HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-14, Page 6er.11.4 04A:tit FOR SlAte ,
RMS. FOR SALE. -Rave brgnB n 4rOva In
the ToWnehl of Rundle eerier, mill Weer*.
of rota Ittqairei Orontes 'WM
, Ont. 77441
lesIn IImpurney, is comfortable briek ottege,
With kitehen and woodehed attached. Ha a and
eoft water, Alsoila &OTOS Of leads on. whieleare tbe
olmient vaeleties or all kind, ot frule. It le a m
desireble property for eny perecire wraith** a
eortable home. pnlv on the premien, or eldr ss
Sieforth P. O. 01LN MoDONUGH.
Souse and lots in Seatorth. One t hoes
Ofl Nettle Main. Street and the other on We t Wit.
ilarn Street. The heats° is et contothbk1 brick
cottage and tantalite S bedrooms-, dining r0092, sit.
Vag ream and Orme wish goad oeller under the
whole house,ard ayd sac, water in the iouse.
There. %a Aka* pod steble and driving shed. All
kinds_ of fruit on the lot. Apply to J. • L. ALL&N,
Londeshoro, or te O. W. ATKINaOla, &Morita
roa SALE. -South half of lot 311, (tonere'
skin 15. Gerlerleir- townahip. 40 orea, good
cley loan', a saes fallewheat, geed frame beinel arid
kiachen, a good miter, sott and hard water, frame
" barn, a frame stab1e4, sheephouse and pig pe s. A
good never -falling spring ercok ruzi through
lea To be void, as the proprietor is not able to
work it. !tie s quarter of * mile from le -School
end two mules from a p 0.
DOD8WORTH, on the 'itemiser, or Clinton P.
ARM Eva BKLE.-fielng 'lot 23, ebnoestIon 6,
Morris, coaty of Huron. Gadd farm, brick
le se with One rooms. bank barn, stone stable,
ood erohard at appieepluva and cherry trees, plenty
of water, twre wells at the building*, and,9pIIeg
creek across tae center eof lot, Woad- Or a numbor
"in aim tenon cedar and wire, 160 reds 'of the
drain, good garden, 40 Wer of graas. Farm ia'
mike west of Prowls. Wool! take a honer, and los
ia payment if Worth 16000T $1,1100. The visual for
gelling le old ego. For prleve And terms apply to
j aelge ten ARP, Brusarla P. O.
eskt FOR SALE -Being north halt of Let 22,
Concession 4, Tuekerernith, tvoatigrieing 60
The laud% in Mgt elan shape. Is well fenced-
underdralned. There are on the premises a
good barn with stabling uodemeeth and a small
motilleg home, Tbere la also a good Os -chard.
The farm is couvenient to 'schools and abort:thee and
is situated 6 miles from laieforth, 4 miles from
Hi and 4 miles from Brumfield. For further
re apply on the trembles or'addrees Sere
P O. HENRY Mate 19194.
OOD FARM FOR SALE. -The farm of the late
Andrew Moleellan, in the townehIp of Hibbert
being Lut 19, Concession 4, containing 100 hues,
which 18 nearly ail cleared, with- no waste lend.
_ Tbis an exeelleni farm with a never Canine epring
also two welter, wen uoderdrained and well fenced,
weth a blink berth 40 x 60, hay no 28 x 5a, pig pen
hen Impels, driving shed, a dwelling houie, kitchen
and good Idled. It is convenient to wheal and
charehes, within 3 miles of splendid Market, 7
voiles iron. Seeforth, 'there la no inennobrence,, pito-
ilea° given from dey of sale to do all work, poesavlon
given the 1st ot April. For further partleulars
apply an Lot Igor 10 to WILLIAM or ANDREW
atcLELLADT, Dublin P. O., Oritarlo. 1949-tf
'ate.= FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 82,4iiionaton
2, L. B. S., Tuakersmith, containioge100 acres.
land /a ali cleared and in wgood AO* of cunt -
Nation sad well fenced and underdreinerfee There is
a good barn 80x50 feet with a 9 fooriltone wan
undereeath. Two implement homes_ and two
frame debate. There ie alto a good ialme
with kitchen and woodshed. The hougais beeted
by a Mimeo. Tble excellent farm is eituated on
the min road, one mile from Bruceileld, where
there isevery convenience. Also 6 rolled from Sea.
forth. There he a school house on the corner of the
farm. Panatela% can be had three weeka after
chase. For further partieulare ispely to OflAd.
-Being Weett part of Lots 1 and 2, Counse-
ls a, L. B.. S., Tuekerantith. Good concrete,. ei
roomed house, 40x28, with kitchen, woodshed and
boggy house attached. There ie a new bank herd
88x38, with wing extending to the south, 24 feet.
