HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-28, Page 6REL BSTATE FOR SATES THE GIFT OF SYMPATHY
A E.--Itare berg/eine in fame in
the Townsbloa of Mullet% Morrie, and Wawa- ,
nob,Connty of Huron. Inotaire at once. '
eliMPBELL, Blath, Ont. 177441
IA ERTY Pelt SALE. -For ealej,
in Harptithey, a comfortable brick cottage, AND CHEER TO THE SUCCESSFUL.
witatidtchen and woodelted attached. Herd and
soft writer. Also 24 are of and on 'whiohjare the
choicest verietice of all kinds ot fruit, It iti a most
desirable property for Any person wanting emu- IT IS NOT OOOD TO BE ALONE
fortalle borne. Apply on the premise% or address
heeforth P O. JOHN McDONOGH. 1917.0
ele, ok
house and 2 lots in Seatorth. One lot hove
on North Main Street aod the otlier on West Wit.
Um Street. The house is a comfortable brlok
cottage arid contains 2 bedroom, dining room, sit-
ting room and kitchen, with good caller under the
wbole Iroise. Hard and soft water in the home,
There is oleo good etable and driving hed. All
kind., of fruit on the lot, Apply to L. ALLAN,
Londesboon or to 0. W. ATKINSON, Seafortb.
-10AB.11 FOR SAM -South balf of lot 83, oonces I
Mon 15, Goderieh township. 40 store % good
clay tome, &acme fail wheat,. geed Irmo houee and i
kitchen, a good cellar, Boit and hard water, frame
barn, 2 frame etables, sheep house axle pig pens. A '
good never..fsling spring creek rune through the
fat. To be sold, as the proprietor is not able to
work it. It is a quatter of 14 mile fromt school
and two miles from Clinton. Apply to WALTON
DODSWORTH, on the premises or Clinker 1'. 0.
Christian Sympathy ae ;necessary Gospel
Attribute -Influence Rot. Good le to
Know Tbat Your Relaters Are Wrapped
Up in Your Life-aYe Are Not ludepene
dent Entities, Ilut Joined In Bead of
Vat Weed according to At of Paritamcn t of Cane'
recta, in the your 19e1. by Willie m iui1y,ot
route. awns pep% ef Ai:mem:etre. Ottawa.
LOS Angeles, Cal., Oct. r2.3. --To
give congratulation to the nuccessful
and sympathy with the sorrowing
and the. distressed is urged by the
preacher in, this sermon. The text is
Romans xii., 15, nitejoice "with theme
that do rejoice and weep with them
1 ft -4 ee et hind in tbe village of Perpetual segregation ,
optowoehip of Meltillop
on which is s gsSd separation , Seelueion, ol ary 'xiIe,
ter. ,
dwelling ttous etable and other out buil/huge.
Tbere ie a goad garden of large and mail fruit It' ere aollSideiTd by nieny of the an-,
trees. There is plenty hard and soit water. This cients atg. nocessaey acpuncts to the
attuned. Apply to the owner, Seeforeb P.0 , or to vilopment of Christian perfeetion.
Kr. John 0. Morrison, eleFallop. JARS. J -B
AMES ecause,Ohrist fasted laid prayed in
his very .(1I1•''.- property for a retired farmer or attainm nt of the hig a:st earthly du -
arty person doeirieg cornforeeble horne with land
11.---11 not sold will be rented. 131541
the wilderness for ferety long days
niany disciples of old, belifeved that to
be like Christ they must coatinnally
aril FOR SALE. -For gale, Lot 21 Oonceesion
Staugey. containing leo sere. 88 filmed, 1
acne hatelwomi bath ; it Is in a good state at tune
vitae, woe fenced and untleirdnithatt Thews are two
barna with stabling, a good driving house and other
out building% a -comfortable dwelling bottle and a
small ombard and plenty of water. It is conveni-
ently eituated, es miles front Brueeaold and Sa
from Clinton, with good roads- paishig tbe plea%
Will be sole on easy termites the proprietor wishes
to give up farming. For further pertienlerebPPIA
Ort the prenkini or Bruce -field P. O. to JOSEF
001) FARM FOE SAL1L-The farm of the late
lendrew efoLeittne in the township of ,Hitihert
being Lot 19„Conetedon 4, *entailing 100 acre%
which l reerly all awed, with no *nate land.
Tins an excellent- fanowith a never faint PPtiog
also two well% web underdrained and rich fenced,
walla bank ben% 40 x co, heyinoW 28 x 56, pig pen
henhouse, driving shed, a dwelling house, kitchen
and semi shed. It is convenient to school and
churches, vrithin 8 miles of a splendid market, 7
miles from Seadortin there le no inoumbranoe, prlve
ilege given from day ot ale to do all work, paragon
given the let of April. Yet- further tporldeutars
apply on ratifier le .to Wietaatt or ANDREW
lieLELLAN, Dublin F. O., Onterio, 199941'
EfARK FOR SAM -For sale, Lott 82, Concession
in 2, L. R. S., Tuckerstnith, containing 100 acres.
