HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-13, Page 1. : - . -,.:Iw �� I I - - I I I I . I 11 . I J � —_ I
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1 . - . � . � . . - I i . MoLEAN; BROB.t. ftblishem .
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A ,b I - � . ;
. - i �
. - THIRTY-EIGHTH H . � I . - - SEAFORTH FRIDAY, JANUARY 13� 105. I r] 11 $1 * Year t6 Advance. .
I �
I. . . - . - 1. . I
. . . � � . I- ...- ____11�__ :
. VVHOLO:- NUMBER* ,,.;;E- I I I i � I . I � I
- - - - � � �
. � � Crushed by a,411de- of frozeu .
- I I sidering their experience of all the ing I
I . � mieT persoiially, they wou�& at A WORD ABOUT , a . - : c
. I - -P st a part.- .
- " I ' I � th jamming him agaim I I
�-J , I Consecrating a k'�hqp- ' I � r pioneier !if,. ear � I
, Fine , Once fall in love with his stroag, i -
i I I . .
- '1� � . . FURS — — — � . I That they may live to &ee many ro- The annual meeting of 'Duf "'i P -res- - I
� - �� � . moral pers6nality, and would'.ac- WRItING PA PER . - - , iL :
T -lQring I , : i I � I - dey n9rcgatiOn copt him in'his true cliaracte�, wz. WATI , IV e I
2I ad � tanas ,6f their wedding �anni enmry byt rian Church will ;be �lwld on
! 11 " i h and prayer -of Thursday evening, January 19th, tit I
� . AND fill -ed St. Paul's Catliedril, Loadon, is the earnest wis r) I �, I
I i - . '. and . . I'll, I � tD see David that of " The, Grand Old Man ,of On-, If a man in known by the company he I gi� ' cle of f,vien&� and ae- seven o'clock p. m.—Urs. Jam(-snyan . .
. __ on Friday. of last week, , their lar oir
� �
... , I ' ' taxio," Some Tories were trying to keeps, a woman is.judAed by the ata. : - poorly but w1a hope I r :
I readynidde' � 11 � . FURNIM Williams; M. A., Aro*""-Con 'of ,make out that Premier Ross' Gov-- tionery ahe uses. You know from quaintances. Among those present Continues vRry - prove�me �— - 1.
I I - I I . jXGS Port,b, oonsecra.ted as ithe fourth ornment haii been ii power too long;, �our own experience how a -svell writ- -on this happy occasion was Mrs. soda to ,note, an im. nt-. Mr I .
I .
I . Clothing I �� I � . .. - Bishop ,of Huron, by his' Gram Arch- buIt the-, Libexgls were convinced that', ton note, on real good, up-to-date pa- i John Carrie-, sr., .-�Vho performed -the John and Mi: -ss Rachael Barrows, of
. I . I ' duties of bridesmaid fifty y1ears ag Jaw, are spending, the winter I m
. . I I -_ . -_ bishop Bond, Prima -to !of tCanada. Mr. Ross -111d not been in lonrg!-_� per, encloae,W-in. an envelope to match, , 0. MODSO ,;
�_______ I . I Trip
4 — ; . I Tho chancel was, filled N�ith cler y . - 4 —Mary Dallas-, wific, of Mr. C. Dil- with relatives here.—R. H. Au h- I
l - I - J L 9 qpongh—one reason beiaZ that Mr, impresees Tou. VVe have the new V ft on Sat- L
, - . .
. . fr.o.#!_Qll -parts of tho province. ,Whitney was not capable of filli,ag stylefi, and at the old price -10c per las, died at the family, residence iln .ties and L. C. MeDonald. le.
f I
� Wingham last week: at the age -of urday for Toronto to re�kumo, fhexjr I
. I . . * .. Shortly atter D.30 the door5 to t,he place. Mr. R,oss now occupied so quireforpaper, 10oper package of 25 ' I I I - �
- ,
� � euvel I L61 yloars.. For'25 years or more the. st-d<lies at the Universi-ty.�-�Gss Q �
. h Chanee:a Yezan the. left 6f the chancel opemed and 4
'k /' - . . Su. e * . ably. " And let us look at Mi.Ross' open. , J I � :
z l 1_�. . the oboriaters filed in, s�ngiog- the — ', family have been re-yidents of Wing- Dixon, of Sea -forth, is spendiag a - I
� r aker, " for each - .
I � I � .
. � � -
L - . . provessional hymn - to the strains I �
.L . . I . elector. should put each candidate I hamf- h avifrg come thiere from In- few vveeks at West Lynne.-- the home - -
� and prior to that having been of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan.—Alr. D. I - ,
. "##******""4"*#"A1#" pealed by the great organ. Then foi- X �
l . I upo a his roe eaker point- AIEX. WINTEX izersoll
. - - . o,rd.11 The sp 'loco - being in Uo-Naughton -is fitting up a house I
I � . . lowed the clergy and lay' delegates I -ted at Pari!96 Mr. Dallas .
- *
. I I . . - -such sweeping red and, L lastly, the venerable Primate ed to the able financial administra- SEAFORTH, ; the �employ of the G. T. R. for near- for. Mr. J. McDonald, We may ex-
. it is Only in January, that We, make licluok
I . 0A4 -- ' __ � p lu price as ,tion of It be� .present government, in 11 J� - : I �
- __ c —Mr. and �
� - I I
� I aking. At the first of each year we clear out our stock to him%lf,- accompanied by Iii, Chap- which not a cent coald be, shown - Picture framing a Specialty. 1.1y halt a confury. 'The late Mrs. pe,t to be surprised soon. .
I lye are now M ` � " D al las had been a suf f e,r er f rom, t he Mrs. John Lanc-, of Seaforth,,- visit- -
� -, .
. .. .11 iV Of lain, Rev.. Canon Bayles, and their I
. -, nD . . I
� . 111ake way for SPh 9 lines. Yliat!s why this is your best . opportunit] to have been missp�nt ai�d to the - effects .,at a, stroke, of paralysis ed friends -here U-st week.—Mr. and
I . - I Loxdsh'ps, Bishop Carmichael, co- great woxk cif the de4lopment of ' . I - - I
. I ge of the chance to save ..dju I
I . : twelve months., That's why you should take advanta., � 1. . t,o,r of the Montreal diocese; the Ontario, which bad been carried�out the Stratford 'district, occupied the- which Came up" her about three Mxs. Goarge Paterson visitod. friends i
. 11 . . I
' yiears ag4; the)i-a little over ayoar nd und. Seafo I
� froin I I �, . . Bishops ,61 Niagara, Toronto, and*1 obiair. Reports from chaptexs.though ,in and -1 I
� � by Mr.- Ross amd his oonfreres. I .
