HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-28, Page 2r
SROa tax at
for sale law
hes and Durham
Rgreendville F. 0 or
Tuckeretnilb. I;OBS
epi tlac iib-
€e tic Of
apply Werra,
°BARTERS it 80
SALE; --The undersigned has far
thoroughbred Shorthorn bulla, eat-
EabEatiot4 aged 18 and 12 -months. One
and oho other white. Apply : to JOBN - Mo
Nr:' m ppe31. 1893.•tt
ELLS Fr. BALK. - iho undersigned has for
sale en Lot 26, Cenoession4, 11.R.S., Tucker-
emf , twee thoroughbred Durham bulls, 8 to 17
months old roan and two reds, eligible for sees,
tratlors These animals are from imported, stook
and : prize winners. HERBERT BERT ORYG$, Sea -
forth.. 10204f
amternettel DURHAM Buries FOR SALE.-
The undersigned ;has for sale 8 pure brad Dur.
hare bulls with ppeiigrees or eligible for registration.
My aged. bull, which. is theatre of the others, ' la in-
cluded fa the offering and has proved himeelt a mire
stock getter. lie Was sired by Riverside Stamp.
which hid ani good serv=ice in the herd of .T. and W.
R. Was; of Salem, and is half brother is Star of
going, recently owned by Nausea Buil, of gut'
?ems which took fret prise as Loudon fats and sold
at hie dispersion "este for $400. Apply o" !.. pct,
'conceasioa 2, Say, or JOHN ELDKR, xiensa l 0.
Are no'
Have you a Backache? If yotaave it
is the first siga that tile kidneys.':are not
workIng properly.
Kidney Trouble.
Check it in thee by taking
They cure all kin(' ; -if Kidney TrOuLlei
from Backache to Diacase.
an dealers ox
'rot -oleo. itint
Oat'. 28, ' 19
Made : Y that ; 'ontleran that Mann,:
etu rseits ,well ;as farmers are 'Olt
by the ariff. There is however, this
mater`ai difference between the two
eia s The . manufacturer,; proteht-
edettgeinit foreign competition in
Free Trade .and Protection. the We of his finished product, can
Mr. John Ranee:ford, of Clinton
veil known 'salt manufacturer,
' tbc,/,! that product the, emount he lee ,paid
Is '43, in 'customs texation, while the ferm-
iter. - en who sells his bee, cattle, cheese
- he batton, evheat arta poultry products
. price% regulated, by the open mar -
n ket of the world in Great- Britain,
man, is not in a poeition to charge hack
pro- upon the 'ootestimer of his 'products
enet. the customs taxation which he is
compelled to -pay."
°lust Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
inal move the grease with the greatest ease. 36
read WIFE. -
good thinker and a ready wr
In a letter to the Weekly Sun
dismisses the protection questio
ner that we are eaneerairted to re
duce it for the benefit of our r
ers. Although they may not a
with his sophestries and his con
ions based theeeoni any more than
we do, they will admire the orig
and plausable way in which
les the snlaject. He says :
Like other substribers, I
with much pleasure the letters
this aubject from various writer
your 'invaluable paper. Permit me
edd a few lines on. this subject
s-oraetvhat rare one -being that of a
1,300 acres of land., mixed farmbag,
principally, ,uSing the land in ques-
tion Liter funslaing cattle for exp
know eomething of the farmers'
to this question. It is perfe
true, eo, far its I can see through
that protection is simply a tax u
the, (article, or if yop will, a
upon the person buying an arti
Thus, ,if bey a self -binder or
spade, supitosing these , articles
proteeted to the extent of say
per cent., in ail probability I
per cent. more thin I other
would upon the , aetiele I pure
at that time. or in other_ word
ani obliged by law to teiteet whet
I will pay 30 per cent. -in the she.
The following details of an ancient
and peouliar incident was elipped
from a recent Scottatth paper and
has been harided to us by a friend
It will be found intensely interest-
otly jug'
et, Of all the Kings of Scotland, Bruce
holds 'first place in the estimation
ete of his countryneen aed women,' as
t't`eh.) much On account of hii manly gen-
' erous nature as for his great brav-
ern and wise sta-tesmanship.
