HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-06, Page 6G
e: FOR
T0tAB$ FOR SALE.—Rare bergains In farms in
L. tee Townehipe of Hallett, elorris, and Wawa.
nosh, Coenty of Huron. Itiquieet eet once. WM
ewmpenent.., Blyth, Ont. - 1774-tt
ANY ONE wishiog to buy or sell Winnipeg oity
weperty pitiful lauds in the Province ot
attobe or the Territortee, your oorreepondenoe
with us is eolielted, and full Information given.
Please esti °nor eddreee HARE 4 LANDSBOR0(1011
No. 527 main street, Winuipeg,rdantotolea, 18864r
T. ESA than eeta00-will buy Lot 33. Coueeteilen 7.
▪ lacKiliep. This fIrni contains 100 eaves of
geed hind, bee on it a bank barn 64x64 fee t, With 8
foot stone stenling. Aleo a good Is -roomed brink
house, orchard, good water, &a It le eix miles
f roue Stare:lb era1 miles from Constenao oet
office. Posseseion given ;et once. Apply to WM. A.
BL ANSHAR I) or E. EtINOHLEBeaforth.
WARM FOR SALE.—For Bile, Lot 21, London
X' Road, Stanley, containing -100 aeries, es eteree
cleared, the balance id good bardweet1 timber. The
farm is welt neeleedramed and *ell fenced, and in
goodoondition in every particular. This la an ee.
milked tine. no better la the township. Et is live
mike tom Clinton and le mike from Brucetield.
Will be told on ressonaole terms 48 the proprietor
Is in the implement business. Apply to F.
TOMUTIOGLI, Brucefield. 192441
In Herpurhey, a comtottable brick cottage,
with kitchen end woodehed attached. Hard and
sOft water. Alect *sores of ‘land, on whioh are the
choictest varieties ot all kin& of fruit. It is a most
desirable property ter any person wanting a com.
tortable home., apply on the premises, or address
Seatorth P. 0, JOHN, eteDONOGH. 101741
'DARK FOR SALE.—In the township of Cohort's,
r being Lot ill, Oonceettion consisting of the
beet 100 acres or land in the tedeetnship, wall fenced
and in good state of cultivation. Goodehrleh house
and frame barn, convenient to school, church and
.market, being only 2 miles from Exeter. For fur-
ther particulars apply to D 0. -WeINNES, Exeter,
or THOS. filGOINS, executors of the estate of 13 1.
Higgine, deceased, or so GLADMAN & STANESURY,
So lettere, Exeter. 1938-tf
a 'OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—For sale, brit*
house and 2 lots.In flealorth. One lot faces
on North Maio Skeet and the other on .1West Wil.
Ham Street 'The ;house_ 7714va comfortable' brioir:
eoliage studi cettedne $ bedrooms, dining roam, sit•
Sing moot and kitchen, with good cellar under the
whole bourse. Hard and water to the house.
Therebr oleo a good- stable and driving shed. All
Ithidaof frail on the lot. Apply 1. L. ALLAN,
Londesbor0, Or to 0, W. AT SON, Worth, •
--- 190600
Mit that beautifui farm in the township ot Han -
lop, known as The Ifsplee," situated one and
halt nrilesnorth- of lileaforthe The.farm.liontains
One hundred soiree of the ohoiees$ land. 'There is a
bank barn, large frame house, with beautiful large
reams, good ester,* oreek running through the
farm. Good orohere andvineyard, all ender Aff-
tiration ad well drained. The situation= is excel-
lent, near octuntry sehdor and near Collegial* &le
g eed*. It &tildes' country home. Immediate
possession. Apply to WM. GOVENLOCK, Seaforth.
e,wro, 8101Y fringe house, cement block
eountraloon consent e.arlor, sitting room, dining
room, kitogen withinird and soft water and other
-couveniences„ four bedrooms with closets bath-
room ssid halls, electric wires throughout and best
ed by furnace. Cellar with cement floorscistern,
noel bine, fruit shelves land outside 'entrance. The
house is, needern in design and is 'finished with
luirdwood end hike a veranda 12 feet 'wide. , II is
Mattes. ane 01 the finest lots in town and MB te
'aced reasonably. Apply to HARRY EDGE, Sea-
orth, Ontario. • • 193141
-Being West part of Lots 1 and 2, Concuss-
ion 2, L. R. 8, Tuekeiemith. Good concrete, 11
roomed house, 40x28, with kiteihen, woodshed and
buggy house seaweed. There it a new bank barn
88x86, with wing extending te the SOUth, 24 feet.
