HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-08-26, Page 47 Tv- - 77 -7 ON, EXPO U R UGU 1904 ST SIT S LEADING SHOE �:'STORIE. n SEAFORTH. t k be, selon n a rt be 'no couvtry. tone lef t n INVY odr- of Clili sped ;i wee kindor. Tai ;Sault 'm ve that wdufd wit friends in lebt.- Thiehr 'a bbwe--r 0 SgArnia, Detralt and :to make a Mr' - Thm they -UGUWP7 19.041- riends - in traicat and in E cib f I of he, weeW'ho the How- Arkell and of Tee�wwer, bou uty and a a -ins many, it,, W.)16r4 a twi( be so ;Objeotionable t ra Wi �ost betillful' day," -Witll be opeAt aftor whkolh- THE 'RIGHT S, CYR, r-i�j �9'00- wha we �hhall see. spirit atew th f e"r, We V T', F- �s watule ha the cuirae. M0911 h nd Mhc4w ve$etablv 9 &T 401% w-UIG h is tta,.jc� up b10U5eike6p1U9 imt the If the Leig �6�p, Tialoko It' conWins! almost 10V(YrY V,%T- ter. to follolu up tbA T r t w it puch My'--4!sa Dot..A kell, of' Teeswater, all f ruft or, - tim as it'must suggest, Th,(�I,, retu�rned to liter home after an ex- ty )table itli,4 way ftlead$ Of Mr- 9L 'Mrs. e lox vi�& sm 6 .2- will givb t m a h, 11, thei bended 'visit Wit her lgra-hd.mother, in Mt. ochard'adjoini,14 po�plestcnp, extend 11 12. 13 wlbh Me ittlifoieest -d d wishes. aid in its pol,Ar, They have ia Mrs. L.� Twaker, HarvurhieY rees I iad0n tula-voins an golo. t o1.8 19 20 hie Te a grand 'hames Aoad Notes. -The vaXfi,6.t4eS pd- all,kinds-of frulb%�, :&iad 14 1 15 16 1T- 0POO t and ppoiitl�nitY olmner is ke t so etemi aad raiji of 'the sesdiL.,fell on Frluay 21 2 03 0 5 26 -1.2T flm'r'ln dence: Olt the C hi lh t their rycul�Watle& Lbat thxe ms have It tands to reason the aver g ach ol boy will wear olht more shoes thall '29 vailNvays wid their, . td,scrve A, G od T he. Baerge t! o not a nighL The stXe odilag the ther tba e oed to be seen or tulf t Of af Id are -ooks his granafather, He ca -12t. help it because he is bui t that, 4ay, but it often ....... ... Threehiivg '.Gom, any doing a -�qhere t ehould not be. The4�r vin-' erging the, oat st -ruallinig bu-41ness this year, under the .6ry. al �.q a 4g4t Worth seei fi-10i and submi carj'yig them a- hatthe boys, (and girls too ) somedmes get the b ame. when it rea!?y ng, and in, some cases happens t Nyw AwEAT19FUX-NiT9 lfoll,6Wi# able riia�hagevini ot Mr.,'Uabb. Clark. 6n it bb,ey -gxiow_'bushe1s, of ht we were grapes, Nya,� and on Sunday nig sedi by the faulty construction Cf the shoes. vo,,a ti t, class ' 0. T a hine in is cau Of a most - evey. vaniety, And What 6V-Drod- with. anotlier slwwOr a- ua ueeh ha, fignre be lbe of as a is �04, from Some manu deal �of attention to school shoes al ArT wren"bit"I" p6areil 1wpial despa! eveTy It N 0he Of StrOLt- re t 111hair credt, most et hich faotu'rers pay a great is'.0ven mo 1gAjn fl6oding� the low' laxids.,.w 6 TAgo of Ahe wm Oki wbich the b one, dowwt ih, ke aa naxr;9w 011t -at -that various exten- wi.11 sell? usly. jX Ue :good leather, makt th� seams s ng as or a tro Woodkoek gp:: 11 OA!US- f dml lffhe wsork in' 1jure the bar&!�t- make a 4�ecialtyof th,-�m' they u 041vertl*#mentwillbe foui d nwhich means t the fa,r�uris w-1 dbve plots 1 done by tihmnselv in eveTy way build. them� i is bDpe that tb witbi�sta�il the hardet Af & StOWSAF-1. regret in� ofterations, but Nve the S01415's stout, and '0011ard-given awav-131rof ed. the wotgt wide read Draw Gloods-ru k0yllkoal -8 Uh Mr. ana Mm.Hwson. arelt prevaril.and, We Tho latest Vetter yeatbqr� will Ughoat Canada: geft a good Jo oiiie whd ge Other Ruit U6 usage. School Shce Willls* son" niachinie to 11ell k. �kn Ithir* e4st's tind . hortioulturists, will p arn -willed ifia t th;e gr ais 'bought from these mau� ill 0 S em-ent t bpma will 'be that Sohool- Book AleZrWlu Ar�l the - DA nesy ani- d d lqlgb.t in this kindotork, and �,ss jieisjo MeL�gaia of �Wi I- Our stock of."School Shoes ufactnraTs. L4very -6 advioes -from Induc an I righ1t.-M 'One Dollar to Detroit rging $1.60 per a ple�.qant pastime, and Wei is- visiting reia'tives -in -a m, n. NA -W t1ork indicatie (that theQy 'a're onl cha 4P ilt, Ts JoW` Grove, pair ia -selected �with great c6ro �s to its, wearing qual a arents Nov Vght Bros -_15 itTI I materLal Imprvement in ho itgress code-- B(CKft non neighborlibod,-The new school buying their childrens chool ilibes at, this StOre clin deptiad on ktting the tbat tboix beautdul hionie 1 more beaii etea nd elf the health f lff.on- A i -Sur -'be _icomp isa pur etd & Y"llson-8 the 6n&tioin a d hts -*9-111 soon Scranton Ocal-11 -Mrs, Jamn 391( Sam ' Rdtherland, and expoet- vfleldii londinIgA - furn&sh tbem 4'pleftsull will -be able ti Tw-ume best ue for their money..,� For qlalew holp--6 eo, oug hi, T -he 61 , val . -a great variety at $1.90, and Dentlatry-Dr. Buldon, T d home, veTY,5-110rtl3le Am Goilag to Rei�ove -'b)ie Saw Wi ,than, repays them for t. their studies. -In reference to th I BOYS' SOHOOL SHOESir, al -0,Y- Wit' A.1b tion—W. Somerville -5. es y - b to1W ria last week's. Canadian NattouvA 9 close trien.,lb thiere - N -tlie Igrewt t We tb,,at Mr. itlima nd trouble f(be es ]3,e.fha:ny tea meeting ix per pair. lRanges--chesney & SM the words STAO j. 8, ndrews.