HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-09-16, Page 4, 4 t7? SEPTEMBER, 1904 m T .000.111•••• 'W.` 1° T F S :ammo...m.1w • .. , - • . 4 11 ' 18 25 •••••*••••• R. i 1 4 ....J i 0 g 5 , , 6 12 ' 13 19 1- 20 26 I 27 I i . . • * i 7.8 14 21 28 1 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 • 3 10 17 24' eel: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mr Thefigurebetweee theParautlies# after each oae, deno.es the- _page of the pa...44 Obt Loch the a ivertisemenewill lie fantod - The home--Gt-ig & Stewert 1 Ready for Wirtie &Son 4 Bdye and girl -1 Mt Feed Co. 8 People think—.elex Wiltioo Ci 000 titoak—B B Gene 5 Millinery opeinee—t) M McBeath 5 Hee arrive4-81116 & rthe 5 Pianos aed orgaes—G M Baldwin & Co. 8 Scotch & Pege eldi o1 meetine—E Papple Lionise Ac'.J Miller 5 Eye gleaner —t3 B'uliter 8 aieed—Mrs Cr E Parkes 8 • . For the belies—Wee Pickard & Oc. .8 Routehold article—kJ A frtoTaggart 5 Extursiong—Win Somerville 5 Steerefor sale—j lip -Connell 5 Auation A Bell 5 'Auction sale—Teine# Shea. 5 Streved—JanieliCemeron 5 Personale R Thick 5 Auction side—J Feirbairn 3 Stoves and t-nware—E A Latimer 5 Business- celleize—Elliott & McLach1ea'8 Millinery opening -2—E Mell'aul Co. $ Attrition nale—tleiin Ketchee 5 Auction sale—Govenlock Bros. 5. Auction sele—Win Meughtin 5 Wood for sale—Jernes Sproet 5 WillOw 8 New Goeds—MeKinoon &.Co. 5 Rolf Lost—C. Bay tiff 8 ' guunt expooltor SEAFORTH, ]FRIDAY; Sept. 16, 1904. The Power of Reason Aletarider Smith, /formerly taf Toronto, now of Ottawa, and for many years organizer for the Lib- - - oral party tfl Ontario, an inter- viewewith the Ottawa jcorreependepet ut the Globe, paints out what he Om - eiders the principal weakness in the Reform party of 'this province at the present tithe. He i says /the ere: ganization and general machinery is al) thet is necessary for success, but there La a considerable lack in plat- form argument end instructiou.i Many of the young mert of the party' he sage,- _who appear on the political platiferms in eleetion times, abandon argrunerit and instruction on the public questions of the day and.re- sort to mere deilamation which ape peals to the passions rather than, the reascfn of the electore. Outside the merabers of the Goverrirctents and a few of their ,supporters he says there - is a laraentable lack a !the reason- ing faculty in •the iepeakers who a.p- pear On public platforms in times of elections. • This, he saes, is very detrimental to the 'interests tel the party and is the oine weak. spot in the organization. Mr. Smith. says: 'In 1900, in the Dominion eleotion •doleate was so absent that some of 'the worst cries that have ever ris- en in the country- 'were not net in 4 any way. In 1902 the essential of de- bate seemed to be the patent right of Premier Ross anal two or three of his colleagues, and perhaps three or four of his candidates. I may say ithat those candidates who twere able to conduct debate instead of e cam- paign of declamation succeeded in ;their 00L11 tests. Had other *seOnstit a- enciee been favored with good debote - and platforin speaking at least four tor elx seats lost to the Liberals -would have been retained, and in ad- dition to this the dignity of modern institutions would have been main- tained." Mr. Smith has had temple oppor- tunities fee Observation and is, lao doubt, oorrect in his !judgment. It . is the .apiniert among many political' workers fhat public meetings and the public diecussion of public ques- lions are not a eriueh (service in an election campaign in 'the way of win - ening an -election and that *thorough and systematic, private canyassing is 'much more conduoive to the success tif a candidate. We frequently hear the -statement that there never was a convert made at a political meet - Ing and all that these raeetinees are eerviceeible for is to work up en- thusiasm se as to induce electors to *time out and y6te. In ther words, Chat it is the „feelings and not the eeaeon that is affected. If this be so, than Mr. Smith's eonclusions tire eroneous, as in this event declama- tion would be likely to be mare ef- feetive than argument. However we ore disposed to agree with Mr. Smith and to place a higher estimate on the irttelligenee. of the electors than *Cane do. It is the few, as a rule, -wile always influence the. •ii.any. !And in every community (there are; always at least a few who are am-' enable to reason more (than to pas- eion or prejudice. If these men are coovinced by argument apd proof 'that a certain policy . or )certain mensures are right and in the best interests or the eountry, or the. re- verse, they are are to wield a mighty influence with their fellows. !Although declamation may have the treeult of firing the lenthusiasni of the crowd, it has (not smuch influence op the 'solid reasonine. rnen and con- uequently it is advisable te.eaye both declamation and argument to he eue- ceasful and if both ere net available -then, by. all means, argument is the moet profitable. As to ,the advantage or efficacy of public meetiogs experience, per- hapeis the beet amide. We know of a eonetituenoy where, at the last Pro- vincial eledion, acting on the prin- ciple that private caevessing is mare effieeteious than public raee tines, these were largely dispeneed with, whereas in fermer elections they were very zenerelly held. The _see suit of the voting- bowed 'that