"adte ihg for difference of thee and cle-
ounistances, be did -for and became
ent-• f to SoOtiend all that Alfred the. Great
tiri lend.' Like hini he lived with his
le, iSharing their hardships, and
„e winning their i.4.iteadfast loyalty by
it his herolana unifier adetersity, and his
ted constant Ahoughtfullnesi foe their
say welfare When. :at length the eictory
nee e Oe
; work tor peace as resolutely as he
• had prOsecuted war. Tradition has
et • boneet nnaffeated generous manner,
end none better illuetrates tbis than
the well - .known narrative of the
• • "King and the Goodwife, of Urr." It
r's is tiveyeth. reading:, at ant 'time, •but
should prove especially iiiteresting
just now when tonrists are weeder-
, ing delighted theeitigh the district in
Ito question, The stpey is told by a
on lineal deecendant the Goodwife
o- About the weate 1309, when Robert
of 'dfity to the Goverennent on an i
ported /machine or the 'tprotec
manufactueer's price. I do not
his 'condition of things at all ti
or in. all pleces would exist. Com
ition amongst the protected ma
ittereit. in the shrine of reduced•prie
teite;betild so change values as to
e? 'the supposed transectioni b
generally speaking from a farme
free itrade awed point .1 think
have 'stated the caite fairly.
But is this any mason for t
rmers to kick ? Is this any Teas
vhy we should (always .be reading
out bloated. monopolists, iroettee
ed tyranny, ausiness lords, pap -f
industries, etc., etc.? If facraers c
how tint they have to pay dispr
Cirand Trunk Railway s
portionately, if they cart shew
System. y 0.:•6 taxed end 'have eto pay
Railway Time Table
9.50 a. ar. For Clinton, Goderioit Whigham an 00
12.4r p. m. For Clinton and Goderioh a
dine. si
10.18 p. m. For Clinton and Gederieb.
7.58 a. m For Stratford. Guelph, Toronto, In
Orillia, North Bay and pobats west ;
Belleville and Peterboro and points w
8.37 p. . For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon- na
*regular:ante east.
5.83 p. m. For &senora, Guelph and Toronto. on
hanee-d. proportionate pike for
hey buy, and th,at they get no ben
t, land. th,at other claeses of t
namunity get off scot free, w
nd good: then let them kick har
ut there is more then the farmer
de to this question. There is t
anufactarers' side, the G -over
ent (side, and the eountey as
hole. What about these ? As
hilit the farmer is not the only ma
whom the tariff weighs. Man
at Bruce, though king for three years,
an was only able to meintairt a kind of
all outlaws independence against ,the
ee officers of the English: King, he fre-
he quently 'warned, with a small band
ell of ettentlants, theough the wilds of
d. Kirkcudbright. My ateceetter, Mark
s' Sprotte, then lived on the banks of
he the Urr-,,afshepheed and occastonally
n- ' a wa.rrior. It was his good fortune
a tor be united to a woman possessing
Y email share oft good sense and activ-
n ity. It _chanced one morning that
u- "Bruce was' ettacked near his father's
er house, by Sir Walter Selby. The
e- fight was long and savage • the fol.,
London,. Huron and Bruce.
9.18 5.43
0.80 5.54 fa
0.44 0.o5
9.58 8.19
10.15 5.56
10,80 8.52 the
wee 7.18 te
11.00 7.86
London, depart
Centralia-. -
Soma Sours -
Belgravia. .
tiareestero.4.4 sett: atm
mama 0
cturers pay taies. If the farm
eat, the manufacturer peys tax
d pays heavily. What I pay as
rraer is a joke compared .wit
faenaers went to know the inne
Panties of- a protective tariff, , 1
m start manufacturing som
Ing, it does not particularly naa
r what, and then they will tear
great deal they* never knew beffir
The Government's side of the ques
n is that they muot have revenu
oney they must have. Take it awa
h,ello, would, be gone. Lookin
y, the thinker, the reader of 200
the existence of the Libetral Govern
raent feom 19004901 was for the do
ject of lavishly' spending _money pro
vided by a. patient, long suffering
foolish 'public. So no inatter how i
is 'provided as long as we elect suet
people ns we do to power, just s
long must_ we provide large sums
ge tsums of money for them to
spend. Whet is the use then of kick
ing et one way of providing. the mon-
ey, called protectien? Obliterate
protection land your rulers at Otta-
wa (will prompely invent another
way of extraetion of the needful.
