HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-07-15, Page 5-, ______ ­ - ­­- ______-...._-1 �­_­ , � . , i - - - - - -1 I I � ­­­ � . - I -.1, - _­­ ­ � I . � I - I - I � -,--- __ I - I r I- - I __ I �i_­_ - �­ __ ­ I n__ ­__­_.­. .--. - 1. � � I � I I - I . . 11 I � ­ , , �, , �, � � . �� - - __ I - - __ __ - -11 I - _­- , , - � , �­;­ ­ . ___ __ � - � . I � — �_ - --"-,I,- _�_. -, - ­ ­­ - -,-,- -_ --- � - - ­ I . - I . , - 11 � r . - � 6�_ - . . �� . I f . - - - I . � . . . I � I . . - � . . . . i I. � ; - � I �. I * - IF - �_ � I - � "I _�'. I , . I . ! I � ; � � - . , � I - - � . I . � I � � . I �, � ; ; - � I . . . . " t � . I _. . � - I � � 11 � : i . y r . I . . - . ! I I - I -, -7 . I I . � - - . . , , . __ I , � I � I - . � I � � 4 � ! . ­ ; - I I i . - i , -_ 1. -1 - -, - - � � ­ ­ - ;_ - . r . � - 11 � . 11 I � - I - I - - I � - I � - ." ­ I ,,I I - I � 1- .. I - - � - - -A ­ � I 1 , �---F, . , , � - � ; I - - _:1 - - - I I I I I . - . . . . 4 � I �­ ­ - ,, . - �- w � - I . .. I -1 � - - � � , � � . � I - I , - I I � -1 I I �� I . I �� I - .1. - I - . � . . . - . � - - I � I I I - I I I I � 1� . . I f ,� . - I � I . I � I - 0 � � .1 I I - I . . . � , I . 11 - I -- I I I . T 5 � � I - � � � I I FULY. I - i __ I ____ I - � I - � � I I .1 - .,;, � : I � - . , - I I . . �- 4 - _ . - � __ - -.- , ­_ � �,_­­___.,r.�-___�__ - i..1_...._ _. I 11 JULY . I . . I ''.� ;_ 4 � I I �1 ____ . � f j t . HURON Exposrrom, ��­ __ ­_ I . 151,1904 . � ­-, -A 11 I . __ 14M.1 1 1 I— -1 - --o ---�7�---, ------­-�----r-��—_.�_.",�-- I I - - 1� � k-----_— ___ - t5w� -!!-- - � 4 1 - - - . " -, ­ .. .1 I ___ . I . r 1 � ­ .- ... � . �!�, . . � I I - . . ,� 11 'Re., -' 4 1 - . I - � . . I .. I , S140C 8- - ­ . . 6 1 � 0 4'. , , TO . . ,� t i, � IN - ­ .. � .L — I I -qL W 0-4k 1 11 �- - � -A lady Ln Stratiford who 'was fa sty horses war* raoity'vioppo& up at , xarrjag"6 � - .e� ,4--.- 1 . - . . . - ! .1 ff Ilk . 11 __ - - For st 8T0D0jLRT"MATK8jt8_Attbs m . i - I - - L%o, statibn Voing away for her - hel- priew rouging from $140 to $100, - ` ' _ suseo Irgwood l � � willjo in the waiting room at fipa�i of delivery hqs�w, b*y in oolersou ,Njd0,To0Jnfyj9lb,byR#VN ShOW, 0 A, ME - i - � dvlW, to Vi ::-M- 6KINA UN & utje� . . . I �days* ft ker 3mt to #008what thAn in &6b. $W wav obtefbeA , Wiffisth J s5toddavc, of- a I- � I 2 . i ,;. 86410 lWathers, of Wato .bkn count ' ��­ 7_ � ­ tu :gtatlbu 'got up om. - rd= . - - 1. - �__ - I Anotbae too,ni Af hasvy dalivaly bone,## 4 � ENIG 4 - I I NNAW I _11 �� . 09 out onto the platform, leavi,ng - -4- � W -UOLLAND�At' = seddence Yths :BXj ow . - I - on the seat. A man from - A year-olyl - Wiles ps-ronts, ur aud Mrs A Selland, Rxece I . . I - - - I Wr rurso . r'. 61A, 'cold foe, #436, 1 1 � - -1 'oki -it u .4olivory for '*I." 50 - il, cheatnot, on Jaly 6101 by Rev Wm Oodwl0 Dr Geono t ,XXwt ifuron saw ft and pi jog y, reavy � IM via 1. � . - 0 � for I . owd .a,nothvx -lady wh*. 1W thought marr, suitable for'ligho delivery for $186, ,r7 ft orl Fnlind, Ohfo,to Dr AWdio J Holland, MILLINERY, N - - . . - . 1-_ - � llr W " , '" .1 - dkifflblb- I - - - - - _. it wlmged to and vrbo was stand- - - 6 ffnerat- pflro�xa 4. year - old delivery 'saEza"AuNDF,as_Ap the reodenco of the Nowt as the millinery sesson is drawing to a close, we are anxious to - I - ' - I - . I . __ I �g at uho Wi0ket, if it was bars. She WAS) fit IM2% n'beavy delivery horie solil brAo's uncle, Ar Joseph Hilborn, ft Thnniss, I I � - Im - I . on June Mb, by Rev W 0 MaDmigoll, Ur i �� ­_ .. � ",omptly re#ljod in the a&Wma, , for ars ohl carry n .- __ ' � � r - t1hankoA him for rtturning brought $1.50, Altogether some 46 - hnres-4 kaud A�Und�pl, Of fit Thomas VIA . r 11 - 07 $1900 a bakiry driving Mateo 7 ye tAq0u1j1n1r. ftheare of sarnfai, formerly of Exotor, reauce ourstock to the lowest possible point, 'We will othing , 4%. -�­, gve and - 0 - over to another season if low prices will clear them out. Our stock is ­_-_ � A tow minutes later the Stna- were sold mud the prift-a w-,ra regirded aa LO.&G-STSWARr-At Nile, PuJun-920hb,-by .Rev , rV7WjL,WjEA I . I PL I . 14 J wilova, Min Jennie, 4aughter of Mr Chas 0 new and up-to-date in trimmed and itntrimmed hats, ready -to -wears, __ � .4; In d m;6 back looking f or Che satisfactory. I . I 1 . . 1561 .A- y ,ea . I . StavlArt, Nile, to Ur W Long, Rearniffer Sailors, etc,; also fancy trimmings# feathers, flowers, buckles, ribbons, - jogt artiole, and was told -what had , " GRAHAM-MA1400LH�At the reeidenes of the - �. hat are - I jgjq atht"l I �ea �&me with it. A searoh, of the - I JAAXK6T1- . brideo pirento, on June 29th, by Rev 0 0 Put- chiffans. etc. From now till the eud of the season we will make ter, - 111so I I � � . , . - ton George Grisham, of Mitchell, to , rific reductions in prices to clear, dsome - and - I - orto tfan =* all traiAs , was macip, for. � — � - . 904 Ulch'"If, danghter of Mr Doncan Malcolm, of - dur., � ' I � , 14 luly , , -111bbert � , � ow eae,svftla the Purse, but she �ould 8SAY041111 . V,on the feet and _ ­ 06t be foun& , �_, ! � e&1I Wbs*9n6'w),9tAndsrd-­-­- 88 to 0 PELL0W---0AldPf3ffLL--0n fte Lighthouse Bank, SUMMER GOODS. - �n the purse, . �'_ . � � osto per bushel- -.