HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-08-26, Page 3If f 0 -26 104 AUGIT. 1rallp. On ------ C PS. Thiured,%y the chIld wallowed a 70aadian refie�� I a h-tw inach more int,e]Hgent 'A Standard Rem d CW. and Mrs ribips at; hi r st rine while he A tumn Igan Amber, 52 6 bushels and 18.8 bushols - Y. ork, Jones' youa; cub v6 she is y and TarkeV 11td, 511 bushels' ard 17.1 YO T s-otnt piece. i Mr. rk inserted bin than illit odiou,,j Smith,g)rl, wbo teems t) 1. IUESULTS F EXPE'RTW IN 1003, AND For. bushels per acre respectively. All three 904- ...... ..... finger in the little one,E, mouth in an en thiok� he is a ineto t!choolboy. NOtIn*$13 and that of thei oth- ap,% in- arly ISIty Uars AWI k SERIES OF YEARS' variet,bgs are lleardedi Tbe� chaff of the ctrle'r hand, thiow it I . d?'avor to".pull the copper out. He failed ShilitilAi fo?t on tb V Imperial AmVer"Is red, war. lucky in puehing it ili!o ilia 11 i )U erla 11 pi,li Grandpi Cesukop f*6 to[ do thip, but L� I"Oft A t A�ITZ, DIWM0T0R,,_ 0WOULTURAL ere is white. The grain of baoh varritty is I :RY 0, A,� V avosy from the larynx, -An X.r%y examin- swmd' o' lit11-) WiIj1i,-,. hhe is Wirt"'Y 12 IOLLF.* GIUBLPH, 63m red, hard, avid recommended for the pro- A tne years W fal1#41 RAA. Lot 1,2 atton. was made and the obstruction loa�gted oblivj[oui (- that lie between and has *ever ")Vp of tily, 040`i� tiei:l Of1i'mr of goo� lim for a i quality. A half way between the throat and the tiaem�: iuri spolda I riatigh, y bo3, va to ,e It a Under3ralt, a"-4. weak in th sl�.r%w, st9mach. Dr. Coutioll succeeded in with- up in a corner xroF THE wing i a the pec4iir *eathor conditions riettee are rather and ili tst-xune to stanl him g�od at I ed As CIOEle fivAl - to a'. a U t. ardpa The Imperial Amber is a tion th f th Bar,'thel autumn !sown i draWiDq the place, and the child will ra- if hurn hie leswa and retnember xv villa _k � a i Iry 0 pag� that I., iii e -h -o -c and nzit marsh- have not Zen' as sucoesful at th`e college Dawoon's Golden Chaff inyield of gr in cover, in o e rth prthroughoutOotario as th- hive been per sore. m allows that ahe likes One I at Tow f 4 dO experiments nat W on �ome fit rmer ocoi*ona. a summary 3. -In the co-operative Taken with Wlipu a popular girl goes 0�lt with a Apply t -W A-, I S. 3b,191anix r" O(, ---INX I$. , . r I akee the I tii.. Nal ure may U of the reaults of the lexpet iments Which- are with different manat es applit. d In the spring the bridge man i h;3 nevvr 1. 14AXIA. . - , - - - in per �William Kirmse, a member o he�a present uxe�­ intellestng, of the year,the average yields of grai .1y' flave made her bigger and or 1904. ied, he ever vorking near was taken uufo�i auti-t gs�ngy I Littlepoi t, insti notiv a y Oeovcii�ul study. acre for the paRt Iwo years are as followti: - sto�qg*r than ber esc(ro, but the marjer 1 tudden1v Ill Thursday night with - Cramps "don TreaTt tot One Year o� T H R,- - Cow manurp, SO 2 buihels ; mixed ferdl- snd a kin d I of cholera. , to More I.-REIFULTS OF EPJARI?�EN�S AT His case was so hoia!the nioteahe chnga hinn.and tho. helplessly stie looke amu-nd her. izer, 30.2 budhels ; nitrate of sods 264 01 severe that he had to have the members of mor "b;-- tmaxe Of 25 8 builkiels ;' ways like rais byway of loan the 1. -Hai ry vetob4a prod u e crop which bushels ; Fuperphmphate, m, and Mr. 44 o cu k, ow " ah nljye , all 4V "d it A by-law to muriate of pit%sb, 25 1 bubhtli. The Gifford and oth >,�j i the eraw wait upon hi 0 of 'purchas. ally,useft, I as a. as are for farm un- V I H told them t go out', wi,h you, because Ialwya feel t the pre lut seems apeci age Of 21.2 w conbulted. a Res or addre�W..... n of $19 300 for t a purpose as called au�,d stock, a orchard or a green tertalizad land ga,�e an over �Chamber- s baft,, just as if nothing couid happp5n to L, the pl&_.jt of, the fiatorth Electr covar crop in to Light had a medicine in the form of he 0 a bwhels pqr, acre, The cow manureL was -1 Diarrh6iga Remcdy me Yoa bave Euch. Cominpnding aile that anure f I hink under t enrich tb lain"a Colic Cholera ani �11, 4t and Po er- 00 pLiny, (Limited). ra P cu M -A Orst.01 it O' ipally im:- CUD, and pe,op�e in it, make way for ;%m of goo wer- 0 ill Feqaira the rum. of applied at the rate of 20 tonel, super phos- that he thought would. help h! And, wherea 11 . I lie T - uer'W ,ported frotn Germany and cobt3 re -administer- A�d %he litile m&tl sw term w yeare lu -1 it The seed been prine ,Ville about 5 phate 320 pounds, and muriate of potabh Mrs. Ander 011, Jackso ells out his ehe�t a -cession- 8 �ei "rnabdP at 13 to The a d tInnually by epee -Drate of soda each 160 pounds per I accordingly several doses we feet high, ard ask,3 and ha' f *9,� -111vulklent t of the debt as here- In the average of four yearW &nit ni 0 t1j;'fell6w was able nd fetilis ab iub nevan Wfien seatojoi- Ito for the paYmexx tilizer consisted of datight f Recorder of, ad, wit � the result that Las o it -seed, 80 er r ho her 6n the spot if she v okildn't, like I 0 90 oft(d. -- L� - at the ollege, I 'ported ci�dent speaks er b "" R- A coultOrtabla 4WOU experuimen re. The mixed f to be around next clay. The in 'Mok I : . . 411after menti autumn And ripen�d the follow- OnC-third the qilantity of each of the labb Tteods, Vyc-st Jfev� of ttjo,.rrst nights at the thea�,ra. �A barn "'ad other o , .9 �5 witnessed her hly of livir. Giffird's diciries.- to a te, -ili.bui d eaS it will reauire the sum of in -us. quite biA ytls well Watered And wh �r 0r . ad. The ,ear, 69 three fertiriiarm here mention produOd an average yie 50 to be raised annually for the pay- I tog y sh, K it in your of the Ye eli of P, Or tktoe)� rat jjn8� and more. Dur. ual.coat of the fertilizira as us d in the a Agnat4re to he followi g letter klkader'i Iowa, Argue. onc 6 - hairy �etches par This i Th' Greatest Event a�, I 'an be ha as: hereinafter meat- I�Omedy never fat at of Dhe intoreet ye made eiperiments is from three to three and a raises �, Lydia E. Pinkhatn's home, itimay save 11fe. -tion- in fall wheat and. tan tl,:n ar a compa son wan For sale by ALEx. Toronto 4xhibi "�Ularq %ppty on thoL 44tir jnb 'ng betwe tario, and German I grown seed, half Cents per pound. )afortb. Re'turri liokets will be O'n sale from Sea" W2, Vegetdble Comp'ound. oN,� DragRiElt, BE NILS seaforth" U" CZ4 d,whoreao.the . holerateable property C A. ZkVITZ, AF wiLh the r malt that I the form r surpassed a the, Tow ive of DU.