HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-14, Page 1904
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gOLE NUMBER, 1922.
MoLEAN BROS., Publishers
• $1 9, Year in Advance.
ur Exposition
The Wingham Show
IThe Ternberry Agricultural So-
! bam, 'on Thursday and Feeley, SepShades Ali Sizes
- 'coming nown, the home .stretcla she
respects the best in ethe history of .her hoeples broke, and tripped her
eiety's fall exhibition, held in Wing -
the %newa
es' - s slightly cut about • Window
the legs. Ater getting another
sulky the. race was continued, but eme-eee-e—e
1 temrber 29th and 30th, was in m.any had: anotherl accident. A strap of
the, Society. . end ehe turned a etunametsault, but
1NGS foatunately !we's not injured and the Made to rder.-
The heavy rain on Thursday morn-
- en interfared teomewhat with 0,8 driver escaped without a stretch.'
.F- GOOD .. CL:(Yrfli
is OpBflsr
For the cold ddia that are sure to come, and for the rainy days that
come, we are willing and ready to clothe you with the very best of
-.garments at such reasonable! prices, that you won't feel the parting
Perhaps you have noticed that all the clothiers have the "finest,"
fitting,' " creationa of the tailors' art," &c., &c. These expressions are
made_use of by some fellow employed to write ads, who
(*sift Know Kersey from Corduroy.
ploy MD one to describe our clothing in beautiful language; but we say
Ou thateyou can't duplicate our doting m other stores f r the same money.
'anti are satisfied here, not merely filIed.
en's -Overcoat
A comparison ;*f our coats with those of our coro.petitins, makes you a
istomer of ours. This will be easily understood when you see the coats.
Ve want every man and boy to see our coats before buying elsewhere, and if
re cannot substantiate the above statement, and prove that we have "t e high,
t quality overcoats at the lowest prices, we cannot expect to sell you.
-6.50, $7,50, $8.50,. $10.00 $1p..00.
All new this season; can't show you any old coats; never handled
them before. ,We do not ask fancy prices for our rirot stylish coats, conse-
quently we are doing big busineee ia this department. Jackets for all sizes,
darting at girls 14 years.
Prices $31,$5, $7.50, $10 and $15.,
Good variety of girls'_and mieses' peak caps, plain and fancy.
Prices 25o, 513o
Fur Jackets, Fur Coats.
No larger sto_ck of Furs to be found in any store -in the rrovince, out-
side the larger cities, than you'll see in our store just now. Man or woman
has every chance to sa,Kefactorily choose a garment, both in' quaity and -price.
The earlier your selection, the better your choice.
Jacket Prices—$30, $35, $40, $45, $50 and $60
Men's Coat Prices—$15, $18, $25, $30, 1$‘40 and $50
The Best
made in Canada.
• ,•
To pro' perly and economically equip the boy for winter, our stole is t
place to come. What is best for boys' weal, has been a study with us
many years. Our own observation, with the assistance and wholesome
Vice of thousands of shrewd mothers, we appreciate, and know the requi
runts of the boys
Our Prices are the Lowest.
If you have Stanfield's; you are, sure
of comfort ; made of pure un'adulterat-
bring in a exhibit's, •and conse- Tlie list of the successful prize
quence tee display in the hail wee winners in the regular departments CURTAIN POLES—all sizes in
not as large as it otherwise -wouee !Aril' be fennel on page two of this stock.
have been, but the quality in many 1.11e*
of the classes was rather above the
'average, and in many cases the (lora-
petition Wee so keen that the judges
had /considerable difficulty in de-
ciding as to which. was deserving of
the red ticket.
