HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1905-01-06, Page 5STORE
) &Po this month. kr
made to keep the feet
ear. No need to suffer
reach a you and you
E our stock and the lea-
itelippere for
• t1 7 nd $.2 00
$2:. V.25, $2,50,
rEaiOa for men fo
75i and $1 a pace;
leo for $1.00, $1.25,
ege with a Het, of winter
ri hope that you'll cent
eg cueing/. ant ars..
*ty " ,and Emprees
Ea-reetinzs, to Dfr. lifek.ive --
sits in marry part e of the
I iddition to those pre-
oentert greetings were
-irrie Rogers, Thorne:laic ;
gh, Painaerston ; Ruby
-smith ; Will Baileeci Ot-
J.; Scott, Sae City,
W. A. Griffiths, Lizzie
Jenny, Mar-
ny • Lillian Bit:neat,
tha Isabel and Harriest
Toronto ; Mrs. Samuel
Mary Gorston, Rook-
Deloraine, Manito-.
hut, Wroxeiter ; W. Me-
er, Chatham ; Fred Was-
-ork Hartley and Wil-
trson; New York ; Flora
,e-•etna, Manitoba ; James
Winnipeg e Mar gore t
.Vancouver. B. C., and
:erson, Winnipeg. Mr.
-.. with him oat his re-
m public rvice-, the
etion and respect of
Os. Indeed, the most
recision of his popularity
`amiliardty may ha ex-
elwaye liked Sandy."
Mr. "Will floltz, ;serer/ri-
d; .sister, Miss Sadie, of
Pre the enests of their
ErInri Holtz, Blake. The
ried home .Monday.
sank of Co -rano -roe, Sea -
rays 'interest from date
eavings bank deposits.
J. F. Burke and son
LEMiss Magt.Tie Limey, of
have been visiting thetr
reesrs. Matthew and
-! he past two weeks, To -
on Tueselay, also Miss
.!rdle, of Detroit, Nebo
nailer the parental
the holidays, returned
,to reisume her former
ktrse in a sanitarium.-
Oaretsy, who was .home
lidays, left Thursday to
tudies at the Newsreel
1. --The Rev. Steythers
Rev. jereeph Eckert,
nee Rev. Eather Me -
parents in Stet Col-
ir brothers and sie- '
families of MeNi/lors
during the- holiilave,
k. the former -for hi
York and the la Hese to
G. Hal y ad Mr%
re made man and ii.
ort lass. tA,s'ed n es -
ey will take. up : heir
e old horriestead.-The
entertainment held
rex was a grated eur-
-Hie Ward, of Aliter-
p.'11RSt3 eel his nn-
. Chris. and John
Mrs. E. Ward, of
a flying visit to our
.-Mr. arid Mrs. „ T.
a, "ere gueete
rd, of Ee,-raandville.-
- of Ma al toter , a r -
week. -T h e foil ow -
're home for the
Cook, Fred Purdy,(;f-o.
Johns, Ed. We rilees,
and Emma Reid.-
epent Christmas in
rn to Mr. and Mrs.
dee. rhter.-Mr. ried-
te, tMichigan, !c the
nch, Mr. Thos, Key.
-The Christmas
merit elven by the
Presherterian Sab-
in- 23rd of Deem -
idea suocess. The re-
tei were well
Ile by the big girls
• tie Orife-3. Ter eiVP.d
ey deserved. The
Shore, ie to be
„ded and thanked for
ention he gave the
Hindthem. After
a well laden tree
its reontonts and the
ed to their Nimes
iven the andienee
• g.
and cee-the Ireat
You will find th€
—Judat WiJJiani Airdi Roes, of Ob -
died It week in that oity.
He was 91,„ yelars of - also land previous
tot his appointneent es judge he
was the law partner of R, W.
Scott, member or the •Do-
minion Government:
--Word has reaohed 's friends in
Woodstock, of _the srious illness
Lottds,'.:Entgland, of JJ B. jaekson,
the South Oxford man who was some
time ago appointed enii ration agent
for the Canadian rgove nment. Mr.
