HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-10-07, Page 5Is at home at atqmY of the da'. Every test Fall der the nie i.' ad nea he old 'Bete It their no- . -e -Mrs. Hate, tile village isitine' her ce-Mr. Wm. e. appearance o ion of rk Manna ne Toe tat receiving ttrial art,— , hove prone winners ,ia fall fairse ten firsts, • out of 13 F4ure.4 seven .iIhree thirds ,The ee gen. years pat- s imported es proved as s G. Eyre, loge, ems oy has lees* of Carmel rg recently X4s- Colber t, te her moth- rcnts ars en of onions tfl MeEwen. wen, left. he Me, . Ffe is a. be sure hinteelf ho wag 'em- eoiaI 'hotel n as wine hotel at at 1 o'clock , Huron road, Implementee T., Brown, t 1 o'clock McKillop, S. & J, Brown, sue- t 1 o'clock .Implemente. rias Brown, at 1 o'clock arm, Farqu ear old eteere w. Campbell, oneer. ,at 1 o'clock Hibbert. Charles' e,nd ; J. Jones, t1 o'clock MaKillop. Myst Joseph own, Au°. 1 cioloeik }Jensen, th, pro - neer. &dock p. tton, Farm eta Ailiston, ctioneer. 2 ololock b, a cone- uteneils. 1. Mo - o'clock aforthtwo- ring cows. T. Brown, o'clock near Con. and Imple. ; Thomas - 'clock ok- ?re or ; o'olook p. farm stook 'reprie tor : , 1 o'clook Ribbert, DroprietOT ; h 1 0'41 ‘xk oga ;Fr -•eet told Fa: • i )r• ; T et; OCTOBER 71 19040 MeSettg,,ST-he Seeman. October 6, 1004 1 THE CANADIAN, BANK nail ohleStandelo.._, et _ OF COMMERCE _ 1 00 to I 08 I 00 to 1 00 0 39 tO 0 30 0 60 to 060 04!i eo 04() O 18 to - 14 0 le tee O1 0 17 to 18 tee to 800 6 t 0 to 660 :‘ Oe f. 26 e 30 io 8f1 O 21 to 0 28 0 60 to 0Th 1 23L 1 t!O .6 00 to 600 800t4 826 626 totiOO 600 la 7 00 1 25 to 2 26 00 7 60 to 8 50 r tmehei- , tenahel... . et le Moot - • p On. (101 MS 4'4;r """- -• :eat •. 0. .„ 4r • non t per tar (Dort.. _ II) per berroe- .- r cord „„ *et tdper cord (short) t. * temL ee -• ft* 8:I00 4. 6 te Dairy Markets: TOBONTo, October 4—Butter-h4e about essedy in tone. The demand for choice Nis active, but for the pager etuff is little inquiry. Creamery printe, 20o;to creamery solide, 18 to 19a; jy tube goad to choice,13 to 15o ; dairy ateur gradee,10 to 12 ; dairy pound to choice, 15 to 16o, medium dairy, 14e. Cheese—The market is !steady. s here are quoted at 9.ti to aie for and 9t to 100 for twins. Eege—Re- Dte are suit lion; and bhere does Lot o be any sign of improvement in this Pekes are steady to firm in tone to 19c per &eon. • TREAT., Ootober 4—Chee3e—Business ins dull and steady at the decline In a, We quota :—Quebec, 84 to 8e, wnthipe, 9e, and Oatario at 9A• to ne per ponied. Butter—A dull feeling still pre. esile in the butter market. and little new bueiness is beiag done. Exporters are giv- tag 20e as the current price for townehips eesamery.. • Gram, eto. nIitotero, October 4—White wheat, $1 to iud; red, 95 te$1.06 • goose, 88o : sprig, $1.05 ; peas, 67o • old oats, 37.1ro ; new Dote, 3412 to 351 ; barley, 46 to 52o ; Hey, No, 1 timetity, $9 to $10.50 : clover or mixed hay. 87 to $8 50 • Oleg straw, •$12 ; looee, $7.50. Dressed Hoge—The market continues quiet and unchanged at 4125 to $7.75 per owl; for choice light- . weight butchers. Millfeed—Bran is quoted 4114 to $14.50 in bulk, and aborts at •$17.50 east or west. Manitoba, millfeed is unchanged at $20 to $21 for shorts and $19 for bra; sackri included, Toronto 'freights. Poultry. Toro, Oetober 4—Trade continues light, and pricet are unchanged at 11 to 13 for spring ohiokens, and 8 to 90 for old bide. Ducks- are ateady at 9 to 10c, Live Stock Markets. LONDON, Oetober 4.—Cattle are steady 8io to 12to per lb ,• refrigerator beef, Re to 9ie per lb. Sheep, 10e to Mci, *eased weight, 1- • LIVERPOOL, October 4—American oat4e, .52-d to 6c1 f-Canadiatts, Rel to Ode TORONTO JUNCTION, 00t.. 4—Tbe qua ity of the cattle offered at the Union Stook Yards to.day was very, poor, and in conse- quence the prices were low. For the few cettle that were of good quality, prices Were fully maintained. All the oattle were sold, and trade was rather poor. There were not nearly enough cattle ol good qual- ity to eupply the demand. Exporters' Cattle—Quality was not nearly as good au bet year, and prices- were between $4,25 and 85. Bulls brought from $3.75 te $4.40. Butchers' Cattle—The best butchers were sold at prices from $3 25 to $4.35, with at least one load going as high as $4 50, BUFFALO, October 4.—eatt1e—Steady to 10o higher ; prime etecre, $5 25 to $5 50; shIPhdrig, 84.50 to $5; butchers', $3 75 to 4.