The Huron Expositor, 1904-08-12, Page 5,t STORE object. end s of our al b piece before our customers ruy other tirae. come and look tin% at our values will air(' week, comma , for 80 Dente a pair. • . for 75 ciente a pak. eller pale $1.25, for $1 gaiter prioe Wenn, e dfalf ad Dongole ladru and tineg friends neon eat. 7inghath. The wares art the Witeeliam tiat will be nuvrost 17tIt an ne is a good one d arms should attract * of Lorne& [ant track, and every. dealt to raa2j Leneeeo, most demmesstua in *he the aneetointion. Don't- tes. OE oxforde Lich we will clear ri south window-vr. thy Dodd slims for /sclies' -It 'is ot ofteil n we are vted by any, ne monarchs of the Le advent of a bear in. aorhood is an occasion excitement. But a.cor- for ms us that two n seeth in this neigh- ys that, the other ris Dolmago saw too itoe south of this vile ris the neighbors fu itoh for them. 6m.41101,110nomialima trete oxfords on Friday a whials we will eier oat equih window -W. thy Dodd Aimee for Wink ca- nt! 4 ituleil met at Least- rday, thee- 6th .of Aug- ourt of revision, by -.law. No. 61. No ap- caved in time and this many ,poesed. and -wan - received or bh ' too lagh tor estimat The clerk was att tor Inclera again to at nen medtitag. The( eounts i were tanents„ -aaad bridges, county rate and erusteea mod *th---dialriege d aiiway bonus tor na.n " ed and sea/ed, `rued 1L1 meet at Orion !se Ler1bury, c>n Twee bomber, at 1.° c.Morrlson, Clerk • Petah:Wood- .-The wheat or is turining out f sera° ofg wu eonsequenead folds adl a patchy op - the tampie ia tlItilijkit- nw'as expeated, an is in thia tdorthern part asLt ha n not been rust, Mr .°111110 -rf • line, haw an extra khas: five aores of the ariety, whiolt. wilt buehels to the are. nsa partioularly Title hive no doubt, than any other part of Ult. esiaent of the ot- ile • lub, Mr. A.3. 4'• veOE atal injuries on noon, beio'g struok hyt, The ambulancst twaa unfortunate man wan IGLUI non tile Grellerai WO bring tiltat actured and that '. a tertainty. T until midnight 'away. Cor - 014 awl wed promote-... Th:e in- treal Park oredited to hinl- tyro, grown lig tte er. A GERMS P; is non - t y be used s *ant at Cordial, its *ozno 'Deverage ll'f.,45.B-X.T5T Scaronm. Auguit 11, I vrkstm) eldhudarcl....., ...: 03 to 08 ijUi;beet (new), ......'... ,. . . . .....: 85 te 25 paaa per lautia-• • - - -- - - ...• 0- 80 4o 0 82 poi Der nn‘hel.........- - _,.... „... '0 60 13 0 60 _away par bushel- - p.....- , *me agar. . 0 40 ko 0 40 ;jute, 11c. 1, lone - '.... - --.... 0 12 to 0 12 . iitue, trib......-.--- .. ... ... -.... 0 18 to 0,1a guipper dOios*.m. •• am mil. ..r....1 or *Sir 0 14 60 015 ps11111tbs........ Mf . . • .... .**-01FORK 2- 00 ifil 2 60 iv ti par y!0 550 .......... .0.. - to 000 sae ea los lbs... - ....... -•••• • 5 Ou so 6 26 .,.••• NO**.4 ***11•• 0 80 to 0 86 - — - - --,- -.... 0 2lto 0 28 r;fti40. 7 bag (now)... • .... .. 0 '6(1 to 1 00 sla$ oat ) per barrel- ... .. .... 1 25 to 1 25 WRel tnr 0O2 00110- - a-- -..- 5 00 to 6 00 w,oct per cord. (short)....... ..: - .. 8 (10 to 8 50 Appel e bag- - - - ........... a* . 25 to ' 0 60 MVO. fled.-- ........------ -...o. 6 00 to 7 00' ortiesky. Seed- elf OAP,. r.* 1.25 to 225 rai nw, per lh- - to 00 Perk, Ns 100 /bo.. - 7 f0to soo Dairy Markets, MONTREAL Aug. 9.--flheese. Ontario, So to 8e; colored, So; white, be Quebeo, to 7in Ego:I.-Select new laid, 'Sic t 18c,and straight gathered candied, No. 2, 12te to 13. Butter. -Farley erocloe, 18io to 190 ; ordinery finest, 1710 no 18e; weattrn dairy, 14o. Tonorno.Aug 9 -Butter. There is some export demand for creamery butter, and tads factor 'obeying effect upon the ?noel *market, -plaelfog that lino in a somewhat -inner position. Quotations are about io ,engner, Reeetpte of dairies are heavy, and nee market is easy in tone, Creamery, prints, 17to to 18e; creamery eolide, 150 to 17c; dairy tubs, geed to choice, 12o to 13e; dairy inferior grades,90 to 110.; dairy, t roller, good to choice. 