HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-12-16, Page 2. A . I . . ­ �- ­­­ - - I I .. � - -1 . - I - . . '. . . - .- 1� - - � - y , ,- �� " ­ ,. I -- � I - I - . - . . . ­ � T -MBEI I - - -D -E . .1-11IM-Mow- � I � � - - I . I I . I - I - . - ; - . . .1 . I . . I � I . I � . , . � . . . . . . . I I i . f I . � � . . . . I I � I . I I � I . I -w, latoe I I . . t . �� � - 1 � , � I I � 1. . I I I - Ne is X. ­ .. I . . . . I . - . . � � - ,4 . - i . . � . . . . I , - I I I I 0 - W,edne,-3-0A.Y Ir . � . I , a� � � " . , .1 . I 1. ­� in thle, rear - �< - . I ! � ­ 1, . � . " � f . \�-( . - . -, �� I . . I . � I I I . . 1 4 VJOF;30�1, while deer st. E f - � 1 4 I . . � . I ..-. j7iip I . � I - ;;�12 A A�" -1*--O. - � # t I - . � � I � � , - ..... . � , I � - - � ! I . . . . . � . � , � , � -, � - - - �� - �, I I -- I I � I . , i 41111, L- � -, . - � � � -:7 � . . �­ : I---- 11 -- 11 I �� 7 - I I 11 -­� - Z ..... � -111 I . - , . ��­,. -- " ! , I - lz ---- , ... "I � �'. i� ...X. I �� - - I ` . I I ­ I c I . . . � ..... ----- � - , � 11 I - . �. - . - I --- r I , ,�f . I- r': -­ '... . . I , �, I . I - . I I . - � ,". - I I - "I - � -1 - , . . - - .- - � 1 . . . . . . . I : I - I , I . ­ I � I � IT i -.., � � I , 1: ...... �., 1 , . - � , � i I -1- -;-;W- - i - . - r ..4-ji I I I - . � I �, I I - - - - i ­ 1 .4, - sf,l ir- ­ -- - I -!��Oil ­Vz�f-1 � , - � - 4-04 I - �, :� F,:.,. ;.- . - -�f ­ - - � *- I � -c� - ;� . �rij I ­ - --- . , - � V I I I - - 'A � , . �-Tzri 11 ,: �--�',-I� I - . -q ;-N- � -, � �` �,-' L ­ . � I 'T ­ .� . 7 ,- I � * �.t, � � a L , !�. - - L " ... ..... - -s i . , - � � �17: � � �, .. ­ ­ - � I . I . I � �. - : �: ��. 1! , - - . I -. i ­, � :� �� �'w �� .1 .i � � - . 1. 17 � �. I �, p - . � , ; . - -- - . I 1 7 . � -- �� - ..� . � , � . --- I � . . I - �, - I . . . I � - I . I- I I , - . . 1 7 . � I . . � ., ; - � � 7 . - - I � - - ,. - . . . - P I � A. I . z - - � � � , I � � I - � . - I I - � I � � i I , . - � � . � J A - I I. I . . . o , I I I . � . - � I I- � , * � I � - . � . I L � �. � � � ; I I I i � I I . I . - i. . t I I I � � ­ � � , �� I I � � � - , , t - - I r . , I ; I � I V - , . � , - x . -�� �- 11 , ,-� I , I I � I I , - : I I - I, , , � i - - . I , - . . � - - , 1 4 � , � . - - - I � ! " , - 1�1 I . - . . - - illm,!X3, V -%L i 1, ­ V , �. . I . . ` Vli- C" I - �-� I I . . I - DECEMBER 16 -. -. I :&-sohibald, i . § � -, � I I ,�A bis ISOU 0 .! I ,?- . . I 1. I THE ff'URON FjXPOSITOR . � 1904 .. - - -w 1g- . I . F- ­ ­­- ­ � I - I I ­­ ------ . . -- . . . - to vmll as ,onadir I . -- . 1!2!2!!,� . -- ­ . I ---"�­,T 1-a 2 I 1. , I . I I , , 1. 'O 0 yeam Vanow -1 � � . 4 it - % -- . . - �- . .. I - stitu�encies must be found'fior tiliem. and the wrlditionq of mv-nufaptu-re - � . .1 .- - -Oa-�w L tb-Z .deer and f , : - . . �� . - I& : ­ . gt1jr &V0#Jtj0V if. they oann6t be elected whecre they *ere such that it was quite im- � I �L -L.. 'W4 111ar1w ,wl I " El '94 01% . - I -1gerr m. and stru, � I - - live. rior instance, the Dominion possible for tihis to happen without - .. I . I 'L . . - t,hr,a,ugh hi . - I . L �77 � - =7 -Z :,--=:'-: � ----------:-m- . I 0 - - - a_ ArA � leader, of the Conservative party is . the fact coming to the -notice of the W, AWL , . . iVibald, killing h - , . Let the I SEAFORTH, Fj?.Ii)A,Y, Dec. 16, 1904, now a'�Zking a constituency, ihavin,g aotlwltiels. The . purity of the I � - ­. lilrm "- L *b=t117. The wounded '. � -- I .- . I �� � I I . - . I - - ­�­. - ... " L. . I bf . L , - . - mbm I , -: L, I I 1 � � �-, . - L — � wri beaten in his- own home. But cheese was admitted and the charge L . �rxag - -Gelaeral, Hkm I I -­ - ': Children . Mr� GR6 I cely albbg enougfi. 'dismissed, w -hen it ,was f.ound tba,t 6& 1 -_ - I oving. The lathe . � . Proffered HeID man t4son is smr We I � 00 7 -... --imw i� gh -grief. � . . I L make an� outside. constitu- bhe Canadian contentions were prov- . � R16 . . . oaue OTC L . . . a -P 'Al � � - . � .L 18on to bisz Eat The following ' en,cy isatisfied wi't him. for very en, by bhe repoft of the Government . . ­ , paragr h we take L �.v 4 his . . 4 ' . I ... _ : - V;11;� I all they yvant oF f rom blite, Toronto -Nows. The state- long, and hlenm. the dissatisfaction analyst, which showed that.the sam- � . !::1?.ro,nk D .. . n East Welliaigto'n. � ple in question contained 43 per For LiquoZones Yet Wt, -e Give You a 50c. Bottle Free. A trajwrnaa, was Tua a , ments e6ntained � thexcin are no I .1 I . , . . I -� I . #1 . L � I - I . . -WA -1�1 ag, .Mooney 9 a - � I . I -�-­ cent of milk fat' and no forebzri fat . I I- ; a few da;y. - . � doubt corr'ect, -as they have not been , I - . ., Si . =Juri . I . I I -Mr. -Mas. Calder has, 1*1-,n chosen whatever. - . 1. � es us � I - . I ' -Call Stones . -,.- 01 The case has aftrdeted almost ull" he American not Iffll. The reason ig that ,-arms aro Fevers Tumors-Mcere . - SpIve Perfection questioned,from any quarter. They by tibe Conservatives to contest . 1� � 'OlLre--Gout Varicocele L-� --. �nd Jaken. to ,P;03ct Cc L I eaeft - I- I W,6unds werme ,drvg on a SoUtat - ' , I- i - Vexsal attention In Great Britain 'rights to -1Aqu--.,one; the highest *price veqetables; and Liquozone---4ike an eX­ 1(lonorrhea-Gleet women'S'Dis I . Cream�Sodas i tbrow a -whole flood of fight . Ontario with Fla'n- John Dr 7egetal All diseases that begln wlt)l I-, - - & � . I . y- and the triumphant vindication of ever paid for .dmilar rights on any cess of oxygen -Is deadly to I feVer-101 133 '-- 4 n =AA -e up* ' M - �, . - 'ecial tka, . 4 . ulaLlOn-ail C31aTih-ail V�ntagipus d1=154finastp, I �� � 1good many things. The News says: I den for the seatin the Legislature. bhe. putity of Canadain dairf pro- scientific discov.-ry. We did this after. matter. the rc,�,Ai s of Impure gr poisoped blood. - - t, W Just vviia; the little ones . Talue of Liquo- aCTen ­ o. Stratford, L 011j.7 IbL y LI=;'One Reta US a onservatives, are Tthese. are old y testing the pro'uct for two yeaxs, There lies the great 11�11AIS de vitause; - - -1 TLim I � ug W �11 T � ' I - " Prominent . C c et , advbrtise.