HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-11-25, Page 5[90
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NOVEMBER 25, 1904!
renal Briefs. --Mr. Ford Aitchesen,
winthrop, visttea some friends
Seaforth 1--t week and. he also
the pleasure of attending the
kegiving festival, at tho Meth-
ohuroh.-Mr. Matt. arid Miss
pearl Lawrence stisited friends at
Stasi Ann Cranbrook last Sunday.-
pn eery pleaaant and enjoyable even-
-beg as spent last Monday nIght- at
to home of Mrn, Wm. Lockhart,
*Imre a few friends were almost
ily entertained and refreshed
bwaquet of roast goose, plUrat
d everytning to tempt the in-
, man.
Council Doixrees.—A rooting of the
utgeneet council was held at Chris-
topb*e White's, Leadbury, on .Wed -
&ay of last week. All the mein -
re present. Accounts to the
amount of $254 were passed and
andered to be paid. With reference
o the' contract on the Canada Co.
arain end the centraetor beind de-
als -ow of abandoning his contraet,
ense, reeve was inatructed to. take
JetzeI advice in the matter. The
eeer was instrunted to write to
the enneineer to •ascertain, what the
tao.n done on the Bolton drain is
:worth and to take off the contrac-
ter's hands the work that is finish-
oele A special meeting of the coun-
cil will be. beId at the Royal Hotel,
Beaforth, on Friday, December 9th,
yet 1 o'elook p. m., for the purpose
of receiying tenders for the cement
abutments and steel superstructures
five, new bridges to be created .ilt
the town:slip. It is also deeirabie
it all accounts against the 'town -
be in before the 14t1i of Decern-
ne.-Johnt C. Morrison, elerk.
• netueday, November 26tre at 1:30 p.
meat his residence, James- St., Household
Furniture. John MeIntesh, Proprietor ;
Thos. Itrown. Anotioneer.
rJi Wednesday, November 30 h, at 1
*Week p. m., en Lot OopeeAsion 6,
tteInillop. Farm Stock, Implements and
Househeid Furniture. P. Curtin; Pro-
pitiator ; Those Brown Auctioneer.
• Seturday, Decen;ber 3rd, at 1 &dock
p.m., on Lot 4, Conceesioit 7, Seaeley,
,enetee stock of light and heavy horses,fillies
and geldings and well bred, cattle. Geo.
Coleman, Proprieter ; Thos. Brown 4uct-
On Monday, December 5th, at 1 o'clock
ms. on Lot 6, Car cetteion 8, Stanley. , on
the Babylon Line. 85 .aores of Timber.
James Lockhart,Proprietor ; Thos. Brown,
On TueedaY, December 6th, at 1 o'clock
p. m, Dick's Stock Yards. Seaforth, en-
tire brerd of Shorthorn Cattle, Sohn S.
Brown; Proprietor; Thos - Brown Auction-
eer. 0.
, Snaroarn. November 16t11, 1904
iU Wheel) oIdeletandard......-- 1 00 to 1 03
Tallwbeat (new). 1 00 to 1 05
°eta per bushel- 81 tO 0 82
peas per bnshel— 0 60 to 090
Earley par bushel- - eine. ....... 0 40 to 0 42
saner. No. 1, loose- - 0 18 to 0 15
neeier,lub- — 0 14 to 0 es
doz.... -a. - 0 17 to 0 10
mew, per 100 2re- ----2 50 to 8 00
Hay per tan nee -.- 6 50 to 7 00
, Heleaper 100 be- - 5 00 to 5 86
Sheep Skins" solo Q 25
Wool— - 0 21 16 0 78
Potatoes pe2 'sae - 0 50 to 0 56
sae (reel 1) per bend- - 1 25 to 1 00
w3ed per oordllonel. - - 5 00 110 620
weedpereord (shovel.— 3 Oe to 3 05
lee Pee bee- - - - 025*0 000
6 00 -to 750
1 25 to 200
06 to 25
Pork,pereoe t. amp atm or.. tan MO 0•• AIM 7 50 to 8 20
Timothy norib_________le_ - — -
ToRcereo, November 23—The market is
gill quiet, awing to absence of demand
from &brood. Alaike is if anything easier,
especially low grades. There are a lot of
these tffering and foreign buyers do not
want them, the objection to trefoil being
especially emphatic. _pest aleike, $7 to $7,
witit*fair No. 2 at $5 to $5.50, and low
grades at $3,50 re $4 25. Red, according
to quality, at $6 to $6 75, with a little
More for atrietly fewer. Timothy is still
in abundant supply at 900 to $1,
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, November 23.--Butter—The
movement continnea extive. Redeipts of
all kinds- are fair. Pekes are eteady and
quetatione unchanged. Creamery prints,
e%le to 21c ; creamery tub'
s 19e to 203 ;
geed to choice dairy tubs, 150- to 16o;
medium dairy, 13e to 14o, inferior grade
dairy, 10o to 12t; g ad to (tholee dairy
pound mile, .163 to 17o, meditun rolls,
140 to 15e. Cheese —Ie steaciee with con-
tinued firmness noted in the prevailieg ten.
