felt in regularly r - 'J lrysdle, I Dryfgda e, w* r( wD. Campbell and 60n,1st, for their improvelp-wit;,42.1id ly disp(m j1p, I has Purchased the horse wb, has oted n At a:nd be, it said this Mayx)r was twice 'thl!� village for Air ich
th6n r the Belleville trial Mr. Graha waa a Grit d big roperty #ad busi- been in Pound for a opuple of.v;reeks. th �Iuron candida te I -or nt. to get relieved for a few ho p isou Parliame' famiV in the loss of Mr. Campbe ness inftenAi N Moing to 52,11 in, —The Eoglhsh'oh box, an fully They-alsi-o4eleted a Grit, Mr. F. S. as returned wroh intena b v! ZA
placed in the, wife%s ,c Ws day.-Jhn Eckert h a ri; The polffical oo a Lest , Youngest 6ughter, Lily,. who died to the Towl I re._�fr. (Rev.) S, Oth-:of January i L in South R-ur- explainedhis',con6oti, wAll essrs.- SPorn , t� the bead. of th poll, fo St. Jeromes I a con -cert on the 2 an me a, very sudden Ca h�gelv Berlin, to re- mith is wax' Lett . ly on Tuesda of last nt Satur4hr last with * molth- the tw-d hall. T lag warm s*pe6ially flin. and there w a,%,, the � Board of Control, the -second 8ume III udies—wo, a.r'e pleased Ad pe his PrOlaiises to b
no�e, Mrs., oW ek in Luean-4Thiasac_ a good on.-Mr-,13ert Rtif rd a week. She bad been ill on y a shor t st time 'With, Inf tht Mr. amw,-Lacey, who rament of Lor 8uPVe* will be th3 misf-Ortuile to break a the southern part of the ridlag. hing which could in any , ay be most important municipal 'va%iition to kxw,,N, s H, D h d
made to Tflect �Oii his; char'Ito I lamatilon and seemed d's wo mans,ter mass meet- t and in the 'city, while anOtheT Grgit got to be is sick -at wind polt iarm, while eutting -wood,� giattinig beter, so that her sOr bo at, is im- 41ispease,d morning orvioe, in bone in Ill aotions,.and the pragraph of the the second highBst V' prvilig and is expected holne in a ()arml chu 71ere were t in -s hf�ld in Exeter last weak� and Mr0l, which ote, for the, -death came as a great shock to all. ��b Sund4y ext. Gourie, I me qu,6ike aovei' is gian-', BoaTd of Control. cenpM of weeks. -Mrs. ohn Menzies Pe- ost a valu- ^6 Mrs. T. 'Jon" and her lifflerand- paxatory se.#*ice will able horse 'the stalwarts in.. both -parUes ar ply disgraceful.. The be eld this this Faxi "i tor i aughter, Miss . Emma Murrav -+ who was Visiting ler relatives ana l" Anr af has 'no hrlef -f- I- I -M -ir Frid P_ �^f T". T4-
donning teir -War pairit and fbath- ence 01, 'm itmirai f North Toron 0 frieds here, VO OxylocK. , XL Y 0-13uroll, V
J to -131,Yt, are visiting at the home of in retund.t her home - Rev CO3 iiftto, , R_ iving a toncert jin the to,iAf Graham or the! GoverArpnt of which have Selected hc�r, of Tha oad, intend !y, R. L. Giameythe he � i,% a M, Michigan la.st week.-MI&S I�Catb_ -nesda Hugh Blain as Mrse Joh Gibson. f. Murray Gib- hsill� Var ors. On Wed do Mr. n _M Oson is laid up with an. attack of ap- Smith and ry )i,'Iffan from Manitoulin" and Mr. in fair and ho,net+t criti,eiM, a Beat- aughtor, of X -V 20 b, in aid -of St. 1ohn's Sun-, Mrs. 'Smith's mnle, will ton- a 10 Din t4h ;to
crab, but it e's thir candidate to oppose Dr. a Horan, of Mount Clemcm,Miol Iduoi 9,Yan
ice the )Mrs. H
Grejzor.,.) d "the pendicitils. igan, who was visit -169 fri&nds here, tie Nesbitt. - Mr. -Robert McCartney, Manit ba, The progra kilber, th6 Conservative ce during t e hoJid Lndidate,. s, in Mr. Blain is a mem6er sr., of Moose Taw, arrived here on s aIsG returned �siste�r, Mrs. stace is such tht'Jt should bo of the well known wholesale vrocery Sist of rills, Ala it be of thel London l9gues music, opene d the bull.: At this metiag aturday evening.' Mr. McCartney home JP-st week. -Nothing on erth road, Hay, dig,d Mrs. Colin S�nitb, of alfO�ved to go unchalle-nLzed.' firm of Eby, Blain & Co. He is mo -re 'certain 'than bath and noth- was so packed by intends spending the, remainder of 110-11sall, 'af W an absence of the opera house Man of the right stamp ad.,no Pori! inig so uncertain t1fan' the time son, need thie winter in Ontario. 'UR can't of two C. sm,cl Druisseig. f art1v True 1011i jirag 0 attiva� 1+ , . - _.
