HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-11-11, Page 5'
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'11.111M HURON WrPOSIT011,.
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'wild ducke.
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„r- J. Yager.
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;An his re-
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XreaTba bar sef the Ontario Hob*.
•$erettford, erendneted by Mr. H. S.
&Wet, was broken into Wednesday
atoning a last week, and the
setegiddeter and its °entente amount -
to aheut throe dollars, were
SeletteReett November' 1001,1004
witemeoldaStandarn-o... 00 to 1 08
yen vilest 1 00 to 1 05
O $2 10 a.3
0•60 VI 080
0 40 te *42
0 18 to .0 14
O 14 in 0 lie
0 17 ic 0 18
2 60 to !a se
6 60 to T00
5 00 to 115 86
O afi to .0 96
Mtn --OM VW*. 0 21. to 0 78
Solatevi Ref bag ; 1.1. sale-. a if.•0 50 tea 056.
Lea (eaten) Der baud.... 1 25 to 1 00
Weed Pee feetaelaettee ***w a 00 to6 20
00 to 306
O 26 to 000
600 to 7 60
teat W
f.veay per husNol_
water, Nc._1 loofia
Satter. Fie rift R h•FF
leereper dos-. -- ems V,.
StOtitt Pa 100
NW per ton novt_eer ee
oldeitper10a 'ban -
Jaaopereitilosc4 •or ha- • • •••• am **Ai •
waedper cord (shoe» ,....... ,7,,
tee rr Itage......... .... 4RLF =0 ...k.er e SO
en eeed-- _ __ - '
emery' Reed— „.,..*---”"
......* ...- ma- 1 % to 200
5 ea 25
Tallow. pee lb_
Te el" to 820
Horse Market.
TORONEete November Eileotion or
.aoine Gher earuse has brought ebout a tern-
ary dulluesa itt the Toronto Horse mar -
ea Still there, is a fair demand for good.
-vete end genera1 pnrpese horeee. Two
drivere FAO ,to day, one at $175 and the
ober at a65,43,0 top price being paid for
an animal five yeara old. Geed general
4terpose ham4 eterviceably sonnil„ aro go -
:leg at $60 to $120, and aound at $125 to
• Dairy Itaarketa.
• TORONTO, November 8. - Btitter-Re-
eeipts are mereaemg. The creameries
-have s opped making oheeee and are now
earning- out butter. , The demand for
thole) grades ie good. Ptices are about
steady. Creamery prints, 193 to 20,3 ; do.
*elide, 19a to 19a ; dairy tubs. good to
oholoe. 15.3 ta 163 ; do medium, .1.3.) to 14c;
.do. inferrer grades, 10o to 12i, dairy lb. e
rolls, good to choice. 16e to 17e; do. &led-
ium 143 to 15-). Cheer -The market is ,
firna The English dealers, caught), last
year with heavy stooks on a falling merket
and have been buying only from hand to
mouth, and stooks over there are light.
arhetsfzi of thteeetittoide ono -turn is now
known, enid the .clealers are now buying.
The ooneequenceia prices have rieen 2o to
2a. 6d during the par week. Qaotations
here are higher at 10coto Itlio for large and
Me for twins. Egg -The market is
about *toady,. The cooler weather will
have a tendency to stiffen the market.
Prima are unohanged at 210 to 22e, for
freah gathered, 193 to 20o for storage and
17,3 for limed.
efotneteee, Noveraber 3 - Cheese-
-Ontario fall white, 19c to 10ic colored.
10itt to 1Oa, Qaebece go to 9io. Brit-
ter-Tineet grade% life to 20O, ordinary
'finest, 19a to 1.91c • medium grades, 18c to
1e, and western dairy, 15e to 15io. Eggs
-Prime are -firth, with straight gathered
stook gaited at 21e to 21io and good
straight cold-atior-ge etook at 19e to Igo
while No. 2 do. or pickled sold at Inc as,
18a per dozen, There wee no ohange in
elected egg!, which sold at 243, and Mon-
treal limed at 90I -per dozen.