€5, heifere. $3 to $4.35 ; cows, 82.50 to *1; bung, $2.25 to ; stockers and feed - ere, $2,50 to $3.65 ; stook heifers, $1.75 to $2,25; fresh cows and springers, $2 to 83 higher ; good to choice, $45 to $50 ; me. &um to good, $32 to 842; common, $20 to 430. Veals—Steady, $4 50 to $7,50. Hogs, waive, 10o to 150 higher; heavy and mix. ed, $6.25 to $6,35; Yorkers, $6.15 to 86 25; Pigs? 8540 to $5 60, roughs, $5 to $5.25 ; men, e4 to $4.75 ; dairies 'and -greseers, $5.75 to $6. Sheep and lambs, steady; klub% 84.25 to $5 90, yearling(' and 'nth - ere, $4.25 to $4.50; ewes, $3,85 to $4; Sheep, mixed, $2 to 84. Monearatie October 4—There were a larger number of prime cattle, and slue a larger number of dry eoW8 and small bulls, among the offerings to -day than usual. A ter load of prime beeves were bought at 4e per lb. by shippers, who aloe bought several other Iota of good large oettle. A. few of the best cattle were bought by the Mt -harem at 4tto to 42.c per lb.; pretty good cattle gold at from 3te to 4c, and the com- mon dock ab .2a to 3o per lb. while canners paid from Ito to 2c per lb. for the thin Caws and small bulls Calves sold at from 83 to $10 each. or 30 to 'tie per lb. Ship- ping sheep sold at 3/1c, and the ghere at tie to 3,te per lb. Lembo sold at 40 to 414-c per lb. Fat hop sold at 53 to a little over t5tic per lb. Teetoxero, October 5—Exporters--Trade in export cattle at this market is clead. None were offered and none were appar- •ently wanted. W. n. Dean 'bought seven export cows at $3.25 to $3.50 per cwt.., and Cie was the only quotation reported. Satchere—Tratle in tintohere' cattle was low, with prices easier. There are too many light, half-fet butchers' heifers being brought forward, as well as too many worn /34b COW. There was probably a load all told of piked lots el cattle, that sold for a higher price than $4 25 per cwt.. We heard oi one dealer, after searching the market -over, that bought aboab a dozen butchers' cattle, of choice quality. weighing. 1,050 to 1,100 peunds mob, at $4 30 to $4,40 per mt. Choice picked lots of butchers' gold tVe 84 30 to 84.40 per owe, picked lots, weighing 900 te 1,000 pounds each, at $4 to 84.25, loads of good at $3.75 to $4 ; med- ium at 83.50 to $3.65; coronne at $3 to &40; rough and inferior at $2 to $2.75. Feeders—Prices for feeders were easier, Ohoice breedy steers, 900 to L000 pounds each, sold at $3.60 to $3.80 per cwt. Dis- tillery butte Aoki at $2 50 to $3.124 per 097t. with few at the latter price. Stock- ene-Deliveries were plentiful, especially of the common eastern quality. Prroes rang- eid from $2 to $2,75 per owt., with tho bulk going at 82.25 to $2,50 per OWL Mitch eawri—Orily a limited number was offered, tied these were generally of poor to medium selling at 830 to $45 eaoh. Veal ueves—Prices for veal calves were steady 483.50 to $.5.25 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs—Receipts of sheep and Lambs we're moderate. Limbs sold, at $3 75 to $4,25 per awt ; sheen at $3 50 to $3 75 per eon or a/ewe and $2.75 to $3 for bricks. tHoge —Receipts were not large. Prices are truer at $5.25 for -selects, and $5 for Iighte and fete. WiN001i0110:02000010100/40•115031 Births. Seefortia, on October 31d, to Mr and etre James Neville, a eon YOUNG -In Egreondville, oo October 3rd, tO Mr and Mrs Jamee Young, a eon IIARRIS--In Wroeeter, on September 26th, tO Mr and Mrs George Harris, a son DICKSON-In Wry xeter, on September 27th, to Mr and Mrs P V Diokson, a daughter MeTAGGART-In Grey, on September 23rd, to Mr and Mrs Neil MaTaggert, a eon azELLIG-in Grey, on-tlotrteinber 251h, to Mr and Mrs George Snellig, twrna, eon and daughter SCRUTON-In Clinton, on September 23rd, to Mr aeui Mrs John Sulam, a on RILL-InBlette on September 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs Lnxton Hill, a daughter IIILLS--In Millet% on September 26th, to Mr and Mrs Wna Mille, a daughter ACHESON-In Exeter, an September 22ed, to Mr Sad Mrs Thomaa Acheron, a son ARGENT -In Harlock, on September 20th, to Mr and IlreT Argeet, a son HEAD OFFICE, TaRoNTO, Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,000,000 - HON. GEO. A. COX, 'President. • B. E. WALKER, tGenered Manager: ALEX, LAIRD, Asst. Genii Manager, 110Branches IANNzAttsA. THE UNITED STATE'S LNDW A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmers', and Graziers' Banking. Every facility afforded farmers and graziere for their banking business& Notes dis counted. Sale Notes cashed or taken