. . Ontario; Dean Davis arid, Bishop -elect . —0 ` hoPeful, 11,90 ShO $uffered a s A stro days last . k.—The boy;s ana giris
� I
I k, - - i not encoura,gireg, were still econ k e, ' ' -
I .I S a � TnnA b I
I �1 , z � . . Williams. - 'B:uron Notes. . I and brought out 11�any points for dLq- sirize which time she ha!,'bewi dp-' of Walton mad -Q th ir arinual Nil- - 2 �
- - - Or. l t ithe 16hrine. of Mr. � . I
. � ;
,I I en 6, I � , &M%P � to 33 -Per Con't. on 8 uAts and The Choristers lined up intwo rows - . ICUSsion. Talks were gJven by' the di- priv* ok the'power of al, _,oh. .The 'grimog*. t and - :
�p - t Mrs. ,Tob ,McKinnon, �f BrV - j
. . , leading from the doors to t e oha.jq- —The Goderich Star has entered rector and Rev. C. E. Gunn% and deceased was a consistew membex. Ln f . - jssels, i
- ..
� - e chureb. a kind la, - -e, alwayig ;
. St wee]4 � where t hW ,ar I
� - . cot, while the Primate passed. up and oA its forty-sixth y1e,ar ..of -existance.- Bort La,ncester, of St. � Marys, read ot the Pret5b_rt Xian * I
� .� -Ca±ood time.—Messrs. Hislo, , -
3 1 .1 . Oveircoats,� -, - iook the chair reserved for him. De- —Mr. ."d Mrs. C. J. Reading, of an excelle,rit pape.r on -Oar &forts hearted friend, and orge wb had en-; sure 0 P � -
� - . . , _ ' T -_ " ical � �
I I U .
� . � I . .� - spite t hie fact thait he is 90 ,years of Wingham, celebrated tbeir silver as Brotherhood workers." The next deared herself to a large I..;rcle of and 1"wman am 'holding polit �
I I I _% - . . I I . � . 11, - d in U13to-w-el, on frien& and acquaintanco—s -8he 'Meetings-- 11 ' ver the ridlog. )3ot)i N
I I � age and that he had mad,B a 1004 w ding on Tuesday evening of last 1noeting will be lif I I
I �
, ) I I
0 .. , ' w - - � leaves to 'mourn her loss, besides canvassing hard an(l the .
(e T`100D ; C`o , .1 and - tiresome journey, his Grace's -i�ek. . � May 24th.- . sides are Z .
. - I
. . . ran4m was that of a much has - December Mr. . -hle�r, li�usba�nd, two daughtexse, and tv�o conte�lt promises to be olose.-Mr. I
1 33 to 50. per cent. on Furs and *odos' 4pea —Mi&s Lind -i Xilm, of Etliel, —On the 28th of .
younger man, and the ' h . .
- I I . . tonesI of his been re-engaged 'as' teacher of h,ex' and Mrs. Wm. Dearing. of the 3rd soilis. 1. and Mrs. John Ryan Visited.,,19eaffort .
- . I . � I
�_. - -Nop"___ . - - . � . I . I _� — I
� - voice -*"ro strong and -earnest. The former school in East Wawanosh, at owjc�l.ori, Stephein, celebrated their friends recentiy.�The b.*s arestill - 1.
I . .
I � i � . I I - f -L 'working. �n Blair's, hill pr�par�ax ..
I . I and ends. I great r,ongregatibn .stood up rever- a salary of $400 a y�-_ar. � sgolden wedding The famil.T Consists LakeUt I I
. - I - the way f�r the 0. P. R� I '_ .
. � . I
� I : . I i - . etritly' w1iile-,he took his seat. -An,old lady seventy yearsof age �of 12 children, 26 grandcbildreh and. Bre'Bzes . ..... The municipal elections . ;
. . - -
I g
1h I e_ ea ,a 're all. in Hawiok are _901nothing of the past - �
. De -4 I Only standard -ads are offered at this sale, for' the reasoh that we handle Very Rev. Dean Davis read the Mrs. Joseph Stubb, of Morris,when on gr t Cgr ndbbild and we . t_*_ - . i
6f Thomas IddAy - I I . T I- q
t) prayers for the, occasion, the first goirviK upstairs, fell f r4om the top* presq,-rit and presented the w-GrthY,' I
- �
R for many years a resi- � none but the best makes. Therefore , t it i8 with a clear consci�nce titat we a.d- I now aiid resulted in quitei a ,Change. i Leadbuq- I
yfiel . I � - :
Ra I � - I part of the service lasting nearly' to the bottom iLnd had her face and couple with a pair of upholstered
I . . I , . � Mr. W. T. McG-ee, of Moles*orth, is W415
. . -, to buy now. " . ; � - . I Nobets.-jiss Edith Gray. who - .
Z - . I . .three ,hours. head om!ilderably injured. i ,
� abmt two months. a, -%�Ise you I I easy, ch�lirs. I
; 'go � . mmunion �nd I . reeve by. ozolamation 4nd Messrt-. on tv visit Lot five or atx -Areeks' dur.- - �
I the � winter with their . I Aundreds of people patiently wait for these Oalos every year, for they -., IThe holy coi the Par - -Mr. John, T. Acheson. a pyosper- I -The annual Christmas entertaifi-: Hainstock. Gowdy, Underv000d afad . � -
. � I,
I .
, Mr& Wm. Walker. -The - a taking of the sap,rament by the of f i- ous merchant- of Mordea, Manitoba, �-me t of Knox church Sabbath school � Winters - are the r �iti<m, . at ' home of .'Mr. J. J. Ir- - � I
know that our January sales are money savers for 'the � purchaser. - Here . are c,iating cletgy followed. The epistle and an old resident of � Goderio�, ' ' 11 h, was held one ov=iX19 re- 1 ,Ouncillor;s�. Mr. vine, has 211turned t,% her homenear : I
( under the auspiow of . I I . Is Goderic i Gowd,v is - tho� orn � . I � I
,, .
L .
I few of our cuts that we tftention in a general wAy,, I and,gospel Were read by the Bishops visiting jin that town for, a fe 9, programnle ot ohor� - I 17 one'Of last year's Dash,wood.1 Miss G*y was- atoom- -
. ' �� I , council who was Toe-electe& Mr. ' :
Mdsnt 'Order a Fares-" - , � --t- � . , . I Isr Cently, wlien * panied bao� -by her �riend, Miss 'V- - i
, -
.be held this year oA F-ri- I ' . of Ontario and Niag*ara respectively, weeks. . . � I uses-AK;1 recitations by the scholars' Sponse, of Newbrid,V, withdrow Irvine.�Mjss Minnie Me I
I . ose t �from the con;test after 'no nation iting at � .
xg. January 13th. This . .... Just to show you what's' doing' -here- now and the ohoir sang '�,The L6r d is Mrs. Frank J. Grobb, ot Mo was onj9yed by all present, San a*
. mi
I � I
,!ways- looked forwara to, . . - I � . � . my shepherd." '. J4w, N.W.T., and dangh,ter of Mr. ()la,us arrived during the evening 7 and Messrs. Spotton and Binkley. vim. 'he residence Ief Mr. Ir - . .
