HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-11-11, Page 7sd
ri/grartf r 04th.
y and
11 day
a bin
et free.
4o for old
t.r position
our manY
)be ablo
II the I
0 to leave
4.e ‘e,-*
SUM ulate the el ugg isii I iver, clean
the coated tongue, sweeten the
c1 ir awav all waste and
poieoneus inetter from the system,
'led cure Sick Headache, Bilious -
u ess, Co n st ip at ion , Ilea rtburn Jaen -
dice, Water Brash, Catarrh of the
Stomach, etc.
ears. C. Windrum, Melia., Man.,
writes suffered for years from
liver troubles, and endured more
than tongue can tell. I tried a great
many different remedies, but th,ey
were of little or no benefit tome.
Some time ago I got atrial package
of Laxa-Liver Pills, and they proved
so beneficial to me that I procured
more, 1 highly recommend them
to anyone suffering from disordered
Price 25 cents or 5 for $1.00, all
• dealers-, or
THE Mummers* CO., LIMIT=
Toronto, Ont.
• ....—...—•••••••••••••'•"..
101IN GBFEVE, VA., honor graduate of Ontrbri*
0 Veterinary Cortege. A •Icileeaseee of Dorneeti
Wage's treaMti. Calls promptly attended to eu
chance motterate. Veterinary Denkstry /specialty
face and reeidenoe on Goderich street, one doe/
of Dr Set's office, Seaforth. 11124f
gettatraN V. s.—Honorery graduate of the
11' Ontario Veterinary College and Honorary Mon -
ter of the Medical Aseociation of the Ontario Veter.
leery College. Trete deem -a -es of all doreeedo animals
by the moat mcdern principles. Dentistry and Milk
Fever e specialty. Office eppoette Dick's Rotel
e Main Street, Seaforth. :All orders telt at the hotel
will receive prompt attention. Night calla received
office. 1871-62
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publio eto. Money to
Loan. In eleaforth Mondays, Fridays and &Our.
eaye. Offiee open every week day. Over Plekard'a
store, Main street, Seafortb. 1e64
, R. S. HAYS,
Berrister, Sllotor, bonveyanoer and 'Notary Public.
donator for the DeminiOn Bank. Officee—he rear of
Doneinien Bane:, Seaforth. itioney to loan, 1286
M. BEST, Barrieter, Sollcdtor, Convioyancent.
* Notary Public. Offices up stairs, Over 0. W
PapeVe bookstore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario.
HOWRSTED, eneceasot to the late firm of
„ McCaughey & Holm/embed, Barrietee,
Ceeiveyancer, and Notate* Solionor for the Can
adieu Benk of Commerce. Money to lend. Wane
for sale. Office in Scottie Block, Main Street-
8V0KINELON AND GARROW, Barristers, Solicit.
le/ ors, etc., Goderioh, Ch3tario.
One:hate of Royal College of Dental Snreeons of On-
tario poet gradtrate course In moven and bride work
at efreseell's Ebbw], Chicago.. Local enaethetios for
painless extraction of teeth. Offloe--Ovei A Young's
grourY store, Seaforth. 1764
Nes removed from 418 Sherbourne St. to Ids be anti
hal new offices, 438 Young St., opposite Carlton $.
1316.13 1
Dr. John: McGinnis;
Office and Residence—Victoria Street,
/Phone 73
tiraduate of Univereity of Toronto Faculty of Medi.
eine, member of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario peen gradnete courees Chicago
Minkel School, Chicago By Ophthalmic Iformi-
tal, London, England ; Univerety College Hoepital,
London, England. Office—Over Grate & Stewart's
store, Main Street, fleaforth. 'Phone No.6. Night
cells answered. from residence on John street. 1890
DR. F. u TT"
Office and Residenoe—Goderich etreet, east of the
Methodist chtrroh.
Coroner for the County of Moron.
Gaderich aired, oppote_Mbod1it ohuroh,Seatorrib
G . SCOTT, graduate Viol and Ann Arbor, and
member Ontario OoUog of Phyeloians end
Surgeons. Ooroner fox County of.Unron.