where meetings had been held and Ithe pub -- lie questions thorouelily and elispas- ionately discussed, the Liberal can- didate in all caws held his own and in gavel -al localities made oains„ whereas in every ease where a meet- ing had formerly been held btit had been abandoned at this election, the vote of the Reform candidate fell off. Whether or not this would held good in every conetituency end at ever. election we are not prepared to eav,i but the result in this instance ev-iekclearly cie we' (have Stated. We 11:tvek' Ike known cases where eandid- flies who pursued a "still hunt," as it is Drilled, and held no meetings', through low ground while (Else Japan - ;were still stt coo sful. against oa.n- ese oricupy the heightseand. the sand didatee who held .menerotie dry off more entickly than the meetings. But en the svirole, while low land. There IS 3nothing new it does .nat do to neglect any, point {from Port kttatur. The only thing in an electiori campaign, *it ehoeld that can be said in that connection be made' as duoative as possibleis, that it has noteyet surrendered. The people as a rule desire and .ap- There is talk of !cessation of hostili- preciate infant ation and those (who ties; but ,both sidestrongly' deny con give the .cleareSt and best ex- all, such reports, and affirm that position of the public ouestions in- they Are determined to Wight it out volved are the more likely to be the to a finish, which they will no doubt fiNorities. To contend- anything else `• do' if no 'neutral power interfers to would be to place e very 'low eitim- !stop the carnage, ate on the intelligence ,of the av- erage people. This is more applic- Beechwood• • Able to the Liberal than to the Con- Dots—My. and/ Mrs, Dennis Bar- servative. party.. In the former par- ry, of San Fran ,so are visiting ty lallegiareseis much lese strong the former's sioter, Mrs. john O'Ril- than in the latter, Tlee rank and file ee ley, of this place. 11/1r. Barry was a Of Consereative party 'ars *in-/ native of Hibbert township and is much more prone to follow the die,- won, .and favorably known in this vicinity and. ,his mapy friends here extend a hearts welcometo himself and his wife and wish them a plena - ant • sojourn.—Mss Lizzie O'Hara Sundayed with friends in (Logan and Elliee—Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin ,spent Sunday with Mr. aed Mrs. E. Horan..Z-Sills and Murdie have he contract. of putting On a furnace in Mr. Cou: Eckert's reeidence 'this 'month. They have a farce of Weill - ed workmen and a• good l)db is sure to be the result.—Mr. Geo. K. Hol- land is apending a well &riled holi- day in London this week, While theee he will attend the. Pest Mast- ers' convention.—Miss Mary eDelane ey is ettending tlee model school In Stratford this . week —Miss Nora Wingle, of Detroit, paiett short vis- it to friends on the 2nd line on Mon- day "lieSt. tette of party leadership and 4e, therefore, less likely to foe influenced by argument than are ebe members , of . the Reform party. Tieor here .; me independence f thought in the lat- ter than in th • former and beim a cour,se tat' NV uld be effeotive with the one would net be tsci effective with the other l In ordee to get the best out of a., Liberal Mae (must- be convinced that his party de 'right and then he will go ahead through thick" and Wm. But with', the Conserva-, tive the attitude ,of the party lead- ers has the greater influence. It would be an (unfortunate thing if the cultivation of the intellec- tual were abandoned in-Palection eane- paigos an everything- slat, to -the e uto.chine" to win an election. We - agree with Mr. Smith that there has been too much of this of tate years for, the good cif the Reformparty as well as fcc the good of the .country and -the reOults 4ire eetlected through the el'eotion courts. Mr. Smith's ad- monitions are, .therefore, timely. The best eway to "smash the machine" is to essItivate the intellectual 'in the eleetor on beet,h, sides of politios,and oxide convince him that it ie not only hielduty, but that Jt is in his best in- terests to vete in a certain direc- toile ane m, nine eases out of ten a few days, with Walton, friend, re- turned on .ontwit to his home in 'the " naaehine " will be powerless ito move 1:iina from the path .,he has be- Sturgeon•Falle.—Mr. W. G. Neal has returned from visiting the sights mine oonvineed • .,the tight one. at the Toronto Exhibition., and aleo visited with friends in Hamilton.--* n's Meetings. • ' Mr. T. G. Waghoen made a business. e leader a the Op- trip to the Queen City thits ,week.— °minion Parliament Work is being pushed ahead on the coneteoction of the C, P ' is making a hurried tour IthaI rough r village. Surveyors,. Re'ne7inste-e' orsf Ontario, commencingat Alyraer, on and -earntr aoto rig are daily visitors in ' Tuesday afternoon and at St. Thom- , ow midet.. e Contractor Campbell as In the' evening. The following is will now push the work as fasE as the remAinder of his programme as P"slible.—Will to SPM43 big lie.-8-ited. . 1, Irishman give the eeaders of The publes' hod: ;1 Expositor a prevention for the po- 'London, , Friday, September 16th, ' tate rot as this blight sedan to will be spent in London Imeeting threaten the destruction of that friends. Kingsv 11 , Saturday Lho very -important erop in this section. 