The land is ati cleared auutin &good state ot elati.
vation and well tericed and underdrained. There is
a good barn 80x56 feet with a 9 foot stone wall
tuaderneatte Two implement houses and two
inane stables. There is also a good harne house
with kitchen and woodehed. The house is heeted
by le turnace. This excellent farra is eituated on
the mill road,• one mile from Bfileeneld, where
thete is every convenience. Aka 8 miles from rime
forth. There is e ached 'house an the (tomer of the
farm. Posseadon can ,be had three Weektiafter
pincer/toe. For further particulars apply to
• - fASON, Brueetielde 1891-1!'
U -Bon Weet part of Lots 1 and 2, Comes/ft
ion 2, L. R. S., Tuekersuatio Good concrete, 11
roomed house, 40x28, vtlth kitchen, woodshed and
buggy Immo Attached. There is a new bank barn
SUN, with wing extending te the Booths 24 feet.
Also briok arched modems% 40 feet- long, under
gaegway. All buildings In good repeir. Orchard
contains two and a half acres of choice winter fruit.
There are two never failing wells, 5 acres of bush.
This farm is in a good &tate of cultivation, -wen
fenced and uncierdrained, situated 2 miles from the
villaee of alenerat. For further particulars apply
to THOMAS HERRICK, Hensall, Ontario. 189641 .
IteX sale, Lot :8 and 19, on the 13th Cenoersion
of eleKillop, containing 107a sores, of which 100.
auras eat deemed, well fenced and in a good state of
cultivation. There are re acres oelierdwood b /eh.
There le a good frame bouee and bank bare, with
enabling underneeth. There is a good well, at the
house, a spring oreek running past the barn, and a
spring on the back of the farm. There is a good
young orchard of ()beige fruit ; It is within a mile
and a (muter of the village of Leadbury, where 18
post Mike, store, bleak/atrial shop and school, and
else to 1. enureh It is * splendid farm, and will
be sold cheap and on eaey terms, as the owner is
unable to work it, and dearee to retire. Apply on
the promisee, et- address Leadbury P. O. MRS.
VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, :Lot 26, in the 181
U Canova-Ion of the townehire of hey, London
toad, and the south eat part of Lot 27, adjoining,
containing in all 12e acres, more or lees. The pro-
perly le an well fended and drained and web seeded
down with tba exoeption of about 'Le acres under
woods. There is a frame dwelling house and .bra
40x60, cow house, 'driving home, stable and large
shed over 100 feet long, Two splendid wells, good
tiew wind pumps and abundauee of water.
.here are also two good orchards mostly Northern
Spica. This One farm property is within a miles of
Hensall and the same distance from Kippen and is
on tbe London road. This land is No. J. and will be
sold cheep and on favorable terms as the pro-
prietor intendegirinfoup the farm. For particulate
Apply to GEORGE PETTY, er., Henson, or to G. J.
SUTHERLAND, Oonveyancer, Hensel'. 18894i
'MEM FOIL SALE. -Lo 11, Conceselon 6, Hub
lett, oontainiug 100 acme al land, all cleared.
and in floe condition. It is at present all seeded to
grata and in goed shape either for hay, pasture or
cropping. There is a comfortable frame house with
summer kitchen attathed, two barns, one 84 x 60
feet and tbe other 30 x 50 feet, and other out build-
ings. This farm is sttuated nine miles from Sea -
forth, seven andeone half miles from Clinton and
iurt eve , mile and a quarter from the village of
!auburn, where there are two generat stores, two
blacksmith shops, pest office and school. This farm
is web situated aucl wilt be sold cheap as the pro-
prtetor is anxious to sell. For further particulars
apply to IL ki. HAYS, Barrister, fleaforth, or on the
premises. WILLIAM LEITCH, Constance, Ont.
live in a Wilderness, Wear SackedOtia
and ashes and do' nothingbut pray
and story* and starve and pray, They
tried to walk with God, to be like
Enoch, by -refusing to Walk with their
fellow men. They tried to line with
Christ by sleeping on atone couches
and shivering in damp_ cells aid -
clothing themselves in ezarse .woole
ens, by trampling through. • snows
with naked feet and by muniblitaa
daily prayers witir sepulchral eounte-
names, While they refused to sieile
an encouragement to the little (Stiki-
nn playing in the street. to help
starry a heavy pack undet. which a
poor, tired peasant waS stangeteng on,
his way to town. Ileum the morias-
teriee and the nunneries and the
cloisters and the a bbeys and, the
priories, which are only a. few of the
many names given, to. ,the ancient
buildings within. which the monks
and nuns immured themselves for
separation from sinful men. of whom
they did .not Nt iSh to be -a pert. But
away back in the time of creation
God said, "It is not good for man to
be alone." And tehat Godspoke. to
Adam, our first anceetor, Clod in
speaking to us now;
".teiot good for man to be alone."