Also brick embed roothouse, 40 1O9 ling, under
gangway. All buildings in good repair. Orchard
°entitles two end rehelf acres of titmice winter trait:
There are two never felling wells, 5 acres of bush.
This farm ie in a. good nate of cultivation, well
fenced and necierdrained, situated 2 ;once fronethe
village of Herman. For further particulars aPPIY
to THOMAS RERNICK, Henson, Ontario. 41
Ur sale, Lots 18 and 19, an the lStb Ooneetsion
of Maine% containing 107a mores, ofewhich 100
acres see cleared, well fenced and in a good date of
cultivation. There are 7 runes of hardwood belga
-There is a good frame house and bank barn, withe
atabling underneath. There la a good well at the
house, a spring creek running past the barn, and a
epring On the back of the farm. There is a good
young orchaid devotee fruit ; it is within a mile
and a q tarter of the village of Leadbf.try, where la
post office, etore, blacksmith shop and sohool, and
close to a church. It es a splendid farm, and will
be gold cheap and on easy terms, as the owner le
unabla to work* and (leered to ratite. Apply on
the premien, or acidrea Leadbury la 0. MRS.
VARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 26, in the lat
Concession of the township of Bay, London
Road, and the south east part of Lot 27, adjoining,
containing in all 125 acre% more or Ina. The pro-
perty is all well fenced alio drained and wen seeded
down with the exception of about 15 mime under
woods. There ie a frame dwelling house and bare
40x60, cow house, driving house. stable and large
sand over 100 feet long. Two eplensied wells, good
slew wind mill, pumpa and abundenee of water.
ahere are also two good °retards =betty Northern
Spies. This- finefarm property is within la miles'of
Henan and the same instance from Kippen and is
on the London road. This land ie No. 1 and win ba
sold cheap and on favorable terms as the pro-
prietor letends giving up the farm. For particulars
apply to GEORGE PETIT, sr., Hensel!, or to
SUTHERIAND, alonveyeaneer, Mutual. 18694f
MIAMI. FOR SALE. -Lot 11, Concession 6, Hul-
_,U tett, coutaining 100 acres of land, all cleared.
and in fine condition. It is at present all seeded to
grass arid in goad shape either ror baypasture or
cropping. There is a comfortable frame house with
sunimor kitchen attaehed, two barns one 34 x 50
feet and the other 30 x 50 feet, and other out build-
ing, This farm is situated nine miles from Sea
forth, seven and one half -miles frord Clinton and
just one mile and a quarter from the yillag,a of
lianb-urn, where there are two general stores, it, wo
blacksmith shops, pmt offize and school. This tura
ie well situated and will be sold cheap as the pro-
prietor le anxioua to sell. For further particulars
apply to R. 8. HAYS, Barrister, Seaforth,br on the
preinires. WILLLAM LEITCH, Constance, Ont.
ARti FOR SALE. -For sale in the township of
Tucaerscoltb„ Lot I, Joncession 8, containing
eco acres, nearly all cleared and in a good state of
cultivation, newly underdrained, wen fenced, two
good wells. There IS on the place a good comfortable
frame house, large new bank barn with brick base-
ment, driving house, hog pen and large hen house,
about an acre of young orchard juat beginning 10
hear. The farm is neally all seeded to grass, and is
in excellent condition for either grain growingeor
otock raising. This excellent farm is well ;situated,
being two miles from a school, pest office, store and
blacksmith shop'and six miles from •Seaforth.
Good reada in allilirections. Buyers should come
and aee the farm wiles the crop le on. Possession
can be given after hervest. Apply on the premises
or address Seeforth post office. SAMUEL CLUFF.
1905 -ti
_we half of tot 29, =cession 8, MoK-liop with ex -
Mint buildings eituated 6 miles from the town of
Seafotth, a halt mile from school, one mile from
olturch, poet offieo, stores, blacksmith shop, mills,
tile and brickyard There is a good fraine home
and kitchen with cellar, frame barn 70 x 56 with
atone stabling alInd ea Mimed and
drained. There is a a -nice young bush. This farm
is in extellent condition, 30 notes seedel down.
Orchard of choice young fruit trees. This is &pleas-
ant and conveniently situated farm, bleak clay loam
suitable kr either grain or stock raising Terms
easy, made to suit purchaser. Also three choice
building Iota 14, 17 and 18, Coleman survey, town of
Seatorth, with a new briek stable eroded thereon.
Apply on the premiSeS or address DUNCAN Mc-
CALLUM, Beo.forth P. 0. 191141
If You Want to
Buy a Farm
Bueieeee or residence, consult us or
our agente before makieg a selection.
We have a large list of proper two, many
of them ere extra goud value at the
price asked. We can gave you titne,
money and worry it you will allow as
to assist you in making a selection.
Let us know yeur wants, or get our
catalogue -ie costs you nothing.