But this brings me to the coun-
ery worthy of the name mina con -
means within itself, so far as it
atssible to do so, to make it self-
vidine. If 'all were professional
, where the clients? If all were
trawhere the ruled? If all mann-
farmers, where the consumers ?
e so on. Therefore, I argue, a
n that taxes all alike for the
tic !good, that does not tanduly
e an one claes to the favoring of
es, lowere an ea,oh side were :airainish-
a ed to tierce, and these three were
h sorely mounded. Many a ba.ttle has
If bee be by wOman- Us was
. ended by oxie. The ela.ehing of swords
et ,saundi not unusual in those un-
e- eettled 'rea.clied the ear of
t- Mrs. Sprotte, - as, busied at the
• heattle ?she -prepared her husband's
c• breakfast. She ran down to the
banks of the Urr, .and there saw
e.* several (warriors lying wounded and
y bleeding on the grass, " and two
f knights, 'With their visors closed,
and with swords in their hands,eon-
7.14 8.35
7.22 8.46
8,06 4.28 Ot
8.15 4.47 ba
8.22 l.52
8.85 5,05 da
846 5.15
- tending `for life and death, T
Algoma E
Algoma W
Brace N
Bruce S
Elgin E.
Elgin W
Essex N
Essex S
Grey E
Grey N
Grey S
Hamilton E
Hastings E
Hastings W
Huron E
Huron S
Huron W
Kent E
Kent W
Lamb ton W.,
Lanark N
Lanark S
Lennox St Addington
Lincoln ,
Middlesex N
Northumberland E
Northumberland W
Ontario N
Ontario S
Oxford N
Oxford S
PaaTy Sound
Perth N
Perth S
Prince Edward
Renfrew N
Simeoe E
Thunder Bay and
Rainy River ;las nmee
Toronto E K Leslie
Toronto N T Urquhart
Toronto S Hartley Dewart
Teropto W Cape Hunter
Waterloo 8 George Land
-Welland W M German
Wellington N Thos Martin
Wellington S Hugh Guthrie'
York S 'A Anderson
York N Sir Wm Mulock
York Centre Arch Campbell
Hon W Paterson
D Derbyshire
YE -Campbell.
E Caldwell
Dr. Chamberlain
Peter ptewart-
F Sutherland
A 11 Olarke
J Edwards
W P Telford
A. T. Thompson
Ad Ziinmermen
G E Deroche
Dr P Macdonald.
T Fraser
Robt Holmes
George Stephens
HDronT Jiloahlyten
Hiram Keech.
B Lovelace
Hon Hyman
D Marshall
Hal 13 Donly•
JH Douglas
J 13 McCool
George D Grant
Wm Ross
1Robt Stewart
Hon .1 -Sutherland
R Watson
W E Milner
P Mabee
G H. McIntyre
John .1finla•y
Edmond Proulx.
Thos Mackie
13 H. Turner
L le Bland
J Donnelly
Dr Barr
A Broder
11 A Ward
L Wigle
M Avery
D R MacDonald
Dr Sproule
F R Lalor
D Henderson
Samuel Barker
Frank C Brice
W13 Nerthrup
E Gus Porter
B Willson
S elements
Capt. Gaskin
James Clancy
Dr Preston
• Haggart
George Taylor
Peter Elson
George Stewar
Wm Wright
Geo Gordon
Lt-Ool Tisdale
E Cochrane
Eric Armour
at A. Proctor
P Christie
Thos Birkett
• G Wallace
0 Henderson
Dr Freeborn
Dr Steele
James Kend
Geo 0 Alcorn
Hon P White
W H Bennett
Major Currie
G'T Marks
A Kemp
Hen G E Foster
0 McDonald
Hughes= et
B Seagram
G A Clare
John McGowan
M Halloran
3- Robinson
Quebec will send 65 memberstto the
Prince Edward Island,. 4. -
New Brunswick, 13 -
Manitoba, 10.
