HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-09-09, Page 5STORE T sti /MADE CANADon 01 t1O store ie ri d Ire. Dare the g-uest ion her urdy of Seafortla S. A. Moffatt hair arta. hear here to of hear Enloe- a.s ZOt a good ibson a good t Sunday lag the eletu.oh gay e a rrothe young men, ele-oted as re. guar ter ly board George Turner; . Tenetnaen d. -The akeraro i th ctrouit, 1- is supplying the IKinburn, their meat, beiag tin- vites on Sunday. n -Harvest is eighborhood.-Lay- e west end threeh- nBell traction r. R. R. Pepper ane Toronio tbis week, .,.. dsborough is gett- elate(1. -Joseph Ir- e doing the work. rien, who has bee* nme Le now roe'.. aincil met in Sea - ea Sep tenaber fird, tr. The chief torsi - Ong of accounts of ember were pre - portant being• the h was paid to the Cet. of nil tobell, of the Horton and d $600 . (which will Nagle and Lonby, tabu t men Ls of the on as they make a the iwheel g inardst, are non quince 'pat- e:moil.. The county ills on the dollar, aid general snhool ills on the dollar, the taxes nuet a last year. .nd'r. ; d tite iLendon road, pieointed collector millie. Clerk. )nanprennata of the Orange contained an ex - Mr. John Scar- red the followinl tint t'is interwo- y of grangelam .!`ty years ago last ✓ of L. O. L., N. at Winbhrop. orae L irae in -a log oni.e farm, Samuel edge a corner lot ch re. building was I r et h ren aseemb- nontla thr oughout c purse of time a arv, and the bret- C ramo di ous and resite fhe old hall. nes H. CampbelL narlets sie; SOtag her's example by -ith and induatri= rtensi an of the :own of the family eencrally is Vir. litho was Master for se ven tem 'Dist rite t Master ounty Inaster for ing from the preeented with rea service as a reiasure Which he He is one of the dants at tile an- ovincial arid Ss - and has served, ceo on many im- His long and n the Order, to - c t knowledge on ual, and secret Association, antd • ights of Ireland.' I tortinselior, and nonatant demand end preceptoriene 6 NO, 813 bast aeon the roll at ie in good con- nate in posness- erkens like Bran urdie Treenar the run Brussels. Barrss.—O°1in C. Strew, of Youngtewn, ti° vtor in town forgo, day or eo attni;i' wneeag:olGeorge Irwin aequain t%nees in Bruesels dun e , of Nrouto, wile leg the pat week.-Sarnuel Beattie, a former proprietor of the American hotel heree has leased. a hotel in Btrrie.-The the Dseels woollen mill to Ma alessioeiru Wood ts, of Roolewoone heel been completed, and it ie expected he will move here next meant. The purehase price. is $4 500, nn the tame terms) as the Lockridge Peter Robertsohe -well known and higety reapeeted resident of the 9:h concesesion of ° Grey, ped away c.,n Friday late after a riegeriog illness, having beim in poor health ler the past ample of years. Dec:eased was ea the 48:h year cif his age. The firs:sera took piece to Brussels cemetery on Monday. ....Joke Bowie, who recently diaposed of orielfvery business in Bruesele, has porchas. ed a similar huines in Oheeley.-Mies. Ella Paragon lute been engagtd to teach in a school in Bruen county. Zurich.. Bargains in gide shoots for di eturday.-- ens It to 2 some laced and tome buttoned, regu• ier price it. 25 for 77 cents per pair. Samples in north window. W. EL WiIIis Seaforth. 19174 NOTES. -De. and Mrs. Campbell have ro- b:treed from a pleasant visit to Toronto, where they took in the great National Ex. bibitien.-Mr. Thomas Johnston hail also .heen at the Toronto fair. -Mr. E. Zeller, .ae enter of the Herald, and wife, were off on e visiting trip to friends la the East and bad a very enjoyable oueing.-Mrs. Ed. Apple has been at 'Dad Axe, Michigan, where( she was required as a witness on a wil case. -The Peine brothers, of London, visited their uncle here. Mr.John Dei3bert, Sunde.y.-Rev. ilnuecatel, Teesiding Eider, of Berlin, will ho'a quarterly meet- inge in the 14th oonaeaaion Evangelical ehurob, commencing on Saturday and con- tinuing over Sunday. -Mr. Ed. Magel, who has been at Detroit and Concord; Michigan, visiting his uncle and other friends, has re- turned home. -Remember the Zurich fair • on the 2lat and 22nd of September. -Mr. John Voelker has been on a -visit to Ta.vi- seook.