London, Canada.
R. S. HAYS, Agent, Seaforth
B. S. PHILLIPS Agent, Hensall,
- hien f obscttre ncestors InTrigre
PRME 'lug in '011r arteries -from whont we
o rt o Had
, are just ale inueli, deseeieded 'as Wo _
are from him who eivas king among
- - - - ilt . or
To Do Ir IN k
the kenge, I Woend infinitely prefer , . •
UNSPARING EXPOSE OF THE FOLLY to' be the founder of a race than the Viiks Wild up for a month andi
who bravely worked las way fiora suffered iitrestlY but cure
110thing tie- the pinnacle -'fame, oame with the use of
degenerate offspring of a eidble sire
This pactica1 World or everyday life pr.ohasegs Remedies,
does not ask who Waft your father,
While Dr. Chase% Nerve Food is eetraordine
'Who Was ,r2fOr gratICIMOgler 1 -Aft W110
are You? If you are a -nobody you ary as a System -builder it !wily slightly laxative
must fall to the -rear of the °flea ar d and persons inclined to eonstipation andliver
marching of the human race, where . or kidney disorders obtain tbe best results by
using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills at the
same dine, takieg one pill at a dose as often as
Ia required to keep the bowels active.
"A. Mains Pride &half Bring 33im Low" -
The 7Vor d, in Bible Times, Saith the
• Preacher, Had Always a Debased
Meaning -Arrogance and "'rifle tho
Quicksands to Deseroy Soues-Cut It
Out. er..
Etieered 'according tore et of Parliament of Can-
ada, in the yotsr 190i. tin William Bane, of To-
ronto. at the neuS, in ar.'fieui cure. rt o.wn..
Los Angeles Cal Oct -In this
sermon the preaeher uniparingly ex -
Poses the fatly and wicSeciness of
pride, whetherit be founded on Sao-
cettry, possessiews, • social position -
and influence or upon peettonal van-
ity. The text is Proverbs xxix., 23,
"A, man's pride shall bring him lowS:
he word npride" rn Ole age may
sometimes be used in a ',good Sense.
In Bible times it always' had a de --
I based -meaning. eeearchiug through a.-
concordance I cannot Sind -one -place
where thatoword "pride", was , not .
Used as the Symbol of 'sin" and con-
deenned as the cauee of ein. God, de",,
,.. „
rdeances it alit through -the Old Test-.
ament. Goa hurls at it, his execren
tions all trikmgh i the New. Aritog-
felle0 and pride compose the quicke
sands which have destroyed many Mt
immortal soul- in the past. TheY are
the insidious means whereby. Satan
is tripping up and manacling his
helpless victeinse• at the present time.
Therefore tpi !sinful Ankle, which is
found nestling in many hearts as a
fatal Cancer, Mast be cot ' out or
some of us will, be forever lost.
First, consider the silliest of all
kinds. of _ pride, that of aristocratic
lineage. The spoiled loretat in its
canopied bed, screaming for the • at-•
tentiOn tof its nurse, is not more of
it. nuleatiee than are these people who
strut., titreitigh the world chinning the
hotnaps 'of their. fellows because of -
their .having. been- born in an iiristoe
eratic bonne,- It, cries, "Bow low tci.
me, not because I have brain on have
accompliehedenae;thing, not because I
rtm of :any earthly -use to anybody,
but 'because MY grandfather oe great-
grandfather -has niccomnliehed some-
thing to make his -ineltio•fiSmous or
because - my gevat-grandmother had
in her veins the blood -oil -the Eti1V-
Ken. aristocracy.'t Listen '; to -' the
'habblings of one a...I/O ,Wbuid cenitinu-'
ally shake before WU' eyes a single
branch of his aeicestral tree 'which -
happened to . bear a •fow fragrant
blossoms while orn thatSsterett genii-
ale/Ono' tree are leendreds of "'Ssither
branches which havci. borne nothing
but worm eaten frOit, and - whinge
branches - have . becii gnarled end-
twisteet for geoerations and for co.-
turies. - - -
Have yen ever stoppedS' to ,consider
how mane, diSerent ancestors evil-
have.had? My parents were - t.:ivo an
• number. I had One, lather.. and- oae
mother. Blit, stepping back anOther
_generation, I find I had Sour • grand-
parents and- eight greategrendparente
and sixteen great-greategrandparents:'
and thirty-two • great-great-great-
granciparents.• And 'so back and back
they go, doubling with ,each genera-
tion. A feW hundred years back I
find my ancestors were not counted
by the tens,. • but by: the thousands,
Now, My friends, what right has a-
men with faanily pride to fellow up .
one branch of a genealogical tree -
that lands him in a king's throne
room or in an earl's palace and. ig-
nore the hundreds ot other ancestral
lines, any one or wlich would ,land -
him in a peasant's hut or i*writaps
even at !• the -end of a hangman's
noose? FOX, though swine 'or us ma'
not have had ancestor S who were
hanged, all of us have had nicety of
thein who ought to have been hanged
if they had been treateld.,as ;they de-
served. Thus, when We iestiMate how
many ancestors. we .all have had,
both good and ph bed, ' re is a great -
deal Of broad eenrinort: ense in the
answer which Theodore '7'='•Itooseve1t .
gave to one of his boys who' lia,d
boasted itt echoolabout his fantily.