- , I' It 1' knOWn to I kill , . no Can, 40, � -." pla,oed in to�e tity � ,7 should have for mid,day isaid, to be quietly arrangingLa Cab- have fcqght sbyeral. battles royal in ment of OuIr ,goods If, however, our through physid-ns and hos� Cals, in zone. s,the only way I L'.1 � . I . L, suf f5eri-Irg from. a I , . wi ut killin- the � -- - . inet slate for Mr. Whitney;' with bhe past and "ch -election was fOl- d iry law..% had been lax 'or our de- 'this country all.C. others. We cured all germs in the body tho zl�l -. .- place$, a Xis I . � , a getms 50c - -- 101�1- � 100a; lundheon and be&,time U 'o the expectation that -the ConseTva- lowed by a protest. The Ontario partmental on,ganization imperfect kinds of germ (. ,eases' -with it -thou- tissues, too. Any drug thall, kills Z-5 - , - Bottle Free. . -a Ia.-rge Dr - I . I -nd it c -. A01431, ana by a,, brou I . tive party will b,& returned, in pow- Minist�,.er of - Agriculture, , bowever, on eit,her side of the Atlantic, the sands of the m(. t diffi oison, a annot be taken in- , I . tWgb eaused I per. IfS -surprising ,,, I roaching ,vs ,,, , tainable. We. p--)ved that in germ ternally, Medicine is almost helpless -' If you need. I.Aquozone, and hsva � -� - 7- 7 � i . � . . generally came out qn top and w, result m.i191ht have been different. igg !him. lie narrow,,,, . neral election.- In tth-is connection bhe final winner. Wh0her or not he Yours truly, troubles it al-uays accomplishes what in any -,er�m I ease. It 19 this fact never tried �it, please -zend us thlj� . - � � g, e . X -L- - .�, . epor C-0. giv; . 1 ts, wortli to 'We will then mail You an or. . �� - L I I i1ileo f wholesome and nourishing . there is the interesting r I t that -will be as fortunate, in tille oominlgg I I W. A. Clemons. medicine cannot (' � Now we ask you that uozone 1, hu- coupon. � . �, . - - ; - - . - - -Blerlin�s $254000 x;g . � these. light, delicious crackers .on the ni-ght of November 23rd, a contest remains to be seen. Department of Agriculture, Ott-awa. . to try it -try it at our expense. Test manity. And at, wortli Is, Fo great der on a, loc-al druggist fir a, full. - - I I "at o- ciz -he rag - , tib ftlelaO-- � I � . . .� - e bottle, and we will pay t d ,Sad Domies' I -Conservatives 'waited -we did; see what it does. Then that we have spe ;er one million _ ---- -� - m I deputation of - � It as I -00'r Will be &,;��i .W k . L . . % � - . reafly are. " Ask your on Mr. Wibitney, atL the' Queen's hotel ' uestion , ' - : yod will use It always, as we do, and dollars to supply the first bottl,p free o gis �ours as or '. , Our I I -a to, Con - - . - . - . The Temperalne, 1� The St -Catharines Well. , nee I t�keeea:n. 21,st, an I i . and asked,- him if he would be willini � -W,e are as millions of otbers do. you will use eacil sick one we learned of. gif t� rnade to'con You; to alov 1. - court 3fannister of ]E� . I � ' ,9 Dea-r Expositor, dif fer - The d�votee of the. strepuous life It, not only to' get woll, A � yon what I.Aquozone is, and what I I , *. I grocer f�r bo, take into bis Cabinet !Sir W11- blit to keep it - L-. Wng,e,n'ted ' I .� I I ' tly constituted and of ten view in either business or Society -can well. And It will sa.ve nearly all of can do. In -justice to yourself, please'. - I , I - - To ble preseA O.- - � ey" liam R. Me�reditlh -and Mr. 1�hn Ross 'en Wexent stand points. - accept it io-day, for it places - 1 *'Sked, to auggoet -a � I a ,� Moon s i things 'from- d;l � f ind rest .�,na recuperation by babh.- your sickness. . Ge Diseaseoe You Un- . I- . itui . � The temperanc,61 qtfestion,400,mB up re, the known germ 4iseases, -_L L fow� tive new Inst � I � - Perfection . portfolios. It is said bliat 'the Con- - ing in We healing waters of the St. I These a der no obligation whatever. 11 . -hy fox it Catharines Well. A modest -outlay I - written Me Colllelgiat-P- � L - again. W should it n6t, - All that medicine can do for the-ze 1;1 I ­ � - I I , servative leader promised con�§Idera- is quozone costs 150c. and $L1 1 . 1 Cream''Sodas a quel%tion frongh,t with ' im- will enable ,you to rejuvenate wdth� Hills Inside Germs* - - .1r,. -endeavor to sermt , t L - I - I . n the moist.- Z I tion. and repeated tille- answer the mew,le Tespbn4ibility I . The tempex- � troubles .Is to help Nature Oercome . I . I the MW G07eraor-G�w . I . . . ii . next day w1hen 'the deputation ai)- I I . out travetling abroad in searjoh bf Liquozone Is not made by cotapound- the germs, and such results ap indi- — - . any 4him to Berli I �, - ance, oirganizations and alfurdlins have health. -A temperate climate, pleas" . � 160mpia. -, I ure-proof proached him a second . time. The - ' Ing drugs, nor is t,herealco,hol in it. rect and uncertain, LiquozonelattackLa I CUT OUT THIS COUPON :1 ,6f 1thie LzbaO, eL a � I I h their plans. During" the last a:nt surroundi � skilled attend- for this offtx may not appear aga;-.1, Iqllont I _ L - ' efte . - , I -. PaCj6geS that L deputatiQn was inspired by a laud- an J# Its virtues are derived solely from gas the germs, wherever they are; And L L . eXt . � � . . . West Huron provincial -diectionsy' the bl2pl-s and mail it to the Lit -a 4C�on Co.% � - . ; . . ants and home.11ke environment will Z,e ,C c q id - e ;,� igiv, - I table desire to assist .Mr. W,hitney in � -largely oxygea gas ---by a process -re- when the rms which cause a Olsease 4U-464Wab.shAve. hi ago. I .,. I--, _,& young MAO nan! � in offic,pz of one of th� temperance Or- be fouu,d by visting the Welland, : - "I- I , 4 . L Strengthen _k : ,hij; prospective Gov- . quiring Immense apparatus and 14 'are destroyed, the disease milst end, , T . L Of, Norw- 0- , keep them - I . ' I . - I - is - � ganizations advocated the claims of St. C,atharines,'a happy' combinati L ta,�,e !suburb . . � - ion -able, 'Aly disease ir .................. -- --1 I I iernment n dayW time. This process has, for more- and forever. - That Is inevit . ......... ­;..� I - � WnA40-4. diel - . . . so fresh. a the Conse,rvative candidate, at the of sanitbrium ard family hotel, con- � ­ 111POZZ . It is quite . . than 20 years, been the constant sub- I I b-ive ne-.er tried Liquozone, i a . � .1 al on Suna , � � lo tille, "' promin- holding up to derision the -ed Astbjilm 33a, -win :: � 1haze Lbowat � I ,same. time duct OY Vever-InfiPenza luli-I I ; I on the most apprt)ved thera- 1. supply the a 50c. bottle frez I vvill takeyzl � I - . I . 