HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-28, Page 5Shoes or
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OBER 28, 19048
„„The twenty-first annual meet-
- the Stratford Presbyterial
en's 'Foreign Missionary SooieLy
held in Stratford. on Tuesday
edneday of last week. The re -
slowed the past year to have
he best in the history of the
—. Miss Nathan, loattensed
Secretary a the society, re-
d the membership to be 85 and
utions $64.45. Miss Gibt, the
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,000,000
HON. GEO. A, COX, President.
. E. WALKER,- General Managero ALEX. LAIRD, At. Getel hisinager,
• • -
reported the total a-
., received from. auxiliaries,
.82; from 3nission bands. $267.50
ted, $21.28; total, $1,632.12, a
loge increase over last year.
alobert Wood died at his
- Tesidente, Blanshard, on Fri-
aao'rnings Ootober 1.4t1a, in his
ele veer, The deceased was a knot-
' of the late Thomas Wood. of
Ain, who mot a tragic death on
kig at, Marys Road last week. Kr.
d Was it native of Northumber-
county,. England, and octane to
'a -when a child. His father,
ate George Wood, a Downie,
orre of the pioneers of this dis-
til t. tuaving settled orn the Avon,
4w miles from Stratford, in 1834.
/wife, whose maiden name wres
ia 011owen, died several year
Ile le.a.ves a family of two sons
two tlaughters.
Swenonvor, October 27,1904
wilentOral,Standrerde..... 100 to 1 08
wheat (new) 00 to 1 08
per buiebel
-per hrtabol
iper bushel- _
' 1,loose
pet 110Z...6
oil 4,4 esir
ma. .41. ow. Ore 10-•
"Or 1016' ELOV. 0.4414 !fa OM !M. WOO 444 1•44
oro, •bir over, 41110 we. siare arm 0.•
bac Inew).-
barrel-. -..„ .
4,ra* anag)_
olpereord (shari),.
Theothr Seed- -
0 82 t-0 08
0-60 to- 0 eh
O 40 to 0 4O
01S in 0.14
0 14 to 0 IA
0 17 to 0j
2 60 to 8 00
6 eft to 760
6 00 to 6 86
0 30 to 028
O 21. to 07
0 0$� 0 56
1 26 to 101
5 00 to 0 20-
3 00 to 30
O gg to 004
7 56
6 00 to
1 26 to
416 to 25
7 60 to e 8 20
Dairy Markets'.
Toeteenso, 0 staber 25. -Butter-Tho ma
ket le fairly steedy, with a good denten
fer choice dairy rolls. The receipts of
poor crudity butter are still large. Cream -
sr" prints 190 to %ha ; da„ solids, 190 ; '
dairy tub, good to choice, 14e to 15e, d .
inferior gredee, 10e ta 1.3e ; dairy lb. roil ,
good eholce, 16c :to 170; do, median ,
aae to 15o. Cheese -The market has la
tone. Quotatiens are unchanged at
09fr large, and 103 fcr twins. Egge-1--
iie market is eteadv to firm. The de-
r new laid is salve and receipts
' t. Quotations are aaah'eraged at 190
ONTRRAL, (Weber Cheese - Ou-
r'e thite, 9,; zolored, 9c; Quebec,
freto gla Batter -Finest grades, 191te
erdlairr &eine 18-o to 19e, arid western
datry,153 to Thic. Eggs—Select now 'Rill,
24es straight gathered, candled, 203 ; Nb.
2,13oto 14c. ,.
—67 -4. ----ram, etc.
TORONTO, 03tober 25-Wbeat-4vIar1let
inn and higher in sympethy with outside
tiutrkete. Further melee of Manitoba wheat
Minneapolis millers are reported, On -
hr red and white outside are quoted ,at
1.014e to 81 02e; No. 2 goose. nominal
tit 863 to '87o ; No. 2 spring, 970 east.
Priem for Mani1ob ret -NI. 1 northerr,
V&A to $1.0 -lite . No. 2, $1.01 to $1 ;
No. 3, 98-1 to 981-e, Georgian Bey porta;
fa more grinding in traostre Milifeeci-
Branis quoted at 814 to $14. 50 in bulk,
and aborts $17 50 eat or wear. Manitoba
&PIMA unchanged at $20 to $21 for hurts
au& $19 for bran, sacks included, Toronto
freights. Baled Hav-Is fairly steady,
and quoted unchanged at $8 per ton for
tar iota oa track here. Baled Strew -
There is plenty corning forvrarti. and the
market is quoted uochanged at $5 75 to $6
per ton for oar lots on tre.ok here.
