HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-07-15, Page 6ree eee - . - Sitiet rTATB FOB SALL .4.001.20-011, LISX0. FON SALZ.'4/4" franne E too Towashio nagetk-blerett, and Wawa- feollife-gn Bram Ins** se ranee WI WM BOW Oat 177441 ••••••komr.•••••.........trami!1••••••• NY oNec wishieg to boor sell Winnipeg city propeoty or farm lends la the Provi= of Ate/Mobs or the Territories, your correrpondence with us is solicited, and full information peiveo, Plow oil °nor addrees BARE* LAN0280801.1011 No, 527 Main Area, Winzipeg,tioniotobe, 18864, OAR'S FOR SALE OR TO RENT,—For Isle or to geeed 100 sae farm. being the Bad hen of Lot 19 ond tbe Weet WI of Lot 20, on the 9,111 Conmsion of MoKillo.p. It ie all coded to gum, Ma* ere ten acree of good bush, There lo a wind. satd sipinnt creek, It II well fenced and con. vea1-en:1y eituated. Apply to or addreee ARTHUR 1698•tf GALBRAITH, fiesforth, WARM FOB BALE.—Bei X Concesion 4, Le lie ing 100 &CM, 44 serer reed atm in bash. °revel bouo'ee good well At door so owners orchard. It is &gated six miles from Sea - faith and St utiles from Kippen sed cro mile from sehool house and dom. For further partioulare opply on the remises or adirese Kippen P. 0, MARIAN McleAlt. 10711 ASIStousz AND 'LOTS FOR BALE.—For este, brick 1-1 house aud 2 lots in Seslorth. One lot Wee on North Mein Street and the other on Wed Wil- ihra Bleed. The house is o comfortable brick coag e and contains 3 bedroom', dining room, Mt. Slag room and kitchen, wiih good cellar, under the whole house. Hari end weft water in ths booth. Tbere is Woo* good stsble sud driving slied• All loses of frets on the iot. Apply to J. L. Loodteboro, or to C, W. ATKINSON, Seaforth. 1906x4tf g north half of Lot 17. Tuckerernith, matelo- t° graes and the bal. riAltli FOR 11114LE.-411onih half of lot 88, once, X slot; 15, Godericie townsbip. 40 sores good clay low, 6 acres fall wheat, good frame bolos and kitchen:a good cellar, soft and bard water, frame born, S frame stables, &beep house awl elig pens. A good never-failthrepsiog creek rum through the Mt. To be sold, as 010/ PrePrieklir" Is °IA t° work IL It is a woke"' of * from a school and two wiles frons Oltatoar Apply to WALTON DODBWORT11, entire frelafera, or 011siton P. 0. 1890.t.f. loam FOR BALS.—Foresie, Lot 24, Concession Township of MoKillop, oessteLoiog 100 Seta of exoellent laud. litusted Bogies frons the town of Sesfooth, one front ehuroh sod wheel. There 60A- PON blob base sod hoof boo and outlynild. logs also good wade sad wiodoill, well fenced sod nodsodoshred, 8 serer of exoelleot hodwood bob. This bon is in exceilost esodidoo trait has been all waried- to goo fora nonaber of root Orchard of t - alnico fr how Ibiscias ootoonveniently Situ- ated fann sad sollside for 011.00it Mill Of Stock. Atansarsfrernirese or to forth P.O. WOO • tf ViAltit IN OUT FOR UL.—For sale, is good Ju hero, being composed of loll 9, concession 12, Grey, near She villager of Craisbrook. It contains 163-aeree of Orel dewiest and is well weltered aird beautifully Masted ots the hank of She river, There la on the funs s mineral soling which le invaluable, its is in aped state of cultivation, is well sewed, underdroned sod hsa on it a frame house, bank barn and driving shed. 11 12 convenient to meads, oho*, post Dike and ebnrches. IS le a molt de. doable piece and will be sold cheap and on easy WOW site *womb anxious to retire. apply on the or etnises or address °SAMBROOK P. o, TAWAS CALDBIL 1885-tf rikoa BALE,—For eala„ Lot 32, Conoession r S. L. Be IL, Tuckessmith, °outdoing 100 acres. land Le all dewed sod in s good state of culti- vation and well fenced and oaderdrained. There is good bon 8000 feet with s9 foot stone wsil undernepth. Two, implement homes and two from stlibleit. Mae le also s good hone house with idtolfso sod woodshed. The hoofs li bested by a furnace. This excellent font is Wasted on the oil sold, Me Mile from Brumfield, where there iesvory convenience. Mogan!** from dsso forth. Thore school house on the corner of the tam. Poeseadon cm be had three weeks. after pisretunis. For further partictibirs apply to WAS. MASON, Brumfield, 1:1.13 TRIM MAO RIORTY.ACKRFaBli FOR MIX —Being West part of Iota 1 and 2, Cowma- n et is 8. 8., Tuaketemith, Good concrete, 11 roomed bonne was, with. kitchen, woodshed and Inlay houressittsehed. There is new bank barn 88/30, with wing extending to the south, 24 feet, Alsolnick ached roothouee, 40 fee* long, under gangway. All buildinp in good repair. Orchard son -taint two and a ball &cresol ohoice winter fruit. There are two never failing wells', 6 acres of bath. This fiords in a good Sate of cultivation, wall fenced and underdtained, situated 2 miles from thee 'niece of Iteneall. For further particulars spply to THOMAS KERNIOli, litass11,0stanrio. 