Friday morning broke clear and
-Miss S. Harvey, 'of Harailton, re-
tains the title of lady golf cham-
pion of Canada,. ,
-A..0. Archibald, a prominent in-
surance agent, ad representative of
etrmewhat !cool, but the day remain- Lloyd, died in Winnipeg last Friday
after a' few weeks' illnes,9 ef' tY-
±ed fine throughout, with the result
that there Was the largest attend- '•
phoid pneuraoaia. He came ther-e1 15
ance on the second day of the fair years ago from Truro, N. S. I
that there.has ever been. The mein- -Mr. Charles iii- Bars. the. goner-
bershem has been largely increased, 1. al imanager of the G. T. R, sailed
there hiaving been nearly one hundred ' from Montreal k4riday for Liverpool.
new aneinbers °added, while the num- - The object of his visit to England
ber of entries was over three hun- is -to confer with the London end
dred in excess of . last year. The' of the sindicate interested in ,the
total receipts from an sources w'll G. T. P. line.' ,
be over $150 more than last year. -Judge Teetzel at Windsor last
Friday sentenced Edward Slaneh,ter
The different °lanes in hors s .
-Were well filled, and the prizes we 0 convicted of the murder of John
keenly contested. The .exvert jud , Rudden, bo be ,lianged on Thurs y,
ailfr. James Crernarty, of it, pc . December 22nd. Counsel for he
formed his duties very satisfacto prisoner will ask tor a comm ta-
lly ; 'while Mr. W.G. Laidla.w,of Wi - don of the , eRntenee to,i life rti.-.
ton Grove, acted in a csimilar capa
ity for dairy ca.ttle and sheep, and -Mr. IE. F. Burton, B. A, winner
Mr. J. M. McCallum, of.Shakespeare, of the Exhibition Scholarship at
on beef . cattle and twine. It fra the 'University of Toronto, Who left
probable ltliat next year the diren- recently tor Caziabriegn; hes been
tore twill Ask thee the Government awarded an additional aohola.iship of
Bend . expert judges on both light 2501)er year t°1* two years by &n-
and heavy 'horses. mantel- =College, Cambridge. Mr.
The new horse ring and the plai-' Burton .graduated ' frota the Uni-
form. in front of the grand stand verity in 1901, and for ,ithe last three
thas been assistant deMen-
were noticeable improvements to the Yea"
grounde. ' strator in phySics at the university.
In 'cattle the coin etT -
p i ion was r,r1 a t ...Vill i le 1), large dinner party was
so, keen, a nuniber of members Who
made entries not ,being able to get
their eattle, to the show on account
of 'the ZetlEtnd bridge .aat being Qom-
pleted. All the other classes, ho -
ever, 'were sa.tisfactorily filled.
The ' lepedial attractions this year
were More numetous then last. The -
vaudeville entertainers were, bow- '
ever, jumble to give their full per-
formance in the afternoon, owing to
the high wind. prevailing.
That •edueational ,attractions at,
fall fairs do attract and are appreci-
eted WaS _aiiiply pr,oven by the nuro-
ber of ladies who ceowded aroued
the platform erected for demorestrae
times in cookieg, oonducted by Mrs.
Celia 'Campbell, of Goderich. The •
neatness of tbe _preparations and the
toothisomenees of the dainty fooes I
h:andecl ateund to the spectators, ,
ca.11ed forth, many word e of praise.
The performance of the mounted
troopers twee a pleasing and iestrec-
tive feature and, was ,much appreoe- .
Keen interest was taken in tne,
triale et speed. The gentlemae's
road race and the e.30 chess wete
,finitshed on Friday " afternoon, bit "
two beat's in the 2.15 class had to
left ever until Saturda.y morning.
The double .hitching t r -ace prov d .
to be very interesting. In this ev t
there Were five contestants,- t e
winner being Johil Kelly, with- J.
B. IT.yerman. isecond,- ,ahd R. Scott
The Wingham citizen's band dis- ' nlaY
height of the season weekly imports (IthellA.,u;h:,a,s;rolie :;.saleY:ielrair'61,111°0ahif lIvirlYle's.711zi
range from 200,000 to .250,006
cohrsed excellent music throughout :busthelse The`inereased popula.rity of thim 60 bans of beets to the acre. A
the afternoon, which added much to these tipples proves they are taking good Many. farmers of that vicinity
the enjoyment' of fhe day. -, th.e precedence ef English. Oarta.dian inbend growing beet S next season.