&R M-R,S, PUNKITAX:- There dre forth at $3.45, good�'goinz August, 29�h, to n,of 8ea ortli, irrospeof elph, Otit. ar 55.j good gooti of the latter a yield'per acre by 3 1 buehels. Agricultural College, Gu -age in the. tu're of tolls, interesta, ally incrE mt few wives and mothers who h&-vo A Plucky Preacher. �3aptember 9th. and -, tp- �Ott SA"LFL .-Win or barley has -be the t I 'The farm of the ,lividends. rents or f as tmm the said pro- -9n grown in lot at timlbs endured agonies and suell 'Rev. G. B. Brown. Blen eini1i Kent August 30,b, September Lit, 3 d, 6'jh aEd W19M. in the a x pe r,,,m,,In l. rounds for.41, y11e&rs.'__Ir, has -GAVE HIM UP 8oh.1 All tickets valid returning until lOwliah1pot Bibb palty, and alto irres )active of any inorearse ompate y ).,in as only women know. I isli county, in a man of the right ki d of mater dessfon 4; enn+Ajujo, I killed o�u:t in some I easone, prov-. I cleared. with, ant of ? I women knew the value of Lyffi from that Tuesday, Heptemb. r 13 h, For tickets and CU2ES derived from the tet ipdrary investru ing more t nder th- J. a ial &a the following despatch f all 1 so winter % heat. When. ThatAs what doctors did for J Ion call at A'Xrand Trank ticket '-'%ttr with 9 n lKiT. th rb thereof, ac- owe Pinkhani's Vegeta-ble Conn by shows : Harwich -to nabip and nfcrmaL erer fail- e oinking funi, or xny,pa ver, it has Prkins-Dodd's ]Kidney Pills ill utiderdrainedand welt f, lst r3vised assessm4n� 'roll it has Bar ived the iWinte'r, li, d. It is a remarkable ine enh,zim town, in the county, fKent, are Diarrhma, 40 x 60, hiy M t0rding to the -usily giv n a high (3ured him. 1V()11U Ow28x5gi a ur " ', 12crnt -in action from. r lacal option mu a*0 V. irig houge.71 erage for e ght yeati oeing 4 1 bushela, Cholera Xo:!baii, Cbokra 111fmi- r shei, A dwell �Oj the said town, bei iig for the year' 1904, yield of train, the av TyiqDALL, Man.. Aq'g. 22nd.-(Speotal). any, nicipalitie' G. B. The Brutal Old Days. is l,he sain of Brown, of Blenheim, who inaugurated the t 0 school, and thabfO two v4rieties i� 1904 being --Mr. J. J. Prkins, of this place, whq knew and thoroughly reliabl A114 And, wheretia, the existing debenture dld Markok It, a per sore. VS -1) C 8 movemEnt there Lord eobtrt3 wag at Eton,..8aV'jl MUG& Of a spleA. - I have -seen many cases 4 tempersoc tum, Crarlps, tbf there i1i no Incumbr%no., 26 3 bushe was so bad with kidney disease that the r's -without liquor wu,ii beffig sold at Eireaull. a summer Lin life there waq very much �*Y Of Oale to do 11 wor K V �e'bt of the town of Seaforth is. as follows 3. -T we varieties of winter oats were doctors gav bi up, is again str(ng and "'Olnen doctored for yea )c "7 ndon Tir,,Bits, Fags bad to a im wnship. He had him- harder than it is at present. '85 5W borrowed'untr the authority of 0 in,:Lnent benefit, wbo, were cured in resort in 111arwich to and a11S4T=;_N FO tuirther patU,.h. sown on the Uh of 'ept mber,, 1903, but as hearty. He credits his care entirely to U, WILLIkK or Ax 13,11,three months after taking melf sworn in so a special co�itable and f etch water to their inasters frim the pump �DRXW l)y_lavjNo.2,oftheto*nof Seafortb, for uual the auto did,jimot survi I ve the win- Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Parking Bays went dovpa to investigate on Tikesday night in WeEton's Yaril, and bring COSIS in- their ftsrpro t use vill prevent a Iinp ter. I'had kidney disease for two yeara and Vegetable Compoun(l, while otliers'w I ic� and frequently the chrdnic and incurable CtLme Oki", when the bond gave a concert. Che lessee gowns from - Windibr ; I 86,000 borrowed under the - authority of 4 ammoth winter Irye has ur, got so bad -that thp doctor gave me up and obt nubear- gTpat deal of unnecesSa'ry kRMS Foj� k cured -4 ' a him jadmittance, new, boy bad to put up with alm SAM, "3, of thsitown of Beaforth, fel happy, anil in perfect he iltl: 'of the p3villion refu ad a on the un� M EUNbr ft b I)y.law No. pa's ; a dTthh'e common Ivatiety in four out of said I coald not be" cured. ) -a charge against the latter able ill-treatm(ut. 1. Just before Lord Itob )Ln Of f Lter a thorough treatment with and he h�s laid. o ten save M. th MOP, t the Viliaze t , #� ing� and f 1887. five years. The average annual yield per I continued to grow worse and, am I was under the statute. Th6te or arts want to the 061lege a boy was nearly --res, an f vi�f�h t2,500 borrowed u nder the authority of acre of the formey I as 60,5 bushels and unable to work was diciue. I have never used. it myselt a. Lik a killed through i -n a blanket, Ale cleared, ' w becoming deStitum term it ja in a, good a . *X- A fuvL, menemploed. at th,3 Pi bh being tossed _"to oi, by-law No'. 8, of the town of Seafortb,. for to take ithot gaining gre It fenced And � that of the latter 57.'S bushels. TheThous- w= on a frisnd's advice I began - . at benefit. Brie Coat Co., and there watilitalk among Small boys were sometimes uied &13 living 'Price, 55n, Onderdrainsk, - X a 6 strength a-nd appc f growing Or *took lr,isio. and Fold v riety. gave the largest yield in D d 'a Kidney Pills. One be m d k not t "d wed tite, and tones up the, entire em of mobbing Mr. Brown a iould he re footballs by their seniors ; and it was no foot of Wag* $14.000 borro ander the autbority of 1903 and t a Doubl Mammoth White va'r" -cured )drt�, yesterda opinmon thing it is amid, for a boy to be The T. Milburix Co,. Limited, ew* izc*d dwel lAnd Ott feel like a new man, and flve boxes anr! turn. 