The Huron Expositor, 1904-12-30, Page 4DECEMBER, 190t [9 -X T W. T- F a "2 .3 5 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 .16, 23 0 24 25. '26- 21 8 1 29 3Q 31 1.5&7 Vww�4r JL *yV4* iv.0 and, tie him to win, and, the' aftlefr, -a- ------------ �011"� y eime to ttte conclusion 3' QVOrt visitl twithtrionds in wih bonofa 4o thus -al, P" the Nvuls so a d deser-veid leriatiniz him ith&t the biom miigbt , win. T11fy TIM0.01itO R -Z'(1 Othkr 010ts 1 will pro- ly "beemed. The I!ema n , SEAFORTH'S LEADING SHOE sTORE. as were lald xc= his Ond in a have always been sixyinog that. deed to -fteir inew home in the far to mt, in the Catholic ce�netery at mvasmre voeuring for T "I him, apoitl�Ar !havo, lost. Mbney -on -that every. timz weA- followed by tho'best wishes �f Zur*oh,.� P I Xr. Hagan was born In Ty.; a ad a mQX0 po�jrerful maste,. if -(Lioxva, tontinued laugb,te�r And aP-. at large -obale *Ufrieh thoss VIttletic gentlemen. desire to �&Ujj%) I '' I" I - . thicim 16alth atit ds -v vbo, wbkh robb, lrelayad,-and whon'twenty years'' smagh tho- machine they- mugt go 1101111 1 ht their Of age -;h" came "to America with.his, -YO brother, John, who'survim abc-ut th� busine�s by dif feren t ineth- him,and I TH -wk ods. The 1 BoIgMve. Ninho, L4 still a respedtqd resident of I ------ AAAAA 4et is, i6t iso loq� as - J I W Tuokers t�v.,toiynAhip-of Stan 10corion' fudds, are oP�0, Mr. Mith. We take pleasure in thankingour many Men& and customers for- the' ivo- paisilcsi , illeat, vll�age is - -in VVrY 13010X 1""spa-A 14altb.-C. Dominion Bank, S"faYtb,' allow!a liberal patronage during the past year, and especially' funii% Ivill ba Mare r less �orruptly Vannorman is home f rom Edmoroton. intereht from . ilate of deposit to tilleit, durin J� 9' chrietinas- VOW. lift Otis Tespl�`Clt one, p&tt -Jol,a Soaadro4 has sd1d a ve�y da1W,6J week � The volume of business transacted during the paat y 1W . I Withdrawal 0A savings bank , -Dominion Bank. SeabYrLheallows, 11 All, 1 11 & 0-111 lv�it aff-Ard ijq, -i. �11,1&3 k.— Vr A-%. few weeks has It is the es-stnec, .,of- by- Our olent 4' 193 rOm datq� of deposit to the history of t1le NRW AINN14IMMENTS War teopchei,- Canadian - te -6f WK44raWal on savings bank a WVT %P a 1- ^1e .. . U accounts. CCU e airgest. an mon a Ctory nolluay Traae 1 n., & store. We endeavored to serve four i Bank of 0ammer", Sea. da , nterelsts to the beat of our abl, or T�w ftnmbetweea tko, wolinkAtwio after eseh dr on- to prteadgis -thwe r. Bryanis, held a d-01d-f'a�hi641� f0#11, now.pays interest fr�m date acciounts. and your -hear-ty response was proof that we BU 0-�ceeded in aao�.41&m.t". lbi% raire of tho porm an wntob too, thrY contribute ithei -money e Vub!10 GUMInation inis school on of depost.t on savings bank Canadian Bank' of Commerce, &a. both in eegaid to our goods pleasing yov, 44V . With� th5 desire to seoro purity of Tu&Aay*a laat hveeki followed by 'a ccounts, and our prices, fift"na 1929-tf f0fth now pays Intere6t from date During the New Year, it ASH ever be our alm to place before you -In the fi;&t � place' thy Concert in h Forcstex% ball, Bel- Of deposit an savings bank accounts. the x6olug bl'. V104-13 Storald & Co -8 l 'money itli the- hope of gravc.IiO thO Ovening.-Mr. and We4din'!X Bells. -Car View Farm, A flortpv Naw Y-qr -(;rp g & styleot the most depend 3ble qualitAes; and the be remivini.j. te thome of Mr. and Mr4 John Dic- 1929-tf st values in 1300tas shoes Thertlo P-teatv-F- L Wimp -5 -either Vircotty or Indi- NVi-glifman: have ire -turned -and Rdbbers to be found in,Canada. Nothing will b 11(fit & 1100uni Manitoba, after spend- Kniiglbt was the scene of avery happy Thle Wbminaltiom.-Tbio r1ominatI0,03 0 left -undone Tilawk YOU-& W1 SM -4 ary belieffic in return m ifrom k place to X0062 -a- nd Ora buxdeii ult1diatefi fails upon' iafg Ule'summor event On Me evening of Dec4-abeq 21. for reeve ad councdllors too -make this store the stare Of the pf-Ople4ud for th people the store w6ere. thl;l cou a t r' .0 ipg,� of, a Loindiesboro last Friday. The fol- e I l%. koXittop Eleatnrs 5' "re 64slon, w the Inaxr everything is sold on -its meritsi the store wh Y -in SoM waT. The two man alas Eak triq IDC 9 on up n the vici: ere you are sure of poa leadors;, if and if' 14' a Saskatoon, ad w I I I rem o(Vo ing, aTd the ates.: For value for your money it all ti-mes;. We *b)"Gir - Y01114gest daughtev, Edith, to low candid E. H&ya-5 lef V tD tit4,1ves, could, soorn..put an �here with his fa .m. Stanbury, of t0a Lodon Reeve,-Thoiv.' Mokillan trust we will have the pleasure Holiditv,-, Rstes-W, 9nmervft1P--5 f-a0tual I't9l Mily in thespiung. tad. Th�e iocremon - 'and Wm. of seeing you a regular customer duritg 1005, and 4f -electoral irnjuiity, -Zhe Metliodist. Sabba. y was -performed PlitteTson- pounpillors,-Jobn Barr, guarantee Bay 116m sne# Co -Ront y F. 1h,r- 5 th ischool held we da. tlyoy'do, nt do s Mr. Miller, in �t�hte preftnio, ku,gh H411' W. --j. Mills, W, Moon, S, our part to make oar business relations both pleitssut and kofitable. Dro-4 Groad & o, is as ther PCI�rlstlnas tree entertainme1d.t 'b y Rev. muc�ll t,,-- th',� 02 the ono &s itho in U0 oftter's 1hll of about ixty. relatives and Irleads. X0C,001# Joh-41 McGrelgor, frhos. Me - 'At V. u- q rviot-0 I Aworhoirt- 5 ) ,on Xonday ev. r T61 'h ix- Deember T-liv) bride, unattended, idlchaw. 1hey would, ike 'sl6nsiblo Onin 26tji. An exoalleat ww4 -moo t Now Yea G!" '"n, =4DU And on courso, 1) beautifully,. . attired in a oat A: P110ftsaJA 9"nt.-IThe beautiful NATYardavo of reedtations, dialo-gu�q Unita of ntc losp I lace ind Nabeol T witat Blpntlriuv-F� J Borrows. -5 --litipim, in dire-ott.'on ,voujd, pa dxills, 0.0,100, aoruses, wh1ite orepe dd che'ne, with �X h0mla -of, Mr. Umd Mr,i,Thmas Hand- New )(6at"o stifte, bhould-they take ihe forM ofrootw, d 01rif fort, eTson, Hullett township, was.on th sort are vare io be Appre., Oeot.ion frauds. Now and diressee was 1xiven,' on Frida tri011ainliTso and, leaning on otated. A pair of, HiDuse Slippers, f0i insts"o -wl hove them for 2;5.0 havo th�air 7contrai r- (weii bbe nrm -of her father, entered the ovenirAX t. J.,blo 21st inst,, the soon upward#. pali of Overshoes for instance-wo ir sea XfeetN* of Taekeromith-Wro. 0hoartep­5 Ir initr. - 23rd Just., Trini+y c, ps 'dn and t�hei3e- anit4tions , buroh, bi aniza le -th�,ir - bhristmqs nt ripward. A pair ot tub them for Sunday Lpdhool 1 Id lor a:nd -too,her plam under an cf a Most Plea Ing and baPpk eve' 0 $1 a Pair and -tore for Instance --all gfzn ond stvieg herof for 6i5o to ma secretn and &roh of-. �verigroens- After Ahe cer. occasion of the mar- 95a a pair, A pair of Fins Shoes -we hs," a great v6ristyfor 9 ti, f roft r Mi,l) ir .) 'he it beini:g, the .r i as theirL-. tro kmterta,inment. T pro,gramme e of,, th -t-d Eve 8(ght-R. M, N'.1- a-5 spa-uis sand 00misted of muic, emOny on ablons auhter, a Affe nd Moftations, bb t4!3 usual, conigratul eir b4ly d upwards. Covis and see out New Year's Gifu. paif A114 Yn<�11 into t4e Constituencies .1,mues, drills, jvtc. uests adjourned to the. dinfa Mrn Henry Mo Anot 03 8*10-J *moo il 2 -hu- 5 -and a rilrand dis- Intosh, of Doom Alt Hopi­ra4ie I Aid 8 f "Cm oontral org"an 1, za ti Ou%' tributiqu at 1grift- f ro" most bountiful N. W, M. bioirr of n U1.0 Vhrist- tu 1,4�tpfl* Wo;aA %4-L ntie- C. ok- ;subscriP- mas &rce.-GA Frida, T V 0u:s was partaken of Welook amd in of SO N Ont in f I -011i and of -hers who 11011-5�! was well filled, and the ebild eaforthe, by the Nows, vory- , successful torehinitent. Tj,6 Inij4hbors, ile h4ppy Ook. W1 ne larellinix Iva's pJ easantly,sp In 0 8110,11 16th 1i'n`%t.,, thle Presbyterians had -a ote. Th bride was the r.,cip, & !numla"Ous 00,mPany of friends and ient Of nu'111Y bloaut'fuf and useful thtir' p �Oupje t Tufr#4 L, lacc t tile marriat;e attar, IS016 A-Ad'who dosira to rfm did Pregants, -wdrl the brido 1oninig a a. all r- Part wThe church 'es Y 0 the high Pon- her f thors 496 se of the publici, o1io4r, in -the S,' kl(,Ict ions rendered, hold, orm and be-armig in r band a lovv- shoss for *01non. troaury, Lot SEAFORT-H, FRIDAY, Dec.- 00, 1904. the leaders of both' sliowed the improve 4XrOO's- Pr*mnt -to fte bride were J boquot. Tile oexemo-tty t�rals.p&- par�ios lbind t.ho-raselvas Moat they. have not to re- made-und-or the in.,;tru a ibandsome fu coat a 'd a bertutiful f6rmed undor tthe Ixuldam,ce t the 1trdiisacted, ter -,whioh the in KirktG�--,bifr, otion of Pro- broo-cll. The 'shes ' of o af h, Raw to, ftiaq-4 the Machine. `J� Ve Mre such subscriptions, fcsso�r 40amptiall.-Loyal Orairge' lod-�a, mli th Rev. Mr, Carswell wbase most ap,.0neethlik -lolosidd with ii- Tha d singing Gd for plyrts,-Inas S n 'a rOPr4te.words, but a ded 1race a:nd be W th you t ill we meet avain.11- ki�op t -hair Central ong n - 402 �held their annual concert liere py _6 1z of 11lis J) Tot ews, is seriously an- a a information bur. an. eT couIll'o GrO extonAed Intre to -th Rogers, _of, C�6ndo Ni r 160 to 0 1 e marriage a of tb� we(-:,..