I .. . Bishop Carmichael, w es and candy," ta, The �� home of this young l"y . I �
I -never dis a ppoiut were deteated in the run. Everyone is near -- - . .
sure and no -doubt the ho pr6ached Ed. Pypo, of the 9th co,neession, of and distributed priz I
If yc u see it in our ad, you'll find it in our store- Oe'll .
: . . I - . 16Anl3r,00k.-Mr. JObn RO,_SS I .
� will eclipse all previou-n . I . . the sermon, 'took as his text 11 Howick, died at hex home on Sunday, tho little ones. I is surprised at the,r4�.sult of the race h, - bee, ,6n 'a visit - �
. . .
' Christmas . tree and ea- . 1- you. Z� . . Timothy 1-6: 11 Whoref ore I ' put J�anuary lot. The county )rifle league match � for , - - I ' a. In, to relatives at - I .
I � commissioners, A sure "re-election' X .� * �
. - I I - .
, . . @WWXA"XK8WffipKWft "_4TX-@1N_xW_. I thlee in romemb,rance that thou sitir I - . _arletb% I Michigan. -We. refgrot te I
r under the auspices of -1 . � -The Bachelor Maidens, of Olin- i Was - hol,a on January4, 4th,'at the -as predicted fox Mr. S. W. Fergu . * .�
. � I
lurch Sabbath school O,a I - up the gift of God, which is In itbee, ton, held a most enjoyable bal pou- Goderich tOwnship ringes and the I w Say tl�at: Mr.- Frank batkweill Is - I
-son but he was defeated tb�rAyugh ' _. .-
- , - �
; . , by the putting on of hands." The dre in that town, an Monda,y, Ja-nu- six asso,ciations.,in the league' took �
. i quite ill : with oonges;tibn at the , .
- I . V
� evening last, no.twith- ,over confidence on, the part of hi -4 langs � d wo hope for his speedy, -
I . ur Pric6s -Out 'in. - :.bop delivered a most earnest and ary 2nd. A large number were pres- - . z
I : F a '" -Two,. an z
� - -
L- . 'O I , � township came out fri"dw and Doig aud Miller Iwon out. � .
, Bit.
. _ . e0o �e� M - 0 as Ross, -of X-bl- I -
ue Very unfavorable wea- . U� : . insiArixig adar,ess. ent from outside towns. 10 v ry'- r' Th m I
� , part. Goderich
It grand ance"s, The var-, . I . : n top, With a score Of 365 Out of I -Ikr. ' A. Hislop was in the vidtafty r , s -
� . -
, - ' . .
.,Ues �_ - I . ee dozen Collarettes high storrp collar, and many �vith long After the sermort Judge Barr�n' n wit 2 . nedAna,- Manitoba, is homo on a. visUl . I
, Thr -The recent -high winds blew the 500; Auburn was seco d. h 3 5, ` things in slitipe 1� � �
Z " ,Ong, -4, drills � etc., I I . - ;
. . It is some yeaxs �Ross was ;
I � ' ate, read t� roof off the baria of T. Smylie, Dun - co Mr.. ;
st-ole fronis, regular price of these . Sale eg � 1 , fox the coming contest. Mr. His- sin . -,
(knie and rect4w--d merited $8 to $15. Price, $5,50. of -Stratford, lay del - and Goa-erich town th r,d 323. Blytb, "'4tly gettigg - �
I I, - � � here the last a .
� - � � th,o. Rrimato Ithe record of the Cleo- annon. be time' a- .& his I .
I It will a total I were, the; --owmere-us, I
Thi"re was a lailge at- )-high collar,and good . ' - . g Ms (Is Londesborc, -and Colborne : lop dom� not. under rate hie oppon- fric�ndss aro/ploased.to �l r I
� - . -no tWo alik( . . �
. � . � EO s- the owner of the buildiAg was on- I __ I I
Arrangements � Tm�o dozen Caperina ti a. ,Tho outh was t,hen admini, . -other oont�esfants- � ent in-. the least and realizes that he . ea n that he - I
� , are beig . width tihoulder latest depigns, regular price 88 to $12. Sale Price 85 25 . prospering I in the west. -Mrs. -
� . . - emA - is I- I ;
- - .
ire thi entertainment a.t I , - t �'to ;,the Bishop elect and the ly insured against fire. i -Miss Maggie Clegg, daughCer of I has a. , a !0 �
- 4
&t maS! . . �Vooa hard fhj�ht , h ad Of bin" Thornton is quito ill and under the I �
at tht� _(I.a.d "of the MoAth. � Th.ree dozen Ruffs and Boas in Opossum, Columbia and OH6 Pri te, of fered up in eloquent ! -Mr. C. C. Rance, of Minton,, has " Mr. Francis Clegg, -of Gorrie, clime �'-Mr. Henry Granger, of Gor " . ..
"'ylethi)dist Sab- 0 . - end i r1ei doctor's ,.oar-e.--Let'E:xpo,sitor read- . �
Lrt%-n of . Sable, styles short and long, regular price $6.50 to $9. ! Sale -price, $4.90 prayer, which. was followed by. the vaccepted a position as traveller for me from Toronto to sp the bought fat *oa.ttle from John'.XruP_l-- I
the- I ho q
) �
c sy practising for I Two dozen Fur Gauntlet8 inen�sandwomens ap&-tendifferent Litany. . the big wholesale clothing bouse Of' holidays, and -on Christmas. -day� w d. ' . ers watzh'�Out ano ,date-theirw letters . . .
I are bu - . . as lor an R. G. Nay recent �
�. I . y 9 . The next RLep was the questions H. G. Hackboxn, & ly and they 1905 for .nearly- a tur,elvemon-th to -_ 2
.- Sale Price, $3.50 � .? I .
* .
llnme,at to t)(. ,-riven to . ., taken ill. She grew rapidl� worse, delivered them'-In'Gorrie or, M-6nday. riome-there, wero- : Vely tlmw i -A - . �
.11 i
I � .
� ,e $4,'50 to 86,, to the Bishop ,e,lect, -asked by- his enters upon -his now duties in i- and on'Thursday passed away- She -Mr.' Xos. Haistobk, of Fordwich McK. � � .
. ,:, . styles af. fnr, anA all sizes, regular prie ' Feb- I
end Of thil.i month. -D. . I illop -Qxt,electlon day., Tha nam- I .
i Two dozen Fur Caps,-men�s and womeD's-seal, be4yer, lamb , - Grac-e., Nvith rp,gar,d to his 'doctrine ruary. - was a young lady' highly esteiemed,. . �
� . I .
h4fl", b,(',en carpenterin, at � I . - poll -6d,555 votes at the reoe)it ek �
It, I C- ber -of a"didates, La the flelA al- - . - -
or t1w pa,,3�t three -veek-,,. black and grey, r�gular price $3.50 to $5i all sizes. Sale Price" S2.50, and faitli. ' . -Harry Buttrey, son Of Wm. But- I ght -,, tion, trhe highest -vote, cast for a, I
- � . I . . i I . . I and her Vadden demise has brou, � �
- �
. .
