HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-08-26, Page 81.
0 UST 261 AU0 THE..HURON XPOS OR 8 Jkfttam, Tor some erson.-We under-' R1 W. Vek- fftlr em. er, stand tht Mr. Frajik'Wilb is ar- iTait, MaIrtin Donnollk, and unify. of to 9tarl ut in t he -GOODS2 P911i 'M10k Bur a Rem b Wat6r 1 S.
V. VS: I Xeb�n McCoatell az)gj 'ESS rop is a fa A. Aikew. exid D,A.ikem,oT HiMw9t; That the wheat a ilure in (gem hdns business 1n he store reciently va"bad by Mr. Lea- he New F&U Dress �.,'Ioods aTrived W4ka and Georige Pt or a. orb ime we will @ell our regm MIM Mamie XOR Ontario this yearand aary large DISTRICT MATTERS. ffulley,,of Lew Unma mo-� -Tyd.—Mr. and Mrs. F. AolmetOted 12 quart enamelled water percentage of whoot ill not e fib to Bl'y4ftb,, 'thlb week- from Lond'on I Glasgw ular 65cr jiad a, pleasax60 drive W, Caum and A. Groji6, �ot Brucef ield 1; tor milling,and what i a can av P. L. Ryan, wat,6n; win. J. Hall, or nob maka first class fiour,_t o 140 g witYa,case of up:. -date �bre'ss pailost 4$o. We have just received s, 'the 'Wfp they tr � elled
wieel. On enhear9t Santtarlu: m.—A %he Gra thie full breadtb of the towmehaps large number', so call and get one Chiselhurat T. J. 963fichal, HW- oovero Mft r -the purpose.,l of com- ome this as for 'Hllett, Morris and XeRill-op, o- while. ihoylast. Thdy are very cheap lott; Waltex HiMillan, Roxboxo; we have put- in a'largla stock of prl�tlnig a local organization 'in th.e* ing by, Har1pok and rebariiing by mell, W Nellie. G�,m. ink Arrnsbroa� 0 n*alties, which g and flour, groand fr in the �id wheat here are an and good at tble price. interests, of the Free Con's'.P�iptive John MoIntiosh�- Stanley; 8, red to supply our Walton' MT. Holmested 1swys be had TO
be held and are prepai -.8aitarium in Muskoka will 1 - ar il; 1, -re t6 please you. . - : no !&a +,hat tthe;r& was tauh a beau- 6 an Himbiley, Seafortb-; John . Boyes, cuktomers with first-olsiss flour Jill the town hall next MondaY even itiful country 'And isuch,, =#Ignifiont, Blake. The flollowlim,; were issued -to while it. lasts. Pxrk- iag. On Sunday next Rev. Mr
Leave your order with us for �ple Rvinlg in and near Hnsall and weA ItUled- farxac� in ,tMt part of the er.,will deliver an addreOs Oil 'the PO( Oome Early who took th 1tr in. at Hensill: , J. oounty� until be sa them on this wiark of this institution. in,th�, Metl HAPAILTON KERSLAAE trip.—Messrs Fred Lang, L. Tisdaler Vinj
Caldwell, miss BU'R, odist church in the forenoon And, in. befty. and J. Cum- akt Y6ur. On. Seed Mereh.wits Ed. 'Barnett, J Do' And' M $electi
0. KeTslick, J. A%Iiticm, J. Bullard, the Presbpterian, church in the ev- aflOV-1
S Swam, $. Horton, -G, Hobkirk, A. -of the- Bell Engine Works, Ming, all all in- "Ulutj. The �cw-operation of pn Tuesday for Ma,nLtoba,-%vbe�re F.' Bmsor, Sol. -rested in thiis good woDk ts vor_ SmUh, D. Oswald, Slid,
te h is -loss, He was a good citizen, a 'they will pri-ispeet f& a 'ti4e and if Sohk-oedw,,� . Thoxvaon and W. dially invited. kind an(l- blging uelghbor and an their do not see an�,t a honoable. industri0lis, .-1900d liviag h,an tbey bad here they* will !return. - Travellers.—The followinix' were man, and his dkth� is a soux" oir —We learn f r-om. R,obegt Devereux is paiintia�� Fell -rom. a T�aiji�.