'He wtub down agi Yt un blin by4aw No. 9, of th-e:town of Se&forth, for ral Your medicine has' been tried ed X and tb 1.140' . iety in 190 g completely." arch warrant. j He invit drogged out of bed oudlenly by a Cord fast- er eli lavii. . i 5. -Wit in the past, 15 years about 200 - Dodd's Kidney Pills cure kidney diseas fuiind'true, hence- I fulky endorse it." armed with a so room 11-893 ago wi�h him, but enea to his toe, and pulled round the eo�va mider the authority of , varieties of winter lidtt; have bedn grown Mus. R. A. ANDE;nsow, 225 Washing -4 three other Constables to There are znme� orobt, $3,500 bgr 1-Y . I of every staRe and kind. in this painful fashion. The farm Adjoinir" 25 B�, of the town of Beaforth. 17103t 6f th a ton St., Jacksonville, Fla. - $b000 forpqf they raftiod. " I ill# VW at the college. The Q8e hav, If original of above letter proulng genuineness can- T he mi'Alistor bad a Bomevvb4b strenuous P'isi , �17,000 borrowed cider the authority of been grown'tor at lao,bt five years in sue- Bur- Aho aliji h w - a tow not be produced., expt rience on Re WaS omfort for Old People. _TT. Caneagglon, 12. ton by-�aw No.o,, eii, or cession. The highel't ylelding� varieties for �medicine forwbmen 5 of t n of Seaforth, f Perth Notes Tuesday night. Muoh of the suffering of the agelt is due to the I'o other Xh&t mOtly! and ii�reat the past five yeara, noluding '1904, h'ave -RF. J. P. Gerrie, of Watford, has so- rounded by a some, exotiptaboutri'sorek Tlii4 d such vVidespred and unqual. d of men and lado.' and there kidney dbrangementS which 1pad to baclip4be, rh "12- All 66ede4 except It 61,*'borrowtd. under the -anthority'of Lat, Church, "cot ve ening oroi3 Allow produced the following average number of cepted a calk to the CongregaDio flod endorsement. No other Ing. The preacher m%tjstnjumbsgo,bcdy pains. Dr 0hae*eKidn'ey-L1v- ,Am?nsr the best Ind. w�a, 10 ts of mobb* pnft� I by-law W, I ioWn of Seafomh for ere threa eil?ills bring comfort to. the old folk by keeping the the county � Of, Hu6 D 26 of pounds of grain,per measured bublial and of' Stratford. eat and mit r', A tich a rec6rd of cures of feni,6, faced them and gave them all tarn kidneys hoalthy and active, rind so Lliminating from Khor or "Pavately An4 O� - of grain par �ore : -D%*son',e Gold- -Strattoi d ill to ave a new Y. M, 1, 'sssY , - 18815. bushels I-ioq. ch as �tbere were the bodv tae polenous waste matter which causes PaTticular appj�,, $9,000 borrowed u dLr the authority of an Chaff, 5k9 pounds, 59,4'8 'bushels ; Im- baildiD(Iand tu is expected it, will beready forcible talk. attar whi , iiins, aches lind fatal disease. For funher 'd still slg�fl, of unrest, he to; th t 110 P u pancy "in stpt4 ,In, 6�dr, th.6 �,�,4erafgoed 1010. by-law NO. 20 000al impravement) f the -perial A b 61.2 i po . undp. 58 bushels ; for oca" mber. th' m bet n sId tifford to thow himEe f a oward own of'Seaforth for 901 Pnz�� Takerjr 59 8 pounds, 57.6 bushels ; __Geor.ge &ernner', 'Cif D,mnie,.ba; of straw in which the animal was standing Mak' 001 ! purpose of She`1l No' Do. $3,700 borrowed u der' the lauthoritv of Silver Dollar; 59.7 �poans, 1 57 bushels ; appointea'wghr, cov�Gable by the Nft,T313 t,ok fire slid ib was not long before the in the Cause of right, ;and if the I - No. 2 (loolril mprovement) for i9O2.'�� ade its the men *as to puniili Min. hewas prepar- 11 Do you I hink tbi-8:psrcel wAl enough Buda Ptsth, pormaity, one by ons)tO tied to; trust going in the van T' asked a under the aut I on it was 18a to giv,a them op b 'a.w 61.4 iounds,(55.4 bu9bels;' town countsil. Thtre were nine buddhig-was in ashes. The pony,m y . 889.20 borrowe hvirit 'hela,; Forty ions for the posiriov. eedape, but no, before evary hair 57 Rudy, 61.2 pounds, 1 55.4 bu� nt. IThere was paeknger for the South of a porW.onthe of by -lam No. 24, A. of the town of Seml� pound4,1 55.4 bushels; and -Dr. D. M, Fargwon, of Sbratf rd hAn re.and admi.uist0 the chastistme Fold, 59.1 0 singed (,ff, and its head, eyee, es Egyptian A ber,61.4,poaudo,'55.2 bushels. retutned from his annual trip tj England. pio-ti of Lhe poor brutes body were vbi parcel with a, $1,500 borrowed u der the authority of The greates yields a amongI72 arietis -He was abseou about wiven wecks, bP0)J- badly burned, the flesh bBing exposed in i - bang. " She'li get that here, and she'll gab (local improvement) of the grown in� th, past v ar howeier wire the ijug most of. that time in England, The animal lost pitiable �$AW era lnfantui�l no imobbing. Higlililonj line, Weel, I'll see " answer- no figilt and forth for 190-7. ad the portet, dropping the by.Isw No 01101 junct-,oal '-giving ib anotber wasa n that at tb Melotte !Cream Sep t tl,,,) look at. The Bra abarted aboub This disease has loot it, terrors since town of Seaforuh,. for 1903. ��­Gco.,Yauch, of Arkanams, a former rea I Imper al A ber,41 31bushels; �u`la Pabtb, eig I df op-" an she'll get that at Perth"�giv- d do authority of, .40 bushels Crimeav Red, 3P.9 bushels ; i6 to three o"olook and the pony wall allowed to Diarrhoea $10,000 borrowe r the ident of SebriDgville, is home on a vie ChamberMnla Colic, Cholera anfi Ia hake which scattered the conten'A suffer ontil a was Remedy Came into ganelal We_ by.I&Nv 8, of the own cf Taaman',iii P.9d, 36 his parFDb8 and other relatives M.r. Yauch fter six o'clock, when it The lie no!