110 to 14o, dairy ieferlor, Wen' 10o. Cheeseee-There is pro - spanned strength noticeable at the boards and the market here has a firm tone in rem - /lathy. Quotations, however, ere se yeb moanecgd.at 8ge for large and 90 for twine. oeipts sheer signs of increaeing Setemdency to'the market; Is **era neein Quotations areettnebonged at Ida Theta are few itreends offeeing. are quoted at 12o to 13e per dwen. • • ",iatveiiitOek Mankete. _ - , :Learonn, Aug. are-Americandatettle, 6.. d Castadiao, 6d; sheep. so, . navortnoore Aug. 8.-C3naditen cattle. .5ita ; relit:there, 5id to sia ; shiese'dd. • Tonentro 3uNefreolheAug.6.-The run at othe Uni ri. Stook:Yards WIMP not quite ree large to -:1 ey as mina, the receipt* amount - no to 8ears, Which contained 1,706 cattle, inne, sheep, 5 oalvem and 20 horsey. The cattle th t Were offered were of fair q ality oda theeaket was ateadte Prices./were, i i • if anythg, a little easter. ,Export attle . -.The biilk of the export o.tale sold fr. rin 54,75 to 55, although exportere sold for ae high aS .25.,' milliwent for 53.00 to 54. Butchsr1 Cattle. -Butchers' cattle sold as high oet54.50 and down to $3.25. Thei,be rattle sold from $425 to 54.40,.w -alit* higher ; prime heifers of 1,200 and 1,150 14, fib. for export, eolcl from $4.60 to ' $4.80 ; fear to good•loada of -butchers' cattle kora 54 to 54.25; medium oattlei 53.75 to " ; 'common. $3 40 to.$3.65 ; rough to in - riot 00/VP; $215 tO $3.25. • BVVYA1,0, Aug. 8. ----Cattle - Steady to strong; prime steers, $5 50 the 56; shipping, 5e,,75 _so 55.25; butchers', 54 to $5;10 . Wien, $3.25 to 4.5O;5cows 53 to 54 ; ebulle, 52 50 to $4 ; stopkers and feedere, $2.$0 to 53.75; stook heifers, `$2.25 to .52.75; fresh, cows and apringers, slew ; good to choice, 543 to 548; medium to good, 530 to 540; .coMilion, V0 to 527, - Veabe-Lower at 55.50 to $7; Hoge.- . Active ; trigs, 103 to 20o higher ;.heavy, 5o higher; others steady ; &limn': $5-65 to e .$5,10 ; Mixed, $5 75 to $5 85; yorkers, $5.70 to 56; pion $6.10 to $6.25; rouging, 44.50 to t.so- stage, $33.75 to 8450 ; n airien 55.50 to f;5 90, Sheep Dont Iambs - Doll and lower; lamb!, $4 60 to 5s:25; yearling, $4 50 to 55 • wethers, $4,25 to 14.50 • 0Wali, $3.5.-. to i,1 ; sheep, mixed, sato. it.g5. MONTREAL, August 8, -About 700 head - of butchers' cattle,150 calves and 600 sheep and lamb's were offered for sale at the Boat end ftbatioir Lto-day. The butchers were out strong and trade was fair, but the prices of cattle were lower all round. A: carload of prime ewers from the, eastern townehips were bought byshippers at qo per pound; pretty geed cattle sold at from nelie to 4io the common steak at 2. -lo to no per pound, and the email' bulls it lia to *taper pound. Calves sold at sg. to $10 eaoh. Shipping sheep sold at siO and the others at 30 to no per pound. Mr. Joseph 'Richard bought 20 good lambs at $d each, ,and other lambs selling at $2.50 to $4.25, _Heavy fat hogs are lower, selling at 4io to 4no per pound. Good lots sell at about no perpound; , TORONTO, August 10 -Export Cattle - The cattle sold as exporters ranged from $4. to 54.85 per cwt. Export. Bulled - Oh e y e export hulls sold at $3.75 to 51 ; mn ium at $3.50 to $3.75. Expert Cows -Pricesranged from 53.50 to. $3.75 per est. Butchera' Cattle -Choice picked lots of butchers' eaetle, equal in quality to the beet exporters, weighing from 1,000 to 1,150 rinds each, sold at 54.45 ; loads of good tehern at 54 to 54.25; medium, at 53.75 to 54; common. $3 to 53.50 ; rough and hderior, at 52 75 to $3 per 'cwt. Feeders- "Feedere wiping from 950 to 1,050 pound, each, of fair quality, sold at $4 to $4 25 per mt. Stookers---013oice, yearling cal - vet sold at $3 to 53.25; poorer grades and off-color; said at $2.25 to 52.50, according to Mile+ Cows -Milch cows and springers Meld from $30 to $50 each. Sheep --Ewen' ewes sold at $3.75 to 54; ex- pert. bOoks ab 53 to 53.25. Spring Lambs -The prices ranged from $4.85 bo $5.14 per cwt : Hogs -Prices for etraight loade, fed and wateredeviere $5.60 per owb • and $5.35 for lights ,and fated Veal Galen--; Prices 'egged from 52 tO $10 each, and $4 -to $4,25 par cwt. firtkomejewoommoreemaIwiu**.........