17th, afternoon: Windsor, Saturday, —Mr. and Mrs. James Gardiner, of September 17th, evening. • Sarnia, Farquhar, visited at the home of Monday, September 19th, evening his brother, Mr. Alex. Gardiner and meeting. Blenhei , Tuesday, Sep- other friends 'this week . —Miss Lot- tember 20th, # afternoon meeting. .tie, CampiAl _is' vieiting her sister Chatham, TuesdaY, September 26th, - in London and' alSo taking in the evening meeting. Stratford; Wednes- sights of the Western .Fair. day, .September the 21st, evening - meeting.. Brampton, Thursday, Sep- tember 22nd, evening meeting; tAt ' Mirth . Guelph, Friday, September 23rd, ev- Notese-eMiss Carrie Slater receiv- ening meeting. OrOlia, MondeY, cd a pleasant surprise Last -fIhurs- SepteMber 26th, evening meetingday evening after prayer meeting at Several . =of the ¶Jontervatave mem- the Methodist church, when he was bens well also be present at the a- g" - an a ddr CSS and a resented with . ' % . urse of gpid on her retiring from beve meetings. . , .±2_,...!...6...r... , the position of organist of the church . Will there be an Election in which she has filled faithfully for N overnber ? the post number of ereOfts. It is her The Ottawa correspondent Of the intention to leave for t.St. Thomae Toronto Globe on Tuesday last says: 'pellets' -college as soon as they, epen.— Mr. land Mre. .Tohn Drummond, two "Mast of the Ministers are back of Blyth's oldest residents, bad a. once MOTO in the }Capital, including sale of their household effects last Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir William Mu- ,, Thursday and on Friday they left lock,' Sir Richard Cartwright, Hon. , for Londqn, where they will visit for William Patterson, Hon. Clifford. a couple iSf weeks before going on Siften, ' Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, to Wallamburg, where they in -teed Hoe. R. W. Scott and Hoe. Charles making their home in the future • Ifyna.an. Sir Frederick Borden and with one of their daughters. There Messrs. Fielding and Emmerson are was a large number of their friends expected here to -morrow. There hai at the depot to bid them good-bye. been no calleitsVed for a °abject —Mi o McTavish., of , Detroit:, who meeting as yet, andiperhaps none will be held until Wednesday. Public curiosity as to whether there will or will not be a general election this foil is very keen. Little doubt exists in the minds irtf those who carefully watch the trend of events. that an early dissolution is impend- ing, and that an appeal to the, coun- try will not be delayed beyoqd No- v -ember." -, On the same subject the Ottawa tearrespondent of the London Adver- tiser of the setae date says: "Sir Wilfrid Lamiier being inter-' yiewed.to-day as tolthe date of the general election, replied that it would first have 1 to I be decided whether .' they were going to come• off or itiot. The preinier_eaid that the Governor. -General would n.ot be here until the '1st la October." . .. ..........,, 1111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111.1111 " Walton. Locial liriefs.—Mr.Alex. McDougall, of Cleveland, Ohioi isvisitingwith relatives and friends in 'Walton and vicinity. Mr. McDougall has aegOod situation in the eat shops in that city, and has done (well sinee remov- ing from our village.—Mr. Merles Turnbull, who has been visiting for Mr Bong, Mr. Borden, t. position in the r EXPOSI OR ten, Who rs visiting Tel tives in State toe& seriously ill ith in- flammatiO . Her mother a'S seat for, but wi are glad to tsey that she is improvi g nicely now, twat good prospects 4f soon being a le to be brought h me.—Mr. W. St wart; of Dungannon is at present viSiting hoe uncle, Councillor 5 Others— Messrs. Eti lestene end A &Union- uld,• of Br ssels, were teWlEt on Montley. _evoi•se.ee.m.”._, Mitchell. Death of Mrs. Race.—After n. ling- ering illne , the death pee rred on Saturday morning of Marg ret Bale lentine, wife of Mr. T. H. Ra e, 'editor of The Record. Much sy pathy Is expressed for Mr. Race anjd family. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, and thehigh- teem in Which the deberaised ledy wd.s held in the eornmu ity was am.ply anifest- ed by the 1 roe -number who attend- ed. b ...e ....• .. .......* Clinton ' Fatally Burned.—A sad tie [dent oc- curred. Sat rday, in Goderi h town- ir sh,ip, a sho t distance (nit of town. .Mr.-Fletche McCartney Was engag- our,and posed, a fire to barn. It way be - Oar tney and get a. new so but ived on - ng Was dy. Ile $100 in burned. ily to rn and d, and or:mid- ed on three leg for Mr. Ba while at dinner, it is su spark from the engine pe the' Straw and spread to the had gained. iaonsiderable hea • Lore being noticed. Mr. M rushed into the 'barn to try, orst hie Medlin°, which w .one. He succeeded in din was so badly burned that he ly a fee,' hours. His clot nearly all burned off his bed in the riefighboehood of his poeket. which was also He ileaves a wife and tax mourn leis sad end. The jb contents were also _destroy Mr.Badour's less will be ver °rabic. — Wroxeter Eriefs..—Miss Nellie 131a,ck has one to London where she.will attend the high school and Miss Edith Harris to Herrietoe.—iLightning s ruck J. Smith's house last week bu did no damage.—Mr.; and Mrs. Smith who have been visiting at Hamil- ton for the past two weeks lave re- turned liornet-2-MiSs E. Thom son has returned ito- ussels after a week's e fk, visit at t • home °of M . Alex. Smith.—Mess s. D. Fisher an 1 Peter McTavish have returned _ fro , a trip to the Soo.