1;1'-;t w> election here orrt I - . � The choir then rendered a -beauti- troy, 11th conces,sion of Grey, ar- . inexpr6ssible sadness to a large councillor in the township of-'Hgow- together being M. This is said to :
� :
r. - " . bean unlnok number, but " belie-ve - ;
� I
� �
� w"Ir counc ,to Four & zen -Woihe a's Fur Jackets in As,,iachan and Boc-haran and Ras- ful antliem, while -the Bisholp elect -rived. home last week from Saska-, circle ,of friends. - Nicholson . I - . . �
I I - I I Mrs. . , I i
. I ' 5
� 91 - lo 46 'breast-ohort, -medium- and three, I .
. I � quarler was,coilducted into the vestry,wherO toon. Mr. Buttrey has been work- citing Cate- rocently.-Mr. J. ,the ,ratepayers - ,were all rlg�lft io
T s: Iteew - . sian lamb, izes 32 breast - . -The prizes -for re - Gedkie�bought a car load - of Coal r . ' .
. .
- . . . e) dis- their selection. -Miss Sabula 'Forbes - .
- �
. R -",I follow. - Dr. � I the robe� df i ith a. bridge gang for the past chism and Scripturo verses wer centlyand is, using it In the chI&PP e- n on a visit a w,eek's du- .
I he was invested with ing wi
-111 $7- to $1 5 ; this means , Office- Afterwards he was led to two, years. tributea Christmas Sunda,y� at Both- "ill here.-Gporge Henry was deputy
.hd , � - ial-9 has bee ' 'Of ,
�Ouncillnrs, (Irr-Gr�jv Erwin. lert_tli. The reduction on these jiickets wilt range'fro I
� I L�Y, t . Tolin Fraser and - - or Y_ u, and the Winter'is only commencing, , In ' .
. �� a bi., Ilosi to -us and a -big gain f 0 t Ile 0 ation to Toronto. This young IaAyi - ' ".. . I
��O!-r�e_--Chkl_qiif,y and STUB r, � 0 . - . hair -of the Primate by, the �Miss 44,ssie Telfer, daughter Of' ,el Sabbath school. In the two ,sen -,-returning offi rid Q�rus Horton r . �. I
. I ; . irs there and enjoyed her I 4
. ., - ;
- Telfer, .of the o -r clas' pOl,olerft at:.the receAt"municipal el-. visit. -Our, )esteemod- -friend, The Rx- ;
4� have-recentl ty Sale Price, a reduction 87 to 615. othi.-r Bishops who wer'c present,and Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. M40gip, Mann and Carrie, , has relat
all(�d- . � . � . th-e ceremony of co i ses - ! -_ .
�tvr be-athi-F y in.%t. 1� I . . . risecration prop- 16th'concesAlon of Grey, was mar- Schnock, Willie Mann arid Willie' I ection.-The'Rev. Dr. Smith who con- . i , �
I __ s>.vstem in F. ' w
o*14- Five dozpn �Ien's Far Coats. Ei very class of Jur usually put into -men's er was performed, the Archbishop ried to Mr. Robert Moore, formerly positor. tli,ioks tba:t'if 'Toronto were- -
� 'StOTe and dw0lin--r.-W_ - ,Tarr, - -got first and aecond resPec- ducted. Episciopalian services here I . �
�":, - I of o rem6ved f *bm the Province, the, Con- I
� I f, dog, wallaby, wombat (silver laying his har0s upon thocandidate- Gr y, but now of Souris; Manito- tiv,vly and in the. Juniox, L9y Har-, has mo,vv1,d - � - . �
alt, an e?c-princi,pal of ted in this lot -coon, black cal 1") .1 _ _ and the perva,tive *' ajority ,in the P,rovince, -
Of G z coats is represen � to Palmerston . �
was renewing acquaint- . I 8 "Quarrie, BeSS501 service here i�3 cancelled for a tim,e w - .
Bishop Williams ivas then given a ba, on the 28th of December. rison, Bessie X,� . I
�. se ,coat . _1 , I
- d-, ed aD4 LatIllal 81)0t), fur lined cloth coats. The sale price on thes ou d, be
I : - i .
: � I
- copy of the flible' and a gold riag, -Morgan Dalton, of. As,lifteld, has Mann and Luella Tart. ion�. On the other hand .
,. last wedic.-Wm. 0-sa:no-ad 'Will wean -a reducticii on each-- coat of \ -. - . 65 to $15 1 -Though tho wea�the,r was decidedly - ;
. ' youT, oorr�s -
I . �- I - in sign of the trust which was com- been ,"appointed inland revenue, G01- pondefit i has the bmper- I I
Christriazus holidays in De- . . % I -On Monday evening, JauuaxY I unfavorable, the tea meOting '.at Me- tinonoc to say that if- Oxford, Brant, I
. - .� � iiiitbed to bim.i . lector at Goderiebi in I i
�_ Card has-!,-0-ne t4D De, I - succession to i I
0 _____ . 2nd, a very pleasa,at event took, 1 TntosWs was quite a success, the I - � n
� . - 0 4"vv . I
� . The .repeating -of, appropriate sen pli. M Rr�e�tt 4nd Russell ,and half -a �
.11f. Nviatel-r. -7 - A. E ner, who, igoes to Guel .'r. Mr.- and Mrs.' '
. gle in tive plam -at the hoxe of . pre.peeds amounting to $44. Revds.. ,10_,,en oth�r ri,dings w -e c �
� � Z � tv.tim-b from the 'Scriptures and thO Dalton is already P,ngaqed Wm. Klopp, of the 14th eoneession, Young,, of Clifforo, and.Petrin, of , ,ould ma,me �
. . . -
' . I ' �
� 'A' I �
*_ ' and whos# combli*�d population is I
I singias of a hymii brought thOi� sey- duties of his rilew-office, Hay-, when their el&st daughter, Wroxeter, were thespeakers a.nd th, t �
I . I
- :
I . All Women s & Girls ,Cloth Jackets. at e no as great as that of Tor - to,, bad
I Henshil. . vio, to a close at the hour of one -Mr. Richard Nicho,lson has sold Miss Clara, was unitoa in marriage , Te6swater Presbyterian eboir, re:n- bee on. I .
. I - - :
� : I I I . . 0 1 eLDck. his 50 acroI farm, about tNv.o milcs� wagner, veterinary dered - excellent 'Music M fir��, from the Province tbe . � .
