HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-11-11, Page 4NOVEMBER, 1904 • 6 18 I 20 42-7 M T W T. .F va........s. om•o•.•••/, +.1••••••••• ............ .101••••lialt 1 10 141 .1: 4 15 16 . . 1 2 3 7 3 9 17 . 18 19. 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 . • , ....,. •• V • • • • • I. .r.art •• • 4•.111 i•f 4.• IIEVit ADVERTISEMENTS jir Tho figure between fiho paronthoom after ea* els, denotes tho pogo of the peva O yrdoh the iverascrecut will be found ' New Siokets-E. Idol'aul 'Co. -8 Blizzord Comiug-Greig & Stewart -I Do You Know-401in Kulgsr-4 ,It's Worth Something -F. L. Willis -6 'ladies' Par Itteketa-McKinnon & Co. -6 queen quality -R. Willis & 8on-4 lifestern Dairy School -G. H. Bur -6 Central Business Colloge-Billott & Motaugb1an-6. Kotray lainbe-Thos. Flannigan -5 Jerry front Kerry -5 Put Robes -K. Broderlolt-8 Idnolc-M. Beatrice Scott -.6 Photos -N. Orese-8 Wanted-Goderloh Lumber Co. Linilted-5 WhatYou Waut-ft. MeNaught-5 Poultry Wanted -K. B. Gunn -6 Pay Your Taxce--Olierles Troyer -4 Clearing Sale -Prank IfoAlsor-6 Thanksgiving Supper -8 Itubbero 8 W. K. Willis -8 28o Tea -Beattie Bro..- Clearing Auction_ 8als-Joseph MoCully-5 guvon expooltor FEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 1904. The Three Hurons. ' What shall we say of the three Marone now? They have taken up their domicile in the Conservative oamp.. Foe the first t inle in its history Old Huron will have,a solid Conseryative repreeentation in the Parliament of Canada. We congrat- ulate "our friends the enemy" on. their, aehieveraent. They have goed eause toe rejeicing. The result in -East Huren was a genuine: eurpr'Oe. Every person seemed to be of the opinion that Dr. McDonald was invineible there. It is no doubt to this feeling that his de - feet is largely due. Over eonfidenee; is a dangerous element in an ,elec- ition. But it is .possible that there were also other elements. The doetor has represented the constit- neney continuonely fee about 20 years. Only an exceptionally able man could have held it so long. [Sev- ere.' generatione of voters have grown up during his inoumbeney. In time, a man be ,he ever ea able or So good. vrill, imperc.e,ptebly, 1,erow away frega the people or rather., the people will glow away from him. There see -ms to, be a faseina.tion a- bout political life which• prevents a man frora recognizing this change at the opportune moment and a re- verse is frequently the result. The very -best men the country has pro- duced, on both sides of polities,have anot with eeverees from this cause and ,eensequently the 'reverse in Bast Ifuron, wihich we hope is only temporary, may be accounted, for. • * * In West litUTOoi Mr. Ife:drnes niade a rave fight and deserved a better fate. But, the eonstitu.enoy hes al- -ways been fiekle and doubtful,fight- ing ground. It was loped, however, that Mr. HcAtoes" exceptionally. good TecordL as a representative and this many comraendeble personal qualities would Derry thim safely through. But these qualifieetions do not always eount for as much as they should 'do. Goderiah, which has been so bountifully fed by both Liberal gov- eenments and Wihich at Ithe last el.- eetion gave Mr. Holmes a majority of 15, this time gave a majority of I 100 aglainst ihim, and Hullett, the inew municipality brought Into the riding, fell considerably short of its expected vote. With these ex-. •ce.ptione Mr. Holmes, made a splen- did run ana but for t -hese slips he would leave been eteete,d, ▪ * * While• the result in South Huron was .a disappointment to many it - was 'Sot a surprise to any who un- derstood and appreciated the situa- tion The Coniervative victory was mot a political one in any sense. If - a straight vote were taken to -mor - IOW in South Huron on the record. and policy of _the Laurier Govern- ment, the Reformers would win out by' a large majority, While other considerations ha,e1 considerable in-- fluence,the kmain source of the trou- ble dates back four or five years. 'At that time the Reform party, un- fortunately, became divided into two camps or factions.. At the re - vent nominating conrention each of ;these• factions'' WaS represented by its candidate. Both could not re- ceive the nomine.tion and the victory of the one over the other rather in- tensified ° than allayed the feeling. Had o iser oounsels prevailed and had the two factions been able to com- promise on some other -person who would have been acceptable te the 'rank and file of both and could have . thus re -united the party, South Huron would not have dep,arted from its traditional moorings and it would to -day be numbered in the Liberal instead. of the Conservative eke -limn. We trust our friends, will profit by experience. They wiil have four years in which to pull them- selves together. Let them, forget and forgive; let them bury the hat- chet so deeply that it can never be resurrected, oloae up their ranks and at this% ext eleetion- be prepar- ed 'to present a uni• ed frontto the enemy. If they do 'Iii‘the present averse will only b •temporary, and. at the next electic • under ordinary eircumstances, South Huron will re - `tern to her first love by a good, majority. re In this eormection it is but just to say that no blame for the defeat 'ten attach to Mr. Thomas Fraser rts a candidate. He did his best tin- der the circumstences and no per- son could have done more. He made friends wherever he went and prov- F.