HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-07, Page 8-fete.
Pal tits.
We dere to call attention to our line
of Sherwin - floor finisher'
%which ie the most complete maeufac-
tared. We eau labia you anything le
paints, etairars and varnishes for floes!,
and everybody can brighten up and.
beautify their homes by using these
goods. One of these apecialtiee
Floor lac
A. beautful stain at evarraish combined,
and in different teiloete Try it. _
Leave yolitr ordee With us for
We hande the best er". ades.
mum & SMILEY,
Hardware, Stoves and COW,
13-..98LER, M. P. T. G. BROUGH,
lienadent General Manager
k*Iufty Paid Up-.43,000teeicectiti
...aed un- • /
divided fe $ 3,474,900
Deposittde8rPob1ie $25,377,000 •
Total 4,Siets 35,745,000
:/2644.--e'sreet, 46iitorth.
gvery facilityfor tilic-talosactizig f a
general tanking buidaiiia,'
Collectioutimede 6041 volute In Dego&
and abroad.
Advances made teFaeraers. Spacial t-
Iion piiid to the Collantion Otte* Noina.
rem ;Omit Dollar Arid' initnatclie
ininres allowed at blithest rale, and
eornpounded-half yearly, • -
'Solicitor et Manager.
You ;re the Jud
A LI N4 h S
DFIA ran re
PADS, eta:
isesGive ne a call.
IlarlIelif Shop Chicirs
Most Modern Hotel n Spatorth
Fully equipped with hot and
-cold water bath, Ladiea' Toilet
Rooms de. Every attention -
paid agnests. 4
Good Stable in Connection,
• D. T. PINKNEY, Prop.
W. N. Watson
Deab3r in First -Class Family mid ,
Manufaoturing Sewing Machines
Sewing Maohine needle, oil, attachments
and laundries for all kinds of Machines kept
In ate*, and sewing meohines repaired:
!mimeo Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
and Bioyoles. North Alairt.street, Seaforth.
W. J.-Eiliott, Pres. D.A. MoLachtin; prin.
fide -141:Pr'C:47
I4argest and Best. in -ctreatern Ontario.
So far' we min learn no Business Col-
lege in tidbits Oaduates so many and at
the semi). Gime such a large percentagy of
its students as does the Central Busmess
College, Stratfordt Ont. Our couraes are
up to citste, ingtractore experieneed and
facilities unsurpaeeed. Students may enter
at any time. Write for free oetalogua.
ELLIOTT & _MoLACHLAN, Principals.
The experience
of Many with a Number of Lines
Has boon that no one can under-
. stand and make a success of them
all. The right man in the right
place is the man who has aline- of
business'and gives his time and
energy to it; so that he may und-
erstand his business and get Ms
customers the right, goods at the
right prices.
Our businese is Music and Sewing Itilaohines
--place of business-Seaforth Musio Storo.
We carry the largest stook of /1-
anos, Organs and Sewing Machines
ever shown in, Seaforth and oan
give you a good choice from our
floor any time, Our Singel- and
New Williams are the best known
and most reliable, beiug siniple and
atrong, no new fangle ideas to sell
goods. We carry all the small
musical goads and music, also
needles and oil. We are town
bort and whet you epahd with us
atave in town, no travelling corn-
* misaioners to pay.
Ca M. Baldwin &Cos
• Special Lines to make
to your order.
A trial order solicited.
a very -good one at that.
Merchant Tailors - Under Town Clock -cases not
WARMTH, All the farmers seem to be working
• too /much land and all are grabbing
Reform Meeting. •
'A' meeting of tte Reformers of Sea -
forth twill be held id the oomecil
charaber on Saturday evening next,
October 18th, at eight o'clock; for
the purpoze of appointing delegates
to attend the Sotut•h Huron Reform
reenveneion, to be 'held at Hensall,
for She selection of a candidate on
the following Tueaday. All interest -
,ed in the good cause are cordially in-
vited to be present, and it is hoped
!there evill be a large attendance. -
J. L. Milo -ran,- Chairman.
• R. S, Hays, Secretary.
Seafortli Show Prize Money. -Mr.
TeE. Hays, treasurer .ef 'the tucker -
smith Branch Agricultural Society,
will be at the Queen's tHatel, Sea -
forth, on Tueeday, Oeteber 11, from
1 o'clock until 5 p. on., to pay prizes
awarded at the recent Seaforth
Returning Office:I.e.-Theo. aleturn-
bag efficere for the apprcitiehing .Do-
Minio.n eleetione for the Province of
Ontario.-- have all been appointed exp
eept . zeventeen. Those an this dis-
trict are. as tellewe; -.East 'Huron,
W. la. Keit, Bruestelee West Huron;
W Baillie, Dungannon ; North. Perth
Sh.eriff Male, Stratford, e,South-
perth, Caries _ E. Yirhelelt; Eitn
Warnth s; KorMiddleiexti 'Me °bore
/nick, Luoan; South Huron, John C.
K.albfleisch, Zurich. :
. .
'A Cane.dian Railroad Man. -T&
Daily News of Galvistan, Texas, of
September filth, ntains an excel-
leet portrait .of „ • David T. FOrbetii
itieeepresident and general superine
tondent of the -*ow :York, Texas and
Mexican and Guifi Western Texas
and P,aoifte Raihvaye, a position he
bas occupied since 1895. Mi. Forbes
is n Canadian, being- a native of
Stratford. And the' youngest brother
of Mr. Arthur: FierbeSi of this town.
