HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-14, Page 511013Elt
141 1904*
'OUi wok dee
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J. A. Baird.
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at 2 o'clock
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.T. Me-
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T. Brown,
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Leo a quant -
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T. Brown,
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1 o'clock
near Con -
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H. It. S.,
roPrietor ;
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soprieter ;
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; Thole
, Londe*
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R. S•
entre and
prietor ;
Nutt anted.-hr.Wanted. anv q went ity
et nye chia..el?s, ducks earl old fowl deltVered ati
sro• store every Thursday up to 4 p.m. J. Canniug,
Chanleaworth & Son, hardverere mer-
*Wis. Zurieh Ont., heve alarge, amt. hp to -date
etemk of hardwere. Alen carry a large flee of
rages and itteves,_ including the tarn one h appy
rfasee. reven Curer' end Souvenir ranges
other Orme of the be stove rnanuboturera in
Oracle. Prices right. Be sure and see these
st-nrtt. A. Cheri' swerth & Son. 19223.
Sneroara. October 13, t004
esiel odd Stenriard..„. 1 00 Ito 1 o8
hest . .... 1 00 to I 05 '
waste. - 0 30 tu 0 so
0 60 tio 080
zeeeey pee beetter.. 0 40 to 0 40
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&paper dos.. 0 17 to it 78
2 50 ito 3 CO
6 f0 to 700
6 00 to &25
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0 21 so 023
0 50 to 0 75
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6 00 to 700
I 26 to 250
5 to 05
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01.1 Li •
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..- • a *1
Asil} per harem_
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Dairy Market&
Tortotoro, October 11—Butter—Is fairly
y and reoeipts are large. TLe den -and
Ior choice grades centinues active. Prioes
unchanged, Creamery print% 19 -to
oreamery oohds 18e ; dairy tab,
to ehoice. 13 to I5o ; dairy inferior
JO to l2re t dairy pound rollenrod to
15 to 16e ; meditfro, dairy, 13 to
heete__The market la quoted with - hang*, at9 to 910 for large, and
10e for twine. Enge—Receipts done
tight, and/ the market is quoted firm
tone at 19 tei 20e.
moan, Obtober 11—Cheese—Ontario
white, 9c; eblored, ; Quebec, .
p—Select new laid, 23 be 24o ; straight
Oland candled, 19e ; No. 2. 13i to 14e.
. -repay grades, 191 to Diet ; ordin.
1.3a to 19e,and western dairy 15e.
Grahtt, ete.
Toitoolro, OotoberAl—Wheath-Manitoba
wheat 1* 'quiet and Steady. There ie a slow
demand for Ontario grittles, and red and
bite is offered at $1;02, with $1 bid f.o.b.
ra %aside. Pricee are i -e -No. 1 northern,
O to $1.03-1No 2,$1 to stooi; No
o 986. Georgian Bay porte, 6o more
gviethng transit. No,. 2 tentario goyim,
88o, No.2 sprfog, 94 to 95e.
Bran isquoted at $14 to ,$I4.t0 -in
baIk and shorts at $17.50 east or west,
)Aaaitoba millfeed is unchanged at $20 to
or shorte, and $19 for ' bran, sacks in -
luded, Toronto freights. Baled Ray—
ne market is about steedy, and is quoted
unchanged ete $7 50 to $8 , roar ton for car
Iota on trade here. "
TORONio, Ootober 11 -Potatoes are firm
tone and quoted unchanged, at -81' per
hag for out ot store, and 80 to 90e per ;bag
for car lots here.
Tononno, October 11—Trade continues
light, and the market is quoted unchanged
dressed weights at 11 to 13o for spring
Woken's, and S to 9a for old birdie Ducks
ars eteady at 9 to 10; and geese at 8 to 9e,
Live Stook _Markets.
Lorton, October 10—American cattle,
oCanadiane, 8I, sheep. 6d.
Lariennoore, October 10 —0enadian cattle,
TORONTO Jteeortme, (Moller 11—Re.
etipts at the Union Stook Yards to day
were larger than have been usual for the
pet few weeks. The =Aran however, was
not very briek, and pricee were no better
than they were last week. Cattle of good
truality had a ready sale, bat a great many
of the oattle offered were of ,poor quality,
and these were not purchased readily. Ex-
portere'Cattle—Exportertd ca;itle brought
from 84.25 to $4.$5, with a fevr loads sell-
ing a little higher., The bulk of the export.
arre brought frem $4.40 to $1.75. Butch-
ereCattle-Foi the few lea& of good but-
chers' cattle offered as high as $4 35 and
$4.40 wae paid, but the great majority of
butehere cattle were of poor quality.