The President paid: "ijatiu are only
two elassps of boys- iji this world,
my .sou. - Big boys and small boys
-alike are either good bOys or bad
boe-s. It does not make: very much
difference from what family you
spring, -if you are a „gohd boy the.
world. will respect you and if rie bad
boy tbe world will punish you and
despise you."
Then there is Another fact that al-
ways amuses me in reference to the
false assumptions of faintly pride.
Almost without, exceptiOn the great
families Of the earth are proud of
their descent from eome One man Nth°
in 'his youth 'was -a nobody, the son
of a hodcarrier, a stonemason or a
leborer in the -dith. Where did the
proud Astor famile- come from?
..1;n-orn a palace? Oh, no It sprang
int 0 prominence from a4 poor German,
emigrant who •had to (nose the At-
elantic practically in the steerage.
Where did the famous 'Vanderbilt Lam -
Hy COOSe from? Four generations !back
Cornelius Vanderbilt was a barefolot
boy- -running about the :Staten ISO-%
alai _hills. I It. made his -firsts/no/ley'
ag it Common .corrymit* rowing pas-
sengers over t he Wat ei.s between his.
island home Lied ?Sew )Tork's great
metropolis:. .
Whene did the great Adams family;
or the Dwellers, or tile Van Cort -
or the Van lienaselaers, Or the
Teamiltons, or the (kends, or the
A rMOUTS, or the Swifts, or -the Lei-
ters, or the Mises spring irdin? Ei-
ther in the last generation • or a few
ors ke
m'as-l. ePing a bU..clie• • shop or
generations back y'ou 0 n find their
ii orking as clerks or diggin P as farm-
ers or so poor 1 hat 'they had .1;0
borrow money• to get their staat in
life in their chosen entleer. Now, rtly :
Ur iSiOeratie. friends: if; the most hon-; r
Orl IlaithiS lit all hien Ory are -for the
grentee part names Pest heard' of in -
-t ia. annals. of t he pone end the first ,
_bearers of which - were bora in po-aore '
ty atid obseurity, - why should yoe
haid your betide 'so high'? DeCause
-Four father or grand fa t her ha Welled
to do something that Made his name
famous is that any reason why you
ehould consider youeseil above your
fellow men when You, have accom-
plished absolutely nothing for , man-
kind? The pride of biSth is among
the silliest and tbe moist baseless' of
all kinds of pride, for i ethough some
of ns may have the bloodof a great
man flowing in our veins, all of us -
without exception have, the 'blood of
- ••!
you belong, or be -knockeS down and
trampled ,under foot
But though we would denounce:the
pretentious pride of birth, We would
go .furtherthan this. We Would de-
notinee the arrogant pride Of many
men and women. who -seem to, have.
accomplished something itt Ufa If we
are honest wo Must admit that such
succeeses as we have achieved have
been duo in no sinall eleg.ree to for-
tuitous combinations of circumstance
es ,of whichwe have taken advan-
tage and not exclusively to our own
merits.- We have no right to take all
the credit to ourselves on to despise
, •
others who: have not had the _oppor-
tunities whichhave helped us in the
race. 'Many of them have beeu hin-
dered' by poverty or lack of educa-
Conal.,facilities or ill-healtle, and we
show disgraceful ingratitude • to Pro-
vidence eif we give ourselves airs of
superiority aver our less fortunate
-fellows, who have not enjoyed our ad-
vantages. •
'fJarries A, Garfield once seemed to
preach`the doetrine that there are no
difficulties in life too great for a man
to overconie. In one of his -addresses
he said:. "No rnan. Who is worth saving can ever be drowned in the
troubled sea of life. No matter how
far it is frdin shore, pitch him over-
board and lie will at best be able Co
swim ashore." I am net sure that
statement of Cardeld's is always
true. I..1.elieve that there may come
a time when a. young man, like a,
young colt, can be 'beaten too much
and his spirit will be gone. I believe
that a young man may have too
many obstaeles to Overcome until at
last ,he will lose his energy "and he
will cease to struggle any mgre. In
any case, it becomes -us all tb con-
sider howmuch of our success is due
to the advantages we have -enjoyed
and never to assume superionity ov-
er those who might have -succeeded
as well or better than we have done
if their opportunities and equipment
had been eq,ual ;to ours.
