HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-12-16, Page 77 . -_7m
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UINULE, ,IEKIRY, - I MG -14-3 - ,
I I ead, smrdni, as she looked at him curl- _02019202M . , I ,,, -
I W.10 , i , , '' � � 4
ously, "but you shall bear It in dua... .�E i, . ��!111111 f-
1, Rk ���', , � I I
- _�_Y_ - I , , I time -4 -up at the cove, maybe, If '11 tomor- ?1�111 - - . iT", � I , -
i . -
Chas, Clark Munn. , :�;; I 1; - .... I I' I .. vl�,%,
i . I : __ I og . I -
. �. row "rnoon is pleasant 1, too. am. . ..... ; - _19 A
- , IN:.'""' I i ' ME — -
I L - . !.*.:!.1.1 ..::::
I sup ...
,po W I - -
-1 J fitioustu some ways.', � I
I � . � i ; I . L "I .. .. .. .. ,�, ; � � I AM, .W -A� 11 ,"I 7
� - COMright 1900, bv�%ee & Shepa * ,o ke I -gowtJ it do,] , 0; .- .*
____J__ I _� Perhaps t -ep Telly from guessing � -'I..-
I � -, , 11
I � ;� what his story was he talked upon ev- I I I � -%,,,,,- � F--�a 17 & I I % �, A I C 2" 'e'.1.1 11
1�,,_,� I I.,
"MaV1. a , ' I...... . , it Nr-., .F .71 � ,
-6ty subject that might. interest her, . , ; . - 47." 11%-�4� 11 ,� I - I
.F -� -a-- the fimbhed ano?" ke . ., � I �: ..--iol t
a.sked. ,f �. 1 �. t-.-. N JE i, - �
r I . - ,;
; Keep your blood clean, I avelding the one nearest his heart. It I I 9 ;
as you keep your - 11 � �
11 " , 1
She brought It kilet only was Ut, * body clean. You don't wait until your came with - sur rise when the little I lfi� � .
' J . '- T I 0 i
(a , 1. I
picture of herself sitting in the shade br-448 foul before you, cleanse #,. , clock chimed 11-1, and he at once arose : - � ;, , _-0%9� Z
'. I � I I Awp%& AV W I
It is a matter of surprise that man CO. - ; ,. � � I � 4
ewd begged her pardon for the possible , %;-; � d - i
at' a low spruce reproduced, but the ple who are so c=eful. to have clean ;�Ies � A-.- I 9 .
fern decorated b4oat neor by, the quit', C4 1
L make no effort tp keep the blood' cle In. trespass upon conventional hours, "You - o "I �� 411 �
.. i; E � � I �i, - I
Uttle cove im front and a vi-aw of ocoala � ne knows that uncleanness breeds will & up to the eo*e with me?" he ;:,, I �. : ,� I i -11
I "ve , 11 -! . . 5
. 4 11
.. 11 ��
, . . 4
. b ey o ud. - I I dise2soe ' that those who do not keep their moment, at the . .,*..p*J, � � I I
I ..",� I I 9 *
bodies In a wholesome condition atid who f , . .1 I . i - 4 11. A
. �
It was a abarming picture. . dwell in filthy surroundings', are the first to oet of the stairs. � . I - I R . I
I$ W -1 --ft- 11 I ONLY, RAWGR PITTED WITH pllil� i
`Xhera is only one -thing lacking, 11 fall when some epidemic of disease sweeps I ,shall enjoy it, very much, mid. I , i i,, , - ____ I ... W _; i
� 4 ii g- - I
she sald shyly as he held It at an angi- the country. But foul blood is more, dan- have a as ou, ;01, I I
, , I
�/ . 4..> LL - zmnmatnD ,R,a_S1?AVV0,[R- � 7 �
� .1 "; Id V
s to the individual than afoul body, hich is to let me make a sketch of you � 0. w � 4.11,
w ,t% . I - lin, ., ;
90 the firelight would shine upon' it, X'�_u_ncleau body is rather a passive than � 40 . - ,�, I
tot � F, , �14,
1 ,.- I . m
"and I didn't dare put that la without , an active hindratico to health. Butunclean 3ust where, yQu sat the time your boat i , ,"I JF7 I . 4 i
� I 0 �, !0' M, #Off i
. I I �t I '80 - � W I
your consent." blo6d is an active1hreat against the ve drifted away. . t"O'i - - - Re,e-ervoir is stamped in one piece 4
' I #, . . I
- -
lift -It makes the body a prepared breley. I . 4 - � V i
"I do not notice anything lift #11t #4 I t was 10�9 I I I I
� W en he retired I after he �� � . i
ing place for -disease. 4 1 . .. .. . I - from sTpeet 'steel" which gives it a .i
, . . �
� . . . 11 � I
I recall the spot?, Jt is part of Nature's plan for human heRro the clock downstairs i strike the . . z
. I - .i
"But thtre le," .1 &A � t . perfect] V smooth surface—has no seams, i
she replied, "and on* i safety that in many cases whcrelhe� blood midnigh-1 ,w hour, and in his dreams he I 11 - � - �,, . 1i
, . I . .
I �
that Should bo I:jaer* to wak* tiao ple- is impure or corrupt she sets a sigtt�ou'the maw !Tally's face smiling In the &e- * I I I I �i.
� ody in proof of the corrupt currout that is groove* or bolt heads to collect dirt. . - �
ture correct Cap' you guoss?" I I A _.. m
7 owing through the veins., Scrofula � . �
. with 1194 . . . !
� .�
I � 7- 1 . -
. I
He looked at Telly's faco, upon which t disfig-6ring sores and scars " eczema with � is'pval in shape—has no square - . . i
� I ��. 11 . � I
a roguish smile bad come. I / irritation, salt -rheum, tetter, erysipelas, I 4*AFT,ER xxxt . .. -1 I -
boils, pimples mud other eruptions are only I . . I � cornersito scrape out when washing. :
"No, I ean't guess. Tell no what Am the outward signs of the I I M urity 9f the I*'goin, to give yel a taste a' . -W . - - L V 1
_ - - '4' ' -
lacklms?" - blood. But often in the earlier or simpler 1 mackerel fishin",11 Wd Uncle I Fi4phed with three heavy coats,of
, , ; I
"Yourself," mike repll*d. stages of the blood'Ps impurit I I r 4 4 . �
y there are no '� Terry the next morning aft- I
1-0. : - 11 pure m�hite enamel, which will stand - ..
9 I'D + T .4 oufwat,d ai-s of this condill— - all" - I .
11 � I V JKW16 W4UL LLLW VACX!Rro To M Unguid,_sluggish &elings, whict ' ? - . er breakfast 1.7 -ell go I - - � ? - �,
— I miud'a me of myself. I wantid it so I W com- I . �� . - � any d 4�; ee of heat, - without chip i ' .. j
. VETERINARY only-iftibuted s6lely to the slugg oboes$ avet, to the fish house, -an! .*,e can put - __,�_ ___ ' . gr ping - ;
0 1 . . � I 14 .T . .. -�, � !