- - - - ­ - 0 80 to 0 81 At the reoldes" of the brIdo's parento, Clude, I I . - - . I Pass P.)r rjudodl_ — — — — — — " 0 60 M 060 rleb, on July 6th. by Rev Jaw-ev A Anderson, . Our stock is fully assoiW for the hot weather. Most of the following � I - LSrI0]rWbM1NA_,_ --- _�..., 0 V) 0 4 40 0 A, My Wm T Pellow, to Mks Margayet Ora-' CR I I I - Blyt a lot at, No. 1. loom - .. .� - i.,'.... 0 12 to 012 ham, eldest dmughtzr of Mr Robiarb -Oampbell, goods were bought months ago, before the advance in prices, and will tf - �_ Norm.-Tbare have t. on' more changes -attar' sub-_-- - - .4. - ois to Via all (if Oadetich . be sold a't old prices : � wfttbtr will find that --� � � . . . W 14 BHOWNLF,E---GooV-A6 the reglifence of tfw � 0 r C, I in village Property hsra� in the past tow egppor doz--.W- - ___i.,. 1 012 , iat &bGvgr rtqGir*Ensnt4. NZ - I— � � I . 1009, Per IN vw,�. - � - - ­ - P'. - � 60 IW9 2 60 bride's payeats, Colborne townsIll on June bersoma-shoe-a when V � 1p"ths than for a long thfie. apparently 20th, b JWV Mr GoWer,' IdIss p6ly, eldest Men's 4albriggan underwear, �q all size*, at 253.353 ani 50j, IfAdW lina under - 04 "A �. . ly - a 00 to 700 1 - light-welght - I r population i3 growfil.g insteile dauplr of Mr FAw&rd Good to Ur Thom" x Lo". � . 1. �Z� I am. � I of going Hwesparloo bi- - ­_*,-,_.,.--# 6 Oou 6 26 H l3row"Jec, of bault Ste smys ont wear, in vents ma,ri drawers, at, 7a, So, l0ot l5o and 20j. Wies' Uncy hose, with larA - . boolf. This week Ides, Proctor sold her sasep ., so -..A#.#,- a goo to - 0 PO . fronts, in all sizeff, at 25,,, Ladi#61 grovos, in silk, taffets sand- lide thread, In plain and �@, an alzeev 3 to 71 lfar $ � -' �­ - idence at the Dorth end of the v W001-- .�-_. -_ ____ ...& 0 ".so 0 23 DENMAN-YEO-At the Meth;fiso rionage, a pokw, � z - illage to - - " lace effects, in black, white and cream, at 16c, We, 250 and 36o. I.AdfeO French kid jL r I - � . - TV 0-0 - 080 to 90 wingh6m, an Julie Will, by Rev D, GurAs,, -4-4 , old$ (rcwl; 90.1 bairrell. - 0. 0.6. - tes gloves in wiMte., black &ad ealorms, at 7r,-; 8 U- $1 an -1 $1,26, slen'siblack c"hmare fox. - X-- I-- .- �� � �: 3dr.-, 8"rtm.d, of MorrLs, who takes ",F- P04006 P!jf I.-Aff (uow)#- 1 25 jo 125 N r J J Denman, of Bluevale, to min FrAnce � # U in ��� - . ... wat or kid b-. r __. sggk-n in September. Is Is Mri. proatn's W"d per aord (long).. - - - -,. - 5 0060 6 00 Aflop doughter of Ur Robert Yeo, of I t*8 Gapax a . 9- _____ lul""y Wk tom and heals, at 260 and 30,,�. MaN overalls in black, blue and fanoy suip", . C 4" 6-rL . _. Wation to move to Toronto, where her Wiad Swr co#4 (thoM... -.,. .. - 11 8001101360 . � I - - I i - w4h (,r without bibs very aptal*l. at 50o. 75o, 85a and $1. Usn's fancy straw hats, - - - ositions. A_ - bVIC - - - 016 40 060 . I have lucrative P Destbm now and very swell, "at Sdo and 75a, Boyli vaitt in sit ai , from to 33, _f, om $1, 50 �St 42 Arid S-150 a Pair, Al! ==-- .� _._.,.___:_­'-,.,-, 0 00 io 700. . zen 25 at. I - I ," daughu ra 'den 0 .e&t varl ty at $S,50, $4 r " Rid , " op an real ce -, &a---.,- 1 26 to 225 A, 96 $8 an $1 , Why'": led styles, pate ghs otter sale was the sh d t1toothy Sood___ McASH-At Vasno, do July qtb, Joan MeLymorik to $5, Men,ij suits in g- a , , d 0 . , __ - 86 60 04 wifet f Mr, John RoAsh. aged 73 yearv, 11 I ( I 4 a", *�? belonging to Mr. Robert How*�d on Main ral'aw, 0";h_., - _. - - - - - - months and 26 dAys I � - , - I 1M, a". $1.25� $1,50, feet,* MI. falbsti, of Mitchell, was the ftyk, Per (00 IW- - -------- 7 so *0 800 I � - $1.7.5 # - , 11t, - - 8ALL&NTYNE­1a Illyth, an July Is$, FJfzsbeth . I � $1.71, $2 and V2.2.1 a Pair. a Pak - - .Pardbwr, He intends to'move here. and - - f1folop, %it@ of Ur Thoutas Ballantyre, pgod 64 C.&ISM: ..ALMT:D (:)Iq:M :P:pl:rcjm � '_ I I I veart and I month � . , , - � � � � - , I , Wto& #boo repair shop. -The . .. turs it -Daky Mwket& � � � I min ' - - _ "+# , � - , the auq)'w" of the Thimble Tow 0 market ULTOALF-In Bl� th, on Julie Wtill, Elfzsbttb Jsdk� � � . - . ba hold, under - _wTq, july M-Butur-Th wo, rellot of th-3 late flealry Retcolf, it, her r1j: - I � - I - f � ,_ - - . I Olubl, l"t Friday evening,, &t the Cbmwor h" taken an easier tone, owing to the Sard year ___ Me"NNON & CO., BLY'R. ­ � JA.L OnTo I 1.4 4W hotel, was a *cocoa# m every way and heavy roMpts here. Arriv,sh of dafry WARD -In Myth, on July 6�14 Mr Wm J Ward, � . . 4 _�� __­ -, . . - 41 thw in attendance had an enjoyabl)e tube are e9soially lorp. The 4smand for owed so years I - - - I - t S te- C; LI'* rth . I -_ - _ . ANNETT-In ClectrAls, on July 3rd, Masy Jane ; E I ­ " - tim, -There w" a large turn out fit the good tabla'Ause Is; active, Quotations bra Anvott, aged N years, 6 months and 9 dl.sys -1,0 , "'h* , � - .1. � - - I � . ' ir __ . I- oburch Sunday evening, Rev, Mr, PHALEN-In Godainh, an June Ofth, 0%therine 11ow Q44-54 11 Sa4 It jW , I - splocopol unchanged., Creamery'prints. 17 to 180 ; � . , I- r - i � Em"ift -1 - . 3Umunds preaching a splendid sermon �q solids, 15 to IN ; do' t be ' . Amelia, Neville, wife of Rfob*rd Pbsion, aged - I I . y - I try-. u ., good to i4yearsand2movsho --"k, - 59000 rieces U inal � . I md, � � I ===== I ... 11 Vls(lrangernan, Anumber worn loa.m_ choicep 12 & 13a ; inlorfor dory 9vadef, DETSCAN-In Mairls, on July 12th. Annie Spelf. I �­ -1 I - =====*= - sum fjorn Londesboro and'Auburn.