HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-07-01, Page 8[N � � , - - I I r I . I �, .� .. I -, � L . " �- - �_ I - : - I - V� � - , � . � � I I . . . I ml I '. 7 1 - . I .. . . - � z � ; - � � � � . — . . N � � - I : I � I - � , �. . � . . � - �, � . � I : I - � I � I �, I . , � � I - � . . I . . � - , ; _� . , 11 I : . � , � I � . . . I f . t, .. ; . I I I I I . I , I i I t . . I . 1�11 �7 � t , � I I J f , 1 . . � i t . J I. L — . f - , . I, � I . [7,. , . I I - : ,11% , 4ia i'l I � � J f ! . �� I 1: -1 1141i a,'", ..e I - ­ I � � ; L - - I i ! _ . � ,�' : - 1'� .1 ­ ? -_ , I - . I e � � - I I � I I � - - I I r I . I �, .� .. I -, � L . " �- - �_ I - : - I - V� � - , � . � � I I . . . I ml I '. 7 1 - . I .. . . I � - . � . 4, . I . - . T I � � I . . I .1 t I I 4 - , J � � . . I! � � -1 I . . I � . I I . � . . I ; . - � - - - . p i I . . I I I : � � � I - , I � - I .. - - I 11 - I . f I .1 . . I . � I . I � I - � , �. . � . . � - �, � . � I : I - � I � I �, I . , � � I - � . . 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I . - * . . - - I I . I � . . . � . - I . i. '_ I . I . . I . I . I ; � �. - I I - I � I I . . . :, . 1. I . - ­. - I . I . - . . I , � I . . . . - I i - - I . I - I � I - - - I � - "I . � I — . 7 . , � ­ . � � - I I - I � . . I . . f . # '' I . I -_ I . I - - I . I � � . I - I - . � . � I . i I . I � ­ - � � � - . i . I . . . . I I � I .- : . � I I � I . I . I . I � I � . � . . - � I . - . I 'I I � I . I . I . � . � . . . I I I . . I - . OR I - I I . , . . I -,! , � � � _2� .-. . . - T itay Ej - HURON POSM � 1-1 J Ju- _v I _1904 � -_ 8 ., . I -1. - 9X UT JL . �e I ­ I . I . ­­_ I . -_ -1 . I . . . . I _� I - ­. 0- - � I --" t � - _. ­­ ___.______,____.. ft-i"40iiiiiiiiiiiii� I I I . I I � , A ''. ' ' _ I - ­;;_ . � . . - . --ta . L. . . ; I -time.- The ladies bad cvoyytliii�g. in RAPE 10133DO ly,me,.but it 0 Moro Persuasion - � . � . - � I NEW . I - I � � - � OEM the line of refreshmi and an ex than *v*uld bo, doze.a oream 8616 Modal Twine- -ipa& I Z I d ,a .- - . - . ttijaw Jorsifor cellent musical programme was ren- separatiors .to con Ance ' ' - -, Is . I , - I . . HiONGA3311,14 9110 I I - I . - M � &red -by tbeband. The proceeds . YOUR -1 . T b":g'ciompan- NEW GOODS, : f L . - � , _1__ I I � I ions that be was right, The boys are . . I . t - to - � � ;­ z� - . I will yield about $60' to thd igood.- ... and � GOODS I I I . I . DrISTRICT �ATTBRS. - . ,boplug-tor an Invitation next year. � . �2 � � . - . � . � . _ - friends, of Mr.-'Timotby Givlin, � I 1-1 i- 1. . Why use cheap, inferior binder I � The M I Z 316s E 91EED For the information of thou.ninitiat- � I � � twinei witen Plymouth Gold Model - I of -this town, w�Hl be, wrry- tolearn . 04 we may say that to th�&r very � - . . � Brando,thoutoot economical you -1 'The Commercial ; Examinations.- that DO still keAps very,ill, !with . ' great disoredlt,p.-tba three judges are' 'i i .. . . - : - " - I I �. IF N I I -J The' results -of th final exdmina- little or- no improvement, his ad-. BUOKWHEA WANTS ' SILKS - J can, buy, and g1v4w "thfaotion - I I old bacheli nd it would have , I � � - -- ed - c�al',depnrtme t - -vanced oga being very roach against I . I served th' .r., li� it, the fair ladies 11110 i � � . I evetytime? Ourlorgedutaberof tions in th mme em , t LAOR0 . i I � ­ plessedeastomirsin the best evi, Of" the Senforth Co 1�4Ute Institrie- his ultimate re-covery.-Mrs. *­Cle., aud bad rdfused .0 � judged by Tbom.. . � I - � . . � I . i169106 Of itS p0oUlArity. 