Prices ranged down to $3.25.
MONTREAL, October 11—The demand for
good cattle was fairly good at the Beat End
Abattoir this morning, and the general
opinion is that there is a fair prospect of
cattle keeping good for the winter. We
quote :—Uhoice eattle at 4o per pound in
good demand, and fair cattle in 'good de -
a0 3it to to per pound. Butchers' oat-
tle'were selling fairly well at 2 to no per
toiled, and canners- were in rather poor de-
mand at from 1 to .tio per pound. The de-
nim:id for milkers is stilt geed at from -$25
10.$50, The demand for calves oontinned
good,aed they brought from $4 to $15 each.
Where wan & very good demand for export
sheep at no per lb., and a fair demand for
butchers' around 3o. Lambs, were again in
excellent demand at from 4:t to per lb.,
and all that oarne into the market were
sold. There wa.s an improvement in the
derhand for seleet hog e at 50, as there was
also for heavy at 4 ta 5o per Ib.
BUFFALO, Ootober 11- Cattle — Active ;
nest grebe 15 to 25o. others 10 to 15a high-
er ; prime steer$5 50 to $5 85shipping,
$475 to e5 ; butchers'. $4 to je5; heifers,
13.25 to $4 5(1; cowa,$2 50- to $415; bulls,
82.50 to $4 ; stookers and feeders, $2.*50 to
0,85 ; stockers' heifers,$2 to $2 50 ; fresh
80W* and springers, $2 to $3 higher;good to
oboteel- 845 to 852. medium to good, $32 to
'$1.5 ; eoramon. $20 to $32. Veals—Aotive;
25o higher et $4 50 to $8 25. Hogs— Fair-
ly active ; pige and Yorkers, 10o lower,
othere, steady to strong ; heavy, $6,35 to
*&50; mired and Yorkt re. $6.30 to $6 40;
85 60 to $5 75, roughs,$5 25 to $5.50;
stars. $4 to $4.75 ; dairies and graseere,
$5-90 ti k 86.25. Sheep and Iambs -Active;
15 to 25o higher; lambs. $4.50 to $6 50 ;
yearlings, $4.25 to $4.75 ; wethers, $4 25 to
$1.50; ewes, $4 to $4.25 ; sheep, mixed: $2
$4 25.
Towne°, Ootober 11—Exporters—There
who nOt a single Toad of export) cattle offer -
and none were' wanted, seemingly.
i5 u t elle r a' --Trade in butchers' cattle was
610Wwith prices (-eater, espaoially for the
'Osman grades. Too many light, half.fed
heifers and steers aro being effered. Few
sales were quoted over $4 per cwt. A few
Picked cattle sold at $4 25 per cwt., the
hulk going at $3 25 to $3.75 ; rougto be
at -
fetior $2 to $3.50 per owt. Oann rs sold
all the way frond $1.30 to $1.75 pr owt.
Feeders—Although there was a fair de-
mand for feeders of good quality, prioes
were, easier all round. Feeders of good
(PlailLY, weighing from 900 to 1.000 pourode
eaeloranged from $3 40 to $3.70 per own,
and commoner grades of the same weight
shilt1 from $5 to $5 50 per cwt. Stockers -
Mb bulk of steckere offered were of the
eastern clam Drovere and dealers report-
ed oar, little demard for them. Those
weighing from 500 to 750 pounds each. sold
e411 tke way from $2 to $2.75 per siWto. Feed -
411f.' Balla -Distillery bulls, of which there
wet a large number, sold at lower prises.
Several of the dealer% it is reported, are
pains their eupolies from Chicago and
121orupeg. Prices ranged from, $2,25 to
W.75 per cwt for the best of them. One
load of rough bulls field at'82 per own Can-
ner bulls sold from $1.30 to 81.75 net ewt.
Mach Covra—There were about 15 or 20
milch cow and epringere offered. The
irlidity was fair to good, and the demand
Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fond, $3,000,000
HON. GEO. A. o0X, President.
33- E. WALKER, General Manager, ALFD.C. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'! Manager,
rarniers° and Graziers'' Banking.