British Columbia, 7.
NorthWest Territories, 11.
Nova Scotia, 17.
new Parliament.
hny if I feasted, our mortal An. 1 Were
en u man, hemp to his hands, the keep
✓ 'but ithe in train sought for a mark
- ihy whiph she might know the kind-
- , ly Soot from the Southron. The- fire
- sparked fr•om their shields and bel-
, meets, rind' the grass was dropped
t here and. there with blood. At
length one received; .a streke upon
• the thelmet which made him stagger.
sprang upon his tactually power
- and Moore deliberate adversary,
the (combat grew fiercer than ev
"Ah, you false swearixtre ,I3outhron
exclaimed the wife of Mark Sprot
" know ye now -I khow ye now
and eeizing Sir Walter Selby by
single lock ef his hair which ese
ed fnom his 'helmet, she pulled h
beckwards to the ground, when
had no alternative but to yi
Boor Kine of Scotland;
I The two .knights washed th
hands in the Urr-and ,bloody han
they were -uttered short, saldi
like aoknowledgementeto their s,a.in
, for having protected them, andi e
tering the oottage, seated the
iselves by the side of theinallurnb
hostess. "rood," said the Seotti
days, else Sir Walter Selby, renow
;ed in areas as he is,- had not resist
Robert 'de Bruce eo long." " And ha
T +then had the glory," said .the Ent
dishm.an, " rot exchanging blot
I with
,af the Thrieve tor his mansion, and
bread and water for his food, should
be his instant doom, as a woman, I
can only say I have vowed vow,
that Joao Southeon Shall feed within
my 'door in x:ay presenee, and shall
I be hospitable to the rain who late-
ly (laid his steel sword with such
right good will to my king's hel-
ful met!" "I command your loyalty,"
and said Bruce, " and thus shall I reward
er. it. This Land, you know, is mine ;
ee the bill behind. the h•ouse is green
te. and fertile; melte You lady of as
;,, raueh as you can run round while I
take ray breakfast. The food is hot,
the (vessel largn, tio kilt your coats
ea in
If you have any of the following ant:then that macourartes a-rricultur
symptoms you should start taking 11111
ufacturing interests, and hn so,
ur midst, that' causes capital-
ists to develop our -natural resourees
uilit our steel highways 'be
OUT Unigirti.C.St rivers, and cross • our
deepest gorges, that leads to , our
vast 'mineral resourees being brolight'
to tight, such a policy, call it any --
thing you please . (what's in a name?)
i4 *-0,"hat this oauntry wants, and
to b
They are the only remedy that
permanent cure.
Pain in the Bat c.
Highly Coloreti Urine.
Brick Dust in Urine.'
Irritation of the Bladdeo
Retention of Urine,
Frequent Calls.
Pain in Urinating.
Impure Blood.
Pain in the joints or Hips.
Swelling of the Feet.
Rapid Loss of Flesh,
Bowels Constipated.
Persistent Headachej
Breath Foul.
Tongue Coated.
Tired, Worn -Out Feeling.
Inability to sleep.
Deranged Digestion.
Remember that Dr. Pitcher's Backache -
Kidney Tablets are the prescription of the
noted Kidecer Specialist, Dr. Zina Pitcher,
and cure where other remedies fail to
benefit. The prioe of the Tablets is sde.
a bottle or 3 for $1.25, at druggists or by
mat . The Dr. Zola Pitcher Co., Toronto.
what this oeuntry must have -end
guarantees a rapid, complete and have
ia,bolish the tariff ?
therefare what this country will
. Let me ask any dbjector to
this (policy one or two, questions:
lst. Where !would Canada be to -
if she 'depended and had always
depended on agriculture ?
2nd. note swill yen raise revenue
Governments . to spend if you
Money to Joan at lowest ratea of Interest an met
fsran security. Apply to JAS. L. EILIDEAN,
Mulder, ,Sosiortti
the amount raised 'for revenue be
any •lese then now ?
4th. _Will the farmer feel the new
plan any less then the peesent one ?