—Mi,ss Nettie &ftch. of Goerie, assisted an thesbutehcr shop islet week in ythe absence of her bro- ther, R. J. utch, who was in To- ronto.—Miss Esty, of the Kipg Ed- ward, es, Spending a few days at De- troit.—MiSs ' Jennie Vogt aas re- s, wit, her another, s. J. turned to Ireit after Ispe ding a few day Vogt.—Miss Milburn and Mis . Bris- bin ;sof Listowel, visited 1asi week with' Mrs. Wi Leckie. Leadburv. Anol-bEr h,roin in i;l' im I' 01Pc boots .. tor Friday and 8sturday—on'y 3! pails regular pries 81.25 for 77 ee tb per oak. s z's 1 to 2. Sample, in north a indow. W. H. Wiliisi P le agent Sr Gene A Slc4ar shoes for men at d otothy Dood aloes for ladha, Seaforth. 19IF-1 ,Notes.—A ery severe t under ' storm passed.j over thit vicin'ty on Sunday evenin last.—Miss Kart Mc- Pherson has returned home after spending a we k's holiday wit • her • friend, Miss ' Grace Smith, i the emithern part of McKillop. Miss Violet Irvine has one bn a vizit to theG ( home .ofpes. S. Bell. in :trat- ford.-1Yfies IMit: McNalb, - -wh o has been quite 1111 is, we are pia -sd to say, nearly -well agein.—Mr. edon Hulley is sp rting a new dri ere_ Mr. Davie Mc ee has gone on e trip to the Noithe est. He will be uch missed among the young peopl un- til he comes b Ok.—Mr. Robert Boyd and Miss Alice Dundee; who' w et to the west aonie time tig.o, •ha e re- turned and each report jhav ng a pleasant time. Mr. Boyd tra eiled over a good p rt of the Nort 'west TOTT i t ()ries w-hile there.—Miss t ag- gie Smith ha gone Ito atten the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. Mr. J. J. Irvine wie (taking in ithe To on- to exhibition. Mr. WireMcCallu 1 1 IS e ' 5 havieg an: aux. hen sale of farm stock - and implement on Sep tember 3rd. Whope 111y. McCallum :doe's noin- end leaving these parts as be 's a . genera favorite among the er ung people of this vicinity—The f rni- ees around 'here are through lil- ting in 'their fell Wheat and are iow busy with fall plowing.. The Election Protests ' The trial of the profest against Mr. Mahaffey, the Conservative eepre- sera-eel-ire ef Muelcoka in the Ontario Logielature,was eo.ncluded last week, after a twodays' trial, during which several witnesses were 0 xami n e d. Finally, however, the petition was dismissed by the court, and Mr. Ma- haffey was .cosatieraed in, Iris seat. Several cases of bribery were proven., but they had bean So adroitly car- ried out. that the preseoution were -unable to prove -that the bribers were agents of the !candidate, while Mr. Mahaffey *himself took the steed ;and swore that he had no knowledge of the cases,. bet that no bribery was committed witlifn his knowledge and that the parties concerned Ivi-ere un- kno-wn to him and bad never been asked by him for !act as agents or to help hizn in the toontest. Whetever wee- done was, evidently, (done be- hind his back and without his know- ledge, hence his esoape, for which he may thank the adroitness of his election workers. The eases of Sault Ste. Marie andNorth Grey com- menced an Tuesday and were still in progress at the time of wr it i ng These trials are1..kely to be extend- ed, and no persore !can predict what the reStitr will be. Both tre.spond- ents are Refermers, The War irt the Ea,st There is absolutely- nothing new from the seat of .war doring the"pat week. Since the firm t battle of Liaoyang, chronicled laet week, both sides seem to be westing. The Res- sians are still retreating slowly- and. ihr Japanese are followT.ng ehem but no engagements have es yet tak- en pleoce The rainy season is on, and the reads are in aterrible con:- dition, meking it almost impossible for the troops on both sides to be moved, at all. But even in this the japanese are said to have the advant- age, as the Russians ere. marching 1 his been visiting at tbe eesidence of Mr. John Anderson for the past few weeks, returned to her home on Friday.—Mrs 11. Leech, who has been visiting .friends in town for the past few weeks, rciturned to her. home in Detroit, last Wednesde.y.— Miss Wed Gidley, who has been .spendine the past two weeks in De- troit, returned: home Friday, ac- 'companied by. her aunt, Miss -Sadie Taman, who intends visiting in. this neighborhood for the next 'couple of months.—The base hall team went up to Belgra.ve last Thursday and ad- ministered a bad healing to °the teem of that burg, the score being 15 to 4. We understand it is the in- tention to return the snatch some -day thie week.—Mr. John Moffat held a sale of his !household effects Saturday afternoon and they loroueht - a fairly good pricceIt is his ittention o move to Toronto in the near fu- • turf!, but an aceount of scarcity of houses in Toeonto, thc family cannot get settled there asescion as expect- ed. They will be greatly ixtissed in the town ae they 'have been residing hem for the past 11.8 years. Mr. Mof- fat has always takon a very active part in ,politics, being a strong Re- former; also in Church affairs,hav- trig been an elder in the Presbyterian cloiroh for e great mahy years. Mrs. Moffat will aleo be tgreatly missed by her large eircle of friends. Al- though not bei0g able to go around very Much, all thotse who met her thought a great deal of her. Their departure will be quite a lass to our town, but the'eood will of the whole community goes •with them to their new home. Mrs. Moffat has gene to London, where she will visit for a while—Messrs. Jas. Ham- ilton and Rabe McKay visited with friends in Staffa over 'Sunday.