Oa loolnraelieed Inie railroad career as
at, itelegraph operator on the Grand
Teunk rRailWayitted by virtue of hie
owe ener,gy and. ability hen worked
his .way -4-- through .=.the - varioue,
stages to, his present high, _position;
'bringing boner to himselfand credit
•to this native vouiatros 1
1 •0 r • / V
•• Travellers.LThe folledviing; were
tioketed• t� distant points this week,
by W. Someri.ille, railway and steam,
ship ticket agent :• Alvin McLean -arid
Ernest: Murray, of the Seaforth bol-
• legrate Institute, to the University
andeSchool of Seience, Toronto. Mr;
anti -Mrs. D. Barry to Toronto; Mrs
Ai:Latin, to Moptreal ; Miss Barr to
-110#h Bay, Earl. Crich to ilartney,
Manitoba, John Crich to Aux Sable,
Michigan ; ihr4. Peter Dodds to Chio-
ago, to -see ,her sister, Mrs! Cairn,
who„.eve regret to fearh. ia etriious.:
ly 6.11,e. Mrs.- Cummings ,and family,
of Walton, to Roolseeter, N. Y.
Golden Wedding. -We kre in re-
ceipt of' a niiiely printed, invitation
from Mr. and MrS. William Murray,
jr., Ito attend at their residenee, in
Dauphin, Manitoba, (the celebration
of the fiftieth anniversary or Gold-
en 'Wedding, of their father and
.roothdr, William Murray end Elie,:
abeth ' A. Gibson; on Thursday, Oct
tober`2011, tat , 7 o'clock p. man Whin,
unable fo accept the 'very kind, int,
vitetiren in perstra"•The Expositor\ can
to :its old friends n which it will be
seArl the mogt-lein lys cangnatudatione
joined ;by many of its Aaders and
to express the hope that the aged
couple snay belon14spared to each
er d 0 'their family and
friends. Mr. liiid Mrs. Murray are
forracr etesideniS of, Tuckersmithand
are -the parents of Mrs. H. -Tyndall,
.of that township and Mr. John Mur,.
ray, of the 'town line, Hullett. z.
- . * I. •-
Died in SaiskatcheWari.-The follow-
ing paragraph -taken from a' papdr
published in Flett'S' Springs,. Sas-
katchewan, ENT. W.. T:t ;apnounces the
death of a. lady who wals well knowo
Seaforth and vicinity. The clip-
ping was sent to us by a friend in district and is as ft/flews : " rt
is our painful duty! thiS ..neek to
chronicle the. death :of' Mrd. W. J.
Campbell, of Flett's . Springs, wire
passed to the great beyond ..on Mon-
day, Ann& 1st. Mrs. Campbell was
one of the old tintere of this die-
teict, and -was well known to all the
order eettlers in carrot River, Flett
Springs nnd Melfort Settlements, and
iby her kindness .of heart arid sterling
'qualities (held a high place in their
;esteem. The many old friends ex-
tend their sympathy to the sorrow-
ing and bereaved •husband and large
family fat little ones, the youngest
of 'which is a baby girl only, four
days old." Our correspondent in- ,
forms tu.s that the deceased lady
a family .of three boys and .theeel
!girls, besides the baby Who died on
Wedneeday, September) 21s -t.
4 _
Returned. -Mr. 1,3-o.hii • Wilson, of
the Hullett and MoKilloptown line,
with Mrs. Wilson and 'two daughtery,.
returned !home on Wednesday of laet:
week, Trora a very pleasant two
months' ;visit in Manitoba and the
Territories. •Mr. 'and, Mrs. Wilson
were else accompanied home by Mrs.
Archibald Scat end.litt1e. daughter,
and Mrs. Jaraes Grieve. Who,had al-
so been visiting friands in Nani o -
ba and the West foretwo months. AU -
the_ parties look as if ;:their outing
had been- good for them and as If
• the inhaling of Manitoba air agreed
with theTe This was Mr. Wilson's
fie*, rcieit to the west and he was
much taken up with the country, but
he admitsthat in all his travels he
saw nOthing to •pie -ate bim so well
as his ow -e comfortable honae.in• Me,
Killop. While there he covered a
good deals of ground and every place
he went he „. met old Huronites. He
was at Sintafea, where his brother-
in-law, Mr. J.G. Wilson, formerly Of
Seaforth,le conducting a prosperous
hardware' and ferpiture business, the
night that the 'eallision took place -
entire 0, P. R. at.:that point and sev-
eral •persbere .eveee killed. He also
spent an evening ver'y pleasantly! in ,
Brandon 'with Mrs.. (Rev.) A. D. Mce
Donald and her daughter and -.on-
in-Law, Rev. and Mrs Dickey, all of
whorreeee well andSike the town and
people. He ih.ad: also the. pleasure af
• 111- telling to Rev. •Mr.'" lifcMillan, an-
other former eeeistent"hf the Sea.
forth •Pre.elayterian church, whilej
paesing Ibraugh Winnipeg. Mr. WilL
on eays that in ro.ost of the' terrr-
tof3,' °vie whichl he travelled the'
crepe were gi)-14d, but there are good
and lbad farmer e: there as well as here.
The good fare:tiers have good crops
and are. making money while the
poor ones make a living and in some
for more, many of them being land
poor. 64(00d -tined withoutt buildings
and -..-Oitv-enient to ta railway. 'tsells
rnadiIy ter thirty,' dollars an acro
and is still on ° the up grade.
