HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-12-02, Page 2- _ 1 �J. - - - I - - I � .. a - - � I I I I � . . . ! . I- . I I I . 1-1-1 - , - .�_ I— - -1 I -If " � . - _�_
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� � P I - . . , 6a ' in 410 41giglAtUrO bTX. fW!C of the highest excellenceAnd . . � I - �
r T'8*4� . . . - .
millummommmalm I She. 'govoll ftoobt 'G' ,hams - � abilities won *recognition, consequently to comman'd top JJ)r1ce9. � I �,
, I 11
- 7 � �
I I I : .._-_--_.._ . . and his debating powers and P,X- Cparse, b6ned rough'animals are al- .. .1. � � .1 � � '� - I -
�- , ! M,
. 0 4T 1 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, : Dec. 2, 1904. ,60utive capacity have proved of valw�, moot invariably slow feeders and I I ."! . Ask
. ,
just' the I I .. , - . I - � I � able il.ssista)ace. During the last ,two ,haird to finish property. Besides - .J� 'IVA " ,ft
� � � . � . 11. � � I- �, V_ V -
, I sessions ,he ha,A filled the important thcse qualities, and above ,all; it is -1 I -
#09 I The Now Cabinet lyli.nisters. �- n of Chair -man of the Public ,necessary to Uave vigor and consti- . * -
, .
I thlinel% , positio .1 . . . W -Offer ._, � A 9 00 i� I
5 ., Tlw -following biographica-Isketch- ,Accounts Committoe in a manner.ac- . itution. We find evidence of lbh�se . � . I . - . .
I - to both the paTties repre- in a wide forehead, - * a prom, . - . .
les of 'the. Tewntly &+inted- InMem" "Pt"le 1,nent liv 11 I ;
For a "' bite at bed,t�rne,'" seated t,heTeon- I brisket, broad dhest, well sprung I 11 '
� bers of the Ontario C#b' t will be . -,
, Ine, TM2ciuozorxe Caret Kill* �
I . 'I � . The now Provincial Secrebary has rihs, full heart gearth, and a gener. Foir a Disease Germ' ' T I % a i L 44q I& I I
I � ,
�vha-t could be better than a I of int=6st to our re�ddrs: a4ways taken an active interest -in al robust appearance. . � 111. I .
. ' '�
. . I Tbe Coidamis�sloner of Pqblic Works. amateur sports. He was president, With the proper beef type in mind ::-� .
. I Qf tbe first hockey club formed in it will not be lcult to recognize . an e Tabentulodle � I
glass of mh arld diff* Ou every bottle of-Liquozone we ofj and Licluozone-like Xli�Z3 o -10L Oxy- ' as
. � -,bw Charlton -al ng VeL,22'm G a I 1=10 6 Tuwom-1P"_r*
And! ,Uoltrt�07
. Hon. William i Morrisburg, tbit won several cham- a suitable stocker. To find -61m. is, fer $1,000 for a disease germ that i gen-is deadly to veget ,4tr'r. - t Varlewel �
who succeeds Hon-. Mr.' Latohfori� pion!!�Nps, and a playing meMbeT of, a more difficult' matter. 0 ' I i emnot kill. We do this to assure you I I.Aquozono goes in -to th(�,-! s",-owacb 6-onorrhem--Gleet VomeniseDIMM
M100 ney"s as Commissioner of PubJio Works, base ball clubs of laTgely to th!& � wing . -ad 1ntG.`t1P, bloo ' -Alldiseaum tbatbe
- I the lacrosse and � . expansion of the I that Liquo-zone does M11 geTms� Into the bowels. a d f-avil contaflo 2,
, was born .in Catta�4ugus county, . � � , " , m,ljon-all cata-rrh, 13 with favor-allia ,
�, I
I n, For years li�- h d been dairy business during the past fif- i And It is ibe only way known to hill to, go wherever the blood .-- s. N o the r,�,sults of I -pay U069".3"s--w
. . I - ,ure or poisoned
: P" er f! Z C t )*L 1-1 n New York, and ja thie fourth and - 4 a' v! ' ' Jn: aryons debi My Lfqno7.ot)e acis as a
� an officer of the faIno Brock Ile, teen or twenty years, i - erms in the body without ItIll-ing, the germ can e'sca P - acw)jipHsbingwbutnocLrognes-ado. - Vft&1ll`K
t .is becom- I 19 J pe it and mog. can re
r", I young4ast son of Adam Chaxlton- His * more and more diff "ou - tissue.q, too. Any drug that. hills gprms e -10t it. The rei�ults � -1 .
: . ,%�# - hockey `,club,' treasurer o the Bo- ing are ineij,'able, for �
il, . 80das us - - , I
ream fathie-r was RAglish.- and his ,r�othor ()I . I It to pro " is a poison, ,and It cannot bo tahen In- a, germ dist�so must end ' *Lci-1 the .�
. - Scot -ch. Adam 'Charlton . hemio:-n Athletic Association, and cure good' stockers for fteding. To,' SOc; Bottle Freei -
'es . 'a 1pless'rerms are lt)lled. Then X-T,iquiozone, -1 __ -
� -A ^ ' 'd
Casiad 's' lincst,,crackers, t Was and five daAijhters, all of whom pr nt of tzhe Brockvitle base ball get --At-isfactory animals a farmer 'as " tmaIly, Medicine is alranost h-
I e'aig ue. - I almost. compelled to breed this own. � In any germ disease. it ia th's fact acting ar,, Vwonderful tonjg, quickly If you need Llquozone, and.Amft �
are now I n'1g. The family came to . Mr. Grabam belongs to the Meth- In case be d)oes so, too much import- � -9� it, please sepd us' ft I
. fiord I Canada's firiest bakery. ivi 1. , I w1hich gives Liquozono !',:; viorlt�h to i-astores -kondltion of perfkt. 1-calth. never tried JA �
I Canada wh;on Mr. Charlton wa's ci!kht ' I
� -aind � humanity; a worth ao, grez,t that, after Diseases which have restsitd. medl- coupon. We will then mail you sa, .
odist oburch, isa member of the ance oAnnot be attached ito the selec' , W.
Crisp, hvil-in& delicious. in years of alge, axid for six years re-, Quarterly Official Board of George Uom of, the sire. It should never ' testIng tho product for two yeaxs, cine for years yield at orco tfo L;quo�- der on a lo -cal druggist
I . sided on a farm in'86ULh Dumfries, . for ak to,, I
the air -tight boxes., that keep one m4e south of the villa,ge of Ayr. Street Metthodist church, BroGkville. be forgotten that he is half the � tbrough physiclansT and hospit-als, we zone, and It cures diseases wl1,J,ch medi- size bottle, and we will pay the Arne- i
. jI Gows are all right , " ---Iq;p
-1 * I He dtbended 96hool in AyT in winter He �;s also a director of the Y. M. herd. GoDd grade �. paid $100,000 for the American, rights, eine never cures. � Half the'p�ople you gist ourselves for ft. T@s Is ow b" �
. - I � - A. 'hier I
'. c f I
\� tl%em in fauldeSSS� I time and,part of each summer, ,4 e. He is a Past Grand Mas- bD breed from, but tthe bull should I And we have spent ovor one million dol- meet -wherever you are---carf,.`t. tell you glft� made to convince you; ,t6 &01�
� I ---- . I and * ' - I
. - . . : �111 . I at other tipaos helped on the f ter -of tihe Ancient Order of United always be pure bred, It is poor : lars, in one year, to buy the f rst bot- of cures that were madeby 14A you what Llquozone Is, a -ad wbit- �
_.. I . -conditio.11. �- . -k arm. Workmen* in Ontario, and a mem- economy to ihave fifty cents or a' ffe and give it free _-'Lo, each sick oae I .-t � can do. In justice -,4o, yourwIf ft
. I Is, Th" the family' all excepting the � I , pleaft.