for collection. SAVINGS BANK, DEPARTMENT. Deposita of -$1 and upwards received, and intermit allowed at ourrerit rates. Interest itdded to the deposit twice in each year, at the end of May and November. The depositor is eubjeot to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portioh of the deposit. • - BANKING BY MAIL Deposits may be made or wiehdrawn by raail. Out-of•town atteation. • 1 SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARXES, Manager. acoonnts rloeive every Marriages. ISSIOND-CLA.RX-On teptember 27th„ at the Mule of the bride'e psrenteetlr and tire 'Thee Clark, of Stephen, by Rev Ur Clemens, of pub - wood. Mee Sophia Jane ()lark to Mr Thortear A lemon& of Oblong° SCHAFFER-VeILDFONG-In I:rubor-bed, on Sep. teruber 27th, by Rev I( (Decades, Mr Daniel Schaffer, to Miss Kate Kste Windfenge 'both of Dashwood * ROUTLEDGE-KERR-A6 the residence of the beide'e parents, in West Wawanosh, on Septem- ber 28th. Miss Mamie, youngest dauehter of Mr Samuel Kerr, to Mr George Routledge, of *Ash• field HOVEY-BILLINGS-At the rectory, in Almost - Mug, on September 28th, by Rev 3 F Poke, Rev Frank Hovey, lel A, of fiageesville, to lilies Rena Billings, sister of Dr Billings, -formerly of Clinton BLACKSe-HOGGARD-At ths residence at Mr Fred Maggitt, of Mph, on September 28th, by Rev Holmee, Mr. Newton Black, of Wingemm, MIs Hophieth Et Hoggard, of Mullett MICHIE-BAREAREE-At the reeidence of Mr Robert etewart, in When, on Septeixiber 28th, by Rev A X Gregory, of Toronto,Mies Tryphona M Barbaree, of Milted, to Mr Wm Miehle, of &questing, Halton county. Deaths. PRESZCATOR-Ine Stephen, on September 22nd, John Preszcator, aged 77 years, 7. months and • 17 day., WHID-Ort the Sauble Line, Strictest, on September 21s6, Casimir Wild, aged 77 3 ears and 7 months WOODLEY-At Brumfield, or September 266h, Themes Woodley., aged 65 years GRAHAel-In Goderroh, on September 25th,Harold • Scott, son of Mr John Graham, aged 6 months and 4 days - AGNEW-In Clinton, on ,September 27th, Henry Agnew, aged 26 years and 9 months TUNNEY-In East Wawanosh, on September 246h, Mr Thoma rs ?annoy, aged 89 years LENZ-In Detroit, on September 23rd,Joseph Lenz, aged 72 years ALLENBY-In Winghara, on September 26th, We leyl) Allenby, aged 80 years, 8 menthe and 6- daye MILLS -In Hullo% on September 26th, the infant daughter oe Mr and Mrs Wm Mille LAMONT-In Grey, on October 8rd, Catharine Jane, second daughter of Mr Aroh Larnont,aged 29 years, 8 month, and 9 days WOODLEY-In Brucefield, on September 28 h, Thorns° Woodley, aged 65 years THOMPSON-in Usborne township, on September 29hh, Mrs Flora Thompson, aged 73 years, 5 months and 23 days • Funeral Directors • and Embalmers. Night calls answered at Mr. KoKenzie's residence, Church St., third house north public school, west side. Graduate Mena °hunts College of Embalming, Boston, U.S , Knechtel & McKenzie, • SEAFORTH., A FEW ITEM'S To interest You at Aberhart's Drug Store. • We have just received a shipment of Shell Brand English Castile Soap-- 2 lbs for 25o; pure white, , cold drawn Italian Outer Oil, which Is proclaimed by representativee • of the wholesale drug houses to be the finest quality of oil that they have even seen—.10c and 25e bottles. Buohu-Juniper Kidney Pill* for Rheuma- tism and Sore Baok-25e box, or five • for $1. Cough Drops — menthol /and black—two ounces for five cents. We ahe carry an up-to-dete atook of Trusses, and those suffering with rup- ture will save money by calling on us. - We guarantee all goods. ABERHA T1 • DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - - - ,BLOCK P Q IR, ir it Steers for Sale. The undereigned elms for sale 86 two year old steerfor feeding and 20 yearling stook steers e alto 0 springer cows about to calf. There) cattle are all well bred and in good condition. Mr. McConnell will be at Webber's Hotel, Dublin, on Monday and Saturday of each week to meet with intending purchaeore. Terma-Cash or credit to.suit the pur- chaser. These cattle must be Bold as Mr. MoCon. nell has rented his farm. JOHN Mc:CONNELL, 1918-tf • DUBLIN. Turkeys Wanted. will be prepared to buy turkeys, either alive or with their necks broken, for shipment to the Eng- lish merge, about the hilt week of November. I will be pleased to deal with all my old ouotomors and as many new ones as will favor me with their turkeys. Yon will find it to your interest to deil direct with the exporter. Prices and date of dente ery given later on. 192141 