TORONTO, Oatober 25. - Potatoes are
aborn v steady. Ontario stook continues
stow of sale and unchanged at 60o to 653
on track, and 753 out if store. Eastern
dock is in good demand, and unchanged
tit.701te 75e on track, and 853 to 900 out
Horse Market.
TORONTO, Ootober 26 -The horse rnaalket
!tem.& little more aotive than it was last
week, rept rt Barns and Sheppard, of the
Repository. Areeut 100 head were on sale
to -day, Aincng these were a -lot of sound
hones weighing 1 200 to 1.300 panda, used
by the Toronto ice companies during no
Miner. These eold. at 8100 to $167.50
each. • A lob of fine horses for the lumber
canape. weighing 1,400 to 1,600 poundavold
at $165 to $225. Some aeoond-hand, eer-
nireably Bound horses fetched $75 to $150.
Live Stook Markets.
Leteron, Ootober 25 h -American cattle
ea; Canadian cattle,54.ti to 61; sheep,
d to
IvsarooL, 0 ,tober 25. — 03nsdie.n
*Attlee 5Led ; eheep, 5.d ; Rauch cattle,
TouoieTo Juneanns, October 25h,—
the Union titock Yards were gutted
lth inferior cattle, and a dull market was
the result. The rcoeipas amounted to 88
eats, which eontadned 1,898 cattle and 8
slaves. At a very late hoar this afternoon
there were several loads umiak). 2rices
paid were low on account of the poor qual-
ity, but good cattle held up their prices
fairly well. Exporters' Cattle. -Export -
era cattle sold at priees ranging between $4
aufl$4 65, with a few somewhat higher
This hulk, however. se Id between $4 30 and
UM- Butohers' Cattle. - The beat
butcher,' male brought from $4.25 to
$4.35.; fair to ansclium. from $3.85 to
64.15; OOrrorion from 83.65 to $3.0; rough
fend inferior, 82.50 to $3 40.
tioNearee, (Matter 23 -There was only
rthir general demand at the East End
Abatoir this morning, and in mo0V in-
stances etock was held over in the perm in
the hope of obtaining .a better price on.
Wednesday. There was a oonaiderable
falling off in the demand for choice cattle
4e per pound and fair oattle were only
II.OW at 4o. Cotnmon cattle also were
110w eit 2.1ic per lb, and canners lc to lie as
e sold
k, and
d the
onteide price. The irquiry for
Wm not nearly so good, but a few we
Ube. The demand for export ahee
teed in propertion with the Other sto
WM only fair at 3,1:3 to 30 per lb.
Vas nob a very good demand for o
Wailers' sheep at from 3c, to 3o,s
a'aly relief in the market was the d
'GI' iambs. which was good at 3i.c to 4 per
lieunti. Select hogs were in fataly god de -
Eland at 51c, and heavy at 5c.
BUFFALO-, Ootober 25bh,-Cattle,-4Good,
dandy to strong ; common, 10e to reo low-
; prime ateers, $5.50 to 85.75; few
--46?.10; shipping, 84.75 t) $5 25; butohers'
irkAl° to $4.75 • heifers, $2.75 to 84.25 ;
"wat $2 50 to 00; bulls'$2 pL
25 to oo;
deicers/and feeclera $2 25 to $3.60 ; etock-
440re:8'2.00 to $2.50; fresh &very) and
egers, ateady ; good to choice, jl2e to
; medium to good, 32o to 40o ; c ennou
to 825. Veals-Active, $4,50 to 7.75;
!few, $8. Hogs, -Receipt' fairly otive,
40e to 20o h,gher '; heavy, $5.70 to
Vorkore, $5.50 to $5 70 ; Oig°,
25 to
40; roughs, $4,60 to $5.00; sta1gr, $4
Parnierse and Graziers' Banking.
Every facility afforded farmera and graziers for their banking bueiness. Notes die
°wanted- Sale Notes cashed, or taken for collection.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and intereat allowed at current rates.. Interest
added to the deposit twice in each year, at the end of Misy and November,
The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the wivhdrawal
of theeeivhole or any portion of the deposit.
Deposits may be' made or withdrawn by mail. Oueof.town accounts receive every
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
to $4.50; dairies and grassers, $5.40 to
85.60, Sheep and;ambitl--aotive. native
lembs, 4450 to $6 00; a feW, $6.10 ; Can-
ada lambs, 4500 to $6 00; yearling% $4 50
to $4 75 ; wethere, $4.26 . to 44.50; ewes,
43.75 to 44.00; sheep, mixed, $2.00 to
e °ROST°, October 26-Catt1e-Epnrtere
There were no loads of exporters offered.