The •Oreit'iin .Saskatchewan. -.-'A car -
eesporidento Writing from the Mela
fort settfefraent, Carrot River dis-
triet," Saskatchewan, N. W. T., on
September 24th says: " The Cana-
dian Northern Railway is now graded
from Melfort nearly to South Branch
gin ,Saikatchtewan. The rails will soon
be laid. The railway, when running,
will enake aarat, difference to this
cany. Cutti g ' of :grain -is now
fininhed end s acking is the order
.of ,the day. Or 'n is very, beeniy, and
a good earceple. • , it
. •
Show- LiSt ,Correotionse-In the
hurry of I compiling a show prize
liat errors will someitimes be made
no milder' how oareful the eeporter
may be. :Inethe Seaforth liet James,
Carlin, weli credited with 1St &or Durec
ham (cow.; -third for yearling Durham:
heifer; :third for bull calf; third for
herd of Durhamand for tbe best:
feninie -of any 'breed All of these'i
prises were awarded! to James Cowan
an Ot to Jame e Carlin as in error
sta .-.In the Exeter list D. W.
Rogerson: was .awarded firAt for
'White Rook chicks end' second for
totande instead of T. 'Wlititte-In the
•d4taffa Met J. and T. Hogarth took
evil "three prize's for yearling geade
-leiter rineteed ofG. 'vien as, was
criedited in the list. in,t-the Sea -
forth (Wit the first pre4.tfor sie,Se
_. .
.carriage lime should. h&ve been °red
itted to. P. M. Chesney instead of
to Q. O. Dale and in the Agricultural
io Veer old claw flee first tttprize
(shoed& have rheen eredited to Mr.
Robert !Dag instead of to 1/17.: Jas,.Elerith;i. who got tee thircleent‘ ire
tleis iolaiss.-In the Staffa li.4„yini;
•Sadler was tgiven credit for first and
second ,nriees for mammoth squash,
whereas Mr. A. Oliver should have
received ;the credit. They were mon-
eterre.s,i7s -13dg as any sten at any of the
Now is the time you:Will "lima IA idarm
clock. We have them` id 750gUsrauteed* loin]
Bulger, Sestet*. • 1921.1
" TIMM 00IISES Y011 SALE.- -- For .salei
three good dwelling houses in Seaforth, two_oh John
street anctonren Ord street. Apply to ¥e. J. S.
Porter, flesiforth. ; 1 ' 1904
To THE LADIES...-Switohee made from
combings. Illise E. Boom over W. N. Watson's office,
100h Main Street, )3, fedarth. - , 1885.ti
" That Dress- Gbinis Sale. Naver wse
tfiere'effired to -thetidies of Huron and fence such
exeoppotinelly. •-lisughtering the glost fesaionable
of dms path/light now. If you went one; three or
five *wdresed. Itrvill 'pay you to drl' e 25 miles to
ging s, Egge•stIll 20e. G. E. lung, Wngham,
3 917-tf
Custornerl are clothing back fora winter's
eupply of Tea. They say it helped eep up their
zoom% 0 last ' inter. There's anothor cold witi)nater
aeries, flour and feed. •
elated. B. Y. Y. buy 28o Tea. Bherrut BROS., gro.
Stockmen have a good word to say about
Clydesdale Stock Food. We sell and recommend
it. Beattie -Bros.
( . 19
:,8ervant Wanted. -To do geri'eral h2o14
Work. Good wages to .suitable person. Apply to
TIM EXPOSITOR Office. i 1921.1
, Lost -Between west of Egmondville and
Bruoefleid; a black silk parasol, with white and
bronze handle top. Will finder be so kind as to
leave the same at Brucefleld g.o. 1921-1
The Dr. Worth Cushion Sho for men-
a mattress for your foot. We banjos received our
at consignment of thie shpe-themo t comfortable
ehoe made -Samples in south window. W. H.
Willis, sole agent for George • A. Slatei r shio9e2sfor
men, lleaforth. , . i.i
A fresh stock of "Our Own" condition
powders to hand -25e spent will makl $5 difference
on nur horse. 25o a package, 6 for 81 at Aberhart's
drug store. • , 1921-1
trausical at • the resie
,dence of Mr. A. E. Gibson, under the
-auspicek, iof t Ladies' Aid of the
Preerbyt-vian cihurch, on Wednes-
day,/ eyening, w 3 well attended and
waga :BIOIEVpi esaert and exijOyable
affair. The Or' giainme was a good
one 'rind 'every ..tirieber Was thorough-
ly enjoyed. Those taking part were
Mrs. J. C. Greig, Mrs. W. D. McLean,
Zies Bessie Young, Miss Clara Pick-
ard, MT., Wall Hays 'and Master Don,-
ald.Gitbeen: As well as being a rausi.,-
suecess it was a financial suet-.
et6t3.,' The ladies realizing- in the:
neighborhood. of $20.. We doubt, pet'
but those present will be looking
far:weed hvith, pleesure others of
151MilaT 'nature.. '
• Matt-in:Ionia .-The home of Mr.