Men make circumstancee. Not al-
ways. Some tirflo age. When seated
in a railroad train I read a news-
paper rticle in reference to one of
the no °liens. pugilists of tbe coun-
try. his artick went something
like thi • -"Mr. 8o -and -so wilt never
amount 1 to anything again in the
roped arena. Why? Because he has
-been. twice whipped. A maxi is like
a dnge ,when he ,has been beaten
enough to find that some one else is
his master his nerve is forever. gone."
"Hon- true' in life is that!" I said
to myself, 'Then I pie -tilted _that
aoble dog of Jack London'S in his
"Call of the Wild." He Was a big,
lovable, brave dog, but no sooner
was he sent north than -he *as club-
bed until. his spirit was broken.
What then? He whined and whimper-
• -•••-••••••,1,.se• ac,••••i,
, arse's,
• re_
MR. FREDERICK• WIliTTAKEit, 906 Queen's
Avenue, London, Ont,, writes I used nine
boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and six boxes
of his Kidney-LiverePilis for a run-down system
and now feel like a new man in every way. Be-
fore beginning this treatment I had been laid
uplor a month, as I had not the strength to
Mend up at my work as rnathinist and suffered
much froni headaches, stomach troubles arid
ptas in my legs.
If I ever get run down in, healeh, again I
Shall not belong in trying these medicines, for
I have proven their excellence."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a hex;
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, 25 cents& box,
stall dealers. The portrait and signature of
•Dr...A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book
author era on every box.
time and ,
out Of her;
"Why don't you hurry to church,
old Phirinee? Don't you •bear the
last bell ringing?" "Oh, yes," says
the old hypocrite, • "but there is Ito
need of my hurrying. The ushers al-
ways keeP iny seat I make a. fuss
about .having any one else put in
my pew. Beeldes, it is not .clignifluil
, for me to go ahead or even to be on
1..et me come in just before
the Ormon and disturb the service,
and then every one will be impress. -
ed bY, rny 'entrance and the solemn
• devotion with which I kneel in pray-
er." '
!" • Our Pharisee of modern times copi-
es itt late as usual. A quiet little
lady dressed in black is seated in his
pew. HIP face and neck get as red
as if he had been taking a ten mile
• tramp under the tropical sun. We
are almont afraid he will burst a
blood 'vessel. in an lapoplectic it.
"Who is she? For what is she there?
Wasn't her husband that old drunk-
ard who died in cleliridm tremens five
months ago and who died. a bank-
rupt, owing me $500?" "Nes," said
1 the usher. "But her own life has
been sweet and pure, ancl as she
i used to know your family in her bet-
ter days she asked for your pew..
, She has come to church because she
wants) to join our church." "Join
• our church, eh! Yes," said the ()Id
leYprocite, "I kneiw why' she wants
, to join our echurchs she wants me to
help her and to let her children enter
the society of my family. I will not
do it. Now, Mr. Usher, see here,
this is going too far. This is too
goodla church. for the rabble. We
can etart missions for the poor: I
de 'not want a lot of people with
scandals besmirching their names
1 using us for a social hospital. 1 ant
willing to pay my pew rent and help
out; the*pastor's salary and help sup-
port a few foreign and Home
sbus. but I am rfot willing to be
ed like a frightened puppy. So some : dragged into the social mud with at
men,noble men, brave men in their ' lot of ordinary clerks and povert0
youth; • become failures as middle strickenwomen and general 'dead -
aged, men. Why? Because they aro ; beats.' • If you • 'cannot keep this
.gle after struggle and &kat class, the social 'upper tendom,' wily -
eaten - defeat. They are . halted I will • get out." -God help me it I I
in their,- progress ' through life • have made this scene too personal!
'by •obstaeles practically impossible Some of • you know who represents
to overcome until at last their cour- - the 'modern .Pharisee clothed in •the.
age and nerve aed fighting manhood filthy garments of ear egant pride.
practically ooze away. 0 man, be That person,- oh,' man or Woman, M
not puffed up in your own conceit an ; God's sight.is your,self satisfied, evil
account of your seeming tritemplis in self. ;You are .even. now making. the
liSe! 'You and I in a eepse have botn.• hypocritical prayer ,of him who Of
• succeeded_ not because SVC: are smarter t •old said, "Lord, -.I thank thee thatlI
than all men, but because God has i arSe not as other men." -1 1
givere to us chances of suecess which I But, lastly; I believe that pride is
-he has .withheld from :name who Were i often the result of bigotry and ignd-
just as smart and just as diligent '. rance. ' It is 'possible:\ to 'become So
and heave and • as conscientious as ,' absorbed hi a particular work -and in '
ever We have been. • ; Some one church as to .overlook the
It is _too often forgotten that are e fact that other -mon in other church-
rogance and pridg are sips in theme : es are winning, sends and pianting
.selvee, The lofty spirit which boasts ' seed in other fields which will yie1cl
that it is fine from. the guilt of oth- a "harvest as great as our ow
ers, and holds Aloof from the repent- • though other sickles may be used i
ant Sinner, whom , it surveys with, !