5611. Which is preferable ? To
make (everything we want or can
make there in Canada, thereby build-
ing tup our copntry, adding to our
population and our wealth, or buy
everything 'in foreign tountries and ,
serfd our wealth out of the eountr
to build up foreign eountries and i
to imake foreigners wealthy ?
N.B.-.By (the word "foreigner " I
English 'horses graze maaterless a-
mong- her oorn ; sthe stays not to
touch their bridles, though they
have silver housings and. belts of
silver and gold, and though she
never mounted a fairer steed than
an 'untrained Galloway. By the soul
of 'Bruen this is a prudent woman."
She had now /mei round the hint
and nearly' enoompased the helm ;
and twhen She ,approached her own
threshold tit was thus the king and
Selby beard her commune with her
oten epirit, as She ran: "I shall be
called the lady =a the Mount, and
my husband sh•all be called the lord
on't. We 1316.11, nae doubt, be cal-
led the Speertten of the Mount of Urr,
while Delbeattie wona grows and
im and. tfly." With right good will she while tUrr runs, Our sons and our
he abbreviated. her skirts, as desired, docliters twill be gi'en in marriaege
eld bound up 'her hair, and stood ready to ithe mighty ones of tbe Land, an.d
for. flight on threehold. She
looked baok 'upon her _guests with a
comi.e 43xpr•ession, returned and.
eh' locked feet all spoons save the one
ds for the King,muttering, e,an trust
ts arch's (word," and then she resumed
lb her ittation at the door.
m- " Now," said Robert, "a woman's
vosh ger. Away 1" And. as he taised the
le speed ist foot against a king's hu.n-
sht Terri flIND ALL
be nailed -the King's Mount ; end
ed •green and beeutiful now, wa-s then
SUMPIER comnAftrts
may be the 'toasts .of the great. We
shall grow honored, and the tenure
by which' our heritage shall be held. FON
will be the presenting of butter
broee in ir1. Lordly dish to the Kings DIARRHOZA, DISEMT,
pass the tirr."
of Scotland when they teepee- to i
" On your. own' bbrms," said King
Robert, "so loyally- and. character-
istically spoken, my herdic deme of PAIN- IN 1TE STOMAO
When buying' p, Piano, consider the merits of the
Famous4 ewcombe Piano
for 'Choice, Qualit of Tone, Durable Action and 8ty
W nizier of Gold Medal
Paris World's Expifisition and other Great Awards.
get xi
ubles, and
wor, vitae
aky sed me
the nets'
or an
O this
County Wholosale and Retail Nanacrer
Distrib4ting Qent re at Clinton.
'Renovator, Blood Pukficr and
A medicine that' acts directly at
the same time on the tornach,
1 Liver, Bowels and Blood,
It cures pyspepsia, Biliousness,
Constipation, Pimples, Boirfc , Head-
ache, Salt Rheum, Runni* Sores,
Indigestion, Erysipelas, 4Cancer, •
Shingles, Ringworm or anp, disease
arising fr an impovertshed or
impure con don of the bloe;14.
Far Gale by an Draggiste.
We Have:a
bich is interesting to eirery ciing man
and woman who whites ei ati joy
the host Funeeee Mit
Education -
Is the key to cur opinal
and to your succese. Let us in ytu
an explanation. Write, end
write now for our plan4.
may study at home or tiagj
toe college. Only a
postal tor partieulare. Addreas
Yonge and Gerrard Sts.,
1918-26 Principel,
ye. rough with wild juniper aed briars, when the Kings of Scotland pass the
g- and the road round the base inter- Urr, they shall take brose from
usla el. But the wife of Mark
o ert Bruce's bowl,- an
my ancestress win the lands whic
ptotte ' Loved. her hal and, and fair and loyal hands of a Sprotte,
And thus in one short m,orning di
Ite passed a fox running off with
vas afire
he -sleeping miller that the
er goose, and did not' step to warn hove given sustenance and dignit
rt A simall wicket in the gable of her
ye house had a board suspended by a
n leather hinge ; she flew for a mom -
or tent ito this rade case,meet, lifted it
h and their swords laid aside, ,and with
ed for inan,y years by Mr. David
oh 'other's faces as thcy took alter- bOuerntryanad cwouirle hoef
the leader of the nee'h of Scot- b
I" exclaimed. Dame Sprotte ;
shall ne'er be less than Ring in S.