- Ajej�LjD poplillr ic�min separN�or4 Or geytral SeafOrth for Rudy, 38 1 buelide he Platform. Weel, if she be -g�)ing '09tr4t . Tbe bowl oNrer t pasoji..q. One rf tbem!a 11 1902. dolAon CQff 35.7 ; and iea prosperous merchant of the Lout,hern hhot� A. Hutohings,.V. S. - Three tons -da the use of this bushels ; Diws6n's ell whit -Ii re - y form suacooll which attel ints in hirther than Paith, Fhf.;'Il no' do whatever. hSngs on a hat dexied mpindl the authority of el siore. The cily. of lity in the i3t3ble, belonging to Mr e as t1sezagirl�h on 34 borrowed under tilip Amber, 55 bushellil p remedy inf all Cases of bowel compla $.1,000 F -gyp vl-ps,tin b %11 bem-ringo At fr' I)ut has so twe sud bylaw Wo. 71, of the own of Seaforth, for weigh' ed ',buhel fQ this semon -Miss Muriel Tully,- of Coltore, Iowa, Yarcoe,were burned. Had ths wind been ' ohild'ren hao made it a favoritj wherever -ixis 11 it bas no titi!Ler eupp,irt, Fbr bale by St Vitus' dance T-apidly mroad by ;,And finds Nown has beeln exoeptfonafty light, a can be sevn and daughter of - A. F. Tully, formerly blowiDg from the east infs�ead of from the, its valua had becomeino I uriirnpeoeti a acutse a� b PINfle a fric. (D 3 is nothi- g. in arrears ), Seatokth. -ou-nd Iron Pills, bulan-43.. This AWplif-ItY O1VOrZtJ114rii0u lave either rV. Mill�xls Comp And theri from the folt)wing Tasmani Red, 58.6 pastor of the Presbyterian church, Mitoh6ll, west, it wouAd have been impossible to sav ALIOX, Druggist and f4wo 10 Alex. Wilson, Druggist, Seaforth. tion, P" :11 15 poundo ; Imperial Amber 5 Edward N. Mr. J-0hu Yarcoe's house, o the fire pro- 3perld- L" CD for principal or interest., 6' pound, was married recently to Kr. of the we*r alod tptr, to which othur jarealu 04 y —4 M IAnd, whireas, it I made necessary to Dawsons Golden Chiff, 55:7 p *und4-; Tur W. -Res, of the same town. Ootion is of no use to that, part of the ors eve subject. The onI maohi"a With Nut"Itt"I Filled His Place.�i, le witli Weak 4 44oint the time and., laues for taking the key Red, 55 5 poundis; and Ea'l Geneses -Milton Roffman. who has been in Ken. town. I Wherever 'there are sicklY P84 B,)wl czeing, onl­tw9 Piece') to the b,)wli mbkiD9 t7q 7 It wasn'�t much of a place he filled, heartii ard dorarijed -nerves, Milburwe lle&rh and to ouiv machiho fiLt6d villil 3 votes of the duly qUa ified 'electors and for Uha Daw n's Golden Sao City for the past few months working -P. P. Hamilton, "court alenographer, Not" pills %ylll bo,,found an effe6tul medicine. Giantv 52 3 pounds. lough- bruelt'a -ndle essily iiac;n iff and put Im withOub nil of But he tilled and plo' lied and a P ba t Onfeebled Einstvated, iixbauated, d tigpoluto oj etwo burdened a�iainting dep -re, nraing officers to take Chaff poiseased -the El�iffast str w and 'the in he btook yards there,has returned home and one of thq moA respopted citize They restore a 10' bolt cr nAit. All wearl ad and tilled, vItalizei or ovar-worked men And women to vigor- gtal. Glarjugull"tJosed. t O'tes of th u7yiarilly�' qualified electors at tr t - I is goalie one heolth he v Red flusear the wea6st a in 1904. to. Sebriugvi Ile, .'his services not being re Stratford, died here rather'suddenly. He ' an- ter, j&g. While the grelites cause for h P All varieties rusted m�,,ore or loss in 1904, quiredi 'owing to the'strike. of meat pro- was unmarried, but leaves one sis . I - - the mesting� rest Be it therefore aflac ted, u, t Mrz,TOTTR CaltAlff 9XPBRT0319 bave gn by the municipal the-Ironclal, Taems�ja Red ani Pride Of auders. G. MaPniirEo ratfoid,_an(i two brrth- Wag, a fear that%11,3 wouldn't do best, -ftwaio at &II fhe leaffing t:g q CD + forth -7 The' sian Fly -Mr. William Gibson, 9, former resident era, Itamilton, - barrister Lietowel, For pholeis Morbus, Cholera InfACtUM, 0"'JP8, ed the higheat honoris and -Council of the town of Sea America b th fre?et. at his work and ant ahead C and Summer Compldn' , t Itho world. + 0 . So lie ernil,ed olle,Dlarrhoan,Dysenter exhibitions imd trials throughOu + Mayor 111119 am uat !of ago the of 8tratford and an ex 0 ace, Dr Fowl er,R Extract of Wild trawberr), Is a promt, hat'it;shall Nlawful. for the dd only' a smalie -member' of the la- and one in the w stern States. Mr. Ham W th & tun`�f ul heorb and aoChrig !an gr !Z Crosse team, is at preseat visitiog his friends ilton was'gffioial steuograplier for the West safe and sure cute that, has been a popular 1aVOTlte C -t- tj + �of the said corporation to raise by way of past year. Ib wagn't much of a place lis"fille This asperator bas only to be lippocted and trio 0 CR + from any perEon, body or bodies cor- 6. -Seed tike� fro wheabi which was' in the old home. Mr.,Gibson no�v lives it Ei Igin ballot commission some years ago. for nouly. 6j years to have fls dietits fully ftpPTc0lat621;n01rLl all tmm I -The Stratford Beacin of last week But he fitled his place. Riemeniber we 1, -ad and' low. hJL Los Angeles Al fornia. porate who�may -be willing to advance t99 allowed to y ri a before !it was.oub It's nob the weatborthaVsat fault. Iteyourays- spectio Icludly Invited. O -Q (1k + same upon the ore fit bf the debentures produceda re�te grain and s, of Cherry -Grove,, mot with At Winnigog, o� ly28,h� Miss The handii that they foldcd yesterday tein, cloggod with poiaorious materials, th�t Makes r yie dofboth Mr. Gilli At A.M. �Campbell`s Wareroomi t f grain. 1�er an accident at Elliov,'6 quarry, St. Marys, LAura Turnbull becama the hal rough anA, hard -bub you feel dull, and u�lseiable Let hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not f traw and a heavier elgh DiDy bride of ':Oq._hia breastl were drowF3, ekf ctl ;ung people orth. the aLgregette the gum of measured 15ushal than hat; prdiduced from Imt Saturday night. ' In, the� darkness his Mr. Rotierb.J.'Porter. Both y, Burdock Wood Bitterot clear Away All toe PolsonE, 0 exoeeding in feel bright n- Mc Durica Callum, agent, Seaforth ny of �four t tter, lot me ask, -;ag earlier ge and fell into bhe are well 4n" What doe, and vlgorous! J. D W -Aker, -ent, taffa, wheat whiebwas out ta horse wenti over the ad own in Stratford and c purity and enrich your blood, make you 2 That 'sink a daughter of Mr. Robert nil' ti�y bbout the lt eltall bf lawful for the Mayor tages of maturity accoirding to �he average quarry. The buggy Moo went over, but the bride b . If they did got rough at a bumbI6 task ? be resul 'rate' Mr. Gillis m Turnbull, formerly of this City, and the R4ad what your neigt)bore a number of debentures to E13 of 14 Rep% �ests.j anaged to jamnp out in time to to. cause any Fc hen life gets to the very end., Nl,e lotte Cream Sf ptirator - from two r, Shakes- 'f soed mad� escape the fall. groom a Bon of Mr. Roberti Porte Get Rid of Tfiat Cough 7.