The officers and directors of the ' and - American amiles must be sold -Mrs. John T. Doherty, mother of
eociety have reason to congratulate oboe:ply, if they 'are to compete with , Mr. Wm. Doherty, of Clinton, died
Englisb fruit this season.
themselves on the measure of suce on Sunday, 2nd inst., aged 93 years
cess !which' has crowned tbeir effoets, -Dr. W. H. Mulerew, deian of the
and 6 months. Deceased was a nat-
Ma.cdonald Institute at t,he 0.A. Col- eve kif Scotland, bu.t °erne to this
this rear, and we understand that
further changes and- improvements lege, Guelph, died Friday -last after country with her parents in 1822.
in tmany ways are oontempiated. an illness of / about a day and a
Picture framing a Specie*
of them may not recover. The fol-
lowing explanation- of the affair has
been given: The gas teems in the
tunnel as a result Of combustion
of coal, The night in questien the
nit was dull and heavy and foggy,
Tbe gas settled in the hole. When a
trann flies through it starts up a
cetereat of air which carries the foel
gas out. This train stopped when
the 'coupling broke, and the gas
was blocked. ,
• - •
Huron Notes.
-Congratulations are due to Mr.
D.avid Schnell, of the Gashen lbee,
Hay. His two roadster colts took
first money at nearly. all the fall
fairs 'at, which tb,py were shown.
, -The treetens Ternbull's school
Grey, have re-engaged Miss Mabel
'ZiraraOr, eor the ne,lit year at a sa1-
'er7 $325,. being a raise of $25.
Vtrillis, of Tu berry, has
leased the line 100 acre farm tot 'J.
Outt tar a tern): of five years and
.gets poesessien at once. Mr. Cutt is
moving to Blyth. •
-Mr, Peter Lamont of Zurich,
has purchased the 25' Acres in the
ri4g ewamp in Hay, fr10121 CaSper
in progress at the 'home of Mr. T. caper, who recently purchased it
Eaton, the big departmental , store
man of Toronto, im Saturday 'even-
ing, between seven and eight o'clock,
rglers, entered tthe house .an.d stole Grey, tor 1905, at an increalse of $25
rom infrs. Eaton's bedroom jewelry on jeer salary. .
veined at over $7,000 and over $100 - -The annua.1 sports in connection
in 'money. How the thief or thieves with the Clinton Collegiate Insti.,:.
gained. access, to the house is not tute were held on September 30th.
etdhievebestiiimeustpohtatapvieetbineg- zreupce.ron won, thy champion_
knowncome.. a I la rhme
their twork, as one drawer, contain- --Mx. ilranderburg, who has beep.
ing a -large sum of money, watches farming on the fourth concession: of
and 'other articles' of ,jewelry, was Goderich Itownahip, has bought out
not disturbed: the fbusiness of Mr. Morgan, .at Poet-
-Sir George Newnes, Baronet, M. ei,,,,,s iFrai.
P., Of London, and oae of the :best -Jame. St. John, an old resident
known journalists in London was in of Goderieh township. diecle in the
Toronto spending a 'few days re- House.of Refuge, MI Thursday of last
cently. Sir •George is the pioneer in week.. Deceased. ,was nearly' 90 years
low-priced .magazines, being the .0f tage.-,„,,„
f,ounder .tend proprietor ot Tit -Bits, . _ler. Conrad PUSS, ef Hay, near
The Strand, -The Review Of Reviews,
The Weatminster Gazetee, and a Of greys to Mr. T omos ,Handferd,
Zurich, tecently sol. his heavy team
Shareholder in mere th,an one of of Exeter, ,, receiving theraory the
the Enelish dailies. lie Is on a Pleas- snug 13Ata of „$360. .
from James Hagan, sr.
