HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-09-09, Page 2�7
U -tot th
V uh other'
meults Or bbts, kind, and%he fewer of nex't year will help mater,141ly -in. 1' 1890 �he_ w position in the Maxwell works, St. Marys., The T !ry family, of Windsor, Ont., REiL ESTATU FOR SALF, OP. ppn
-P as appointed
�,these who velittixe into such q'ues- ' I — el -does -not mean.
sbdulin1he weed... -4,nde and aontracted a cold while there which , who forra 'arlirgford, Downie
; T X-edboal E up 6in't nt of bh e Mim- orly lived ab 6
'tionable WZulatlons dthe - better.... - 4 icio As r� wwa very township, are in great luak, -hViDg fallen NY ONE w1abluk to buy or sell ivipnipeg it,
e m Ox-eyie Daisy. y1lurn, 3itgaiing,a ew mont.b settled on his lunge., Richard & tAken up it'l
There skr� k�w -w-lo can acqur oney,. , tqle practIe of popular with tne yo rig peop a ad heirs to a fortune as properby or farm lauds in the Pnivince of
SEAFORT11, FRIDAY, Sep. 9, 19ft --%lith�out rtlinig it.. The vast troublesOme in latev o Tbsume t And h Omated at twety-four
ea The' daisy is MOA made -o, large ei anitoba or the Territories, Your vorre8pbnd, OWD 0 -ex.
with us d re -0 1$0
re 'and sod land, 'medicine.. role of iei3da. millions of dollars. 'The money was left n3o
Ma- b ' .1 In be W�s a , i'hl
a8tu [but.11"Is n6t rid full Jtfor-�Datiou eclireltdc I
jos who Itpyi emperl- I —Mr. Carson Elliott,' of Logan, while by -Terry's who was vxteniivply Please -o
ot ! ki
strPnig Liberal and� at tibie oss HARE
331ent Come 'to 19rele�. much.. Sen in wll oulbivq-ted�., field -s" & LAI st, *,,,her gir
No. M 31in street, Winnipeg,
neadug Mitabollion the Logan"road on angagedin Ong in -nd Old The New Sohool RegulaiVnis. elections ot 1879 and IS83 be is el- Sonth Dakmxx a
It ma� be got ri&6 of by jsepd�n
9 on- I f4unday evening she
ted -to,,, Ube Lezdsl 11 ature, �etiriiig porbot ilia haTuess came Mexico, ly. to olovar, outtl thi's befbre the 'Po ARk TO RENT.—To r atentint fro
Th following critioisin by the Are you fadictive polidds at th loose aud the bors, becotmug excited, ran - —Mr. John. S.Barr. of the firm of Brown, liDr One Year, or-nJore
not A 0 U daisy sepd rlpeh., and ploNOing Z� end of i FLot 11, Ccnceaslon It, ., vist-le,
pal _VN,0,
1-n. spirits,
to Nlyarld of tb-e new sob. up thi away. Thehotuawas not ttappad until Tevlin & Barr, of St.' Marys, is dead. He sbest platform, speakers in.-,bbe west
T< Mel- 'the.aod aftek t he' Vrst crop. term. He was on� of the tho buggy was overturn -d, the driver still was strioken with iparalysiti a coupl of buildings and in a 'good ctainsTegulationso, synopsis of Nv-hioh we aneholy, tirod, nervous nd irriL-
vat'On and is
False-- F eox.*Weed e�nd Cegs, to the r. Elliott weeks previous to his death and although able Try Miller's Com. lax, N- holding conveniently situated to cts and other conv
rid1was 1parbi-cularly at b=6 a%'an ho li.ki
pouiid Iron Apply on the pre
S oH or adress mRS.
published two weeks ago,, i so fair epeaped wi,,hou.t, injury, bub. the hind logo he ralliedfit timeo, ,jrhilu til
'ar speaker. ORAWFO)ID, HIppen P. -0, P�il IS. All these wed st t to grow in after aiinner ally aouk an
o ur 1009 -ti
Vex, Wilson; Druggist. Scaferth. 'the fall and produce seed the next _TD� Jelp tho farmers of NO of the hortle were somewhat hurt f�otii kick. death came Monday night of latt week. He ble to
he thinks I
ing the uxle of i lie b as in him 45th year, Mr. Barr was ARM FOR SALE.—Por i3xie, Lot 1.2, -()On,
0-W11 views that we reproduce it in StMSOIL. If fall -whext bo l6f t ou t Sootial, JVhO 0 yrufferlixg from uggy. W born
a ession b
A eeriou� accident happened to Mr. at Motherwell, Fullarto, ajgd was a zon of F1, In the townshiplof Hay,cou"101139 109 aeno Is VA
bTult. It is all the, more Valuable, of the r�Ration, they may be readily famine cattle food tzhie, Domln- Frank Harlof, of Wortburg, rcenutly, while the late Mn John Barr, o of land, all elearedi is underirained And well
ono of the pioneer t
cutting and In a good, at ate of cultivation three men 0
exadicated by relgular summer cul-' Lon andjOnta4o Governments b.ave, n Lhe
Opposi tion oaw. He bad iva� finithed cutiv�g farmers of the township, He farmed for never failing w.cl
also coming from an,
John Gould) 4th bivatiofi atter barvest,,�"thus'Ver- ',united an effiorf to relieve the 119, a good Orchard and a gooh bnok.
sltuakion.� It -the flold and x+aJpalling thelwjD8heaf 6-ut' several years, bur, sold out and became a house one and a half storys hi TheW are
ne, ito mna
The Warld says! tolloessi-Oln', haa the mistortu tirtg: and d�mt:roying 01,6 zeed. 1s.'proposed to dis- 2 barns
wadgordatabllnj�. Itle shi 6
ofvliebiLd9r,whbatbeh)rsets oLeppt,d up carpenter and builder. Four yonro ago he 31 m too fron-1 and are alwar
The now slahool regulation's Will ail -off a Pose f ia quantity of Nova -
Rag Wce a. fie
chair, while-cleamia-Z win -'i I AVG Milos frOW Exeter. Apply to MitS. ALEX IN.