*"....10. BEAD OFEICE, TOIONTO. Paid -Up Capital, $8,700.000. Reserve Fund; $3,000,000 HON. GEO. A. COX, President, B. E. WALKER; •Generel Manager. APDX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen;I Manager 110,Branthes CANADA, THE UNITED STATES AND IERIGLAND. 1A GEbTERAL 'BAN:XING BUSINESS 0,.ANSACTED. rarmelosP and • Grazier* Banking. , • Every' faeility afforded farmers aUcl. greatenfor their banhing business. Notes dia- lect:noted. . Sale Notes milled or taken: for eolleotion. • • SAITTisTOS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of 51 and upwards received, and interest allowed atcturreeLt rates. Iet erest added to the deposit twice in each year, at the end of May antilnovember. The depotitor is subleob to no delay whatever in ithe v6thdrawai ' of the whole or any portion of the deposit. , • BANKING, By MAIL Deposits may bei made or withdrawn be' -mail. ' Out of memento receive ever-, . .,,.. .: attention. 1 /.1 SEAFORT'H BRANCH. - F. ItOLMESTED sor 'tor G' E. PARKES Manager. ' . , un . . , , / , • AII/Eliflun DONJamieson, Armee WILonotitarn-e"Exen' twir te- Mr J Wtldtong,r; BOBER --At osto Xre ft Bohertion, ALLAN a Wroxeter, Mni• s AIIm, (sti GIBSON In Wroxeter, Mrs 3tilbsoti, a sou. , tItily 81, to Mr 5ind daughters, 00 te n0:4:71, te-1'1'15: :4116d • August 14 mud tienha-- son. n July 80612,, 50 mie end 'Marriaes. HATCHER-SMITII-At the residence at the bride's parepts, on ugust 9thi, by Rev..P 11 Larldh, Mg Thema! Hitcher, of denfortb, to etiarehiggie ilro)th,-d • ghter of 14 31o. Smith, of fletatorsh • _ BARFORD-LYNCH--At St Thomas' chinch, Sem. fortb1• on August 11 h, by Rev - Rural Dean fledging, Kr V Bailor of Edmonton, N W 10 Mils Agnes Lyn h,daughter of Mrs (Dr) Lynch, of ftiforilli AMO -e-DALE-Ln- /lea ivory, on August 3rd, Wm Amos to Kis tie a -Delo, dmughtor of Mr Thomas Dale, of th 2nd, conoemion of MO.; STEWART-STEVENS,- n Woodhain, on August ard, by Rev C 0 Cousi oti Wm HiStewart to Mini. 'Francis Stevens. AE -SMITH, -At tbe r idence-Of the bride's Par - ante. Ittly27, by Rev uis perrin,dtobert'Rae' eng, , Christie' Campbell, m ughter of Oliver Sm th, Wroxeter. • TENBY-FORBES.--. ttha reeldeboe of GeorgePoWYler, hayfield Rom', On August 8rd, ley Rev W D Magee, Robert 0 booby, of Goderioh, to Mr e Elizabeth Forbes, f Noriviehf • - S111TH-FISHER,:--ett th residence of Dr. Whitely Elgin avenue, Odder oh, on August 2nd, ;Bev 0 N Hazen, , Roeepha L Fisher, of 1Goderloh, to Wm W S ith, of Battle Creek, Michigan. SWANSON-GANNET.-- July 20th, leo Rev Dr Swenson to Miss Jenn ' bane. ESLER-OAPLING-A.t,th Hotel Clarendon Win- nipeg, on Angtlet 8rd, by Rev .Mr Stewart, of St. Paul's chinch, Mise Rosetta; eldest daughter of Mr Peter Oapling; of Blake, Ontario, to Dr John Eder, /at 'Milton Oath Dakotr. ,the Mayor and the Treasurer thereof. . 3 - That said debenturea shall bear in- terein -at and after the rate of four and one half per ceneyerianniern from the day men-, - Mooed for this by-law to take effeet, which intermit !Mall be payable anniralli, on the 12tla day of September In °soh and every . t Year, at the office of the Treasurer of the .6dd muoicipalitn of the town of Seeforth. 4 That said 'debenturesshall be made payable at the expiration of twenty years from the date Mentioned for bills. boelow to -take offset at the Office of the. Treasurer of the laid municipality of the town. of So - forth, and and shed' have attached tothem eon - pone for the payinent of interest. . 