HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-09-23, Page 88 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Floor Voi•WoHork Paints. We desire to call attention to our line of Sherwin Williams' iloor finishes which ie the moat complete manufac- tured. We can give you anything in paints, stains and varnishes for Rears and everybody can brighten up and beautify their homes by using these goods. One of these specialties is Floorlac A beautful stain and varnish combined, and in different colors. Try it. Leave your order with us for 00.1L We handle the hest grades. OHICSNEY & SMILEY,; SEAFORTH, Hardware, Stoves and Coal. . DOMINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ,E. B. OSLER, M. P. T. G. BROUGH, President General Manager Capital, Fully Paid Up---$$,000,00teoo ReservelFund and un. divided Profits $ 30144,900 Deposits by Public 1626,377,000 Total Assets S 35,745;000 ElEAFORTH BRANCH, Main St.ireet. Sioaforth. Every Islihly for the tenansacting of a general banking business. Collections mode on all points in Canada and abroad. Advances made to Farmers. Speocial et: ention peed to the collection of Sale Notes-. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Deposits received of One Doitar and upwards. Interest allowed at , highest rate and compounded half yearly. fe. S. HAYS, A. E. GIBSON, Solicit•or Manager, Important Notice. National Cream Separator 250 pounds capaciey 350 pounds capacity 450 pounds capacity Simple, durable, stror g and easy to rp(rate. A inaehinee waxranted. trianufactured, by the By mond Sewing Machine Co., Guelph, and soldhy W. N. WATSON, ineurince Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North Main street, Seaforth. You are the Judge WE ARE THE MAKERS OF IIA RNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ----ALSO DE.ALER IN -- TRUNKS, RUBBER RUGS VALISES DUSTERS WHIPS SWEAT PADS, etc. ierGive us a call. E3RODERICKS Harness Shop Cady's Block SEAFORTH, ROYAL HOTEL SEAFORTH. Most Modern Hotel in .Seaforth Fully equipped with hot and cold water bath, Ladiea' Toilet) Rooms, eto. Every attention paid to gnash!. Good Stable in Connection, D. T. PINKNEY, Prop. 1875Itf Special Pianos Organs. . . We purchaaed during the opening days of the Toronto Fair a number of Pianos and Organs on exhibition there, and same cart be seen by calling at the Seaforth Music Store, these are special instruments but will be sold at the usual pricee. We are agents for anumber of different makes and carry a lege stook to chooee 'from, See the New Williams Sewing Maohine, oue of the beat, also the Old Reliable Singer, every one k owa it. We have - them always in sto.t . liny our needles and oil, nly the best. C. M. t Baldwin & Co., SEAFORTH. Elliott, Pres. D. A. Mau-viz/in, Prin ‘-CEIV2)41;44,--y) tedi9le STRAMRD, ONTARro. THE LARGEST AND BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN WESTERN ONTARIO ELLIOTT & MeLACHLAN, Catalogue free. Principals. Scotch Suitings To Make To Your Order Reasonable Prices ' husband and one gr built Fi Seaforth onechanies build. residence 4 r our house and had it ready to 'Move vomit! into ton Tuesday. Can alky of your DISTRICT MATTIIRSI. A, TRIAL TRIP. z We will give The Exposidoad to new subsoribers from NOW until- the 1st of January, 1905, for TWENTY CENTS. This is not the prioe a the white paper. But, in nine oases out of ten, thee who take it on trial will remaiti with ,us for years. This is the reason we can afford to give it so oheap an trial.' To any person sending es She na.rnes of FIVE new sulbseribers 'the above „rates, acconapanied by the cash, we wal send them a coy of The Expositor FREE for one year. Re.a.der, if any, of yells' neighbors do not now subscribe for The Ex-. peeditor get them to ace,* a this trial trip. You will thus benefit them, yeurseld a,nd us. MorlEAN BROS. • Special Services., -Two Redemptor- ist missionaries, Rev. T. Fagan and Rev. J. McDonald, will begin on ISep. tember 25th, inst., in the Cathelio= ehurch, Seaforth, a miesion of eight day's, ending Octobee 2nd at 7 p.m. Services next Sundae, at 10.30 a. m. and p. an. Sermon at *each se,reice, also on the week days wt 9 a. an. ande7 p. :sermons will ibe .preach- ed. The ,publio, generally, are wel- '-eoare to hear these eloquent anis- Sionakies. A Septenaber Wedding.