Every facility afforded farmers and graziers for their •banking lausinees. Notei `die
counted. Sale Notes cashed or taken for nollootion.
Depoette of $1 and upward e reeeived, and interest allowed at current ratee. Interest
added to the deposit twice in each year, et the end of May and November,
• The depositor is subjeicib to no delay whatever in the Withdrawal
of the Whohs „or any portion of the deporit,
Deponits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Out -,9f -town accounts reoeive every
F. IIOLMESTED, SolicVmr. G. E. PARKES, Manager.
for them Wait better than for iteieral near -
WA.' Pricee ranged from $30. to $55, neat',
Veal* Oalves en, Prices for veal °sties were
unchanged at $2 to $10'each . or $3.0 to
$5.25 per cwt. Sheep and timht—Deliv.,
:eriet of theep and limber eveis ir moderate,
1500,. vvith pries* unehtinged.*Sbeereeeld at
$3.50 to $3.75 for °wee, and 130441. a at $2.75
to' $3 • per cwt. : .Lambs seld at $2,75 to
$4 30 per cwt.- froas-The runi of hogs seas
light, lees than 1000. Nivea Were' firmer.
at $3.35 for seleetto lighte and fatent 85.10;
eowe, $3.50-nrood- stags, at $2 to e 8250 per
cwt., fed and watered. '' 1
- omeemeeseeeigmee.,
Organization Meeti-ng.
Frani( O'Brien, chairman Of the Reform Assoc-
iation for the beunimpality of l'hokersenith, will be
at the following polls at the following Moles and
at the followitig places for the purports of o,omplete
Ing the organizing r -Polling subelivielon No. 6,
Strong's hall, this Friday, °Weber 14 ; polling sub.
division No. 2, Egmondville school, Monday, Oot.
ober 17 polling subellvision No. 4, Sobers! hotule
No. 2, Tuesday, October. .18 ; polling sub -division ,
No. 3, Weet end 'Oleo!, Welnesday, Ootober 19 ;
polling sub -division 'do. I, Chesney's whoa! Thurs.
day, October 20; polling sub -division No, 6, White
eohool, 8sturday, October 22. Each of the above
meetings will commence at 7:30 p. m. A good
turnout of Reformers Is requested at ,eaoh of these
rneetiligs. FRANK O'BRIEN, Chairman. I922.1
pRRETER-In 'Dashwood, on September 26th, to
Mr and Mrs' Louis Pruden a daughter
WHITE-Itt Usborne, on October 1st, to Mr and
Mrs Joseph White, a daughter
PFAFF-In Hay, Lake Road, on October 5th, to
Mr and Mrs Wm Pfaff, a daughter
LEBEAU-At St Joseph, on October 2nd, to Mr
'wed MraLebeau, a daughter
FISHER -In Grey, on October lat, to Mr and Mrs
John Fisher, a dateghter
geeDONALD-Ie Toronto, on Ootober '4th, to Mr
aud Mrs R J Macdonald, formerly 9f Seaforth,
a delight's. - •
McLEAN-In Wieghern. on October 8rd, to Rev and
Mrs J N McLean, a daughter, (still born)
JOHNSTON-In Lower Wingham, on October 4th,
to Mr and Mrs W 3 Johnston, a son
CARSON -In Howlett, on Ootober 3rd, to Mr and
Mrs R Cargos, a daughter
COWAN-In East Vrawanosh, ou Ootober 4th, to
Mr and Mrs beau Coteau, a eon
TOMS -In Colborne, on September 270h, to Mr and
Mrs Win Tonne a daughter
BEACOM-Io Hulled, on Ootober 8rd, to Mr and
Nr a A W Beacon:tea on
HAWKINS-ft Goderleh, On October 2nd,•to Mr and
Mrs J B lifswkins, a son
HILL-PINNER-At the reeidenoe of *he bride's
parent's, Mr and Mrs J W Pinner, Marmara, on
october 5th, Mies Maggie Pinner, to Mr F W
Hill, of Clinton
bilANNING-MMOOL-At the residence of the
bride's lather, ou Ootober bth, by Rev Ur Coup.
land, Mr T Manning, to Miss Laura, eldest
'blighter of Mr W MaCool, of Benett .
MORLEV-BATTEN-At Winebelsea on Serember
28th, Mr Thomas Morley. of Whalen, d Miss
Emma, daughter of Mr John Batten, of Win.