— I could, ago yo - : �11, . - '
I x and. recall tho, day we f the! Iver. � *a owe I oilers an, save �er good i - .
OR$ GRIE", V. $.,honor unduate of ontomo were there." sho, mmade - . -44 Of all preparations for purifying the . I 6 gr�-has a smoot6,.' 2 �hard . ineirble-like stgfice, which can be easily . : 44
Im I no reply: � - v �
' �
J VeterfriM College. A - 1"ame of DoweW I V Z- o es.11 , On the 'way �� met the i . . . .1 I
' A 'T � I
AtAb *9 table and asked for . . . -
he laid blood Dr. Pierce's 0oldeh Medical ')iscov- It W ' �
u6nals Uvated. Callo romptly stUnded to an - . . asily takes th� first place, -'It !limin we, remembered old lady Albert had and thoroughly cleansed. . ; . . � . .. 4
. r, * . I . . � - 4i ;. I . � ;�
Awges moa.rde. Vaier nary Danktry a speotalty. the'other'"e. * It was, all don* okeept e�t�eslrotn the blood the elements which Jlrs noticed at the, prayerl meeting. 1 7.
02ai &O residence on Goderiah -street, one door the'finiz,hin , � . 11 .
of Dr Seqft's offlue, Heaforth. Ilia.41 I g ,touches, but it ad not clog and corrupt it, and which breed and Never taints ihe water, ;.cprrodes or rusts like 41p, copper, galvanized iTon ,and . �,
I �
- I . I seem to bo &%reproduction of his origi- fee4 disease. It Acts directly on the blood. She recognized him and, . .1 .: _. . .- * I _ic
le . '
� A
I rs. , I _
, .
. I : . I � . � . �.
, -' .
I Vet�rinzry College &nd Honor& V - I'll ... sp U .
-ove. . and so itiereasing'the supply of rich, pure 6P ding� fish 0 the racks, eiclaimed.,
Vt HAR-BURN V. S. -Honorary graduate of ilia. I u;kl sketch at the c making glands, increasing their abtivity, rMer soiled *and, f6r she had been' � other such styles of reservol I put in common rant�s—is so dean and free frorn
.0 Ontario I ry em. - I ,er. . .4
bo of the Kedlead Association of the -Ontsfla Vqter. I "I took the liberty tit changing It a blood w1iich is the'life of the body. 11 the 144a name I thank ye, Mr. taint that it can be used for bollin P .g wat ,
; fruit. and many other urposes, bpWes heatin � �'
. . -
� Coll%e. Tresto dift"es of all damesdo anftn4ls little," she said as he w , looking at Ace6pt no substitute for "Golden Ned- � � . "I 1.
� . I . . am I - R - with thermometer., i
. Va fer TemeInberint a poor' old cree- oven in the Pandom I �nge is large, ventil4ted, fitted'.
l b&emo modernprinelple& DenValryand Milk ical Discovery." There is nothing i �
- Jtist ; - �,
d � " I - � I _.
_ I itf xnd put In the backgroun wkere . 1.
I �
_r tel . - as go �like me an! sendin' that Aress. I . I i
rg; a sped&%_v, Office opposite ' Dick's Ho od I" f* diseases of the at Mach tar, .1 �4
tr F I 1 - I ` ' I �
" 8 eet, Reaoft. 'All orders left at the hotel you. said you Arst saw. me.' lin �d with sheet steel, - and is ,a perfect baker. ,.,
4 . blood and lun a.. I In ou I tke Lord'o teched y1er heart, -
I WM "001vo prompt attentAon, Night calla reoelved 9 re I :1 . . i ,
�, "It was t . � ! "; I
� . nice of you to think of mak- - Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, paper cov-1- a ye'aWt, a believer yet ye will . I I �
18711-52 - 1�e I I
at office. - . al if � I
1 41 �ng ' the change," lie replied quickly, ers, is sent ftee o� feceiPt Of 31 onemcent . Sold by all Enteriprisin' , Dealers. Booklet Fre
� � be.10 11 . 9 . ,,#, 1,
- __ I I
� � I 1 4 -
. . I I � � I I . I . � �
I — - - ."and I am very glad you did. I'want- - stamps to pay customs and mailing only. P . I
� T'Fr(;TL .'� — c . Address Dr. IL V. 11jerce, BUW _X. Y. "I am glad my little remembrance . . .. �: % �
. � I � � .
.. ed it to portray you .as I first saw . 10. . , � � . �
- il : . If answer i� . � . � I . -,
1; - � F 7 .. , �,
JA E S L KILLORAN. you.".- pleased you' ed .tlbcrt pleas- . t I I
f I Know I fancy that living bere', *19 YOTA, gntly, a4it was, only a triffe, land you 0 �. I . I I . i
DwO,3Ur. Solloltor, Not3ry Publiq ate. Mons A' faint tusk came 1 Into her � ftet. As have all you I . . ; - �
. I .
. �
Syto r life, within sound 9f tb* Ileeo not, feel Obligated for, �t.i, He I I I . - ,
at . � . -
. .. ,� 1 .4 . �
19 � I . 4
low. InSeafortli Wondlis, Fridays, and ur- I she was watching the fire he studied mad sea ,waves, )ia wOvez R litt e Of ke$ o,u after Uncle Terry, notiwishing I I I
coq& Office open every week (lay. Over Pickard ' * 9 I . � . -i
� �- � i
aWa, Main streak Sesforbbi. the- sweet face turned half kway. And their melancholy Into your natu' ny time, but she foliowed to I -- I % 4�
19" I fe anfi . to aste a .� I I i :,
.... I . I � ii ,1
- I � I
I — wbat a charm1pg pr6ffle It was, 'With a little of their pathon.inte your eyes- && more!., thanks� end .., i � � .� -
d ing wtt�, 110od ..
I I _'.
- .�
R. S. HAY89 � . - I rounded dhin,'delicate- patrician' nose-, I thoughf so the first time I saw YOU, be P ye, 1 sir, ahl may he warm the London, Toronto, Mb,�n-(�Foal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St.'John, N.B. I �,
. I . ..
of .. ne good girl I . I .1
Buridor. solialtor, Conveyanoer and Wotary Publio. I and long eyelashes just touchizg 'the - and. the n�ore I ,see *f you the Naere I h 0 fer ye Idesarvo � . ! , I I .
I I I _� I I .
" I It : i . - �
ftualtor for the Don�tnicm Bank. Ofitoe-in mar of � Oeek that bero a telltale gush! Was think It Is so.f' �; it.' . i _&W...p ..