Yes, we know it. We know it in
spite of the fact that, the cloister
has segregated some good- men from
eontact with the busy, anxious, sin-
ful world. Thomas a Kempis was a
hermit, a reauSe. Thomas a NempiS
was a good man. Within the gloomy
walls of the Augustinian convene of
Zwolle, in the &irk releases of.
ascetic's cell, he ex rote the wonderful
pages of "De Imitatione Christi:"
But, though. his bqok is a wonderful
guide to .Christly li.te, Thonms a
Kempist cell, is a poor place in whieh
a. modern Christian . could practice
the gospel truth. Dy all colds the
best place to translate the teachings
of -Thomas a Kerning is not in an as-
cetic's cell, bid in God's sweet, pure,
golden, sunlight, among just such
rough, horny -handed men as the fish-
ermen with whom eeus Christ- asso-
ciated. Human perfection is: never
best developed in the happy valley,
where the young Prince of Abys-
sinia was secluded with his brothers
and Sisters anti 'there separated from
all the gruesome and repulsive sights
which make life sad to those el ten-
der heart, but it is best developed in.
a great, busy, smoky, rushing. crush-
ing and forgetful metropolis nee
London, in which Samuel ohnsori
starved and growled and wrote his
philosophical romance of "Itasselast"
as James Boswell recorded. "that
with the profits of, it he might de-
fray the expense of hes mother's fun-
eral and pay some little debts which
she had left."
San Marco Convent cif France is ,a
poor nursery for spiritual life. There -
Fra Angelico has drawn the • stu-
dents of :art to come and study his
figures of Christ which he painted
upon the cold walls nearly efai years
ego. But the best place to be a mod-
ern lora Angelico and to paint Christ
in the hearts of living men is to do
as Paul did on his missionary tours.
It is to do as Christ' did when talk-
ing to mere
Christian sympathy is a necessary
gospel attribute, in the first place be-
cause no human power on ceirth
does so much to .make a good man
Or even a bad man try to live better
as to know that other lives are
wrapped up in his life. "Sympe thee,"
wrote the lexicographer, 'is literally
a felloweihip with others in their vari-
ous -congitions of joy or grief.' It
is the power -which a Christian man
has of putting his hand through ano-
ther's arm and saying: "Old fellow,
you. are not alone in this world. My
interests are combined in your inter-
ests. When you are llama I am hap -
When you are sad I am sad.
When yciu live right 1 rejoice. When
you sin 1 sorrow as much as if I had
committed the sin. _Therefore., 0
friend, you must be very careful how
you live. In one sense you are' exact-
ly in the place of a locomotive engi-
neer who has a long train of coaches'
attached to his engine's tender. If
your true aitn fails, then other lives
besides your own must suffer on ac-
count of Your weaknees."'I When
Christian sympathy speaks tlkus an
average man will suddenly atop and
say 'to himself: aWhar! :Does any one
tare for inc'? is my life an import-
ant factor in other lives? if ehis be
triie, I must bel careful wSere my feet
go, how 1 laugli, how I cry and what
MIAMI FOR SALE. -For eale in the, townshlp of
Tuckeremith. Lot 1, Concession te, containing
100 acres, neatly all cleared and in a good state, of
cultivation, nowiy.underdratned, well fenced, two
good welts. There re on the pleee a good comfortable
tome ham, large uevebank barn with briok base-
ment, driving house, hog pen and large hen home,
about an aere of young ore.hard just beginning to
bear, The farm is nearly all seeded to grass, and is
in excellent condition for either grain growinglor
stock raising. This excellorn farm is well situated,
being two mites from a eohool, pest office, store and
blacksmith shop, and six miles frem Seaforth.
Good made in all directions. Buyers , should come
and. see the WM. while the crop is are Poneselon
can, be given' after harvest. Apply orr the preraises
or addreea &Mottle poet office. SAMUEL OLUFF.
half of lot 29, coeeession 8, Moladlop with ex-
cellent buildings, situated 6 miles front the town of
Sestorth, a half mile from &loot, one mile from.
church, poet office, stores, blacksmith shop, mills,
tile and brickyard There is a good frame house
and kitchen with cellar, frame barn 70 x 68 with
stone staging, also eoed wells, fenced and
drained. Tliere le a" nice young busti. This farm
Lein excellent condition, 30 acres seeded down.
