HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-12-16, Page 8PrIlrennelelelee
We have something very
nice to show you in
Fancy and Stand
Our stock of these is the. best in
town and we are offering es-
peoiatty low prices in this
line for Xmas. shoppers.
Don't forget to call on us for
pocket cutlery, table cutlery, ,
carvers in case and silver-
ware. We have also a nice
line of nickle plated tea and
coffee pots.
HardwareITStOves and Coal.
President General Manager
`tar, Fully Paid Up—$3,000,000.o
terve Fund and un-
divided Profits V, 3,500,000
Deposits by Public $ 26,377,00o
Total Assets $ 35,745,000 _
Every fatality for the transacting of a,
renered banking huskies'.
Collections made on U points in Canada
and abroad.
Advances made to Farmers. Special at-
ention paid to the collection of Sale Notes.
Interest allowed from date of deposit to
date of withdrawal,
Deposits of $1,00 and upwards reoeivea,
and. interest paid or added to accounb June
30th and December 3ist.
- Mattager.
S. HAYS, Solicitor-
Tbit LI] sl hisi.eentineeeal repetaten
fee ta reeeehnetle tate4, ceutesax eleite _
AY.* tkui A* ef 4
17--;1113,e,',11344 tS..1-11 elgtel
tsse. 4 Co
Talent feat. The talent tea given
by the Ladies' Aid of the Presby-
terian ohuroh, at the residence of
Mrs. James Scott, oz December 2nd.
was a huge Suceess, both socially
and financially. me table of fancy
work was well patronized, every ar-
tittle being sold, while the supply of
lepane made baleinHg was not large
enough for the demand. The re-
ceipts were $40. Mrs. Scott and the
Ladies Aid wish to thank those who
helped to make it so suceessful.
' Officers Eleoted.—At the- regular
Illeatimg of Britannia Masonic, lodge
on Monday evening of last Week, the
following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: W.M., Bro. II: E.
Cooper; .S.W. Bro. W. Patterson
Jr.W., Bro. W J. Moffat; Chap.,
Rt.W. Bro. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, re-
eleoted.; treas., Bro. A. E. Gibson.;
see.. W. Bro. L. C. Jackson, re-elect-
; Sr. D., Bro. Dr. Burrows; Jr;
D. Bro. D. J. McCallum ; M. of C.,
Rt.W. Ono. J. H. Reid, re-eleoted:
Bro. G. Chesney; organist,Bro.
W. Walker ; S.13., Bro. J. Rankin; J.
S., Bro. R. E. Oreeswella %pier, Bro.
G. Paatereon, reeeleated; auditors,
Bros. Dr. Burrows and J. Rankin, re-
Catholic- Voreters.—At the an-
nual meeting of the Catholic Order,
of Foresters held lest Tuesday ev-
ening, thtlowing officers were
eleeted for the xear 1905: Chaplain,
Rev. P. CoroorZa ; hon. ,preside at,
Rev. G. Nortingraves; -chief ranger,
G. Emery'vloe-ohiek ranger, H. A.
Pureell ; paett ;chief ranger, J. Cane
sling ;arecording secretary, J. Mont-
Theea, ; financial secretary, M. J. Mc-
Quade; treasurer. J. Neville* ; con-
ductors, L. Nigh and C. Spain ; sen-
tinels, R. Fortune and 3. Spain ;
trustees, R. Pugolos, M. Mowat and
L. Burley; delegate to Interhation-
al Convention to be held next year
at Boston, J. J. Purcell; alternete,
Thomee Brown; medical examiner,
Dr. Charles MoKay.
England.—Mr. Wm.
step -son of Mr. J. A. Anderso ,with
this wife and five ohildren, airrtvcd
here last week. from Liverpool, Eng-
land1 and are now dannieiled with
Mr, Anderson. They intend rel alsa.
lug isx Cottda. Mr. Deem has had
.45611416.1.43-i-1/. le In:6T )141014‘ 6'1111 A1.1
fert4, - -0— 1•P'a 164) f
?-•1 e4Pti .4-ter1 jet H6t I
•f- - - 7,66-t-2A-4Gfa- 'I
te * F.,
tweeity. She had a family of ten,
four sons and six dauiters, all of
whom, with her he eaved husband,
survive her, The so»s are W. R.,
John, and •William, f Seaforth, and
David, of Williamson Michigan. The
daughters are Mrs. JEough of Perry,
Michigan; M. Ke lake and Mrs.
Hatcher, of Seaforth „ Mies Lizzie„ En
Berlin, and the Misses 'Aggie:
and Tillieat home. Smith was
a faibliful wife and Lver thoughtful
and loving mother,
wbe long and lovinglf itherished THEM —
d her merderY FEED 'UIbageum AND
, -
all will be exten.ded to the severely HAMILT NOTE
by her fay, her tatives and nu-
raereus trioxide. Th sympathy of.
bereaved husband anf, family -..on ace
count of tbeir great and irreparable * Seed Merohants - - a Seaferbh.
loss. The funsral takes place this,
Make your
Cows • *Torts
at their full capacity
Then your stable .will
be a golf* tconcern.