0 uBAY, honor graduate Trinity tlniversity‘
rem medalist Trinity Medical College. Member
College of Phystiolane and Surgeone. Ontario.
Burgeon and Physician. TrinityCollege, Dublin,
Midwifery Collere of 'Physicians, Ireland. Spenielist,
on diseases of woreen and children and midwifery.
Member of Ontario OollereePhyololans and Surgeone.
Residence and office in Cedy Block, opposite Oem-
meroiM hotel. Phone No. 90. 791715
,PROMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioned for the
I, Counties of Tinton and Perth. Orders left at
4. M. Campbell's iraplenaent warereecns, Reaforthr
free Exemuroz Office, will receive prompt attewidon.
Aided...ion guaranteed or no charge. 1708-tf
TAMES G. MatROITAEL, lioeneed auotioneer for
V the county of Huron. Sales attended to hi Any
iAtt of the county at moderate ratele and eatiefaebion
parent -end. Orders left at the Seatorth post office
or at Lot 2, Concession 2, Hullett, will reeeive
prompt attevtlun. 183241
A UCTIONEERING.—B. S. Mlles, Lioensed
1-1. Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and
Perth. Being a practioal farmer and thoroughly
understanding the valoe of farm otook and imple-
reenter, places me in a better poeition to realize good
Priem. Charges moderate. Satisfaotien guaranteed
or no pay. All orders left at Heneall poet offiee or
at ,Lot 28, Canoes/don 2, Hay, will be promptly
Rtieladed to. 170941
The McKillop Mutual Piro
Insurance Company.
Uttie Terry
... By
Copyright, 1900, by Lee ifs Shepard
.Telly looked puzzled.
"You did not know I saw you out on
the point last evening,did you?" he
added, smiling. "I stood and looked at
you for ftye minutes and then walked
away. did not know who you were
thee e: filet T_ebauld meet -you later,
It I bad I would not have been so
The color came to Telly's face at
Ads eviaen.t admiration, but she did not
Bey no to his proposal, and stood pa-
oem.4 in the position he wished while
made the sketch, "There," he ex -
aimed when it was finished, "I shall
trinefer that to canvas when 1 go back,
end whenever I look at it I shall recall
this day Ind—you."
"Will you neeFI the picture for that?"
She replied•with a -amile.
'Vial 'sounded like Alice," he maid,
end added hastily, "Alice la my only
slater, and I thipir more ot her than of
any other woman
Telly hat on the boats cushions in a
shady nook and'Watched Albert finish
his sketch. and then 'Welled to his
talk. He told her'. all about his home
and sister and Frank as well!. In a
way they exchanged a good deal of
persotal history of interest to each
Other. Then they gathered flowers, and
".Draw vowrself as holding the °air. s."
Welly insisted on decorating thp'•- boat.
When it was done she wanted)itn to
make a sketch of in for her./'Draw
Yourself as holding the oars," she said,
"and I will try to paint a picture from
the sketch to remember you by," she
added 'with a smile.
Then, as the sun was gettlng low,
they -started for home. • The breize had
;vanished and the sea was like glass.
Only the long ground swells barely
lifted their boat anti made the shad-
ows of the trees along the shore wave
in fantastic undulations. When they'
reached the Cape Telly said: "YoU had
better go around to the cove where fa-
ther keeps his boats. It's nearer to
the house, and therdhis a float there
where you ean pull your boat out."
She waited until he had done so, and
'then stooped and selected a few of the
towers with which they had decked
the boat. "I am going, to paint them," -
she said qthetly as slO turned and fol-
lowed Albert up to the house.
J. B. McLean, President, Eippen P. 0. * Thome
Trager, vice.preeldent, Bracelield P. 0..; Thoma .
g.ays. Seoy-Treae. Seaforth I'. 0..
William Chesney Beelorth ; John G. Grieve, Win.
earop t George Delo, Seeforth ; John Benneweia,
Dublin; James Evans, Beachwood ; John Wait
Eferlock ; Thomas Fraser, Brucefield ; John B. Me
Lein, Kippen ; James Connolly, OlintOrr.