-. dN J&ii i,n vow. To Luella, d ughter of Mr... �racob Brown v t 0 IV Siting at h 'hoe of 4GOTe-4 because Prql;nier ot Pn espective M�- 'Will cLoA, f SPAfort-11, de. bride kPoked harmin in her heau- of !the Gosben,line., Hay, Parties; rind Jet both leaders vivo liq�hted th -audience witIl b,iS c.0n ut atflr�; from her many lgnu- -rely bi 'south of -Mx.L. Brigam is hora�efxem tt�rla i tif III hi%- recent at Nap- tal-air Zurich, was seve itten by a dog Uon Atedizeal �Amo suade reforeive to a fund iht and tnositi 't bere of township coun- Parties expiiettly 9,311104, his',first Vbm ominat itis of thead and heaTt, r�,l n Wturday last. 8 e was returning .,his va relY to undeTtand that no had wo m 00me Tom the' vilialge, -and on ac- rai%!�d V. the last oantral a.1d al"raill. cittors t4ok '0400/in Wiuoals Inall, favorite in fbie ne'igb- a C Ckment* three ac,,ng 'axe at %Ome for Christ imi Ft.11`10 el- will b, extended tof any Mia� 'McGill, of London, plej&gea' tjlt Drucefleld, on Monday ilast. boriliood, jand.. althou.;-,,h Ur presence a well muffled Afr. M*itdn, of Undr any eircumstan- aUdicii Mlis Tb)dr6 f ,om Toranto UnIvemty,'-. but thl: c4indIzItes 'a -V J - was -16ys at h2 -*atloxx by sme riol. men ih Tor6ato 0-1 , i [4) bor 4 n(yt rL very lta-rgo attcndanoo of initist will he deeply ro- UP. Mhe dog sebmad to think it , was all ChiS11101, and W. dawlitor and there 'I t - I hK, i r own of Dr. Wore no -qu VO long i n aid ihe f.,0epayrs a traniger. and attaeke 41 Ch Our �lmsant- remembrantes. '!Tho f4re. ih-p could be driven off bid M-, don' Wdidy To"Unigo �of Lon� �tive "rty in t �n, The if '0 money ind -611X�Jxn, X, sever"il "too. tion,srof,burifing inte'rest to"be con- xolr own expen,.jt3c, a,ndsome Buisiness College, is a lzl� ael I and Costly presents attet fticted s0ime niasty woViltAs on the Pireselit, and i�! LOt - fjQyi'9'1n 'Ppitendid sidered but there Is'a full fleld of ed 1113 osteem in ;vh1eh tile youn CS a ixij-Ps aring. It is fareA bliat blood toir,sarnia, leave corustituvrlo: . herse S aandidafes and there Avill be an oleo, VO 1 CO., mid proyod it Witt d,,,,% t)jis, t 6 ar- abilify. Mi�s Dext WMk .0NIapane- the. PremierirellQw- will 1) Din.%.[(,y i;q win��j e est of our Polsola anay r ha&; seeureA R ­ At - ciorrupt" t -bore 0 t ion. - T.JvB fo,l I COUPle, ae lield esult. verl 111111; prtllidod at file . owin,(,� %�andidat' qood till ion practi4sed ; Pfalmkand in in told: xa Od- t&0 a It ack ui)o.a t ht,. Wnwr'v*.i - es 111T, wisbw a ­tbat as teaah Business C�6110 f 'here _Xsq y for a jar;(-. one-ditablc Tile OOr a b4i; I,.-,ro 10se alf ntrq1 fuld, nd�elcot G MOK11110P. of London., is home for Will be no, nocossit a very For Reeve,-Mewil, health, strength; in the tive fund ef tyro -in&,- 165. X'O S, Bld-ok iand Peter MclCay;-, przisp4�rify, ad of h1r. noss P� -ion triaL% will n f oaxtal-ly I be It-, oxe(,,ption am0un bA to Or P0un0i1Idrs,-JC0o pappiness may. -Joni be theirs. vak -kinson, V that tWs fund w as r d d !an the Ph At I Candian Eapk a, catin. R 0,! h m chine's wilt tb niehia'rd Kruse, Robert OdcXay, U17 1)loyd fer t -,h purposcrelf nr*r�umr­ Aus be� 01i, now pa" interest from date -tlov. some '10 t --of 0d will soon popp, Gbari pu� r -u Stanles�. or. Tile ae. es Reid a -Ad Mrs. Of deP05i t, n rAvIA195 bank deposits, of 010 Mon y rMay aspirani-, ar - w John Mdd Canadian Bank of Com me, '01 Pctet 124oKay for t.114, v0 60WO to� spend tb a Plapik Tkom-Am praparea -to t41W Car so mitell of f rranee 11011W numbor of pupik eishoroft P4400 or orgh nGt on 1 d6fla r rom bo(b o9winfood 04 Joan h1nd Mr. >f t4lis Term to ut lea -M it wa.fi, tiho desV,-zn.cf the :.w )1,, Sucof dvposit On say.lmirs bank accounts. llexb3rt Crich th west for Live toWsb; My Id, 1"S. A CSS thTou:;-h natural do- oChosnOy and parents, Mr. and #Txmes Do &ave been ,;ppnt iinprc.p -4y, but 1- '1933-tt r v a t Lo tortht now pay winte w erom date Roxor Peppr, fi)r council. Mr. Mrs, J�oh n Mdd. They iblave been in 1), r ties, will bo very much'soldom 1929-tf wns--als`0- n.),rninat6d years and are do- b 1% LoUle Mof. or ma& -an important purchase in ooriI u t r�sp -Tho If-o'r the Council 1but he -doolined to inl� w0l--Mr. Will lam P - ilton, of To. coti oe party ithe stock line. 'They bave purchas* 4practlevs; They tcok pted,;�e Noltninati�.s.-W .1 ve ot stod. Tb10 P , 'been ble to i'vbtain the result of the rer, the 'Christwilis lw:.Iid;a rAm Mr. W. J. Biggins., of Elm'- his Wife ai2d 1§ a!