, -1
We handl' the best gr des. hing better Iticketed-lo distELnt points thit week deep sorow to all -his rekive% and one of! -�fhe itcheal ommibu%%.s. tbe Torontq - paers of Wedneday SU that Tb Cong -illy, ir., son of Mr� This spealm well flor the wGrkman- by Greig & Stewart, C. P. RI a? a of dincere pqgr �tfo all' who knew alking 8- ,kirt
-,van, Seaforr�bl, and Miss Th,os.. Connelly the welt!r known oat- n this I- !tu' d out in Mr. ()HFISNEY SMU Y, Miss K. co Min. The remains wwe interred in SUp 1 J&D Me ng shi from Br is, to Port A�rthtur 'the Maitladbank cemetery on Mo- -W re rceivi t.1,6 buyew of ffibbt, V#ho left here Devereuzl dbIsbmiet.—MD. T. J. e a went SlUiIORTH, X#P, and Mrs. i Jamelg -on 'the Manitoba, excvrsorn on Tuea- day, mad the esteem 'in whjoh, he was Ryan, of Cbarldtbe, New -'York, is V -irt makers about t*ice.- a. week. bl ad art, Tuskexstaftb, to Vaueou- day, fell from the tra,in wlen. near 'd'in the community, where he b home -on a visit t* -his fathex., Mr.. -return ; MM*3 Hay-�, 0 Win 2Pent Ithe, whble-of his life, as well Haedware,-.Stoves, Etc er and T. Ryan, of MeKillop. Mr. Ryan e new styles - are prettir a -ad smart Holland Ladiig and' was seriously is -Miss Gaftalock and dincerit jiured. He was tal�;n back o Tor- y of th. sypupath.Vt felt employe4 witk a bridge building ingg. �-We are n6ws� �'6_119 a nice- LbL!Td, Sea-forth� to Port. Aith-ur. fooe 'the bereaved family and friends, company, an a onto �on Wednesday! by a :GranA il couple of weeks byt boalt froini. Owen was well manifet9ted I by the very Tboy all Igo aF A4 o0ment for early -1411 *oar mil Qhev- Tik Railway hiiiieian and placed o, he 'fell from a la:rge crane, a M1 In ,Ebie eme�Zency limoital tlere. in -large numbeT tance of about �tbirty feet. Ia ed to —The following were tioli;ot 'Tweeds and Box Colors kAAAANION BANK. Sound. fallihig be atiuck a large tDne, e al. Nhio &4eded* the tun W. Som- ,the fall -hTe iniu:md his ack and ig -READ OFFICE, TORONTO. distant points this week cutbing OL deep -gash -in his ch -eek' now Itakig a reet.—The Huronold! Navy and Black. wexth
-ills, ralway amid Local Brief�. Bri,ohit Bros., who Boys, E 8. OSLER, M. P. T. G. BROUGH, ery dt4am'%hP an d be is adly bruised on :the head Association, -of Toronto, will
y - y.e axs have oocupied a t
'Oice $3, $4 Siginaw, xtn' u�mal, have their -tent- at the
Miss Doiiava I 0. for %went o thh
President General Manager d shoulaom� 11�3 P 5 a n 4 $6 e -ac h. blook, h4ve T6ront faili, whiere all Huronites MIS3 N,�tt Miss store in tbje 0 te So6 er o Detroii� —0 ampbell that t
lasedthe vaoq-fit stowe W the Strong i0fch to Bay City. PEL "No will be Made welcome, andtbey are Tunnis HOUSES FOR SALE. For sale, Capital, Ftiflyftid Up—$3,000,000.00 and are moving into it this Walton, to RocbeNter,* three dweill fil senforth, two on Jo block reque,,�ted to inge thi�s tent their UMM1,11s, 0 ho Mal
ReservelFund and 9 u J. a. I&SL3 Jean, Dickson. and Miss. Minnie� street avolle onaMdostreet. Apply to Mrs wdeO Mi0a Jean Dilekson is visiting 'dquaTtera.—Mrs. F. J. Burrows lifea, divided Profits $ 3,474,900 Maqka,,to'&rn1a,, Capt. A. WilsOn'to P"W,�80afodb- frieln - ds in Sarnia. Mr. Robert, SteQe and ohildren are visiting 9:t London. -%Irsn and- daulghter Chesney & Smiley have tblo wesic. receiv. met 1kth pal I coid . t w. k -Deposits ky Public S 26,377,000," Mrs. La a nbu N en 11 ee Ai,d of tbe Metbodi.5t Ottawa. �Tbe Ldies ad ik car load of H&VT tbought Ranges sod,balf a Lh,
Total Assets $ 745,000 t d .6-r so a! Ile was w "d - 0ardo's ball on It -he evening of 0 Wiliest ome.11avo Burners. 191,6-1 _Z 0. heeling o -b
.3% t& tbir li�ome in Ddtroit, Mr. an car IoO of P bayfitld, and in going aTound oh.nroh iWbend !giving a concert in RAINC TS111 ws. Drscoll, of. Leadbury, and �tbei fit —A rl to do 00061!*1101106 hol bi the -road, he stmunk a -atone Wanted. dalgh'.16r, Mm. Boyle, to A �vork for's small tsm y of one littio SaVtembQr 9t An exciellent pro S-EAFORTH i3RANCHO Mrs. BYle r�e,cetved news ot �ther sud- 41ft-'X -ly"r and 'took header into the diteh:a- once to Mrs. U. a. Andrews, Marks$ C, ll*atdtth gminme s being arra:aVd for, and .new