11 'ent Conservatives " ab�ve.- r6f"red then approaching Refe!rendum. Af- Ject of scientific and chemical research. Xbsecss--Anfumim * ]KI ney Diseasel I � � L ,just prieylous to his ' -- I --- . L � .. ' peatic lines. P4Y'-sicians and nurses, ThO TegUlt is a liquid that does what l"Onebitis La Vxr3ppe I . .. -. . - I - - - IlloodPolgon Lencorrhem - .1 %sea ji�-,wish tp seo � to are , counting tLheir chickeng.-b,e texwards the siame official advo sun rooms -root. �:, promenade, golf ­­ . : � . ;� - 9 .- I . .... � ........... w ....... � ........... ­­. - - - a- . datx-..d the referendum, wNch he had 1i . , . oxygen does. It is a nerve food and 'krighivs Dispaso LiverTroubles � . . - nks, ,library, inusic ,room, are a- blood food -the most helpful thing In bowel Troubles Na-laria--Neuralgi-t ....... I ............................ -.1- I ;�-,Ila baxy4zad- Tba 4p% , fore bhey are hatched. But, be that. reviously derided. Are -our olergy -. I Coughs -Colds ?;Tp n7 H-dan ITYO-ibles � Y. Tbe Urand Trunk Railwav ; L p mong the Veatu'res. Long distance the world to you. Its effects are ex- consumptiou . 11iles-Pnenmonip I iied, suif&Rl � - 'do � -1 2 -� L 4-van�ber -,,de-k bea thie as it may, it is quite -evi -!it tiho sWeexe regarding the liquor traf- telephone -in'eacli room. Apply. to J Collo-Croup plenrisr--QuInsy -,- � I .. C, - constlj=!",11 Rheumatism - I � C ............. ­.­....­.....­. - aud,� taking alier ehild - bilarating, vitallzing, purifying. Yet . .. Sysstem � proposition was not vexy 6'ordially f ic ? Church courts condemn the D. -McDonald, Dis:trict lbasseager Ag It Is a germicide so certain that we CaraTrh-Caneer Scrofula-SyphIllfs . Give full addres---write plainly i I . . Railway T1 mio Tabi4p . 1�. - �ystem. The, bar i4 de -n ant Grand TruA Railway, Toronto, Dysentery-17):,%Ttbom Skin Diseaves . . -- - 0 I � I � takidg parlors, i t 'M _ � rec&ved by Mr. Wthitney. --this is -t'eAt'ng . publish on every bottle an,, Offer of Danarii�r' DrupEy Stomach Troublps -i - J. SbAALnM � . Trafne leave Saafortb " follows : - . I ced. in no moasured ,terms. for- full particiflars. . . . Throat Troiiblel Any ph4y-0tlan orbospital not yet �aslng UquoZolo . R�ey. T. I . J . _ . ' '%a 0.50 A. im. Adt surprisinV, - as it silliows ,"a lack Nun -� - - l that it can- bu=iryslp - St. - 1pla, iu the IV For Olintou. Goderich WInghaw " - - T exe is somet-IlinIg decidedly wxoti; - ­ - elas Illuberculosis will lie gladly hupplied for u teasL - . I --- - Kineardine. of confidence on the part li�ese The church inemberslip of - Ontario � - - - � - . - 2 0of f In, stai '1R.AQL P'. MI For Clinton and Goderich i Of Interest To -Farmers. - ­ -., � . I ,- . . tel I 6.0 P. M. For mton. Wtv0sm ftnd KlneA, " PrOMinent.' 001160rVatiVeS' tibe could easily carry anyi tem,Veratice - . I y t,bereaf ter � I , TO the Editor of The! Expositor: I I - .1 � I W,ShL -1al V;L . ab OL, c0L- .1eigislation it ed. Does temper- - , reaA ,Vbe buz Mr . dine. ility of Mr. Whitney and, In M Dear Sir, -By instruGtian of the I I One Grade. Only, . � ,-­ L 4 -1 � .10.18 p. m. v.orCllutonsu41G,oderi(%JE. L I � . ,SIGN -. `� CRUM * ­ I- x -the interment the bh� Legislature Ao carry ,.ynoe -bold the -position that it ough,b - I.'. � 7.58 a. M Stratfordly Guelph, Toronto, leagueks in � ,,on. Minister Of Agriculture aa- . - ,� � . -, �-L L� � V " jj;;b 4 A - L ]§all . *� � I - � Nl� J.: . For utig ,eat; on the affairs of the Prov" ce as in qualityidg, fow church me,mber- - "--: - -oWr � W Orillis,North Ba,y andpol 1A L othex distributiJn- will.be- made th�,% � IDAYS ­� :. - t&e polim---couTt at � ' I . Belleville and Paterboro and points they should be coaduct;�)d, 'in the LSMIP ? We see church membersof , And That the Best OF THE SAW exet. . 0 season of samples of the most pro- What about rpl�king a ate I forward by - �, I I I -,Ueft -of .j giar-nophom event of thedr accessi -n to power. all dsw-minations frequentiniz P --- 1 17.- 3.97 P., M. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon Wbother or 10 . t'h ductive sorts,of ,grain to Cana,dian � � - . - in ,th fteal and points eaet. . not this lack of con -f -i- bar. The church courts fail to faxmers for the improvement of seed. t.pendiug a ter0i i4 our school, the I have just received a cdr load of Me- . : . iau SLX moritht, - 6.83 P. M. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. -0 �, f Or bake action until the, poar,member ' . I � � ,iw -n , i4ence wl� t Vo 3�4 1 Pence -i* well founded, it is no The stock f6r distribution is of the Laugbliu Cattere. Any, peff on . ­ . � I --- . us tc,. say. has pasged the 'arunken staige. Mur- I L M, * pri , I . very best and has.:�een secured ma.in- . I thinking of investiqg in a', gew .� 0 . . ! soner 4ha d � -rht - Palmerston, and Kine,ardine. - . The gentlemen named kELT.e, nQ. Rl suasion f ails. The fea-r of offend- ly from the excolimt crops reicelft- cutter will do well to 00.11 on �, 'Me + - ithe just - - -- - it p 0, - - - 001mol XORTU. I Pass. raeff. Mixed - doubt, very a . ble and lvery- e�stimW;��, ,ing obhers, prevents furthpar me�lls I - � .. before purebasing Alsewbere. TLPG_V CD + . L �(w it and -b,4d then I I � . .- + 00 to vL pawnbroker for er of 'u- t b.-- -taken. Tlip- errinlg polit; ,neh Expe*rlmental * ; . I I � PaJmeraton.. ­ ­.. 7.30 p.m. 12.20p.m 8.303.n men. Mr. Meredith, when le�id` rV3 ' 0 Ves' the censure, w Farm a,t Indian Head, in the North- IL arenot the chea'pest outteri In e" . I - th4 EthQ . .. .. ...... 8.07 1.07 930 Ci&1i r.ecel Iii1e. lie, = � . r 000 ,- � his party in the Leigislature was e, distribution I I to`wn but the5 are t "" + IN .Man friend of I Brussels....- ---.. 8.17 I.17 1 west Territories. Th .. .1 he best an4're- + evidence ,of good 01 Bluevale­ ,­ 4... IS= 1.80 10.20 p6pular witili'his followers both in d4avested of .;his political habitiunents, this spring wil!. consist 'of samples of .. . . - I member, quality remaine long 4fter � :2 . � - wingham.. .. .. .. 