� blam-,able othor, and tbo is home, f or his ed 40 that efLmf. f rc M. 6 T'01'al candidates JN%ho �VCI-6 pro,, visitfing -at Win- A.tc. They mtirty )),R's 113 Much mevad f en. nominations ill this -t%VnqhLp. s.- Mrs. Veor-:po urst Stock Farm, -i�h th-D tcak ea *d) t hat"i t We (In addl,"Mea Olt' C&nelf Stan.146y, tile Tues ­ t E is -,it h-Aresnt visitigg day '111141t, the ndle by m as, the other. PrOsUM0 the oterk 18 C -Z 1; fie y e. r splendid Shorthorn inion 0911fr, Win. 0arter.-Whijq, -, Mat younull bull, t fim- which tfle, Upils, Tf "`fOrm is n affetod, tbe tll;at do nut bo well lie about �It eighteen months P en a Others h ad d '%v i t4b. a Cuttig box Mr. boon I y OM attaoll ie.q.U.,illy to both what is doini.4 rill tl fie tile nionnor to hvo The star of th, anxiou y eir oid and from tille ve.ry VreParfp�g and , sly awaitigr J., hadcwthe, misf or- -bgrills, Mr. 13j,ggi: strai'as for past month iook plave and h Would ake t -be 4rouble f duo Cod fof tb,a I ns. is well i,` - bo,h parties.. Thi' "o tol�ngllil?, CISSC la tbc had been, s beiu; of Short it is limply no.se.so fr qt v to get �ILS hand into the gea ill 11 nix R known es, a to a,�xs witl, the, r it ry et a result ot ibis fingers can sa fe- y say that all ,�ho at teod- cxemled not hinq artd, q w1s nd brefeder of Qw beat we -21t Of- k%ve " dir L Th I a Strallus nd w are informed that �ploased, krawinLr- C1,1:3 We n, �ui' Dr. McCallum found 1 that the tbir. flle ed �vent bwno blameablo, Tilt- is ati able. t Me -Ws. Dottance and Beattie have 4-Moellence, of the provfrnm� M,'vv od ,,uiielass thi- llul;.lia r'ro t. Couneil.-At t nr�c e t i ni:,*. tO all '0011corned. 'n"Ossn rY 6D amputate ono'finger me had ho.,victims whether tl)(,y of U and arloLljor may lso haVe,'to, co a Procured one of this, bes-t. We trust far bxceeded t1hair tcouncil, t 110 offer of T. They are, Sim, Sherritt i - it or lly A Blake, for the t off, while a, tilir thir enterprise wfil be abundantly Y with w, d has the point 'gone. Tewarded as-Iso-fi- . _Cho t Which the Tliz� f-aild, it Tie ith tll<,ir own money, dolb�Mtui"os tl,,) be i.vsuo Wroxeter Win, no an animal will r, PulIs anhe whole d t t!.Il 0 f il-st section only be of ;great advantage to 119 P the prilyz is that theY pay a bi�-r 111Pet-in-g rf N*m i,, m0vini', 90M ot worked in g -&ti was Special pv�,m I &-I be Council in 1905 a- me Pf 11 i's effects to tile M orriso Q'n )I farm I ir herds but to* those 6.#, -me and in decor;athng the hall, -is a to .1110sa who liandle" aceeptedi-mr. c4mpron Imid iji t1pe. tow -ii on e 3rd coneasal -,&k_ is not stated that an. -Among tbose &ure PrODf of 'Ithe and it t ho .'had 'Un follo, ir�bo w -ill offer them!�iolves 'r tt'(* it them. Tbe peo- 01 neighbors As t c 'misfortune of Upse Vin good work�befng h i.% was, t fie, on ty f und thD �a aid in tKs d. work ir't tt s cl) - nomfnated for eilxtl 11lonor,,% 'at the a f ar mup.;- i' The 11nicipal done b Mr. McAl it rty, had P'' -R ot t)lc Babylon line, O'n arsiffazlo4.00d, j. on -tdLe moml lister ttnd 4M- Itt that ek-cf.ion. Bu t, t h a t 1 does will, but the to do it is not C`b`unt "If Ql� S)k)pery rw< . 1, For Co jr. Tbomas iMcMicll"J. eet t) on Id )W fhL,. -r%ite- D ridson, % nations in this townsh, teem in which he is Jac e n f W. un day t-bere, was, a full ticket p)r<)- has. *tgnif y A 6-r I he, prj4i;ant dliscusjn. nt' t llods -4o illi--pbly' climmendede his CLILIM Ile f ir8t' payers amd pupils. Mr. 45 darKlilgeg J. s`1 w t'ho 'I -,-ht Of day in Rutlett and workqd hard and almost "The xNtance fA this fund becamo 1 the Nws in the extract wo, lVe Connell 1-9 n , 1V13ich fJA TAulin, A.. Ain C-' Re is, A - PO -%d- FOr Move, Messrs. Micba:el :known Uueu,-rh quotod, bu ow cons7del-ing, -is a mmber of . family w.),ich bas inckssanay Mrdy, Daniel M, for tbe Past six weeks riley and James ta11ly ws and it by Pursuinz the course &'Cc,- h -ave erected their stool bridge, WayS tak�en an active intexest in Lockbiart -wer, S' 11i -ll hfack, W Hvinobill 'TAO c-andida but i;S 13onrd,- of thc towns a pleasupe to �bim to See - a d in c0mpJtedJ,'h1QY G i Clio af f aJrs ' proposed, but Mr. -Oral! cionsLituencle J. dtann, , hip. A. fat,1ler was r1c Looklizirt withdrew packed at - 7.�A Mey N, CDr several an h "at"t aboUt fundA, leaders i-11 1�offi politq� Tbo itftd that LO 1: th-, - J.. - 411 we 1'e' 1W d $200 their the"hall i1irics Of lii�% fund Insti.-Urt Qli Mes-,r.s. 0. years. will be between Mr. Mardid, t -he pi -c- $a -f -dt'--r the xPenses V'rel- V'Spective or- Ward amd NV- Deni, -on h; Vt. BrIOES.