ia Zir ic, n ds Rings. for boyo _r&Qqlpg IrpIn Gov as o XVaTfolagefor �eople that an overflow meetipk had P be surprised -if Toronto death. lust as our postmaster v- London. is We have b6 beld in the town hall ai.;ad this in aja nds one Tepresentati " Rtay away from old'Ontario very preparing to attend the funeral-- heT au tr Mrs.
to edit ' I vo - to -suP- long and his many old friie aria le, r ently, Por t the it- * JD- Urqubr�l ernm61it this,b-, eo T' t t .,Was so oi me. Mr. J. C. Morrj�son, he was 400 per Pafr�r;,g _,owdea that many, could not the Toronto %lobe s,ayo: B�'ain in ac ting th alWays pleased to see him here. turned home ast plar Orlao 75c. by tle hoe, m6issa:ge to. the q week xiteL a Pleas- agent for Gonrge A. COP -uner-- ant visit atil )'a t &tyo shnon fnrl won afid Day. P otbyDrdd 1hoedf6r-ldles, SeafojA�, b<1 born in mf Thie� wrath. iind: revenge f dis- rk which sbauld his,br-6ther-ily-1i-, postma:9 -Xiss A. E. loss, of Bruceti Id, sis�- ain etanding- room in, oiitbex place. hfian made a rem, L& home i
�nd ha d to go- homo without hearing iippointvA offiese'-seekeXS ever nd by KIPPOT.J. at Waterloo,'Mr. C. KuMpt, whodkit- ter of
Gov- ally. He 0. 1 L 0 t L larnment must fare, for t he rejec.- He- did not er t6r_1 Mr. G said: Dr. �ss, Of BeAfOrth w- WaftOu Star od e O;�a amey spoke in kno I Canadian Bank o Commerce, Sea- after -,a verk short illness, H here last, wil-k visitin& frae�ds,w.h be hold on Thiirsda- a
tion of aplicants'i what his BPOchil qua' is f un ra Hvuse for two and a a:ti unav *dable lifications OTAI o, m Wedesdai wa:5 Ivory' qm her after an *eek, in if ors,. while. Mr. Eilber a's Parf of public administratilive duty. but he 'wTe, forth now pays interest fro)ca date were Pleas(54'.',, their 1:% e t h, ngs alwayis dttended to, d-iosc,. attended. As a token of respec�t 'Lo absen;oe of fQ r gre, ro 01n, 11. '241ag the fort in the town hal.1- -Not. only -are aPPlicaits for high which req of deposit on savings bank accounts. ears, durin# which $alter was cllied to Hxet�r on Tus_�s nir6rl -attention the 'deeased business was te�napor-�! time. she bias,V gr. Gamey then .went Ao, the',hatl Of fice nq for posi cicns' on I t- mcAt- Under ordinary re ir cunls,,ta noes 1929 -.Lf aril e engagoa h- dy of tills week,, atten4- the fubp por y suspenaed in both Waterloo er in the III brotb er. - 110 would DoinV--Mr. 4nd Mrs. Hudson from tustriia Zbool The and Mr, Rilber addressed theiaudi- ant oommissions, likely to ing of- hLs pold. J10t be a. candidato, but and W.rlin durig the funeral. at In the. opera. house. W -.0venge, but tile aspira ts heapoiel M a ve been viWLt- Winnipeg, and of Cirey Brabeh Agri hoth4ft' tiC1I r' jo the' abuse Reina a lence in Marlett.' '"19 n, �h urion their Jeader leaving on Or not this meetiag, will be a, vote ev rY nettV Office a would arouse ny man ing their uncle and aunt., Mr.' and wa's eigentod with hand- re likely t k, .)�js d t.Y., nd', he fb.'a sionso of Mrs Wroxeter some gold held 00 Wedne-s-day of �makc-r_`remain-s to be�seen. -Our Own attitude. - The 'fa iiar u felt hn s T. McClMont.-Wood. is of- li ket.-M)P. Th_ Officers w1ore electeel ou I d 'do disgsted Liberal," re f " i ng mor c freely: in tb Notes. oapinion. is that the UeraL% of ths surrecte. j�b 'anything be e0uld to support. Mr. t -Mr. Alex. MoDoval, of oro has rec, ved from his brothq- Year an(I the, pio
