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F "
' 1
.... . 1,
5 : 6
12 13
19 i 20
25 26 i27
Or The figure betweti. the parentheses after each
O e , denotes the pogo of the paper on winch the
advertisement•will be fond
Resdy-E illeFaunt Co. -4
The Evil Trade-MoKinnon and Co -6
Suit Tour After -Greig and 8tewart-1
The Empress Shoe -R Willis and Son -4
New Fail Goods -Wm Pickard and Go -6
How to be Happy-Riobardson and McInnis -6
Notice -� A B1ack-6
Organiet Wanted -L L bleFaul-5•
Property for Sale -John MeDanogh-6
Farm to Bent -George Wren -4
Teacher Wented-0oorad-8ohlibu-5
Farm for Sale -Margaret 0oates-5
Wertarn Fair -Win Semory1lle-6
Frost Gates-Reld and Wi1son-8
Drees Goods E King -8
Medical Card -Dr it 0'0arre1l--6
Black Watch Band Concert -8
Farm for Sale -John Galbraith -6
Grand 0oncert-6-Ladiee Aid -8
Bargains-fi-W 11 Will1s-8
Auction Sale -Wm MoCalluna-6
Personal -B. Tinok-8
Timothy Seed, ete-2-LBoatt1e Bros -8
Fancy Chins -8-0 Aberhart-8
Hardware Specialties -4 -Reid and Wilson -8
She !won expositor
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Sep. 9, 1904.
The Ontario Ganser yativeis have
won the (first round in the election
courts. The Wei of the North
Perth protest opened in Stratford on
Tuesday ancl'Mr. Brown, itli4 Liber-
al M. P. P. hwas made to bite .Lhe
dust- The p,aysnent of a five ; dole
ler bill to ee.voter's wite by an
, *elect:len agent ,did he business and
Nortli Perth was declared eracaEtn
nt d
the majority? a the Ross Govern-
ment redueed to; two. The trial eat
the Muskoka pretest comnieneed iit
Bracepridge the same day and is still
in pregress and as !set the .Liberal
gladiators have not Succeeded' in
drawing blood. The Conservative
voters in Muskoka have been
en to have very ort memories a.ncl
it Mr. Mahaffey, the Conservative
M. P, P., sueceeds in saving his
polirtieal life it will be due to the
bad memories of some of his Sup-
porters. The next preteststo be
tried are Sault Ste. Marie and North
Grey, both against Liberals, ?which
come rue on September 0.3. Atter
that is Nol.-.qa York and Centre Bruce
• Liberal and Conservative, WI Sep-
tember 20-. North /s'ortcilk andNorth
Renfrew, a Liberal and Conserva-
tive again; on the 27th of Septem-
' bar.
The War in the East.
The Japs have again been vict?ri-
ens, and this time in ane •of -the
greatest battles in the annals a
histoq., mter a week of desper-
ate fig ting, the great battle of
Liaoya terminated on Saturday
and th plaCe was a.biindoned by the
.Russia troops, the Russian iseneral,
before evacuating; burned thesteres
and blew up the magazines, on, vvhich
Ills men depended tor eupplies. The
Russian forces in their retreat
were cloeely followed by the Japan-
ese, and it was expected they would
be cut off and. anithilated, but as
yet final information on this point
has not been received. It is esti-
-mated that the results of the week's
carnage is a loss on each side of
from thirty 'to thirty-five thous-
and killed and wounded, and the ac-
tual results are likely „to be even
in excess of this xiumber. Much of
:the fighting was a hand 'to hand
combat,. and thousands fell by the
baytons?t This section of the Russian
array was almost anitilated,- and it
wilt be almost impossible tor them.
to recover from this crushing defeat.,
The Russians have also Lost largely
in stores and many of the larig•est
and best guns they, had in operation
were captured , by the Japanese.
From Port Arthur there is still
nothing definite. There was a fierce
assault last week, with tgreat loss of
LiO tt�both aides. The Japanese are
very slowly worming their way in-!
to the raain line of the defences.
Port Arthur is the one bright spot
in a sarartien of disaster to 1Rus-
sia. The men in the trenches Ithere
are kaepine, the flag flying under
escalations that must be scarcely less
horrible than those under which the
detente of,-L-uckilow w.as conducted,
the <Ally- essential difference being
that they have no fear for the safety
of their women and children should*
olt a11 The Japanese hvae
s• hown theouut shothe war that, they
are as chivalrous as they are brave:
Editorial Notes and Comments
We do not 'think „much a Mr.
Gamey, M. P. P. for Manitoulin, bat
tif he is earrectly roper ted he can tell
a good story. In his recent speech
at Shelburne, as rep6rted by the
Econemist of that place, he said:
"He thought the Ross government
was at the end of its walk. It re-
minded him of -the story of two
young men who were travelling on
passes. The conductor, of course,
got no tickets from them, andwhen
he approa.ched an old Ir?ell lady who
was sitties in the opposite seat, with
a request for her ticket. she 'object-
ed to giving it, saying -ehe had just
as much right to travel without one
.$1.s the young fellows had. Oh,
but y.ou know," said one of the young
felleWs, tryirt' to make matters
easy for the conductor, we're trav-
eling en our looks." "Begoera,
then," said the old lady-, " yeti
haven't nau.ch fariher to go."
A dptc &era Vietoria, British
Columbia, da ed Sep tember 2nd,
"says: "Ikon. A. G. Blair and Dr.