,,� . . to Mr. Jacob '-'�rr* Wm' R405s Go nment would have befan - :
. I 't'Half Price I .1 A pleasant . ve'r . I I
ign &tnk QF Canafla, charter- - � . I affair took place, in ,$v -est of Zurich, to Mr. John GaJl- I � -_ -
" Parliallent 42 bratic big 4-n c I surgeon, of Tavistock. Rev. B.80huel- Wallace Who bought the Springbank �
. . . .
�--11 Par .. (wads % 'R I . Crony -n Hall af teY the ceremony, mam,.of the- 14'th concession. The con- goners ma-fty years 4go. . 1-1 -
- ts ut tbewodd lr�teresu on ' I ko perlormed the ceremon:y in the farm from -G,eoige Gregg has his ef- �
- -eur, kt,b bite security, I . . ozen .9 . . Y` sideratio I re4 -
. Ur tiu es A v Five d in the lot all now goods and new styles -25 wh,e4i the wives -of the city 4en-, n was '$3,000. Mr. Gailman � a �
- IW60, Wftrieouo tremase t,. nioder6 I . ilifferent styles,,and sizes 32 breast -to 42 breast, and ,girls , � . na-ii entextained the - Bishop Of gets possession some time in Max,cb. presence 'Of -only the'Immediate fects -all on the new farm. He has I I . . � I
I I �. ' I I
Llf aCCOUrit io 111vitecL 11. Arnold � � I f r - a -Mr. John Eo&te:�, of ZuriC lativeg. = -e��oellent farm and his-predeces- I Farquhar I I
x1f br.4neh 1934�tf ' I froill .'5 years to 16 years., r I . . Sale Price, one )i , Hu on a.nd the visiting clergy, nd ! b. has '! .
I . - '� 11 I -On Monday, January. 2nd. Mr. soni halm made nfoney galore on it. 11, - . 11
I .
, . � lay �
� . delegates of -the Executive,, at Completed a: 6obsleigh for one borse Notes.- T. e Thamer, � Road Prwby -
Vt,er ' a spirited oDufe.st � - , . - . . �
F I - an informal lunolwon. . whi,ch is made r-ritirely outofsteel; and Mrs. John lWd. of i Wingh,am, -Miss Cameron, of .Rippen, is . back torian church will hold its ariniver - , I
'-ve-shity betwe:en Mr. F. W_ . , ,. .., 0-1 - He secured the matexi�l from old, cele-bratI0 the 25th annive:rsary of to her work in our- school 4ga-In. Sary serviol� on Sunday and Xonday,:, I .
be awl Mx.. J. W. ort-% - I . - J Men's and Boys' OVerpoats. Mr: McLennafi*s Speech . their weddingt About !iixty� of . —0 ; I 22nd and 123rd. -'Mr. Chas. Monteith _. . - I
� vein, . - . . binders and it Mems t� b,-, a ye)r,Y . . � -I- -
t I I - - � f djs gathered' to. celebrate � I
- Yv&'5 x'eeleoted� They are . It , Walton. and sistet., Miss. ,Zlta, spent New . �
� , � .
I I We have about as mAny Overcoats in s ock y�t as moat stores star " "ie"i
� . � � - tlie� In his address at Exeter, on Tues- aubstantial aff air. tn,s- ern, with them. A ve,ry-. pLeqs-
M-011 and iu�E-ful citi,zens, day owning of last week, Rev. Mr. -Mr, Robt. N-. Douglas,' sale, near in -Logan.-Mrs_ - �
I -
I br��pa 'Ie w�a - I
- we'll clear every XcLennam the Reform candidate for Blake Bells. -Wednesday even- lr=re�w �'=Vf E4monton, Al- �
v rs c<.-uld not make S and if low prices will do if,. , on WeAnesda,y- of -last week, ant ti�no was spent, and inany, wishes Wedding -
� w - st,amn with We must clear, . 9 e berta, is 1 renewing it :
. uitllevvr t1ley 34C11,C-Cte_d. coat out before the lat of. February; Your chance is now, and the wint.er is South HuroD. said that ,some of the, wa4 well attended. Good priceswere expro�ped that th(�Ly might be spar- ing of last week a very pretty hom . oil! aic,quain - A
gday ,c,vj,nirk_ of la��t. , . . I-orses and cattle, ed tow celebrate their goj,doa wed- -wedding was solemnized at thebeau- j
n er h a trying to realized for the. I , � arkeves.-Misses Bessie SlrirD and, L-il-' �
- , 1k ' ' - . I . Conservatives I I - v,
. I
� �.
� -S N'vee oni � y comme cin- Regular $7. - 50-t I o . W. 1 1 to $ . 9 ridicule, the o nd,idature of "The especially-. t iltid thor -The presents weve--many- and tif,di home of Mr. and, Mrs. G,eori�e - London, epeat New . I
� - - . . i. I . with Miss Janet Ballantyne- I
I I .i 5111
,entertaim-d ,I lar. -M aurn- _e P�ice, 84' " �. been 'table. 1�ars *
�1 I - ji, J. D. Qyok M4Qr.% t 1.) 0 . he .grade. � ough- .ding. I lian John�ton: of
I' . Sal Preacher CaDdidate," but he t hough It bred cows. - I Clark,,whon their youngest a6d
5 1 . . . � " ' ,t but liap& eVeJ1t took most estimable daughter Miss A -r ie -,_�Quj�t
14 :,9 e a number from here, drov6
� f r i e tv bs; i n t li�_� o,per.a; . i 0 t -the indications were ibha!t the -Mesers. *John Newcomb, Huron� -A quie $
1 ' t' a e home xeter Friday �
. frif'41-&* <Nf ivIr"g. J,-Lme;s of Mr. and Mrs. was wedded to Mr. Jolin it. William- out to, � E - n4ht .to hear .
, 11 oinig Ao be elected." road, God-erich township, and Jame -s place at th
I rl. fawd I, I . (Applause) Re was glad to have so Chisholm, Colborne, .