and one of the kickern caught him usder moved tro St. Maryi, and joined Messrs
'�one By g orops Ontario and Quebec thf ARTH, on arnother;
have to stand the test ot epenence, 46w,,s o Monday, breakirog tbe 9IDIN f 1?a g ea �Pcotia Ga�V in G&M or to Wit.
ly, ni,Ktjuria B. HOGG
but a vorable, presumption rrh, t�rowing him up on top of the Brown and Teviin in bhe purchase of the ecutorB, 11pnijall p. 0. EX.
of bex ri;ght` arm belw he elbow. and plowink up the lanA immediately- where tNulre 1s,no lack� of the ee- binder. Two of his ribs w(.re broker and planingmill and lumber business of the
girl doei
essqTy 'food.. Mbe cattle could be We ide pierced to the lung. He was i A Moore Co. He leaves a widow, who -DROPEATY AT WINTHROP FOR SALE
ated by the fact that they axe the re The bone hits been set, but she suf- after tlie crops are off, the seed of sult ot two, ears' oonstideaton and fes reaoid t -a pr.ofil t
onstiderable pain "theirfrom, trig weed 'wfll be preVented trom that mdght go
with euoh fone as to break the in the eldest daughter of Mr. Win. Han- JL stile, live Acres of IaDdn the village of, For
-altation -%vi towards ydjieving the farmers, who kicker off. BOB, Fnllarton, and one son, Willie, about thro tonship Of MKillop, on which isa, win. tb-o 000*
th terhers. Ter� Death.—Th death ibook place* on I.Anatining and in a ferw yq4� this
have. be,,en orced 'to dtispp-se ot dwell g hous,, fDod
inion in Sunday, Auust �28,th, of an aged Nveed will be destroyed. P
is .,I ritro�ig and general op,
jai mannor
ritable other out build
go. age.
-he number of ex- and much respected lady, dn the Wdld Ots. tbair Etoqk at any price, ooner than There is a good gaiden of large and small fruit Comes upan,
'reducing t MODERN MA(�AZINE-b. 12 years of a' trees. There Is lentyba
amdntiopy, and .4he changes in this person of M let them' die of starvation, The rd audsoft water.
Is aerydeslrab e Property for utetited Ia- Thli t bave.1
rs. Mary McDonald, re-. T]i.is is annual wbici. is very IT, r1ner or on Inus
Virection, seem to be judicious. The Lict of' the late 'James McDnald, of stock will be -sold by auction in dif- The WrIc That Must Be, Done by a avy person doeldnK& comfortable boine with ima -deatb when V
you attached. Apply to the own
a.uflaordties may. either dis- this townshi, at thib advanced age Ome in some sctions- AVE 801forth P.o r to t4, Succemxful Nd�t�r. H r -ona 10 1 thi
beat to warkthe land as� soon as the Killo.
thxaminatiorra for entran6e of 78 years, 10 molt�h y s. gardene, been smok. Mr- John C. 31orrison, alcer'
, s 1n4 21 d, Haw, a maret 6 Afew . -
se u The poor editor who should. -be' sD ing a goo
[to the bigh schools, substitutng re* The imn)tadiato a crp is : taken I off, th T s NICHOL.
ii 'te. w(ho reWdZ t Ryckmau's CorneTs, d deal is reaRc
of death wits the i3eeds- to igerm"na The next Wentivii)rtt county, -vvas the v�j -4 im fatuous as to depend for the coiltents lately aud . feel Ther�a - I
B.—If Pot sold will be rented.
�orts by, school, principals, or have hart failuro., SJie has been thru-h- ct
separate examination papers pre- �Dut' hex lia Uvoed with remark- SeabOn 1 hoed crop should be put in. f a' mmit awsardly tick. He was of his maghZIDe 011 the driftwood t1wt an occasional ROPERTY Pon SALE, Pulo. r
The second ' ninig the land should twinge Atle esidential p. —For sale dogir. A
its -of. ir in
pain P operty in H Wi
A good si.ff examination' ably %god h641th, and, only, �sfi SP assaultedl.' and -robbed od! $168 on came In to 1111n
--mith some igrAin -without property of mis. xnox, There aretwo acres, a we -no
noe be soivn would soon b0 rtl_ round your heart' ?