--8 clnxiey iwgarding b1m, and Athie, im- propliIiietor of saw =ill here, in- �tihe* Gultivatipin wad care. I issu'an. exror ocourreds $1.0-0�, 1.25, $1.50'and $1.75pisr pair, -Girl Wanted-gis, C o0L SHOES.- at 75 33rit GIRLS' SCH -amodig those close- T5movo, his mill to Bethany itbed kyes Treated -Dr, oven pre&.311>11 )Prevail-, i oburoill." being 0M I Grand -(joA�eyt_TAdleal id -8 t he 41 for i lyf thia. -t !to the peir, ly i'a touch with -bbo botilh, coA, renlin aip(l should read, the -, agregatidn of Booms to Ben". W. C ady-8 are -pre- 9t Columban gs tlh�a i! ftle: of Dreas Good" ng -8 ht nly by wat umbeir charch.-The I?resb very. sick: ma fieO L; he can g4elt fin msit 6f Us lo the. Bethan by, Briets'.-Owiog 'foi tb. increase of 4 e House to Bent -*r= Coj V-8 Vail inig pfmors , I ie;'r. and 0 Ap out hiis .1 . ^1b sr ii.rattitig the roof on R..WILLIS &-S,;0N,8'4kfbrti as Ail Aboard for atillatford- -Beavers: -8 t, ung b moss and revenue, t the St. 13 in i ciabiniel ibbl", affe AiWg a groat savi resil9n Mal seat iR ceine�nt stables. -M. and ]KOtice-A. G smillie-6 oNt, _-Offke, PO;9t Office I& n teniplateo 0 olub an bed Mrs. trJ078%tler ShQ6 for menj aled the Queen Quali�. and. Empresall f ha t lia will lso T gn in a--shlopt in teiam, 'al" 00 Jain' sole age*a fo es Anderision v131 rstrgy Helfer an elej L tb� Oxford."' the ti ctric lilght- Or&rs wLk1l issued' and cashed shoeri for women. Flopert.v for Sale -96. ..Rnox-5 tiiie as member for Or n4aiateilon Andergon's parents, of Whten, and and Cc —6 oa and aftex September Ist, a Wahted-D. D... llson earn also, fm -orivate, 1901117- jn!g� Tladt tor . e vllages, 'and W4 1 here d Mr. Earle very ill. many 1 .1 0 . . 4 �jlyl little 'hope add for bbe_ grnding and 1904. -Brach Delogaite, Francis Mo- f6un c4m� that fhei* i's meolillinory 6itends of Itbis. vicinity '�Ope for 2leful, -h-Ind- ! Samwell is havi a new ceiling ana numerOw% u Sutherland M.u*4rd is, Quai!d, enitra:1ned hiere last Tuesday bride wer� ohifa- TOCIOVIBry. cruablizig -CX in. al C. M. his !FpedY Te:0Ov'eTY;- of tht tt�ernioo for the trionni some and cositly. The Expositor uh- now roof put on tba t por was M."AlronIg ;U 1gWtlemlan all enit6rpise lwjw: 1)[19S. a Nmmmmmmmmmmlmm� any itrieds of Mr. Samwell block -, occupid" by - J. 1 IrA in U-01 CAyin- ampe.�apphtal at bds d6posal.and ii B. A. sconvenition nowAu session at ites with -the in a n*d a use J. Caii a-n:d Morns. and Mrp. Bedard in lext6uAb*- UP= I Spaqkman.-As Wiss, - ettle. Martin p1r. hi I& mod 'necegsi&rY ''trans- TorOIAO A andi oved' h t -use to cn iseefivro ation's was tha ffiftt,lddy to be mait.jej inw, Manitoba Dots. -Mrs. James. Cennan's maNY t- hearty oeogra-tul SEAy0PTE[, YRIDAY, AW,3.'26,- 004. But b miaistie G"at­Re`aP-­p6-rtat6o�-' faMiiWies will soon -build' J - MAthawe left here, -for itho� mos tbL4&-= a long, happy Caven Presbyterian chur h, the board,_ fordie V Jr ers6ng. Tuesday ingrain.g.-Miss Durkin, tril' ds 'will be pleased 'to hear She aindi in -,vishlinji 4V, 6r i1a, no T*Vgcto 0 p up 'loxgla bl, eM bore wbiicb. will On 0n preseax hila -rd's A '6 -Is oe 4e ni an so home an& prwpeT4&us marrid, Me- ted bier NvIth a Mble.-ATex of imme b U he 1�ar the Blast * 1 0 y 1-0 1 beei current &.r a I p r agei'�nd a t con.ygnience to the Maii verry $weetl the a:rish - having undorwenk an operation, Martin, of Torjkto, attended his v 'r ov _ti d W 11 nolon, � sang 'I rit : oiy""taV !to It'he-vil- og h The .TM Te�polrt has Foy, Of r e, -miss Maiggle sister's wedding on Wednsdy last. Port Arl ot olda oa t, n -try. Baypeddg huTch lost Sunday. in 8�_Di6troib hospital, that Mr. A. B�. A Oth aurx0un(Xin1g ou I . - Howick week Aes"wo - just h e next' is visiting her. Tapanese are dtk hammerinlg a-WaY b MJ�JencWg. Londda, will join the 046r le E1i1s1qv,. ot Obicalgo, Amdrwi ar UOoM i Tbaik%-3ft-_ r er, of Tor -on- Shia is AcOt aprd P_ The i St- C, McDonald. the 11 gi-64� Sunolay.l.- 4u)libt 6b the t orts: am, I trenches, anal Oxt Ab 014 OL ca: 4tse of -alld 210 -to VaTna- L( e�rgjyialg good Malth IAXIC-e commig itriends, and nei Dots._'Miss Am I Aa Ward and Miss- h8 v* led by Sir.. Wiltrid velle4 over mUefi 1"t gley desi! f -the 4rajiCd- d theft i6f am oet camei Up � for, tra,, -tra L hbors, t1lirugh Sunday the Us Otle seeXaX -toi have uqgday`s eiveUrSioll. it,60k a &L' 31T seat n t.e'�Do of The E T. h Laur� 0 Ito `ta" a - hiaaliog ed)ore 31 th�' mdrm h [a,"r Hoover, a;�' week on 1 -r- f Or A. . pyies a ng Me, Flint and s to the west, bomi contred ar i-nd 13th. Trunk, Cana number, of MkArrisi to ge; of 11?igeon Bay ly, &1fg0e dian P"i te, I e h Sa: r '& inio c: n4t nd that bc d ac 011n.