-T,he tezi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Me - Cade, Ma.ndaumin, Latabton county, wee the scene of a very pretty wed- ding on Wednesday, September the lath, when their daughter, Miss Margaret Helene was married 'to Mr. Charles IL Carriochan, of Tucker - smith. The ceremony 1VaS perfortaa ed the Rev. Jenkins Burkholder, of tWandaunain. The bride was very prettily attired in white, and was• atten'ded by her cousin, 1,1‘,10 Edith' MoCrie, who was also atessed iit white. Mr. William Carnochan, bro- ther .of the groom, acted d's grooms - `man. Mee Kier, sister of the bride played the wedding march. After the ceremony a very dainty lunch was a‘artaken, of. The happy couple left for their future home near Sea - forth, attendea by the hearty well wishee of theik numerous friends. A„, host of friends in this vicinity will also unite' with The Expositor in wishing.- Mr, and Mrs. Carnochan much happiness in their aielv rela- tions. . A Hur Lady on a Foot Hills Reneh.---A Lady in Seaforth recently -received a very interesting 'letter from a lady friend of hers, a fer- nier Huroante, who is now located, on 0. cattle ranch in the foot hills of Alberta, in which she relates 501210 of her experiences, and she has permitted NIS to make a few extracts from the letter •for the inteseet of our readers. The letter is dated_ "The Foot Hills, 'September 2nd, 1.904," and reads in part in follows e "This lovely September morning you have been in my thoughts so touch, 50 what could. be rnore to the poiut than just to let you know about it? My one wish is that you were here in th.e very heart of the hills with us, just for a couple of months and you would retere to Seaforth quite, Young again. Now, shall I tell you of our travels, or rather of our pil- grimage here. Recently my husband secured 0,200 acres of grazing land here in the foot hills. So early in Augu.st it was necessary to come here to put up hay, about four hundred tons, to feed the stock in case of !storms lin winter. It is 25 miles west of our home location, a good road almost half way, until we enter the hills, then no road, just go as you please, humpity-bumb, etc. Well, we packed. up .one Saturday .raorning, three big loads of machinery, fol. lowed by three mowers and a rake and a cow and a dog and three ead- die horses with eight men in charge. We /made our start atetwelve o'clock. My husband, my assistant, my little daughter and myself in a democrat loaded with household supplies. You Ould have laughed at the procession d you seen it. Journeying like ,e Children of Tsrael of old, we rcely knew whither. The loads ere ivery heavy,- they had to go ow, and nrght came en ibefore we ached the river, the Jordan, we lied it. So we pitched our tent, t down the stove, and soon had a t eupper ready, camping by a ,untain spring. After supper We itained the tent off ihto three artmente, and we were soon com- tably domiciled for the night, ray st night in a tent. But I forgot teld you that our party consisted thTee Canadian men, one Irishman, ,o Englishmen, two Swedes and a nehmen. These, of course, were laaition to my husband, myself little daughter, aid a lady help. the night a thunder ,storm came o.nd you can imagine how eerie elt ,see the flashes of dightning, ough the white canvas,- of the t. Sunday morning was lovely-, so thought, as there was no shelter the horses where we were, that had better push on, even it was day. We. treaehed, the Jordan at n, a river with steep, rooky ks and swift current dashing over t aarge stones, and no bridge. I Just terrified, but - Moses was rminod o cross. So we went , and words fail me at the 1i:bought of it now. The water e up into the box of the wagon, wheels went sideways, and I ght -4vC were being carried with current. My dy eemp ani on ed as white as paper, but never e, and the "boss" just sat on eat and urged the horses on as if ing serious was happening. nge say. we -landed safely, and came the rain again before we d get our tent pitched or our- s etraightened 'out. My bus - took his saddle horse and went to pilot the load.s through the , and it was an exciting opera - was nearly as bad to look tohdexperience. However, they al» landed safely, and on we , no road now 'through the hills e promised Land. About two k the rain came on again, too itched the tent, got down the , and soon bad dinner read t four o'olook the rain etopped, ha th sea sl Te go. ou ap for fir to :of tw Fre in and In up, it f thT ten !we for we Sun riqo ban grea was dete first very cam the thou the turn spok his s noth Stra down peril solve band back 'river tion, at as were went --AT- to th &clots WO) stove Abou First-olage work and a good d t guaranteed. A trial order solicited, IWO ••••••••••1.16............... SPEARE & PAGE. Merchant Tailors - Under Town Clock SEA.FORTH, an we 'started on again err' • g our descination about six o'clock in the evening. , But Just before we stopped, and ,when rounding a serge hill, one