deney. Large is quoted at 10i to 10.1e, and
twins at 102e to lle. Eggs continue firm in
tone. Fresh gathered come forward very
-slowly, and they are quoted unchanged
and nominal at 22 to 23e. Fresh are un-
changed at 20 to 2./e and limed at 20o per
MONTREAL November 23—Cheese, On-
tario fan white, 10e to 10e, colored, 14
bane; Quebec. 94o to 940. Batter.—
linen grader, In to 20e, ordinary fin
eat, 19e tO 194e ; medium. grades, 18o to
He, and weetern dairy at 15o to 15 -to.
Eggs,-Selent new laid, 23 to 24o; straight
gathered°addled, 20 to 21c, No. 2, 15o
to 151e.
Teentero, November 22ad-Potatoes-
Eastern stook is firmer, on account of the
great (wee of transportation. They are
quoted at 75c to 80o on track and 90 to 95o
out of store. Ontario stook are quoted at
65e to 65e on track and 75o out of store.
TORONTO, November 22,-Porntry-Re-
teipts were tight, but considerable stook
vas left over from last week, and the mar-
ket is easy in tone. Quotations for dress-
ed arenaohanged, as follows ; 7e to 9c for
einekens, 5e to 6o for hens, n. to 80 for
geese, 8a to Sno for ducks, llo to 12a for
turkeys, and 9e to 100 for old turkeys.
Grain, etc.
TORoNTO, November 22, ---White :wheat,
$L05 to $1 06 ; red, $1 05 to $1,06 •goose,
lilo; spring. $1.02 ; cereal, $1 07 ; peas,
67e; oats, 30; barley, 50 to 51. Hay,
Ne, 1 timothys$9 to $11; clover or mixed,$8
_to ; sheaf straw, $ea ; loose straw,
tiloge-Dreseed. light weight, per own,
86.75; heavy, $6.25. Millfeed-$14.50 to
.115 for bran in bulk, $17.50 to $18 for
shorte easb and ween Mattitoba millfeed
$ei for shorts and $19 for bran, exporte.
Live Stock Markets.
lavennooe, England, November 22nd -
Carnelian cattle, 5d ; ranchers, 4td ; sheep,
LO:NDoar, Erglend, Nov. 22 -Live cattle
are quoted at Ste to 11no per pound ; re-
frigerator beef, si to no per pound ; sheep,
lln to 124e per pound.
TORONTO JulicereoN, Nev. 22 -The mar-
ketett the Union Stook Yards to.day was
.gegain somewhat glutted with an inferior
.olaseof-eattle,but even these were sold late
In the: day at low prices. The receipts a-
t:wanted to 75 oars, which contained 1,441
tattle, 850 sheep,14 hogs, 8 calves, and one
home, Of these 10 ear loads were received
on Saturday last, and oold the same day.
Better °Cab:tare wanted at Mitt market,
and better prices than were paid to -day
Rould he readily /Aid. Exporters' Cattle -
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,000,000
RON. GEO, A. COX, President.
. E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Assn Glenn Manager,
ItO Branches IANN2)Avataitit! uNITEp STATES
Parra:10PB' andGraziersrsnking
Every faciliey afforded farmers and graziers for their banking buthhess. Notes dis
eountcd• Sala Notes cashed or ta en for collection.
Depossits. of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at eurrent rates Interest
added to the deposit Witte in eneh year, at the end of May and November.
,The depositor is ,subjeot to no delay whatever in the withdeawal
of the whole or ant prtion of the depoeit.
Deposint may be made 9r withdrawn by mail. Ounottown amounts receive every
-1101,MESTED, Solicitor, G. E. PAIKES, Manager. *
Tifttinajority of the exitorbers' cattle were
df an inferior grade, and better prices
would have been paid for beeter cattle. The
best exporters brought from $4.50 to $4 75,
but very few reached this latter figure.