-Selactions 0 AT from th6 pall'id-face, *r made -for such,sumd of money as way be 'An eat4 looks up We have ase -1 a ma itte Crimn 1,pa-;Itor'�for tw 0 W - on.Mon'day- -peare-Road. The ceremonv w%" P�"-"' ' What does it matter the place yo filled Before the eummer comes. Dr Wood�s Nor T1100 an' I 0 + t less than one hundrad dollars varieties of winter wh -a'b and t sted for mix A quiet wedding took place U WAY yisra and are highly plimeed with It. requirad no .O.. hjr. ers Coughs, Col4a, Sore Throat, or is in our neigbborhood giving go - d 1:4119ftl2tiOn - ua: results in b If on filled y C u'r plikes ? - r""t of last week at three o'clook:at the re'sidence h Rev. D. G, Connery at igh Pine syrup conqu Q&eh and not ex-cee iing in the aggregate ears produQed. average ann L i y opt -rated, tagily r + StrougLtoD, Ecaysellessj Bronc)jItii, and all Diseasag of the We,tnd it easil the sum of $19,3A and that the bushels of grain per a re, tons )f straw per of.Rev. A. Y. 11aist, Stratford, when r.' and Mrs. Poit�er will reside at CD :� Throat and bi�ngs gr4at itibor taver and vorY Proi P:. -.11 be se'aled with- the acre and pounds per measure I bushel 'as. 0hriefopher Wettlatifer of that city w as Manioba." I fancy the joy of paradise% elses ek'mnier, i tiouble wh2tit said debentures Eh agville, held a When iVe given out. will Cali some Able, I w,uld not be NN ithout It for o form of kidney trouble, from A back coet. 3 oof ph At IdnEon, b. leal of the said Corpo -ation, and. signed by follows :�L%rge plum seed, 4� 9 bushels, united iii marriage to Miss Catharine Robb, -The Y. P. �L., of Sebrii There Is n ceestal social in the oom Wney 2,6 tons and 59 4 p aughter of M modious rprige, the -Mayor and the T easurer thereof. o ads ; Small PlumP d r. Samuel Robb, Fairview'. very tic EU acbe down Lo BrigbVe disease, that D�&O.s X1 tte Cream Sesyato SCOX ;ons� and 59 2 eon le will take up their re6id- 'and Mrs. John Weber on I'm iio see.-, pills--%ju ntretiove or oure I 1-Urchased a iela + 3 That, said debentures shall,bear in- seed, 40.1 bushels, .2 The young p home of Mr. For the greatest will fail,'or i nd of kl�uey luow- ago. We are in lawn w it you are troibled with anv ki uch pfamed YL ith it und it 6AV0o A CD + enee in the oi�y. Auguat 2ud. rhe spacious as jandlIng of thri 07 tere8h., at and after thi I rate of iour and one pounds Shrunken see 39.1 !bushels, 2 1 To, those that did simple diitiea hore plaint, give Doan's XldneY Pills a trial lot of labor in thts I ct- pi-+ half per cent per annum from the day men- tons, and 59.1 pounds and broken seed, ' -About three hundred people attended beautifully decorated with �ink. and To the man who smiles and who goes A D.8030, WeRillop- 0 + ound ree- nony in the North East whitd chinese lanterne. Over 85 'people As I hav-o used Qn'3 Of 3-Ouir No- I Mt'10"o Crcaya + tioned, for this by -la to take effect, which 9.3 buthels,.fi tons, an the inductiod corer ahead chnrch last. Tuiiaday were present, many being visitors in the NVith a tuneful. heart and a Christian Found at Last. SeperLtoxi witb tood Eatisf&ctlou alid Bud it ORFY to t -r- + an the pectiveiv, per acre. hope Presbyterian -pill that is await and oure, that ach gent- an And a first CM9 IldnMer. lalo interest shall be pay le annually village froyn Btifftil ' -Berlin,St. Jacobs, Mit A livet turn2 ea"Y to 4010 124h day of September in each and every 8 -The average yiel a, less :the an,ount, afternoon when I -Lev. Andrew. Ediniton be 01 grace, ly, quickly and thoroughly. t'oat does not gripe iate aud e3py to andentand, AU(I find it emy to Orie Though it wasn Laxa-Liver Pills posseu these qualltieR, and arc a -onatrustion and The quJitY of + fL the of seed need, f iom sowi g one half bu3hela, came the pastor of the church. The ser chell and O'ther places Toe evening was a it much of a place he filled, frim tb* mectiMiciLl + KA year, at the office of the Treadurer o, 11 Music. place. sure cure for Liver Complaink Constlli:41011, Sick th,, 00 , e gt,rjai or the aws Mile, I Ali(! - to be 00 f 6 + 6aid municipality of the town of Seafor6b. and two bushels of eao of two varietiO8 Of mon.was preached by'Rev� Robert Stewart, joyably spent in gWes,' Hong an, f h-3 filled his hijes& the day, AD ad�reas was given by the pastor, Rev. Headache, etc the leadlDg niac :=1 - (xsrider, I I 1�11 4 That said debentures shall be made. winter wheat per acre in each of six years, of Motherwell. At + 1! -years ; 42 3" �baphels, and -Rev. 0. W. Brown r!le-ceived an U'T3%ni- C. S. Finkbeiaer, for tbt:, opening, and , Violent attack of Diarrhoea Ours,dl put In atzo aable at the expirabion of twer-tY have been 39 7 bushele Two yeare ago W101 ress given by J. 0. Litt P. E , of No. 1. Melott, cy-oam seperator for + m ed for this by-law to 42.4 bushels ptr acre, reapgatively. rom the Quarterly Board sbort add $ ­, " - 0 4 froin the data Mons invitation f by Chamb6rlain`8 Colic, Cholera .4 rgr1l power to r -t- I ch, wbich,meb thw The crowd die. perftcb g%tiej&ctjo�, and taltas very _lY 01DA130d and the Treasurer -Seed wheat grown a: thousand ibilas of the Methodist chur Waterloo, for the close. of 9. dy And per ts.& ciosb 6kirrarer, to eat! eake effect at I a I Diarrhoea Reme 0 0 of So- - south of Gaelph gave practically thp kame other evening, to reain pastor/of Lth M, te h, ur, all having had an an and . ohe said muaicipalitV Of the town t persed at a la I would wlyi,e eve'Y 1-1 ; operixted In all rotpedt-8. -n with + W �:t . 1h Life Saved touse a sepwAitor and ot. I Eall have attached to them COu- res Its as Ontario gro'w,n seed in the aver- choll parish'for te four'b year.,� *Ve Rev. joyable time. haps a wer forth, anc U. n wl MIlott-0.11 + ith a 2owalend the + pone for the payment oi interest. age exp-�rirnents of tw' years. i i gentleman has been given thr�_e' months to -The people of Mibehell and neighbor I A short time &go I wag take 'Thoums J. Nequaldt, XtELTIOP. 