1896-tf NOT FAR FROM MONA TAKE 5TEP THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPIER THAN WORLDLY SUCCESS, SADDEST WORD IS "ALMOST" "Not rim, Prom. the Kingdom" le Just to ' Bo Aa Irretrievably and Utterly Lost A.s II' Yon Had Never Heard the (looped at A.li-epangers of Delay 'Vividly Por- trayed lay the Preadie.r, kaii,ered Af"-Cording to Ace of Par,la wont of (lane ado, in the year iltut, oy lei`illeini Oen-y.0f To- ronto. ist. the Dep t. 44 Agricilieure, Ottawa. Los Angeles, Cale J uly 10.—The preacher in this mermen shows, by II - 1 lustration And incidess t that Cr ie and enduring happiness :and satis action are nOt to be Jound in worldie sue- eess, but in embracing' the offer of salvation through Christ, The text is Mark xii, 84, "Thou art not fax front the kingdom of God," t What is to you the eaddest word in all the English language? Edgar Al- lan Poe, that brilliant genius of Am- erican literature., whose dissipations endengecated hint in a chamber of hor- rors as ghastly as - that in • which Thoma De Quiricey was Compelled to i\ive and whose raven - of delirium tremens sounded his death knell when he had just reached forty years of age, has made the word 'euever- more" ewful in its sigrikicance. In It we hear the black bird of demonia- cal despair croaking a. dirge. In it are beard the sobs of breaking hearts and are seen the ghostlike horrore of a living charnel ,house, :eleevermore! t"'evermore! Isfenrmore!" r.,170 eiany hat word :will alwayS be the sad - est a all' words, Thomas Carlyle, the great' English essayist and philosOpher,e the master of mighty sentences*a,nd prose mast- er -pieces, dipped his pelt In the red - &it of all inks when he. wrote the word "ought," The great author of the justly famous philosophical dis- sertation upon "The French Itevolu- I th word 'OARS FOR 8ALE,—For male, Lot 26, in tbe let U Concession of the townehip of Bay, London - Road, and the south soft pert of Lot 27, adjoining, oonteining in all 125 acme, mote or leas. The pro - perry is all weillenml and drained and well seeded down with the exception of about 10 acres under womis. There 1. 2112.00 dwelling house and bare 40-x60, cow home, driving boom stable and large shed over lee feet long. Two splendid wells, good rieW wind min, pump@ and abundance of water. nem are alto two good orotiarde mostly -Northern Spies, Thee 002 10121 property is within 11 miles of Hensel' and the Hanift dietance from Kippen and is on the London road. This land is No. 1 and will be mkt etteae and on favorable tern3s as the pro- prietor intends giving up the farm. For particulsra apply to GEORGE Parry er., Hensel!. Gr to G. J. SUTHERLAND, Oonveyant!o4 gam% 186941 WARM FOR SALIL—Lot'11, Concession 6, Hai- r lett, containing 100 WM of land, all desired, and be five oonditioo. 14 is at preeent all 59eded to grossed Med shape either oar hay, rotate or cropping. ena Is a comfortable frame ouse with summer kitchen stioThed, two barite, one 84 x 60 feet sod the other 80 x 501026, and other out build. Inge. This term is situated eine miles from Bea - forth, 'even and one half mike from Clinton and Jost one mile and s quarter from the village of Kinhurn, where there are two general dotes, two blacksmith shops, popes:Ace and school. This farm ` is well situated and will be sold cheap as tbe pro- orietor is anydous to eell. For further perticulars apply to R. 8. SAYS, Barrister, iieslorth, or on the F—premisee. enterers LErroa, Conetance, Ont. 1905•M Vaal FOR SALE.—For sale io the township of I Tuckerernith, IAA 1, Joncesslon 8, containing 100 sores, nearly all cleared and in e good state of cultivationt-newly underdreined„ well fenced, two good welis. There Won the place a good comfortable trame house, large new bank barn with brick base- ment, drlifing house, hog pen and large hen house, MIMI an sore of young orchard just beginning to bear. The farm is nearly all stetted to grave and is in excel1et0 cendition toreeither grain growing or ,tock raieffig. Thie excellest farm is well siluated, being two miles from a (wheel, plat office, store and blecluimith *hop, and six miles from deafen's. Good reads in alt directions, Buyers ehould corn° endue the farm wit u Om crop is co, Possestion can be given after h Apply on She premises or addrees beg office. 