Oecbard of choicer young fruit trees. This's apices -
ant and conveniently eltuated lartn, bleak °ley loam
suitable for either grain or stock raising. Terme
effy, made to suit purchaser. Abe three choice
b&Idltet lots 14, 17 and 18, Coleman suavey, town of
Seaforth, with a new briek stable ere eed thereon.
Apply on the promisee or address UNOAN Me-
CALLUM, Seatorth P. O. 191141
If You Want to
Buy a Farm
BueiLess or gesidenee, consult us or
our agents before making el, selection.
We have a large het of properties, many
of them era extra good viSlue ea the
price. asked. We ma save you time,
money:and worry if you wi I allOW U6
to waist you in making selection.
Let us know your wants, lor get our
candoeue-it costs you not4ing.
London, Canada,
R. S. HAYS, Agent, Seaforth
B. S. PHILLIPS Agent Hensall.
law or reasoning ene more uriw 4,14A4•Y
to run. into spiritual 'dafigers and
temptations if he re.alizes that the
joys of others, in a spiritual sense,
are wrapped up in hi8. own joys and
that sorrows in other lives will be
ceased by his sins? In the crisis of
life, when success is Won by the man
who casts everything into the scale,
the married. man ;iesitates because he
Is afraid to risk the future of his
wife and children. But he overlooked
the fact that his love for his family
will keep him from running foalish
risks. So when. a man enlarges his
circle arid makeS the welfare of oth-
ers his concern he has an inspiration
to a better, truer, nobler life. He
shrinks from wrong -doing because be
Salons tbat will injure others by
his example. The ascety has only
himself to consider, but the man who
has entered into. other men's joys
and soreows knows that his fall ot
his good life may erica the lives of
ot heis, ‘•
But how is Christian syttipathy to
instant Dread
of Paralysis
UM &MI got El istvalto—Deatoni
*mid nervous exhaustion-.
ilteme,rkable woe by Dr.
Chase's Nerve Foods
News Notes,
City Clerk Edwards, of London
s been appointed inspeotor of !
Visite sehools in that eity„to sue -
aced the late W, J.0Carsoo.
aided to make a rate of single fare
-The railway corapanies have del
tor the tound trip between e.,11 points
! Ontario and Quebec, good from;
November god to November 4th. In I
Is ol I
ordei to accommodate t e usualv
!Mitts ; I do not hesitate to retemmend rhe tem ' I
MAL CHASt S. CRAVEN, Noah Gower, Conis oenn et election tatenei.
e 'barns an their contents, in -
Chase's Nerve Food and would not begrudgs eluding Ole suatimer'a harvest and '
fifty dollars for the good it has done tee.
For six years e eueesee three 'horses, owned, by M.r.' F. H.
with severe tains ha soy ItLenzle, near Niagara Fall% were -
right shoulder and numb- totally destroyed by fire at midnight
ness in rny left ma. No last Tuesday night. Loss ,$3,500, par-
totXue te4 tlatsii$4* tially insueed. Tie' eauseeof the fire '
ered. The doctors d
trouble was frost the notelet
is aupposed to be the work of tramps. ;
Mr: and Mrs. de,oseph King of
but their medicines -
of no avails() te Yarmouth, 'Elgin eminty, Were driv- I
give Dr. Chase's Nerve leg eteddelan 'We M. C. R. traoks at St.
Food a trial, After tool Townes a few iiights, Digo, when the ;
six boxes at esedieine horse terightena. at an appreaehing
ply health Wes se redly express train, turnea and ran down
improved that I got mote the traok ahead .of the train. Both
1111U OUTIN aro I used in an Ursa were ;thrown out. Mr, King escaped
enter truly into the existeice •of an -
sight bons with the result that I ma coot injury, but Mrs. King had a leg
other's life? First, my tesrt says, gored. 1 deist* feel that I cart use strong erten
"Itejoice with them that do re- words inredosimending this medicine to all who br'"'ken*
joice." Do you know what, t lea
means? Why; the interpretation in
simple enough to undeestand. It
means when you see an old school
friend getting. ahead in lifin when.
you see a brother succeeding at the
law or' in. medieine or in the pulpit
when you see a sister living in a,
finer house than yours or driving in
a carriage while you walk, or when
you Iteow that your brother-in-law,
is able to take his family and child-
ren to the country to get 'back the
flush of health to their. pale cheeks,
' while you cannot afford to go, that
you must not be jealous of their
successes. li you are a minister and
you hear of another church holding
a great revival and gathering in
,. -Christopher Johnston, of the 2nd
suffer as 1 die."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 50 mew a hove To eenctession of Roxborougge, county of
peoteet yellowtail, ireitetions the portrait oat Glengarry, has passed away, in ais
signature at De A, 'W. Chess, ths famous 102nd. year: • He was a native of•Seot-
receipt book seher. In OU avow boot al his land, but came to Canada in Ilia. 1
ambedias. youth. He was active and. physioally
eetemeelesasessossi"essrsee-sr"----' ess-ess- strong till a year,or I,sp ago, aild was
mesa test 1 vl, am at" put.. Your $a' 111" about the house till the day of his
pathy to the -same kind of a test, death;
You say as . a Chi I st inn man, "ily - '. xime Greenwood, of WolfseIs-
the grace oil God I Will always help land, erear Kingston, died last ;week.