8.88 110 11.10 and out of the Legislature. But, and seated clotbed in thQ. vestments - 1 price is forgotten. �Iv tv VC 0 . . I . That he was a har(L ; L " - -as a paTty le,i of church iii,embf-urshho views with oats, spring whoat, barley,. Indian OF TORONTO, � I � - I . () . Maan,- and tihat W -11b GOM G SOUTH. Page. Mixed. prm. . dex - -we ao no t bhi n k . " - I (Ixwn and potatoes. Thr- -quantity of I keep a full line of Genuine Rubber"' VD t4- � --- . .. - ­ Winghmn.. -­ .. .. � 6 68 a.m 9 a.m. 8_05 p.m he displayed - qualif ica�io-ns superipor 00-11 Gt'r 11 - . We offer superior advvintages with our elighteen Elarnese. algo Roben and R- - 00 - I was iftarette smozl. Sluevale­­ .. .. 7.02 9.17 3.1 L 3 to those displayed by Xr- W L I I \ ONLOOKER oa:ts to he sent this year will be 4 teachers, fine equioment and thorough work. P99, . ON 'him crazy and that I hitney which you 6an buy from me ch� * 1. . lbs., and. of whie,at or barley 5 lbs., , Wo have helped bundreds to ni-ount up the ­ap- . 0 -K. -A.- ;; ::� �> L i &e committed the '. ISrusaels-, ..... .. 7.16 10.00 326- * w,hQm tl�ose ,"proipi *t Con,. gr,d,. Maywenothelpyou? Lepueeendyou .er than eltsewhere. L. Ethel .............. 7.25 10.15 386 . neg 3er va - llo,,%vick, De6embe-r 1st, 1904. sufficient in each ease to sow one- � I - 4FT11 . ' I our ha"doome oatalogue at any rate. �- . 19 w. * .r . beon. all T - up t�o � rAlmerston ........ 8.10 ILSO 4.20 tives" evidently desirn him -to re- - - - . - ?" * L Tigh+ - twentieth of .a7n- acre. The samples o I co CD r,emot elections, and f -- - place. - At any rate Mr. Whitney has Leverli Y; Z (Wise ll�ead) Disinfectant Soap of Indian corn and potatoes will ZFW1N1!Ea TERM FROM J,&N, 8rd.. Z . 40 a 0 + smo-k-inijr, 01-g-Arettes. - brought his followers i -r4 Write X M. Oampbell � - .11 London,L Huron and Bruc." , ,,o very Powderis a boon to -any home. It disin- weigh 3 pounds as her-c-tofo,re. A . , I �, � I much clospr sight -of the fle4h pots- W. H. SHAW, Prnoipal. . M + r I -By 0-0 6r,St1A`X I wzqo Noyma- - r Pamel.;�Lle . quarifity of each of the following a.,,,A I � WE , London, dep%rb­­ ­ 8.1b AJt - 'than TvT "ects and cleans at the same time. 7& �X&Mvsmmafflft4sr-� � P a cuttiqZ box, Riel . ..w P m x.. Meredith was ever:Nble to this . 1. I . ­.­., I - vaTieties has been secured for :9 - * - --�­ I ,08ntral1A..­-- ­­.. 0.18 b 43 do. Tl�is Deing the caW, it is'4carce­ . . . . . ii 1910 + Z . ing, aged 24, -,00 Exeter--.. disit,ribution: . ii wo , I . . --..-- - 9.80. ,�, 5 64 ly likely that Mr. Whitpey NVJIl per- Developing Markots for Butter. . - I .. . + zarnes Clendenniug. 1 . - Hen9all-.­­-­- 0 Al g 6.15 . , Oats, -Banner, wide-awfike, Im- � � -K t" , r� I 14gersoll, Oxford V . 9-1ppen-­ ............ .. 9.50 oil mit illimself to be� effaced thit Mr. Written for The Expositor. proved Yig,orvo, waverley, goldfinder, of $1220,000, ikud t#at thQ 17"M, 0 T M , an. injury on Satul Bruoefleld.� ..... . ...... 9.68 P.19 Meredith ,glay profit from the re- �, - + Ofinton.­�.L­­-, 10.15 6,�! , Tihe dairy division of the De- abundance, and thousand dollar. said debentures Eh3ll be sealed %ij�th the W. -d " :6 - that ,resulted in his suits of his igood g-aneralshi ;' as it � (a . Londeabora-­- -- - 10.30 6.62 . PN' partment of . Ag-riculture, Ottawa, Wheat,-Prreston, red fife', Stanley, ,qB&l of the said Corporation, and si4ned by -1 - 13lyth --- � - ­ ­ ". ­ loin is noit,at all pxobable that Sir Wil- B -'L ,W I' - 7(10 l Huron, Laurel, and white fife. I the Mayor and the Treasurer therep Belgrxve­�,­ ­ - - - - 10.60 71- has agrain this year operated a num- _f. Z , with' bloi ;. liam ,will conse-ift to, aceept a sub- . I - I I ,ting -box I '.1 ;jj� �t n :� n . ,was b�cing *perabe4 � . ber of creameries in the Northwest Barley' -six rowed-Mensury, Od- 3 - That said debentures shall �aar Winghmn, arrive.'.-- .. U.00 7.'86 sarvienL pimition to Mr. Whitney ,in I ,p�ssa, mansf leld, olaude, and Toyal. , 1 tore8t at and after the r in -L VorKo sovm� � Nafferwer. ris ar4vaers in dis- INTO— 15 ; Ate of four 'ind one . I u,ing- farm by a t) the Cabinet. It is*likely also, that i - L , I ffingbam, depart.. - .. - &W A.M. 8 W P, triots adapted to dairying might be Two-n6wed -, Sidney, invincible . - . ' half pe r cent per an num from the 4' - %A 0 P I ? ". i ,y men - The blower eviAentiy � r, Afx. Whitney's followers i.n the Leg- OF -TEIE . . . I effeotf'! Which t=ra �V C-+ ,1Balgr%Ve­­._ .. ­_ 7.01 8.211$ able to obtain a cash income from sta,ndwel.1, -and ICana4ian thorpea, tioned for this by-law to take. ,,, )""10 awl - with a loud Blyt,h­' I " - ­ " - ­­ 7.14 s Ob islature will have' so,metbipg to a I . lil - Londeaboro ........ - ­ 7.22 s y th,eir cows until ,such time as they Potat.6es,-Ca. N . 1, early interest shall be payable annually -VIa the )-OW I 1 40 hood" -burst, a -v 8.45 ab;Dut the pfoposition, as no doubt to carr,� on tlhe� work f or white prize an Bocauty, Uncle 15th day of January.in each an(f every I W M I - elluton ­ ­­ -.... - - 7.47 4-15 se*eTal of them 'considei, themselves . aTe able Town -of -S�aforth � f-4-% co ing young Clendinnin 8.06 448 - a�ttent 'ir I I year, at the office of the TreasurePof the I - Brueeffeld....­­­,.., bh,f--Mse,lVe5- ,Considerable p - Sam, Amer. , lider, Bovee,early . � = w P *�s Kt,upen-....­­­ .,. 8.16 4.41.- entitled. to promotion and' as 'capa- ' C�l fleeding the ma�ehiae . ' - �abe - ' �forbb. 2; C -t- , 8.22 C62 1 count,ry as Cab- ion thas, Te,0elftly been devoted to de,, Andes, an'd I . uritan. . F0 haid municipaliby of the town of SO P .� ,1kn � tion -01' t,ho - hood ff0n9Afl-.­---- — ble of serving their � . r 1964- � ,-- Z . 11 nor I E very farmer may apply, but only ', 4 That said debentures shall bq made t:� J. -O i I Exeter ...... �-­ .. -- 8-.85 r, G5 i inet Ministers as either ,Sir . William velopinig new maxkets for the but- -- 11 lz� I " I -5 i=, , t:r' ;migh. upwar& of a Ceatmli&.... ,,.-,..,-- 8.4e. 6,16 or Mr. Robertson. What wo ter produced, and tille results have One 5�lml?le P,a,n.'b,e sent to cach ap- - ?ay able at the ex piration 'of twenty� years' n 11% P: - w,qz hurled. a distani London. (arrivel ul d b,e- L . A by-)aw to raise by N�sy :',of loan the 1Z - - -,..