TORCeen0, November S. -About steady,
although if the weather gets at all cold
bhey will be higher on amount of the mat-
er erpense involved in ahipping them .to
this poiab. Oeterio awake are quoted eas-
ier in tone- Testy are queried at 55o to 65c
on track and 750 out of atore. Triere is
'good demand for eaetern potatoes, ancrthey
are quite oteady at 703 to 75o on ttaok and
-85c to 90e out of store.
ToRaNTo, November 8. -Is coming for-
ward fairly freely. Quotetions all round
are unchanged. Beat spring chickens sold
at 193 do lie, others at 7o to ea, old fowl
at 0e to 70, turkeys (young) at 12 to 1210
eld at 10e to Ile, ducks rib Se to 9c, and
geese at 7e. to 90.
Gram, etc.
TORONTO, November 8. - Wheat - The
markee wag very quiet and Matitceja wheat
easier. Ontario red and white are quoted
at $1.03 to $1.04-; Ne. 2 goose, 80 to 90e,
and ppring, 96a eaet and west) • Menitoba,
No. 1 northern, $1 02 to $1 021 ;d1do. 2,
Sgo ; No. 3, 95o, Georgian Bay ports, 6o
Illore grinding in transit. Millfeed-Bran
is quoted ab $14 to $15 in bulk, and shorts
817.50 to $18 'east or weste Manitobaednill-
feed unchanged at $20 to $21 for shorts and
$19 for bran, export. Baled hay -Is quot-
ed steady at $8 per ton for oar lots on
track here. Baled Straw -The market is
without feature. Oar lots on track here
are quoted unchanged at $5.75 to $6 per
IAVe Stook Markets.
LoNDON, Novemberl.-American cattle,
gid; Canadians, nd ,ahoep, 6d; lambs,
LIVERPOOL, November 7. - Csiiadian
cattle, 5d; sheen, 5ed. Trade bad.
TORONTO JUNCTION, November 8. -The
market was a tittle brisker at the Union
Stook Yards thie morning. The quality is
still rather poor, however, and better fin -
lobed eartIe are needed. Enporters--- Sold
at priese ranging from $4.75 ;load $4 90.with
the bulk going between $4.50 and $4.25.
Many of the cattle were net as good as they
should be. Bulls brought from $3.90 to
83.50. Butchers' Cattle -More butchers'
cattle of better grade would meet withesi
ready sale. The best brought from $4.60
to $4.25 ; fair to toedium loads brought
$4.15 to $3.90; common Joads, $3 85 to
*3.50; rough and inferior, $3.25 to $2 50.
Sheep sold at $3 50 to $3.75 per cwt., and
Wales at $4.40..
MoNTREAL, November 8. -The butehers
were out strong and trade was brisk, with
fwro prices paid for pretty good cattle.
Pekoe beevessold at 4.11 to clo per pound,
pretty good animal.) at n to eao, and the
sommon ;nook at 21 to 3 -arc, and the cadnere
at la to 2i per pound. Thera were no good
veal naves on the market. Grassers sold
at 21 to ne, and "bobs" at $2 50 to $3
each. Shipping sheep are $4.40 per 104
politicise and the others 3 to no per pound.
Lambs are dearer. Three double -decked
carloads of good lanbs from below Quebec
Were sold at 4:7o per pound. Fat hogs sold
4...1 to 5e per pound. There were only ,
about half a dozen milth °owe, which sold
at from $25 to $60 each; strippers sold at
$25 to $50 role
BEITAL0, November 8. -Cattle -Prime,
ateady ; medium. 10 to 15o higher; prime
eteera, $5.60 to$6 ; shipping, $5 to $5 50 ;
batthere, $3 85 to $5; heifers, $2.75 to
.35 ; cows,$2.50 to $3.85 ; bulle, 82.25 to
al- stockers and feeders
'$2 25 to $3.60 ;
stock heifere, $1.80 to$.d 25 ; fresh cows
and apringers, barely steady; good to
choice, $42 to $54 • mediam to good. $33 to
840; oommon'Vito $28, Veale -Steady
at $4 50 to $7.75. Hogs -Active. 10o low-
er; heavy, $5 25 to $5 35 ; mixed, $5.0.5 to
85.30; Yorker?, $5 to 85.25; pigs, 84 90
to 85; roughs, $4.40 to $1 60; stags, $3.50
ea 84; dairies and grassere, $5 to $5.20.
