HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-09-16, Page 88
We desire te call atteation to our line
of Sherwin - Willianas' floor finishes
which ie4pie moot complete manufac-
tured.4 We Can give you anything in
painte, stains and varnishes or fioorr,
and everybody can brighten up and
e beautify their homes by using these
goods. One of these specialeiff is
A beautful stain and varnish combined,
and in different colors. Try it..
Leave your order with us' fei
We handle the best grades.
Hardware, Stoies and Coal.
President General Manager
Capital, Fullapaid Up—$8,000,000.00
Reset -gerund' and un-
divided Profits $ ;3,474,800
Deposits by P blie $26,377,000
Total Assets $ 35,745,00o
Main Street, Eleaforth.
Every locality for the transacting of a
general 'making busineee.
Collection* made on all points in Canada
and abroad.
Advances rotate to Farmers. Speolal at-
entioa paid to the collection el Sale Notes.
received of One Dollar ind upwards.
Interest allowed at highest rate and
Compounded half yearly.
Solicitor. Manager.
important Notice.
National. Cream Separator
250 pounds capacity
a50 pounds capacity
450 pounds capacity
Simple, 4prab1e, stror g and easy to cerate. A
machines warrantEd. Manufactured by the Bay
mond Sewing Machine Co., Guelph, and told by
Insurance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
and Bluolcs. North Main street, Seaforth.
YOU are the Judge
MEIG-1HE G-Et.A.13-E;
A a I\T-E S
Sar`Give ua a est11.
PADS, etc.
- Harness Shop Cady's Block
Most Modern Hotel in Seaforth
Fully equipped with hot and
oolcl water bath, Ladies' Toilet.
Rooms, etc, Every attention
paid to guests.
Good Stable in Connection,
Specia1 Pianos
and •
Organs. . • ,
We purchased during the opening dayis
of the Toronto Fair a number of Pianos
ana Organ's op, exhibition there, and
eame can be 4een by calling at the
Staff:an Mutat! Store, these are !special
instrumento but will be sold at the
usual prices.
Wa are agents for a number of different
makes and caner a lage stook to choose
See the New Williams Sewing Machine, one
of the best, also the Old Reliable
Singer, every one knows it. We have
them aIwaya in isteac.
Buy our needlea and oil, only the beet.
G. M. Baldwin & Co.,
W. J. Elliott, Pres. D. A. MoLachlin, Prin.
(0, tede.We'd
Eriuoif& MoLACHLAN,
Catelogae free. Principals.
Scotch Make
Suitings Your
Reasonable Prices
First-class work and a good
fit guaranteed.
A trial order solicited.
Morohant Tailors - Under Town Clock
We will give The Expositer to new
subscribers from NOW until the 1st
of January,. 1905, for TWENTY
• This is not the price of the white
paper. But, in nine cases oat of
ten, those who take it on Ude' will
remaim with us for yeas. This is
the reason we can affard to we it
so cheap • on trial. .
To any person sending us the
names et FIVE new subscribers at
'the above mates, accompanied. by
the ,easia, we will send them a copy
'of Expositor FREE for one year.
Reader, it any, of ykyur neighbors
do not now subscribe for The Exs
positor getthem to accept of this
trial trip. You will thus benefit
ypurself and ue.
_ e------e--
The Seaforth Show.—The annual
tall fa, under the auspices of the
Teekersmith branch agricultural so-
eiety, will be ,held in their fine
grounds, in Seaforth, on Thursday
and Friday next. In addition to a
large ,an,d liberal prise dist, there will
jb a number of special attractionee
uch as speed contests, etc. Every-
thing points to a most sucoessful
show, and, should the weather be
fine, there will undoubtedly tie a
large crowd. Every person sheuld
make it a point to be at the. Seaforth
Advancing.—We have again the
pleasure of noting the advaneement
of a former Seaforth boy, in the
oommercial world of the iaeighbor-
ing rebublio. From the St. Paul
Pioneer Press, ,of a recent date, are
learn that Mr. John L. Watson, on
af Mr. W. N. Watson, of Ithis town,
has been appointed right ef way ag-
ent, assistant to G-. R. Fernald, com-
missioner of real estate, eight of way
and taxes of the Northern Pacific
Railway. This is a reeponsible and
lucrative position and we acingratu-
late Mr. Watson on his advancement,
and are sure that die will fill the
aosition with •credit raimself and
his boyhood training.
t -
The Harvest Trianksgiving.—Splen-
aid services were held in St. Thom-
as church, ,on Sunday last, being
•th,eir annual thanksgiving. The
church was beautifully decorated
with flowers,fruit and gtass, and the
choir, with Mr. Llody Hodgins at the
organ, rendered ;good musip. Miss
Clare Pickard sang a be'autiful solo
in the evening. Rev. C. C. Pluton,
of Mitchell, was the preacher and
gave' splendid sermons. A severe
thunderstorm just at church time
in flie everting had a bad effect on
the attandance, but on the whole the
congregation have every reason to
be !satisfied. The offertory for the
day- was over .$85, with many of the
thilekoffeainga Still to oorae in.