Herman Bub1z. Egreondville; wa 3
the licene..oT a pretty wedding Nvhich
tot a3lace ore Wedneeday, Septembet
28 • when 'his youngest and only re-
inetleling daugh pr, .Annie, became the
wifeefiFfr. John Detti, a prosperous
yountefarmer, The'bride
was beccaningly at dred and was
given eiway hy ter father. The cer-
emony Wats 'performed by Rev. Neil
Shiaw, of, Egmendville. -eAfter all
preeept partook of a delay wed -
diener. T,he young ceeple left
'for a wedding trip to Stratford and
other Delete. The 'best wishes of a
hoist 'of feiends will follow theme\
-e 4$
The Mission Closed -The ei.issiou
1110.d da:at -week in St. !lames' church,
S'eaforth, 'was very successful. Large
• aiingregationts, coMposed of person
of ell creed, attended the 'Learning.
and evening 'services every day from
the 125th ult., to Sunday evening,
.0etober end. The Rev. T. Fagan in
his leitoising sermon stated that the'
--tof St. James' had furnished;
r_during the mission,. far better music
than ie usual, even in larger towns
and eitim and that, in. fact, he had
seldom, •If .ever, heard better music
-ithtfangA Ian; hted been tor many years
giVeteg liniethenis in all Parts .of the
eaunisey: On Sunday forenoon, Oc-
eartelithd, .t he Right Re -ver end Biehop
MeE-Sray:,. preached arid administered
confirmationeto 41 candidates. These
,W•eTe 'neatly dressed, the Igirls in
Whits end the boys in black. The
Bishop !exhorted the children to be
obedient Ito their parents and teach -
ere, Ito) avoid cursing, swearing, ly-
ing and other vices' and pledged
them to abstain. from all intoxi-
ca:ting [liquors till they are 21 years
uf ego.
Good- Appointment. -The an-
nouncement is made that Dr. T. P.
Charabselein having resigned the
positioe of Inspector of prisons and
Patio -.Charities, he will be suc-
ceeded byeDr. R. W. Bruce Smitb,
ofelirockeille, and Dr. .1* -C. Mitch.ell'
of ..Toronto tasyleita etaff, will suc-
ceed:Mr. Smith as assistant at the'
13reckville •asylera. This appoint.,
nient is . a Meet commendable one.
3)r. [Smith is admirably adapted for
the important pasition to which he
het been ' appointed. His many
friends here will be pleased tit, hear
-of his merited promotion and will
unite with The, Expositor in oon-
gratulebions in .h.ie geed fortune and
'the hope that he may
be ating spared to fulfil oblie duties
of hie office, which we are stirs will
be performed in a manner credit-
able ioshinitell and advantageous to
the institutions under his care, .Dr.
SznitlY;Atill rgsi de in Toronte. The
Brockville Recorder retakes the fele
lowing eeferencei to the appoint-
F ovvering. Bulbs.
Roman add Dutch
HYacinflies, Lilies,
Na,rcissys° and
Saiitticrolits Seaforth. .
*iuril '' -.4 '''
Menee4 * e Itt t0 Many friends of
brnSfelitlit in'Broekville Will'be-pleas-
il Ito ' learn • of lide apPol ' trtient te
soetresPoileible 'and important •apos-
Sti.on in .the -civil service f • the pro-.
Once, nil 'vvill regret the ,departure
afrom eown of the genial doctor and
his estiraolike family. During thC.
-four Sears they have ,lbee reSidents
here, they 'leave beeenie ' ry popu-
lar -with all cless66„ of ti '.. cOmmun-
ity trod outside of the institution
where they lived, nowber will their
-departure ilxit MOTO keen , felt than
in Walt street Biletheclis ',church, in
whose laffairs they have- eleen a very
lively interest. In .1 ving Brook-
ville Dr. and Mrs. Seith`.`and the
Missee Sinith will bear. ith them to
theft new home in Tor tnte the best
wishes nor future baprii egs and pros-
perity of all."
Local Briefs. -Mr. James Murray
is- baving,thls residence on Crombie
street' raised up and aicerment found-
ation placed under it. -Mr. Floyd
'having hiseresidence in the North
ward jnicely 'pairited, this improv-
ing Eta external appearance very
raueh.-The 'auction eel° at cattle,
in 3foKillop Met week, by Messrs.
Govgaulobk arns., 'was argely attend -
,led nod., was very sue e,ssful. Over a
•hundrtid bead were di l osedeof. They
were en- good tconditio. and i*ought
• ,very. satisfactory „pri . -.. ,-...:Word was
received hero on on •y of the burn-
ing of the learn of "Mr. John Jenkins,
of /Godertioh townon• Saturday
lest. The ,barn and /ntents were
(destroyed. They were threshing at
the 'time and the fire i sctid to have
originat-ed from a tv rk from the
engine. The property --' as insured in
iii6 MOSillop Mutual. This is the
last eerions kWthis, company has
sustained this Seasen.'-The Conser-
vatives of Sent& Huron have called
a eenventiOn to select a candidate,
!to One held in Hensel). on Thursday
next, 'October 13th, at 2no'c1ock, p.
mt-Ftive 'rinks of Goderiah bowlers
were here on Friday afternoon, and
[Vent a few- pleasant hours on the
Seafortdi green. The ,Seaforth bowl -
ere 'won the game by about forty
shots all round. -Mr. John MeTav-
eel, of Montreal, epent Sunday with
bie uncle, Mr. E. MoFaul. We notice
that Mr, McTavieh is one of several
gentlemen who have -organized a
oompany for the purpose of purches-
ing the trade Publications of the
Burnside, SmithPublishing Co., of
Montreal. Me members of the
oompany are all progressive and well
to do btisiness men, and We congrat-
ulate our young friend on his ad-
vancement,-Mes, Osoar Neil is vis-
iting in Toronto this week. -Mr.
