HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-09-23, Page 3, •[6001Mr. 6 4. opening itit ovhe, Ranges ite. eat space eek. Lati a••••.1.1•.• - -,eStfOrth famous airpaesed in to /. faeu our basing Pnce • Lste ring ertakinb A104" r „in L7, iu br- Mood '4 Blood, dy possesses such healing and puri. . as Sores, ricers, Eruptions. 5res the Stomach, Blood to hea4hy appetite is poor, your ambition e tore you to the happy vigorous . 1.4Z SAW ets, esh. nee .4 • dSS COLLEGE. NT., est bueieahod - ness iff now current the ertudent who d poeition when yes " 1901 E. no : 1+ 1908 'no positions wOrfeh (gild not be worth "es ta tali*. But MU per annum, a bile should know Tweed& publishes 5.1.0,ny of our far - line salaries fee* i, Should it not b1. a . -..,.1 up to Sa GY--- For the ha4c1; v brisble98 g°11°°' COnett Ont I TEATIBER , 19041 eL. Trunk Ra 1 way System.. . Rsjiway Tune Tables eeshaleeve seatorte as follows : For Pintoni Goderioh Wingham an Kincardine. For Clinton aud Goderich FOr Clinton, Wingham and Rinoar dine. I For Clinton and %Aerial/. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, *North Bay and points west; Belleville and Peterboro and points east. • For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Moen treat and points east. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. Palmerston and Kin.cardine. NONE. PUS. Wei Pass. Mixed pablerelon......- 7.80 p.m. 12.20 p.m 9.80 LID shbeL. 8,67 1.07 9:80 8.17 1.17 10.00 . 8.27 1.80 ' 10.20 8.88 4 • 1].10 J owe Bourg. Past. Mixed. Peas. ham., 6 83 m. 9 4,ea, 8.05 p.m .. 6.17 8,18 7.15 10.00 8.25 .1 7.26 18.15 8.85 Palmerston.......4„.t 8.10 11.86 „ 4.20 • Londoq bauron and Bruce. 'ilea Apure-- Ceatrallil• • .• •••• • • • • leaser- .. • .0 we. SSD"at .01* ams1. ••• ••• • ••• 114 .• •••• *v. • • .0 • • LOIHIe.Sb010 ....'... wow* • ••• • • • . Selgrave_ _ Wingheni ems eorrif- WhIghano, ra...-.1-. •.• inedeeiceo. .011,[0. .0 • ...N.. • . • • •• • IPS OAR WO • • vas ••• 1.1 • ewe. ••••••• folia3 ••.• rok...,•••••••••• LOW1012, hassetsger. 8.15 A.X. 4.50 P 9.18 5,43 8.80 5.64 9.44 0.06 9.50 5.t1 .9.58 8.19 10.15 8.85 10.80 8.52 10.88 7.00 10.50pLe 7.18 11.00 y e6 nnEsr: 8.50 A.M. 8.10 p. 7.01 8.28 7.14 8.36 7.22 8.45 7.47 4.16 8.06 4.88 8.15 4..47 8.22 4.62 8.86 5.05 8.46 5.15 9.45 A.N. 6.20 LOGS WANTED. The undersigrned la prepared to pay the highes. cash price for an unlimited quantity of firat-olase it Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Logs velivera at the Seaforth Saw and Stave Mill. Loge fie be out an even length, except Soft Elm. Soft Elm to be cut 11, 18 and 16 fee,. Will also buy Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inches long, at 88.50 per cord, delivered. will also buy timber by measurement or by bulk in bush. Speoial attention paid to custom aWing, and satisfaction guaranteed. 1878 ViTM AMENT. Dr. Pitcher Cures Petrolia Man. it SPLENDID TRIBUTE FROM MR. G. F. STONE OF THAT TOWN. Backache and, Bladder Trouble Made Him Unfit for Work -Now He is Splendid. In the town of Petrolia there are many people who have a good word to say for Dr. Pitcher's Backache -Kidney Tablets as being the best remedy for backache, kid- ney, bladder and urinary trouble. Mr. G. F. Stolle, when spoken to a short time ago, related his experience as follows: "1 had been having so much lameness' in the small of my back, constant dull aching over my kidneys that I was de- pressed and unfit for anything. It did not pass off as formerly, but began to affect my kidneys; the bladder was also affect- ed, cairsing frequent inclinations to urin- ate. After I began using Dr. Pitcher's Backache -Kidney Tablets all those troubles diseoweared. I have had no renaedy that acted so promptly before. They caused no inconvenience whatever. I would not have known that I was taking medicine were it not for ftte. beneficial effects.' In purchasing Dr. Pitcher's Backache. Kidney Tablets see that Dr. Pitcher'e portrait and signature are on the package. ` Price pc. a box or 3 boxes for $1.as, at druggists or by mail. The Dr. Vas Pitcher Co.,, Toronto, Ont. For Baia by J.S. Roberts. druggist,Seaforth PICTURE FRAMING. We have purchased the goalie stock of Pietare Frames carriecl by /Mr. Jae. Graves. which, with out own Complete atook, gives us the bestesele,tion in bilis county. We would he Pleased to Bee all Mr Graves' old onatomers come to no for their picture framing. We will guarantee satis- faction. JACKSON BROS.,. Seaforth. It has Arrived, .101.1113••••••••••• The time for you, to par - chase a Range. Our 30 rears' experience with stoves has led us from the bireh of Bangee to their acme of perfection, which we are sure we have in our , •. . " Welcome National " Crown Huron" arid Souvenir Ranges Rifneembr;r we guarantee there and have teetimonials from hundreds of purohaeere to back uo up. Six months' coritinuoua fire, one half a yes?e coinforr, one hunered-and-eighty three days' economy, 0 life-timede use- fulnees„ le found only in a Gurney's Oxford Laurel Base Burner. .