Mills, the railway corramissioners,
wha have been sitting at Vancouver
inquiring into the question of freight
rates, arrived from. the 6 mainland
lt.n.i4ht, but will not sit here ow-
ieg t4°' the complaint from Lady-
:emit...h. Yaneouver Island, against the
discrirainatory rates on the Eequiro.-
elf. and Nanaimo railway' havieg been
Ihdjwn. The eommissioners are
accempanied 'by their veiVes and a •
tare,.e. Party of friends. From here
they will ge tolhe Crow's Nest pass
and through the Kooterlays, taking
,.:vidence, and will then Igo .forward
to Edmonton, Alberta, to take evi-
`denc,e," Ib will be noticed that the
reemmiseienere are accompanied. by
'their wives and o, large party a
trianas.. They are, no doubt, having
a goods nime. They are combining
bines with pleasure, or rather,
pleaaure -with business. In other
words, 'they are ju.at mixing business.
enough with tliteir pleasure to en-
able {them to charge the whole bill
of 'costa to WI country., The Com-
miesionere have now !been in the
west several weeks and they etre
likely to 'be there so-rae weeks yet.
The hill, itherefesce will not be a
•light ene and no doubt the "wive
and (the: teiends " will come in on
;the ground floor ae well as the Com-,
m.issionors and the long suffering
iand ever patient tax payer will have
te foot the whale bill. There is teo
mtioli la this mixing pleasure and
business and cherging the W bode
uncSt Ito the couatry; on the part of
our tpubliC radii and officials. No
person would. be surprised at Mr.
Blair :doing this as lie ie An old hand
.ati that Sort of business, but Dr.
gins hais• been better brought up
and. it is a matter tor surprise that
he Should so quickly fall into evil
w 841 s ,
It is said that Mr. M. K. 00‘81/11,
whoTepresent3 one, of the sidings 'of
Essex in the Donlinion Parliament
'has been appointed solioito'r of the
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com-
/ pany s„ salaey of $7,000. Mr.
Cowan was a useful member of Par-
liament and succeeded in carrying
Jegisla.tion in the interests tof the
people and contrary to the wishes of
the railway companies, as for ea -
stthe he right to tdrain through
railway property'. It is pr,otiable this
is one of _Wee reasons -for bis i appoint-
ment as loliciter. The railway coin-
panies do net like men in Parliament
who are independent enough to stand
up for the interests Of the people
and secure laws 'that tcurtail the
railways of some of lihe unreason-
able powers they poesess. However,
it is a goad thing for Mr. Cowan and
the ineome is a good deal more than
he ;could make in eYrivate practise.
- , arm Imago •••••A •
A clinious and intricate case was
brought itbefore the court in Torone
to last week. The late Alexander
McKenzie, of Lucknew, who died
last Apiall, loft an es1tate valued at
aboUt $6,000. .0f this he provided
in his will that $5,000 be paid te
"the Free Presbyterian Church in
'Canada In cenneetion with the Free
Presiayiterian Church in 'Scotland."
The money was to be devoted !to the
extension, of the work in 'thist coun-
try. The will was drawn berfor0 the
Privy Couneil decision separating the
Free Church of Scotland traria the
-United Free Presbyterian Church of
Scotland. The executors of the es-
tate, jelm G. lifurdoc,k and Mnr-
doek Matheson,of Luoknowii are
net certain , which branch ,of the
'cleirch.is to, get the money, whether
It will go to swell the millions oif
the Free church or be a trifle for
'the United Free 'church. Recently,
'However, :another ,olturch has been
breugiht forward, which may; be a
*claimant. It is the Free presb3rter-
ian Church of Scotland, which has
eighteen ehurohee and thirteen mkn-
idters. This church has a scatter-
ed hollowing among the Highland-
ers whO emigrated to Canada fifty
(or ° sixty years ago,' and the strong
probability is that t'his is the branch
of the church to which Mr. McKen-
zie intended his money to go. The
eongregation at Asiltfield, haWiever,
et which the late Mr. IVLeIgrizie
was a member didnnat flexile its au-
thority from any ehurch in -this
*wintry and was unknown to most of
the" heads of the Canada Church. The
executors are at a loss to deter-
mine whore the money is to go and
they have applied to the court to
detarroine this nretter. Mr. Justice
Britton appointed five peremas to
represent the Gana.diian eorigrega:-
lions who may lais inteeested and al-
eo hiStreieted that papers be serv-
ed an the three Scettish Churches.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Baxter;
of Chicago, spent a few days of
last Week with the ecirmer's uncle,
Mr. Thomas Rae. -Mr. Oliver Smitili
of the Merchant's Bank; Chesley,
visited :hiS mother and sisters here
over Sunday. ---Mr. G. Calder re-
turned from Galt on Saturdayeyhere
he hes been employed Igor thc past
eight weeks. -A number of Voting
people from there attended a picnic
at Pike Lake OD iLabcyr Day. --Miss
Eva Wellwoad ihas returned from
her home ,in Oakville, and Commenced
her duties in the junior depart-
ment a the sc h ael on Thursday. -
Miss E. Smith returned from Brut -
els het week.. -Mr. and • Mrs. A.
Mun r ee are viei tine? relatives in
vertion - Miss Florence Harvey,
of Toronto, visited friends here last
week. -Miss Gra:ce Stewart, of Brus-
sels, was the ,gueSt of Miss Milly
Harris en Sahurday.-Mr. Alvin
Hemphill has gone to froronto,where
he willabtend the College of Phar-
macy.. -Mr. Allan Rae assisted ihe
Tee.swater 'base ball team fn a game
with ,a Winghiam'g' team, in Tees -
water, on Labor Day, 'which resulted
in a victory for the (former team.
The Late Win. Boyle. -The follow-
ing particulars of the sudden death
of Mr. Wm. Boyle, Fxin-inelaweaf Mr.
Edward Driscoll, of Leadbury, tare
.taake.n from the Almente paper:
"On Thursday afternoon, August
18th, we learned with tregret that
Mr. William Boyle, the popular Mill
street barber, had been eaund dead
in, his residence on Charles street.