*Z.r, . I
DomInton Bank, Sestorth. Money to Iowi. 120 '. Vbat faint solor due to the Are or to � "The . . I I i I . - .� I
. . , ocean d�es sound mad to, me,10 - I
- I I t I . 'When h had, donned a sult �f aeris I '_;�. a I . . 11 �
M. BEST, Barrister, Solloljor,, Couvoyawer � kk words? Item they dr o*pped into a she said, "and t times It makes me I " ,� 1i
I and I Uncle, Terry l,was pulling out of the k, A. L-MM,I�R, SOLE AGENT, SWORTE[,
� Je', Rotw Pnblto. Offlo4 up eUlm over 0. W , Viftaint chat I about triftes, and the, feel blue. . The: I am so much alone . I ' 1 . I . . . �
� , S I . -
ftpeifs bookAofe, Main 86no SnfdrHi, Ontario. ittl� cove Albert said.:. "That �ld lady, � -_ � - -_ '_ . - -_ - -MR �
11 fl. . I oesan's, Yoloo kept.up its rhythm, the and have no- one in whom to confiffe . I I I � 1. I r .-i- .. - � I
. I I . 1621 . is the - most plou"s person I- evor met. I ;
.. �
� . - fire sparkled, and. the small cott,q e my feelings. Motber would not un- , . �� A large numbfr'of q -i ' I
HOT , anooespor to the laffe , V No �ne could-ddubt she meau� every� Richest of -the Rich . Slap poo,unto . oonbsin, nutritive mattera in additiou. .a", 41
ill M� at clock ticked the happy.moments awa - , 11"er . �
. .
Y. derstand, Ie� and If father thought I , I Alfred Bait, diumonde, LuDdor ooe;; . W] _
F, Nevaugboy & lEfolineeked, Barrid , Word she pays." � 1i $W - I .*dre . d to be psid, and; -ohe4s were parb from the fact that to avoid I ury to
"How is, Mrs. Leach?" he aske'd at - I i I i � , , teaued 14ocoraitigly, of which a full-,scoount . ItealtL the *10ount of Alcohol .consumed per , I
' Sollolsor 't'o"; 80H'610f� 1 WasidIt happ it would make him mis 4A 1�01atlon .000000. I , � �
I ODUV05120ef, AM WOUZY thec'six � 7 *� aal, it's about all the coz q I - ptementt : diem ishould be limitted striotly to one
� TJ , '11 be found in the finanoial at -and :
&disa1Brkof Commerce. Money io land. Farm I last. "Does ifie pray as ferventiy� at orable." en, , turning her pathetic J. B. Robinion, gold wid dift"monds, Lon- w , '
- I , she !klts out 6' We aA1 1twixt you an' .
for Salo. offl�e ta SCOW# Blook, K&W. meetint?" � ; I P � , � . w6ioh*,Iwlll soon be issued by the ttessurer. a half fluid ounees, it cannot be regarded -
edbrth. � : eyes fill] up n her questioner, she add- don, $400 000 000. I - 1OL&I
.1 every ' L I I me, � she I*kes wore'O all the test W I ounoil adjourned to meeb *gain on purposes as a Joo(Y in the menve. _'.1
I � . .. "Just the same," replied Telly, lla�nd ed: "Did o er think, Mr. Page, that - J D gookefeller, oil, Now York, $,->5o,. The 0 . I ;
. — 10 �.
I , � L the � believers here," !answered ,I Uncle 00()()00, ,� Ao 15th of. Dneember, at I o'oloo]4 in the of=rep;rative. 1b is at best a pro- -
, YCONSON AND GARROW Barristers, Sollolt. - jl alwa'yx will as long as she has Predth. 1 . � q
. ; . the souin the waves might beAhs �
. I
I Dorof eto.. Goderich, Ontarl'o. . � . � Terry, Oahl at t6es i ,most enT;y her - 00d.- aftern�on .All accounts against t4e town- duoor of beat and energy, and thou freq- .
L � -9. L'DICKINSON. - It Is, As father says, her only consola- voices of! dr wned people tryin ' W. W. Aat*r, land..London, WO, el�!D shoidd be presetoed to the Oounall uently at the expense of healtby aellutir i
I - - I .1 I , g to bo fer it Shelo sorter cracked lb6ut re- ()00. . . 1�,
I � 4888.ff CHARLES GARROW L. L B. 119R.11 . � � heard? ,I elieve every human -being jig, I af,'tbii their last niee�ing in thq present sativity, while its coob from the point *1
I L I I . �n'- le4twlse that's my noti6n, an'. Prinne Demidoff, land, St. P,terabuq, I
- ' t � . I
, ��
— 1� " laar. 1� 1p, , view of aotual food value bu beonealoulat- :,,
- "I have thought of g- that eve Ing! .nd for all we know If they 6-2110,000,000. � ;
7 has a so�l, I , 1 she'Is, seein's she's � f W I :
mebbe it's lucky * � I ed to be eight timen mors than that of I
I DKPMATRY�. many times since," he continuedt' 11 Te down 1 into; 'the oceau their I it tort. I An frow. Carnegie, steel, NewYork, $125,- � --� 't
. � . - �
; . poo� al �othih, b , I It, Odorus b6mp9.rispn_ 77J 'bread.-Lanest, I
� 1; - — ,
- . . the impression that poor ohl lady made' souls y b a In the water and: possibly � I 1000000 - I
E .. I �
� - ff )
� .
: , F- W. TWEDDLE, she s sm4rt Inuff ways, t4ough, I aj,111 be % Powerful machine I seld a I a � �
� 9.1f . I i I
� . on me with ber piteous supplIcatton.. I " are trying t) speak to u . W, K, Vanderbilt, railroads, New York, - T ' . I
� . . . an' ere �dnit notWn' goin' on here 0ho ' bati of the n,orbh of 'Boodand t9.1'A motorr Suddenly, AUALoked-
I V01 ,
i DENT I Id ss Terry. That Is all 11th $100000000 � lot I I
� - IST ! 1 ivonder how it *ould affect a Boston "Ok, 'no, no, I I �� . -1 I inful %
t � don't kn he'10 kind hearted, too, Wilh-m Rookefeller, oil, New York, th othpr day. Cbildjrcn are often att"ked audIden' 7 g ps
� 0 . 8 . 7
� Giadust to of Royal College of, Deaftl Surgeone of On. church congregation .some evenfng;- to Imag1ji4tion on .Y,our part stud due to ,, y�v, iVa a splendid ear - -0�i .
F "-o pooh griduute course M orown and brldsre work . an' if sh had a thilig ter give shed Sl()o (a 0oo. , ,11 replied the, ead dangerma oollo,� Cra1"#Dl&"hoe&, vvxentorr,
L . . havo such an appearing Agure, claa as your being too Much alone with your - " or proudly. I Oholors Horbus Cholera nfastum, et4 br I - - .