-Mr. Au,,,tin aunch' f rinds sent Teove ;and Mr. Manle. rOAM Six- huniji;ed r*l wire fence, INIarkda Of in all 1lart;s .f niz-tion,% to desist ixomi remiv- Paid, will be j1se<1 in buyin;;r b(*kg oLecxiptjCns flCLM cor -01 Of Varn, visitin`9 his t.1le n licipalit but lowiW wer 1110 Zile fol- for a library for tb one tbausd d6ltar Xrho all Joe 4t1e contributos tD tll(,, are., is and -only jol' ibe Mr. ad Afrs. j, dow n i n tbp cast where ]or. Ta],()=� minated for coun;ll- schooi.-Christ- f un, mas has Viol; known itical specu� s`ac`w'C9min`9 011, would bave colnplct (jib -son bee M ollis boe, 'is.- He ha qood business Rer* Archibald, I?etier C, f come and 'passed awa-T WIV6 fr d r. Ohn 'N. Gvenlock, ames and we a -re leased vel 1, of To- find 1�0.fhs 'lead tr.�4f-ic na- in n ndj'n:.;r ifis j,,bo of P i't ; it is ll its estivities L wonto. 41 ge-atlenln who haS become �rs, c! tboss Ryan, Gbarles Little, J to know to a obn s. that h very, 46h withii) f-e1v L U der- bo blocked this via or wt!,ek13 .,holidays 'spndin­ tle who know best bat ` a meplt- 13rown, 0 -VVednesdjay OnO hQ3 suffered,-# a tivas - 0 o- . - -11ey Must furish- (.)Ie vit h . , M- Rowlad, -Yrancis McQuade. Mr. af tbis we k, zi� 2130' 'butors.- Ond -111 Lhe money, fo:r 'Imir _013 Lau,.-rhlin, i,,,f ;Scx Vj cc. iknown to 11z na of 010 Laurel ..jer, o -he cou I wou. do jood ohn Murray was nomin t Avill wek, Re. C, T. Tough, of -1. t k 11,,t� -anp 110e, nt art that he -Arould -,not Place at �he.hWme j- Win. S. the sainq Ow ions .,rnd af Le:rL and The �Others­ -ire. 11kely all of Brow city. ated but O'clock, a happy even ilook a candidate. M0010p, wben h" nre en rreA in cic" zo j,,c i�ternal Mwrk of th ir 'sentd wit), a be. lX I Leadbu onl- da-ughtr, - a, e of county, Nrqs Pl-e- Mi - h, Miss 1q. Harris.' - t -hat have hen specially J.,6t Ixth Ilitjr�j ]11.0,7," Ss Q, rie Lawri #",p ry- WJJJhelmj�na j. H. M. -or- and 10jr, I MatrinioniL-T-be holn - of Mr was unifed in 00 Wi tlk Winglim rp UYOTAd by lcislaien vue It Ganadian 13a 4 as the i?,LtioqS NO it4al-ntined --mly a.5 a ifd a V(IrY. ppreciat, Cc4atapan- lativ---, . Ar� t, nk of, CmnlICTIC0, Robeft Dodds, of 3folKillop, Ivas a and wal 'I in this' of, `iflfrm,' rve . d d r es:j. -rr. 4s Week in T erest frGm date, SM110 of a very pretty to Sairiters C;a T. -forLh, -now pa y-& 4 n t PrOMIS1114 'Young" fa-rmr LUQn. a7nd for tim. Tim,) to hit for wodding on o)Iear b�n elped and va,,g the Rift f the Wer -home f depo-sit Q11 13,avlags bzinij de.,)o it, W n Furtho-r- p�ar .-Mr , 5 e d e -s com to theirl suddeu distribution of 'BoFton �ch;u - A., �116blii-1 S. &tY, Do ber 21st, Nvb, hi tiO4lars wiff be aad rch conigrogatioll, as a lk't Of tlxl,r approc* Mr. 1933-tf -A ea wilt ow why did th4se men oft Sol' 'Df Sault IStc. Mirle and -dautg4i;tier, Annie G. Was uWited �S given next ek- large sum ol mone Usura- Oil Bank. Scafortb, allows of Hulle cb organizers" be dis- of W` -kuan, Open t Domini marria-go to Mr. Ohalies R. ,,,t,ln be,leld in -the Afe nt think Y S-Tead- in"crim moder- -M isq S un pr 'tile roof.. -thodis . t of Mr- pb r h laere. zpn e evea: FridaY, -&,muary I- leaders interest from date -of deposit to formed by 6th. Add -r _ccremony P th Xl�6 f simple t -ht they will believo both. ma.cilin will A,�rve bcsl' drin, do, e esses ill be 111 savinigs bank Carswell jW �C,.lve I)rcsenc(, A about - 11 4 will be and A?Jl:icli -so happil r date of -withdrawal Qn P&4or, Rev. Air. ven by the; wln'Z gete1931-tr X.P. ; A- (�f -Ile v. owwon-d rilid - "' - ' - - I fif tY invited lZuests. At Ute hour Of Wes Bowman and of their �seaudals tQ Voplore. . Thp Wti. 11a;Y Pressi3s are sthl 3 .1 Tr J?'Javell Will L -,IVO and thr N e few more d ace,oullts, f G -fll b A, Tou vi4qc. -weA di n,;, I cY oy, tbtij��, , the made a old St.a,t I n at work in Ulls T., mar�h Played by5fiss Durand, ten: h ky 46PG I in t .30, to ;t.hp- Revs- Biks,� Carswell a.nd Clemeat, -qorne of i t rot urne d a n d f or, th sol e --11-'1Tt direction,; But , so;7 of% M, 'ilivmall, 1% a -guest ch- by. idle thoir. As th4e 'benelf it Tob;n T and Alfr3d A the Public- an- G. Harrial-Mr. J'ameS Bal- S ide, leani axng ino paihs to raa.kA_% thL% d to erbeck ir 4torts be u lvet'0174L bpa in Or at iW-intlhlrop, the br -te arv, sp nd nf.� aV6 Yc-; I on her, dishoncsty and encaurngia ho n e navaiiiij,'g. p;�- flity of.. fr soll� thie alrra faf her.tat a succe!ss a 100sid time may be expent- t 0,%r e talled on old i:urJTPd fhonile.,Mr. 