-Mr. S. E. Faust has returned from a week's visit amortg friends in Michigan. He reports having had a splendid time: - Miss Annie Hess has been at Tavietook for a few daya-Mr. T. Peffer, manager of the Bonreign bank here, is off on his holidays. -11. carry -all filled with young men went from here to Deerfield on Monday with the expectation of seeing some good games of foot and bane ball, but they were disap- pointed, although they spent a most enjoy- able day in that pretty village. -Mr. Ed. Zeller, who has been divieion pourt olerk bere forseveral years, and who dieoharged the datiee of the office very efficiently and to the satisfaction of all cencerned, has're- signed, and Mr. Andre -no Hess, eon of our worthy townsman, Mr. Fred. Rase Brawn' likely be appointed his successor. kr.Hess is a clever and reliable young man and is sure to give the vary best satisfaction /should he be appointed to the position. Loudesboro. rr Bargains in girls shoes for Saturday.— Sizes 11 to 2, some laced and some buttoned, regu- ter price $ue for 77 cents per pear. Samples in nerth window., W. H. Willis, Seatorth. 19174 NOTES. -Mies Ester Lyon spent a few days in Mount Forest this week.- Miss Elva Wallace is visiting her brother, Will, in Hamilton. -Mrs. William Whitley has purchased a new Heinizsnan piano. -Mr. Alvin Braithwaite has returned to Detroit. -Mr. R. G. Webb has sold hie flour mill to Mr.' Squire, not being able to work on account of ill health -Mr. E. Walker is very ill. -Mr Thomas Roberteon has bought the hottee owned by Mr. Lear at the south of the village and will move into it in the near future. M. &rpm& will move into the house vacated by M. Robertson. -Mr. Woodhead and family apeab Monday at Point Fem.-Mr. Edward Bell is having his house painted.-Mre. John Lee return- ed from Loudon hospital on Saturday evening. liter many friends willbe glad to know that rhe is rapidly improving. -A. great many from hero are at present taking in the Toronto exhibition. -The men who have taken the contract of 'putting down granolothic sidewalks will commence work next week. This will make quite an im- provement to our village. -On Saturday lag, Mr. John Brunedon, Master Artie Drunrcirrn Mrs. Wm. Brigham and daugh- ter, LaviLit, left for a trip te the Soo. Mr: Wm. Stackhouse, Of Westfield, and Miss K. Mills, of Herlook, accompanied them. -Miss L. Young returned to London an Monday. EXPOSITOR. E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid-up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund, $3,000,000 HON. GEO. A. COX, Preaident: B. .E. WALKER, General Manager. ALEX. LAIRD, Ant. Gen't Maneger, 110 Branches IN CANADA. THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLANI). A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmers' and Graziers' Banking. Ev cry facility afforded farmers and graziers " for t heir bjnking business. Notes dies- ', counted• Sale Notes meshed or taken fo collection. SAVINGS BANE DEPARTMENT. D eposits of $1 and upwards 'received, and interest allowed at current rates. intereet added to the deposit twjae in each year, at the end of May and November. • The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. BANKING BY MAIL, , Deposita may be made or withdrawn by mail. Out-of.town accounts receive every atte ration. S AFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. G. E. PARKES, Manager. Mrs. Thomas Boyne and Arthur are visit- I 0.earte $5.25 to $5 75 in shipping steers, W. SOU ing at the home of Jainee Boyce. -Mr. Chapman is visliag at the home of his James, of Winnipeg !- Western .Fair, Liondon. Western Fair, London. Return tickete on sale from Seaforth at 51.75, good going September 10th to 16tb. inclusive, and at $1.45 good going September 13th and 15th, All tickets valid returning until September 19th, For tickets and full information call at Grand Trunk came. Brueefteld. NOTES • -Mre. Yellowness and little daughter, Efeleu, returned home to Tor- - onto- lase week. They were accompanied by Mies Ellen McDonald, Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr. lettlurrith.-Meesrs. Pete and Hugh McGregor attended the funeral of their 'brotleer-in-lave, Mr. McInnes, of. Detroit, last week. -Mrs. Joe Gray and little son, of Atwood, visitedat the borne of her no- -ole, Mr. B. R. Higgins, for a few days lag week. -Miss Alice Carr, of Varnans spend- ing her holidays at her home here. -Mrs. James Grainger is in Blyth, visiting at the home of her sister, eMre Sommers. -The Oddiellows held a pionic at Bayfield last week and all report having a good time. -The postmaster being authorized by the, Inspector, the wicket in ohe post office will he cloeed for one hour at noon, from 12 to I p. m., on and enter Monday, September 12th. As there are not any mails de- spatched or received after 10 a. m. nor any received or despatched before 4 p. m., this should not inconvenience the patrons. - Mr. Alex. Ross and son, of Elmwood, whe were viaiting in the village, have returned kome.