HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-13, Page 2AAAV,Aumn1.44•0100*••••••**AmAn....
Let the
all they Want of
CrCatrirl Sodqz
just what, the little Ones
should have for mid-day
uncheon and bed-tinse sup-
per'. les •e surprising how
wholesome and nourishing
theSe 1:ft, delicious crackers
really are. Ask your
grocer for
Cream Sodas
in the moist.-
packages that
keep them
so fresh.
arand Trunk Railway
Railway Time Table
Trains leave Seatortb as follows
9.50 sa al. For Clinton, Goderioh Wingham au
• Kincardine,
12.40 p: tn.• For Clinton and Gederich
m. For Clinton, Wingham end Rineat
1018 p. at. For Clinton and G-ederieta
7.58- a. m For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
OrilliaNorth Bay and point" west',
Belleville and Peterbore and points
8,87 p. m. For Stratford, Guelph,•Toronto, Hon
• trealand points east.,
5.88 la. m. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto,
..London, B.uron. apd Bro.c.e.
use Hearst- Paeeereeer.
London, depart- -. -.J.. 8.16 A.m et.fie r ht
Oerdiralta.. Sae 4.•• 6 Ail •-• * • 9.18 643
0.38 654
0•A 9.44
Kippen...:•.... "W. Wit" Odi P.5 8.11
0.5 8.19
- 10.1
Londeaboro 10.8 8.52
10. 7.001
Belgrave_ 10,6 7 11
Winghaw .. 11.Oq 7.86
%mete Boom- team:Igor.
Wingham, 8.50`a.m, 8-10
13131,11Erairet, A • • •At {A AA* AA* -7.01 3.28
Blyth , , 7.14 8.86
Londesooro,..4 eAt 7.22 8.45
Clinton 7.47 4.16
8,05' ,
8.16 4.47
8.22 4.62
- 8.85 6.05
8.48 5.15
9.45 A. U. 6.x0
Soire Throat eend Coughs
A sinviej effecttve and safe remedy for all throat
irritatione is found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Tethlets
° They combine the germicidal vatue of Cresolene with
The soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice.
10o. AII Druggists Sae
• •
Kinpen it • • ..... • ••• rod. • •
fleatralfe-•.- 2, • • ;AA AAA
tenthly, (arrived -
One Grade Only,
and That the Best.
Ammo ..m.A.AN•
I have iuot received Et. car load of Mc- ..
Lauglain Cutters. Any perton
thinking of investing On a new
cutter will do well to nail on, me
before purchasing elsewhere. They
are not the cheapest ()littera in
town but they are the best and re-
, membeequality remains long after
price is forgotten.
I keep a fulls line of Genuine Rubber
Harness. 'able Robes and Rug., a
watch ton on buy from me cheap.
er than eleewhere.
A. M. Campbell,
The King- of Terrors
Is Consumption.
A Consumption le caused by neglect- 0,
ijug to cure the dangerous Coughs •."I•
and Colds.
The balsamic odor of the newly et
cut pine heals and invigorates the tti,
lu gs, and even consumptives inn't •
pr ve and revive amid the perfume
of the pines. Thie fact has long
been known to physicians, but the
essOtial healing principle of tlie
piste has never before been separ-
ated and refined as it is in ht
It combines the life-giving luug-
he4ling virtue of the 1•Torway Pine
wt other absorbent, expectorant
anc soothing., Herbs and Balsams.
cures Coughs, Colds Hoarse.
nes, Bronchitis, and all Colds,
of he bronchial tubes and 'air pas-
sage. Mrs. M. B. Lisle,rEagle
Heed, N.S., writes haite used
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for
coughs and think it is a fiuereniedy,
thelbes t we have ever used, A nu m-
bernif people here ilave great faith
In it ai it cures eve, 7 time.
I Price 23 cent., -aer bottle.
Furrilture and
We mal4e parlor suits, odd and fancy (theirs
to order giving you choice of pattErns and
zoiore of covermge for each pleee. .We also
re-uphot ter old suites and chairs -making
there lo k like new. Our prices are right
11(od our ork guaranteed..
Cutte s and Sleigha for the baby are now
here ' ou can have anytteng you wish in
these lin a, from the cheapest to the 'best.
Furni ure of all kinds at the lowest pos-
eible pri es. Pictures and picture framing,
window shades and curtain poles.
°Sewing machines, the Davis and standard
wakes at so low prices that it will pay you
to come after them. Just come inand see
tense machines before you buy.
ale° iv/ McKenzie
Nete.-T,he following looal news
WAS intended focr last week but tame
to hand too‘late for, th.at iuo
Poet I/faster Changed.-Thero lies
been a- chaege of post masters at
Whitechuroh P.O. Mr. A. D. Beaton,
tbe termer postraastee has rernove4
ed to Clinton, his place being taken
by J. E. Webb..