...Jackson is said to be su feting from
cancer. ,
W. Shibley, th absoondin:g
bogus ballot box candi( ate, who, is
now in 13ostou, has ma an ,assign -
meta Ixthe benefit of is e-reditors.
'000 and his assotts. to bo°12v6rt. $1$1030-,
His liabilities ,arnount to
and consisting of fe eiiatels.
—Mr. Justice Kildare, of the Su-
preme Court, has beep appointed
'chairman of the EailwayI Cornmis.sion
in plane, of Hon. MT. 131 ire' wtho had.
T esigneti. It will be L 00111Ple of
"Wesks yet, however, before Mr.
Killen), will be rea.dy to take his new
post t
—An Arn.crloan syndic to has pur-
chased 54,000 acre& of la d from the
Canadian Pacific, oast of Calgary,
evai4c11 Will, Ix!. scttledl Wi Ih igood
Tanners. It comprises a .portion set
aside by the company as. 'being too
!high for irregation purpose*. The
transaction involved. $250,000 and
was tarried out by a sysidioate head-
ed by - Mr. Belsekeir, eiresident of
sevOI' lea.nks in Minnesaa ankl. Do -
—The Great Northern Railwa.y sta-
tion at Hawksbury, Ontario, was de-
stroyed by fire at 11.30 last Friday
night. D. S. Campbell, the station
agent, and his wife and Ifaraily, m-
ewled the upper flat,sand were with
difficulty saved. So rapidly did the
f lames spread- that it was, found izna
pots:sable to TeSOTte MTS. Shaw, Mrs.
Campbell's., mother, who perished.
The caigin of the fire is at present
—Mr. A. G. -Northrup, of Belleville,
One of lie oldest public offieers in
Canada, : died suddenly last week
from au attack of heart fatilure. De-
oeased was olerk of the county Court,
Clerk of the Crown and Pleas, and
also ReATistrar of the Surroo.ra.te
Court. He was 72 years of age, 'hav-
ing been born at Ogdensburg, N.
Y, in 1832. On the 24th of August,
185-4 Mr. Nor th.rup received. his cora-
mizzion to office, which he filled at
the time of his demise. Lord Elgin
was then Governor-General of Can-
ada, and his signature appears upon
•the commission.
—Graham C. Dunlop, Istolok brokex
of Montreal, has entered an action
in ti' Superior Court to recover $5,-
000 damages from the prinoipal of
e, Rev.C.
' Stalbartss School, Brookvil
j. Iloulden. A short time ego M. -Dunlop's son, a studentj at St.
!Alban's, was expelled on tie entecitend
`that, contrary to rule; he had,while
att Ottawa for the purpose' Of -playing
ihdekcee smoked and dra Ar in the
lear of .the Russel House. he state-
• ment of claim sets .iforth tat there
were no regulations again t smok-
ing or drinking, and if his re were
-they had never been made 1nown to
the students at the schooli.
-Hon. A. G. 13Iair -has, at er nego-
tiations extending ever a ieriod of
nearly 12 months, accepted the post
of narrnaleing direetor and oh ef coun-
sel of hhe Toronto Roller Bearing
CoMpany. It is probable that he,
will retake his- headquarters in Ot-
tawa. The Toronto Roller Baring'
Company is the proprietcir of all
the patents, of which there are a
•lareee number issued in the United
- States, Great Britain, different Eur-
opean countries, and throutehout the
world, protecting the Henderson
Roller bearing inventions. it is a
bolding company. ,
Saaroarer. January fith, 19(5.