••••••••••••••• Sills 8.(c. Murdie HARDWARE, ..U.11111 • e„ St..• ••111,f,' s• -•e• ) C A prominent Southern lady,'" Mrs. Blanchard, of Nasiivi. Tenn., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, painlai and irregular periods by the mt. of Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound. • " DRAB MRS. PINK:HAM - Gratitude compels me to acknewkdge the area 1, merit of your Vegeta:ble Compouned. 1 hp„ve suffered for four years with ir- regular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains in the back and•lower limbs, and fitftta sleep. I dreaded the time to conknwhich would only menet sufferingite. - "Better health is all 1 wanted,' and cure if possible. Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable" Compound brought me health and happiness in a few short monthn. I feel like another person now. My aches axurpains have left me. Life seems new and sweet tc inc. and everything seems pleasant • arid easy. 'Six bottles brought me health, end was worth more than months under the doetor's,ca.re, which really did not benefit nee it all. I am satisfied there is no medicine so godd for sick women as your Vegetable Compound, and I advocate it to ray lady friends in need of medical help." - Met's. B. A. ELAN - CHARD, 422 Broad St„ Nashville, Tenn. -$5000 forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produeed. Domestic Hints. Baked potatoes are much lighter iftibro- ken with a fork, rather than a knife, and wicked with a:fork before baking. A little borax put in the weter when washieg red or red bordered table clothe and napkies, will prevent their fading. It in said that the reaeon why lacliee' teeth decay sooner than men's is because of the friction of the tongue and the sweet- ness of the lips. To keep flies out of the larder, sponge the windovve daily with a weak edution of carbolic acid and water. You will never be troubled with flies if you do this. It is said that windowe waehed in water, to which a little -blueing is added, will show a fine brilliance, and keep fresh longer than when washed in the usual manner. Lemon dipped in salt will successfully clean copper kettles and other artioles. Afterwards they muat be well rinsed in clean water, and polished 'with a soft cloth. An easy method of cleaning elastic stock- ings or anklets, is to rub them well with a clean cloth dipped in warm flour. Keep on applying clean flour until the artiolea are quite clean. It when frying fieh of any kind a little salt is sprinkled on the bottom of the pan when it is hot, and the fat boiling, the fish can be (mealy turned without breaking in the lee.et. When a whitewashed ceiling has become bleckenecl, apply a layer of starch and wa- ter to it with a piece of soft flannel. Allow it to dry, then brush off lightly with a brush. The blackness will have disappear- ed, leaving no marks whatever. New potatoes ought to be pub on in boil- ing water, and boiled quiokly, as the starch cells are still undeveloped, and slow boiling causes them to be sodden or waxy. Per- fectly plain, or boiled with a little mint, they are a grateful change, but many simple, pretty dishes are possible, and ela- borate ones also for those who ()are to take pains. When the joroud mother first puts her little boy into knickerbockers, she is often puzzled as to how tokeep them up, for she rightly thinks that the ordinary braces withg buckles are likely to hurb his soft 'Wile body. Here is a way out of -her per- plexity. Let ner buy a yard of very broad elastics, out it in to. °roes it over at the back in the manner of ordinary braces, and fasten it together. At the ends of the elastic she should sew tape loops to fasten over the knioker. No More Operations. The day of operations for piles is past for all who - know of the efficacy of Dr. Chase's Ointmeet as a cure for this horrible ailment. It doesn't matter what form of piles you have so long as you use Dr. Chase's Ointment carefully and plentifully, it will soon bring relief and oure. Ask your friends and neighbors what they know about thie preparation IAmendment Aop, 1904,deolaring that there- after the council of said aouney shall be compeeed of the Reams Of townships. and sinner: and Mayors ofnon no not separated fr ova the. county. A. number of etioounts were ordered to be paid�o rnotion of Code- anclTayior, by-bews No. 13' tend 14 were duly ,read acid palsied. The council then adjourned to meet again on the I7tli day of October nexe.