now over two-'' n re ad in which some ,of our b69 local tal- iiath f her husba while she 16-i lilghting ba his siae on 'the ban den df h�ve ad main Street, Sesforth. were on* a i1sit' to bar. Th -a was, thNt -he: ha her Johlldr6n fro Two LADIE J. a and &—Switches made from e6t wtill take art, Fullee. particu- incoats in stock an(! w0- vice EV f atlity for the transacting of a ouple -of xibs broken, which &id -her arwiW at Leadbury. combings. Miss IL Ross, over W� N. Wateon's office 0 as will e Itiven lalter.—Mr. F. J. 'More to follow 94V t The variety this 4kWl; busineen. North Man street, sealorth, i8u.tt -" hi3n 'off work for. a few dayii,_]�r. MaGavin a -ad wife -have, reiku;rned to, Collactions made on all points In. Canada '01ason is very great DetT&E aafteT a t weeks' visit 'a a wo
sad speolaild for Students Dr. . Ovons, M. �D. of London, ojouligb Alex. WUsn left his week t t suocc�rl .—The follow' brelAt mat
and abroad. __iiag pupils of the Seafoirtbi. Collgiate dissases of the eysi. ear, nose and end the `annual '-rifle maahes, I n the Off 14 __ wi,th Ifis lyaxent,3 bere.—Mr. E. H. il I Uromi will be st llestarth on!ftesday "d Wedneo- Toroniito. flea of 001- Advance# mada to Farmers. �Speolal at he 1 From Toronto hia I No ThdItitlite weiro successful at t als axe good, and the
day, August 80th an 'Office at goes XtGarin has also r�dturiied to his t OUL4on paid to tho collection of 8*19 tom d Net. its are all Obtawa, to take in the Ishootrivz
Dpaimental exam�na%icons hold Hotqil. Glassos prop*rly fitted. IOLA- and dUtbem 'in Godierciolit towntalAp where srs, Qapes, sleeves SAVINGO VFARTMEW.-Deposits Junior .—OwWg -toi September let coin- 0111 i Part o 31, -chog seha;ibil.—We ithas �summer: -WEAVING. MW 1i loialm —18 V]; ie . lias een 'tea reoeived of Otte Dollar and ulawards. Q�eri d A�%t can be desired. We- have F It C aixf,9 on Thursday, ano ,the followipg Some Ledving,—R. Davis, hOnOM; C to do Wl kinds of carpet weaving. Leave re sorry ito, learn ithtit' Mr. Harry �ei �� P d i Interest alloWod--at highesi rate and M 1914x2 t hals beera Al de, r, R' 'H. Archibald, L. residence, Loulea, Strept Monday behaig Labor Pay, i exan iffan Egmond, of Roberte drug store gant raincoats at ten,_, and twelve� compoundedhatf yearly. PRETTIEST bores: I'a Canada givili &way demided ai6t,bo open the Collegiate In- is couffin4d -his home in E,gmond- an each d f6i 0.001 $6.00, Burke, X. Dorsey, J. dak, September, hoi n villle by illness.—Miss Harv�qy, who
A; E. GIBSON, F. Foibets, W. F. Freeman, M. P. free by the Rlobard stitute until Tues R. S. HAYB, I Pure soap CQ to th tj person Solidtor Uwager. Ga:tzmeyeT. GUlesple, C. G. V`110 guesm the nearest to its weight, In' . a- main Intendinig pupils s Id make a te lhias $ 7 00 and $8.00 each we', n give yu.
bUildlog, London Fair. *j ,been visiting her, gistq$r b6re,�� 4 6
Gunn' on id' the, fir4t day IMrS. (Dr.) Burows has returned to L., Noxr19, B.' i of 'this-, and be h& 4 Norris, M. Penhale, V. M. Sookt. A. i4rigaged for th d oncert of school. All tht old staff have lots Of Style, alld garmews that will Is rsno a( to.be given ifi 0arduoo ball on Be mber Othmoder been fr-eigaged for t itig year. lior home 113� London.—Mr. Stove4q' �rove service W the au years aigo was engaiged as portant. M. Wgit .' Junior Matriculation.—C. An Idin Bessie Reader; 111so Edna —Mr. A 1h., G. T. ason., *B. Wan h C AA
z f thl
Im Notice ,,!plqed, of tho Lad1W At z of the Methodist Willso,fl, lol Detraft, was who, soqnt� abla, _a. huni
'Iesman ilia the, i5tore -of Mr. Dun- -Pickard, violinist;. Idl 0 sire ]PIckard, Vocalist, hlere, 'this week, isiting, Kniig1t,, schoiargltip; R.- Davis, his sister# -can tbre, buttwhoAs now a resident The 'ell ndolhers 1916.1 Mns. W. G. Willis, and other friends McH of Cape Town, Soixth Africa, was Job6so, 13, elv6y, K. re National 0 am Separator A. L R.,;T -Part - I, Sr. roomp, with —Rev. Dr. Cook, of Ontari stree-t ,call-iog on old friends in 'town laot baloonv to rent in the ad v blnnk A nni. an Ia W AV%ZA pounds -apaolby Aleth M. X ht schola�rahip ; Al A. 1JC31-, '-Oady. of tht Methodist church. 'VZ4� E. J. co -min, N.'R. Dick- 1315-2 ouLst. "lure , uUn";0n, OccuPlOcL week.—Word mas roceived -here on
SM pounds ce, L. D. , 2 tile pulpit Wednosdy of, the death a Mza, 450 poliada apaoity roe good horses for sale, suitable for A�rry, M. KeJIY,' B. on Sunday la*t, Rev. "A, K. Bi
son, Wobard Tholnipson, formerly of Me- T
driving or working. Apgly to 3. S. Walsh azid 8 rk
Telfer--. Part pump works, Re0orth- 1918-o'00 preazhi."g in Clinton. Tht executiIVe -Killop, which took plaee at Blyth on duratie, stror g ard esFy fo rperate. A vey, 3 ommWelVf the 0. m= watnTited. Manufactured by tbe- ]Ray 11, Senl6r M. Kn'ight L. A. have Aecid- Tuesday. Mrs. Thomipson -%vas a Slaughter Sale of Dress 'Joods. —We pur.