in-law, vvrhlm district are entirely .oach ro'cut-ring Oeotio,jn oampa� is winter than last, the r -n Turnberry . hs.purchased San,- who captain 6f th copper balanee. o �Go
i n, I easo nuelf -of fre.qtiently' being that it is not in actlVe der's residence K), mines at La ium, MilolAga - , some. -Society h6ld ann iand.level headed to swallow z an example -of thiN sorrq a Howick street. al meeting oil- fine s Wednesda.Y Of next week. -Mbs it will, head. demand on account of so many b The planing mill has been sold of copper ore -Joia Mr. Gaxney!s chaff and that The man wo,is. ThP question with- urn- P�eoime bu
led 'to thM to the of Acr that be ha's ing -coal.-Mr. Win. Dog, son of Mr. Messrs. Charles ope an -a Edward Thompson, a G. S. homp HOW'e, w1lb h2s: conductod it _PT
only, make tbem, more determined exred for yeaj." elt er in DOmiibn seat for, West T-ju 5 hk , ftge *0 ly i11 store here for some a GovernMent "On now; Join Doi, of Tuckersmitli,. who has . til-ne - dp d earnest in behalf of tlieir wn spportiji.g 'an-, is�: Will Barnard, who- will take possession Othis It is fti,w h'f rom. blood 015POSitibn, is not bikely , to dm.r ther -be (L.ntw election been in- Algoma f or somt years, is immediatelY.-Mr. and Mrs. 'Shn P f on Used iom a to close out the. stock remove to ry very, ivi Hamilton 7 fzave 'a very enj cut on his 'h - . Wroxeter, wh( P -'v en i n� X Use is. new djsco�ve friiiends in this nehghbox- oyable -.60 is ler father'is On the following Friday Or Will Mr. ITO'llnes be, eligible to visiting i. C - Ick we I attndi !4he Han. A. G. MacK, tko the -seat witho& an 61 tion V hooa. Mr. Doig Pa.*Pty to a numbor n.g 150 nga din thew0olen ty and Rev. M. This is partially true., but i�t is a]- There seems eo is much taken. ul) of their fri-eniN I I at Eve _M3?. - Ze Cecil Simp of Dii doubt that with that country and sa", there is rs Humphrey, of- 1. ?ei8W fox liound McLennan : spoke from the. same to be �no Friday vening.-At ewton�o' 're ue -Mr. itii�g his el
msE too Sweeping. It 'is quit 16r Lindsay, is the g i t1th",Mrs a he` den �Pnd on Al,onda cxme ilatforms, - The_s�,- getl&nen were, L4B isesuccessful bandidate aMPI0 work for all who desire it ues of boar sister, Vis y of thi,.;,f' wepi;.. 1)y ted by nearly as large a crowd durin the winter. Sandeso On Thur -laSt a i 116rm 0 a poinit, C lal%t eect1iL)n, is disqualitfio-d 'it ds a R. -Mr. Thoas I Instsvest tha * t Gentae�nts can , n, it at th Mz�s. W. �umber lug run over by tile �of our Co Of as, assombled On the preceding Wed- all applicants. to office. It fre- rom zholdivg the seat on account of, oor -map's rountry, but there, like Tiplin, -of Manitoba, spent a few f�tiVee drove dpwn - ' Billssel-,, while run- 11 I to dog W118 a valiiitble -one, 1;�7es(lay evening.- Both the' having been. at the time of his elec- elsewhere, a man 'is none the worse da:ys f this -week with his siste!r_* Exeter to h ;a Mr, R. R. 1", of and is zt I In- opera qucnfly the case that itilis 'ee il. -,4AT, resti .9 '14)-i tion .."O Manitoulin, to the sports 1� tto .house and the town hall. had again ply I of' the bo.ndsnyef, for Mr, of having some sitter conmaient.- law; Mrs. T. F. Miller. -Mr. 'Gaviii Mr'. 11. Eilboatapeak fiqd o n Frida 4kevj6aing a nuMb, gew