5 That for the purpose of forming a 10, -Winter whet own'.aq' We College decide whether he will remain or not, hood W'eie greatly shocked on hearing last violent attack of �fiarrhoea and.bolieve I + sinking fund for the ayment of he said during the first ten da 9 of September in --L-During a very heavy -thunderatormg week tha u Mrs. Bahu, a widow living on the would have diold if I had n6t gotten reliefl!" Railway t %rand -rrunk �r 00 debentures a I canal sum of 5.2, bushels d over List9wel one day laou 15th concebbi6n of Logan. was the victim of says john' j. 1�attou, a loading' Citizen of Money to Loan. .D which passe Ln Equal each of nine yeara has jyielded,' Two men entured ad ystem. ahal), in addition to ell other rates, be rals- ore th h own from the 16uh week, the barn of Heary. Coughlinj about a most ee�ous assault. Patter, ! Ala, A friend -recommend S 70001 per W4 m The Corporr-W-4 of Tue'keye" Ith hzve $3, =8 , her house and it ia allog ar- 013 hATd 40 10al On 9Pod 'gym spe ial rate in r ad committied rape tel four miles west of the town, and also John Chambarlaila'a Ohollo, Cholera and D Lachool fund mciah, ed,levied and collooted by to ffiei 20th of Sep CD + its of 16 exptri- upon her person and stole tome - $80 from Thoea Uemcdv, 1 bought a twenty,fiva Railway Time Tabib .k�tvutej of illtqyoct. Parrlearti upon all the rafeable property in the said 11 -The average r Hamilton'a barn, on the 8th concession of f Trains loave Seaforth 48 follows e��Fides at oul apply to G_ N Tur-DOrt treAg� -hneidtir, of Ellice, do3es 0 -ut.rlijv fcb zbo� corporation during t4e currency of the said, rnent�r, covering a pe-111oud of pight years, Elma, were struck by lightning and burned her house. DAnial S, cent bottle ana af ter taking three Goderich Wingbaln an' ,or to A. 0, Smil'110, Clerk! Hen- mburg, are For Clinton, urer, Untla P- them, and for the ted:l-.nd winter 'a portion of the neasons New Ha tirely cured. I consider itthig 9-60 0,8. B150r, Rtevsp dabont I show that, on i to the gtound with and John Kenilzie, it � was an- Kineardine, sall P. 0 , or to t--. i g th r, - irged with the orimee and they are now com v% heat whi3h w VV�th a. mach crop. best remedy in the world for bowel For Clinton and God seafortli P. 0 'vel' iva urpose ol bterest on the said as drill i obi rim' 12.417 p. m. erich Kinchr asD , by -Miss Edna Tilley was married on Wef- Eojourning ii]i Stratford j4il'awahiP9 t 1. Wingham and of 4868.50, For sale by ALEx. Wm,soN, Driig- 6.6 p. m. For Clinton, nnna' gum po dine. debentures an 'qua' in, and that which ivaE sown broadc plaints. c 'I I other rates: be r1lig- hand gave practically the sarno yields of neEday, August 10th, at Itbaca.New York, -Mr. Jawes Torrance, 10.18 p. m. For Clinton and Goderloh. sball, in additio, to' gist, Seafcrtb. 'he rate- -gr 'in per acre. to- Mr. Elmer Hook, a gentleman of the Milvertolo, county councillor and ex -war For Straif-byd. Guelph, Torontol levied and colleoled upon "I' i - a , hae'decided to join Dr. 7.58 a. vil orlills, Norft., Bay- aodpoints west; t �, , -Winter wheal gave ;much better same city. Mrs. Hook is a daughter of den of the county able property of be said corporation dur 12. , � The Popular,Girl rb.bro and points a ranohing Belleville smd.Poto ing the currency of t a- said debentures of, satitsfaction on clover nod than on timothy Mr. and Mrs. John Tilley, of Mitchell, and Egbert, late of Milverton, in T. They W hat is the decrer, of eome women's pop- I I W. d. held a good position as hood milliner in epterprise, at CEdgary, N. any of them. eon the Bow river. Ularity with man'9 It is not gool looks, it 8.37 p. in. For Stratford, Gudlpb, T orouto, Man- 0 Thatilb.shall elawful for the said Ei'313 -Dind on which field pem wrra used lbhaca for some years previous to the *6ime havepurchased a rang ot drees, not money. You nee treat and poin to east. 6 anure yiElded e.5 bushels of -of her matriage, only 26 miles from Calgary, and will oper- is n irl with all,theBe excellent qualit- 5.33 p. ro, For Stratford, Guelph And Toronto. corporation of the town 'of Seaforth to e- - as a green m peid the said sum o $19,300 to be raised %vbearj per acre more than laud on which �Mr,. Charles Soboultz, of Mitchell,after ate it on an extensive Beale. Dr. Rgbert many a 9 ided. by ihe,,plant buckwheat was used as a manurp, 'practies bis professionin.. Calgary as es in abundance, sedulously AvO Palmerston and Kinc-ardinO­�" -under this, by-law I purchasing t green, an illness of two weeke, died on Saturday will not 'Epecially an- af -low * han land 3 may also biogagg in men ; while other gir1q, GOING NORTH. Mixed 4- or 96, orth hf, Haab and and 2.8 bu3bels per "ra raore t well, and Sir, Torravo� of the e f El etric Lig morning. August 6bh, at the age of 52 dowed in these ways, have a: constant ich was worked as a hare fgllopv, in'the years. Deeeased was well -known, having busineep$ but, they will keep in cloue'don- an in their wake. Palmerston...... - 7.30 p.m. 12 20 p0m 8.30 A.M Power Comp3,ny (L mifed). wh stream of m 1:07 It is under. 8.07 to �estq range there. news something OF Ftb"l-- - 7 Chat the votE a of the duly qualified average of eight,a been -a resident of the town for the past tact with the -the DoroVby Dix, who k 8.17 1.17 10.00 Go C&r epch of fiv years, experilnents twc.11ty.aix years. Mr. Schoultz leaves a. stood that Mr. Torrance will remove f emale 1.80 IO." electors shall be taken on Monday, Sep- 14. -In a can dispose of his drug- human. nature, and specially of Bluevale, 8.27 a been conducted in treating winter wife and two daughterp, Mrs. Ohprlee West as soan as h re,'maintaine that a 9�rl`s pop- Wingbani 8.88 1.40 11.10 on the hours of hav vii. riers - human 114tu mixed. 