IA. Dor- ed that thie tie between Owen Bound ic .n, H. k - of Dress Good mond. Sewieg-lifacbIve Co., Quelpb, and aold by scb,o,1a:rsh P D, ks olearinj our. entire skoo �65ber of Mr. . R bert Gove. .1o, k
rp - eel H. M. Kelly, J. E. W. Crme--Cash. G. .E. King, Wiingbam. isib-tf la"offae team and the, Beavers, of And of Mrs. A. Clo, of Silver
W. N. WATSON, BCRANTON C6AL isthe best. Avoid the his 'town, shall be played off in Mrray, C. Wht. M. A. Creek. She Nvds 76 yeays of aige and trouble of last wintar getking your suppl Strat-fard on -Wednesday next, the
y now. I.neursuce _Ageut, and dealer In FewIng MaebiDO and Gordon Gunn palss,611 a,160 in Bad been �- i -I I several m 6d tbs. The re- Farmers and others TrIswing It fro -ear& or bins W&
and Biqycloa� North Main street-, Seaforth. Wd- Lon and 319t. It is likely a l,arge crowd ill
Fr=4 athoin this month --prim is $6.70 par ton ;'delivered in -be Maitland-,
mis Nv,6 in bered in
$own this monsh ths'price, is 87 p vj n. Donot go, from )1,era o see J -the ga. 13, Norris in'Frenoli blank -cemetery on Vvursday.-A
buy interior or dirty coal when you at 1:10ranton Frim-ci-9 J. McQuaid, 6;f St. Columban,
opeei-al traim will be run from- Sea -
W. J.1 Elliott, Pres. D� A. MoLacb1in, Prin hom-Reld Wilson, Beaforth.,,.,m.,&,6kv#AiiLX815-1. 1;
By Drmvning. As Suicide Charle3 and Mr Mr. J: L. 14Uloran, f Sea- on Wedelsday -131 irstford. -A special ex- M tilgtord, of Egmndvillx was Nvalk- All X'goartfor' forth, are i Toonto this We6k, as forth to Stjratford
next to accommodate tbose-who
on U&In vi Ill be ran from Seaforth to. Stratford d(31elgates L0 the C. 4. B. A. convel Ing along thie- bank Irlivor a- on Wednesday next, -August Blot, "leaving - Seaforth Avish to -attend the Sea&rth-Owen t ei, olp-lock, Stiuday Morning at 1.80 p. w., on lb tion rom thie Se#orth branch.- �Saund lacrowe ma-iteb.. The train- ou 1tjA 'J ocoastonef the great Tie La. a 1grue-19C Nine sig]A. crossa Jdaloh, betwted the Beavers of Seafortb and -Mr. Anious McLeod,! 'Of Wo'o&too C, -he ;,came Upon will leave' Sea -forth, at 1.30 aud Inig in the water ba0k cp a -return the saie eveniffg.-We iere
8 came a -0 1H
the Owen Bound team.� Thle will be one of the best
of Cnlb(�et'S wasi here this Week.
lacrosse matches ol the season In Canada. Rememb- te.na the funeral of r, Josqph,'Re_ 1- glad to see Mr. WM. Copp do -%v -n A areat S�hoai- bremeTy e. saw -the body. Of Ia. WO- er the special train! at 1.90 p.m..= ;-Ynodiatelv procub� -ve- derson, as did als Ir. Th,omas;'USE TO nZNT,_,1:o rent, the commodi. -0 Lk iro'%V'n Qn VY eU_U4MUay. ≪ -11 lgll ISLILL lail rxxr.:hpn it vvwi-found -to b thiat -�df ;kbs, of Carrick, Britce county, div - . - . . sea enue on 0 1 V a ev V LA lut:� IThe attendance at the Central Rusi. William Copp. It rs Thoma Holand. who ad resid- a pre , t occa fed by Mr. con, Mi:. Will McLeod, of Chicaigo.— 'ibratford, Oatario, .31alen. nd r,hoebe A1rd neon ColleRe, of A --.n osi-f-P. tbp- obm6tey, The ins rJor, Ining-ropin, kitchen, woodshol, four T. E. Hays has been, appo'intedl awge t q=,-0 L"-_
ha.8 been greater th ye than ever ad ir oi a an ath room, together with closets and a L1,6 rtullabe -%voam&n been misinig a splendid eellar. Hard water. pu mp--close to kitaben for - ftbie, Ontario F#rmers' Wath to. I
before and the good work of placing d r ly miana4ger of the�Bank -of Coma
e hie Wedneday previous, and it oar and soft water rump in kitoben. A splendid InallTaAce Compa4y. This company
-erep -hefe, but noNVo Winnipeig,
I0 -at trees and a large stable. insures. buildiags. against loss by are umts at Jifaple Hall, t.h.6 e5i_4 rut large number of students in go d c -bod -�ad been, in th den of choi e
is suppmed 'tte� e Phe housole conveniently laid out and very
posittionia each year goes on suooessA oom storms. -Mrs. Hulgh. Grieve, who has
'!�Iaber sine ithat time. For !some fortable. Apply on the piewimes to the den,ce of Mrs. F. Case. It is seven
fully. W:,T. Elliett to president of owum
-had been uctida quaC-rly -riatives and fiiends been vial tinig tsn Willim-Copp, deaforth. 1 years si,m ,th youixg laies left -MoL%eh-lan is time the college and D. A. ind h,,td i' this vicinity for a 06uple of Seaforbh,, They ivere biighly de- and it is supposed that ber m Four; Varnihb. Coaters Wanted. Siate, principal. Wednesday. moorithis, ietiirned o h bol -I 11 lilghted with. their trip, here,
become dt-Tanged. On wages. Apply to P. U. box 783, Berlin Wt 1913x4 olumbia, this t
Writs to the college for a catalogue. The mDrning abot bwa o'clock 4hp, was VAncouver' Bribish C inig had the pleasure of be -he
�4 Forsale.-Good, driving bores, bay, 16 ee Fall Term opens. Setember Gth. k. Ti�_J:ecent beavy raihs havb