, tit a Bi'
� ,4r,et t, I I ,Heavy Undorwear a g Reduction. prwoher was g i n e, H&7, son, a well known and highly es- Mr. Melkay an,a Mr. McLen'aaa-
1� o ivara %11& - have each Ernest Gies, of the blind I -
- � . on Wednesday evening, !Tanuary 4th, 'teemed young farmer �of Grey town- I speak.-M,r. Will Balla;,n-L 1* �
Ni',Q FX�,riou<,Iy ill, but -will ' � PUT - present, an,d %believx,ld brought home a fine bunch of th.or- . ty-,Oe and si�s-
. Tfie veiy best standard makes of the " - e all -wool and fleece -lin ed- many ladics , i when their daughter, Miss Lizzie, ship. A large number of frioadsand,, ter, Is's. I �
','t,(-,e1('41x4 .Quat ,slto is now, . �that - they were all on. his side. oughbrod Line,din abieep, from the M' � Magxie, - attended, a ball,
.a (4y. -MU&, R�-_ss.';t Ur-� . W e are 41.i� -, � -he haly boads of mat- relatives assembled from Winglia : -
- -of Mr. Gibson, the well known Was 1111 In. at Lucan:Friday evening and repory
, Stan.field's uil'Arialrable,with all the others away down -in .price. . . �,,.�d he represented the Liberal , flook, I . ited in t
in ,K'mdoa this we I Oveilloaded, and to clear we make � . I . party of South ,Huron, united and. breeder of Delawar'e. rimony to Mr. Justus Appleman, a Brussels, Trowbridge, ' Drayton ar4, a J�loasant time. -Miss Olive Madge- - - I
." jo�ii% .,��-a 1 25 per cent. ,determined to redmm the old riling -A happy reunion took place a pr sp,ero, .7oung farmer of Dako-, other'plac,es to witness the marriage M �A �
nit Mi P � o 11-9 . I
I" , �,,-� ;V, , , A reduction in Sale Price off regular, was, tied -by r-premony -which I �
, a turn to Toronto on Monday to�
0 �
�4 r-111tivM, at Loadesboxo_ " . I 01 -at the home ,of Mr. ta- The -nuptial knot was performed by' '*ume her studies. -Miss Bella -Gar- -
. Q . for the -Liberal Governmeni. Refer- short time ag ' rc �
. �
- . . I I � . - Rev.' W. J. Yager in the presence of Rev. A. MoNab, of whose Church the ing in a.od . I
fi,' NI Evvw*n is h,%me spend- . I ' . rin,z,r to the recent ,appeara-ncA of and Mrs. Jchhn Porter, Goderieh - diner. of S-eaforth, is visitti. �
[L'caj i ,�_it I, . relatives, ot. the bride was fin esteemed Member. Pre- around town. -Miss L. Kirkby *13 V118-
_ b her parents, , ltle,&VY GLOVES. -All Gloves reduced -men's and bgs', wool lined,. Robert Gamey in Exeter, the speak- township,'on the occasion of their 011,1Y thO immediate . �
_ �J r.� U YR. MCEWO-n Dr� - I . - er sa . i4 that the�g . - golden wedding oeotion bride. .� I oLwly at four o'clock, Use wedding iting her upele, Mr. Ben. Bea -
I ,_ . I fle(ce-lined, silk liiied and fur lined. � . . . rreat gathering be .' With the ex -On Tuesday, January 3rd', at march was played by Mrs. Hugh J. . I Ver. _..
in Clinton o'n NeAN, . ' e 'laim evidenced that, the I'man of Mrs.. Wm. Currie, of North Dako- -------------*- . . .
I � - A reduction in,Sale Pr'ice of'25 per cent f or � �
"" r. Walt-tr Coxworth, I , � - rese,nt, high noon a quiet but pretty Wed- Ramsay, sister of the groom, while Bluevate. �
r- � - from Ka.-nitoulin" had not impressed ta, the whole family werc� P r4.- the young couple took their laces . ,
"I oined ding took place at the home Of W �
I i1dorwood were liere, the paople very much. - Gamey has a,nd a number of clo3e f riends i � .P �
- Xii�s. - -bride, - � .
f ' EXTRA, BEAVY SOM-Twelve dozbn of the extra heavy wool sox. - ,and Mrs. Wray, Belgravep when at the. altar unattended. The � Items. -Mr. Mitfor, a �studejit �of
via-i;tirI§; Mr. 0oxworth's I � - ; comle 4-nd Garney haB ,gone," - said the ,the family circle. .
'Tr. Danwl Stewart, of Tl&i(,,� aic reduced , . �. . .1 I believe there 'are, -We a -re' soxry. to record the death Maud Wray was united in mariiagl� leaning- Ion the .arm of her father, Knox. College, Toronto, prear,hed in . -
I .
. ipeaker. " and Bluov�ade PxesbyteriaA j'hurah I I I
'.jr1U<.1,1y (_tf -fJ,k,,11,;,t1l n old Clinton- to Win. A. Bryant, a highly rXispoot- looked charming �and was prettily a4t o
cal more votes li�ro for me than ever." of Mr. John Gaxvie, EL 14
led .. For Sale Price, 25 per cent. off, ! I -
- lqr. I I I : SomiI, Tories said a min, ian, which occurr-6d in Okla,ha $-
` %. '0k. I - ma, on oa and prosperous young farmer of und tastefully arrayed in a cwos-� * Sabbath morningr ;' at Eadie,'.s chureh
_-, lic ro t 11 Ls -"(" ister should .. z
. I n of Hullett� IownO,hip_ Rev. H. -Jones, tume of white I tre. The cerqnion .
�� J&rn(--s Boathron. jr., - - - 1999KRIER not enter politics. but the spe�" Christmas Eve, from cansumptio . US y Turnb-6tvy, in the afternoon, a=d in . I
- I
I . - . e Methodist and cong�atulat ions Ove - Wingham, Pxv6byterian churoh at -
�V, yea n. i n _r . The miAug- the throat. Deceased was a brother- . r, t he com �
W L.ado,., Nmdon.-Vr- . hold the -opposite view. ohurob, PeTformed the cer-emony,and pa.ny repaired to the basoment,whiob. night. Mr. MiAlor *e"ke on behalf of � 7
sp<-n t Ne w R � ter',s, duty was not onlyl 'to preach in-law of Mrs. W. Lawson# Hullett. .
- The Visor Driving.Hood and- Mufflier af ter 'a sumptuous repast had bepan " beautff ally Ateorated f or the Knox Oo�llege Mi-Asionarr -Smiet.y,sud -
'* Us brotthvr, Roy, W. J. - t Ile' g Hie has resided in the West for -SOMe I
I � ospel, � but also that of purity -
I z
the beat neqk m1af - in oleotions, ar years, and leaves a wife and f ive, partakon of the happy oauple took occasion with eve greens and arti- tl* two _00flectious WeM d6V-QtQA to, �
, .
-'Ar. McTvl�)-rran, Avh-o, ha;5. i It Is of temperance, of w tM train from Elyth for Z�Iow York. ficial flowers, an� in the m�dst of that ob*t.-Mr. Obarles RoberU*n, .
tin.,,- friea(Ls and relat!M% z� fler and cheat protector I agaiii-A sfanderers and against children. He was 41. years.of age. �
' . � P -
stexn *WkV ha.4 returned � th) iD4 liar -i in politdies. (Great applause-� -Nelson Askin, 14th concession of -On Sur�d'ay, �fanbary lat, Mrs, J. 'which -was spread a table 1j)atteri up ,ot Bossevain MauLtoba, is vistiting b1z, �
dzig Uis sist-r, Mr -%,Whit*-. - in the msrket. I d to rent.his farm- Brophey died at h,er home, GodeTiob, by the' hostess and provided far more old Ontario honie.:-7R,� Agaps Smil- : �
stantly converted -into a . �,Tlic speaker ridiculed and e,xposeg Grey, has decide a stroke .than was nocewary 'to supply, the lie'retiirned to Xavdouald.limtitute, I �,
d Mrs- Koorrjir_)-usk,� and- - abst�rd ories for a term of years ajad,will leave death being the iesult of I
. ag hoDd and face ,',,)� . happy f"bion some � � o
. drivii , vious. Mrs. wapts of tho inner nian. In an upper at Guelpli, on Saturdity last, Mr. . I
. I
11 at' ,Raginaw, ji.avit re.t1irn- - prote6tor, It can as � L"raised i by his opponents, such as: -next Maroh for Idaho. U. S., wherq of par&IYI!+is the Fridar Pro was a table so laden that it Clifford Pugh returnAd -to G�oderioh .