'Pass. Itember Ubh, 1904� betwe wheat in different ways to'kill the 'tinking Ut rasso 9 a.m. and 'a P.M.1 t the following places : a Lemon and a little eight yeAr old girl to buoinetzs in Milverbon. 6 68 %an 9 ve been siatief actory. _�Vhile driving towards Mitchell, one ularity with inen is not ih matter of chance;- Genie So H. 31121. 8.06 P.M otylep, and; a lal 1 alts It mourn big lose. it is th d Wlngbam_ I Polling sub -division No. 1, ab,,the Public smut,and the res irect result of a thor6u .erit to choose from, V: Returning In astumn of 1903, a3ven different trea�- -Mr. Thomas Crago, h Jarmer where- evening lately Henry' Pierce and -Wm. wlodge of how to 4olly,, a, 31uovale ...... 7.08 9.17 3.13 Deput: capM being killed.. A scienbiflio kno Ile, 7.16 10.00 896 School ; R, Lnme en, Ch of two variet-: #1 in it, ai3 in everytbing el 7.25 ica6 2.36 -divioi6n NJ mente were made witb ea QIdes on Dhe River R6ad, Blanshard, was 'in Jones narrowly a" Brussels ....... . 0 in Met ... .......... 'Polling on - 2, t the of the pre lag towards them, driven by C. �' an along, on 4.20 'Elliott, D9puty. ies of wheat. In .the 0: sent St. Marys one day re,cently Op and had his horse oomi age is the raward of the cheerful p,,l,,,,rgton ........ 8.10 ow -Shadez. Council F -00m, illiarn Once ad seed 0 a Returning Officer. �' Polling sub-diviaic ' year, the wheat produced from treat team of horses in Ti a blaoksmith mlioto, was uneontrolable and going at — ----- in d that from untreated seed shop, getting shod, and while taking his maddenini, speed. Jones turned t Vvorker. ocIt will be closed Gab air' son's store, H. J. Pun-' had no amut, an vain-, but11 she says, he flikea on and Bruce. jpw the r1in- ' M an Is not London, Hur 3TO. 3'. t 0. C. wil ttel heads. The tealp out anotheIr borae in the shop kicked aide but not suffiolenbly to al the girl whose bump )ING NO3tm- In price. We have chard, Deputy Returning Officer. had 3 6,per cen� Of Von, is, and one shaft of the to be appreciate and Rlb A.M. 4.60 P M d very simple horse to pal treatment which prov cheap athis horaes and missed them, but Mr.. away of Appreciation to the at, gets the Loodant depart-..., �nioip�l- 5.43 ''Xtadow Sereflas 8 Thati the M&Vor of the said in tive was -the I mersion of the seed force of- the k1ok rig to which the maddened horse was at� fl%t- ceubralis.._ g, d e6c Crago received the full. ets and �he clincly. Man scorns 9,80. 5,54 Corporation shall 'attend at the icouncil- an in a solution d the side of Mr.'Pierce, pass. 'Viol y gravitates to� 9.4t 606 eptem.��' wheat for twenty m,uutes wiDh the result- that one of his- ribs was ached, graze tory, - but he just natural] Are or A' �-i�ied aeRer-mPnt of Couch room on Friday, tb e ninth day -of )inn of' formaldehyde ad over the seat and through the top of the ...... .... .. 9.60 a sure n, permanent cure f 'be' w -3.19 odd arid f,ney Chairs on.0 for the- pur-�. made by adding one fractured. t ard the plaue where the particu�ar brand Kippen.'. adder Tro4ltg- ber, 1904, at 2 oolook p.�m-, (forma in.) to forty-two gallons of water. -The members of thw. choir, 'Of bbe, baggy and almost completely wrecked him, and Brucefleld . ..... 9158 Kidny and T edroara �r he prefiurs is wafted to 10-16 6.S4 room and b pose of appointing persons to attend at the. roh,'HitchelE, to the number vehicle. - Elliatt's rig was'aloo demolished, of hot ai award of the I Londeabora 10,80 6.62 -RESULTS 0 E_xpSP.1.MENTS Methodist Chu g1p], wl�io knows , II. I F from the 'horness 'great is the r KACHIC 'variouspolling pla-es aforesaid. and sum �* horse got awal Imc THROUC.HoUl! ONTARIO. of about thirty, were. ezterbained one even- and the ance J10* to pull the punkab, Blyth.. 10.88 7X0 iff the Wily ftf'w' Ing up of votes respectively on behalf of' and continued its pace for some dist qq�Aampaign o the girl Belgrave 10.60 rig ents with autumn Ing r�st week at the� home of Rev. and Mrfi. nal plan of tt, a t'rid best, in the� 'br".* )-D the shaft struck Mr. The gew � ftst sign ADf KIdUSY Tr kirid, txid persons i -in and promoting C( xperim UaA Wingham artiVe. It neglo -Cbec - it i iimc 1 interested PoTative 0 during t] :Who wit, Implas n vie o ad4oted he Kmner The lawnj at the rear of the house further on has to be popular is ver P&wnlzer, Don It I 4ve 1L. -1a w respectively. sown, crops re - 0 Pierce would hav� certainly been killcd. opposing the Vy ar on three huddred �an&four Oat- where the party wa1s held wasAighted by :It consist a in making every man ai 1COmell Q01NO Pon=- U0 A -W. r. Serious trioubIC'Will -jrollow"if yout don't. gem 9 That the Clark of the municipal cor- put ye �t,,rpeolsllly arranged for the oc- Hie escape was miracal-our. the favodred one, Wiligham, depart... 7,01 an are ligl Belgrave- Cure Your DSX pration shall,at the hour of twelve o'clock -ario' farms. Theatt mary, of the results thingfor thecownfort and .,-Mr. Alex. Go.urlay/, who, lefb. Sebring- about her feel that he if ....... .. .. lWhe 1),Y t"iUg -operabive ex. Oasion, and every �amd that until that hou�r -she- had never Myth_ 1.14 8,85 of the carefull conduoted Car a last April to fake up' him retidence in ion 7M 8.45 Oon, On'Tuesday, Septerober 13th, 1904, y enjoymeAt,of those present had been pro- vill "d what powers Ofascip t* TAndesboro ........ -- n eriments which have been reported tilia disciple of Alexander ifully realise red Cl1nton_'­. 7.47 4jfi -at the town hall, s4m up the votes given p -d bythe host 4nid hostess. There was Zion City, `.Fka & -she is ro d.28 KNU PILLS vide Stratford 'last Week, He If j3yuneflal I - season are here prese teA.�' a man really posseaFed. &06 DOAY$ for and against the by-law and grant tfie ankxoellenb progri.uniie of -music and re. DowiSp was In shows it. If she has pr*fer- 8.1;6 : jL47 P116nz'e­ I -An intereatinR co-opolrative experi- has been in Dorchester ' for the Past two. she never Xxt4vri.4 ...... 