: reap it and other methods be adop
• scorn, is not that pride a most heine 1 ed tosproduce it.
.ous ?sir/ in the sight of a just 'God.? . How do you know that your owit
During- the. darkest d.ays of the ! church is the best church and th@.
French revolution of 'SSW a great ' only true church? Have you ever
mob . of insurgents and -rioters were I studied the• ways and the means oti'
• blOckading the Parisian Streets, "It . er ministers are using in our siste
is tiseh ss to appeal to their reason. I churches? It would be a good thin
TheY have. no reason," said General for you to worship in -some othe
L4yette, "the comumader , of the 1 chnrch for a, little while 'before re
National Guerin,. which , ultimately ! are se quick to condemn their ways
placed :Louis lshilippe ' upon the I of doing
French: throne, "Shoot them down , 1 winch
like dogs " "Let me general try to
A Voice from the West.
Verndale Ranch, Sept. 22, '04.
Dear Expositore-WoUld yea ale
low nee te say, a few words about
•" Sunny (Alberta." 1 noticed .the
iesue.of liOtember Dth that Mr. Wm.
Kyle had a letter about our Ter-
ritory. We got to Calgary the same
clay as Mr. Kyle and as he says, we
had a cold spring; I agree with
him. us far as where he says winter
set in. Noveraber. Wq had a cold
tootrith in November, but after that
the weatlier was Zino until the Oth
of iFebruari, when -it started to
snow and. 'mre had. a snow fall of a-
bout two -Teat. This remained until
the latter box-tee:1 March, then we
"had fine weather. The cr-op was got
in good arid early and matured in
fine shape. Most of the. grain was
cut before thei frost, whiel came
on the 11th of September. Mr. Kyle
says you ma y land cheaper this
year than last. O.P.R. land soId last
fall for $5.25 o.n acre and this year it
is $6.10. lie also says it is false about
feeding stock outside. I fed all my
cattle outside last winter and they
came out fat on frozen jiay. Mr. Wm.
Doyle, on of ex -county commissioner
Doyle, of Parkhill, ted 200 head of
Steers last winter under the shelter
of throe strands of , ;barb wire. And
they came out as fat cos Aply Bob and
Tom Mel/lino-a ever fled on meal and
ensilage, and he never .fed a straw
after the first of May1,
Mr. -Kyle also ys he saw more'
dead cattle in a 3= ar than in Ontar-
io in forty. There ,re more dead cat-
tle *here and wh ri they die the
rancher does not urn, bury or haul
them to the bus Cattle die, here
from black leg, a. thrax and poison
of the slough, ut I have never
.known any die
Baxter and Reid ranch, 10 miles
north of here, erected _sheds and
shelter for their , 1,000 thorough-
bred Hereford heifler,s and when win-
ter came the cattle wouldn't ',Stay
lit them 'but went out to the scrub.
They ihave added 1 000 more this year
land 2,000 stockers I think there is
no place better a apted for ranch-
ing than Alberta.
Formerly of Bru
OCTOBER 14 1904
Veitatilfaraniaili1ataleifirere /enfant/Iry ee
" C oithes, doret, make the num ; but they rnake all cf Li
but his 14nds and face. and that's a pretty considerable area cf
, „
the hum ati animal!'
Hers at=
Letters iy€ A Self -Norm liferch
Ogress" Brand Clothing
always look Well 1 others pay a tailortwice as "much arel
never look well. High prices don't always mean higb quality.
DISCRIMINATE. Buy clothes thaf. se& the styles—thaf Sat
the standard of fine tailoring—that are guar
anteed by maker and retailer ;In other -ercrds.
buy "Progress" Brand Clothing.
Sold, by- Leading Clothiers
throughout Canada:
Aft everververvVererutevvereet.A/VtAAAAAArtfeiVIAflieflAelft fu uuvvis.
Progr.ess Brand Clothing my be had from Greiff & Stewart 04
Ild Sti
b. been usi
_sixty year
a tompla]
doses box
r great rule of he
‘ie 1111 And the great medicine—
OF Keep the bowels replar
Ayer's Pills. LOWS
om exposure. The Want your moustache or beard
abeautitaibroviliorrichblack? Use ,on. zeueerwits.r.ssasziar.„suars4aik,
rs truly,
dsburyi , Alberta.
• Miller's G,rao.ale cuee'sallow skin.