8AMUEL CLOVE% 1906.1f tion" declared that e "ought" is the saddest of all words. It has in it all the harsh and ir'er- berating voices whitii run the geptut of remorse. Carlyle's conception of the Imperial force of that word • ought" had in it the thunder of Sinai, and to the ,otTender -recreant to duty it . still soUnded, mingled With the tauutu of the iieride of the oternat • inferno, deriding and mocking the miserable otifferer with the reminders of the Wise be might batire enjoyed if he had done as he ought, Some have deciered that the „saddest of all words is -One," others, stdeath," other:4 "de- spair." But to -day 1 warm to. call the attention to another word, whieh I. think is the saddest word ever 'ut- tered by mare , It was that which King Agrippa, spake te Paul when on the .Ilotnan tribunal of Caeserea, Philippi lie said: • "Almost! Almost thou persuadest me to be a" Chris- tian." Ah, yes, King Agrippa was ao near the kingdom of Clod .that just, •one • Step - forward would ha ve, changed him from. a pagan int() humble and repentant follower of lhe' ..°;azarene. But that -one step Was never• taken, I<AUg Agrippa Was "ale -most" persuaded to be a Christian! but his "ahnost" never brought hiil into safety and eternal life, .To -day I am going to try to' help some of you to overcome thate sad- dest of all words, "almost." 1 am going to fehoW some of you that.4ike the scribe of ,my text', who canor to question Jesus, you are "no!. far - from the kingdom of Clod," but I am also going to show ,you that to be "almost" saved and yet not saved, is to be lest completely and utterly lost. As the Man whirling dowo the rapids of Niagara, who just misses ler one inch the rope which is thrown for his rescee, so. you who miss by a hale the offer of redemption are as utterly lost as if you had never heard the offer. Nay, there is in your fate the enutterable sadness of being so near salvation and missing it. after all. The loss of your soul is like the - loss of life to the hunter whose* rifle ball just misses the heart of the tiger that is lea.ping upoo his defense- lese body. It is to be lost. just as inuelteas were the poor fellows who were imprisonea a few o'eors ago in the iron hulk of the steamers burn- ing at the- wharfs of Iioboken, in • New York Harbor. Frapticolly they 'stood at the barred pertheles. Fran- t•icelly they stretched •forth their ateUs through the iron gratings. They could sec the blue waters of the harbor, They could hear the calls o f„ the woUld be rescuers hard at, work, But they Were lost, entirely lost„ though there was "only one step' be- tween them and perfect safety. Almost saved! Yes,. yeti are. low do I below ft? learn how near y011 hilVt! COMO to salvation as I look at the entries on those white pages sew- ed between the Old and the New Testaments of the family• 13:‘,. his record of the family births and deal hs find your father' was - a Your mother Was a Uhrist ion. Christian. Your sisters and brothers were ell Christians. I find alto, that your parents reconserrated their lives for God's service when they held ote before the sacred altar on the day you were baptized. it is a very- easY matter for you to ebecome te Chris- tian, with such ea. family history as that. The son of a good doctor, all other conditions being equal, has at least ten years the -advantase of a young man entering the_ medical pro- fession who is not; the son of a phy- Sue an The child who conies feoi Chrietion home has a, far greater chancc. of being a_Christian than one who is not the son of Cheeifel or than one who has never been brough by youthful asSociat ion in contact with the ChriStian "[is true," says sonic- young mau to Me, "-I was born in a Chris- tian home. I aro not near, however, ilickness has been a spiritttal bless - but ere , very far from the kingdom ' to you 0 man (1.4 the palely Was of God. Why,. after left my Chris- t the invLlid of It. has placed Orin home -seemed to be poSs'essed not with seven &vile, but seVenty u almost within touch of Our Sav- iour and K g For vears ark,' years times sevendevils. o sooner d I you did' not know whet a pain mearit, " - - 14. -ave horne and go away from moth- When you heard people: complainihg ex' and father and I plunged into a about their invalidism you had no life of - dissipation. I _ drank-, sympat hy'. You 3,vou Id petulantly gambled, bletephemed. I did every- say, "Ninc-tenths of these so-called thing I ought not to have dope, and, invalids are mere hypochondriecs. If men and women would only get up I left undone everything ought to have 'done. -is said that, when and stop their complaining and stop Lysirnachus was fighting-, ago. inst the dosing themselves ea cmcs B. S. PEfILLIP8,--Agent, Hensail. "VASS FOR SALE—'or sale, the choice 160 sore X farm, being Lot 28, andeoeth half of Lot 22, 000008111014 1/,_ LAOS., Tuokenntith. The land is in the very best condition. OE tile 100 1101e0 there is abotii 20 sores of good bush and 10 acres on the 50 acre lot. There ie a good frame haw and good bon 80.,x 40 feet, sod stabler.