A few picked steers and an Odd oow, se-
lected from amongst the loads of butohers'
cattle, with a few export bulls, were nffer.
ed. Export °owe were sold at $3 25. to
$3 50, and export butler at $3.50 to $4 per
owt. Butchers1-Thealoulk of the butchers'
cattle offered were of the common to med-
ium (dames, but there were a few picked
iota of heifere of good to choice quality,
whieh sold at lower privet! than at any
other time this season. Picked lots of
choice heifers sold ab 41,25 to 44.35; loads
of good $3.85 to 44.15; fair to good, $3 60
to $3.80; cows, 4250 to $3.25 per cwt.
Feeders, -Short keep feeders, 1,200 lbs.
eaoh, eold at $4. pet owt ; feeders, 900 to
1.050 lies each, sold all the wily from $3 to
83 60 per cwt.; distillery bulls sold from
$2.40 to $2.75 and $2,85 per cwt.; °antler's'
bulle sold at $1.50 to $1.75. per hundred
pounds. Stocker4-Stoekers, 450 to 700
lbs. eeoh, hold at $2 25 to $2.75 per cwt.
Milela Cows -About 25 althea cows and
springers void all the way from 430 to 860
each. The demand for choice quality cows
is good. Veal Celves - Prices for veal
calves remain fairly steady at $3 50 to $5.25
per cwt. Sheep .Land Lambe --The run of
aheep andiambs was not large and prices
remained fairly steady. ixport. ewes,
,.$3.40 to $3.50 ; buoke. $2 50 to $2 75; cull
sheep, $2,50 to 83.50 each. Hogs -The
run of hogs, was not large, about 500, which
sidd at $5 psr cwt., for selects and 44.75
for lights and fats, as reported in The
World on Saturday last.
On Tuesday,'Novernber late at 2 o'clock
p.m., at Ketterson Park, Mitchell, Cattle
and Horses. Wm. Rogere, proprietor ;
J. ;ranee, auctioneer.
On Wednesday, November 2nd, at one
o'clock sharp, on Lot 9, Concession 3, Hul-
lett, Farm Stook, &e. Henry Cooper, pro-
prietor • T. Brown, auctioneer.
On ikednesday, November 2ad, at 1
o'clock p. m., on Lot Conoesnion 10,
Tucketsmith, Horses' and Cattle. Wm.
Kinsman, Proprietor; James Jones, Auo.
On Saturday, November 5th, at 1 o'clock
p.m., at Dick's Stock Yarcle, Seaforth,
Stook Steers and Heifers, and Choice cows.
P. A. O'Sullivan, proprietor; T. Brown,
On -Monday, November 7th, at 1 o'clock
p. m. Lot 22, Concession 4, Tooker -
smith, Farm Stook and Ienplements. Henry
Little, proprietor; Thomas rerowu, auc-
On Tuesday; November 8th. at 1 o'clock
p. m., at J. Ward's farm, Varna, Farm
Stook and Implements. J. Ward, proprie-
tor ; Thomas Brom); auotioneer.
On Wednesday, November fith, at 12
o'cilook sharp, on Lot 6, Concession 4, Stan-
ley, Farm Stook and Implemental. Alex.
McBeath, proprietor; T. Brewn auotioneer.
On Thursday, November 10th, on Lot 17,
Concession 5, Hay, one mile 'oath' of Zurich
road, Farm Stook. John Mousse), proprie-
tor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer.
On Friday, November llth, at 11 o'clook
ann., on Lot,32, Cooceseion 2, L. R. S.,
Tuokeramith, Mill Road, 11 miles east of
Brucefield. Farm, Farm -Stook and Imple-
ments. Charles Mason, proprietor ; T.
Brown, auctioneer.
On Tuesday, November 15th, at 1 o'olook
pare, on Lot 1, Conceseion 5, ivIcKillop,
miles ncrth of Dublin, Farm, Perm Stook
and Implements. Mrs. Michael Dunn, ad-
mjnistrataix ; T. Brown, auctioneer.
KENBEDY-Io Tuokeramith, on Ootober 26th, to
Kr and Mrs Alex Kennedy, a daughter
LOVE -In Stephen, on Ootobor 32tb, to Mr and
Mrs John Love, a son.
MoKEEVOR-In Steoben, South Boundary, on Oca
tober 16th, to Mr add Mrs Joseph McKeever, a
BABB-In Goderloh, on October 18th, to. Mr and
Alm Wm 11 Babb, a son
ROBINSON-In Goderich, on October 166, to Mr
and Mrs Alex Robinson,
a eon
SIMMONS-In Wingham, on October 19h, to Mr
and Mrs A E SiminDUB, a daughter •
FINLAYSON-SLEETH-At the residence, of the
bride's parents, on October 26th, by Bev F H
Larkin, Mr Wm Finlayson, to Mise Winolfrid
nleeth, eldest daughter of Mr Wm Sleeth, all of
Seaforth. Mitchell, Clinton and Lindsay papers
please copy.