—Mr. Chas. Moody, of Detroit, is at pres- ent visitie.g his 'mother there.—Mr. 'A. H. Plummer brought n fine goat back with him from Ithe Toronto ex- hibition.—Mr. D. Taman, son ol Mr. J. Taman, who hats been working - at the tinernithing in Wingharo., met with a bad accident last Saturday. Tie and his ereployer were putting a furnace in a house, and., were car- rying' it down cellar ovhen 'the fur- nace) 'gipped and fell on him, break-, hag some of his ribs tiedly. His brother and eiSter drove !up for him Saturday but bit was unable to tome beck .with theM; but name down an the Menday afternoon train, rind is now as well as ioeuld be expected.— Sunday last being, emeriti/lent in the Presbyterian chureh, Rev. Mr. Lar- kin, of Seeforth, preached the pre- paratory sermon, and On Sunday ev- ening Rev. Mr. Tramilton, of Lorelei-, horo, erenched.—At 1rdt ilio aoutcil ,has 'Releotect a man to not as con- stable,, tax collector, find various other jobs, et the !reasonable salary of 1369 a year. Mr. Richard Somer.s Tele secured The position, and we have no doubt but the will be effi- eient in every wny.—Quite la number from here are taking in the London Pair this week.—Mies Welke Unpin - St bolumban• Notes.—Miss Nora Wingle arm ed here from her home in Detroit last Saturday. Miss 'Wingle has warty friend.s in St. Calumban.—Th-omas McQuaid has resumed his istudies at the London Medical School. This is Tom's third year as a desciple of Aes culap i us .—Yeev. Father McKeon preached to art overflowing eongre- gation itt Wese Lorne' last Sunday, even the isles were packed from ves- tibule !to chancel.—Sisters Agnes end Martina, of St. Josephs Orphanage, London, are now making their an- nual pilgrimage in behalf bf. the homeless, aged, and infirm of South , western Ontario. They are well re- ceived by the charitably disposed of all creeds. The oircumstance of 'creed debars no poor person from partaking of their hospitality in Londore—john McCann, an old and esteemed resident of this locality, died her on Saturday pigiA, after an illuees lasting about a. year. ", Honest John," as he was familiarly kno.wn left many friends and no;en- eenies, His fueeral took place on Monday morning. Owing to the ab- sence of Father McKeon in West Lorne, Father; Noonan, of (Dublin, kindly consented -to officiate. Miss Williams ably assisted in .the choir. —Rev. R. G. North,gra.vos, editor of the London Catolic Record, ideliver- ed an instrueti, e sermon there last Sunday.—In -a recent game of base- b.all played OM the farm of James V. Ryan, McKillop, defeated Seafertho The hitting lirs03 very heavy On both (Sides and a large and interedted crowd wAtelved the game. They ep- *plauded .and cheered for all the good plays made by their Ifavorites well as for all the bad plays made by. thole opponents. Their cheering was continuous.—The' many friends. of *Mrs, Con. Eckert, of McRill0, will regeet fo hear thae She is suffering from a fractur•ed wrist. The acci- dent happened .laiet Friday morning. Mrs. Eckert and her eon, John,were driving a spirited • colt into St. Col- emban when suddenly the noise of the, clanging bells and itooting whis- ties maile the welkin ring. The horse bounded into the nir and af- ter makiag a frantic effort to loop the loop, be flung this owner out and fled westward en the Huron road, closely followed Eby a cloud sof dust and a couple of crazy icollies. For- tunately or unfortunately for the baggy the horse collided with a = SEPTEMBER 164 19J4 s telegraph pole and was brought to 1 a standstill. Miss Holland escorted I Mre. Eckert to the Holland gener- al store when Dr. McKay, summoned I bY a wireless message !roes aneigh- • boxing house, treated the broken wrist. Mrs. Eckert and john bad, a narrow escape but both will socin be as well as ever.—Mr James Sliea is radiant with smiles this 'week. Last Friday Mrs. Shea presented tem meth a sweet soprano sieger. Mary Lillian is her name. Jim is rehears sing his cradle songs. The baby sometimes sine's songs with out SEAFORTH S LEADING SHOE STORE.. READY FOR FALL We °are now ready to serve your interests with a new and complete stock of Boots, Shoes and Rublers, suitable for Fan wear. In selecting our Fall stock, we have endeavored, as in the past, to uphold the reputation of this store for Dependable Qualities, Variety of Styles and Reasonable Prices. wOrds. The best shoes from the 'best manufacturers are here for your inspee- Zurich. Notes.—The annual ro.eeting of thq Zurich branch of the Upper Canada' 13ible Society will be held in the, Evangelical church here on the ev- ening of Tuesday next, the 20th inst.- All are cordially invited to tattend.—A goodly number from ithe village and surrounding eauntry have been in attendance at the West- ern Fair, Londoe, thie week; These who have returned report a very siiccessful show.—Zurich is simper- ing for its own big fair to be held there on Wednesday and Thursday 'next. The directors are leaving nothing undone that is ealcula_ted to mokia our show a success. The Jubilee brass band is Oa good form and will discourse sweet pnusib on the .grounds on Thursday. --Our Inilliners are new all et their pasts and have lots of nice things for their lady ottetorners. The ladies of this district need not go from home for their millinery for they lean be as' well !served in Zurich es in any of the large eilty establishments and for a good deal leas money. Exeter. Briefs,—Mrs. Jo.naes Moore. -.a.n old and much reespilted president of Exeter North, died on Tuesday ev- ening last ae the age of 69 years. She was affected by a,n internal cancer and had been a severe sufferer for several month.