, all Wheat) olcil.Eitandarcl_ ...a .._ 1 00 to - 1 02
Fall wheat (new) rl. 00 to
:ante per bmabel 0 30 tO'
Peas per bushel 0 60 tro
Earley per bnettel_ _ .. ean gem am 1 • 0 • 0 40 to
Better, No. I, !Doge _ _ _ _ _ .... 0 13 to
Botter,:tub 0 14 to
Egge per doe__ _
- - - -.• - 0 19 Ati
Flour, per 100 tan _ _ _ _ 2 50 to
'Toby per ton new „„- 6 FO to
:Ides per IGO le _ .... 6 00 to
heepSkins....- .. ....,--.e.-.-. 0 80 to
Wool-- - - - O../ 0 21 to
Potatoee per bag ';(now),.. .... _ 0 60 to
III (retail) per barrel- - .. ..,. 1 26 to
Wood per cord (Ione)... -------5 00 to
Wood per cord (shcirt).._.... - ..... 3 00 to
Apples per bag_ -._ - _- _ ...... 0 25 to
Clover Seed..,_ - -...- - - -...e. 8 GO to
Timothy Seed-, - ... 1 26 to
ralinvr. per lb- 06 to
Pork, per 100 Yoe.. .. 7 60 to 8 20
1 06
0 30
0 62
0 42
0 16
0 16
2 76
7 00
6 85
0 26
0 78
0 76
3 06
7 60
Dairy Markets.
' TORONTO, January 4 -Batter -Quiet,
Creamery preterit, 22 re 24e ; creamery
tubs, 190 to 203 ; eeol to cheice dairy
tube, 161 to 17o; triedieen tieiry, 14o to
150 ; haferier prade dairy, 12c to 13c ;
dairy pound relit/. ireod f 1 cb.eiee, 17o to
18e ; lerge d, iry r 114, 16 t te 17c ; med-
ium dairy, 14e to 15e. Obeeee_tir to Wes
per pound for hrge, and 114 to 11ie for
twins in job lets here, Egga203 for lim-
ed, and 21c for fresh.
Gram, etc
TORONTO, Januar y 4 -Wheet-Ontariot
980 bid foe red and white; swing, 98o ;
goose, 87e; Menitoba, No L northern,
$1 08 ; No. -fierthern. $1.03* to $1 04 ;
No. 3, ror coin. 97e io 980. '..;Pragian Bay
porta; 6e ore g irviing in tretteit. Mill -
feed -SU to $14.50 for bran in bulk, $16 50
to $17.50 for sherte, east and west Mani-
toba. $21.- for slot ti", $18 'far bran, exports.
Baled Hey-Bustnese ia egpeoted to take a
turn now, and .tiffirergi hoes been higher.
Quetations are $75Q tt $8 for timothy, and
$6.50 for mixed or (-lover in car 'tote on
track here. ' Baled S;resv-86 to 86.50 per
ton for ca.r lett on track here.
------- 411
TortONTO, January 4 -Poultry -Turkeys,
120 to iso; ducke, llo ro 121 ; geese, 103
to lle ; chickene, 8u t&100; hen, 10o to
TORONTO, January 4th.-Potaboes-Un-
ohauged. Onterio stook, 65 to 70e on track
and 750 to 80c out of etore. Eaetern,
No to 80o on track and 90 to Me of store.
Live Stock Markets.'
LONDON, Jemmy 4 -Live 'oattle are
quoted at 10e to 120 per pound ; refriger-
ator beef at S tio Flie per pound ; sheep at
12 to 13o per pounce •
Tortonee, January 4-06ibele-The qual-
ity of fat cattle was fairly good, several, lots
of.good to Oleic° finichere being disposed
of, There was a feir trade. Sepeoially for
good quality. in all the different duties.
Exporters -Few elaippere were offered, and
these were of medistin quality. Prices
ranged from $4 50 to $4.75 for steers, and
$3.50 to $4.15 for bulls. A few choice sold
SD $5 per cwt. Butehere- Extra picked
expatt butoberid said at 84.30 to $4 50;
-choice heifers, $4,50 was paid for one load,
After the Wont:lay&
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,500 000
• HON. GEO. A. COX, Preeidenf.
E. WALKER, General Manager, ALEX.' LAIRD, Ant. Gen'l Manager,
110 Branches
%Farmers' and Graziers' Banking.
very facility afforded farmere ard griziere for their banking business. Notes die
bounted• Salo Notes cashed or taken for eolleation.