The bulknold from* to 34 25, and some
were as low as $3.75. Batchere' Cattle_
The supply of -these were not large, and the
cattle offered were not good enough. The
beet butchers' heifers' sold at from 3435 to
$4.50. with a few as high as $4.60. Fair
to medium loans brought from $3.85 to
34.11; oommoralpade from $3.25 to $3 50,
rough, inferior API mixed from, 3275 to
$3 35nornmert andinferior co ea from $1.50
to t2.50,
MoNeetnett, Nov. 22. -Good cattle were
not plentifel and brought firm rates, but
eht common and itiferior beasts are very
herd to selll and bring low rates, Prime
heaves Bold et about 40 per pound, pretty
good cattle at ei to -near 4no, the common
stock 2 to 3o, and the canners at la to 2o
per lb, A man from Three Rivers bought
six superior milk cows fer $350, the others
sold at $30 to $60 each. Granser calves.
sold at 2 to 3ne, and good veals at 4 to 44e
per pound. Sheep -bold at 3 to 3no per
pound, and ladtbe int 4 -no to near 5o per
pound. Fab hogs solti at 44 to Re . per
pound. •
BUFFALO, Nov. 22-;Catt1e-10 to 25e
bower, patine steern $5.25 to $5155 ; ship-
ping. 3450 to 85.10; butchers', $3.75 to
$4 85; heifer, $1.50,td $4 25; tows, $2.25
to $3.75 ; bulls, $2.25 to $3 85, stockers
and feeder, $2.25 to 33.65; stook heifire,
$1.75 to $2.25; fresh cows and springers,
glen demand and strong; good to choice,
$45 to $56 • medium to good, $30 to $43;
common, 320 to $25. Veale, active $4 50
to ..$8. Hoge -Active, 5 to 10o lower;
heavy, $4.70 to $4.75 • mixed, 3465 to
$4 70; YOrkers, $4.36' to 34.65; pies,
34.25; rough)). $4; nitags, $3 to 8360
Sheep and Lemb-Actiye, native lambs,
$4.50 to 36.25; Canada 'ambit, $5.25 to
38.10; yearlings and wethers, $4.75 to $5;
ewes $4.25 to $4,50 ; sheep, mixed, $2 to
TORONTO, November 23—The quality of
fat mitt% was -no getter than for weeks
past; in fact there were not so many
choice animals according to the numbers
offered. Trade was dull, with prices easier
than at any time this season, as may be
seen in our Het of salmi quoted below. . Ex.
poreers-There were none offered, that is
In loads; a few export bulls. 1,600 to 1,700
pounds each, selling at $3.25 to $3,75 per
cwt. Iiintchere-A choice lot or two of
butchers' 1,150 to 1,200 pounds, sok! at $4
to $4 25, but there were few cattle sold
over $4 per cwt.; loads of good butchers'
seld at $3,60 to $3.80;nair to good at $3.25
to $3,50 ; common at 3250 to 33; rough
and inferior, at common,
$2.50 per • owt ; can-
ners ea $1.50 to $1.75. Feedere-Trade
was dull and prices easier, thoee weighing
1.100 to -1,180 pounds eaoh sold at est 62n to
$3.90 per owt ; those weighing 900 te 1;000
pounds each at $2.75 to 33.30; stockers,
500 to 700 pounds each at $2 to $2.50 and
$2.60 per owt; Inferior at $1.50 to $1.75 per
owt. Miloh Oews—Theiee was a good de•
mend for 3hoice quality cows, and about
18 sold all ehe way from $32 to $55 each.
Veal Calves—Only a limited number was
offered, and prices were firm at 3350 to
$5.25, with one or two of extra quality at
$5 50 per cwt. Sheep and Lanibs—xport
sheep were a little firmer, .sellivag at 33,50
to $3.65. Lambs for buteher purposes at
$4.40 tlo $4.60, and choice picked lots of
ewe and weather Iambs fer export pur-
poaes are quoted ab $5, per ewt. Hogs—
Delivering were not large, about 1,100.'
Prices are steady at $4.80 for selects, and
$4.55 for lights andiate.
4_1 Marriages.