-,ed in every way a most efficient can - Although several guesses have been made as to the possible date for:an appeal to the people by the Ross gov- -ernMent by Conservative journals, Governraent has not ,yet shown its hand, but _the following from the Toronto Globe) of Tueaday would, seem to indicate that a general el- ection is not far distant. The Globe says: eAlthoueh nothing definite Le known yet as to the date of the 'next Provincial election, a metqiung of- -the Executive Conunittee of the Toeorito Reform Aseocietion Win be • held this week, for the purpes& Gf discussing the preliminaries. ot or- ganigation. The committee will con- sult with the leading Liberals in the various idings in regard ibe the fixing of dates for nominating con- ventions." - After The Battle. The Dominion elections have been fought, and won by *the Liberal party. The Government of Sir Wil- frid Laurier has been given another five years' lease of power and an ampee majority to enable thorn to carry out their policy unharapered. meierity will be considerably larger then in the late Parliament. The wt and east have contributed to this.majority even more them the centre, the Government having made almost a clean sweep in the two ex- treraea As is usual after every general eleetiorr, many changes have been made. There will be many new faces in the new Parfmment and many old, farailiar ones will be missed. Many Vara 'fallen by the way. Among the most notable events of this campaign, is the clean weep made by the Liberals in Nove Scotia, 'every member cleated there being a. supporter of the Govern- ment and -among the slain there is MT. R. L. Borden, the leader of the Opposition, Every member of the Government was.elected excep-t Hog. Mr. A.,yleeiworthtithe late.st add, attioe, to, the Cabinet. It is likely, beret - ever, that seats will be found for -both Mi. Borden and Mr. Ayles- worth. It is expected" the former will find a seat in Ontario and the Latter in Quebec, if he delsireS it, as Mr. Lemiux, Sedieitor General, who was elected for two constituencies, offered to resign Gaspe in favor of Mr. Aylesworth. It is not' yet definitely, known where a vaolosOY will be • made for Mr. Borden:„ Bat we are sure that all, both Liberals - and. Cotheeivatives, regret ,this de- feat, .and would be pleased to see -him properly provided for, His P from the House would. be a loss to the e•min try. The late election waS a pleasant one in many respects. There was an absence-, of the usual cries of corrup- tion, disloyalty, and stiol like,, and no race and creed cries were 'used. The larger ieSues 'came to the front, and almost e'relusivoly for3ned the subjects- for dismission, and en- grossed the attention of the peeple. In this Irespeot the election was ex- eeptional in late.yeaeeerend in so ter as it was exceptional it was pone - mendable.. • THE HURON won have , not allowed sufficient tette for the intelligent diecoselon of public queetions, ritereferorewiereerr° Huron Note. -On Friday, 28bit u1t1e pirit of Mrs. John W. Switzer, Cranbrook, : took its flight. Her demise was not unexpeeted; she being •dangeriousiy ill tor some time before -the end came frean enlargement of theliver. it es. Switzer had been, a resident of the looality for about 25 years mov- ing .there with her, husband from Stltarys where she was ' born 56 years ago. Her maiden name was Anes -Dickey.. She joined the Meth - °diet church at St. &keys when 18 yearof age and had a living faith in the Son of GotL Mrs Switzer is survived by her husband and three daughters. - -On Wednesday last there passed away to its eternal crest the spirit of Mrs. Clendenning, at the lege of 103 years or thereabouts. This re- markably loeg-lived lady had the ad. miration and reepeot of All who made her • acquaintance during the four y.eane she had been a resident with hier stepsdinighter,' Mrs. Wm. Cant- elon, in Clinton. Her former (home was at Walton, where She resided for a number cif, 'years. Iler hus- band predeceased ther some 17 years ago. She pOssessed wonderful vital- ity, as is evidencedby her age, and though feeble from - old alke, she could do a great deal �r herse14to within. a few days of her death, and, mind was quito active .fore one so old. She had been sick butrfour days, not -with any particular ths- ease, but a -waning Or! ,the f.orees that WO 1ife within the body. -Herbert I/am.prey, aged about 22 years, took a dose of forraaldeei ' hYdlo On Monday of last week and . tante very nearly crossing the bar. This happened at a threshing at Mr, Alfred ;Tebbutt's, of the 'Huron I road, .Goderich . township. One of the mon steurtele'a bottle of formal- ._ dehYde and ,as a joke passed it a- round among these present with the; I, Invitation to "have something." The ; bottle paSted from OW to another. *1. without their touching it until tette to Larapeey, ;who, supposing it_ Wes dole water, took a " swig " before he could be stopped. He dropped at once and it was, only after emetics had -been used that he came to. He was then taken to town for medical treatment and hes now a- bout recovered from the effects or the doge. -Thle paSt week five of the pri- vate reSidences of ,Goderieh were vis - Hod by ',Sedating