-Mr. J. Snider has purchased Wm. Alkenhea,d's house, oow occupied by James ISurge, the price being $600. -Miss Jean Mustard spenb Labor Day in Wingham.- John Aikedhead and wife, of London, are visiting at the borne of their mother, Mrs. James Antenbead.-Mr. Barrett and wife, of Blytb, are vieiting at the home of Mrs. W. C. Laricisborougb, Tuckersraith.-Mr. Alex. MoEvran, Cleveland, is visaing at the home of hie mother near our village. - Mr. Doig, framer, is at work at Mr. N. Ben barn. -Mies Bell McCowan left last week to visit relatives in Hamilton. -Mr. Alex. Muetardni many friends were sorry to learn of bis loss by the burning of the -eaw-mill in Bayfield. This is the second Mill Mr. 'trusteed has loso by fire. With true Scotch pereietency he will again go to • work to regain his loss. Stroh men have no time to gee discouraged. -Miss Efla ntreham Le viaiting friends in Toronto and taking in the fain -Mr. Joseph McCully, Stanley,hes been very ill for the past week. -Mies Lizzie Rattenbury is visiting relat- ives in Detroit, ehe will return by the Greyhound to Goderich on Sunday, -The harvest is now almost completed in our neighborhood. -Albert McQueen, who le teaching school near Wiugham, spe.ne Labor Day at his home heree-Solm Mo - Gregor, who had his leg amputated, is at present doing well. He is a member of the Foresters, and the brethren are paying him every kindness in their power to re- leive his suffering,- Archibald McNeil, Seardett, who has been ill for a loug time, is not recovering much, -D. McCowan lost a good horse last week: Horses are now very hard to replace as they' are very scarce and hish in prioe.-Mre. Thompson sr. is visiting at tbe home of her daughter. Mrs. Hennes, near Georgetown. -Miss K. . Walker has returned to Buffalo. -Mrs. a. Thompson and two, datahtera, of Moose - jaw, Aseiniboia, who have spent the sum - mew in Stanley, have returrie home. - $50,000,000 Problem. A descriptive pamphlet has been issued gieing full information regarding the greet, World's Fair, St. Louis,to whiale exhibition reduced rates are in effect, permitting stop over at Chicago, Detroit and at intermedi- ate Canadian stations. Call on Grand Trunk agents and secure copy of booklet or address J. D. MoDonald; district pee- eenger agent, Toronto. MARKBITM. Eirarotere. September 8, 1904 Wheet) old aStandard...... -1 00 to Fell wheat (new).: 1 00 to Oats per brothel_ _ „. Peas per briehel- — _ 0 60 Lerley pet bushel_ _ 0 • 40 ri tater, No. i1ooee —,0 12 atter, 0 13 Ezio per ffoz- - 4. 0 15 lour, per 100 2 60 Tay per lien mew__ 6 f 0 Hides per 100 Lbs- 6 00 to sheep strine•• •.... .• ...• - • . •• • . 0 80 to -.021Woolto Petatoees per bag (now),.. _ 0 76 to Salt (retell) per bare'.... 1 26 to tveo(Iper oord(loag).._ 6 9050 W3od per cord (short)._.. ._.. 3 00 to Apples pe; bag- — - - 0 26 to Clover Seed_ _ , g Do to Timothy Seed— „. — - 1 26 to! ralinso. por _ "5 50 norr,•per lbs -•.__,__ 7 50 to 0 SO to to to to to 10 50 to 100 100 O 32 O 60 0 40 O 13 0 14 0 16 2 76 600 6 26 0 26 O 23 0 75 1 25 6 00 3 60 O 50 700 2 25 00 800 Gram etc. TORONTO, September 7 -Wheat. -The market is quiet, with feeling elightly eas- ier. Old No, 2 white and red winter quot- ed at 51.01 to 51.05 eitateriwest, end slew No. 2 at $1.02 • No. 2 goose 88c eaat, and No. 2 spring 9to .970 east Manitoba wheat easier : „ No. 1 northern is quoted as' 51.07; No. 2 northern at 51,01 and No. 3 northern at 51.01 Georgian Bay Ports. Grinding in, traneit prices are 6o above those quoted. Millfeed-At outside points bran is quoted' at 513 50 to 514, and 'thorns at 517.50. Manitoba bran in sacks, 518, and ehorts at 520. .1 • , Pota0es. TORONTO, September 7—The potato mar- ket is quiet, with sales of new at 70 to 750 per bushel out of store. , Horse Markets. TORONTO, Sept., 7, -The following! is Walter Harland Smith's weekly report of prevailing prices for sound horses .5 to 7 years; eingle roadsters, 15 to 16 hand, $125 to 5200; single cobs Ann carriagenhoreee, 15 to 16.1 hands,$150 to 5250; 'match- ed parte carriage horses, 15 to 160. hands, 5300 to 5550; delivery homes, .1,100 to 1,900, pounds, 5125 to 5165 ; generaneeirpose and express horeee 1,200 to 1,350 pounds. 5135 to $185; draught horsee, 1,350' to 1,750 pounds, 5150 to15275 ; serviceable. aeconet- hand workers 5,50 to 5100; serviceable ffecond-hand drivers, 560 to 5110. Dairy Markets. TORONTO, September 7-But;er.