DUNKLEY-1eANNAN-At Port ArOur, on Octo-
ber 20th, by Rev T 0 Walker, Mr Frranais Percy
Dunkley, of the Northern Navigation Co., to
Miss Maud Hannan, eldest daughter of Mr Ed.
ward Hannan, of Chatham, formerly of Sea -
FERGTJSON-MoRAE-At the manse, Cranbrook,
on November 16th, by Rev D B McRae, Mr John
Ferguson, of Brossels, to Miss Elizabeth Mc-
Rae. daughter of Rev D B Moltae.
MoILWeIN-ROGERSON-At the home of George
McPhee, Loyal postoffloe, on November 9bh, by
Rev J L Small, B A., Mr Wm J MoIlwain, of
West Wawanosh, to Miss Annie Rogerson, of
DIXON-In London, on November 22nd, Janerihan-
ahan, relict of the late Richard Dixon, of Sea -
forth, aged 48 years and 9 months
MANN -In Melcillop, on November 28rd, Robert
Mann. aged 30 years and 5 months
SCOTT -In Saskatoon. N W T, on November 21st.
Alexander, eldest on of Mr Peter Booth, of
BOLGER-In Morrie, on November 19th, Mary Car-
ter, wife of Mr James Bolger, aged 66 yearn
ALEXANDER -In Seaforth, on November 19th,
William Alexander,aged 66 yeare and 8 months
BALDWIN-In Edith, Manitoba, on November 14th,
William Baldwin, late of Seaforth, aged 63
MoLAUGHLIN-In Nowick, on November !fish.
Lloyd D McLaughlin, only son of Mr and Mrs
J McLaughlin, aged 2 years and 6 months
OTTERBEIN-In Stanley township, neer Blake, on
November 13th, Henry Otterbein, at the age of
78 years
DOWNS -In Stanley. on Novembe$1.4th, Mrs Rob -
bele Downs, aged 62 years
LITTLE -In Clinton, on November 14th, Thomas
Little'. aged 82 years
GRIGG-In East Wawanosh, on Ntiveinber 18th,
Wm Gligg, aged 56 years, 8 months and
FISHER -In Colborne townselp, on November 14t ,
Catharine Akan, wife of Mr Peter Fisher, aged
83 years and 1 month
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night) calls answered at Mr. McKenzie's
residence, Church St., third house north of
public sohool, west side. Graduate Massa -
°bullets College of Embalming, Boston, U.S
Knechtel & McKenzi
Huron County Council.
The Council of the Corporation of the County of
Huron will meet in the Council Room, in the Town
of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 6th day of December
next, at 8 o'clock p. m. All ace:saints againat the
oounty must be placed with tho Clerk by first day
of meeting.
W. LANE, Clerk
, Dated Nov. 21st, 1904. 1ee0
IORICH---In Spelt:with, on Noveinher 12th, to Mr and
Mrs W A °rich, a dauehter
TREMEER-In Tuckersmith, on November 12th, to
'. Mr and Mrs‘J A Tiemeer, a son
MAR,TIN-In Seaforth, on November 7th, to Mr
and Mrs George Martin, a daughter • ,
BEATTIE-In Huntsville, ent , en November 14th,
I:3 Mgrrili lifs '',-1BeNie/- (X° Mies 1? I.E4
an s o h amid y o ea or , a aug ter
.GILLATLY-In Sarnia. Ont, on October 25th, to
Mr and MreAleat Gillatly, (nee Miss Rae -Lang-
steoth,) fermerly mf Seaforth, it on
OSTERHOUT-aAt tbe paraonage, Wroxeter, on
November 14th, to Rev and Mrs esterhollt; 4
TOWN --Io Gerrie, on November Ikith, to Mr and
' hire G Town a son r •
MoTAGGART-in Clinton, on NoVeriabor 12th, to
Mr and Mrs ht D MoTaegart,iadaughter
MOORE-=-In Clinton,' on November ittah, to Mr and
Mrs W Moore, a daughter '
GAB.DINER-In Exeter, on November 14th, to hlr
and Mrs Peter Gardiner. a son
HOWELL -In Goderich, on November 12th, to Mr
and MrM W tiowelitVaoghter
HARDY -In Goderz
ioh, n ovember 13th, to Mr
s t
and Mrs Hugh Hardy, e daughter .
