HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-09-16, Page 2XP. JLLJUJ T URON: OSITOR) S PTE ALBER 169 1904 Yoshires. Tbos6 tarmers to art-; superinteAdnce, Dr. Lean- cated� Nv�M inAamitly without rhtj -,r� 'pany has ad a most ouocessful ear- RE At ES -TATE FOR SALE OR REST some fionoial aid from rn. Chr Exidtay.oro Rev. ferlula with the wire being 'used Ili per. Since its org-Aniza1ion, it has. NOS L the Ive -PIA'
mont, and ithe boars are G�l d for ivez-11 ; uug%iientatin-, Rv. Mt. Fleb'. tel4rapblg. The 4reat adantag j�aid fkyo 10 per,106Xkt111v1d4ndis, one of A NY ONE wishing to buy or sell Winn$eg city Province of -a' posts. The lilhog i -char ; f-oeign mi '11 be that in a of trpuble -_ th 60 PaT Gent., of 100 per sexet. and
,rossing r Danis s lohe ssions, Rev. Ur. w -i tproperty or farm land's In 'the
EAFORTH, FRIDAY, Sept. 16, 1904. toba or the Territories. your correspondo -very Amilar to he Yorks�ire in oultiference, Rev.'Xr. Xar�- taininqu can communicate with fh� the present vne of 00 per cent., = Withitels solicited, and full Infoymation given, We Aell the farnou Xordheira-er body, bone Ifnd color, hut it !has a tin. The' next meeting of despatchm and be can not only p -,o a,verago of, 37 1-2 per vent. per year Please call on or addreos RARE LA14 I*RO 901JOR in tone'a0tich
lag, narrov, head, :very Ught! jowli to:ry will 'be held in . Heosall, on ltUe tect the train, but seai4 as;s1stax fji9 , eight yearis' business. A MDst 'No. M Main street, DoMr Wheat and Low Price( sod finish. e'u our prices ]pia -
heavy, drooping e its, and xu liht 8th f NovpmbeT, at 10:30 a. on. prdmptly-, rewarkable record. f*re purabnaing..4f Cheese. m VARM TO RNST,—To rent for one year or Moro =,.Ata shoulder. ,�t has ithe' riepu- --i f V ThAse toreased dividends ay 160 V Lot 11 Ocnaesalon 1, L. Tuckeramfth,, Thi Fkarmerz�'Snn vorytrkul says, possessing �'a strong� Icon- The -best physicians speak",vvell �' Us 100 sore#, i If yoki tongue. is (doated, try Mil- o- some extent be accounted ftr by This laini c ntal iostly cleared, 'fair
rs a-re'stitutioln and of ben hiture
4. jj�,jt some Ontario newspape _g ' an leasler leri Granules.. M411 kofits made on 'the traw material, urni Ii er' ' s Compound Iron Pills. buildings And In a food stata of at Itivation ard to fetider- than the - Yorkobre, conveniently sitm ed lomarkets and other conves. ispeaking b�put dollar in a Alx. 'Wilso, Qrugglst, Soafor6. Alx-. Wilson, Druggist, SejLfol t Other Instanceds c might -be Igiven, 01: jonce,14 p y on the prowleas or ad(fress MRS. A, more than probablo. than �he pani�sh 'the large prt's made by binder .-oKA*roj1 KipperiP. o, maRnor indicateis that, intbeir ho -g alredy pos!§esse . - 9. Upholstering
s, consid roiblo twine manufaeturers, such as McCor- I -Ica
garIly, means Yorksbdre blood. T,)4e On the B6som pf Old Lake: Te4,chera in Training.. maeks, Deerh4g and PlyWouth's, and.1 AAM FOR SALE.—For 13110, tot 121, conoesslqp opinion, this prick, neces. "the frrae, )6d for Growing with- ithe Yor shire Huron F in the townshl f Hay,00ntaining 100 acres
Tor rs, of his IONving teacher$ i in ft in f stockolde'rs financialt,* Wtorest- I , 2' Plot Undertaking.
roperity f I The fol i of land, till cleared. - is under1rined and well T Was that tbt cross'llreds gqve, ;]�,ickkk ed In using and selling thiiir Output. foaced and In a good state of cultivation, three r and more fleshfigidos (Dr the Onlooker in the St. Thmas ing are in attendance at the. Clint`OU TlInes.), Model scThool:, Arthur Scott, Ada The company proposes to eirtablish never failing wells, a good orchard and a good brick tion, -1k h r - house one and i half starys bi There Are 2 barns r, a, a di .4, mean a *11ing Of 'ItIVID ly the bol y m"t. It is here V e e, I Advisory Boards in Tifferent 11 tzinyer, r ni a Loca Sleath, Marla P# Ga Vhe -
kind. Whe�,,A in Orda-rio this season -the Daneii,sooe a great advantage A well-known youn marnied In -an and.gordstabling. Itio8jo-fliefom flensollujad Ver Exeter. Apply to bl"14. AIpBX 1%. ities were he stock -is sold, com- GUAM or to WM. MOIR ana B. HOGGARTA Hx�
0 us.'Froin their mefthod of breed n 'this county -recently' spe:nt a�'day Smith, ChaB. Alexander, ff, A �. parts of- the country, in those local- fivirnfieff from
will not 4eld more �-han half the DorrAnch, Knechtel d &Kenzie,
at B,yffljeld ..with his* wife and';sis- Stefla Purcell, Seafortli._ I
lag, it naturally fDllo ed of leAding and"sonsiblemen w1a ithat their om ro, Renall P. O.-- of bacon should'be ;remax kably- ter -i -law. He invited 11,em -bogo Kelly,, who became stockholders in lthef� aro,p that wag gathored aast season. isi des Mary Kelly amd. Helen - pos f
Tks Provinoo will -not have more uRi:60TM in character, and iD' Dor-a row -1-ith him,, alld ag the jake mndville, Hannab ' Wilson, Ag ni 9 PERTY AT WINTHROP FOR —For SEAFORTH.