52 �Lv. OFT1VUbTOCK AND uo'usj�_ requisite certificates thereunder. oitatione. ever shown them in public. flensall 6.22 4. of the ell she U 6.0 * VT� TbOmse ByOwn ent-has been carri don in each I return 1:eno HOLD PUI a votes in -Mr. Wm. Batter, of Mitchell, was the months vititing relatives, and wil i olumov the d near, she I6 - Mrs, W. fj;eorgo Smith -to 10 This by-law,� if Carried by th by eovring Elairy Vat0hew-1 anied by Mrs No matter how f her 8.46 - " . hjis be(in jnatvjgted'�by 7ing tl 0.16 A.' lon on shall take affect on and from Past tv�o years ful accident on Tuesdit' of to Zion CitMecomp Our'" 'fooke as if she were bw i Lot 17, Coat,) -WON 10, Me - it 14, Undert4ers, 11,Ld i' otim of a pain y "'btsehold 1 Pell by publicAuct -t wth, at 2.30 of the -electors, Winterl Bye, and Cquison � Clover in the A v a next week, taking with him his and tedious the Killop" on 84 rIday, :&UgU,i o he pw sing th b-iinir rs, tha date f t ereof. autumd for the. purpose of producing green last week, one th�t might easily ha a b on life - no matter how long ou!4. jiw., tho proveAY, .q, I pig, a n ber heit he was. unloading effects to oceiipy a house he hag pure ased --ane 9 mshe begs for more at it's ollowin summer. The reports fatal- It -RPP there. Mr. Gourlay told the Beacon that atcry, mpe, 2 ,cows A riogod to to !a P1 fodder th the f over was bailly win- gr�in in the b:rn by means of slings, when i is in the ap licatiOn Of thini prmolp 'a LOGS WAVED* Of liens, I I polO t 811018 I AFORVI. ab OTiMBOn ion City all and more than he Is 10 C%Trwo wit] . - show 0 C In on the, Oulley at the gable end of be found Z 1 0 WO P; I N OTI CIE %oh of the past two years. the. strw His health was excellent and to pays 0 turn Income Ail a mania aingle buggy, t t,024 1+ at bobsleig4 t copy of ter killpd in ei that ollier age h4roem I U -.(,b,, aoou stove, i parlor The above is a true and correc, result of . the experiments the building broke the rafter on which ib expected. that the shows her d . I at -,warea 1v In the average I saviefied with big invest- feet,. however The umdersigned J,3 prepared,to pay the hIghea I- set cr-rl or beater. I bedWM "i 16rly-neiv. r. ak if, fixed, a piece of which was burled he Im tion � in Stov, I cooker eb6ard 3 q n'tak�ri into oneid- Of the past season, th Hairy Vetches ave was - vAs perfectly here had been. he said, an art. She U48ij the xkjoeat dtacri Cash prlce�for an ualimit6dquantRY' f fifst*dua I ut dreWlr, 1 W f,jf,A_m5tj -a by-law which hau bee -- ments there. T I bedroorn 0 I wain oration by the inmicipail council Of the iter Rye 0114 -3 with tremendous force towardi the front -y, but the seleetirsg this particular " jolly thst 4ill f3oft pjm', Rock Elm, Bam9wood, Maple, bedAeadg. I Plush �41T)(`y suit. 1 contra town of-8eaforth and whioh will be finally y1eld 9f 6.8, and t a When fed of the mow. 'It struck Mr. - Butter on the outbreaklofAma,llpoxin the cit She would never, for Istance ''be emlook and Oak Lo I dczoit rhairii, 1, w4r,-hing Machine, I tlotlheq - a I quar- Beech, Ash, H go bushels of Lareen'crop per, acre. please. I he event of the Hairy Vqtches appearf-ed head and renderqA him unconscious for affected �ersonrj nad been. promptly 9 6, Q111ow w0ager, I spoko pesrer" p STAND -paosed by the taid council in t guilty of the blunder of oalliu )elivered at the 9Wort& ftw and Stave Mill. Top toci% adzei 1 he, w1n0vt 0116fts, -3 T 14, the a*esent of the electors. bei�g obtained to farm scook. U_ some time. antined and there were no contagion and [edgling by his Christian name, or - Pt Soft Mm. soft Elm ly perew hooko. Imater 01 ex Into, A nuolber of Pal ty of wood, And mv- r tban the Wi a said, there had only COII996 f W be cut 04 even 113D to'bek relished much bette' .!younger brobber. On to be Cut 11, 13 audgle fler r. tr =height 0j'b 11 ,I LE CHt. publication of said by-law in the , newspaper Q*fLd,. lea n1rary, she id careful to -address him B"Bwood Heading Bolte ria other atusles too nul"OrO to merNion. Zvery- AP N 4,kereto, after one mouth from the first 11' L bi on the Logan to deaths. Indeed. h eatiny bin" like a VRIJ also buy 5ji- a (pant! ter Rye. y taiss a burned to the been one death in the 6ity Biaqe he went OUZ,10611 11 B 2. -Three V&Tietia of winter wheat r n 't kv his a tbing must b� �;�est TermV.-All BUMS of �$b AX)d AFORTH. the date of ground on Tucad4 afternoon of last week. thero, and that was of a man run olver by a the CC, 8 regaid- a i0oid without re"M 49 All, called TnE HURON EXPOSITOR, out Ontario in 41 Mr" " and she as I 1 40 Inches)ong, At U50 perard, deltv red. werw distributed - th ough I of train. n morals. ten Is g014 r Fbat oilat redit ),net 12th, , a �ing 5 fielc of manners ��v B Fridsy,-P-ug the autumn Of 1903 f;r CO -Operative exp ri- Mr. Henry Scbul* wag outl Ing matters Will also.buy tim-per by mewo"Inent Or by bn* n nder, cash ; Wn which publication wa a south side of as she sweetly bnob "Wingl, and will be given 4 apmVeC oint Doug. a -for Mr. Y�rcoe 4,6 beea,amaii7it ye, you r5pe __q raid to custom j3 furalshb* 1904, and that at the day, hour and place ae following is the average yield barley on News -Notes. 9j&l &%tentin I �. win be given Ir onb O* TI discount of *,per aenl therein fixed for I aking the votes of the ony�� Some have wel' so "dacoon guarav VINT. credit AWOU10.0- W' TH, Trorrletrm ments. -for bho barn, in wbic� he had his 0 C a8ml. i0i, velliOnCeg in weighed bushels lof �izralri per acre -A delicate operation was performed men of the world, who -er WM. AM -BROWN, A*U06eer. At,y njoiltIt' - electors the polls will be held. small boys opeDeq the door, which was on h of life, can judge so m4ch bet', T.. for each variety for five yesors at the College at Kingston by Dr. J, MUO iq 04- re3 the north side, I and teased the pony� by Monday of tem0ou r weak wome% isud the IM J�j lip-ifth . Imper and WM. ELLIOTT fo�, 1.904 through. ut. Ontario at ib. A -quan C. Connell on the three year old' daughte th&n we', poor, pifai�w*re 1 58 bushels and 22.5 bushels Mich. firowing lighted �iitches. titY 191343 Clerk. Amber, j ram g