-The 10�to Ile . hoice, wife of 111"lurry Duncan, alred 25 Yom, 8 - L twoundat - s I I dairy pound rolb,good to c . - - - �.. - - - . I-- _� � fm __ - ­ — �F_ (Ili . . . 35t� . 'JUStP AR-OT-VED I I -ion -XV, and 1� I I __ ()rwgsjne,u of this place celebrated the glor. 11 to 146, theise.-The market Is fairl monibs wd 4 day# � . I � y .. . � '� us and children, ot St - I # twelfth in Witigham. A great many of stmAy. -Quotations are unchanged at Sfe I i the village th - - -1 is w- eell: vQt� ­��_,- - their friend# "I o went tbero.­-!Mr. Robert per pound for loWgt,, and go for twins. IMPORTANT NOTICES. I . ­_ ­ %. . and Xm 0. A. me_ ___ - - 77-. __ � masy, of England, i# at prosenb visiting Egge-Are firm. There ars'not won Gom- I ' DoneU�_-_ --- � � . IPA a the Villsore , - - . �F - 09 � I - 1. � - -1 � I h#A before and mace which time ho'bas Ho f Dublin, Good IwAfinn, Apply to ibe 'OuAR"" ' - SEAF011TH, �' i Mrs. .Tehn &atit anck Xf.-X34 � t._ __ I& bfotper bere. it ijp eight yeaft since he Jog forwm4 th%n can bt "it taken care AE AND UM FOR SALE, -I and zamr,gy -- _�__. wall a 2 large, and AT _u r,1 %-; I � , Tyo2!T*___1n , 'W"a, of and the shrinkage is a I I U106ET DYER, 0 Dublin, or to J, L, K plemem-g at - ,G� rand k,,�__ - � I "�� ' been travellior, & gy8st, - o" 1, � I -. z�:-- - . ' deal -Ons of one, wi#ll likely continue -#7, owing to the hot KIM AN, fil"forth 190011. 1 __ , A .. . - ... . �-lkowr,, ot Detraij, 4 . e I I widOvis in thO - WOOD Of Mff, P, weather, Quotadous,sre- unchanged at 15i ' I - "I - - � I I---- it *##Ak#*#"#"#*& . SPendiag - - 1� . . . . . . 9 I _ ��_­ - ;, 1W1X7_L _`1"", Rif TO RENT, -Ta rem$ for one year or move lot _ # �46,_ it !.a - , PAW 1, ConeaWon 1, L.' 11, 15, 'Tuakertmith, I v or two wuh Mr. An4 Varmy, was united in marriage un,Tuft to Irp3 par donn, � !zS mara Thq,,P_-,_jE4 . adon, to a Air, Tyle. a me-docine b new For the Next Two Weeks, we w'11 offer t' _Ni TS;_:;0 __ . &Y, A . MoziTuvm, July 12-Eggs-selacl , h- e 7 - - I—. I This form cantains 100 sores, irmfly cleared, fair - � - ­ - _­ ­ - C W1 � is visiting nor paranL-3 trivellarl-P-Mve Slosn me 'th 4 No-ii"I laidf 170 ; straight � - __111 --- thered, caudled, 15c; buildings and In a good state of coltivaf Ion soil is -1 - 71, f - . - � . 01 I �k - ­_ I _ No. 2 1, 4o, rat Greatest Bargains In - . . _.. ficaldent on Sunday; , fU wa# up in the bay I ,4� to I ter-Favoy grades, conveniently s1twited to markets and other convev. - � 3-Irs. Alex- T�n - * - �­�-��-.,- L* putting down h&5 When be fell h - . - I � . . have - bec-n t il in ,ii;lm- . � fences, Apply on the pre'af#es or address MRS, J � filrig A - - - �, throng 17 to 1710 ; ordinary finest, IQ to 17c; - int a nuinbew of plaen i I . I ` - �­ ---I- . - W us4d for vatting down hay. We, are " CRAWFORD, Kfpren P, 0, IM -0 . - -a -----; ­ - 44 h0j - western dairv, 14 to 14jo. Ch"ff-On, _____________ Dinner! and Tea Sets 'T-c-�,I'cr � � th% yk�j�--_?- . - - fr Fl. Bannie -is- , ­ ,_ -- he Is recoveringnicely hom a, CnUtj4ged Very, InU4 - , 1. _. tariar, 774 to 7;0 ; beet Quebec, 74' jklITION,-All rartloft are b#rpby . __ -1 ; -1 � 3 - Pair= ­ t 1 __-41; - -- I � C 4761FA bp,rr,v Afucing or 1-1 env war tre"I&W. ; '-ng thea- ap X-00 of .. . ­__ - Zl::k*yntdh'"' there were no.bones broken . r . ` at. - � n_ii . I : Al-, , F tim - he wiff soon be around again.-Mr.1J. Ben- - Ing 00 t4t'2 , C0,11KH41jr n It, Hibbeft, the farin cf ! . 41;t Bb Store tlyy h ving. if �_ . - , WOOL � theun.lerfolsrn-d, AIlp�rtt&if*jr#4*h%j9traPiw#. � ' � - .- � --- -- - m�.. � a - - __ - �� " it on the sick list at present. He was - x � - , - � to I (sw �._,.�, -,snd $15 Diuuer Sets for $8.50 cash � Painted.-bLr- and -M , - ToFtwiT9, july 12-Raceipt-9 of now clip Ing will he pr -ffecutc,f ao p,ov#&4 hv hw. wfthilx4 Regular 12 . q - ­ -­ ­ I I esgil1q, restift ,91-10r, Chi-volhor4f o I I I . , AWkedwith afaintling spellon- iteadoy 1 .$ tor ,_1 � , ,4tolersono, TflOi§,L9V Jeft here on Wednesday � �, � Ity8ning from which they were Wald -that hero are showing tome-figns of incy ,O OX4 for ""175. . . I I Bend, wbere th-0-Y' i,utmd IXS.-: 7 - The recent rise in price# has, no dou�t, P, 0, Regular $6 Tea Sets . T -1 . z - - _4� - -, � . be was not g,riiog to recover, but at time of Doalers say there is not much ,rj IYOD FAnX PO4 . 44 LF, -Tho Corm 0( rho late '4 f X during the .qujumejr camed this. I I _& mlmt*. i writing he was refiting zfcel�.-The Hurou j ?ry large quarttL,Fl�r cvt str&*.�: - -- -. wool in the country, and that considering %_T An6r.— 1fcP,11,v,1# io the MwIvIllp 4f F)ffil'Oft come and see. them at - ­ � - - 4ild Boys and Girls brought a number from Itif � � w � Uing Lot 10, Coveet, 00 4, cioplainfog J00 00rep � � I 'roceJ�ts are fair, Qaotations are un- . ""df i iwlbl�_ . : havle beon marke .- � tt - t hio, I fo ne4riv oil i 11,wed. with no wmte I I I . I mrday, oit, of I . - Toronto ti�oar mi,69ton Sa, wbk, if . igs I I Ver (411f � '01) fog I 'I - � .v, � � - tbut number beina K r, William Bell, M ,ollant f4r,r w ai yj -rug wore the _past two wf,zk , od,"=- r-obanged. Wathed are quoted at 19, to Thl4all ext a P . ­��_ � grOcOrs, A'-rr-. VV. ffi i rbur* - I.,�� . . Mo&t and Min& Proctor mid Mas. 20c, reitated at 14 to 15e, and unwashed 44aotuo will,, well urderdralned Anti wall f6wo,11, FEAR'S D , S eaf o rt h r. P. Tr4g , - .