-W, Cr,'AiiK, Clerk. lyloney to Loan. The Corporatior of TnekerEenith have 83,700 of echool fund monies on band to loan on good--,:farrn &counties at current rater, of intend. Parties re- quiring such should apply to 0. N. Tamer, treae- mar, Clinton P. 0. or to en 0. dmillie, Clerk. Hew gall P. 0., or to the uedersignerloG.S. Bieck, Reeve, Seaforth P. a. 188041 Organist Wanted. Applications will be reoeive,d until the 24th inst. for organist of the First Presbyterian ohure h • Sea - forth, at a selary of 8125 per annum. Dutie to sonamence on the flat Sabbath of Ootober. L. IE. )40rAni, Clerk of eesaion, 1e17-8 The Fhglat of Time On Saturday afternoon -the curtain fell on ths last Beene and the concluding aot in the famous Napaneelhank robbery case. The doors of the Provincial prison on the top of Portsmouth hill opened and gave freedom to James Sieetnan, the last of she group senteneed tor oomplicity in the offence. How widely ecattered are the different actors in the drama that startled the peo• ple of that thriving littln-iown on a bright eununee morning in 1897. What of the • others ? George Pare, a life-long crook and expert mechanio, reseived a sentence of three yeare and died in a convict's dell. His sinter, Diftat Saucier, of Montreal, the woman who handled part of the unsigned bills- and when detected gave the informs- tion'that led to her brother's arresb, claim- ed the Wily and had it interred in a quiet churchyard Dillard -it to the Queboo metro- • polis. William H. Heiden eerved his sen- tence and disappeared from the view of those who knew him through his (sonnets - tion wieh the deal. A floe looking man was Holden. He stood over six feet in height, wag broad -shouldered and his foe would attraob attention in a crowded room. Jack Roach was allowed out on suspended sentence, and later on was arrested in Mon- treal for another offence and sent to Si. Vincent de Paul for 21 years. There ap- pendicitis claimed him after he had served nine months. Mackie was given the long- est( term -ben yeare-and served four of that: The tieket-of-leave system was first applied in his case and later on his liberty was given him: - WHY' 8LEEMAN 18 RELEASED. • Sleeman was arrested, in Windsor, charg- ed with passing part of the stolen money - unsigned ten dollar bills -and in company with a man named Mathias was given six years. Six months 'was all that the last named nerved, but Sleeman was forced to put up with confineement and frugal fare for over three years. Taking his good time into coneideration he had fourteen months to serve, but the Dedertment of Justice, believing that he had been sufficiently pun- ished for hit part in the affair, ordered hie release. He sinned perhaps less thee any of the others, and yet he suffered much. DEATH HAS BEEN BUSY. • To, Think Over. The wings of thought bear us on to action. Love is elastio, but if stretched too far ib becornee hate. , Some men are like door mats -useful only for others to walk on. The higher the price of meat the more food wealeave for reflection. When there is nothing left to fight for, we may hope for universal -peace. Sonatina is a great blessing, yet it often forces people to hunb the shade. There is more fun in courting a girl than thee is in courting an investigation. entihen an outsider insists on fait play, it is iteaally-a poor excuse for meddling. Meny a good men has been madeto real- ize she hardness ef the world by stepping off a moving car baokerard. • Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlain's, Cough. Remedy. have sold Chamberlain'hOough Remedy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satiefaction. I have' sold a pile of it, and can recommend it highly- Josarn Liaton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a good friend when' troubled with a cough`, or cold. It always efferds quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by ALEX. Wilson, Druggist, Sea - forth. Death has, in the few intervening years, claimed some of the stars in the catt. Mr. Justice Fergueon passed away four months