Fueroei—OILLESPIE--At the residenoo of the
bride'e parents, Seaforth, on -October 26th, by
Bev F 11 Larkin, Miss Marjory Gillespie, only
daughter of Mr John Gillespie, to Mr James
Fulton, of Grey township
KRUSE-SOLATER-At toe residence of the
bride' a parents, on October 26th, by Rev F 11
Larkin, Mr L 0 Kruse, of Winghsea, to Elize-
beth Margaret, seeond daughter of Mr William
Bolster, of Seaforth.
MoLEAN-PATTERSON-At the resideoce of the
bride's mother, Mrs Houghtnn, on October
19th, by Rev Wm Lowe, Mr John A McLean
to Miss Annie H F Patterson, both of Wingham
WORDEN-IdoOLOCKLIN-At the residence of
Mr Edward Warden, Winghanoon October 12th,
by Rev D Perrie, Mr Thomas Wordtm, to Mrs
Ellen MoOlooklin, both of Mitohell
McLEAN-WRIGHT -At the residence of the
bride's mother, Goclerich, on October 20th. by
Rev James A Anderson. B A, Mr William Lo-
gan, eon of Mr A P McLean, to Mies Mary. 19a.
belle, dau Atter of the late Wm Wright
KING-TORREY-At the Court street M E ebur h,
Flint, Michigan, on October 12th, by Rev J R
Reach, Mr Jarred C King, son of Mr and Sire
George King, of Blyth, to Mies Ina Blrojohe,
daughter of Justice and Mrs J M Torrey, of
Flint., Michigan
AITCHISON-ANDERSON-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Blyth, on October 25th, by ReV
Dr McLean, Rev W W Aitchison. of Dornach,
to Mies Jauet, second daughter et Mr and Mrs
J Anderson, of Blyeb. •
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls answered at Mr. tdrKenzie'e
residence, Church St.,_ third house north of
Public school, west aide:- Graduate Massa-
chuasta College of Embalming, Beaton, U.S
Knechtel & McKenzie/
ROBB-In Tuckeremith, on otober 25tb, Wm B
Robb, at the residence ot his ,brother, Mr John
Robb, in the forty-first year of his Vie -
ItcLEOD-In Goderich, Pn October 16th, Mary A
MoDonald,, wife of Deolel McLeod, aged 87
year nod 6 months f
NEDIGER-Io Clinton, ma October 16th, Margaret
tida, daughter of Kr W J Nediger, aged V
year, 6 months and 13 days
MoEWEN-In ittanley, on October 15th, Annie
Eva, eldest alsorghter of lir Duncan Mogiven,
eyed 26 years and 10 menthe
FORBES-At Rathwell, Manitebe, on Gotober 12th,'
George Forbee, formerly of Grey tovynehip, aged
78 years
STRAITON-In Ingersoll, on October Ilth, Isabel
Stratton, daughter of Ste and Mr e g S Stratton,
formerly of Goderieh, aged tone months
RAU-At the Bauble line, Stanley, on October 19bh,
the infant child of Alr and Mrs Joseph Rau
RUMFORDL-At Grand Bend, on October 161h, John
Rtunford, aged"72-yeare •
DIGNAN-In Toronto, on- October 18th, Harvey N
Dignan, rif Exeter, aged 22 years.
SAINT -In Wingham, an October 14th, Thomas
Allen, infant son of Mr and Mrs Hoary Saint,
aged 6 weeks aud 8 days
CAIRNS -At 486 9 Western Avenue, Chicago, on
Oebober Send, Adeline norranee, wife of Mr
David Cairns, aged 85 years and 6 months
RAYMANN,-In Oraobrook, on October 22nd, Mar-
garet Fleming, wife of Mr Anthony Reymann,
aged 50 yo.rs.
rtLEARING SALE of Steer, Helfera and Horses.
lej Kir. Janet* Jonee has been instructed by Er.
Willi no Rogers to sell by public auction, on.Tu es -
day, November lat, at 2 o'olook p. in, at Ketterson
Pork, Mitohell, the follevelog property viz :-16
steam 8 years old. 10 heifers 8 yews old. 1 good
working horse, 2 good driving horses. Terms. -
12 menthe' credit, 5 per cent. eft for cash. WM.
ROGNRS, Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Auetioneer.