GEO. T. TURNBULL, thange of Business. • John McIntosh Having dieposed of his business in Sea - forth to • Mr. Robert ,MoIntash, • desires to thank his customers for their liberal pa- tronage ehace he commenced the blacksmith. ing buainese in-Seaforth, and to recommend to them his summer, who is he stranger to these Os he has been his valued aesistant for several yearn. In connection with the above the under- signed desires to say that by prompt atten- tion to business' ,and, doing good work at reasonable prices he hopes to receive a con- tinuation of the patronage of the customers of the shop and to gain new ones. Horse shoeing and general repairing will still be a specialty of thie shop. Ho will do the very best he can to please all who favor him with their cuetom. Remember .the shop, on Goderich Street, opposite the Royal Hotel stables, Seaforth. 19214 • ROBERT MoINTOS1L 7 AUCTION SALES, A UCTIONSALle of STOOK STEERe and COWS. -Thoroae Brown has received inetruotions from Mr. W. Smith to sell by Public Auction at J. E. Blaokall'a stock yards, Hensel!, on Thureday, Ootober 18th, at 1 °Week p, na., the following pro: perty, viz ;--50 steers 2 years old ; 1 cew duo to calve 18th of -October.; 2 cows dim to calve 1.6th and 186h of March' 2 cows due to (mho, 10th of Feb. rusty ; I cow due to calve 12th of April. Terme.- -Six months' credit on approved joint notes. A dis• °omit of 6 ner •cent, per annum for mete W. SMITH, Proprietor. 1921-1 AUCTION SALE of Tvvo year old'Steers. Yeer. lingo and Spring Cows, -Mr, John McConnell has inetruoted Mr. Thomee Brown to Fell by public auction at Dicke. Stook Yards, Seaforth, on Bator. day( October 1611b, at 2 o'olook p. m., the follewing pr(Terty, viz r, 20 two year old steers ; 10 yearling sto re ; 6 rpring OOWB about to calve. The °rattle are all in first -oleos condition. The whole will be sold without reserve as the farm is rented. Terms - Twelve months' credit will he given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. will be allowed for °ash on credit amounts. JtOFIN MoCONNELL, Proprietor; T. BROWN, Auctioneer, 1920e JJNR.ESERVED,ACCTION SALE OF CATTLE.- Mr Thomas Brown has been instructed by ' Heery McGavin & Son to sell by public) auction on Lot le, Cerniession 6, H. R. 84 Tuolcortunith, on litedneadey, Ooteber 19th, at 1 o'olook eharp, the following valuable prtperty viz :-1 cow, years old due to calve in November; 1. cow six yeers old to calve in November; 1 cow six years old to calve In December; 1 cow six years old due to alive in Jan- uary ; 1 thiecepear.oicl heifer due to eilve in Jan- uary ; also a number of young stock steers and Micro and one Yorkshire breed sow to litter about time of eale. These °Attie are in good condition and wilt be sold without rotary() its the proprietors aro giving up ono of their farms. Tertme-Tweive months' oredit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A diseount of. 4 per cent. for oath. HENRY MoGAVIN & SON, Proprietors; THOMAS BROWN, AustIoneer. 1021-2 ' CLEARING OUT AUCTION SALE of Thoro-bred Short Horn and Hitch Grade Cattle,Parrn Stook and Implemente.-Mr, Thomas Brown- has been Ia. etructed by Mr. John Murdoch to sell by public auotion on his farm, London Read,. Stanley, a mile and a. quarter south of Brucefield, on Thursday, October 20th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following val- uable property. viz : Horses -One aged mare ; one ware twelve yeers old ; one good driv- ing horse eight years ' old ; one pure bred Clyde mare from iropooted etock on both sides,suppesed to be in foal to an imported horse *• 1 pure bred Clyde filly coming three ; I pure bred Clydesdale sleek- ing foal. Cattle -One thoroughbred abort horn bull, from Ruseelle stock 1 4 cows suppoeed to be in calf, 1 newly calved cow, 1 registered short horn cow with calf at foot, 1 re dared short horn year- llng Imitate 1 high grade h ifer 2 years old, eup es - ed to baIn calf ; 3 steers 2 years old, 2 year lug steers, 8 yearling heifers and 4 spring °elves. na- plements-McCorteick binder nearly new, Deering mo e'er needy now, 1 seed drill, 1 spade harrow, 1 two -furrow No. 8 Fleury plow, 1 two-furrmy pug plow, 1 eingle plow, 1 turnip plow, 2 souffiere, 1 set Iron harrows, 1 Ised rotten horn hay rake, root pulper, cultivator, lumber wagon, wagon box nearly new, set bobeleighs, fanning mill, hay reek. gravel box, lee banterer, colleen, neck-yokee, whiflietrees, forks and a lo) 01 einelhartiolee, together with a lot of hens, ;clucks mod turkeys. The whole -Wilt; be @old without eeterve. Terms -ell sums of 8e ited under, cosh ; over that unmet 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved endow& notes. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allowed for cash on oredit amounts. JOHN MURD0C11, Proprietor ; 'THOMAS BROWN, Auotioneete 1921.2 UCTION SALE of FA •k. Houtehold Furnitur haa been instruct( d by Mr. public auction OD Loo 85, Monday, October 24th, Bill lowing pro arty, viz : o m Stock, Implements and -- Mr. Thomas Brown Timothy Kelly to sell by oneession 6, Logan, on o'clock sharp, tho fol - rues --1 mare 9 eAre old in foal I 1 drirlrig horse 12,years old se 1 gelding 2 years old 1 filly 1 year old. Oattle-Throo ()owe oupposed to be in oalf ; 1 cow due to °Ave let of January ; 1 cow to calve about the 16th of January; 9 two year old steers ; 43 marling steers ; 2 two year old heifers and 4 spripg calves. Pigs- 1 sow with pig •, 7 legs 2 months cid. Hone -80 hens. Imple. ments-1 le,ering binder, 1 new Dearing. viewer, 1 Noxon reed drill, 1 horse rake, 1 disk, t set diamond harrow% I plow, 1 gang plow, 1 lumber wagon,1 tap buggy, 1 open buggy,1 new pair boosleigben cutter, 1 fanning mill, 1 set rope sling°, rope and putties complete. 1 set double harness, 1 set single harness, 26 cow chains, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 cross cut saw, 1 grindstone, 2 robes, 2 zuge, 2 pork barrels, 30 cords of wood, a numbef of ceder poets, 1 Niger kettle, a quantity of hay, a lot of mangolds, turniht and po- tatoes, fork., hies, chains, soythes, ehovele and other &Moles. Houtehold Furniture -2 bed -room suits, 2 odd beds, 1 exteneion table 10 feels long, 1 • spring lounge, 1 -sh000tatto learn organ, 1 new side- board, 1 Pearl stove, I .heating stove 1 leaf table, 1 kitchen table, 1 centre tatle, a dozen chairs, 3 rock- ing chairs, 1 sewing machine, half dozen curtain poles. 40 yards of carpet, 1 dozen picture frames, I washingemaehine and wringer, 2 No. 8 and 4 churns, 100 gems, milk crooks, pans, pails, dithers, glaeeware and other artioles too ourneroue to mention. Terme -All eunts of $5 and under, oath; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furniehing ap- proved jeint netts. -Five per cent. cff for crush on credit amounts. Positively no mem as the pro- prietor has sold his farm. TIMOTHY KELLY, Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 1921x2 IMPORTANT NOTICES. VALID& FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For riale or t° J root, Lee 19, Concession 3, McKillop, contain- ing 100 pores. Good farm, Prefer to Bell. Apply to A. f)ALDER, &Worth. • 1021x4 TEAGHER WANTED -Male or female, hnlding second class certificate, for Union &heel Sec- tion No. 11, Morrie, Grey and MoKillop, (situated at Walton). Duties to commence January 8rd, 1905. Applications, stating salary, received up to October 22nd. R. II. FERGUSON, Secretary, Wal. ton P. 0., Ont. • •1921.8 LIAM& IN TUPKEIISMITH OR SALE. -I have Ir decided to sell and will receive afere for the fifty acre aim, being the east half of Lot I, Con- cession 2, H. It. S., Tuelterercith. It is a first -ohm farm and will be sold cheap. Offers must be ad. dressed to JOHN IdeMANN; sr, Seaforth. 1931-11 VEMALE TEACHER WANTED. -For School XSection No. 6, Grey, a female teacher holding a Second °lase oertificate..;Duties to oOmmenoe Jan- uary let, 1905. Apblioante to dates salary regnired Applications must be addreesed or made to the un. dersigned before October 21st. ANGUS SHAW, Brussels P. 0. • • 1921-2 LIA1111 FOR SALE -For sale on reasonable terms, c the turn of the undereighed on the North Gravel road, MoKIllop, a mile north of Seaforth. It contains 175 acres- all cleared except obout tem acres. is well under -drained. well fenced and in a high *tote of cultivation.. There is a no two storey brick house, bank borne and other necessary outbuildings. There is a flowing spring close to the buildings. A large orchard of choice fruit and about two sores of s vinery. Thie Is one of the choicest farms in Moron and there is not a toot of waste land on it. It is all seeded to gran except about 60 sores. There are ten acres town to fall wheat and the fall plowing done. Apply So the pro. prietor, Serdorth, ROBERT GOVENLOCK. 