ago, and death suddenly claimed at At lantio City, where ho was rusticating, B.B. Osier, K. C., the eminent criminal le.voyer tiles was Crown prosecutor. Pare and Roaoh are forgotten, except by those that the ties of blood keep always olociely bound together. One year after the trial at Co- bonrg, the depety sheriff who had charge of the court room during the final scene, ans /gored the dread messenger, and the foreman of the _jury who announced to a waiting and impatient audience, "not guilty,' was stricken MESSAGE TO WOMEN. ship. Champilen Perhold Purity has 'beaten ()ply o oe. ' The dsoge are n the way to Mr Morgan'e Crageten ke - -Fred joh Loige, 0 young BO man, who ha heee a resident et stook for tbe past three weeks, was a at Ingerollfew days ago on the ofestealing h te m of horsesami a c ed h from Alex. Morrison, liveryman of stock. He engaged the team aad at proceeded to I gersoll, where ,he tri sell thoeoutfin -Word has • een reoeived by theoPr terian Miesion Deed, Toronto. of the of Rev, Geo.- oKelvie, at Mime!, Ce India. Mr. M Kelvie was for several a missionary of the Presbyterian ohur India. Recent y he beoame chaplain t troops at Mho , where he labored ti death. Mr. M Kelvie was a Szotchm birth. He came to Cohada • when. and as educated in 'Montreal, -Mies Minnie Buell, of Milt6n, me an accident whieli may prove serious. boarded a train,ab Guelph Junction t turn home;earidivrhen at the switch oi the station tamped off, thinking eh reached her destination. She fell int ditch and was badly out and bruised. was carried batik to the trein and br to the station. -Mr. J. M. McEvoy, barrister, of don, has discontinued his action Mr. R. R. Gamey, M. P. P., for a eeged slanderous worde used in a ,politieal soleseoh. The wait was based upon a statement 'leg. ed to have been made by Mr.Gamey d ring the Muskoka campaign thab Mr. M Mvuy knew eomething of the whoring leaves from the ledger of the Cronin Piano Com any. In his examination for discovery Mr; Lins- ey denied that he had made, teny suck stat' merit, and he had a large number of wit - seams to ignite that they had never a any of Mr. Gatney'a meetings heard him u e the _expressions attributed to him. Under these oirournetanoes Mr. McEvoy accept Mr. Gatney's denial, and as this remov s any ineputenion upon his oonduot he with reeve his action. ' -Master Adrian Fletcher, the 1 year old son of Everary Fletcher, Victoria B C., And segrandeon of Hop. R. W. Scott Sec- retary of State, had an almost mir inlous esoape-from death last week on boar. -the Imperial Limited while en route fr mehis home in Vancouver to Montreal! W ileon board the train Master irletoher was play- ing tag with 0,ome other ahildrenean !nig- takieg thornier door of the Pullnaan ar for the entrance to the smoker, plung d oub, and was thrown off the brain white i was going at, full speed. The boy was only stunned, for a few minutes Bed (*aped with A few bruises. He walked to ra flag station and boarded the next train for Montreal, very little the worse. Napanee Lady Tells of Deliver- ance from Suffering by Dodd's Kidney Pills. hel yei NAPANEE, Ont., Slept 19-04pecial)- Mrs, John C. Huffman, of this place, has consented to make the partioulers of her re -markable cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills public, for the benefit of other young ladies or married womeni I was troubled Mr about six years with Kidney Disease," eaye Hrs. Huffman, "and the pai6 wattee great I could hardly bear it. I could not entertain any 30111* pante My urine Wee something terrible, and sometimes very disagreeable to paste but Dodd'e Kidney Pills soon brought me relief from all my troublee, and by the time 1 had taken six boxes I was completely oured." There oan be no female weaknese -where there are sound Kidoeys. Dodd's Kidney Pills make Bound Kidneys. -0 A Muolti-Aftlicted Man. A speaker wide enlarging on the power of sympethy to a'ehlecO audience supporting the walls of the villsge 'club house Lend inn. He held that no man could rightly appre- ciate another's bereavement until the angel of death had orossed his threshold. _ " There's Robinsen," he said, "what use would he be in a house of mourning; why,, he'll never etien• lost a oat ? No, it takes a man like myself; I know what trouble is. Last year I buried a 'wife and six horses, not to epeek of a fine, fat pig jest ready for mariteed.' ' • In Praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Allow me to give you a few words in praise o4 CharnberikinheColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mr. John Ham- lett, of Eagle .1:11tes; Texas. 