Also brick arched roothouse, 40 feet long, under
gangwey. All buildiagein good reprele, Orohard
°mita-lee two and a half acres of choice winter fruit.
There are two never failing welly, 6 acres of bush.
Thin -Tann is in a good *tete of cultivation, well
fenced and underdrained, situated 2 miles from the
village of Heneall. For further patticulare apply
to THOMAS BERNICK, Hensall,Ontarto. 189641
"MEM FOR SALE.—Lot 11, Concession 6, Hut:
_u lett, containing 100 stereo of landall otearede`
and in fine oondition. It is at present all seeded to
graee and in good shape either ror hay, pasture or
cropping. There is a comfortable frame howl& with
mextmer kitchen attached, two barns, ono 84 x 60
feet and the other 89 x 60 feet, and other out build -
logs. This farm le situated nine miles from Sea -
forth, eeven and one half miles from Clinton and
jest one mile and a quarter from the village of
Binburn, where there are two general Aortae, twri
blacken:title ehope, post office and wheal. This farm
- is well eituated and wilt be sold ehesp as the pro-
prietor is anxious to sett For further particulars
apply to R. 8. HAYS, Barrister, Seaforth, or on the
premises. WILLIAA1 LEITOG, Coustance, Ont.
DANA FOR SALE—For et& on -reasonable terms
JU the farm of the Andersigned on the North
Gravel road, Mellillop. a mile north 'of Searotth.
It contains 175 acres all cleared except abone ten
reties. It iswell under -drained, well fenoed and in
a high Age of oultivation. There is a floe two
storey brick house, bank barns and other neeeseery
outbuildings. There in a flowing spring close to the
buildings. A large orehard of choice fruit and
about two sores of a vinery. This is one of the
°hotted farms in lemon and there is not a foorof
waste land on it. It is all eeeded to gratis except
about 60 sores. There are ten entree gown to fell
wheat and the fall plowing done. Apply to the pro-
prietor, Beaforth. ROBERT GoYENLOCK.
loe sale, Lots 18 aud 19, on the inie conoetedon of
MoBillop, oontainiog nen acres, of which 100 acres
are cleared, well fenced eked in a good state of cul-
t -Watley. Ti.ete are n acres of hardwood bush. There
is a good tram h. use and bank barn, wish etebling
undetneath. There is a good well at the house, a
opting creek running' past the barn, and a spring
on the back cf the farm. There is a good young
orchard of oholte fruit; it is within a mile and a
quartt r of the village ef Leadhury, where there is a
post office, store, blacksmith shop and sob tot and
clue to 6 church. It is- a splendid farm tied will be
eolct cheap and on eery terme, as the owner is un.
able to work it, and desires te retire. Apply on the
premiees, or addrees Leeditury 1'. 0. MRS. MAR-
If You Want to
Buy a Farm
Business or residence, consule no or
our agents before making a selecition.
We have a large Hitt of properties, many
of them are extra good value ab the
price asked, We oan save yon time;
money and worry if you will allow us
to assist- you in making a seleotion.
Let, us kuow you wants, or gob -our
eatalogne—it costa you nothing.
London, Canada.
R. S. HAYS, Agent, SeafOrth
B. S. PHILLIPS Agent, HenSall.
Magic Rum % Cubebs
The beet remedy known for chasing a
cough or told out of the systefre Hue-
elrede of people knce.e this. and that is the
reason it is so popular. Coca trEed always
Price- 25c snd Sia a bottle Gat it
1. V. FEAR, Druggist
It Is Especially Necessary to Theee Wier
Are striving letie the World's .L'z4rter
ment—Contreste Drawn Between lite
Modern send the 0 id-ruelti weed Meth -ode'
of NOW, Year's T.me—Work -leor tbe
'UuI0ored Ise:cording to _Axe of Perlin tu on t nf Can-
ada. in ehe year 1904; by* Wifljuiti.4.11)", To •
.roneo. aGtite of A.grieut et: re, t t.. .-.Sn.
-Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. this
aermon the preacher brings toall,
and especially to those who are
striving for the world's' betterment,
a New Year's message of hope. and
. encouragement. • The text is Ecclesi-
astes xi., el,. "He that observeth the
wind shall, not, sow."
What.a change there is in, our way
of keeping the holidays from that al:
olden times! The old fashioned Naw
Year's and the old fashioned Christ-
masaite he old' fashioned Thanksgiving
Da," Were ,us- different from their
LeaceesSors,sas the poke bonnets and
hoop -skirts. and pOwdered ctirls of
colonial days were different from the
masterpieces of the milliners and
dressmakers and hairdressers of mod-
ern times. We talk of the triumph of
the -locomotive and the telegraph in
annihilating distance, - but I am not
,sure that they. have not done more
to separate the members of families..
The greeting that now comes by wire
from at, son on the other side of the
a/field in former times was brought
by the son himself, who seldont went
more than a day's, coach ride from
the old•homestead. Then fathers and
mothers, brothers and sisters, cous-
4ns and' grandchildren could all ga-
ther under the same roof. Then pre-
sents dd not, have to- be done -up in
Packages and sent days ahead across
the continents or seas in order to -ar-
rive at their destiaationin time for
the annual holidays. But -each bro-
ther and sister, each child and par-
ent, Wald deliver their:Christmas
gifts with a smile and ,- seal their
holiday good waehes with a loving
kiss. '
-Some of us can remember the good
old times when New Year's day was
a day (if hospitality, dedicated to
the renewal of old aequadntanceships
by a custom now almost fallen into.
tles,uettide. The good spirit of , the
new year seemed to say to all fath-
ers and husbands and brothers and,
song: "Go forth and find out how
many friends you have in. the world.
G -o forth and renew Your old ac-
-quaietances. Go forth -and eaedurage
each home -for the coming struggle of
the new year." Thenr wives and mo-
thers and daughters in the . early
eighties kept open house., Every dip-
ing-room was tlei with tempting
viands. Everywhere on every ntreet,
went the men. folks calling, "Happy
New 'Year!" Thus in many a troubl-
ed home came- courage and love and
faith in (-teed and 'man on account of
those friendly New Year salutations.
A New Year's greeting is the ser -
mini of this morning. With the same
kindly spirit in which. friends used to.
.coine. to irei-4 mother's home and wish
her a "Happy New Year" and with.
tender reminiscences of the past and '
cheerful wishes for the future make
the day a joyous and hopeful one,
come to you this New Year Sabbath
day. But instead of wishing you •,a
"llaratt- New Year" in. the brusque,
happy-go-lucky way in which friend
used to salute friend -upon the street
1 am going, as your pastor, to have
a heart eo heart .talk with you.
iten going to have you first, tell all
your troubles And fears, and then I,
shalt say: "'Friend, for the past
twelve month.% you .have :been ok- •
ing on the dark Side of life. You
have been indulging too Mileh
glootny anticipations. and. anxieties.
You clo mit socip to be -willing to en-
ter. the battle af 1965. with a brave
heart and • a ..cheerful count °mince.
What LS the. matter?" Then you will
joint out to me all the dark clonds
that 'are hanging. upon the edge of
your horizon, .and you will tell nie
why this New Year's day hi to you
a "blue Huntley." There I stAll try,
by' the help of God, tb scatter those
dark cheats and c.hange your new
year timidities of doubt into new
year certainiies ofgospel hope.
" Why art thou cast down, Q my
soul,. and why art thou disquieted
within rne?" "First," you answer,
"because 1 have been defeated so of-
ten in the struggle of life that my
backbone, is one. 1 have been like a
sea captain who has been wrecked
again and again until at last he feels
that every threatening storm means
a foundered ship. 1 am like a merch-
ant who has been caught in thtee
or four great panics and again • and
again, through no fault of his own,
has Fail his fortune swept away.