Sons of Scotlande-The following
were duly elected officers of Camp
Lady Nairn, No. 55, Sons tif Scotland,
for the year 1905: W. Ballantyne,
phief ; W. R. Smith, chieftain; James
1/101Yliobael, chaplain ; Thos. Richard-
son, treasurer; John Rankin, reword-
ing and finandial. secretary e W. Z.
Hinchley, guarshall; A. W. Stobie,
standard bearer; Robert Steele, son-
e* guard. Wm. Grieve, junior guard.
°seep Lady Nairn meets the first and
third Wednesday evenings of each
month, in the A. 0, F. hall. Visit/log
brethryn ,a,re,aiwgzns weleatne.
Notes. -Miss Ada Cameron is vis-
iting friends an Detroit at present.
-Miss G. Galbraith has returned to
her position as nurse in Chicago,
after spending her holidays at her
home here. -Mr. D.. Shepard, of Galt,
spent Cheistmas at the manse. -gr,
John Barber has returned- to his
home in Orillia.-Mr. Sam Rathwell
and daughter, Mary, are visiting in
and around Vara. -.Mr. and Mrs.
ThOmes Ward and family, of 'Alber-
ta, are visiting. In the village. We
are alwayls pleased to see our old
friends again. -Mrs. Charles Logan
is keeping- better, but is sail under
the doctor's foarc.-The annual At
home ;of St. John's church, was held
in the atown hall, last Thursday.
There was a good turnout of all
•the members and a 'good programme
was rendered. After the programme
Miss lottie Weeks was presented
with a well filled purse. Miss
Weekes has been organist of the
Sunday school and church. Then
Santa Claus came and distributed
the presents. -Mr. Harnwell has re-
turned home after a few bolidayis
with friends in Kincardine. -Mr. G.
Beattie has had a furnatie placed in
his state by Messrs. Chesney? &
Smiley, of Seatorth.
Deatle Mr. John Carapbell.-0
more of! -the great men of earth
passed to his reward. We refer
the death of Mr. Jobe Campbell,
McMillen", which sad event took pl
on Monday, the 26th of Decemb
Mr. Campbell was born in Irela
in 1823 and came to Canada when
very 'small boy.- ;Fifty-one years
he married Lydia "Btooks, his s
viving; ,.partner in lite. He sett
in Moltillop when ghat oountry
almost an unbrokea wilderness b
by industry and. , good m-anageme
110 sUcceeded in making out of t
forest a comfortable home. He w
a quiet, unassuming man, one wh
word had all the weight of a bon
a man who will be missed not on
in the home and ohurclebut itt t
community at large. In religioa
was a Presbyterian, being an eld
of Duff's churola since it was nsta
Belied, and his seat was always 1
led excepting on rare occasions. M
Campbell" had 'been in his usu
health until two weeks previous
his death, when he was seized wi
kidney trouble, All was done th
medical skill and: good :nursing cou
do but God had designed otherwi
and he died as he had lived, trusti
in the raerits of a erucifded Redee
er. Ife leaves a widow, three so
and eix daughters all of whom we
with him during his iliness, to mour
the. toes •ot a toying husband an
ever indulgent 'father. Tate farail
have the sincerest sympathy of a
an this time of sore affliction.
Callnot back the dear departe
Anchored eafe where storms are o'e
On the border land we left then
Soon to met axed part he more.
When „ we have this world o
When we leave this world of car
We shall find Oiir missing love
glee -
In our Father's mansion 'fair.
Notes. -Mr. Wifliam Stewar eprine
al of Acton, public school, epent
rietraas with his parents and rel-
ves in Bluevale and vicinity as
d • also his brother, Mr. Robert
he anuo.1 meeting of the
uevale -Cheese arid Butter Cora-
ny, was held in the ntoiester's hall
Friday afternoon, December 23rd.
. Frank Booth, of Brantford was
-enga.ged. as butter maker for nest
son.- The annual Presbyterian
nclay scheol entertainment and
ristraas tree was held in ,the For.
er's hall. on Friday evening, De-
mber 23rd, when a goodtpregram
presented to the largest audi-
o in the School's hiatory.-Mr. J.
Denman returned to, Winnipeg oin
nalay. His wife and family weal
n him in the spring. Mr. Denman
I be greatly missed in the Meth -
t church and choir, in both of
ich he Was active. -The Methodist
day school's annual entertain -
it and and Christmas tree was held
the church- on Christmas eve.-
Samuel Small,.01 Meaford, is
ting his sister, Mrs. Jelin Ra.by.
hester Pugh, (if Palmerstmespent
istmas at his Nine here and
brother Clifford, ',who attends
ericb Collegiate, spent the. hol-
ys here also. -Mr. George Haney
ted his mother near Whitby.-
and Mrs. Daniel Lewis will spend
e weeks with friends in Mitchell.
r. and Mrs. Fred MeCracken, of
ssels, epent Sunday with Mr.