�on, iofi & ithioiv kindnew in assisting t t his W Sea,&.r, was on Per MarquOtte. and -them beii positions. The Dptvneso intanb.0 at cilown ff abash, rail-? Jame!3 Bolger 46 the one 'de - the WOUld -new -barn) 'to -Tettlac Owl' f airmer.,N are cmp- ainin, '9 -Of the lovitat eepted i on �and eat- 000 aftendeA. -J, A-r&al, J. ou hand �6 "ndun t --the oase. 'H. vays.. Aboixt l 2, axxd. wife- P..'Sackson t 0 ithis point n he deteoes,droiv% The re- ]Err' the ThamesvUle* picnic and all were Bewley Miss Biellby. Itryed b�- tire cm J-UIY 28th,- teRAT: potat r6t tiblo Tear4-Tbiei apple -be -member Coll, , R. axp Russlato b abom Kelly, A. kn, !Um 4 �this yoar%j b s*Ttlug out 6n the! th wt Nvere themselves 61-ighited wiVh the musia. .1t St. Martha and o veoeive port, howevT, is lae!iitly prea- Ba-rt1,*,.&nd' F. BlaT, of Goderizh d SSW I niece. bleming nd I It* garAien cereitme as axesu'lt- -of the ture. Srr" ilfrid haurier ,&Ulieg Thomas a Iape!eiikil trolley fly W-9 'the sJackson,, Xr- Good neighbors are roun-dii.-Don't 'forigleit he K ibd�r defondejits ay and zes at MT. is artillery-. hire, fo6fssed a Of t lie appoi-6tm an: colors, :rAl, blue and, - Mr. Lonigley Cully real! and �89- party Ahis, F4&7, oft ithethreat- any kDOW1,096 '";t 61d. stor -tiold as far as 'the St. C 011XMb 1 nl- Miss Pratt. As many morD ex hO ed -the band" around p�lecliate!q this. IThomas ROASWIS Mr. Ayl,"wri himise W en was bbWt. the- green', zonvOy cot 't Leave. Seafdith., Ahted i usaians. This and k I 11axa, "Of Clint- on�" nd points by, he, R as absent: in'0je 'Old .0oZ;trV at the e to, the i m dN d dellvexed abemti plaillnUff, _. War- the belt 11bie And ithen plo- b w in id pany witilil M en an(! malde*00 gee SP -0,96 T.-. Andrew D"kin Viso OM F account ot of Sunday?%,9 at- tbj6 ntoi� grounds, Whare, 7,060 people, en- 'ollow Ao:ra Greeley's -advirce and Exeter I ful rgan -o X i ow bo Varna to ce or Varna. Mr -A tigne, built who )i&* since a!ttend, itack beats pift the %Vertllon made a he has neitthl6t - 'been forf ered.. rem�r,, dir t.b ove]�,ing ..Oil �It.he, JDyed 'the mwvic, lgani�% a -Ad %poirts. go, Wegt,, and got a bome all.1beir We.diding.-on Wednesday after-. ys garolen 'p"artyr �ett' school s secoum jMe in.or is ile _ftn a*li taiA�,kbr any cabinet' �The&y -Out up at Golok;,a The 'trip w6s dolightful one fom In p-roferencie to -han'Xing on 'to at 2 . OGlock, t ai vory PJ -on,behalf thel Russilkas some t .2nd DenlsoWs maivy fxiends will be - le dod-bt,hoWi- -The Mmises -ory and ta:r' home With all A9 wedding t,jr.e f rem, po- posiibion. Theire is, i4vt .0ter urhilb the aeohestraL F, IgUeSt 1q was -samenized in ()ava -d-to., �T "hat she is 111aw abl Am tbat- li- P!L 1votial ch�dg their horse, 6 hie old On. b to �clely rd Cou -1ge t M. 6 L5 vitiqn posilit ever, but Mr. 'Ay�t3*, oirth _1d urki' , of -Liondon we4r h Presbyterin obareh., r When Jen- ple until the very ut hok rulgi, -wip ati4 blaork bea-i D neumb-rances. r 0: 16 for a- li, tio wbilo y d. he desir it. tto, of Mits,g Holland laqt ek-­flve Mo- esite, eldest daughltdr-or Rev hemrt-,or the de4nopas is! reached, add a Cabinelb p, 8, b0lU ' ! W. M. to si t g'lltlg Killbp of thie ,0hqir'ch, each, fine, day;;�Wee Mn Davidism be -�,blftmil ishen R(XU 'the Buf he-has"a vevy arlge and 4ucra,/ Mr. Bar-liff, in'tihe hokel. A:fter the bAll : toisL%ors aTe. prq,�, Mni Beerchwood. B. D., WSW :W t tuinied home Vonday from- a vis- Trracbi�ce 'a d he seenrS til), An;to dillgently., The amb tion 6f. �eveur 'It TA' o -the - aba en't I -w -s - -ed in marria'96 It -0 rbs. 'bet bz can -'.tukn -a- faisr as ovel Plintiff w unit RWs in Londtin.-I-Tri. d tiv law a laylax acenv-4 to be othier DoihIgs.-Mr. ajid, Mrs. Thtomas Me- -tor hitj' Own be moye devoted to law to t6 makei i -of CrloarLy. The it Lo hx' i =-0 coul ions Xor b is r Mr.. nd on don�_.d folrtif ic�a It -he li(dtteJ oat., 'but it could. Ady, of lalb mid. a Mrs. A. Uranst 0 lilrtic� and -in y se*e i t rty hie saw T -un lift or i lse break. Me tily, dkoorated for the whoo Ung his a pe unip ! a home e beien visi nd. eenei jug -At Ath T. J. F TeFtUTne-d 0, Pa d, dobbtles4, I e- a not be fo 3,bp_' only pa :' y, ois' Staffa, spent -Sun- !14urdh Was PT t' son The end is t in dov t, hoM - , . s o him, M I ba. They expect 'to meet Ribbert b- rlourid was ]R-. A-19- w" a young lad, lay Ill the guests of Mr. and mrs. :uccasion qnd 9-r-een as- es_ But tzhi6, anAit- on Ithle- St, Oollu)nban &amond on La- k, aj1d ferns being used home in HG spesim well at t lie Sr I nollid V�Ioir of'Sto -is I 30Untry. deSprik. 11 VVINGse hiome jig ja -401inton,but who - a.—Mi!ss Kenney, :_of . Dublijl[, ltr�'- Stoll Hibbe t&nt areg"pIg Will ion.of many men 4milq.ty situated wcqi1m -for. a.farmer in I UX Day. -W�ake�. nP rtt and, effect. r The guets this p art ��of t sei"`� tro - . 0 1_1 a few days xecelitly wkth with artistic ha*e indured the n to make this get in -the gqmie.—The hot '%valter n t War -and Mr. A:; Jolins left Mumday - 'Per - ad t4li men Stanley. Agnew W�ts .,;3ummjoned as relatives and a f" -`W s one. a In McKeon is hay- ritend in itb�e burg.