Robt. Smith. Earlook ; E. Hinobley, Seaforbb
amee Caroming Egmandy le ; 3. W. Yeo, Holmes
Ails P. 0.; George Iturdie and John CI. Morrie -on
Pertio desizone bo effeet lesurences 07
OCA °the: teaeineee will be prone -rely attended to
rpplieitiop to any of the ebove adineeed
4tats 4AI-cant-Ivo met aninas.
NOLF1 TERRY and Albert had
just seated themselves on the
point that evening when Tel-
ly came out With a thick gray
shavrl and wrapped it around her fa-
ther's shoulders. "It's a little chilly to-
night," she said, "and I think you need
ft" Then, turning to Albert,. she
added, "Wouldn't you like one, too,.
Ur. Page?"
"I would, thank you," he answered,
"If you have another to spare."
He would have answered yes if she
had asked him to put on woolen mit-
tens. She returned to the house and
came back., this time bearing a white
zephyr wrap, and handed it to Albert.
"I will bid you good night now,"e she
said, "for I presume you will sit here
long after bedtime."
Uncle Terry's eyes followed her back
to tke house, and then he turned to
his guest.
"I 's'pose yeld rather be talk& to
Telly than me out here in the moon-
light," he said bluntly, "now that ye've
got a little acquainted. It's the way
01 young folks."
"I've had a very pleasant 'yisit with
your daughter this afternoon," re-
sponded Albert. "She was good enough
to go with me to where I got left yes-
terday. I wanted to finish the ketch
Y. began there." Uncle Terry made no
answer. but sat puffing away at one
u hap
Iis Rheumatism of the back,
The cause is Uric Acid
in the blood. If the kid-
neys did their work there
eidould be no Uric Acid and
lie Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive and only
cure for Lumbago is
THE ATTRAcnve oaf.
Much has been written shout "the Amer-
ican girl" and her reasons for being pre-
eminently the most
attractive girl in
tile/ livorld. In
bringing up girls
mothers can't be
too careful to let
theft daughters de-
velop all their nat-
ural charms to the
The crucial epoch
of itewoman's life
is the change from
maidenhood to
womanhood; It
• 4 involves the whole
,0.0, I bitosderfaitindtmhone infeervets.
oils disposition at this time.
Nervous or sick women are afforded the
opportunity of a lifetime, for the makers
of Dr. Pi rce's Favorite Prescription now
offer too reward for women who cannot
be cured, Backed up by over a third of a
century of remarkable and uniform cures,
a record such as no other remedy for the
diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women
ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription now feel fully war-
ranted in offering to pay $eoo in legal money
oft*. United States for any case of Leu-
corrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or
Falling of the WE:0mb, which they cannot
cure.' All they asklis a fair and reasonable
trial of their means of ture.
cannot praise your medicine highly
enough," writes Mrs. Jennie Hippenhamer, of
Hnntertown, Indiana. el began taking Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescriptiott and took it stead-
ily for six months. 1 was not once sick at stom-
ach, never vomited ;once. Took the 'Favorite
Prescription' three times a day and when in
severe pain took an extra teaspoonful of medi-
cine which checked the pain. 1 felt pleasant all
the time and did not get nervous .as I used to,
When ray baby girl came last August she was
. healthy'. She is now eleven months old. Ant
thirty-eight years old and never got througheso ;
'easilyin all my life. Why should women stirrer
when i•they can get through so easily? I aria
shit to do quite a washing and ironing which X '
could not do for eight years before.,
As a tonic for women who are nervous,
sleeplese, worn-out and run -clown, "Fa-
vorite Prescription" is unequaled.
For1 constipation, the true, scientific cure
is Dr. Pleice's Pleasant Pellets. Mild, companion, and watched the old man
harmless, yet sure. • No other pill can haulieg and rebalting those elongated
compare otith them. , coops and taking out his prizes. The
ewe''fte"eeee-eteee.....eee'eeeeeeeee ' day wait a perfect one, the 'sea just ruf-
of the cigars Albert had given him, i
, fled by a Light breeze, and as her first
"Mr. Page," said Uncle Terry at timidity had now worn away, he found
last, "I've worried a good deal Once Telly a most charming coMpanion. It
, was an entirely new experf nee to itii133,
Jest eilglit 'bout what ye told me, an'
I've -made up my mind to tell ye the and. the four hours' pull u and out of
uncle Terry.