-.. - 9.46 A it V-0 been quite �3atisfacfory. In spite of plicant, hence i -an indivWual !r.e,- from thq� date mentioned for this byhaw to oil, M - 0 *W 6 '�, L The injured manl$ s'k . -- C01ne ., I . 0 . . ­ . price of bubt .of rea�prer. of I -hroat wnd Cox�g Mr. Matheson and otbers, whQ, no p -oats be oantiot - the sain. to the Canada Furniture ohe said municipality of the tow �2. & 0 �t n) P7 ed,--Tud he died wit i9f Mx, Fory, Dr. Beattie. Nesbit, the fact that the ' sum of $20.000 for the purpoae of loan- &-ake effect at the office of the T ' a" 60 , Ing I � . 'i' "I M %cl � Sore I ohs al'SO TOCCI.iVie one �of wh6at, barley or Msnufaoturers Limited. to essist bh M doubt, are, loruging to stretc,li, theic Eastexii Canada illas been lower this n M I& . ioo= ,6vsness. A simple, effective and safe remedy forall. throat - ocs, and ap fications for em In b tb, and hho.11 litwe-attached to thr ;e'ou'%: 0; irritations is found in I . feet under the �Cabinet mahogany in yc-.t-,r -tihaii last, the patr�Djas of the potat more extending bheir premises in the Town of '-r � 0 P ,L-f� - IL - -The Mitch -ell , . . . pons for the payment oi interest. 'I Cresolene Antiseptic Ta.bleits the -Provincial Council Chamber. � Norbliwest creameeies have received than onte sampl , for one lious`(�Wd Setdarth. I '� ?I W Mr. C-olquhoun's twn I 4rn average net pTice of 20.98 dents cannot be entert ined. These, samples � 5 That for the p*rpose of foijoin a 0 `cz .& �rj L-4 They comb;ne the germicidal vaiue of Cresolene with . The,rc may 130- some Igood rea�s' And, vViiereas, it will require, the -sum of ! - , 9� " 5:�� M 0 SO - betoming restive in 01116 a pound for the butter manufactur- will be sent fre , of chdr.-m throug,b sinkingfundfor thepayment of We 'gald I the soothing ties ot sliopery elm and licorice. for desiring to have, Sir- Wilji�am , t $637 53 to be raised annually by special . �V . , �-1 Go ,C) 0, On f�atnrday week 1 ual sum of 037 53 � ' . ille cream supplied by them, il rate for the payment of the debt as here- - . W ton wias attacked I ,od f rom t debentures an rqual an�n PrZor All Druggists � I 100 MexedithL in the. new Cabinet. BuL I - & i 11 ov -r a m,nt a pound more t,han in the mail, §uld be add,ressed to inafte, mentiotied, . to all other rates, 0 rais- � C.l,. Cot' and ,had a band baill I W son e, . Appli-c9tions sh shall, in additiozi T M - - we do not know any 13ood rea' I ed levied and collected by speci�l rate - 4 why Mr. John Ross Robertson should 1903, and tbe. hitghe�;t price ever ob- the Director� .,Of L, the Experin-fental And, wh'treaa, it will r*equire &Uho sum of ' ' go' P i= )NI it n6t been for tbe � -Thle Seaforth , imed for the season's arms, Ottawa, and may bc� sent in 69,0 be raised an upon all the rateable &operty in tii� said � I 0 C7, - . be there - . output- of F� _ to nually for the pay" late Dr. llutehinV � ,. He has nevey distiniguisb t'a an corporation during the ourrenov of th2e. id P---4 I., :Z 1Z , bihe GoveTnment creameries. y time. befoie the Ist of March, ment. of the interebt as *hereinafter in't- fir INS %0 I Itainly -have f ared v ed himself fia either Dominion or aftv-r which the lists will be clos- ion(d. , debentures, -or any, of them, and ;a P., M ,a, "I - day of this �te--k a Tea Store - Provincial politic.s.'--11*- held EL seat Briti:91h Columbia has 'naturally . purpope of paying the interest on tll,A said I , - I@ L in the Dominion parliament for on� been the chief market for Territorial ad, so that all samples asked for may Aud,whereaB,tbe whole rateable property : I be'ring tijftirty mer . , His just received a very large aouoignmeii t I ,term and he" buttex in tille past, and still contin- be sent out in 1good time for s w - debentures an equal anuual anni of $000.00 cgl� � . . proved such a crank . t-, - f theTown of Seafortb, irreopective of , 0 Dod,& as their may of �new teas and will give g that be could not w' lies to take the bulk of the ship- 1-n-'. Parties writiAg sbould nienoran 0my increase in the)nawre of tolls,interests, - i9ball, in addition- to all lither raf es, b� 0% -1* to the� forbidden wii , ork peaceably � .0 rais� . reat b -r- . ed, leviod and collected upon all tho�E-,,` r',ata �:Fl �> - - the two r,ub& The � gains in all kinds of tea, blauk, green, with -elther party. and be crave up ments. Freight rates and other ex- the s6 -rt of variety they- wo.uld pre- dividonds. ralatij or fees from Lbe said pro- , able piopert,y of t�e said oorporatidn" dur.'! M, ).J. Japan and green Ceylon ; Ali priof a t1le job in disigust and re&sed to perrses are -so ficavy that a satisfac- f er - , with a socand sort as an alter- pej ty, and alb o irrespective of any increase t ­eS DA r fimst- shot and wo, I tory trade with Great Britain can- n4tivf'- and should the' avaitable- deriv(d trom the temporary investme' ing the currency -of . the said deben hir or W,W , an ft I I nt-of . 1-11 t=1 . from 10i nfr pound up to 50,- pt -.r stand for re'-eleaction Wlen his term not be caTrie(l ,on at ,present, but a sfook -of both these wirietles be the einkiDg fund, or any part thereof, 6c- i any of them. . ­ , � (5_L_, WMV V11 . . .4 arou-sed the Male be r d. I have a fiae bl(nd of i ew, req- closed. He is the proprie,toi. of the L I I slowly from ,bis hol � tnade is be- -ed, 0 :4 0 � , I; _ TC L , . U�Oali�u price 40a, now 30i per considel-abje . export exhaust stome ,othp-r i-ood, sort cnedin�g bo the 6 That it shall be lawful fof tb' Eiaid = CD � ad tiMt to ,aftze � POULd, -it Toronto TelVgram and is the- only n 11"t, reviaed aesesoment rnll , Co poratiov to lend the sum of Wenty 3 ::�i -10 ' - ' - ; r so firgr-obim coffee, re,sulthr prtot3 45o, man in' Carnad:a we know of who h,l,s ing developed witill Japan and other �vill be sent instead. Tbose apply of tba'said towh, being for the year 1904. to be raised uu�&�-t this 0 ;:8 r -L 1. rewived a bullet V . . 