A MOTION SALE of Farm Stook. -Mr. J. Jones
has been iestrooted by Mr Wm. Kineman to
Jae!' by public auetion on Lot 2, Concession 10,
..Tuokersmith, on Wed oesday. November 2nd, at 1
o'clock sharp, the following valuable property, viz;
Borsee-1 carriage mare 6 years old, 1 cartage foal,
1 driving horse .5 years old, 1 driving mare 8 years
old, bred by Cherlee Bateman, of Mount Brydges,
elred by tionbare. Cattle. -a cows with nalt at foot,
2 farrow cow, 10 bollard 2 years old, 8 h4tere 8
years old, l'three-year-old Durhem cow with half at
foot, O one year old steer, 85 two-yeareold nteerio
also two sete of single hareem and ono sek of double
barnees. Terms. -411 eums of $5 sod under, oas
over that amount 12 months' ,oredit, will be gi e
on 'welshing approved 5 Ant nettle. A distioun o
-6 per cent for cash on credit amounts WILLI M
KINSMAN, aeoprietor JAMEi JONES, Aniotioin
oer. , '` 19244
AU ION SALE of Farm Stook. -Mr. T. Brown
as been instruated by Mr. John Mower) to
sell lei/allelic auetion on Let 17, Coneession'6, Hay,
1 mile ;south of Zurich road, on Thurriday,November
10th, at 1 o'clock sharp. the following property, viz:
tiorsek-1 brood mare 15 years old, Blip/aimed to be
In Matto an imported horse e 1 team of two year
old geldings (sericulture!) well broke in, mated in
size and color : 1 two yearold gelding (roadster);
1 sucking colt, aired. by•Prince of Hurl ford .; 1 stiek-
Ing cote (roadster), 1 working horee 18 years cid, 1.
working mare 15, veers old. Cattle -8 cows suppori-
ed to be in calf, 8 three-year old steers, 4 two year
old steirre, ktwo year old heifers supposed to be in
calf, 2 3 cooling halters suppesed to bo in calf, 1
yearling h. Bert 8 yeerling steera ;The whole wilI
positiv le be slid as tbe prnprietor has been burn.
out. 7 ornasoo-All 6111118 of 15 and under, cash: over
that a ount 12 wombs' credit will be given on fur-
nishin approved joint notes. Five per °Olt. dis-
count e ill be al owed for wash on credit amounts.
Auotioneer 1920
CLEARING OUT Auction Sale of Farm Stet*
and Implements. - Mr. Thomas Brown has
been inetrutiked by Mr. Henry Little to sell by pub -
lie auction on Lot -22, Concession 4, L.R 8.. Tucker.
smith, on Monday, Novembee 7th, at 1 ti deck
sharp,- the following pr needy, viz Horees-One
genera purpose mare 6 years old, supposed to be in
foal to King Arthur ; 2 sed roues supposed to be
In foal to Jim 0orbett Oattle, cow due to
oalve November, 1 cow due to calve in December,
1 cow due to ealve let of Jenuary, 2 heifers sup-
posed to be in calf, 1 three year old :deer, 8 two
yesr . cite] Steers, I heifer two years old, 2 yearling
heifers 5 calves, 1 fat cow, 1 rhorobred improved
Yorkshire so* due to pig Deedinber 851*, 1 wellbred
sow stippoaed to be in pig, 6 pig* three montne old
6 OP six weeks old, 1 thorobred improved York-
shire hog with pedigree. Impl ments-÷1 Empire
cream eeparator nearly new, 1 lorose & Wined
er nearly new, 1 Noxon seed drill, 1 hay rake near-
ly new; 1 gang plow, 2 single plows, 1 set harrowe,
1 Massey -Harris pulper, 1 fanning mill svith bagger,
1 set of eleighs, 1 wagonel eon plow harness, 1 oar
rope end sling ropes, I hay fork, pulleys and other
articles too numerous to mention. Everything will
positively be eold as the proprietor has sold hie
farm. :Terms -I -All sums ef 65 and under, aash ;
over f net amount 11 menthe' credit will be given on
furniehing approval joint notes. A disoount ot 6
per centtor eash on credit amounts. HENRY
LITTLE, Proprietor; T. RR,OWN, Auctioneer.
AUCTION SALE by Adreloistratrix of a valuable
Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. The ad.
minirtfatrix of Om Estate of Miehael Duim, late of
the Trivenshlp of Moiiiilop, Farmer, decreased, will
cffar f. r sale by public auction on the preinieee, 21
miles north of the village of Dublin. on Tuesday,
the 15th day of November, 190i, at 1 o'clock p. m„
the folleoine valuable term, farm stock and im-
plements v1z.:-Tho north halt of lot 1, on the
4th Concession end the south half of lot No. 1, on
the 5th coucession, both in the tewnehip of Mo.