of the men upset his load and off he went like a shot out of a pistol, but no one was hurt. Well, down eame the stove again, and up went the tent, and supper over we settled for the night. Next day my and lhave it ready tor ffitynipancy one day f It -wai. not a7vert -pre tentious ledifipe, just one room wit two beds curtahded off, so it serve for kitahen, dining room, parlor, an all, and with a screen door an acmeen window instead of glass. Ther care also shelves foe the dishes, an a little hole under the floor - for Here we have lived quit lie.ppily ever since. The scenery i magnificent, dots of treeed and shad abaut aala just down from WI' ,house, amongst /the trees, a pure cold Mountain spring, whibli sup plies (us with delicious water for th house and horses, They .have got u lots of hay, and ten days ago flee o our .men and my maid went back it the tome =nolo to take off the ,har vest (there, and my little daughte and have since been alone wit Mae "daddy" and four men, who ar still at the hay. After finishing th •hay they have to put` up ten miles o wire ifence to keep strange oattle from mixing with our herds, so we Will be here until the middle of Sep- tember at any rate. I bake bleed twice a'week, eight large loaves and ee:pan of bums at each baking, lots of pies but no fancy cakes. Thee wer often lhave prairie chicken and wild duck, so that, with plenty of veget- ables from the home farm, we fare not bed -LY, even if we are in the wild- erness. I often ride out, my leutinand having brought me. a good saddle horse tfrom Oregon, which has been britught lup to the hills. One bright morning east week we rode for three hour. From the hill tops the View waS Simply grand. llills everywhere, and these bounded by the high peaks of the rookies, and as there had been a heavy fall of snow on the)* during the nighe, they just glistened' in the SUll. The sight was just like a cyclorama, only, instead of maroldn-g and fighti. • armies;there were herds of cattle quietly grazing.in tie val- leys. I have very greatly enjoyed this sumnaer outing, ,and if any, ,one had eold me last een :er that I 'e ould be able to vetoer up hill and down daleithreugh 'brush eand over streams on horse back, as k, have been doing, I (would have thought them crazy. Yet it true." owerIng Bulbs. Roman add Dutch Hyacinthes, Lilie d Narcissus and Freesia a HAMILTON &IiERSLAKE e kieedaderehants - - - -Seek> th. S. a den -whioli henoraenal kor its rapid Habkirk, and friends this week. -Mr. George Van.horn, of the G. T. R., Hamilton and formerly with Mr. W. Boaneratilie, was in town on Mon- day on his way out 'to Tuckersmit where he was married on Wednesdh to Mies Ryokmanief near Chilelhurst. , They will reside in Hamilton. -Mr.• I 'A. IW. Stable' had on eirhibition in the Agricultural 'hall on Thursday a Sweet pea it: taken from his ,gar - a years ago. -Mr. George Bo , Stratford, is here on a visit atives. Mr. Boyd has been 1 e for some time with rheuma p Miss Minnie Beattie and Mi f Johnson deft on Tuesday for e where they will -take d, of 0 rel. id up ism. - Lois 'uelph rse domeatio science at the Maedonald d. Institute connection with the Ag- -zioultural College, -Miss • Leila Best, 43 daughter of Mr. J. M. BL, met with e hasty acoidenton Saturday last, f She /wets .gettbag '4off the verandah, when She str,uok her hand on a piece oof er,o,ckery, cutting a gash in it that required several stitches -Mrs. McConnell, a •Woodatook, was here this week visiting friend .--Rev. NeilMcPherson, pastor of S .Paul's church, tHamilton, and son -in law of Rev. -'M. Barr, Harpurhey, has receiv- ed a call from a oongregatio in In- dianapolis, ffndania. Mr. Mc laerson has asked for a few 'days to onsider the open, but the probabilities are ;that the wig accept. The 1.3 ivy is large one. Mr. MoPhensond friends will be pleaaed to lear.n that his ab- ilities arde recognized, but is rry to learn that there is a probe ility of ,going•eo far. -Mr. and Mrs. ester.- ve t, Of New York, were g eets of Mr. and Mr.'s. W. D. Bright this week, -The many friends of Mr. Robert Boyd will regret to learn that he le in poor health, an hope of receiving benefit, he this week for the Gravexthur ita.rium for treatment. As of their esteem a - number .friends about town present with a well filled purse. - Mrs., B. MoKeohnie, of Arr 13. C., Spent Sunday with Thompson.-Mre, Wm. Pik turned this week from where she attended the Nred • GRACE Mamie, Soprano, for concerts 'etc., addree ifeaforth or The Harry Rich Entertain- ment Bureau, Toronto, Canada. 