• Mrs. John Gardiner. -Mr. and
. Robert C. King, Mrs. Benjamin.
Its and daughters, Irei3e and
a, all of Goderich, are visitang
friends and scenes in this neigh -
hood.. -Mr. and Amos Jewitt, of
Soo are visiting us. --Mr. and
. James Robertson, of Boisse-
. Manitoba, have returned to
ario for the winter. -Mr. and
. John Greenway, of the Soo,are
ing Mr. Greenway's old borne.-
W. J. West, M. A., preachee4 in
cod on Christmaa day and in his
nee a student preached to the
byterian congregation. Mr.
t spent Christmas week at Whit -
Oshawa and other places. -Miss
ie Greenway, of Toronto, in
e for a visit. -Miss Agnes Smi_n•
who is attending the Macdonald
itute at 'Guelph, was another
Ft tmas visitor. -Mies Gerrond, of
krton, visited her nephew, Mr.
• Du, over Sunda, -._j ss Ma-
it -
r e
• Rev.
R. N
bel Thomas is home from Mi
nelanitoba.-Mr. and Mrs. W. JO
ston are home after spending se
al months in the west. -The
principal of our school arrived
Monday, and then began, figured
speaking, to wield the rod on T
day. -Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Bur
and ' ohildren 01 Woodetook, sp
the holiday season at Mr, John Bur-
gess'. -Mr. George ilunt, of Galt,
visitedi! Mr. Lou Duff last week. --
Mr. Louis Blake Duff, for four years
eity' editor a the Galt Reporter;
weht to Welland oh Monday to take
oharge of .the Telegraph a that
Ohiselhureit _
Departed. -We regret to ha.vo to
elaronicle the death of :",.:r, Peter
Ilob?ertson, of the TOwnship of Tuck-
ererbith, which oceurr,ed at his borne,
on Wednesday, December 28th. The
deceased was a native of Perthshire,
Scotland, and emigrated to this cowl-
trein the tea.r 1852, and very shortly
afterwards settling aeon the farm
which he has ever slice lived upon.
In the year 1863 Mr. Robertson. was
MaXried to Miss Mary McEwen.
daughter of Mr. Peter MoEwen, of
the township of McGillivray, who
stiil euevives him, together with
three sons and two daughters, viz :
Robert, of Assiniboia.; Angus, of 3/1110-
neseta; Sehri on the homestead farm,
and Mary, wife of Mr. Robert Tra-
nuair, of Tuckersraith, arid, Katie,
who is at home. The deceased was
well an.cl favorably known through-
out this community, and was very:
highly respected for his many sterl-
ing and exoellent qualities, and was
a suecessful farmer. In religion he
was a ,Presbyterian. and in polities
a Reformer, and was well read and
°intelligent. ,Efe was a loving hus-
band and kind father, and will be
greatly missed, not only by his
own family but by a large circle of
relatives and. friends. Thedeoeased
was in his .84th year and, although in
declining health for s-ome time past,
was co.mparatively smart .up to the
very last. The funeral eartege to
the Itedgerville cemetery was large-,
ly attended, testifyiog Ito the respect
in which he was beld, and, symparlay
for the bcreavecll faraily.
nto, . Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilts e and. family,
hu- Miss M. Matheson, Miss Ban, Miss
leer- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wray,
118W Mieses E. and G. Cornish, Mr. 3.
on Brichenden, Clinton ; Mr. and Mrs.'
vely W. W. Connell, Holmesville, and Miss
nee- Bessie White, of Toronto,
To Cure a 0Old na One Day.
Take Laxative Brom° Quinine
lets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to euro. E. W.
Grove's signature is on , each box.
Prioe,•2513. •1930-1 yr.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. 3. Brawn,' of
Tavistock, spent Neer Years with Dr.
and Mrs. Brawn. -Mi'. 3. Nierimo and
Mr. R. Rae, of Peeining, N. W. Teare
guests of the latter's father, Mr,
homes Rae -Miss Lizzie 13unsten,
1 Fordwieh, is tbe-guest of friends
in tnis vieimity.-The rink was open-
ed on Tuesday night and a large at-
tendance of skaters were present, -
Mr. Will Gibson has returned front
the west, where he has spent about
two years. - Mies Elizabeth Henry
of Whitechuroh, lies been engaged
as teacher in the junior depart-
ment of the school here, -Mr. John
Barnard, of -St. Marys, spent the
holidays with his in.any old freen,ds
in the village.a-Rev.' Mr. Malcolm,
of Teeswater, and Rev. L. Perrin,
esehan.ge.al services last Sunday: -Mr.