1 Buffered ono week with bowel troublorand took all kinds of medicine without etting any relief, when my friend, Bill.. 0. Johnson, a mer- chant bere, advised me to .take this rem- edy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved, and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured. I thank you from -the botenp pf my heart for putting this great remedy iri the handa of man- kind." For eale by Alex. Wilson, Drug- gist, Seaforth. Morris. Courioare-o-The council met according to adjournment in the sound! rooln on Sep - 121h. Members all present ; the reeve in - tale chair. A communication was received from Mrs. A, Cameron anePeoting the nn- satiefeotory condition' of award drain at Lots 20 and 21. Conoession 5 and 6. On iaotion of Shaw and Taylor the olerk was boitructed to notify the engineer to have said dtain completed according to the terms of the award. The clerk was inetructed to forward a oopy of the following resolution to the county clerk before the firsts of Oc- tober nexe Moved by Taylor, seconded by Jacksedi and resolved that this council require the council -Of the county of Huron to submit a by-law to a vote 6f the electors of add county in accordance with the pro. TiSiOue of section 3 of the Municipal been i in so many words, but it has emounted to w on that. Last oaight he asked if dad- waa as , nets. O well oft as they say he is." . lish- I "Two thinge make my wife mad." ood- I 't What are they r" "To gab reeoy fer t reit- I oompatiy thab dosen't come, and . " hove' harge ; company come' when ehe isn't ready." riage I Mrs Smith---" Will *nu love me when ood- I I'm old." Sinith-" We'll wait till you once i are old. It's usi much as I Call attend to d to just; now to love you while you're eoung." , " Do you like going to school, Johnny 2" hby- aelied the vieitor. " Yee. sir," answered oath th truthful urchin ; 'and I like corning tral a ine, too, hut I den' e like eteying there ears between -times." , h in "No. I won't give you a pieceof my the apple 1" snapped his sister. " You mean his thing I" said the boy. " Wean'e it me that n by spoiled the piano vo that you didn't have boy, te practice fot * week-" He -di Did y,ga _ see the pleased expres- with sion on her face *hen I told her she didn't She look any older than her daughter 2" Sha- re- " No, I was looking at the expression on beide her daughter's face." had iteorge-4; Don't you really think thab the we ought to know eat% other better before She we get married 7" Mamie-" I am afraid tight that neither of us would be willing to get married if we dide" Lan- The chief seoret of comfort lies in not ainsb suffering Unfits to vex us, and in pruclenbly cultivating our undergrowth of small pleasures, since very few great ones, alas, are let on long leases. . Ile-" Do you remember how they threw rise at la when we were married?' Se - "Indeed I do." fie-" Well, I've laid away a -lot of your firat biscuits to throw at the) next man friend of mine who gets mar- ried." , Mrs. Stookyards- " Well, why doesn't she marry him ?' Mrs. Sparerib -e" Oh, she says there'a a stain on his familY escu- tcheon." Mrs. Stockyards-" Well, good gracious I Don't they keep any servants who can sornb ?" Wit and Wisdom. I No man ever got married for the sole purpose of acquiring a mother-irelavit " Do women, as a rule, have shorttr lives than men 2" "If you fet them count the years they do." The eelf made man never °trill& for shorter hours or left work beoaese Union loose told him to. Ho-" Do you know, sometimes I dont know my own mind 2" She " Yu pro- eably haven't any head for details.' An Mailman seeing a very small coffin, exclaimed, " Is it poBeible that tha coffin was intended for any living creature She-" George, it was past twelv News Notes. -With this: had in view, Prof. J. 13. Reynolds, who has charge of the cold stor- age experiments in the Guelph Agricultural College, is arranging for some trial ship- ments from Niagaret to Winnipeg. - -Wm. R. Vioonian, one of Woodetook's best known residents, fell 30 feet from the roof of Oscar plar's barn in East Ox- ford last week,; and sustained injuries that' • may prove fatal.. Both legs were broken and he was hint intemally. 