—Bev. Dr. Hannon, pastier of James street Methodist church, returned on Monday from an ,extended trip throng)! Manitoba and, the Northwest, Much improved in health.—Mr. John Pedlar, of Ste- phen, has purchased the residence of MS. Elliott- and intends teaming to Lown to Live.—The business erten. of Exeter -have petitioned the petition to employ a eoghtwatchmen, as On accoent of remset occurrences such an 'otticer is beleived to be needed. —The pumpkin pie erode' given by the Epworth League of Main street Methodist church was a success 'so- trbally and financially.—The court for the revision of Exeter voter e list will be held on Tuesday, September 27, at 10 o'clock. The Stephen court is being held at Crediton to-clay.— Mr. Robert Knight �n Tuesday went to Toronto to consult a specialist regarding his illness. He was accom- paniedlby Dr. iBrowning.—Mies NarY J. Sanders left on Tuesday mo ing for Barwick, New Onta.r where she will make her home w .hler brothers and sister, who res in that place.—Mr. John Taylor, Exeter North, met wieh - a seri accident a few days ago. Wh driving on the Lake Road, ne Smith's bridge, bits 'team ef hor ran away, throwieg him 'Out of t wagon. The heavy niqp passed ov him, inflicting severe internal i juries,—On Friday afternoon 1 Mr. George Atkiason, of town, ri with a severeace painful accide while assisting to build a house McGillivray. Several bricks f from the (second Storey scaffold, a one of them. etruck ,hiin on the hea inflicting a natty cut. Be was !stunned by the blow, but soon re- eavered.—Mrs. S. M. Sanders. did not reach Winnipeg as she expected last week. On her arrival it T.orouto the 'officials of the ;Farmers' 'Co-op- erative Machine Company ad.vised her that they were daily receiving word as to Mr. Batdee's' coodition, he being very ill in Winnipeg; and they were eonvenced that he waa well eared for en the hospital. -Mrs. Sande-rs thereupon returned borne. Accarding latest reports ithe pat- ient is doing well. tion, Fine shoes and working shoes for men's wear, dress shoes and wearing shoes for ladies' wear, good school shoes for the 'boys and girls, neat and serviceable shoes for the children, and rubbers fer everybody. SEAPORTH PALL FAIR - If you intend taking in the Seaforth Fair, mixt Thursday and Friday, make it a point to visit our store. No better time to secure yiur Fall footwear before the wet weather sets in, and while our stock re COM. plete. If not ready to buy, come itt and look around, and get our prices Looking or buying, we'll be pleased to see you. R. WILLIS & SON, Seaforth, Sole agenta for the Slater Shoe for men, and the ei Queen Quality a• nd 41 Esnpresa" shoes for women. of his many friends is that he may himself, falling baok into a self be long spared to go around amongst binder near which be had been stand - thein, -10r. James Cravvferd, of .ithe ing. His gun was found lying beside eLxoonudorsinoaRtoaodallougtrheai tSwtaLttecluvioesnt )nm Tite al:uffiIrt ttlihneat:11:t awnenhtadhie:hi: ciann dently meant to shoot hita.self tTruipeadaanyi IfBehe"estis surtnedalieinfailyeaalagbide aafntedr" wterdslIve. d for pearly- an hour here SwdI be mhuouphldmilissee adeeinidethIlls lalooa05°1ithye. —Charles PollawowskY. Of Mit- °hien, had a narrow 'escape from a nincla,014r.grain is now finding a mar - and our warehouse serious. accident the other day. He 111Breeen „area being kept atrbeusYn.o—wCalnuteitilris rww:Ifendresibiseavhip:harseirilma iriseinuma°15peg4dttPranaTadtpijatehurdt vicinity buying apples. The VreP hill: tflreomotth)lecir but hato-drtuananate_e. a good. one in Ithip iseotion, ions than a few bruises and a Oak- ly escaped with nothing more ser - 111—g uitrisse 'Maggie ditetglitee of Mt. and Mrs. ;Robert Riddell,Ever- green Farm, Prospect Mil, on Wed.. desdays September -7.th, became tles bride of Mr. Milton kfardy, of Dev- izes. The pleasant event took place at the biome of the bride and a large number of guests were present at the interesting veremone. The nup. tial knot was tied by the Rev. 3 McCallum, of Bryansten. —Mr. W. C. Kidd, of Tiisth we 1, was hart on Monday morning of hitt week by a horse be was riding rear- ing and falling on him, but he for- tunately eseapedt serious initine The horse was a heavy one, not thoroughly broken to theaddleand Dots.—Quile a number from this when it rose Mr. Kidd ?expected it neighborhood atteiaded the London to fall backeeardo and 'was prepared fair this week.—Miss Olive Madge to save himself but the animal and, - bas gone to Toronto to attend the denly swerved and tell to one side. McLaughlin and A. Gardiner left Coneervatory :of edusie.