80e that 14tre as fol -lows: -Co mercial law and. ment Xing and son, -Jack, of New � I �. I - � - for the summej monthis are likely. to � i 01 I . . � I TUR- IP SEED - - I b - - . . � ow- . you get Plymouth twine, buAiness transac-t1,01 9, -Class I (h -on-: Xork, al�;o Master Frank Powell, o. - l . ublin'. . . . I WA I IS T ING,9 . � � I . AL - 4 :1 . be well provided for. ' We have a 4 . . ors) H. SmItb, F. � Lf-,Ddk E,. Gotts- - Philadelphia, are here spending i, i , . - , . I . . � . . . - c SS) s -9 e. fow webirs at Ma, e Hall, the rel , A Juge )Mdd4Lng,.-Tb,e prettiest 1DT d stook at p - I . W. . chalk ; class 11 a . Land .Pl HAMILTON � ZRSLAKE BBONIS splendidly assorte resent I . I 01ir stock of pare manfla hey rope, - wedding 'of this season was sole3m- -01 . . . . ; - - I . � b4i Wit, pU118TV, machine Stionography,-Clas I (honors) .F. ,dence of Mrs. F. Caso.-w-Mrs, (Rey Seed blerabitats at $t, Va;trick's church, -Dub , lia, Andwe have- -arr � V�z z - I - -, _ _. ! SKIRTING.S. - I . k I McLood, H. 'Smifth, R. Gottschalk ;- Sam.ds Dallas, of -Maekinaw'Cit - 8saforbli. nized . anged to keep up � . - -1 i oils and Berger"'s -Englishi Paris �-, . . . � . ,on Tuesday'� tb 14tb of June, when I � . - ' - . I . ' i the resi�. - I - . . . . . � , clas!t 11 (paiss) B. oye, E. Bqx, E. Michigan is visiting at - I .- -, t he assoitment of t4ovelties as . � I . : Green in complete, and prices . I , I - Miss Catheri4e, lWalsh, second daugh,- - I I I � . � keei I ' : I it M ID -V ' - .in the :market from i . I � . I I TA . '�o; � I , . .# Lacasse, B. Pright I R Friel. Book- donee of'Jo'hn Boatfie, in Egmon.d� ed Xor these groun s.11 The pholo- ter, -of Xr P t i k Walsh., of the Ppear , right. . -Class I (Izors) F ,P_ ,graph is, true to 11f and splendivilly 5th -cono�`,�s a jDUTS they a � _ � � I * Me- ville.-Owing to the wet weather tbr I f MoKillop, was un- i STATINGS I L .. . . - Lood, H. Smith ,- less 11 (pass) E. garden party. un1er tbo,auspioe.4 � rriaAge � week t6 week throughout the sea- I I �, L _. I -_ - . � L CL - . "excouted. ' to Mr. John Flan- . I . ­ � � . . P E. Lacasse, tb La ies' Aid, of the Presbyter an I . ; . . - � . I Gottschalk , d I i q It i,s thd vork of Mossrs. ited !a ma __ - � I - % - � I ! .. church announced for Wednes(lay e�,I- ',Taok*a,n Bros., and is really oredl- nery, also of lRoKillop. At nine o'- I son. I - ,. - I 168 GREany & 491dwy$ 1 " - � @I . table'to their artis in skill, It will vlook the groom, 'attended by his '10LL S ! ' ' - - I . - . AIR i I . I ' - . . I Soaforth Races.-A"Ve would just oning on.the lawn of ".i S, Dick- be..remcniberea that Mr. McMichael brother, took ,hiis place at thOright "--J . I It is the custom ,o� the averi L - L . - _0 - . 1 . son, bad to be hold in Carono's'bal�. . . . V-O]JE�S L . SEAFORTH, - - � jrCJg the memory � of -every person purobased the bow lag green froin hand otdo of. � i . q llx . , �_ . ' . Conaidi everything it was fiail L rhe main altar.,A few - 11 merehant to talk 1-.1ttle e!sp, bu t , I .. I uii�nUtea att . , ! . I �� I __ y next 11: I - tlif I L . . -that Tuesday and.Wednesda . 1� ,, private couipan that owned it Cri � � . I . I -the days ,of t --races, ly ,s:uccessful.-Haying� bus com- *. . I talk about Oleari .g i Sales d,tuing . - - I . I -L � . , . are and, mado a present It to the bow- rived, Miss X` nia Walsh, sister of 11 , I . _. � I I In . .- I � . . , . I Hardware, Stoves, Etc. moneed- in this sectioii. John (li - , i . I 1. - � � � � . . .