351. . r I � - Orient,,,ll coilritries. Before bbe Osaka inz for Indian corn ox po-tatoes will 4a the gum of 8615,330. ! thousand dollais, 0 L (D r Itlean Lolft *1! busin0$ now made money in the newspaper bus- . ! By f,aw, to the Cai3ada Furniture 'Kanu- @-N*- ig = a, ,�J * L - w ourrarts, new raidap Exposition t-bexe was scarcely 1.dy . se bear in mind, that the t4mn And, whereas, the existing , debenture facturers Limited, for the purpose of aid- �1- , � ST 7NO ,uew.figs. F-ijr lnWss- Of coursc �this may be a re- a plem bc-ar was by tb;& i lbs, cleaned enrrants for 25o ; 4 lbs. commendati,on e.r �5old to Japan, but, I - un- lebt of the town of Seaforth is as f,ollows : 'O'extend their businele ir�,Ses� - "O 10 0 '" a 0 - CkanadLan butt: s not available fox distribut,ion W nice large raisins for 25o ; 3 IN. evap- , as'ht� must beebrewd . Re 0f 010 NW117, some 34,000 til XaTCli or April, and that pota- $5 500 borrowed under the antliority of ing them t �-� CD t-, V And lopked wfraz4 and have, business Aility or lie Muld L " sp forth as furnitur6 manufacturere, wt4hcut L., - - ith o, - in- I , 0 P . ,11 ,irent down w - � - - orated peacbes for.25., pounds ,have, beca'shipped to that tOes c�,Innot be' mailed from he,Te, 1)y -law No. 2, of the town of" Seasrth, for interesb, to be secured by a mortgage !"upon M = -� ,C , is a �Uippy "lid b 14"RL Jul Q N Im = = M %, ff%J Paid $ lqw I I <UO 2" 1 1 1 .0 , C46* 1 1 Naw canned veget5bles in toinat . not do this. Perhaps the-" prom' c;Dun'tTy from the Government cream ntil dang,er from frost in transit 18861 i � L Aft Z cc � - . oea, corn, 4.nt Conservatives " above. - - 11 the laudg, buildings and plant of th said -. -d M 0 r- ­ - Ia-mily as well as L I I , alluded . J - e �. peaa,.- golden wax beans. L%rge box io think that �Lny man wlic can crie5 during the first ten,m0ptlis of Is- Ove"r. $6,000 borrowed under -the aubhority of , (i nada Furniture Matu-facturere pre I #dsev, N 0 CD 0 1 Bhuxishard stre&,., t, eardinea worth 25�,--now 150. t,his soason. The total consumption WM. SAUNDERS, w,, law No. 3, of the town of Seaforth, for 'a ' *& 0 0 � * make money, i�a such. a busipes 'de- both on the precent factiory and the q0e to � iprous pets have bt, . All kinde of fresh candit,d pecd, now datec,, of butter in Japan is not large, but Director Experimental ri arms. 1887 rid in tW,' ent PWP-L cl- . 0 t, ,dV I I servcs# recognition. But, was, are I ' I be built. Said loan to be repa - & 't L new prunes, ahelled almnude, abbll(A afrai,d tbis is about his . y . -Ifr, Bri L only recom- tbexeare indications of a decided in- Ottawa, Dark,mber Ist, 1904. � $2,500 borrowed utider the - authority of annual iustalmento of one thousand 011ars -0 ?M I ; waluata, wh,ito an 3 colored ioing ff uga7r, miandation lor the position. UnJess 0-`('a;W in deTand for t(he Canadian . by-law No, 8, of tho town of Seafortb, for or I ct, . . Xont=al last w4e r . � ea() the assessment 0� the W" � -0 ' - the alo�se -of the war. 0, " h. And tbab "I, ,J the W140VI .1 MALPle e1rap, 253 it qnarr. boot c-ablf he - 'r nnin ,,F 4�i,,, article at C"9b Ids, hear"ness, and other thtvikt 1891. 1 whole r. art. �� -A .AA h.11 b w��s criven the - . , syrup, b&�ing-uyrup, Now 0,luttn4 mo. ,�V,ho �, tp ) be- ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene $14,000 borrowed under the authoriby of' r r it "4- 9. "V V�- \' � _ ,le qdhine., it is doubtful if Air. . The, Yukon butter trade is ahs� - -by-law No- 8, of the town of SeVtk, or I term of ten yearis, the said sasessmo�h � . , m, ing Too.overed for Canada.. The to tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists I ceed the sum of $12.000 per annum 4or a \% lamaes and Weit, Ind a inolasee-i and Ark Whit�ic,K or any person - else "could I . � f , b to �, � sugar for baking purposep, rninae meat, work - tal .,amount oonsumed in bbat �ter- I - . - . 1893 The for all rates, inclading generalitates, � - . � and S. Allan"s otdia, sooded rtwitna, ,vH1 hirn, and the %pgg,estion ritory annually - 500,000 Beechwood. , $3t5OO b,.)rrowed u-ider ttre authority of ,.�� just shows how very impracticable is over county rate and a3hool rate. � - �, chopping bowls, 12 bare Ju;ld's 1104P -,00d people .c&n be, pounds, -of which nr;,i:rly 200,000 (Intended for last week.) . by -lam 25 B.,'of the town of Seaforth. ! �4 for 2,1,% . some. V � -7 fhab the votes of the duly qu� I This proposition shows that therc pounds ibas this year be -en contrib- Notes. -Mr Vinlay MnKerdher,Who $17,000 borrowed under the authority of _dified Freah pork sausage and head (,hi . ' by-law No, 5, of the town of Seiiforth, for electors, shall, be taken on Monday'J&n. ,00 and is not the. closest ba-rmohy in the uted by the Government creamerioe,.5 111als spent four months tourin.g and : W . , , . na r 2nd, 1905, between the hoW. all kinda of amoked'and cured 1899. . , e of I m"a" 8, Cong(wvativc ranks, and that should in the N,DTtb-",er>t Territories. Wlien exploring the Northwest, is home a- 11 . :1 rotted - oata and rolled , A - rol; ed oats, � blie vountry -vya,.% first ioliened sev- gain, and is looking w6li. He t1hinks $1,500borrowed under the authority of 9 a-. - a�� 5 p.m., at the following pj�ces the pklTty accce(I to power there, is by law No. 26, of the town of Seaforth for Polling sub-dividon No. 1, ab the ,Public vvheat and all the differetit cArealo. ^ al rnibipment-9 of Ainnied. butter, this is the igarden of Clinada.-Now . � . likody to be. mutiny. . Whether or Or Sohrol ; P.. Lurmden, Deputy jimiag t %lb by the barral, beat American and Can - strong sent jrp by Gaii-Rdian firms, were. that snow drifts are forming, the 1886. : . Rot" i . adian coal oil. � . not Mr. Whitne:y will be . $8,000 borrowed under the authority of Officez. Polling sub division No, 2, �t the I A good assortment of obiva, crockery and enou;,rh to quell the 'mutinous ele- bound to* be veTy inferior in quality, public mind shoul(f see that no rail by-law. No. 20 (local .improvement) of the Council Room ; William HMO'% Dpputy - - n * r, I � � glassware, (Rnner, tea and toitt3l; sets. mep-ts and carry oi�t his -own plans in 0-114; conls5equeffly, the Canadian ar- or ot,h r wooden fe,rices, which cause � . Retuming Officer, Polling sub-d��v . , bis own way, ,�re,mains to be seen. ticle [got 'a bail- name, and blic mar-. ,tbose blockades, are alloNv'ed to re- bown of Seaforth'for 1901. � islon This is headq,uartera for atilphur &n.d If hk%, is �not, evell should be ao'rne to -ket wa!5 prantically mono caus,i� them. $3,790 borrowed under the authority of No. 3, at 0. 