R. •Gibsen, 01 Kleinburg, :visited a
few days with his mother, Mrs. R.
Gibson. -Mr. Charles Robertson, of
BoisSevain, Manifoba, is the guest
of' his parents,. Mr. ante Mrs, 3. Rob-
ertson. -Mr, A. Munroe is on the
sick list.-eMiss 'Edith Gabson is vis-
iting relatives in Wingham.-Mr.and
"Mrs. Koehler, cif Ayton, spent a
week with the latter's sieter, Mrs..
A. Moffatt. -Mr. R. Miller and Miss
M. Miller, of - Toronto Junction,
spent the New, Year's holiday with
their mother; Mrs. T. F. Miller,-
Mr.M. Moffatt has returned to Owen,
Sound after visiting his son,- Mr.
A. Moffatt for a week. -The schol-
ars of the Presbyterian Sundan
school were taken for a drive last
Thursday afternoon, after which a.
supper was served in the baseanent
of the church. -Mr. Alvin and Misa
Lulu Heanphill spent New Years
with iheie sister, Mrs. C. Cook In
Trensalla-Mies Tena Rae visited_ Lis-
towel relatives last week. -Messrs.
Scott rind Sullivan Black have re-
turned to their home in Ayr after
a week's visit with their Uncle, Mr.
Robert Black.-A-h.ockey team is be-
ing organized in the viiila.ge.
Congha..calda, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresoleno
tablets:ten cents per box. All druggists
A New Years Wedding. --On Wed-
nesday evening last one ofthe prat
tiest and best arranged weddings oc-
curred at Meadow Lee Farta, the
residence of Mr. ana Mrs. Edward
13rickenden, -when their youngest
daughter, 'Minnie, and Mr. W. A.
Date, two of Hullett's most popular
and highly esteemed young people
were joined in the holy bonds of
matrimony by Rev, Dia Cook, of
Clinton, While the wedding march
was being played by Mrs. C. Dale the
bride, leaning on the arm of her
father, entered the parlor where
she was received by the groom with
a bole and smile. They were married
'under a beautiful arch of evergreens
trimmed 'with white. The bride
looked very prettk ana was attended
by- Miss Mary Matheson, of Clinton,
while the groom was ably euppor t-
ea by his brother, John. Congratu-
lations over, all repaired to the
dining -room, where the tables were
leaded with all the good. things im-
aginable. When all did ample jus-
tice to the inner man, Rev. Mr., Cook,
made an appropriate speech in behalf
of the bride and groom, while the
groom responded an a few appropri-
ate reinarks. The house was -very
prettily decorated with evergreens,
trimmed with red and white for the
occasion. The wedding was conducted
under the able management of Misa
Bessie White, of Toronto, and Miss
Lizzie larichenden. The presents
%were numerous, beautiful and. costly,
among them being a "deed- of one
hundred acres of land" froxn the
grorines parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Dale, and a handsome cheque from
the bride's parents. The greera's
presents to the bride were a fur
cap, a nit* Bible and a hymn book.
When the wee sma"ours arrived
all • dispersed, lea.ving their best
. .
Levee's Y (Wise Head)Disinfeetant Soap
Powder le a boon to any home. It dick'.
Ants and cleans at the eame time. 20.
14 1,1 Ce-fiellC1
Matrimonial -On Thursday after-
noon of last week the home of Mrs.
Wolfe was the °senile of a very im-
portant ceremony, when her grand-
daughter, Miss Lizzie Taylor, was
united in marriage to Mr. Sohn
Snider, one of our successful busi-
ness men. The bride, who wore a
beautiful gown of. blue cloth, look-
ed her beet. After the ceremony and
eongratulations all partook of a
bountiful repast, after which the
young couple left by train for Lon-
don and Toronto, where they will
spend their honeymoon. Almost all
the villagers assembled at the sta-
tion to wish them happiness. The
usual iunceint of rice was strewn on
the beautiful bride by those as-
sembled. The young couple have
sinoe returned home and have set-
tled down to the sterner realities of
Iife in the eemfor table home recent-
ly purchased by Mr. Snider Both
bride and groen3. are very popular-
our midst and have the good wishes
of a la-rge circle of friends.
Death of Miss Campbell -On Tues-
day 'evening of last week, Mies Lillie
Campbell, who bad been'ill =for Cri-
er a -week wAth inflammation of the
bowels, passi.d. away to her reveard.