-. . Anis � : wo.,h u bank birr, 40 x 6) hav rrow 28 % 6% 1 � I . genqon bad eath t__ _,�' - UD W, Lo l3c, - �n � � % - . - ters Robert, John and Carlyle Forsyth. � � � - . hen hove&, erIvInir gil,ed, a dwelling houto, rit'S". r*P,-21'h%S* ft. Sutherland W� `��: 31ra, Sherlock, of Winvipg, 'is e.t prevent � - , and Noodshed. It bi eonvenlent tn sPhaol and � I �� I X -lin, Xisq Constanee cakralk . . I- ,-;..; . visiting be.� mother. M rp.- Charles Ploc dy, - Grain, etc, cnurche;, within 3 tnifee of & splen1d market, 7 � of - . ! Ae past -vvezk iwfth ralatiltj . milem irtni Seaforth, them 14 nq Ineumbrsnoe, priv, � � ___ � - , � 0. July Ll_>—Whast— W hi W W113018t, ifcge given frow day of "to to do all uork; po4emajon ; - , - iv, is at, pregent Touo-rm ' W a i -911, .- ­ e Deering Binder 1 �w noc I - - ad Dend._Xir;� 1�1, - - lk _.�, - vishingl1r.and Mrs. John Moffat. -Hiss '92a ; red, No ; - goose, 77a ; spring, K c ; given the int, of Anvil. ;Tor further payliculam - I ; x i rge q I -660, !pp1yon&7tI8or 10 to WILUAM of ANDREW I s carried *a the b,uilding_ but- � � � - ]Mmiiii Uviuggtana.- %rho hsx had c4a 0.4,9 Rpi, to 3,1 t� barlev, 42C ; VeW9 � . 1twin " I I . � - -__1__-_1_____.___._! � t , -MM I . .0- c: , �, . 1 4, � - - . � . - I I . I � Is � - .-- I -------- - _ Tho Larewst.' me ME Dly 410"s *** , .at Srosts I N___M Vathing wrtho P i'c k fX r d " S C'an"rw iff I rio� I I I Four coun-VOS2 :;Z�-- ------ ­­ ____­__ � �, ��______- -,- - � - — I I .1 T, � .., � ... � --- I'll, - � I - . , � - � I . I _1 i-.31- � . - . .. - ---. i .. 1� O -C I __ . �_T . I - � .. . - � . - 11 . , � . . - -I 1) ft � -.1 I I I - . . I I � . - . ... - - ­ � __ I- - 3 151..M1 19 - __ I - . - . � . . I I I I& - - . -Aff - . =m � W-9 -W* X ff-1-0 ME -W Aww�u.#. � __ - � � . � - - , , _0_#440 � I 9 k"Lazi, bumin ,,,v., unv�riv, I . � -4 here for oleven yft",, ;-A - � . oll n r I ".1 11 _ tillinery departments i o" � I I I r I ` teresting items in this sale—Ifidle A.' . _ * # of the large w I � Hay -No, I tjtrjot;.�y, $9 to $11 ; mixed I I specially .Inf, - ­ � I ... � - - - �'Pk - sold out hi,j buzjnc,s,5 to I I -P - , I - I .. - -or, is at prevent speadi lar h Ways Ao $8 ; at r4w, eheaf,$9 to $1 0 ; ARM FOR'SAM-Lot No. 1, on Conamelon 12 - 4- � I --- Exet or clovar,,57 . - - red Manns, of * A e'- ­'_ . - F, Tuckoramith, containinK i0o acrev, soarly all I Wa rill 19 , - ­_ witA ber parents here, -Mrs. Bloollmfield loose. go,5o, hoga-Dregged, light, $7,60 1 - ... �7 - 11 11 , sw!1'; of the Rorfmrf Simr,,W& . ­ andfamVy, of wiligham, have moved to r a w t,,' cleared. w,Al fene5d and drain,!d &ad In a hiffa , - �� I thinas thef. are worth 16oking at scattered all .i � . 0 V9 p- . 0h4_ dreimed, heavy, 4,6.5C to $6 75 Pe te of cultivation. There f 6 a first alses f,"Me I'M I 7 - 11 - - ly, Toronto, sun' of Dr, : I . townsudare rapiding with her mother, pailijeed-Ig gte dy t $16,50 f r care of at'% �� / \_ � -_ . k- - I � _ I a a 0 houso-sad two Kood bank barns and other outbulld- I f - -1- L -1 I in :_ � b-ome for a couple. of - Iffirough the storre—c, I i t tv. e offie vi - g 0, is 0 M e t w9ek-0 - V: Alit, John White. . neverfaflingwOlq%ndbwo good bellring / .� M"&-..�, I L �1 - - shorts, and $15 f0r bran in , bulk east or jup, two ­ - - I ountless I _� &-Mr.4. WM, Smith, 0-,:ql.0.i1%_=, OMMMINONNIENNONN.M.0 orcharife, Itadjoinotbe village of Chivelhurst-, 0 __ . . - L -1W - 11 . � I Weat, Manitoba milifeed in steady st819 I F - . . I I - . wz,L,,h there Is-* daily mall, and fe within four "I . I I 'i I t1w Uls-ms McLean, ot Kir- - �- - .11 / ?, % . - � IF _ lof cars of shorts, and $18 for bran, esoks I OJL lem almost too sm'all to mention, here to -day � . _� I - - I miles of Heneall, The farm Is one of the bmt In F6 t ' t � - - . �' � 'Ed Xr. and Mrs. Chartera, at � Bruffsels. -, included, Toronto freighm the township and will be mold on easy t"we " the 11 1 402 ' i . . . . : . ' - � - I I . � � � 'EI i�oad. Tuckersmith, war# , - I . proprietor desire# to retfra an amount of bid i � � N . L I ' ___________-40._ . I i) d many of ,L 4 - _ - � Bmy6,-A special meeting of the Coun, . healtb� Half the putchwe mormy cso remain on I'll, I and gone to -morrow, an them represett- , � t. ' Dr. Chesney last weei, - was hold on 'Monday evening of this - Live Stocic bdarkets. , ,pplv 60 the oemifts : - fa a of- - oil lotereit for a term of years. A I � I I - ; - _- . I ­ . - , V, . - I . Carlin, of Clinton, -was 3*t#' ­ kto diocide on the rextostaps-to ba 3Uly 12_0&nadisu or addreoe Chis OBERT NZWEL, I - z .- . � . . - . -, I wee I 01hure" P, 0. R If I I � * ' - . -.11, I - I I I I'd V T ; �- visiting ,Mrs, IiVm,- U_)Nr)o.v, England, . I ing e raordin' values, 'We mention' ur-1- a 16mv - I F X0040*- - ­' I-,-.- I taken in connection with the Toruborry 190 -ft I to ar-y i __­ 5 i ­ � catvle &to oteady at 1.11 to 13c per pound ; *' I . : . � . : . -- . family. -Mr. B, Fowler, wha� ,� - ,- -. -1 . we, in which the decision was , � N - - - . �_� . -1 - - . street sewer em '% po — '46. i�� - � ��� refrigerator beef, It to 1010 Per and. I — -- s 1- -re likely to I 7 91 � - ­ I _ . . P in engaged ag, mer -chant taUnp,j, I I . . . . . . . given recently sgedmt the town, in the ap- I of these—mos' . mall lobs—that a Lie - � . LivvmpboL, July 12­0soadian cattle are 111 y �z. 5 1 .1 - I I . I i r some years, has decided to�, �' A- * wx;.