-Miss Smith has been re-pug:loped
as teachee in school section No. :1,
ure trip 'here, and. is accompanied be -Mr. E. H. Walser and (family, who
his eon, Mr. F. H. Newnea, who will. have been reeidente Wingham for
contest a N,ottingharashire riding as the past five yeans are moving to
a AGiberal in the coming eleetions. °arum, mr,biere erre Kaiser has do
7 -The 'Liverpool Daily Post on Liv- cepted a good position in the, tat-
nepool as a fruit distributive centre eery ojer_e.
says this' eeason's first. arrivals of ' ,
-Joseph Irwambey, the young fel-
Nova Scotia *apples have brought phe- low who r-ecently stole a -horse 'and.
nomenal prices, realizing 24 shil- rig from a °linter) livery, hes been
lings the barrel for :nest gra es teentenced to three ,years in tbe ,Ven -
The. first steamer 'brought 54,000 tibenti,ary.
bushels, the second 51,000 and in the' .
The ' Brussels Show.
- Lucky. Brussels, they got the wi-
ly 'fir days in a week a disagree-
able ones for their fall fair on
haef from throat trouble, probably
on Wednesday, October 5th, at
e pretty N 1 L, took
diphtheria- , He bad every medical . place
le home ,of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pin-
attention. Dr. Muldrew was ap- ;Ph
in July, 1903, to take charge ,A,„'ex., in Meemora, when their daugh-
of $bhe work at the Macdonald In.sti- : (i)F, mlen Maggie, was united in mar -
Mr. Fred Hill, of Clinton,
• t bh In et t from t Ilage lbe
The ceremony was performed et high
.Thursday and Friday last. Although the Principalship of Gra,venhurst '
of , „noon, by Rev. A. L. Brown, pastor of
Chilly, both days were bright, Fri-- high echool,.and was a Igradu.ate
da k being particularly fine, and Qaeen's Univelsity. He was 37 Marmora Methodist church.
.....peevious • "to her, 'departure foe
jut the kind of a day to atteact a year e old., and lea.ve,s a winew and1
large !crowd, and they had iti the two ohiedren. 1 friends
Jaehanuniroulteosf, tshr.e,
nate receipts am,oniating to over $600,1 -John Baker, second in charge of ;
which •did not include the lerge num- ea !gang of Bell telephone linemen, . '
met at the residence of Mr. Peter
ber of ,members each of whom re- had a remarkable experience in St.! Soott, mar' Beigrave, and presented
ee.ived an additional admission tick- Catharines the other day. While de- i her with a bandsorae gold watch
et. The 'Mow too, was e good one scendeng a pole,' his hand came .in : and ohain as a teetimonial of their
! respect and love for her. te very
and every person seemed pleased and ' contact twith a bare spot on a neigh-
appear;c1 to have got their money's boring !electric light wire, carrying i pl•ea.eant social evening was spent.
worth: The Indoor show was, as 2,200 oats. Rendered uncopscioes by ' Mrs. Coultes was apcompanied by
genial a good one, there lbeing large the current, he fell over 25 feet to' her ?laughter, Mies -Rowland.
displays in aem,ost every departnient. the boncrete sidewalk below, strik-1 -An arrangement wee some time
The outdoor ehow was also a good in partially on his back. Baker,! tsince iirrived at _whereby the Metho-
one, if diaything, superior to other i who is 185 pounds in ;weight, quick- • dist ehurchee, at Turner's, Alma. and
Coast ee w ld be f d into a
ed Nova Scotia wool • heavy wei ht • yea*. There was a large entry -a ly regained partial consciousness, -and
,oireuit, but another change has been
horses in all classes and tor a. long gave personal instructions to those
g 01
made. Turner's joins the Ontario
medium weight ; will noti, shrink time the horse ring was the centre ; who ban to his asSistance. Although
of ettraotion. The cattle, of which badly bruised, no bones were broken.