"1 coxless, Mr. Terry, I am aturap-
ei Pr
After a pause Albert ask ee Unele
"How does your—I mean, hovr does
Telly feel about this matter, Mr. Ter-
ry, for I suppose she knows the story?"
"That's suthin' I hate to talk 'bout,
but as ye're likely to see more o' us
an' mere o' Telly it's better ye know it
all. When she was 'bout ten we told
her the story an' showed her the
things we'd kep' locked up. She didn't
seem to xeind it then, but as she's grow -
ed older it sorter shedders her life, as
It were. We used to ketch her lookin'
at the things once in awhile an' cube'.
When I sent 'em to Boston she took on
a good deal an' ain't been the same
sence. We try to keep her from think-
in"bout it all we can, but she's curie
in her ware an' I've thought she was
kinder 'elianred, an' neebbe broodin'
over it makes it wuss."
"You de not mean that you fear she
would make away with herself in a fit
of melancholy, do you?" ,
"I dunno what to think," was the an-
swer, "only I hate to have her out o'
sight much, an' the more levin' she is
the more I worry."
"One thing please promise me," said
Albert when they had started for the
bowie, "do not hint either to her or
your wife that you have told me any-
thing about this Metter. I will do all
that can be done and consult only with
you in private."
N the morning Albert followed
Uncle Terry around the cir-
cuit of his lobster traps in the
Gypsy's boat, with Telly as a
. eef
hull Stoier an' trust ye with what no
one -else knows. To begin with, it's
nineteen years ago last March. when
thar war a :vessel got afoul o'. at ledge
jest offhi the p'int here in a snowstorm,
an' all bands went down—that la, all -
but a littte yearlin' baby that cum,
aeliere 'tied up itween two feather
beds. I fished her out o' the surf, an'
Inesy an' me has taken care on her •
ever since, an' today she's worth a
thouseind thres more'n she cost. How
noueli she thinks o' me I'll let ye jedge
ley the , way she thought 'bout my
comfort tonight. There was a few
trinkets came ashore with her—picturs
o' her father an' mother, we knew, an' ,
-a locket an' ring en' some other things
—so we knowed her name an' wirer
she -cum from.
"Since - then we have never heard a
win -
word from no one regardin' her p
ors whethemany WiLS thrill', till last
ter I cum across a notice in a
'aitylif information was wanted
an heir to an estate in Sweden, an' tell-
y was
ed ye
want -
re 'em
In' facts that made me sure Tell
the one wanted. The notice was
y that -lawyer, Frye, that -I ask
!out, an' I went to see him. He
proofs an' all that, an' I gav
t hica, an', .wuisen that, he
money, an' I gave that to him. e
kep' askin' fer money ever sirice, z,
pes if
'd git
et al
n' ferenses
like a fool, kep' sendin' it, be
'rely had anything .comin' 'she
ber duel. .I'vo sent him the lock
Oinp that belonged " to ben* di
I've got se far is letters &ski
more imoney an' tellin"bout exp
an' evidence an' witnesies' fees an'
bond to be filed. Lissy an
know 'bout the case, but they don't
the island coves and arottnd isolated
ledges where Uncle Terry oet his traps
passed all too quickly.
"Do you know," said Albert when
they had returned to thelittle cove
where Uncle Terry kept hie boats and
as he sat watching him lick up his
morning's catch and toss em one by
one into a large car' i "that the first man
who thought of eating a lebster must.
have been almost starved? Of all crea-
tures that grow in the sea there is
none-more hideous, and onl a hungry
savage could have thought em fit for
"They Ain't overhansum," replied
Uncle Terry, "but fried in pork fat
they go middin' good if ye're hungry."