—,Mr. _-aud Mrs. were Phe 14i s%criti@e. Mr. Ayleswof th. would be un I heater C113 Of khe ride, and groom for Manitob:a. A sife, jown-ey, Port bur ar but iflesh and blood. whil.esig.:, ut di(l J10t Up til eir e0nal Trin C's placed, A the cLory ait Xs Xa:le -tntlertaineid th �e sed all succor &t roug and useful man in P01 -Hi Rose hom -umbe bias lo tbe ; C', Wee ,k4,� ram e clourt vN% -ourned, and Co�&_ aib iiends on Tuesday st"Illsele a, They ^M -t off f tter th� a a:dj If.kll O. -u -t $1,000.—C]I&t- -eveninig last, A but a latrge, n x assembled. in raltbe see hrm in. Avil ceremony.. dress 'makil19 s 1"P f<)T "'evvt nd'surrouded byn army -that can* but Ivarrien't had been ti1me was spe.Ut in, -tbie thurricU to on would r [ La §aliobte,.8tvathiroy ktnes the DetroX ana Wal- ot§t -enjoya�b e M -T. Di4idm be d ha . initelk. 'The story UY. in the Domin -end bly at tbio ;appointed' hour the in.oifeased his char- xeiat.' Baia wcn allowed bbie d6f lac.ebung Want 'to enpag St. anc&g and, 'Other amusemi -PrOMP havmg his bamn aised and a vm=610- 000 4 IV ored. The brides- in tow". D�. &nd Mr. Beacbm, of �e stbp olding tellat. 3 pinese, from 'the armies' ant. cMann, of Seafoxth, axtji Ive arty eat -ve, been rushed down to a -f- A. J. M- lao-eid, wit It. The Work 'fs'\ acter And., marked i.�i are mor b Columban bu Q tin Of wall P of th nortl� h, being hj� bondi4m�ejil(l - 6 of -Lon don,. maidS. Miss BaytelcL -wrk some of (the k�s Iffeltena DuThn, A, e last week.— -the bride ai 11the limmll to ta, 1pa in hual. as- neeed 'there and we do not see -%vhy case a -s I&M, till '11,11mrsday at 10 farm id Miss atY M&Ttin- of� beinilig donis by arr. of rt pres13 01 -w l Y.- and' alled ou ftinds her, Ttu!rodl 'Dean H-odgins, f :tbe iled sb!9u,14 nalt.lbe equally 10 o -k,: wi.bon 't ws Iresuimed, and I play,A caniocit:'1get a a —Mr. rst. cousfia of Ite.''bride, Sault is niost a -t l improbable.' isis K. 0RouTke returned from her 3�10U_Ab, Fo Whetlie fro z +,be noth or !riom tive. If reipaer Ross had O'c -n a Mfs.. Failk Feeney, of 9taff.fi,, vi!5- as�teTn. trip 3�a_qt week i accompanied Wiere go"Y" tey in 1gre-ea Seafor�tb, prea-vhad dtv, t. Tiobin-'s .1110 -dgi adio 'rned until Saturday,Wbei 3e:d, v�ry pret a4mn,l wo m' Vo oir thre ni bf hip character d tb�e it -ed frdendis hoexe. last Sunday- cheis 01 white. The bride church, Sunda_y,, MID* a.. be sure ifrwh troops blie. comp.1 ill t dismissed 'an *bo I n at nol abliliy y discha:nged. "—Mr. and Mrs. James Mlea, of .4 L >f �Aylswdrth, i friend., wss M. Tilly., Of To- with t0U are eing seof torward o- take cued h oaaorab l6okmed * harmiaig in a bandsome Place- 476f apanese killed) apd, 1his CaUnot, hp- �be feol. from 0 WroXetr er on friends here �9<nvn �of w-hite Pari% over t - j it The Churches. Re*. Mr, Robins n crepe do 3t. Columban, called kome -in 3 the many 'of diffittilties whi6b now �rhfte itaffleta, with yoke of &PPlique wounde4i whi, e every sorely o.r f a- of thie rtnotipal 'of -the pub- ilss Tiernan, -of Dbli 'Mrs. Fred XnCracke a" brothexil in tion' and_ iii4efulness' Ndtles.—Mr. W_ U. Haz).�,wood anrd1:.-,e@qntily--X boiuqu,6i Not4s.— hamper b is; veil and b�awr ltally n the. Ruasian lir, school hiere, preached in the Meth- t of her cousin,. rsA bridal �r - at a irr OPPOrr 7 completed !a, and lie."Would hay a be1teX' rch'her on Sunday. evening dauigbiteirs, tha Wines Elda and Xa te'; as the %glues lillies Of t -h,& of Br. is, were, Tisiltrors eing tu wftigr the pepl-6 what lai9t. -Mr. -Robinon''is a e"nt M. Ryan, of Walton, visited ber sidle i; an axablie loss. It is a. BiulavAle, on T j&y.—M. and NLra. ideAmai nitty,,:d'sho ae visiting in Olint'o'n.—'Doh. POPe; Mo�lan fox a few dayis laist week.—,,, tra -edy hat is. b enacted wbit. 'to Watorlo Milss vy dainty- costunie, T -be bra ds r the foxm-' -Mrs. Sloan soini 4 war hat and Ed. B yans behind t veils Ile he otan, do. grad.uate oT Knox Colleges Toronto. e our,tast. is- also carr' 'd lillies of, ithe valley. The LiaotU"r Nnimsula. The hos- He was :a cleVer student and''bids thi:4 weak, to- bring back jt., i bride waig given away by he;.r brothers pitals are fuLl of . wounded. The do a d —O.nD riot long ago, uxlilg rs Itlizeshinlig outtilt.—The Unionsi F.VteT McGrath# Mr. Martin, while. another W. Ali�y, of V"*Zham visib�d �w-t Mr. A faiirto.b an equally goiod m4hisLer. Mon his layed in Harristim ai FridaYll and Mmdoba an Tuesday.. Ali Arthi r,-arle- buried i qui�qk- 'her, M d Mr.. C.R.33rinker's tbis, week.—Miss ollyj- ki. Is orf stosim, 90. com RM'RUTal D brot U to- 6 Sb sbrp ropgrt was heatol: by �an E(Oclghns, of Sea- sucbedlad,�. in defea.biAlg 1 lthe� Bmy r. Alex. Martin, An and Mr- Via Duff have retur b the l likfn e on the of the town, fox Lh,, 0nducte ' the erviceia heie Cranston, brabbier of the grOOM4 a-13 oxAE(of 17 tb 9.