F -.4oaal -%nastli I . h re h laot cent w - Own . -
r A aaakell"a 93hW)J, Ohio o. .T . etlos for - s a erl . th ye. If 'euny- J. J. Aetor, land, New York, $75,000, 1 ee4 ExtrAO Of Wd Strawbotry Is a prompt xod . .
� PaWlee axtradion of teatf. Offloo-over A 'Zoling's she was, rise,and utter the prayeLr .1sho 1 . I ,$IT upposia oar like thab will be neox. ffaro ouie, whiah should always be kept In Vie houac -
�, I f . - . - __ I . T I . �
� gr000ry *re, Soafortb, _ body's Wk obe's ollu 5 ready to help, 000, .
� , ,, I .1 : � - d horso-power?" suggen6ed the .
7 1704 did, It would startle tboin, I tbinkl," -_ Lon- ly- a h#ndre I -_ ft
I I 11 - Lorrl Rathschild, money lending, . I
I L � 'L Tha'rls lofo. of wus$ folks In the world .
7 1 6LUut�JLYMSU'
� W. _ �
L 'I do not tWnk Mrs. Leach )V(uld I �� ,-?, don, $75,000,0K . m If Oh no. 11 ms ftriniz Medioine. ' -L
i ; tha4 the WIdder Leach." And #en, ;: id the inoborfeb, modestly ; -9 lim - �*
I � � . � - � 11 It I Ar - od Bitte.
s . I DR. BELDEN.' enter one e - f your city churches," re- I ". � - t,- al of her Mika of Westminster, land, London, 6. AG a ring raodic jo Burdock Blo
I , i e : I #tflb in! only too horae. A hundred bore no equ If tones un the eywin and removaes sai
� ;�, �1; I �' � I as It that,�rownedf,he sum tot
f . DENTIST;' T,fARONTO. sponard,Telly, "and certaInly not Ind -1.11 i ' $75 OW 000, i .._,, V �
t . . I t I - Z � -he blood, and tAkes Wpy thtt Hr.
i Ilse renioved 't " � vIrt!ues, be addedi "Telly an' Lissy J Piw rjonb ld,br an, banking Now York, power� ear would be very muoh larger." 1ruritief3 froib t
from 412 Shorbourno..94, to h1s; hiriatt � ,� , - . . �
. as she bqff to be. She has a little prids 9 ff 11 �he High- , wop.ry feeling go pravAlent In the apAng . T
- . : r 1w.;au% goibg bi IF - - —
,I __ V the VIZO -
E ful now offices, 43d Young St., op000lto 060kon st, i - � thl�ks lot$ ol her." ' $75 MO 000, -- .
. . I I --- - I
r eve'll It %he is peor," . I �
1 1016-13 ; .. � . I i ader� dryly ex 0, H ,�i
'Plainea, - 11 I was going by , ?rb laorual
1 111D pa.u�,ed for broath ando turning to L(,td Ivnagh, beer, Dablia, $70 000 000. 14 . lung -healing prinallpxI of the pina
L:--. i , �- I 110h, I meant no reffectlon, only the, � I 'Wholno, n0non a the oriqell of ite . . - Ully
I �, � T " �- -, � ght re. 8entira IsMora 0 .ad rall. . k trea ho* 11cogly boe'a Wasod - sepusted "d re I
- . I seel tibey were � heading rl I � . . #_ gnod into a Nylect u h yoj4Wne_Dr W .
-, - - " I , , ood'4 �
URT)TCAL. f;A;1vo I wondered I Sol roado, Obile, $70,OOG.000 � � . . . -,
� I . , e4 11 tr g aud steady pulling. � 1P
� � I — S 1% 6u. I � Ott � Norway P1120 Sy" 001MAR dome" on r. out.i. .
'. how it Would affect 1I faS11101110ite / - I 1, - � M. H0100, vilk, Paris, 070,000,000, 4 Wpman.'j3 Rigb-ts,, -lap 25 cents T
I . Dr. Joh,ni McGinnis, , 111114411 -observed 1TJWJe Terry, point- -bi ead- =,,a the arostor antim of eatififiWon - P. I
, . church gathering, - I'th fill It It Would 40 1 so Bitron.40pbonow Ro -sobild, money I wished to prown all - 0640, I —
I offlea And, Residonao-Viatorla. Stred, them good to lif , it" to 4, rosil 14111('ere i � I - Ing to a ilong and', narrow ledget is Ing, Parfo, $70 000,000, I A at ho had areabod, he madp ,woman, DoWil XJDXJtY P1JjW Aot on the kidnays, buddef 11
I 8FCAVORTH ' I � whar Telly started ,for shore all alone Sitron Natfianitil R .thmobflo. money Ion& Arid W,bou'bho davit wished to do4tray m%n. and uviriary oMms only They our* ha&u,bom,
i proyer tkat came frow solue olle'ri , , wq&k bowk � A10n, it
i Thono 7a �� Just nineteen a st. March." fag, Vii nna, $70,000,000, kind He abbsolKod that orown first, Frow ,, rhouniation., 410GWI, Q09w 1, �
E , ��__ htart and was hot Wilmifflefilred fol, I I . . (laTnwgtJon,.graral0 Ugh6lo 4WAse and W31 dtM.-
, , ___ _`_ — I . Ant then � 110 Added while be watebad Arol)duko Froderiok, of Anotrie.. laadp- tho dq of bar oreablon.,no enlightoned per, dWW0 _ M Wrong "Pon of 00 kidnoys 4 I
, . tr � - I , I . arj�jbg Jf40
. � ,
I I . _ -
w X)R. ". Wuam "oust tho occuolon, Those wbo wear Line 1. - -ted face. 11 ITW46 an . b�b �horqelf bAs quextiond& w9amn's lou- and b1s4. dot
i ' . � I - I Alb art's aver on. � Vienna, $70,000,000, oft - - -.- .1
I tyrijymity of Toro! -" b a th
� Gradtiato ot'lln nt* F"Oulfiy'of Mal' IMi - aj 'br6Ad6fof-W a, d oft In, ' b. - Opnro J, Gould#, risilroado, Now Y0.61r, pobmaylaaa, AparDjoeab GOW 0 , a " — , 11.