Andrew [Beattie and bride, .of Pond -
mills, )were the guests one day this
week of his brothe , Mr. John
Beattie, a the ,/firm o Beattie Brcrs.
-Mr. john Mainteeh lilas disposed of
his blacksmithing b siness in this
town to Mr. Ro'bert cIntosh, who
has been employed with him for
some time. Mr. MoI Ht-oeh bee not
yet fully recovered fr m his serious
attack ,of rheumatis wad is tine
decided as to what hei willdo The
new proprietor took possessin on
n indus rious
nacelle to we
share of the
Mr. Andrew
It iii*Sfr: W.
&rich- !street
residence of
Saturday and as he is
y,oung taan and a goo
beepea.k • for 'Una his
business done in lown.
Oke, who has- been hilvi
Copp's : Odttage on G
-west, has •Tell -fed t
Mrs: James Rourke, of Centre steeet.
!Mr. Copp will; opoupy the hos e Mr.
Oke vacates. -Wheat tar. sr.andard
has gene up to -$1.08 nd flour to
$3 per hundred. It is a 'god many
years Since wheat and flour have
'reached this high water mark. -
Messrs. , Ernest Murry and Alvin
L. MoLe,ani of Tuekotuth,' gradu-
ates of tbe Seaforth qo1ietate In-.
stitute, 'have gone t Toronto -to
t4e, a course in thp School of
Practical Science theret, •These two
young 'men have pro d theraselves
hard working and su oessful stud-
ents and ' we bespea for them a
zusacessful -career in th4 Queen City.
F. Robertson, - if Chicago, is
her visiting his mot ler, Mrs. W.
Rolbertson rend his s ster,. Mrs. .T.
F. Coleman. -Mrs. D. T Hepburn and
'little sen of Wing. - ni, were here
thfre week the ,"guests , of MISEgu.
Pox.. Me. iEfetpburn, a n
day here.-Arie G. Y = Turnbull, ef
McKillop, who 'lava -- A visiting in
Dotroit, thas returned On -Ie. -Messrs.
G. M. Baldwin & •Co., recently Sold a
fine piano eased. Bell! reta,n to Mr.
Angus MoQemig, of oKillo,pr near
WItOrii.-Mr., bantiel g Lead,. an, old
Seaforth boy, but no,,V of . Stratford,
was [recently waited ton 93Y the mem-
bers of the Stratfera' and and pre-
sented with a han me r»Lfltic
dock. Mr. McLeod'oently. :joined
the ranks of the benedicts:-Mr! M.
Irwin, of Minnesota /is at preee.nt
visiting at the parental home on
the Huron road,llgulktt. Mr. Ir-
win is in the roiled business and
holds a good .positiciee-Dr, Fowler,
V. S., who has beeein Clinton dur-
ing the „summer wag in -town Tues-
day. The dO01i113T returns to Toron-1:
to this week to resume his antic
as eeeturer in the Ontario Vetere
inary College. -Mr. CFeerige r., Bell
spent Sunday , in Walton. -Mise V.
Carter [spent Sueday at her hex, in
Walton. -Mr. Chas. MeGreger, spent
Sunday with friends in Stratford.-
• Mr. end Mrs. Charles Golding spent
t unday in Hentsall with their (relish-,
,ter, Mrs. R. J. „Twitoheil.-Mr. and
Mrs D McInnis of Exeter, gpent a
couple of days this week with Mr:
and. Mrs. Themes Richardson.e-Th
Huron ;promotion examinations wilt,
.be held" on Ootober 29th strict .21ete
Schools taking • these . examineteeng
ehould [notify the inspectors,at once.
-The Epworth League of the:Me' Ss:
dtat churele will hold a soak!' ,in j.Jre:
Sunday ec'hOol room on Tueekloyi ne
ti•ng. There will be a good pecee
gr.aname, and refreshments will ibe' ,
served.-hfiss Nettle e Johnston, of
13uffalo, end Mrs. Jamesi,Littleio' n,
of 'Gerrie, wlier have been visite g
thi,er varents, Mr. and, Mrs. W
Johnston, mid other friends, haveie-
turned boline.e-Mr. James Ferghs n,
lof ;Beitish Colembia, and. his bride,
nee Mise Burgess, of Bruce n,ou.n y,
Were there this week, visiting t... r
David Moe -and other friends in E
mondville, prior . to going to th 'r
home in British CD unirbia.-The To
onto mail, which oeraerly came y
stage from Bruce ield, now corn
in on e 9:50 a. a. train from the. s-
en'nt. The !new torder*oanie into force
on Monday lost. 11y the change peo-
ple- WM get their Toronto letters
abouttwo hours 'earlier, and. the
VuSbniti,t the noon hour wr be abated.
--d4Watt1eman was in ' town this
week 0Tgantziors- b. branch of the
Canadian RitaiJ. Mei cha.rds' Associa-
tion, We lunderetand the raalority
of merchanthave signified their ie-
tention.of.joining.-Mr. W. Efergot t,
late hetet3(5./4)er at Glamde, is now
in full possession of the Grip House,
and no doubt will have a large share
of 'the public patronage. -Mrs. Edwin
Prendergast, of "--'Claicago, who has
been 'here tor the past three moaths,
-attending on ler mother, • the late
Mee John McQuade, returned hone
on Monehey Met.