'Sheep and Lamb; Sheep slow; iambs
salve, 10e to 15e) higher native Iambs,
84.50 to $6 yearlings, $4.50 to $4.75;
erethers, $4.26 to $4.50ewes, $3.75 to $4;
ganada Iambs, $5 to $580 ; sheep, mixed,
to $4.25,
Timone°, Nov. 9 -Expert diattle-Only
one or two straight loads of shipping cattle
were on sale, the best of whioh were quoted
at 84.80 per OWL Export bullet sold at
*35f1 to $4 per cwt. Butohere'-Choice
_ OF e()._ ERG
, ii0....1.14•11•11••••••114.4.114m..11,6,, 4
Paid-lipI Stil* 700.000;' . eseritt, Fund $3 000 in
HON. GEO. A. PDX,' Preflident.
.. E. WALKER, General. Manager: AfrEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gail Manager,
AND erstoLAN.o.-
...ma. • I
„Farmers' and C4raziersP Banking'
Every facility afforded fermers and graziers for their banking businese. Nota die
" counted, Sale Notes cashed. or taken for collection.
Depotits of $1 and upwerda received, and interred allowed at current ratee. Interest
added to the deposit twice) in each year, at the end of May and November.
The depositor is eubjea to no delay whateverliti the withdrawal
* of • the whole or any portioneof the deposit.
Deposits may be made or Withdrawn by mail. Out- of town accounts receive every
F. 110LMESTED, SolicitOr. .G. E. PARKES, Marsager.
picked_ lots of butcher,' cattle sold itt $4 25
to $4 40; limas of godd at $3.80 to $4 15; -
medium. $3.40. to $1,75 • beet butchers'
mower, $3 to $3.40 ; .tainners,-sr75!o $2.40
-Petedera-There was a fair demand: for the
;ben grade. Short -keep _feeder"-, 1,100 to
1.200 pounds each, are worth from $3 75 to
$4 ; dietillerv feeders, 1;000 to '1',106 lbs.
each, sold at $3 50 to $3,70 per owt ; tight
feedein 850! to 900 peon& each, $3 25;
amikere 500 to 700 pounds each, field at
52. to $3 per cwt. Mild) Cowsa-Thirty
math cewe edict all the way from $32 to $60
each. Veal Calvere-Sixty oalvee aced ate
steady pricen. ranging all the Way from
43.50 to $5.25.per cwt, with extra choices
at $5 50 per towt Sheep and Lembt-Two
Obousand five hundred libeler) and larribe sold
sta follows: Sheep at $3,40 to $3 511 ; burette
at $2.50 to $2.75 per owe ; lambs t $4 to
$4 40, with a raw picked lots of ewes and
wether r pirgat $4.50 per owt. Hogs -The
run of hoge was light, only abond .600,
which Sold at $4.80 for seleota, and lights
and fate at 54,05 per own
On Frida
&cloak. noo
L. R. S.'Tu
east of Btu
, November llth, ab 12;30
o, on Lot 32, Conceesion 2,
.ekerernitit, Mill Road, 1 nails
efield, Farm, Fenn Stook and
Inipiomoutel Hot lunch served from , 11
o'clock till 12. Charles Maeon, proprie-
tor ; T. Br Wti. aucitioneer.
On Monda
eharp, on Lo
Farm Stool
Thoman Bro
On Tueed
pone on Lo
miles north
and Implem
November Fith, at 1 o'clock
13, Huron Road,' MoKillop,
. :latter Fox, proprietor ;
n, auctioneer.
y, November 15th, at 1 °kilo*
1, Concession 5, MoKillop, g
f fid Win, Farm, Farm Stock
ate. Mrs. Michael Dunn, ad--
ministratairre iT. Brown, auctioneer. .
On Wedn de , November 16th at one
o'clock p.m. at the village of Dublin,Farm
Stook and I plements. John McConnell,
proprietor, ; J. Jones, a.uotioneer.
On Friday November 113bh, at 1 O'clock
p,zo.. Londe)) Road. Stanley, two mites
south of Brucefield,' Faxon Stook and Im-
plements. Walter Oshbrne, proprieter, ; T.
Brown. auctioneer. .