�� � - ,� I of Meltas:vs. Brussels, After some -1 . ­ .4. $hoop, .%d- Summer ___ �. - . -1 ­ __ : west very shortly and go- - ��_,;_, I .- , decidt - — . 0"049.-O __ I - - or ler. - � _ =vloo, it was _d to take the ca3e qnoted at 6�d to 6a . . exhausted in short . � . - I - MONTURAL, July 12 -The butchers _ � � . ­ � , business t1v_,r,­,_Tbe fridnlh _` - . . . . � - - k. � I _: - - to the Supreme Court for a 6nal hearing. as fair, with higher 11 � - I-., - � , . I - - I I out itrong %lad trode w - I ��- - ' . _. . , . i�; plea"d to ! The NoiWn terrace, o wood by Mrs, A, H. ' � This machine contains fewer wearing partto, is the lightest running, and, - . - �0 yriess beinot paid for all kinder of cattle, ex- i � . - I I ­ �­ . .- I su-Hiciently raeo,-VaMA trait , ,'� __-_1 , ' Trelaven, was purchued last; , week -by cepting the loan grefohoppers primo Footwear. '' i. consequently, the most durable Binder on the market. Deering machines are - . �,�! 9 . - li� em illness Ato be able bm go - -1- - I I I � . 1=pector Robb, for the turn of' S1,700,- beeves sold at 5� to 5,1,1:o per pound ; good � now martufactured under Ghe British flag, in Hamiltop, Ont. For sale by . �41 I n I i�z z again and iovqiime his bud- A rinift.of Brujaela bo wlers went 0 Sesforth . . ­ - � I - modiumv, 43 t,o.5@ ; ordinary mediamr. 4 - - z 4 ­ liss Vera lHuf d"k I in Lw:, . �, r --# I to In the summer fiesson copeolally shoes' A pile of ribbona and Jaces W. orth from 50 to 100 a .a I is _ koitake in the tournprneut on. Tu day 4�0, and r,fie common Mock at 3 to 3!f1c, , �' I . 4f; ; � _. /, sh6ald b THOS., BROWN, Agent, Sedo " 9 onto - . I .11� . . ­ �Siting her sister,-3fr. Gw.* I Their luok was against them. -Mrs, Frank a fatblonably correct, MR . recemtIy of Winnipeg, wh6 . '-. * Fishl i b, mother of Mrs, B, Gwy1h of while the lean cows sold at * to 2,j -c ppr yard, to clear at 2e ayard. . -1 m I � I - 4612 i or I . I - 4. 1 - I - - I - , - Fpen . ding a m,Dutth or so wfUt ' - - .4 _ ir�Z. died very ouddenty at tic oil pound: Calves seld at 62 to $16 e&ob, In jadias, and wntlemen'n Oxfordo we i A � - from 3 to 5a per pound ; shipping sheep ' I a �� itnts -liere, left on T-ue%&y-' - _ m Sunday morning last. , Mr. and Mrs, are showing the very lateat laits in * A pile of torchon laces regular price 2e aud,21c, to P r - sold St, about 31-c. and the others at 3 to I �� I � "I fine kid ar.d patent 1p-abbere, 1H10V1k11111,11i1i1i=w W 1 Ies Refreshing ,- P for - Briffs-b columvia,mm - - Fishleigh have been ranking their. home I I clear at le and ife a yard. % � - 1 V,,c per pound, Lawhe -were in active do- ' � . - � -In and lftrq, Lutz -wioro is ,; - - kere,,P!ith B. and. Mrs. Gerry, for the past. I TAROUGH TO THE WORLD'R FAIR- '- --- I 1� � - 1. . . I � , . mend at, $2,50 to near' $4.50 each. Fat Nover before have we been able to 'offer - .. - z .. _- � I � I; er ­ ' ' ek collars � last 191"CA V&iting jW1e_nd&___ -, � year,andwent tq Mitchell for a visit a hoey sold itt from 41 to near 5jo per pound. ST. LOUIS. . I � I . - - - so large and varied an asoortment of � I When youare tired out vkth your ., A. numb,a' 4 11adies sto , rogniar .price 50c. � � . � I .�. "af jrj" I ,� � �couple of weeks ago, - The old lady w.0 82 Cattle --Active and fresh and pleasing styles, Fast txpresa trains leave for 81'.. - ­ - u1mage. and her Wier. . - - BukFAL% ;July 127 - - . i I are vWlting in P,�rt nope, 1 ", ;a. -117W John Hove and Lamily, � _. I . 1. I �_ 79ars of ag I steady to stroug ; prime steers, $5 80 to . LOU18 -bwl�e daily, carrying I ' efforts to save money, you find it re- for 25c. - - __1 I I am Mrs. C4, A. ]Da5dman aud d,tughter, - I V t L fooshing to come here and nee what I -i � - . 86,ao ; ah, o $5 75 ; Vatchers', Our stock i -v complete, our goods reliable through Pullman sleepers. - ; __� ... I -1 .. � I � ldbthissrook for their P4uskoka summer ' co - and our prices alwave reasonable, I - 4 1 ' I ' � , ?. . I Your local agent will make tenT .i . : Brucefteld, . I - - 84,25 to RM haiferA, $3 50 to $5 25 ; It . I you get, and note what we save you A quantity of dress, trimmings, worth 10c, 121c and � _. E I homais. -R. L,!uherdile and daughter, John 1. 150 ; - vations , -plenty that's good and plenty of V � 2 1 . of eyirW and Otiddreu�x: SUPP ' ' . - � L I - I .e - "-. -_ . Walker, Eph. Cobor, Mrs. Georg& Brown cowe, $3 2i to $4.'W) ; built, 63 15 to $ 1 � 4nd Saturday'i--odd Ifnesi to�xlea $A 09 0 - -,..- stockera and feeders, $3 to $4.25 ; stock . ' 0 1 reason for your purchasing 15c a yard, for 3a 9, yard.- I 'I . I - and daughter, snd Misses K%ry Roche, . $17.40 round , i 0 fi,3,�e # I ; . � W11W __ --- � I - h I I � ]as . � 1= iaravlas In north window., W. 0, �. Joan Forbes and heiferh $2. 