-The re ceipOs are very fair, the demand is largely confined' to choice creamery and dairy roll butter, and prices for the best grades are firm. The demand for low and medium grades is rather slow. Creamery printe, 19 to 20c; creamery minis, 18 to 19o;' dairy tuba, good to choir°, 13 to 143; dairy, inferior grades,9 to 110 ; dairy pound rolls, good tea choice, 15n to 16c; medium dairy, 13 to 14c ; inferior &dry", 10 to 13o. Eggs -Continue firm in tone in sympathy with other market?. They are quoted unehaug- ed at 18 to 20e. Cneeee-Tbe demand is fair and the markee is steady to firm at 9e for twins, and 90 for large in job lots here. M ei NT REAL , September 6 -Eggs -A 'fain trade continues to be done in a. wholetalei. way in straight, gathered etook, rend prices rule firm et 17e per dozen, but tbe .demand In a jobbing way •is sornewnat limited at 20 to 20no for selected, and at 18o for No. 1 cancilea per dozen. Chemise -The cheese market oontinues strong and holders de- mand full prices in the case of all goods up' dee negotiation. Tho country markets to- day were strong also, and we quote finest Ontario at 9no. finest eastern at 9 to 9nc, and finest Quebec at 8i to, 90, with under grades at 8no. Butter --Dull and unchang- ed as to proce to.clay. • In the townships fairly steady prices w realized, but we quote spot values at 19 to 19no, and Que- bece at 18 to Hirt as to grads. 4.75to $o 15 ; butchers goers, 83.73 to $5 ; heifers, $3,25 to 84.65 ; cows, 82.75 to $4; bullsn $2.25 to $4 ; stockers and feeders, $2.0 to $3.75; gook heifera,82.25 to 83 ; fresh•cows and springers, 82 to 83 lower ; good to choice, $42 to $48 ; good, $28 to $40; common, $20 to $25 Hogs - Active and strong ; heavy, 85 90 to $6; mixed, se to $6.05 ; Yorkers, $6 to 56.10; Inge, 85.50 to 55.80; roughs', 54.90 to $5.10; stags. 53.75 to 54.50; dairies and grassera, 55.50 to 86 Sheep and Lambs - Sheep steady ; lambs, slow ; 253 lower ; Jambi', $4 50 to 56 15: yearlings, $1,50 to 54.75; wethere, $4 25 to 54.50; ewes, 8375 ; sheep, mixed, 52 to $4. TORONTo, Sept, 7.-Exportere- There were few exporters offered, none of which were of geed to choice quality, Tbe high- est price quotedwas 84,85 per owt., paid by Crawford and Hunnisett; for a load Neighing 1,350 pounds each, /Dere Were a few other lets that eold fromI4 50 to 84.75 per cwt. Export hulls hold all the way from 53.50 to 54.25 per owt. Butchers, - The bett butchert? o vale, which were few in number, soldreadily at 84.25 to $4,50 for cheice picke to's. Loads of good at 54 to 54.25; feir t ) enod at 53.75 to 84; medium at 53 40 to 83 60; common at $3 to $3,25, and inferior at 52.50 to 82.75 per own Feedera.---Shint keep feeders, 1,150 to 1,220 lbs., Fold et 54 to $4.40 per cwt. Light) feedere, 900 to 1 090 lbs,each, sold et $3.50 to 53 90 per owt. Snickers _sold at $2.25 to $2 50 for comnion eastero, while those of good quality sold at 52 75 to 83 and reale few brought 53 20 per cwt. Mach cows. -Deliveries of milch cows and springere were not large and prices ranged from $30 to 551. There were few that ',toughs) over $40 each. Not enough good cows are coming forward to satisfy tbe de- mand,. Veal calves. -Prices for good to choice vel calves are firm at) $4.50 to $5 50 per curt, white common sell at 54. Sheep and Iambs -Tho market for sheep and Jambs was steady to firm. Sheep sold at 83 75 per owt for the bulk, and limbs at $4,75 per civet, with picked lots at a little more money. Hoge, -The run of hege was light, but prices were eatv as the recent. decline. Selects sold at 85 37n while lights and fate brought $5 12n per cwt. MONTREAL, Sept. 7. -The offerings of live stock at the east end abattoir market this Morning were 600 cattle, 300 sheep and lambs and 100 calves. There was no irriportant change in the condition of the market to lore, prices being well niain- tained, owing te the &Imperatively email offerings, and as' the Weather was °col there was a good demand from butchers for the same, and in consequence a fairly active trade was dene. Choice beeves sold at 3 to no, good at n to 4no, fair at 3 ti) 3no, and common at 11 to 2no per pound. • Ex- port theep sold at no and butobera" stock at 3 to 3no per pounds, while lambs brought from 52.50 to $4 50 each, as to size and quality. A fair trade was done In oalves at prices ranging from 53 to 512 each. as to size and quality. • Live Stock Markets. Lortnoti, England, September fit -Cattle are steady' at 10no to 12no per pound; re- frigerator beef, 90 per pound. Sheep, 10n to 12olc, dressed weight. • TORONTO 317.NOTION, September 6 -Trade was fairly brisk at the Union Stook Verde , to -day, et prices lower than last week. Ex- porter& Cattle -These oattle ranged in price from $4.50 to 85 05, wieh eonre choice animals as' high as 55,10. The bulk went from 54.65 to 54.90. Bulls brought from $.3.50 to $4,1241, Butchers' Cattle -The beet brought from $1,20 to 54.40; heifers it for export, and weighing as high as 1.206 pounds ranged from 54.40. to $C60; fair to good ranged from 84.40 to 54.60; fair butcher& brought $3.80 to 54.20; common butchers' from 53.60 to 53.75; medium ,mixed, $3.25 to $3.40; eommon cows 83 to 53.25; rough and inferior cows, 5i,50 to $3 1311ET1LO, September 6-0attne-Good cattle is steady; common is slow ; ,prime SALE REaDiTER. On Monday. September lab, at 2 s'olock p m., at the Dominion hotel, Dublin. 