A New Cordage Company.—We
would. call attention to the pros-
pectus .of -the Western !Cordage Co.,
whiela appears on page 'a of this is-
Isue. This compaiiyalas "its lead of-
fice in London, and is orgenized for
the purpose of manufacturing binder
twine, rope and all kinds �f cordage.
The capital stock- of the corcipany is
fa30,000, •divided into 12,000 phares of
$25 each. The increased and grow-
ing demand for binder twine and
other produots of the proposed fac-
tory lead kIthe promoters to prom-
ise large returns from the inireet-
meet andelaiewed from the success
that has bean attained by aixhilar en-
terprises, their claim seems to be
• B ea u ti f Iowrs — Mr . Andrew
Soott, of this town, is a most sue-
ceesful florist, ,and his garden is a
perfect bower - beauty, lone that
would delight the eye bf any person. ,
Mr. Scott ie most enthusiastie and
the greater part of Ihie spare time .
.after his school duties is spent in
las garden. The other day We were!,
shown a beautiful bouquet of roses I
grown in this garden, !w4ich we feel
!sure could not be beaten by any pro- I
fessional - florist. In the bouquet I
were three exquisite red -roses all on
one stem. ,'He as also had on exhi-
aition in Mr. Alex. Winter 'a window', ."
*some very pretty dahlias, which have
been greatly admired. • We are oure
Mr. Scott must feel more thee re-
paid for 'the time enti labor spent, in
the handsome aloWers -Which are 'to
be seen in his garden. a
THE filfRO
hurt, for use of faeaforth patients
It wet decided to grant $100 treej
the baeance of the Jubilee Fund etill
on hand, the money to be paid as
eooa as the required amount is rais-
ed. A deputation also complained 'of
the undue severity and Officiousness
of ties town coustaade in the dis-
caa.ege of his duties, and that on a
recent oecasioe he had !secured 'the
conviction of a ma -n oyihe charge of
being drunk and dieoederly, when it
wae ave_rred bythe deputation he
wax sober and orderly.- After hear-
ing the conatable in his own defence,
the following 'resolution was passed:
" That this reancil, having heard th.e
depetation malring complaint a.gainst
the town conatable. we !sympathise
with both parties, and !wane desir-
ing' to have. the town by-laws carried
out efficiently,I we also &sire that
they be interpretell with discretion
se ass to give as 'little heedless of-
fense as possible. and thait th 'S Mayor
inetruet the town constable to this
'effect." The connail adjourned to
eneet at the call of the Mayor.
Travellers.—The following -were
ticketed to the weston Tuesday's
harvest excursion by W. Somerville
railway and steamship agent: Hugh
Munro, recently from Caithness,
Scotland and Floyd Souter. of Tuck -
smith, Ito Elva, Manitoba;
oolni McKay, of Egenondville, to
Moose Jaw; jaavid R. McKee, of
Leadbury, to Deloraine ; Herbert
Fowler, Huron road, to Souris; alas.
John McClure, of 'Hallett, to Rut -
sell. 'Other Travellers,—Mrs. O'Brien
of Seaforth, Ito Chicago; Miss Price
to Montreal-, returning to her home
in London, England; Mrs. R. Carlin,
Master Steve Carlin and airs. P.
Dunn to Detroit; Miss Mrtttarese, of
Walton, to White Cloud, 'Michigan;
Miss Rose Dorsey, of Sea -forth a to the
Normal School, Ottawa.
Millinery Opening. — Our dieplay of
Trimmrd Millinery for the aut0mn Reason will be
on Friday and Saturday, 28rd and 24th of Septem-
ber. All are respeolfully invited. The A McFaul
*- - . ' , 11918'1
"17;inVfor the past two year'a made a
special study of the eye and secured a Diploma from
the Optical Institute of Canada, 1 wish to announce
that 1 have the latest Unproved instruments, and
will keep a good @took of gold fittedAnd Amine
glisten,. No charge for testing, and if you do not
need glues* we will tell you so. John Bulger, Sea -
!pith. , , 19184
Wanted.—A girl wanted to do cooking
and kitchen work. Housemaid kept. Good wages.
Apply to Kr.. G. E. Parkes, Bank of Commerce
House, Seaforth. 1918 1
For the Ladiec—The Millinery Opening
days at Wrn. Plokard & Co's. mammoth establish-
ment, Seaforth, will be Friday and Saturday, Sep-
teaber 28 and 24. All are cordially invited. 19184
Ianother bargain in girls' buttoned boots
for Friday and Saturday—or 82 paire—regulsr
price 81.25 for 17 centa lier_10/A11.- 81zel 11 to 2.