or offices -as Gundry-, a Govrnment con Davidson had his foot badly hurt last er of Mrs. -()1jarle8 lito be-, occupied. Mr." XacKay� ad-' -for which t Y' are Th*M Messrs. James Cooper, Robert Craw- 0 k by a horse Steppin-g on Our Reforme Ontario, are audience in � he y unfit. It --is also fr6q !tractor, Had, -he withdrawn from i ford and Renry Dayman, all fro wee rove:down 'to hear visiting the lit ently I his bond ters drs,se& thL frmo-rentAA I I In G. a, -the -n 4 "re I o nominati I on h . c'
as 0 t a t tipme ai-ei n lerd to *spend a few ew. Iiinist Mr. John XLe()rg�,_ the Mr. James Br�cker, of Toronto, 7:_
while, Mr. McLennan admin tered to ho c , Ma itba axe llon. A. fathr,
a.9 I have 'been' Mont of Crown Lad Ahvse'in the over lng in, a -PP aving T11's Week A --If purchiued the flow M'eeli licapts for p&itio ste but h hs with friends.- T�fie boys are nel4d acquaintances. in the village, and Mr. MoL� .. 11 and then chaag as b the-, On n wfier4 only lorerloo��a Oolr cup 'red. Un&r the I clausos,, Of the ng tile h a ed appointee ls'�Tequi that, the disqualify,- all looking their' best and have the In aY last. -Mr. Geor,m Ver- -Miss .41tewart bl' Ilow 10C ied'by Joh Fiid. 33011, gughtev. a Mr. 1 p. D.
Bell, was i Kerney, . W., Jones �i� riner appearance of prmlirity--Mr. Geo. gilso and iss Ferigguson, of. Wal.- I . and Win- .Jin- .�l We may- say. heic'i Circumstances w affAoh. him. It U rort recently s ing. -a couple -pend Clair. The Inite paicl- is -an.
.3aid to I)e 81._ g -ble must na. urall IA;�aed by some'that Mr. Lewis, Fossdl-,,has 6ngal ed with Mr. ames at the 'home of- weeks. -Mrs. �Cbas. which is o r ' i c i.
that Mr. MacK is winnig 1r, ton, spent Sunday
olden bf, dis�iappoinfed. But t -;is 'disqualific Mustard McAllis - He hOt jm%t or tair, to say, .Of.,e t1l'on 10VIPlY unseats fox a year. Mr. Mustard el ter- Palin�, r.e- oiniom 'as a'platform orator .,Jrs.,0v4rge Harris, sr. -A umb 'It Vory JOVVI figare as from ihas alreay proved that in -selfttin h 'to and th,�t there must be anjther',,r1n has got a. !good ma;n and,. Mr. Fossel t e y oung people of the villwge tunied rec0a block is 4 good. olle, -The residents visl ;14g r of 'Brmse Ins_lnuatO that all who aTe.tb s dis- 11 ocj:jon, while, -ter.-Mr. Robert a tended an given byl the and I Ond in the nx1thern Sur. r7sed on bim as a'clleague the Preinier did aPpointeil 1 Will -thereafter b other authoritdes,wilth lativies I Ls were groatly 11 i Suilday last to 11��arli :F RV,
Pax revenge 6 actu- eq.4-11 'state, halt Mr. 0 mas Squires bachelors of Fordw, t of Huro 116d, Bruce that inot make any mi -stake. His plain,j afe-d by " wrath 'Or t itoba, with his bro* ther, Arth- ich on I?riday ev- rs� Ra Lewis ot a eg ur, are here vis lenilig—Rv. G old, of Wi (Ireighton had Passed away that tiity Val.