KillopOn the county of Huron, 'contsiaing 100
acree cif land. There are on this property a good
frame hou.e and two large barna under one of
whichthere la a gned stone uedation au 1 etab-
ling nederneath. There are 40 SIM seeded down
and there is one aora of orchard. This ia an extra
good ferm and lieeituated 21 miles from the village
of Dublin', 7 mine f ram the town of Mitchell and
8 1 2 miles from the Own of Seaforth. This pro-
perty *111 be offered for Bale subject to a reeerved
bid. Horee4.-1 chei tout mere suppoeed to be in
foal, 1 black mare supponel to be in foal, 1 yearling.
filly, 1 bay filly, 2 years old, by Gusteer. Cattle. -
3 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 three year old
heifer, 3 two year old heifers, 3 two year old steam
4 yerti Inge, 4 calven. Implements, -1 set weigh
ecalei, 1 hay raolo, 2 ?roger kettles, I Deering bin-
der ne rly now, I D Jerbag mower neerlyenew,
horse -power, I cuttiog box and emir, 1 hay rake, I
fanning mill, 1 disc-her:ow, 1 bet ot iron harrows,
1 epilog tooth harrow, 1 land rollbr, I puiper, I
1 slip scraper; 1 three furrowed gang plow, one
other plow, I seed drill, 1 lumber wagon, 1 top ,
buggy, 1 pair bobsteighs. 1 outlier, 1 Wheelbarrow,
1 set of -double harness, 1 set Of single heroes, 1
hay fork with Wings, ropes and pulleys, also a num•
bar of forks, shovels, and other Mail articles
also about 12 tons of good timothy bsy and lagoon.
tity of straw. Alro some • boupehold farnitaxe.
Torms.-On farm Will be made known op day of
sale; on chattels' all mime of $6 and udder, cash;
12 menthe' creditvein be allowed on all sums over
$5, secured by approved joint notes, a dleoount ot
6 per cent. willtre all rwed for cub •on all sums
over 65 FON further pertioulars apply :to J. M.
BST, Seaforth, Ontario,solicitor for MARY1D924.UN8N
Administratrix ; TROSIAS BROWN, Auctioneer.
Seatorth, Ootober 265h, 1904.
"LIARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 21, London
. Road, Stanley, containing 100 &ores, 93 save
cleared, the balance is good hardwood timber. The
fano is well undeedrained and well fenced, and in
good condition in every particular. This in an ex.
cellent farm, no better in the township. It is five
miles lam Clinton and 1 miles from Ertacefield.
Will be sold on reasonaole terms as the proprietor
is in the implement business. Apply to F.
THOMPSON, Brucefield. 1924-51
Turkeys Wanted.
I will be prepared to buy turkeys, either alive or
with their necks broken, for shipmetit to the Eng-
lish market, about the last week of November. I
will be pleased to deal with ail my old onstomere
and as many new ones as will favor me mid) their
turkeys. You will find it to your interest to sell
direct with the exporter. Prices and date of deli,-
ory. given later on.
1921.tf GEO. T. TURNBULL.
Specials For This Week.
-We were offered tiome great snaps in several lines of goods if we would clear
oat large lots. As the quality was first-class and the prices very low for
spot cash, we could not resist the temptation and bought pretty heavy
and now give our cuatonsera the benefit ()four close buying. The goods
have just been received aad are open for inspection.
$1.25 French Kid Gloves for 75c.
We got a great isnap in Ladies' French Kid Gloves. They are first-class
goods, but in broken lots, some are silklined, others are unlined: some
have dome fasteners, others have large pearl buttons. They come in col-
ors of browns, tans, creams and blacks. The sizes are 6i, 61, 7 and 7i.
They are the regular $1 and $1.25 Gloves, and you take your choice
for 750.
50c Ladies' Silk Belts for 35c.
By purchasing a large quantity of ,Ladies' Silk Ba1t4 we got a great reduction
in price, and we are now selling new up-to-date Belts in silk, taffeta and
satin, in black and colors, with fancy buckles, worth 50c, for 350. We
show a, great range of new Belts from 25e to $1.76.
Our Stock of Mantles
Go k well sold out on fair week, but we have -had the stock replenished and
now show a full range in all-sie s, including some new designs.
hasEt.A.1\4T3D oi
+44441.4 f
We want your trade, and if prices will do it, your trade is ours. Not a
day passes but some one tells us that our prices are the lowest in ; they
say we have tried them all. Here's why --let, we are ander less expense than
the big stores; 2nd, we employ no clerks, we put their salary in your pocket.:
3rd, we pay cash and get the discount. If, after buying any of our clothing,
you find you can purchase the setae elsewhere one cent cheaper, we will cheer -
hilly refund your money.