— .. l._BjT-. tb.e - famIly -of Mr� L� iwrence Willeelek, the Engll�sh church la:3L Sabb-ttli f.,tha6 town by i�t so FarAuhar ed from �Li park le;sl* the ste h of the bodies pro- a' .,ed as ushex�%- During- the CeTeinODY of b�am, speul 80n&�Y wil . r tion was made, Dr. and Mrs, Duagli, Vent few heaviiesst 'raju, We 'have Miss Violet ThomWnsahlg ithe solo tw"n duce dis-oase. The young,, Russ;U ja of_ itliE.Gtty, and daives�tg.a and no.doubt- ni y of Vis old fiend D U.—The h, to scertain it ter at 31i's, he villale.—Am of b I I o -r some e=e fel 18-4t Fx1day, a:nol Holy,' Ong lhe� ban was. striuck, days at David MarUn'%! on Ibleir re ckless in were rea tly se -d to -ba ad fo Oh Fair. ob. Swe-et X, r_ the f, plea VC 0,,n7 I om England, leaving oo I � h.e Bluievale *llu wAmIt n gai was a smeft of urndlg bay. it -urn rip fr, the -m'orning fields Were danger ad rightt, -In sister, Miss Tompson, acu-ted.as ac - 1 gainy are being kllied. 'Q's No siitgn oif fire -was'I visible, - -how- other appo to Saturday for Crylstal: Ci;ty: Jobn lakes of- water and to. tlw� West on TAxesday,- 11110111seld -in bomb ooplpanigt. Miss KXte juepaul -Play a. ItIrtun y of listefilin -red -witbi Ll�, -1 �sbyterian church �,Dve ever, a A_ftcr the (I worie, =81 ell Bviligess, Miss jes-4 1101d 81,th bat jih,�.next dyla, cQi1.,oX_hay, Br'w!n is lookini-, rug busi� e sheaves. of oa-,.ts even took -to ed the -weddIng Marches. proo,P_%, aAn-ol, only 'come out when last Suii&,ty thiel while he lbter After the liar, Deum-an. ture win have bad -P 'wdt weaThex' ha's oeremmy A 1grim picture, ifil, thio field wa�i fo�ua& �ms of J wedding p-, fi-re ts i' tue centxe. burnea I adimletel. out ducf�d:hl, the fo�renoiqn by ft�v. Mr. is taklni Johin's busihiess 'Aat Tavf IMIM-Irlik. Tbo, ixty retqlrn- Walter ljurffges�,, Ber t BaUey, RUCI hat but tlliere re -few brilght bin n Sherari, -of Dru -who gave an -topped any haxivestiW19 for EL few d �t-o tbie Manse, here a daiiyty -To- lei jus an �Ut5l& casing Of istock. Mis5 Gay, of Torqnlo,, is le D-enaift.—M.r� Per-ey groael; Rilel)�.' et Toron'to, s�rved. atejZ which alifixe- 'Fri MOM 1119 Teal 0 and Well t1migr9foat diiscourae. pa.,�t Was Ekttg -on bay. It was a-peculwr tfiVask, and In the evenillig'Llie service wa,_3 tak- iguest -of Mrs. Thomas, 1�epphjAl, ir f�eyv d;ays this 'Week with d Ito the sklatioiL whence. Rev. on lett for lu gt Merl" McLellan. ad d gbitipir, of patTie aw,l whare Inten'ds, to ena*gh -to be' shilghtl uncom- C ton, left fb7 the Edttoriptl N6tes and Commen -en by Rev. -Mr.- Gardiner, 'of Grand vits R iley, of our v il - R. A. an (I M rs . a Iva Lond, are vitgAing Mrs. Robert five oselock train for a motitboss, -trip R was at Toronto, 41e. of Lull -.3 a —Mrs. StopbA son, of Listwe age. The provided far at Rapids,. Michigan. Mr. Gardinar i Bl"k.—H. Hailton, of the Stan- 14'. last week, &t diing the funjaral of 4� clergyman 4f Up Epiis-copal church, 1 Is holidaying t Fairview Farm, -the I !to Xlxreal fand Quebec.. The- igjrbom�s thot last ;S�ZSLOM 01f he Dqminion dard Biank, Piztau, is 1,olidavi at 'r llauglitez, Mrs. W.Ward. a !:Henry McHardy, 4 W 0 tit 00 Zurick hie is a mbive, o I ol a I Lo;me of he 1g1ft to th, bride was a pino. and h ParliAlneint'. an'd which is - to har.e I sa his hom-e �i,6re.—Mr. and Mrs. John I Godetrioll, -ispent Sun&y alt his home -M these LM ('teto hii ch Rhoda. Hunkin. has' bieen,' ed from ithe 7 About Town.—A i t6am from Ah.e preachex be, is a. urch many Igitta epe receiv Paterson has re -turn - charge ot t construation and miti- Zuribb Football Club went Ito Bay- st week ,wiL allenia-hig some of liter hlidY-SWith utriends of the bride and hore_—MT. Will han�d btrth� pltel Both in manner' ll,� Mr. Don. FishT.—Miss Laura Lewis ed o New York after spnding s Se sejuant -managemexft f �tbe east- f Lold on TuwUy evening, !ED lay a -,uid matterr rmoin 0, ftnd�y jig visiti roomi Thelbride, Josephne Westlake —Ivlr. M. 5 is one Of iiEmeter�a. friendly mbltoih Nvith the: club of that ardin.4z,. of Exeter, accompanied by I -most nit a hiost hitinde In. i* -.�at KbAaardine.—Nr- and holijfa" hop�--'Nffei *,conlgraLu1vte AUM g last was!a master pliace and h -�Ogi sutceissfully passing., ern or Governmeut aection od! the Mrs..Thomas Ftlmore aiidAw chAd Rev. Mr. Jardin, of I&,%va,'psid some ite with, us in I The matc 'ieisulted -in a U of friends wLq i h his erers "-pre given a Are -it. As� will Un Grand Tru-nk Pacitio' Railway-, li�as ren spen!t; -a few d1hys -wi; i friends her Junilor yiGtDry f6T. -the, Bayfiedd.lteaca bY.- I fly ng ibiev much happiness in her new 4 one o his bro'thib�r minisb6s after- =ig visits in the neighlbobood . is Ishj1s'tP_r Edna Mianni no been a The Commis- or im kown. Thy are leayi-,n;g Ra:rr* Icsse's Nina .1 4 e of two 0;ie. The Zurich a -the arly part of week.—Revii sphe're in life. - � .1 wards 0 pressed i �, he is -,L pal prose h fb;r. Wo-ed6to-ok thilig wetek.—Mr �Vell left on and J_ lsh6-Ur yisi b on F� B. soon is o ose�C ot foi-Lr mewrees, boys �-ik�re not in good shape, folir poet. nexL Sabbath Rev. Mr. B. Marsh, 'of Ha=h1.tbn, with, Mrs. Brlofs.