Good Woman Passes Away. -The
death occurred on Thursday evening
September 29th,. after a Legg and
painful illneele -of Mrs. Flora Thomp-
son at the residence of her son-in-
law, Mr. John McQueen, Northeast
boundary, Usberne, She, was a na-
tive of Argyleshire, Scotland, and
emigrated. to this country in 1855
With her husba.nd wlio died two yeare
after. She returned to her father's
home, lot 25, Northeast boundary,
Usborne, ,were she resided .until her
d,ea.th. The deceased was of a. ,quiet
and 'retiring ditiposition and bore her
suffering with great patience. Only
one &twitter, Mrs. John McQueen,
remains to mourn her loss, her eld-
est daughter, Mary, having died in
1889. The funeral, Which took place
on Saturday to MoTaggart's cem-
etery, wee largely attended, showing
the high esteem, in Which the de-
ceased was held.
• neck erneith.
West End Notes.. -Mrs. E. Town-
seind is at present visiting friends in
London.-Mitas, Gertie Loyd visited at
Mr. C. Layton"s last week.-Miiss :An-
nie Landsborough is visiting her sis-
ter,Mrs.R.Lawson, of Colborne, this
weok.-Thie week will see mOst of
the silos filled in this section. -
Mx. Frank Plenvete is to °Intreduce
the topic for discussion at theLeague
next :Sunday erning. Fotater'eGib-
binges addressed the League last Sun-
day evemng,
A Turkey T,hief.-Mr. Jobn Mc-
Naughton, of the 71h concession had
been missing this 'turkeys for ome
nights lend on Friday night lae • set
e. trap for the thief. On Saturday
morning he went out to look fo..re-
sults ond was surprised to. 21 44 a
large owl in the trap, It W3.1$ a niag-
nificient specimen, xneasuring 'fif-
ty-eiglit Inches from tip to tip of
wing. The bied was caught by one of
•ite claws and had not a raark on it.
Mr. MoNaughton will have it mount-
ed. His owlship had been 1ivieg1 Igh
fotr Isome time, !but he tried the
trick just once too often.
St. Columban.
The Dr. Worth Cushion Shoe for me -
line consignment of this shoe -the most comfort ble
a mattress for the foot. We have just received 4:)ur
shoe made. Samples in south window, W. H.
Willis, sole agent /or George. A. Slater shoes for
men, Seatorth. 1921U
• he Pays' Doings. -The cattle and.
isbep sale, recently advertised in
Tie Expositor by our ubiquitous
gook• oorxuflissioner, James Sb4a,
wirs held lee ,Friday. .Ay 4a.le pre
erly advert*- d in this great falai
weekly is sure to ettrailt a lax
crowd. ",HQ48t 'Jim's" sale was'
:exception to this rule.-eLast, Sa -
uxday ftertnoon our e' ponder° s
church bell, with eloquent tong ,e
and ;vibrant 1 pe, announced the ai-
rival of ::-the R ght Rev. Dr. McEvoy
London. For sever 1
we• previous to his coming,
large . claw:- of Bible students ha
bee'n tn trainin under the guideno
.or the Rev, ,A1 rt McKeon; The
all passed the.' al . Aainina.,tien eon
dueted by the 13i.s1rop onSa.. tur.day
• twenfy-four *-de "-Abe • dais takin
honorn:-.11rs, aitrink Carlin, of :St.
Columban, -a tatly beloved -lad*,
now 111bmer 94 Seale as generoll$13r
•pla.ced a stet e of our Lord1»
chlit•oli !here; Nothing similar to it
ito be 2 ouns in Huron or: Perth. It
is a verita le masterpiece and
crowds ere o ming to eee it. In his
eloquent tsnrr. on here last Sundae-,
13ienop 1VICE ay inveighed strongly
against the evils of intemperance,
Profanity, calumny, detraction and
pretracted het ging known -as "round
aances." The 'Superb quadrille /nue.-
et the St. Columban •oiehestra
hes Orme:loan . killed round dance,:-;
in this vicinitY. The military dances
of the Cruneders, called quadrills,
when properly .condubted, are still
allowed. -Intemperance- is - on the
wane in Hibbert andtafaitillop. The
loafer with a flatk, of ,whiskey in
his packetreor ,on his breath, is no
longer a welcome guest at any as-
sembly around St. Columba/I.-Mrs,
W. Prendergast, •of Toronto, and
Miss Killoran, of Seaforth, were the
guests of Miss Crdtty and Miss Shea
last week.---MiSs Mona Sills, of Sea -
forth, swap a sweet, devotional
duet 'with Miss F,oy at the confirm-
ation Seryices here last Sunday.
Note.. -The 'couneil have arranjeed
with Mr. Hick, the ,agenfof the Bell
Telephone 'Company, here's to have a
telephone placed in thekeriasidenee of
the care -taker of the eeneetery, the
Gait to inhe $25. per, Yfiari This will
be e very gkeaft convenience to the
$phri,White has gone
Lo lOttanva t epend a few weeks
with the ,family of her sere Mr. W.