- I Everytbinig-.Js now in perfect tshape Beattie, whp has been conducting t ng club. Mr. MelY.-Acliak-1 is a gan- the br�de, entered. first, gowned la CORSETS I I V, SWISSE23 . .--- � I 1'� . I . . � for the be9t meet In the, history of leman of wealth and liberality and wh1lite, f�nd car.rying a beautiful bou- - I I 1i I � - I . . � 3 1 , the turf asspoiation. There; are' a Y - and crockery business � I I . I _t - - : horle under -the fi.rm name of Beat- if it will not be considered an impo. - quet of pInk oarnatiDns iiaterspers6d. . I July and lu" ;crust. � . . . I . DO INI large numbek of fast horses on the I � rn � .. M___ ON B-ANK sition on his ge"rosity, we suggest with -maiden):iiair � fern. Then ' th43 , , � - I _. 0 . . ! � I I ' lie Bros., bas 'taken into partner- . I � I I -circuit this season amid- they will all that he now pu,rob e the adjoining bride bandso4n.ol$ attired in white - I 8 , . - � I o HEAD OFgIPE, TORONTO, - . be In Seaforth. Everything nts ship Mr. Will A.. Selater, who...has lot on which the c Id ;skati,ng rink gilk with emb id d t ad KID GLOVES . al I M TLL I --- . - . . rpi. er e w dis a if 11 Uns e- � . . We have no load o I � poi been wifth him for pome years. The d iavie. it laid out -weattug a DuiheO hat with pl I'll I . - 1E. 13. OSUR U. P., T. G. BROUdH, tW an ezeepti,oliaall,y large. list of building stood an' ume, ' - I � I I � " entries and with the track in the ,i Vim will continn,e the old firm . green to be a ied tor bowling entered, lea#`U`g11' on her father's . -1 ables"to disposeof so our titne I .. Y'resident General Manager Iname, but intend Voing ,out of t - be , in a . ., � . . .. � , . . I beat. of . n w h greein -or lawn tonnls and donate it arin. Her boO4uet was of white oar- . and -attention will be �devoted entir- I ��� . � I r10 CLII . _ . t I se an: d exe c okery businesis and devotind - I , LAVv kis . so . 6ting� racing I to the towa or bow�ing club on con nations withi� maidenhair fern. At SILKPLOVES 11 - Capftlo FullyPaid JJp-*3,000,00*.00, - we very clo 'thei-w energies on grooeriei�, seeds, ditions that' it be�maintaine altar th� b4de took leave ely to the iahowing. of . I I and no person. need be surprised to d and ,the - of . . - Reserve,�LFund and - un- I flour .and feed. -Miss Kate- Foy, of - f � - I � �- �" - I � - . ; 'was - � I see, .4 iLl seconds nipped' off the. k� own- as 'the " Jlames McMichael. he 41, ,� - . ever , h . r father nd: met by the ii- - . dh4ded Profits S 80474,900 al London, who has been spejidiutg tho pa-- - , . . . . I . k. � i fast trackrecord. ItemembeT rk." It would make uv groom. The Jp)art" then- took their 1. . � � : I � the dates, Tuesda' pa-,.R,t two we,eks visiting at 80,wer- , , %� 'I"'ather Noonan ad- � I .... � ,v . I I and Wednesda I spot in the town a4d would.peTptt- posftiojqs. _ Bright, , w, ORGAINDIE9, S 28,377,000 y y . . OPEN WORK IC . Deposits by. Public I set Cottage, the guest of Mrs. J , I e . � � - � Total Assets * 85,746,000 : . . _� � I . . ., I . I next. I .. * ate the ,name and memory of a Ministered t:,'h holy sacrament of .. � . — 0 1 P, MoMann, returned to her hopao u IERY 11 -- . I � I I . I worthy a,nd goneroiis oftizen, ,matrimony, follow.od by a nuptial Hos. . - the I * - I . . W dding Bells, -A -quiet wedding on Wednesday. We un4er4t,and that ..ii—_ i hilgh mass. Th4 wedding ,party - I . . ; ; - WV .. sh,e - ! I - - "DEAFORTH BRANGHt wa,s e d to teaeb I In - . . I � � celebrated in S't Thomas church has Seen engage HiDs GTeen. - -drove to the residence of the brideos � � U" -to -Date - I � , " school sec�iiion go. 8, MoKillop, h-er �, F . . - � 1. Q � at high ,noon lednesd�y, when Notes. -Miss Irene; Case, of Toron- l wedding feast I I .