He is timid about making a nest
vent e. 1 am like- a mother who has
four or five of her babies
/las only one left. Each time
the baby 'coughs or catches cold or
bas a fever,. the • mother is alinost-T
beside herself with fear lest she
- xetellit -lose her only remaining child.
neati eneueu tor some. Ilfkol)te
---S 7 /
-et_ •
Household utensils can be made to look cis .good as new by washing in a
suddy solution of Sunlight Soap. They will shine and glitter thus helping to
make the borne bright and inviting.
mon soap—and makes everythinspotlessly cleang
Sunlight or Soaclothing.
Sunlight Soap mites less than half the labor required in washing with com-
pismade of pure oils and fats, contains eo ingredient injurious
to tSheha
Supelight Soap Washes the Clothes White and won' 4.1n_lnre the Hands
eilth bright eyeS to anticipate 1 Oh;
joys of a coming year. But as for
me, I have lied so many misfortunes
that I have only half a heti" for my
. struggle which is, ahead during the
next twelve months."
When the great philosopher wrote
the words of my text he was ek-
°pressing a negativee truth, , "He that
observeth the winds shall not eow,"
and the converse of that fact is that
0 a man Will only go forth with a
brave heart,. if he will only plant
and sow his seed faithfully and coni
' ecientiously, God will give him •
1 large hareest. "To him that soweth
I' righteousness fihall be a . sure re-,
ward." Will you not believe this?
Oh, man, will you not go forth to
your coming year's work with a
brave and a. hopeful spirit for a
eozning conquest?
But there are some whose appre-
hensions of coining trial are based
On facts of a different kind. "My
Do You Realize That a
Neglected Cough Play
Result in Consumption.
If you. have a Cold, Cough,
Hoarseness, Bronchitis, or any
afgetion of the Throat and 1,ungs,
what you want is a harmless and
certain remedy that will cure you
at once.
There is nothing so healing,
soothing, and invigorating to the
-lungs aS, thebalsamic properties of
the pine tree.
Contains the potent healing virtues
of the pine, with other absorbent,
expectorant and soothing medi-
cines of recognized worth. '
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
checks the irritating cough, §oothes
and heals the inflamed Limes.,
and Bronchial Tubes, loosens the
phlegm, and gives a protnpt sense
of relief from that choked -up,
stuffed feeling.
Price 25 cents, perl bottle.
Be sure and ask for Dr, Wood's.
trouble," says one, "Is net due, tb a
lack of faith in God or in my own
ability, but itt the loyalty of Other.
The apostolic advice not. to be un-
equally .yoked with -unbelievers ex-
tends- further than the marriage- re-
lation. 1 am finding that out in the
brbader sense Of business It also
means that those who are unequally
yoked/ together an never pull well
as e team.. My blisiness associa,te.s
and 1 are fretting and worrying arid
irritating and retarding one anoth-
er's labors.".
Yee, brother, 1 at once catch the
Meaning of your Bible simile. Al-
though born. in .the I have
spent a great deal of mYespare time
in the country, and 1 have •witnessed
again and again feats of herse
team pulling. The farmers have. a
great deal of pride in their horSes.
If one farmer can have a, perfectly
matched team 01. heavy fee= horses
he always think they can outdpw
and outpull all other teams int.the
country. It is not uncoxrunon at the
county fairs to have these trials of
strength tested, A great load will be
piled -upon. a sled at the bottom of a
hill. Then the team evill be hitched
up. The farmer will take the reins
firmly in his hands and cry, "Get
.up!" If the horses pull together ev-
enly and steadily in all probability
the sled will move over the ehard,
bare ground as if the runners were
slipping over the winter's snow. But
if one horse jerks at his traces one
moment and then balks When his
mate is milling it is impossible' to
meet: the heavy load. The great
difficulty with your business - and
professional life may be that you are
not "equally yoked" with your as-
sociates. You may have milled while
they are balking, and they may be
pulling while you are balking; But
did you ever stolp to think that per-
haps your lack of faith in yourself
may be the chief reason why they
have no faith in you and why, they
do not work in harmony with you?
Lack of faith in'our own Work
will kill absolutely any faith others
May have in our ultimate success.