those who need help," Well, here is About al, m,onth ago, while on a visit
-a convict just liberated front jail. to Watertown, N. Y., the ,was thrown
World He will do any honest work from a buggy, the 'horse of which
that he can get, but the trouble is was frightened by an autothobile.
he cannot get any work to do. All The injuries he received calmed his
earth and hell seem ti) be arrayed death, Deceased wee about ninety
against him living an honeet life. Years Pt al34.
Every. door of buainess is shoe -The !late troapuer of the town -
new .converts by the scores, you ate ! against him( Too few places for
to go to the minister of that church ! honest. men, For hite'no ratite no
with a warm, loving gospel hand- I room. The °thee day he applied for
shake and say: "Brother, 1 eon- ! work as a coal heaver. When about
gratulate you! We are praying for 1 to be employed a rough workman
you and the great good you are do- i stepped forward and said to the
ing. May God bless your new mein- i ()weer of the yard: "Mister, 1 would
.hers and make them mighty agents I not hire that man i f I were you,
for Christi" It means that if you are , He has just finished a mentence in
a, candidate for some office and ano- ! the penitentiary." With the t ' the
of i employer turned and said: "Out of
ther es elected to the presideno
this yard, you scoendrell My Oleo
that society in your stead then you ;
are to pitch in and work just as hard . is no reformatory!" Trying to be
honest, who will Wve him a chance?
for' the successful ootcome of your ,
successful rival's administration as . PreitY God he May not give up, Toe
you would have worked for your ;
, Morrow you may see him. NVIiat,
own, and, furthermore, not only work. then, will your sympathy be worth/
just as hard7-for the new man, but be 1 Horc is it
poor, weak Sewing girl
7°11 1 struggling on to make an honest
just as happy in his successes as
would have been in your own . suc- living and to live right. But, try
cesses, 1 ' t - . as hard as she will, in her weakened
"Oh," 13043 ;some one, svith a quick physical condition she can make but
gasp, -I'diti not know this text
$3-a week, and that is just 50 Cents
meant as , Mach i as that. That Is less than she can line upon. Oh,
pretty bitter medichut for an average whilt. an awful life! No sounds are
'disciple to nwalldvi," Yes, my friend, heard in that room save the con -
you are right. It is not nataral for tinual scratchings of her needle, the
a sinful man to "reJoice with those sighs of a crushed heart or the low,
that do rejoice." But the gospel of hectic cough of a diseased lung.
•Tesus Christ can make what- is un- Sewing for others while she has
natural for sinful man natural for a hardly a ra,g of her own. All well
redeemed man, "The hardest act of. enough for you to talk about the
life is to get- any man to be willing holieees of virtiee. You have your
to completely sink his individuality - three good meals a day. 13ut to -mor-
in a cause," once wrote 9eneral row, when you ask her to make yOU a
Samuel Armstrong, the founder and new dress or you see bee going down
the street in her faded sha.wl what
will your Sympathy be worth? ‘
Here is a street urchin, just as
ship of Shumiah, Thunder Bay Dis-
trict, bai been reported by the Pro-
vincial auditor short in his accounts,
land. another has been appointed..The
deficit is about six bundred dollars.
The 'deceased treasurer of Caledon
township has also been reported as
'short about four thousand dollars.
--While Wm. Campbell, second son
of Archibald Campbell, of the town-
ship of Dun-yr/job, was drawing wood
Lo Dutton and was descending a
Short but steep hill, the front
stakes :gave way, letting the ,Iotsd
Slide 'forward, earring' hira 'with 'it.
The thoses ran .away: The bog sell
under the wagon, a front wheel pas-
sed. diagonally over .his chest. He
exPired fin 'about half an hour.
-A letter has been received at the
G-eologieal Survey, et Ottawa, from
Baron Max Fuerstenburg,of the ,,Ger-
man Government Department of
Forestry, saying that great seeress
has been obtained in groliiag seeds
of Canadiart pine and other oonifers.
More seeds are to be secured to re-
stock the forest n of Germany.