thCno'oks°will . beanindl
, Ithere was a large number, also had He frefused to be taken to the hos-
will not irritate - doesinot cost much •
• a aarge courtier of admirers. while pital, and was removed to his hotel ' Constance, twill for the preseet be
• 1
try it
!sheep, page and poultry came in for in the ambulance, where he is rap -
their fair ehare of attention. In idly recoveriag. His home is in -The other day while a little child
addition to these there was a larget Walkerton. of R. Cuclmore, of Hensel', was play"-
ling with matches in her home she
ethibit of vehialee and farm hawk- -A most disastrous fire occurred
• h th f t t t the "
su lied b Rev. Greene
N d anerite, whieh proved quite an at- ! in Winnipeg Tueseay night, when •
tractiotn. - the largest business blocks dow 'curtain on fire. Fortunately it
0 a
As usual the special attractions ' in the centre of the business ewe .was discovered 'oefore any serious
were rt big ,dra.wing card. The race ' tion of the city were destroyed, damage resulted further than tne de-
istruetion of the curtains *and blind,
for boys under 14 was won 'by John ' causing a loss of Over $800,000. The
the cracking of the glass and the
Elliott with T. Scarlett, 2nd and T. fire Started in. the new Bulman block
scorchi,ng of the woodwork and car -
Dark, Ord; the race for boys under which !was cempletely destroyed.. It ,
-18 Was • woo by W. Forrest, N. Mc- i spread to the large hardware
. pe,,m... pet.
Naughton, 2nd and A. Barr, 3rd ; . ises of tho Ashdown company, one -The fooncrete abtitznents for the
new bridge, being ereeted at- Zet-
girls' race, E. Wileon, 1st, F. Me- . of, ace Largest hardware establish -
Kenzie, end, M. Thompson, 3rd. In - ments in Canada. This too wee de- loud bY tbe eounty, are n.ow .complet-
tlie gentlemen's road rate there, were s,-Eroyed. Several Other large build- ed, end the people in the ,zricinity
Boys in er ee
giving "him no elid, of pain and trou-
ble and, in feet, tbeeatens serious re-
-Another old land* mark of the
Southern part of the county ha:s been
removed. The old white church,
situated about half way between Zur-
ich and Hensall, known aS the Fans -
Tine ehurch, bee been purcliased by
Mr. Wm. Caldwell, and was roved
.over onto his farzn last week, arid
will be turned. into a !etable.
eervices have 'been heid. in it for
many weans.
-The balik barn of Wm. Lot
9, 'concession 1, Grey, had a close
call on Monday afternoon! from de-
etructien by fire, the delay of an-
obleee, moment would -have put it
past saving. They were threshing
with the steamer and it is supposed
a epark from the engine caught in
the go
out NN
aw on the barn fIclor and the
kan up the side of the mow and
he beam. The fire WWS beaten
ith forks and no damage done.
e. threehing y,trat preg-
Tess At Joseph Colclouglin farm, in
GodeAch township, a few eases ago,
the barn had a narrow espeee from
destruc,tion by fire; in (foe, it was
only the plucky action, of one of tbe
hands, George Holland, that saved
it. Snore straw had got tangled in
the separator, and the =friction set
it on fire. Quick as a flash one
the. anen grabbed it and crushed it
on s. heap against his clothing. He
inanaged to tan:bother. the fire, leut die
so at considerable risk to himself.'
-The Clinton News Reeord says;
" Tommay.Sherman, 'the oldest man
in )the county, grossed the bar on
Saturday lest. Be- is supposed to
have been. 103 years of agd, but the
exact elate of his birth is not known.
He was a native of 'inedforelshire,
England, but came to Cliiaton. in
1850 had continued a resident until
Jentered the 'louse of Refuge five
years age. He' possessed a splendid
catetitution and his passing away
was due to no particular aihneat,
but to the wearing out of his phis-
epal machinery..
' ,-Teast neendae the re -opening ser-
viees in connection with the Wing-
ate= Presbyterian church were held.
Rev. R. E. Knowles, B. A., of Knox;
church, Galt, pr,eached at both the
;morning and evening services. On
Monday evening • a very successful
tea meeting and entertainment was
held. The interior of the church
has been greatly iinproved, and now
prezetts a very pretty appearance;
The new pipe oegan has been placed.
in eyosition and .has f laeen tested, and
W.933 used for the first time .in con-
nection with the church services on
Sunday. -
g -A touple of former well known
residents tot Gederiph township were
united in rciarriage at Pickfortli
Michigan, on Sep mber 28th, the
bride being Mise Ma 3. Routledge,
;sister ief Mrs.. 'Jame IL Milian, of
Goderich, and niece of Mr. George
Routledge, Went Wawanosh, and the
groom - Mr. W. 3. Rte., a form.en
Goderich township. boy and resi-
dent near Exeter, but now of Lowell,
Michigan. The ceremony w-ae nee -
formed. et the residence of thebride's
parents, *ckferd, and after the
honeymoon trip the young couple
Will take -bele reei,,clence in Low-
ell. Many iold-time • relativee and.
friends in the connty will join in
the good wishes for la. happy and.
prosperous wedded life.