Samples in north window. W. H. Willie, sole agent
for George A - Slater shoes for men and Dorothy
Dodd shoes for -ladies, Seaforth. 1918-1
Ruff Lost.—Lot on Monday nigbt, Sep-
tember 12th, between Seaforth and Clinton, e dark
sable ruff. The ruff had four tails, one bound round
with a red silk thread. A reward will be paid for
its return -to THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth, or
Bartliff 's restaurant, Clinton. 19184
Keep in mind our opening days, Friday
and Saturday, September 28rd and 24th, your days
for seeing the novAties in •Headwear, Jackets,
Skirts, Waists'Furs and all the new up-to-date
things that the feminine heart delight, in. The E.
MoFaul Co. 1918-1
three good dwelling hornet, in Seafoth two on John
street and one on Ord eared. 4pp1J to Mrs. J. S.
Porter, Seaforth. 1904,
To THE LADIES.—Switches made from
combiage. Mies E. Ross, over W. N. Wateon;88a o5ffi.tfoe,
North Main street, Seaforth.
That Dress Goole Sale. Naver was
there offered to the ladies of Huron and Bruce such
an opportunity. -Slaughtering the most faebionable
of dress goods right now. If you want one three or
five dresses it will pay you to drive 25 miles to
Ring% Eggs still 20o. G. E. Ring, Wingharn.
Apples Wanted. — Barbosa cash price
will be paid for all kinds of good sound apples,
large enough to pare. Seaforth EvaporatF1,T73o.war,
& CASE. 91,
Deferred.—We ,a.ove reoeiaed a
communication for .1-pablieation this
week tram Mr.F.Ho mested, relative
to Ithe electrie lighting plant and the
puroha.se thereof hyi the town. Mr.
Holmegted gives fig res to 'show th.at
the price at which he plant: is to be
'purchased is very uch aess than ite
"cost ; that the ,pla a is a Moat bom-
plete one, and that he town is mak-
ing a good investm nt in purchasing
it, as it is !a good paying eoncern.
Mr. Hoaraeste,d is o e ef the largest
tax -payers in the own,. as well as
part owner .,ef ' t e !Electric light
plant, and lav''hat , e says is Well
worthy , of careful consideration by
our townspeople. We therefor ask
all intereated to suspend further
udgrneet an the s bject until they
have an' opportunit of reading what
Mr. Holmested says on !the s-ubject.
We are spiry that ilack of space /pre-
vents oar publishin the !letter thas
week, be% it will a pear lin our next
issue, end we hope no iintereet will
suffer by this unav idable 'delay.
A September Wed ng.—The month.
of September is be ming a popular
one for wedaings, and promises to
rival Juee ifi that respect ; indeed,
there are -many o ithe fair :sex who
aver that there is no !more suitable
Season for a weddi g 'than the aut4
umn in its golden low. One of the
first September N eddings in town
' took place on Tues ay of last week,
arrhen Miss Annie, ughter io& Mr.
Joan Prendergast, vas married' to
Mr. N. J., °Manley, f Parkhill. The
marriageceremony was performed
in St. James' Roma Catholic ehurch,
by the pastor, Rev. ather Corcoran.
The w dding 'break est was !served
at the reaidence of the bride's father,
The Electric Light By-LaW.—The
ba -law autheraina 'the issuing of
debentures ta the amount of $19,-
300 for the purpose. pf purchasing the
electtic lighting plant was voted on
on Monday lag, and was carried by a
majerity of three. .There Was not
mach expiteent. The d
frien's of
the by-law did :setae !canvassing and
had conveyance out drawing votes
While the opposition were allowed to
come in of their owe,' accord. The
vote polled was not aaavery large one
about .half that on Ole list. The by-
la.w was finally passed by the coun-
cil on Tuesday night. 'There are, h,ow-
ever, S til 1 three months for appeal,
so. that unless the loompany is will-
ing to take the aebeetures and risk
the validity •of the by-law, it te
likely the town will !got be able to
get possession of °the pLant until the
tirue for apaeal expires. In 'Lae event
of the corapany ax cep tin g !the der
benturee new, 'the transfer an be
made at !ley. time. The followina
ia a statement of the rvote cast:
For Againat
46 54
45 40
et 38
1 135 132
Mojority for By -taw, 3.
The TOWD Council.—The regular
monthly meeting of the towe coun-
oil was leeld on Tuesday evening last.