100 acre farm in Hibbert township, Perth oottnty,known as the McCottnell homestead. For turther partioulers see bills. David McConnell, Proprittor ; Thomas, Cameron, Auctioneer. On Friday, September 23rd, at 1 o'olook on Lot 15, Concession 14, MoKillop, farm stock and implements. Wm. Mc- Callum, Proprietor; Thomas Brown. Auc- tioneer. The Fall Fairs. Western Fair, London Sept 9 -17 South Huron Exeter. ,, Sept 19-20 6Fullarton andLogan, Mitchell. -Sept 20-21 Hay, Zurich Sept 21-22 stleepot 22L-.2,8213 Tuokersmith, Seaforth North Perth, Stratford. SOBeopttt129-g° Lucke:low 2 Northwestern, Goderloh Stanley, Berfield ,• Turnberry, Wingham Fordwieh HO cee PI: b 42-79-5 Etyma; Atwood -28" 0001 64--75 East Huron, Brussels Morris, Blyth Oct 11-12 AM:if:kid St Wawanosh,Dungannon Oct 18-14 • .MICHELL-In Dublin, on August .23rd, to Dr and Mre Michell e. son. MoRAE-In McKillop, on Auguat 23rd, "to Mr and Mre J A McRae, a daughter. COYNE-In Hibbert, on August 241h, to Mr and Mrs Michael Coyne, a son BURKE-In Hibbert; an September 1st, to Mr and MIT Wm Burke, it son • McGRF.0,0R-In Lescibury, on August Usk to Mr and Mrs A McGregor, a daughter COOPER -In Kippen, on September let, to Mr and • Mrs Wm W Cooper, a daughter STRONG -In Howlok, on August 28th, to Mr and Mrs W J Strong, a son GALBRAITH-In Ho Nick, on Auguet 25113, to Mr and Mrs Ed Gelbraith, dsughter MATHEWS-In Fordwidh, on August 28111, toe Mr ' and Mrs Ed Mathews, a daughter MoDOWELL-In East Wawanosh, on August 255h, to Mr and Mrs Harvey McDowell, a daughter PUGH-In Win ham, on August 2fith, to Mr and Mrs Janus Pugh, a daughter PEPPEE.-In Morrie, on August 271h, te Mr and • Mrs Lents Pepper. a son NICOL-In Belgrave, on Auguet 22nd, to Mr and Mrs JamesNlool, 55011 awaa—In Goderloh, on Auguet 281h, to }jr and Mrs Wm Blair, a son YOUNG -In Colboroe township, on August 29511, to Mr and Mrs R M Young, a daughter NEIL -In Exeter, on August 27th, to Mr and Mrs Wellington Neff, twins, son and daughter PERSONAL Wanted to know the whereaboute of my wife,Mrs. Mak, who torpidly was the wife of cute James Bell, • of Perth county, Ontario. Any information 'as to her whereabouts will be thankfully received by her husband, R. Thick, Box 16, Walkervillie, Ontario. 1917. Fall and Winter Apples - Wanted. D -Y -T11_ The Fall T ade Is B oming. And we are fully this store have w New Fail Goods, been busy selectin confine ourselves t for spot oash wher being the first con show special value New Dress Goods, in all th venetians, viounas, zibelines, ft Jackets and capes, ital1 the n venetian. kersey olotlieto., fr from 51.75 up. Our millinery novelties in Paris and New Yo from 95o to 53. Ladies' Fine Jackete, also caparinee, ruffs, new patterns, worth late for it 45 and 500 pbr equare yard. hemp, at popular prices. We CD-ALSIM Cartier Main I and • i Market Snooty Seaforth, Ontario. repared-for it. Never in the history of shown such a large and varied stock of During the last four months we have goods for a big fall trade.' We do not apy one wholesale house, but we buy ver we can get the best value, quality ideration with us, then the price. We in the following lines :— latest designs at close prices, in . broadcloths voiles, ke goods, homespune, armures, etc. New kantles, w styles in black and colored frieze, homespun, vicuna, m 53,50 to 515. Mimes' and Children e Coats a specialty epartniene is in full awing, where we show all the latest k millinery, ready-to-wear and outing hate a specialty, urrnin Eleotric Seal, Agraohan and ittreenle.nd Seal oas, gnarls, eto, in ,great variety, New wrapperettes in o. New Linoleum, two and four yards wide, at 37, ew Carpets in greet variety, in union, wool, tapestry and how great value in lace ourtaine. INT.ID ora PRIG M cliINNON & 00. BI.JYTH. THE GREA.T CASH STORE. '3E:3 r. • i:f .i2:14:3E1 New Goo • New Ready -to -Wear New Black Silk Blous An immense range of your choice as they are sell New Wrapperettei an • New Fall Coats just styles. An immense consignm • Boys' School Pants no We still have several that we are rushing out bargains in suits for men a • Miss Morrison has bee the very latest and up -to -da September 6th. Any quantity of Butte NeW Goods Arriving Every Few 1 Days. louses, very special. s, made in the very latest styles. ancy Waistings, all new patterns, see ng fast, Oomona Cloths, also a fine range of fl arrived, also new press Skirts in all them and annelettes. the latest nt of Boots, Shoes'and Rubbers just arrived. in stock, • undred yards of dress goods, prints and cottons t sweeping reductions. Also some tremendous d boys. • • in' the business centres for some time, selecting e novelties in Millinery, and will be her after r and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. itiggegrAgii)mixfm.