Her death was unexpected as, she
wa thottght to be recovering. She
we the second daughter of Dttniel
CaMpbell, of our -village and she
as 19 years and 5 xaont'hs of age.
er death eomes as a heavy blow to
t .e bereaved father, sister andsbroth-
ee, nd. to the whole community. The
deco was a raember of the Preis-
byterian church here and will be
much missed in tbe community,where
she was a universal favorite. The
funeral took' place on Thursday from
the Presbyterian church to Baird's
Notes. -Mr. David Alair , preached
in Ste.fna on Sabbath and Mr. Charles
Mustard, of • Toronto • university,
preached in Xippen and Hills Green.
-Threee are four young men of the
Presbyterian eliu.rcb her now stud-
ying for the ministry. Not a bad re-
cord for a country congregation. -
Mrs. McInnis, of Detroit, visited this
'week at the borne of her mother,
Mrs. H. McGregor„ -Miss Jessie Reid,
Michigan, is visiting at the home of
her lino's, Mr. John Inoote.-Mr.Geo.
Baird, who will rebuild - hie' barn
next summer has given the contraot
of i be stone w-orie*to Mr. Thompson,
of Stanley.
Remeixiber, Ross.
To the Editor of The Expositor. -
From now out let the battle cry be
Ross, Ross and Good Government.
Whitney and the Conservative party
never were as weak in the estima-
tion of the people of Ontario as at
the present time. Their policy of
mud and. corrupponlie played out,
and is recoiling pri them with a
vengeance. They, neither have abil-
ity, policy or anything else just or
honorable to appeal to the intelli-
gence of the people. And the beet
thinking ratepayers of Ontario are
in no humor to put up any tenant.
with mud and no
At the present time the Ross Gov-
ernment are stronger in thet esti-
mation of the ,people than ever.
Thanks to their new platform ad-
opted. at the big convention, which
platform is a good one. -A.nel now
to him and the old war borse, acted
as lte is, besmeared. as he bas beenby
the Opposition. This besnerinp; pro-
cess has been the means ef ad.aing
new strength and vigor to his nged
reputation. It has keyed up every
nerve and muscle in his old horse's
body, and he will run an awful race
on the 25th and will demonstrate
that truth and honor will and raush
prevail. Let every Liberal go to
work with a good, honest, earnest
appeal to the intelligent voter and
the victory Will be. for Rose and
Good Governraent.
Tae Prenaiet's speech at Napa.nee
was a corker. We want more of
such heart to heart facts. He struck
home good and bard in his honest
gentlemanly ,wan*, and did more to
weaken Whitney and the Contierva-
titres in showing them up an theie
true light.
When the search light is proPerly
turned on to Whitney and the Oppo-
sition it reveals them , to be • weak-
lings, as featherivetehts he ability,
as champion liars, as Champion mud
throwers and above all champion
oerruptionists of the world. With
()beak enough to hide their own sine,
and brass enough to besmire with
dirt good honest men, that have
'proven themselves their peers, -The
Ross Government are giants in abil-
ity and giantsin honesty, and giants
in the honest administration of the
affairs of Ontario, when comparen.
With Whitney and his set of wolvea,
who, are hungry, dead hungry to get
.inte power and dead hungry to get
their -hands into the treasury.
When did. Whitney- or his party
ever. introduce one good, honeet oak
plank into the good old Ontario ship,
financially the •best managed ship
afloat to -day. Instead of good oak
planks en tbe interests of their coun-
try, it was mud„ a besmearine. process
of all that was low and hateful. A
sample plank was Gamey, one of the
rottenest on retord. With such
planks. Whitney' and his party are
mow and have been appealing to the
intelligence of the. country. With
such, facts, and taking the whole of
their * past history, surely the in-
telligent voter, be he Liberal or
Co.neervative, cannot honestler, can-
not justly in the interents of their
country, do any'thing else but mark
their ballots for Ross and Good Gov-
Tuckersraith, January- 3rd, 1905.
News Notes.
• -Lord Mount Stephen has given
4200,000 in Argentine bonds to Ring.
Edward's hospital fund, in London,
Emrland, sufficient to bring in
C11,000 yearly. The King has writ -
an ng him for
vishos with the bride and groom I his magnificent donation. Lord
for their future prosperity. They ; Mount Stephen was formerly a bus -
settle on the groore's fine farm, on' inesa man of Montreal. He was then
the second concession, near Clinton. plain Georrre Stephen. He is one of
ten personal' th ki
hose who attended were: Mine Jane
McMichael, Mrs. Wm. Snell, Mr. A.
Neice, Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner, Sen -
forth; Mr. and 1VIrs. J. G. McMichael,
Mr. and Mrs. G. McMichael, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Dale and family, Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Dale and Miss E. Adam,
Mr. S. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mil-
ler, Hullett ; Rev. Dr. and laIrs.ok,
the C. .(I), R. multi -millionaires.