housebreakers or burglars, and in teeth, instance rob - belies Wore committed. Last Sun- day afternoon while Mr. and Mr. Fred Thompeon Were out, their dwelling wati entered and $10 in cash wias stolen. On Tuesday . the eesi- dance la Judge Doyle was entered and. two gold wateheiS a small sum in (*Ws and a bag of cakes weee taken. On Wednedday .evening, be- tween eighlt and eleven, JameS Clerk's residence, was burglarized, an entry being made by breaking in through a basement window, and two sunli of money, amounting to $18 Nees taken away. About 3 p. m. on .Thurtiday the cottage of Mr. W. Brough -was broken in -to and. $12 44to1en. Between 5 - and six p. m. the, Berne day the 'dwelling of MT: H. W. Thosinson, was also entered, and. a valuable ,gold watclaeand money to thle amount of $10 was taken. 111211011111000111011101011110 _ The War m the Baet. The Japanese are still (haulm erin g away at Port Arthur. The advance- ment has lbeen slow, hut it 'has been sur.e and they are !gradually' worm- ing their ' way into the _fort, until - now it is only a mattee of a few days until they are in actual pos- eession of the fortress. The fight- ing has been most severe and during tthe last few days a number of hand to hand centeets have taken piece.' The Baltic fleet is Inoly proceeding. on its way aid is being follewed by a number of British men of war. 'Ne furthe,r .developments have taken place in. the Ana -la -Russian affair'. OINONON, Editorial Notes and Comments The. joker of the Bruesels Post says: "1h. South Huron, Gunn was loaded with B. B. Shot." ° So it was and it was, well aimed too. Mr. John Park, the Liberal candi- date in Duf for in, only polled 753 votes and lost his -elposit. Duffer - in must be a hard -tearaping ground for the Grits. ' --....,..... • The, Conservative,s are likely. to have an Ontario m.ajoirty of eight in the new Parliament. Wipe out They Toronto with, its fiverepre- sentatives, and (Tory) Huron INV itth its three, and the parties will be even. Messrs. Conmee and Barr, the two •genflemen why' 'resigned, their seats in the Ontario Legislature to be- come candidates for the DOminion Parliament have both been elected, Mr, Conroe° for Thunder Bay and. Rainy River and Mr, Barr for Duf- ferin. Now that the Dominion elections are over ,and the sGovernraent is, set- tled in power for another four or fire years, 0.ntari� politics, whit h have lain dornaant for a few weeks raust come to t -he Surf,ace again. Thtere are eight vacant seats to be filled before the Legislature meets .filled before the Legislature meets and the query now is: Will we have the bye -elections or the general el- ection? The American elections which took place ,on T-uesday resulted in "?. signal victory, all along the line, for the Republicans. Mr. Roosevelt wa-s re- elected President by aia immense majority, as was also his running raate, Mr. Fairbanks, Vice -Presi- dent. Tthe Democrats seem to be even weaker in bhe ;United States than the Conservatives in Canada. e The Toronto Star dia.gnoses, the situation in East Finron as follows: "In EaSt Huron two doctors were in the field, the one a new candidate and. the other a veteran Pe-rliamen- taria,n. When doetorS disagree in ae in their professional duties, something is bound to hap- pen. What did happen was that East Huron changed doctors, the Conservative, Dr. Chisholm, seem- ing to have diagnosed the case better than his rival, Dr. McDonald., whosee loss will be felt by the Liberal pa,rty in the House of Commons." •••,l ,N•IM •••••• A very unusual condition is like- ly to exist in connection with the Provincial elections in the Province of Quebec- to take place on the 25th inst The Opposition have deter- mined not to place any candidates in the field and in so far as they are eoneerned to allow the Government to be returned without opposition. We do not think the like ha.s ever occurred in Canada before.- The reason assigned by the Opposition for this unusual course is, that the Gov- ernment ip calling on the electors so Bltievale- - Notes. -Miss Maud Paul has taken a position in the office of Mr. Mi- tCtercher of Wroxeter. -Mrs. Small, Wingheen is visiting her . da.u.gh. teas Mr, .T. Ra.13y.-:-Mr. J. Burgess is. attending the quarterly hudit of the Canadian Order of Foresters at Brantford this week. -Mrs. Ander-. son and Miss Anderson have return -- ed from a five weeks' visit with rela- tives - in East Wawanosh.-Miss Laura Snell is visiting °her aunt, Mrs. T. Je Watt at Wingham-Mr. A. WaewiCk, of Smith's Fells, is vis- iting his sister, Mrs. Duncan Mae; and also his brothers, Messrs. Thos. and Robert Warwick, in 1Morris.- Miss Martha and Mr. Ed. Coultes, of E. Wawanosth visited their uncle *Mr. Thomas Coultes, one fday recent- ly. -Mr. F. Booth, having spent the summer here as butter maker re- turned to his home in Brantford leet week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Intosh.end children, of Molesworth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coui- tes on Saturday. -Quite a' number of the, young people ,cif Bluevale 'spent a. social time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks in Morris, one night Last week. -The annual tea meeting of tbe Bluevale Presbyterian COD - gregation• will be held on Thanks- giving night. Tea will be served in the Forester's hall ,and a goo d b To - gra alms rendered in the church. - Rev. T. 