The old Proverb says, "Pats 'will
leave a sinking ship." All our friends
i'ancl associates will leave us as quick-
ly as they can if they °ace get into
their minds . that we ourselves feel
that, we. are certainly doomed to
failure. A man who is always anti-
cipating failure and taking a gloomy
view of the future not °rely works
half-heartedly It itnse11, but depresses
• his •associates. What church would
listen to a miaister who had n6 hope
of the ultimate triumph of the gos-
pel? 11 he were tie preach week after
week sermons the keynote of whicli
was that man is a failure, the Church
a fail -are, Christ for tha moet -of us
a failure and the world ,is going to
the dogs, would any one want to
listen to such sermons? Would. any
one contin to work for the up -
building of the gran 0 old church of
Christ,. which has had such a mighty
influence for good in the present and
will have such a mighty influenne for
good in, the future? ' 14o, of course
you would., not. You would say to.
yourself; "Well, the church is going
to smash and the people are going
to smash. I guess 1.willget off the
train- and let the 'Limited Express of
'Destruction' go over the opea draw-
bridge as, it may." . •
What you need, 0 man., at the be-
ginning of this new year is to take
a big inventory, not of petit. mis-
fortunes, 'but of your blessing& Find
out all the bright things you know
about your life.. Repeat thern over
and over and over to yourself. Get
faith. in God arid in yourself. _Then
your associatee will getefaith in you.
By their increased labor you will get
faith in thern. Then., together with .
taith in each . other and faith in God,
you will go forth with renewed zeal
for the seed planting- and the multi -
tied n 11 a ref 'St surely COMO.
Neeea let your associates know that
you have lost. faith in yourself.
-Well," says some one. else afflicted
with. New Vones timidities, "I not
only have lost faith in myself and in
my associates. but I have also lost
faith in the good deeds which 1 try
to do for the losi and the needy. /
am not an tureen I make no pretense'
of being n oerfeel men, but I do try
to do 110010 good lel the World. Al-
most -afl, my geed intentions have
g -one,- for naught: can understand
the. disappointment df- men who have
made honest but futile attempts to
help people, for the more you do for
some people the less those people
seem to be willing to do for them-
selves. I 'do not want to lead a pure-
ly son& life, but 1 do not intend to
re) thrledowa
t bi ‘g"ood works is The desire not
When we plant seed we cer-
tainly want to reap the harvest.
What *mild you think of a farmer
who should say to you, "1 will not
plant a kernel of. corn unless I am
positively.' sure that from this ker-
nel ili grow 'a. stubble of corn, or a
grain of wheat,' barley or buckwheat
unless from Mais very ,seed 1 shall get
my -thirty or sixty or a hundredfold
return!" Whir, you would laugh such
a 'farmer to scorn. You would say
to him: "Yon do not know the Drat
A B C of agriculture. A planter can
afford to lose a thousand seeds if he
can pt a harvest from the remaining
seeds. he plants." Yet all through
life you can Sind men who estimate
their shccesses and failures not by
the glorious returns, they receive from
a few good seeds Well planted in
good ground, butt by the failure, of
the goed seed winch has inadvertent-
ly fallen in bad soil.
Why don't erpu help that young
man who has just landed in ,town
and Is stranded? 1 grant that he
has been a wayward boy; that 'his
life' is not *hat it ought to be, but
in spite of that, why don't you help
him? You know you can give him at
position- if you will. "Oh," you an-
swer, "what is the use? 1 have tried
to be a friend to young men in the
past, but 1 am done now with turn-
ing emy business house into a Chris-
tian mission. I draw the line sharp-
ly between business and philanthropy.
I do my' Christian work in church,
but, not in the store. I run the lat,•
ter on business priaciples. When a
young man comes to me for woele he
has to have good recommendations
or 1 will not employ him. -Why, sir,
have befriended four young men in
the past! 1 even went so far as to
fry to stnil one of fliorte young rillet
throligh.' college because he was tin -
Sun of an old chum of Mille \Nil° h.
.iloW Cleat!. All come, tuened out bad-
ly. '1 ilVY Wore ungrateful dogs al
that! You cannot make something
out of nothing."