-It is officially stated that there
will be a consideranne influx of
settlers into New Ontario next year.
An advance party of six German,1
who have gone into the Wabigoon
district, to make preparations have.
written from Dryden to make ar-1
rangements for 24 of their fellow
Have Ansked. Us to Buy
We offer to -to the lirst bottle of
Ielquozone, men give It free to each
Niels one who asks It. And we have
spent over one 7:allion. dollars to an-
nounce and fu; this offer. Our ob-
ject has been to Jet Liquozone itself
show what it n do. A test Is better
than testimoni ,, better: than, ll1711-
anent- In, one .-ear, 1,800,000 people
have accepted .eis offer. They have
told others whee. Liquozone does, and
the others told oth2-.':.;. Tho result iS
that MilliODS DOW DSO it. It is more
widely employed than any medicine
ever was -more widely prescribed by
the better physicians. And your own
neighbors -wherever you aro-can tell
you, of people. whom Liquozono has
Not Medicine.
Iliquosone is not _made bori com-
pounding dru,gs, nor is there alcohol
it. Its virtues are derived solely
from gm -largely oxygen gas -by a
cprocese requiring immense apparatus
end 14 clays' time,- This process has,
for more than 20 years, been the con-
stant subjeet of scientific and. chem-
ical resea:rch.
The result is a liquid that does what
oxygen does. It is a nerve food and
blood food -the most helpful thing in
the world to you. Its effects are ex -
vitalizing, purifying. Yet
It Is a' germicide so certain that we
publish on, every bottle an offer ot
11,000 or a disease grerm. that it can -
Oce Botti
not ki17.: The reason. is that germs
are vegiltables; and Li cm oz one -like
an encetes of oxygen -is deadly to
vegetal; i:natter.
Ther6;;Iies the great value of Liql10-
zone. it is the only way knOV/11 to
kill gertOsi in the body without killing
the tisaes, too. Any drug that kills
germs e, a' poison, and it cannot be
taken. Ipsternally. Medicine •Is almost
helpleas! in any germ disease. It is
this feet that gives Liquozone its
worth. td humanity. And that worth is
zo great`that, after testing the produeti
for two years, through physicians and
hospitele, we paid -$1.00,000 tor the
A.mericah rights.
errra. Diseases.
Thes0r,!are the known germ diseasee.
All that.; medicine can do for these,
trouble* is to help Nature. overcome'
the ger*. and such reeults are indi-
rect ant%uncertainl, Liquozone attacks
the gertas, wherever they are, And
when thii germs which cause a dIsease
are deeteoyed, the disease must end,
and fore"er. That is inevitable.
Aestinna "
Blood Po%
Bright's ase
Bowel Tr
eolie-Crotin .•
Coned -Ira -dint
Eczema-- sipela
Hay Veree-Thiluenza
Kidney Diseases
1.a Grip*!,
Liver ea'reobles
Malaria -Neuralgia
Many Heart 'Troubles ,
Skin Disease;
Stomach Troubles
Throat 'Trorbies
of Liquozonea
1 Frwors--0an Stones Tumors-01eers
hea Meet Varleocele
Women's Bisons
All clisectaes tbat begin with fever --all 1 a
wagon -all catarrh -WI contagloue cliseases-ern
the results of impure or poisoned blood,
ln nervous -debility Ligoomme acts 115 5 VrralistV.
accompliehing what no drugs can do.
50c. Bottle Free.
If you -need Liquozone, and haTs
never tried it, please send tut thin
coupon. We will then. raall you an ote
der on a local druggist for a funs
size bottle, and we will pay the druip-
gist ourselves for it. This is our free
gift, made to CO1Will.00 you; to *how
3 -oil what Liquozone Is, and what it can
do. In justice to yourself, please ac-
cept It to -day, for it places you, under
no obligation whatever. -
Liquozone costs 50e. and $.1.
for this offer may not appear again. Pill cut
the -blanks and mail it to the Liquid OzoneCo.,
458464 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
My disease .. .
I have never tried Liquoecne. but ityou w 11
supply Mo 50c. bottle free I will take it.
• sr* hr *so.. ..... •• ••• •• ••• . . st•YA
Give full address -write plal-n1::.
• "••••••A •AAA• .1, • 41••A Of," ....... A ..
Any pitniclau bospltal not yet asing.J.413uvzone
IAD bola:141y supplied I or a test.
countrymen from the United States y
land in the spring. Numerous ap- .
. . i Ot too Late.
and ,Germany, who want to take up f ,
, _
plications, frorn people now settled. to elltert 61.