Apply Business principles to
feediMitch Cows.
DECEMBER 16 1904
The Results. -
Friday,from the family residence, at
2:30 o'clock, to thei Maitlandbank
Officers Electe annual
m,eeting of the Ancient Order of
Foresters, Court !Sherwood No.
8,085, the following brethren were
eleoted to office far the term of
1905: A Stobie, J. P. C. R. ; R. V.
Dunlop, C. IL ; john Finch. secre-
tary; John Abel, treasurer ; John
Leatherland, S. C. R. James Young,
S. W.; Charles Br die, J. W.;' T.
?lade, S. B.; J. Morden, 3. B. ; W.
D. Hoag, George 8rnibhers, H. Jef-
fries, auditors ; 11. Town, 'Dr, 3. G.
Scott, A. Stobie, trustees; Dr. Sooht
Court Medical Examiner ; W. Hoag
correspondent to t he Ancient For-
-ester. All visiting brethren are
nioe seeeetinent of ehecolat
I es and bon-
bons boxes. All sizes et all priees at Nell',Sea.
• Mita
1113,Marde Leif store. P. Dill, Se
--stiorth. 1981-1
For.illAlc it light deliverly sleigh at the
'Feriners use " Carnets() " stook food;
A little spent on this for horses or stook will be re-
paid many times. See that yon get it. Sold by
Chesney It Smiley, Seaforth. 183141
A large range of pipes and cigars for the
Christmas trade at Neil's, Sesiorth. 19814
Sleighs from 25o up at A.berbart's drug
store, Seatorth. 1931-1
One more week, before Christmas and if
you have not got your fruits. peel,. raisins, nuts,
oLudY, 440., 04 at the Maple Leaf Store, wher e
you:will get the bestlat right pOoes. P. Dili, Sea -
forth. 19314
For Galloway, Bishop and goat robes go
to Bv3deriok's harness shop 11 you want tola.ive
money. na
Leave your order for Christmas flowers at
Aberhirt's drug etores Senforth 1931-1
Ail kinds of dressed fowl, hatter, eggs
and dried pplea wanted at the Maple Leaf Store,
P. Dili. &Worth. /1a& -
an! pawed *Nay sad
*44 ImIntrtia.a altr welling kNe Seattle
asee. eat.. teal
aide tee* t imber ed get.-' -**etadalw41
14t1 444t.11 tVir -444.44(t, fr.z4v rC44*.
ssate seta* ta-7" 4
`,4* kr tr.t
411 Agin
. I • .. k•'• •
`With the exception of the last ten
• y,ears of ,his life, which were spent
at this late residence with his female'
in the village. In • 1854, he married
Miss Olvristor4 Smith, daughter of
•Mahe late Dug Id Smith, who survives
Shaw Presbyterian minister, Es -
him, his - fa ily being Rev. NeilShaw,
raondiville ; John D., ba.rrister of
this place ; ugald, ori the home-
atead ; Mrs. A. Bisnett, Aldboro,and
Misses Bessie Mary Ann and Effie,
at ihorne. The deceased had a largo
'circle, of frind, and acquaintances in
this .ocenity and adjoining counties,
and this home was always a WelOOMB
eestang place for 'his friends in the
early days when, travelling along the
Funnival road, and many enjoyed
.hospitality. He did his share Ln
making this a township of fine
teams, w.as ouieof our best citizens,
a eonsistant member of the Pres-
byterjaat churesh for many yeare,arici,
In politica a Liberal. Snevace was
held at his lato ;residence in Rodney
or Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Interment in
Rodney carnet ry. The family have
the amps -thy of their friends in
tea:ei°tdirlde andbrettevbrPigni4Wej:cat"
Death of Mrs. Hertdargesa.—Anathe
of 'Seaforth t been tailed home
respeyorse.te jdchn :resiH
derson passed Peaoefully and easily
away an - Monday last. Sim* the
death of 'her husband, about six
years ago, she had resided with her
Son-in-law and dauighter, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Smith, North Main
Shoat. She had reached the good
age of 80 ye and 8 months. She
had been in th enjoyment of her
usual good thcalth and on Sunday
vening ietirof at Ihe usual hour.
Early hid *ruing, however.Mr.
fir4.6.6-1th aWAkent,4 b
4 y
her and from tbat 44nae 4to4l
gran-nally *Ink unnt ite afttr000n
V4- Lea a kV Tt stal t40 ,1',3171 PK*
—Mr. F. Gutteridge bs completed
the brick work On the new Bank of
Commeroe building. Although • he
commenced late he was favored with
!good weather. Mr. H. Edge, who is
the contractor for the wood. work,
ia now busily engaged getting the
windows ready. As soon as he has
them in plaoe, his men will be able
to work at the interior of the'build-
ing during the winter. This will be
good for them. When oompleted this
building will be an ornament to
Main street.—We were in error last
week in Saying that Mr. W. R.Count-
, er and family, had gone to Wood -
stook for the winter. Mr. Counter
1 is in Woodstock for a few weeks,
but his family is still residing here.