-Ut ad-, a mis- two moderate,') manly aftd eloque, the. Government. at candidate; iting thedir aged eo e Raley, 119 acco�rpanied by her H011nes was the onty�16ilal I Either, Mr sion-ay of KitiLmaat, B. C., oed iod ons, W the ho, in im the confidence and, here reo%aily drewes w' -There is.at,go Rober t Suires went I i we -,Of, ber siod F, 'up f quietio 'Iybt t A admiration or hments this is th Pulpit in, the Meth"!�t; obUf ch 11amilton- 41fteP a very ,or of the people and he Ging her sis supplienq a want are should to Manitoba 22 years agq and 8 he Mi t his first T sms I ido to this candidate and that consequently bl- u k-- bronchiaTpn0311nonia. take the seat nd t 6 i- which has been not. cntirel.y blmel"s. withovb visi hom.-Our vj"ge Oening.-Mr. Smith, y ntertain-o'd on % S In making, el' n Tuesday v only ill it few dys' and dpa;tll p en long felt in the Ontario Cabinet. Ris ap ointment -S to Office Govej�rn ection. I Tbis will ikely be a smiths are making up for dull times Mr, Alex. Smith who ha Mat- �Nrillis. is I �dlgar addr"s act justly, di.,30r,e ments ter for the law�3rers to fight ov � hard, oey f teen eart in the. wvst on this occasion . was clear, shoul y lwt inter as the roads SpAt the past 'fj �nd.-- but alt-hougli Ing his mot Bf tLe V. wminoi,ng and 'raasterful� and tgave parti,alijy. Wh(..n-,6b1A our op- imakre shoe sharprening n�e West is visiting his pare nts. 11101i may, not oessary and .-miss IUT
hap- 0r&Wfbrd, was fil tile, f3'th y o . 'dom tho man, -of TOO a r, is , a .; o to 'The. renlitijis relat, &n f e, haa (Is is a ba4 wind that lean D spendAgg the most.t unbounded gatisfacti n . 11sor be 'wO"rth Much in -law, as it d frequent. It avidso was Vli�et of f ber
will be. few Cos #, OeS anot a , 0.
This was Rev. Mr. McLennan's first and will By-nipathy, But li'luch we give it, and it jig,to g n Winghain last week. LA wes aund fr ds. bt tp 1�ave littk does ot blow any pess6,,p ood.-Mr. friends J few weeks wil the public platform, when l applic, iss Belie *11-sliell. on Tuesday evit,,nin g �ea
appearance on an t t n the effect that the 006tiOn will have FrankMann has been spending some numbeT of oung people frorn Brns- Jir`On..f1f'th ugh- eral talcing office be- i
in his capacity Of a. candid ter cause his b. Wfought 'over algain, alth dayii at fl�e hothe of Mr. sole, attended the rink Thursda- _place frp.m "t purse is eavier than the ough James Mul- Of Mr, 'Ya (N% tbrn, Of I HaY, I of her sonlfn�law, H.'i§, a's effmtiv-,6 boe as r holland, was ion :�-:&-e &P-peats to be purses 'of we would Vitt, v� y Much to see Harpurhey. The Messrs. -The Mr. 'his rivaIV Or because be Holmes WedO #day. atternOOD 1 Pi- Garfield block, which -90ttinla the softer married 't,& in 0 Snap, as - 1got comfort r. p. ]Keuaio wW8 -OfferPAI fOr his private canvas. The London happens to b a 'relative or an in- Mutholland have now 17 On- sale On Thursday, Of last week by gi n Constance Hiion� The -has a lengthy report of Jimat(,,, friena Of a member of tile lie deserves ably settl-Dd in their f! 6 now I 0 Strathars _wA.S, pure _e idence which. they had erctdd Mr. Ross, clothier h -meeting froni which GOvernlnent, or'"beeause he has a Dominion Bank, Soa:foyth, allows Smith f 0 1- 1 3 fo t he saw 0, -we extract mony-, was P040rmed by Rev. hai
during the ' past soason and'their iater�st Irom the folowing, Tacke' Pull " in some 'otlier dire�tion Pi r8mith. �,-; j church, at the. It t's rUMOred that Mr. Ross and Job -it _4
It was 'Rev. Mr. Me' many 0 of deposit to bi-idt he pfesepoe the, �;Ferguson& Co. will combi
unnan's Tespective of party servi Dominion Id- friends in this vicinity date f withdrawal 4, 20;