° .1( 7t on the 1o0 acre lot, and a good barn 60, le 40 on the 60 acres. All fen.md had plenty of water. Good orchard an each lot. they are six calico from lleaftieth, four Mies from Brumfield and four miles felern Kippen. Apply on the premises 01*0 GEORGE BROWNLEE, Beeforth. • 1903x8 'FARMS FOR SALE,—For tole. tot 9, Concession • • THE HURON EXPOSITO became no great 'theft he offered Ma whole kingdom for a drink of water, as Esau sold his birthright for a InaSti of pettage. But no sooner had Lysimaehtie slaked his thirst than he cried; 'Ab, wretched me, Who for Ouch a momentary gratification should have lost so great a kingdgm,' Though I have been brought up in a Christian home, for tbe tnomentarY satierying of my evil &siren 1 have stifled all those pure iiifluenees of the past I am like, a Mail who, to quench thirst, has done more than to barter ftWaY /1 kingdom, 1 • have, bartered a.way Irly life, The chalice of sin which I have lifted to my lipm was. of 'when], 1 feel it now, dulling my brain, dulling , my heart, _Culling my Moral eensibilities, feel as if 1 W('N! already dead, for • my nobler self has perieliede Eter- , nal life is lost to me," Not so fast, brother; not so feet. You have thing yourself. , into tbe quagmire of sin, by your very words of deepair 1- know 'you are near to the' kingdom, 1 have had in ••.£-• OOP nor , Thirty Years of to bo 11,C OtrhOrnol Pile,Torture Doctors • finned And Mrs. Row• don never expected to be well again — Ore Ohne.% Oint. ; !talent curodi MIL W. Rowfxam, North St„ St, Catharines, Ont,, stela 1-4' For this% years I was severely arrears of work. • Work put eff is work afflicted witb P1114 whic gave r" rj4h Pre* put on with heavy intereet, "Sufficient well again. I bare been *meted by physicians unto the day is tbe evil thereof," It longed torture that I did not expect to ever hs who have irown fray t becomes intolerable if it be laid upon Christ? ( no to nave a gnat in heaven with areas Prompt PecliodOn. %be secret of. getil»g through work 10 - Method. Order, it has been maid. Is ;04ra-first Jaw. Let it be yours. Do not Jot your work aecuMulate tnion yeur It le not work that Vibe but in the pracere of reed tomorrow, eine without obtaining if may reeonnnend you three mice relief. I don't suppose • • there ever was a more for eaving time and economizing .• discoUraged suffers" otrength they shall be these: Ammer than I Was, letter& keeip appointments, make up Finally 1 wias fortun- your minds, In the affairs of this life across Dr, C h a s e' s a prompt decision is often more impor- ate enough to come Ointmentane after us. tant than a right decielon. One men Lag a fel, hOxeS al mattes up Lie Inind and aiste, it may be, w"rtan'ung_sc?__T: wrongly, but if to" he nude out 11114 11116 - am eta eso‘ sem take, eisrreets and retrieves it before pia nt deportee eitno a 1 viol MY another man has tided at all. It 10 my time much experienCe With youne t if this C)intmeni possible to waste a great amount of men, and I_ have eonietimes found Kat sowDox could not be got for time by tbinking'. and still more by t hat , like the prodigal who left his lesii than ten dollars A box I would not be whit. father's home 'for the. for countsw, out it," t tilting over actions, First tbougbte manY young men yetred the beat Dr. Chase's Ointment is the only riarantee5d are sometimes wiser than second and of homes have thing themselves into cure for pniles, dO cents a,ex, at all dealers, ON generally wiser than third. si mass° , Battle & Co., Toronto, Portrait and the eeethieg whirlpool of sin, But• of Dr. A. W, on every bor. theee young Men were like the pro- flo digal aleo in that they came back to tile text, "Thou foot, this tny I shall toe required of thee," you their father's horne after they had spent, their all, 'rho golden cords ol. parental prayer are now tugging at your heart, Vilest of sinners you may have been; most heartless of wayward boys may have been your history, but to -day God is calling; your dea.d mother, your redeemed Mother, is calling; your broken hearted 4ather 10 calling: "Come, come come home! Oh, sinner, come home'!" Will you hear the cry? Way off in that fax country of Mn "thou are not fax from the kingdom of God," Thou art not fax from Christ, but near, on accourlt of your early Christian home training. Almost savedi Yes, you are, 1 know it by the unhappy looks that are chiseled in the winkles of your face. When you started meet in life you thought the height of --iteman's happiness could be estimated by ths length of his •bank account. You BL le B8, Tuckersmith, 100 acres, all cleared hot lb soses, 10 sores of hardwood and 6 acres ot eerier. There le a large new tome house, two good bons and other etilbuildiors, plenty of water aod a good orchard. 11 1* witbio ti miles of Sm- all. Alse the Mclanne homeetead on the 121h Con. combo of Silbert, containing 160 saes, nearly all seeded to grata A geed bob*. house and two good beak barns and driving 'bed. Miss farm is eo well • known Mal a further dame -Wien is unnecessary. 11 3* one of the hese Mew. in Sibbert. Either or both of these farms will be mid cheap as the prop. Astor is not able to work them bosh Apply on the Bibbeot farm or suldress Cromarty P. 0. W. L MoLAREN„ 1907•113 Farms for Sale. thought the worldwide area of , his joy could be always circumscribed_ only by the hemispheric spread of-li fame, But now by bitter experien 180 acres, Baron County, well improved, good toil, etioice locatiov, riglit price. 160 sere- farm, Unroll County, clay loam, good house, large barne, a goad property. 220 sere farm near Sesearth, all nuder grafi, esti be bought at priee well within vaine and on easy terms. 100 acre farm near Seaton/1i, good build- ings, fertile soil. 154 tweet, near Luoknow, extra good buildings', esey terms. THE iNTERCOLONIAL REALTY GO'Y, LIMITED, London, Canada. R S. NAYS, Agent, Seaforth • 1907-52 %'4 .V he Was entrapped by bis clic_ they would be all right," 'hen a sou would settle back in your Heat and ensile. You would say to yourself: "Perhaps. Perhaps not, My ancestors were all long-lived. guess I will be also."' Then you would complacently pat your chest as you expanded siour lungs three or four inches, and you would say; “Well, my ancestors nev- apparatus er bad a finer breathing than X have, Perhaps I shall die to- night. Perhaps not.," .But two years ago there came that sudden attack of Illness. It came al- most without any warning at all. You remember how your cheek be - Came as white as that of a • corpse 8,nd your lips turned blue and Fold. You remember how tbat pneumonia stabbed at your limes, or how that typhoid made you sink so low that for Weeks and weeks vou hovered be- tween life and death. You remember how' asthma Choked you until it, seemed as though you would go mad with the egony. Aye, that stekness made out of you a changed Inati. • When the minister now -announces the text Luke,. twelfth chapter and tWen- , • You know that wealth and fame onl tieth verse, "Thou fool, this nig bring added cares, You know that thy soul shall be required of thee," if a man lives for himself alone, if -; y oil do eiert flippantly say: "Perhaps, he does -not seek the higher joye of Perhaps not." You know it is not the soul, if he does not liVe for out of the range , of possibilities that Christ, seeking also the welfare of this night you may he bre-tight faee his brother man, he Can find no hap- to face With God at the judgment piness on earth at all. mat of Christ, G man, even while I - Yoe think Worldly- success can bring speak to -day all 'the good and the tree happiness? If it could, why did I bad of youl past"life are flying ssvift- it not bring happiness to James -G, er than the winds through your Blaine, ties "Henry Clay" Of the lat- seething brain, Aye, they are flying 'ter part of the past Century, Murat as swiftly as the 'panorama or bygone I falstead relates how he went to see .years In a se.eond of time moves h0 Mr . Blaine in the Fifth A.ventie Ho- fore the vision of a drowning man. ter New York, The death pallor was Your 'met sicknesses have changed on his eheelc, -In a few Weeks We your feelings toufard Cod, The pain ilrokni heart was to cease to beat, at your heart IS warning you that Mr. Blaine set loolang into the blitz-. "God shall bring every work unto ing fire: eMurat Halstead could not -judgment, with every secret thing, say a Ard, His heart was 'too full, whether it be good or whether It be After the two friends sat thus for a evil," This day—aye, this very min- shott, time, Mr, Blaine heaved a deep lite—on accotint of that .past sick sigh as he said, "Oh, Halstead, I