A. R. Sampson, of the Domin-
ion flank, Montreal, and formerly
of the Seaforth branch, has beeii
transferred to' Winnipeg.—One night
recently- some evil disposed person
• visited the coal house of Mrs. Wia.
t93, Centre street, and carried off
a large quantity of coal. A numteee
of other persons in the neighborhood
have also missed fuel. If the person
guilty is not -parietal he will be
plaoed where it is not neciesse.ry to
purchase coal.—The oaany friends df
Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egraoadville, will
regret to learn t hat he is ill- at his
old home in Rodney. He went there
to wait on .his father, who has since
died, and caught a severe cold. We
are pleased to learn, hoWever, that
Lite is now improving. — The South
Huron Causer vative convention to
seleot a candidate for the approach-
ing electiot, has been called at Hen.
sail on Tueeday next. There is no
doubt but Mr. IL Either will again
be the candidate.—Mias Maud Laid-
law is spendinig a few weeks' holt-
daps with friends in Toronto.—Mrs.
Stephen Downey is in Wind.eor,the
guest of ,her son, Rev. Father Dow-
ney, who hoe just opened a magni-
fioient new chueoli in that oity.—In
the, case of Hallett vs. Crich, beard
at !Godetaloh this week, the coavio-
tiot eif the police rnasistre.te .was
quashed.. On the _ complaint of Con-
stable Oriole M. E. Hallett was
eoneicted by the police magistrate
of a breech, of a town by-law. Mr.
Hallett appealed to the higher court
with the above result.—The regular
meeting, of the town couticil was
held On Monday evening last, hut
the principal business was the pass -
ins of numerous acoounts.—Miss
Meanie Friel, who has been assistant 1
1Jock-keeper for U Canada ruriti-
turo Company, has accepted a
iik6/1 boolz,keeper with the (lin-
• Kaittik; tlempriny. Miss Fript
• efeata A4144,9,,1 12414, git;
1.:_';ittalt,f#304_,L4 4P1*414,6*
*47. ee tI-21•17,
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ONS 7±0R,
Look up and down this list, you may
catch onto Some suggestion for la Christmas
I gift. Whatever you have in min in the way
of a present, it is more than likely yoa will
find it in. Mir assortment. If you are undecid-
; ed we can help you The chances are that in
less t1 an _five minutes you'll See something
thattwill be JUST THE THING and you'll
on er why you hadn't thought of that before.
Handsome and clever ideas in new neck-
wear for ladies and gentlemen. Special
Christmae designs at 25o, 50o, 750 and
There's nothing much prettier in the
gift wap than the pew belt novelties. A
pretty halt adds to the beauty of any
waiet. Belt prima 25o, 50o, 75o and
A very eonveniene gift, always useful,
quickly selected, and much appreciated.
We have aho a nits selection of purses at
25o, 50eand 75o each.
Plait and limey, stook enough for the
liveliest kind alsellins. Mildren's prima
to and upwards. Ladies' and Gents'
prices from 5o each to $1,50 each.
Fine cashmere, lined and unlined, knit-
bed slaves and mitts in ladles' and child-
ren's sizes ; gauntlets for ladies and mimeo,
kid gfoves for ladies and gentlemen—
loaroely a thing missing in the way of a
hand Warmer. You can buy a good glove
as low ei 25c. You can buy the best ab
Three epeolal prime* in ladle* eachmere
hate foe Ch.* tem selling. -21..„ "4 Val and tWelo
bud 7441
20e, 35a Sad 45e p*r pstr.
FANCY 604144%
Itaisi4tirtitt, r.*kiig4 (flap**,
clo, *F.**
a -
Your mother oryour Dieter would appreo.
late one of our handsome $3.50 Japan silk
waists. It would be an excellent gine
Prise $3 50.
would be a good gift. and need nob cost •
very much. We have a nioe aseortment o
stylish skirts in plain end fancy i3loths al)
$3.50, $4 25 aad $5,
We *ell goodwarm, common-sense,.
ready-to-wear wrappers at $1.25, $1.50 and
$1.75 calh and nice wrapper materials at
19, 124o and 15o per yard.
Real Caledonians that will protect the .
wearer in any kinds of a hlizzaid. Boo.
grey, heather mixtures and plaid effects,
price vaaa, $3O and $4.50 each.
We have a good assortment of bop' two
and three /deem suits in pretty dark striped
cloths and in black and navy all woollier's.
Bulb prices $2.50 to $5 each. Overeease.
$350 to $5.50.
larhat hatter for a gift tisai a stied pi*
of blankets W. htwe l+fas fit, soh
"mt. Beaer .e *lee leak
broidered beaky! 364 'wiutifelly
sed Mais trades*, AM* OS larsiA.
paar. Galata' eseekeesee sex at
iheee-a, T-
. I ';t
es* 4W -h.
WitITE C1i11
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