� . Miss Abbie I oil � - holi- i TABLE I '. XWrt IStmet SWorth. _ _�4 dutiew commencing aftor the - � , .. . . 011" Every ladlity- forthe transacting of, a Powell' and Mr. L.' C. days. -Many of our -readers wi4l re- to, spent a few days the,guest of the ha,d been prepared. The tables were WHITEWEAR CLOT118 � . � I ZE Jackson, of the Airm. of Jackison , general haniq—% business. " . � -Our pub- artistically embowered with flow- I 1 * , . . th of Mz�. Misses Higgins,'Viola Hill. SUMMER GOODS I . .. . � After congratulations and . . I . f, - - . ­� 6011100tionsaFadeonoll points In candida. -Brothers, were uni�ed in marriage'. R. N. Brett, of this town, which took 110 school has .closed for the terra IBM . I I I �� suit si . ., .1 The ceremony was performed byRev,. place on Wednesday. Mr. Brett had �nd a number -of th US are writ kind wishes had been best -owed the- - . . I I . _ P00W � at- Rural -Dean Hod -gins, and the bride ing on the entrance 11 PU . We wish arty sat to table. The presents PARASOLS - . Advances Moile to Formem 8 roached the, Ago of 75,yearg and was ! exam p thus enabling us to give you what ' . entilon paid to the ooU#ct'wn of Bible. Notes. was -given away by her brother, Mr. ,one ,of t1le pioneers of th.i# section. them success and ;that their hats were haullsome, many of them beini; i I - -a ­ Chas, Powell, of- Philadelphia, NAPKIN -3 -: "'e SAVIMS DEPARTMENT.-Doposits umber of the frie;idi* of Mr. and He was a good ma -u and was greatly I w - a costly gold watch . and obMIN In . - I I __� - ty - - A ill still fit for.th6 coming season. cheques. The ,groom's present,was you want, 5ust when you YA�qnire it. - .. --Mr. Samuel R' 'ohert, who has - � - rete*ed ,of One Dollar and u S. Tespectied.-Mi. and Mrs. C, W.' I We are constantly - - . .1 - , 9 church t * Papst 1��en on the sf k ei I the evening aireceptiop was beld I - -1 - Pw4Pd Mrs. Jackson assembled at the I Inteiest allowed at -hl best rate and and Mast& Charlie, of Eureka, Ca:l- 0 list, is finjoroving. - � " : . ­ I I � - . . o witness the ceremoni, Af- - spg t on� and guests weri presen,t from Ar- at your asapeea :,-::, I ter the service, a reception ifornia, who are on -a ,two montw miss- Maggie XcA111ster WAISTS compounded IWf yearli.- ­ �_ . bn all tbur, Bay -field, Dublin -dnd the sur- � I - . . �. � It. 81 H . , residenze of iffit areijust on.—Mr� , . . —A TRAY __�, _� � AY89 A. E. GIBSON,, hold at Maple Hall, the was v' � to friends in Ontario day in Clint So I Boi I now in town. -W.' A. 'Young is who has been slakrfor some time, r0urldiMg country. � 1_�__� PT fffl�S �:_ b� - o . Manager. Mrs, F. Case.-— Mr. and Mrs. Jack- . .1 I � xj�u , �.� � - . - noon train for spending Dominion Day with, his is slowly impro _; 4 I - . - � kp . I son loft on the after �1_ - - I I ­ I . brother and other friends in Blen- � I I winttmov- _D ry - . I 11 a short trip. They will make their SKIJLIIJLS I . To. llet�. The E. McFaul I F � . ^11L .- BusineSS home in -the pr b i -The heavy rain of Wednesday Ell Special Notleo'-we wish, ev'ory parpou - I jefty and coigifortable. " . I � unange of 0 1 and Thursdai - night %ill do much Special Notlose-:-We w1eh every person In Nfafpsih and vicinity to bvion'o nuilrited with I . - I - - . . rosiftnee on James -street, which - d- !to veglitation.