Yes, grant that yteo0c1 seed in
the Nese of these tour elliFneaenen
have been thrown away:. But would
it not be worth while_ 'to have four,
live or even ten euch, good seed plant -
hies amount to naught if ofily the
eleventh "seed"' took eroot in sum,.
young enan's heart and saved just
one Nyoung man? you Id not the sat-
isfaction you got from having led ono
young Man to be saved for Christ,
compensate you for all your wasted
itebor upon nineteen young men who
were not saved? God will not re-
ward , you -according to the success of
your labors, but according to the ef-
forts you have honestly made, wheth-
er they have sneceeded or failed. Do
your duty and leave the result to
Oh, missionary worker in the Na'
'Vol* lawns, what is the good. of
your rescue missions and your test i-
mony mmtiugs night after night ?
You know just as well as 1knoW
that nineeteriths of all your professed
convects will become backs1hiers.
That, young woman who no we arises
with tears in' her eyes and eelys.
"Thank God, 1 have been saved front
sin'' may to -morrow be treading
again the old' path of wickedness.
That man who :signs the pledge to-
n ight,' May be drunk again ,ext week.
That Twill tent gambler is only peni-
tent Until' you give him a start in
-lee again, and then ter will gamble
away his substanc-e just the same as
be has done, in the past, Mrs. Maud
13a Ilington &WWI lately wrote* a
book entitled! "After Pelson, What?"
After prison for tnost ex -convicts ii
prison again. -Two-thirds of the in-
mates of the penitentiary serve molt.
than one term each. Once, a thief for
many of them is always a thief. ,
•eAll that you state is true, an-
swers the missionary of the New
York slums, "One-third, one-half—
aye, I xirliities three-fourths—of all our
reformed cases inay become back-
sliders. But If one out of every four
—aye, if „one out of every ten—be
saved. is not the- tenth man worth all
the effort we have bestowed on tne
other nine? A 11 the seed t he ranee: -
plants does not fate . good soil.
Niel] the farrier cp,aso to plant? 11
our labors for Christ May Itot.*1,einc
it)a nospel harvast, but are 'not tee
rewards we FPCOlVe a mil 11 ipotelt
blOSSillf-r, for our labors, ttei matter
how great they may be?" The Nov:
York missionary Ss right.
"Yes." some one "that. is
'very pretty t I k, hut it- does 11, at,
bear well the test of logic. w hi le
Sow one good Seed nine' ei her in.
;are sowing tares,' will not the 4;11,
tares increase just as 'rapidly as the
one geood seed? In ti' et. ill not 1 Int
earth instead of being covered With
.or'rthgewserSa, °' thet*e°011Z-litwn7wal
ththeersblco°o-vd- .
- of a destroyed, word? Instead of the I
world being better, as we would
wish, is it not morally and spiritual-
ly becoming more and more de-
! pred? 'Have I not a right, then,
: to my new ester rtimielities?" . NO ,
my brother! No, so! A thousand
times not The reports of the gospel
meteorologists do not bear out your
' Meteorology is aa rational a science
as chemistry, geolOgy, biology. phy-
sics or i any other. science. Like a,
skillful. -general, the GoVernmenti
gutireling against surprise, has Organ-
ized its weather I ureau and planted
outpost stations i very -elan -v. • Thus
no sooner does a torm stile t out on
its mission of de4t1'uetion than the
weather bureau ifts its signals of
warning. The sal ors run VI cover,
and fruit growert hold hack their
i shipments, and ritilroad reflicials gets
out their 13110W plows and anticipate
the attacks of the storm.
What the superiritendent of the
weather bureau can do'in read illt.; tile
!poaitions of the atmospheric storm
clouds the gospel meteorologist - can
do in' telling u$ about the store]
clouds of In What is it Are letirn f
from these Ohre tian meteorol ()niter l
repOrtet? . From fone and an ot her
heathen land co
es the story of peo-
ple turning from' idols to servo the
living God. Everywhere slavery and
cruelty and ini-Mmanity are being
gradually suppreased. 'The world is
coming more and more under the in-
fluence of the principles Nef Christ. It
is a slow procets, but. the general
trend is in the Light direction, Pane
for thousands oft years has had iis
sway, We must not. expect it to be,
easily or quicklyl dislodged. Bet the
good time is coining. , Only. do net,
, bet' Us. ivho livc in Christian lands
lose heart or, hope. We have the
promise of vietery, we see Ur; sky
. growing rosy with the coming dawn.