4 ra a term iu any department
cates for their friends, who intend . 4110,ir excelltnt school. The
in Temiskaming for railway certifi-
coming out from England in the
spring, indicate that there will be
an important movement from the
old l.and towards the rich clay belt .
of New Ontario in the spring- .
-jeeeph Woods, of Rat Portage
dropped dead in his office chair a
few (laps a..go. „Ire was o.ne of the
tow-n's leading druggists, and had
been attending to busine.ss, appar-
arttly in the best of health. The doc-
tor pecolounced death due to syn-
cope. Deceased -was 33 years old,and
married Miss Soott, of Torontiewho
survives him with one daughter
two years old. His parents, one bro-
ther and two sisters are at .preesat
living in Mileage.
-The people of Prince Edward ten
land are still desperately in want
of food for live stock, awing to the
failure of hay and oat crops, due to
the backward season last spring,
and afterwards to the prolonged
drout h. The average price of a
cow in the island is perhaps $12 to
$13, whereas • if freight rates ar;-04
charged on the railways of the
Government the price for bay in
the island weeild be about $16 per
ton. At such a price for hay it
would not pay the farmers to keep
their stook, and their only resource
would be to butcher the animals.
-The Cariatia Carriage .Company's
taetory, Brookville, was totally
destroyed by fire on Friday even-
ing. The loss is estiraated at $250,-
000. The fire originated In a vault
room in the basement, in which -var-
nishes and oils were kept. A young
man named Newell McDowell was
sent down to get out a barrel. The
electric light was Out of repair, and
he carried in a kerosene lantern,
which he set on the floor. In eolling
out the barrel some, et the turpen-
tine splashed out of the bung hole,
and took fire from "the lantern, and
set the barrel and. the contents on
-Rev. Mr. IVIartin, of Hamilton,
has received, a unanimous call from
the 'congregation of Knox church,
Stratford, to be their pastor in
succcession to Rev, Mr.' Leitch, who
resigned a few months ago -on hot
count of ill health. The salary is
$2,000 a year. There were five can-
didates nominated -Rev. • Mr. Kerr,
Kansas City; Re -y.: Mr. Eakin,
Guelph; Rev. Mr. McKenzie, Mon-
treal, and Rev. Mr. Rose, Guelph.
Mr. Martin headed tbe vote on the
first two ballots and showed increas-
ed favor throughout the voting and
won On the final ballot by three
over 'Mr. Eakin.
-Thomas Arthur Fletcher, of
Hamilton, a clerk in Balfour & Co's
office, gave his life Saturday after-
noon to save his ' companion, Miss
Jessie Gray, a bookkeezer employed
by the Wright Hat Company. They
started out in the afternoon to
skate across the bay to the Brant
Rause. About a mile frora the ho-
tel they skated on a piece of rotten
ice and both went through. Flet-
cher helped Miss Gray out and then
sank, never eomiag to the. surface
again until his body was recovered .
at noon next day. Miss Gray had
a. terrible enperience before She got 1
to this' shore. She fell io anotiler
bole 'while trying to make her wa.y
to the shore. Walter Pitman, who i
saw the mishap, ran from the shore
and after grectotifficulty rescued
her. Both wer exhausted. that
they became unconscious, and had to
be helped to land.
-The 'United States Government
have decided that the duty collected
on wheat imported into that coun-
try from Canada and ground there
for export can be refunded to United
States millers. Thirsi will have an
Important bearing on the prime of
Manitoba and Northweet' wheat.
Hitherto despite the heavy- duty im-
posed OD imported wheat of 25 per
cent.; American miller& imported
large oonsignments ot wheat from
the Cana.dian west this year, Du-
luth and Minneapolie taking sever-
al hundred thousand. bushels, while
Some went to Chicago. It wae. pro-
m:mimed of 'excellent quality and
greatly pleased the millen,s who, ful-
ly aware of the value of continued
importation, pressed the d.ra.wback
question. This importattein of Can-
adian wheat will, of Mirage, be
fought' by Northwestern farmers,
who -..will suffer to some extent by
open competition with Canada's
vv-esthrn wheat growers.
1 For tnewinter term now open, we hay
4. etag of PO teachere, and can °ter ad.vent
tage s netrilto be found hi a email, mann-
portant ipalool. Wzibe for partieulare And
arrange h art at mice. Addrees
W. H. SH.A.W', Prnoipal.
41d -C
Eaeb,1 pupil II given in-
dividnel instruetion.
Tlieghansd 14.1 1
12Ug1:1:hatuel alI
1ew211andert •
Best Systems of Book -
Inetie, etc, , thorough) y
Siti19.1i0118 gnaraie.
to every Graduate.