25 to $3,15 ;. good fresh cows .trip . I Pare Whit Helleb-ore, freshly powdered,so : - jqQf6j Lizzis KeNsogbtan, ;; 52 ler head higher ; good Ric ardson & MInnis jy e I . t 11 I 9 - q with stopover privileges at CHIC. rildbtook, for worms on gooseberry A quantity of in stook, re alar p - ' i . ' - Thursi Got ry, will take in #hq excursion to. and, .f1priog r , ,() 50 ; medium to - good, DET11WIT and CANADIAN and -ourrant, bushes. I � 9 rWB S -, I od Chane*,Mr. Mrw. DIX" - the West next Tue#d&y,-Mrj,�(',1reorge, to choice, $40 t AGOP 11 � I from 50c to $1. for 39@ a. yard. I Orie.tor of tht,- i " buritea teqr;- - , - . $9,a to $35; common, $18 to $2,5, Veals Sole Agents, - Seaforth, 8TATIONS, English Paris Green, the boot on the market. I I -i L . Thoumn. sHd Mro. C. H. Dodds lef o on I ; : , . - �1 � I Bimeefleld, luls diri&d. t , . - . " - a three. -Active, $5 to $7, Hog*--F&irly active, - ­ NOTE, -On APPlicadon-to J,- D, MoDon- 41 Never Fisil " Corn Cure, the kind that �j _.,1,,__1aad Will Off - __. Wednesday of this 4aek for I - j tov village 1 ,r . 4W ,+ 5 to 10o lower; beal`7, r),05 L4 $5,70; For the Hagar, Jusb Wright and aid, District Famienger Agent. Toronto cures. We hear words of praise for ' A table of double - fol(i dress goods, all kinds and, I : i I - ckr�"ralo by auet-den 6n TUN- - - - I wentW trip to Sood-and.-Btusyels junior mixod Yorkers and pigs, $5,60 $5.65 ; sovelcign Shoe, � . I .. '. lots shoulA football team was beaten in the second , roughs, $4.66 to $4 85 ; 8&694, $3,60 to - - enelotiag 4a io stamp#, Handsome this remedy every d&y. oplors, worth from 55c to 60c, for 25c. 11y 26tiL� Thew - ,_ game of the semi-finals at L'stowel, on Illustrated Booki.et will be furnigb011, Bucha Juniper Kidney Pills for backathoo . . , - I 'Y, a, - , Thoroughbred Shorthorns � - dl -j they wou the btlit - 7 - -_ to $4 ; asiriar, $6.40 to 0,60. Sheep , � - ­ ry, ­ Friday of lost week, by a #core of 2 to 0,- nd i,ambo-Active ; lambso 85 to 17,50 ; SPEND YOURACATION IN AM'Clorne In and see us--Ctl . A quantity of parasols, regular., -Drices $1,26 to. $1.60$ § in the - vim -Age". � ana MW Out residents were very sorry to learn of a - wetiaers, $4.50 to For Sale. - 5, o ,� - . . � I � � ' - L either for business or rem- --. _­ I the � death of Annie $Pair, wife of Mr. yearliago, S5.50 to SO ' . HICHIANDS OF ONTARIO for 75c. . � if� , ­ ___ I I I � . For sale, two Shorthorn Bull@, both of thcra broth- � - I iurp,oees, We bo.rm'Mr � . tUrry, Dancan, 4bb live of Morris, wbiob _i� - er4to A " Scotebman" now vt�Ck bull At the Mukkoks txpr a trains make a . I tookolaft early -on Tuesday morning of jtlly 5_,�,jit�,je_Hxportere­ noection re ,t good sale, a�d that all Of , 'I - to $4.25, itupork , 'O ABERHART9 : I , $4,76; awev, V-3 75 to $4 ; shetp, mixed, $2 , __ - � . - � ed distriet v -,,ill won uo A- 1-� '.� TQF,01;T0, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Al#o a num- direct -3o - for all parts on I - A quant-ity c)f dress mushus, worth 20-.,,, for .12c., � _� 1. &W ", -1 1� ��'. thit-wook,after a brief illnegs. Mrs, Davesn -The market rai is too The ber of females, All must be sold as the tywoor hwo Georgian Bay, M skoks Lakes and i DRUGGIST, - . I - j � � , frjr txporte -ley, � . I again. ", �� was in the 20th year of ,her age, and was a -d old his form. They can be seen at Riverside Form L%ke of RAys. urist tickets oa 1 - 1i ers, ames -- . . I -will - 44._ . lay at Special line of bleached linen 'Able cov, . I .. � - bern coWe oa tho warker, sold to slid at Xxoter. Parties calling on me at Exelar into aily, - - . , . __ - - - ­ ­ '- I - s.wral favorite. in the vicinity. fibs -&coat 60.50, and Move were .especially be driven to the farm, - Apply to, or %ddrat P I ` ­ , . � � ��� . I I 1- . . I - - - r k 'fufflfia, ff Ui f f a, Alct wit& �447..�,�._ � I havor, beilides. her husband, a two weeks' choice. - A modmAely large oumbir of . THOMAS RUSSELL, Exeter, . Home Seeke S' Excursions I 8 ,M =, r - 62x64 inch, special at $1, lor 55a. .� . - St w4k. - W111f I- ­ I I , I . 1- accident joj 4_ old b4b Mr. were offeting, and 0ey to!d jsu-tf _ _A_ :W 0 1 , r 11 .,� _y� tamourn hor early demise. . � - � I - i_"�_--, - poor cobtle $30 to 040 50 . . Lin& ---No, 2, sl,e 65%65 iwh, regular price $1.20, 1. . to a&# ,� - - , Dimas's father and mother, who left for __ George � Oliver I so* - � z�,,�_� � - the West & couple of we'sk's ago lowor that) durinix tast ;�eek; . Quotation -o . �, 4 . . - I -1 , : band got o!%Ught '11 tbC - - � - �, - . are about, 10 to Ze lower, We quote ­ Notice to Drain Contractors, to Po into in : AUCTION SALE I IVered the uAddle fias;" ao&_� _k� for& two mopthol visit, were summoned Extra oks(;ico, 85.25 to' 605,50 per ewv ; med- . ___ . , for 696. . - f �i . . _ -1 � _� ilonw, and- arrived bore on Tuesday night -- . CANADIAN NORTH WEST,- . -or- : . I fliuMb. � � . 1�_ ium 0 good, $4 go to.) $5o 25, and cows at Tenders will be rw6ived by the undersigned on. A . I I I _rv,tat girl in -aiie, ot ­ � Wra, J. F, Stewart and moo, Miam Sarah V. I he tounfeloalldounall of the township ';� July 18,h, returning until in the Village of Bracefiold. Line No. 3, size 0'5x65 inob .40 - i I ­ 84 to $4,50. Butoborril Cattile-Exeepb for ,boholf '-( t Good going , Building Lots 1_ , regular price $1 , - - I a noy - -1 MaLaughlan, J hn Cousley and Lorne . . I of McKillop, until HATUILDAY, AUGUST 6th, JW4 Septemher 20th. 1 1. . A Stratjord bit UP011 ot '.11 0 thfQ bOJE, 4'&W& on tfi� Market, trada Was it, Thom" Brown h -_ 79c. ; Pringle, ofr Toronto, woro in town for t� fow. for the construction of a drain, i4 miles long. the si been lobtructed bv Willfsm for . � I � ridding fL,,i_ -_h,otme Of xoko- � � � . lj&t,1,e hjuw, Pdawi ure not (JUD'Shly.lOW-ero' odimated cost of villich Is #3,068, mo#tly team work, For TICKETS, ILLUSTRATED LIT-— Dixon to of 11 by oloblia Auction on TUESDAY, � . '; - I to. Toodays will be openst thaeouacil meeting ERATUR-9 and full informaCton apply, to " JULY 26th, loot, I I.