Dep.a. of $1. and upwarde received, and interest allowed at current rats from date
of deposit. Intereateedded to the deposit twioe in Koh yeareat the end of
, May and November, This depositor is terhject to no delay what-
ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of
•the deposit,
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Oueof.town accounte receive every
F. ROLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
fair to gnod loads of mixed butehere sold at
83.25 to $3 65 ; common at 8225 to $3, and
canners at $1.75 to $2 per cwt. Feed-
ers and Stookers-Offerings were light,
',seders. 800 to 1,000 pounce) each, sold at
$3.25 to $8.50 per owt; stookere, 700 The.
eaoh, aold at $2 50 to $2 70 per owt.
Cows -A few ranch cows end epringere sold
at $30 to $45 each. Sheep and ' Lambe -
The run of eheep and lambs was not large.
Prices remained steady at $5 65 to 85.85
per ewe, for lambs ;.sheep sold at $4.50 for
ewes, and $3 50 for bucks.. Galva -Few
were offered. Prices steady at $4 to $5.25
per owt. JElogs-There were not merry
hogs offered and prices advanced 50 per
owbe Selects sold at $4.80, and lights end
fate at $4 55 per cwt.
Buynno, January 4th— Cattle—Prime
steers, $5.25 to 86.50; shipping, $4 25 to
$5; butohere', $3.75 to $4.85 ; heifers, $2,75
to $4 25 ; 00Vilf, $2,25 to $3.75 ; ' bulls
$2.50 t o $4, stockers and feeders, 82.56
to $3.75. Veale--A.otive, $4.50 to 75.
ogs—Are fairly active ; a shade lower;
heavy, $4.80 to $4.85; mixed, $4.75 to
$4 80; Yorkere, $4 65 to .$4.80 ; pg,
$1.60; roughs, $3.90 to $4.l0; stags $2735
to $2.25. Sheep and Lambs--Astiveetheep
toady ; lambs, 5c higher ; native lambs,
$5.50 to $5,75; no Canada,
AblENT-In Seaforth, on December 30th, to ldr and
Mrs W Ament,a da ghter
DALY-In Seaforth, on ji acember 1.9th, to Mr and
Mrs J F Daly, a da glater •
R089 -In efelidlop, on December 9th, to Mr and
Airs W A ROSS, a son.
KNOTT-Io Exeter North, on December 26th, to
Mr and Mrs Jerry Knott, a gen •
BROKENSHIRE-lo Dashwood, on December 24th,
to Mr ane Mrs E M Brokenshire, a son
WOOD -In Ilaborne, en Deeember 26th, to Mr and
Mr- Wm Wood, a son
HUNTER -In Stanley, London Road, on December
26th, to Mr and Mrs Robert Hunter, a daughter
lop, on December 185h, by Rev D Carmel!, Mr
Samuel 64. Pethick. to Miss Lucy Amelia Blanch-
ard, both of KeKillop
LONG-RC/IS-In Winnipeg, lidaniteba, on Deeem.
• bertfith, by Rev Mr McMillan'of St Andrew's
church, that city, Mr Louis R Long, formerly
of Exeter, to Miss Isabella Rose, late of Inver-
ness, Scotland
MOORE-TELFER-In (hey, on December 27th,
by Rev A blaoNeb, M A, Mr Robert F Moore,
of Souris, Manitoba, to Miss jessie Teller, of
Grey tawnehip
MONEIL-OAMPBELL-At the manse, Oranbrook,
on December 21st, by Rev D B MeR•ae, Mr
Peter F McNeil, to Mies Marion Campbell, both
of Grey
BRAWN -GAY -In Toronto, on December 26th. ,
Mr John Brawn, of Tavistoek, formerly of
- Wroxeter, to Miss 10veeklay, of Toronto
BROUSE-atIDDAGH-At the residence of Mr Jag
Shaw, Bruesels,on December 27bh, by Rev John
Rosa, B A, Mr H A Brouse, to- Aire Mary A Mid.
dagh, both of Iroquois, Ont
ECKMIER-M0KELV5Y-At the: reaidenee of the
bride's parents, on December 27th, by Rev John
Rosa, B A, Mr Louis Eckmier, of Morris, to Miss
Mazy WSW, eldest daughter- of Mr and Mrs
Win McKelvey, of Grey
BUSBY-BAXTEtt-In Toronto, Co December 26th,
by Rev J B Kennedy, B A, Mr Wm Et Busby, of
Raton, Manitoba, to Mise Nellie Baxter,daugh.
ter of Mrs Baxter, 69, Niagara street, Toronto,
formerly of %ringbolt
FORSTER-YEO-At the reeidence of the bride'a
father, Coderich township, on December 28th,,
by Rev F 8wp,n, Mr linnet H Forster, of Ool.
borne. to Alma wily dangbter of Mr J W Yea.