r , ,fd n C -UM I V � � )ky day for the poor oallorm -tin' a � - M 0 -11 owl ,
i One, roeffitoy 41 colJoKe of phy6fola"01 and Our- . , I I lue I I 110MI19#
geovio . 070 WO 000, , . -4 Itation of WhI6 .0 6 f0riU011i't,031
W � ofOljt,o�rfa, lihos grad : ,0 DO I - __ - y heoro Xxnypsoplo #aytboy ara 11511 - -
� . _ .tilL& omirpos oblWo IOXIC(I POWA 00140")l )1joar auch a pray0f 4 luct y one'fer us, for she's been a heap -1 I.s1s) Y)ow, fotA oartain kind of (i Is StAtJJ04 of 11ptot owly woyrood or 1101fAtid ,-Xil
I 011DICA1 fjr!hool. O'bleago " ROYAl ophWAIM10 UGNPI, I I I J*m,o J, Hill, rallromin, Now York, � �,, - � Womoin - k"31f rVJ pills are Juvt 00 reaedy
. I 1� I
to Wie,uttered th ry � 91 ort ever oince", lie or
I . at. il) 1frht," . burn's IffArt
F U1, Loridon ,7"gland ,,, Univorafty OolloKo Un# - I . 11 $70 00000, � 01,wan tnado by a promlaqt mpeak 4h V#We roquira They Yestaro portecl. h1womy
I , , plt4l, �' V �% i
� Undon,Enoland, Offlut-Over Oroltr & Otownwo Tbon its Tally, made no rtaponoa W I , I
I I 114101111111no, Uuelc Terry, why It I# ohe d
I . . Mr-, Hatty Greop, banking, Now York, I b4. just boon Introduoad In of loudab- ot ths narva C0400s *fid Ki've pow ner-ra foxe, to .
� slor#, Usluffir-"t, Fo0ort1i, Iftm no No, 0, MAO gat 11, g1lence I fe�y nl . . � z
i 0AIL'I Anywored 00 roqtd .ow#nto.wantKJJy - . " ifolf HILL010 11 06140rad nervous HYSOM. I i
- yn . _0400 04, �Oho #6 . feel � 80 00J001tive regarding her blotory $a (W 000, . -
I _ - _foot, 1800 I I ory, Wky an Of Nuoneflafal _��049W__ .�_ .
I I �
i I 11 , - - — raotIng the g1r) with *home bo h4d .. - I. &n& what 19 tole cau"o of the pecullar J inwo Ff, 8mith, bkoking, 'Now York, rrijan. 1* Tho oluly really Holt mado man I , I F8,V I
. . , �. . . .... I 1. . -1 - -0 over boOrd ot11A Wd tbo opeaker no bo rose, . _Ohte, - I
f DIN, � V. J. BURROW -S, . wnvt In Boston, I . I moodo yo;u -spoke of laot mummer, t 15, 000000, I - - . no Ladiom - 10 Inadjol"o, .
� . I . - I
. As i- It "timing a Womon, Whom -6 U ra tho Wfoh' I I ;
. And v�,hat a contrasti � Wt cod It laot evenlos, and It VaJaod T)Itko of I)ovonobire, loa4#.JAa4,ot4 $60,- 11W ,.-) Ll or P lie * - AM flou"O" .
I OUR 40 Waffouliflo dre -_ .
� am AA.7r4010VV1_3: ' Wo issobavo oX' T�,'o"y"t"�,i,ff,,conN6lp4*",fflok 116#44WID1
. Thits g1r) clad Ja A gray'drohm #"Oro I We Vory rmoh.11 000000, 0 eon � )n, -!on a o leador In and pylpopoft. v4tbout griping, Purging or 010(on, i .
I offino &W 111W60iffle. 4WOrfoh WOO-, 040 Of 019 in It$ X . I . J)ako of Bofflord, Jand, Undon, 160 -CM, hor a usibil Q rop%st -0 Ing - - I � -
11n,pti(Ifty 111(l go ill fittlj)g tbAt it 11RIM fja�,,d tallin', She's a gfrl 0106 0) - __-
I , . bbio agitation, � lb io a o4une for tbankful- ,r�ww� T �
Ratbodlit abufffiv" I # , _,_;�,1;,-f-_ ! ! S If' F
_ �: j �__ --r- 7- 4 _r Z� �— .
i I I ,really detracted from tbe box(Aff0l 011t� . � - I givon ivri WOW it gooet deal, 40, ffopry 0, R#xafnayor, ougar, Now- York, POM t4r-6 nuoh 10011,m%da - rna-W *ro Lfowp .
I TS1,01turl,ff P" K0, 40, . I , I -
� _..
f fl)ironor for thy (Jounty of Iffiron, - i1nati of har form, Ife 1, I uxurlant 0000. "� I I _. - . �-, � -. - � I - ---Z I F -
I � I ujobbe wb'pn obo Wahl tQ14 tbo facto obo JrA 000,000, '41idgj"4)wlyigfdiwsir,-$,Hfq�Pitfloof; ,,� '1.ko , 7
; , 'I 1006 - - . a " #.�_. - I q
.&�-v - bogitli tori suopeeft MuMo O' h6r an,009- -f M , —
I I sm were 100dedlIttild 00110d 10W 04 ths #1 J Ain SM101# tril"w" - eX100, W OW,000, � - " �
I __. Thero to ordy ono thlmo looking." _ 84 .� 't �'J -- All Run -Down 11
hor h6ad, amd at har throat a tora W'Ould be lookin' ber up mino da , Ofwfo Sorookloo, stigor, n Frgnakyo, t Alohohol " F00Q1 , .3 .
i DR6. SCOTT & Mae -KAY, W11 111011KI'll , , fflu"Oeoff t) of ('0111,140 bas .7 $oomo ow, I -10W�AWSJ . I
I . � .. � J1j'JYF,j I RMW Ony boW of blue, Not ali WORM0.0t Of 6 SI)o alluti IjA-o been it jpod deal by lJor- ArehWobtip Oonn# lando Vlonna, S401- 'If) 140 now :�oon esfirWINbod Ivy -Nove;41d i -" 1f-4w-A"1,W_SP_*N_F*-i .�;
I . ,(r1,AXfl AXEJ - 90-NOi ng, bnily tho A fuld funifid-10 lig 101 Jr we Ktop to � I
b any zature, not even a V1 I - 001f , eneo fille Pt ber ochdolln" all'. moot . I W,all,ki.%own ol#xioloal ro#Gwrobov t,hkh tip to �,o
al, 4PWIq moshodIA andrah,ftldd� 0 f1111114 (11jr)(It If-, Imt Wo best flot 40, 0001000 - " -
I ,.. - , 6' 1110 patnt HIS Is a Common expres-
, �
- . . () 4...- off ., . trown of her OU1111Y hair, two 1141 - 11ke y doin, lots (� thInkIn', But 'Telly's Itu'(401 sage#- Wolley landingi Now Yorkt � a- v044100hot I'm food and � 111�
0, qF0,,WT, 1 4` t -Val - a sn4 Aon Arbor, 0104 rof4e ](!ayem In her obeeks and tl1@ W1114t YOU W-011 N 00 MR)[JAWOUN111t) W) ght, an, the f6 olooti, � To dmlpr a scir; V no if do. .
t . 04- I moot W1111n' im' tender %25 (J00 006, * . i '
0 W 40 Mic t ' ,ft,1 11bout yolir Own I . 4" 1, . , � I fon we hear on Mry . -' .. �
0--oolliego of PhV6101500 li"d 110 ('4010PAII g - ros-90A wbloh sh1*11 WOO W 01 porsoln $1 � .