BIJOHANAN-MoILVSAIN-At the resideoes of the
bride's father, on September 29th, by Rev J
Hamilton, Mr Arthur Buchanan, of Dunthuroh,
Parry Sound distriot, to Miss Agnes Miellwain,
eldest daughter of Mr Johnston MoIlwain, of
Goderioh township
ST JOHN -In Tuokersmith, on Septette* 20th,
jarnes St John, formerly of Goderioh township,
aged 88 years
WESTON-In Gaderich township, on ()debar 4th,
Ellen Evelyn Weston, relict of the late George
Weston, aged 79 years
SHERMAN-In Tuokerstnith, on Ootober dot, Thom
6herman, aged 103 years
ZETTLE-In Zurich, on October Id, Moor, relict of
the late doeeph Zettde, aged 61 years
CANN-In aborne, on Ootober 2nd, (boll Melville
Cann, fixi of lfr and Mrs Charles Cann; aged 6
years and 6 months
FORSYTH-On October 40h, at Fern Cottoge, Gar.
lieatown. Allison Nivisoo, wife of Wm Foreyth.
late of tipper Barr, Seotlend. The eleeeased
was the eldest *Is er of the late Mir Robert
McMichael, of MoKillop, and tsunt of Mr Alex-
ander McMichael, of the same township:
DRON-.-In Deokert Michigan, on October 7th,
Belle. McDonald, relict of the late janaee Dron,
forteerly of Bruesels ,
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers.
Night calls answered' at Mr. MoKetzie's
residence, Church So., third house north of
public sobool, weet side. Graduate Massa-
ohusets College of Embalmiug, BOeton, U,S
Knechtel & McKen;ie,
.12 Section No. 0, Grey, a female teacher boding
ES second Wales certificate. Duties to commence Jan.
nary lett, 1905. A.pblioanes toartate salary required
Applicatione must be addreseed or made to the un-
dersigned before October 240h, ANGUS HAW,
Bruesels P. 0. 12i.3
Hunters' Excursi t,flS
Froin all etatione, Brockville and weet in
Canada, also from Buffalo. Blaok Rook,
Suspension Bridge, and Niagara Falls,
New York., to . .
arid to
North Bay and points on C. P. R., Mat-
tawa to Nipigon and Garden River, inclus-
ive; also Kipawa and Temieleaming, good
• going until November 3rd. -
All Tickets valid returning on
or before December lOth1904
World's Fair, St.Louis
$17.40 ,Round Trip.
With stop over privileges at Chicago,
Detroit and intermediate Canadian statione
Through Pullman Sleepers twice
For eickets, illPhtrated literature and full
inforteetion, call on . .
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket lAgent.
le.ITOrtoht SUM Al OF FA 8TOOK.-Jamee
Jones has been lust? °tie be Aft. J. ri,
Roach to mill by public) auction on Lot 22, Canoes, -
ion 4etownship of Hibbert, oteMondays Oetelber 171
the following : -I filly rising 8 ears old ; I gelding
rising a years old ; 1 geldine 2 years old ; 1 road-
ster ristng 8 yore old ; 1 roadst r rising 1 year old;
20 steers rising 8 ; 15 steers rising 2 ; 6 heifers rie.
ing 2; 8 oows due to ealve-at t me ot ale;r.2 cows
to cave in March; 2 brood leen; with littler et foot.
Sale at 1 o'clock. Ternis..-12 months' anent wia
be given on furniebing approved joint notes., 5 per
cent, off for cash. The above le a choice Int, of
Mode and will be sold without Weave. 3. It.
14oe.014, proprietor ; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer
for Porto and Buren. - 1922x1
ile, Melvin has :been lostruoted by Mr. Finlay
MoIntoeh to eel by 'public auction on Lot 18. Con -
caution 4, McKillop, on Thuradey, October 27th, at
I rdelook sharp, the rilovv9 years old ; a yearling colting property,viz, e Horses
-One carriage mut a
Sired by Wllderlee ; , spring colt sired by the same,
CatileSix come aup oaed to be in malt to a thoro-
bred Derhant bull ; Jorecy cow supposed to be in
calf ; 4- e Getting steers ; 4 yearling' heifers ; 6 spring
chives ; 17 sheep andlambe. . The whole will pool•
tively be mold without reserve t s the proprietar is
giving up teeming. Terme-Twelve mentaid credit
will be given on fur:tithing approved joint 'idea. A
discount of 6 per cent. will he allowed for oaah ern
credit amounts. F. IdolliTedla, Proprietor; . T.