' -TheWinghasn Times of last week
says: "We are in receipt of a letter
from a prominent firm of 'general
merchant's in one of the principal
towns in Manitoba, complaining of
the !quality of apples shipped to them
by packers teem this district. - We
have also received a sample of the
apples, and. Must say that we.are as-
toniehed that swat stuff should be
eeati out from Wingbana. under the
'name of first-class or evea third-
class fruit. This kind of work on
the parr of local -shippers, if contin-
ued, an only result in giving our
apples an unenviable reputation in
the ;community- to which they are
sent, and in ultimately destroying
the market for fruit in tbis section.
Tins is not the first tin io the „same
firm have had. grounds for -complaint
segarding the very inferior qaality
of epple.s sent them from this sec-
tion, and it is not to be wondered. at
that they feel very mach annoyed.
In the coarse ef theip.eletter they
sa.y of the apples: "Thy are poor
euibbish, end. our opinion of the raan
who piets them in the barrels is that
he is nothing less tharna thief." ,
Perth Notes.
-The Utah., amount of customs
tellectee at Str,atfoed during Sep-
tember was $18.064.75.
_Me, Albert Edwards, of Sob-
eingville, died last week after an
illness of few days.
-Mr, Robert Smith, of Login, has
bought h house in Mitehell, and will
move there shortly.
-About $500 has been collected
in Stratford for that branch of the
'National Sanitarium Asepciation.
-Rev. &. H. Renton will conduct
evangelistic services, in the nfetbo-
Underwear, wool and fleece ; heavy dist ()hutch, 'Mitchell, during this
ribbed stockings, caps, reefers, re -with.
-Mr. end Mrs. Madge and son, of
long overcoats, heavy suits, Oakland, 'Califeenia, have been vis-
-Mins taatin, 1.14.-. of Wat-
iting freends in Mitchell and eitia-
b 1
a -loves and mitts sweaters
and odd pants
• are anxiously awaiting 'g for the erec-
t di:ft the fire
ford, aiabeen engagen 'aes !teacher of
modern lenguages . the St. Marys
for of Winthrop, Winning firSt in two ' was Igoe -under oontrol. tion of the steel n4uperitruc!-. collegiate institute.
re,, 2nd. The 0.40 trot resulted as f-ol- in the Sarnia tunnel on the Grand Winghare market, and ifs bacomplete chell has accepted a POSOn as
lows: - 1 Jan ' '1 y, 1 Sundaymorn- condition is a serious inconvenience head. of the musioal department of
Little !Harry, •T. Daly, Seafortb, 1 1 ing east. A freight train vvas being to the people who want to use it. Du_riteadGoaloltgede,tiptroovocinurcereodf tgoucebeeecii
Joe, Beattie Bros., Wingham, 22 - taken through the, tunnel by the. -Dr. McDonald, .the Reform can-
teSsie EB., J. Kelly, Listowel, 33 -I tunnel engin when it broee in two, at data for East 1 Huron, has had a Bannerman, on of Mr. and Mrs.
Cenmtess SIarsh,Scott & Warwick,5 4 half of tei cars remaining about room oa the second floor ot the Me- Bannerman, X.Jogen, one day recent -
d the, en- Donald block in Wingham nea.tly .tr, when he fel). off Er horse and
he *only two entries, Mr. John Galbraithlegs wee
This bridge is on a. ledo: le road to -Miss - Dalria• formerif ni Mit-
ad- straight 'heats, witla N. McLaughlin1 -A ftrery sad occurrence tookola.ce
Farmers' 'King, H. Gorsalitz, 45 the centre o the tunnelan
AnAleteek'0064. - Vb414"4***14°W.AINA
entries, daattie Ferguson, owned be erican end. Seyeral of the train Liberals as a committee room. This
The 12.30 class brought out three )gine keno. ether half going to the Am- furnished :which will be used by the broke this arm in two places.