about two pl'aced or his magazine would tived4 round w oil plantod -with fruits of 8,j I -!:d doeff not
Tor person who -seeks a certffi- bld ge� overtook' h that 0e has Satixrday� -ivhjl
plowin and seeded down t I Are you short of
,V grass. mliles ov stn KInds of
e the
a.prof s- been t all'unw-ell., Ui to a few cate of fitness to practice e8t varieties. �Gaod frarce houseA 1th all n
If the land is left in sod 6t three out of business. Not only has the (In odern #to *ould, mt
n is roson9ble, but it steins 'hors previous 'to her death she was, tain road. He was* brcth)' nerves cOnvcnle)3ces, and plersty Of good h1rdInIdsott theirst she'
drivin!g alog a -
water. G
Shemith -clock, when 'he heard the perty, and vil I be sold on reasonable Nry, alously, the - her' usi I Ixood -ot four YeArs most of 1he-seed will _b gone by. when �dltors sat in casy unhinod, sens - ood large stable. This is an e
net-dless to guard s jvz n o�t onerol
ntrance t hava lost its germ.1nating pwer. chairs and majestically si fted wheat I tion ofpin-i and needles rol mre. advanced sta:ge ber hiband, wUo pr�deceased her, O'Ce ot A an 'Who was' Ining by"bhe tPhe PY(Trictre88 Is unable to ork the lvnd� , F the
of study. 5Dachexs will hardly seek Some Wild Mus1tard. Toadisid talling or assis(ta:4ce. As from chaff In the piles of stuff sent, going, through Your further ps"ttlCUlars apply o or
arg, 1had-been tor many'years, . 0 the Pzetr-sefjljor�idd;ress
arms and fingcn? Seafortb P.O. mRs, C, Itofwnship. She tbu'L-h. o ly , an aiinu lie -over. the mau - who told payerfully to the;m, but gone, too, ig Ott
�Lo, pu-_1?h korwa-rd pupils wbo ar-e un- Tqs7idents- of Hay. aF this toped
'Be'tter take a box or two J.,t it perfe
own up family. T14e fun- weed is very-, 'trubletsome on ac- qway, and hen aii editor could sit In 0113AU . y and will. do them no tred7 leaves a iglz bimthat�hji horse had r;F od- -
pitclied of Milburn's Beart an i Q PLEDID
it, if once, bie sgr of xami.nation-i took place. on 'Tuesday f�--om tbe cpunf of i e 4' ta;lity of its seeds. iim there, a second man, —For sae
a aceasion of th
th vii his office and plau a good magazine 0 oplendidtaym h3ho IBit.Co A &12 Ui
Who Nerve Pills and get -cured Township of MoRtiloo,at The Village of Le bury. to
ce -ot ther. dau,�hiter, Mr. J4 �They may lip, in the o r eh concealed, ame up out of his Inner consciousness. A good be oio"10101
About tho in-,,reas'ed impor"Eance G6uld, to 'the Exeter cemetery -and years, and *t wlien brough to the belhind Xr..Hess and struck hi over before -things become too It contsino 11-21 acres 'allf which aye Oeftre%. At VaUn 400MI
-maazine today re resents the skillful CePt aboub three serw a good stac manual training, doWestio the 'bacl� of -the neck an(t m P serious.,
lar�gely-, aft"ded. a4riface will germinate.' Thorough knocked tivation, beiugwtli fenced and underdralne �d scit-nee and nature t5tudyi, Jliere may m. dwA d Mr. collaboration of several bright, keen As specific for all suitable for.grain
SurXce cult 'frox� harvet -to Ehe pair thnrlDbe giowing or stock rziel TO other gir,
bei a little doubt, Net that men, or m feedlng� Tbereisot a foot of wast� l%ndOVA
tiftte of freezing up, fllo*ed by a -book, after whdh farm. There are two Hess of. 'his poicket en and women, and its make
e bok
tiller's Grip Powders Cur 'the robbarg Iciloked Mr. H09 nd Ae- UP is -a nice medium between what the
tstudie4 are useless, bir-h tat pra
t . S , Inig bank btin wit 200d. dwelling bone". a -large
Alex. Wilson, Druggist Seaforth. h stone stabling utideru at
[there is., sbme danger of overburd- -largely. eradicate rriustard. ' It My- parted editors have reason to think their sub- ImPlemenb house and all neces b, '.a large
buildings I
-sees is
on-ing 'the, isclwol programm and en- Lor& fir6t class ze,
also be destr-oye'd fn grain crops by trabbcona, or otbarwise scribe'ro want and what they have rea- %%0 heart and nerve four never Air. There are thrfe orch9748 and arks
8 rem
'dange-iling thor-ougline-ss n old f9lIfug WON. - The farm Adjoin
A Remarkable Cow. spil'' ing with a two per -cent solu- known as'Donald A. SmItb, has pur- son to think their coiltributors can do troublestheycaii- lage of Leadbury, whezra are sto, a th to aa�
es, post -ofnee
de elo'n 'of copper sulphate at Ih6 rate chd-sed Colan-say Oronsay cs- best, not be excolled. A blacksmith shop, seboc, etc. lso P_Asth4lfoj vadh a M�l
Iri the Frmers' Advocate, of A-ugr- North hajuof Lot 27, Concossion 12, c
manner in -on"
pt--nd a good deal on tb of fifty �gallons to the cre. If t lip, tates in the inner 'Hebrides 1group .-true beartioniv, blood -Bstisve it, girlel,
ining -.52
-ust 25th, thre is an interestiv;�,Vic_ It Is an important part of good edit- res, all cleared except about 6 Acies.
hvhi4Dh the pr0ranim-c� is worke(l ot. in Scotland, - belnging td tithe
inustar(I plants are in blDom late enricher and nerve rc� bacouseindbankbarn. An -se, There is I ture 'oLf 'the Shortbo:tn cow, Ladyt Ing nowadays to kQep In as close touch ded -extept ahnt 10
�a r y General Sir John McNil, v. esg__ acres. Those are atnong the best ond most
It :&hculd be flexlblt�, and left lk�rge- st-noriger, soluelun will be 0. The r; they cure nervou,5ness, sleep] 6inl
StamXord, an:d ..,he;r 'trdl)let -calves at were as possible with the greatest Posuible newe -rofit lut -do,
ly 'to blie, of the� toolier - say three to four.&r cent. ilf possession of the MOX ness, nervous prostration, smoker's beart p - I eil able f4rw properties in the c0unAT 01, Huron a — -. be
five moutb:9 -old, wch u"m-, nd al
ge 403 *Mg o that Only a few of the nox- re twelye 74t6ly and 013'e" a -&-
and m this, rpspeqU -it is -wel I Althovgh family for 200 yers, a number and variety of perxons who papitation of the heart' after effects of 1� will be sold to tbe*r or s _y Buti -tibere in
exemp ted ±110m, OLat I? e9o"r oticula
pounds. Zbis cow Vav birtli to ternifrofpayme'n5o For furt rs
It ious weeds are here menbionea, if the `41es long, contain ab' '000 write. It Is part of an editor's bust- grippe, etc. on the prewitea, or Address the uodetSfgled apply 'it you V
she was eleven
Tltv� 'exriiirution Ift. With 'text three, calves when ' above -'mebhods re carried out' they res and art -the breediag grAnd n'ess tb ke6p well informed on all the Price Sec. per box Or� 3 boxes for $X.2,5 piletor, LeiCdbury P.O. JOHNST
years � old. She is the proper ty, 0 lie OINL KINNEY re- �fwlg_aud both J(
bo.oL-s nd examinations lbe.y might Of fam'o, --re new books and all his contemporaries at all drU,ggjStS, Qr Will be sent- on rc!cAipt I
destroy t. the same time scores I's - Hi9land cattle. ThP
-0 derich of otli-e):s 'of I' i are intorsfing ecclesiastical* ruins
ihip, ner Cli ess importnce. among the periodicals—to know et- of pri8a by
'thin"� f terfor, and ,in -ex-I�town
Mr. Edward H. Wis, ot Go
Rtnnation in' pic mkin- toXt. Of L Mr. on the estate, and trad4tion says St (b The T. Milb�urn Co., Limited.