1920-11 PICTURE FRAMING. We have purchased the entire stook of Picture Frames carried by Mr, Jas. Graves. which, with ournown complete stock, gives ns the! best selection In bhis county. Wo would be pleased -4o see all Mr Grave' old cuatomers come to us for their picture framing. We will guarantee eatie- faction. JACKSON BROS., Seaforth. „ Aq? HE' liTTRON MoKIN 3E3 Great P'repara ARE BEING MADE FOR THE BLYTH F WHICH WILL BE HELD ON Crbtober Ilth The managers are sp most successful fair moth cash stem has to the fair with all ing lines at special Ladies' Cloth Janke* in all the late Ledies' Astrechan Jackins, from $25 Ladiee' Greenland Seal Jackets, froril Ladies' Electric Seal Jackets, from 8 Men's Fur Coato at special prices fo Men's Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves, Mea's Fine Beaver Overcoats at $6 Men's Worm Underwear, irr greet ve atPO.SITOR. ON & '4Wk." "II .0.••••••no.••• •IMAIN.i••••1 ions LL FAIR 6d 12th. I\ _ Corner Main and Market Sreets 7 Seaforth, Ontario. ring neither tinae nor expense to make it tha ver held in the county Of Huron. Our mam- ade great preparations to supply visitors hat is new and fashionable in the -follow- , rices : h design'', from $3.50 to $1500. to $45 00 830.00 to $45.00. 0 00 to $50,00. fair day. from 50o to $1.50. 0, $7 50 and $10.00, lety, from 25o to $1.25. Ladies' Furs in Ruffe, Caperinee, S rfs and leoas, in Coney, Martin and Mink, from $1.25 t9l$40.00 Lediebt French Kid •alinine, Fowne41 and Pewney's celebrated • colors, at.86o, $1,00 and $1.25. 11 Ladies' Golf Jackets, in all adore, a $1 25, $1.75, $2 00 and $2.75. Oppossurii, makes, Ladies' Cloth Skirt, io bleak and co Lsdiee' Way ltd.ufilers, in white aud Men'8 Way Muffler; in bleak and fa When you come to the Blyt leave your wraps and 'parcels, See our great display of new tires through our millinery parlor, see You need not spend a cent exee O_A_S3a MoICINNO Ore, from 8125 to $7.50. 'Oars, at 500 and 75a. ay, 25a to $1,00. Sable, Rook in black and fair make this store your headquarteri alk through our 'mammoth establishment. •goods we are loaders- in this line, Walk )all4the new creations in Aries' headgear, you want to, C,I\TM 1:31R.I0jg3 &• CO., BLYTH. COLD WEATHER Will be Har. on BALD HEADS. THIN HAIR, DISCOLORED HAIR, ETC Prof Dorenwend coming; he will be ab ilhe.Commercial Ho tel, Seaforth, on TUESDAY, 00T. 18th, With Hair Goode, Ladies' and dente wigs Toupees, Bangs, Wavy and Plan Fronts, Switches of every description. Re Can improve your personal ap earanoe. Plain features and disfigured -heads caused through the loss of hair made perfection. Thousands ovee their fine looks to t e skill of Prof. Dorenwend. Human hair adorns and protecto t e bead, Don't Ilan to eee his new hairstru eure, patented all over the world. PRIVATE APARTMENTS S CURED AT HOTEL. First-class cut hair, eSpe ially grey and white hair, taken in exchange, . Kik CASH STORE. tette/el teiteliefietielielleb re BlaYTH PAIR .1 • • • k : • .-1:376aMell Ts the event of the season and everything has ben done' to make this • fair the best that has eve been held in the village of Blyth. Don't forget the date, October lth and 12th, and when in, just make this • store your headquarters --le ve your wraps and they will be carefully taken care of during the dat If you wish to do your fall purchasing we will save you a nice um of money by buying,your goods at this store as we have never befor shown such an immense range of Fur, Coate, and Furs of all kinds, adiesr coats and Ready-made Skirts,Dress • Goods, Wrappers, Night-gowins and Dry Goods of all kinds, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Floor ils, Boots, Shoes and R bbers. SPECIAL BARGAINS for Air ays. Don't forget to tuy your 'Fur Coat, Overcoat or Suit during argain days. Just rec ived another large consignment of Overcoats and B,eady.made' clothing +.1±• 44++++4÷144 Try our Millinery Departm nt for a stylish Bat for the fair. KKKEIKKKKK CglifigKiWargs. I.WER D. M. MEATH,'RETORIA lia#LYTIai BLOCK, Administrator's Sale (IF FARM AND CHATTELS. - Under Inetruo- tj from the adminiatrator of the estate•of Franoia Young, late of the township of Hibbert. in tho county of Perth, farmer, deceased, there will be offered for sale by public auction, on the promtees, on Tuesday, the 18th day of October, 1904, at one o'cloek in the afternoon, by Jam. Jones, auctioneer, the following property, namely : The oaeterly 76 eared of Lot No, 14, in the Oth Concession of the township of Hilibert, In the county of Perth. On the property Is a team house, a frame barn and good orchard. There