BROWN, Anetioceer. 1922
1-- -
PlEssENTS.-Mr. Thos. Brown has been in-
etrueted by Mr Tease Jarrett to sell by public auc-
tion on Lot 80, Commie -le 1, London Road. Bay,
oo Tuesday. October 261h, at. I Oslo& sharp, the
following property, viz ; Horses -One mare 8 years
old supposed to be in foal, 1 filly 2 3 eare old, one
sucking foal eire4by Wilderiee. Cattle -Four cows
supposed to be in calf, I newly calved crow, 1 fat
COV, 6 heifers three yews old, fet ; 6 heifers two
years old, I steer three year old, 3 steers one year
-old, 9 heifers ooe year old, 6 spring calves. Imple.
reente-1 Maseey-Harris binder, 1 seed drill, 1 mow.
er, 1 disc harrpw, I double plow, 1 eines° plow, 1 set
iron harrows, 1 pulper, 1 Bekker, 1 low wagdn, 1
tap buggy, 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger at-
tachment, 'i pair bobsleighs, 1 wagon rade't Feb
single harness. 1 fdelotte main separator, 1 Daisy
churn, 1 cooking stove, 1 heating stove, 50 hens and
8 gem and a lot of other articles The whole will
positively be sold. Terme of sele-85 and under,
cash ; on credit amounts 12 months' credit will be
given di furnishing approved. joint notes. A die -
Count of 5 per cent. per annum for (Ashton credit
amounts. ISAAC jARROTT, Proprietor; THOS,
BROWN, Auctioneer. - 1922
AUIlNalLE'f rlllrlenie n
instruoted by Mr, James Connor toieell by public'
auction on Lot 1, CoOeelisien 18, H. n. 8., Tucker.
smith, on Wednesday, October 26th, at 1 o'ologle
sharp, the following property, vis : Howe :-One
brord mare supposed -to be in foal to Prince of
Hutlford ; 1 general purpose horse ; 1 one year old
colt by Pride of Glassnick. Cattle -Two fresh cows;
1 cow to ealveln November ; 1 ow to calve in De.
comber I;5 crows supposed to be in calf to a thoro.
bred bull '• 3 hiders 2 yearn old eupposed to be In
calf to a, thorobred bull ; 4 yearling heifers ; 2 year.
ling steers and 5 (salves ; 1 sow and a number of
hens. Imp'ementa--1 binder, 1 mewer,1 cultivator,
1 horse rake, 1. gang plow, 2 other plows, 1 est dia-
mond harrows, I grain drill, I land roller, 1Souffle's,
1 pia -harvester, 1 lumber wagon, 1 sleigh, I covered
buggy, 1 cutter, 1 fanning nilil, t root pulper, 1
torah) Sower, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 2 sets heavy
herness, 1 eet single harem, pair of horse blankets,
Rake, Matto, whiffletrees, etc., also a quantity of
manstoldein the Sleid. Mouse laid Effoota-t cook-
ing stove, 1. heating 'love, tables, chairs, bedeteade,
a spinning wheel and red, IF Daley. churn, a cream
separator, a water box and milk mane, I sugar
kettle.Terms-85 and tinder, mash; on credit amounte,
twelve menthe' eredit will be given on furnishing
approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per trent.
for cash no credit amounts. J. CONNOR, Proprie-
tor ; J. :ONES, Auctioneer, 1922.
ESTRAlt CALF. -Strayed from Lot 18, Combs -
sloe 2, MoKillop, about the let of slaty, a ten
months' old calf, dark red. Information leading to
ite revovery will be rewarded. 2'RA.NCI3 0'8UL-
LIVAN, St, Columbian P. 0. 1922.8
200ACRE FARM tor sale, Late 60 and 57, let
Concession, Turnberry. Good brick house,
bank barn and 60 acres of heavy timber. Apply to
8. A. SNELL, Jamestown, Ont. 1922x18
enisEAUTIFUL FARM FOR SALE -For sale cheap,
JISPI that beautiful tat ra in the township of Mail -
lop, known as "The Merles," situated one and a
half tnlles north, of Sec foith. The fee m contains
one hundred acres of the °helmet lend. There is a
bank barn, lag° frame house, with beautiful large
rooms, gcod water, a creek running through the
farm. Good orohatd and vineyard, all under ,sul-
tivation and well dkained. The situation is excel -
lea, near oruntry sehool and near Collegiate In-
stitute. It is au ideal country home. Immediate
possession. Apply to WM. GOVENLOCK, 8eittorbh.