-Xv. T. No(,Lands was, in, . � " He 4 an in ptohibAtion- �he will' assist George Coates, his' 'Brophey bad suffered from rheuma- room . �
I- �
I '4't� W00 -k viaitigg re-lative,s.. I quickly be reconvetted ' , L - Grey', at tism for yoqrs but had . not bol-o'll con- refused to bold� the array of hand-. Collegiate Institute, and Wiss AUce, , � I
from a hood to -a neck I ,,, ,, He is hand in-glo." wRh the brother -in-law, formerly of . .
- I ist I London No =al .
I I j. D W- las, of Mor- il a week before her 110�ne - r 1
4 Mrs. lliezrom, a- lion- . Tnuffier. .,Two books and I bot(,l m,eri. - He is treating the el- sheep ra.riching. lIo f ined to bed unt c, useful .and costly. presents, Duf f returned to .
, l . a. e M
Sund. �� r. Askiln's death, when she had a fall wbicb wFac testified-- louder than words school on Vonday.-Pom W. J. weat,
� L ay wit,h 1�1r-.%. 11i(rr- I a str' ng elastic adjuats � e,ctpXs.11 " He received '$i,000 from ris township, will It k td the high esteem in which, the M. A.. -preacled for Rev. Mr. Perrie,
') f hurt her spline and resulted in a
utii�, Mr. and Mr-*. wni. . theface opening to any I the. Reform Govotn rm. .
r� 'lalc WILite, of NOVU that a -Mr. ana Mrs. Charles I-Jo,muthl couple aie held by ,their large of Wingham, on Sabbath mor 1- ;.- �
I Fr size. The eyes, eare and - � T1h, apeaker hoped to show otroke. The, funeral t,00k plaoe an young . Inin - -
oya le Mrs. 'Wm. Sproat, formerly of Bea
1r-fjxmpani-t4 by- his bride, mouth ana non have Nb- . R uld be run on who left Wingham ove,r a year and Wednesday aftsynoon, Rev. N. Turn- circle Of friends A very enj b
, 'Uccessful election oo
. . -
� vi��'Ua�e bi.,4 father and . solute freedom even when s-triotly pure - principles, without a half ago,and havesince been laber- bull oonduoting' tbo seTviees. The, eve-ning was spent in games -and var- .forth, but later of McGxro,gror, Mani- .
Ir. � , Ewl , 'Xrs. Wm. Whibe, the face is almost*com- Nvhi,iky or the expenditurI6 ,of ing, as missionanks in West Africa pall-bosrers -were four son,.q of the ions aniumments, when alI repaired toba, visit:ed at Mr. David Sproat's" 1-1 .
. - I .
� �
I'S Ito- th-eir homea wishknz the youn.3 Beigrave, and at R. N. Duff"s, Blue- I
. IV_ - ((.';rreat applause). One reas- have returned home and are
F.td- A moi,p,!io.n "was I I reaid- deceased. a -
. pletely covered. The money. - vale, and with Ilensall friouds.-Mr. .
. evening, December Couple health, ,happiness. and p.ros- I
I .
�ist Thursday nigbt.-Miss,_ noldest blizzard willl not .. Ily mank good, hon,est midn ing now in Toronto. Mrs. )Flomutl'7s - -On ThursdAv . . �
. �
. . .
Aock f ts re-tiirnod to Ccr I � . I . � An Nv d and ahe was advised by 29th, ,a Very- pleasant and Social p-Grity in tbeir new home. Mx. and Angus McIntosh, of Elsinore, Brum 11
-1 k. I a - discomfort the wearer of - I - Would not e.nfer politics was be- -health f aile .
. -
� , I -
, o return to Can- Vathering took � place at the resi- Mrs. Clark� begin marri, d life op �,q is
- -
I - r il, 01,114pl of we�,.Jics, '1101- �_ ffler Nvbifi.lh protects the - Of the low level of party meth-; the physicia.ris t dence . - ,ounty, vi ited with friends at- _:
, th6 Visor Hool and iX1u41lf3r. TSe VieLor in the only mu' - caa�'_e oins that �BIUO,Valo and Blyth last week,-Xr. . .
.Ar ho,rwi beri,.-Mis,q, Aitch , f 0 t 0 � 'ada. . of Mr. ajid Xrg. Wni. Link. tl* groom's farm, ,which i . �
� - � ,ha face, Any kiad of emp can be worn -over It or underit. Nn eN�pErnive fur r e !` - *��N ,qnd tfio mud slinging which was I f the fair bride's par and Mrs. Robpert.son Ar -d family, bf - I
; L .. � ental home.
: . . ki U ge ' - short time ago Mr. Thomas I r, -Sr t Wawanoigb, the Oc- 10
Xis,s.-Doar, lmrf, returned . t . - da a in. The, speaker. 4ppealed -A atc, -, Bag
� uirOC, even in the eoldest weathef. The Visor hood and moffigr is indispeDs �
!r Ivarix-s in Seaforth and i (I �, - e 0,',rbp E, 1pe �X .4 hearers - to show that a Chirigt:. Russell, of Exeter, sold a fine year- onsion being the celebration of the Loeal It,ems.-Mr. John A. Gar- Bast Wavranosh, visited Mrs. An- - I
, - tera. livorymen, doctors, railway men, school 3hildren, to any one and-- , .
I - fa,rmera, teams � - P hi, tbejir wea- diner and Mr. Robert Dancanson -derson fast week. Mr- Nalloodni
I #-11t4.rf*t1 urx),11 theirdutik�s l I : ative tould be- elected ling Shorthorn. bull, " Riverside -fiftioth anniversary -of I .
:-rH,1.s4', tIL(. little, &-itrX11- ivr.ry ono exp?sed to cold weather. . I . . itin represent . � dicate of farmers, ding day. The, ma-Tfiage was first left on Monday afternoon of this Scott is- suffering with inflanifttion I
� L - - . - . ed by pure methods in South Huron. Duke,'! to a syn " inlo�ss -
� .
r 11. 11. T . . - Sebringville, for a handsome polebrated in Pomona, Orkney i.s- week fox Toronto to resume ,their of the eyes. -The kannual btufi
I . - � - (Appla:use). With Tegard . th - the near
111,�Ianl, Nvlio balS . .- - i,ee. the former at the University meettiag Of Bluevaje Presbyte-rian ' 41 -
i'v� ill for- a number of � Sale Oommences-'at Once* ' is -,I brother tw lands, Scotland, on the 29th of De- 91tud
� � Gorman Yote, which his opponents sum. The animal
I � r ed IZIn Abe latter �t Knox College.- coja!009ation will -be held in tbA -
z - I I .