ne of the no SALE, peo- great fautts of Cana:dian P sale, live acres of land In the villag of Win. wav pert! sm.00hVhe said: bp Wilson, Pearl - Wynn, Ariel G, Pa KI , company. The direotors consider I
't%a enongh to bq7ead ito oo-n Pacon is its Winghain. Isabell thAt this id be of great benefit in tbrop, township of -MaKillop, on which is a Z-004
lack of uniformity. wbuld tai� them out ahniiet out a D. MoDo 1 f
it is * dubtful it (it will' 'have The . me-thods of -of slgpht �f* land. !r1ley ' - 4jj� t(.4nd Glenfarrow. E lizab, U furthering 'the interests f the jGom- dwellin 9 hous Tdable and othiir out buildrugs. I n the SUrrogate Court -of the
fee I , - GO tt
that. 'Moreover, while. t din% p-gry in Whiteoh=oh, Oscar c pany, their dtrty being to give ELd- There is a good garden of large and smallfruib 4el k)rice & woo were glid-ftig out in tbe'diree- zi aCounty of Huron, in the
ftere�at localities. Barley ano -6ats dl, Oli e s trees. There Is p uty hard and soft water. This is Uigh fai'tirst plass grain, a great %Lre- uscdr*,to� a oonsiderabie jp*tent,� Lion.. of Michigan. Chi Cooper, 'Xrb�h a a. vice and informati on to the head of� is A very desirable ptoperty for a, retired farmer or linton. xr,
Lake Ruron jis oom Kay, Pearl M pany. a uty e rd 1h land estate of Thomas P-enfo, adk, an But, -L 4 fice 'Of tb com Und,
ig pro is -onald, C b
de I of Me - Oatar. 150 b .7n desiring A comfortable home wi Lhough it is strongly changeable in her moods a maid Freeman Ethel The direotoxs propose -to sell to Apply i� the owner, So1forth P,o of to deceased.
Ber tba HO ei mr. John 0,,MorrAson, KaKillop. -MRS. JAMES
lyl sihwunken- thldt* it Will, not fetch jeondemnied by Green shrebolders -of the company who N10
the. P-aekrs. RWts and reep foods of sweet aixG'een, ' A gentle tipple way -1 - Oliver Henry, �E i"o ROL. Waore thiin the feeding price of 60c Clark, BI I ale, wi., oe'nd in orders.for 600 Ibs. and up- All person# having any claim against th- estats, -are also used, but a t , Mrs t � hardly notiopable, 'wrin- yth. Minnie Penb X..B.—If not sold will be r(lited. 0,
perhaps most 11 W ds of 'binder twine )the amount of Thomas Penfound, late of the Townoblp,of Stan. peimportant foods for. produoi I ng back- kled 'the face of he plaoi ers, H"ter Arms,trong,. Bay- wr eyln tbo.00nntyof Hurcu..jarmer, who -died on von in -normal Yars- rh"t is no nROPERTY FOR SAVC.—For Palo, that dedr. or About the twentieth day of Zabruary, A.D., -F gradually I into a de-- field. S. J, Coulter; lErensall, G r -wholesale prioes.
(on bf -c-hoice quality jare r a !9,kim milk Atle residential property in u h the are required on or before the twentieth Sy of Sp'. Acre tember, A., 190t to gelid or deliver,
the t�reat 'moneyf fified, !I, -and 1 -he little bft be- 'Murdook and' X. Alkenhead, Brc The die farmers of it'litis 'province.- fr-he7 cheese b-atterniflfc. xo6hng but � dair 9W.0 fileld. W tu-re an article 'second td 11' property of Mrs. Xnox. There ate fwuor ey" a -Y -gan to toss. At first the -parity aw, X�Dermotit, Coraber'. n One 112 ground well plarftd with fruits of all kinds -of the to'Jobn Kitchen at bruceffeld P.O.� the cattle are kept in O&mark, and but- Ufa Output of Otario factorie�s is now nabel 1�ioE the country, and wWoh twiR DOM- befit varieties'. Good frame bouse with all modern toroj the ftate of the -said deceased, :full poticu. �,oygd tbe undulia!*dz moUou�' then Wen, Clinton, LO; t16 conveniences, and plenty of good hard and coil nv,i%rly equal,4n, value., in ordinary' ter i's 'the pn6daet 'manufactured. As -the waves belgan- to. [i as Grsiok, Kip' nd'-a ready sale. lars of their clailri, and the nature of tho -security a result get so h1g] en. Milfted Gra u 0 Ina water. Good large stAble.� This Is an excellent to the wl�pat torop. On cheese, t ki 'every; farmer has a Use theM (if any) hold bytbem,duly �voxlfied by an aradayn.
milk nd bixttor milk �upply "to ca ome anxie t�, a The . directorate is composed of 0 s III woperty, bud %,! I be B ld an reasonable terms. as And take notice that after h said 20th d%, nd lioes, c for Ms practical busiAess men, -i�rell kno the proprietress is unable to-�orkthuland. For go 4, ,wn hogs, -and in t1s we oan aee� a, secona. it -was ulgge6te4 haff they turn in wvateM_Ontario� giving assurance bor the administrator will pro3ood to disk back. eyj 40 on imp,orta& adan *h1ch th,&Mae c hie, company's QnC43 0121Y to S11th 31alms as he shall then 15%ve- re- further -particulars a t= the Assets of the said havipg ra4er�
1?,Sly on the preatkaos or address
ic86aortli Flo. MRS. I KNOX.