'land sty f'll!z'y !aTe imitated b th entere d iDA llia -part of t -he cndid, -s they Y Mrs. James -111118'Darlor wheid-the 1:,,r do and all tire co-rdi.ally Neither partv 'T' alid .13�11 and datt,111tor, t -his, were the Case wby di4 ',("M T)"if bar# (br4dW111-& oom llad� oWalton. Zr mot, distribute tbeir' liriawsi tht by bsolf. werek Npendiomr -'Mr, -and Mrs. fioloiaon 'a rkd Jxr*oins- in T ell and man &p�'nsod twitili. The brid PraotlMS -are (�ohtj'n, Wino-st Wiart-ofl GillieLs, of ohildren-- Brewster. Loioi I ty, th43 othr i xty ill -M0Lq 'but the t1law, clno Im two and thus s�ow be d otbler x day �klxr.js nn "equally 1botwe= the canddates of 1Y OD'a pr I 'of the clAssic city, dre WAS brecorninigly attired in wilite ZeatiN. w,l 30onding, Christms lbolid 3rs v1s. silk orz!ndie L -AD , true the f 011ow Oliver SM here -Alr. ttwith' r�bban In thir fo n '1 -;*If defend COO Vha �ahotlt tbo tobio,;� - tllr, 2aidist of' if ands ai Me- attid, tam over v te roJafi*e;.* and frip of life and patriotis. in 'besity, th' IQJlop Tt L Upilss For Mr. now ?-A No r1q ontertain Roman satin. doatWl amd it -Ila� ace.,, Despite the co mont thaw took a- After tbo jc;on-qrtb�1ati0V5, 'V1 & b-- and si.se V the 'greter k)art Of the snow, all'sat, ibc o JA 1� 4godd oharacter which, t4e. News fri.v- 111t the vw1f led iti our inidst, We, t P P 1�6dilq 6hurch for Ahe benefit -of v i 116, Isio but there, th sudden. d t n, of Hays- oArn. In tbe dilhinix Too= to en 0 an seighig tilrd fair si h f r.Alb rt b r - Mrs. N. Allan, Pf her m,tho, .-time of writinig.--Alisi jRo,, j3mlit�b. - t0-t)"te 'XeRtl10M(1a, we are inalingd b sqonday evp yet at a table, -vyell laden w-itlh all the doll. Tow, post. 'to the -opinioa that they had "me n- of this P-1400. It oar GrandBond and her sis- afrow left hoas td ifamil� f J,4w r and vice vera. . 0 1 't c0uP10 Of Nveek,' ten chOT 'n ca'608 'to all did amale, justic appears qr. Shl the nted ill bb,of ft, n1lisical Th, Tema4ader of the eveAing -blie best Of lh*aji�h t t r w.a% and spirits a -ad by which they Sfem,al maleetions from t oved il-o their na t U r -C. d., nea Tisg at- 15Pent- dn instrumntal jnUSic still i I The 'Two Horses. 0 1W idenc�o tt fktl,(Lnt;r flie Coliegiato IM and so� dud 15rone to Grand Dand -on We4,ne$� ely ,lure e ci titU atrea(ly -ftat chloix I here wfil be sini4jn hased f rom Tb bide received i�liou,:r lit tiley u 1� lid Gocidfetiojr Nils, A. SedfOrth, a day qd %vJ1i1P- i.4 bu!�L -jvas n t he both; nPondinig their IaT�,:,4e uiriber y>f 'handsolne Iind by :t d, Of thru al"My `00 pasisages i 'b 'hlo ition McCracken bf 'hom-e.- ir mored b A'fxo- Rake' addre3 de, 'f cbildr,cn, kinder tile vislil rkde, tind was �IloaueWud 'bettoz in t.bo th I' led -1140 and. Acasant. aftet. Mr. r, ajw 'L Hem Wq -bel!Ove that ful t0kerls.sof Irogard sOw-ingr the ju'r"ed that ti, died CcdiservaUve ihan. -Wit a Liberal at Xapnjec, '%"iable eve,niry ncilJors who will h 16- h, est "�m 4n G. W. of �hill the, cKillop Con 00vo-r-nment in Hence their mination for No ()- a proptr rffort to �open The raaity -su ma,n saf j9eiaJ disposi- - i eck, we. Snndii-,' _,I is _pi# for L.b which sbe Slmrrow wa uicipal honors for in Tor friends of thet%w�Vx)uaig tion, IT1.4s, is, we %Vlllcb is s MY tOW-niShip - G Ioin to. UP wirimu.n.ioation witb tl an'd sterling integrity- and new line P--bople Will -unite -with 119 'in -v%'&h1a4 Sevv0d tdie 'public Twitli c, tiri! va�tj.q- Tiew Qlat niiii, on Mon- relAd 01'ristmas wi(b -of 'Ljftd build qood roa,ds 't"hon, qll hppine� Is llve,,k-/ a a tenths of the p'oople, Ivitty 'a's it is truO He is I-epofted �CaY Of thl 1cry suc. to the in the- new ro- faction. And now s, f-,�Jlows: assu know Any[hinz of humn na- RGIYLrt Liv- J45' InQay- tIkO parf: lallons tIh;oy h.&ve, md. 13 ve, b Wen by thc ISunday, tb-o !4 b1a, as Pon.- �,ro-Qectcd` re y - R' - f th o t b ed all It& lwdden�, the Nva:rm Noaft Iture, nvill take of th business. Bzut, 94 e of 'the Toronto The councill dist' be bhe ones 1pst dosexv 310NV in linbre wantcd t' ake It a's's f i -c Id al -.6 Mr. Ada obui,cl, .1-a ib town eo-msed ito beat and the friedly a M, pi�jnted fl� m Turnbull, Mr. Londabolp, v0im is forever i4tilled nd doubTy '��ir-c by �Setting �a I'ler Alicia�oro, �53`11PP,6,r t in t-lic. T MuWo:l t4volrxh- lGreq of war . 11or Dunto'a Frai, Jo,b Grant -of �jrla,rLojl pal P, V4iSitorS--`Tbb Misses out this vitinity pa el Proctor, of peop(e'-s reprc6oat- U9 Jobn Brow mt- RM fives bou n and Out ;5())ne tinA,. 