�Geoege Sam 'h -h % from ova Scotia, one from Q an di, XTA. W_Smkth, of Haini-iliton, a:xle sciott's tbd*!5 *,�ek.—Mss Annie. Mt- -1 t �Iarsb; nd, N'ttle. daulghiter, sl)pent a of," b beat -plaers -being umable Laxkin, or Seafo�th, will preach in M—Earl, Tuesday on hiis annual trip to Mou- 'tow bee, -,tho th,,-rd from Manit-oba and' the Iguests ot Olivqr Sm y Gillyay, of Ll� l, is/Iflief igii4t -to play and',thiV had to supply� men this ehurch.---;It was remarked that i ',ew dayst recenly with frieds in treal. That -he. may -hve a pleas - 'the fourth Irom Ontaio. The On- ill ,tbap closivg commenced' on Monday of or miss Cora mir rma!g .,jr; places who had. nit pradtisiad 'ij, one chrch, )`ne - Sunay latel e.—Alk. Joshua ", bibon, a ant tfnie is. the wish of his many y this -week.—Nio 4rvico was, held in, Slilell, of Bait Waiwairodl. v1s, tario mambar is Mr. Robert Reid. any 'this season, rather th ormer -resideot of -this neighbor- frionds.—john Sp&ckman, jr., 'who, 111L dis7 there were tan cler-gymen in attend- �th PrRabytvj�ian church on Siundk u homo. for ev Miss Arice DuIO this -week. of 'Londan. ' He is, a soxi Of t`116 'liate appoint, Bayfied.—Mrs. W. F. Fi�k- �npe'besisdes the one who iv�as offic- v ood, left: 'this week for 'the west has bee eral months rer Rbert Reid, oollotr'oif customs la!�.t, bgt -itt is expect -a& that Rev. Mr. einer who h," been 'viaitinig her This loo-t)as, it the clergONU aicc6mVanied by. his sister, Mrs. J. turned this Week to TeSUM8 WIS aiffi who will -be iremem-w pareaits htea�e, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Men �-Were V.1ve of the -he a t Iron do NFerlin will be. back for 't Rivexs. musical '� studies in Gomany.—Tble bered by some of our older readers tux Sunday.—Wm. Wallers, Of Fbir Metropolitan hiotel 4t Exeter is L as Fiaunt, re neidjo her bme ip I- plesure,§ tnd. ad antges of Bayfijeld the, Episco I a m (-mbei of the brigade from viert —Miases Beatrice .9 q, simm wildhi, prgAchloilL -in p ingoffered foT sale -by week. s N Walton. p on or orE "a -Ad resLi4g utific ane- o Hibbert, -ne# Cromirty, has sold London '-w1w st-umped. this county on St-einib,1611 .0hurch n Sunday, Rev. . . nsoas a v1s- tion on Safur&y- at. 2 p. m. TWs is his taxnT in Tl�akersmitbis, -knowm as of th Sout, and Ne;ttiie Well were a- place 11 otb r people who in Loild� �uite a, 1�unawa:y.—On Monday ening ot way at, the mllhnq.ry cspening�. in i.t 1,t. a good farmers' and shippexis".hotel 'the Xudrew- `Wbd tax:m, via the Srd and tbe ' clLy U4. Gfb- Breees.' Dr. Metcalf L -(s Lbin week While -unhittollinig Mr. A. tho Welliagon, Grey and Bruce -this week.—Miss b I numbor'attended 'he Witnighiam -ra, cd)avenen ' to the sfatl4n ' -d. lion, to r. W-. -1G.: Wilson, 0 wde. —Wingham bat�eball . teal�n KcCallnmls tiDam frdm the binder. the Londba Huron and Bruce rail- us' las - son who- iato have ch�xge of the mil- tDrWdrd 'thee. 3rk 'hits, lallatial ned. and %b4ild bnn�g a fair, an&, meTly $110ra and litivar I prkV.—Thle Seat4rtb, of U linery plays heTe Wednesday and our toot- the animaLs became frlg1te Audv ays. � Re i- e�mber of -:bhe firm depar . tlnen.t in Mr. Faust's n.e-vv reividenae an. rppid�ly as possible Of . Clint -on BoNvlinig� Club is ex-j�eeted -to The,tairm 100 aoo, 'has Olt &of whoilesal ItAationetrs and book- ball -teta-m goes the�re Thursday.— an '.brealehng -the tongue sea4qn has also been at- nd, 0 i(Ah. n0gre_qi; is kept c dl be e t li i! e present p i. ad Miss Lizzie.Vokes, of London 3 vis- the binole:r. Leavin1g. it a5t thio barn Pay 4 fri n y visit to t - Ex ter it a ra o m aud bindexs' A;s to his qualifimtioms fai the dyenings and, ha!s pur- up ift will be -Qompleited and redy club. on Saturday afternoon Rev. out 1Jbu1ld1n1g-a,. ad is ituktod- at�"t Ring -bier sigtr Miss Ada. Vokes.— -hieoraes s� thls'poSiti w% pannovt gpetak.'It-is, oth-s4 gome.-of her season's stock. r 01313upancy tlhlb� fa 11. Th ex- till wenL on tn'their mad Mr. W4 Pres howoer, oit thie best -paitltions Frop§t -and. Wi. A iim(P1em,=t:' miwriu-' Igall-op, amd werd' not recovered un- Mr. Jordan, of Iowa, pr ched both two milim fro* Soi The milliem, - of Zurich ate bound to '�t.ensive impro t belzrounds Ha 'next day. I evening in Caven ion .'taked pos_"siou at The orning anc in the Goveirnment and keep the lad es of, town -and coun- n faicturrs aTo, -lookidg tor, a new as Wi.]Son remov-8d; -m r, si� 40 o n albh.ough byterian churc.—Joseph Davis k fro IyAorn_ f in so far a omd1uniehit is coni-cer-ned try siipplied wit.h the verf latest Ube, agent�_ th6iir -r4resentative herei. To the Far West.—Amniz thiese, n1W 'i� th boulfl, two eam direintion il -Ar g-, b-avin. been ot'llits, vicinity who'look in the, ex- been oia an extended visit to frien& Sea?orth. taC aigo, but is pxeter 'to hat of Cabinet t IN Mr. Henry ArmL on 9 gs in -the trade.—Mr. Mii4steir. 1116 cif ithe oandtions and nicst 'thi. -d rill take an-. . !Prmote., � Harry' ial go on hie oursin to the Prairie Province on in Detroit.