their- wNeat. ;"d cheme and hogs are tage � Possesses . This waEk' ea;ier'sald 'thaA" don. P E T U last ov�w -the Canadiefa ieeftr, #rhe 0 celved notice. And tha he will nrt be Te4
both rnaning a f e mptuaged in the best dpousihie mod deal there is no &od equal i1to - ese (business will b QPLENDIT) FAMS SALE—For Salo, a I
young married man was niot to Any cred9or lor any part -of the a"6 average for t splendid latro-outho lbtb. concession hose senson's figures. Taking by-pducts of itbiB exaotjy an expert in the jo4ana;ge- --3F TEFE intex0gls_of the. sbareh9lders. of Pbe claims be shall not have received notice At the tune creamery for prokk Township of MaKfIlop, at the Village of Le3dbury, of tlxe- season, oheese, will probably men t f a boat and -he feared to The company jaongdeis tbdt 1with of such distribution. This notice is given pursuanii It contsina-112i acres, All rf which are eleared� ex. to the sta ducing bacon of high quality., There tute In that behalf. JOHN HIT;Ong',N�0 xealize two eants; per poun4 less than is no douNt,lt�m n e.ts�t -the trail craft 6apAze. the present zapital. they lo= mauu- cept about three asires, It Is In a good state of calo Admirilgrator; P. UOLM0TED, Solicito, r a it did a"t yie-ar. This irAuctlon in t Itht method of feed- Weste: n 0 dag price, on the Ita-tal amount made in ae pe� Itable for irain growing ior stock raling and ing plays -all important part in pro - E14 wife. did not �sbare h fear facture at least 6,000,000 (lbs. oUicordkk 'tivation, bt lag well fenged a�d underdrAined, sad Seaforth, Aug-ust -30tb, 1904. 't -be develppmen't of and 'when he asked her W be her v year, with a net priotit of '.ou 9 i?an imeding. Theretanolia, Mob of waste laudouthe Ontajjo� figuris up to over $3,000,000, , 4andkechlet -%o her paras�l anil CO D3 pany per po�nd, oorisevvatively faim T�,ere are two good dwelling houses, a large chi -oss will oome, ndt'O4/,of_. moat. in q-Wte of Ite'lack of exercise, %SOUnlatd, would be $60,000 to the bauk-harn with stone stabling underneath, a ]air
distrIm sbe And I x I wave ft as a sinal -of el thugh it is qiiite V;robable that the grasL9, but Isrigely, ut of - h th would, as ioan be mbbod of br'eeding also ihas. an in- was re). xirk- Tbereare three Kridney inclined -to be swo Limited. i9hareholders, whi 1 Impleinett house find all necousavy buildingsin tITchardiii and Tlet r6turim; thr, fixed charges 1f fluence. ever, -she hoisted her� han,(Werohie, seen be isufficieni bo 1pay a dividend f1ur never failing wells. The f4% i adjoldli the vil. bajuling thia -milk. makimr the cheefse, HEAD OFV10 A third imprltant and he irept. a hopetul look�ut for of 10 per cen:L 0,,4 the present napif- logo of LeAdbury, mhere are stores, post office. t1le Aam, ' while the selling -value - appear- which W pay inrease rth half of Lo,b 27, Concession .12, con"iblag 50 LY -to the market. in Jew than fft- acres, all cleared exept about 5 acres 'Dis' den'
and mark-Oting tbe- prodact remain the dredge tug or Murdle LONDON� 0 t I s�4tk and leavio a balance of $30 - blacksmith shop, School, tte. Alao But halt of sbssed by the Danes is itheirlproxim- Neither I - skiff. - NTARIO 000 with of these Dut in ian Capilal -13tock d di�- There is 4 folt itbat n- -%rill; be lem bp over $3,000,000 than EY-tig-lit hours after h,6 lbacon is anoe, however, and 8300 000.0 idends or to add lto.fte rest or ep house and bak barn. All seeded. except about 10 last somethirig degporate wola w�e to D10tod In 12,POO Sh.1of of $26.00 each. fingent aceonts; and thjoby In- Acres. T1103eareamnngtbobest and-iranst profit. ing ponkk placed oa the cars, 1the bacon is on crease the mar)cdtl value of 'the stock. able fAroo properties In the county of Huron, and Are no Dollar weat under e±L4t be 'done. He asked his wj& if she will be. sold together or separaliely and,out d - inat s thc Briti,ah market. The'advantages 'undei-skirt s DIREOTORS. The directors propose to limit the t dMons oes _pell prosperityi for aceruing'from suchr GO ' bddn't -a white fiditiong can 4 orm8olpayment For further payticulars pply respecter
the Ordanio, farmer. Low . priced be vv,ae, but--sbe said she'd To 1k amont of took 'to be sold to any on the promises, or addrees the undersigned jito. der9bood. nice. TaOM A8 H, PURDOW111K 0 j Prabijent one person, 3n or' -ch6ese does -mean a - vewy serious our- With all thes,6 con waving.."heli best undercloth;s �t a I dei Mat- the same PFI ditions against. JOHN GE411Y, Eq. 1912ftwxOS of
failmtnt in his income as, compared lot ot igni-,nning sailors, wOu1AA't she? WM. PICKARD, ge' may be Videly dtkxibute'd, *and the witli that of 190a. Us# , the - queqtioa naturally arises, are A�VHP_ told her slid cota &owIi an'd e l.ce-Pr.,sidente. number of pepsson� directly fireterest- Ive engaging in 'a hoele.3ts pompet- D. J. q9 I persons.
1- ban-ged; but- she sa'14 she lootildn't' _WAS i q. T. V. RO 13 4011f I,, ed- in -the compa)aY increased, 1ib tion" and Ivill ndt itheD9nela.eveittuk. FOR SALE,
Canada vs I)enmark. the ally dx-ire, us onj K)f he ma:rke? dot both. Tlien he loo(cedl de8per- G.A.-RoUTLEDGA bf. X, P. P, will use produist of ..their own People in overy walk of Ve -are troubleit.
But (Shexe s ately. at 11s- �buf she clopany, and will zeaeb- Woome an QTOCK FORSALS. — For sale, one 4 -year-old ALEX STEWART, Ekq K, Q, driving horse, three Jors�v heifers, - Apply
another side of the demurely -gaterei r pen t of bbe con;Pany, Have you a Backache ? If you havii. it
As Hog nd Sa,co Prodcers. us4iiton which- I would like to p% I her ski tabout LOVg V q.- S. B. ST%)N3, E q to A CHARLESWORT, Egoriondolfs. 1908 tf isedL At bber my v- - her and isat wnthe big wet I It is propose& to Imake, calls upon is thefirst signhat tbe kidneys re not is -it, the T3 waves. Oeejot the subscribers for the Ntock working properly. The lio and bacn trade are two fa'rmers re receiving at �tbe fact"- fol- TOESTER SHEZP "-p SHORTHORN 0ATTjls
At hist e drew ',in bis oars, and IOWIS: 15 Per cent, at Ithe time f U FOR SALB.—The'undereigned has for sale sev. A neglected Backache leads to s�?rlouz 4 liftle- over six und a %aarter This oonipany has be inCOTPOr,Lt-. subscription, nd the balance'as the ertil thoroughbred belaoster sheep afA IrY of -he mqst prof itable and important 'o feveiiisibly tore off his' Goat and amcents pex pouna, llive weigVt, for ed undx tho provisio, Ca1le of both sexes. AddrissEgnoondvifteP.O. Kidney Trouble. mmoved h c r and tie,and tri, or
III Road, Tuokeromith. Roi3Epj Companies Act, ith a ca A aPr1Y at M, it in time by taking branohies b- iindus,tr3e in jOntariok. 'their nd the were complain vest, oll, of the C in. directors may cleem advisable.