That afternoon Telly inyeed Albert
to row her up to a cove, at the head of
which vvfts a narrow valliey where
blueberries grew in profusion. "I want
to pick a few," she said, "and you can
make a sketch of the cove while I do,"
s proved
her pail
Helping her picking berri
more attractive. 'and when
Was full .Albert made a pict
sitting in front of a pretty luster of
small -spruce ttees, with the pail be-
side her and her sim hat trimmed with
"Your city friends will laugh at the
country girl you found down in Maine,"
she remarked as she looked at the
sketch, "but as they will never see me,
I don't care."
"My friends will never see
answered quietly, "only m
And I am going to bring
here next summer."
"Tell me about her," saill
once. "Is ehe pretty?"
e of her
It," he
er down
Telly at
know how raw& money I've paid out,
think replie
an' don't want they should. lt'hat's has eyes like yours, only e hair is
"I d "She
the hull story, an' now asp ye're a law- not so light. She is a petite 'little body
yer, a.n' I blieve an honest one, I ask
ye what's best to be done."
"I see ow, Mr. Terry, why you dis-
trust lawYers, and I do not wonder at
it. To the best of my belief, you have
been swindled in the most outrageous
manner by. ,Frye. He no doubt is act-
ing for some law firm who have in-
structed him to find an heir, ,if there
is one, to this estate, and they would
naturally advance all expense money.
Do you know the vessel's name, where
she sailed from and who her master
"She was a square rigger, an' the
master' e name was Peterson. In the
newspaper piece the name was Neils
Peterson, who cum from Stockholm,"
answered Uncle Terry. "I've got it in
my. Wallet now, an' on the locket was
the letters 10..P., an' on a piece o' paper
that was pinned to the baby's dress
was the name Etelka Peterson."
"Attd did you send these proofs to
Fre?" asked Albert quickly.
"I sent 'em six months age," was the
reply, "an' rre jest 'bout made up my
mind 1 was a fool to 'a' done it, an' a
bigger one to keep amain' money."
"It would have been all right," an-
swered Albert after a pause, "if you
had put them into an honest man's
hands.. its it is YOU are lame—in fact,
utterly at the mercy of Frye, who is
robbing yet." Then, after thinking a
moment, he added: "I will gladly do
'Oat I can to help you, Mr. Terry,
and at no cost to you for my own serv-
ices. The drett step must be to get
possession of these material proofs, the
next to find what firm has employed
Frye. We are helpless until we get
possession of those proofs.",
. "Ain't my word an' Lissy's as to
savin' the baby no 'collar' asked
Uncle Terry.
"Very good, so far as it goes, but
really no proof that the child you
saved is the one wanted for this in-
beritance. In the matter of a legacy
the law 14 very exacting and demands
absolute proof. No, the only way is
to use duplicity and trick Frye or ask
him to name his price and pay it, and
as the estate may be large his price
will naturally be extortionate."
Albert thought a moment and then
added, "Me Frye ever written you
admitting he has received or has those
proofs in his possession?"
"Not a word," answered_ Uncle Ter-
ry. "All he writes is: 'Your case ie
progressing favorably. I need so much
more money,' an' I send it an' lay
'wake nights worryin',"
"H9w long since he has sent for
money?" asked Albert.
"'Bout o Month, 1 reckon," replied
and has a mouth that makes
to kiss ker."
"I Should like to see her
much,'_" responded Telly, and
added 'rather sadly, "I've nev
girl friend in .zny life. There
a few at the Cape of my ag
don't see much of them. I do
it in the summer, for then I
my pictures, but in winter It le
some. For days I do not see
except father and mother or
"And who is Mrs. Leach?"
"Oh, she's a poor old eoulewko lives
ne want
ever • so
Eben she
r had a
re only
, and
,t° mind
ork on
so lone -
any one
ld Mrs.
alone and works on the Ss
'She is worse off than I am."
It was a little glimpse into
life that interested Albert, an
light of what he knew of her
pathetic one. Truly she was
the world, except for the tw
souls who made it home for be
"You will go away tomorrow, I sup-
pose," she said with a faint tone of
regret as they were rewin home.
"Father said your boat was coming
after you today."