—Edward Kernick, f 'the �r 'tire� of town.life be as - t _Cmt 'Of Det"ro-iler and wife of Berlin,. are otthelr season ore: hese are an township of Usborne, has moved in- Ito T16,ftrn to te tarnt. apRo�ntm t s -that. the ru�cl for the com an, as soon as the Tuesday 46f 1hbs wo�k ere Miss Maj,-- a- ,commis- here visitin,4 at r. Wit- sh e., Whien e g6ts his various to towii having purelfased thehouze. gain adhe hs�q seoured a msib cam- sic-Reirs # a: d- -the eugineer shall re- ap ew man its %ite Ramsay, Miss Miunie -XcLangh-1 of e; side in-. �tt(Lwa. The Chi mrer's and otb:er 'friend:s­ is ur- SA-bemels oa!rried, Out, will have a �in, Messm. John BennseTt, G. 'Col- Mr. Dinniay.�Te Misses Thomp- fortabTe -and 1,wn-renleVt bome and rm an Of dock, of Hns�Lll,'N here visitigg her laco tof boAu;ty.-1­NeVer` before have the- Comilassio, Mr. Wade, f Mitchell, attended the mar- with U5 indus�xy and Wood mianare- 61ough, . Tom Telifer, John Hilslop s On, 0 will rez. sister, Afxs.(Dr.) * Campbell.7-Mr. M.- ibhon�. been !Iummer visitors Usborne. 'y' n Ba —A very prefty wed- yan. While thp, -first meoti4oned T annum. Each. Ardell, Jame!s� Denniwn, PR -of Mis's Maritim On: Wodniesd4y. mnt Vill vetr-y soon iave U. P."t two ceive $9.00 po �oe Of 'the MP-1deoger is on the siak list and is so esideatial and - Ma:VrjmOnj&1.. —Mrs. Lockhaft and elffid, a!nd the best, -and laot§tl roductive farms the baM* missicai 1,N0. 11le suffering severely fr dauighfr, `Hattie, of Kingston, kave in the XzLrren $ DM... one. 'Of. -.trantqjont, 'a mmer, and 4all, diog was- sokinnized on -Wednesday, ',�,wo may not 'take 'any actiwe part stipend,oif the chief ert�gbineeir wUl be A— 'for Jo-b'p Gomforters."—Mr, ,Chester -are delighted AiVgust 17bh, at the home ot,'M-r. Geoge; I had lilis Oniet homte�gte&d fam $6,,000. Commission have "wide Sbeib&cb, a few 'a!g� < been the igneistz of Mrs. !Sam- tuil days Wllfld' 'wifibli. Ible pla much so is 'this I well.—A commit -tee appoiAted. by vowers and will have immense pat, Mrs'. - J. T: Moi�gt%D, -whon thoix 1518- Willis, -in, all Probability, , lead a out driving, met an automubile and -'bhe c4sle th miany have been Iciok- ter, Miss Vi)oltoria Bishops of Us- the Exetex council Li tnvest4ating but as be -h"' now 4Lsoma of bis -The helping hand 'to vath6r in the im- "no t their disposl.. his horse -gat frighLemed. and ran a- t 'fo'r Archi- imense western wheat fields ana no Tuckersmitb #rm thie Hibbertfaria -of the L0 'imig loru: gaging ljrne�, i 1he offer of a tadk fadtory to StArt ana i6n, b of the Uto Y.—Albext Zi&ttl, Mrs. -Alex. B013-' boardling plates lin advance- -for 4e# e 0 . taiip Railway Tax t on '�lald Bisy;ap, ex -M. P. P., wag unilted jl�oiibt give a good arcount of them, her .-W. Melville Martin# 13' A. is not in tb inak,&L The people of The ai se.uberry and her . son, Albert year.—The Bayfield' 9how will' arrister, of RiOglna, is home for a Seatorth while porry o 103e Va. vvenmg Ji i b iB in -maTrk9e, to Mr. S. A. -Poliedtone, �elve as a fai�ri sample of men and eDmilais-sl �,more faxoraUly know as SchNvalm and Soloman Schroeder all held on- te'29tb Land 30tb ot Septem- -of 1b]18 fix couple of weeks. -:-Mr. and MTs. X. G. and KIM WQ3011 Will il join id m of Poplestone & Gardiner, muscle whkh Walton wild vicinity the Pe tyvoce � 0 left on the hilrviest excursion for Exebox. The Vide *its gov�ned in ban qlr'ooluce. Stanbry spent Sunday and' -Monday I wisbinIg the�* mueh'hppine0s port jilh� Omm and thA cIrreetor , are utting isswn' ap- MaAtoba.—Tho Rev. W. J. Yalger fortih ever effor� o_;;have thlia show ith 'relativeig in Tuckersmi-th.—G.1praipidtity in now hmaie- t the, last session of the minigs and posinted wite-silk, with pearl trim 111,nd Nz, G. Holtzman werel in Credi- a :record breaker.—Alread-Y some of lace,'Nveviin�g a bridal veil and carry- 'Were z"i Ontario efgislafare. to enquire into to" n lai§t Sunday att6ding the Chil- -;tihlo summeir viltaltoris have pulled up i09 a bouquelt at whik rosebuds and t: Drys"Ie. Mr. -Y Hic, methids adopted by the, var�ous dre's Day celebration there. , Rev. sit-akes nd ri6bu+ned tio thielir homes ze ro. She ojitered the drawin. A Pretty WeddhVii.—N very prelty' Mr. st�ram, an evangel.18,t from.Grand 'States f �-tho American Uion� for -and 6,thet�i 00t tla�tO doh�g 190 -room, ewor�ed by her brother -in- Eweddlifg took place on Saturday. -the. 3y Ra,pids Michigan, preached in lse he 'taxation of. -railway propejty, neriet week. I Septemdr law, Mr. MOrrigan, -whille, thta wediding, 0th ins.t., at 9 a.m., in St." Petterl COUEGIATE Undon t' Evangelicar church last Sunday - ev- '-bbe:re willl nidt 4 many Wt' an't the march, wia played by Wim Addie Bell :Catiollc . churell, here� the contract - 'their 'nvesti'ga- 8nig.—Meagrs.P. Hauch and P. Ben- -,qiilla:,g� wil cc mPle`L'e;d d �Llmosit I havo resumed Mg orolin- of Hemall, cousin of the bride. The' �:lnlg partles, being Mr. Wm. Bedard, dar have their new dwellings roofed aTY P-V,&rY day 4ppearame.