and sa*i Wis e, and �his herd the Advocate y
! lng Yoars tinl ter, perhaps, than, the man himself Healthi
In!"Tlit 'vergre -an [he grotesque., If Columbia settled tjere be Toronto. Oat.
the onte:rprisin-m
Clemons. to Iona. Oronsay R
artvthfh- -can be don in re i1l flo" gq.'ng knows) what kind or kinds of work any
says: Among W, A SIGN P. G oss is said to be I= VI
ment of Agricultuie,
"0 to b ders of pure bred 8horthorns in" D�Paft
brctik dcwrt 'the idta th[ ll (id -u- fho 2inest example of early Ch giveU man can - best do and to have
-Tis- 'his
"Western Ontario s*Mr. Edward H. 1, i -great eouv
leads up to tilie h,arxiecl Vro- - tion sculpture in the vve;st Hij;.h- the. knowledge filed aw4y in- his mem- OF THE
W-ise, ot Goderloh township, -in Huron Th -e eaforth SAW 010"a just weVk ho
the cmmunity will be. bien- 'Killer's Gnanules cure Constiliation lands. hPDunty, -, -where, �on bis w-oll-kep t ory for'ready reference. It Is part of
eited." klex, W114on, Druggi9t, S'eafortb. ford Militia, serving actively
near, hig business, too, to see and talk with
frm he la�as established a very use-
oublal body of p,
thp, al of rebellion of'1837. Ong' ea T-Tulted 8i�,
ful herd of Shorthorns, numberdng 20 —A sudden and uexpected d6a th whenever he can, not only the pers. Ston %W_
A- Good Sign hd. Kirrg � oE Clare -Ls, No. 50,245, N ews Notes who are trying'to,write for him, but
ed4 on the third line of Erin Xs still selling China, . Crockery snd il -disputes. ThaS
very nice two year -old Sco(,011-7�red s Tupper, who -ec-ent- t0lvnshipl� Welhn-,�.on count Y., be- lassware at cost. It must be cleared Zzm_ wtagonistic to thi
A contemporary consider —Sir Obarle all persons whose situation in life is
3 a bull, headi'the. herd. The excellent ly arrived in this oounh�y from tween Saturday night and Sunday at all interesting in a way which
-ood s �ha� all the oub,at6n--�,-, to make -room for other nd 4 aurvival fr
g. tson, -one
7 cow, Vady, Stamford, bred by. the England makcs the proud boaNl: m6rnin m valuable to goods- Now is the titne to get good force was th,
George W�
Pndidates- in the Prc,.-�i&ntial 'r�oe Watts, and,.))oi by t sL
he praince of ires, m as
that 'he- has crAmsed tht, Atlantic 58 I)n. ho '&d been bufldin�g a himi—Clara H. Laughlin in Reader. bargains. Also I have A very heavy
in the United kates, are home like 0hllen,-e, by
'14 And in this positic
c ltmplon,� Barp- times nd he hope_3 to be spared to. flulfte at Mr., H�-nry rtop's nuill stock of all kinds of Tone, in green,
'ton �0, iis res Qns 0
Ding nien, nd t ha t t'h e th e Her p ible. for'mbst of cross several times Yet. He is It Eviert-6n, went to, his pantsi
ftbat re in stock. 'q�reat D
-good thing -s black, Japan and tea dust- all of which the
d man. oil' Saturdy eveningn, SPORTING -RIGHTS.
1campa, -n7 maa -rs o6nslider it good ShG. is now eenth ye�,11;, �11h(i —Caesar Rooker, believed LO be Sunda discount. In
in. lie r, fif 1; tospend will be Eold at a good
Te y. partook
business 'to advertise hot has: trdpleL to h' -of'p a hearty order to reduce my atock, I will give throu- it er credit this mar. 125'yeari'old,i diied in NV� Only Aba war-aT91049 isthin-ton. a supper and retired in anarentl
111 i Xanr T1- LyDod bargainE,
r= in the ff N.j- ut(I "euvty
IL tie 114('1111U110 L01t udge Paker fled Eng]Llxh FiLmMen.