Men's Overcoats, $6 to $13, YoUths' Overcoats, $5 to. $S;
Men's Suits, $5 to $F2; Boys' Suits, $2 to $5.75.
\We have what you want in Overalls, Smocks, Underwear, in fact every
thing you wear in your business: Give us a eall-X
Swell brown ties'26c and 60c—they are popular. All kinds of eck-
wear-16c, 26c, 350, No. Shirts-iVanAllen's.---the test in Danada. 0 liars,
English, 16e, two for 25c; Austrian, 20e each, a collar the laundry can't
wear out. Smocks, Overalls, exd the best 26e Isox in Seaforth. Boy and
girls' hose, pure worsted, 25e. Underwear, 40e to $1.25. You will fi d our
glove and mitt stock complete.
• -
.Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will mak&Ius famous..
Butter and eggs taken as cash.
The Wedding Ring
Needs to be of right nolor, weight, size
and shape, to be comfortable and look
ite beat
The hese etre not cleat into shape, but
wrought and hard burnished, making
the gold harder and batter weering. .
Our'a are made especially for ueand stamp-
ed. " J. B." in every ring along with
the 18k. or 14k. mark. We sell our's
by weight. A medium ring of three
dart, at our price, $1,50, a
Dwt. Costing $4 50 18k.
We have them from * '
$2.50 to $8.50.
We con make your OLD RING Larger or
Smeller, or make you .0 alE Wa RING,
using your OLD GOLD. itr.
.Nobby Shoes
For Pall Wear.
Oar ahipments of Shoes for Fall and
early .CV Inter wear include some of
the best looking and moat stylish
shoes we have ever shown. There
is a wide variety of styles and shapes
to choose from, made in an endless
variety of leathers. We have spared
no effort to colleco the greatest line
of footwear the market) offers to-do.
In quality of material and workman-
ship; in styles, shapes and finish,
our present allowing of shoes is un -
Our boys' and girlshschool shoes are much
in demand with those who &mire a
good wearing shoe that is stylish in
appearance and moderate in price.
Richardson& M'Innis
Sole Agents, - Seaforth,
Hunters' Excursions
--V ROM—
The Highlandm of Ontario including pointe
Mattawa so Nipigon and Garden Riverain-
elusive ; alsoKtpawa and Temisoaming.
Good going daily from November 3rd.
All Tickets valid returning on
or before December lOth1904
Dominion Elections. -
Thursday, Novernber ard.
Single tare for round trip between all sta.
Cone in Canada, good going November 2nd
and 3rd, valid returning until November 4th.
World's Fair, St.Louis
$17.40 Round Trip.
With stop over privileges at Chicago,
Detroit and intermediate Oanaciian stations
Through Pullman Sleepers twies daily.
For tiokets, illustrated literature and full
information, call on .
W. SOMERVILLeTown Agent,
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tioket Agent,
Money to loan at lbwest rates of interest on crow,.
farm iteourity. Apply In JAS. L. KILLORAN,
Barrister, Seaforth 1.11241
We have purchased the entire stook (of
Picture Frames carried by Mr. Jas. Gray, s.
which, with our own complete sto4k, gives
us the best selection in this county.'
We would be pleased to see) all Mr
Graves' old cuatomers come to no or their
picture framing. We will guarantee satis-
JACKSON BROS., Searorth.
Moderate Ifrrice
RANGES. • • • *
For Sale by
E. A. Latimer,
Get the
Baldwin'e old stand, • - • 1Seaforth.
Second Hand EnOnes
For Sale.
One -J, I. Case 15 h. p. Traetien Eagine,
ivied one. week.
One JI. Case 15 h. p. Tractioa Engine,
used two siemens.
One Sawyer & Masaey )3 h. r. Traction.
One J. M. R038 & Sons 18 h. p. Traction.
One Sawyer & Massey 17 h p. Traction.
One George White & Sons 14 b. p. High
Speed Portable.
One George White & Sons 14 ILp, Portable,
One New Hamburg 14 h. p. Portable, used
oneOne SaZemr °&u3ithiessey 13 h.p. P4rtable.
Two Stevens & Burns 14 lap. Portables.
Two John 'Abell 10 & 12 h. p. Portables.
Two tVaterous Upright 12 h. p. Champion
The above engines bave been taken in
trade and replaced with Bell Engines and
will be sold on reasonable terms. Some of
them are in stook at Seaforth and others at
different points where they were used. Full
particulars en application.