He looked at her a .moment, while a
slight smile showed beneath is mus-
tache. "I suppose I shall gay to," he
answered, "but I should like to stay
here a month. I've not made sketch
of your house, even."
(To be continued.)
Newe Notes
—Ex-Pre.rnier Greenway.'s
in Lisgar is 243.
e girl's
in the
story, a
lone in
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver; St. John, NBe
andora Ran
Does it Worn -while You do Yours
You. da not have to constantly watch the Pangora range when
cooking or baking. ;Arrange the fire, put on your _pots andset the
damper—the range does the rest.
While dinner is cooking you can do your other work, just the same
as the woman in the picture, and know positively that your cooking is
being done right.
The Pandora- range is entirely new and MIA many new features and
devieds for regulating the fire, e.xtracting all the heat possible from the fuel
consumed and using it to the best advantage.
Special flue construction forces all the heat around the oven twice and
directly 'andel; every pot-hole—only the smoke goes up the chimney.
Oven is roomy, vel)tilated, fitted with thermometer, lined with sheet
steel, and is a perfect baker and a perfect cooker at the same time.
Sold by all enterprising dealers. Booklet free.
Give nature three helps, and
nearly every case of con-
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most important of all.
Nourishing food comes next.
Then, a medicine to control
the cough and heal the lungs.
Ask any good doctor.
"r fest used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 57 years
ago. I have seen terrible eases of lung die -
eases cured by it. Tam never without It."
ALBleaT 0. H.LeenepOne Marietta,, Ohio.
28e„ 60e, , 0. AVDP. co.,
All druggists,hissa.
AumPaoriumnomallolo f 0 r 1161111171MMINIIMMOd
er, of the 4.4th eoncoskon of Elmo..'
She was -engaged catching some hens
613.4 the disturbance angered the cow,
which rushed upon Mrs. Seiler,
throwing her down and oring "her.
Medical aid was quickly summoned
and, dressed the wounds, which, were
of a very seripts nature. Mrs. Seil-
er is at present doing as well as can
be expeoted.
--1-The Free ChurcherS, illOW 00131. -
moiety called, the Wee Kirkert, ow-
ing, to -their paucity ot members,
hlaVe taken steps to put in opera-
tion the deoision of the House of
Lotas giving 'Mein oontrol of the
Free Church property, inoiuding :the
ahsembly Jean, three colleges, at Ed-
inbitrgh, Glavow and Aberdeen;
all; the missions abroad_ and the
chterclese, and. manses in Scotland,
nuMbering 1,000 anil valued at $55,-
hd-The net iraposing $500 capon every
Chenanaan entering -Canada has had
a Osehibitive effect. Since January
first not a single Celestial lias come
to this, country, with the eXception
of two wtho escaped from steamships.
In oh of these eases, however, the
et mship oampany -had to pay the
pol tax of $500. The exelnsion of
Oh" men hag deprived the province'
Britin1), Columbia of a, handsome
Health demands daily action of the
bowels. Etkid nature with Ayer's Pins. 1.3:
shortly leave for Wingham, where
they will melee their borne.. en
—The most remarkable and disas- a
trous runaway in the recent history de
of Brantford occurred elsortly be- goo
fore 10 &dock one evening last on
week. Five men had driven to Bur- sal
ford in a two seated covered rig, in
drawn by a team of horses, and were eel
returning via, Paris road, when the oo
accident ,bappened. Near the ear tw
-,,TX hr,,attolt2EMCAR.tarse.r..hai..44,41..M....Ms •i.ea -
nue. Laet year British. Cohen -
received $225,000, and !the year
e 058,000 from the poll tax.