-Bo-yfield will be In Fefiforth and vicirifty to bp,30fne aequal led with the foctihat wo m.%k@ & 11 nvolAlty "of Liine It . I ' I � - - - � Mr. 'Jackson 'recently purobaSed. - 1900 I � tholAct that we make a ', #p , " Footwear. Ws olalim 0 have the guest to We In - I -ART . � - I I � - the objective- point for -most pleas- alally I of Ladies' Fine ! '. I *_ . Footwear" We olaitil so hi 0 %be Boost made in Amostas and a-@ always on th s lookout torsaything RAINCOATS LINENS -- - . are seekers to -day �f the. weather is AMOIG& A'ld are 91waym on t o lo,)kout for a ythfog now, We 11 Wit? polo agent for. bovotlov Dodd i I --As Mr. Will Bolster fise taken an Local Briefs.-M.r. Wi T, Geim- flm' AJI the- livery -rigs in town now. W. 11. W3111r, pole nil for Darobby Doad shoos for ladies foi osixforlb, L 19074 SHAIRORTH, - I � c . I � interest in the businsibis of the on. mei of Tackorsmitli, Itus I #boo# for ladies for do*forth i907-1 -The Social. -The social.' . .- I . . � . ms!ied hi s- were engaged weeks ago and some �bn Taesljy I ;;, -; - --- - - b�m - &Ripignsd firm, alt amounts must binal examination of L-J�L. College of had to send to Brueefield and Brus- A Good'.Hot*e '-M - Wni. Rinn re- vivenin last, under the auspices of —.-,... . I � I .- I be a - . � . . . 9 - - - - thoo - ottled up to July -1st, 1904o by _* Phevgiciabs and Surgic,ons ar Ontario. sels to.iget rigs for the, day, --!-Miss cOntly solld a very i0e three year Cavan church, on the tawn of Mrs. t;D fill i;be vacancy caused by the Sutberland are vi;ltiag rp-lat # � , . Oi or note. We are now coiling Dr. Gommell is now: qaalified to Jessie Amderson,' of China I old driver to.'Xr. . X rd 1____11 ives fix; I � -new - ' I . got ar- ,'r McGregor, for Gove.alook, -was a most pleasant and deat]i ,of the late Wra. eNangbton Ox&` -/*ou-�ty.-Tbe Hensall bran . off our Crockery, and in future pradti b4s Profession i,n any part rhVed in town- Thursday morning and which be received b e handsome sum *arocLsful -affair. The evening was" ,Lna xwtices aTo n,ow out calling a bAnd under iTip, lea,dersbip .of )U I - -1 I f . 0 wilt bandle Groceries, Flour, Food fine � � I ' ,lof the r Province and his numerous vvi:ll spend '� soi weeks with ber;i � of $165. This n a lima), which wam 4omcwbat thTeatening as t* weath-P meetlag *f tha electors .,kt Strong's Will,' McLeod, of � - and Seed, All accounts. ard- -dow Aends will Join with us in wishing friend, Miss Belle Paterson. .. i � .,,�sirod by St. Blize, Ni as raised by Mr. er, but this di�l not binder the people I Seafortli, gave a , ,!, � . ready. Ths firm will still be ;' fim success wherever he m ay ha . I .-Rinn. The mother of th.is, colt wa�s icoming -out, #nd, there w" hall pu, Monday, July 4th, at one n4mber of exoellebt -.selo_etions -at . known as- I . - Ag . I a- large volock for the nomination 'of can- CaTmel. church strawberry. festival - dut his shift9le.-Mrs. A. W. SLobie SpeolalNotios.-We wish every person thIxty-one years o d when it was attendance of ' both old and Young, difttes. The' election will be held b.0 WeAnesday even _ - McGrogo., bas since, been But the rain J�ept off,and, the night: the f,Dl- . day, if one is ne- of GDderiob, is visiting !- - .# . 's�ho has been on a visi t 'of - several In Seatoeth and Vicinity to become ow-quainted with born. Dr ling. -Miss Cooke . weeks bi,nds in Goderich, D the fact thot wo,pinke a*, specialty 11 of L&dieo Pico ,.offered considerpbl in advance of was delightful. The lawn was beau. lowins, Mon I bvr brothez, � BEATTIE BROS ua- Footwear. woolaim to have the guest .mode I zessary, Tbe'sium of $192.22 was -re- Mr, H. .T. D� Cooke. -Mr. jD . 