'Wesley Deems, of. Brussels, adclreed ti, Meetin-g on behalf of the, Bible Society in the basement of the Methodist church last Friday evening. -Mrs. (Rev.) W. T. Hall and son are visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. West at the manse. - Mr. John' Haney, G. T. R. brake- man. of Palmerston, is spending some holidays at horne.-Mr. jesiiph Yeo, of Stratford, spent a few days last week with friends here. -Me. A. Paterson was at Guelph a few days last week on business -Mr. Hub- bard Miller, of Huron College, -Lon- don, was home a few days last week. , Lakelet Notes -It w,as'-a surprise to all Liberals, yes, and Conservatives too, when the results of !Thursday's el- ection proclaimed; Dr, Chisholm el - in East Huron. It is certain that the better or lthe abler man was not -elected ae the prominence Dr. McDonald attained at Ottawa Stamp- ed ihiraeas one /of the ablest men in Canada. His opponent is a popular doctor and wihen the late standard bearer was in Ottawa, Dr. Orsisholm wae at his practice making all the friends possible' and preparing for the fight. Had the three Hurons gone as 'they used to, what a lift it would hare given Ontario Liberals. --A sad death occurred 'On- the 16th - concession of Hosvick* last Friday. Frank Lowish, son of Mr. James Lowisleattended McIntosh church on Sunday and that 'night about one o'clock became ill. , A doctor was called! - who pronounced his trouble diphtheria, and though all that could be done was done the succumbed on .the above date. He was an except- ioiaelly bright your g man and had a very brilliant career as a student. He had taken his8. !N. some time ago and waS at home awaiting an opening, when the call came. -The Conserva- tives in bilis district have not won an election for upwards of twenty years and their pent op feelings are being given vent ' to in an unmistake- able and ;rather% diStasteful man- ner. -me meeting of the Bible So- • - JTOR • .NOVEM.BER 1 dm** t n 'the27V1 Olt*, -wag fairly well attended n the Methodist c burch andthe agent, Rev. Mr, Hall, of Go .rte, rove an interesting address. T e old. officers *ere re-eleobed,-T tarnip,e ate all honied and the were a fair crop in most ease thought some /armors had a ver heavy . cxo,p.-In his address to th < elooter* here Dr, McDonald _curie • raap with him illustrathig the T. P. railway. He made. everythin So plain 'that no unbiased perso could fail to see the benefits to b derived from the Liberal plans wer Very m'adh in eXcess of those of th Coneeevatives.. Altogether his arees Was a masterly one and if hi defeat will yid him. out of polities, flAre question if its equal will be 'even in Lakelet for many years It i difficult, however, to keep a goo man under, and we gave no doub: t:hat ere -long he will be appoint,e to sane position befitting hie tar ability. Porter's gi rersonal.-Valentine Wild and hi daughter,- Miss Florence, of Stan ley, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Young and diauighter, Miss Gertrude of .Porter's Bill, left On 'Tuesday morning letst ..for -theeeiSt,Lows World's Fair.' During 'their absence they purpose,visiting Mr: Wild's bro-1 their, joiseph, who publishes &paper in an -Illinois town. °They expect to be absenttwq weeks. We eviSIS thean a pleasant time. ' Notes. -Willis - Bell, Of the Bay- field line, has purchased lArchie • El- ferne on the 4th conoessien, and beta taken ntelhis residence there ora. --Jos. Corriveau-,' or Hay !town - Ship, ev,a$ superintending the wit- -tint, in'of ,ovei- two hundred' rods of undeedraining On Henry Young's 'farm letet week: 'He and hisethree Men did the 'tvotk n-tiboot three days :and the • rieede an* esaeellent job of ;Ilt. The tile was throe and four inches in size:•dt will no deub-t ,be a valita.ble improvernmit to Young's far. • 1 1f'orilmoo' wooniinoorairimo afitYliel4 Breezes. -Mrs.* J. -MoGoie has been quite ill for sonie time past. hoPe for hat speedy recovery.--WOrk in connection with Mr. eMustard'e saw mill is pregreiiing 'rapidly. In all probability it will -not be long before the mill Wi 11 itie in ruhning or- der. -Mr. Edwards, sr., met with a painful accident a few days' agrk His hoanss. ran upstreet, finally throw- ing him Out of the buggy, inflicting I some injurite. We sincerely ciehpe they may not at all -prove - serious. ee-The Bible sociisty meettng will be. hold iu the Angelican Church, on the! evening of the 15th. Addresses willj be delivered by the resident minis. ters.--Tlte annual fowl supper will! be !held in the Presbyterian church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. An elaborate programme has been prepared for the occasion, -Mr. and Ides. John Fraser' were in Hartsell on Tuesday, attending the PresbyLery and. bhe Meeting of. the -Women's Foreign Missionary Society. Clinton. Death of D. F. MoPherson.