Royal Viotorie Museum Ottawa Contractor's
win intend tenderine for the Royal Museum at
Ottawa, will please take puttee that they will be
requited to send with their tenders an aneepted
bank cheque for the sum of 876,000.00 teetered cf a
cheque amounting to ten per cent. of the amoudt
ottheir tender as stated in the edvertisement dated
Eeptember 23rd last. By order. FRED GELINAS,
!Secretary, Departinent of Public Works, Ottawa,
October 6th, 1904.. 1922.1
-Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Casimir Wild
. late 'of the Township of Stanley, in the
County of Huron, Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 0. 0.. cap.
120, that all creditors and others having claims
againet tbe estate of the said Casimir Wild, who
died on or about the 21st day of September. 1934.
are required on or before the 31s0 day of Octobee,
1904, to send by post, prepaid, or deliverto Mews.
Dickenson aud °arrow, of the -town of Ooderioh,
solicitor's for Margaret Wild and Geerge Campbell,
the exeoutore of the last will of the said deceased,
their christian and eurnames, addresses and des-
criptions, full pertloulars of their alien and a
detonated; of their Accounts and the nature of the
eisottrity,'Wany, held by them.
And further take node° that after such' het meta
tioned date the said executers will prtxteed to dis-
tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties
entitled thereto,having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then nave notice, and that the said
executors will not be liable for the said assets or any
part thereof to any person or ;serous of whose
claims notice, shall cot' ha,ve been received by them
at the time of wok distribution DitneinsoN
"GARROW, Solicitors for said Execniton. -
Dated this 70h -day of October, 1904, 1922-8
Vire'reeve jeurelmsed the entire stook of
Picture Framee carried by Mr. Jas. Graves.
which, with our own complete stook, gives
as the beet selection in this county.'
We would be pleased to BOG all Mr
Graves' old customers come to us for their
picture framingl We will guarantee sada-
JACKSON BROS., Seaforth.
This week we have received and passed lint° stook a large assortment of
new goods in the following lines'which we e bought at very close prices,
which will be found worthy of the atten.tion of close cash buyers:
, Honietipun drone goods, in light and heavy weighte, 54 to 56 Inches wide, in brown,
Oxford and grey, at 35e, 50e, 75o and $1. Broadoloths in colors of black. brown,' green
and greyeatl$1. Black Venetians, 54 to 60 ieehes wide, at $1, $1.25 and $1,50.. Walet-
iolredh the utsw designs at 35e, poo and 75o. Dress, skirts, in black and colors, from
$1,25 to $7.50. Lactiee Week satsna underskirts from 890 to $2.25, Ladies'. golf
ittoke00, ndtfferont steles, from $1.25 to $3. Belt buolties oin oxidized, black, gilt and
steel, at 25, 35e and 500. Ladies' belts 113 great verlety, from 25e to $1.75, Ladies'
waist 0064 in pearl, ivory and gilt, rom 100 to 353. Ladles' skirt improvers, something
new, at 25o and 50a. Buys' suite in all sizes at very low primes. Men's ton shirts, in
neve patterns, at 503, 750 and $1. ,Nten's heavy wool socks, very special, at 15o, 20c and
250. Men's cardigan jackets, plain and tater?, at 75o and $1, Linoleum, 2 and 4 yards
widio in blook ad floral patterns, at 37io, 453 and 500 par equare iard. Floor oil cloth
basalt widths at loweet 'primate. Lace curtains in great variety, from 50o to $3. Damask
curtains in all colors at low price,. Table linen. 54 to 72 inches, from 25o to $1. Table
napkine in all sizes, at $1, $1-25, $1 50, $2 and $2.75 per dozen.
MoKINNON & CO., BiikT11.
The peason
Is Here.
THE SEASON IS EERE for 'heavier clothing, We
• have piles of heavy goods, suc4 as Underwear, Top hirts,
&peke, Mitts, Caps and the beat '25c sox in Srabrth 1 Come
in lind glee otir new store full of new goods at new prices., heap -
est and belt place to buy your winter supply.