0 . -avid, Me. - I of igannon and.other places, returned America and are always on 1he lookout for anyihlr.g What he paid for thq' colt-) but has re- -tif ully -lighted up, and there,- was an adived frotm parties assessed for the Gill, wih-o Ws been -in thf.". west ,,,or A I . - SEAFORTH ) f- ' '' home on Monday. -Mr. James Mft- now. W" H. Willie, gold agent for Dorothy DORS4 fused to part with t. abundaum of istrawberries, iceeream oleaTing out of the big drain, who Some time,' L,A 110' - . � � - I - The - their assessment in acquaintancos. ,�_'Xrs. Cooper For- ; I - �. ,. � - . I ahell, of The Goder9ch Star, was.A. shoos tor ladies for SeAfoi 907-15 � -*- - and ohko for, all. . programme, wished to pay re; reneawlng old I — � - . - __ here -on M*nday. Mr. MUoh-ell mAS - SomeWpX vice in Tollefi Sets. Fasnoy Stratford. . also, was m*st entartainlag, consist- cash. Debmtures for the balance rest -recently re-turiied from visit - here, 4a the interq,sts 4 the Child-` China nowDinner0sts and Tesseto' suitable for . ing of quartettes by the -Imperial . Im ortant Notice, . rensT weddI6 . V*;�nff, Sesti _110-tt .A Ria,no Recitul.-.A most success- I ,of 'the amount authorized by by'law ing relatives and frien,ds in Hills - - , ,g presonfe. A. - P I . Aid tby THREE HOMO FOR -SALE, - For -male, - f al ,Piano recital )y -the advanced Club, Soaforth, solos'by Miss Taylor, wer,ja sold -,to James Murray, o'f Ren- Green and vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. - . ' - , Jnstitliti-oa ef which bo, is sec�otary th pup, ,of Miss of Brussels ; recitations , by Miss ' Co, John BlatchfoT,4 were In3 Wingh-ani, I 2 .1 . : . was . roe good dwellingbouses in Heaforth, tWo on John , Packert, A. T, stall, at 'par. Messrs. Hill & .. quiries e-onearning stroot and one on ord street Apply to Mrs. J 0. Beattie, Seafortb ; duets by Xe,ssrs, 11aving rig Mr; and Mrs, I . lit to Porter, seatorth, . I M, Willis and Piokard,'of Seaforth, and I National Orem Separator the Gonst,able boy who was sc� 0 X ' --ed racts this week visiti � aad imakl,ngin i i ,� � . . (pupil of, 3ilartin) assisted by c6inplet their Goat � ... Mis& Georgina' K Cbarles Burford, � f orni.eily -of He � . I � Goderiiih by the Polioc Magistrate, House with seven rooms and kitchen to Wais hold ,dt Mr, ,.light, contralto, a solo by Mr. Plcknrd. The chair for the StAwart, Gordon and AD�- I -n- I 2W pounds capacity � . Packert's home, tan bridges, ,were, paid the onlanee salL A 11-1 am pounds capai I rgmondyl lei ont;arfeo' .. was very acceptably filled -, by the - otal cost —0 - , for the theft of Mr. Tyroman's Irani In. mondvill Apply to A, Obarleswofill, S'tratford, on Fr1d;ay evening last due them, $515.40. The L I I watch. The ,object of the society is v7I . 1001-0 The numbers rende,red consisted of Pastor, Rov. Mr. Carswell, and for the superstructure for these 450 pounds capacity to ',have h4ml,.appreniticed to .some To Tnz LADIES. _SWItobeg made fr ' � Urey. I .. . - ... " respecta combings, NIssLRm,ovvrW.X.wa n1sopias, 0 . . Wwyle, durable, strer g ard esoy to ( pf rate. A b1.0 Person who will make an too on'- selections froin the' best composers, hearty votes f thanks Were tender- throo bridges is $1,365.4:0. Accounts , - - asoMaos warranted,'. Manufactured bV- the R effort to bri Nin up in t1to w4ly 11 Nbrth Main street. sestorth. - 18854f, eviLneed igreat care Ion bbe part of e(V to the 14dies, to Mrs, Goven- were passed amou.nting- to $414.99. Fatal Ateident.