'l the members were present. Ac-
counts to the amonata of $617 were
passed for payMent. I The clerk 'sub-
mitted the return cif the vote an the
electrio light by-law, showing the
by-law had been carried by a major-
ity of 'three. The report was re-
ceived, the by-law read a third time
and finally passed. In accordance
with a request from the recretary
of the Collegiate Inatitute board the
sum of $1,900 was pieced at the cred-
it of the board. The clerk was auth-
orized to order from the St. Marys
quarries tare,e more car toads of
broken stone for use in repairing
the street. deputation consisting
of Rev. Father Corocaran and Messrs.
Gibson and Gunn appeared before
the co-uncil, asking for a grant to
assist in endowing a cot in the free
Coneumptive Sanitateium at Graven -
North Ward,
East Ward
South Ward
n Egraollaville ; ,en y the immediate
elativea ,ot the b ale and groom
ere present. Mr. and Mrs. O'Han-
y left on the aft rnoon, train for
,eronto ond Buffa o. On 'their re -
urn they will ta e aheir resi-
ence in 'Parkhill. The Expoeitor
ins their many friends:in wishing
hem happiness and prosperity.
The Concert.—The Methodist Lad-
es' Aid concert, in Cardno's on
ednesday evening last, was fairly
ell attended, and tbe Aadies should
ave a isurp I use The pr ogr a mme
as a goad one and was the more
teresting owing to the. act that
c three young Ladies on the pro-
ramm.e• inade, their debut efore a
home audience after Pome years of
udy at the different echools Miss
dna Pickard, who is Inow ilooated in
chneclely, New Yoak, certainly aa's
eare,er before hi as a violinist.
er pleasing maneer won for her
once the sympathy of the audience
d her perfect rendering of :her dif-
cult selec tions_ pre '31aimed the true
tist. Her recepteha by the midi-
ee was most fat tteri tag. Miss
easie Young is a graduate reader
Emerson College, Boston. She
o, has the winni g stage manner
hich goes so far &vith an audience,
hile .her distinct eeunciatiou and
pressive renderin give an added
arm to her selec ions. Her Selec-
tions clearly showed, her aersatiliyt
as a reader and evidenced marked a-.
bility and careful training. She
was moat heartily received by the
audie,nee. Miss Clare Pickard, who
-Tintoih3T Seed,
Sead Wheat,
Bonnell and
E3arreled Salt
Stock Food and Stock Tonic.
Hosmer's Axle Greece, the best in the
Seed Meiehants - Seaforth.
,has : been studying in Tweet°, also
made :her debut ae a vocalist, and
er singingwas a surprise 'and de-
light to all who 'heard her. She has
a full, Tioh aopr.ano voice and sings
with that
va.tea. Ex
also given
and Waite
penal ,Quartette — Mer. W. D.
Bright, W. G. and W. H. Willia and
im and tire winch bapti-
llent vocal solos were
by Messrs. !Roy Willis
Pickard, While the Int -
Walter Pickard—were well received.
The acoornpaniments were played by
Mrs. W. D. McLean and Miss Rath -
well. They also opened the pro-
gramme with an excellent and clev-
erly rendered piano duet, twhial was
:heartily applauded.
• To The w-ost.—The following pee -
eons were ticketed by Greig ,& Stew-
art, C. P. R. agents, on the harvest
exoursion te Ithe West On Tuesday
morning: Thoma's Miller and Frank
Allan, of .Cromarty ; H. C. Monteith,
Brucefield ; 1 Jame s Crawford, Hon -
salt; B. B., Stevenson, Constance ;
JohnCampbell, Tucker:smith ; Geo.
McCartney, I Brumfield-, and Findlay
adcKercher.113eechwood, all to Moose
Jaw ; Ed. . Dennison, Leadbury, to
Estivan ; A.Morrison, Winthrop and
John Baker, Varna, to Winnipeg ;
Frank Weeks, Varna, to alossomin :
Gilbert MeMiohatel, .panatance, to
Edmonton.; H. E. Duekin, Varna, Ito
Souris ; Rct• ert Elgie; Tuckersmith,
to Strathco a, ; Robert Co!clough,
Constance, ' o Saskatoon; Mrs. ea. S.
Best, Seafolla, to Brandon.
The Lord's Day Alliance.—The
meeting in • the basement of the
Methodist church on Friday even-
ing under ,he auspic'es f the;Sea-
torth branch of the Lord's Day Al-
liance was not very largely attend-
ed but w.aa quite interesting and
those presefat seemed. deeply inter-
ested in the i work. Rev. W. A. Moore,
Toronto, !secretary of the provin-
cial association was present and in
a brief address Showed the iverk that
had. been dame by the 'Alliance, the
increasing tired for it oft the pres-
ent time and the desirability of
every person desirous of retaining
the sanctity not the Saarbath as a day
of 'worship and rest, aiding the As-
sociation in its good woak ay their
sympathy, Work and material stie-
par a Every' such person should
the very lent, become a 'member of,
the local organization which tualy
costs 50 etents a year. - Rev. Mr.