1 this house, and King, too, -shall ye- la
ktall him, or I will caSt this boiling t
bense in your Englisb face, weel fay -
our d ?though it be." King 'Robe
al iwi
our etvern enemy, but allow the po
King of unhappy Seotland to test
of ye
brea k
d, and said. "Me kind and lo
fe, waste not valuable food o
ur -good oheer. And Sir Waite
feet table. So, sp,00ns to eat;
e, warily 'up, and there she beheld the
lee yea IT. Vag* MP OlTilki
to the humility of a ,Scottis
emegeee ea.
1 it has Arrived
se a Brave.
'end pain
I of
i S°UhillaauttenireneMniteeirbeyte7rainro8n' tale from hundre
" Welcome National "
to their some of perfection, winch
nos led us -froth the bir,11 of Ranee
awn.ggensur:itee ftherol
experience with etevel
.. purchaters to back ut 4,
Six months' continuoas fire, one hell
year's coinfore one handred-aud4Isla
titres days' economy, a life -time -awn
fulness, is found only in a _
Gurney's "Oxford Laurel
Base Burner.
Sills 8c, urd
The Seaforth
Tea Store
Is still Belling China, Ciockery and
Glaseware at cost. It must be cleared
out at °mac, to maike room for other
goods. Now Di the time to get good
bargaies. Also I have a very heavy
Block of all kinds of Teas in, green.
black; Japan and tea dust, ;it of which
will be sold at a good discount,
order to reduoe my stock, I will give
good hargaina
Good and fresh groceries of all kinds, ail of
which will be sold chap, C.,ozne ono,
come all and get some of the good bar-
gains that are now going,
Best brand of flour in eteek and all kind*
of salt meats, smoked hams, hack*
rolls, long clear bacon and pork, and
tbis headquartees for good pole
dill handle Weston's Toronto bread every
The highest prices paid for butter and eggs
in trade or eseh.
0, IROtibil
cot -
)460 cfr)
te ete )...14, • fg 00 ail
= 5* it* J-' ,.....P c*.
11111i II i -i. Po tn
ad DO OC/Pri(32
Ed. Note. -The heroine -who fig-
ures so conspicuously in the above may Neu
narrative was an` ancestress of Mr.
David Sproat, of Beigravei and ef 1104 Taint ifinia4
y side, their helmets •on the floor The 1.a.ncl. str•angely won was own
rea'ay 'and effectual ally as you 'ar.
And you_sliell also take thy seat te
side me ; thie is eidt the first thee 11 h'
leave lied the helping hand of a kind-
ly Sprotte.." Tile dame refused to he S
seatiede isaid, "It was bad. manners a
to Sit beside a Kingeand such a King tel
too-ebtess hiS merciful and noble
fa ce. Soon inlay lee...enjoy his rightful to
inheritance, and. long may he brnik gr
.Soleayi.nre slte, placed a small oak as
alb le e br
edonia, rich, hot, savory; then
a silver :spoon b-esitle it elle
to stick e distance frem -the
4te awe and 'admiration. mierlit
posed to measure to a peas -
ate spoonfuls of the hot and home- Years ago, he visited the estete and
- liege, fair play," and recommenced the shills.
na ;hearty dame who prepared 'it. I
elby, "and. etill better the 'hale Millea•'s Componnd Iron Pills brought
er race with renewed agility.
"1 dike the fare not amiss," -said
abIoutwta: op:along:if weakly for years,
cod (will She twisted. her hand in- .
all ne,ver forget witla what tight Alex. Wilson, Druggist, Seaforth.
my their, and pulled me to the T. . ' nerve third son of Mr.
•ound. I'll tell ye what, Bruce, ff Michael 0951ea.ra, of Stratford, died
If the men in Sootland, had hearts very euddenly Thursday morning'
heroic' as hers we might turn our near his home. He was found cling -
e. ly fare. She cried, F,air play, my e 'Over it picking, .heather from
beloan him. filled a. tare
'which is yet preserved by th
JOHN RANSFORD. et :04 -ti
or y much the whole issue, raised ant 4
Clinton, Oct. 14th, 1904.