Sixty doxen of Men's NO and VP -to -Date. Ne kties, a great,
I choice ab 25e Meant( 60e, you can't go wrong.
Good warm heavy 'Mitts and Gloves
at 25c to $1.00. . •
Men's and Boys' Suits.
Suits at right prices for men sad boys. We claim to have the
nicest lot of boy's suits in town, it wilt pay you. to look before
buying your iaoy his winter mit.
Good warm pull downs at 60e to $1.00. English and American Hats at right
The new Clobhina Store•Under the Town Clock
Latest Styles and Lowest Prices will make us famous.
• butter ancl eggs taken as 'cash.
Ready for cold. weather.
The weather is cold and damp and will be colder yet. We have
made preparation for jnst such weather as this. It is now you
feel the cold more than in the dead of winter, and we are ready
in every department to supply you with the Clothing that will
insure perfect comfort now and later on.
We carry a large and well assorted stb.ck of Furs of all ,kinds.
Our furs are the dependable kind and the prices are 1100 higher
than you will pay for cheap goods, Call and see our stock Ind
compare it with others. We invite Comparison for comparison
means sales for us.
) We rare showing some very good
men's watches this year in niakel
cases'.which we will warrant at
,$5, $7, $8 42,1$10
The $7, $8, and $10 onaa are of the
reliable Waltham, Regina' end
Elgin maker. The $10 ones are
15 jewelled nickel worke and fine
time k ee pers.
To interest You at
Aberhart's Drug Store.
111.11.0 Ni••••ailef,
We have just received a shipment of
Shell Breed English Castile Soap— 2
Ills for 25o; pore white, cold drawn
Italian Castor Oil, which is proclaimed
• by representatives of the wholesale
drug houses to be the finest quality of
oil that they have even 8een-10c and
25o bottles.
litichudiuniper Kidney Pills for Rheurna-
tiernand Sore Baok-25o hor, or five
Cough Drops menthol and black—two
ounces for five cents.
We Also carry an ur-to-date• stook of
, Tresses, and those suffering with rup-
ture will save money by calling on us.
We guarantee all goods.
4S :0 -A. Mr 0 MT 3E3
Oard of Thanks.
The undersigned. on behalf :of herself and her
feeoily, deelree to express her sincere appreciation
of, and her heartdelt thanks for tbe very greet
kindnese extended by the Independent Order of
Oddfeliows, both individually and oollettively ex-
tended to her late son, Fred ()rich, during bis rota
eat illness as well as for the sympathy and aid ex-
tended to herself p _anomaly en account of her be.
resvempoi. AGNM CRICH. 1922.1
Nobby Shoes
.For Fall Wear.
Our shipments of Shoee for Yell and
early Muter wear intilude some of
tile beat looking and meet stylish
shoes we have ever shewsir , There
is a wide variety of style's and shapes
to ichoose from, made in an endless
variety Of leathers. We have spared
no effort to collece he greatest line
of footwear the market offers to -day.
In quality of material sod workman, -
hip; inl styles, thapee and finish,
our preeent showing of dose le approached.
Our boys' and girls' school shorn are much
in demand with those who desire a
good wearing shoe that is stylish in,
appearance and moderate in price.
Richards -on& IVE'Inni6
Sole Agents, - Seaforth,
Second Hand Engines
For Sale.•
One J. I. Case 15 h. p. Traction Eugine,
. used one week.
One J. I. Cash 15 h, p, Traetioa Engine,
• used two seasons.
One Sawyer & Massey 13 h. g. Traction.
One J. M. Ross & Sons 18 h. p. Traation.
One Sewyer & Massey 17 h. p. Traction.
One George White & Sons 14 h. p. High
Speed Portable. ••
One George White &Sons 14 h.p. Portable.
One New Hamburg 144. p. Portable, used
one month.
One Saisyer & Massey 13 13.p. PortabiJ.
Two Stevens & Bump 14 h.p. Porteblee.
Two John Abell 10 & 12*.p. Portables.
Two Waterous Upright 12 b. p. Chanlpion
The above engines have been taken in
trade and replaced with Bell Engines and
will be sold on reasonable terms. Some of
them are in stock at Seaforth and others at
different points wheee they were ueed. Full
pareioulars on application.
1921 Engine and Thresher Co.,Ltd,
Turkeys Wanted.