Deceased was 'employed in his shop
in ebbe- foreneon on Wednesday, but
shortly after taking his dinner at
oneof the leatelerewhere he had been
getting his meals during thie ab-
sence 'of hie wife land family, who
were paying' a visit to his mother-
tn law, near Seaforth, he went home.
Thie was "the kiat° own of him alive.
He did licit -come down bo open his
Shop on 'Thursday morning, hnd.
shortly after 1 cy'elock iMr. D.Drunas
mond celled at the shop but finding
it locked he went ion to the house
to "see if any'thi4rg twat wrong, and
teund the dace< sed in an upstairs
room lying oni his bask, with his
hands behind hishead, as though he
had fallen aldee4. Medical- assistatice
was imraedia toly summoned but
nething could be done, ns death had
evidently tome sometime the ip re-
vi;Dus ,athernoon or evening, heart
failure no doubt being the cause.
Deceased learned hits trade in Mr.
George Gilbert's sleep end, tiater was
employed at Smith's Falls and Lan-
itrk, and tame to Alia:pante about ten
years ago and set tap business for
himself, and tlid a lucrative trade.
He was kind hearted, exceedingly
obliging and had a jovial disposition
and hits suddei taking off is regret -
ed. by a lame. circle, Of friends here
and elsewhere. Ho was married in
Smith's Pallet and his family con -
sated in addition to his wife, of
five oliildren, the youngest net
Mere than a year ald. The faneral
took place en Feiclay afternoon tct
Munster, his load 'home and where,
his father and. his imother still re-
side. an initerment took Place in
the Cemetery, - there on Sa.turday.
Deceased was a member pi` the Can-
adian Order of Chosen 'Friende and
earned. $1,000 insurenee."
Port Albert
Dote. -Mrs: Clark, sr.' of Loy.a.1,
spent last week, here withher 'friends
Mr, 'ctiadi„Mrs.i11. Hayden. -Mr. An-
derson' and Mr. Walter Hawkins
were :among the Exhibition vs -
tors at Terontoe-Mi.se T. F. Hawkins
was down front Lumen, spending
Labor Day i atl her home here.-Ros-
ella Schoenhetz returned on Satur-
day teem Milverton, where She has
bee m visiting relatives -Misses Ger-
tie and Lizzie Curren and Ethel De -
Lang, of Goderith, spent bhe holi-
day Wi•t'h ,frisAlds here, -Mr. ja,mes
Hawkins lett for Toronto on Satur-
day list. He Was accom'iotnied by
his --two grandams, George tind Al-
bert Currell, t who have been visir+-
kng fee lrhe past ftwo months. -Miss
Geetie Olds, a the American Soo,
visited with her aunt, Mrs. 'James
,Seott:-Mrs. Pierson is in fforonito
this week.
-a - • A -
Nolties.-Mitss Klinkhammer,' Brant-
ford, -ifs, visiting her nousin, 'Miss
libuise Ryan, at present. -Mr. and
Mrs. D. Crawford, of Blytth, Sunday -
ed with 'the latter's brother, Mr.
John Shea. -Mrs. J. D. O'Connell, of
Goderioh, viaited at the (home of
Mr. Thomas McFadden one )clay la.st
week.-1Vl1ss Mae Evans is vi s i Ling
friends in Logan for a canaille of
weeks. -Miss Annie Lynch is in Hui -
lett, the guest of Cher. sister, Mrs.
P. Reynoldis.-Mr. Ed. Flannery is
-Toronto this Week Attending the
fairs -Mrs. Wm. O'Rourk and Miss
Katie are visiting friends In Minim-
seitia.-Mr. John Blake, jr., 'of Parris,
called on friends there on Labor Day.
-Miss Kathleen . Foy spent {Labor.
Day at her home ha London..
Fire; -On Tuesday morning about
one otelotk a. m. 'the citizens of our
burg were aroused ,by the crysof
fire. It was found Met Mr. Alfred
Tieclerman's -house was in flames.
Help was4seon an hand but the house
was doomed. The -house, which as
a one SWAT, brick, waS Unoccupied
since Mr. Tiederman removed to
the, . Bend. Nothing\ else was burn-
ed. Incendiarista is ,'suspected.
FlosSie\. Snell left -On
Thursdiay last tor Toronto, !where
-She will attend the Conservatory of
Musie.-Miss Lydia Rennie, of Zur-
ich, and her- friend 'Miss Tibbs, of
•Wing,ham, spent ;Thursday last with
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Paulin. -The cider
mill is again ln ,opera -tion. It was
open one or two 'days lest week. -The
Crediton Y. P. A. tvisitsd the Dash-
wood association on Tlilt.reda.y 'well-
ing last. The - topic, "New sour -
age for new work," was Well dis-
cussed. After the devOtional part,
all ajourned to the lawn at the par-
senage, where light refr cobra en Is
_wer.e served. All present -report ts".
splendid - 'time. Come again Credi-
tore-Mr. E. C. Huston toeir in the
Dominion ,exth ibition at Toronto,
over Labor Day. He reports the
fair as 'igood.-We understand that
the Misses. Taylor, of the Sauble,
intend openieg up a dressmaking
Shot) in town soon. -Mr., Mrs. and
Miss Hall ha s% returned tfrom their
trip to the west. They look as
though thetrip agreed rwith them.
-Miss Lillie Hartleib left for Goal-
erich ori Monday to etteed the Mod-
Othel Kellermann is Ot-
t:lending the tollegiste intstitu.te at
London:- George' Wambold, Oliver
Greybiel and Te o Iliirtleib tire n.
gain ,attending the Exeter high
Briefis.-Mr. W. Phillips, who has
been- visiting his numerous friends
in and around this vicinity return-
ed to his position in Chicago on Mon-
day. Wthile here Mr. Phillips en-
tertained his terie.nds with his rieh
baritone voice. He Also sang a solo
the Clinton Presbyterian church
on Surslay evening, August 30th and
in the Episcopal church, Brussels,
last Sunday. Wherever he sang
everyibody enjoyed it very much.