-The Presbyterians of Monkton
T. Corbett, Teeswater, winning 1st hands were left on the stalled part room will he ?pen every evening and presented. their pester, Rev. Mr.
in two straight teats, and John J: of the train and were -overcome be- the friends •of Dr. McDonald in 'Abrey, at their recent anniversary
Kelly, owned. by Beattie Bros., of fore assistance reacb.ed them by gas Wingham and surrounding town- services with a handsome new 'crag-
' Winglaam,, 2nd. 'Amelia, owned by which had accumulated in the tan- ships are invited to the nteetbags. gy.
Johnson Bros.' Old Stand,
Ha e Gardiner eon of Mr -H. Milton Moir, late agent of
J. IA. Stewart, Seaforth, met with a
eouple of mishaps which ruined her
chancel. of winning. While scorixg.
up for the first heat her sulky an
that of Hattie Ferguson collided
with `the result that Amelien driver
was thrown and, tehe ran away and
was mot stopped until she had made
nel. , Those in °barge of the rescuing
Vngihe were also over come by gas Moses Gardiner, wbile playing foot
before they were able to get out. shall at .Exexer, on fair day, sus -
The train was not got out of the tained what was considered at the
tunnel for several houre, each res -1, time only a :slight injury to one of
cuing party after the others fal- j his lame by having a cuff button
Jing victims to the foal fumes. As; accidentally forced into it by one of
areetilt five were killed and ten or ithe players. The wound, was of an
insi nificant nature at first, b
...he Largest Clothing and Fur Store in Western Ontario.
almost a complete circuit of the twelve so -overcome by the fumes' g
track. The- eulky was smashed and as to be rendered helpless and some blood poisoning set in and now it
the Dominion Express Company, at
St. -Marys, charged with iniSappro-
priation of the sten of $45.22, the
amount of an express order issued
to M. C. M. Ooupland of St. Marys,
on June 21st, was brought up for
teal before Judge Barron on Thurs-
day of last week at the Stratford
oourt house. He wets atquitted of
this charge, but a reserve order
evengranted, !under whieh he can be
arrested if the 'company 47esire to
push the „matter with r6spect to
the remainder ef the S900, which
they ALairct, was misapproprieted.
-On 3Ylonda.y evening,September
26, the home of Mr. anders. Foerch,
Listowel, was the scene a a happy
gathering, the occasion being the
,25111 anoiversary of tbeir wedding
About One hundred or more friends
and relatives were present. After
the chrietening of three bright lit-
tle children, Marshal Le Roy, Col-
onel 'Reginald and AdmirM DeWitt
which cereinony was performed by,
the Rev. EL E. Kellington, who has
been supplying in the Method*
Church for the past three weeks, Mr.
Foerch gave an address of welcome.
Social chat a an hour or so followed
when the guests sat down to a. vere.
tempting lull& prepared by the Met -
ewe A ehoice programme of
was agso rendered.
-The Royal Templais -of Temper-,
anpe, of Stratfora, gave the inmates
of the House of Refuge a very pleas-
ant evening not long ago. The
treat nonsisted of bananas, grapes,
and candies, followed by an excel-
lent tinu.sie.al .and. literary program.
-Winnie 'Scott, aged tine, and Btl-
na aged six, ef Stratford, fell a &s-
eance Of sixteen feet from the up-
per istory window one day lest week
and were very badly bruised all over
their bodies. They were piekedup
unconscious but soon reyived.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robson, of
Blenshard, !who are about to move
to St. Marys were visited tbe- other
evening by a number of their friends
and presented with e conaplimen-
tary a.ddrees and an easy ebair and.
a -("m3kLereor.y. lEiee' le, son of Mr. F. E.
Eisele, Stratfordenet with rather a
painful aceident one afternoon last
week. While playing with some
companions at the Romeo ward
school he slipped and fell striking
his knee on a sharp stone -Which
penetrated- about half an 'nob.