I � L bey of ,the Finance ,Committee of the dollar in the first cost of the calf, ' who would try It. Germ Disea accept It to, -day, for -It places yo
C- ' elde!A son, John, went to the State I - - it, un-
Ycur grocer __ �. . ot Iowa, whiate with the excqption organnization. � and losi� . Drom ten to fifteen' -dollars 11 � . P. S"* der no obligation wilatever.
. . - Tih,e* Commissioner of Crown L&nds. when th-p finished animal is placed i These are the known germ Aiseases. '
. � has" f I 1 - of the time 8p.6nt at school, Mr. Hon. Alexander Grant Mackay, on thle markeL , Acts Lille Qx7d-arru All that medicine can do fqr these Liquozone costs 510c. and rl� - �
.. 11 I , - . I
� �� " "' Charlton rema�alned at home on I , 13-esides this, the: � � .� �
. it ,, troubles is to help Nature, dy-ercome - -
. - che.-T4 C' )t .8 � his fatbex's farm for newrlY seven K. C., is tthe son- of Scotch' parents, PTiGe at wbich pure bred buRs can be ," Uquozone Is not niarle by co 'a indi- I .
: - . ) i I ' m- the -erms, and such results '_ .
., . -Charl as Hulgh. Matkay and, Cat'llevine McInnis,. obtained in these days &P-av'es no ex V, en, Rr CUT OUT THIS COUPON -
i . 0 I � , I yt,a:rs. Adam . ton w \a man -is � - ! pounding dru-s, nor is there aii- alco- rect and uncertain. Llquozoii,4t"attacks far - .
1. , k� . who made a practice of reading and It -wife, aind, was te use ,Qf an interior an- . hol in it. Its virtue-, are denived sole . this offer may not appear alzai.i. I;ill �ont ;
. I tow n4. i I . - t'ue germs, wb.erever they arj�, And ,anks and wallit to the Uquid Ozonia �� i
. 21 N .1 I � rAudying several bours durin p, Grey county, on Match imal. - I ly from gas -largely o-ygen gari-by a, . � the bl CO.,
� - � I 11 H 9 7th, 1860. He wtai3 cduoat6d ati Owen An abundant when the germs which cause w Oisease 458-464 Wabash Ave, Chicago. .
- T - � I .. a da_y, and thle son William carried - supply of.-o'beap feed iprocess requiring im��nse app'aratus t1t e- d, I �
_ " -�i",.V Sound. ColAcgiate Inl9titute and tbe is es%undal to '0 winter - and 14 dayEV fime. ess ha � s, Are destroyed, the disease vv� _. I
r, . I - of his studies u deT I suceess I This proc My disesse is ..........
. It.' on gome � . his ,
--- . ...,4�v___ . � fathv,w's instructions at- home,,' After Univei,sity of Toronto, graftating feeding. We can no Jonge� f inish our 4 for more than 20 year,.,, bcen, the con- - and forever. That is ip.evitable� I have never tried L! - ... t....- ...... � ....
- . - I quozone, but it you w;ll
about- my V; ,v r -Ta a-,ZM supply me a 50c. bottle free I will' vike iL I
, 11 - � -11 seven �rears in lowa, Mr. witth limors, from the latter in 1883. cattle'on a ration of thay 'and grain stant subject of s"ientlific and chemical Asthma , : I
. ' A b a a e s.� — Ab 93 1mrdl a idney Difi.ea.ju,4, .
. .
::::: I -1 r�, , -
. - I - r1ton ,4�aimve to Lynedoch, Ontario, Fppim'1883 to 1887 be was principal of wit,h any margin of profit' Wemust researc& - Droneblus a Grippe � .
I I AmuM NA I Oha .1 *
� to assist his .,brother, G. G. Char I bh-e Pow -t -Rowan hi,gh school, aud in ,have somethiAg that can be' grown; The result is a liquid that does what Blood P�Ison ,pueornies -.1 ...... I ........................... ....
- . - t,he h�t mentioned- year he entered in larger -quantities and, at a very , MOWS Disoft'Zo AverTroublm -,, . I
_' too, in ig,aneral business,hiad lumber- Mygen doe& It Is a nerve food and Bo';�el Troxibles � malarl,)I:ellrr.7�1% I ... I ....... I ... � ................... �... -_ I I
bhe law office of MT. Alfred Frost, small cost, and corn ensila,ge fills Colda ,; �
IMPORTANT NOTIOES. .10g, mtaW blood food -the most helpful thing'In . 2e, i
. . wing logs in wintex; and � C.anghs Ilrmy Henn Tm�-bles J
Conkimpt4on . Piles-PnerraoW4 ..... .......... � ........... 1. .... - ... -1
. � - _ of Owen Sound, then County Crown the bill. It is beyond doubt the i Plovr1sy-QiAnsy-.,: - I
w,�oTkinlg, in a;general gbore in sum", the world to you. Its offects are ex- Vn11oCr!)J1p -
- . A apa dispos- �_' C . Give full address --write plainlv. I
i . QHORTHORNS FOR SALIT.-The undersigned --raM. PDT, 'two tseasons tbereafter, ttorney for Grey. An honor dheapest winter feed at our hilaraflng, vitalizlng, purifying. Yet it constillation 1theumia4m, T I � �
i 0 has for ule on Lot 16, Oanoeadon 2. Hay, $6 ho was , � se,holarship law student, be was call- al. The chief advantages Gararrh--Caiirer pk,o,r�f u wifol I i
� awa:y 9tudying, after which Of cnsil� ,U an,sbsolutely certaln ge4-micider. Thle Dysentern--Diarrijem ... - -
! number of up4n-date thqroughbred,, Shorthorn - ad to bhe Bar in 1891. In 1894 he alge are.its gr"t palatability, the bsndmil-Dropsy Stomach cp,blei6 AnypItyslolanorbospitalnoty tiisibgLi -
� I �
bullop they sire t ky tyk, da I ' Dy�spemla 1,hro',� TZ : . quozono �
wt the low sell'bloo � rk red h6i Te-ebgaged -in general business was ., appo ressoit ls� that germs are vegetables; . U, es . I will begladly sapplied for a teaL e . I
In color and of Wjke breeding inted Crown Attorney for saving of fabor wJioh it effects, . . - I
I . They are all el- and lumberin� � �
�, ., at Lynedoch, for a I - - - __ , I
� -_ .;� � i
i ftible for reizIA-ration ancl will be sold', reason Grey county,a- position *lie held until land t1he can be w n reing, it is well to -at- I . - .
i - 1928-1 June, 1901, wihen he redigned, to en ter ,any time * I
I JOHN PILD19% Hanson P. 0. and. firm of G. � fed .9.,,t for I ter fo - , ,
� I G. Chla�lton & Co., then Charlton & � 'X1 th with equal sat- low the pla,nts to 'make their full -* I - -
� politics, H�B was first returned to isfacti6a. n holds first growth with little or uo, Cropping . . � 11
MWO TEACHERS WANTED. -For the Da,hwood POW, lth�en W. A. Charlton - & Co , Wthh eiYcla'017r � ,�'i'�zq- It -has. Arrived
. - � n Ma:y, 1902, redeem- place as a cibeap winter teed, it has'of t:b,e -40 16 .--..--------�-.--.,-...�--�------.--
Public Sehool, a mnle and a feruale teacher, In -1895 the t5tote business Nvas tak bhc� "09'slature ' leaves the previous season, e i�i �
Ing North Groy for the Liberals by -no monopoly of tte field. The "farm- ' and above all not to allow'th m to - . -A -_
- &I rst-olms certillea-ea. Dutle4 to commence on over by MT. W_ R. Holliday, who , e 0 Suff CredForANunib., �," I '
0% 00 � r
Y " ' I The, time, I
with noW yesr. Appli -ations otating salary'de- m�ajorlty. He wa!sunseated er Who -grows a large qu'antit ' 0 "I
� b - b - ecause of the conveyance ,of voters grain, and conseque- Ing up s *
etredardgivirig teStlmonlaD, will be rt,oetvdd ihad been r1ief cletk for many years Y Of exbaust themIselves by throw' of Years From
Me undersigned until hfonday, December 6th, during a large wportion df - which ntly has an ab. seed stalks. The me" liberally the' . I --- AP You to par. - "
MT. Charlton's time was larigely tak po ' 1� I I
aderessed to Daahwood P. 0. GEORGE KEMEa- to the ' Ils by an agent, -but in a ItIndallt slipply ot straw, ,will find : 1.