There is 1'10 doubt that -whenever he
returns he- have more invita-
tions to. eing than he can fill -Mr.
Mileolm Campbell Oldest son of Mr.
Campbell, Who has been in
charge of ont.of the largest grocery-
torets at Sault Ste. Marie; Michigan,
for the past few years, has started
business for 'himself in that pro-
-greseive town. One 'ot the Soo pap-
ers last week had a pliotogeaph of
him, also an article speaking very
highly of him. We have no doubt
but he will meet with success. His
brother, George, who has been
clerking with Mr. Bender of this
town, left • lest Saturday to assist
him and -we :have no doubt be will
prove an 1 able assistant, as he
was very obliging while working
here. -Mrs. Charles Gibson and sha-
de -4n, who have been visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McCreight
for the past month, returned to
their home in Evansville, Indiana.
last Monday. -mm Alex. EldAr en-
tertained her large Sunday School ,
class and the& 'friend.s on her beau-
tiful lawn. last Thursday. 'afternoon'
and the thildren certainly had a most
enjoyable time as Mrs. Elde.r is an
admirable bostess.-Mr. Bawden., of ,
Exeter, wbo is valuator for the !
night of Way foe the C.P.R., is at
present in this neighborhood buy, !
ing the 'right of way and is meeting
wsee good success, although some
in town ate asking an exhorbitant
'price/ which they are not likely'. to
ig.-Miss A. rt. Ross, Chicago, and
the Misses Harland, Clinton, wore
visitors, in town last Sabbatie-A
Ave -re interesting game a base ball
NVIIA played here last Tuesday be-
tween Blyth and Wingliailit ithe for -
'nun. ',timing by a score of 12 to 10.
There was quite a. lively interest
taken ;in this match as there was a
considerable amount of money wag-
ered on the result, but the pinyin's
-e;ither team was not up to expe.e-
tations.-Mr. Fleuty, proprietor of
the Sou Hifi mp ton Bee eon, accom-
panied by bis wife and family were
on a driving tour through this sec-,
'Hon Lest week and tvieited a day
with friends h ere . -Mr s. Shor treed,
who recentler purchaned Mrs. Proc-
'ter's residence, moved into town
Monday of this week, --Quite a num-
ber from here are taking in the Tor-
onto tai -r ,this week. -Mr. Rey Sims,
who has been visiting/his granclf
and aunts in Platteville for the
two weeks, we4urned homeion T
day lasib.--Mrs. (Dr.) Lon* :who
been visiting her parents en Ha
.ton, for theast week, retu
-home ern Mond y. -Mrs. -Wm. C
'bell is .at pre en,t ovisiting rela
in Toronto, Prescott and other
ern towns. -Mr. Sas. Moffat,
Stratford, spent Labor Day
his parents in town. -Mr. Th
tIVIeiklejohn, of Hartiston, Sp
few days with "friends in town.
Long visited a ith friends • in
sels team, Safilirday till Mond
Miss Annie 1at, of Toronto,
a few days with her parents in b
e -Mr. Jas. Lees, cif gOhelboylgan,
igan, who was visiting 1elat1on in
town 'tor the past week, returned to
„his home on Ivlo day. -Mrs. J. lk-
er, of Lucknowl is visiting ela-
tion% in lown.-Barrister McDo aid,
of Brussels, visited friends in t w -n
on Sunday. -Miss Etelka, Hamilton
visited 'Willi triendS inStre,t -ord
this week.
t n
Goderioh. •
Barge Burned. -The steam ba
Aberc4orn, a Cleveland boat, ce,
by Captains Baxter. and Willoue
of Goderich, was somewhat b
damaged by fire about 3 o'Clock
Monday morning. She had disci)
ed a cargo of coal last week and
undergoing • some repairs here
fore starting out again. The
originated frorn the explosion
signal lamp and the crew ha
'ake good time to get out of
after part of t be boat. The fire
peethaerit subdued the flamea
though at one time it looked a
*the. whole boat would go. The
rection of the wind saved tlie,.
elevator from a eloee call.
r g-
be -
f a
di -
j&tings.-The farmers in this ivi-
cinigy are preparing for another irop
quite a -number having sown t leir
fati Wheat.-Itev. Dr. andS3Yirs. 'let -
cher, of Hamilton, and !their da gh-
ter are the guests of "Rev. Mr.' and
Mis. Fletcher..-Measta. A. and IW.
Turnbull are taking in Ohs Tor nto
fele 'etas week. -Miss Kathleen • bb
•erho has be,en holidaying in On vi-
cinity has returned to her hem ire
Stra tford.-Mr. Norman Madige of
St. Mary's, [spent last iweek his
siefter,, Mrs. C. Hac.kney.-Miss an-
ette Ballantyne, who has been sp nd-
hag her holidays under It -he pare tal
roof, has returned to her position
1Landon.-Miss Isabell Gardiner
has t T,Iturned to St. Marys Col elgie
ate 'resume her Studies. -Mr. T.
Kay, Of the bounder?, Who has 'een
on the sick list, is able to t. a-
round ga in.
Constance. .
Notes.-MieS Maud Paul. en.p
home on Sunday for a few days, She
esill visit the Toronto exhibition be-
fore retvrnting to Kinburn.-Mr
McAllister went to Toronto Se ue-
day morning combining bust ess
with a visit to th,e k g•
John , .Thriiitton in.tende going to
Stouiffeille ° on Thursday of this
week to visit her daughter, is.