On Tuseclay, November 22ad/ at 1 o'clock
p.m., on Lott 21, Concession 3, te,nley, g
miles from Brumfield. Farm took and
Implements. Joseph ricCulley,proprietor;
T. Brown, electioneer.
• BIM&
LITTLE -In Mt:Oregon Manitoba, on October 29the
to Mr and IrO Samuel Little, (nee Miss Mary
Copp), toi erly of Seaforth, a daughter
MOORE-1n B elle on November Oh, to: Mr and
Mrs M (erre, V a son
RAE -In Wro ter, on November kibh, to -Mr and
5fraDWB ,ason
NICHOLSON n the Zwick Road, Hay, on Oc-
tober 31115, o ?dr and Mrs Riohard Nioholsont a
, dauebter
MoKELVEY- t the Louisville Personage, on 0o.
tober 18th to Rev A I and Mrs McKelvey, for-
merly of W oxeter, a daughter.
MoBRIEN-In ullett, on October " 27th, to Mr and
•Mrs W j *Brien, a daughter
LLOYD -In St nlay, on ðer 28th, to Mr and
Mrs Id Lloyd, a daughter
Marriages. ii
CLOSE -BOX --M the residence of the bride's par-
ents, Seafo th, on November 8th, by Rev F 11
Larkin, Mr !Elgin If Close, to Miss //felines May
Box, second daughter of Mr W T Box, all of
ARCHIBALD-PRAM-In Montreal, on Novembe• r
Tele by Rev' Canon Renaud, formerly eeotor of
St Thomas' church, Seaforth, Mr Wm R Arabi-
baid, of Tu kersmith, to Mise Jeasie V, eldest
dan bter o Robert Craig, E.sq, of Craig Park,
Stra haven, Scotland
BEINKIE-GMEVE-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on November 8nd, by Rev F lif
Larkin, Mr John 0 Reinkie, to Mies Jean Belle
Grieve, da ebter of Mr Hugh J Grieve, all of
Tuckerstnit ,
el-AKINS-SU H --In Exeter, on Oetober 28th,
Mr enry eking, to Miss Juliet Smith, both of
Exeter 1
KNIGHT -BROWN -In Winnipeg; on Ootober 20th,
at the honae of Mr and Mra James Fairbairn, Mr
Frei it Knight, of Yorkton, Aerate to Mies Mary
Brown, of Exeter, by the Ven. 0. Fortin, B A,
Archdeacott of Winnipeg.
VODDEN-EALL-At the reaidence of the bride's
parents, on,Dotober 26th. by Rev B Clement,
Eunice, danghter oiler John Ball, to Mr Wesley
Vodden, allot HnII,tt
EVELEIGH-LOCAS-At the manse, Oranbrook,
on 0ctober/6th, by Rev D B McRae, Mr Chas
R Eveleigheto Mies Elizabeth Jane Lucas, both
of Grey
Brutsels, on November 8rd, Alex Mo
Kay, aged 80 years and 7 monthe
JAMIESON-In Brussels, on November 6th, Sara
Valletta, daughter of Mr and Urs David Jamie.
eon, aged Rmonthe ancl'6 days
14ILLER-In Gray, on November 4th, Francie Mil-
ler, aged 78 years
NOTT-In Manitoba, on November Ist,Wm H Nott,
son of Mr Thomas Nott, of Mullett, township,
aged 22 year*
OLENDENNING-In Clinton. on November 2nd,
at the reaidence of her step -daughter, Mrs Wm
Cantelon, e4rs Glendenning, aged 103 years
GIBBONS -In oderioh, on Cletober 28th, Benjamin
J Gibbons, aged 62 years
MoLEAN-In Cloderich, on October 291h, Allan P
MoLean, aged 67 e ears
STEWART-Le Colborne township, on November
let, James 0 Stewart, aged 74 yeare and 11
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls answered at Mr. McKenzie's
residence, Oburoh St., third house north of
public school, we -t aide. Graduate Massa-
chusets College of Embalming, Boston, U. S
Knechtel & McKenzie,
STRAY HEIFER, -Came into the premises ot
the undersigned, Lot 15, Concession 2, Mc -
K op, about the last of August, a red heifer calf.