bed, "thou art not far from the ,could have stood It all if 1 had not kingdom of God," lost my two bo;ys," Ile was finding We all marvel at the wonderful then, as I-fanna- found, and as a host ability of observation to which the of famous men have found, that hap- trappers and et., -he hunters of old Were piness and* true satisfaction cannot able to train their visual povrers, be 'Obtained from the world.' The For deys and weeks the • Indian world iniSrepresents them, ridicules scouts were -able to follow their ene- them and decries them, -and, whether • reties across the western prairies. it gives them its prizes or not, it By the twisted blades of grass and wounds and tortures them. • by other minute sloe they were able - Oh, .rich man! I appeal to your ex- to tell *how many Indians were in the perience. Have you net realized that - War party ahead, how many horses ' happiness is not M wealth? Have and cattle and squaws and-. papooses. there not coine times in Your -life During the Austro-Frussian war in when you, have felt that money and 1886 Archduke Joseph esf Austria honor and power alike fail to live was warned of an imminent night you satisfaction? You are disappoint- attack by a gypsy eolclier who was ed with your life. Turn -to Christ, able to foresee the advance of the who says to such as you, "He that pursuing hosts by watching the birds drinketh of the water that I shall fly over the Austrian encainpment. give him shall never thirst again." This soldier said to Prince Joseph : Come to him. Thou art not far from "Your Highness, birds sleep as well the kingdom of GO. as men. Thene birds Would not be Almost saved! Yes, • I know it. flying about at this time of night Why? For weeks, perhaps, you have if they had not been disturbed. The been Wing prostrate with a danger- enenlY in large numbers Is marching oue eiekneee near the dividing line, throtigh the woods and has frighten - the crossing of whieh means the re- ed. them. There will soon be fighting creation and the spiritualization , and CM our • front lines." But, though the redemption- of ‘ your lifp, That hunters and trappers have almost lied means to you in a spiritual miraculous seeing powers in reference sick a physical sense *to him sick of the take an inspired viSiOn to see that sense what an invalid's bed meant in • to the natural World, it does not palsy who was laid at Christ's feet. , vve are now living in a time of great In the second chapter of Mark we religious awakening. How else can read - about the wonderful incident • • you account for the thoureieds who, which took place in Capernaum, No as &inverts, as giving their hearts. to sooner did the people of that city Jesus Christ under the consecrated hear that Jesus had come than the la.bors of the evangelistic committee multitudee began to gather about of the Preebyterian tlhurch? How else h i in . They crowded into the room can you account for the wonderful where he was, They crowded the meetings of-- Ceinpbell - Morgan in front yard of his residence. On the America: and of , Torrey and Alexan- outskirts of the crowd we see a der in Australia and England, and couple of men carrying between them the crowded' schools for Bible study one ;who was sick of the palsy, "Oh," in Winona and Northfield and Chau - they say to each other, "if we can plaque, and Moody's Institute of Chi - only bring our brother to Christ, he cages? Everywhere- the vital question will cure hifn." I think, from read- is Upon every hp, '"What shall I then nig between the lines of this chapter, do with Jesus, who is called the that, the. invalid himself did not care Christ?" Like Pilate before the Jew - whether be saw Christ or not. Ile ish people, you must decide the ques- was too sick to care. Him limbs tion in reference to Jesus. ' You hung limp and heavy. His eyelids must decide for Christ or against dropped; the eyes were glassy. His Christ, And in bringing you up to skin was flabby and almost dead. this question I cannot be far wrong. But becauee the hivalid was nine- in stating that "thou art not fax tent hs (lead that made no difference from the kingdom of God." • to the two friends. As they • could not The last tirne Dwight L. Moody ev- push through the crowde who were or preached was at a great series of jostling about the front door they meetings being held i M Convention climbed up to the roof - of the htfuse. Hall, •Kansas City. Suddenly he They then let down the ropes and broke down, and the doctors told pulled the sick man up, bed and all, him he* meet stop work at