Emersion. -Wm. Lindsay, has ur-
chased a blower and attached to
hie threshing outfit. He has no a
pod up to 'date outfit and will no
doubt ! be second to none isn his Mine
of wOrk.-Mr. Robert Clarke has
been seriout.sis., ill witih typhoid
oneennonia, but she is recoveriug
iseet3e. now. -Mr. Stiaeley, grandtion
of M. James Stanley, is visiting,
friends in this loCality. He Will re-
-tarn tilits week to his ;home in South
.Netes.-Mrs. Fred McCracken end
children, of Bruesels, visited her
mother, Mrs. :John Gardiner, iwho
its in very poor *health, this week. -
Mrs. Cornish hes returned Ito
,after ppending some time with
;her siSter, Mrs. Deniel Lewis.-
Mieses Maggie la,nd. Bella McDougall
visited in Bluevale this week. -Mr.
.:Goodyear, aur stetion agent, has
been holidaying at Detroit. -Mrs.
Morrow, of Wingtham, visited tit R.
N. Duff's on Monday. -Miss Ca.rap-
bell, of Galt, who ha.s been visiting
het brother, Mr. Colin Campbell, at
Wing -ham spent a few daye With
her cousin, Mrs. (Rev.). W. J. West,
this week. -Mr. Oliver Mille (visited
friends at Whiteohnech this wees,_
Mrs. Duncan has returned from a
visit With her daughter, Mrs.; Marsh,
at Woode to ck. -Mies Maggie !Fraser,
at Morris, event Sunday withher
sioterMrs. Robert Shaw. .A.monig
the '13luevale people attending me -
rent°, exhibition are Mrs. Join Bur -
gees, 'Mrs. A. Patterson, tMi4s Eliza
Dinner -it, Mrs, George McDont Id, Mr.
Robert Black, Mrs. Henry intent,
Mrs. Joseph Warder, Mrs. Robert
Mason, Mr. Robert lYtoPiher Mr.
Will Elliott and Mr. John Wasmazx.
St Columban
Local Doings. -Deputy I apeetor
Fisher, .of :the pest office depart -
merit, -visited St. Columb n Last
week enstalled Mies Kul man as
master of money orders. T e first
money order to be cashed be e came
from Detroit, %lie second f om St.
Thomas and the third from oranto.
The first money order iss d here
was sent to Montreal, the ond to
Windsor and the third to Ne York.
Two years ago the writer bo rded a
train at London, bhe conduct r scan-
ned my ticket carefully, he d it at
short range and long range a a then
said: "St. Colatmban, St. Co umban,
where in Heaven is that ? It is
better known to -days -Miss render-
gast 'of New Castle, Pennsyl ania, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. James
Shea. -Miss Mary Butler, of St. Col-
umba -n, is visiting her ister
StratihroY.--Miss Kuhlman, Miss C.
Dews, A. E. Kuhlman a d Sohn
Blake of Paris, are visiting friends
here. -Our enferprisin'g com lesion-
ers Messrs. lames Shea an P. A.
O'Sullivan and Mr. Dave M Connell
are distributing good money in Hib-
bert and McKillop and. are ontinu-
ally shipping cattle and hog to the
eastern markets. Their la ttO is
"HoneSty Fs thebeet polie , quick
sales and small profits." -M . John
Farrell of Parolee. and For st pas-
sed ,through here on Tues y.. -The
following is a condensed repo t of an
impromptu address recce, ly de -
live -red on the roadside by one of
_Huron's Ceimean Votera e to
a small but enthusiastic and ence of
farmers: "No siree, it isn't 1-o08ian
prowess, gaol. Roosian brave y, nor
Ttoosian tactics, nor Roosian cannon
keeps Port Arthur from falling.
Listen and. Pll tell. ye's w 1 it is
that .keeps Port Arthur up. It's the
little Japs, so it is(laughte .) Yes
y8 may laugh if ye like bet its 'the
truth I'm telli-ng. Did ye's ver see
50 pair of stogie boots all tr leg at
the same time to kick a ootball
into the sky.. Now that's just the
way it is wttlii Port Arthur. For
no.onths, and months the little Japs ,
with their lydote and shimose have
been blowin' it higher and higher
and higbee and now the idiotic war
correspondents are wondering why
it doesn't fall (laughter). .How in
creatlaff can it fall when the lit-
tle Japanese devils won't salve it a
Chance to fall? (laughter and cheers)
How can a 'football tall with. &hun-
dred stogie boots boostin" it up to
the clouds? How can Port Arthur' '
fail wi•th Dile army and. navy play-
ing tennis and toot ball with it day
and night ? Let the old Mikado take
Togo and Sogo and Oyeomo and his
Other spalpeens back to Japan and
than yes% see Port Arthor eorae
"Tho Roosiana are learnin' how tb
yell, *
They are sca.mperize through the
'Chinese oorzr,
,They are dodgin' a rain of shot and t
shell, I
iAnd all of them wish they were
never born."
The Empress Shoe
For ran 1904.
Every woman who trif,s on a shoe looks for two
things--comfoLt and style, She must have them both,
Either one by itself is not veough. .She will have no
trouble selecting a stylish 'hoe, but its a difficult matter
to find h shoe that combines both STYLE and COM-
FORT. The Empress Sh,e pusesses both these quali-
ties, It makes friends with your feet the first time ADE
Worn. It needs no bre king in. The new Fall styles IN CANADA.,
of the Empress Shoe are now here, and everybody within reach of the store is
invited to call and see them, Emprem Shoes are reasonably priced
Laced Boots --$2, $250, $2.75 and $3 a pair,
4, Buttoned Boots -$2, $2.50 and $3 a pair.
Oxford Shoen-$2.00, $2.25 -and $2,50 a pair.
the Oroj
The 13.1
d rssid),
need ei
tee to
ey bus)
in Bre
R WILLIS 84 SOKSeaforth
" And ouldeKurepatkin. is gein'
the wind,
And beads or sweat are drippin' Sole agents for the Slater Shoe for men, and th) "Queen Quality and " Empress
.from the cuss, shoes for women.