1 -George 714 (Is radden,of Downie township, while driving, to Stratford on Thursday ,evening, was struck by a special train from Goderioh. The wagon wassmeared to atoms and Mr. Itharad,den narrowly escap- ed instanindeath. His injuries, though not fatal, will confine him to bed for a time, -S. N. Garnham. of Guysburough, near Tillsonburg, was struck by a Grand Trunk train while driving over a (Ironing in Lon- don on Thursday of last week, and died the same evening Irorn his injuries. Both legal bis left armland book were broken. Do- ssed, who retained consoiouenesito the last, was 83 yearn of age. His horse was alai killed and the -buggy smashed. 1 -The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will make an effort to demonstrate that ib ia practicable to ship the tender fruits of Southern Ontario to Hee North - wet, and thin open up a large market for the Ontario fruit -grower ishd at the same time furniela the residents of the west with a delicacy. -The New York Tribune Heys : J. Yherpent Morgan on Thursday paid $10,000 for four championship oollies from bhe ken - n Is of a dealer at Freshfield, near Liher- ol, Es:Timid. The doge are named Cham- pion Parted(' Purity, Annandale Piccolo, Southport, Strategy and Champion Parbold Patentee. The do s, with four others, ar- rived here onMonday on the Victorian. Patentee is rhe winner of eix champion. when you got home last night." He -'1 Before we were married you didn't care hoW late I got home." " Prieoner, the jury has declaoed you , guilty,' " Oh, thee's all right, Judge. 1 You're too intelligent a man, I think, to be ' Before thesurnmer comes Dr Wood's Norway influeneed by what they awn" I - Pine Syrup conquers Coughe, Colds Sore Throat, " Has he proposed yet, Peggy 2" "Nob H Bronchitiand all anall Diseases of tho I , Throat e rawnsdPLu n g a 1 Absent-minded. A faithless swain, who was vainly a wait ed at a church the other morning by a lady in her bridal reibes, explained _hie absence on the ground that he had overslepb hirrer self. It is a long time isince we have heard of Ruch an abeenteninded person. unless we exceptthe eminent divine who, reeding a 141E while walking down a lane, ran into a op/w. ".1 beg .your pardon," he said, nob looking up until he had passed. • Presently; with great soreness of heart, he continued hie walk and his reading. "Ah I" he ex- claimed, as he ran into a lady. " is that you again, you brute 2" Pointed Paragraphs. People who blame °there are apt to praise themselves. The work of a pickpocket is done in a mOment of abstraction. A fusey person quickly sours the milk of human kindness. A spineter hasn't muoh love for a widow who has had two husbands. It isn't iiliveys safe to tell a girl that you admire her blooming cheek. e If a woman admits that she snores, you oau safely believe anything she sole. Lf the professional angler has no Belo to string he proceeds to utring his friends. The wise ea.yings of a rich man May sound very muoh like the foci remarks of a poor man, Adam went up against the matrimonial game with his eyes shut -just as other men are doing toediey. Get Rid of That Cough OF• THE . . Town of Seaforth For 1904 A ,by-law to raise by way of ;loan the cium of $19,300 for the purpose of purchas- ing the plant of the Seaforth Elec riss Light Heat and Power Company, (Limi ed). And, whereas, it will require t o eum of $648.13 to be raised annually y special rate for the payment of the debbt as here- inafter mentioned, And, whereas, it will require the sum of $868 50eo be raised annually fo the pay- ment of the interest as hereinaf er ment- ioned. And,whereas, the whole ratesibl of the Town of Seaforth, irons any increase in the nature of tolle,interests, dividends, rents or fees from the said pro- perty, and aleo irrespective of an increase derived from the temporary inv stment of the oinking fund, or any part t ereof, ac- cording to the last revised asses went roll of the said town, being for the ear 1904. Is the sum of $615,330. And, whereas, the existing 1debenture iebt of the town of Seaforth is fie follows : $5,500 borrowed under the anthority of 1886. by-law No. 2, of the town of Seiaforth, for $8,000 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 3, of the town of Seaforth, for 1887. le2,500 borrowed under the ,authority of by-law No. 8, of the town of Seaforth, for 101. $14,000 borrowed under She/authority of by-law No. 8, of the town of leaforth, for 1893, 1 $3,500 borrowed under the authority of byelaw 25 B., of the town of Seaforth. chard, Deputy Returning Officer. 