-� (Inyonsy for 0ounty of 11"ron, queenlike, tnajest7 of tbreat and mboul- (I t I" (I I haa#ed creetu 13firArloptl Hardatte-coattm, NAIng, 1,04. .
I JrWzrtXX1=. -" . . sigp.,, 1,ijen rie iltiat!d m(itigi,trully'. 111 - *%an Its socipo, so A food wtiotly possou and . � I . I
- *1 KOKAY I Worn craduXie %ri"Ity V111yors( , Org an# bust, 96 classic that AOt 6110 - on. 181101h Inake an awaolu, go6d wife don, $25 000,000, -h t$ offoat at a polson aotuklly bogino _- the" :
,f cold ined"010T1409y Redloal 001106rd, . NowlZ woman In it hu-ndr-ed but would envy V�10i you eculd ,i,1,411. Alice for a -felv Hit I'lionivis Lipton# grocarletio Londont :: A, arl f i slide, V n 1 e SO , it Is .
, fer � solne - man If she ever flnds the jo,' blkr6ly, ohn-lblo, The VsAuax Of different I
i Collaxopf'-r-hyst(doide and Snygoond, otfl%-On, 111oliflig, Sit , wroild driVe the wegrlws I .
I _ 21 � - lun.111 . . � $25,000,000, . I i diNor greatly In r6940 to their j0M,0 i
i - I I . � 1488 ber- their possession. . righ . . . I IddIvidua a I I �
� . . .- , - �0(111 UJIXI(L" -----*— - s . 11 I r of , org bf 1.
L , 'And what a', contrast In speech, eX- � Out or . . � Ur ion they reached the Island Uncle . .. oxidl7do - anic frouL e, the con-
t - , .. -1 . � , � r 1K ospaelty, and it to si ratAte
i I �. - � ' "I S-11olild U0 "-dad to bave her come . . : I
i 0 to the top of , � on - ore are - persons -
! . mid to the verg a - -1
bR, M- -O'OARROLL pression And ways -ti , Ten y landed and, golng Bay, comm * obaerv&tIonthatth ,diffion can,doubtless be rem. edled. -
f floh, . , .
i utterly unaffected and illid VItlit'ina I aul sure I obould love - , - t than otherm . I ��
i and Pbviiielmn, Trinity ColloKo, Dublin, of bashf ulness, . .A clM scan! ed the sea for sIgns 6 COUNCIL MERTIV6.-ITAY tWnghlp coun. Who GAO
I IIUY ry Crepwro of Phyololpns, Tralarld, 91ponlaliet- hor." . .Z I I 9 I lthout6,ppareotl Injury to healtb. Ag*100 . .
I . . yet sincere, teader 7 and thoughtful io 1. : � . "Macketoj's curlus flab," Veo � . Your doctor Is th.&I best ad 1 _R
X I 110 111flel I he obser oil 6t in bho Town Hall, Zurich, on Mon- V�� tit very rhater avistr3k
i I an d1seamea of wmen and children and m1dwifery. ' mifld,ll be answere�d, ' disy of last woek. All the members were 0,0oupation and onvirourne lat- I
I Member of OnUrIn (,fllma Phyuiclana and QurKeono. oich and every utterance, a beautiful 411f ivl5h Fhe . to lbert,- who bad followed. "Theyl,s prement. Thenominationo for Reeve and U afreat the lunwers of the body- to "xitnil- . I I .
� .
4 ' "but she A a evilmolteacber, and tbit . 'th A �
]Residence and office in C%3 -.v filock opposife, Com- � Do not dose yourself W1
* tower -grown to perfection among'06 I I . -
� . a ood deal like some wimmin-YO Cou�'(fflloro, for the year 1905, will be held tte al-,d�ol. -T.hus men who puraue an sot, I I
I morolat hotel. Pliono No. 00. 1017X16 duty keepsf- ior '�ecupled most of the ' ' .. . . I I - . .
I . . .-..,- rocks of *is seldom -visited Island, vAop nev r know whar ter Mid lem, Yester. on Motiday, December 26th. at I o'clock J,,fe life in the open air otra able to indulge 14 -
— . ed by conventionality and unsul- t1me, - I fi ]i Orin- her dow-n here - - kinds of advertised remediis— I
0 J
AUCTIONEERS. train . I I day mprnin' that cdve Jost Inside of tho p. m., io the Town 'Hall, Zurioh, and if a 4;jore frooly thi4n are tboise who itto ongaged -
I _. Beil by the. world I "I wonder,how Ae 11(!Xt 811111�1 '-" .�iJ4h0n, feellug t un- pllnf ivas 'live with lein, anP today I poll is necessary the eleotion will be hold"& �ilo sidllehtary oOcupations. �, - I . - I .
I . : get his opinion. More than like' I
HOMAS BROMN, Ltoonsod Anotioneer for the Al the fact that he knew I t il�' � W 4
f would act If suddenly dropped Into the Tldr to c0l'('t I caO i�ee a'sign of one. ,We better si+ week later. The following � will be the , �! It is v.11 a question of funosional �Lotivltyo I _;
, . , , .
; Countleff of Tfuroti and Perbli, orders left aA g plaeop . '-'a tb0'0013d1tio-,i. of the tiesue to oxidize tho �
Z .r h(r history tiny louger, he said: "I beg deputv-re�urningoffioorsi%ndpollin i�t - 'eed a - `a' fo o d �
4 If. Camphell'a Implement waroroema, Somforib or Nasons, home, or what would A1100 herd an' wait a spell till I sight a you ni concent -rated I L ;
- G Kxf,osiroR Office, will renelve prompt aftewR�n. . yom- pardon, Ni I Ism Torry, but I know I Poll No. 1-8ohool Houee, S. 8, No. 2' 10 mbuatable mo6terW presented to ib. It - - �. 71
i think of her." Then, as he meted tho schdol.11 I # "I O'en cc i
6419fAction'guaranteed or. no oharge. 17MU .ffielan- T I I J, Hawkin" ; Poll No. 2 -School bouBe, S. AWS a b InJoetured thab the oxidizing ;
aid little droop of her exqillsito lips, I'V11"L is:lut We b,pttwii of your to enrich your blood, and tOne . A:
I T9 a dreamer like Albert Pake th,6 8. No. 14, B. S. Phillipla ; Poll No. .3- ,t ,�: i
� . ' I 4wer of the tiiaueo, over alcohol ia Parble- -
. I - �
I 11 I S G. MoMIGITAYL, heou ed a otlo1wer for aind as sbo, wondering at his sflence� choly mo'ods, an(11 I Imewlt the second limitless ocean view he now enjoyed, Town Hall, Zurfoh, Andrew Heas-,, Poll Iniar, must have steadily diminibbed sinao . J
I ty of Unron. Sales attended bo In any I nkch", I -Nv.i� here last sunitner. Your I - � I up the systim. 1;1, - I
I the coun * . tors Oank their Z_ .