The owner eau have the same by proving property
and paying charges. THOMAS KALE. 1996x4
TEACHER WANTED.-Teaoher for School Section
No. 10, Tuckerernith. Applications received
until November 15trie Personal applicetion pre.
ferred. Dutiee to commence January 8rde -1905.
Address JOEle ROBERTSON, Secretary, Chisel.
hunt. 1923-4
STRAY LAMB. -Came into the premises of the
Jit undersigned, Lot 8, Concession 7, Molfillop,
about the midele of October, a lamb. The owner
oan have the %wee on proving property and paying
chargee. THOMAS FLANNIGAN, Beechwood.
CLEARIN4 SALE of Farm Stook and inueements
-Janice JOrlee has received instructions from
Mr Frank McAleer to sell by public auotion on Lot
19, Coneession 6. Townehip of Flibbert, on Monday,
November 14th; 1904, the following: i mere eigat
,years old in foal to Sunlight, tonere 9 years eld in
teal to Wilderlee, I good driving horse, 4 years old,
1 heavy draught horse tieing 6. years old, 1 heavy
draught oolt tieing 2 yeers old( 1 colt rising 8 yearn
old and bred by Bee1eobauser,1,epring Oolt 4 menthe
old by Royal Scotsman, 6 cows due to calve in the
Ppritlg, '4 clivie due to calve about time of Selo. 10
fleets rising 8 years old, 12 Fiteers rising 2 -years
old, 6 heifers reseng 2 years old, 8 spring °Moak 20
store hogs 8' menthe , old. 2 , brood sows in pig, I
mower, I seed drill, 1 wageon, I op'buggy, new ; 1
,cutter, 1 Finery plow, 1 est iron harrows, 1 twin
gang plow, 1 fanning mill, 1 phIper, e pair bob.
slelithe r•set double harness, I See Mail harness,
hone blapkehe, Wm, about 7,toos ot hs , 0 man.
titeof straweend slot of other artieleetdo nun:ter-
ra -to mentfen. Sale at 11:2 o'clock. ernes -All
coma of Seand under, rash ; over that 'alma/A 12
menthe' credit will be given on furbishing am:reev-
ed joint notes. 5 pr cent. off for, cub' on credit
antounts. Positively no reserve as the proprietor
has rented the farm., FRANK .MeALEER: Pro.
prietor ; JAS. JONES, Auctioneer for Peeth and
Huron. .. 1926x1
Stook andImplemente.-Mr. Thos. /frown has
been instructed by Joseph Megully to sin by pub.
lie auction on Lot 21, Concession 8, Stanley, 2i
miles frorn.Brucerleid, on Tuesday, Novernber ?2nd, .
at 1 oeleodlc p. pt., the following property viz.Horses-2 aged mares.'" Cattle. -1 farrow oow ; 2
heifers' 2 year old e, 1 steer 2 years old ; 1 steer 1
year old ; 1 spring ealt. Implements -.-I Maxwell
binder nearly new ; 1 MaXwell mower; I Deering
harrake now!? neo ; leeliant ,Bpring tooth muffle.•
atee nearly now; I seed drill'; 1 wagon ; 1 demo-
crat.; 1 buggy ; 1 pair bobsleighs; 1 cutter ; 1 fan-
ning Mill ; 1 double furrow plough nearly new; 1
gang plough ; 1 single furrow plough ; I set dia-
mond harrows; 1 seuffier ; I set double haulm ; 1
set plough harnesal ; tiefi single harness ; 8 sugar
kettles t 1 sap pan and about 180 buckets ; 1 milk
era hay rack, a quantity of rook elm and hemlock
• plenk,terke, shovels, crowbars and other &Melee, 1
new griend Garland wood 000lestove, 2 other stoves,
beds ; dishes ; preservedand canned ',truffle; 2
spring pigs if not solcl before. Terms. -All sums of
$5 and under oash .; over that amount 11 months'
credit will be &est oh furnishing approved joint
notes, a discount er 5o on the dollar will be allowed
for cash on credit amounts. The farm, it not sold
lesfore, will bd offered for eald on Met date. 12
sores of good haniwooe bush, good frame house
With kitchen and woadebed. two barna with stab-
ling, driving house, pig home and hen house. If
not saki will be rented. Terme will he made known
on day of sale., JOSEPH MoCULLY, Proprietor ;
THOMA$ BROWN, Auctioneer. 1926 2
Dressed PoilltrY
! I
Turkeys, with feathere off, lle cash, or
lgo trade ; Geese, 7o catib,or 8o trade.