Birks was appointed president and
all the Other officers were re-elect-
ed. A oommittee was also appointed
to canvass the town for members and
it is 'helped that avhe.n -this work is.
undertaken a cordial welcome will
be 'given the ceinveasers ay the peo-
ple of the tame.,
• •
• Loc.al Briefs.—Messrs: Donovan and
Rabbis; of Seaforth, :were awarded
third prize at the fretonto exhibi-
tion last week for their pair of
• heavy draught herses.—Messrs. A.
McKenzie, of the firm of Knecletel &
McKenzie, S forth, and Eli Moore,
Brussels, h ve saccessfualy passed
-their exami ationa at the Canadian
School of etrba1ming, Toronto.—Mrs.
Gagaa, of arpurhey, returned en
Saturday e ening after a pleasant
visit of 'two weeks with 'friends) east
of Toronto. Mr. Hugh Rabb, hvho
for the pa'.t ° four years has been
-travelling fo Bean at Westlake, bis-
cuit and co fectionery manufactur-
ens of Woo took, has taken a sim-
ilar pasition vith Davidson and Hay,
wholesale grocers of Toronto. This
its a decidedly advance step tot Mr.
Robb and we have in.o doubt he will
prove as successful in be new posi-
tion as in the one which Inc vacates.
—The South Huron Fall Show will
be .held at Exeter ora Monday and
Tuesday -next and 'the alioar -of the
Tuckersnaith ranch at Seaforth on
Thursday and Friday following. Both
shows promise to be very successful.
All that is new required to this end
is good weather.—.Ma. '13. R. Higgins,
of Brucefield, delavered a vera tine
five year old gelding to Mr. D. Don-
ovan, of Seaferth, on Saturday last
and for which Inc !received the !snag
sum of $230.—The millineayopen-
ings in Seaforth will take place on
Friday and Saturday, September 03
and 24. The Seaforth establiahments
are noted for 'their !magnificent dis-
plays and we are assured they are
likely to be more !attractive this
year than ever'b,efore. The ladies,
therefore, will latae a reel feast on
the days named.—Mr. James !Mullen,
of the Bank of ;Commerce, Montreal,
and at one time teller in the Sea -
fort]) branch, as visiting friends in
town this week.—There is some talk
among the' poultry fanciers of town
about holding a poultry show in
Seaforth this winter. In previous
years -wo have had exhibitions of
this kind and they have provea very
successful, and we have no doubt one
this winter Woeld be equally success-
ful.—Mr. Devil. Moore, of iligmond-
villa, Toturnea laet week after a
pleasant outitea at Grand Bend. The
lake breezes seemed to have agreed
with the genial provost of Egmond-
ville.—Mr. W. 13rownell, of Detroit,
was here able week Ion a 'visit to
hie mother, Mrs. S. Brownell.—The
Goderich Signal of last 'week- says:
"Dr. O'Carroll, of Kintail, has re-
moved to Seaforth. He had been
practising inthe neighborhood of
Kintail and Kingsbbridge, where ae
had the reputation of being .askil-
ful physiaia.n alai surgeon. He ie a
graduate of Trinity University, Dub -
lila Ireland, and was for several
years in the British iVirest Indian
medical service."—Mr. Alex. Charles-
worth has purchased Ithe hardware
business of Mr. Charles Greb, in Zur-
ich, and will take .possession on the
19th. We are pleased to !learn that
although Mr. Charlesworth :has join-
ed the ranks of Zurich's enterpris-
ing business men lie will uot move
from our hustlie4 suburb of Eg-
mendville. The Zurich business will
be looked after principally ay Mr.
Leo Charleavvorala We can recom-
mend this new firm to the good peo-
ple of Zuriehe-Mrs. P. Buggin, of
Texas, is here Visiting her sieter-in
law, Mrs. James Beattie.—Mr.
-tlinr Broadfoot youngeat son of Mrs.
3. H. Broadioot, a graduate of the
Toronto Commercial . College, has
gone to Winnipeg leo wash his for-
tunes the western Imetrepolie.