3. iWhite of the 'Dominion Immigra-,
tion Department. -Mr. J. G. Stan -
bury, barrister, has been oonfined to
his residence for several days but we
hope te will be ,fully convalescent in
a few days. -Mr. S. Gidleyeone of the
pioneer business men of Exeter, has
clispcsed 'of his handsome residential
property-A.0'8*n VnAtteithell, of Cen-
traliae who has soured . a -nomfor t-
able ,..,hentie at a barkein. Mr. Gid -
ley intend* Wing to Duluth, Minne-
sota ; defle'lze. •fite-h47.' two sons doing
well in fibusinens) "He has been dis-
tabled' for eel:id& 4,,ive years having,
+bet hip.fraotueed from which, ins.
jury the ,has .never recovered.-,.fr.
Arthur Rollins, a fernier respeeted
business man of ;this town, was,
here from Michig,aji for sevefel Aays,
recently, visi tihg his "tir other, .D1r.
Rollins find other friendPee-The -firm
of Ross & It451.0T are -converting
their planing mill and Irember busi-
ness Ante a joint stock company.
The change is being made on aeeount
of M. .Roos' poor health. -.At the
Ju.dge's .or the reviSion of
the 'Mseter lo ',Vet: held last week
there Were 103aftpeale. The Cp.a-
ee va -yes succeeded-. in -adding 27
nera4s, end in dttiliiiagi' off 12. The
Reformers added 7 and struck off
15. t Besides these there were three
added lley, both parties and 8 truck
off. -t These, lists, ,however, will not
be fused at. the forthcoming Domin-
ion, eletion union meeting of I
Ladies' Cloth, Coats, Fur Coats
We started out .this season with the intention.
making our place foremost for Ladies' and Children's Be
to wear Garnaents. We have every reason to believe h
we have done so, for we are daily told how superior our as.
sortment is in comparison with that of others.
Every available foot of space in our ready-to-
wear department is crowded with styles that should
win your attention. There's a great choict for
every buyer, and that's the 'reason why we keep
telling you where to come for the newest and best
things to '.wear.. But- reading isn't seeing—We
want you to see for yourselves. Remember that
- 140110 we keep the beat, our. stock is by.-Ao means
• confined to expensive garments,
Nv,A.Istrs • 75,;,$1.00 up to $6 00 each
SXIETS f$2'„00 to_$9.00 each
RAINCOATS $4.O0 up to $15.00 each
FUR COATS , from $4400 *Pi
LADIES' JACKETu up'io.i2,00 each
GIRLS' JACKETS. $i bo each
BOYS' SUITS 6.00 eao
6.00 we
It's a siniple matter;m7rtrqUetzathot being
foremost in things -
For Ladies' and Children' s Wear
If other merchants were to take' trade away
from. us we're shrewd enough to know that some-
thing is wrong. If, on the other hand, our busi-
ness is largely increased,- we're smart enough to
know there's a good deal that's right. The in-
creased, sales in our ready -to -we& .departraent
justifies out'pos,ition most thoroughly
We invite you to come and see our stock,
This invitation is most, cordially given, and those
who don't accept' 'it -miss an opportunity of seeing
probably the best bollection of Jackets, Furs and
Ladies Ready-to-wear: Garments that has ever
• come into the town.
ITIE R. McFA'UL Pry Goods Cornpart
I. ---e-.. - ...---ictiorA;t:tb:ertrnettoor.:
, 4
the elirect,ors of the South Huron and Von oanipa.ign..-jas, Cuth
Stephen ond Usboriie Societies will last week teem his trip
be eld in tbe Central hotel on Sat- country. -Willie Long, o
ardiay for the purpose of closing up has -taken a situation- n
business in connection with the late hen's' tore -Ken MeKenzie, of
show. -On [Tuesday of last le.eek, as Portage la Prairie, Manitoba., wae it
Mr, Peter Moir, of the 4th canoes- ,visitee in town for a few days this
talon . Usborne, was werking. around. Week. -4 -Catharine Jane, :second &Ali*
his 'Jin and while driving he ecein ter of Mr. Arch. Lamont, of the 204
dentally slipped, failing- from his -coneesslee of Gee' y, diedsuddenly In
wagon, and in the fall had the inis- Monday morning, after -only an ille
fortune to fracture sonie of his iibsnese. of- -a few days of pneumonia.
He is Mid up in ennisepience and will DeceaSti was in the 30th year ef her
IlD Salable to attentle to his duties artei tobkia
respectaseedis tTehmae.fue:51 "
for some time at lea.st. •
• .
on Wednesday. afternoon.
Notes. -Miss [Mary Delaney is at-
Dets.-„Mr. IR. Heideman has re
teetil.*Wfeheeers61.11, mthailS
e, cce°1
lb°ever Iyntoutt- gturned. from a visit to his deelShter,
lady eontinued eueecess in her stiid- twatin Teedtr:tit.t-hZeurihacytiweiesti feavierlionrepvrxtia4
dic,i; of Met week and a,11 were pleaead,
,(es the show was good and the weath-
er fine. -Mr. W., F. Truemner and'
very much to here of tiler illness, but wife have returned from. a 15leetint
hope that she will seen be as well as visit Ite friends id Ma/erten. They,
ver egain..-Mr. James Shea's sale of both onjoyed the ioutjaig verymuels
live etock, -Which took place tern -Mrs. John Fried and children, of
ast week NVIIS a financial sUccess.- London, ax The guests of Mrs. a
Ire'. J. F. McMann and (Little 'Miss Fritz. --Messrs. Bender and Postgr
athteen spent a couple of days
his week with friend's here -Mrs. P.
urtin t3prft = Sunday last with, doer
unt, 'Mrs. Roach, of Seaforth.-Mrs.
Cronin, of Hibbert, visited at Mr.