8 ihatdthe Mayor of the said municipal $17,000 borrowed under th authority of byelaw No. 5, of the town oft Seaforth, or corporation shall attend at the council room ore Friday, the ninth day of Septem- 1809. her, 1904, at 2 o'cloak p. m., for the pie- ta 500 borrowed under the authority of pose of appointing persona to attend at the verieus polling places aforesaid. and sinn- ing up of votes respeotively on behalf ot persons interested id and promoting or opposing the by-law respectively, 9 That the Clerk of the municipal cor- poration, shall,sn the hour of twelve o dock noon,, on Tuesday, September 13th, 1904, at She town hall, sum up the votes given for and against the by-law and grant the requisite certificates thereunder, - 10 This by-law, if carried by the votes of the elootoro, 'hall take affeot on and from the date of th.e passing thereof. Irequired not less than one hundred dollars each and not _exceeding in the eggregate the sum of $19,300, and that the said debentures shall be sealed with the -leal of the said Corporation, and signed by the Mayor and the Treasurer thereof. 3 That eaid debentures shall bear in- terest at and after the rate of four and one half per oent per annum from the day men- tioned for this by-law to take effeot, whioh interest shall .he payableeannually on the 12bh day of September in each and every year, at the office of the Teeasuree of the eaid municipality of the town of Seaforth. 4 That said debentures shall be made payable at- the expiration of twenty years . from the date mentioned for this by-law to • sake effect at the office of the Treaeurer of the said tnuoicipality of the townof See - forth, and shall have attached to them cou- pons for the paymettt oi interest. 6 Thab for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the paymeat of the said debentures an equal annual sum of $648.13 , shall, in addibion to all other rates, be rais- ed, levied and collected by special rate upon all the rateable property in the said corporation during theecurrency of the said eoproperty f debentures, or any of them, and for the purpose of paying the interest on the said debentures an equal annual apm of $868.50, shall, in addition to all other rates, be rais- ed, levied and oolleeted upon all the rate- able property of the said corporation dur- ing the eurrency of the said debentures or any of them. 6 That it shall be lawful for the said corporation of the town of Seaforth to ex- pend the said sam of $19,300 to be raised under this by -la- in purehasing the plant of the o Seaforth Electric Light, Heat and Power Company (Limited). 'That the votes of the duly qualified electors shall be taken on Monday, Sep- tember 12th, 1904, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., at the following places: Polling subedivision No. 1, at the Public School; R.' Lumedee, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling subdivision No. 2, at the Ceunoil Room; William Elliott, Deputy Returning (Nicer. Polling eub-divieion No. 3, at O. C. Wilson's store, H, J. Pun - by law No. 26, of the town 1886. e $8,000 borrowed under th by-law firo. 20 (local impro town of Seaforth for 1901. • $3,760 borrosjed under th byJaw No. 2 q ooal improv $7,889.20 be rowed unde of by-law No. 24, A., of the forth for 1902. $1,500 borrowed under t by.law No. 2, (laced impro town of Seaforth, for 1903. $10,000 borrowed under .by.law No. 8, of the town 1902. $1,000 borrowed under by-law No, 7, of the town 1899. And there is nothing in for principal or intereet. And, wherein, it is ma aptinInt the time and place votes of the duly, qualified appointing deputy return the votes of the iduly qua the meeting, . Be it therefore enacted council of the town of Sea 1 Duet itehall be law f Seaforth for authority of ement) of the authority of ment) for 1902. She autholity town of Sea. e authority of anent) of the he authority of f Seaforth fot he authority of f Seaforth, for arrears either e neceseary to for taking the electors and for • g officers to take ified electors at y the municipal erth for the Mayor of the eaid corporation to raise by way of loan frIern any person, ho y or bodies cor- porate who may be willin to advance the same upon- the credit f the debentures hereinafter mentioned, a um of money nob exceeding in the aggr gate the sum of $19,300. 2 That It shall be la fal for the Mayor to oause any number of ebentures to be made for such sumo 0 money as may be OUR NEW STORE ) ( STRONG B L. 0 OK leady for Fall. The r•Maia.11‘.