—Messrs. W. broken. He will be about in a day The muscles of Mr. Kidd' s leg and side were bruised but !no bones were or two again. • very prikty 4-edding took plate at high noon on Wednesday, 71h Inst., at thle home of Mir. and M113. Thos. Gregory, Wingharn, iri the presence of about 35 guetets, the immediate relatives of the bride and groom, 'when their elide* daughter, Miriam otne of Winchana's. most poputat young ladies, was married Ito Mr.. W. A. Campbell, of Winnipeg, formerly of Winghara. The -ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Gundy. Alma. Another balgtia in girls' butioned boot if for Filday and laturday—ordi 8,2 Ps_YE—r!4!111%! prlce $1.25 for 77 oents per pair tPzea it z /simples in north window. W. H. Willis, sole agent for George A Slater shoes for men and Dairothy Dodd ahem; for ladies, Seafortb. 1111$4 Lawn Social.—A lawn social ander the auspices of 'the Alma Methodist °hutch., will be held at the residence of Mr. Thomas McMichael, end con- CCSSi011 of Bullett, 031 Tuesday even- ing next. A good ii.ogramme is be- ing prepared, and tea twill be Served from six to eight o'clock. The pro - �d will go t? aid Idle church. Come and have a good time and help along a good cause. easississiseeesee:!, Farquhar. in- this week for the west. --Miss F. io, Ralehason who has been visiting her ith sister, Mrs. A. nockney, has return- ide ed to her borne in Ottewa.—Mr. and of Mrs. W. Kay are visitieg the latter's OUS 0011.*11, Mrs. M. Abbot, of London.— lie Mr, and Mrs. J. Gardiner have re- ar turned from visiting friends in the ses noreh. he er n- est, et nt itt ell nd a, mi•goisrarimmawirsamwar ISappen. D. Hay, Comminsioaer and Conveyancer. wills, mortmree and dee& drawn up. Money loaned at the lo vest rates of interest, 171041 Plows and Gene PI"W.—T MeI1ig, votio has just rotnpleted another sesain's bake twirl- In the machinery line is now turning ale at'entinn to the plow trade in the way of all plow repairliz. With a gond ate& in starof mould board., rl handles plow and ging plow casting, holt$,aorewa, wh.cla and all repaira for veneral I11vie of plows. Al . plow repairing will receive nt'on at the old reliable stand. Thomat &tains, Kipper), 1918 8 Notes.—On Sabbath evening next Rev. M. C. McLennan will take for his text. "Recognition in Heaven." —The new school room in connection with St. Andrew 'e church will be opened on October 23r&—Mr. iWna. Cudin.ore and his son-in-law, Mr. S. Watson, left this week on a trip to the old eountey. Mr. Cudnaore goes 'in the intereks of his extensive hay shipping trade. All will wish them a pleasant trip and 10, safe return. Mr. elide:sore has crossed the big pond a good many times,—Mr. and Mrs, Witt. Winer, of Crediton, were there this week visiting their (laugh- ter, Mrs. Gilbert Dick.—The crowd of visitors far ;the Westeen. Fair, lexadon, took their departure from this place this week and all are lona in their praises of the Western Fain—Mrs. Andrew Bell and daugh- ter, Mrs. Wm, Sinolair, have been visiting Mrs, BelPs sisters, Mrs. John Cochrane and Mrs. James Blair, at Centralia, this week.—The Gauld Mission Band purpose holding a social in a couple ef ..weeks. This sobiety is a most worthy one and is deserving .of the liberal eneourage- ment of our people.–Mx. Fred Hess, efr., was in ,our [village this weak shedding the light of his ever theer- ful countenance on his many friends and all were pleasied to see him.—The infant child of Mr. end Mrs. James Fowler was called to the spirit land lo.stweek, and on Saturday last the mortal remains were laid to rest in the Rodgerville aemeiter„y. Much sympathy is felt for ,Mr. and Mrs. Fowler on account of itheir sad bee reaVement.—Mr. Wra. Moore, of thia‘ village, who. for some weeks has been suffering froni very poor health, went to London hospital, where be underwent an Operation and sinee then he bas been improv-, ing considerablys. Fowler, Of Dungannon, was a guest at the home of her son here, Mr. .Taxnes Vowler. She came to attend ithe efuneral of her arand child—Mr. Joseph 'Harvey, af Hensall, was visiting his sons, Messrs. Alvin and Wesley, in Stan- ley near here during the past week. hen he come:3 round this 4 -way, Mr. arvey never forgets his old friencle in this village, and they are always pleased fp have a pleasant 'greeting from him. Mr. Harvey is a very ac- tive man for hi o sears and the with Perth Notes. —Only twenty-two students are -in attendance .at the Stratford Model school. —A number of Mitehell ±clog,s 'took Prize,s at the recent dog. show in Toronto. - —Charles Lemon,' of Mitohell, had a cooker spaniel, valued at $200 poisoned recently. —Mr. and, Mrs T. S. Ford, of Mit- OWL have returned froni a. trip to the old country. —Mr. and Mrs Alex. Cameree, of Listowel, celebrated their silver wedding on Labor Day. —The annual eonvention of the Weiiteen Dairymen's Association will be held in Stratford in January. —A little son of Mr. Wm. Morah- an, ,of Atwood, got his finger caefght in a lawn mower and. had it amputated. —Messrs. Hay Eros., and John C. Hay have purchased the Listowel foundry property end purpose run - ring it. —Mr. W. N. McKay of the Bank of Hamilton, Atwood, was mareied 011 Tuesday * morning of fest week, to Miss Flora Feewick. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. James R. iEfenderson.. Kingston. stexehouse belonging to J. C. Gilpin, of St. Marys, which con- tained eeveral barrels of icoal oil, and gasoline, caught fire on Wireanesday of fast week, but the blaze was ex- tinguished before any serious dame age was done. —Dr. W. Stevens arrived 001310 at Motherwell a few daya ago !from Englana, where he has been in the interests of his profession. After a few- days' stay. in ibis old home, he will start for New Zealand, the home of his adoption. —Mr. James Armstrong, of the Horse Shoe Quarry, St. Marys, met with a very painful accident Last week, He was riding on one. of the care on which the ritone is piled and hauled to the crusher, when it left the traok and he !was fhrciven forci- bly upon the rook and .Wrat9 badly bruised and shaken up. Hutehison, a man 414 freers of age, committed suicide at his home in Stratford, about tnine o', clock Sunday evening by ebooting .himself with a shot gun. Brooding over business troubles is said to have led to the Bast act of despair. The family heard a shot from behind thle house, and upon investifation .1.11=11111•NOMMINNNINIMINIIMMII Go to The World's Fair. Via Grand Trunk at.4 the trip enrout on the t broach traine will rid to the enjoyment of your visit. The weather at St. Louis is delightful at this time of year, and you should make your trip now. Reduced ra.tee ID effect allow stop over at Chicago, Detroit and intermediate Canadian stations. For tiokets and full infor- mation call on Grand Trunk agents. Write to J. YO. McDonald, Diatriest Paseneeer 'agent, Twonto, enclosing four tents in stamp's for handsome booklet containing 48 pages of illus- trated and desoriptive literature re- garding the fele. SALE Rge-IITER. On Frelay. Septembtr 23rd, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 15, Conceseien 14, McKillop, feral stock and implements, Wm. no- P.oprietor 3...Thomas Brown. Auo Core er. On Tuesday, Oetober 4;h, at 1 o'clock p. ne, on Lot 12, Concepaion 2, Stanley, near Itiueetield, valuable Perm, Farm &oak, Implements and bousehied, furze ture. John Ketehen tawwzato ; : Thomas Brawn, Auctioneer. On Saturday next, Septe 1 o'clock, at the reeidenee of Miei Msi Ftloutgniittur3:.hetzle.strMeeatriy f'fartbHergillel'Era opriet-: refs ; T. Brown, Auotioneer. •,. Oa Thrtriday,September 29 feat 1 o'elook p. m., on the Lindon road, TeekersmiEb, a mile and a qtarter Eoath of Kippen.Ferm. Steck tied Implements, elm Jobe Craw. lord, Proprietrees ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Saturday, Sertember 24th, as one o'clock sharp, on Lot 15, Coneemion 2, Hibbert, Farm Stook. William Maughan, Proprietor, T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Tueoday, September 27tleat 1 o'oloek p. m on Lot, %, Commotion 7, Meleillop, 100 Steers and Heifers, mostly rising two and three rare old, Govenlook Brothers, Proprietors ; T. Brown, _Auctioneer. On bdoriday, September 24th, at I o'clock P10., on Lot 3, Om:icemen' 14,Tuckersmith, Farm Stock and Implements, John Fair- bairn, Proprietor, Thomas Brown, Auc- tioneer. Oa Friday, September 30te, at 1 eelook her t p. me on Lob 11, Concession 4, IS oKMop, adjoining Beachwood, Horses, Qattle ajcd Sheep., James Shea, proprietor Thomm found that Mr. Hutchison bad shot Brown, euetioneere Many People 'Mink That the Fall is always the Proper Seasoirfor papering their remits, and they give good reasons for it, but this Fall there is a very special advantage to be had. Ttt order to make loom for our new Spring goods, the present stock Must be sacrificed, and we are determined not to it thc. cost interfere with the sale of our during the next two months. If you want us to hang it for you, we can guarantee our Mr. 0. J. Paterson will give you a first-class job, either in town or country., A lot of remnants; three to ten rolls each, to clear very cheap. A EX LSON FIRST DOOR NORTH OF PrOkARD'S, SEAFORTH 1de 44: 4.40. woo 44 Dal ery oTid8 choice, 1. 43 to to In tenor dai no:decide the weal Imre a: , and 9; e ateady ged at 18o p Nevem Se *bite. ge '* EggieeE gathere to 13,10 - crab 14 rilie•iSeirceece 100hdashmoi bur -038ates: Toaole're, Sept leelsege and ti ee per bushel: nosvo,13eptel light and tri are unchatigi d at 13 to 15 - 'Avis St LXV ,TORONTO JUN else list,°12tehilvi KarsDrooKilosor.,epStelp: Ieanany ;theica,1 - usehs4"'wiwi i 13403tilne 0 ehl lige aeb.b ot rte6,ohtti dettoBeqttibeiitt6thu.kiders3ponerna-ree:ea.if51.114 yokel good batch 4.15 le i!ndst 01185tivt;iser:okefuuetililtbyaislu,d0(1,T slow for inferior ip Cattle—Trade gots f4.25 to $4.4‹ 0STREAL0 Se; mon, 2 t_ 00 ad remained te are hard wog al /33 fIo ar rde zap 0 1 lars: ritthr: eatteood2uelsixtypensittyttle. ntlkier it oho o hg tsi ftgb iwi Ibuileirrraeoev tre r.mi 17 a ei per is in -1. Pound, an.il heavy 11 to itand wdawsasmadmaedfeei sad21143aYxbfi°rtulg'1110 °lite 631:: 'demand existed for per 100 pounds. A fl1iket, and the ril Ise -a few at $6'; 4ibi , a tilt! moa.rk.:_t,; In B2sereeoes4S5pte: *5 25 it, huute.210r;rs'aus to klea.15:1'5171;d:1::6-8141ei:AtI:ekntei85::::e.e°1111 tofl good,d'4134fit 1:e". Teals toady ; 20 to 10.30:m n1.1385;t44°7415rhei°r:b1.14 to 14, sheep, ; lt12:Tun it ce Pounds igsOwq:e"xiaopareOceelrilift:elseywwwfPastne:rxelb!", Was a very good ternainder void at f ,peevitrt.:eowrtyst hh:Outificelabesierpszols:71,_48eflodr vitt]. offered were - evet, and teverel lot lausa: juity,m afetwoe.hoteiete: w-a-11361ec"ir.:;3:elwripetirst,;t:4013;13:4;eZtd.uvjrnt72'1Pbe:eg.dre 41:htithealui.ced Tr RtIllsis26.rPirSteil laire:11021:11111:5:Yieng.b°13:4"7:riellInnlaWtClk6:21041 ehoice covre sold _something choice 'Wows:a, Thedr it lvaeroevpeorrt 4;lei riper : tleothmoesdrnithoFetvntomal 43.75 to $5,30 ptr r sea4tiltvtlFile: brought vr4oiuLrigewhoaft:Y.16r$ 5t,I.:.7y1 r51, iti4amtkbeetT0p11eaucveocruteugt: leattnud tu be dra 13.75 to fin `9r2li aSt ,eteady at ee,25, lk viiRootege—Depriaeislivewreieart.W4