Good and fresh groceries of all kirds, 0
Ile ca.me,'.to Georgia -and :5,pirit;3 fter
ge, On this go -T.ho, woudzr is
Itook up the. collection -is- usull 4t years 9. o, a-43 a slave trOM V',ir- part in a to
otball m-alch. Sun- Were it not for the enormous sums which will be sold cheap. Come one,
aper. Her produce, foY, -giin . Caesax leaves six- childTon day morning be Was found -dead in paid for fishing and shooting rights p,
littlo' chrch in, th villa COMS 0611 andget some of the good, bas been most�y hei ed. Elvira, a the eldest. f wh�om is 96 ears old' b Th' deceased ums 25 Or 21 gains that are LoW'goi
many people of ancient names and *kte4tJy,. 1 that
:xvalked to church moiV e)ars of Ae, unmarnied, and a great kinda wouldeR of public
-us, and Rre_-4dent Roosevelt very. smVth cow is One of her dkiuh- —1hiere iis serious distress i BEst brand of flour in stock and all 19traiA-y t6rs -by Grand Mast r, by 'Young (qig farmers -of P-i-�tou county, N. &IvOrite in. the Jocality. goodly title would, in the most lit�ral of salb meats, arroked bams, backs,
with his
let -
'17 to
isense, have no means of livelihood 9
in W-shila.,ZtOn and sat in his acou§_ 'Abbtsb-arn, the !Xnan chanipion —According TO a re rolls, long clear bacon and pork, and
Of to tho falure- of fodaer
d pew. Tb aigniticance of it the Fairl Cbi Sbn
e tan !b�,,i r at foot', by hovev. uarws for good pure 0 It invy not lbe P
sts in the value bho party m. a very nic tla us CD
!tome porL receive� a 0
)oons, whatever, and only t4e 0 er day 0 this fs beadq! "t[16 s bhe result f drout L deparLment Of a;9ricalture
has h. Sofraoid
ers have, osed of. frr-m Pr-ofes_�or lackhad of trhS 0, of the best known property agents of
.1 . - the p0sit!OD 4C;f Col
-ers atLach to the' d6und Sunda 171-ing. Kenny, he by Cla: Campbell, an tle at, ny -price in or
-s ot the cndidates—t el In d1i a n Ghri the west enid of London drew up for' I still handle Weatin's Torooto bread every
fbabilt Our in tale Nia.3nra Strong Utterance t
-Ro n R se� an iifo d them frpm starvation. district, it�be blck rot in
hey ft� ef. a
_bsolately fol
'tha t a r6putation for ch 'grapes is the writer a list of - a dozen people rwn a
urch g ay1fly, -is a.viery nice beifer of '. — day., tie 0 CD
iss Rena Guhlav, a yr)UM3
),V.i despr d
fhelps a candidate, wbich there nd doing much. mixing in societ of an exclusive kind, under uny -circtr
The highest prices pa -,d for butter and eggs
must meLn The same -line, and the whole- herd ldy from Now Yark, wib js visit -
t there. continues to be lawleas �Bpirl
iinjury. he in ttade or owli.
-L public.. Is, of uniforrm type nd quahf3� fear is expressed that every penny of whose income is de-
'914wers do not wake tip to the opinion on in Kingiton� while trolliner in it the subject, no'twith, iviould be expected, from such choic'e the harbor cu -111t ohe of the "e11 fc rived from the lettIng of sporting
'a i-ndustry
breadin 'will be
anhers aboaU -the. Parties looking tor goo' 0 _G& foref
emary to
d Aeni there. The, sobn desfrol,e�c ai lhere is 110 fu.�"_ rights.
Lxrcovth 'of irrliggion in the Unite& Shorthona �hould 'not fail to look 00 criminal
d (wdnty-five nd zus dise�ias4- to marcoma, 1t - all the money thus exp6nded
a t e, and -Lbe' decline of theJ ul) tbi:s excellent lot., Nearly
+ - -f- prolperty. The
01, C -quarter po nd ind measured it ovee At A. G- AULT, undr
eet -one, Inch in- -leni,-,rtb. 'elft .0 A.., -, P and AW, �f -agent referred to above showed docu it; may be right,
;has been made In commerce, and the
I he. di
for a quarter. e AV'i 11 &f Wm.. Weigrhtman,
P1 C -1-
b. ea d ot d: SEAFORTH force -dgaiinst 9.
Judge Parker a -ad his running ma, te fTh it is zilm,
H. 'G. 'Davis, the Denio-oratio C New life er's ()sl- 0 mentary evidence proving that there
ompound Iron Pill the firm of Powors nd 0olitrol dbe.
0 rob. us A
0 'would
twkand obtain o6d are Iots�of men who,do not mind. pay-
oAlex. Wilson, Druggist, Scatorth, Wei imail, manufcturing chmisL ru! I in their iladelphia, died fc-w 5hould hiiv be n 0 lo Ot 'we reviev. the
cPA in" as very deer, --heir red traAll -of
e 0 -rapes -t
y( -.t they re the oandidat s FOR SALE.
azg' -lie a, 'thiere 13 f or evev N
o, at ge of 91 ivil-ll be ditf i trout and fAO every salm- M foarse of hiuman. I
culty in :
bad, how fwv b
kill- Q.TOCK FOR SALz. For sale, one 4-yeavold
-arty which may net u fair- Noxious Weeds of Canada. of ovor $50,000,000 alf of i)robab 'I b on they IL- , ill, plus the! sport of 0. +
hp n ma rs, le f t D�e n g
ily %�'t de�.ribd as the ton.
c, y W11 Lc� to hi dau-rliter, 14rs. L 111.1 L Vi driving horae, also three Jersey heifers Apply
11 lip, willed 'nQ-PIM0 UJILOuebed Ire. found Ing them. One of the most remark-- " Jos 0 bo CHARLESWORTH,- Egrnondville.
'party, In sifiort, the four Anni M. Walker, which n othp '1903 tf
(Wri - tten for. The Expositor,) ars. devastated by the able features of this letting is the 0 have been, uderb
her betwee. A
eldi-njoy cix-
T'Prevent Dstribution. EICESTER SHEEP AND SHORTHORN OATTIL queab and territel
Due of 1he ri-chest women in 'the sfact that only about one in every hun- 0
rowers I c1 -efully
Pink all nium
dred -of the IA FOR SALE.—Theundbreignedhas for sale liev- 0 Inspired by demoi
hiv owners of ancient sport- eral thoroughbred Lel�e_ster Maeep and Durbaw + human' 11-fe
Werads not o�nly oausea great deal Mill -r, ex -M. P., of Brou'-h- 1grapes and spray tho,
1111116cesSarY wok and annovanct, ear,
Ths Wav of thei TrUsts. Onhar;,o. county, (Ii -(,d in sprinp-'t and. at )el,.3[ ing rights ever enjoys his privileges Cattle of both sexes, Address EgmondvWe P. 0, or
twice i n.