-A distressing azoi- I - &_. . - sm h 0 .e W I ANTED.—Eg , the teacher and pupiols. Beetboven"s look And to the ladies and 900tIc- The next meeting will be held at , _dent ooeur.red on Tuesdav afterni - I I � 00134 88WInPr ]WAi CO., 0131101ph, And sold y should go.-Tbe Tucker ilt oun- ve 14 and 160, Wool 180 �0 Moonlight Sonata, ,Chopan's Pol I men who, contributed to the very &,,aforth ,on Saturday, July 30tb, at 'about 2.30 o�clock whicY msultedim � . I no at car of buti Cash or trad , on- . i - - � ,ii by July 21i 0. X. King. Wingham, . exoell,ent programme. - ione o1olock.-A. G. Swillie, the death of one. :of Grey's most Poi .. . W, N. WATSON, oil held a in-peting in the eounc 22c, We want a � , im-tt also by. Mr. H. Livefts, Seafortb, also . ; - r -1 I I I chamber 4n '_Seaforth on Saturday JFor Ssls.--�)Book Case, large Gasoline Mendelssohn's G. Min .Concerta by I 1! � 0 1 - . I . . Clerk, Vlar and higlily I r I <.spected young .- Tomiance Ajenf, and dealer in Eewing Usohin s last. -Mr. Dancan NoTavisb, of tbo' to . I —0 . . An4 Bicyolco. Nexth Main street, 80&forth, Wave. Clothes Box a - also a � UMIA; of Valle Miss Alina. Kalbf1eisek', A. T. C. M, I . finien, In Ater person of (f Tqekeramith- . . . J�b__n C., eld-' I d.� I Mill Road, Tuck6rsmith, has a" oh*s,�-Appl Ore 1907-11 with second p* ost son of Angus and Mrs. Lanion I . � , , y at Mr. &uuiees ota .. Hensall. . - I � � lano: aocompanirqedt, . t, ­ - . ____ __ pear � tree In his ,garden .on. whicl) _rA Idusiosl and Literary , Enitertainmenn . eallod forth hearty encores. MLjs Still Anoth4"I.r.-St. Jos'ephl.q churel�, G)ad man & Stanbary, barrinters, ot Rev - �of the seventh conce,ssion. ))ecease& � . Clinton, was the scene of Ift June sail Tuesday, Thuisday and Snturda�s, JF02-tf - ras eng - d with his brotlivr, Wm - 1 - - -there are growing both blo.4soms under the stigploot of the ftmoadville Lodles' d, Kni,911tos "'A Rom to and "if lfea_: � .age .0,� I -,- You A re the Jaidgo and fruit.—Rev, Mr. Wallwin and Society, will be given in the Presbyterian ohure , 'ken -I W, It wedding on Tuesday forenoon when . . family left hero this week for theif ndville, on Monday evening, July 4th_ 80 0 L'o Ln sung !fn clear, ,sweet, Shope For Sale.—The H-eveall foundry In 11-11111119 PoleS out of the, busli, for, .-_ . � - - . = best local talonil, assisted by Mrs, & A. To - boatral Was r . Rev. Father lVensonneault united in fireNvood and wljjlo doing this wfth -�- I — ' *At I one. of the plea.%ing . I and mathine #hope with the If,nds beloriging to tble . - � -new home In. London, where Mr. ]or, 01 Aidplown, will tAke part in the pro ranims reatures of - t,hi,a .marri,ag,e Misp' Lizzie Maguire, da agb - satue, fnr sale aborwp. For particuloi soply to 'A horse and obain, ,on - WE A&P THE MAXERS OF Wallwiiin. bas been stati,one 11 even,ing. Amon � , e entl of a pole - . Mg. ".. . � . d a s p,ns - wbiob Will 00i of a number of scotch so eotiojq# 9 ter of Mr. Ailydrew Maguire, of Gode� Robert Bell, desforith. 1803-0 - I :E11C3iiio33: C3­3EZ.A.30:M tor of Empress Avenue, 1vietlio as well " 0 here. Programme -to oonimenco at 8.0 those present * were Mr. and Miss . obstruction I the . (liat P. UL t Wission 100, I rich township, and Tbomus' Lane of ground ettusing in I iellic- charch. Mr. Walliwin ii an excel- 1906-21. Dingman, of the. S(ratford Herald G. J� SutherlaLd, notary public, acommih- the ollwr- 2end to - Annual Church, servioe'—The membi mt, swin-g round with grtat foroo -strik- 'Mr. and Mrs. Alexander ; Professo ; Tuo�orsmith.