ALAN, Secretsry. - . plants are� man&ed and the better R.k � ip
� 1928X2 bye-eleotion in January, 1903, -,be car-' 'Mat by growing a quanf Dyspepsia. ! chase,:a Banye. .
. on up wit& outside business ma�- Ity -of roots' they M �T � . .
- - :are cultivated, the stronger # z * - �
' � I .
� tom, tunabeTinlg, exploring, etc. For ried the constituency by, a majority to feed '�vitih it ,be can fatten icatitle the Tioots become "d the betteT -the * �� : ifi I ___ _i
" -
". - of 272.' He wa!�'appointed. K. C. in at a very ., . -, 'A i Our 30yearz' experience with iitov,6
I iness conneo- , I , a
__111Z_ - L,4everal TeaT6 his busi reasonable cost.' Fields criop they will give when forced in -f ih has led us from I
� , , 1902. Of recent years he has held rootS ,have a feeding valu� apart � the birth a
- 1, itions -r-equired him to be in New - 11 the cellar. . ; That is what Mrs. Mary Parlis, ib Rauges
� .
� tibe positions of solioitor�for Owen f tl it', to their acn)e of perfection, which .
I I city a:nd Brooklyn froi�a five . rom t1he aigestible nutrientswhich In pTtparing the, roots for the oel- I : Cooper, Ont., says, and there 4re - we are aure we have in: our . * . .
. . I on days each .month makiv and Sound, in the'county of Grey, and a tftleY contain, in that ,they exercise lar, tb,ey should bq� duig up late. in I * thousands of .others who can , W I .
I- --- _19 - *Y �' " Welcome Natio
I _!�_ ..... number of larige industrial concerns. a beneficial effect upon .the diges,- ,,h f 11, j t th sai 11 hal "
. - --- . lookir�g afbottr building co.utra-6ts and . t e a us before the' ground e me thing. F� fit
1 17-- 1 1 W 69
� 0% ' the rental ,And transfer of, Aal es- Hn is also a heavy, shareh�)ldcr and tiolh and general health, Cattle -tha;b freezes hard. They should then be I I . _-� * Crown Huron 11 . - .
I�Jeand -rru n k Railway tate thore. While in business at director of .tbe Imperial Cement Co., Towive liberal rations of succulent lef t w1c,.re they will be ekposed to op .
. .- Lynedoch MT. ,Charl�on was almost of.Owen Bound. He is 16renerally re- feQ, such as roots and ensilage, ae,�ero freezing ,for f�br,ep or four * B U RE TDOCK BLOOD BITTER! 1w and . . .
� � I 16
I Sy_%tem. - daily �ealled ' garded as thel.leader of the Bar in will have the sleek,; thrifty I 0 - - ;*' * �gl I
11 Ralfway Time TabI6 I ,� upon to do conveyanc- aPPcaT- iv-eck�;. If placed undex cover in an sp cured her, and will cure arpy- W Souvenir Ranges "
i019 and isimilar work for people. his county, a ,i)osition which ,be has anOP- of tgrass fed cattle, and there, open shed, or where they will riot * one aud everyone troubled wfi)i * .
Trains leave Sexfortb as follows : w�)n by his gtxikfn1g abilisty and cap- will be little trouble witLh in4 bu 1 d ,* it will al t * . , Remember we guaran, '
I , '. f!r.om ta4andnear, and was f requent- - kes- De T ,e in %now, be, I he i Mrs. Parks write * ' tee Krai and ..
* ac f10n oT lavinig them go off their e,a S *s it, � , I 9 .
I 9.5o a.m. - For Clinton, Goderioh Wiugham an have testimr,Aiala from. hundrWas e.
� Kineardine. ly cbxxsen by. both parties� to a. dis, acily or h rd,work. H�Ja. Mr. M - .p Dyspepsia. �
I a sier to Iget at them when it is I M follows. -
12.4f p� m. For Clinton an(I Goderich P.u't!3 to SeAtle thQ,i.r differences. He key has been an indefatilgable� work- teed, as is often bhe case with cat- time . . - . r. (O purchwers to back wk up. m�
S.Vi p. m, For Clinton, Wingham hnd Kinmy qi,Bv)er on several important committe tie that are fed e � to take them toL !the ,cellar. A- * "I suffered for a number of yea: W Six months' continuoIle /
'to jo fire, one halt a
adted under su'h (5ircum- � eT es xclusively on dry bout ChTistmas timo they may be from Dysp ' ia, and Wed many ronp.t- ib ear)
dine., ; crequest b,f during his two years a!l.a member of foddc ,and 1grain. $ 1 , W y s comfoit, one hundred-and-eiglity ��
10as p. m, For Clinton and Goderich, dtanc,es except. at the . .Put in the cellar and should be * dies bat hant any rolif-f u.11t1l, W, three days' econoray, a life_tiM4:s use. �
'the aAviee of a friend, I started to � 4.
7.53 a. UX For Stratford, Guelph,. 1r,mao both parties. Ile was a member of , tihe Le!gislature, and is acknowled4ed The grain ratio(n d6pends so large, banked with earth to keep the roots i M Ze W fulneaB, is foil I
, - to be one of the best debateixs i rcums-tanees tihat it w,11I moist. Caxe F�bould * Burdock Blood.Bittiers. After i' �
Orlifis North Bay andpointe weaP the board of school tr . .P JY on oi ' 1. nd -only in a - �
� I I ustees and ., ' not b,p, discusae-d 'be . tak" the ik one bottle I y�as pleased to And .
. -treasurer for twenty-one t'h'P Hou'.'-;�-' - here. It is always, plants are set ri * ht side up, as at I m was relieved of the dreadful pain'I 70
. BallevIlle and Peterboro and points georeta�y
east. Hon., Mr - � Evanturel. . -wefl, ,however, to ' . Ig ff, jo Gurney's 11 0 M Laurel " -
1 &.37 P. in. For Stratford Guelph, Toronbo, Mon. Years, WnI 'made� it a rule to visit , commen4ce with a that season it is sometimes diffficult ; sufferea. I give all praise to B.B.B. fq)r tfi B . x1fo �
I Hon. Francis Eugene Alfred Evan- comparatively ligtht ration ii the benefit I have roceived, and I ho�e ,6 . ase Burner.
treat and poin6 emi. the tv'hoal ance -or twice each month and f in- to tell �w.hlch siA of the ball of . A all intfferen from Dyspe sie. will trV W -
5.39 P. M. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto, - turel is bbe eldest son of Hon. F. ish with t1le more concentratia,d, " this wonAprful remedy. they do -i -A
- takinL,x great interest in 'the pro carth the crownsf are, on. In 'the I * % .