Any!t�dng herefre, that throws ing bittrl that regardless of consequences yanked p i a .P.plicatio)a� for I shares may be MARTERS & 80M. Check the price .*,a:.k not e sbOc of $300,000, divided into lZI given bo, thd,- company's duly auth- TV
high enough. beA authorities 11 000 shares of �$25 Path, for t Grized agents wh 13ULLS FOR SALE.—Iliq M
ligibit On Me is, of prime in- The off 'his' shirlt, At this p6in't th
sisternw-In-law put up - her he pur 6- will jDanvass the undersigned has for
cauld bind grAed in placig be 6 parasol,
tervat -to our Ifrmersi. Cajaadiian jba.� 05t Pose of carrying On the business' sale two tbor,ouabbiredfiborthom built, eli.
while ol country, or upoii a: of produartion at 43 -ix rents er pound, the wif;a inciuireA sarcastic- pplicatio)a to -the t. 1jaged 18andl2tnonth. one
p mnufact � ing gible for n-gistra DOUS MYNE PILLS]
bijadr 11
,coa has obtainvii n onviable ally. if he was ;going - twine, *lz th, secretary, at 169 Dundas 15treetLon- red ard the otbor"'
rePu- liv b Nveig.bt. In addition to -this fact, -to SNNrim shore. yarn, , ope, and''all kinds of iDorda dn. For furtbtr information aoply NEVIN, Kipperi. - white, -4PO)y tol JOIIN me- "THE GREAT MONEY SPECIFIC."
ftlation 'in the old pountry- ma`_rket -1 nambe He mad!a no 'reply, but ty',iieg the r of rece-ntly- conatiucted The qopany is a limited aia-bil. ty Hays# CISORTHORN io� fiactories in Dumark have 1failed, Wdd sleeve'- of his, shirt to n ,jr, wav- to Wn-i. Pickard, Esq., %Di They cure all kindsl oi Kidney Trou bles
and our hGg products thave. been s6 a one, and, h nee no 0hareholder of the Esq., Brrister, Seafotli. DURHAM BULLS 84LE— from Backache to -Bri
others ar run! ed the garment high 1.11 dr. It e nd there itha the�hog ng at a loss, not be- Company -is in any LN The underolgined,-has forsale o pure bred Durk jht'5 Disease. t� responsil le kim bulls with jigreep or eligible for registration. much inAe-z& ob
industry in this pr,&v' 0 home fo any am t beyta'Iffie, amount gad bull, 'w'Vich 50a. a box or 3 for $1.25 ing able bo tain sanmig-h hogs to IZ�oked Like a sea gull on t ( oun strdtcb. He held -it ptet till his f or Isthoalre oftheithers- ifs,in.
incP- has make the bizsiness p1roi table. ' rWbdn Which he subso -be N ews Notes MJud'ed In the offeiing and has proved hlms�ff a sil ri re becoe one of the Aeading and m(y9t these tA", facts are' considered to- a and the bot 9" and stock getter. lie
was aired by Riverfilde 8t&
mwind blistered his neck, while the is proposed to Orect a factory —Farmers in Waterloo county we- whieh did -inch good servJ * e In the hard of J. aUd T� THE DOAN KIDNEY FILL CQ,
profitable brandhes, of agriculture. elther, -the reasoable. Inference is ope pi - wth.a capacity of 6,00 000 0our& pxt that will be 13. watt, of Salem, and is a haIt brother t9 Star of
rs ration be * periped threaten- the potato crop that as soon as the Rec,(-ntlY, li-Divever, an aebive rompet- Price of hogs or more of cordage ann ally, in the Morninv, rorefitly. owned by James Snail, of Hulk
ed to swaln:p tbe, boat. VerY Poork, Irl. addition o jt 0 dleperelon :aale for 0400. Apply onirt 16, Itor has come to ithe front. This 00nts Per pound, the Danish -farmer and equip.,+he ame W d'rOPs t th neigborhood of six 9 " ty- of London or djjac he (14331- lett. which tookilret prizestLondori falriand sold
e the t there age caused by iot, blight has set in at �fs
Relieved bf the, guidan Of
oas, the boat insensibly drifted it the lai L extensively. Cbnee 0 d
loompetitor is DiE�nmark. In order fto -his operations, and &ewer mprov 881 0 2. Hay, or JOHN ELON9, Housall P o
plant, ment -of steel rails _s are- fed for market and that The directrs --consider �he -%ra made fro th,o ateel mIlls at get thorouh -insight into rthe and 'before they kneav it —The first ship around, IGN pl
dition of affairs bher and to ing is j Lon. direc- af ascer- od of �eedi was drtting in a sboreward sufficient to bu'il anil eq 1p. Sault Ste. Marie, last week, discolvere 't Then he tok fresh cour6ge, when tain if - possile. the influen an- d, tli,� Danes are mot likely I a first-cla" factory for, 1 purp OF THE SAW
;hauled down his flag of distress and seSi IP000 tons of !Avel inails for the Inter- Shaw S chol
1:9,11 bacon is likelyf to have ;t tG increase their expotts iof bacon intended, and leave a su f icient bal-' colonil Railway- we�re loaded on a
ulled for the short.
.,stnding of ithe 0ittaxib Pr ot 1, Irl tber 'words, it looks very- muc� ip ance for running expen twithout: steamer to be landtd lat Montreal. thogh -the Ever since 'then lie bas been The-. 1he old country, matket, Professor G. as Dans� had -very nearly 11 walking With his chin in-fbe air nil being forced to have wbe. urse toany —At Sutton, QU�6bec, a few day,a reached the I E. Day, o te OntKrio Agricultural ir limit 10 therductio finncial instifuti-om, bich must a", Ilenr emmark Or the ipreoeixt at lea CollWe, recently� vi-aited D if bacon, f his- che�qt thTown foward to keep _y Leroux, a wtil known I -need noit say that Canadian farm 3't* - 1his clot . be"4- frona touchoffig his back, Prove a great gaving to the sha e,-, reiident of Brome coun:ty, Quebec, and made a thorough, peroonal In- ers hoders. ; Was gared to doath 13y a savag
vag-tiwation into the whole pnatter can make Inkonev at eenU pe f1le has been sleeping n is face for. I � e bull Owing bo, tho- fact1thit be dma d' whit taking the animal to Brome Amok
130und f or their ho", n' --and in the folowing. �etter the gives nd it is rig la.week, and it's as -auch asc.ohels for these rticles has i)i creased ek- County heT It he re s rese�rches and the re n yery import- ap.. him on the, Fair at Bromet0ornrs.