His •big tutted Cossacke are gallop- I
dreg along behind
And yellin'': ' ICuropa tkie, you wait
for us.'" •
(Roars of laughter and cheers.)
D. Oommiasiotieand Conveyaneer,
wills, tnortgages and deeds drawn up. Money
r I
loaned at the lowest rates of interest. 17404f
Plows and Gang elowc-T. Malik who I
has just completed another season's busy work in
the maohlnety Hne to now turning his attention to I
the plow trade in the way of all plow repairing. I nan,m,
With of •
sidents of the county, of Huron,and
was possessed of many excellent
qualitie.s of heart and. raind, which
made her hithly respected end much
esteemed in. the conunaniti. Some
15 years ago Mrs. McDonald moved
into our village where,ohe continued
ito reside, until her death, which oc-
curred ou Sabbath, August 28th,
and on the, folloWring tlilionday the re -
maims -were interreal in the Cromarty
a good stook in store mould boardow '
try. Mrs McDonald was one
handles, plow and an plow 3setinge holte,serpl
ews sOt the sO•rdY Highland Scotoli type
wheels anr
d all repa s Or general line of plows. All of women, who Was I:domed wah a
plow repairing will reeeive full attention at the old
fund of good health and bright,boy-
reliable stand. Thoxnas Me1lle, KIppen. 11)16.8
„ ant spirits, and although,aro
in mmon
Notets.-Harvesting its 'now "III with the early pioneer settlers, she
overoverr lin this vicinity, and the farmers
seatered muoh hardship, bad attain -
are busy ge,ttting ready for the fall ed the good eepe age a 88 years. She
wheat sowing. There seems to be :leaves to mourn :her loss four sons,
no slack 'tizo.e for the tillers of the Duman,
. . e i e. funetral was
of Tuokersilth ; John, of
soll.-The homes of Gilbert Dick and I Detroit; Angus, of Hibbert, and
WWCooner havbeen brightened xeigh J., ofHensall
by the animal of sioung daughterslargely eta:ruled, testifying to the
-Mrs. Walker and on, of Waterloo,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Xvisoh, of the vil- TetVen t, in which deceased was held
Labor Day with her pare'nts,
j.ohn Whittematn, ot Exe-
ter, spent Labor Day with her sister,
Mrs. Isison..-As usual, a number
from 1his seotion have attended the
Toronto fair. -Miss Maggie McCly-
mint, of London, spent Eaber Day
With her parents in the village. -
Mrs. John Crawford, of the London
'road south, has rented her farm or a
terni of years, -Miss Clarissa Mol-
lie, of Toronto,.who has been spend-
ing the past mio.nth with her father,
Mr. :Thomas MeLi.is, of the village,
has returned to, the "city, where she
holds a sgeea position in '.1.1e T.
Eaton Co's store. -Mr. Win. iYfoore,
„who has been on the sick list, is
improving. -Large , quantities of flax
'are daily passing theaughionr village
to bhe mill in Hensall.-Mr. J -01m. C.
Melt's, of Detteoit, spent part of
the week at his bid home in the vil-
Inge. john SeAMS 4'40 be ellraiain.g up,
the ktdder, as he holds a good posi.
titan in Detroit. -Mies Keisie Ket-
ttleton and Miss E. Stewart visited
friends in Clinton on Monday. -The
many friends of Mr. John McGreeor,
who met with such it serious acci-
dent a week or so ago, will be pleas-
ed ttc, learn that he le doing as well
as could be expeeted !under the oils
cumstances--Mr. • Shafer, of our
Village, who always likes jbo have
everything eight, during !the past
week has been getting his weigh
scales' in good repair, 00 that they
will be in proper !shape for the con-
venience of the public.
Gladman & Stanbury, barristers, at Hen-
sel! Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. 1P82-tt
Shope Far Sale. -The Hewed1 fourdry
and machine shops with the lends belonging to the
mune, fnr sale cheap. For particulars apply to
Robert Bell, Seaforth. 1883-tt.
G J. Sutherland, notary public, commis-
sioner, oonveyancer, fire and life insurance agent
and Waal' of marriage iteenses. Deeds, Mortgages,
lames and wills carefully drawn up according to
law at reasonable rates. Private funds, also loan
company's at loweet rate of interest. Fenn and
village properties for sale, Office at the Poet Office.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada, Hen.
sail, Ontario, Head Office, Toronto; Executive Of
floe, Mantel -el, A general banking business trans-
acted, Savings bauk department: Special induce.
ments offered in this department. One dollar opens
an account. Interest allowed from date of deposit.
H. Arnold, Manager. 188841
Bring along your apples and geo your
eider. -John Elder, of Oar Bendel!, has got his
cider mill in good running order and is now ready
to attend to the wants of all tits friends who favor
him with their patronage. He intends grinding on
Monday, Tuesday, Thureday wid Fridayof each
week. Every week day except Wednesday and
Saturday. John Elder, Hay, near Henn% 2918.11
Wedcling.-One of tthose events
which always cause a pleasant 'flut-
ter in society, toak place at the Kip
pan einicuit parsonage at Hensall, on
Tuesday afternoon Last. We refer
to the mareigs,se of Mrs. Ella Scott,
tif this village, sister )of Mrs. (Rev.)
E. A. Shaw, to Mr. john McArthur,
hardware merchant. Mrs. .3Y1cAr-
‘thur is the eldest daughter of Mr.
George Gregg, of Clifford, and has
made her borne. since the retirement
of her father to Clifford, with her
eiSter in Hensell, where she has
been universally esteemed-. Precise-
ly at three o'elook the contracting
parties and a few of their im-
mediate relativee raSet in the nicely
decorated eerier when Rev. E. A.