DALE-BRIOK.ENDON-At the recidende of the,
bride's father, Hullett, on December 28th, by,
Rev Dr Cook, Ms A Dale, to Mies Minnie,daugh.
ter of Mr S Briokendon
CANTELON-CHAPMAN-Ab the residence of the'
, bride's parents, Bengali, on December 28th, by
' Rev Dr Medd, Mr David A, second son of Mr Xi(
Oantelon, of Clinton, to Miss Catherine, daughto
ter of Mr W Chapman, of Efensall
AIKENHEAD-CAMERON-Iri Stanley, at the
home of the bride's parents, on December 28th,
'by Rev E 11dawers, Mies Annie, !second daugh.
ter of Mr John Cameros, to Mr Hugh Aiken.
bead, all of Stanley .
WILLIAMSON-CLARK-M the yeeldence of the
bride's parents, Grey, on January 4th, Mr John
• R Williategon, to Mies Agnea, daughter of Mr
and Mrs George Clark. all of Grey
• ae
, Deaths. •
LOGIE-At thc residence of Ur Janina Bontbron,
Bed c-nceseion of Hay, en December 30th, Wm
Login, aged 85 yeare, 5 months and 10 days ,
RITCHIE-In Brieaels, on December 3ist, Margaret
A Stewart, wife of Mr Charles Ritchie, aged 48
ears, 1 month arid 14 days
MI LER-In :Irey, on January 2nd, Lora Jane,
eldest divugh(er of Robert and Mre -51111er, aged
2 years, 6 menthe and 26 days
Filneral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night cells enswered at Mr.. McKenzie's
residence, Chum's St., third house north of
public school, west side. Graduate Massa-
chusetts College of Era -Aiming, Bretton, IL
Knecht& & McKenzie,
On Tuesday, January 17th, at 1 o'clock
p. m., on Lot 21, Concession 7, Hay, Farm;
Farm Stook and Implements. E. Beason.'
berry and T. Brown, auctioneers; James
Hagan, jr., proprietor.
A UOTION'SALE erg:Iowa, Heifers and Steers. -
1 -1 James Jones has been instructed to sell by
public auotion at the stook yards in the town of
Mitchell, on Thursday, Januar 12th, 1906, the fol.
lowhog : 4 cows due to ealre about time of MIS; 8
cows. due to calve in April ; 4 young farrow cowe ;
10 heifere rieing3 years old r. 10 ,steers rising 8
years old. No reserve. Sale at two o'clock.
Tereee.Ten nannthe' credit on furniebing approved
joint notes. .per cent. off for cash. WM. ROGERS,
Proprietor; JAMBS JONES, Auctioneer 1934-1
PHOTOS are always appreciated by
your friends.
CALL AT ONCE so that we may have
the work out in time for die-
. tributioe.
JACKSON BROS., Seaforth.
1 Corn For Sale,
Lots of geed yellow corn, Time or dash as ar-
ranged, Drive Hebb to waredertne ratMen that
have beano for gale bring sample by 20th of Jan.
nary. Two oars of seed peeelo arrive by January-.
1934x4 W. G, PERRIN, Clinton, Ontario.
Graveyard Meeting.
A meetinfr of those inteeested in Baird's grave-
yard will be held in the potato' house, Reboot See.
than No. 10, Stanley, on tha evening of Friday, Jan.
uary 13tb, 1006, at 7:30 "o'clook, for the purpose of
eleoting a trustee to fill the vacancy, clanged by the
removal of Mr, Joseph MeCully, late Secretary-
Trerumrer for the Board of Trusteeit. ,
19344 ' THOS. BAIRD, Seoretary.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby elven-that the pertnerehip, here.
to.fore exietIng between 5 II. Hamilton and W. 5.