FEAGEN--,In Colborne, on 'Novernher 14th, .to Mr
, and Mrs John Feagen, a
FOWLIE -In Goderloh, on November 15th, to Mr
and -Mrs Few%) a son 1
MoKENZIE-In Bruesels, on No ember 16th, to Mr
and Mrs Murcia* McKenzie, a daughter
GUN)111e-In Goderich, on No rnaber 8th, to Mr
and Mrs Thomas Gundry, a son
STEWART--InEast Wawanosh, on November lith,
to Mr and Mr e Isaac Stewar a son
0 has for sale on Let 16, Cm
number of upeo-date thoro
bulls, they are of the law set bl
In color and of choke breeding
igible for registration and will
JOHN ELDER, Bengali P. 0.-
-The undersigned
cession 2, Hay, a
ghbred Shorthorn
eiry type, dark red
They are all el -
e sold reasonably.
I Public School, a male an
holding first.olais certifluaes.
wiktbe new year. Appli.lati
sired and giving testimonials
the undersigned until Mon
adcressed to Dashwood P. 0.
MAN, Secretary.
-For the Dashwood
a female teacher,
Duties to commence
ns stating salary de -
will be received by
ay, December 5b11,
A UCTION SALE of Timbe .-Mr. Thos. Brown
_Lj. has received instruotio a front Mr. James
Lockhart to sell by public au tion On Monday, Dec-
ember 5th, 1904, at 1 o'clock , m., on Lot 6, (len-
cession 8. Stanley, on the Ba' ofon Line. Stanley, 85
acres of timber, consisting of inc. Tamarack, Soft
Elm, Ash, Eta. This timber Ill be sold in one lot
or parcels to suit pureha er. Terms. -Twelve
months' credit on approved jo nt notes or a discount
of 6 per cent. for cash. Two years will be allowed
to remove the timber, JAMES LOCKHART, Pro-
prietor; THOS. BROWN, An tioneer. 1928 2
A UCTION SALE of Th roughbred Shorthorn
11., Cattle. -Thomas Brow has received Instruct -
Ione f onn Mr. John S. Brow, of MoKillop, to sell
by nubile auetion at Dick's took Yards, Seaforth,
on Tuesd w, December 6t11, t 1 o'clock p. m., his
entire herd of Shorthorn cat le, as followe : 1 ootv
8 peen 01, in oalf ; 1 cow 6 years old, in calf ; 1
cow 6 years old, in nit ; 2 cows, 4 years old, in
calf ; 3 heifers, 2 years old, in calf ; 2 yearling
heifers ; 6 bull ,ealves. Grades and Heifers. ---44
stock steers, 1 and 2 years old ; 4 cows in calf; 2
newly calved cows. The abovo named thoroughbred
stook are all in first-olase condition anji sired by the
leading bulls. All will be a ld without reserve as
the proprietor is making a le riga in his property.
Terms. -Twelve mouths' ore it on approved joint
notes. 5 per cent. discount allowod for clash. Cat-
alogues containing pedigrees will be furnished ori
application to themudersigne . JOHNS. BROWN,
Proprietor; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 1928-2
Stook, Implements and ETousehold Furniture.
-Mr. Thomas ,Brown has boon instructed by Mr. I'.
Curtin to sell by public _.suct on on Lot 8, Comas.
ion 6, MoKillop, on Wedeesdey, November 30th, at
one o'clock p. m , the following property, viz,-,-
Horsee.--1 mare four years old, in Joel to a heavy
draught horse; 1 driving mare, 10 years old ; 1 aged
more ; 1 filly, 1 year old, sired by Guetoer ; 1 filly,
1 year old, sired by Tyree° ; *spring colt, aired by
Tyrone. Cattle. -2 cows suppoied to be in calf ; 1
farrow cow ; 6 steers rising 3 ,Years old ; 4 steers
rising 2 years old ; 8 spring calves; 2 store pigs,
about 75 hew. Implements. -4 binder, 1 mower, 1
horserake, 1 disc harrow, 1 milky plow, 1 walking
plow, 1 set iron harrows:1 fanning mill, 1 wheel
barrow, 1 wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 buggy, 1 cut-
ter, 8 stacks of hay, 1 set double harness, 1 set sin-
gle harness, 1 seed drill, 1 road cart, 1 bay raok, 1
water trough; 1 gravel box, 1 gang plough, 1 atone
boat, 1 log boat, 1 grindotone 1 set weigh scales.