'B. Downefe, this week. -Mr. C. Eck-
ert 'returned 'honae last week from
a 'tee days' v,iset with his br,other
in Soinerset, Ohio -.-Our merchant,
G. K.(IIelland is in ,the field buying
turkeys tgain this year. G. K. says
he will give a fine present to the
lady that eells him the largest flook
og turkvys.
keen -Miss Tessie Lynch T et ur ned
home last week from a pleasant tvieitl
with friends in Dublin. -Ms. Mee
Clusky's nna.ny* friends will regret
Briefs. -Mrs. john Downing was
called to Bueleeteres near Lindsay,
on Monday of etlele week, to attend
the fuliniral , ;it ' her,brother, Wm.
Myers, Mao was wiles. the day pre -
Pique. Deceased' wag' *diking on the
railway ltrack and t,being hard -.'-of
heorring, the was4tun over by the
fill4n..-J-00° Murton had the misfor-
tune Ito breek the smell bope in his
,terikehtet above the ankle last .Sattur-
day'e3vening, which will lay lein1. up
for, on th.e eva a a short betted, the
is,onre time. He was leading .0.
00 , Which ena.de a bolt and stepp-
degot r era flew up and tripped -hire.,
WTI thee above result. -The e roper-
ety• heLooging to the David. Maxwefl
oCStLtO wasOasposed a by public vele-
tiOn at the American hotel, last Sat-
urdo.y afternoon. The 180 acre farm
he 7th line of Morrie, was pur-
d by Heffron Bros.; of Blyth,
5,000; the vacant lets on Turn-
etreeit, north, by P. Ament, for
$129; 'and] the house and lot on
EJiz4eth etreet by AIL Beaker for
the surn , of $A0. -David. McCall, of
position at R. Leatherdale's, and will
the. .th line, Morris, has taken a
its neck, -eausing instant death. TM.
learn the furniture and „fundertakine loss will be considerable to NY- X
13 iesries& Des dm an!returne d Phereon es the purchase price yes
I -
Tuesday 'from his trip to Manitoba. 1 neaTIY 60 —r James IYIeCanY
H. 'Kerr has re jived the apei white leading home one of thotee Sims
g officer „foe] ble faatedeaaiiinals received an ngIT
aee about through with their tow,
tract on the Schwa,lin dram. Tney
are finishing up in good. title an -
had a big joie -Mrs. Jos. Zettle; a
respected resident of this villas%
d.ep,arted this life a few Says age'.
She had been ill tor 303118 time . Tile
remains were interred. in the Cathole
le bemetery.
• 'Walton.
• Terkel Iteme.-Messrs. Pearce eel
Murdock had an a.uction sale of
-Western ponies at Emigh's hotel
3,Yrtondas afternoon of this Week and
disposed of 18 at prices ranging froze
$30 to $90. MT. C, Ilainittetzu Of
Blyth conducted the sale..2-Mis, Br
liccummin, who disposed of leg
hcgrsehold effects by auetion 011
Saturday afternoon of -Jaat -week*
removed ..oxt Wedue.sdar of this week
to anockelster, where she • *HI fue
ture tranie.-:-The 'O. P. It is ma
S..ng rapid prfogrees, various gangs
Mfg employed on different sentionig
all along the line.-)Yfr. Therase
johnston will dispose of his tor
stock arid implenients anction 30
the inear future; and will also offer;
his f.arm for, sale at the same time,
=-Thie good. Methodists of this 17P-
einity are bueily engaged. this week
novitig -tlee church to the
1-5-?rigp -geolinds.-Saerament wW be'
.aispen-ied. in f Duff's Presbyte
church on Sundey, prepareterY ffe
vices being held on WedneSdaY
Rev. 'S. M. Whaley, of St. Helen.--
On 'Monday evening, as Mr, Sam lgea
Pherson was leading home a bran-
cher which he purchased at the sale,
;the nnimal not being accustomed to
%the [halter, reared and plunged fel
ling on the hard road, dielocatueE
ponitment of retarni
EastHuron at the econieg Etpmiaaie '.'tx."-cdc'eh III t T IY tbase
.o'nto, is visitingold fryends in town he face, en
ed this week te'Torifiatdetto resume 1 brose cis ere, no a profit.
ff3aer, the loral nteerber
t 11 )rofit,
elections.-i&s. rg;'4., 414'0,, Of re
this week. -Will Lebemerti return -
1,1,1 elutes at the Inentair college_ Dufferin, has reeigned his seat in the
Dr. [Macdonald, M.. P. of Winghana, Legiala,ture, and. will run as the C0,11:
was in town on Tuesday -last, making ion in the same eonstituency. As
serv.o.tive [candidate for the Deraul,
the laet Provincial election
arrangementi3 tor tile "1311131C 131effe wag cleated by a majority Pt 01P4
•-74 fitiorliti4BTYN-Stre.X3
For take col
tc come, we are
r garments at
WitI the money. '
• Perhaps you
t%bfittifl&" oriel
usuaUy made use of
11.tp1Oy 23.0 t
that you ate
wants Ice Bath
-cora 3
-cutorner of Alum, -1
We rit every man
tat {panty overtoati
All riew this
them before, Wed
quentiy we are doini
startigatt girls 14 )
Good variety of
side the laiger cities
has every theme to
The earlier your self
Jacket Prices—
Men's Coat PHI
To prop
ee to come.
many years. Qur
viee of thouaands
•ments of the boys.
ur P