Kerslake, under the firm name of Hamilton & Kers-
hike, as.seed merchants, In the Town of Seaforth,
has this day been dies, Ned by mutual consent:
The businese wUJ, In future, be conducted by Mr.
W' 5. Keralake. All accounts, will be paid by the
late firm and ell moeies due them must be paid at
Seaforth, January and, 1905. 1934-3
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the MeKillop Mutuol Fire
Insurance fOomPany will be held in the Town Hall,
Seaforth, on Friday, January 20th, 1905, at one
o'clock p. m. Business of the meeting : to receive
direotore' and auditore' roporta and -financial state -
merit, the eppointine of three directors •and other
business for the goad and welfare of the company.
The retiring eflicere are John Watt,Harlock, George
Dale, Clinton, James Cennolly, Porters' Hill, who
are eilleible'for ret lection.
Presid on t. Secretary.
Card of Thanks.
Allow me bo thank all who supported me for
oommillor. Truett -1g that I may give you .sathe
faction at the council board, I remain aeo
Yours Respeolfully, "'4
.1934-1 3. Y. S11117LEY.
Card of Thanks.
Ladies and Gentlemen, --I return you my sincere
thanks for your eplendid support, and in eleoting
me a member of the °Dirndl for 1905. Eloping that
the trus4 placed in me will be fulfilled, I am, your
obedient servant,'
1934x1 F. J. McQUAID.
Card of Thanks.
To the elsoors of County Council Division
• Number Five,
I desire to oorivey to you my sincere thanks foi
the support you gave me in the reeeut eleotion a,
and earl assure you that I will to the utmost of m y
ability, endeavor th merit 'the confidence you have
platied in me. Wishing you the oompliments of the
season, I am Yours Respectfully,
We had a number of small plebes of
sterling silver left over from Christmas
each as Nail Files, Scissors, Seals,
Eto., which we will sell ata eeduciion
rather than keemover till next, Christ-
mas. .
If you need some of these for your own uee
they are just as good as they were be•
fore Christmae and oheaper.
John Bulger, "
Jeweller, - - - - Seaforth.
Agt, -your
It has always been
our aim to have you
leave our store feel-
ing you have your
money's worth. You
see we want you to
come again. There's
only one thing that
will bring y,rfu, and
we know it. Tha':,
thing is -SOLID VALUE
We have them in
Pure fresh Hellebore
(for lice on osttle)
30o a lb.
English White Castile
Soap, 2 lbe. for 25o.
"Never Fail" Corn
Cure (the kind that
cures corns), 103 a
"Our Own" Condi-
tion Powders (make
horses sleek and fat)
25o a lb.
Buchu Juniper Kid-
ney Pills (for rheumatism and sore back)
25o a box.
We eel' at prioes thakbring people back,
We commence cutting prices on all lines of Wirder Goods. We do net
wait fill the winter seaffon is about over, but fight nowa while the coldest
weather is to come, and our customers want the pods. Itelow we quote a
ew prices to give you an Idea of the reductions that will e made in every
Ladies Rock Martin Fur Searfs, 72 inches long, 6 tails, silk ornaments and cord
and tassels, regular price 810 50, for $7 95. Ladies' Sable &age, 50 .inchea long dark
&wig fur, who 8 tails awl chain fastening, worth $11,50 far 88.51 Ladies' Sable
Scarfs, 36 inehee roue, with 6 tails and chain fastening % worth $8. 0, for $5.95. Ladies'
Persian Lamb Rasvrith head Dud 2 bails, worth $4.50, tor $3 4LP 'Mier.' Astrachan
J4ckete, worth $28.50, for $22.50. Ladish' AstraniNn Jaekers, fit‘t glospiv curl, made of
No. 1 ekis, lined with heavy mercerized farmer'e eatin, worth $40i for $33.50. Electric
Eiop,i jackets, 24 inohee long, close glossy fur, a very stylish gement, worth137.50, for
$32 50 Dtdiee' Ciloth jackets, all this year's upito-data goods, *t about half price.