- �Vanturel, who was Minister of Aig- grains. Water and salt ahould ilways cour:�o 4
� 9 grew of th�a saholars and in beanti- 0 am our* tbah they will have the sw�ie W
"" ' . , 'of a f w days, the roots will !" experience that I have 1=4.1 I . . i'
Palmerston and Kindardine. fyinig tNa ischool grounds.' -Tioulture in the Macdonald-Sicotte Yoe witibin easy reach, and the cat- thaw out, and usually enough mois- �, ifi I le
pan. paa. . 4S & Murd'
- GOMG NORTIt. I Mixed MT. Charlton alway's ,had a fond- Administration of Canada in 1862. thle be ,kept free'from lice by the tu-rA i;s thus accumulated to keepl , i& 8'4 1 S
robnersion ....... � 7.90 p.m. M20 1).m 8.80 a.m n" for explo-ring in ne,w coun- I He is a Frenoh Canadian, and was use Of some of bhe proprietary dips, j,he,m I THx T. Mir,nuRN Co., LxmiTp�pf W
1.07 ,� 9.80 _ fresh for some- time, They I * , 4 � I
What- � .......... 8.07 fries, and for the past twenty years born in Quebec.in 1849. !go studied or ,even or(rinary black oil, which'is should be watched, however. as * Toronto, Out. io , .
Brueffels.... 4..... 8.17 1.17 10-00 law at Laval Univ)e'rsity, and lgradu- per4Rps as cheap aind effec:tiv ,
Bluevale .......... 8.27 1130 10.20 hat% made frequent excursions in I Le as thq may neod watering once or Vto : - S M1 -&- M" c):E>,rx M:
Wlngbam.. .. .. .. 8.88 1.40 13.10 0)(fthvrn Ontario -a!nd Quebec, and ated with thtB degree of L. * t. B�, !dnYbhi09 P-LIVa.. twfee during the winteri to keep the I % .
I GORIG SOUTH. POM. MIxed. PAS8. beAwe t1vat time in. northern Mich- and was called to tille- Bar in 1873. - - YOUTS truly, I soil. moist. Th -p warmor tb,D cellar ----.---- I _=ffiX== - ,- _.
Wingham.. .. .... 6 68 s'm 9 a.m. 8.o5 p.m igan and oithew States. In 1897 the For two years. 1ho was in 'the civil W. A. Clemons. , tjl,a more I I _,k1.*,,0
muevitle...... .. .. ,7.02 SeT quickly growth will start, , ;,� .
9.17 8.18 late Premier Hafdy.reque_,%ted him vice, at Ottawa, and resigned t,0 Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. but for the belst renults a rather' THI -Y-C),Or . :K:Wjm W ISIGN 1,1� - �oz -A� 0-IRCULAR
Brussels— ..... .. 7.16 10.0q. . . . . . - `_ 1
325 contest PreiWott county, w,hicb, - I I � .k, lt'v
to Make a p,eTs4n�_l examinatioli of . . � _ ,-.'.:-, .1
Ethel ............ _ 7.26 10.16 8.36 : low temperature, about the same . . 'A �
6ince 1886 6e the I Of the many pointo of superiority, and i �
ralmenton....._i. BAD - 11." AM thiq Mooge River coujAry nortit of I I I Be Quick. as that in which tatoes are kept, - OF T . '' � -� '�' -SAW
. 0 Ontario Loq:igtaturo', being several TO i -he splendid advantages offered to young *1 I Hr � . . *1 . �
UYe Canadian Pacific .'Railway and Not a minute lghK)Uld be- lost when is bes�t, An a partially lighted' men aud women in our School, the
London, Huron and Bruce. �Ldvi_-* 14n as to the fiedessity of times elected by acclamation. Ho" a child ,shows symptoms of croup. collar, -the leaf blades will expand I I
nwe KoRm- ftwenger. ting vovefnment -aid for the was foT a -number of years actively Chambe-rlainls bo�igh Remeady given very little, and all Che strength of . I
London depart .. _... 8.15 A.24, 4,511 r m c4xn0tTuction of railways in that enigaged in. journalism. In ,1887 be c arse, the Toots will go to the development I � I � , .. .
0entwis_ -- - . 0.18 543 Mew country, report upon t,be dhar_ accompanied tibe Ontario Cabinet � .. I . go ra t CA
� Zxeter______':.__ - 9.80 5,64 * bh�e In ter -provincial Conferen to or ,even s�fter the croupy coutgh .ap- of tbio t3tooks.- If the cellar i.s light , . �
H6aM1l_._.__..__ 9.44 6.k acter of the .c.puntry, the soil., tim- cc in 0 . \ . ,
6 1 , p6ars, will vr�6v-e�nt`th!3 attack.01t it is well to darken t1c part where I . I 0
Kippev _ _ __ _.. .. 9.60 61.11 ber, m ine . Quebec, and was Ron. Secretary. He I - .1 .
Was __ 1, . . -
�, . -rals, waierpower, the pro- � Speaker of the Legislature for never fails, ,And is pleas 'thle plapts aTe ke t. If the roots - A I 1. M � 10
Brawflold-...... . ...... 9.58 6.19 bable cha,rapter and prpspect of ant and safe p I .
ollnton_ - - - - — — 10.15 6b6 to take. For sale by Alex. Wilson, are atroag an4 vigorous, 8to-oks one - = I . M ;
Londesboso .- _ - - - _. lo.3o 6:69-, future trade between Hudson's two sessions, and was often- compli- dru,ggist, 8,mfoith. and a.half to two feet In length OF TORONTO.- � O" so �
My1h___1---__-_-. 10.88 1 �Lyv aaid the maln lines of railways, mented- by bot,h ,sides of the House . . -
7 � i I- and two inabes in diameter will be; '
1101grava--, - 10.50 t In for tih,c m-anneT in -'which he discharig- - - _____ . ! J You would not only attand no oth I of w 0. + -_
Wingham artive.....- .. ii.00 - * I pro expan- 1 1 . IV .
. 7 gourm of si�pply i the Hudson's er whoo i %V - 0C ()
7.85 Bay torritory, qu y, . ed the importan't d1uties of the pasi- About Euron Delegates . this lcind, but Would airrouge ,to enter upon 0 t4 t
. -
I pos"engrer, antit volume, tion. In _ r3ion of 'the leaf blade at tho to 1 your cours . � a am
come soum- etc. The examination was mad -e and _ _pk_tTti cular Mr. Evantu'rells .p. a With Us at once..! Let "us send 14
fflugham, depart.. - .. - U0 A.M. 8.10 P Tdiie Toronto Star niakos the. fol- Wlen grown tlua in thedark, none I you our unlquo pro ectus. "The Sior,j, of a ,at' CA ::� +
80l9rAvG-._ .. _ 7.01 8 -is ' the 'report submitted December 27, facility in both thic Fniglish and the f0-1ving refe-ren,'Pe to two well known of the chlorophyl or lgreen coloring, Bualness School." 'WwRl intorest.-yon. En- - � + )X
_ ,
-9lYth-_--__--_..., 7.14 3.85 ,1897. The Teport in �pamphlet form Frenah lktn,�Xuage hA4stood *Iiim in ter any time. Write u3. . � iop a so f -H I .
T,0nd08b0rG ......... - — 7.22 XurOn delei,��ates, who were, atten& Inattetr of the leaf develop(%,, and 1 ?"
� OX14MRAL BUSINDW OmLxas, of Toronto, Limited. CD a " -1�
8.46 contains 22 paiXes, oi p-rinted. matter 91)od 4'ba.ad botih in the House and ing t1h`0 great Reform Convention, it 'the stocks are bleacbed to ,pinky -, W, H. Shaw, pres.;; P. Molutoob, Vloe-Pres.