Mrs. W. G. Willis and ohildren ha
gone to Dettoia to visit frien
there.—We regret to learn. that
Fred °rich, who was.ralesman in •
Pickard' e store for many !rears, a
Who went Ito Mnattoba )3010.0 ti
is confined in the Winnipeg ho
pital with an attack of typhoid feve
We bee° Soon however., ito hear
his recovery.—Dr. Marion Oliver,
medical missionary in India, was Inc
this week the guest of her frien
Mres. J. R. Govenlock.—Mr. jarth
Forbes, jr., of Detroit, spent
couale of days at the pare.ntal Iio
here -thie ireek.—Mr. Joseph Foste
who hae been book keeper at a
furniture factory 'here or eever
years has resigned his position a,
removed from town. Mr. Fogter,
understand, intends going west wi
the hope that the 'change will i
prove his health.—Mr. Thomas Lee
ing, of McKillop, brought a load
wheat into, the mill here this wee
which tested 59 poundis to the bus
el. That is pretty good for this yea
—Master Norman Henderson; son
Mr. Wm. H. Henderson, met with
painful accident of Tuesday aft°
noon.He slipped on the paveme
in front of McFaral's Store and in t
fail broke 'his right arm.—Mr. Jah
athan Miller has disposed pf his i
Weld' in the Grip hotel to Mr. W
Hergott, of Glamis. We understa
it is the intention of Mr. Miller
return asp Goderich.—Mr. Arthur
McLean left here on Thursday f
Montreal where he will 'attend: M
Gill Medical College.—The E. M
Faul Co. have opened ena a children
department, where t he boys, gir
and little tots will have a secti
of their own devoted to uss-to-da
things to wear. Further partioula
of this .new departure nvill be fou
In an advertisement in another co
amn.—Mr. George Turnbull is ha
ing a house removed from Ms far
in Molaillop to his property in tow
It is being taken ecross the fiel
and tbe3. work is -Iseing successful
carried but by Mr. Rollie Kesaned
and his staff.—Mr. Thomas Kidd
having his residence on nigh stre
raised up and a cement foundatio
placed pander it.—The, people
school section No. 3, .Teckersmit
contemplate the erection Of Ete no
sehool building and a meeting of th
ratepayers to eonsider this propo
ition is to Inc held at the scho
hoeSe on the Mill toad on the 26t
inst, at 4 at'olock.—Mr. T. E. Ha
shipped this week 4011ead of fat ca.
tle to Toronto. They were fed o
his farm near Seaforth and, were a
'exceptionally fine lot, the 40 hen
averaging 1,366 pounds each whe
unloaded in Toronto.—Mr. Cook, o
ELarpurhey,who is a very Successf
grower a on's= will have over
ton and a half grown in his garde
this year.—Mr. F. Gutteridge and M
Harry Edge have been awerded th
contract for the erection Jof the ne
Bank of Commerce building in Se
forth. Work will be commence
right away.—Mr. and Mrs. Fran
,Vickard, -of Windsor, spent !the pa
week the gue.sts of !Mr. and Mrs.
Andrews, Goderich street, east.—M
and Mr. &huller, of Eat Willie
Street; were- visiting friends i
Blyth this .week.—Mrs. Hodgins an
Dorothy are visiting friends in Lon
don and Thameatord this week.—Mi
Jennie McBride has returned from
visit 'bo Toronto, Hamilton and othe
points.—Mr. Norman Boyce, of tan
ley, has returned to his studies a
the Gollegiate.—Mrs. Rdbert Hays
of Luoknow, waa here thia week on
visit.—Mr. Larkin was the only lo
'cal minister in his awn pulpit o
Sunday all the ethers being out o
town. Mr. Hodgins and Mr. Birk
were in Mitchell and afr. Shaw i
taking his holiday.—Phe apple Oval)
orator is 'being put in' shape for th
fall campaign..—Mr. and Mrs. dam
Richmond, of Blenheim, were her
this week the guests of Mr. and Mr
A. Young. Mr. Richmond has aus
returned frent a four months' aou
through Manitoba and' the North
west.—Mr. Wm. Copp has leased hi
residence, on Goderioh strees west
Lo a gentleman from Mitchel1.-1Viis
Ella Sproat, the young !daughter o
Mr. Hugh Chesney, of Egmondville
met with a very painful accident on
Tuesday evening. She tpped on t
gasty nail while walking along treet,, a•nd: the nail penetrated tliK
!sole of her shoe and went cleat
hroegh her foot, inflicting a ver;
ainful wound. Medical lid. wa
premptly sat
'secured, and it is oired n<
crams results will follow !the tic
eident.—Miss Hugill, of John airecti
ntends leaving Seaforth, and !Mr
Thomas Brown has been engaged to
ell lerr household effects en Satur
day.2A mission will be opeeed in
t. James Catholic Church, Seaforth
n Sunday, September 25th, at 10:30
. m., and continued morning and
vetting until October 2nd. The enis-
ionaries of the Order of the Holy
edeemer will conduct, the pervices
nd preach sermons that can beca
earwith profall it by Christians.
pedal music will be provided, espec-
ally fol. the evening 8ervices.—Mr.