1919-2 THREE HOUSES FOR SALE. — For Mae, three good dwelling houses in Seaforth, two on John street and one on Ord street. Apply to Mrs. J. S. Porter, Seaforth. Romeo and Juliet, preaented by the be actors. A treat for all in Cardno's Hall,Se1a9f1o1g9i4b: TO, THE Lepres.-Switches made from. oambings. NW Se Ross, over W. N. Wateon's office, North Main street. Seaforth. 1886-tf That Dress Goods Sale. Never Was there °eerie to the ladiee of Huron and Bruoe such an opportunity. Slaughtering the moot fashionable of dress goods right now. If you want one, three or five dresses it 'will pay you to drive 45 miles to. Riney, Eggs still ?W. G. E. Ring, Winghia9mn..tf forth, Ftiday, September Nth. • Reined' and Juliet, Cardno'e Hal11,01S9cia- , Apples Wanted. - Highest cash price largo enough to pare. Seaforth Evaporator, Tows will be paid for all kinde of good soundmaipp7.13ee, & IJAsE. Smiley's, Seafortb. Good strong boy wanted ab Ches19793744t Elsewhere there is an annommerrient of a mission in the Catholic ohuroh, Seaforth. All creeds heard Crossley & Hunter. Why not these missionar- i."refiLL-INERY OPENI141,-. -To-day and toe 1919-1 morrow are the Opening Days -the beet time in the Season to see the New Goode in 'all their freshnese and beauty. Of course, the Novelties in Headwear will take first place, but when you have feasted your eyes upon the Elegant Creations in Art Mil- linery, kindly turn your attention for a little while to the other New things we are showing. Snme- time,---a little later perhaps—you may want to buy a New Jacket, Skirt, Waist or Dress. a Sable Ruff or a Persian Lamb Coat. It is well, while you are doing the stores, to see who really has the nicest, up-to-date stook of everything besidee millinery. The E. McFaul Co. 1919-1 Romeo and Juliet, the 'famous Shakes- pearian play, Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, Friday, Sep- tember 80th, under the auspices of the Fire Brio - gado. 1919.1 ATTENTION. -A meeting of those clesiroul to have a Hookey, Curling and Skating Weir' erect- ed in Seaforth, will be held in the Royal Hotel next is deeired. Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A large attsurice GIRL WANTED.— A good girl to do gen- eral' homework. Highelit wages to suitable person. topriphly. to Mrs. M. Y. bicLean, Goderich Street, Sea. 11 1919-1 Viotoria slum for ladies,made in Canada. A very swell line and not expensive. New samples forth. in north window. W. H. Willis, sole agent 1f9or19S4ea- . FINE MINSTREL COMPANY. --Next Thurs- day evening prorniees to be a red letter event to lovers of good amueement. Thomas P. Kelly'e big ladies' minstrels are here for orie perforniance and from indications, it looks as though a orowded house would welcome them:when they make their bow&to Seatorth audience. The performance throughout is a decided novelty in the way of amueLments. Dancing girls, luau in the moon girls, benolulu dancers, the march of all natione and the aurobatic couple. All are included in the performance as given by the talented organization. These are only a few of the many features that the show contains. It is one long laugh from start to finish. Popular! prices are the rule for this engage- ment. Reeerve seats on sale at Aberhart's drug store. 1919x1 • .Local 'Briefs -Thursday, Novem'oer 171h has • been agreed upon as Thanksgiving Day by the Dominion 'government.- Mr . John Hummeaton, an old IluTonite, whet went to Mani- toba sane ye,ars ago, but who has spent the last two years with friends in this vicinity, was in town With his friend, Mr. John Fitzgeralci;. of Chiselliurst, on Friday. Mr. Hum- moston returned to Manitoba Tuesday and wall spend the avinter Brookden, ,where he has several sans prosperoes farmers. -Miss Hel- ohm Sproat, .of Detroit, is at present Spending her vacation. at her home near tere.-Mrs. Sproat and her daughter, Mrs. John -Mundell and two ehildrene arrived here front Mc- erreger, Manitobae on Friday of last week. They tare the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Cooper. Mr. Mundell is al- iao in Sentare). They intend remain- . ing the winter. It is nine y -ears since Mrs. Mundell` left here and six years since Mrs. Sproat went to the west. -Mrs. George Garden, lately of Cleveland, Ohio, is here visiting her friends. Mr. Garden ha e returned to Canada and will Locate in Guelph, where he has taken a position with his ,old, employe, the Canada Fur- niture Company -dein W. Crich showed us a monster mushroom the other day, which he had _gathered; together with several smaller ones, at the tside of W. Pickard & Co's store, an Market street. The bin / I her cousna.-Miss Edna Pickard left for Schenectady, N.Y., on Mon ay, to resume Jeer musioal studies.