uring the harve-sLing, tbroi, g 19c of 87., H�� was 'tbe pi,on- middle O -V July nd Aug as a
shin Uritage of woo U
A 'INT r at wiLli Bo -t- sportsman.;' He either pre' - nPVlY9tfaTW, ll. Road Tuckerswitb. RoBtri IPA
eer cattle br OBARTERS & SON8,
has ;--had 6nd clea -in!g -of. grai ceder ':nd �mpDrf.er 18724 story of . urights(
11, bu t Clicy sap of d0i'lux mixture in order to preveot o is compelled to part with such
n for- �the very vtality trom the n d. u
Pln ts OnLario county, ore.most ULLS FOR SALE,1be urAders. ed has for. cin the �hgql
pet t"'Ition -of public inf t e intecti-OA. privileges, and those who take ad- (D
spime in- craps grow.6 'Impure jeed, par- litc �of outh 'ObLrio for —Nine --gons Beale two tborcugbb)red Shorthorn bulls, ell -
killed oulright, vautagp of them are nearly all peoplb
gib'e for
half'a Gentury. lie w,,,,s born in t%egistration,'agcd 18andl2monthg. One
1te,*r1!s(.iriX information w-.11j6h' 'should and clovers, is veral if is Sbr4d, fatally inj red ard a Trbe
1�rgely r Annan, Dumt- y 12tl), 1817, nd o ured in business. otber whAte. Apply to JOHN Ito- CD cc
esponsible Per bhe larm- or less sel.'Ousjy NEVIN, Kippen. 1-% be l;ke and prcxfi table ing 1891-tt
I This reatIng of fishing and sporting ilowly than the b
Ita all. Tn. the. Seq)(�ember G0117` e ivifixed eornmunc,
spread or nbxioui wedds., I o. Canada in 1835, to, reside injured, � is fh of. a head-ol" has )even extended down to co V
Of sequentl7 it i� Aways Pcavjsablt!,� to with W15a uncle, the lat<� Georgre Mil- collision 'Which occurred tist Tburs- mpara- ULL$ 'FOR SALE,— 0 4
da when the
.1, m �jjvg--A' L"% The undersIgned ,has for sale 6 pure bred Dar-
zn-, be �the best seed avdable. Ter, of In 1848 he. pur- or buf tiyely humble People in the provinces.
ihile"fom Ric I -h bulls with pflIlgreere or eligible for registration, a speci.., �Idu
Many a s My Aged bull, which is the airs of the others, is in- Aiv 41 1wrel
Farly diaturing crop - sucli as rt 6-P flip eil-ate now 7�,q,
oT-Arnif-r Nvi s, G1..1 malf Yorkshire farmer is be -
as proved himself a sure 0,000 in the Vnnk, tnfl IvIlo over MY, can be out bc&�re- I -lie. tncl compris- nd -ept, and well kept, not by 'his Etock getter., Ife I Trunk passe' eluded in the effaiig and h
er tra-in fron Ing L was stred, by Riveraide Stamp,
Is Vic- 1,000 i 0 es Ton cl, il on(rel! and nt�rinpdia'te point. tatlWpg, but by the lettig of s me whioh did sillch types of e tb:h
iveed seeds mabure,. tiaus pfev�l I r . dr(,n and 11 i 0 .0 inrthe herd of J. and W,
by !he trust sy,3tvrn.. The 'the distribution & -weeds. Su * m his survive 4,im. r�rowded p.,Issen�
In er 0 B. watt, go d qerVjj�
gel's for L Ofsalew, andiss halfbrother tootar iof -still rwgere.� D�
comparatively Insignificalit sporting la>
Wilkes, 811krbro Mofniiisr,reeent13' ownedby James Sn6l4of Hui
Ot the Rtubb�(.., liri(l, foll. oke, fair, on(i a focal r
p a rlght.—London Tit -Bits. of b('
er in ound lett, which took flrht prize fit Undon fair and sold'
btr IiVxt by hoed. cr-ol) Rran�foxd.j clied in tbnt aily from appeared, bub tlu
at his dispersion sale fer $400., ARply on TA t
r 0 n n td Monlreal., The licvy c:k- 16 CD
it(> b Concession 2, HAY, or JOHN ELDE Hensall P. 0., I:L LZ
B.innin*,,j.j11i Enuland, in IR1.1. Tho our-sion Jrain, 491y adequate 13
Somi, M,r --SufV0i(!n tly nuar -sur- excur-
.�:iniily cinc., fty To.r(onto in 1823 where nd vxpr
Ining proper�y. 'The to erminalv. witb, There is hardly room 18714f qu%trele dies hw�
t lie mine is �4iven oui,. at $,or (Isli crash- for doubt that ],.a, 43ept as 1
To m ed into Ct
Aste W11 kes, is Nvith frightful Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was en- IMPORT NT NOTICE, r.11itow
to kno-w sounptilini- O.f , k(�pt a store. A)o . 'A 9.
00. St*ck to tbt amount is issue( ovir nttire 19 �Vibh bro- -113101ok. The hA
lOrOmOHvQs Wore com- couraged to write his "A.Utocrat of e the w
ANT&D.- 0
-h(, bank*for the- regarding coked, and the hmo, front Breakfast Table" b reading "Table -Youxigwomantoiearn pro slonal tfttbl �and limitit
and handed to t rid prowth. &rnp exe 'Ien-f, Wilkis crae to i)letcly wr th
ril-oner wirie Cord, of e.kaell tra�in were (elegeope y W
balance of the farmer's mo up nursing in the Phoenix HOspitAI.Aegoolation 0� M_
f 8 4
d Talk'�—being "The Miscourses of John Training school for Nurse3. Two year course. 03 "ruction. 'of th.
give%n by Mr. Simpson Rcnn'ie, bout -1860 claceased. 1qunobed into A f-rihtful se.(,ne [bepast Addreaa E LIZ IL13ETFE COOLING, t
40(). St'age 2 ted by 11�gll raLe Dwnp-r ot tbe gol-(I 111�0( 11 f, n_%urnce bu3incss, in Belden, Esq. or His Sence of Vari
Ir -1 h i 611 bdig pinned under StIperintende
- In of On- -h the del OUS Pbocnix Hospital, 105 S. Fifth Avenue, Ma It
impressed by the. re- 1871 lie, be ywood. b r Matters of Weight and h 164 Vamp seenItly Ws t
'Ind the. shrieks &,,t the dying EEI Cqnse- Illi&013.