Sbaw tied the nuptio.1 knot and pro-
no'reinced the -magic words which
made the hoppY enUple taan a.nd
wife- He was assidted by the Revds.
Dr. Medd and E. F. MeL Smith, B.
-A., of this place. The bride was
very eharmingly attired in a travel-
ling suit -of oharapaign and -hunter's
green and earned abetratifulshow-
' er bouquet. After the weildriarg tcer-
era,ony and the happy' ratuple bad
been warmlykongratulated, all at
down rho a ndbst sumptuous trepast
and after an hour or so had been
' pleasantly spent In soda' inter-
course, Mr. and Mrs. McArthur ars-
aompanied by .the 'guests, drove to
the depot where they 'were met by
a very large number from the vil-
lage and surrounding country and
ae they took. the Ovenisr express
for Toronto and other points they
were literarly showered with .'ice
and bouquets, tonferred with good
wishes for 'their future welfare and -
happiness. We unite with t heir
.host of friends in emishing them long
tontinuec1 happiness through life.
Obituary. -We briefly' referred Laot
week bo the death of Mrs. McDon-
ald and we now add a few facts re-
garding her life which may be Of in-
terest to her friends. Mrs. Mc-
Donald was 'the widow .af the late
Mr. John McDonald, of ffluckersmith,
who. pre -deceased her 22 sears ago.
The deceased was born o.t Fort Wil-
liam, in Inverness,. Scotland, and
was married when she emigrated to
Ibis country in the sear 1848. She was
well know as one of the -pioneer re-
Breeils.-Itabor Day was observed.
here as a general heliday and oiu.
village presented a very quiet- ap-
pearance, many i spending 'the day
away from home. -Mr. Jahn Ste..a,cy
trece.ntly painted a -very handsokne
gold, leaf reign for the 11401sOLIS Bank
veleith is much .admired. -The eacra-
m4nt, -of the Lord's Supper will be
*served tin Carmel Presbyterian
chetech, on Sabbath m,orning, )18th
iinst.-Rev. E. F. McL. Smith, B. As;
leas been engaged during the past
two or three weeks !visiting t.he con-
gregation. -Mr. and Mrs. Hiele.s, of
Egmondville, Mr. and Mrs. john
Delgatty, of Hay, and Mrs. Camer-
Oil of near Hayfield, were here on
Labor Day, 'visiting their trelatives,
Mr, Alex. Thompson and family . -A
large number ;hove attended fro-
rolilter exhibition..-Mias Olive Sel-
lery, of Kintardine, is. here visiting
her brother,- Dr. Sellery.-Mr. W. J.
Miller has the tinebrick dwelling
he is erecting enclosed. and it pre-
sents a tine oppearance.-Mes. R,. EL
Collins and. daughter and Miss +Cate.
Bonthron, of Exeter, Were in erre
village during the past week. -Miss
Emto.a Johnston was in Woodstock
recently vdeiting her sister, Mrs.
Short. -Miss McKay, of Seaforth,
was the; guest of Mrs. Wm. McDoug-
all and. Miss Papple-On !Tuesday ev-
ening last, between six and ECITen
o'clock, Mr. john Mousso, of -telie
township ot Hay, a tew mailes *est
of Hens:ell, ;had the misfortune to
loose his splendid bank barn, to-
gether with a large part ot its con-
tents .eonsistinig of part of last
year's (grain and all -Obis year's that
had been '.arvested and many other
rie:etielets. With the help of neigh-
bors, Mr. 11011.130 succeeded in sav-
ing his. fine Stiock and a. large parte
of hita implements and. vehicles, but
will be a heavy loser. He had some
insurance in ithe Hay Mutual. The
cause iot the fire eeeras to be un-
known. -Mrs. John Willis received
Word thie week (het her son, Edgar,
wthio has had so smith iline.ss during
the past jeer or two, ,is eflow in a
hospital in the, aveSt sauffehnig tr.om
a severe atteek of typhoid fever, -
Miss Mary Carlisle returned from a
pleiasant visi1 with relatives and
friends in Kinchrdine and
W; J. Clark has returned from
iph,e wt. -Mr. Wm. Chapman, sr.,
whO has been eonfined his room
ever sine0 itii0 accident aie mei: with
while enga.seed in assisting this son,
William, in. drawing in hay, is some-
what improved,.
Dobs.-Miss Lynda Turner, oxt De-
t•roit, is visiting 1» and around 'Par-
na.-Misa Martha, Keyes, who has
been. visiting the past two months
at her sister's in Gorrie returned
home last week. -Mrs. Mums is vis-
iting her brother, Dr. john MeAsh,
of Belgrave--Mr. George Shore has
'returned lo his duties Arid opened
school on Tuesday. -Rev: Mr. Byron,
of Hanover, preached in St. John's
char:role Sundaes, Rev. Mx. aellningS
taking his pkice.-Mr. and Mra. J.
Keyes and. family, who have been
visiting the past three months in
our midst returned to their home in
Nashville, Tennesee on Tuesday tlaSt.
-School opened on Tueedey in our
new school.-Birr. Hugh McTavish Js
visiting Mr. John Galbraitle-The
john's'l Sabbath achool held their
annual - picnic on Saturday last at
Baytield and report a good ithaie.-
Xr. Geor.se Beattie has purchased
•••.. •••
theiav; etlidt 'rnscothxmvecilshalauritlidyini_._gmrlanad.Mrjij
_ MeNateg.hten was the guest a lee
' mother, Mrs. :Bur dy of Seaferth,
last week. -Mr. S. A. Moffatt Bee
leased his fine farra near here to
Mr. Murray Gibson, of near Bruce -
field. Mr. ,Moffatt has got a geed
tenant' and Mr. Gibson a ;good
farm. 1,
Mouth Notes. -On 8u day lest the
pastor of Turner's olteurrali gave a,
special Mr bo bo the young me -
The. following were: eiteted ftS re-
preetaatativee bo.the quarterly board
at Turner's churoh: Gorge Turner;
W. Oriel ancleWin. Townsend. -Tire
pastor of tbe Tuokeramith circuit,
R6V. C. W. Oortiter is supplying the
evening servite at ICI -auras theit
pasbor, Rev. B. Cleraent, being ma -
Iable to fake the services on Sunday.