- o essrs. Archibald . and Cudnaore pu phased the mare that won the farms s' trot at the Exeter show on Tuesd y. She was owned by a gentlema near Kirktom-The 33rd regiment band was .engaged to play at the s ow at Exeter on ITUesday, but on ace unt of the unfavorable weather th order for their eng•agement was c unter- man ed.-Siro.velle's scenic end el- ectric production of Sh,akesPeare's most popular Play, "Romeo and Jul- iet," avill be given in Cardho - hall, ehmeld give the firemen a ..A) owded i:e under the ausphiies of the fi e bri- gade on the evening of Pride next, September. 30. The company is good, the play rs good and our Livens houk .on Friday evening. -Mr. Frank Scott, dr., of Sioux City, Montana, and eldest son of Mr. F. Se tt, of Bluevak, wa,s here this week visit- ing dais uncle, Dr. Scott, and other friends. -Mr. and Mrs. James Scott left for Manitoba ein l'hursda Mr. Scott event on business an Mrs. Scott accompanies him on pl asure and to visit her daughter and other friends thheee.-A meeting of 11 in- teregted will be held in the Royal hotel, next Monday evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose of king steps towards the erection , of a curling, takating and hockey' rink. This (meeting should be large1y at- tended, as such an institution s that mined is roach needed .here. Next Sunday will be Plower Sunday n the Presbyterian /church, and in th fore- noon the services will be de 'vied mainly or the Sabbath school chil- dren. The 3ervices will be con acted by -Rev. Mr. Abrey, of Monkt n, as Rev. Mr. Larkin Will conduct °nut- veraary Bervices for Rev.Mr. Ab ey in his ehurch.-Two rinks of b wlers were there from Wingham. on Tues- day, ,and had a. dame with Oa local, fbowlers. The wet weather- i the morning prevented playing, an two games were played in the afteanoon, both of which were won by the, home club; the first by seven shots au the etootnd by two shots. -Mr. W. C. Le.a- royd Was ticketed to Winnipeg and Mr. Lorne P,orter to Vancouver B.C.. this week, by Greig & Stewart, C. P. R. agents. -At the last regular eet- ixig of St. James' court, Catholi Or- der of Foresters, the report o the auditing committee showed the ourt to the be a healthy condition. The growth of this court continues stead- ily and 'solidly. -We take the efellow- ing from the market notes i the Toronto World of , Monday last: "Masters Joe Dick and Milton hes- ney of Seaforth, were visitor at the market. Although youne in. years they eeemed to be old in the cattle trade." It • will not be long before the game paper will be'r ler- ring to t hese same young ge tle- Men as the big dealers on the ae- ket.-The fall eession of the 0 tax- i° :Veterinary College, Toronto op - ems on October 12th. All wishing to attend ishould be present on the two proceeding' days. Mr. Joseph ll 9. Ler, wha Nva'.3 book keeper in the ihitrni- ture factory here, has been appoi'.1 ted manager of the Dominion Furnieure Company, of Berlin, and will here- after, /reside in that town. -Mr.. John Leckie, of Brussels, wa.s in town on Tuesday. Mr. Leckie has just re- turned from a very pleasant rip to Manitoba, the Northwest and British Columbia. -Miss Dobie, vho has been ' spending her holiday in Ontario., left here on Tuesday last on her return to Brandon, Manit ba. She 'was' accompanied as far as To- ronto by her tsister, Mrs. W D. Bright. -Despite • the unfaver ble wea er a goodly number of our citizens 'went to Exeter Tuesday to attend the tshow there -Rev, Rural Dean Hodgins is at Toronto this week attending a meeting of the executive mommittee and of the Gen- eral IMissionary Society of the hi- cese.-The Collegiate Institete bo rd have ehown their appreciation of the good work done by the school at recent exammatione by grant ng nerease in salary of $25 to ev ry member ef the etaff. Friday after- noon twill be a half holiday at. he hschool on account of the, annual f ir. -Mr. Hugh McIntosh, of London, !spent Sunday with friends in town nrid is spending a few weeks w th friends in MoKillop.-Mr. Wall ce Hart, eon of Mr. George Hart, has iEl'eaured a good situation with the Reynolds npe Writing Company lin Toronto, and has left for his work in that place. -Mr. Harry Scott spent Tuesday in Exeter. --Mrs. A. J.Bright is thorae from a four weeks' visit to to. -Miss Anabell Sadler, Iof a, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. I J. in the leaves t Sae - token of his d him r. and whead, rs. M. rd re- ondon, ing of one weighed exactly a pound. -It an i looks tas if we would have a. rink this wither sure. A cotip-le of curling enthusiasts were around this week with a etock sheet, procuring sub- scriptions of stock. They were fair- ly sucoessful.