I will be prepared to buy turkeys, either alive or
v.ith their pectin broken, tor shipment to the Eng-
lish market, about the last week. of November. I
will lee pleased to deal with ell my old customers
and as miny new trues as will favor me with their
turkeys. You will find it to your Interest to deal
direct with the exporter. Prime and date of deliv-
ery given later cer
1921-tf GEO. T. TURNBULL.
The Largiott
Dry Goode sat
enrecern In
Four Countionl
Th., only avenue that leads to sucoess in me °ham,
g is the one that, is paved *4 bonest,„4Pd-
leg mate methods ---the most- goods or the best'
go s for the money. This: store has served you
for any years in this Capacity. A. business viith
. a s.qid foundation.is the result.'„ Why yeu,should
-tra with as: because we. make your buying easy,
bee e pipes, are th proven -lowest, because the
stoc o skeet fora are the largest and newest,
0. we work hard to merit your patronage.
. Ty.are la.to„sitisfac4On• in buying men's and women's fur garments sim
piy-,illeeattatzthr IhT# gigiciiteed, unless they ar9 Made . by reliable makers. ,
Fer.years we have been the 'strut fur dealers in Weeterit; Ontiniri. This
iiieon 010 QUA of furs is the largest we have ever shown. Oar twenty years ,
of successful experience as -fur dealers, is a guarantee of -Value and reliability.
The furs we 141 not only have the maker's guarantee, but they have our
guarantee as wp11; We never have le diseatiefiecl fur custonatm " Below we
mention a few unmatchable prices: ! .
A long bl4cIt Opossum ruff, with 8 tails, for $7.00.
.Germanlning ruffs, stole effects, trimmed with tails four special. pr10es—
$2.70, 44.501 86.00, $6 50.
S4 ead Bran
rk of &Ma
cnt DEh b— :4E07'
Sable ruffj, trimmed with short tails, at $7.90, sp, $10 50,312, $17.50.
Sable inff4, trimmed with long tails—our leaders—are $10,. $/4.50,. $1
and $21,50. °
Two special ruffs in electric) seal and astrachanil,Combination, trimmed
with sable sails, at $8 and $ip:-
Feur specials in grey lamb collars at $5, $5,60, $7 90 and $7.
Ladiar,Astrachan coats from $20 to $40 Bocharan ITODI $40 to $48,
leetrie'eeal specials at $38 and $43.
Electrie seal, with Russian sable trim:nib:1g, extra value'ab $49.
Greenland seall.with Astrachan trimming, at $32.
Thee.specil linos rn Persian..,Lamb Ooat e at $1064 $135, $150
tolgN s FUR PONT
To see our en's Fur °Oats, to43ompare our men's fur a any
thing fothadin the trade, is to buy them.
Ladies' Department
Underwear Specials.
Children's plush back winter waists in all size, at 26e, 2Se a,n
Children's pajamas in all sizes, fleece lined, at 50e, 53e and 660.
Extra valuea in ladies' natural and white vests and. -drawers at 25o, 37
and 500 each, I
All -wool vests in. cream and natural color, splial values at 75e; 86e, $1
and $1.25.
All red and black wool vests kind equestriennes at 75e, 90e and $1.1*
Ladies' blael fleeeed bloomers, heavy weight, at 900‘
A complete range of extra large sized vPsts and drawers in stook,
Heavy worsted ribbed hose, irAizes'si, 9, 912e double knees, for boys
wear, at 250 a pail.
A fine wool ribbed seamless ho,e, all sizes, from 63. to 10, prices from 17c
to 30c.
An assortment of ladies' and children's imported wool hose in fine quality
is now complete.
See our table !of ladies' faneyebelt buckles, belts in silk and leather.
Pretty silk collars, all shadee,'Sre , at 25e each.
Ten dozen ladies' np-to-date, tailor-made skirts, in blear, grey and navy,
worth 33,75, on sale at $2.00 each.
• 6
adies' Coats and Capes
YPar after yea e we have demonstrated fo you that theefinest, high dam
ready-to-wear garments can be bought here at reasonable prices. Year after
year we have clearly maintained that the season's best models are shown hare
first. This year is no excaption. You have been accustomed to 'looking to
us for the correct wearing apparel for women, misses' and children.
Our connection with the leading manufacturers enables US to show the.
lateet styles first, to make the largest display, and to offer better values than
Opposite Town,. Building, Corner Mein and MMkst Ste. Seaforth,