5 That for the purpose of terming a sinking fund for the payment' of the sot& debentiires an Nina annual sum of $648.13 -shall, in addition to all other ratan be rate. ,ed, levied and aolleotad by . mpaoial rate upon all the rateable property n the said oorporation during the ourrenoy of the -said Ldebenturee, or ay of them, and for the orplice of payin the interest on the maid M ; ohenteiree add q ial annual enni of $868,50, shallnin addition, to all other rates, be vii - ed, levied and collected upon all the, rats. able ptopsrty of the said oorporetion dur- ing the currency Of the said dehenturee or. anyof . . , 0 That) it 'shell he laWful, for the said corporation of the town of Eicaforth to he- ., Tend the said sum of $19,300 to be raised under this by-law in purohaeing the plant of the ;Seaforth Electric'Light, Heat. end Power •Com pony, (Lion te d )e 7 ." Mae thee/otos of the duly ghalified °lectern shall be taken on Monday, Sep- tember 1.25hi 1904, between the haurreof 9 mil. and 5 p.m., at the following places : Polling sub -division No. 1; at the Publio School; R. Luti oder:, Deputy Returning Officer,: Polling sub division No. 2 at t e Gram, etb. Wheat. -The offerings are light, t re is •a keen demand and .the market is song and higher at 96o to 97o for No. 2 red and white V709t or east Goose is firm at 82o for No. 2 east, Manitoba wheat is 2o high- er at $1.05 for No. 1 northern, 51.02 for No. 2 northern and 99.3 for No. 3 northern, 'Georgian Bay ports, and 6o more grinding • In transit. Milifeed.-la steady at $16 to 516.50 for oars of shorts and 513 to $13.50 for bran in bulk west or east. • Manitoba minimal, is dolly at 518 for care of shorts and $17efor bran, sacks included, Toronto freights. Bided Hay. -The movement in old hay ifa1ling off,but there is stilEsome offering. at is gooted unohanged at 58.50 to 59 per ton for car lots on traek here. New is *fairly active and is quoted easier at 58. . Straw. -Is in good demand, and le quot- ed eteady at $5.50 to $5.75 per ton for oar We on treek here. tensmaimmusommumgrasn the mapse, ' Koh, on Inoue Mr Markle M e Gannet,' blithe! 'Wing-, ^L\TO 12 OF THE . • Town of eafo For 04. • hit • A. by-law to raise y way of loan he sum of $19,300 for the urpone of puro as - big the .plant of the Se forth Elearic Light Hetet and Power Com any, (Limited). And, whereas, it wil - require the sum of $648.13 to be reified manually by ape ial j rate fen the payment f the debt as h beater mentioned. And whereas it wil • t $868.50 to be raised a merit on the interest . . ionect , And,whereas,the wh of the Town of Seefo ' any increase in the no dividends, rents or fee perty,,and oleo irresp derieed from thee tem the stalking fund, or cording to the Inn re of the end town, bein is the tam of 5615,330 And, whereas, the existing debenture debt of the town of El Ppatlis. 110Rit:14-In London Hospital, on August 95h,Daniel ILOTAII, formerly of Seaforth, aged 82 LEITeart TR-In Hulled Auguet 9th, John Leiper, agedIllyears and 2 months PAYITE-1n IleKillop, on August fith, Fanny Holmes, wife of Mr George • Payne, aged 87 years, 2 months and 6 days. CARTER -in Clinton, on July. 29th, Emma :thin- ingworth, wife of Mr James Carter, aged 61 years. IMCIL-In Bullet, on July Seth, Mra Wm Muroh, age1.7. 57 years and 10 months. McGREGOR-In Goderloh township, on July 285h, - Margaret Carrie, wife of Mr Andrew MoGreger, - aged 06 years BROWN -In Riddnlph, on July81st, Mrs Jamea Brown, aged 08 -yeas MOWILLIAMS-In Clandeboye, on'August 2nd, Andrew McWilliams aged 84 years STEINBACH-In Zurich, on August 10th: D Steinbach, aged 55 years reuttire the aum uallY for the pay- s ,. hereinafter mnt- : 11\; Connell Room ; - 'William Elliott, Depot, Returning Meer. Polling sub-divisio 'No. 3, at O. 0, Wilson's store, H. Jetun- chard, Deputy Returning Officer: 8 • That the Mayor of the said municipal Corporation shall attend at the council room on Friday, the ninth day of Septemt bet, 1904, at 2 odalook p. in., for the pur- es° of appointing persons to attend at the various polling Places aforesaid. and rum - beg pp of votes i respectively on behalf ot perobne intermitted in and promoting or oppiesing the by-law respectively. - 9 That the lark of the municiPal or - ti poratIon, shall,a the hour of twelve o'olook noon, on Tumid& , September. 131h. 1904, at the town halla sum up the votes given for and against the by-law and grant the requisite certifieetes thereunder. 