-ndjoed by her two; littl SOM, who bands, weight. 1,100 pounds, suitable for driving or te pal-
Iguets of -a party in a prava v-si ded with, -her, 6o 1gret up, iid that 3rd horse on -farm. Apply toDr. Burrows,seforth. materiall TeLar�e(l, farming opera- aoe ear from Winnipe;g to Orillia, 7 T y and from there to Toronto by
-of he.r a -live. The 1915-1
tioms in this vicinity. Th-ar is still
bo�yq did not t11knk any�,thhrfg of- b.er a good deal of the oat crop- to out ve f -pr their home
pullmn. Tbey fe, ght -nd bmse.-Mr. Ja. Robb has p iby th6ugh.t she do -ked by a, Cow. -What mi ur-
'You are theJudge y, -going awk as n Satu d, -The many frends o-2 Ely
-have proved a very sad and distres-
ust -haVe 19Dna to, DU'�lin 'to Vi'Sit' ttias,04 a nice bilding lot fo Mrs. Mr. A Err, or �Jqemli-ov, )Vjll in ie -he �'habit of siniz accident appene(I to Master Rudolph n John streat and ineed WE ARE THE M 11KERS OF frien ds, - s s4la in L xgret Folearn, of Nis continnedi ill -
Carl., non of Dr. Belden, of Toronto, lereothajg a To! idence on it in 'th"I ness. Al n . c, osely 'goig away -%vithot sayig any(thing. -OM3 T-4 -wa-'s -bald on Monaa and formerly ur An inquest b-6 ou t, 'onthxed cl
of Seafort, a -f eNv near fut � e. -The - rize lists f or tzsp
'th/e SeAfort , �o dnce, i nob able. to go
-1 morning by Comonar Dr. J. G. Scott days ago. The little fellow- wa vis- h sbow 'to be held on the nround and Migs ooes,
iting --vit.h. hits u�ncle near Brussels, 22nd: and 23' H A Ut N' El dn4d thip, jury Toturned a verdict rd of Septmber are noiv M
f QwobeG, also, the Uses Eliliott,
U'icide by d-rawnifig of Godericb, who have been sp6niinig
a farm, and was ot bringing bhe ut nd can be bad -frirn any of the
'to bhe barmi. Boy -,like -he- had off icors r dir'ectorts. Tbe-list is i,a. fe, days -with. -Mrs, ,"James Wil- soud mind. Tba unfoir (Avg
tuna te o
_A.T.80 DEALER -19-- n on &nd sliuld ensure the ! liam, returned to hi.5 . -home this
re. Her no fear and wa-% evide tly walkivg a Liber�Ll , e
man -was about 40 years of TRUNKS. lose beside 6ne -ot ibbem.,_ m-hea 'a best �sbo-w evvr held here. -There is RUBBER RUGS hsband bas been -dead for: sQmTe -sveek.-Mr. - Jams Weir retrned
8 DU8TERS. VA FASEL dog,. coifig a.he,ad 'of Ith' cows, as ye:t very 1.'ittle said a!hout ,years. 4om-e from the Wst la. -5;C and
'tened thein, as they were pas- the -by-law, providin for, the pur- 4.- 1-11l rr 11 Vd I P. -I SWEAT frigli,'10m -A oourt -nt in itheare.-Mrs.. as. Qqllingburne, of PADS, etc. The Voit -S' Li�A Court sinig t-hrough a gap, causing oe of fohasia of the electic, lilght pla 'o !turn to the side, where Carl Si�afortb, ivhleh is 'to be vo ted on Tor -onto, is at pri��ont'bete visiting re Orive us a call, for ) the re�visia of the Seaf or th it -hem It ,votlers" lits,t Nvas held by His Hnor was - walking, and in. th,e swinging oin Sewtiamber 12th. - This. is.,%'matter T__H_T E. I McFA UL I -her mothtr, Mrs. J. W. Vernan.- J:udigre D le im the council -room on anoveineut of its -head, &-ught him whi.qb�-sbould be vei arefully UDERIOWS y P and 1, iss Sarabl Daley is visitioF baT BR Wednesday I&A.. Quite a IMP9 list W -Rb its, horn near ith-e'left eye, lac- seriously considered by the ele- I lqist.er, �Mrs. S; Cudmore, in Us6arne, Goods Co,
Harness Shop. Cady's. B10ek of appelig were, di!svosd of. Thee eratinig It,h,e flesh., The oPild's, cries oxi3.-Jud19G Garrow, of Toronto, for a Gouple, 'of weeks. -Mrs. Tbos. �D wwe aoirt thirty naTnos added, l3ev- brioui.�it a�sisfiance, and mdiml aid sent Sunday-wUh, his brothtr, Mr. ry )UP ct" SEAFORTH. Daly and,_Xise Daly have returned erl who had xem.ov(id si.Ace the as-. w as vummoned. He' is now at his obert Garrow in Harpurh'6y. - Mr. Me visit with o aft& a pleasant t W'ELS made, bod theix names hom,wh,ure, %ve understand, lit- -R. Taylo�, who was a',good many i friends in he, Bruce Mines, EAFORT sessmell e S He struck- -off and ood many cbange;s- ibl fello%v is doing inic ly. He has Years a -go alerk in Mr. M. X-orri-son's i Kineardine and Goderich, Mrs. J. D. been a Moat uufortumte boy, ihav� stoic in SeIfOrth,, is §,pe-nding a fel,y ndo*oriectiDins were made. It would A' Snap, O'Connell and cbildren, of Goderich, be-ikrnposiblc to judge of the poli- hVg ad one of his limb broken hoidays looking up old friends in are vi-sitirr.- at Mr. T. Daly's.-Afa- ion as soMe �time aigo. evis' ti.cal significance of tbc r this vicinit4.1, it 13 22 years sin" I orosse match was pla.yed on the re- here.