Mnton_ ___.., _ 71-d-7 4.16 a
I BrunAlleld.... _ - _.... 8.06 4A8 ialso four ma.ps and �qitteen pbot'o- �vthen en�gaged in elec;tion campaign. Tor.anto. .It !ggys: a - A. F. SprotL. fleo-Treae, '
- White. Whken cooked and made in � 00 0 0
E1ii8sIl_____ — 8.22 4.62 . - -_ ______WN9=WM . W
Kfu grap.hia' views. Four'thous In 1900 the wa's a�pointed Ron. Com- "A. W. Stobie, a Pioneer 'fro-na to Sauce OT Pies, they turi *& r
- . wn- ............ - .. 8.15 4.41 and copies
I xxeter_ - __ - - - .. - - 8.86 b.65 were printed. missioneT for Ontario at bbe Paris SeafOxtih, isa South, Huron delegate. tiful Pink color and are much, fin,cr - . I I A In -
. V�
. _ _ 8.46 6 16 � In 1898 t Inte-rnational Commission, a posi- , lJoriace Horton wa,s t(be first man in appearance and flavor then stalks - __ -_ No I
London, (arrive) - _.... - 0.46 A. H. i.w BrNsh� Columbia to examine mining tion wiltich lie filled mo%lt acceptably -for Wthom I voted, and I didn't lose w,hich arle grown in the ordinary .. �_ 1 4 2
Pro#erties 4nd determine the dif- to all concerned. _�� Lmo rw + M
- "�. I . my first vote ciblier. The unsuocess� way in the garden. ,Cropping may .. + -
. .
cy I _4 Nxe�ce in co�3t of .electric power and tul oandida!;,!� was Joao . ,VIASM, 0
. pill Whitchead. belgin as soon as the stalks are ,well I .. CAP +
iNeasonable -other power for minini.-f purposes, Coaghs, cold@, b6ar"ness. and other, throat We knew 1im as ' Old J&,-,,' and in developed, and may be coyAlnued for � . . � I WU +
J tter years ;he wa' I -
� and wa intanding to proc"ceed .north ailments am quIekly relieved by Cresolene 'a s -Mayor Of Cli- S'OVOTM weeks, tattil the 'roots have ��. .-. N * (ft
to, Great 81 -ave Lake, and, if possible, tablets. ten cents per box. All dru'gglsts toarl. Whit .., a , ,--- ,,, .
1. Footwe'dr. , . explore thle divide between that I , , I!- - eral, on a Lib- exha"ted thernaelve-9, afte�r which I . I I 'im � I. .4 ,
I- - -Judicion's - 1.11. -17.. � but we didn't like somethinjg . they should be thrown out, as they' I g - -ri �
� . ' lakv. an I Bay, but was ob. ' -that he had done, and said, so on the are of little V�e for growing Established r8ig. - n ::� n
liged to give -up this undert. Winter Feeding of Cattle� wzain. I 11.0 a 0 P -
Our now stock of oeason � aking, , election-, dgy. We would suggest t1at ou'r read-, Whooping Gough� -group, Bronchifis �
for variety and completeness jyj the I lwwl �=a C+
able goods, which i to return to Toronto and attend an I old &ys. 'ib,e Tories called us a er's try growing two or three roots' ttt-'ip, Asthma, Diphtheria OV P 0 gol'.
I I ___ �r
;1 very beat, and afforde a wide rang,- for August sepiston 61 the Legislatu're. (Written for The Expositor.) ,hi". If wO were then, we are not this winter and let us kno�y tile Te -j coug4, _V 1_�
Re, did, however, subseqvently, at . I I .. M CD M
I sati8factory aelection rif the beet gootia The Typc to Seleci-Some Hin,Ls on one now; Routb HuTon hms two Con-' suits next ap:rInf6g. I I Creaclono Ja a boon -' M -Asthmatics - *-0
to be found il� the loading markew. thic -reqnesf of the Ministe-r of the . Mamage,ment. 50TVative members. ' We'll mend . ____ 0— I I - = W go 9:�
Bought close, selected with good judg- IntaTior at Ottawa, nssist the Sur. * Tll� fattening of cattle is carried th4t in *omv, .dog-reo when Ross goes ; Perth Notes � C)IFSOLF','JtlfiiE'I,ttit,(�91411)'I.Iillitl:iiitI ,an-1,iniromedy, = L"- i:7, n
Veyor on under su0i Nvide�y aifferent eir- to the .country v 10 i - ! for tbe disomwH iiplivatinl. lt,t-xil.f,�sl�,-,-.�-..-"t:;Ii,tlrn,n- 0 0 so
ment, as to quality, and in go �d tance -Gene-ral in sanding out J. , " t5 pw - �
, ble, belong
W. Tyrfoil and C. C. Fairebild to 0 A`9�lin, - " ii is just tbixty-fiv-e ' Brot.,h ,Ing to ,C,barleS dw,,d atr.ngJ.,a.t,W-1w1i� iq curi-:,,4l4w �r thC dkl�!Ned,%I)r. ' P-. p
as regarde style and appearariae, - . I -A 6ta .W "I C011
umstapoe's tilf-at it is ampossible to -
will find many popular attrautiong in make; this exploration in 1900, the p t ers, of Stratf ord,, was com- - f8 ` of thabroiwbial tubew %s j1h evvry broath, giving ov ,W A0 J.'.
You lay down any &,ard and' fast rules, !Ycars f3inm I voted for Jimmy Som- roiougedaiiiicoiist.iiitti-i,iLtini�itt� ,nio.snorac�)nsump- I - M
result of whfich; was fully rcpor�ed and say that these are ri,rbt and all ,e:rville, ol Lucknow" -VM!s e ay leely ilcr5troyed by fire, Uie other P . W W - ,
line fJ felt goods for this Fall and � Win - . ,, th w tivo tuwl(ucy. or wX!-r,.,i &om clir��ti:'�, itraw,jiti.i. fln(l :4 t:�
ter trade. We control eorne special by Mi!- Tyrrell iri, 1901. 1 , otbocrs wrong. There are, however, -1 W. H. McCracken, of Bru_v3els, be dJaY, togeth,eT with all the eonte1rLtF1 1T,1?ne(11,,,to relief frout couglis or 111V 11.1oll confliflous bf I 0 n Z- M
linee in felts for dreeo shoes i Mr. C � . 1,,hxce conditions - essential to su0- gan 9, I - and three horms belont�lng to F. , I tho throat 11 �-4 01 a M " .
0 a menid Ontario hktrltoO,'*�s ,elected to the ' -his reankniscence. lodt m V Rotsea. I I . - � 0: C) P C -t- - . .
and women'e, which have n cess in t4he. stall feeding, of cattle, ! Vapu-Crp-solene Is �,,'l W ot L1111
equal. LegiAl4tiire_ in 1890 as ,M -em- " vote. Thomas Farrow, a Bluevale (:) `1Z e
n"Provo CA, and good mana- : ')y druggl.ds or Fent yi dw N "I =., CD 0 go -,
lk, and tux�.,.re- ahoap �vinter fe i�ndanva, of �torckceper, defeated tbe Liberal hoer lifetime in Mitchell, died su(l_: paid on reoclilt (if price. 10
We sell the kind of goods that i viz., good cattle, an ab -Mavy Smith, -aged 26, who apent
on close Inapeotion, atid stand by you preson'tO tbiat\ridinig- conti_nu,ou�- candidate. We- 'remained : �% .
ge,mont. A 1TxrxVrt,.t,JcYte wit- .10 � )1 -
,- . in the ftnly on Satur t , . ,
like a brother. We guarantee that. IY isinc+. He �as. been Speako,r of wildorness (fay, 12th inst, while t Int -11 ding 11 'b�-11110 of ) - . W W 0 1,..