mk iv". on saviags bank rlat ;Df me the* ne8s f ce Ot rn- ak, SeRfortli, flows wish for them many pmrs 6f hap- accounts. X -V Ing p _4 mlai4en speech and he proved hi- if er'al fit -or the posicion'i there i n berst - from date o f d a -0ont t spe-etive bn,qine.-,ses nd �an able orato. More than this, he da te of Posit to pinie!Fis and 1931.tf � The bride w*jI aarming cullpy the i -Sure to 1)6 sre.,ness and 4 comfort in their new very- 0�1
- satis- I a �ntire block .5ooll a's P ishowed that he -was a candidate f f actio with(trawal'on savie Cana&a Bank of tired and n. Cases of this' kind'a" well acco-aphs. 1119s 1 ban, home, fortb, now pays in Commerce, Sea- urd paade, the reoipfeo�t of be had. Th prtnersh%fk' hom South Huroja may indeed be known to have 193 4f terest fro* date a :n $or Of ft'luable presents� i tes- tvvpen J)1r. Itoss an(, 0. _,.Sting be- ocourre;1 and t1he Ims Bank ro* me�rce; a, deposit an savings bank ALco6-4nts. tifYing to tb�! Ni9b. esteem i 'hi h th prond. He, , has entered the. field, Trqquently they occur the; In Dodds, VA. better f6rth,, now pa Blyth. vq 10 le P&;t turO Ycarv, will be ssolved 11ot for personal ezds, but from a for the part' -FS inteyest from date 1929-tr sIs held, Mkor fhe hVpy NLfr. Dodd- the ootint, of, da' e h re -tiring from the 'I high sense 'of duty to, -his -country Osit On Plvinigs bank deposits, -.)Usi- Briefs. -The anniversary servibasl 'Tea Meeting. -The tea Meeting rma
in tbQ Presbyt6rian church passed held anil has hrouglht wi 1i him the,l in the church Passed off ver 11- Of ty- Mr. Whitn' Off veTY successfully, last. Sabbat be.
rinciples of a trui eV OU Coliliti n The council.-Tbe couneil b. n Christilan man. the wedth- Mr. MacKay, whoi In, -a recent spej% 1905, elect for -'&v,. Mr. McAuley, of Mitchell, i er. The ldis, as usual, sustained Cornw 11 Mr. S. Black, R�Dbert pe4ohed two splendid -1though a� new ch at , 4 _. McKay, J64eph Atkinson, Rogej pe reputation and supplied a and compar.atiVely 3 U ag. member of 'Whitney referred to sermons; their P- moining and evenini. In the warn- I bountif' epast which was appar- d by ' -r'Lie; on
'the Ge'vernment, has becom. the, n Fo e very r per aid Richarl 13�rus6, met in the Cattle, e a congre- ently reatly appreo by, all pro- Sekfotr Ell, 'o n - Mon -d ay-, gation as usual on ac o prominent 'in the eyes Of the the Pxldmie -that any btfer of 'cba.1- town hall ling there was not as larg I I -on - had bee,n made by him January 0 udt of the' who were fortunate to be present. 4F virree for hi eloquent aiid large i or on 9tb, 'at eleven O'clock as stormy weather, but in the even!' 1;, -rasp of ub directed by Istatute,and each having P lie affairs, beJa the en- his behalf or 'with his. lag The basement wa-s- tastefully decor- C thusiasti attetion of his hear- -or, consent, knoiwle4ge -the church was paekod, the Metb- ated as befitted the o*casion. Xbout dr�__ qualification and of vices ii�n theix 8.20 p. m. Rev. Mr. 11irks -ra, house'until -nearly About two OfUCe, enfeod Aurch, he ed -summoned ers. in the opc Mr- Whitney s&4: M ke,' the necessary- Aerclarations o . f dists not having ser FArk, Davis IP to fill the Presby- the people to come upstairs, wl,job midnight. All were sorry when his" yr -ars and a li�lf ago upon their dutim -to
The Globe suggested that a e6alition GeMmell w James terian. Rev. Mr. McAuley is cer- ,was no eask task for the majorit p u rt: a e e M same salary, uncolqred Tt is admitted by at yth and Andrew Scott we ul d -be N. Fori ke I that this town publislied. The d& re wi�re heard from all qu rters. Ross kn)ow this editriale!wl' Messrs. T. admired by the congrelgaEion.-Mrs. ch4Tg -of the second part of the as Te -appointed. assessor tainly a fine speaker and was much. Mr. R- W. Jewitt was o'lled to 'ta Y'