01 [Ito c�ity tre.' -itnd i,nju
nd PP.,renninl of Brantfod quence Relating Especially to Religion earf t
FInd the The, Gt na (Ia � I . red Pssengers rose above
Itrust, the is induced' to bui and Jield tji(k pogil..ion for t�wenty' tll,,. wKe do# rsv
Sow Th f those killed and State." The work belons. to EACHER3 WANTED.—To teach two schoo;g, War
tile -'4100)0 m4ning stock. three years. For many ok. Most of Tknowaasthe Norhh and
This rs he was' were i -n the s' oker of th6 excursion South, in school
ye, In
deal enable3 the trust to, Pay off can be enhrely killed i n Among the killed was 1634-54 and treats of such topicszs ;ftr Seot.1otiNo--4,Sbfl6al0Y,rfor the year 1905. Duties or(
Mr. IT. to comouce January view
Of _92nd Br -int' 'fra i
P. for St. 11
b yap! montals Person-ILI ed.%'-Ths tcuth I
rn Or root crop. T 0 main thiing is b,i, met w -i- ceremony, Christmas, clergy, confes- apPileationg 1) eferred.
nd to ciii flo ly worked state
it the. bank, season -by -v 1) of R6sser B. B 1,1-p 6 J* t, M ticles, baptism, Bible, bishops, book salary expected. Enclose testi to
livalk of -w-ith $6,400 of Lhe farm- ci th a�serjous and painful ;b as �n*�h'hs Applicants to Write a,! E
way to visit'the
addre.s, "APPIleltions for teacher." publijo cw
'to keop theTAL "010wing bove coident, which may Prove tatal It Sion conscience, creed, duel, epita'ph,
m'OneY St'l-le 3. When the frni- 'g mm -n rL As 0140 Yarr.
nd trie�i to '.turn tione rectived up to the natiom
tthis ininiag to row -pail of water t'an faith and works, gentlemen, holy days, NICHOLSON,
Bayrfield P. 0., Ontarlo. 1914x4 0 more z
Tnotor Pump,: hor hand cauglh'L in Use Idolatry, Jews, juggling, king, law, lee- u1stion*1 it,ock into cash—then tile '11?
lets out t1le. Svcret of the a0mniences I o stol.(� Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to
goaring, qrawing br towarcis 'wash tures, liturgy, marriage, money, oaths,
Cost or the, I plant food in its undtrgro-,�,11(1 woolens an*d flannels,� ou'll like 114vollver, the kni
mine, knocks ou t t lie sl ems in,'-,[, till ber hair, bocame tn- y
avirk-et .11ue (kr L11t,. �ijock, forces n.(l so 11ab by)'Lhe time it is in [he r4avotvinq, machinory iL 0mcles, Poetm popery, presbytery, An Explanation.- vidumle. The ar,
1. F1111 bloom it " will have storad- and 32 proverbs, fthr-ated by no r
orn r,
tarulex to sell the stock for Dlnple�te telf9lon, sacraments, trade, armed' *,Ith th
11in, o brougji.tL' sflstance, but bc- truth, bul-vorsity, wit and womeii. For It having been
TLr(l to- live, through' in- scrvn in represented that BrIlit;
no matte �rWhat CULt., Perth' It6m VS THE SPOT I
of $6,400. WiL, are told t t f J.C� 1.11 e machiner Atruationo Is not,
could be put out the thousandth time, "Nothing new un- BrOlu. were payin me a rental of $400 a e
-systvni by hich t., -,*L such land.. Whre a —H--%�. Thorrias Ballr, ty year for the use of my premises which they Right in the small of the back. j@ the Matt - prod
Stand- of motion hier arm shvered t 01 Stlatrord, der th
have iuct vacated, I wish to correct this Doyou ever got Poses omiereua
fie-attq, Rockftillcr and ROL,- mmor to �here home from hit, rip to the old
is no trouble of clearin COUI h ain there?
'01u pro(luction of coppei. g the land -o t ry,-much benf fit P
xcitement t Catar- I impreEBion. The fact are that for tne 'dawn Df a
perennial Good Wate'h $txnds Hard
tilirty - nnar 'Kin-ston, w.hen h 'S r0arys M&II'L Past several years fhPY haVe only been pay- you know what n moana? be
million (101,_ ither by bl- a q W, Gr"rge C.srey, 013 If io. do
die liard, on - r
ary in
'i ng 0 "The kijocks"
one dity. ve lidd o us n- cifl-I iva are ra-1 out to ei barged ith st,Letnpted bitogi 11 good watch may lng mn rental Of $250 withouli,:taxev. All It is a Backa h d tb
Tor wdth �wjaer bv n 't 10 te tfinglii.311 Strat- hom
bout nd brns of'.Tolili tted.
etri, Pli'm in �he hrou bepn 111norably Ac4, m to do W, �Y th
oint Sili C
VS Mr. 11 I)JOcted to and et come Out un-, thaCi asked the
he hckrr the '-Ding over the I-vnd -it , k"Is t 011ce'. Berry. ATueb 0C the as to pa the U00mez the Jut
misfortun --Naarly' -einrkable," Bald the they-ocen
heVent-7 P20pl�e left INlitehell i11jt11'e(1 are 113'ost I taxes on the propey ty A sure sign of Xidney Trouble.
1pinion to steadl
ntil Augulqt. ture 111(1 bar tion m Tawd-ty of I would be un increase in reub of abouo
whch were tile, awfill. n -were burn- t ek on the ha, Jewelor as be'attached his glass to one Don't neglect it. Stop it in ti -m -e. oery three.weeks u huse, furni- eta pied which
vest per year.
blza,3 were r of Bind Weed. ed 110fure , the �ra exeti-pir-n to hl-nitl,. (Te and pecred Into the wi�rklngis of If yen don't, serious Ki'ney les' bat
had (o know Thi uished.- It- - L -Paul F. Htrding, ',on'of NIr. E' W. Troubl ween
perennital n(I one that coal Hard,w,,- b�vriste, nf 8% Marva, a timepiece. "This watch Is supposed WM. Campbell, are Sure to follow. Sttes
the uicidvs, rticzt difficult eeds to been poll -red over vari was mar. 1916-2 'SEAFORTH.
ripd in R-gina, on Angaet of e 7
9cci)unt ot its twininfr nature. and et. R U L 1) 11 c 15tb, to Miss rts. t1w starvation on 4'eles -ind fh iou% a to have fillen a distance of more flian,
etnd fire.. arn, cf that plt&ep. TO a iyhose, sOCL
I Ile r0OtS iL owft scrcely be kilh-d erry Nis be6n ac' i- i n --The hen Hug of the pre)irn;u%ry investi not nterest-4 art
tand lo;�t I SeWS011, even wbere (I)e cknw-
ingl(, &,,s ago
the disorder. A. few S AMNEYPIL
1 :1 hundred feet, 'Ind I can detect
OP late DOA.