Let us work on in faith and patience,
i Oh, my brother think not this New
Year's day opens a "dark day" for
, -Christ. Think not that your labors
' for the coming year will. be thrown
1 away. Push 'on in faith and hope.
' Drive tip; Look up, in the name of
Jesus. Plant in Go'd's name; plant
for Jesus Christ! . ,
No New Yearfs greeting from me
could ibe voiced in more inspiring
'anger e than 1 thdt of my text.
These ght wortla have for me a lov-
ing re eembrance. If any one should
ask me what was my father's favor-
ite pas age of (Scripture, without a
women 's hesitation 1 would answer:
Ecclesi stes xi, 1 4, "He that obser-
veth th wind shall not sow." They
were ta him hiS meat and strength
for eve .yday w rk. He quoted them
to him lf aim st every day of his
life, Ter quotea the& to his wife
and children hundreds, , aye; those.
sands of times. If any of us were
discour ged or blue or cast -down, his
' advita ,lways was the same. Take
courage All will yet COMO out
. right. "He that observeth the wind
' shall not sow." Shaft not we on this
New Year's Sabbath 'press on with
:glorious anticipation for the gospel
ioeed planting at hand, which will
ultimatdly mean our harvest ahead?
I prey God that this coming year
may be the best of yeare to all of
us, as it will surelybe the last 4,if
earthly years to soine of us. A
bappy, happy New Yea,r1
I—Mr. 1Benry, Oaelir. elha' a, one of To- 1.
'rointee best known anteater citizens,
died Christmas morning. aged 74
beY7.forrte e.habollutbetehinroe'ci°Hnmtoinnetdhs.b° Dheis-
rcoasad was 'the youngest son of the
tate &Ain ' Cawthea, and a' nephew
of tad. ate William Cawthra, the To-
ronto Iilioneire, who died lin 1880.
HO loaves one Son and tw-o dingletea's,
Sir William Mulock is a -nephew of
the decileased.
: a -There is a great laok of prop-
e.rly qualified teachers - for high
sehoola 0-w1ng Chiefly, in the opireon.
of Dr. Beath, '1Provineitel High Solieol•
Inspeetocr, td the prosperous ecin-
dition of the ;country and. the great-
er inducements offered rin other oc-
oteptatienets. Itl is thought !that the,
Education ii • : rtraent in trrAer to
bridge the ; difficulty, temporarily
at least, may be obliged to isstie
permits to teacnees not fbavIng the
,required legal standing until the
next: eiantination att the Normal
College, Hamilton. Thee only way
to a. permaneat solution of the
trouble, 'Dr. Seath ;earl is to offer
increased roniuneration. - Ile has had
oases brought to this notice where
teachers' positions carrying $800 to -
$1,000 remain retain,' in spite of
constant advertising.
Many Women Suffer
tint* Agony From
tidileyl Trouble,
r Very often the, think it is from so-
called " female disease." There is leu
fensalekrouble than tliey think. Women
suffer from backache, sleeplessness,
nervousness, irritability, and a dragging.
down feeling in the loins. So do men,
ind they do not have " female trouble."
Why, then, ,blanie all your trouble to
frazzle dist*? With healthy kidneys,
kw women Will ever have 4 4. female dis-
orders." , The kidneys are so closely con-
nected with all the internal organs, that.
when the kidneys go wrong, everythine
goes wrong. Much distress would. be
saved if women would only take
at stated intervals.
Miss Nellie Clark, Lambeth, Ont., tells
of her cure in the following words :—"
suffered for about two years with kidney
trouble. I ached all over, especially in
the small of my back; not being able to
sleep well, uo appetite, menstruation
irregular, nervous irritability, and brick -
dust deposit iin urine, were some of my
symptoms. I took Doan's Kidney Pills.
The pain in 'Any back gradually left me,
my appetite returned, 1 sleep well, and
am effectually cured. 1 can highly
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all
sufferers from kidney erouble,"
Price 60 cents per box, or 3 for $.1.25.
All dealers, or Doi ai KIDNEY Pare Co
Please Foiiow
T TT A "0 V 6
TO 1'1_11.7 A.
Best Bread wd Past mak
impossible Otherwise
Axe you following the recipes?