- g acoompanted' the - --, 1� '�--,_ dsytj last week, hav�in bull, the toze of the trading tended I .,_,;,r,rfra1 plazri WRINMt 0# . at U4d- � -. - warou O!d Royr,' excursion tb6 far, high bury at 2 o'clock on ths) above named datb, and by, A few ends of tablo linens to olear at 1,-',(,v a yard, . . W, SOMERVILLE, Town Agc,nt, . � =11 P%Ije� thought at KIM - I wdrdm easioase. The demL,n&- for lawf V offle and plane can be mean' at the Clerk's I The Old Rattenbury Hotel Property, . ­. I (�thirfjr try drixlk�' -1 .- N , _­_________ . grade ralt'a coistinues fairly active. Qjous- oinee, 'Winthrop, at any time prtw to that date, A, F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tinket Agent, , which ban been divided Into building llot@ These � � - 11 - -1. - I . o stroug jyt-andy "d P11V �- . I . - Londesboro, - tione are. uzcb&ogcd, The best itactis bLd, I'M -3 JOHN 0� MORRISON, Cloth, 4 . a l0t@ are All Well aftusted for atoros or any business, 8ee our 45c table linen for 30c, � I - - '_ . - . � boing on tba, corner, . I I . I I V,y it ,ind out UP S-Ome, br'A' . Noms,-Althougb the m� ing of, the .heit ra re quoted at $4 80 to $5 per cwt ; A i - , I I * - prn go arge size colorel bed eovers, a, b n at .. she c � a ,O Abo one Efouse atiA Lot � rabs, which , placed On 1 - . and o Horses for Sal.e. I arga-1 I - 12th of July did not look very prom � .hoice loady at $4,30 to 64,7 � . I v A pile of I . a 1 4 __ i 4 � � lhi- 6ellar 1-1.0or. Tn 0 W_ , ""9' Fair to, good loads sold at 64 to $4,25 ; The 01okey* Bipder. � � - I .. I . � � , . I � tho 6W I " � _� iltill this did not in the least dampen the . ERMS,-Twenty por cent, (f the purph I I �r sht,- -,went down inta , ­ mixt(I lots of medium cattle at $3 to 83,75p One of the Uokoy binders demonotrated ita bermt- liave two working ma�rea for sale, It and 16 I f a w 75 cents. i . ra,t- gTorj� - . - - ., I eallbusi"m of the Loc,lesboro Oraiagemen, - jdal sad balanco in thirty I 1. _ ,- .- I-- I - It � . � - d 4 IM,j j days. Title Perfect, WK, DIXON, Propneor I . � ff,un,d se,vf-ral - I I goo , cowo at $1,50 to $3,74 a', and common to Iful working capacity on Saturday 164, Ina field of old,opply at tbe:Xxj1MToA Ojlmcu, So*- ' m0n(T On the day of ly lkw- _�_,. who turned out in fall force -to attend the Feed. tsil green rye on the farm of Mr, John Phyrell, & = 11 I I ral - - fair at $2.0 toS3,251. Stockers and � i THOMAS 9"WN, Auctioneot, IM,2 ,See our. rollrer towellinggs dearing at 30, 64,0 and 81200 "�addl,-d," and playing- I celebration in Wialzbarn, Lou&sboro lodge I few miles out of Whitby, tbo binder doing its -work . I . I � � - she Z'atjuer" c_- ere-Agood rvar,y of theme cattle VIcre Of tothedelfghtolall piemnt, not mining s tinale ____ . . ellar floor. M - _� _14 � �r malcuivedirspatiti record fordrbon and � . - - %&A- . faring and a number of them were left un, sheaf during the afternoon, The ,'01okey binder is . , All ladies' hat -13 atj i dmen of I number pimembem-Mr, -John Manning half price. � �- f1sern and , f - 1� . I �ja Stove, - � . � ., -, - � � , -_-� n visiting st"the home of his parenta, Mr. -1. , . . , . - DERS, Exeter, -'r K - `� � milag, Priceso had destined to revolutionf7o the bir.der bmincts of this �­(, thct kitch, sold at tbe end of the mo , � *� tios fylr� SPOIn llroxt'ad a an earsier tone, but, quotations are unobang- country, 81 .9. SAN THE CANADIAN BAN& I 11 . � . . I and Mrp. Thomas Xanuffig�-Mr. H. Ad- I A quif n1tity Of flowers ato .11alf Prim � - � r ovvr a year. ,, ._1 __ at", of Chicago, iLff spendiDg a few holidays ed. *Ijbort-keeps, in good condition, are, 1009-1 . - � I I . I �' . � I I' ___ - - --------- - _�, witaer the. parental roof. -Mr. Climent, x0a quoted at $C50 to 6410, and - lighter . - I weights st 84 to $4.50, good stockers at at hall prje,e, 111. . 'L - - - , A table of men'q Straw hats "I L __0- -%W- - - , I Of our pastor, returned to Toronto 64onday $3,35 to $4, and commoa at K5Q to 83. OE COMMERCE, . 8 ff �_ moming, Mter spendiug a week's hohday@ PICTURE FRAMING. � L . - -1 - 1�_ - - I - Milch Cows -The demand cor,tinue; quiet, . - A worth from 26e to 50,01, .. � ­ 'With his parenm-M r, and Mrt. Hod 'of, --- I table of men's straw hats, -_ - .1. - 91L and there was but little doing in this line, HEAD, OFFICE, TORONTO, . - I IP I � A- .H., # _. . L "L I . - - ! I I Of Goderich, Sunda,yed with Mrs, Hodgins' The ra f ' is About unchanged at We have purchased the entire stock of I . 1%1� � .1 Parents. at the Mr, and Mrs, go 0 prices, for 15 Ce n t S. I . parsonage.