Alex. Vililson, rieggist, Seaforth.
letnea-The (highest
attire livas 84 de
eport for Septem-
maximum temper-
• eets, lowest mini-
mum temperaturei 27 degree.s. The
highest mange 35 1degrees, the low-
-vet "range 7 degreps. Average maxi-
mum temperature 67.07 degrees, ay.
eraoe minimum to
gTeas, avers:0 x&
The total r,ainfall
3.56 inches. The
perature- 47.77 de-
ge 19.3. detgrecs.
or the month was
following are the
averages for the yiear 1903. Average
/nazi/xi-tun temper4;ture 61/n46 degree,
average nein. temperature 48.5 do-
,greos, need the avetaige range 20.7 de-
greos. The total nainfall was 6.60 ine
• -The total reiPts of the To-
rotnto exhibition t is year amounted
to 8112,838.66J; total- e'xperrses, $132,-
630,10; baidnce protit, $40,208.56.
From the protit the board expect to
hand over to the city; in addition
;to the money the association has ex-
pended upon new buildings, eash to
the ottio:unt of abo t $33,000. A 00331-
partison of • recel tsi shows: 1900,
$103,628; 19011 $8 ,702 ; 1902, $107,-
726; 1903, $162,065- 1904, $172,838.
battered and pounded by struge chnrch entirely or the eiclusive
St Catharines Well,
, Iscatter Oen'," said a staff officer to ,
his corremander. , The young man '
took offehis hat and rode -up to the
threatening mob. Then he cried,
"All gentlemen will ple:ase- to retire,
forr-I am ordered to shoot down the
rabble." At once the mob scatter-
ed. '`Not," wrote the historian,
"from Sear; but because not one of
those fierce rioters wanted the people
hinge, "Other sheep have
re not of this fold," said
How do ,you know that your way
of bringing up your children is th
only right way? Have you develop
ed your family so marvelously tha
they are brighter than all other chil
dren, more intellectual, more_ spirit-
tual? Perhaps instead of your hi
dren being blamed for doing wl1ono
you ought to be blamed. Your war
of clisciptine -may be wrong. Broad-
• In St. Catharin-eal, the Garden City
of Canada eleven Miles fr-oro, Niagara
Falln, on the main ;line of the Granki.
Trunk Railway, is situated the his-
r,i;orio St. Gatharixies Well, about
'which is woven many, a nomantic In-
dian legion, and. 1 -*hone curative
properties are. knoSvn far and hide
throughout _North Atnenica, -The
water of thhi femOhns Saline Well' is
considerably densert than sea water,
but clear, sparklin and. odorless,
and.'Is remarable for its penetrate
iv•e !qualities.
Theee Waters ar great speeific
for Such diseases as rheu.matisra,
'gout, Scrofula, men algia, liver trou-
bles, (skirt diseases aind cases of nerv-
ous (prostration, or as a tonic liar
and Simple. The treatment is pen-
st possible lines,
•ssist nature ae
he use of then.:
remedial anente
etati ceele ctri city,
and rest. Ail
arge ,of hottee
s are in a ,sep`e
cted with the
ducted on the broad
bhe idea being to
much 4's possible.
walers fs the ohief
accompanied' by
massage, exe'roise,
treatment is in 0
physicians. The bat
--(trate building conn
main building by a glass covered
• aterrid0a.
. Full linformation, descriptive mate
ter and all parbicula may be had on
application 'to J. D., McDonald, Dis-
tniet Passenger .gent, Toronto,
Ontario.- • 1
of Pn.
race (=skier: that he be- en your life. Study' the ways c4•
longed to the scum or the off scour -
in gs of the • nati on " :nem use ar-
rogant peide considers herself dif-
ferent from the repulsive begs of siti
does that make- her different? I tell
thee nay. :The vilest and the most
degraded forms of sin are .not More
condemnedjttkGod's eight than the
sin of the riill'rif4ee. vid it.
Wo must believe it. . • ' V
Who is_ LhisT Pharjsee of old mod-
eritieed into the language of the
church life of to -day? Let me de-
scribe him as you' have often seen
him.- Sunday morning is here. The
so pereili 003 neva aure crawls out ef
-bed. I -le miust "go to Church. It is
part of his religion to go to church,
, Idvern one so ye ho is ono of the ia
tars of the *church. 1, -le• dislikes the
wol•t1 "pillar” because for a. long
time he has thought he is the wbole
sanctuary, • choir loft and pulpit
thrown in: as Well as pew.