-It was a great shock to the people of this town to learn of !the death of Mr. D. F. McPherson, which sad event - occurred in London on Tuesday. De- ceased had gone to Londori a couple of weeks ago on a 'business trip, when he was taken ill with an acute attack of Bright's disease. He was taken to the home of his brother, Mr, A. D. McPherson, in that city. A doctor wee called and did all that was possible for his relief, but was unable eto do more than ward off the inevitable for a few days. The de- ceased leaves a Widow, three eons, one daughter and four brothers. Mr. McPherson' .was senior partner in the firm of McPherson, Hovey & Co., of Clinton. He was well known in iwestern Ontario, and will be greatly missed by his (friends. , Walton , Local Items. -What is the. matter with the three Hurons? The loyal Grits seem to have been quite will- ing to rest upon their oars and let the .T•acries have their innings judg- ing fron the results of. November 3rd. -Dr. F. C. Neal has returned home after spending a year in the medical •colleges and hospitals of London, Paris and other cities of the mother land. -Mr. Gordon Mo - Donald. goes to St:Louis this week to take a kick with the Galt football team, '-and will doubtless put up a star game as the spectators. will notice when they see Gordon ina.ke a shot on goal. -Mr. Dan McLeod, of Seafotth, visited this week with Walton ° friends.-M.r. and Mrs. Jas. McMillan, left this week for Stur- geon Palls, New Ontario, and it they are suited wit ile tiAc eliraete end gen- eral appearance of 'that new country, may make it tiheir. home for a time at least. -Owing to the illness of Mrs. Perrin, Rev. Mr. Perrin and Rev. Mr. McNab did not exchange pulpits on Sunday last, but expect to d in in the near futore.-The annual meeting of the Walton branch of the Bible Society will be held this Friday evening in Duff's ohturch, at 7.30. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. T. 'Wesley Cosens, agent of the society-, and resident IniniStees.-A tea meeting will be held in Bethel church, MoKillop, on Tuesday evening of next week. Ad.- &tee:see will be given by Revs. Cars- well and oNab and resident minis- ters. The musical part Of tile pre - gramme will be furnished by the Walton Presbyterian thoir.-We are sorry to state that owing to the Miro. ere illness of Rev. I. M. Webb, in‘- cumbent of St. George's church, he alas been forced to tender his resigna- tion, thus severing the tender °ties wihich bound together pastor and people. 1111.01000#0,11101001001111/00.11 Stanley. Notes -Mrs. Joseph Wild and Miss Fannie, who have been away on a Visit to T.he World's Fair, have re- turfled meeh plead with the visit. -eValenthae WAld. p'eld Miss Flo left on Tuesday visit the fair and relatives in .13t. -Louis. They also intend to visit their brother in. 11- linois.-Deattlfha egain invaded this neighboehood, on the 20th of October, and taken for its victim Andrew Bannerman, at the ripe old are of 82 years and 7 months. The deceased was born in Scotland, and came out to this country with •his parents when a young man,w and as one of the early settlers of. the Bauble line. Mr. Bea -merman was a Preebyterian in faith, and a staunch Liberal in politics Rev. Mr. McNeil, of Bay. field, conducted Ithe funeral services. -Me. Wm. Slack had a- bee last Fri- day, moving this poet -able saw mill in- to Mr. M. D. Westlake% bush. Mr. 1 Westlake is the owner of one of the- i t, bet buttes in Stanley, and is get-, ting ale saw mill in to prepare tiro.ber and lumber for the con- stenction of ihie barn, which he in- tends erecting next Subanier.-On Saturda_y raorning of last week Mr. Joseph Jeffrey lost his barn by fire, cause unknown. Mr. Jeffrey hav- ing bought the farm but a short time before melee, the loss all the enore serious. The forinqr tenant, Mx. Sreena.n, loses heavily in hay and grain wallah were only partly ,covered by insurance, 0177tiomolomikuommimmu1 Wroxeter Notes. -Messrs. James and Joh Ball, John Gofton and, Joseph Cow an have gone for two weeks' hunt ing, the first three oixto Mus koka, and the latter to Dursford Teterboro county. -Mrs. Gamage, o Chatham, is visiting be daughter Mrs. (Rev.) Osterhout.-Mr. Norma Cook,of Hensall, is visitine felend in this vicinittee.-Miss M. oLaugh tin, of Brusiseis, spent Friday wit Miss Agnes Black. -Mr. E. Rhiem, o London, was the guest of Mr. C. F Edwards last week. -Mr. Lewis, o Bervie, is visiting his uncle, lir Lowis.-Mr. and Mrs. Googlies, o Fordvrich, speat Sundey with Mr 3. Hartley. -Mr. Waldo Hastings, o Galt, called on his many old friends here last week. "SEAFORTWS LEADING SHOE STORE s loiolooall0/0100110•0010•0000P- - - Leadbury, Notes. -Sacrament serviceii were held at, Bethel church oneSabbath last. Rev. Mr. Baker offielated.-Mr. George Kistper, who has been suffer- ing from blood poisoning • all sum- mer, mused by a woundeinfiieted by the bursting of a circular so.w,- is, We ere tsorry' to y, yet far froan be- ing been out in litish .Columbia and, ? ihg well. -Mr. m. lifitoleeD, who ll Washington Territory all summer, returned in time\ to poll his Vote on election; day. -And oo the pretty Huron triplets mine into the Con- servative fold on the :run, ' which goes to prove that wonders never ceaex nor miraoles never end. How- ever 1 ExposiSor 'or any other friends need have .no fears for the safety of, the darlings, as flieg are sure to be fondled, '04.ressed, prop- erly cared for •and.00axed to remain wihere they are. -Ploughing is near- ly comiplethd and threshing opera - times pretty well wound. up for the season. !ommomoomompoommonT? Tuaersmith. Matrimonial•-Mre Wm. R., Arleta - bald, one of the popular and prosper - pas young farmers of Iruckersraith, was•married on