The Sun in ifs editorial reply places be eup
"I ant losiag my land. listeninig to , gon, Land expired en 'being removed.
ur eulogium," said the ktng with : -The Ca.nadian Temperance League
, a smile. "See the brook beside ' have planned an exceptionally str n
the evillews, he oeght so i priogramme for their Massey Hall
long, #ind tv'here so many of thy com- 1 meeting in Toronto, and will open
reeks and mine lie stank and bloody, - on Sunday, Noveraber 6th. The an -
she has passed it at one bound. ' The t mud sermon of the league will 17e
helmet of Lord Howard, whom with I
be Mr. Ransferd in a nut shell and I
rather Voila; his finely spun theories. !
It itays: "The. letter from Mr.Rans-
the 'tariff discussion'. There is no
doubt of the truth of the statement head.
"Kilt- Your' Conte and Fly!"
rrny fair' and kind -etilajette,"
mid to King, " let .this ;gentle knight
"Na, ea," She cria, shaking her
"I shall be no true subject
mented with silver and gold ; she ;
sees it glittering on the groued, but :Killer's Compound Iron Pills re -
stoops hot to unlace it. She kbows store the color to pale cheek and
She ean strip the slain at her leisur •
40' TO
e unquestionably man graetesi business act -heel
N• other school ge such results. Ifs is now tomtit
talk throughout th country that the student-iwhe
wants the best tral ing and a good position pen
graduate I, mast a tend this school,
2f0 atudente plaoed In year 1000
tO4 44 at II 4' 1901
880 44 •I 14
• If these were piseed in picayune posit! Worth
875 rr ls sr
S3 or S4 per week. the showing wonli not be worth
the mace In this paper that it flares to till ft, But
when the salaries average over 1500 per annum. a
few of them over .$1,f00, the publio- thould know
that no other businves school in canoes pabilaboa
ouch lists and into ouch zernite. Many of our' for-
mer graduates eve ow commanding Palates from
eard in Chatham 50 to $2.75. For the
armed natei a ubliabed by say business
wher. she oannot win Land. Seven Aide. Wilson, Druggist, Seaforth.
▪ Of
eta. ePt
en CR
et -
pretty e
the comfort
made him
eau Isla
own% get
got no
rase* a
n' declere
Ili held emine
ben nor whet'
w maul
give hinfeJ
- fool than t
gettire maul
tie! ilytime.
No nue who is ace
neehtiets eau be tury
stet only cures col
And perM an natty,
trom malting
is nob dattgare
Ten, it contains n
ton baby as i
t to take.
ome, esteem,
ry few aro
Held up a PI
otenteiniteg 12,000 in
iftered a liberal row
purse could be otai
the ntetter was plan
tective Harry 3. BE:
reeldent of Baring
Acoosted by the
d that lee had thi
eased that he hi
it was he exp
tild be offered.
*meander it end ele
'Men Mr. Wert
officere betide the t
end to -day finds th
Pocketbook or rewe
he moved prom&
As Soon as
Moti Stewart, ti
. bee roved the y -
Tills tonic,
" 1 had been
year." says MV.
flesh th_.
log Dodd's Kidney
d six pounds.
very de•ye au
Kidoey Pill
means hash]
the body.
bar hal iratotrtmeb; via
nd wholesome,
very evidee
, weni ine Itun7derreo:utEtts
.133nrianviety ofid:t.hbabee:riptnevn2esaelizr:es.
, 11:01vudeatielit lents ownhtabt
Ail°7:aattinTe4rttotelif il:sitih:
',Ifnees. The lack
An Oetario ed
the hoard of heal
Gonocillor, Boeobwor,d P. O.
JOHN M. OOVENLOOK, Couttaillor, Winthrop P.0 -
JOHN O. MORRISON. Clerk, Winthrop 0.
DAVID N. Steteuree Wee O.
SOLOMON I. ON, I, P., SW InIpecier