I prut of the cotiv at moderate rates, and eatisfaction turned her pleading -eyes toward hi=9 F? liftod, him far above mackerel and No. 4-Bobool house, S. 8, No. 4, Daniel jf?:�Ptimewhen our &noes I I 18
guaranteed. era leftiab the Sesiferth poet office there came Into his heart I& in instant fol-11or tolil nji� "pr hl.ifory tbr,n. natq thelt babits. His mind Was also oc_cu-� 8-irarum -, Poll No. 5-8abool bouse, S. S. Am - bottles of: port with impunity. Such - . . .
I r -1
I - i
1_ "A6 d1d? You knew my unfortu . SaraiUs ; Poll No. 0-HATb- -4'-performance At any' rato is seldom heard ,
, OX04 Lat 2, Conaesslon 2. HulleW will receive a feeling that, despite her timidity and pled, a good deal by Telly, and while he NO- 19-i B- - I P -
'I Qrom.pt atterAlon, . IM24f history that night?" -,.4inowadaye. The quanUty of alcohol Im- A
1-4 ___ - �� - _. .- her lack of -worldly wisdom, he would . I eible hall, Joseph Buell ; Poll - No. 7- . Scotts � Eimulsilan -1
[� - . 111 did, ev'ery word of It," he answer- des 4d to please the kindly old man, I , f
� ' , confidence fal would entertain � , School houae, S. S. No. 3, Charles Troyer ; , ad in such an exploit must be obviously I �, i
ri A UCT10$ZMWG--B- a. PlitIllpe, Lloeneed Talue her -love and p,ll No. 8-Bissonette -block, St. Joseph, atly in exopon of the linilb of the body's ;
I 1 d ed teiiderly, "and I should have told whol Imagined fishing t,
i A,A-tictionser for the counties. of Huron au abore any woman's he had ever met. - t him,, his heart was not in it- - ____ �111tdiug oapmej�y as deduced from saientific , i
P mer aud thoroughl "W"i
.. — aa� I'll 6 it
f" e
- �
Ff Being! a praotleal tow - - . I . 0 f C fa dk, Li v'e -1 0 "
i - y � you I did if I had Dot -been afraid i . - - _____ --- - -_ - -- , , I
H understmdlng the TRIa8ofWfarmdookaudimple- 11 "Don't let us worry about the mack- �,:,:,Ui.-erimems. -, , �
E Yi-s Tprry.�' lie sild gently. ','do yois I
i� . . � 'IM .
- ,
ti Imenta, places me in A better obettlob to rexllze good I — I — . would hurt ou to know I knew it - IWOW, �.: ; of ptire alco- I .
L. PrInea. 10bargee niodArste. 8941afaction guamnteed ' __ — then.t? erel,:, Uncle Terry," he observed as thes, RF one ind & b*1f fluid ounces - 0_�
I 2r nU&y All (*ders lofk at Hensalt post offloe or EN I 4. M E CASE OF 0 '631 ie tte utmost quautity-that pan be oom L
. seated themselves on top of a Cliff.
� Her eyes fe 1, and a look of pain came �Wtelv utilizeq, as food in the hpinan body .�
, f t t. i3 CqnceWon 2, Ray, w.R.be promptly .9 I . � Is just such�a 1"Ood in its best form. �
I , I "This lone, uninhabited Island and the _
7 eliended to' 11.109-tt I riment&I obser- - X
. � �,dm .04h.L into her face ;p4r diem, ace-ording to expe 11.
2� __ I �
- view here will content me until your N TION "
r7 I - W% - ;
7. � I "Please ba'�Ish this mood from now W�kion,, A qu�uti6V ingested adcLitional to It will build- -UP the weai�wwd
i! ff I . . I
! � A V, 11 - V" C 04 � 'A
.; - .
i - . 0 41. C; "�r,�J . -
I -k-Re me MHOD mutua! FIM -1 I on ,qnd nevor let it return," be said stonishing esultS - m -5 13RAt amounD khereLM M&Y UMOML.P0 W� M' I
: - A %3 1 "It allus sets me thinkin', too, an! � by the use of Dr. Chase's 401, incomplete products of combustion, . .
� -
- I Insurance Com- ... � rw - hastily. "; ave come to tell you that wend whar we cum from an' ; Nerve Food. L. L so and wasted, body when all I �
I .pany. . i�'o speak, may�be formed and toxic effeets .
�_ I your erin' I 1;
�_. �. in the neak f ture the mystery of . ; it
.1 - - -, I "h -r foodt fall to nours'. If -
- ISOLATED TOWNI . etter, what we air here for. � AW our stay Is ' MRs. MyLp Emex -Co., I 0 L ", I I -
. _g, S,. woodslee, )�Isue. It is therefore Interesting to consid-
1, YARM AND life may be s Ived and, what is b I Otte I
! ' besides? We air born, Ont., writes :-" When I began the use of Dr. : if whab amounts of the ordinary aloob 9 t I
t.z PROPERTY 011011LY INSURED Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? that a I.egac awaits your Oalming�. " so Ripazin' short Chase's Nerve Food I was confined to my bed brinks contain tbia permissable allowance
I w up, work a spell, .-It old an' the ii u are run dowtv or emaclated,
� �
1 .7 � Then it's probably too late. The matter U s been in the hands of an grO ) with wbo,t;, the doctors said.was nervous pros- ;.-Jamy, one and a half fluid ounces-whtch Yo . . .
. I . I I I
I -
�� i OMGARX. Uff. If unprincipled' awyer for some months an, �hat's the eDd. Why, It don't seem tmtio- F weak and I �jojasounied to be the extrame limit of tke : 'it connot hurt 4
" I n. .'My stomach was very . � . ko I �
. t, J. B. McLean, Progfdont, KippaD P. O.; Thomal You neelected dandr onlyllast year when I cuna to the Cape, not sleep�, Nervous chills and trembli give it a trial -
� . - . Terry has told you, could UP. 4�jdizing power oi the body.
;:, PrAftr, vlce�president, Brueefteld P. 0. ; Thomas E. would come ovcr me 94 �
�_ - ' A .