- ID . . �L . . . - �`� $25 to W eacb. Shee --�Sherp Picture, Frames carried by Mr. Jas. Grave# . - -� � � - - � 0 - - Weal, of Undon, have been spending a few , wbieli, with our own complete stock, , I 'r - , p and Imbs 11 give; Paid -uv Capita, 1 '8,700-000. Reserve Fand, $3,000,000 ; � . - I I. � _: I days at Mr, Wm. Hile.b'- were easier, but trade *as fair and a were A few men's colored shirts, worth from 75o to $1.25, . I � . j�_ . sold. Export sheep are * quoted lower at us the beat selection in bilie county. � RON, GIE-0. A. COX, President, - I _�­ � - rn . ­ 0=000 $3 to $4.15 per Cwt, .culls aro lower at V We would be pleased to see ill M r. I for 35 cents. . � - � �L - - �,* L . ____ to ,q, Laa�bs were fijO at 63 2.5 to $4,25. Giaves' old customers come to us for their B, E. WALKER, General Man&ger, ALEX. LAIRD, Ant. Gen'l Manager, - . - ,- - __ lCippen. - I . ' � I ai ' I I �'F - Hog* --The market is'quoted 10o per cwt pictur-dii-Aming. We will guarantee satfs- L Men's sample half hose in cotton, cullrAM-40, P1 Ill : - - L IE- LD I -P D. H&.V,, Commissioner�and Conveyancer L ­ ­ -wills mor higher, at $6,2.5 per cwt for selects, and 65 f"ti' IN CANADA THE UNITED STAISPES I - - k,agm and deeds drawn up. Noupyloaned �� on, , . I . . i . - � -.- . for lights and fate. 1� I - � � . I � U a -%- irr-V, .. * �� '_ &I am to Lvist Wee 0! Intorest. 17404f , I I 110 Branches AND ENGUND. and fancy, at speeiaJ prices. I 1� � I .JL .A. I 1, - - .1 %-X' BUSINTESS TIRANSACT M' ' � I . I -;.- * 'TheSovereign Bank of Canada, Hen. - VA ' 'i � ALU I . , CKSON BRO8. � Seaforth - ' A GENERAL BANKIN' 11 I . ; Ir .� 8611, Ontario, Head Offies, Tomalo; Executive Of I A box of men's four-in-hand ,z -es, worth �5e, for 10c. I LL I lw-riz � L zoie, uonkeDl, A generd b=lldng business trans- I SALE REOISTER, I-- 11 - - __ , . _­ '' __ _ I - - � � - - L A - I sde'L SaAngs bank de"rtment: Spools! Induce. On Saturday, July 16th, hi 2 b'olock lar � m � , � . - t: - � � . -., 4 .--#L� � i meats cffertd In this derartwout. Onedallaropens Wednesday Afternoon 3r F and GrazierW 1% i R W . . L L. __ _ 6 I- L � I r '?, . � -71 m., 4t the residence of .Mr. O.. 0. Will- I , armors I I I I , F- at &Munk Interest allowed from date of de-porit. P, � ­ L - � . �­ - I I I , TT I #zi �s � 11. Arzold, ldsnage,r. 188&if son, Goderich street, Seaforth. nousehold � Holiday. . Every facility afforded farmers and graziers for thi4 banking boofimen. Not" die. � - ­_ ft__A.&__ . I . . tw - _­ -:� , i effeow of all kinds. Thomas Brown� aue- counted. Sale Notes cashed or taken for collection. s' � am . � . � � no vines 90 - - .�k 8 PE-InAL ,Sr-RV10E%:,-Rev. I M r. McLennan . ,I adheres to V , 1�?� tioneor. Highest PrEloes- paid for 111w- , , ��ie I AM= . - -"& 1, - � Wilt conduct a memorial s(,rvice in St. An- During the monthe of- July and I . .1 ­ -,-. L - : � � 1 -4 - I U#** _L,j,__ " I bwttw I I L - X 'T I I worm - MAITO _Y_�� . I . L_X IF _" and Wool. I It kills potato.- 00ump- ___ d"'s ithureb, next Sabbath morning, at Augt;fjt the stores and other busi. S AVINICX'S BANK DUART&MY". �_ 41 11 orclock, in memory of' the late Alex. n . . . , - �­ - eas placep in Ssaforth will be , I - I W-11 - . � . � COYNX-rin Ribberi J I 12th, to ME and Mrs c I Porsythe. C ,on ay lowd. Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest` allowed at curre 'rate#. - � - � " I LL -.-- - __ .. - 'o . to the deposit twice in each year, at the end of M06Y and November. ____ ­__- ­_,_,__-_­ r. �­__­_,� '_ ­ - - ­ - . ­ ---- jrUL!='1n=u'1Wj*o% Julj.2nd, 0 Mr and Wedn"day Afternoon - added � I . , `__ - :_ . - I "aum, I I v -1 I - � � - 'i Un OseEge Fulford, a daugaur. q' The depoiefter in irabj"t to no do -lay whatever in the withdrawal � � a - I " L . I ,_m � -1 Horse Wwket- of each week ab I o'clock p. m., an i . L \ rwv_41� � SMITH -In Iffullett an June Mh. to My and Mrs , 11 -posit . - of the whole or any portion of ' a de - r I - 0--q J� - Tomw,iTo. JULY 11-0ne of tho me -at John am agreement to thie effwt having I W I plu ""IT r� j d . - Q Idr *64 . DIU= - .1 ­ 1 eneo". gl .gna of the time.- from ORAHAN-4=116 11"lazoear inly in -d" f-. been signed by BANKING BY MAIL. I L - I � . Mrs WM iGrabm, 9-daugbter 1* zitA receive every It PICKUD & 40A IM -F ORTBRI-it - I'll, �n 'ex-cuZurasli standpolub this g Oil EEILDEDUAND-In Zuri3h on June Wth, to Ur . E. MaFAUL 00, Dgalts may be made or withdrawn by mail' Oat -of -town aecou, I W W iff IM0 I b () -k- I - � I � Is the very active demicud for all types and Mrs Wm HIMsbrana, a dougbSerd REID & WILSON, attention, I --- rX L ff I,- I 'Of genaist purpoiae and draft horse@. At CHAPMAN-4o Tuskorswith, on July lot, too Ur W. H. WILLIS ' , 11 � : cam and Mrs,rhomas Chapman. a am I V� ­ L L O ' - aud M1 trkot stal 8"Aft-M&L-1 I ... the It "itory on Tuostisy, good pri sr,Ajr,,_jn rad Wswonoth, on June 2M to ME - I Oppo" Town Building ` And 45 otbero. ,, Comir Xtk . � . , - I Were realized for all offering@. Good deliv. and Mrs wm Btsir, a som � . MON F, HOLNESTED, Solicitor. G, R PARKE% Manager. - ... I-OwORTHs I - I L 0 - I - I � ­ -1 - - � . I - - � 1. � I ... s I . L � 11 , . . � - , - , .. - N . . . � . � � _�', L - I ... - - . I L .. . I � � . 11 _ L I I - I I - � i . . I � - . . . I ` - I . , , - -1 . - 1 . � ­ , . - . - �', � . . . ,J�l � - ., L F. . I - I __ , . - I � L i - .- � - L - L _ - � � L' - ___ L. . � I - 1. � - - I - L -1 . I - _ - - - - 6- 1 �_ - , - , . ___ -11-4 � � . � I I . I . I ­­­ �, __