once. Then with their axes they hrolw open They bundled the great evangelist up the door and lowered the sick man and started him east for his Noyth- down through the roof :to the feet field home. But, -.though the doctors of the Saviour. who, stting. their could sileece hi's tongue, they could faith, said unto the sick of the not keep still his pen. When .they pelsy, "Son, thy sins be forgiven carried him to Northfield, with his thee," And he aroee. The loose Weak fingers he wrote out a tele - us e soles s t i fie n ed . The eves been me gram to iSis Kansas City friends Who a, • were carrying On the meetings in his aiert. The blood again coureed ra- stead. Ins 'telegram went something - . • • -• ....,..,•. pidly through the clogged arteries, like this: "Mr. So-and-so, Kansas lie walked; yea, the HiCk man wale- City: Have reached home safely. Re- ed. He was bealed by being placed, a 'tea exceedingly being forced to.lea,ve, hopeless, helpless .in' al id , at the feet Mid I been with you to -night I of Jesus Christ.. A. would have preached on, 'Thou art not fax from the kingdom of God.' My prayer is that many may be led Into the kingdern under Mr. Torrey's preach i n g.'' Oh, my friends, the te- deemed -lips of the sainted evangelist are pleading with you from this text in this service to -day. That same divine power which brought thou- Seeds- and tens of thousands of sin- ners- to the fountain of eternal life Is pleading with you to come to Mist,. even now while great multi- tudes are seeking him. Like King Agrippa, are you going to be -"al- most persuaded" and lost? 'Or like Paul. the "chief ef sinners," are you 'lir Philip Frill:Beim at Cards. Francie, the Sir Philip Francis whom many ingenious critics have, in defi- ance of probability, .trisisted on identi- fying with the author of the letters of Junius, was an inveterate gambler. Cards dominated over the wbole Anglo - India* society of Calcutta in thoge days, and many' a crime inflicted on the unhappy uatives had its origin In the looses at the gaming table of their alien rulers, When in India, it was the habit of Francis to spend every night in this amusement, and he found an able co- adjutor at the card table in the wife of his colleagues, Lady Anne Illonson, who was reckoned "a very superior whist player," Good fortune generally shone on the plans of Francis! About 1775 be was visited with "am ettraordi- nary run of luck," so marked indeed that be had "actually won a fortune. Rumor, which sometimes exaggeratee, went so far as to estimate his gains at 30 Ines of rupees. Us Wouldn't Mies Prayer. When Professor Tucker was ',niter" Tucker at Bovedoln college the bell rang for prayers at the chapel, as now, very early in the morning, and it was imperative upon tutors and pupils to respond, •As a tutor Mt. Tucker was very popular, although very strict, and he was always prompt to take his place at the heed of his class at the early morning devotions. One morning. hovrever, he found his clothing gone und his door nailed while the bell was ringing. Finding a hatch- et he soon split the door down, and at the last stroke of the bell appeared, clothed in his sbirt and a pair of over- alls, barefooted. but with a smile of serenity on his expressive countenance. Ile took bis customary place, and nei- ther then nor afterward were words of eomplaint.heard from him. , mice le the desert sand. Hie thirst miaister las church would, preach from City of Contradictiono. Lassa is a city of magnificent build- ings, where the streets are never re- paired and, except for a slight cleaning in January and March of the Tibetan calendar, are dreadfully. dirty. Every- where people are laden with rich orna- ments, but unwashed as Caverley's or- gan grinder. A vast Buddhist temple stands in the center of the city, and it is encireled by a street lined with shops and roadside venders. Both men and women are •enthusiastic traders, and especially striking is the eight a Buddhist priests selling divers mer- chandise at roadside stalls, with the sleeves of their clerical robes rolled high up their arms. * 4 Real Hot Water fop Not merely simmerin vigorously. Then it will absorb •the deliciousness and fragrance from Blue Ribbox—take all the good out of it Let it steep at least six minutes—eight if possible—in a earthenware teapot, and you'll have the best cup of tea your life. be frebh 'nue eyia RibbOfl Tea , 11110,014 Carlota arrotsma 40c. reale bis The Iltritteh Itetapfre. The British empire occupies about one-fifth of the surface of the babita- ble globe and consists of the United Kingdoxn, with Its attendant islands, and about forty-three dependencies un- der separate and independent govern- ments varying in size from Canada, which is thirty times the size of the United Kingdom, to Gibraltar, the area of which is two square miles. Thus the area of the British empire is nine- tyleight times that of the Unked King- dom, while the area of the self govern- ing colonies alone is nearly sixty time0 as large as that of the mother country. —Lord Thring in Nineteenth Century. A ilit of Holmes' W1.. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the poet and wit, wrote to a committee declin- ing to accept an invitation to deliver a lecture. "I am far from being in good physical health," wrote the doc- tor, "and I ara *satisfied that if I were offered a fifty dollar 6111 after my lec- ture I should not have Strength enough to refuse it" They amateur PV0V0/41111C 1111.111der. rehearsing their parts in drama. "Oh, I beg your Herbert looking at the kissed you at the wrong were an pardon," book said again. place." "Isn't that too bad!" exclaimed Amelia. "Now we'll have to do it all ever again!" Agit for the ; Rod Label YOUR -NEED Your Furniture wants can be best supplied by Us. We have the stockithat will please you, and our prices for all kinds of HITTIRPINTIEITTIR/ Demand your att,ention for a short time. We will give a Special Reduction On Couches, Parlor Suites, Springs and Mattrass.es FOR CASH ONLY. 1:3-14-13M/RMAiKII\TO-... Promptly attencled to right or 4y.. BROADFOOT, BOX Be 00., SM.A.TiOWT3EE S. T, HOLES, Maus Summer Needs ght weight suits t weight under- clothes ht weight socks Touchy. • She—Is It really true that tbe blind eau determine color by the sense of touch? He—Certainly. I once knew a blind man who was able to tell a red - bot stove by merely putting bis finger nit. • Amtelguourr. Mrs, Justwed--My dear, when we were engaged I alweys slept with your last letter under my pillow. Justwed— And I, too, darling, often went to sleep over your letters. 10 Chrt-nee. Mrs. .7ones--It's queer that baby doesn't talk, She's ,almost two years old and hasn't spoken a, word yet. Mr. Josies—I. know, dear, but do you ever give baby a chance? —Mr. M.:airmen, who heeresigned his position as principal of the 'Atwood public school, to study medicine,was recently pre - tented with a geld watch and chain by his patina Outing shie4 Light Felt Ha Straw Hats These are only a few of th, things you need—not want—but actuaily neel for summer. We have them all, and. many more, that will en- sure comfort and. good health during the hot weather. You will died your purse and rob yourself of comfort if you do not let us supply your needs along these lines. We make a specialty of High Class Ordered Clothing. • BRIGHT BIOS FURXISIIERS, SEAFORTH 9 0er S p•Act directly e Uver S They cure constipation i biliousness, sick-headae , Sold for 60 ye4rs:ta2li:11M: Want your moustache or beard BUCK NGHAWSTE abentihdbrowa orrich black? Ilse ion era et weans tow ',safe 06,1fahliggLAS. , ta HE GREAT Mil ST For the Next Two Weeks e will offer great Bargains in the Millinery Department, Everything ning to Summer Millinery going at sweeping reductions It will pay you to see what we are offering in LADIES' WHITZIATEAIL e secured a bargain in that line, and are selling thern at greatly I pzjices. See what we have in Ladies' Black Underskirts It will be to your advantage to get prim before buying eleewliee, os-e-e-ssess-ese-eee-e-e-e-*-e-e-e-*-s-e-e-se•-e-4s • We have a snap in Men's Harvest Shoes, also a fine range of Sh es and Trunks. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. BLocK, O. M. MOBEATH Et YT PRETORT4 What l areliYour Needs for Spring ? Ladies, do you need a Spring Bat or Cap? Something new in calico geode, -a metty wrapper, lace curtains for your win- dows, or art myelitis' We have all of thieve, and many more things you may think of. Men, are you in need of a new fedora— black, grey or brown 1—ie waterproof wet, a reefer, a rubber rug, SD umbrella, foot- wear fine or eosnie ? We con supply you with any of these at reasonable prices: Our stook of Groceries and steple".Dry Goods are always fresh and up to-dete. We give the hichest pric,ee in cash or trade for butter and eggie R. W. JEWITT, Constanee, 1rs*ii ••..—*—•L••—•—••••.••r.•rr..•••••••••••••.....r.•••••.r..••••••••".P.. New Brunswick White Cedar Shingles A FULL CAR LOT ATST ARRIVED N CLUFF • SEAFORTEL MONEY TO LOAN Money to imo a4towcot rates of inter farm emusity. Apply to JAB., .1.4 Barrister, fleaforth Bei