1)09 0 t L "'On Is Torontb, wb6m be nva,,% knorvA, q, greneral nqr- d in L -Lia Isddle. Well -Kr 1', their vacal ad slavft, name at L c Ine, of Their uncle Mr. NV after aomptia-Z edre- et'liva 11.0 Patby w hie' have ot P�aulin is t arat',s f the farm ill. lie -o 10 P- is Arig 1:,rood" a, f wbiah ho purellas Ut to, thom bony s -up (.;D �.o'dF, t'D P rcas Tlwr 8 i c latives i n cently.-AV 6onstalfily )t P&O Ba J. Lawrence, of be has Ion. ao1v n na oe t in dop afflict' :Cho saddW don-btl0�9* rr, coUld. refuse to Ple 136minr, ack frol TvIanit cam"n'Xion, is vis*ti, relatives pqt Q,'� nthi-Ir qchemcs f A, - f 1*0M far Rb and L13 ter If( zs t vit oints in ttlit west, to spe7la ItIlp Hust., is Usborne. ftcted toi the Le!Tlaturc h* A�'Vor lost b u--, -inL mpon(tinl,'; hrr holidays at her bolne Title le Ahzon-h their been v0te )ritl 0 iN x Ontar' T-bese. are alwa :9 Co n L-UsboTne rever to. Green. D.U.S3 wd Lau; tbe ty Df !ra,st. as other P, dpbts and othor"' kcallY On of the wort, iiIstarices LbLl, Welcome So 10M- fis Oley muo4 9f a Tuction over its nianici- Tilt!f, is 4tf fairs ' Of the t Iva Diitil q� --A: n iXinelrdine,-Mr. Rober t in, to Co do, r their spenwng, -his holidays at his home in pal ielections. WMben it r7 , I loncer.-We g a. 0 deeply jklot 0tempted bribery we have evvi. F in in a sid-o $30,000 c L t wise the purpo IRLVe to-reciord the ves. Oil 1tbc t3thex Aubilm -A load f our bo3rs and men 'I, tlie cuall it k, irs lenot-h -turdlo-r7qco sor so of buila" land all who -atteirided the teA mbeting at Au- to In as they WT1 �ftird- It is me I Of Of the Worthy sp t lle� kind, it 1-Mnt and iron fi�to h 6S-*1)-t1"in9 tho.r(iccnt il �5' ISM district j.11 the pe�- a -h ;a ad dg, P10ae,ers of this or kcel)' the lus long f lamer C.q-qa nd it iF, no woAdr t fi;� av 11 , blirn, n Cll-ristms ni,- which should 1, rerni4-r a co-� o�j jngu- 1-0 thir creditots L. St.-, Y - T -b 1 s no c- I U. !-amble, but lin t -ba vrreEit r ht. -M )&V beq(,I ItIlie lTo 'ter t C4 -p4 ida tw oond4amned it an4 we ' , m. isL Brighm returned bme on . t o has . 't r'aio t o r - te general rule and, the cou, con folvjl-,�,Jlip 'D -linly low and mcail Satur �0- ',I or- f of I 11f it' t1lis plam, M�ens, te r spending the t1m pro -sent ye4r 1have a4l ben re- vrl it or it would tj f to wi�h o'f Tu(3.,. e'd Pe-tctfill),Y �Ivay n o h n t he soo.-Miss turned b acclamat ion for nt-xt pia. ft Yna 5dy 0� j6. 0. Brigham, who, is tenobing at Gle- cqi di d been Zurich. c-ud p t)f obv r L 'but, 110 -.qcr --turther fviy� '>u L`0 0`610'� lkbrse Year. The comazi.1 ill be oomposed -9 w(,re f cI,;!n in bout t1,Q-,3ult as sPeninx ber vaeation at ber 4a, f0flows; Joseph r#-VP.vv;' '8� 1�0 from Tbo 01)1,0,gition b y flit �lllticipatp,(! un-f.il 110111Q—Mr. and Mrs. Robertson re- Georgm An'drew, John 'Mol Rich - on on t_Decher, f tile 11i'�411 Btibylon line, turnd home Tuesdy ki.ven q, a e to thig Tvirlicuh Illo rilce wu-. and anring, t I, -e- I'm 1,d y took -in ft r rd Cam D lh' nd or j-ll�p ild ITSulted hfr te.an, or- )I orses 1),endin.gr a few Ali and Jas. a t -not IL r -is aNV)0JI top- th(I day to Mr. Tlla�& I-Tandford-, lors. maflt� in I on &i tur friends til of t'hp is Ifq-9 011 Olt, 'Py.l. for $,150. -Word ben here of the dPth in Mani - ti count IN - k Lord It It livil 1111'r 11 -art 11 t b indus-- ],'In ThLIT Roborts," famou- one Camfl-ol-t row- icillz 11liA V3 , I'S .1.11d 1110 hmn of 11f and nlade -wned by y. R. 13orsenberry.. X 'as t 1 a r io e r e d i t I Xodin family ;1 comfort- -New Year V -1 nt I Y; L I a 1i Ql)l'v nd 4DVI(1(1.d a con ide Ed. Do-,sPnbexr-y, Chris. 4.(111:11 or 1,1 re, EIlbr and for t -'I nty w.(, I Ilk, job for -fl ;.:It finest d 1)(! oil t of him, but received in, but Ron -lei, 1v. in busil Thvre eA 114*,.1 (0! ;1. -milkn7ment of I Ito 111011�,v t -(u) Illuch pro-hiNfl(vit 'O'f 1!-,1TMvqod, n re- II 110110)!- f4i�l' rid a d slirewd Sant Clan te L n Thursday,, r ar r s� �,1111 ll;Lg December 22, ed n- -it dpolley 11 1;-:*(,: 1.110 4ind mama -or bot 11 Som time, '111(1 fol. all�wbo dc, Oil but it Wh it n r,,f friondg c;Dnsider, t ru( FIRST DOOR NORTH "unrlin,r tlutt q a i n t n -idtmt of 11licl i Tf t b(�-se 1, r -Ki iN itll<)ut ,Ir werct -!N nxiou-i r %u coess. bolyl(� J)ut: Jlis r(jc,(�nt illn(, hiriny t 11c. t I N) ct i ri for OF PIOKARD',S, trEAFOR"kTH.. f.11 -m ju,,t tlirt,.