—One day bridal party took 'their 'Vlaces, i -P 1be sixt gon o(f Mr. Simon Bedard, in �tlte Urlio and inost and Mr. J. C. Kalbifleish, hasAbe.fi t 10e week a lulye 9011 of Rev. r. ot a bank of ferns, palmq. 'and -Wge awl ti lieze-rallway-otmtres bath :and Miss Flora Lemay,. the youalgesb Wlt 'ff eat and U is. said. have ac- _story o his up.. They all Te w1hoi, with his 1w-Utte - a-9teirs, the dtapings ot gr e. daugglilter olf Mrs. Lieay. The inter- the P Public -School nice buildings and "ornameiiltal' fio g� -have *Vend* lit -olume Of the village wh-'n complete — mflily gPen&mdg It'he sum- ElEnd white' ribbon$ tr;m tthie ceilinig eating ceteMony was per6irmod b3i� d.- Reoxts- in one 1n, t atf4a on ith-e- subject of.Tnil- less and Do" b,6,it hve com-1)leted " Of jew.jitts, 0dttge3, d) inIX a very. pleasing, effett. Th Rev. Fatlae'r Leiselle, in he prear- A: -ell Le t � * h wb t t -ha a Owme 4 bt Rev. emw of a odly numWir o and JIVI way tiamtfion. The n&tum of this i1f, �a! et91f ' ve been or mony Was pefome f be peo, ourse, f ;d sawing the lumber in Wm.. Lamolitig -accidelft. Mr. and, Mrs. Mc- -Colin F14fableir, M., A., Moderator of ple, - Of lt� vicinity. The bride wan Text Books Vow, will nOt b bush in Stanley and we uderstand kVD ltba Leigistattyre mea'bu. tbey Lr�nan, wttlh the 111ttle.boy ba(I dwiv- thie Synod of London and,Hamilton, very &Wttily. attir6d in" white silk, "am -ed Mr. eitt , i il reported to have have it all z sold.—Mr. He7iry en iovor to -tih 1 *11 'Wge and Xx- Me- and, tbo� b�rlde was atteinded by -her trimmed With -applique lacie and rib- Kwhiler and wifee: were at -Sebrfiij.- Le in -an asison to)0&11 at one niebe, vi, Ntate r. hat the general' cticirla, Roelliffe,.as jiaid bon. She wom a wVto blffon bat -n of railwayt taxaion. is icon- NiSibiug their daughter.—Mr. H. 'Of tb eft Mrs. McLennan i0f -honor, while anothieir niece, little with Wn rols03 and carried abeau- 'Well has had a cement flOor p 4nd i�it n the vehicle. in some Migs MSer& Mi0&gjjn Iva lqo,,w eU ,nd vidicin bly hi , rid @hlild i er girl tU'u.1 pray -or boolr(,- Thle bride wav gbor in - the United. 'in I his *stable, which mm-kes a NEW Stat !tha 'in Canada. The !report,,, ' desirable verY way or 6bber h. brse made, a %ud- each, daintily Aftred in -wMte -crepe- assisIted by Misses Sophia and M"10 improvemertit. W 1.0 1 expel6ted. will be an, ex- 1 .1 . llow fell. de-ohpne. After the codra:tulaei,�Us Bedikrd, while the groom was sup- Ive 1from tqw A19 d n y"r hi I it i sart and-10be uttie,* haus, o, f 'to be r"d' to -re- 'the wheels were ie:ttended by, the large number ported by Miee§srs. Jerry Corriveau launett. r5tnuck 8 h%ldl a -ad 'had the horse of kuies`bl Prlwmt all repaired to the and Arthur G*ofrey. Ws. the bridal Veek t.3 -i to he Leigislatu:m when the i 1116t. I Scribblers,' Pencills, on opons. What -then Notes.—M-11.3. dinin'g tbl3&' *,biffre tlila Name, color paity onbareA 'the ohu:rch, their ar- nert been !VthpPe� tin -time �he wouild Will this t be 'made he� basis flu' dioufUt have 'Oft mom setliowly effe!0im oof �,-rleen and wite " w I vas Welcomed by *the w Erasers,81ates, Note U, paililed by hex- thee riva N eddirig cousin r 2 or isilwt on levying increased tax- Eva Trwin . and LIU - . X Ai it wal.3 be wag somewhat eavriled. oift in the �tiafble deacorati S483 U =, I march pU�yd(�_by Miss Marie La-posr be. and Books, &c.. at —04 Scrata4d, and.b�uRged btet nidt in any 'cab6ein�r, being done by W. E. A. When The ceremony ww eon I olaided on ' he rallw.ays or will it be Ruth Wakinshaw, pr Cfinb6n, -spent , way - 00A,ou's Y fniured.—rs. (Rev.) Ponik, of ExeWr. The bride is the 'happy yu­dz'eioup1s,..aoco3npanI- A ew Ad--qj a -uesday W8. -forth 'anol -Itaxuxhey._M�w ­Lsabella' y -was" years un th fr'end:s in &a- _ Campliell, tot liio�idon, ihas b0pen here one -of 'our ma so!gdmalie- ouvLg ed by their more immediate friend% loft i rahce boir 'two or 'three T 'a -"t ti 'the istators a4d t ple 40a (rtgat if'and Lthen forgei it ? TaskeT, -, of Hulf6tt, pent e, o0uple igoir a week `tbe_igue!qE of MM (Dr.) ladips wad MyTi-els Wfth er 16 her -repaired 'to tho home of Mr4nd Mrs. .1 -A I jExv W I L'� " UP Vire ar t latter wil be the rer- of week.; Stantilfry.—Mr. nd Mrs. G. H. ftew- new b9011116'thc VVrY best WIAS ot a Delia:rd, * whei?ei a InOgt Snmittuious and 3 with fr,1101141� in Tucker,- 4on 'have 1�uIrnouri'dinIg thir FIRST DOOR NORTH SUM A JuIging from Itheir,pa4t ae- Luella W1kthshaw,and hand- ',krot�t of frien& wMeb, was -hiAigibly- Nveddinig breakfast awaited them and 110th wrtim aia too mnah Ruth, and cmWin, Miss E -%a 0 bY thitz latgei and beautiful whe're a tow biibru�rs were mv4l� plws- OF P10KARDS, till me and comfdritable regidence-Ure sbOw' r.AFORIN H. Wp wilfwt beauf_�� V, F. rouDds thQt can, aTraT of handsome gNtw Mr. vnd antly spent. The peOenfs of the reill r A !uOke' i�l �)ot A kel or hon Ito it h t- Nil T. sker Pi !Icall)l 1-nox— #0% n and Cc —1