-wal t �af hi -e where'�;ve ,Sao, ILfe is wortb to sl yond tat of. any k)revio' period s- —The Wriadian Associated Press CAff oonclu. He and advantage dver thq [Danes. back and ask how's ovrything. lan hia s ;�rr ived at. pe case ai 3 nder it '%v] e
Say$ Thus, y in the iind-eistands throilgl� a reliable, 'tgainit rtfie-advantages of % rX 0 T--?, a W
attributhble to a great xtent tin Cure. TAtst moint h it 1."Vas. jmk privi iformity, abundal;110esof creamery Miller's Grip Powdelu to ltdi mrce that the Ontario Government leg'to wonderful- develol�mcnt 101 11�ni ob� can obtain bett�,r tims in New York Solicits the obance to send a Go of Its
littl-e,,country;of -products, and closeness to market gi and 111e Northwe., t py visit the enmark, by Alex. Wilson, Drug' st,.Seaforth. Te to r
a country not,61 for the.exc we have the gre �ries, &h to ell the bondis �o build the new prospectus to -every young man and
t at qvantaige of directos are c nvPneel that itl Irailway than in L;$:idon, iEngland.
of its, ibutber, Wean and eggs. go far cheaper f Dods ; bu we lmu.4t wornim who would like a little place in
not grow Lakeletz 01a facilities i ATaria, daughter Of Hon. J. life. Your name nnd addross on a don, ris tb RS MY afssLon was Doncerned, I was (less on this accouift, if or-. tbe' ountre -of t -he fi
Notes.—Reeve McKee and Co-uncil- nest rL ibultnral disi 1. Tarte, was mar�ied at Montre�aj on postal'. Doib I -TO W ani send iD to
in the question of chances- are that wee Avifl bare to Go,dy and inkicy let two jdb,3 trict in the Pro -vine f Ont"ri4 inferested mainly fa ce moTe ta li af Thursdoy of last week Ito Dr. Fran- uc F, n
M-andpant. and devoted nearly, 01 i5 in. the future'. If, and -.N�.Drk on ;hbe an -enterprise, i t can t ti Principal.
other cuntrif W. H. SHAWs
liacorn produef ion from the farnir'3 -serious competition from on tbfa Cliff-oTd-Lakelt road )Dn Sat- fod ior te es� b s In t )f De Marti* Y, �on*df Dr. De Mar- urday evening. The )ut de elo gny o Mntreal. The officiating my time. to 0145 quatio.n. I presume I -",old like to emphasize that word ne'vy bridge- at Ford-.vili,o is going a- into -a great manufactu�ring indu try cLergyman wa's Pkv. Abbe i%urassa, Yonge and Gerrardl Sts., Ar\
that everyne that Denmark pay aftention to, the hea:d at a ifa:ix igait. We bear at will and -mu9t U2 _prove of profit to all t1hos The couple left for Niagara and Buf- 1918-26 TORONTOk is r �raost formidtbl rival np the breeding of ho'gs -of proper type,'-xind oo&t same $3,000 to )build it.—Messs. Nrh-a May become connected wit1h it� falo.
prduction of bapon -for the -,British Iso, pay reasonable 'at tetion to &d- Ailam Reift and Pebew ID.ick4tt Wd %here is 1?ractioallyian lanlft*ite —The GAi; in,,, i &-ptember mumber of Itbe 0 tV
market. and that Daniah bac Cr lee son ,,,,by hrses lasib -week, t1he torm: ket for bindr twi CD 0 O'Q
miar vre Is-bould not suocessfully.1co.nipe-te command::� a prem-iiii r get- e, A Toronto Farminz -World containtg an Are just what ever 074 M over the tinig $165 and the Oat nd ,ope, and thede y teir epA5O. Mr. ri�aind eas- excellent picture 1::;j anadian produet, ften t -vvith kiy contry in the - worldi �-Ot , of the Shorthorn Nveak M 0
a span bt nice ing year by ye . y nervouS, run. CD if ar, - o 111 CD,
Reidt tbK boulght wing t 0 1 till G in- bull Imported " BroadboojOta Golden CD
Itent olf four aFillings per one; hu -n- I we 97N,v reless' oa � and wilfully bl4e Cirriek ootts frm Mr* tLaird, for $300. creased 'number of self ' binders th down woman needs to M C" drtdalid twelve pounds. Befpre go-- -,o4x:r eys to What -t Fam," owned -by Mr. . ac,obs, of CD C1. I;z inake her s 0
's ',going On: about Wm. 4edkie, prpribor of the: arel being used thro ibout 10ana awanosh, ear Blyth, Huron t=1 i -J. "I
dngr to Denmark I vi3ited the Smdh- us, vr may filad, -same fine day, th t 10 1191 EmRt W r h well. c P iag &-ill, -has invedbed s Go
in a and the United States. it 1wai; ota-t w-uty and pu -d bylbim a few
field markvt in Landon, where Iwa�s ire�no. long'r QccuPY f, Position Of w=, -w-hich came fromTorcialito last. ed by the Hoin frhe Xiiii-ster of J They cure those feel- cra 01, %Xiv(,n vvpry -upportunity to iaom- 41nY impoT�tance in the Britia;b mar-, ,,,1ejek. It -is a lawrg -one�, land -hie Is tice on Monda* Months ago at T. Mercer's -sale, for ings of smothering arid Tvire Danib. and Cndin sides. So kt_ AVe hiElve a good fig Y, Augusb dst., th $935. C -t- N--4 Cl> ,bling yehr in sinking that come on (D 9 �npg it k)-Ipced o:t once. prepent the