,ad6e� ended, and ories'of " Go W -00d be advisable.,� I b li 'at, the $80;. i,4:- oa of the Consei-Tative strong- y af ter he ap- re-aPpointed . auditors Mason a reiident of East Wawanosh, programme which 1pe did in his usu- pearanee of this editorial -I wa asked pnd Mr. D. and sister of or townsman, Mr. -holds in the riding andthe.-two. aud- by one Minister of the' Me-Intomb, V. S., of Brucefield, was, WM. at mirthful manner. All enjoy-ee- tbe Wit
Crown re-aPpointed Fenwick, passed away on Sun- musical ie-nces were eth- eet another on day of last lalrgW composed of er I would m for another term treat while the speakers, Torlem. But aithough Mr. Gamey of the Crow- inis,ter 'the board of health. Mr. Roger -v�Wk. She leaves bebLnd Messrs. T. McMillan, A. 11islop aed jappeared on a and discuss 0 t, her to. mourn her loss a loviiag. hus- Rev. Mr. Birks gave t hree vny POr Pound �e It ia;a tit
pepper. who has 010uPied a seat on band and a In-r-ge family.-Mias Car- pl,&asing *A
the platform several I did so,, with the at 'the the boaxd of health for the p days ago, tho effect of his ajjipoarance Suggestion or r -O -and instructive addresses. was completely n, t 'as de- 10a-rs deemed ast four Tie -Sclater, -who has been vildUng On Monday, t
January, 9th. a sosial his artiCIO s alwayS reliable ancl, I$1.1
ullified by- the clined by ine. Nearly a year it 6xP6(U6n t on ac- her parents for the pasttwo weeks, we have pdreh3zeduch a quantity ar, mfttiags of Friday night, after- count of being elected &Is a council re was held to d*ose of-, the'surplu studies at 5t.be St. to sell it as cheap as an -T Ord 909
and there waxds, while the Gamey'-Strat toil In- lor, to resign te seat on as the v * nd., Ala&fresh atock.01 is no doubt that Mr. McLennan wil turned to her ea�tables. but enables us inary Qra I Vestigation was Jgoin the board Thomas Lad ening was on, a be dn- of health and public Stormy the number presunt was not nor
110lebore at 300 per lb. Mr. Herbert Crich library board hold their anau�l 70'ry large. The prooeoft amounted T`ee6i" the RUPPOrt of -scores of Con vitation of a gentle g t ies' Coltege.-The sorva,tives wbo were convinced by man not. pub- was appointed td fill the vacancy. A ineetin Monday eveni)17 CIL jV% thee logical and A- lic &gain- discussed th mat- donation- ^f 0 -Irl and a - 4- TAW _rlt
CL 1=6Uui T ex w S 01 .P'Ju. T_ CPP JP, ITN' 1.'ez uart till ,y heard,' with the same minister, *iitli the Sick Children's -z given to the .pointed the following direotorg for Many men with Con- same result, About' Hospital, Toyonto. 1905: Dr The Epworth Ipaagar, Clark's Disini�ctant, 2-3e 16 a month algo a Considerable for me e keL.
7- -evident satisfaction of, all. On was still perfo&itlon Of a 0 alkbion,, lots 15 and 16, concession Z1, H. R. S., ritton return- an if acted upon ick after spending an 2 v
as to, *betber there should be enjoyable time- amonX meet next Monday evening and ap -%N I t asked Mr. MacKay 9 he had been instructed to sa to me posd new 0ampbell bridge, between and A. W. -Robinson. They are to ed frorn Warw 9
, pre illsoussion took Place A. Sloan, A. Elder, A. E. Bradwin, J. for distribution. Come and get
vati" tendencies who were al friend infor d Lindgay, Dk. Long,Messrg.. topic car re 0 rp
Person ds for 1905 a n w ady
questiOrL that over t he construction of the pro- Smith, G. Summers, Rev. Mr.,Holmes one.
rn ti1110 to time and he replied 'to that �he pro -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D S(
iriends in DRAJO-1 BOOK AND FANOY GOODS, STORE two 'point th ir offi rs.- r. Arobi th t 1 cicality.-Mr. Rf-,hard Hall Pilo
k' I