-We' were pleased to see our old friend and fellow towns- man, Mr.- Thomas Downey; in town this week. Mr. Downey is living with his • daughter in Manistique, Michigan, but Still has a hankering after the old town and is always glad to ea back bete to have a chat with c4d, time friends, and no person is more warmly received than he. Mr. Toren Downey looks as young as he did 20 Staff growth. It ivv- as planted last spring and when pulled measured 10 feet 4 'inches in length and one branch measures five feet six inches and an- other four feet, When pulled it was covered with bloom. -The first se- vere frost of this season WAS on Tuesday night and on Wednesday night the frost was so severe as to cause a tlalok coating of ice on the water. -As kill be seen by notice elseWhere Mr. J. R. Govenlook has assaciated (with him in the hay pres- ging 044, dealing business Mr. Thos. Simpson, who is an active young Marl Who -understands all branches of the business. -Mr. Percy Town is at present nursing a very sore hand as the result of blood poisoning, The deputy inspector of insurance eompanies was here on Thursday and made his annual inspection of the MaKillop company. He exprethed himself highly pleased with the man- ner in which Mr. Hays, the secre- tary, deee,ps his books. He also der- amined the books of the Usborne eompany here the same day. -Mrs. Jam (Oriel' left on Thursday for Manitoba. She twas called htere ow•• ing to the serious illness of her son, Mr. Fred Crish, who has been con- fined to the hospital with typhoid fever. -Mr. Cameron, of th' Hamil- ton Spetitator, was °ailing on old friends in town this week. Forty years ago Mr. Cameron worked on the old Seaforth Express. He sees a aveat many changes in the town eince that time. Travellers—.-Th0. f011owing were tiiaketed to distant points this week by W. Somerviille, railway and steam- ship agent Mrs. Moore and son, of Staffa, to Spokane, Washington; Mrs. May and daughter, to .their home in Chicago; James Ryan, Wal- ton, to the Grand Seminary, Mon- treal ; 'Miss Edna Pickard to Schen- ectady, N. Y. - John Murray, Sea - forth, to the World's Fair, St. Lou- is; the Misses Johnaton, Ilarpurhey, to Detroit; Miss Jeffrey to her home in Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. P. Munroe to their home in Montreal ; Mrs. Crioh, of Seaforth, to Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Mrs. C1i.oh re,. teived word befere taking the train Thursday morning, that her son, Fred' ,s rendition was more favorable. Mrs. John Barron, MoKirlep, to Cam.pbellford, where she goes to see her mother, who is very ill; Mrs. J. E. Collingburne, ber home in TOTOnto. A - County Press Association. -A number of the newspaper men -of the eatinty met in Clinton on Friday last. The 'object of the meeting was to form a county Press Assoeiatien. This was done and the following of- ficers were- elected: President, W. H. Kerr, The Poet, Brussels; vice president, C. Sanders, Advocate, Exeter; seoretary-treasurer, A. E. Bradwin, Standard, Blyth; executive committee, W. D. McLean, Expositor, Seaforth; Plitchell, News Record, Clinton; J. W. Va.natteT, Signal, G.oderich ;111, 13. Elliott, Trmes,Wing- ham ; W. Watters, Record„Ford- wich; auditors, L.V.Appleford, News, Seaforth; .E. Hilton, New Era, Olin - ton. The objects of the Association are the coming together -of the, dif- ferent representatives of the papers" of of the county for the discussion of matters of interest to the business. The next raeeting will be held in Clinton on November 29th, when in- tereeting papers on newspaper work will be presented and discussed. Victoria shoes filorillaldleietetsm. ade in OanArIa. A; very swell line and not expensive. New earr p. es fu north window. W. H. Willie, scle agent for *,ea - forth. Hied Farm ,Rented. -Mr. Williara Morri- son has rented his 200 acre farm on -the third. concession of Hullett te Mid Ferkwell, of near Londeabor It thee be,en rented for five years, a (the new tenant gets a good plac Mx. Morrison ha e another nice af fourteen acres near by on whic i:i. comfortable residence and where he twill reside. He has worked- herd. in early life arid bas no family to leave this moue to and is wise to try and take fe easy for the re- mainder of the ,fimeleft to him. Goderich• The First Sod. -The first sod of the Guelph-Goderich bra.nch of th C P R was turned on Thursday o R. Last week by Contractor Piggott a the Godetioh end. The day was de lightful and the view from the Nort bank of the • River Maitlaed ie mos pi otute.sque. The opening