Ho. �-e -of Pom —A m-antain of hard iocial Ims been I could judge, 0e -main ad- . 611a . nee at 'the Present ttime, abd it re� thinik -tilirre is Idot enough tall mons, - thtA tba presen am t of purchased by P. Burn, & Company, at times., make the 15 tz 0
n 0 If -
ne use d in Can M C3 CD v,lnt,L91,Ps at the D ish bacon rested TnL"Ilns -to be een 4vhdther we z-vvill of � in its rfil! I ( i� - water IlETe 4to propel a wh.eel, binder tN%�i a uallyl of Toronto, for $320,000. The prp- heart beat str6ng and .1 unifomity, and ijs Tise It o tho ocoasion. larw..r propo, mehile, -offbers think it will woxk o. k. as about 38,000,000 lbs, yl Gov-, arty is in the Misty Range, 46 miles / regular, give rtion of ile- n sweet, refreshm
Shou.ld it -%V.Oxk it tivill he a saving ernment, returnis there e this�l west of Okotoks, Alberta, and com, �bcx fat. Tn 1ength of F.;ide, and in ev- ' Tev�rll� Y_Z (Wise Read) Disinfectant of mone. to, the proprietor, 'as wood an'Gunt mported into C 1%
a a enness o the layer x)f -f ring pri5e�i 16,000 ;acres. It �vas )discover- ing sleep and
at alOD9. fbB Soap Powder is better than otber p�wders. qs dear kind bard , to -et._Mj&s S. the - past year, 14,204,�l �lbs.' at a ack, bL-�%t. Clnvditn Pides Nvere ea blv an explorer, Juliu's Rickart, ILBURN banish bead- q8: 13ii,bifi6ld creb- valuP, entdred at $108.10F2 8 an,�oldtinit prospector. -Alr% aches and ner- quito e"qual, if not it isy both soaiD and disinfectaut'. 14 daughter of 6ftr ra h ears previous or EARTA In many cses, rk, t e, seven Y vousiness. They ant, I&L last week &-or alyi YoL ere were auPer-iGr to tlic Danish, itbof� h fliere ktvhore viver will txa-in itor a nu-r5e. imported. the following aerordi g J. Rutland, manager nf the infusc new life Was a Mrked iendexi Presbyter'y of Huron. - to branch of the Bank of Hamilton at N E. 10dw 'Befoxe leaving -the pe�ople. lof -the the re'turns, namely: I Winkler, Manitoba, ha -s been placed and energy into
4of inany of tbe Canadian to run Vae Pxesbytery. met t frhames Xdtbodist chqi:rch rpTesented ber In IE�96 B4O2 894 lbs. under arrest LL51 0 r. Mc- iffli ' In 1897 pe�nding an investiga- dispiried, health- 'formity in the Lennan as appointedm beautitut. riinl�r las an appreiiiation. In 898 sbattered wornen
decidcd lack f Kim '%v a tcomplimentary address and a 3,39 �,456 js tion of his b ks. There s said to ap at the neck,a-Ad tlWre -was rad oai SeptmU�,,r 6tb. 9' P"
CAW'dian Product aa a wVofj,. 111v- 00 Im" oderator for - 8,67 823 -Abs: 'be -a sbaytggle ot several ,thousand wbo bave come thus -iLcratified rn* the ensuing six montlid. Mr. Sawers of,'btr ser -rices s oranist dn (be In 1899 10,629286 lbs. -ere is
isity rc intuduced Mr. Mustard, a.young chiwrob tor some. -years.—Miss Jones, 'In 1900 8,01 688 0a. rePutiltiOn in Winkler di-strict,where L-10 cure f6r them. *�,
Y rcuri-a dlle. Rutland bearg a pplendid to think th V 'o, -tviho visite& at her In 1901 9,67 268 Abs, he hia..5 lived for fifteen years. A aut to ev. 1xvhat -T could pick up aftt�k th u-sual ex"Amination, t's, Mrs. They cure Nervousness, Sleepliessness, �virding t1lie finii1ted prodaet, Tstrt- man with th-0 ministry tin view, vh 9,674 o
riwirding tllc .1-41w Illateri, 14,927302 libs. —Mr. Tames W. Ross, one of -the 11. Kras re- allu Busfield, r In 1902 Faint oeived as a can 'he4r -hoNp !bhe otbor Iday.—Mr. 111or- 1903 14,204 l515 lb.3. best known and most, popular menikk Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag,
14(-nmark `i.;i Gommiss nd'date, f,oT itbe minis- In �jtj,y f intorisive try. and Dizzy -Spells, Listlessness,, After the Assem- on, our maitl man, lbas dded-mitch Tht 'demand foir.dordairre or al kAn(I-3 bers of the Liberal ]party in Hastings faraling. Every available �focyt of bly rep"arted the� 'alt.tendace at that �to the appea Effects of La Grippe and Fever, Anaemia,
ground iS unck�r vultivation r.anr-e ot hils house, hav- 13 rapidly increasing, �viqg mong county, has died at I CtIt tle oourt in St. John, Ne Bruswick. jing. gii yeft' i t - a eet bf pain t. TbSe Oth'CT aiis at home in Gnerl Debility and all troubles us'eS to! the developm arisinS are not alloxve(j to troin t 'will and Ca '-m t of Thurlow. He was injured in a built- t3tur(l,, biA are s. Sm ithe by ec, Ing. aco .1yj, sr ith`- ;�nd Carswell. who ad lir 1gradu Id"trpied tho-pulp indu!§tx4.y in Ontrl% Q frbxn a run,down system.