are about 16 aores of hard weed bueh, whioh has net been culled. The re. maining 60 wires are cleared and under cultivation and fairly well drained. The farm will be offered for sale subject to a re. served bid, to bo fixed by F. W. Harcourt, Egg., Official Guardian, Toronto. Terme of sale of land -10 per oent of the purchase money of the farm is to be paid to the Vendor's 8o - Holton immediately after tho sale.ane the balance In 80 days without intereat. Purchase money to be paid into the Canadian Bank of Cooameroe, to the joint credit of the administra*r and the amid offi- cial guardian. . Chattels -8 head of Young &Atte, 8 hogs, 1 home. power, 1 grain crusher, I. Patterson binder,1 mower and pea -harvester, 1 combined Need drill, : turnip drill, 1 land roller, 1 Bet irOn harrows 4 tections, 1 Mete harrow, 1 sulky plow Perrin's make 1 walking plow, I gang ploy 8.furrove 1 fanning nilil, 1 eet of weigh sledes 2,000 the. capacity, 1 hay fork, rope, slings; and pulley°, 1 stone beet, 1 stock-raok, I souffier, 1 sugar kettle, 1 covered buggy, 1 open. buggy, I °utter, 1 lumber wagonel pair bob -sleighs, 1 set double harnese, 1 set single lawless. - Furniture -1 bureau, 1 cupboardt1 organ, 1 table, 1 cook stove, 1 eight day clack, 2 older burgle, 1 water trough, abont,800 feet of matched phut lumb. er, 1 shot gun, amine, forka, shovele, and other articled too numerous to mention. Terme of sale of Chattels 810 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' oredit will be given on 'approved joint notes. 4 per cent. disoount for caste For further particulars and conditions of sale, ap- ply to Mr. John Young, rieministre.tor, Staffs P. O., or the auctioneer, or'to DENT dt THOMPSON, Vendor'e Solicitors, Mitchell. Dated this 291h day of Sept. 1904. 1921-2 Second Hand Engines For Sale. One J. I. Case 15 h. p. Traction Engine, used one week. One J. I. Case 15 h. p, Traction Engine, , ueed two seasone. One Sawyer & Massey 13 h. p. Traction, One J. M. .Ross & Sons 18 h. p. Traetiont One Sawyer & Massey 17 h. p. Traction. One George White & Sons 14 h. p. High Speed Portable. • One George White & 00139 14 h.p. Portable. One NeveMemburg 14 h. p. Portable, used one month. - .0moSawyer & Mammy 13 lap. Portable. Two Stevens Lie Burns 14 h.p. Porteblee. Two John Abell 10 & 12 h.p, Portables. Two Waterous Upright 12 h. p. Champion Engines. The above enginee have been taken in trade and replaced -with Bell Engines and will be sold on reasonable terms. Some of them are in etook at Seaforth and others at different points where they were used. Full parbioulars on application. The ROBERT BELL 1921 Engine and Thresher CoaLtd. 'WANTED -Teacher for School Section No. 12, Applicatione received until ihe fillet of NOvernber. Duties to commence the first of January. Address applications to ARCH. D. SOM. BRVILLE, Oecretary-Treseurert Winthrop P. 0. 11)21x$ GRAND TR U N RstrEAmv A GOOD TIME To goi to the Great World's Fair, St.Louis Tbe Weather is Delightful. Through tourist sleepers to St. Louis every Friday, $17.40 round trip with stop. over privileges at Chicago, Detroit and intermediate Canadian stations. Make applieation to J. D. McDonald, die- triot passenger agent, Toronto, for handsome illuatrated booklet of the world's fair. To the West. •Recluoed one way rates to points in British Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaha. Montana, Oregon, Utah, Weehington, • on sale daily. Haunts for Big Game. The open season for deer and moose in the Highland's -of Ontario from November lot to 15th, and from flotober 16th to November 15% in the Temagami country. Make your arrangements early for trip. -• For tioketa and full information call on W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depoe Ticket Agent, §EALED TENDERS addressed to the undersign- ed, and widened "Tender for Royal viotioris useein, Ottawa," will be received at this offioe until Monday, tober 24t1i, 1904, inclustve.ly, for the conetruction of the Royal Victoria leneeurn. Plans and speoffications can be seen and forms of tooder obtained at this Department. Persons tendering are, notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with thole actual 'denature& Fitch tender must be tecompanied by an aceepted oheque on a chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ton per oent (10 p co of the amount of the tender, whieh will be forfeited if the party tendering decline to enter into a centred when called upon to do so, or If he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Deprirttnent deea not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. • By order,FB.E. GELINAS, Secretery and acting Deputy Minister. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, September 28, 1904. Newepapere losertiog this redvettieement without authority from he Department, will not be paid for it. 1320-2 Money to Loan. The Corporation of Tuckeremith have $8,700 of wheel fund monies on bend to loan on good farm eccurities at current rates of interest. leartiee re- quiring suchahould apply to G. N. Turner, tree -f- uror, Clinton P. 0., or to A. G. 8millie, Clerk, Ilene sail P. 0,, or to the undereignedAG.S. Black, Reeve, fieaforth P. 0. ,188641 ickard s Tho Largest Day Goods yea Clothing Concern in Four Countleal Prices th4t Sweep Aside Opposition. grolstwortsusgrv.g.to-iscasuswo,,,,,,, This store is run on a system that spells " sUccess." Public interest is kept continually alive by value' offerings that put cora.petition utterly to rout. We carefully plan ahead, and seek out every advantage that long buying and spot cash command, and the outcom.e is a 001 - lection of wanted merchandi.se at -SUOh rook bottom prices,' that eyery shopper's interest is aroused. to the highest piteh. Never has this store looked better, aever before has it beeu so excellently stocked, and. at prices that meet with the public's heartie t apprOval, illinery Department. There is new blood in the'millinery department ; there is entirely new air and. tone about this section, and its noticeable in everything from, display arrangements to the hats themselves. You will find them different in tone, character and exclusiveness to those shown elsewhere, VINAAANFeWelbeiViAliWWWIVIANW Dress Goods Departmen We are showing an exceptionally large assortment of specially priced weaves for this season, all shades of planu venetians, perle finish, hopsack*, etc. . New blousings just to hand, some special values will be Offered this week in black silks, Carpet Depaqm.ent oth quality and price her appeal for your patronage. Just t hand a large shipment of four yard wide linoleum, designs and pricqs unequalled. We are 'showing a large range of Canadian and.imported rugs in all kinds and sizes, any special offerings in union, wool, tapestry and Brussels carpets. 14.1-44444++.144 '4+4444.+.1.4-1.4-+++++++44 Clothing Department. Our clothing stainds for the highest quality and lowest prices. It pays to trade here, because you not only get the best, but get the best for less money than other Stores sell you inferior goods. That's our method, That's why we have made the clothing business such a success. It will .pay you to see our Overcoats this season, all the latest styles are shown at the following prices ..—$6.50, $8.50, $10, $12 -and $1.3 50; Our $12 coat we clain to be the best value coat in the trade. A dark grey overcheck, heavy worsted, made with a half belt, mohair lined, perfectly tailored, to see it is to buy. wanoffamagammossimsam Ready -to -W ear Clothing. We have put in stock this season three special lines of men's ready-to-wear suits—speeial values at $8.50, $9,75 and r$12. A few special lines in men's underwear, see our 50c fleeced. lined; our 75c all -wool line, and all makes of Stan - field's. In buying Stan.fiyeld'is underwear, see that you buy the best, don't be deceived ; Stanfield makes many lines branded. Stanfield's. 0 • Fur Department. We are showing the finest and largest stock of furs we have ever shown. Warm furs for cold days are what every lady needs. Would you like to wear nice furs this fail and winter? You should see our elegant line of far scarfs --the largest assortment you will find to select from. You may not need them now, bat come in anyway and see the goods. It will give you an idea of the newest styles, and then we, like to show these goods. See our Persian lamb jacket in plain and mink trim- med our electric seal jackets, plain and trimmed; our trim- med Greenland sea jackets, and all qualities of Astracb.an jackets. In men's fur coats and far -lined coats, we are selling them now; to see them is to buy them—we have the best stock and. values we have ever shown. Don't fail to see our magnificent display of ladies' and children's Fan and Winter Cloth Mantles and Skirts before buying e ere. 14 • WM CPIKAIID C4) Dl" 1 * imr ORTEliti Opposite T,-,vfa BuUding, 00T11 Main su4 Markit Ste. BeLforth. e