Terrific reductions will be made in the Millinery department to elev. Homespun
DrefurGeede, 56 Indies wide, in grey, black and green, good value at 75egfor 480.
I\TH, pirrom
FEAR'S 0')NDITION .POWDERS malikei on any
You can fit horzes for malket itt half the time if you feed them Fear's
Condition POwders.
- Alex. Ross, of Brucefield, says :—" They pile on the fle h and make the
horses sleek and fat. 1 got a far higher price for my horoe than if Thad not
used Fear's Condition Powders. Three pounds for 50c at
'tore, Seaforth
There's: Plenty
Of good reasons for consi ering our
TO our mind, quality is the
ant, arid we make it a point
ity up to the standard.
quality at the lowest prices.
All of our Winter Overeo, :at a big
most import-
o have ,qual-
e have, the
$14 Coats for
11 Coats for
10 Coats for
12 Raincoats for
10 Raincoats for
8 00 -
7 00
8 00
Fur Claps at half of their value. You won't Make
a mistake by coming here,
Latest layles and Lowest Prices will make us famous.
Butter and eggs taken as cash.
New Year's
We extend a cordial greeting and the
congratulations of the season to our many
friends who have given us a share of their
patronags during the petit year and we
trust that we will not only retain the ous-
torn of all our old friende, but will ' make
many new ones for the year 1905 for this
reason : that we win be in a better position
than ever tiesupply your shoe wants, -and
we can assure you thab it will be our high-
est aim to seoure for you the latest style
and best qualities proonrable in boots and
shoes from the leading factories of Canada
and the United States, and you can tiount
on us for the lowest prices.
/ Start right off with the New Year and
be convinced that we are leaders in our
Richardson& Winnis
Sole Agents for Hagar'Sovereign and Just
Wright Shoes.
Ie Canada's gremiteet school of bnainess,
shorthand and penmanship. 375 studeets
were placed in good positions in 12 months
ending June, 1904, at salaries averaging
over 8600 per annum. Aek for the list.
Seventeen o,f the last positions filled pay
the following salaries: Three ab $525, five
at $600, one at $700, five at $720, one at
$1,000 and two at $1,200. Has any other
business soiree' in Canada given you such
evidence of its ability to train you and
place you when qualified? We pay rail-
way fare up to $8 in coining. Good board,
$2 75 for gentlemen and $2.50 for ladiee.
College re -opened for winter term on Tues-
day, January 3rd, but students may enter
at any time. Our catalogue is the hand-
somest hisupd by any business school in
Canada or the United States. Write for
it to -day addressing
Chatham, - - Ont
Annual' Meeting,
The 29th ea nual meeting of the Ueborne and Mb-
bert Farmers' Mutual Fire Ineuraece Company will
be held in th e public hall, Farquhar, on Monday. '
Fedruar7 tith, 1905. Two directors will be elected
and any business in the interval of the company )
will be taken up.
19344 B. W. F. BEAVERS, %ce, Treas. '
Affected Eyesight
Makes the world dark in more ways than
ona. Permit us to make it light for yon ;
if it is possible to impreve the eight, we
will do ate by fitting glaeses that will fill all
requirements. The cost will not be great.
unless lens of a epecia construction are
R. McNaught,
Practical Watchmaker, .Jeweler &Engraver
Counter's old Stand,
_ Seafort
New Year.
And a Continuance of your Kind
11 you desire to avoid the severe cold,
storiety weather and take a rest in the land
of the Flowers, Fruth and • Sunshine,
viz: California, Mexico dr Florida, consult
your nearest agent, or midterm 3. D. Me -
DONALD, District Paseenger Agent, Tor-
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
For Sale.
One 4 to «-h. p. Gasoline &gine-Gen
Shapley & Muieenake ; aimo.sb new.
Also one Maple Leaf Geinder,
One 10 b. p. Pitt's Home Power.
All the above for sale cheap.