Duthie 8o cash, or 9a trade ; old hens
5a per pound.
None taken infers November 20th - up to
December 10th.
We are offering special inducements in
Clothing, Dry Goods, Crockery and .Gro -
Big Prices.
Township of Hay— Pay
Your Taxes.
CHARLES TOYER, Tax Collector of ,the Town.
ship of Bay, v ill be at Johnston's Hotel, Zurich, on
Wednesday, November 16th, from 10 a.m. untel 4
p.m., also at the Townihip Hall, (council meetincr),
Thursday, December 16th. All taxes not paid by
December 16th will he charged 4 per cent. and ex.
penees additianal.
1826.8 • Collector.
Take notice that I have made application to the
Licente Commissibners of South Huron tor permie-
eion to transfer my hotel license to Therese Dawson
of 011oion. Any person having objection to the
proposed transfer mutt lodge complaint before No-
vember Mith, 1904, with Wm. Ballantyne, License
inspector, Seaforth, Ont.
W. F. .11o0AUGHEY.
Dated at Hansen 281h October, 1904. 1925-2
Our new stook ef seasonable goodie whith
for variety and completenets is the
very best, and affords a wide range for
satisfactory selection cf the best goods
to be found in the leading markete.
Bought elole, seleotod with good judg-
ment a@ to quality, and in good taste
as regarde style ond appearance.
You will find many popular attraotioue In
line rf felt goods for thie Fall and Win-
ter trade. We control some special
lines in felts for dress shoes in men'a
and women's, which have no equal.
We sell the kind of goods that improve
on close inspection'and attend by you
like a brother. We guarantee that
every article in our ateck has got the
value in it, and is worth every cent of
:the pride asked. You will find us on
the rock bottom basis, and our goods
alwaystrery low in price.
Richardson& Winnis
,Sitle Agents for Dr. Roadie Cashion Shoes
20 or 40 men to cut saw logs or cord wood. Steady
work. Good wages paid to good bush men. Apply
Gederich or Stokes Bay. 1920-3
ee. e_Mfeefeenetieniew
Ladies' Fur Ja kets
, This week we have receiyed anot er large shipment of Ladies' Fur Jack-
ets direct from the mearafacturaxs, whi h puts oar stock in splendid -shape.
Several monthe ago we Made large contracts for furs, when prices were at the
lowest. These contracts were made CR a spot cash basis, hence the following
good 'values
Astrid= deoketi, bizes 32 to 4'2, close p;losey burl, lined with heavy farmer's i
eatin, at $25 0 $45 Greenland Seal Jackan in all sizes, at $35. Hair Seal Jackets,
•all slue, at $32 50 to $40 Booharati jeek@te, very epeoial, at $33. Electric Seal IT.aok-
eta, all size-, at $354e0d $40. glectrio Beal Jackets, with sable culla and reverae; Some
thing very *well, at $45 and 550. Ther Jnokets sire all made of No. 1 skins, and every
gement is guaranteed.
INien7s Fur Coatis
We show a great variety of mete* Ur trate in'oalf, dyed Wombat, dogskin, black
gallotvay, cub bear, etc., fro% $13,50 to i$3d. Men's black cooney wedge caps at $1.35
and 51,50. Men'e Periled) lent% cape at $4.50, $5.50 and $6.50. Men'e heavy °loth
caps, new etyles, ab 400, 500 and 75o. 1.3 ys' winter cape, the very lateet, from 25o up.
Men's lined kid and moo he glove, in grea ;variety, at 500, 75c, $1, 51.25 and $L50.
Isn't it worth semethinglo be p rfectly satisfied? You will certainly be
satisfied if you allow us to supply yot with. your .olothing end furnishings.
We are adding new customers every ay -our goods must be right ia price,
style and wearing qualities, or we could not do this. You should, before buy-
ing, give the new clothing store a chance. See what, we have, and at _what
prices we are sellmg our etothing-wi will surprise you.
Men's Suits from $5.75 to $ 4,00.