Mondey last; in Mon- treal, to Miss Jessie Nr. Cr,aig, eldest daughter of Robert Craig, Esq., of Craig Parley,. Strathaeren, Scotland. Thee ceremony was performed hy Rev. Canon Renaud,. formerly incumbent ef 6 fk 111/0 mos' church, Seaforth• There is a shade- of romance con- nected with nip happy event. Mr. Arohileald was on a visit to the old countey .over a car age, and on re- turning home he met Miss Craig and her father on the .vessel. They Were going to New York on a visit. A friendship was then formed which culminated in tibeir marriage On Monday last, Miss Craig having come from Scotland to meet her future' husband in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald arrived at their !home in Tuckersmitih on Wednesday- even- . ing, where they were met and. wel- coraed by many friends. The Ex- positor extends the x;aost cordial congratulations, and we hope for MT. and Mrs. Archibald a long and Nippy married life. seeterrererreee_rre. &ippon. • D. Hay, CininmiAionPr end Conveyanoer, • mortgatres, and deed 4 drawn up. Mover loaned at the loved raw of lecrest ' :74c.ft Churoh. Notes. -Anniversary servi- ces will be held in the Kippen• Meth- odist shtiecb. Sunday. Rev. S.Saiton, of London, will preatt at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in., and ,hold a speciel Sarrice in the afternoon for the thildren at 2.30 p. ,m. Collections and donations in aid of trust funds at each seivice. Special music by - the ohoir. Miss Bessie Kemp, of Hensel' will preside- at the organ. - Rev. E. A. Shaw, and Rev. M. Mace - awn, of ICippen, will exchange pul- pits, for Thanksgiving services, on (Sunday, November 20th. The eu6*- tomary union Thanksgiving service held on Thanksgiving Day at Kip - pen will 'be, withdrawn !this year. Notes -Mr. Robert Elg ie. Who was on a visit to friends in the west, has returned home. He enjoyed his Itrip very much and the people out there apparently used him well. He !says it is a great icountry, but still Ihe likes oid Huron best. -On account of hired bhp being so scarce, fault !retired farmers 'have been .doin-g acj itive servive, helping to ,harvest the Sugar beet crop. And they appa.r- ' ntly enjoyed it, as no doubt it re- minded them of the good \ old day ne by. -Messrs. Cudmore Sr. Son re shipping large quantities aled hay from our station at pros rt. Their new steam press is giv- g the best of satisfaction and is making things hum. -A number from here attended the anniversary ser - Vices in the Brucefield Presbyterian thurch on Sunday, and report the ,eervices as most interesting and suc- Ceesful.-Mr. Sheffer, of the. Kippen hotel, never tires of keeping things in the beet of abet)°, arid is.just now . laving his hotel reeshiregled. - Threshingis jut about done in this neighborhood, and the farmers ere now °getting everything in shape for winter. 011•1•10/00110.110 Constance Oyster 'Supper. -A very . pleasant evening was spent by the -Foresters and their wives and children at the humne of MT. A. Coates on Friday ev- ening last. The evening was spent en social intercourse and other haemless amusements. The main 'fottture of the evening was the oyster supper wthi eh was enjoyed by all !wfho came. At the *Jose, before the gathering went home, a parting ode drees Was given by Mr. Thomas Mc - 'Milian ih which he molted the op- inion of all present that they were ,sorry Mr. and Mrs. Coates and •fam- ily intend leaving here, but that since they were going, the hearty wishes of all for the health and prosperity . of the family in their ne'w home were cheerfully tendered. *Another feature of the evening was a song by Mr. john Britton who estified in no. mean way that he canstillsing Erin -go -Brag. News. -Don't forget the anniver- sary serviees on Sunday at 2.30 and 7 p. tn., also the addresses on 'the Monday evening following, Novem- ber 14. A thank offering will be received at the door 011 Monday ev- ening. -Several of our local sports- men were having an exciting chase fter a deer on Monday last. -On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Millar 'Alla%s entertained a num- et` of tile young people at their • . THE FAMOUS SEW FOR WOMEN these Celebrated Shoes 'Combine Style, Elegapee and Quality, ; are made vn Correct lines and pedect fitting lasts, consequently are easy from the first minute worn The best of leathers, the best workmanship, the latest styles are features of these strictly up-to-date shoes Queen Quality SHIRES All Styles FIT WHERE OTHERS FA, For House, Street' or Dress .Wear. Boots -43.75 0 • 0 • 4Ie Oxfords, '-INNTe have the $ole right of aieinSeaforth for the' Queeu Quality " Shoes. R. WILLIS & SON, Seaforth, Sole agents for the Slater. Shoe for men, and the Qeeen Quality" and 44 En-Ir4 71 sbees,for women_ home. The evening was -vent in games and'other amusements of the mirthful nature. All returned home thanking the. hoist and hostess for their liberality in &Haig them snob a pleasant tbne. Notes. -The anniversary services of -the ProsbYterian church were very 1 largely attended. Rev. Mx. Maxwell 1 of Ripley, peeadhed twp excellent seT1210CUS On Sabbath, Etis!lectUrer 4)11 Monday evening was enjliyed by all" who were so fottunate .48 to heart 0. Monteith retterned from the west Saturday mernireg.