lie has ..hard work to 'get up this
'morning because all the Week, like
Shylock, he has been demanding his
pound of flesh. lle, gave ,a hundred'
dollars to the church last, week, but
he did, not miss it much. He took it
off, tm, wages of his employes. Dur-
ing the week, by business tricks .pad
financial thumb -screws, he got at
least four different pieces of real
estate $5,000 less than they were
worth. Be•eied about the deal, hut
of course he only lied according to
recognized business custom. • Lost
night he discharged a young girl be -
cantle she was -sick. He- knew What
made her sick. He worked her ovi.y-
other Christian parents anS you
may be able to improve your own
ways. •,
How do you know that your ()NYS/
interpretation of the Scripture is
right!? Perhaps if yoa would Only
empty- yourself of selfland as a stu
Silt dome and Sit at Christ's fe
you might learn so /Mich from hi
who was meek and •of hea
that you would have a less exalt
estimate or yourself and. el yo r
own wisdom and piety. I 'Personally,
would never' have any use foe a phy-
.sician who thinks he knows so inuela
.4 -that in the crisis of a disease- he
would not ask another physician to
come to the bedside of the sick for
consultation. Neither has Sthrist a en
use . for ' one of • his disci, 'des who
Snows so much that he is not will-
ing to tonne bo sit at /his , feet a d
learn of Slim. .Ar -e you readSeto-d. y
to empty yourself of self and be ats
ictiltioem8pit)ei-rt:lee?elsel to be filled with the
Oh, the imbittered and imbittering,
sinful pride. of life! How hard it s
for some of yotl to give up! Oh,
man will you' yield Up your pride or
Christ? Will you be as a little phild'
at, his feet? Will you say, "Master,
1 mu nothing, but thou art all lin
all?'' May tIod grant that the bane
of sinful pride shall here- and new
forever be cast out , of every one of
,our hearts, "A man's pride shall
bring. him low, but honor shall up-•
hold the humble in spirit."
Scott's Emu
sion is the
means of life a d. of the en-
joyment of life o thousands of
men, women and children.
To the mei Scott's Emul-
sion gives the flesh and
strength so necOsary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses' from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul-
sion does this and more. _It is
a rhoSt SuStdi mg, food !and,
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul-
sion gives food and strpngth
for growth: of flesh and bone
and blood. pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help. .
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & SOWNE, Cheminsttsa40.,
Toronto, o
50o. ancl $1.00 r all druggists.
Fah and Winter
Apples - Wanted.
The undereigned are prepared to buy a qminTITy
of Fall land Winter Applee, within pecking dietance
of Reefer th. For further par tlenlara apply at the
1 offico of D. D. WILSON as Co., Seaforth, • 1915 -if
We pay for chickens 5ic per pound and 40 for
hens. We also want a car of dried apples.
HOid y011ir turkeys
we Will buy them later
Poultry taken every Wednesday, Commencing Wed-
nesday, October 5th, Kust be in before noon.
GUN, Seaton/h.
1-.5ftitWea% _
Touch Typewritin20
Touch typewriting means operating the key board
without looking at the letters—just watch the copy and
continue writing the same as a musician plays the piano
without looking at the keys.
• By the touch system an operator can write all day
without looking at the keys—means faster work and a big
'saving in time.
'The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
teaches touch typewriting and business methods thoroughly,.
Stude ts may enter any time during term. Booklet free.
Westervelt, Principal, Y.M.C.A. BillIding, London.
eady for Fall
We have got nicely settled in our new premise
rn the Strong Block and are in a better position
'1 than ever to cater th the wants of our man
The 6old Weather
Is apprdaching and we are pleased to be able
say' that we have for your inspection all the latest
' things in Fall Suitings and Wercoats, fiats
Underwear. You will be needing a heavier swt
and anew overcoat and now is the time to leave -
your order. Drop in and ma'ke a selection whil*
thegoods are fresh.
'• .
• Barrisror, Solleitor.
leen- In Seafeeth
dees. affeee open every
eore, Main street, &aro
. &I
&Bettor for Deeraelal
.1.3timieliaa Bank, Seaforth
N Public.
Dr. *John
• Office and Beta
'Thane ea
- DR.
titillate of TJet
webs of Onteri0
tin:deal School, Ohice
.1.1410ndCrOs EVAIRIld
Landon, Rowland. Offie
atom, Main *reek teraf
oldie *flowered Warta
Ong IF* 4
d Steeddeuee -0
• Mune/ran
or the -County o
4114 11001% sucked.
loombfer, Ontario
Burirsons. Oarana
AklisaltAT,t Issaor
-9011ftre of Wrsiniaas
tR M
u.- -ilon and Pbyeirea
ry Colleee
eee of women sii
efliIr of Ontario Gone:,
.nesidence and Mlles in
mewled hotel; Phone N
Your Fstrniture wants can be best supplied by us. We
the tock that will please you, and -our prices for all kin
_Ibe 401,111# 41 Huron.
newt of the oeuntystss
Drains lea
Demand your attention for a short tinae. We will give a
Special Reduction
On Couches, Parlor Suites, Springs and Mattrasses FOR OASH Oi
. Promptly attended to night or day,
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
• Ot LOC -
nett of Harm
=of tt eaurety
Wirt -Mon