Are you making bread: cakes, p
pastry, according to"Royal House
• If not, you cannot be sure of gm
"Why not?" you may reasonably ask.
"Are not my own recipes, which dor
good belrleg, goad enough?
"Why should I adopt new recipes?t
Simply because "Royal Household
is a new flour requiring new treatmedt
Thin Flour is Different
from Other Mors
It is aifferent frora other flour.. ./
It is better than any flour you hate
ever used.
It is die only flour that is equally gicip
for bread and pastry. -
It makes the best of both. .
Being different, it must be differenti
kneeded and baked..
Much Quicker
and Easier Baking
than any 1 have ever seen are words
echoed by thousands of the best iudges
of good cooking throughout Canada
who are writing us coustautly to say
that they have found the fiour just as.
represented, and the recipcs the best
they have ever tried.
„Grocers tell us that the homes -where
the flour and the recipes ar,e both used
are the homes where the greatest success
is attained in bairing.
We wisk everyone who uses Royal
'Household" flour to have these recipes.
So send for them.
Send now, and we -will not only send,
you the recipes, but place you on onr
iiteratiuie list, and mail you whatever
weSssuefor users of flour -
No Woman VI° values the reputation:
of her baking—the success of her bread,,
cakes, pies and pastry—the health of
her &hilly, (depending as it does =-
good coking) will use anything except
"Royal Household" flour and in the
, By following our recipes you can bake I s' Royal Household "way. .
easier, quicker, better than ever beforei
XII your 017f11 skill and knowledge of
good baking wilt be made doubly effett.
tive, and as a good housewife you er'
. quickly see why these recipes are
-good ,
The words of a lady of St. John, N.B..
whose letterwehavejustopeneth "bread , COUNIE FLOUR MILLS CO., ItlehariTter
made with it is lighter flakier, bete!' Illon'tniaar.".
' The best baking requires the best
flour and the best recipes.
We have ,both.
We send the recipes free.
Write for the recipes to -day.
Itteryreallygrd groecrhasthe
The Label
Proves The Quality
i'PROGRSS ltailoring is progressive
tailoring. The "PROGRESS" abel, on
a 'suit, is the best proof of right style—
right workmanship --right fabrics.
See that the label, with a man climbing
a ladder, is on the next suit you buy.
Sold by Leading Cint*rs Throughout Canada.
Progress Brand Clothing may* bad from
eig& St€wart, 04t
air Renewe
Mikis the haligrow long and lieavy, and keeps it soft and glossy.
Stops falling hair and cures .4itdruff. And It always restores
color to gra hair. Sold for fi ,years.
eteen• ere te •
Touch typewriting inellAs operating the key board
without looking at the letters—just watch the copy an
continue writing the sante as a musician plays the piano
without looking at the keys.
By the touch system an operator can write all day
without looking at the keys means faster work and a big
saving in tim‘.
The Forest City 13u8m ss and Shorthand College
teaches touch typewriting and business methods thoroughly.
Students may enter any thne during term. Booklet free.
dt STRONG B L 00 K
Is Here.
Perhaps it came before yoU -were ready for it. But' w
did your looking ioead. As a consequence, we
have on .hand everything that can. be procure&
from the best -manufacturers.
Heavy Suiting, Heavy Underwear,
Overcoating, Mitts, Gloves, Oaps,etc..
In addition to these we have a full line of up -to
Furnishings and lids. We make clothing
xs, sary-rasiEc
Money Wanted
Wanted to borrow for 4 torin of ave yer.rs,
gum of $5,000 on the property of the Fit -4 P
terien Church, Seaforth, (Church, Malmo and ,
teker'eFtesidene,e); Money will be required GU -41.
before February 1st, 1005. Application, staflnit
the rate of interest desired, te be made to clerk et
the enderefenrd.
An.u-al, Meeting.
The annual nicotine of the Tnekeremite branch
Agrieutturel Society wilt be held at the Cornmer.
eial hotel, Seatortla on Viedneettay, January 110,
1005, at ode o'clock p m. leu-luess of the meeting:
—Receiving -the =mud etatereent and auditors' re.
port, the selecting direators and tifilre for the
year 1905, and ether buelneee whieh iney verse be.
fore eh° -meeting.
19.3t-2 Preeident. Beereterye