� -, � C.,L- ct-
onra he Legi Fifteen or twenty ye:ars a,go, the for Sixteen years, b�t visi6n�, a friend in Milbank, The, h I I
every atticle in took ha3 glative As,%rably -fow two .cattle required for tibe export trad(, the promised land came, and Dr. Mc-, oung lady worked in t,he B. Creso'vn'p 01 -TA ;t,',,r:d f, -r � " .% I let- M
value in it, and iFi worth every oeut of Yeal's past, and before tbat ti.me , Donald went to iDttawa for eighteen Y urritt f,.,,, 111"Llatell, bw.,Zlot. - 11 P
the price asked. You will find us or, was cliairma;n 6& the Public Aepounts w -e -re tibe heavy four and f ive year consecutive years. We :are aigai Knitting Fa,0t01%V -until about a year i,i,n*drVC, 311 %� V.)., LIJ. I I I ;Q p '--.
the rook bottom bagis, und our goods - six,,.. yedrs ana Cbair- old gte;�rs, wdigihing n 0.90, w,hen 'her health .gave out. She I AgmLq, ZSR St. .r.flfauc "I.: � I .1, I 4 - 0 Cr p Z
Committee for 1,400 to 1,800 out in tl�s cold, as Dr. thi , k ---d
always very low in price. Mali - he Committee -of the Whole . quality wa!5 in demand. Ble0ted, 0� November 3rd. .0olm was visited the St. L(mis Fair &,--'a re- I I�IoDtreal, camidn. .10 I =-& CD �.&
pounds. At that time quantity not 0 * :5:�, M
. � : , ' If tle-re turnedabout three weeksaigy". jpjLxjLu I - � �
. � .
- Holme a. good of that time. Top -day we is any coraiort- in .t:hie thou1ght, we , , V I �!D
, -
C& Th( Provinc.i!<il Secret � a � ry. . I find,Vhat -oompact, well f,inished two 'weTenit alone; all Lb;effurons uank Mitchell &he went to -Milbank- and, — I " . � I
Rich rd'son & Whini .S Mr. G I -"Graham, of Brock . and Ohree year old animals weighing in t,h.e �game boat. Arobie Hislop is retired Frida.y night at a lat-Whour I 14 J ::� :
a . rta.nd o feeli-119 better 111 -ban ugual. Thr - V14WAVA M ;0 t:r' 11;> :
_rirrge. 11'. - from 1,250 pounds up will com, ? I
wo 3 n! ur lo ough I
. I P". �
SEAFORTH, Ville, It& ' 0al member, and Ea9t Huron the niight h orthage of the lungs 0- .
frew . at Eigansville, Ren- . tfhe highest ' prices. Of, 'course, if Libe�rials will return :him."' V
. I . ' K or t7l on - HTJ . -
Sole Agents for Dr. 'Read's Cashion Shoen 06ullfY,, �,.n March 31st, 1859, �weigbt can be coxabined ,with qual- . . . i l9at in, and about han 0 clock next 1�
— ,x1jad is a w., qf .the late Rev. W. H. JtY so much the better, but quality , morning d,Wbb 'ifttervoned, WAl" NING NOTE aw,s :01 �
G ra hq, m, a '; i Inister -of is t1he one*whic,h carries the great- ug- ' -Tihe ann�U'8-1 ,t11109 ploughing FROM THE BACK. �
. I lww A 9 the I . .pioneer m _ Kan�e, a prominent dr . - CD �
'LUU .
'S W NTED . kist Of Baxter Sprin:gs, Kansas, says- I
, r 111 Mr - K. R. I CD t4 * �
. . -)T'eth0di:�t'EPi-qcopal Church in Vsit per oelfitage o " Ohamberlain's . Ma�tob was hiel d' on Tixesday Novem- I I 0 .0, CL ::�
. Thoundereigned Is prepared to pay the Qxn.tda, 4,nd,�Vho, after th� union of tffiotva parts of its ,oarcasel w-hich give t§tomacl� and Liver bee'r lfth, on the. farm of Mr. Chris-, % l-'eofild often sa,j,, I I How are we @*_ :0 CD -
I rJJ4 . Tablets ai�e, in to'knosvlwhen the 14dneys at�-e out = 0% = a% �d
. Cash prJoe for an unlimited quantity of fLr8j.o1hs1Ngh08 thfe Method,HA, bodies Y Ibis ooun- th�-_ highest, p-riced cuts.- Jn the Chi-* my judgment, the tian Wi)rne-r. Tibe weather was all 1�
Soft Elm, Rook Elm, ,'Bs1lvwood,- t'rY, was presi,dont of t.ne- Montreal ca,go and New York markets, the mol9t superior Preparatioli of any- ,bbat could be desired and a lzrood I I o 10 140 � 7
Maple, . k�,, 0 rde V The -lo&ation of thg-
e - owd lxa,bher6d, great intere�it beiag C-ys, close to the sniall of the 21
Beeah, Aah, Hemlool and Oak Logo he tras about 12 most discriminating in the world,tb 'thin!,., in uso_ to-A,aY for constipation. or" r a .
Conferemm. since , 0
. ,n -rib and loin outs,command They .are sure in action , � 0
DallVend ab the Seaforth Saix 'years of � wge Mr. -Graham has bee In T ti A)
,nd Stave Mill. Logs gt& I an(1- with - evinoe(l in tbe contests. IT,T. Sam back, r-�nders the detection
to be oub an even length, ei�c, ,, Sof b Elm. Soft Elm '610 dily at work, the greater part of times the avcTaig 0 ""r f 0 ur, no tenae,=Y to 'Muspate or grilpe., Smith w n first in Of m 0 ID t. -I AC
to be out 11, 18 and 16 fee -c. -Vill also buy - I , e prim paid for the - 0 ,the mews class. kidney trouble a simple niatter. A_W� CD =
neo�ion with ne is - For snJe by Alex. Wil�on, druggist, In the se,cmd men's elass Fred Yundt . The note of waTtung c�7 es,from 11111 Ift
t i me i n coil remainder of Vhe oarcase, a . Cc :(
Basswood Heac ing Bolts, PaPcM WhOn 24 y6krs oil ws- .. -nd it I Seafoarth. . . �, om 0 0 0
d he pur-- apparent, bbat the"Ame b"f anim- the back- i,j the sh pe of backache. *b -
A nhwged fhe Morrisburg p . . . I -11 - - -_ I . � - ! was first and James Ifislion getond, . a 0 .
0 Inches long,, at 88,60 per cord, delfvored. ra n � ood in thiese parts. Th 1 H. Oberner third! and E. Werner, Don't n4giect to cure it immo- Wallft 0 C" .
or by bulk 1v it with A considerable amounit- mu-st biD t(bickly an . ey Gro _ C
d evenly cover-, wing Rheubarb in. the Cellar' four,bh, James Armstrong took Ist, diately. $erious: kidney trouble will 4110
Millet u006W foT. �-hirbaon � 00 - P -
fi i =m Sawing, and Of r3 , , - years. 'Lat- ed-witb firm Yelt anellow f le3h of uni- in Winter. 1, aind, Fred Armstro-og sewnd, in ,the follow if : you do. A few doses of 0 ell ?_J . . -
10'r 'he becamer, -assistmpt editor of the t form Igood, quality and free� alike st, A4 1 bo"k ' ' class'. Tihe Fl-w-cial puy.se -do- - � �— -
.�. . WM. AMENT. Ottawa - Free Pre,", a position he -f,rom hard rolls and blubbery patch- (By. H. E. Hutt, Horticulturi _ I nkiibk It � - . DOAWS KIDNEY PILLS,,
__ - - held for A*!short time onI , and in ' Y XT. Peter Barman, Strat-1 . P �
4 c1s. CbaTse, pat6hy meat,will no long- Ticultural Collelge, tx'uelph.) ' foq,d for the best iru!rre *in v,ny0!a5s taken in � time, often sav'e years of .. I
- - � . - *4 7,0 , . I -
Steers for Sale. 1893 ,bic 'went to Brockvilley a!s Man- eT 'be toll6rated, much lem those MoNt , farmieTa who hav-d i wa&'wOn bY James, Arm,*zonig. k,.. Mr. Horatio Till Geary, .