MT. H. B. Cowan, Superintende
of Farmers' Institutes, leceivea
sport from orie of the provincial
ectives saying that etnevictions
been scoured at 81ra:we:: against
man charged with thq
of liquor, and two with operat-
gambling devices at Donjeybrook
. In the former ease a -fine of
was imposed, and in, ,tibe, other
eases of $25 each, Thlir out -
barns on Brant avenue a street oar fit Iffere conf iscated. one of the
awnads brjaroe°11k e rlintertoeda. ruTna.leThirrrsiegseViiirde tattlo, bcoralingplinicaactedinesaffisair7prtohtlifin00g. foIrt
ed. weroad
iteiaat,eleapons overturnedepospost nd he
the stide tih4 making of bets of frona, one to
fo ty dollars, and capable of , acconi- ;
occupants thrown into the streetoto tong five persons with oterinhe i
There were five men in the outfit qu ok ideas at the same titaee
and all were injured. In bbe mixup e -In the death of Mrs. Vaulxne
six legs were broken, and ether Whiship, of Windsor, which ocurred
wounds inflicted. - th re last week,western Ont4rioand
—1)be offer of Mrs. Massey -Treble pee leablY Canada, loses one of, ifs old -
to donate $80,000 to the University es eesidents. Mrs. Winship is gelid
of Toronto to establish a Depart- to hia,ve passed her 107 birthday in
ment of HolZielhold Science and Art Juhe kit, and her demise iq e;ttribu-
has been ace,epted, and it is expect- to
ea that the, necessary new building
trusteeof t s he :leave se -
will be eroded next spring. T,he iis:01,11
tected as a site the, aot at the COT- in
nor of "Hoskin avenue ansi queen's es
Park, ailjoiaing Wycliffe College. i
—Canadian exhibitors of poultry in
le to causes *thee tban sj4d a.ge.
. Winship was born into 'slavery
Ohio in 1797, and came to Wind -
51 years ago. Her husband died
slavery, being unable to netike his
at the same time as les wife.
Over lerree lumdred deo hunt -
licenses bo.ve been issued -to Can..
at the World's Fair,St. Louis, had adians, and 'one hundred and kiprty to
1,000 entries, and n most of the Aneericans, both, slightly below Last
classes in which they exhibited. they y
Mr. Alex. McLean reporifs from
practically ewept Wile board. In
Hamburgs, Polands, and ornamental Ja air that for the firet six4raoriths
t Bantams, Canada has won nearly of Div calendar year amongst rap -
everything. In Silver Wyandottes, anose imports; flour stood 4lone as
the piair awarded first prize, owned the representative of Canadian trade
by a Canadian breeder, was after- lent the inereasing importations of
wards sold for $100. that artiole saved the sitnafloa from
—A very distressing accident hap- discouragement. Daring the eight
pend. last week to Mrs. David Seil- m9nbhs from January to IA4tust, 70,-
,496 pounds of flour, pined at
—Dennis Roundall, a young man,
19 years of age, working on a -barn
at the farm of M. B. Burr, two miles
from Bloomfield, .in the chunty of t
Prince Edward, fell off a ladder
breaking his haok. He died the fol-
lowing morning.
—An ton io Sur vey or , ' t George
Morris of Blind. River, at ault Ste.
Marie. Morris' life was salved. by a
steel ocirab in this tvest ,poo et. The
ELhooter esca,ped to Mieh gate and
has nolt been' found. The ,trouble
started, over a -Woman.
—A horse, driven by John, T. Evans
groom for Dr. Guest, of St. Thom-
as, bee,ame frightened at lithe noise
celebrating Hallowe'en o Talbot
made by a number of yong people
street and ran away, colliding with
a telephone pole .and throwing Evans
out on the pavement. He' WAS p i ek-
ed up unconscious • and died at six
o'clock the next morning. He wee
20 years of age.
--The friends of Mr. o.nd Mrs. H.
Roadhouse, of the 2nd ;concession,
Howick, met at their residence on
Monday evening of last week, and
presented them with a handsome
-la •
clock. Mr. tend Mrs. Roadhouse we I
,75 11). melt in Cit:
TREATIIIENT 111, cv,:aepa red W 13. 4fec4,?732011.
va. ued at $5,140, for the seine pereA
TS a necessity in every home
consumption and pneumonia are
to be warded off. Judged by results,
there is no preparation which can
rival Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine as a claimant for your
confidence. s
is entirely different fiom ordinary
cough mixtures and has a far reach-
ing effect on the whole system which
net only brings relief but positive cure
For colds and severe throat, bronchial
knd lung troubles.