- I Any one wishing a cheip Organ. suitable in-, mliny 'cases both parties; had ap- -Since 'the abo-ie -sva'in -type we holidays with his paebtS antyne, a well kno-wa Mr. Ta4or eft Seafor�h and this ;'trvation lzround�s on Wednesday af- -1 d in oonndiog L, e pi- for beginners in music may have a good Pealed- to bave the same names ad- learn from his* - father that the is� b&s first visit. -o, W Since and it Miisi Edith gUls, o�f Harlook, was tbg also took a ian choi-je by callig on Baldwin & ded.- I Mr. Pul Shrank, of reditori, -wou-nd is progressing favorably. The, is needless to say ftat he sees many tornoon between St. Marys -and the �guRst of bexi oou-,qin, Miss A- Brig- Co., Ty The, Highland '-Alng, wox& Be -avers: The 'score wasi 14 to 2 in _U_ who, have'& -number for sale or rent was tho appellant fort -he Gonserva- ey-e si!gb�t. not be affected, and' especially . n tb-e people. I ham, this and Miss d:ance and, ot-fiez Scottish dances were, favDr of tbc Beavers, ifi fact 'they ti,ves and Mr. M. Y.' McLen, of Selt-. although ltbere was onsideraWe He is now a rapident of Psadina ed just when they ',iploased. It dal, f Carlot-, visited friend bore 1 given'. Relfrobments were Isedryog seor at. -Mrs. orawt.oxd is -ivlth a foTtb,, the, pp4llant for the- R&I Ioss-of *brain.. 'tissue., still ble: is Clifornia, where he is o Siinday Ia generouis hiand in M-6 fbrmf ing on formers. Mr. F. Hlme!sted ppear was �bxpeeted that Chatham %,�Dixld be -be arouud gqaiih after her &am saii-dwichies, 11BMOIL� ile on,. quite bright and intelligent. It is a prosper -os mercantile busi-ness.- able ',to cak, bore but. at the la4A xnament they Riley; od! L ervaFve and Mr. R. pqssiblo- when lie becoinies' stronger Messrs. James Archlbald anil Win. I baoked out nd St. Marys was- sub- Gr. M. Bodidw-InA.-Vosi. ed for tl flluess� Miss�.Roser ondou, ads, &e. A vote of. -thanks wAs
"S. Hays for tho Reforinr.i. In ur- aea�tjori -with her ;d by the guests to WS that b -e maY-have to i1ndego an op- Rynn returned bome from ManUoba sti ut a RW) AL J 'at Whitley 15 .-Five rinks of 1oi�vbers 4s 6tt
EAFORTH. ban munitipalities w1k-xe the chan- erat;ion to romov Saturdtay and Mr. Robort Bell' I -;.; W tor the-- admirable way the]Mq e a deformity, but -an Of from M-itclitell played here on paren ber I�6n maing he ppsiLion of hoat and, bost-
es ure. so numrous d frequent R dpa-ft -from that,, the doctors do not th.-a Bell 'Engine Works, -reburned,l Wed- pre -sent &. AGU atte I tililed i �would nesday afternoon, -winnixvg from the M 4 ass and also to I>rof. Minn and tb*- be adviisable to bave t�P- 're- t.b.Pnk 'thBfe Will daulglite'r Lizzie _Wh�0 is �ick--M be\ any serioug h.6M.e on Tues -day. -The many friends borne playes by sevl6nteen shots.- 1g ber 41 other ,g�entlemen wh 0.5 13 af ter effee ts. However "�t of Mr. Jobin McMann, sr., the ivell Connell, of Clnto
gits-tralion isystem visit' so agreea W .1L is am i T for 'the new yesid- lys he bilek work at present.- entertain'd the lar-ge c,ompany. 3yirn AL HOTEL mzw in vo!,grue.in cifies and county bry to them how he 'Survived: suej known htor&c buer, wiJ1 rogret to Jolu� Garetti, e itows. Und" 1boa r,e_twt system, visitinz T. A. Hawk1ins brough tears t -o wnor* 'AFORTH% Mulholland,- in Harpuri-ey, is\Kear- Ansly,:; of Comber, is eri�e being, erected for the gessrs. hn injix-ryi bar'tbat h!e W cnfined to his res-
iAt pres -3tiss Ver- i jes her mo mater I bm, carefully 'tho list is idenze by a very 'Severe i'llamw.- ent. t-hn one, -eye as be depicted, tho
rcmitscd th-6-re, are lways number Deat-hof Mr.� Joseh ly complated.-Wheat has now re h- L! i
I na i is the guest Of friends il MOUrnful We �of Br4!ga.4,aer Br"- Hender�;on_ I Cpt." J. S. Roborts, wbo lins been e�d dic dollar mark on the Ideal -mar- magan.�' MQst Modlern Hotel in Seiaforih. of nme;,,�r oin 010 IiStS -It"'OleCtOn W'O deC�),ly, T09ret this week confin,'ed to NIS TOsiderice for St. Tli�mas. sev kets.-Mr. Allan. S. Bond, ot W' Fully equipped with hot and time -,vb.o -Lr-- nait avllable., 'while called uplon 'to: chiroxticle he delh eral d&y -by illnees is able �to in- nipew, I$ -in town calling on� old BrieLk.-Misses Hapifah, RaUe-
Ca HVWitt, Of Hamilton_i are VW1tiUV cold water bath, Ladies-Tollet there. on Me other ha:nM a fir d of Mr.- Henderson. of the ba A'round- again. -The young fo friends. -Rev. nd Mrs. Carswell, and _iao ks
i Roo*� etc. Every attention mny 'who aTe disfranchied,'Ne- 50-i ODno-us.5ion. 1 f 'McKitlo. 'After oC 'tb.e -bown and the, votaries, of the of "t 11elatiVC1 a3ad old friends in o*a riday night
famfly are 6n a drivin2� Itr1p^ to e�O i V psid.�o guesta. -cause thei!r are �not on the severl, lv*O! 101f tb,e ilp,ost liffense roriig game" w,ill be pleas -ad to eek -the BlasbitV jA removing Otbs