� aging Directori__ Treasurer a tgarden 1 1 sufferin .
. and �dit- - that are bony and bare of f leNh. on at all usually .bav-e, a 1good supply ,or i -Th,a fe T N.B., I
The undersigned has forealego two year old ClJt�of The Re6order of that'city, ,,,, the back and ri.bs. .. milY of M - W. E. Tre� *rite,43:-"T suffe.r'ed for I � \� �
steers -ft feWing and- 20 yearling atoq4 the old �ftsbioned pie pIgnt or r1ju- -main, t - r 1. -
. , steers; siao PlIblicati(M. which has made one - eam!ster, ot Lis -towel, diad a kidney dis- 1� _/ I - _6'i, , '. ,---- -
I 6 sprIQVT cows &bout to calf. These &ttle &re S11 In addition to t1be �,-ene'ral beet ba-rb. This vilgorous growing pla,lit.,very; unple - . I./10 "
tble briT of ai3a perience. on - " -, . � .1;1 ill-' . ) �
WeUl$redind In good�condftlon. Mr. McConno , ht,mt a 4 t i r, mt ,ex ' Sun- ease, 4ad pains in my back, hips I ", � /
11 n mos n uen'tiat form, with good barks, -ribs and providevs a w.holesome substitute for day �morping and legsi; could not sleep well, � .,O-
el- will beat Webber's Hotel, Dublin, on Mond"y and of P'ro viricial publicatiQn-s. Mx.- loins, Vh�.Te is, says the eniinent Am- fruit early in tjie rinjg for"�' fort' la8t, from ,wibieh it isl I
Saturday of each week to meet with intendi-,g Graliam "hns e unate tihey el9caped withoutmore . no a '
I I t9p be an( � P - Bight of the Istt students placed by
-'rican au-bliority, Prof. Curtiss, a §trawborrimuN -oome� in.- It is
purohmero. Term@--Oash or credit to suit the public lioag .been in active' it, 1_� - I had' petite. I took one
. . not serious results. Zhe drafts from bo�c of Oe-n's Kidi3ey Pills, and oLLEGE,
title life ,,.Jn �. �va,rious c,apaai;0m. ; c-extain quality, dbaraoteT�,' style and 9,vne-rally kniown,, -however, thai it th�e coa� Stove had been -closed foo It, they cur�d me- I
obaser. Thew 04 n3ust be sold as lur, moeo"r- - )THE CANADA BUSI[NESS C
nall has rented his farm- Defore be , he, finisoh' that constitute an impoit- ca*n ,be made to produce its crop 11 Jb&pains have all I - I " CHATHAK ONT,
� were VI"a. at the followi4 silades �. two At WWI! ,
W&9 me ree*ve ot Morris- - ant factor in tletc-rmininig t,be value ,e:n ordinary ,cellar durinig 't,be win- gas Ono at 47K four � . at _$1000. Did i 11
JOHN McCONNELL, -for some ti in tightly the night before and the di left, and I now si-eep wen.
11 DUBLIN. cou. I he county of beef cattle. One of tle fi,r-;3t indi- 'b6r w1ein " robably be more 8-Y at 19720 jwd one -
-, _
1918-tf burg and a member of -t, . escAPed freely from come bro- )� 'P ice 50 cents per box, or 8 for I not P . tbew to come to Chatham? Do yora 'mow Of
. it would p X -en mica!3 in the stove door.j. Xext I $I. , All dealers, or any other bu,qinesa anbo4l gettfog such reeulW,
ncit of Sto'rmo-nt,'- Jbuxl&m Fm'd cations of Vbis is to be found" in the apprecla t! th,wn w'hen igrown i . m i . 4: 2.5. our csWogues are the bandoomeet lwue of Sho
Gleararry. In a tle n or.nnig one. of rls fett ' ; - !,. �
_ i891 ,h*'--_TAn -,tgr ija,qt skin and- coat. A 'good -feeding ani- .the usual way in the'llga-rden in the, out �f b6d but fell ., Co., .0 I u,
lKeWely M-ecwry- for 1903. unwell and got t"he little 'gi T.uz D,w-W KIDTT�V P-iLT -
I MT. J. P. Whitney, the le,j-der of rnal sl�ould hav-e ,, v6ft mellow touch !9pvinjg' . � " Y Any u DOW 0 . h "I
. -to fi I ant an
�he Opp,,,sition in Nin&-�s ; ihe floor unconscious. Mr. Tre- Toronto, 012t. " It , u r,b to -attend A *
JUCHARL XURDW, Reave, Winthrop P. 0. � I . but Nvas and a soft but tbick heavy o0at. A The *rhnbarb plant makes ifs most -' main .himself ,got up and . fort - general catalogue, if you cannot con3o to �
'defeated. He Iva � S f irst -1 � itt I I for our mail course 40atsiogue$ We
JGHff S. BROWN, Councillor, Sagorth P. 0. -, � elected to ha'rsh, unyieldinlg skin is an indica- vigorous gr - though �� � L . .
0 .: thic, LogistatuTe owth, un&' r naturat con- weak Jlr�oxa iJpe effgots of the gas, can teach you Book-keeping, Shorthstid and -Nn-
ErARLEs LiTTLF, Councillor, Winthiop P. 0 . � , � for .Brookville, irt tion of a sfutggisb circulation and ditions early in tht sprin�g, w1en its, '%Y" able to 'get a ,supply -of - -1 . In
JOH.N. MURRAY, 0ouncillor, Beeohwood P. 0. . 1898, -,v,ht,n he I :,defeated Mr. ' - fresh air I anivhl,i at your bouse. W�pmyyour rallwa-TIlre -
up to $8, And ean secure good board at $2.60 to $2.7i � I .
. I b
*',T -*i
W-11 A-
, , M
40/ . -
I -------
JORN X. GOVENLOCK. Coanofflor, Winthrop F.0 , John low diges:tive powers. A clear, pro)nq- large leaves3 t9tore up in the thick, - into the house. !Mrs. Trem
JORN 0. MORRISON, Clark, WinthropY. 0, I 0111bext by 188' " -te,13 b t in 1902 . I ain and' per week. Mention the catalogue you want. &dl
8, Treasurer, WintIKroi P 0. I this m�jjoiritv _` in'6nt Yet Plft-cid -eye, tleun-cut fea- fleshy -root!§ *ft... large amount of nu- all of the seven fohi.ldren in the h MO�,EY TO LOAN drem&W
I '7-'n,� ased to 376 i tuTels, fine born ala.d clean, firf(' triment for the production of sma NveTe more or Ale!_c�s affected with the i 11imev to WOO at lowest sateii of Interest on jroo,f
DAVID M. ROB! was a . �e u OU801 �__ I I
_,��.� I .
Ou ". . I D,iniel 01- I b0nc -all ,-.o 'to indicate good feedi,n,- during the summe�T-aVd gro,wth carjy. ,noxious ga�*S;l I !"m WMHY,� ALPPIY t3 JA:8. L. KJL RAN �.
sowuoN J-. allANXoK. J. P., omit . ary Inveotor I just d' bl,(,, - a - inst, n McLACHLAN &CO.,
Wlathrop P. 0. Brian. FroiA t,he "' , _ Some _of ,t,hem Un - �
� _ Lo .