Household Furniture. -1 cook stove and other
honsehoid °Heats, forks, shovels, spades and other
articles too numerous to mention. The whole will
positively be sold without reserve as the proprietor
has rented hie farm and is going away. Terms. -
All sums of $6 and under. cash; over that amount
12 months' credit will 'be given on furnishing ap
proved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent: per
annum will be allowed for cast on oredib amount.
P. CURTIN, Proprietor; THO . BROWN, Auotion-
eer.. 1928-1
Turkeys Wanted.
I will pay 11c per pound for /turkeys either alive
or with their nooks broken. delivered at the Cole-
man barns, Seaforth, on Friday, December 2nd.
Turkeys must be in , good condition, weighing at
least 8 pounds and be delivered with their crops
empty. If deed ta hang not less than 12 houre.
1928-1 Seaforth.
R. MeNaug
New Jewelry $tor.
This store is the resort of gift hunters.
Once within its portins they realize
that they have found I a place where
the problem of what WI give is solved.
We Make Visitors Welcome.
They are free to look around to their
heart'n content, and buy or not as it
euits them. Bring your visiting friends
to the gift store.
R. McNaught,
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler & Engraver
Counter's old Stand,
Cash for Hides and Skins.
The undersigned is prepared to pay the highest
cesh price for all hides, okins, tura and tallow, de-
livered at A. Stobie'e shop, Seaforth.
1928x6 WM, MoDOTJGALL.
Great Snap in Ladies' Blotises.
We have just closed dear for a large stock of Ladies' Blouse, being the sam-
ples and balance of the stook of a wholesale house. It was a pretty large
stock to tackle but on examination we found. them,high-claes up to -date
goods, and as clean and fresh as when they left th;3' factory, and being
offered to us at the ridiculously low price a 60c on the dollar, we could
not resist and we bought the whole let, and they are h ere toady for your
inspection, Come early and get firchoice, as the best vein be picked up
first. There is such a ereat variety, and in most cases no two alike), it
is impossible to describe them. here, but come and .see them, Y �n can
buy any of them at 60c on the dollar while they last Below we give a
description of a few linea
• $1 Shire Waiete for 60o. Made of fine Amerioan Flannel, trimmed with ohm tore of
thake and yak inertial, holey collar, regular prioe $1, for 603. 750 Shirt) Waists for
37no. Made of fancy striped American Flannel, with tucks and rawly collar,' worth 75e
fur nice 25 Shirt Waists for $1,25. Made of faces, all -wool French Flannel tuoked
yoke, faney tab collar, large pearl buttons, regular price n2.25, for $1 25. $2,50 Shirt
Waists for $1.49. Made of fine Cream Lustre, trimmel with oriental insertion, attesters
of tucks on front, back ant sleeve's, a very swell garment; worth $2.50, for $1.49. Also
other stylish Shirt Waists tco numerous to mention.
World's Fair St.Louis
Within the Reach of all
$11.60 Round Trip,
With- atop over privileges at _Chicago,
Detroq and intermediate Canadian station
Handsome illustrated booklet' free on. ap-
plication to any Grand Trunk Anent or to
. D. McDonald, District Passenger agent,
December 5oh to 9th; 1904. Single &et -
°leas fare for round trip. Good going Dec-
ember 3rd, valid returning until December
9th, inclusive.
From Seaforth, $11.60 for the round trip.
Good going Novembee27th,28th end. 29ah,
1904, valid returning en or before Declare -
5th, 1904.
Situated near Detroit, quickly and com-
fortably reached by the Grand Trunk.
For tickets, illuatrated literature and full
information, call on . .
eW. SOMERVILLEnTown Agent.
-A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
DAIRY and Domestic Science
Courses at Weetern Dairy. School.
SPECIAL Creamery Course, December 5th
to December 23rd. Regular Dairy
- &hoist Course, .1 winery 2eid to March
24th. Farm Dairying and Domestic
Science Course, January 2nd to March
i 24th.
It.ARM Dairying, Mondays, Wedneedays
and Friday. Domestic) Menet) on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
. again,
MISS AGNES SMITH will have charge
of these two departments.
FOR CIRCULARS, and Application
Forms, address
George H. Barr SUPT.
W After December 1st, address Strathroy.