% HI PRETORIA BLOCK BLYTH. olikNLEy_pREMfla. NDSITlERGAsTel ti Jame e Roman Catholic church, Seaforth, on Sep ember 6th, by Rw P Corcoran, Mr Nell J 01.13'n !ey, to Annie, daughter of Mr John erenderese IEBAND-GARDEN-In St James church, Pitts- burg, Pa., on August 27411, v Coleman E Byram rector. Mr Justin J Thieband, cf Pitta - burg, to Miss Ethel G Garden, el eats daughter of Mr Ceorge F 8 Garden, of CI veland, Ohio, formerly of Seaforth BAKER -HIND -At Om residence cf the bride's parents, on August 31st, by Rev W H Cooper, • Mr Thornton Baker, of Stephen, to Mee Violet, daughter of Mr John Hind, of Eli vine DICKSON-DAVIS-At the residouos of the bride's Meter, lire Ed Taylor, in £.00dot, on August 23rd, by Rev D E Martin, Mr jar is Dieleson, of , London, to Miss Carrie DAVIS, of Exeter YOUNG-NOKES-In St Paul's church, Wingham, .on Angust 8Ist, by Rev Wm Low4, Mr John , Young, of London,to Miss Elizabe h May Nokee, , of Wroxeter CARR--bloQUIGGAN'-In Dereham townehin, Ox- ford county, ou Augnet 2.41h, by Rev W H J Brown, Mr George W Carr, of Winghatn, to • Mies Celesta MoQuigge.n, of Dere am ELLIOTT-COUSINS-At the • resi enoe of the bride, Ashfield township, on A gust 3./th, by .Rev J W Robinson, err Archib ld Elliott, of Goderich, to Mrs Elizabeth Cowles BRAMFIELD-RICHARDS-At the manse, Hen - sail, on August SOth, by Rev Mt. Smith, Mise Richards, of Clinton, to Mr W Bramfield. • Deaths. KERR-In MoKillop. on September fith, Alexander Kerr, sr., aged 69 years MaoDOLIGALL-In Langdon, North Dakota, di August 28rd, Mary Louie°, youngest daughter of ldre'J H MaoDougell, formerly of Seaforth, aged 20 years and 8 month* - MURDOCH-In Goderioh, . on Auguat 28113, Laura M Erratt, wife of J D Murdoch McDONALD-In Hay, on August 270, Mary Me- Donald,zrel ot of the late James MoDo�ald,aged 79 years • SPRUNG -In Mullett, on August 30111, Gabriel Sprung, aged 79 years, 7 months ud 17 dart ROBERTSON -In Grey, on Septem er 2nd, Peter Robertaon, aged 48 ye&rs The undersigned are prepared to buy a quantity of Fall and Winter Apples, within packing distance of Seaforrh. For farther particulars apply at the, office of D. D. WILSON 4 Co., Seaforth. 1915-tf a Funeral Dm' ectfors • and Embalmers. Night calls answered at Mr. MoKenzie's residence, Church Se, third hearse north of public school, wesi side. Graduate Massa- chusetts College of Erobaliniug, )3oston, U.S. Knechtel & McKenzie, SEAVORTH. isesnimsvessmowe 111111Mk. DR. M. O'OARROLL Surgeon and Physician, Trinity College, Dublin, Midwifery College of Physicians, Ireland. Speoialiet on diseases of women and children and midwifery. Residenoe and office in Cady 13lock, ppposite Com - menial hotel. Phone No. 90. 1917x15 PICTURE FRAMING. We have purcheeed the ell ire stook of Pieter° linatnes carried by Mr. Jas. Graven which, With our own complete stook, gives us the best selection in this county. We would be pleased •to ittee all Mr Graves' old customers come to Us or their picture framing. We will grantee satis- faction. • JACK8QN 8808., 8eaforth. Organists Wanted. Applications will be received until the 24th Inst, fo1 organist of the First Presbyterian church, Sea - forth, at a salary of $125 pr annual. Dutiee to commence on the first Sabbath of Ootober. L. le hieFAUL, Clerk of Session. 1917-3 In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the estate of Thomas Penfound, ' deceased. IMPORTANT NOTICES. MEACHER WANTED. -Wanted for School faec- al tion No, 12, Rey township, to commence teach- ing Monday'Ootober 3rd, 1904. Address applica- tions to CONIteLD SCHILBE, Zurich, Ont. 1917-3 -KIOTICE.-The COunol Of the Township oeTuck. 1.1( eremith will sell at the Stewart and Horton bridges, on Saturday, the 17111 day of September, at 4 and 5 p. tn, respeotiyely, the timber and plank lstt from the ,old bridges, G. S. BLACK, Reeve. 1917-2 VARM TO RENT. -To rent for a term of years, the East hail of Lot 8, Concession 12, II, R. fa, Tuekersnalth. containing 50 acres. This farm Is part of the estate of the late Henry Eyre. For par- ticulare, apply.on the premises to Mrs. Mary Eyre, or to the Executors, GEORGE WREN, Sr., or H. HORTON, Henson I', 0. 