R•ingine and Thresher Co.,Ltd.
To interest You at
Aberhart's Drug Store.
We have just received a shipment) of
Shell Brand EuglIsh Castile Soap- 2
lbs for 25a; pare white'cold drawn
Italian Castor Oil, which is proclaimed
by representatives of the wholesale
drag houses to be the finest quality of
oil that they have even seen -10e and
25e bottles.
Ruehu-.3nniver Kidney Pills for Rheuma-
tism and Sore Book -25e or, or five
for $1.
Cough DroPe menthol and black—two
ounoes for five cents.
We BIE0 carry an up-to-date stook of
Trusses, and those suffering with rup-
ture will save money by calling on us,
We guarantee all goods.
• N' 0 IR, '32
Corner Mean
11/larkat Sriteta
i rd IS
IThat Largest
Dry Goede Vag
Concern in
Four Countleel
The only avenue that leads to success in merchan-
dising is the one that :is paved with honest and
legitimate methods—the most:goods or the 'best
goods for the money. This store has served you
for manyyearsin this capacity. A business with
a solid foundation is the result. Why you should
trade with us-: because ive make your buying easy,
because prices are the :proven lowest;because the
stocks to select from are/ the largest and newest,
because we work hard. ti) merit your patronage.
he Moose ileod Brand of Fars
The Mark of Reliability.
• There is no satisfaction in bu*ing men's and women's fur garments sine-
ply because they are guaranteed, unless they are made by reliable makers.
For years we have beenthe 1arges4 fur dealers in Western Ontario. This
season our stock of furs is the largeWe have ever shown. Our twenty years
of succeSsful experience as fur -deal*, is a guarantee of value and reliability.
The furs we sell not only have tlati maker's guarantee, but they have our
guarantee as well. We never havai a dissatisfied fur customer. Below we
mention a few unmatchable pricesa,
A long black 01308811111 ruff, witle: 8 tails, for $7.00.
German minx ruffs, stole effee(s, trimmed with tails—four special prices -
42 70, $4.50, $6.00, $6 60.
Sable ruffs, trimmed with shoat tails, at $7,90, $9, $10 60, $12;$17.50.
Sable ruffs, trimmed with long tails.—oue leaders—are $10, $14.50, $19.
and $21.50.
Two special ruffs in electric _seal and astrachan combination, trimmed
with sable sails, at $8 and $10.
Your specials in grey lamb cofiars at $o, $6.30, $7.90 and $7,
Ladies' Astrachan coats from 20 to 440; Bookman from $40 to 44 .
Elect* seal specials at $38 Old $43.
Electric seal, with Russian scOle trimming, extra value at $49.
Greenland seal, with Astrachin trimmiug, at $32.
Three special lines in. Persian:- Lamb Coats at $106, $136, $150.
To see our ken's Fur Coats0o compare our men's -fur coats with any-
thing found in the trade, is to by them.
• Ladies' II:Department.
Underwear Specials.
Children's plush back winters waistsein all sizes, at 25e, 28e and 30c.
Children's pajamas in all eiztie, fleece lined, at 50c, 53c and 56c.
Extra values in. ladies' natur4I and white vests and drawers at 25c, 37e
and 50c each. "
All -wool vats in cream and -natural color, special values at 75c, 85c,11
and $1.25. I ;
All red and all black wooi vats and equestriennes at 76z, t0e and $1.10
Ladies' black fleeced bloomer, heavy weight, at 900.
A complete range of extra large sized vests and drawers in stock.
Heavy worsted ribbed hose, in sizes 8i, 9, 91, double knees, for boys
wear, at 25e a pair.
A fine wool ribbed seamless hieee, all sizes, from to 10, prices from 17e
to 30c.
An assortment of ladies' and Children's imported wool hose in fine quality
is now complete.
See our table of ladies' fancy belt buckles, beltsin silk and leather.
Pretty silk oilers, all shades, Sec'at 250 eath.
Ten dozen ladies', up-to-date, tailor-made skirts, in black, grey and navy,
worth $3.76, on sale at $2,00 each.
Ladies' Coats and Capes
Yi-,2X after year we have demonist -rated to you that the finest, high class,
ready-to-wear garments can be bought here at reasonable prises. Year after
year _we have clearly maintained that the season's beat models are shown here
first. This year is 110 exception. You have been accustomed to looking to
u_s for the correct wearing apparel foil women, mieses' and children.
Our connection with the leading manufacturers enables us to show the
latest styles first, to make the larges display, and to offer better values than
oppoi$11,) Towe Career Main end Market Eta, Seefortbe