Sold by all dealers at 25 cents a bottle.
ro protect you against imitations the por-
trait and Signatilre of Dr. A. W. Chase,
the famous ieceipt book author are on
wary bottle. •
Jennings Bryan fotr endurance as a
public speaker.
Aere is no telling -who, a Medielne may
be ueedeci in homes where there are young
children, and the failure to heve a reliable
medicine at hand may mean vouch 'suffering
and, perhapi, the loaf of a priceless hfe
Every mother should always keep a box of
Baby's Own Tablets in the bone. This
medicine sets promptly and speedily, cures
such ills as stoma* and bowel tronblee,
teething trou'oes, iip_so fevers, ooldn
ivorme, and other libtle ille. And the
mothers have guarantee that the Tab/eta
contain no opiate or harmful drug. One
wise mother, Mrs. Geo. Hardy, Fourohu,
N.B. says I have teed Baby's Own Tab-
lets and find them a blearing to children.
Iain not satisfied withoub a box in the
hien° at all times." If your dealer does
nob keep these Tablet, in !OA send 25
oents to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Con
Brockville, Onie, end you will get a box
by mail pest paid. j.
Anxious Blathers.
But the anxiety of le all, the feeling that
if your children oome short of what you
think they should, or go astray, you are
responsible. Ale steep one moment; here
you oventep the limits of Your husaanhood.
God ie the keeper of your ehildren's 110t1h,
not you,. Beyond the limits of your hest
endeavors you hare 130 further right, and
waen you take upon yourself anxiety, you
vitiate all the wale it is your, part to do.
Anxiety itself will ruin your child's Life as
nothing else OEM. The atmosphere you
mike around you is the strongest influenza
Ron him for good or harm that ouOAR
bring,:stronger than all your t g—
stronger than anything you Mtn 40.—.3aus
Deerhorn Mills in the Mother, Artiste
Impoverished soil like Impov-
erished, blood, needs a proper
fertilizer. A chemist by analyz-
ing the soil can tell you what
fertilizer to use for differeut
I if your blood i impoverished
your doctor will tell you what
you need to fertilize it and give
it the rich, red corpuscles that
are lacking in it. It may be you
need a tonic, but more likely you
wed a coneentrited fat food
! and fat is the element lacking
I in your system.
There is no fat food that is
so easily digested and assimi-
cr4aSe is attributed to gee display Scott 5 Liint1151011
of .bhe year previous. Thiff large M-
inim leet year. It is remarkable 01
Cod Liver OL
mede by Canada at the Osilka EXpCss-
v widespread has De riOnie tbe
knowledge that Canadian, flour
i raelkes better bread and onore of it
to the barrel than does .the United
S t
es variety.
Canada holds anotier ' reoora
an William Jennings pryan does
not stand in first place , for power
of 'endurance as a public epeaker. He
ihas made three speeohes vex' day for
ten suceossive days, 151310.1 IS a very
gi id performance, but an old tinier
in ms ne of, the recodd made by
E. IK.ing Dodds, of rTorento, in
ha daily for nine darn, at 10.39 a,
m, 2.30 and 8 p. m. 'After a day's
re t he addressed two meetings daily
sixteen successive _lays, except
Sunday. At the end of eixteen days
b&rested over Sunday and then ad-
driessed evening meetings for. twenty
se, en consecutive days, _Sundays ex-
cluded. At all these evening meet-
ings he spoke twice, havlog to reply
to the arguments of oppeeing speak -
ere, E. Sing, Dodds, therefore, as
a record that beats thathod
king against the :punkin Aot
ite a few years ago.- Mr. Dodds
rted out by addressin4 three meet-;
• It win nourish and strengthen
the body when milk and creitill
to 110 it. Scott's Emulsion
is always the same; always
palatable and always beneficial
where the body is wasting from
any cause, either in children
or adults.
We will s ad you a sample free.
Be sure 1, bni this pt -
tare iii OP Jerisf.,1 a
label ison the wrapper
of every boti le of Emul-
sion you buy.
Torowle Ont
50e. and $1,00,
Alt Druggists.