Men's Overcoats from $6.00 to $14.00.
Boys' Suits from $2.00 to 6,50.
underwear from 350 to $1,2
Sweaters,.Smocks, Overalls, ox, Mitts, Golves, Hats and
. Caps, Collars, Top Shirts, Dress Shirts, Wool Hose,
6 to 10, 25c a pair.
You will make no mistake if you tracle here. ,
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make us famous.
Butter and eggs -taken as cash.
WE S TER N D AI R ) Second Hand Engines
• For Sale.
. DAIRY and Domestic Science
Courses at Wertern Dairy School.
SPECIAL Creamery Coursa,eDeeember 5t
to December 23rd. Regular Dairy
Sohool Course, January 2ad to March
24th. Farm Dairying and Domestio
Science Course, January 2ad to March
FARM Dairying, Mondays, Wednesdole
and Fridays. Domeatict Saimaa oti
Tuesdaye, Thursday() and Saturday's
again. '
MISS AGNES' ;SMITH will hems charge
of these Veto departments.
FOR CIRCULARS, and Application
Forms, wither')
George. H. Barr, SUP'1'.
LONDON, ONTARIO.- C(77: -,q,
NT Atter December lot, address Strathdoi.
This is. 6U
------ WANT
I here a Gent' e 14 size Gold Filleld
Watch with a 7 Jewel Waltham
Movement for $11, (eleven dollare).
This Watch is isot A big pocketfel bit
plenty large enough to be durablis.
If you want auythirg in my line drop in
and see me -it won't eost you any-
thing. My goods are the latest and
at good houeat cash prioes.
Try me witha small repairing
o rd e r.
R. McNaught,
Practice.' Watchmaker, Jeweler & Engraver
Coun.ter's old Stand,
Beatrice Scott,
A. T. O. M.
TEACHER of Voice, PitIn0 and Theory.
Will take up.classes in SEAFORTH in
January, 1905.
Voice, $12,00 a term.
Piano, $10 00 a term,
Theory, $8,00 a terns:
Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conser-
vatory of Musle Examinations.
Ale° open for Orncert Engagements.
M a Killop Taxes.
The undersigned will be at the ROYAL HOTEL,
Seaforth, every Friday and Saturday, from 1 o'clook
*tit 4 o'elook p.m., until and including Moneay,
December 14th, to receive taxes. Ali taxes not
paid on or before December 14th will be charged 5
per cent. additional.
925.2 CHAS. DODDS, Colleotor.
One J. I. Case 15 h. p. Traotion Eiagine,
need one week.
One S. I. Oar 15 h. p, Traction Engine,
used twodleatione. .
One Sawyer & el eery 13-h. p. Traction.
One J. M. Roos & Sons 18 h. p. Traction.
One Sawyer & Massey 17 h, p. Traaion.
One George White & Sons 14 h. p. High
Speed Portable.
One George White & Sons 14 h.p. Portable.
One New Hamburg 14 h. p. Portable, used i
8, .owyeemr oszomth. a
ray 13 h.p. Portable.
Two Stevens & Burns 14 b.p. Portables.
Two John Abell 10 & 12 h.p. Portables.
Two Waterous Upright 12 le p. Champion
The above engines have been taken in 1
trade and replaced with Bell Engines and 2
will be.sold on reasonable terms. Some of
them are in stook ab Seaforth and others at
different points Where they were used. Full
particulars on applf oation.
The ItcBERT BELL Engine end Thresher Co. ,Ltd.
With that Lame Back
You will feel fifteen years younger
0 you take Buohu-Juniper Kid- .
nay Pills -25o a box or 5 boxes for
$1. Try a box and if you don't
feel fifty cents better, oome baok
and got your money.
A few other items of interest
Corn Oure-the kind that cures,
10 cents a box; Blue Jay Plasters,
10 cents a package ; English
Castile Soap, 2 pound bar for 25
cents ; Our Own Neuralgic Cure -
never fails to cure, 25 cents a
bottle ; Tram) to fit any rupture
-prices right.
.-, Give us a call.
Our Stock is New and
up -to-date.
We want your trade.
PHOTOS are always appreciated by
your frencle.
CALL AT ONCE ao that we may have
the work out in time for dis-
JACKSON BROS., Seaforth.