West End Notes. -Harvest is now
finished in this neighborhood. -Lay-
ton and. Pearen, the west end thresh-
ers, purchased. a Xiell traction en-
gine last week -Mr. R. per and
Miss Mary are at Torontothis week.
-Mr. W. C. Landeboreugh is gett-
ing his house repainted. Joseph Ir-
win, of CBnt,oza, is doing the work.
-Mr. Thomas O'Brien, who bas bees
laid up tor some time 13 now recov-
ering. •
The ,:Counell.-Gouncil nee,t in Eerie
forth, on Saturday, September -I3rd,
:all members present, The ewe hew... -
mess was the passing of aecounts of
which a large nurafber were erre-
senited„ the miost important being the
sum lot $408 which was paid to the
Messrs. Hill and Co., of Mitchell
for the iron work of the Horton and
Turner bridges and $600 whieb, will
be paid to Mesirs. Nagle and Looby,
of Dublin, for the etbstments of the
same bridges as Soan is they make
small -change ion the. whe,e1 guards,
which at present are not qufte eat-
isfaebory to the touncil. The county
rate will be 1.3 ;mills on the do1iar.
and the tkew-nship and general sshool
rate will be 3.4 mills on the dellar,
whith will rneke the Lazio just A
little higher than last year. Mr.
lifoibert MeLaren, of the X.iondon road,
near H-eneall, was appointed Deflector
icof -taxes.Se-A. G. Staiilie, .Clerk.
.4k: 'Worthy Orange/nate .
A recent issue of the Orange
Sentinel, Toronto, contained ah ex-
cellent portrait of Mr. John Scar-
lett, a MoKillop, and the foilowinl
" The, name of Scarlett 'is interwo-
ven with the history a Oeangeisra in
Stouth Hamm. "Fifty Years ago last
February the career of L. a L. No.
813, was comMeneed al', Winthrop.
After meeting for some time in a log
hall on Wirt. Marrison's farm, Samuel
Scarlett gave the ,lodge a corner lot
on his farm, .en wthioh e building was
ereeted,where the brethren aseemb-
led front month to month theoughout
the years. In the eourse of time a
new hall was necessary, and the bret-
hren- have .110)V, a conamodions and
solid structure, opposite the old hall,
on the farm Of James -H. Caraphell.
rive of -Samuel Scarlett's six sons
followed tlaekr father's exaraple by
aetive oonneohon with and Industrie
.tsus effort te* the extension of the
cause. The best known of the family
to the bretkeen generally is W.
Brio. John Scarlett, w.ho was Master
of his printery lodge few seventeen
consecutive years, Distriot Master
for five years, and. county Master for
six yea's. On retiring from the
-County chair he was presented wit*
a beautiful silver tea service as s
token of esteem -a treasure which be
prizes very highly.. He is one ot the
most regular attendants at tile an-
nual sessions of Previneial and Su-
preme Grand ledges, and has served,
with great acceptances on many :Im-
portant conartaitteres. His long and
*varied experieneesein the Order, to-
gether with has exact knowledge of
the constitution, ritual, and secret
work of the Orange Association, and
the Royal Black Knights of Ireland,
makes him a valued -counsellor, and
his services are :in ocoasbant demand
among the ,lodges- and precepteries.
Winthrop L. v. L. No. 813 has a-
bout fifty 111,0nOtTs ,071 the roil at
the present time and is in good eon-
dition. It -fortunate in pa/sass-
ing- many active worker e like Brae
Scarlett, Murdie Treevarths
Buchanan, -etc"
Public School
Text Books
Scribblers, Pencils,
,Erasers,Slates, Note
Books, &c., at
4 _Ale
4 . dge. littlairLoi2
e :
the To
A v_ery V
p e has 134,
il ,t: et, tg.et1::2...,110:xtvta:betnitwr;118::.Z31
rte:s.:37.f :
hn Welker i
ers Annie He
eales visit I
, likely•z:betrileedtrowebj,::: ertithotij
ta II. clever and
--,thsuree du:logic-twill
storthy to wner
signed. and MI
to the raitisistef
Amid -he be al
Bargains jiti
tins lite 2, sou
lar prioe IFLZ
Ilcrtri window.
days in Mee
Elva' Wallaee 1
in Hamilton.-
leirefiased a
' to Mr. Squire
very Me -Mr 1
the house ewe
of the village
sear future.
the house vim
Point Farm. -
hie house pail)
al from Lo
ov4ing, He
know *at el
,great many fr
in the Toronti
tom taken th
granolothie ai
next week.
velment tit
ter, la
Mr. Wen.
Mies K. Mil
them,- iss
sta Monday.
onto lest well
*adMr, L.Se
of Atwood, v
borne of be
43wdeedf:4ind it
'-The poatne
Mr. Alex.
were visitin-koMe.-Mr.
rd- ape
ItW° hi Mr,
xbelD"Yo. tot I iMbi 1.ge1 i
ell'e barn.
.week to vial
.m.111 Mr. M
tra leara of
bar.veet is
ti 1431 ehvi
r. yell; a ire seobetrt:tvhbyrDeer:.):4:41aselywil:
84 good horn
Aeiv n a
-eregor, wh
eyearee and
sc. is
Mr*, Heiuo