-Engine and Thresher 0o.,Ltd.
1913-tf Seaforth.
Corner Mein
Markst Srseta
i 'ha Lamest
1 1 ryGPOISS AN*
CortetePr I.
I Four Cauntlia •-4
This is the greatest clearing salie in the history of this
Never was there such phenomeipal ,reductions in prices.
policy is to carry no goods front 0_-5,1).+6 season to another. Du
pods wilt be offered at pricknever before heard of. Below
is a partial list to start the sale, M1 through this thew& other
lines will be cleared; Malay ()tile best values do not appear in.
Staple Department
One table of Wrapperette, regular ices 10c and i2e, for 6•13-0 a yard
One table of German Prints, regult4x prices 14c a yard, to clear at 9
Five pieces of Military Flannel, reg7lai price 37c, for 23e a yard.
A pileofFlannelettes, wide widt0eaular price 8c, for 5e a yard.
A pile of Cottonade, regular price 4,1e, for 11e a yard,
A pile of Shirting,• regular price 114-4 for 7ie a rad.
Three pieces uf Red Table Linen,:Ipth 40c, for 28c a yard.
Three piedes only of Table Linen, 'worth 28c, for 19c a yard.
A pile of Flannelette Blatutets, w41,11 95e, for 77c.
twenty-five pairs of straight front OE and 1 0orsetsand Si
to clear at 60c -a pair,
Sixteen -pairs of Comfort Hygeiate, :Foists, worth $1 r 0e.
Forty-five pang of KieleGloves, ea 054c1 and black, to clear at 500 a pair.
Five dozen Children's Vests, reguI prioes 15c, 20c and 25e eseh, to
ear at 5c eacia- _ 4
Misses' 'Vests'worth 200 and 25c
BlackSateen Waists, re
Mantle De
at 12e
price $1,25 each, to clear it 50e.
ar tmen
table of Ladies Cloth Mantles: gular prise $5 to $11.7
$6 each. . •
A table of Ladies' Short Moth Jaeltets to clear at $1 each.
Ladies' all -wool homespun Skirts iri Oxford grey, to clear at
A number Ohildrn
of Ladies', Misses' and e's Coats to clear a
0 • -clear at
cent. off.
Dress 'Goods
A pile of Dress Goods, regular 300! 4c and 45c'to cleae at 25e a yet
A table of Dress Goods, regular pritta 50c and 60e a yard, to Clear
36c a yard.
A table of Remnants of dress goo o clear at half price.
A table of colored Silks, regular pfrom 50c to $1, to cear at
Great clearing prices on all La ,• !Turs-25 per cent. oJ Oap
Ruffs Muffs and Gauntlets, and spedialfascounts on all Ladies' For Ooa
Special prices on all OarpetS, Ourti LiuJeums, ete.
special prices on 'add Curtains, Rernnaxtaand ends of Carpets.
Clothing Mpa tment.
Otto hundred Men's Top Shirts nnels, tweeds, moles and
regular prices from 75c to $1.25, for 5ki each. ,
, One hundred and fifty Men's Oa4' ,worth from 25c to 75c, for 10c,
Seventy-five Wn's Overcoats, all ptds and sizes, at half.price. -
A number of Men's Stilts, regular Ei, ices from $6 to $5,50, for $3.50,
A number of suits, worth from $0.-.1. 0 to $11, for $5.
A pile of Men's Suits, regular price-yfrom $8 to $12.50 for $7.
All through this sale special prices. :fon. odd coats, vests and pants will be
Lound, _
One hundred Men's Fur Coats in ,N0011, black calf, brown calf, black an
brown dog, brown and silver wombat, teAllaby, etc. The -se coats will be clear,
ed at unheard of prices.
Special prices on all Men's Fur 00,:pS.
Great bargains on Sleigh Robes it Gallowa,y, black, brown und
bear, goat' and Saskatchewan buffalo..
Miltinery epttr
A great clean-up sale in Mil • BaN clearing at 26c, 600 and
regular prices from $1 to $3 each.
Oppoite Town Building or and Market 8t6,-,Fioaforth.