PIANOS, b ale
TMace of t�ho W
in hmd Ird-,-(,d hv,; r)n gatinn' -'n Stnitford. on T�u-tdt countrynizin brought a WfttCh to mre ...... -tit
Tht crop. Th� d 0. the V last, of Backache, Lame Back, Diabetesp oonly i -ft -ripe Case, Jot:n Kuntzie, Vi-hich 11C C.-Camined. He had 0 an lecurate picture 110.
'11 it thoroughly is snnprr,,Pd to be.
to k' vvrovg in mind "'a Lo
cha,g-,d'4V1'h rape and rob )rr00UPbSY and adl lGdney and 1314Ld4or k n o'W 1(, (1 f in d A% -;.]I lilcely be hery, was coin. lost It In fl
-iny uninier 1`711low every. con -fine eld. and it had lain out r e
-lip inside 1VDr1Cin;r,3 tip tehis high I
or ten day.s b tial nn I o'h charges at the H igh Xll We s' ell the famous Nordheimer
rod Shared- atfl- ozied to the elements, for six Iurth46
Pga in Novemb@r, 1�3, p, L
blong-ed i�lln".3 or wee make4unsu d in toneaction 00 300. a box or 5 for$1.25, all d*&IGM arents t4athei
t of the time being sub- P
DAx1--h-t-r, a rnii..in hom the re- and finish. h,
and C01111);1171iions whiah G rass. n1willis, Dr. rpaetpl our pr
tvator. -pr' Fri
Jobn serve in idll—ex eounry, qnd 16ex be- DO" KMNzy FILLG*, .4- who have sin -
rin on Iliv T'jilt v_x-Air. :P. -for W1 (-nni-tl it to for fheqebringvill- flax Mill, e0l1dillo, not even a speck of rCWtLJU T*t*nt*. 0in16
To +o Was ,ed in water. It was in perfect fore purchasing.
-Li t.; 611 to chokm (hem ofr,, L3 held on a obarge*of 1i a t1he Case." bJLr
7�ir;- _Is barn of Janles -n th buJ7 T'p r&. Furni f the
1.beir in Datton, 1�1;rlln ture
rnorE� thn tou;r f�-ve —Agn--g
111) in (14�(-V ld(,n NV- .1 relict.of till tita D,-tn A
P-1 "q 'lip rgNotlets rc near tile. born lit-BaIINWinnon aid 3t Mone'
Jilinalm' Lo-ve of Sweets.
Vcyri, reilibery !,nd plundor. Aii). ,)Un(y Doneznl, Ircil.1no, oil rnmarty, depitt-4 this y to Loan.
d4pendrix n It 4., r t e on Suday ir-orning, -Augutt 21.t, at I'llis OVO Of is very- common. Upholste v111 rf The COrPOration of Tuakersmith have Umof
tho ag4 0169 years an fioni the bee 001 fund monies an band to loan on good larm
re d into rows hV niOATI*3 f1U11(jr, I d lmnwh. Dee-aRerl I Parb ef the ITT
�,nd sulkv bo;4o rakv, t1l; rboh, livit' frhmd, Pniiz Was a lour currentratee of interest. Pwgos",
ra t _4%th
Thi, country -%vllc,n [I e 1-0 ht -r quiriniz sueb Mesta with, eve�
0 pulpft� in -�
was not un(xPPcted. (-bq lea --ren behind tn -se iry giving Iiiin two or. three g uror, albton Or to A. G. SwI1110, Clerk, Hes-
and SP C, -,u [.1 t i vv L - of heart trnubl 'to tile horse. If yuu want to please a should apply to Turner. trow
,o -by. ff thoy do v(,ry af" �;Ve he bot U-nderfakin
111111PS of sugar. 'IQ P. 0., or to thotiderbigned, G.S. Black, Reevo_, likplv --pent.. thvir fo tl.(' where. Hicy -ire not I -or J.'111
r< drwing tho TI! v�-, r Inivand filrninx. mournher loise four daughters nod t�reo
d aons. Not only the bees, Serkfortb P. o.
o blork ii UP Ilrepnrinz 11i711- —64r. I Pi:-ihqrd but the WaPS, flies, butterflies and In. preaLic
i,4 I oo 1-11 o remedy it, nuill,vrOl's 1110, b 1�-; bt.ftirr- don(�. ly� !Tho Borton.of Mitehell.pa-,ReA a . ries i
�)tq : deed nearly all liusects, are conspicu-
t n u f d' bit T -T., away on F iday evenivg.lp h u t Olve theirrrig.-n
ample sill 10 (Iry flien burnt, He Wae 011sly attracted to sweets, and it is _P_ -
Ton in 1867, rc,- Only in bia"tweinty-thira nr, and 10 1 " to the lw�rza
f dt';11 ill ilivest- 'well orked Dulton 1891, 1,(%, enzie
, (1, A rn ovi n:z Ia I Knech McK
corii or root crop tl1f, in Wol f' _01_1, unt arnan. Ht, this sweet tooth which leads the in- ENI IST, TORONTO,
hrigh % %cirt prorniping 01111,
yeato ago to sacept �S"t to visit flowers alld thus help. 1 HAS T6100vd frain 41919herbourne St. to hie bmmtl,
SEAVORTH. In, now offices, 436 young St., welto Carlton at,
them to '9�oqw