10 , Thie by-law, if carried by the votes of the electors, shall take affect on and from the date of the peeing thereof. . , ,---- i ' NOTICE. re. The above is a true and correct copy of . a by-law which has been -taken into °maid - of eration by the municipal council of the town of Seaforth and 'which will be finally peened by the said counoil in the event of 'the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the fireb publication of said by-law in the newspaper called Tien HURON EXPOSITOR, the date of which ionbiteati4 was Friday,August igtb, 1904, and that St the day, hour and places therein 'fixed for taking the votes of the electors the pais will be held. le rateable nrop ety th, irreepeotive i of ure of tollsonteremts, •fro'm the saidero- t dive of any Lucre se orary investmen of y part thereof, -,ac- ised assessment S.on for the year 1904, aforth is as fo11oiie : $5,500 borrowed n er the authority of by-law No. 2, of the t wn of Seaforth, for 1806 56,000 borrowed un er the authority of deedaw No. 3, of the t wn of Seaforth„, for 188147. 52,500 bbrrowed un or the authority of by-law No. 8, of the own of Seaforth, for 4891. $14,000 borrowed u der the .authority of byelaw No. 8eof the own of Seaforth, or 1893 $3,500 h 4aorrowed u der teauthority of b_te1avo25. B., of the own of, Seaforth. $17,000 borrowed u der the authority of by-law 1o. 5, of the own 91 Seaforth, or 1899. , 61,500 borrowed u der the authority of by-law No, 24„ of th town of Seaforth Ihr 1886. . $8,000 borrowed ri der the authority by-laW No. 20 (localimprovement) of t e town of Seaforth for 901. • $3,700 borrowed der the authority of; by-law No. 2 (local mprovernent) for 1902, 57,889.20 boerowe under the authority of by-law Net 24,A. nf the town of Bette forth for 1902. . $1,500 borrowed derthe authority- of by-law No. 2, (ideal imptovement) of the town of-Seaforth; fo 1903. $10,000 borrowed der the authority of by-law No. 8,of the town of Seaforth for 19012, 5000 borrowed der the authority of by-law No. , of the town of Seaforth, for 1899. - -And there ie no5hn& in arrears either for principal or hate est. And, whereas, it la Made necessary to appoint ehe tine and places for taking the votes of the duly qUalified electors and for appointmg deputy iatnrning officers to take the votes of the du y qualified elecbore at the meling. Be it herefore enacted by the mueiolpal council of tbe town of Seaforth 1 That it obeli beilawful for the Mayor of the said corporation to raise by way of loan from any person body or bodies cor- porate who may be la:tiling to advance the »tame upon the credit of the debentures hereinafter mentioned, a eure of money not exceeding in the aggregate the Sam of 519,300. 2 That le shall be lawful for She Mayer 'to MUM any number of debentures to he made for ,suoh tiems of money les may be required not less than oae hundred dollars each and not ex ending in the aggregate the sum of 519,300, and that the said debentures shell be sealed with -the seal of tie said Corporation, and signed by 191:3-3 . WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. PICTURE FRAMING. I- eram...meando We have purchased the entire stook of Pioture Frames oarried by Mr. Jas j Graves. which, witheour own nornpiete etoek, gives us the beet selection inthis comedy; We would be pleased to see all 14r Graves' old customers corns to us for their picture framing. We will guarantee sails - faction. JACKSON BROS , Seaforth. Tenders Wanted.... Tenders for all the various trades, or ,Ibulk tend- ers, will be reeeived up to noon' on Miguel 25th, 1004, for all labor and material required in the aireotion of a br:oic building for the Canadian Bank of Commerce, at Sealer*, Ont. Plans and speaiii. Rations may be seen at the beam:601rd the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Goderioh, Stratfcird and Sea - forth, or at the office of the undersignect. The low - eat or any tender not seoesaarily accepted. DAR- LING & PEARSON Architecte, 2 Leader Lane, Toronto. : 1918-8 he Seaforth Tea Store