Ayr, Paris`,and'otbr eastern pohAs, w J!oot ball team Win li!sts- s they. were not t ko sliffeTin Mr. Hepden� assed aNVa lern tb,,,ut there is a 'good pra.4pect 11 'toin, and despite the ow Good Stable in Connection, CIA P y visitinx friends, A very delightful Went to. C in W�eplk fr Br.ussels to YPsi1=-tL -a Michigan,, qvr.Are he Ivig m4k�e bi& on at [be ti-ine of the revision. on� Satiirday. foreoon. He was a ..of a fi-rst clai; sk.ruting and curling 0 -at seve,iftee
ay oll %pending a summdr b,�Iiday. frantic! efforts of comparatively Y-buh:,br -- man, and in iink erected this fall which .-Mr. defeated the Clin- I homie in the fu.ture,`Th IN tea Jrjb.n 'McIntyre, ': of 'Would-be kickers, ;11. T, PINKNEY, Prop.,,, For t1m West. -Th followhrfg -were � thi6 tprime f life, beinig only 54 it, i�% hopd to have -rendy for se. as to -0 -Mr furnaces are beipg BTU!9- was in to -%Nn last week calliig on old -Lon team by a score of 2 tiketd -to the west on Tuesday on years qu? lge. Tbp- camse of death, soon wa Jack Frost -will permit. I ha purchased a planer, sels public schod t I friends. -Mrs. Gerald Sif ton, who inHugill this w 'k.--T0hVr T rs' excur�fion' by.Grei'g ws a cancer in the bT.ain. Fbr ove:r 1 wi-11 bo can,%tructed on the most aip- I h On Tup-s- Cocip,kr ana wqe, of C)ij the Hq vesto h v rs. and pilt it il�tO his B cp ! & Stovart, C. P. Tt. wge-ats: A..Ben- a-,keiar hie 11.Vd epn trcoubled ,at times' proved prinriples by joint 'Stock I Jbji Mclnto-sh, for tbe past twg day a �umber-'_'of our stalwart Y01109 i e resictenU 4,13 " ere Vislf- r s bpen isitirrg ben, frend, M f nivgton, W. N. PAi*s, A. C. Stone- ith a very sev�qre pain in the cDm-pany wb�ich is -no,%,V in process -of the Northwest. A-1'ing friens in to-.vn dn. ing -the pag W
710 weeks, ]of t on Tuesday to visit\ men starbad
C hi�*Ibjurgt Miss Jessie Mor- Maff bilt uJAil vier5�r re,'Cently be had formati-on.-Mr.' J. J. Darwin, 6f Th ff%n& in Vo)ldon and Detroit before mng �thieln I -Ore WM*.- Clark, Ed. wc,4--Rev. W. T. and/Mrs. Cluff, Of Th&
roav, Archibald kcGreigor, 'Ki pen; n.' 1 Expositor -staff-, has been1aid up
'idea ot *tb;a ca -use �rnd kept on returning to, b, -,r 11,6me' in Buffalo.- Brittn, TomAdains, Jobif Ferguson, Stratbroy, are. visitir* at wm� Bill- -bur Galoraitb, in 'the discharge bi NNb Hdtvey Wiltse, ArL Of S ordinary. for -several cL'Iys wit]), a Aevere It-' A,t,,-am of hor�m nging to Mr. ,an d James Ciliff ff belo in St. Miss Galbraltb, Rcoy McTavish, W. duties iiiatil -abDu,t a montli ajXo taick qf seiaUca.-We , u-ndersAiod el %Nnest for & month ol)-ws V, George Gray, -of AT.cKillop, ran a- 'has bgtn to `11' burch. Ia Sabbath.�WO- WTkgllt,- John F. CummIngs, Robt. ivh,en Iiis fce 15-,Ngan loswell and the.' Mrs. Murray, of. Goderich streot. wly Dm week -beAug MoLeod and two fr THE CAN&' bi- :rn'1111 on Weilnos- retu*rlaed h sons, of up -0 0� 3irbr Lh., rind ho, dughter, Miss Hattiia, i' -bey, wer(s captured on V4 -.vitb, his visi-t—On .'Manitoba, are on a visit NVI DA BUSINESS COLLE,xB9 Grieve., Harvey; Ireland, M. McD(st- pain area toextnd. S da v, but I eatly plea� Ha
011ATRAU. ONT., I mot, W. R. McMichael, Wm. Bald- U Was Some decayed teet 'tend removing, h that w,. to tl)e N rth-%vest Afa*in 9tl��,k bef-yre'nriy se r Tuesday of th$s: week M. R. TRYI-o, ' fripnfj�, - 'Nfr. '�%-RXeoa was former
Is- unquestionably Oemada's gtastesk business vao min c�iuss -of [be trouble be Nvh�ei-6 Mrs. Murray's son daug for al T4idient of tbi-/. Nvin, Jacob Moi�.don, Jobn,H. lUinds, rious, ha m n e. of Pasaden qs do -At' mvitin of the a, California, o other school rets ouoh result& It to no cul rent Wilbort, Crich, Philip an-d'Alex. But- hdthem Oxtr-lctcc� and ub,,,,equent- Nil, Mr. Geor,.q lvr.urr a Mils. talk tbroug-hout the couutq that the studsl3t board of tb Empress Vm e Meth- Visit to frleDdS in this vioinitY. He Dougall,,. pf Ohio, is 9 -
who 1ar Orville Sooic, Nor"man He,qn,. l undrwnU an ,operetio�n '.fQr thv, Gray now reide.- Mrs. 'ray b, C1111 wauts iho best tmirlingr and 9, gond position wem: I ray for 22 -years. He is holiday vjsibr�r '3 1 Ddist church, Londo, on ondy ev- has been a in town.-TboUlas
'ass which hAd ar,-, been a resident of gea - removal ot t�he p' sea al o t i graduate#, must at tend this school. Le�i Tisdale, J. G. DDI-rtyi t . rs. Watso'n, of rndsor, a �formt-T membtnrs of the cr�n_ a brother to Hrry Tajor'and 9 ening
�FO stud(-ute i year 1000 forth; D. W..- and Miss Minnie Me- cumulated. This nt ftrnibiriz, 'tht since its beginning and bot hd &,qtion sbom-ed tbeir ngrcia6on PT004'0r. knovrn: Bri;�§selite, was a woelcoDle* 304 1901 Laughlin, Wlton; W. D. PhilliTis, -reliet -cxpei7ted, � his physiciams S Misi Hattie Nvill be igretl i Dit. Z-h,t i s _d Pastor, Rev. I. 13. Wllwin, visitor in fo-Avn thi's w8ek.-AW00ir V Brussels.