-The coke blast :furnace at the
sEee1 plant at Sault! Ste. Marie, hest
cOMMenoed ;work, is running satis-
faetorily and the first cast pf iron
was draovn off a ew days ago. The
,eleotrie ;switch. starting the furnace
was turned by Miss Lewis, daughter
of Mr. D. D. Lewis, Superintendent
of the steeleilant. The ehareoe.1 fur-
nace will be started shortly. The
two twill employ about NO men.
` -At ithe regular meeting of the
Exeoutive of the North York Reform
Association, held. at Newmarlret on
Tuesday of last week, Hon. E, J.
Davis, Commissioner of Crown Lands,
announced that at the close of the
present Parliaraentary term' he in-
tended 'to retire from politics. How-
ever, he made it plain that in the,
event of bye-eleetioos being held, as
seemed rho be foreshadowed in the
Premier's weeent address, he pro-
posed to take his custoniary active
part io, the campaign. In, making
this known to the members of the
Executive, Mr. Davis said he felt
they 'should know at the earliest op-
p,ortunity evthat he intended to do, so
that they w.ould h,ave time in which
to select a successor.
first eiyincipal of the Hampton Insti-
tute. 'It is comparati-vely easy to
get rich men to endow a scholarship
or to erect a building or to do this good a, boy as yours, and if he had
or that for which their names will any chance he would make just as
lie known far and wide, yet it is ; good a man, But what chance has
niost impossible. to get any man to
ed. was a Curse. NO mother save a
he? The kindest word he ever, receiv-
give this money to help out the ordi-
drunkard; no father save a felon; no
nary running expenses Of a college,
which have to be met and must be school save sin; no literature save an
met right away." Difficult, is it, to obscene pictorial. Where did he spend
rejoice with a man when. he yreesj o,ibeuets
er, the ticket bought by pitching pen-
! last night? In a low Bowery theat-
and to help on his success?
belieie the grace of the Lord Jesus nies. Oh, my' friends, Christ came
Christ is ee-en .able to accomplish into the world to "weep with those
that. 'wonder, and it can accomplish that weep." He came to save the
it, 0 man, io your heart,. so that
lost sheep, not those safe within' the
fold. Be ye like Christ. -„Go out in -
you can -go to your successful broth -
to the highways and the hedges and
er and say:- "Brother, give me thy
hand. I rejoice with you. in your compel them to come In. Fine
success. How can I help that success churches will not do it. Missionary
subscriptions Will not do it. But by
to become greater?"
If "a brother -needs your help in ot,he help of the Holy Spirit Christian
tinse of suCceSS, does he not also men and women can do it, who in a
plain , practical way will share the
eyed you all the more "to weep with
him when he weeps?" iDoes he not joes and the sufTerings of others and
need you to come to his *empathetic tlitgeber, by the help of God, bring
thbse sinners back with them. to the
aid' when all the world seems black
and When it truly seem, on account Master's feet..
There is no picture on earth more
of his Wrongdoing.s, that he can nev-
beautiful than that of a Christian,
et. become a noble man again? Does
he not need your help when, flound- by the -Hole" Spirit inspired love of
crink in the quicksands of sin, he caristian sympathy, trying to bring
seems to be deserted by God and ', lost souls to Jesus Christ. There is
a beautiful legend. told of Zacchaeus
Man alike and to be only the sport
and plaything ,of devils? And does when he had become old and feeble.
he not also teed your help when, in He still lived in the Outskirts of
, Jericho. Every morning he would go
the awful. hours of black temptation
he is about to yield as well as in off alone Mr a walk and remain
the black hours of remose after he away two or three hours and then
has done :wrong? would come back smiling and happy.
11 St man who has done wrong or He would never tell any one where
is about to do wrong needs your he went.' But one morning his wife
help, how much more does a woman followed him. Then she. saw her old
in her hours of trial? I always had husband go to the old sycamore tree
a great. deal of sympathy for the made memorable by his hiatory. He
prayer of that woman who said, "0 kissed it. He caressed it. He wat-
God, keep me from going over the ered it. He plucked up the weeds
.precipiee of sin, foe if my feet ever about it. When his evife asked him
leave the path of virtue even thou why he was doing this the old man
canst not bring me back to the answerede "Why, do you not know,
straight path again."' And yet how my dear? This is where I first saw
many woinen there are to -day being. Him. This is where He called to me,
torn and lacerated by, the thickets "Zacchaeus, .,make haste and come
of sin who could be brought back to down!' "
live honest, pure, r ue, respectable Ah, that is a beautiful legend. But
lives if only the Christian 'Men and it is not to me the most bea,utiful •
the women in the name of Christ story I have heard about Zacchaeus.