.A.Sills accompanied by his daugh-
er, Miss Mona, left 'here on Saturday
st on a few days' trip to Cleveland,
o visit his brother !Albert. He will,
o doubt, enjoy airaself, as he has
tuck pretty closes to business for
orae years pasa.—Mrs, Best and
hildren, who have' been spending the
inmer here with Mrs. 'Best's par-
nts, Mr. and Mrs. D. McGregor, left
n- Thursday for their home in Bran-
don, Manitoba.—Mr. James N. Reid,
f Toledo, Ohio, is aieiting 'this week
ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam -
el Reid, Mill Road.—There are seri-
es complaints of potato rot in this
ioinity.-7-Mr. D. J. McCallum. has
en eonfined to his eesfdence this
eek by Hine" but we hope tee gee
im out in a few dayseeeMr. M.
roderick has been filling -Op and im-
roving the grounds around his
'eSidenoe an East G-oderieh street.—
ur nimrods were all early astir
hursday morning, and the mall
.ame aad a bard time of it during
o day.—Mayor Cluff was in Gode-
oh! o.n Tuesday and while there he
el; Mr. Kelly, manager of the Gbde-
oh light and water plant and the
enaleman who valued -the Seaforth
ant for the council. Mr. Kelly
Id the Mayor that the Seaforth
lent is muoh seperior to the Gode-
eh plant and is the best and most
mplete electric lighting. plant he
aws of in Western Ontario, teat -
de the cities. This should be sat -
factor and comforting 10 the
ople of Seaforth generally, both to
o•se who voted against the by-law
well as to !these who voted for it.
Wet were glad to see Mr. John
ich, of tae west end, Tuckersmith,
town on ThurAday. Mr. Crich has
een very ill for several months and
though still feeble his many friends
11. be pleased to know that he is
be to get area -a& It is 65 years
nee Mr. Crich carne to this part of
e country and settled in Tucker-
ith. There Ness only one house
SEPTEMBER -16 1904
Ready-tomwear Department
'We have for some time felt the need
of a thoroughly up-to-date
Children's Department,
where mothers could bring their boys and
girls with a reasonable hope of getting
every want supplied -
Our Ladies' and Misses' RiJady-to-
wear section having proved satisfactory,
we have now opened a children's depart-
ment, so that the boys and girls will now
have as good a show for up-to-date things
to wear,, as their raothers and older sisters
have. -1
There will be no need in the future
to buy boys' suits in one place, hats and
caps in- another, underwear Some where
else and general furnishings anywhere.
e feel 'certain that our new department
will be welcomed, fpr who has not experi-
enced a difficulty in getting suitable
things for the little men and women,with-
out a great deal of looking • armind and
consequent loss of time.
- Our assortment of children's goods
will comprise about everything that boys
and girls wear.
All sizes of stockings'all sizes of under-
wear, Shirts and, Sweaters, Hats and
Caps, Ties Collars, Suspenders,
Boys' School Pants, Boys'
School Suits,Boys' Sun
day Suits, Boys'
A complete assortment of Underwear,
Hosiery, Mitts and Gloves, Neckwear,
jackets, Skirts, Dress Hats,
School Caps, Fascinators
and Fur Goods.
It will pay you to patronize our Children's
Department. You will have a great
choice of good things, and you are sure to
get the good things at a very reasonable
Dry Goods Company
in Seafoeth then and that small
log onee and the ,Huron read was
marked by a blase, on the arees.
Several who came ta this country
with Mr. Crich, after staying a
few months, returned to the old
country, saying that this: :was not a
fit place for a -white ;mart to live in.
Thanksgiving Services.—The Har-
vest Thanksgiving services Will be
held in Grace church, on Suuday,
25th, when Rev. C; CePurtin, of Mit-
chell. will preach in the morning at
eleven o'clock, and in theeevening at
seven. On the following evening,
Rev. Mr. Partin will aeliver a lec-
ture on " Placee of great interest in
England)' The, lecture will foe il-
lustrated by views. In addition to
the lecture, other speakers will be
prese.na, and a good programme of
vocal and 'instrumental music ten-
dered.—On Sunday neat -the !service
will be at three o'clock, when Rev.
W; Lowe, of Wingharo., rwilJ preach.
Accident.—On Saturday evening, as
Rev: E. A.. Sla.a.w, the pastor of the
Methodist congregation of this 'vil-
lage, was engaged, in attending te
his hoes°, an accident 'happened to
him that might have proved fatal.
It seems that the tie strap had be-
come fastened in the horse's foot,
and while Inc was engaged in remov-
ing it, the horse struck him in the
face and knocked him down and
trampled upon him, inflicting Some
very severe woends upon :his body.
How 119 escaped is a mystery. He is
doing as well as pan be expeceed, and
ail wish for him a speedy recovery.
:ETe,has the sympathy of his congre-
gation in this his !sudden accident.
Last Sunday his pulpit was ably sup-
plied 'by Mr. Johnston, of Kippen,
and next Sabbath the pulpit will Inc
supplied by a former boy of this
community, in the person Of Rev.