Is still 'selling Chine, Crogkery end Glassware at Cost. It mustl3e cleated out at once, to make room :for other good'. NOW is the time to get good barge's's. Also I have a very beavy stook of all kinds of Teas; in green, black, Japin and tea duet, 111 .1 which will be sold at a good diecount. In order to reduce my atock, I. will give good bargaips. Goopt and fresh groceries of all kinds, all of fwhich will be mold cheap. !Come one, come all and get some of the good bar- gains that are now going, • Best brand of flour in stook and all khuis of salt meats, smoked home, backs, rolls, long clear bacon and i pork, and Male le headquarteas for good pure honey. I still handle Weston's Torontci bread every day. The highest prices paid for butter and eggs in tirade or cash. k Ga AUL SEAF.PRTH.. \iN N & EL -my- 3Er. Last Neek \of our Great Sale. , in winding: up or great c elring sale we will make terriffic reductions in prices, to clear out odd lots, 1Ius week we have marked down a ot of seasonable goods without regar4 to cost, which must ¥e cleared out this week. Remnants of Dress Goode, froni 2 to 5 yards, at half 'price; Ladies' Summer Gloves, in colors, worth 26o, -for 10o. Children's Role it odd sizes.worth from 10e to 20e, for 50., Ladies' White Skirts made of fine membrio, trimmedwith tuoke and embroidery, regular price 51.25, sale pacer 75on Lediete.' White Skirts, FM flounce and Woke'worth 4500, for 380. Ladtea' White OettsntDraiere, with Woks, Worth 25o for 1ne. Ladies' White Drawer!. Made of firno,carribrio, tritne;ed with torohon lace and insertion, worth 60e. for 380. Fine White Venting, 4guredFvery effected, worth 50o, for 350. Ladies' White dditelin -Shirt Wrests, teltrultad with yak lace and insertion, worth $1, for 75o. Ladies' White sad Colored Sh'irb Waists, in all sizes, slightly soiled with hand- ling, Worth from 750 to 51.25, your cludee for 25o, Ladies' Silk Chiffon Coller forms, regular 10, for 53. ++++4444•fehiefefelondrien++++++++ ew oodS We have received a large shipment of New Dress Goods in up.to-date styles. Wrapperetten worth 12to, for 10o. Lidice' Golf Jaokets and Ladies' Skirts, in homespune, venetiana, broadolothe, oheviots and fancy flaked oods. New Large Lace Collars at epeeist prates, New Belts in Ail the bean styles,. New Comte in the B & 0, D. & A., B. & I,, Crompton% E. T. and Wray's, in all the new makes. Ci..A.S3EC .A..1\1" -M) 01sTM PaRsIC333 MoKINNON ez 00., BLYTH. .ESTERN FAIR Londoi, Septemper 9th to 17th, '1904 ENTRIES CLOSE SEPTEMBER 8. A New $10,000. Dairy Building Improvements all along the line. Exhibits unsurpassed. Attratnions the best yet-Kitatnure's Celebrated Jap troupe of 10 people -The Flying Banvards-and the Best Gymnsiste, Acrobats end other Specialties that money can procure. Five' evenings of fireworks, concluding each evening with a realistic demonstration of the • BODibardnient of Port Arthur." A holiday outing one should miss, Speeded "exOlirei,ons over For all infortnation, prize lietm, ono, address reT: COL. W. M. GARTHSIEJ3RE, President all lime of travel. 3, A.NELLES, Speretary IMPORTANT NOTICES. LIOR SALE. -A two year old carriage oolt. Apply U at Lot 81, Concession 4, Tuckersmith, ALEX. A. WATT, 19114a2 (111AIN LOST.-Loet between Sproat's briok U yard, nuckersmith, and Anient's mill yard, Seaforth, about three weeks ago, large logging ohain. The finder will oblige by leaving the same M Tag Exeberroa Office, or with ABEAM °RICH, Seaforth. 10112-2 MURK FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 12, Concession ✓ 2, in the township of lilay,csontalning 100 acres of land, all cleared. It is undercirained and well fenced and in a good state of oultivation, three never falling wells, a good orchard and a good brick home one and ci half story% high. Thereare 2 barns and good stebling. It le 8a miles from Bengali end ive miles from Exeter. Apply 'to Mitel, ALEX IN - GRAM or to WM. MOIR and B. HOGGARTH, Ex- ecutors, Hamill P. O. ' 1912,12 tattlii TO RENT. -A find -class farm of 200 *ores • to rent for a term of years, in the Township of Hullett, Lot 9 Comes/don 13i being convenient to °hunt and wheal and half Way between Seaforth and Chilton. It his on it a comfortable dwelling house and a good bank barn and other outehuild- logs to suit a farmer. 