. rt-c�f,vprir the tlie' stock bull at the Experimental cemb�r, 1856. The n ly mar i d
ig slowly tbough I . g to deprivo him of, . . :ew
� wore, tryiry . I eter Gardiner is busily engaged church on Friday, January 20th. -
�I ` the better .yr,ur Fwlection Ba -
�. 'W(1;tk.-.'4N9 Smith, of I _kud will oontinue through Tw3tiary. The earlier you. como spi-aker g�id that his wife was a f all Paxin, Guelph, sired by imported couple "an after sail f or C&nada MT- P . .
p in drawing Cho ,material for the er, Mr. Thomas Cormll has returned to
I I �
NIVW-p r h i,4. ?I-- � . r,d yoq can make better choosing. .Come early-;-c6nie often. , TERM�, CAS H. btooded Germa,n, and sinae she was Fragra.nt ' Duke.. dam impor te d and on ,the 20th of Jum set tied on
7 hA t1w villa,7e � 3 7� 1 .
� I (action of a large bank barn' which Manist-ique, Mich3gan, after visit-
� ,
. . .
atifV fr;vn4--i.-Thv voting V , . hi.i,i better' halt, he hinigelf must be Strawberry Blossom., the farm where they bave since re -
I . - - a for- he putpoises building duriag next irig at Mr. G,eorze Casemors's.-Mrs.
I .
� I rl Nn!114,otiarl Xvith tll(" . , . %" w�r t hy of tho Germa.0 vote.-(Laugli- - -An interesting - district meetLa; si&d. The oouptry ivas then, .
. F40- - - - . ' summer. Mr. - Hagey has t -be c,o,A- RoIxYrt Stewart visited friends in
-------- W-_ - . ----. � . �
. � tt-r a nd ,tpplaws,e). But -
,11I.N'r, Company -,% Gau- . � . r, eTiryg ener
Is I �, i a. x . � � �_e waszoin of the Brotherhood of St. 'Andre*, est, but *�hrough " _;�,-V IZY
I , .k;. �&Clo� , I I - . e clectors, on 'the was held in St. Paul's so - tract for the Carpenter wc�rk._Mr.- the village las tweek.-Miss Goxrorid,
�! 'Lnh,.r(.%1 yfl bool house a.nd toil they bave. prospired, mak- ,
. e� m. Ta lor was called to Kansas of Walkorton, spent New Year-- at
I .
� 1�!11, 1,� ea4f.ft'lijit-d frioML4 � broad grounds- of beijY3 a true Can- Clint<yia� on Monday, 3anuary 2nd. i ng r -ax themselves a comfortable ly
: . . . we - his mother, who f. -Ar a
. . easure .
�tr--� evonift.-_-w" (Imply . - adian. (Applause). - I Delegates were presen:t from Strat- -home, and having also the, pl , last . , ek to ser �
X ohmmicle t . )w flf-.kth C, I f, -1 G.r e'' ni g Stewart th-r- election of ,officers for Court 14' -
. W -
In well to do is serious I
� ford, St. Marys, Listowel and Cli& of se.eing thetr-� family i ly ill. -Wm. Ewart, the I ff
. . 9 . His opponents had also .orle4 out I
z I little son -of Mr. aEA Mrs. Robert Doa-glas, Canadian Order of For"-
. OUTM9 - One of the pleasinz -
. i'.011ert-on onf� of th(- re- I . th&t the Ross Government wa - �,�bo er d fifteen. Com- oir' ta-rioes. . . �
, I
i * . S cor t� . � . - to the reatums of the event wa:u the pre- I be ay of last b0rs. Re'r- W. J. _WeSt I-W-ItS el tt-A "I 7
_.,,n, to the numN I
�;,!zr � (If -Ms 4W Tnekersinitli, 9 01' -rnpt and should not' be supported bX-". � 'Unian was Camp It died on Saturd� ec
I -1 - ; - 1�� _,-,��, " iidministered k from an attack of acute bron- chief ran -ger, Mr. John Burgege .
� _
IV-4rt -el 4)11 �,V4,11 � 14;I; �. -
I rws,da y at Johnson Bros. a mini4tex, but Itev. Dr. Mill"hga ""Teclegates by the Revs. Buoklarld and sontatil-on by the 'mombers -cl the, I wee I
o � . ,
�1 1 4
.1 . -terian Am- , in the church, atter which family of two easy, chairs, the kind 1 C
A mort. r-xtft,4ded refer- . 7 Moderator of the Presby - 1��' Gun-ne I bitis, The funeral, took place on was re-elo-eted -secretary and 'Mr. G.
I . � I nn,day,,nafternoon, interment beiri,- AiteliesoU treasurer. - Organizim- �
. .fl' 4�f t h,s mosit worthY 11 aged fatheT and a, -
;� 11 . ,r' ,d - . S#Mbly, ,had openlY declared his f ai t ) they adjourned to the school room. mpffi that �' the � a, -
� - 'Mr. Rose, and the, speal � . be Brus%.ls cemetery.- Clayton, - of - Lis -towel, was in the
4'- 'iv 1 1141x( vreek.-Mr. Z:5:F._A_:F0TZrT - , ,cer knew) in''the absence of secretary Nash, of motber might be lony, spared to � .
� -1 � , � in - rers who had hile worTilig with the construe- village last- ,,wek extvmdiog the I
�, . � I
;,n-n, 4.un.of !ffr. Warret ;ook, of Stratford, ionjoy th,E�ir Comfort. Mr. and Mrs. 0
I YT,' 21 . th,'�t:if &D,y' of his hea. .1 Wingham, J. A.,C I -non ga on tb�e C. P. R., Mr. Wm. w,ork off tho Canailian Order.'of Ches- . -
ty, wh4v flas hpen.ye,�5id- I -and Fur S tore iD,Western Ontario b,,,&. deceived into thinking Mr. was appointed pro tem. Rev. Mr . Linklater, althoulgli advanced in 119 . I
� _ ` I
The Largest Clothing Friends. �
� I - -LimitoWel, director of years, - I Easton was -,aeve :
VToos'. Jaw, N'. N � I . - Buckland, of .rely injured by be- en -
I V, T,, for -n k . , I . . - R,or,,4 corrupt could talk -to tbe, Pre � I � am still in good bealtb, con � . �
. -
.r r�a '--,�. is 1 orne I 0 -spenit , 4— � . . I . 1, ; .
, - . � � I
�'. . . I
. . � � . . q. . .
� .
� f - . I __ . � - . � �
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11 - I
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A&. hk� - ..,&Ll 11 -, -
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