would go' forth to bring them back! The most beautiful fact I know about
The beginning of mei text opens amid the publican is not that he caressed
the shouts and gay !laughter of the and kissed a tree, but that after his
meiryinakers, It cloSes with the sobs conversion he -was ready to do any -
Rod mbans and the groans of break- thing and everythieg to serve Christ
ing hearts.' Brother, sister, will you among sinful men. , 'When Zacehaeus
to -day in the name of Christ "weep said, "Beholde Lord, the half of my
with' thase that weep'?" Will you goods I give to the poor,' I •know
stretch forth the broad, strong, lov- that Zacchiteus at once went forth to
ina hand of rescue and say, "Broth- "weep with those (hat weep!'
er, sieter, in the name of Jesus know that at once he had an WI -
°Christ, give inc thy hand, and I will quenchable desire burning' Within. him
help thee. up to God, up to a heaven- to bring all .classes to the feet of
ly and an earthly rescuer' Will yeti him whom. he called Saviour.
do this for Christ.? Will you "weep
with those that weep" and help oth-
do. My life is not an independent 1 ers, no matter how ,far astray their
entity. My spilled blood will stain 1 sinful feet may go or are about eto
other garmentsbesides my own. My go?
heart heats must find t heir pulse:- "Yes," answers some one, "from
tions in many breesta instead of in this day I promise to help all those
only one breast. Therefore 1 shall be- in. distress that I cam". "S."ou do?
V ere how T ruin tether lives as well Well, then, let me put that resolvate
as my own." a practical test. At a large religious
"What kind .of soldieta are the gathering in the, east where a collec-
most reekleSSr -Was one day asked- tion Was aboutto be talan up for
Lord Kitchener, the 'British ganeral famine. stricken Ireland thatbig
of the Boer war. Without any hesi- hearted .phitanthropist - William la
trait= be answered: "Bachelor soli Dodge arose and said: "Gentlenlen,
diers. Not that they are at :heart we have been hearing sount. wonder -
braver, but when a man imp a wife ful speeches about this famine.: Some
and children dependent upon. -him for of us have been crying,- some pray -
daily bread he guards his life more ing, Now 1 want to put your gos-
carefully on their to:count and does
not gun into any useless dangers." -sympathy to a practical test. What Ireland needs is breed, bread,
InY friends, when. a true :father
is careful not to run into olysical bread, bread, bread! In Order to
dangers, fearing he ma,y deprive hie buy that bread • my sympathy is
wife and children of ily , worth juat $500. What is your
bread, is not a mesa by their
the e.e.me sYmpatlays worth?" - As William
Dodge Put his sympathy to a prac-
Guessing at the heat of au pven spOzt
more food than inexperien0d cooks.
Dainty pastry and delicatecakes are
ruined if the oven is too hot or not
hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford
does away with all gaessveork. The least experienced can ten
certainty when the oven is seedy for baking or roas
Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the
Imperial Oxford
Most cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you donstknow
your oven. With/the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat
of tIle oven is evenly distributed and its exact
Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or bett
till will you can at one of our agencies and see
the stove itself?
The Gurney
Foundry to.
Toronto, Caned&
24;cantrea1, Winnipeg
-John Sewell, .of Chatham., aged
68seeers, fell dead sudde.aly. Ile had
been spending the afternoon with
his sons, who are 'engaged metal ging
a drain on the 8t11 ooncessioa of
Raleigh, a few miles from., the eity,
and about 4 &clock complained of
feeling ianevell. His grandson got his
rig weedy and drove him ,towai Is
home. When abut a half mi1a
the way the old gentleman sudder
fell iforsvard out of the buggy. e.
b,oy tried. to rouse his grandfatir r,
but failing, he ha:stoned to get his
father, who found tim dead. About
five weeks ago while working on a
bare, Mr. Sewell fell 18 feet. It was
thought at the time he was not hurt'
seriously, but it is likely lie was and.
his death may possibly be attributed
to injuries received at that time.
-The Coroner's jury seleeted to
enquire into the causes for the re-
cent deaths from suffocation by gas
in the Sarnia tunnel returned the
following inerdiot which is based on
the evidence taken et the inquest:
"We find that Daniel Gillies came.
' to his death by suffocation in the
St. Clair Tunnel, while in the
aharge of his duty as ibra:kesman for
the St. Clair Tunnel Company. We
are a the opinion that if the St.
Clair Tunnel Company had. better
equipnaent for ventilation it would
in a measure he.ye prevented, the ac-
eidents svh?6h have occurred sinee
the opening of the tunnel for traffic,
and we Strongly urge Met the Rail-
way- Commission appointed. by Gov-
ernment investigate what means the
tunnel compdety should adopt to
prevent the loss of life in. future"
A railway official stated in exaaversa-
tion, after the verdict that a repre-
sentative of the Railway Commission
will visit Sarnia this ;week prelimin-
ary to an investigation of the -whole
-Peter Stewart, 'Reform stand-
ard kleetrer for West Elgin, in the
owning reontest, was born in .the
county of Perth, in the :township of
.North Easthope, he ,ar 1852
.E'eryH Clothier does no sell
"Progress" Clothin
Only the best clothiers in Canada can sell
Canada's best ;-1-(Ttiling. It appeals only to people
ofitaste and refinement It is sold only by retailers
who cater- to that'
best trade—and who are in
position, financially, to control the best.