David Wren.
Breezea—Mrs. Boyd and family,
Miss Eva and Mr. Fletcher Boyd, of
Toronto, who have been !spending
the summer with her Oister, Mrs.
Johnston, have returned home.—
Mists Nellie Biggart is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Baker, at Toronto, this
week.—Mr. Harvie Sperling and Miss
Ina Fowlie are visiting friends in
Georgetown, and also took In the To -
roto exhibition.—The Mies Mc -
.Donald, of Brussels, are guests at
Maas Parson's.—Mr, Eddie Reld,who
is engaged on the Government sur -
sea boat, Bayfield, La home for a
ehort visit.—Mrs, 'Tolland and &Alga- f
;ter, Sass Annie, of lBenmilier, have
been visiting friends in the village.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison, of
Hibbert, were the guegts of Mr. and
Mrs. David Leeoh recebtly.—Mrs. F. h
Edwards and daughter, Miss Floy 1
viaited friends in Kincardine a few f
days.—Miss 'Winnie Daley, of Sea- v
forth, wee the guest of Miss Luella
Rouatt lately.—MW Lena Irwin is a
visiting in Seaforth.—A: seeeessful e
operation was performed on Mrs
Thorn Of:Wpm, of this idliage, for
appendicitis at Goderiolt the !ether!
day. 'Latest reports say she is doing
as well as can be expected.—Mr. and
3,1rs. George Macdonald and Mise
A.ddie Macdonald, of Berlin, spent a:
few days 'with their patents, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Ma.cdonald, weeka-
Mrs. Maddock and Mre. Newell, of
Detroit, and Mr, Glen Sellars, of
Gladstone, Minnesota,. were called
home lately on account of the tilifi.6116
illness of aheir mother, Mrs. Sel-
lars.—Mks. Bridgets, of Belgrave,
the guest of her daughter, Mrs,Bratt-
don, at present.—Miss Gower, of Lon-
don, ia visiting friends in the vil-
, Cromarty.
At College.—The Central Business
College, at Stratford, has a good
class from Cron:tarty this term, the
following being now in attendanee:
Jessie Gillespie. jean McKellar, Jallab
McKellar, Harry Speare, and Leslie
116z:teal]. ,
Gladsnan &Stanbury, barristers, at Hen-
sel! Tueeday, Thursday and Saturdays. 1862-tf
Shops For Sale. --The Howell foundry
and machine shops irith the larfile belonging to the
same, for sale cheap. For ,particulars ,apply
Robert Bell, Seaforth.
G. J. autherland, notary public!, als8orn3m-tris-
!goner, conveyencer, fire and life IDSIIPARN4 agent
and issuer of marriage 'Avenges. Deeds, _mortgage% -
leases and v.rilis carefully drawn up aeoording 1.
law at reasonable rates. Private funde, also tan
company's at lowest rate of interest. Farm and
village properties for lee. Offiee at the Post Office.
acted. Savings bank department: 08npeeedialonia_188:nodputeefusei
The Sovereign Bank of Canada, Heiler --
ear Ontario, Head Office, Toronto ; Executive Of
She, Montreal. A general banking business trans-
ure.enAtms oofflde.rmedaninagtenrie. department.
an amount.- Interest allowed from date of deposit.
Bring along your apples and gee yottifr
eidcr.--John Elder, of near Bengali bee got bis
older mill In;good running order and is now ready
to attend to the wants of all his friends who favor
him with their patronage. He intends grinding on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of eah
week. Every week day except Wedneadtw and
Saturday. John Eider, Hay, near Hensall. 291841
Note.—Owing to the absence froee
home of our regular eorrespondent
this week we are rmin-s our usual
enteresting budget of local news.
We expect, however, Inc twill Inc et
deck as usual next week, and be
brighter and better than ever after
his holiclay.—Ed.
• Briefs.—Mr, John Elder, of the
township of Bay, near here, has no
his eider mill running full blast, and
Js turning out an, exeellent artiele
for his customers, and, with his su-
perior facilitate, can attend promptly
to all who favor daira with their pat-
ronage. He grieds every week day
exoept Wednesday and Saturday. His
mill is a great _convenience to the
armers in the vicinity who desire to
get tbeir apples sortverted into cider.
Mr. Elder also has a large 'popper
kettle with a revolving stirrer,
which Inc keeps in eonneotion with
is cider business, and which Inc will
et out to his !customers by The day,
or their accommodation and eons
enience.—The harvest thanksevie4
services will be held in St. Paul's
huroh here on Sunday morning a't
leven and at seven in the eveUing,
Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Winghara, win
conduct both servioeo.. sik 4
igreat ,nantit
Cote, 131
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'es thin" you
Out prices
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