te.thered- ixi the 'ver<� aPPOinted-to address the annu 1. haijl 1�avei bad their !time getting -it end o.blier parit:1 of C d' ident over a year ago, and Mp ana au, jt�
.,Dting of he Womeu,s im- :never recovered. He leaveg a widow Psia* 50c# per be-% or 3 for $L25 ill the stable, �and X eve,, 14n, ForeigW Off'. Modt, of R wws.hu t. with a mow- mense lumbering nd min-l�nigr 'k>per- and a grown up 'family. He was a to, 3t4ike'R nd diso AN, sheep MLsioary S00itt.V, ILO.Meet in"No- er and Toked u. It wij beed tot -be fttions carried On in K)ntari6, $ &U drPtguts or moi&4 by . ritish. Methodi!A and a member of hema- .onsolato_ vember in Heall. Arrangements. Owttle s. R s, as thlare is little it Colmbia, 90nd' the TO)rritbrieA the samic Order. TRIB T. MLBVRX CO, LMI=% Y tugging --ft their fropes. As for -sverk mad� - to - ITO 54 years of I convey*jEo Mr. Barr, "any igniin l0ft,—Tli,6- Bnkley Bros. grat expanlsion� of c Gthes, age, 116 Pigs, theY �Iire Faot tethered,but attle r r, the. greetings jDf and Alberf Hats-kins, of Aunlingfield, -and farms n the -No egt TW4011101 O" are kOPt 010GUly' confined, P,xcept the tjj(j Presy-tery, increased tDade thw a d th —Ont day reeen.tly Garfield 13hep- 4�_ ing on ris aiibilee year hireshi�nlg brt��d have already done a lo;t of it carried oa� ri'tjip, pard, a yanng man. of Brockville, 3()Iv.q, w1viell Aire, rather lirnitcd amaulit of nJI'Ll ministu-, and Messrs. Larkin in -this vicinity. The 0,reshinig shou-fd. Great Lakes and the Inland i aters 21 years of age, while duck shooti Go e. kind Sli�,-,v er appointed ito attend :not laet lodg th jeall as o 11's whole of Canada, all'dem The. sOafofth t7i OD anding )a tant- near Echo Lod-ge, met nvitb a dread- Tlu, 11105t bacon factor- to [be nl,,ittp
n 'a's tra X as last ntity o& 13, ar co-operative concern. 1thou-1, mi(td 1111�ropor lvl:r. McLena sub- tbr, oat ox -op' is S' ly,incr,a-asing qua lero4d g Of ful -accident, which resulted fe"Etally some indapeeiden t OR Sabbath school B. Rqjfdn, ',d t �16t� all kindk3. L
t factor- visit.ition, the' following dy. The "gun Wa3 C In toddition to tba ranaffia ng fOTth that he had �is teaming ut wheat to liff Ord larj- Tea ore or
es, nd a keen, itiOn Pixists be- -an interviia�v w �ng in the boat, and was in some way St ith Mr. Tom, inspect- t111'e5e da," and getting $1 1per bush- kehs. we are in -a p tll-- two, Vvith,flip. odds in fa 'tioni it com- t1is0arged, tearing -the front part of '18 still sellitig afing" ry snd
,var of co-operation in the 00 - �MT Of p,-ULbjio school.,%, And thaA Mr. el. It is well fox it -hose who have, old Pete oin equl terms with the Ameir- Sheppard's boy, exposihg, the atom- Glasewdre at cost. -0
tket0ries the armers Per- To agreed to visit iall UP- Sabbdth wheat for sale. Mr. Adam Scoltt eft i,&,Ijk manufacturers; It must be cleared f tvvho i: e ni td ach and liver,and woundin '(7 r 0 g the liver Out st 0oe, to make room for other schools of the PresbYtern. The re- 1,15-t "Y'MIC LOW Manitba, where The States n the breast lbone is goods. Nowinthe tin28 t (> "gree to Nell all po-rt was reeeived, and the Prealby- will spend a motb visitingibisAwo tn to get good that class f ��h jj that fieve'r ly,part -of they prduce 4,o their 0-,vn part free (of -idift gone, and several iribs as well. A re� bargain Also I have a very beavy n-mrk an, The 6onsum, is- fact,pr, awl in 11,NtIrdly approved of such a' 5011119 kind examining Lie 0ountry.— f binde it ind in ni-arkable thinq its that after bei stock Of all kinds of -Tea#,in gre RT(e- -rng(" r- Our higly school studen�ts from�.ithis tb'c U-0il ' 'i n N ostii 'Pt, aLnd resolved 'to ask TVTr. d � �� 0 be. bndhaW. If a Tm, Sta es d 119 eD, It o 'do; so. e at vounded in this horyible manmr, black, Japan and bes dust, all of tk'mr)ted by a higber price, Which Mr. Martin express- vG1nitY-' we're unsuccessful at lt-he ire- 15.0,000,000 lbs_,,ainnually, and this Shappard actually walked up u, 'hijI will b eol ab a good discount. in d of his to (knother factory, he chargp. 0& 'Chtelbuirst, and ko f Brantford, OCCulsled the 1 bat a.-bq)' f y per' after landing near the Keen to reduce my stock, I will give THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGF,, 0- 118 hi dfsi-rc to be relieve ceat ,examinations.—Rev. Mr. Edgar, i't is admaitted it' ut f�
ve -t w0c -, cent. can be admitted tree Of uty. shooting. e -of, t h 0 fin,ed bf it �,2.50 und p'ulpit of
d bo,rg%fn-.
Cv- his labos confined toiE Betm-oe nd Mclirtas1l, the Ila -it two South, American T he CHATHAX ONT.,,
Ory hiog so disposriql of. nnd tlj(� ill_ xeter. Aicter - ublics, —The Salvation' Arm7 Citadel go` Is un deliboration, West Indi I , in 600d Almd INA groceries of all kinds, �11 Of 09001301Y CWnada's gra4tesl Wdoem echool
:forcement of this a committee ias ap- es and either t6re gn coun- London, a few nights ago,- was the Id cheap. Come Ong, out to, (jig_ ptintvd, corrai which *111 be si6 I No ollulor school gets such regulte, It is now cur.renj ca-unige the Violation of :`ting Of MessraS. Sam- tries open up a era, C:1Xnv-ro,n, Fletelle Wide field for 1twine the savrie f a), ineident w1ji talk throughout the country that the student who h. mikht come all and get some of the good bftr- warta the bed tralvin g end, a good pMtAon when
ach razy'.3 heir art, x and Lknder- TvDi n y TOPe 4Ad c0r&lge of 'all kjn& on a kilivdndrad- to vi._j, Persons sufferinfr from rbeu- fair margin -of profit. have been afteed with ion_ gavas that aro now going-, rmanentl Plured q uou ces. Best bravid of flour in stock and all ki.ds i1kodents pigoed'in yeu l000
tf"rcsted, nd repo -r Adjutant Sniit.L of Tor- 2W
-ed �5eparately and lie is 1) the )cOn9T(1r,-qtons -in- Ulatism have been pe graduate J, must atbend this school.