ceremon ies were attended by a large numbe of citizens, the board a trade an PTEMBER OPEN NG DAYS —FOR— IMILLINERY. --AND_ READY.7TO-WEAR GOODS ehieltielefele++++ • WALKING SKIRTS. We have some new designs of walking skirts to show you. They are in the most wanted colors, Oxford -grey, navy and black. Some are finished with strappings of different materials, while others pre made plain without trimmings. The cloths have a good appearance and are likely to prove serviceable. Four styles have been selected for Opening week, any one of which you are almost certain to be pleased with. See how moderately prices they are. JACKETS. Oar jacket department is a good place to come. Months of preparation have now their fruitition in an elaborate display. The best is here for yell. We mean thiit exactly as it is printed, THE VERY BES F. Doing a large ousiness in Ladies' Misses' and children's ready-to-wear goods --means that we must be doing it right. There isn't a store within many miles of Seaforth better able to Supply your needs than we are. We offer you an assortment of several hundred new jackets to choose from, In medium prie.ed garments we are particularly strong. You should see a Ulf dozen of the prettiest styles that we have priced at RA,I'NC:OATS. The raincoat, is holding its own as a beauty garment, as well as a garment of service. We have sold many raincoats within the past moath, but our assortment is kept complete by the arrival of new coats every few days. The latest arrivals are the heavier fall weights, made up in good style, in Grey, Olive, fawn, flaked and tweed cloths. You'll not see better raincoats anywhere than we have, priced at Boys' Suits. Vit otu boys' department and see how well we are doing. Among the many good things there you will find a table of school suits for boys from five to twelve years of age. Every suit is marked at one price, and that -price is $2.00 each. Right now -very little money wM do good service in our boys' department. The pick of the choicest suits and overcoats for boys of all ages are only priced at A Great thoice. Our stock, comprises the choicest and best of everything that a First-Olass Dry Goods Store sells. Don't be satisfied when making your purchaSes without at least seeing the best. 1 „.13, 19,04 FRIDAY SATURDAY, 23rd & 24th eptember. $ Se- 00 3 50 4-00 450 50-0 -600 EACH. $ 5-00 6 00 7 50 -9 00 10 00 12-00 EACH. 500 6 00 675 800 10 00 12 00 EACH.. f • $ 3 09 350 425 5 0-0- --5 50 600 EACH. McITAUL'S —POR -- Best Chme —OF-- aood Things THE E. 111cFAUL' Dry Goods Company Sp&FORTHIR (. those from this township who at- , tended the Toronto Exhibition were Messrs. Wm. Finlay, Richard Bennet • the reeve and council of Cothorn township were there also. Amon those who were present were P. A Paterson, chief engineer of the. C P. R.; V. Roberts, chief engineer on oonsteuction ; M. A. Piggott, con tractor. ; Alex. Saunders, presi de n Goderich board of teade and a large n number of other eitizes, who hal the )en'trance of the C. P, R. as an epoch in the history of the town The timp,etus this is giving trade is already manifest and property is ad- vanoing in value. Contractor Pig- gott expeots to have a large amount tuf igreding done before the snow flies. e ,a.mea Bel 4 B. S. Cook, Mr. as: Mr Hugh Halliday, Mrs. De Halliday, and Mr. and. Mrs. John Darrooh. Those who attended London were Mr. and Mrs. jahri Gowdy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart, Mr, Wm Crawford, Mr. D. Halliday, Mr, Haya and Mr. Trimble. -The fall fair at Fordwieh promises 'to be a good one on October 1st. The Ho iok Lair is always away a- head of ny ,of the surroundin fairs, and this one_promises to be no excep- tkm.-Me.ssrs. Stanley and Heber Ma- hood deft for Toronto last week, to resume their studies. -Mr. -Wme Bushfield, Our merchant, was at Lon - den Last week.-Couneillor Chris. Binkley tell 25 feet off - Foy's barn deist Monday, during the rais- d ing, and Wail little the worse. . g. 1 Constance. • . I Don't fail to attimd the big prirdoction of I Romeo and Juliet, Cardnole Hill, Sti,likorth, Friday, _ September 80th. 1915-1 t Dots. -On Tuesday • night of this 1 I week, Rev. 13. Clement met the trICL3- tees of the Methodist church re- garding some proposed changes in • th,e services held. -Mr. A. McAllister i spent 'last Saturday and Sunday in 1 fiensall, with his mother and sister. 1 -A number of our yOung people at - I tended the tea, meeting at Thomas 1 ' McMichael's on Tuesday night. The league service here was withdrawn so as not to hinder any from going. , -Rev, Mr. Coulter preaohed a very , ' interesting and instruotive sermon • 011 Sunday night. -On Sunday after- ' noon at 2.30 the Rev. B. Clement will addresa the Sunday school,. Rally Day programrae -will be given as well. All are invited' to attend. 