" C'r
/2 INCIpAt..
*Ism •••••,:ini
Have yo ll oar aefortment f
lamp!? If yon haveret, to wottid
pay you to do so as we are efferieg
Hall,---,Pador ,and f3anquet
• /LAMP'S. •
at priees that will eeitai ly tempt
you to lily.
Carpet SW epers
No were, no noid, no deet." nheee
are the nei tints exprested by
every lady u...ing one of Paseelie
Oyco bearirg nweepera
Meat Choppers and Raisin Seed-
The 11404t loofa] kitchen utentile of the
age. Nu honeeholci eolip'ete with-
- out tine. We eery the rght
hied at the r;g;e, price,
Sills 84,4 Murth
The Hay Insurance Company.
Notice is hereby given lhot the 80th annual meet*
in of the reembera of the Hay Teweehip Farmers
Fire Ineenneee 0 two y will he hdd in the Town
Hall, Zurieh, on Tuesday, j, rmsr b no, at one
o'clock p tn. Bue'nees: - Receiving the Directors'
and Se cretera's ret arta ; tieeti-h of dlrectqra, and
other bind:pees for the pod t•nd wei are et t
pany. M1 tnembi re ate roqueNted to attend.
1933x3 Pleeldent. Secretary
By -Law Notice..
Notice le ht-reby giver. that a by-law was paesel
by the Municipal Con -ell of ,eatorth, on the 12th
'day of Dec.wher, A. D.,3904. providing for the ia.
sue <I ra-bentures to the attiouet et 0 400, for the
purpose of ernetructieg cemert sidowsilke, and -that
Such knaw Nakreglidered in be registry office of
the County of Hprenon the 1.0th day of Decercher
A. D., 1904, Any motinn to q (ash o* set aside the
Dame or any part therrof 1111)E4 t triteS within one
me nth train the datee of registration and atannot be
made thereafter, ‘711. ELLIOTT, Clerk:
Dated the 24th day of December, A. DOM.
• 10934
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that all persona haviug
any claim egainot the estate d Auguat Hultune.
late of the Township of Henley, in the County ot
Huron, Fa mer, who died on 29th cf October, 1904.,
are rtcptired on or In iiire the litho January,1905,
tuft 1 it or deliver to the underalened, eolleiter for
the exeeutors, lull particulate of their tiaina. duly
N'eritleti by an affidavit. And furtin*r take notice
that after the add 1 ith of January, 1905, the exec.
titers will proceed to ,distrinute the estate among'
the por sons m-titied thereto having reference only
to the claima ef which they 'hall then have notice
and after Birth dietributhm the executors will SOS
he usr..nbible for any claim of which they shall not
have received notice. This mettle° le given pursuant
'to the statutes an that behalf. - •
R. 8. HAYS,
Solicitor ler the Executore, Henry Resnenl,. g
and Henry Pinneke.
Dated at Seaforth, this 10'h of Deeember, 1004.
Notice to Creditore.
In the Matter of the Rotate of: Tncmae
Weodiev, late of the Township of Tnak
ersznith, in the County of Huron, Far
mer, deceased.
Isotlee is hereby given, Areuant to R. 5. 0. 189
0. 129, that all creditors arid others having clap
against the estate of the eftiel Thames Woodley, sJ
died on or about the 28th day of Pepten.ber, 1204
are requited on or before the First day of February
19116 to send by poet ;prepaid -or deliver to E. 4.
Dunbar ot the Town of Mitchell in the County of
Perth, Solicitor for Jaime Wilson Woodley, the Ex-
ecutor of the last Will and TItittmetat of the said
Deceased, their Christian namealmd Stiroames ad.
dresses and descriptien, the lull p5rtiOniarS of 'their
elaime, the statement of their accounts, and the
nature of the securftlee, :(if may) held by them.
And further take notice that after such last went.
ioned date -the said Exteutor will proceed to distrz.
bute the emote; of the deaneed Soong the patties
entitled thereto having -regard only to the clainae
pf which he shall then have notice, and that the
said executor will not be liable for the *aid aesets,
or any part thereof to any person' or pereons of
ebose chants notice shall not have bees reveived
by hint at the titne f sueh distribution.
- E. A. DUNBAR, Miteholl.
Solicitor for Jabez Woodley,
Executor or the lad Will and Testament of
Thomas Woodley, Deceased.
Dnted this 28th day of Doostoher. 1004
am .
."14;3au want La gc
Latrgittlali returns :far
liefittfA your labor earl
your around. •
you can't nllord
tooplant anytnieg but
-the standard after 49y
teSi. They aiwoys produce
the largieat end sunlit
eropii. All dealers hell
them. Our 1)O4
Seed Anunal
Lam on request.