_t t,inekt meeting. by Miller's Compound, Troll Qther cUmPanies that
inLr to ithe Price rtgreed up,on for the The follom-ing -commi have been )nto, was giving a ta,tical jecture, of salb lineats, Ismoked' bams, back*, 2901
differoaL grado, Tht' P"(4it-9 rarn- tbe-6 �Vas fp.-i Alex. Wills r qperly managed have not ft led to llu. wo on, Druggist, Seato Lb 'P1 strating by means of rookt rolle, long clear bacon and pork, and 375 Im pointf-d an -tbc blovement., '13 -hare-, lo -%v ships at sea j3ignal one anatbeT. this le headquarteis, for goGd pure NA116" were placed In picayuns,
f4 b the. fac-bary -are divi(le(I p ry-a Y 'large dividends to ltbeir' S 1902 portionately among th Ts, Os instaxiced b W, worth
tO 1101) to cure 'in dditional an- —Tbe - Can" Ild'Ide �y Ithe Farm- Nnally oe rocket ig�nited it -he decor- P"I Ong nual revenue fmDr QueensUniversity: way er;s, honey. or 84 per week. the shot.ving -woola not be worth .1471i ve been experimenLin.g Brantford, %rhj OmPanY, of ttion*"hbove the stage, I at -11 handle Weaton'a Toronto bread every the spade in this paper that it ta&es to tell it Out\
parties t tlle el<),se laf e..,1011 Vc,,j.r. Fletcher, Mrtin, Ruthorities h. Binder Twine C 'and quite a Tht- roarkef hazs' of i0enrurk McNeill for some flule h now has about 50f) anic tseized the audie-nee. day. when 'he MIRrIes averate Over s as gto<,-hhoJders, an dur- reamd, and womeja fewoftbern over 41,000,the pablia"Muld knov ne, which -is noNv Pertected, and- tho-*re was a genera! highesb pricas pm;.d for butter and eggs' that no other business school to Canada ubliBbes
crojo McLannan, and -the clerk, with J0111r, epho Past wit train telk. farmer The
Jxl� Younir and Mr. McCurdy, elders. trig eight. .yars they paid an a erage ush for the (-.xit, in the course of in trade or auh, such list# And get@ #u.p
-Yorkshire -And what is callrtd tb� acar fork bov. So far is I could learn,, St:indlng f 0 all �t`116Y' hOve debrided to 1ld4)R1 annual dividend of 37 11-2 P tent, wbich tvv& (jr threp mer groduates at e
� the tye'" Each baggage car nd ow tommandingr sala-ries frolo
of whielf 11he folioNv- per nnum. women h4inted. breed are knoivn. in tb(,, ill,, ro the uach freight van wll be equipped A gene�ral alarm was t%N)O tO $4,000 Annual' v. Why should it -not b* . Home mis- The Ydrming Wol Rent in, and the YOU ? we Pay your rallgy fare -up fo ss. occi
'v 900, says: besitdinehatham#260 to t2.75. Per the hand- ivith wire and Deoenl:ibev 4-tih .5 et,urilry. The Torkshir" are import- ,�-, " ( d, in US sue, of vntir,e fire britrade were guickly on vd fro J- B. A, PO,10 with a hook, wmcb is simply 'he see -Re, In the meantime, how- - Rce
L i
Gr i
r 'o, t
a ni Gri-nt Brthtirl, nd are plc- churicAl ife and work, IR�,v. . L The Frralel"173, A TT rr catalogue. published by any busioesis echoof
-ain rme.r.9 A. ; Sabbath nahools, n ny -of Branff�rd, in Cam- ever, same, of the, 'cooler bnes; present LA "d in OW 1rands jDf cert , hqpkd on to the tel i Binder Tw - .11a a pq .% Pc4nt and tbe asdeal Itto work inance, fice at Wnfreal can b comm n Ith pres- ing verg brcted finoth, gr but yllcl,viln.' dPspatcher-s �bf- divide-nd Of go J)Pjr /Mnt. o red a and Froon had the blaz_ D. McLACHLAN & 00.�
4 T reens, fj.-Igs, OtC., Iremovd. son's business. ohe was injured. om S Offit
MA& of PW
'thought I
W obe b10-0 4
ax i -
100-d A-kr-fg-Al
;aIrAys0tam if
and *6 Idl4w
Vvjz t
the roo
ifi j -he eon<i
64 To thin and I
ttood,, W"torto,
the dies
of tat I
1.140 sex; JLW
ljost, of otber U,
. ths
biwili 4�_Viv �Wttd bythe Ulm
it froin
YOu-van I
elik Pill
odm the WMPF
the D for SUM. JKueVV b'A
res Of vvdl�
a S -ited ab hie off
" v -n
who -g-gor*d hun a eel,
of America
4,fted ihera. AU tight,. ht m with ine'
LA&v4 the Allray�e st-Pleasil,
Oh.7 sail the *0 leave them at r
The budnews man i
_,s",r, and the book in P as totnt I er uter in the xftar��
griving at his home
Bomw ' uder hip 2111
oubrderedatthe A
I like them j
Yoii dicl, th 3014u. ,_ And zeeing hi
Areab near the aelpw
to him, exeitedly. '14
The son ft-ned SV
ufaul wfiq stopped si
just in time. Isup
that set of boeas he,
4ght bere under them St ot
ever the set to the 3
Pay me -now? , ri
train- back to tow
bill which the mon h
towlmd the-, r -i
Good be ihoulder. 1 hope �o r u fat]
it"Per's Weekly.. About You
A yell
ow, inuddy -oft
el the Wertmd 5
polton In the blood. 1)
Ut the liver and lddn4
Vlew'wo the system, and
tomplemon, As a unij
ot in
More eras
A K&ns&4 farinat
luto det0l -over,
90 ftited on a Kansas balaoer for Ifor grate. Groat is
of torn mtion.�
maybe, 6,3 An Pr1cmd feed Myirtil
anon Z"ts r Ki
ind tre*ds fio of 0ant, The two Inc -at money out 4
XSeP our eove kne
kOit knee-deep in
nearby fifty miles 4-14,on of two 09f
Man astouisbed 'hsd adequ-tte past'
h" been oult��
biRtiet sr4�
have peelshed, and
New ho rad� tad -boru-breed
vogue. form an wwociat
�vOrld the poissibil.
Variety of world Of Wd Of gramie Oise
to time to prollerly,4",ry a*
Mlau&0 him. to
-breeder withoub
Produce &,fine jej
The M&tna
The re us. sradl
Stred cliamge Beew
F% -ment oll braeM
ne kept The &verage breed,
It =rely ik A
T1111401ca ar-A, jj&bk�
ft -S
u undeveloped
At"Ing powers It