0. Wileon's store, H. J�i, Pun salta, 10 ponade . �polised by main in position Ao . ! -sulphur for 25o;. 10 the United; Stetvs: Indeed, u til Mr. 'Delaney- thas set a 1good example by )a w No.'2 - (local improvement) for 1902. ebard, Deputy Returuing Officer, �� . . I � power, his triumph will be short liv- - n . e 841d MuAicipfil 6A pounds t5alt% for 25o, . I VA. . It will be well for 'the p . ,?� 1.903, about th�e; only -Canadian buttcr by removing 2QO rod's of rail, and re- $7,889.20 borrowed under the authority - 8 That the Mayor of th I sh paid for good butwr and egge and al�l' I e4pl-e bf of by-law N(). 24,-.A., of the towu of See,- . oorpor-atift shall attelid at the pioluneil J, kinds of poultry, Onta,rio to pondet the . situafion. used i� the Yukon was that sent to placing 'it with a good wire fence. fortb for 1902. robm �on Friday, the 30th day of cay.efully. Had they- not befter suf -, the. Mounted Police. Me',anwbile the He says It will pay both himself and -Pecern- . P, . , $1,500 b,.rrowed under the authority of i her, 1004, %t 2 o'clock P. M., for the pur� fef the evils they bave, and try to� dairy division had h6en tetstimig vari- the travelling public to use the -old I I ­ ' � - by law No. 2, (local improvement) of the Pole of appofinting persons to attend t.$b the* h er than, fly to' ou�s. slyles of tins a,od other 11ackaiges fences for fire wood.-Albhomgh the " A, G. AULr an . d town of 8eafor6h, for 1903. i variom polliag placefi aforellsK an(f sum- .� th0s,o they kno1v not of, and which had found 'that a first cln-is ar- mu-niciPal elections are drawing near, ing -up of votes respectively on belbalf ot . . . �: are, foregfi0owed in the above quot. ticle-, PTopeTly paek I ed, coRld be .-%ve: don't he4r much about =) them. b, $10,000 borrowed under the authority of '. .1 -, a- shipp d theTe tat 'a profit, � Orders v law No. �8, of the town of Seaforth for P,r,ons interevted in and promoolng or " - �—SIEAFORTH. tioll, from 'the News? ' I e ' Probably it is belpause we have no as. 1902. . oppoo ' ing the bv,law resneetively. ,-i I 11, ­ . for 90,000 pounds ,,v,6 -re received last pirants in the pkoe, We hear, how.- . ' � 011 C N . - � 9 Vbat the Clerk of the munieip ­ ;6�,CM:ecd. — -:0:Kexe�� � -1. ­­ � 1. $1 000 borrowed under the authority of J cor. _ � I year, ,li.nd thi� amount has been more ever, there is ' a large surplus in -law No. 7, of the town of Seaforth, for' porabion, shall,st the hour of tvralve,�b'-lock � . . . ' ' by I I , ' . an doubled. tbis season, as nicil r parts -of th,�. township No 11899 . ' 1 965, . - Editorial Notes and Comments. ,t,ll,, - - obhe i , . noon, on Tuesday, January 3rd.fi � � 1:1 . don6t the p e courkeil are prepar- - . - The King of Terrors ' T-1. Quebec Government is as much � - oned abolM.. . r sen And there ba nothing in - at the town ball, sum up the votek, given " �, I ; THE V�MUE OF STRICT DATRY i'li? their budge, spebeh, SO as to for principal or interest, arrear� either for and, againat the by-law and gr"t the Is Caw, tion. too stronig as the Ont -� . I "' '� � - I 1P � . ario Govern � I - LAWS. . meet t -be -aftrov I I of .the electors. And, whereas, ib is made necesoary - to reqnisite certificates thereunder. .:., � AndConsumptlonist :xsedbyneglect- ment is too w%k and on account i -. ­ . ­ -,. ­ I appoinb tb� time and places for . . Iff This ty-1 w, if carried by the votes T�ere ha,'s been some Opposition to tfiking the IS ... Ingtocurethedar, --rouscoughs '� of its strenJgtih it is :Ili danger of ft Mr. A. R. Kan. ; a prominent drug- votes of the duly qualified electors and for I of the electors, Zall take affect on arl,p from I and Co � ds. , , � . : our striii,gent Legislation, such as z - goiiig to pieces. The' supporters of gist of 13axteT " �ings, Kansas, says: appointing deputy returning officers to take i the date of the passing thereof. �.z ' w . � The bablamic oqor of the n the Dairy Products' Act of 1903, and " Chamberlain's � I . i�.- ewly ' i�he G6vernment are quarreling a-. stomach and Liver the votes of the duly qualified electora at I ,- - , . . I cut pine heals and invigorates the I mon, bbe Buttp,T 'Act of 1903, which for- Tablets are, in my Judgment, the the meeting. . I �L 7 tthemselves and it i . lungs, and even consumptive i Is now bid the 'mtanufa.atuve. and ,sale in � . ' most superior reparation of any- Be it therefore euacted by the municipal � - Im- ' feared that the Premier, if not the CanbAa of adultexate(I dairy goo 4-11: . I The above is a true and correct copy of a 11 Pr0vL'Jttld rivive atr � tid the perfume - � ds, . , -,�� - . wilielan, Wnro some; . �go was emeoulelz I . tlio M-OrAer -of 0 I I VATICY AcGlse. R:, J I i completely ,ov'eTlsh, grea:t p<;Iit21C41 ty . madee a liviag ull � � . k-eep)rgz bo4rdeTs.. - I I Y,aialr -after her. M � - husbxnd. a Foung ; � , I lodgled in Ottawa � . -the terime for -%V dewth �4,nalt.y. X� � . n V . . � his m:emory was- sa 11 the very Iant. 310-1 eaun:try, ,,6aeh ww4 of "devoti6n to he I USA --ed to tp Z I I ut, out ` 11 �� tad in blaek ea ,ev� 11 I I her hV:96and"s eX - - . &v tbn Ia-to Fatbe - 'r --en&,-, � !Zroatjest ,L -1 � df,swneinuo the pr, � I . elia,rRA-0.1-e In Inatt I loa a !�impve, un, - -it the age, , . - 7ww . . pm-Aed to heq! res,l �� -- . -� , -Tho death o - List week, ve'r.V,- A� - I . R�- B,er�kley smitb� . . -unive-i"Sity ;0,f T� .. went, -to 11his offfij - a little Ia-ter . fli there at a -bout 1-� ... - �Oomplained to Al pain aor<m the -0 of the pin". I whole Gove-rilment, will bave to re- including f illed c-licese and prrocess -16 11 UZU 1,01 -day for COnSLIPaLlOn. council ol tobe town of o.arorth ; 0 . . By -Law whieWh&a been taken int -o4- neid- oribed , to- indl;,�ej This fact has long ' - They are sure in action and with . . been k4Own to physicians but . sign. Serious oiarges have -been butter. The-Hatstimgs .­ebeese case, I Thatib shall belaviful for the Mayor- eration bv the- Muniojoal Counciliof the . . the , , " . tfulently 3uffo.rei essenthal healin y made algainst, the Premier by -prom Tecently reported in, tJ�e press, ha -s ino to-ndenoy to nauseate or. gripe. of the said norpomdon to raise by ,way of, iTown of Sesfortbo andi which *ill be�'finally Steel, a for Sale. I kind Of ,wlin.r a . 