15 1. well watered and well adapted tor .orop or stook ratting and in a good state of cultivation. Possession can be had at any time for putting in tall wheat and fall plowigg. For further parileulars apply on the prernisenor Tux Berottrree, Offlee, Seaforth. WM. MORRISON. 1912-4 §wnshPI,LENDID FARMS FOR SALE -For sale„ a ip of Maillop; at the Village of Letdbury. splendid farm on the 18th,Concession of the It °oohing 1121 sores, all of which are oleared,1 ex- cept &besot three acres. It is in a good state of out- tivation, being Well fenced and underdrained, and euitabfe for grain growing or stook vetoing and feeding. There Is net a foot of waste . land on the farm. Tbere are two good dwelling house', a large bank barn with stone stabling underneath, a large implement house and all necessary buildinge in first•class repair. There are three orchards and feet never failing well. The farm adjoins the vil- lage, of Leadbury, where are stores, post _office. blaoksmith shop, school, do. Also Ust half of Nodihalf of Lot 27., Concession 12, containing 50 aormai all cleared except about 6 acres. There is a homeland baek barn. All seeded ex-eept about 10 acres,' These are among the best and most profit- able farm properties in the county of Huron, and will be sold together or -separately and on easy terms ef payment. For further particulars' apply on the premises, or address the undersigned ore- prietor, Leadbury P.O. JOHNSTON KINNEY. 1912x8 ELIABLE EMERIES. You are interested in your health and how to keep it, so you will be interested in -the good pure drags that help to do the work. , A tonic that does you good is sure to be remembered and you will remember our remedies greatfully, for we believe what we sell to he real health-givipg preparations. We wept your trade and we oannot hope to get it and to hold it unless we sell good pure drugs at o reasonable price. A trial is all we ask, we guarantee every- . thing we sell. - AE3ERHART, DRUGGIST, CARDNO'S - - BLOOK M _A_ ir 0 IR, ir Duchess Apples WANTED. ' The undersigned ere prepared to buy a quantity of Duchess Apples, within packing distance of See - forth. For further particulars apply at the office of D. D. WILSON & CO. 19184 VOTERS' LIST for 1904. m.ss owe. Townahip of Tackeramith, rON/M elf= MI.. • Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered te the persons mentimed In $430e0338 8 and 9, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies re- quired by eaid medicine to be ea tranerniited or de- livered of the bet, made purenant to said sok of MI persons appearing in the hilt revived Assemment Boll of the said Municipality at electione for mem- bers to the Legielative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and thet said lie* Was first posted up in my office in the Township of Tuckeramitat, •in the County of Huron, on the 181h day of July, 1905, and . remains there for inspection. Electors are ealled upon to oall and examine said list and if any omiss- ions or Way other errors are found therein to take immediate proseedings to have eald errors correct- ed according to LAW. A. G. MILLIE, Clerk. 1910-8 MID -S OMER Clearing Sale We have put the knife into prices and are clearing out all our summer goods, Regardless of Valtfe Oost. &lea must be made 'and the prioe is made love to clear out every line in short order, Fall goods are coming in and eye mint have room. We . have some broken linens in Ladies' Oxforda we are sidling at half price. Prices which you can- not remise if you want superior goods. We ,keep the Largest and Best make of Trunks and Valises in town. Richardson& BrInnis Sole; Agents, Seaforth, For the Hagar, dust Wright and Soveteign Shoe. Diamond Rings . 