1 1 • Lakelet. Briefs. -In many places there are many indications of the rot in pota- toes. lt will'be an unfortunate thing if the potatoes turn out a failure, when wheat is such a slim crop. -It took Dixon Bros. two days' steady threshing Ito clear out Mr. Joseph Mahood's barn. ' He eertainly has a • let of grain -The township coma -oil Winghana met in F.ordwieh on Saturday, all the membena being present. -A union meeting of the congregations of Bel - more and McIntosh will he held at the former place on Monday after- noon, at 2:30 o'clock, with a view to seeing whether or not the people are ready to extend a call to a preacher. An effert will alao be made to have an amicable re -adjustment of salary between the two congregation..During the past week Mr. Wm. Ged- kie, our chopping mill man, has had the assistance of Mr. W. A. Cook, of the burg, in getting the new power wheel in place in the mill. There seems to be a diversity of - opinion as to whether or not the wheel will work satisfaotorily. Should it do ,good work, Mr. Gedkie will be in a position to make moeny.-Amexig Veteran Journalist Deadd-Mr. Thomas Holmes, the laSt of the edi- t° I t ffof the Colojt, Torontotai d' firet daily newspaper, died Saturdaydte at this residence here, in his 82nd year. He bad been HI for some time. The cause of his death was a gradual breaking tap of the system. As a young man, aeowsed was oonnected with the edit-oria.1 staff of the Col- onist, the Leader, and the Montreal Gazette. He was among the learle settlers in the county of Huron. 'Por the 05,121t 85 years or more he resided in this town, holding valdetable prop- ers and publications. A serioue shook was the loss of his wife baelaronthiel pneuroonia a little over a year ago Died From Blood Poisoning, -One of Wingham's prominent citizens,Mr. W. T. A. Fishleig-h, hardware mertha ant, passed away han Sunday. eire Fishleigh had hurt his leg on a -stove a month previous. Little was thought of it at the time, !but blood poisoning set in, and at five o'clook on .Sunday morning he passed peaose fully- away. Deceased was 29 yearg ge, and leaves a wife and 'child to anournhis loss. Interraent took plaee in Mount Pleaaant eemetery, London, on Tueaday. Usborne. Thames Road Notes. -The fall wheat is all sown and fall plowing Inas eominenced.-Potatoes are rot-, time badier in this section. --Mr. 34 Pasamore, 4 who has been engineer in a large summer resort at Niae gt iainT: on clerthe tleheake, is at preSeD± rt°,ontollea.-viMngr. Rf°. Ealsleintrtuinaagitit°roniefiozir Tce Tonto, who has been renewing ace quaintanoes in this vicinity has re, turnSa to the city. -The thre,sbing Machine purchased by the Econotne heal Par/nem' Threshing Co., from: the McDonald. Co., of Stratford, and. ill charge of Mr. John Westlake, of Farquhar, is doing some very good 'work. Last week they threshed fee Messrs. H. and J. Anderson, thegraida from 53 acres of land, in 17 hours, This is °considered extra good work consideringthe toughness of the grain and that the straw is all out ready for feeding purposes, which means a great saving of labor as the work can be d•oise with four or five linen less than the old way and. eaves the ha.ndling a the straw in order to out it for feeding. We may, say that this is a pretty fair eamploa -of avkat is 'being done right along by this machine. -Mr. Bert Sherlock. Oshawa, who spent his holidays in his vicinity has return -ed. -Mr, and Mrs. John Cann spent a week at Toronto and took in the fair. -Quite 4 number frean around here spent a day or two at the Landon exhibition. -The apple packer.3 are again on heir sounds giving 75c for fall and 1 for winter fruit. -Mr. Paul Madge loo was in the oid eountry for several weeks returned home last week. e had a very enjoyable time al - hough the voyage horrie was some - .hat rough. He says the only thine' hat troubled him V78-1 getting en - ugh to eat while on the water. Mr.. adge kook over a lot of cattle with nike arindf avheard* ;hoe mgaoorkdetf.or. 'tune to IT erty, kind conducting ed,darge and evd very eucomsful financial - and 1001, E businws. He also maintained bis' eee conneetion tveith journalism, being ea frequent and, talented editorial con- tributor to many leading new -pap - edri - • ';'(.47'' • • 4 " start 1, plenty 9 ati petrone see these et H n em4s by ns fee t eoour Oloth before makin and make yo Prices $ OK While the p e any.thought ikekets or coats. Now's ch John