9 nciple of th 0 - - Por sale- by Alex. Wilson, druggist, loan from any pereon, body or bodl' I . pri e ' L'ilan-t members of his own party! s'bown that if ou-r dairy laws had Seafort . � . es cor- � paseed by the said Couni3il In z. the �'vent of — . babit - of - -allow, pine has never before 1�-een sep'ar-' h . < , - I --- - porate wba may be willing to advance the 1 the assent of the electors MID- obtained - 'h th pprforT ... ri . ated and refined as it is in . and it is surpoeed that sornma -of hix been one, whit le�ss strict, the -Can- - ­ same up The uudon�ped - baa for We 80 -6,wo year old ' Velt, e - DR. WOOVS - , �� oollealgues' 'iixe the instigators Of. adian oheei� trade might hwe receiv- ' -J. S. Me on the credit of thedebeatures thereto, atter one month from ti�e fi6t pub- eteera for Meding und 20 yoarling otook Aeami* ObG Auti4m.- He bad , yeT's, bf Listowel, bas hereinafter mentioned, a anzwof money not licadon. of said By -Law In the neyrrepaper . I MOWNYM-1, a I these chargez� 11 led a blow from which it would have commenced an aq,tio-n algainst t1he I 6 springor cows about to palf. Those clevolo Are 41 I'll, - I � I , . I NORWAY FINE SYRU � I --- . I I ax(veding in the aggregate - the sum of called Tn3 Hunox H,%,poamm, the .,date of well breA -and In good bondition. Mr.. WCM0, few ! . . y P. required years to rec,over.1 The base Lucknow Elevator Company, at Os- q 1, OWIng ever Ms M, �� Mr. J. J. Crai�-r2 ,0"OW, a Will be at. Webber's Rote4 Dablia, on Nowuy ma :� I sobool i $ whiph Publication Was Friday, WDember Saturday of each week to xbept with intM4109 fell forward 11 � It combines the life-giving lung- � - 11101?zct-� in que,�;tion is still in -the publiz. ,goode Hall, Toranto. He is askin'g' I - I.V 111 , e:ctea by . : . - purebwers. Term g--Cmh or* his 'a"Isfnat, MW healing virtue of the Norway Pine 2 That it shall be lawful for the Mayor , 9bbw 1904, aud that at, the day, h�ur and . redit to suit the pur- ,. or, ihas beven sel the'Co�ser- menlowy, A,leading firm of gromrs tihe courts to compel the latter. to to cause any number of debentureo to be ,- Plao w therein fixed for takin . . chawr. These ay.ttle mud be sold am Mr. NeCol- ' � with other absorbent, vativ,es of the ��idin, Hastini,,,s, Englaftd, w, -L9 obarzed 6 g the i*otes of -- - tned to his relled expectorant T of East.Wel­� ,in - transfer on its books some stock - nell has rented his farm. Z . W- He made I for such sums of money as way -be ' the electoral tho Polio will- lie hold. ',� I I . 4 . - , and soothing Herbs and Bal&anis. fington, as their candidate for 'the: ith "selling, as pure ebeese an ar- w-bioll he, asserts he has bought. , required not len than one hundred4 dollar � � - JOHN MOCONNELL� . Vatly 4wd. Dr. It cu= Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- . ticle which the local ,a I WMI ELL10'i � � Legislature in . " - t 0 . Ron, ed I analyst alle'.7, - asks also for 'a:n injunction to pre- each and nob exceeding in the aggregate- 193o.3 W, , �� � � '011Y%1,61an, arrivol ness, Bronchitis, and all affections OPPOsitiOn wax, 0-ulterated wit -b foreign fat. vent the company allotting or issu- � � � - r,,-,Ierk. 1918-tf DUBLIN. WPM an examin, ---- � . i, rl Fortunately the 0anadian Hfigh Com- ing a4y stocks unde:e supplementary Apnwffiww� ,. MENN" . I -he bronchial tubes and air pas- — - opizion that Mn of I J. M. Gibson, who� has again bee - . � nominated by the Reformers. Mr., mis8ioner and bbe chief in�pector -am letteTs patent issued to it last No- I . f-- , - - -- -9 - — r� ile luament b!e I - - sages. Mrs. M. B. Lisle, Eagle , Craig is a local man a good speak-, Br -Rain of the Department of A�;c- vemlh-r. Mr. Meyer is also a plain- = I Elmo � , Head, X.S., writes --I have used lep'r .and is said to be a' strong eandid-.. Tie L' - � I ­ .. ill he mid$ Dr. Wood's NO-1WRY Pine Syrup for . ulturt -,vere able 'to preselfit a tiff on behalf of all ,Ahe %creditors, . �� ' 0 - -- - � I -1 . : ,J - 9 -- . I ate. 'Alt-botirgh tbe constituency is vigorous defence, backed up by indis- of the Lucknow Elevator Company, � 1, � A i coughs and think itis a fineremedy, Stroa,-Ily­ Reform," tibe contc� . t. - gt j, putable evidence Cure. a. Cold m -'One Day ca*"r-" 11 the best we have ever used. Anutn- like] .3 forwarded from algainst T. F. Carr and J. G.. Mur- TO ��, . - : y to be Ojos-, Mr. Gibson bein - I .1 . IM TWO Da5yrl& 1� * 0 9 - 0 - :. - �, 4 . . ,,- � Canada by the chief of the dairy dock, of Lucknow, two directors of ft% -2-- V IrAft U-1 A I . 11 ber of people here have great faith an ouWdc;r and thk,re, b,n_inX. a strong divj� . AM- -'-*- - I I in it as f t cures every time. and natural fe1eling for a �hame re.- -qjo,il. Tt was shown that in Can-` the company. He wants the latter a cum �Amaffivqu Apiluli Tamet on --­ I I ada the Aft I � - roo ,I " � I I Pric4o 23 cents per bottle. - presen fa tire. Of course, if we are oy . manufacture of margarine gentlemen to -give an account of I M � t 9 . . . � I . " filled" cheese was absolutely the profits in connectio,ii 'wi Seven Mcm bom soM In pa 12 M" . . box, 11-50- 11 - I . to have ­ood men in Parlianient,con-: the S. T I& 0 . 9--- -low-Imw I - � , - th sum - - . � . � - CD I I . I I bw ­ - -- - . I . , I I - - � I prohibited under llcavY Penalties, lease of the Elevator Com,�any. 1%M � . - . - ---- - -- 1. � ­ ---. ., - - � ­­ 1-1 - � I - , . - - -- - - MR - -Z ----.1.- - I � . I � . ­ . . - . � . , . . ­ W -f - - ­ -4- - �-- � � J . � I �x - - ­ . I I � -% 11, . 1 -4. . � . I I � , C , . . 1, I 1-M --- 11 � � . . �. I .- I - . . V . . . - - . I - . I , �. �- i , . I I ­ - - -­ - 1. , . � I . I � !�,. I - -- .- ­ - .. -. - - � ---4,. I . . I I . t �, . � I . 1. k­,-:�- I - .- � . , - - I - � . . . . . I � I- ;.Z� -I- - -1 ; . I . . � I . � . . -, � . .1 I , t 1. ii . , ., -� I . I i I . $ � I- - � , L � I � � 1 4 1 i . - I . .1 I 1. � I ­ ­ 1. . 1-- .1.11, ".1 ­­ ,..-----.-,--",�,-�--�--..,--------�11--,--�,--"-,--,-------���--�.--.,---�L--, �-­­­­ ­�- - 11 - ��-- - - - -- . ­-- -- - -- --­.-----­ ­—­ � ­ -­ . ��­- ----- � ­­ �. - - - - - I . -1 I I - . -