360 Xame,,q Deonison, Miss Belle 6rtlijor fov the c, us. end soon lo- 1 in -chiurch� and social eir les b t
L6 It 91 3,76 b ric-bRAing bs slary 'to $850, 1 -his b- I tr� Brusseliteq leavin far the West
pp,,;1blons worth -_%brrry to have. them 'go wAy 1 Ti -Oo Tuesaa-y even- un T_ne-%d,,6 of this -%vpvk vr-pre YM- It ttesi wera p1med in ptca3, na Dvidson, Mts Maggie Drisco4l, entp it., Dr af this pont.the diswse I -i ari i ne of .14100 over u lie �f or- A Grana line , tho shovO,�sr wonli not be worth or $4 oar weL Leadbu i loped *ery ipidl unite in wishing h -em .9 - 1 RaLry. Mr. W-illwin waA torr& Cur ry, Jost�41)h Wrd, ArLhur deve jTh.e pain .111' will ing of lAsL week a large. comany a' k. Good I'd famil, A. and Xm
Wben the salaries averaire over �46rjp par annur i, a rk, Mis,'Ari- very intens.e. lappiess in wn a thle esidence rip,, Geoirge Brown and theepthee In this paper thFtt ltlakea to tell 3. - But Johns, Varna: Wm. Cla ond Its, recovery, health and. I their ne1v erl v f , jSef orth and Iiis f riendA here sembl�ei On Q10 10- t nie. XtGregor, Thomas Adms, Ed. i-rapoNqible ic 1�,sf messenzer Hrry Edge hshad few of them ovor 81,060. the public Phould kriew to b4,,ir of hi�.; sub- of T clerk F. S. Scott, the main Lizzie / Bro,.vn, Mis.zj Mina Hunter, -for th purchAlse of Austin, of Quabee, who attraction, outside of the aocial el-! Miss k-Anie Budd, Alex. Walker an that no other Wisinoett sohool io,Canada puhlbbe George T& lor- h own I M - WeICOnle V1.3it0r. r. -Cral offen. queh Uota And Lrets auct, rcaulL�� Many our for, Georp:e Smi � and forur child- Honderson was sfr�ong, ru.-_gqd handsomene-sv m3idencei- wbich lie, �s
-�ht lbe in the North- the presence Y. -The Port will take j
njor graduatesare n%w comm,,tndlne lolrle4 f n OT Prof. J. W/ Kernt,
ment,, being,
fret, but to 84,000 annufl:y. why: 6hould it no bR has -fl holiday nex'b 'ren, Etta Mic-Spadden, JoGeph'C. mn and �nd npv -r be -n confined to Wi�mtivg on John s q I f a HigUind' anni�.; and f -N nitoba itin- rela- Mannt 311pe major o
Ymil, we Pay your rrxw4y tare up to 4. o,1 Morrison, NNife _ive. chil&ren' bed a di,* in his.life I west ind Nfi Ite des -not want 10 sell it until lie, i tivo 9 nf)Av visijin. " i. in Glasgow, who i,3 visiting omrp'ad by Sctt & Warwick, of Uws, at the home Band, heard in Obafham 82 60 to 02.76. For the h nd. Wffith;To; Joseph P. Carlin, St. nomas ovOrtook him. Hi, was [he only �96ts it Georgo 'Mur- y town3b o second money in his 'race -at Gre someat ratatope pubfishc4 Uy &oy business se pol at Mr. nd Mrs. D. J . _."n, near re in 1p. He con- i t Corlumban 11, W. "Be*ft, James Knox, survivi Mftcll, Ia t i'ves a fe rew having verandab erecle,4' nd IL
In CAnada, *rfte on And is. MmQ, bo th -us Maissacbuse�tts, o rpurlipy. 'tributed- a lvngthy progra 4�_ P n FrldaY, i Harlock; W. H. StdgdUl, St:nley. 1(,md-arsan ind born on farm- is -maki-n,9 otber extenilve lo, on both a race -sf on thA bagpipes and plc=- k. 11e, started in last ivet
D. Mcl-ACHLAN & CO. -The followinIg bavellers. were whare 1w, died and where hd bod re_ me-nN -on th residence on Godo- I Lodesboro, of which he is very proficient. W3n. :/,Rochester, n Wednesday of thiv flokvtvd by W. 8ornerville, G. T., R. sidedll his life. rseently vacated b Mr. Ohatha]�J, t He leaves a -,vidow Munn, an uncle c� the, abOvQ- men ftic bui the result is not Yet
dau,,-h.ter t th late, Mr. Scott W. H. Willis. Ivb-en these Alrin Braltb.waite, of 1891 of are. com:- DP.trC;,t, is ed gentleman, and Thomas Bal:/hand. .6 s on and Mias 'U, i(k. nn dt pre -sent j§peindixvg his ti -m d one duwher to mo�ri3' plated it -will make a ver ilice� I