--Mies G. Marks and ,Miss Myrtle Woodley, spent Thursday and Friday, visiting friends. in London -Miss linclair, of Clint -021, is this week the guest of he'r cousin, Miss 'Jennie Hill e -The many friendS of AtriL Wim Stanbury will be sorry to hear of her death, whieh took plebe on Monday, Nes- Vembet 7th. Mrs Stanbury, has been a great sufferer'for a long time. The funeral took place on Wednes- day. -Miss Greta Mutititeef is visit- ing her -brother, Mr. W. 4. Mustard in Bayfield. --Maes. • T. H. Bothwell, of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. W. Rattenbury.-Mr. A. P. Kai:3'13(3a, of Ottewa IS visiting at that home of his father, Mr, John Ketchen, Stan- ley. -The post office willibe closed. on Tbanksgivink Day exelpting for 'one hollT after each ;mail from the south. - paraded the Streets, and ended up in front of - the Queen's hotel. Here 1 ' short speeches were delivered front bile biloOny Of tge hotel by Dr. _Mee amtm, B. Gerry, James Beeman, int Dr. Bethune, after which theinovri dispersed The Winghaan ereetipg. Ient returned by the eeening' tAin. Brussels. NoVes.-:Fred Frey, of 'Berlin, focrm‘r well known reside4 of Brus- sels, was a visit -Or there for a few days during the past weelt.-Henry and MTS. Ball, of Wingtatre were calling on old friends in ails local- ity this week -e -Thos. Newierae leas p-urohaeed the lot an the corners of King and J.ames streete',; from B. Gerry. and oentem.plates blinding a residenee on it in the spring. -P. Ament has a large staff of men . at work, -getting ready to re-eonstruct his sash and door factory, 'The new building Nail' be a Dement and the same size as the -old one. -The Ger- man Concert Co, ihowing here this week and drawing large Tiousee.- W. H. Salter left town this week and will probably locate in Indiana: ----Rev. I. M. Webb, wihle has been ser - Lonely ill at tihe-home el James. .Tmees -during the past week, was .removed to the hospital at London on Tuesday° morning, where he will redeivetreat- merit. We hope "he will soon be able to be ‚around again. -Rev. Mr•Hicks, of Melburne, occupied the P1111a St. John's churph last Sabbath. -W. PaWS011 and family, of Ethel, have taken up their residence oh Thorn- ae• street, Brussels. -We are sorry to report this week the death of Sara Vanetta,tthe three months' old daughter if David and Ms. Jamie - sop, which took place On Sunday morning laSt. The sympathy of the coanmunity is extended. to. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson, more so as this was the remeiningtwin, the other hav- ing died a few weeks ago. The fun- eral took plate on Monday after- noon. -Alf. Baeker has disposedof his houee oix the corner of Eliza- beth and Flora street to Ed. .Speir- an.-On rilleursday evening of Met week, about 10 O'clock, Alex. Mc- Kay paseed away at the hoane of' his tnOther on Queen Street, at the age of 39 years. Deceased was a stone meson by trade, and had been a rail - dent of this locality all his life. His illness commenced about tee years! ago, „ when he contracted a, severe, cold, which developed into consump- tion, although hewas able to work at this trade up to the past summer, and was only confined to the home from the Friday previous to his - death. The funeral on Saturday af- ternoon WOS under the direction of the I. 0, O. F. -Upwards of_100 of the residents of IN/Ingham, accomParlied by Dr. Chisholm-, M. P,, took our. town by storm last ,Priday afternoon, the object of vrhish, was. to celebrate the election of the new Conservative )zneneber. in Eat Huron. A proces- sion WM formed at the station, Zurich, Bleak= Returns. -1e official 'count of tbe returns furnished by the deputy'returning•officers'in the recent election was made by Retoen. ing Officer Mr. John O. Kaihfleiseh and Clerk,Ed. Zeller, in the &fine of tthe latter here on Xuisday last. 13 B, Gunn, the sueoessful can& date WAS not present but was Seated by Mr. Diekson, barrieiter, Exeter. Mr. Thomas Fraser, the form candidate, was present in per- son. The ballot boxes were all on hand and on being opened the ree turns were nearly all regularly made showing care and knowledge of their business on the part Of the dep.uties, The full returns will:1)e found in em. other column of this issue. 4tthe conel'usion of the eount the yawn- ing officer deolared Mr GRIM elect- ed by a majority of Notes -The Hay township council held a meeting in the township ,hall here on Tuesday last. There was a good -deal of business transacted Mr. C. Troyer, collector of taxes for Hay is now on his rounds'gatliering in the sheckels. Although -some- times he may not be a very weleenue visitor, his genial sMile and gene:ins good nature ,puts every perSon good humor and makes them feel happy for the timebeing, even when " the is taking money from them. - There is as yet no worst of the mu- nicipal elections and it its likely there will not be much thange in this township, the present township fathers having zieen as 'good satis- faction as any others &did have done under like circumsbances.-The Hay Agricultural SoeletY having taken possessten of the new aroz. cultural grounds which they ietent. ly purchased from Me. Rennie, throe interested. are having a sSeedi* track constructed On it. The track mtill be a full half nine and it is -)11 - tended to have it first elass inevery respeet. The work is being done under the supervision of 1,fx.. EL Bessenberry,4which is a guarantee that it will be properly dones E&,, knows just what a sipeedireetrack should be When these grounds ate properly fitted up the society will have as good and as convenient show - grounds as tan be found in thie.conn- ty.