Find the best clothier in your city,
aid you'll find 4' Progress " Brand
Sold by 4.,eacling Clothiers
throughout Canada.
seri Dizzy Spells,
et,tsf La. C.rrippe
1 Debiliq argf
en -down systo
oe Co. vet' be
O-11 &toggle -As
MET'S, a,
array aelleas•
nate. Vete
dance on
&sent* ealee,,11
R. I
lidtor, Comte
oraossne, *nem
'mot, and
antr/ rennimereit
. 00os
Progress Brand Clothing may be had from Greiz it Stewart
oultrY ALIVE
We pay for chickens 5io per pound and 4o for
hens. We also want a oar of dried apples.
Ilold your turkeyswe Will bUy them ]att
Poultrx taken every Wednesday, Commencing We
nesday, Ootoler 6th1 Must be in before noon.
G- SeafOrt
T ,
Has removed from 418
lot new officers, 435 Toon
Shorthand, like all other inventions and discoveries,
is continually improving. •
The latest, fastest to write end -most easily transcribed
system is the Gregg—over 400 lePding business schools
have adopted this syste.m and discarded the older oiler,.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
teaches Gi-egg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. And
every other department is up to the same high standard
cd efficiency.
Students may enter any time during term. Booklet free.
'Phone 78
Graduate or Uulty
tine, raembe
ZeODO of Ontario ;
Ctinical Sabot,Otdesg-
LondencEogland ;
:ttoadon. England. 0
store, Mans Oka* ff
vales answered from
Office and Reaide
Methodist elturch.
Croner for the ;aunty
at *rim
S. 0. SCOTT, aflame
member Ontario
Selgenne. Come
stAaslit„ mees g
need ereetiallet IVA
0460 a :mow
DR- M.
'Sorgeen end Pley0c1
Xidwifery Cameo,
• dlseasee of winnen
Member of <interior.*
Residence and calee
verde boteL non
J. W. Westervelt, Principal TAXA.Buiidtng1 London.
e4dy for
, ,.
Ohmy frienov
ds, inotll you and M • We have got nicely settled in our new pre
Ile is a son. of x. -tye.
eter Stewart
have this holy desireP
burning within now living with his 'daughter, ,
Will we not live to bring the MoTavish, in South testi:tope. . Mr. in the Strong Block and are in a better po
bappy and the troubled alike to Dunean Stewart, of Stratford, is his than ever to cater to the wants of our
A .Renntrhable -Phenomenon.
uncle. He was born and. raised pn
it farm, and was a tiller of the soil
when he, deoided to try this hand at
A ettriouse phm
enoenon has been railroading, and. enteaed the service The
noticed in the tropes that CAM LleV- •of the old Canada Southern some
er be seen at highsw latitudes. A twenty-one -years ago .and remained
Mining shaft at S(nubrerete, Mexico, 1 with thaat eompany two or three
is alitioFit exactly on the tropic of years. After leaving for Canada
ho t
u e
Cancer, and at noon on June 21, the
sun shines to the bottom, lighting up Credit galley, which
the wail for a vertical depth of .1,-
abserbed. 'by the C.
100 feet or more
seen promoted to t
'oonductor, and has a
I f
Daily Paper Owned by a city. position or many y
' and favorably known
The "Dresciener Anzeiger" is per- . and to the g,eereree
haps the ol'ily daily newspaper which been. running for som
is owned and published by a city. It st, int.asseas and we
was bequeathed to the cite' of Dres- Ingersoll bleench of
den by its former proprietor upon 'the . 1
condition that all profits should be Miller's Grip Pow
spent upon the public parks. 1
i Alex. Wilson, Dru
work on the
as afterwards
R. He was
e position of
ly filled the
rs. He is well
to travellers
oublic, and has
years betw-een
&took, on the
he C. P. R.
rs Cure.,
gist, Seatorth.
- customers.
Atrotkareire for
rite Being
ensdatettanding • the
*aim*. Awes int In
ankle, *arm
▪ 120 Toy. Ali Ord
at Lot 23, Con
Cold .Weather
Is approaching and, we are pleased to be able
say that we have for your inspection all the last
things in Fall Suitings and Overcoats, Hats tU
Underwear. You will be needing a heavier
and a new overcoat and. now is thi3 time to I
your order, Drop in and make a selection
the goods are fresh.'