1926 4
The Seaforth
Tea Store
Has just received a very lame con-
signment of new teas, and Will give
„ great bargains in all kinds of teas-
- black; green, Japan and green Oeylon ;
all prices, from 103 per lb. up to 50e
per lb. I have a fine blend of Tea
regular price 40o, now 30e per
Also first -clam coffee, regular price
450 per lb., now 35e. New eurrants,
new raisine, new fige, new canned
vegetables in tornatoen corn, peas,
golden drop beans; large box sare
dines. worth 25e, now 15a; all kin&
of- fresh eandied peele, best table syrup,
baking syrup, New Orleans molasses
and West India molasses and dark
sugar for baktng purposes; mime meat
and S. Allen's eider; seeded raising,
',hopping bowls, fresh pork. sausage
„ ard head- cheese, and all kinds of
smoked and cured meats, rolled oats,
nolled wheat), and all the different
cereals; salt by the barrel, best Am-
erican and Canadian coal oil • a good
assortment of ohina, crOokry and
glassware ; dinner, tea and toilet eats.
Cash paid for geed butter and egge, and
all kinds of poulery.
A. G AU -.LT
Ciounty Council Election.
County of Iluron.
Public notice is herebAriven that a meeting' of
the eleotors of County Council Division No. 5com-
posed of the munthipalities of the Townships of
MoKillop and TeakeTrinnith and the Town of Sea -
forth will be held' in the TOWN Ham, SEAFORTN, on
Monday, December 19th, 1904,
at the hour of one o'olook, afternoon, for the par -
pose of nominating eandidates to represent the
division in the counoil of the County of Huron, for
the years 1905 and 1906 and that in oase a poll is
demanded, poll e will be opened on Monday, the
2041 day of January, 1905, in each polling oub.divis-
ion, at the time and place fixed by law,,of the Muni-
cipality in the said county division.
Nominating officer for County CONNOR Division
No. 6.
Dated at Winthrop, thie 12th day of Nov., 1904.
One Grade Only,
and That the Best.
I have itiet received a oar load of Me -
Laughlin °utters. Any person
thinking of investing in a new
cutter will do well to call on me
before purchasing elsewhere. They
are not the cheapest cutters in.
town but they are the best and re_
member, quality remains leng after
price is forgotten.
I keep a full line of GenninelRubber
Harness. also. Robes and Rugs,
which you can buy from me cheap-
er than elsewhere.
A. M. Campbell,
Second Hand Engines
For Sale.
One J. L Case 15 h. p. Traotion Engine,
used one week.
One 3. I. Case 15 h. p, Traction Engine,
used two seasont.
One Sawyer & Massey 13 h. p. Traction.
Oae J. M. Rose & Sons 18 h. p, Tradion,
One Sawyer & Massey 17 h. p. Traction.
One George White & Sons 14 h. la High
Speed Portable.
One George White & Sons 14 h.p. Portable,
One New Hamburg 14 h. p. Portable, used
one month. t
One Sawyer & Massey 13 h.p. Portable.
Two Stevens & Buras 14 h.p.- Rortables.
Two John Abell 10 & 12 h.p. Portables.
Two Waterous Upright 12 h. p. Champion
The ,above engines have been taken in
trade and replaced with Bell Engines and
will be sold on reasonable term. Some of
them are in stock at Seaforth and others at
different points where they were uted. Full
penicillin') on applioation.
1921 Engine and Thresher Go. ,Ltd
• With that Lame Back
You will feel fifteen years younger
if you take Buchu -Juniper Kid-
ney Pills -25e a box or 5 boxes for
$1. Try a box and if you don't
feel fifty cents ,better, coma back
and get your money.
A few other iterns of interest :
Corn Care -the kind then cures,
10 cents a box; Blue Jay Plasters,
10 (Ants package ; English
Castile Soap, 2 poend bar for t25
cents; Our Own Neuralgic Cure -
never fails to cure, 25 cents a
bottle; Trusses to fit any rupture
-prices right.
Give us a call.
Our Stock is New and
We want your trade.
'PHOTOS are always appreciated by
• your friends.
CALL AT ONCE so that we may have
the work out'in tine for dis-
Corner Main
Market Senate
The lemeetest
Dry Goods seat
Four Counties)
The Busiest Shop-
ping Time of the
Year- is Here.
The World discovers its most imperative wants in
November, particularly when'the cold snap gets in
the air. Friday, tae eighteenth, will mmk the be-
ginning of our great November canaign, and we
have no hesitancy in stating that we haVe never
before been so con4dent of a generous response to
our advertising as we are in this instance, and
why we feel this wsy will be patent to every one
who visits our store't Never before have we been
able'to ShOwN.cil v4lues as will now be found in
our different departMents.