-Lorne Smith, so of Mr. Jahn..
Smith, Stratford, met with a pain-
ful accident while at work- in the
factory of the Canadian Furniture
Company one day last week. A chisel
\Old), he was operating slipped'and
inflicted a deep gest in the left fiaree-
-Mr. W. B. Gervie„ erte.old Strata
fore boy, but now of the Marshall
Field iCee, Chicago, has been -visiting
friends in his ord. home. VT. G -or-.
vie was one ef the first to join the
Canadian contingent for South Af-
riea and 'served as a private through-
out the war.
-The re-A:meting servIces ef the
Central Met:hoe:jet • 'ebnect, Strat-
ford., were conductee Its,Tm E. N.
Baker, B. D., ef Toronto, a former
pastor, assisted by the pastor, Rev.
Dr. Langford. Mr.. Baker preached
two able sermons whieh )3.eld, the
interest of the .large congregation
-George R. Kalbfleich, a carpen-
ter fin Stratford; fell from a house
on wheat he, was wo-rking-, rest Tb.urs-
day, a &stance ,of '30 feet, alight-
ing on his feet, but slipping ort hs
face, which was lbadly cut. Several
bones were broken in his feet. It
is expected. he will recover if some-
thing unforseen does not set ha.
-A two steity frame hotse near
the east end of Listowel, owned by
Mr. James •Reynolds, and occupied
by Mr. Edward Wakeford, was de-
stroyed by Lire the ether night.
When kliscovered the fire ban gain-
ed 'suet headwey that- it was wily
pessible to remove small portion
of the furniture. -
--Stratford's pollee magistrate and
jailer have held effiee there for an
equal length of time, 32 years.
Messrs. - CeLoane and Nichols were
both ppointed in 1872, and have en-
joyed the best of health in the con-
tinuanoe of their duties- The jail
has never been empty during their
incumbency in office, although re-
pently there was but one ,prisoner
-Master Wilfrid °melts, the son
of !Rev, Mr. COSO115, MethOdiSt min-
ister of Woedlaam, who is attending
the -Collegiate Institute, St. Marys,
met with a painful accident on
Thursday tiast. Ile was playieg foot
ball and Whilst running he fell over
another student, fractur bag both
bailee of the right fore arm near
the Wrist.
-Paul Manning, son of -ev.
-Manning, Methodist minister, St
Marys, was along with some ether
toys 3oei Saturday afternoon' last,
playing with a cutting box,- when
he got his right hand caught be-
tween two -cog wheels operating the
cutting bla.dee, with tbe 'result that
his ihand Was, badly lacerated; but,
fortunately, no bortes were frac-
-A collet but pretty event took
plo.co at the home of Mr. and Mrs,.
John Rattin, Logan, on September
28th, when their daughter, Margaret
C., was united. in marriage to Mr.
Se Berlins Smith, attorney and 00110-
sellor-at-law, of Belfast, N. Y. The
ceremony was performed in the par-
lor at, three o'oloek in the afternoon
in the preonnee of the immediate rel-
atives and friends of the oontraet-
ing parties. The Rev. 11, J. Adams,
of .Laurel, eottein of the bride, of-
f 1°iaTtre.
--- dead body of a man in an
advanced !stage of decemposition was
discovered Tuesdey in Mr. M. Whit-
ney's woods, near Brunner. It is
supposed to be that of a man named.
Gamble, about 513 years of age. A
double barreled gun was lying beside
him, ooe of the barrels being empty.
From arrangements attaehed to the
trigger of the gun it was evident
tha the had committed suicide. An
undin was
-Miss Florento Hyde, sister of
the late Dr. Hyde, passed away last
Friday morning at tbe xesidenee of
George Cowper, where she had
made her home for the least three
years. The deceased lady was 83
Yeare of age and was a native a
Stewartst,own, Ireland. Sbe came to
this country with her brothers
*hen a xnere girl and settled in
Stratford, where the rest of her
long life was spent. The only sure
viving relativeare three iiieeets.