-There was a good deal of inter- est taken in the election %ere en election. dray and whien the returns ea9320 in in tllie evening there was reneh, disappointment among Re- formers at tbe result in the three Hurons and especially in South Huron. Both parties here worked hard for ' their reepective candi- dates and although the township did nOrt do quite ate well for the Refornt tcandidate as at the laet-election, the Zurich poll made a mueb better Showing and reduced the Conserva- tive maj4ritY here by several votes. All will rr/ow be quiet until the next time when Hay should get back to her okl raark of about 150 for 'de cause of Libeealism.-Mrs. Mage! is-. rapidly recovering from 711.0r lats Charles Fritz was sueeess- lulespik out hunting the other day, he having captured four wild ducks Owing to a scarcity of weed the rooms in the publie echool will be heated with coal this winter. Three heaters have been pueebased, one for ea.eh room -The -old agritultur- al grounds will be sold by auction on Satueday at 2 o'clock. -Rev. E. Sebeelkie, pastor of' the Lutheran church conducted services in Hal- lett lost Sundays -Rev. W. J. Yager has been at Crediton this week as- sisting Rev. Mr. Damn in -his re- vivalmeeting% and on Sunda.y leeet he will hold quarterly meeting in Hullett so there will be no servfee in the Evangelical churelt here next Sunday. -Mr. Wm. Fritz, late of Creeirtem haS relnovea to Zur ich to beaded by the Brussels band, s,rhich reside. NOW NOW STOCK, PRICES NOW. ID P&PEP. Our Paper Hanger always gives a nice clean, tidy job, and pleases every one. We are selling paper veryr:- low prices and han it for 50 per roll in town or country. If you are not a cus- tomer of ours we thilik our samples and prices will be a revelation to you. ALE ILSO OF PRIKAmys, t SEAF9RTFL FIRST DOOR NOR Thie box of Milatfords oond ler, was bro troll:ling of last register ahd its ing to, about Den. • Wit) eld),Stand ran wboat (00w). - Oat. rat bushel:- * rose per btr.he4,,,„....,.; owley per blot' 11-1ster, leDer Satter, _ Ara par deg- - per 100 ten roycl.... ..< er 100 PA- ; bag teew per buret rci roord (ihort).: r aim Buda w: -pet ark, pv .cae Home! Tone 0, NOVeria , 'some 0 her eauee ha my dullness in t ev. , Still there to driver e ami general vivera sold te day either at $165, tho - SU Anil:Val *re year ,fpurpose 'lenses, ter: lug et $60 tt3 $120, 41.75. . Dairy TonoxTo, Nov -em taloa are , increae ire semped tnalrin turning out butte etoice grades is g Steady. Creamery islide, 193 to 11 choice, I5a to 18i; ,-do. inferioggradee . rolls,. good to theme ;nu I43ro 15). C firm.. The Engh year with heavy ate d bave been buyin mantle and etecke ne‘fiizo of the.ee known, and the de Mlle consecenence is 94 Sd during the pa here Ate higher et I 3.00 for twice. 'about It3sdy, Th have e tendency i'rices are unchettg fresiegathered, 19a 17e for limed, Mori-raBAL, Nov -Ontario fell white, 1 10e to 10*e; -gash° ter -Fitton grades, - -finest, 19a to 10te'- .19e, and western da* --Priceo are firM, istock quoted at straight told-eterv while No. 2 do. or p .3.8e per dozen. Th selected egg!, which - treal limeest 20a pe Po TORONTO, NOVOM -althoueh if ehe w they Will be high° «expenee involved; thiepoiet. Oatario . ler in tone. Teey aix treek and 15e out joaa demand for ea* ere quite steady at 7 135c to 900 Ont of Potl Tonom, N-Ovemb ward ifairly freely. are unchanged. :Be at 103 do 11-o, others at 6e to 7o, turkeys t old at 100 to 11.0; du geese at rio to Sc. Oral Tonaxp, Nevemb market was very qui seeder. Ontario red at $1.03 to ; and eprieg, gee east No. 1 IlOrbbern, $I 9�c; No.3,95o,Gi more grinding in Ir 113 -quoted at $14 to $' $17.50 to $16 eats or feed unchanged it 12 $19 for bran, expott. ed 'steady at $8 P track here. Baled without feature. X are quoted unthaes ton. Ad•••-•••:. Live stog LONDON, NOVeMb4 5d; kianaabbna LrintRroor.,, No* cattle,'Sheen, TORONTO iTrNoreie market. was a ltttle: Stock Yarde this moi *till tether poor, bov imbed teak are peed et prices ranging frei the bnik goutg bet, •Meny of the.cattlei�. ahould be. Bulls 13.60. Butchers' C -cattle of better gra* ready .eale. The 13 te$4.25 ; fair to ni 1435 to $1.90*._ -UM ; rough and in Sheep sold at $3 zq iembe at $4.40. MONT-RBA, Novoti were out strong en& firm prices paid Prime beeves sold at; pretty good enimele Araratfia etook et st!, Iolath n per peep veal -calve* on the' at 2 to ge, and 1: -each. Shippineab pounds, and the eth asenha are dearer. .t 'Carloads of geed lanl were sold at Mc per! et 43 to 50 per pout about half dozen n at foam 125 to $60 e 125 to $50 exch. Bureetee-Noverat *bendy medium. 1 - steers,T5:60 tots, butchers', 1385 to 34.35-; eows.,$2.50t1 $4 • &tee -kat* and fee stook heifera $1.81 and spelogers tar choice, $42 to 454 StO 4101111330n, '$20 to at$4 50 to $7.75. err; heavy, $5.25 tie! 85.30 ; Yukon,, fp5 to 15roughs, $4. te *4; &Wet a Sheep and Lteribs AatiVei 10e to itis: $4.50 to *5; yew: *ether*, $4,2to $4. (hna IIarnb, $5 t 12 to $4,25. 'TORONTO, NOVA, MO or two stralght I Were on Eike $4.80 per e /8•59 to It per 0