. Astrachan Coats, all sizes and all prices, from $24,75 to $40,
Electric Seal Coats, plain, special at $30 ; Columbia sable trimmed at
$43; Russian sable trimmed at $45.
Greenland Seal Coats—Astrachan trimmed—two specials at $31 and $2
Bokharan Coats, at prices from $40 to $48,
Ladies' Coon Coate, special at $11.
Russian, Lamb Ooats at all prices, from $43 to $60.
Two specied lines of Persian coats at $106.001and-$135.00.
This steie sets the pee in the selling of Pure, not
only in Seaforth, but fie Western Ontario. lirowhere
is there such a showing of quantity and styles, and
there is always a comferting sense of satisfaction and
security in buying fare at Pickard'a Wh re ao much
has to be taken for granted, as is the case 'whou.
en y
buy furs, it naturally suggest( the advisability of
making yoar purchases from a fiTill like this—for far
above profit, we value (me reputation for selling the
most eliable make of fur garments. All furs are
See our Black Russian Oalk 'Coats, all even color, soft leather; something
We are prepared to save rtie raoney on anything in robes.
Oppossum Collars, all prices, from 15 to
Germau Mink Collars from $2.75 to $7.
Columbia Sable Dollars from $5 to a9.
See our special line of Electric Seal Oolleas at 88;
Alaska Sable Ruffs from $7 to $22.75 ; Cub Bear from
$10 to $20„
Men's Fur Coats, the best values
- ever offered by use.
Merft0attadiatt Coon Coats, all prides, from $30 to
$76„ It will pay you to see our three special, lines at
$50, $60 arid $70.
Special values in Dog Coats at $15 and $18; W0111-
bat coats 4$15.
Ladies Department.
Some special values will b0 found in this department this mouth.
Ladies' heavy ribbed woollep hose, in sizes 8f, 9, and 9, at 250 a pai
Five dozen missee' and children's union combination Underwear, reg
prices 60c, 75c and 90c, to clear at 50e.
Ladies' Skirts, in Oxford dey, regular price $3.75, for $2.
A table of new eollars, b s, buckles, etc.—your choice at Me oacb.
Ont -a,+se-a-+o,i;4H-4-tt-etee*-e-4-att-i-te-4ttt4n4tot-+
Staple 'INpartment
A few piec'es of Military Manuel, regular price 38c, to clear at 26ice
Twenty pairs large size 'Bed Blankets, 60x80, unsbrinkable, very
Special, at $2.95 a pair. it
Twenty pieces Wrapperettia extra value, at Tic a yard.
JACKSON BROS., Seaforth.
'Clothing! Department.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
meal 41. 4•1•10
The Council of the Municipality of Moliilkip will
receive tenders for the construction of Cement)
Abutments for five bridges, on FAIDAY, DECEM-
BER 9t11, at 1 o'clock p. tea at the Royal Hotel,
Seaforth, Full particulars ean be obtained from
the Reeve or Clerk.
M. MURDIE, Reeve. 1e28-2
A Beautiful Diamond Ring.
Is there any one who would not be pleased to receive one at Christmees1
At this time of year our stock is always at its best, We have oae
particularly fine one at 421, a nice sized round white stone of good
quality, set in a tasty 14k setting, personally selected from among
many others; is good value. Not every one is able to judge ill a
thing of this sort, but our customers get the benefit of our experience
and can have every confidence that they get a good article.
One of the features that neaAres the Pickard clothing so pro -eminently
popular, is its unmistakably ehade for you" character. The fit indicatee it.
The type of patterns shows tlaoitglitful aelection, and the handrei and one
details of making all stamp ouf garments as not of the readymado class, but
of a standard and class all by tlipmeelves.
Men's Overcoats,—dark Weed, broken white stripe, half belt, special at
Dark Grey Worsted Overco'at, half belt, extra value at $10.55.
A number of odd overcaataeworth frora--$8,00 to $12.50, to clear at from
46.0011thanreMpeeial values in boy ii/ youths' and childreit'e overcoats.
Men's underwear, Stanfie14. all wool underwear, the reed satlafactory
line of Underwear we ever sold pure wool and absolutely unshrinkshie. We
are special agents for this busti,f goods. We not only have the best makes
but the next best. See us for your underwear needs, we are in a position to
save you money,
WM. PICKARD CO* T:r!!"''
Opposite 'Town Beilrling, llornee Main aud Market Sta. Soaforth.