: you had only taken our, ad- n )"an' t's goin, nIgh on to thirty now, . 1. tain 50 vrou a �
. %%ri. Sooy-11ream. Slestorth P. o.. ,_t but now be 1 dead, and I have take .�. . .. times and 1 seemed to bc - iTaking brandy and whisky ti) con Raid .� . . It is es'sentially t�le "best
� .
�_ DM201ORS. - vice, you would have c�ured Ul yo'u ) an, �Iln afmost through my spell Of lifo, � . ber cant. by volame of alcohol, three � -
I hold of it an shall not rest unl � I - - ,-�e,tting weaker and ?-
Grieve, Win. ii . ,aull i 11 41
W11113m Chesney Seatorth; John G. � . "I - i ces or six tableapoonfuls of these spirits nt for delicate
I - A have your rig�ts. We shall know what Wh t puZzles me is what', weaker all the t i me. , possible nouris' met
i George Mle, Seaforth; John Banneweta, . ,.Would' conta,in, the maximuln allow -able
� Mub',, Jaineg Evans, Beeoliwood. ; John Wait, 0- There were also pains on I �
i . your fieribi- I I I all about your an, beuil born at all If ye-ve got ter die sQ , I i - I
I . T14s would be thq equivcdent -1
I fs an( 0 - . top of the tead which daily dose. children and ple, anae mnic gig -is.
. ZM100k *,, Thomam rrasor, Bracefleld ; Joha B. Me �'e e " More'n all that. if life's tbQ fabou � I
� Ftoon ,% *hieky
4. Tesn, lKippen ; JimeB Connolly, Clinton. . cestoi7 In a w montbs." Then be , . - OK t two jl�saes of brandy or ti
, 11!� caus,edme much suffer
o no ":_ I - 11
:. AM . HzurVi*gor added tonderIlly, L'Would it pain you to Lord � a blesst i , as vie wIdder b'lleve% .1 ing and anidety. rand water pev., Aiem, eseh containing three I W4e Will send you a samp'o frem. .
I- ., i
; Robl. Switli. Harlook; E. Hinohlav, Setforbli . ny only born to suffer or . I I After using bnff a tablespopufula of apirlb and a half pint of . t, i
F smog Cuninilag Egmoiadv -e I J. W. Yeo, Holmes hear more ab ut it, or would you ratb- why iare so ma 11
. .
f- I$ the dandruff, saved your hair . t" � I I -nl why are . A dozen boxes of Dr T water, to exco'ed whioh would be bo risk , I . � i .
'41110 P. %; George Xurdl and J'oha. 0. Romason , . I er not' oe.crIppled all their lives? A
1 'Audlion - Chase's Nerve* Food � toxic eatilta. ` Forb -and Sherry, with their —
� - �
� and added much to it. If snakO an'- all sorts of vermin, to say r . 1 "
;� in In weiglit ____ -
I PAW402 dantrons to oftepi Immisna" at OxAme � "Father bas ttle �f It, but I - , began to ga aj�onol, would Be sure that t'As pkturs ��
� I I I lawyers, like Frye, rwerageof20�or cent. of i
T_ btlt otlae. bumine-o will be promvtly &Windad W notblin of cheatin' and to feel stronger. on -1
I I I �Sincethen I have been . - .
i - ?M)HnAilap io any at the above aMoen, ad-lromd 4, not entirely bald, now is your - I know he had kept most of th trouble contain the petmisaable - aMOUnt Of alcohol � in the form of a 'and is .1
. � . ever -born at all?" I , . - wrapper of every bottle I
i�� 'hfAlf "JVft511Vfk -Coot nffnA�!. ity. Improve.,it.- to 111ruself. les his way. lince he I � L, - W seven ounoeEs� or E6 little, dV6r tW4D WinO- I tin I
,- � , I
- 11 opportun " I I (,rri 1w rlinlinued.) 1, gradually restored - f Y_ :
,I: 11 M Botton he har?, acted � I MRS, X-9-3 XS ni glaeaftile, assuming each to coutrain about I r Eublon you t%
L. " I ha,,*ro used Ayerts Hair Vigor for over 40 1 .. r' I � . health and in looki I �
� 'MARRIAGE LIOEM13ES i Tftrl;, I mu n.yr 91 years old and h,,Lve a heavy like his 9 Id self, and no words can tell; i — - three fl lic on cea. The limited quantit - !-I ]��4
. bock can say that the � iniprovement bas b—a 'I I n - I I .,
groWth of -11eb brown hair, due, I thin)L, eu� lihe, first year ot municipal own- 'to vvines, alarst or charapay;e, wi% .- -1 - OWN E
tire , ly to Hair Vigor." how .glad I a . As for the money, it — something wonderful. X used in all forty boxes of .W�L I R SCOTTI & -3
I AT AK;,r,,,,. X. A. KRITEL, Belleville, TIL ers* of t lie Winzhain eleetria a duty as wall as 10 per cent. of sloohol, would be 15 Raid "�__ T , MR -
ISSUED must and etba I go to hina, every ponny; _ 6 o( this prepiration and feel it . �'_ . I y C�Ietn;bts
I a bottla. J. 0. AYFR Co., -1 - - . � - li-ght pLant bas just closedi Th fi- a privilege to recommend it to all who am gaffw- ounces, while one and a half fluid Ounces of . . -
THE 1111ROW ;YWRIM n;F;P.F BT -m,. W An comfort I can gl" nancial t�cnort ,of the year's opera- 1 3
V TITd' r U I 8 t 3 Lowell all! the In.v f,ee% nervous sorders." -y--h-1 represent aboub 30 fluid ounces or a I I - d1% #
� . - I i I . - W4� �_ W1 VIAL"$ XA1 .
i . I _____ W , for � lives as well." most satisfactory one. "Dr. Cbase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a bo �� -1
� - , as long a h t i(>nS is a , int and a h4f of table beer, _Z1 . I
L �; " k e � d in - I
: � 6AFORT]a, ONTARIO. .ddmft a an - tations the portra'alt A-� P The qj1est1?n, fis however, comp'llosted in
i -_ � . 4 .924V thl U. for What you have The �total revenue amounted to $6, ptotect you against imi , .111, t.
� - - now I R08.40 and after payiag all expense,g jigmture of Dr. A. W. Chase, the Amous ro- the case of vriner, and beer, baoiuvc theme 50c, and$!." All q, 9� , _�
; � I . ', gal ' gaid Al ert quickly, "for - - t
I I � �
I (jood 1-1 al ill 01- cZpt book- author# are on ouvery box., . � . __ � � — - -- - --- - -
I i I �
,,; 17 b& th,erl, is; a "r �_ I
L � .plus of $2,670.56. . I f
I r I IRIED& 11101�1 ==N ah" dw� tt�' I M AmAeF sto I - 1
7 1 - ;� ,I, A .
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