I . � 'Inomefat of his hp- - quality i;�d capacity fo ttakc on a next !%ason. To .get the best I � -1 Rarrioller, Nea*b 1712 -if * 0hatham, I - . 011i
I - . - . . . - roots cA)nL%@i0us for, a tbve. : . . .
I . � . %
, - ;. I
- � . - � Ir.
� tl 4 ,I .
. � .
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i- � .1 � . .
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� r I V am"Me
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� - D, i.wee Strikei
4.- � gfi6uld be KePt I
�: I
.1 �_
ZT- . , -
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__ � tjwnto, veop'6—�Peol
1, - -A J .
tn'l- I - Ar.ew-Ithout 4efov
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__, Uod
7_-__* I tw The4--onges,
.- 01tell, I ,
� - - D is a :Plentiful 4su
.-I _.- � =_ - - V
, I - � robust Person ,
. � 1. 'A, r I ..
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..�� I - r .:
. - � I ,kly throws IV Off I
. b-st IVIO
` - , - ft,wi h'thd briaemio ,C
�t �aVt �
- -- - S7 , , a the first tigll
,t � .,
_� --:-. . - , - .
- .. I � * - riaturt
- I peor ,it is the a .
� I to - � . d d1Z&
I . . -R�n% head -aches. -an - real I
- .1 I
- - -
1, - Afitab .& elair withoub ,
I I , -
.1 -1 ,,ffVttteTa and Ta&JP4000 wl,
. .
. -
� -
- � Allxfftf6la. Such people el
I- _�- -� Aevir oupply of-rieh, -
�., � , U141us, Pink Pills i's I"
t ,tuslly makes rich
- :tb*t SO ni
: 4very do*e. ordinary r
11�1 � *0 I I - belne of disew
1 P,lpl. go right strai�
. �._-T .
� I a -Swau drivt it f
- - tbe, troubl ' '
4hese pilb b�r,ve & Jargar 4
- I -
I - .med7l&ke in the worlil, t
� � � , I tboneandA ,of -
- 60048(
� so b*hlY- 11"'s F'ore
I ChlOsUrt W. S, says .. ,
- Wdliams t;ink Pill% for A
_1. - T aw, happy W ssy they:
- ;� j,..:,tb - al.t,er vafot.he r I
- I wegs.ufferingfir-am Ad
- -_ - form. TWIC lew
I , �vevs�e to bra'ithlem -sud:
I leave u :
. I - -V red S4
1 petite tud ZU116.
I esda,chas.
1 �
� � . � into & -debline- -
- � -;noes but It idid mt
- frier'd advised We to 4511
� .
- - Miss -and In s, Jew.,week
�_ I hV1011119 MO- 1 0outinut
: , . *W molithap sod, AM �114
- __ l2satt. I tunk Dr.' V
. -
I . I WU1 =@&e every weik *
I sod Jtei1*Y-" I
�� , YOU -01161111 Set �h"* Val
"I ') yer
: 'jil modildnO, bu - th
r . me t1wt. � tu, " .iasa
I jut .1
� Plik 1! pi 'Pou - pr- I
;- I _ - , ,
r .
. somad & Uxt 2 "
_ 4 I
L If" . --
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� - � ,,madj
� . ._W111itme
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; - Oat., "4 i4o lu ,
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r Jur 42P. ;
. � Of 14 414 1. __
: .1 --------- T_. -
I � . I I
L AA� ..
- -
r H&W to. , -
L ZeNa
E, woluea -Mho,havo *#J
- I
- .
i ,the dern,�w"- nX6100ow
II - 'ho -
I t4one, ous --ta 4misv"
i ., - - .
J0nMm;_ab,wd. ID if
I :[t is djotmbed.,bl vilib
_�_ fe
'r action
- I � , b.V lob_gl,hg4j�
. . Jr." � reitible &Ilirls 10 �z
. p �
. fold W& --J.
, .1 it Your-=
� 00 -that yout bomes _ixe
� . "Presislon 161 soural i
. sure to tb"w them. -In
� . - . I
I ammot. In any Ino"ar,
. t ey
. ,heir Isearw v. -h -do .
!_ Ua hoia* at I"t .fOr �
I . they -go for tbo MMS6
- , 4 -
� . I Vonignabip thbY -AcLd 0
-ao" much to tOprefil I
. _
- lw=e#A in, their brem'
-that their homes 00MIN
- -abt* 'V I
I ;in tboir aotll *Mffli-�
� by day# s�a tig4v ur.
1flumfiiate, your rool
- I
. Upon the Walk, Put
I ro upon your Uble.
pe � -
,anterQuing gamee. I
dullnen and Ap4hY t)
� your household, vid A 1
good Oneer. IUVOUti �
- flate thin
pons. StImu ,
I directions. While VP
I dialf.g.h�W, fill them with,
I pleasure. Whather 11,
. boyhoodp %nd enter ul
� fined I tsetee �aud .wbl
1�. - 'a you. Do not A.
I- I ff your tkons W
__ possible thOtWith -ex-f
I a mother may h*Ve it
tiny 0, her l)-_ys th"
I whatever. , z
I I curreed Xid ..
� x
I . -4 Mrs, Fred Bilk. Whh-Oyj'
st&tw - 1, I wgg iW,ibied
! .J. -
I ney djeeme. and though 1,
zn*, inedidner, nevt r suw
=t,,l I begt�u ltbe ute Of �
Puts. !BY the ,regular u8(
time I v*,s cornplettly c"! ,
I ---4
I J12i,ef ED
I __ . , .
- ,
ff When Thoin" Gau
I he Elaid to POMB -one ,;
. daring the firAt 101P
04-teebibm, it whal, �
, man ?" with At wlola�
tbief end-io tO glorif
him forever." E'Vel
I I thia nueStiou and ang
.� rerne;iwber ;--bat few
the reason WUY thig�
. question. I!, Jim the 1.
10r grAnte4 * that the -
rational bcJ-h9 will b
RA own eXibt&'Xq0- A
the laat quebtiou r
Still 1�t is a eublimf
geed,Qf 'thought drOl
I , - . whole usdon *boald
which tenAt to M"A
add-reallea ponder 0,
I , I
I - W�hy ba.va J been bt
It , Whyshould I V16h -
are the though A Sul
tbw first question 01
is in thouga.-.0 10-0 I
its birth. Rrv- Pr�
Somme Lef
The cowara 1-0 rou
The Putt of a MW
only sle,2pa. .
- ,only Ae who ow�
Peace with *At raLIM
There are times N
who knows the leal
14oral courage 1k,
. heart of -a pur; Wei,
NO MVLU tever I
struggle with bid *I
I 21 -ere is always _1 I
I, - side .6i -.every dloud_
AGenulde U-tra"I
ly by the very P�a
Lfle to a trovd) :,
to one?a own inw-1
It is a olever W -H
I tion witheat askirl 1
treat overY ma�
win be rez4�ded a
�', -
I �
it Yen, thought Ott
- . I
some,day you Will
I dog. fl
.... Helpiew V
. 41 For Inan
� Y ul.
. hemu with, iaor
amas-els Gla'imant -0%1
atro ly T". wo d I
eute�t,,,,,�� �
MY .
I LndgerDuguay, tlli�
The. BURY ;
A aergeaut of.
regiment, wat U01,
boarbng, buill Ing
kis -company 41blo
- low has tome to
. eauditat badgeo. .
� strip'eslhe b-6 b I
off their iia -ma. - �
-and bully lbeza t
wOn-ld turn upow,
him, then they *
� But a day *1 *rA,
- About half a di
� two e � ney-sw!
The sol bwd pro�
� - ward if they wou
. �
. thrathing. Tbio
� to. Thoos kuig�
hero in the tame �,
. the above izoidel
Wien tuek !"pa -A
. I
- . .
( 11 ,
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. . I
I .
. I
. . . I
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. . .
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