197etle -
IOUs. They wear as well as
better in practical service.
they are protected by an iron -
IV 0
That a twenty year gold-filled case
wears better than a solid gold!casel
I Do you know that it stands more
. • harci work, and protects a move-
: ment better in most cases? Gold-
.. filled cases are to -day made with a
skill and, precision that is marvel -
gold as far as appearance goes, and wear much
keep a large variety of the best CMOS made, and
clad warrant.
John Bulger, JEWELER,
Corner PA sin
and -
IlltstrIcoot Srests
ITh., Lnranne
Dfy Gilogle ogle
Chiltifitt -
Concern In
Four ColaratIoni
Do you know that W‘. Pickard 85 Co.'s store
is known throughout tin county as the safest
and most reliable pla4 to buy furs?- Do you
know that% people cora0 many miles to see our
Furs, to see the sty1es1 and buy with a sense
of security born of -experience. If you do not
know these things, Y.:611 do not kno* this
store. More care is nqessary in the selection
of Furs than any otheiigoods. You must have
iraplicit condence Ole seller, not mere con.-
fidence in his honest -for no raerchant of
any sense is so foQ1411." as to be dishonest
nowadays—but confidiince in his knowledge
of the fur business; tliat is the confidence We
have worked to df3serve41f t and we have it as to
other store hereabout los, it. We are iiroud -
of the furs that leave tliisIstore ; every article
is evidence of our expif3rience, as well as evi-
dence, of liberality in our selling methocls
41 .
Many months ago we .(10'‘ the lugest
tracts for furs ever mad l this part of the
countr..V, when prices were at their lowest.
These lopintracts were piade on a spot cash
basis, h4nce the follow:Sig values
., .
s te,
.Aetrachan coats, all sizes, from 32 to 46, a
prices from426 to $40.
. Bechn coats, all sizes, from 3 to 46, at
prices from vo to $49.
Greenifind Sea coats, two special lines, at $31
and 332 -Oilers, lapels and elate trilttIlled with
13ocharan. •••,'„'
'Four pecial values in Electric Seal }coats,
ttimmed with sable cuffs, collars and revers, at
$30, $36, 443 and $45.
raZ One troialline_of luta Persian coats at $51.
Thrspeia1a in Persians at $106, $133 and
$1.35 eachcr:
Astrachan Collars,style as sluiwns two specials, at
$L40 and $6.i6k•
Oppossum Collars M $4.85$s.35, $6, $6.65,
and $9. •
German mtnk collars from $2.75 to $6.65,
Sable RAU% style as shown, at $7.50, 38,50 and
$9-, and the Jarger Sable Ruffs at $11.40„ $12, $15, $19,
$20, $21,50 an $23.
Caperines from $3 to $37, and Muffs from 50c to
This is a stook it would pay yousto come miles to see, not only for the
extra values we offer, but for the avortment we show. No matter what
priced coat you want, it's here; and It's here priced as you will and it no
where else. There are many reasons why we dell these now at exceptionally
low prices, but see them, compare them with anything to be found in the
trade, and be convinced,
Gaon °oats, all sizes, in all prices, from
$30 to $75. We are showing this season a coon
coat just twcsskins to the length, extra. value.
Our $53 coon coat is special value; full fur-
red, prime skins and good color.
Black Russian Calt Coats. We have these
coats black this season, made with collars as -coat --
lamb, astrachan or dog collars.
Fifty black dog coats. This is a (coat that
will give good wear, has good appearance, at a
very moderate price.
Twenty Brown Dog Coats. This Oat for $15 will give first-class wear.
A full stock of Wallaby Coats, in both cl ed and natural, at at the low-
est prices.
Wombat Coats, in both dyed and itatural, from $14 to $25.
Galloway Coats. -The wild Norihwest Galloway, perfectly black, no
pieces, from $25 to $35.
Special values in fur lined coats-rersian Lamb collars, rat :lined, "good
shell, for $53.
Sleigh Robes in galloway, black,`, brown and grizzly bear.
Ail sizes in Goat Robes, Assinibaia and Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes.
We can save you money on anylling inrobes.
Opposite Town Building, Corner- Main .nd Marktt EU. Ktmfortb..
are- .