•1•••••• WM. ELLIOTT, { Clerk. N. (MUFF, SEA.L. Mayor, We have got nicely settled in our new premises in -the Strong Block and are in a better position than ever to cater to the wants of our many 'customers. Oold Weather • Is approaching and we are pleased to be able to say that we have for your inspection all the latest things in Fall Suitipags and Overcoats, Hats and Uneerwear. You will be neeiiing a heavier suit and a new overcoap and now i the time to leave your order. Drop 'in and make a selection while the goods are fresh. BRIGHT BROS FURNISHERS,• SEIFO.RTII, NE GitElli CASH STelt mow „gEftumegagEgtat Grand Fall Millinery Opening. We will hold our Usual Fall opening on Wednesday September 28th and following days when -will be displayed for your iinspection the very latest styles in trim- med hats and bonnets, andiall the most up-to-date novelties Miss Morrison, who is well"known to the ladieS of Blyth and surrounding country, is still in charge, and you can depend on getting satisfaction at a moderate price. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our show room. Our Hew' Fur Coats have Arrived. 15 may seem a little early to speak of fur coats, but we have such an immense range, and such excellent value, that it will pay you to see what we have in ladies' and gentlemen's coats. Bee our new Dress Goods and Elousings, also our Ladies' Fall Coats. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. g•-tt: - _Agfel_MANKI)(5zAriFf, - BLOCK, D. M. MEATH PRETORIA BLYTHIS The Happy Thought Range Leads thern all Passed thia 135h day of September, A D.,'04. NOTICE. , The above is a true and correct copy of a by-law passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth oo the thirteenth day of September, A. De, 1904, and ali per- sons are hereby required to take notice thab any oire desirous of applying to have such by-law, or any part thereof, quashed, artist make his application for then tpurporie to She High Court of Justice within the next three months after the publication of this notice, once a week for three successive weeks in bhe newspaper called This HURoY Rezrosmon, or he will be too late to be heard in that behalf. WM. ELLIOTT, 19134 Is noted for its great fuel saving qualities. It is the only stove with transparent ventilating oven- doors, also corrugated oven that will not burn. It will pay you to call and, examine this stove' before buy- ing. We keep a full line in stock. CHESNEY AND .81\411...EY, Hardware, Coal and Stoves. 1919-9 Are a sure and permanent cure for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. BACKACHE Is the first sign of KidAey Trouble. Don't neglect it! Check it in time! Seribus trouble will follow if you don't. Cure your Backache by taking DOAN'S KINEY PILLS. BLACKSMITH SHOP STAND • FOR SALE CHEAP IN SEAFORTH. For isle cheap, that busy stend on Goderioh West, stook, •tools, es. There aro two Ares, foot drill and emery stone and all convonienees for a first elate shoeing and jobbing shop., Any amount of work for two men. III health le the reason for aelliog. For further particulars apply to JOUN Seafortb. 10I2-tf MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan atioweet rates of interest on croon farm ecenriry. Apply to JAS. L. ElLI011,AN, EfirtitiCT, Seated/a 1712 -if One Grade Only, and That the Best. 0•011.11.16111••• stili have a few MeLaughlan Buggies on band and any person thinking of pur- chasing, would do well to make their selection now, nal need the room fot my fall stock. Plese Buggies may not be the eheapest en, the market, but I do claim thee they Are THE BEST. First -Class Harness may he purobseed btre theapel than ehiewhere Oar brand' of GUN EDGE and MAPLE - LEAF Binder Twine gives perfect sat - %faction, Try It. LOWS, PLOW POINTS, WASHING - MACHINES, WRINGERS, etc, al- ways on Pella, A. M. Oampbetic SEAR. RTH. MeK.illov Alutua.. Ylre Insurance Company, ,m••••••••••••••• ARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 4..../Oagr• orizasy.s. 3. B. McLean Preeldent, 113ppen P. 0. • Tharnas rxasoi, vies -president, Brucefield P. 0. ; Timms z. Secy-Treao. deafer* 0.. onunnons. William Chesney fiegorto f. John 0. Grieve, Win. late ; 0.,rogg »ale, Seaforth ; John Batumi% ! Oubiie Jaine.Aviv!), Besebvieed ; John Watt, Bedeck ; Then ea Fraser Brueefield Jthn B. Me LeaFi. Kipper/ ; lamee Ccinnolly, Clinton. \ shuorre.• 1 Bob*. Smith, tialloek ; E. Einohley.Seaforth amee Cumming Fgmondv e z Yee, Holum vijie P, 0.; 00Orge Murdie and John C. Koniten auditor, drzirtine to effecb ineuratees oe trAg4 etho. buadzieso will be premptly attended to eplieation to any et the shove officers, addressed eb bet; seerpocitieenolt officbgr,