1917.tf flESIRABLIC PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale In Hatpurhey, comfottable brick cottage, with kitehen and woodshed attached. Hard and soft water. Alva 2 aores of land, on which are the choicest varieties of all kinds off fruit. It is a 'Post desirable property for any person wanting a corn. forte,ble home. Apply on the prentleee, or addrees Seeforth T. 0. JOHN letoDONOGEL 1917-51 All persons having bey claim' aphid the °stet° of Thomas Penfound, late of the Township of Sten- ey, in the county of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the twentieth day et Februery. A.D.,1001, are required on or before the twentieth day of Sep. Umber, A. D., 1904, to tend or deliver, post to John Kitchen at Brucetield P.O., the administra- tor of the estate of the said deceesed, full particu- • lars of their claim and the nature of the impurity (if any) held by them, d,tely verified by an affidavit. And take not4oe that after the said 20511 day of September the administrator will prieseed to die - tribute the assets of the said estate, having refer- ence only to null Athos as lie shall then have re- ceived notice. And that he will not be responsible to any creditor for any part of the estate of a hoes claims he shall not have received notice at the time of such distribution. This mane is oven pursuant to the statute in that behalf. JOIN KITCHEN, Administrator ; F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. Seaforth, Auguet 3010, 1904. 194.8-3 tiARM FOB. SALE. --That verysiesirable and coa- x voniently situated farm, being Lot 18. Conees- eion 11, Molitilep, containing 100 sores. There are eight aorta of bush, mostly hardwood, and the bal- ance le all tI3oroughly cultivated. There is two acres if good bearing fruit orchard,two good spring wells, * windmIll for pumping water, and is well fenced and wed underdreined, there not being etre foot of waste lend, it also contains a large bank barn with stone stabling underneath, and good frame holm with stone cellar, and is free of 511 en- cumbrancee. It le pleasantly situated, being about 2/ miles from Winthrop, with good gravel road leading to the piece. For further particulate apply on the premisee or addrese JOHN GALBRAITH, Winthrop P. O. 191741 e-1 OOD FARM IN MoKILLOP FOR SALE. -For sale, Lots 18 and 19, on the 13511 ,Oonoeesion. at MoKillop, containing 1071 *ores, of which 100 liens aeo leared, well fenced and in a good Ade of cultivation. There are ea acres of hardwood bush, There is a good frame house and bank barn, with stabling underneeth. There is a good well at house, a spring creek running past the barn, ta a a spring on the back of The farm, There is a goad young detained of choice fruit; it is within a mile and a cower of the village of Leadbury, where is post office, store, blacksmith shop and *wheel. and close to a (thumb It is a splendid farm, and will be sold cheap end on easy terms, as the owner is unable to work it, and desires to retire. Apply on the promisee, or address Leadbory P. 0. MRS. MARGARET COATES. 1917x8 riLNARING OUT AUCTION SALE OF /FTARIT STOCK AND IMPLEMENT9a-lir. T. 'Brown has been,instruoted by Mr. Willham McCallum to sell by nubile smitten on Friday, September 23rd, 1904, at 1 o'clock p. tn., on Lot 15, Concession 14, MoKillop the following property : Horseq-One span of heavy draught geldinge,6 years cld ; 1 mare 8 years old, supposed to be in foal to inspotted Sun Light ; 1 mare 10 years old. supposed to be in foal to the same horse ; 1 yearling Ally, heavy draught, also a spring horse oolt by Sun Light. Cattle -81x mulch cows supposed to be in calf ; 5 heifers rooming three years old, supposed' to be in calf ; 8 yearling steers end three yearling heifers ; 1 Durhatn yearling ; 9 epring calves. Pies -One Poland china breeding sow ; 0 pigs about six month!, old ; 7 pip two months „old. Impiementef--Vne Mattaey-Harris binder ; 1 Chatham wagon ; 1 buggy ; 1 seed drill, Peterborough made ; 1 set diamond harrows ; 1 plow ; 1 gang piow ; 1 fanning mill soda lot of small articles, ;Hens and Turkeys -About 40 hens and about 40 turkeys. The whole ot the above will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up the fem. *Terres-All sums of 85 and under, cash ; over that smonnt 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing Approved joint notes. It die. count of 4 per cent, per annum will be allowed for oath Oil credit mounts. WM. MoCALLUM, Pro- prietor ; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 1917-2 You Can't be HIM if Your Feet Ache. - Our new lines of Dr. A. Reed's Cushion Shows, have nett arrived. They are, without double the finest lot or shoes for men and women ever invented. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sboes ere the easiest !hoes on earth, conforms perfeoely to the shape of the bottorn of the loon needs no breaking in, stemma perfect comfort, oures awns, cellos spotn, per- spiring and burning feet, and prevents colds. rheumatism, etes We have them bn the newest lags, and will guarantee the wear of every pair. If you ever wear a pair of these sheer, you will never again wear any other kind. Immomm••••1011•1•••••••••• okard The Largest Dry Good* etva Clothing . Concern in Foor Countiest l'Abb 000118 tovt.m.Aiwoo4AAPewAft ome and see the Display. WriAnitA0VnANNOVIOneWSNWAInAnit For weeks new goods have been pouring into every department of this store. We are advertising just to 1.et1_you know,we have the goods. We don't have to tell you about their quality—you know us. You know what kind of goods we sell, and you know our prices are always right. Ladies' Clothing Dept Large shipments of ladies' coats, r,aincoats, Skirts, 86e., have just rrived. Visit this department if possible. It may be you will want to buy some of these goods. We are here to show, to please, to satisfy, to sell. If interest- ed in quality, styles and prices, our stock will prove inter- esti Riehardson& frinnis Sole Agents, - Seaforth, 1 en• Dress Goods Department Our new dress goods are now on exhibition, and we are confident that they will appeal to the tastes of our lady friends. They have been selected with the Utmost care, and comprise all the choicest new designs and colorings. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Carpet Department. The buying time will soon be here. Upon the second floor, where the light is brightest and best, are the vast quantities of new designs and patterns, all moderately priced for your choosing. This is positively the nicost lot of carpets and floor coverings we have ever had the pleasure of showing, and the largest selection in this section to select from. 144-444-44444-w÷H-K++++++++++.7.444 • Clothing Department Best goods, best styles, best materials, best work- manship, best values. About clothing to order, we have something to say to you. Do you know that we are making the swelled garments for gentlemen ever turned out in Seaforth. They have a dffferent hang and style from the ordinary. Come and see us for your Fall suit or overcoat. We have all the latest materials to choose from. - Our imported woollens are bought direct from the manufacturers. We want to make a suit or overcoat for you, and we can please you. tomasunaxamsammeamarnm Ready -to -W ear Clothingo We have always been leaders in this line, and you will make a mistake if you don't buy your clothing from this Fall. Never in the history of the business have we 'been in a position to offer values equal to this season's. All the latest in overcoats, waterproof coats, suitst &c, See our new Jap top coat at $7.50,• WW DIRECTPICKARD -a CO. IMPORTERS annosttp friqraim. "Asiu and Market te. Boaforth. GRAND TRUNK """ SYSTEM WESTERN London FAIR Sspteraber Oth to 17th. $1.75 to London and return. Good going September 10th to 17th inclusive. $1.45, good going September 13 t 15. •••••••••••)/6 • WORLI5'S FAIR, St. LOUIS. $17 40 Bound Trip• with stop over privileges at Chicago, Detroit and intermediate stations. Through Pullman sleeper twice daily. NOTE. -Make application to J. In Me - Donald, Dietriet Pesaenger Agent, Toronto. for handsome booklet contain- ing 48 pages of illustrated and descrip- tive literature regereling the %rest Fair. For Tickete, Illustrated Literature and full informandu call at Grand Trunk ticket W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent. Pwre Drugs. Thaw two words mean a great deal. Purity i# drugs ancVabourabyol compound- ing are of the utmost importance. When Itis a particular ease and you want to be ebeolutely sure, come to uu, Better OW00 here all the time; we are et your service always and we endeavor to make tbis the best drtig store you can find inyothere.. We want yet to learn lb 'is worth your while to come here to heiorhe a regular oustorner. Perhaps tbesee iterne will kelp to per- suade you Buchu Juniper Kidney ills or sore backir 21503 per box. Water Gnus Firg Preserverr (keep fresh for two yearn, 150 per tin. , Never Fail Corn Care, no per box. E2lish White Castile soap, 5 pound for 25c. 0. ABERIAART, • DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S BL3eK r FoR.T