4 1 17ire have added some new dia. mond rings to our stock, especially one at 513.00 and one at 588.00, which we think is as good value for the price anywhere. JOHN laULG:ER 1. JEWELLER, SEA.FORTH. GRANO TNKRI RUSYSTEM T $17O Round Trip from Seaforth , —TO THE -- 0;50.000,000 EXPOSITION Scr.; Aild an qiportanity tO visit your friende IN CHIOA.GO, DETROIT, Or at arty: intermediate Canadian *nation. You cannot afford to miss Oats trip.' Ti °rough Pullman Sleepers and Vestibule Ccraches TO ST. LOUIS T WICE DAILY. Notei-Write So 3. D. MoDonetan, Dis- t lot Passenger .gent, Toronto, en- osing four cents in stamps', for a feandsome Illuetrated Booklet of The World's Bair. at. alamommps olawas.isore Corner Main and Market Smote( Soatorth, Ontario. Largest Goode C!athJng Concern In Paw Countless SEMI A NU Clearing AL The one chance of the seas n here to -day -' Attractive bargains will be this week in every 4,patim +4.44-14+1444+41-1444 '4-14401-1-1. this StorA is piled full of seasab1e merchandise. To move stacks quickly we have inaugurated this serni-annual clearing sale. Our patrons know what thrs means. Oome every day while this sale lasts, as new bargains will be added daily. BelOw we mention a, to start this sale: Eight pieces double fold dress goods, regular price2 for 12ic. - Twenty-eight pieces double fold dress goods, worth from 35c to 50c, to clear at 20e.a yard. Forty pieces double fold dress goods, regular prices from 50c to 15o, to clear at 350 a yard. A pile of dress remnants at half price. A pile of colored and fancy silk, worth from 50c to $1, to clear at 39c. • „ A pile of dress trimmings, worth from 10e to yard, to clear for lc a yard, ) Twenty-five per cent. off all parasols, 25 per c all shite and colored Muslins. A pile of linen towels, regular price 300 a pair, for 149c. A pile of linen towels, regular price 270,a pair, for 17c. TRW THROUGH THE I.000 ISLANDS. Tralne convect at Gananoque with steamer», fer delightful trip through 1,000 Is- , Janda and the rapids of the fitLawrenoe th Montreal, where connection is mode fOar all Eastern resorts. Highlands of Ontario, e Medicine Chest of Ameeca -- EXas trains make direct eonnection for 11 ports on Muskoka Lakes, Lake of idayseGeorgian Bay, also to Settle Ste Marie, Mackinaw and Duluth. Tourists Tickets on Sale Daily, Form Laborers' Excursion to Manitoba ' ettel the Northweeb on August 23rd, Pettleulare on applioatiou, Fot !rickets, Illustrated Literature ann full leformation call at Grand Trunk tioket °Moe, W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A, F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tioket Agent. Three pieces only table linen, regular pia° 35c, for 25c. Two pieces only table linen, regular price 45c, for 30o. A pile of colored. bed _quilts—a bargairt—at 75o each. - Oar remnants of prints, flannelettes cottonades, mu lins, 86c., you should see. A table of 'men's straw huts at half p A table of men's straw hats wort1 froin lSOo to Tho, for 15 cents. Twelve dozen of men's neck les, worth 25e, for each. A quantity of men's half hose, worth froni 30o to for 25c a pair, A few men's sweaters to clear at 15c each. • The greatest line Of 412118117f3 colored summer shirts at 75 cents eacla. Two hundred en's suits to clear price. Boys' suits, all sizes, for schooler, at 25 per less than regular price. Five dozen ladies' shirt waists, rd ostly white, prices ranging from $1 to $3 each, on salo at 25 per cent. off. Ohildren's white duck and colored print dresses, regular prices 75c and $1, clearing at 500. A few ladies' white muslin and black Iawn dresses, re- gular prices $4.25 to $5,50 each, to clear at $1 each, r t half the regular special value- in eaffliMAre bogey 9 and 9, on sale at 25c. A table of ladies' dress skirts, wortb from _Jweeds, horaespuns, lustros, &c., to clear for dilMiliMMOlbeidalgri1nlin11111111111111111 Highest prices paid for Butter, and Wool. 1•••,0,••••••,.......:•••••••••••••••••••••tem., 7 to -•••••.....eaa—esary II PICKARD & JV.DIRECT IMPORTERS Oppos te Town Buildings Oouer Main and M*rkt Sta. Bede'