�t poin-ts, n C'� -6 1.1 11nu" 0 1v i t six 'tinw, lAut it wsnumbpr of dau nd yet Xor any ucil fund, Tenl6lly made lhis, ltavos a finily jf or the, ne- <,,f for man or this one, wa and dau,-chi I. of t( --.s rurv1vv- him. -The r Uok at the Id gentleman in the window "then.go inand pe Ole great- s, for the aid of third and fivv dauxhlers 0 Ira o and hpste,,sq candidates. xv called to mnn Val -1110' i,n li- the held nt t iie Y 18tY Of gift goods to be disposed of before, It in ThtL fmarrilge mourn' L.lict, b re- loss rind c11101-ish he 14eays. us th-�It t148 is OW, 6f thet t hat in, t llc�, ,rooming of Mony 11arformed R(, v. A:. Dend<,r, on TVIopdy, M),3t appropriate artioles for all You will find the np afternoon, December of bolsterin� Gmey. (Clqj�s of Such as 'N�a 1) 'vlc- '"<"r "nd"lluSIX-Ind and a worthy: ages and conditions. of c0)R;Zr40gati0a both ent. 1-1-e cWne and kcePinZ it in good z r 011." and bri(le. nnd qrOOm el liad twbe ddvoti,6nl part, ft' a consisfant member f er Tore thiin this,, as rooms, and -the. otb-or- day esteemd the- Rolhxn Catholic church a'nd a our A &. .), In faot, 11e has a lot o which ithe educational half h W -w already said. it is 'calculated Ia con he called tho $;um Jids been for 't111017011'911 and enthusiasic Libera.1 in ming of T te'rence to see if t k - mfl was itaken up ott T.11e, C lft%L troy the independence of the Chanc Ot t1fi here Was any i114 (ai- ris, Afanitb n farm- politics. aTe will I Chistm!s.11 ALE`X6 a 32-year�old'anlma to Sol, b, abd Ile a�nd long (remember be much naissed and A� duct was reAdrd I ed in the by Miss Steinbaoh and Aliss tyd' DRUG; BOOK AND FANOY GOODS STOR h, community RannrieL; loyt- X)n �'Vednqs�day� �nd where he so lan;g' I W �,rrat deal of- busie1q an,d $8 wm If rid. Laur, bed. Gtta,&%,a Wilfrid twi L -3 3n attaWa uIltil i0i -56 4 -13 SM -Art h. WS 'Deputy M fille XeRson e Will bc 511AX A V S' Cory la U . Vr . Green, RY -71ous to ftl -.4d to, his yocent bost -00 Of laurile, VS ble I S0099, for hamvslf and cwrlt, an b. Anipeg-, was r was destroy�ed ' orl-rolu 0 2 Az aftqT r*1L nlixl vesidents Of. najol, tgA a naTrow eSbapo 7a bis we in i .,save a cosli box, 1whi ;�n,aier lits head. The I -ably AU0 'to tin eXP1(`)s`i it.be Victim was '77 -7�ex Aivea in winninozA[b .:-Ayrje�,rs, ,and ownnd'bons' rXty' lar4DUAA tb1o, City,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ift— voi4w 1, Jioft Vim J b *W DaiW 1"'r* Tollooh-To. Dewmbor 28 Chrbtmas 4ho speabd Ut 10A dull t"01 W& wit -T" pla" stmolly A �tu* 16.) to 17"o ititil "ry d J. M d1dry* 4#0 152; otoll )*r po I und lot" 1 qg�, *ud 41 0 t62:10 16i W-almvrAl,, Dowintbor V lI to 4%c, kut Wh6JhW AM y of ftook v-suld w4 -**y 1 *4 raiiage 14 Acub*ful _Jtb I ot -buva VX" mftwdiog -to It* qualivy, oud 4664 at 19 oold *wrv- e C rijW. J40itrMA linNA St t4 #othend for '"W vas fide andp6mi rttU BV try- 'WiltONTID. Deceml)i;r-28-1 t^ 14a ; Aue*# -at 10 to loi3,_ ohi&,En# at 4 boon at 5* to 6* -per Pound. - -VONTMAX,, W .:IQuiet, with 10 a to zote I 'Parkiwo AN 3' e, tweita tol I a for pQ -sod seese At" *uid. 67*An* etx,-] TOX6Nmo? �J)eftmbor 29,-� -01 red. St,01 ; *"Iw, 88 -ftrial. 11 peoi;, ej -4 H 8 to 49o. ay­7wol' I clov vir or wficod. $7 i $90"se. S7, HI 1:- old hogs Xultood-taniev '0 b&W $17 to 418 for st West. blauttabs -millfood A d 418- foi br4m, ex"I"i T 0 Dooetab*r -the ng holhInyr. t *8 to V -Z -for frime m *ad $2 t4rw for oaumv 25 *0 all f- 0.4 U,,, -S $1 to f UZ IA" ift04* MAU $&Aw to $G stap -.�bubcber4 $1-85 to $2.50 to' 7 - to $4 and V ;stock beiftirs' V Add spela -iter.m. V2 to vbojvii�. 4V -Aotl 'ro �aetive. sift -0091 44-75 -to 0 SQ - in. Y or elm. st 'YO to to $4,6% roukst $3, to, 4.3 �812tep vr, 0, - to W- Q to 75 0*m"a Iambs, n- , I I , to $6.,% -, w iewr V�j- -0 $5 t 20 t* 28M, H7 N#11son 9 $"de kiftwillielm LNU.0% Only, almeAn Rands. of MOV -1110P. P-=C1VHJLL-M the re 3"Ide4father, Upoloudville b) L B, on Dpiember Mb. TO I Irence, of WORRIC.P. to M" m thebrids-alnotLhdr. WVOOMJGA 1)('0Qn*er 14fb. by Rv;r. JL; W.: Effie. Afti-htw of M&A har-All, hdda's father.on Demmbur 20 Tol Ind. Was. Nins 0 i-rdinar U b4th of 01140-Ine townphip. &tU1r"Y-. DiccembeKIM, b� Andf'rAon. B A, Iferry Alfred I Rhiels both -0jr1pderiM St. J IVIVIMPeg, on December -;tb, b MOXI-4sn Wm Jobn 11vast-on, 10i�;40JJV of GZ�C:4� 10() Of Ewwouth, Scoth &P-*�HUVFXAX- At the brl4e�a pzzeutp. on Decouber PW41% Auslin Azynari to 4 ft(mr;Ebfp� the -.0 Bev w X �,!r IMb. by t�. Rk'l-ard Downie. of Crystal Cal 70 Flozsli�wc - ;of R% tbo Jh2ou the Baby' lon line. dAY, December 2ILst, nov 7 Vizle, Beco becher. to: e enmi "Y Rev -gr Idil. r, r w T blide R"-nW 110"r W A P r t�� br Re -4 D Renie, 3%. 7