- The' bridesmaid was i,nor, conveyane4r, fito an -I life lasumnea aNt Asio . * lCiA preacher and an i.nderfatigable r the brid-o 0 s sister, Miss Anale Ma- And hisuar of rani Ilconsev, Dotsdo. nierlizages, orke , O,u " i assist- lei siod wilbs cai dtawn Saco - � - R.N E - S' S iv, r r -we have no doubt but Ord ited Workmen are requested to tuod guire, wbile the room was I up Ming to . R'A � and , of lb Canadian Order of Forrdbers and the Anolon Palmor�- Misse.,j Walsh, professor . 1119 -Mr. Lainont on 1he back of th-e- I OF hVERV DESORIPTION. �, he I -sAll giv ' � at- Ste -wart, Dr. FraAer and daughter., � 9 lawatsesoonable rats. Private fund", bead, Upon iinmediain ex,iminalion . om on Sunday, at 6.16 in., for the* ed by -his elusion 9.180 101iiin , . - 0 good servioe in 'the, the 129fourno brother. At the con !I. was found that the A I it", spark had - —A)!�130 IWALEV. IN —, — ,�- largei Aeld to w�hich lie has been Purpose of attending divine service to the mood, Miss JobMson and Miss Dickson� of company'00 lowest rate of Intamst. FArn) jand I - ft _ . I ign .—Mr. Xanics'Soot ti, o,f- -Ile ville Presbyterian Church. k .Goderleh, as -well as parents and of tbv ceremony the bridal party and village properties for sale. Office at the Poit, Offloc. f I d, the f or - fi t_.J,A� 11 - de -4 ated 4. It. Speare, Rsoordlu 4 - e cL 0 blow baviar - TRUNKS, RUBBER RU � 11. , . - ,�. VA 1418 GS tirm of Scott Brothers, left on a Bei I JIM f `.'" (Is Oi the .Pupils. All spent a guests drove, to the Maguire home- . 1883 lit broken the youn!; man's neek. wra, " - ER DUSTELiS - V stead, where dinner was served. A- I - ` I bui�iness trip to Manitaba and t oi &1e.---TP&rljr Suite, Side Bo.54- L. most emjoyable' ,evening, , BrioN.—DistriciL Deputy Grand wa-9 also s'truok at il�,,(! .-4,,111(t tinle, in- I � WHIP'S SWEAT 110 tension Dialog Tabl Book Case, dressets, I', lok . . —*-- MoAg the, gu,csts- were friends fripin Master - G, ic. Petty, together with tbe. bremit, throwing Iflni about IU -Z - If y I .NLorth,wc4t on Tuesday, 110 AVIIIS 110- privAte sible &; the roekdonco of Mrs. 0. 0. willsoui - I - : . � � . .r . FADS, ate. 60 . Stratford, Clinton -and Ashifield. Mr. mi,oi. than lix or 15 feut, but re)c,L-i7vd nb rious . AV Give us a call, . mpa,rdcd by Mrs. A. 800tL FUld Mr.5, 0odoAoh street, beaforth. , NOW ; .. Exeter. . c,ouple of _do7wn of the . i ��e 0 V_ koul - I . . .. � and Mrs. Lane lett on the 5.23 train members of Hensall Lodge of Odd- injury. Dveii wilt) vii,as 3l­yf_.%S- 1 . . � z James Griewe-,_Mr; jollql O,Kc,2're I A Sad Case.�Much sorrow was f el t for Toronto and on their returA -will fo-11-ows attended the district meet- Of 391i, w.'s a genw-ral favorliv, 10 � . BRODER10K JIS - shipped several .car loa(bi of very. Travellers. — Tb,(,. following per -Ir here.' ,on its becoming known (1hat take up housekeeping on the Mill -ing -held at 13rucefield'on Frida- ev- t114-3 1,11,ighborhood, and inur,li -.3yjj1I)a � - . ' .Y . fiRe fat c,-Ittlo- from Seaforth st,ti- sons have- beem 6oketed to th Miss Maggie Swoet, daughter of Mr. road, Tuckersmitb. ening last and mpo'rt a very pleas- thy j.8- �exprsus_sed for ilm r -el, - ion on Friday last. They _-sve,r(� (Lcs_ wc_,�t this week .on the home, seekers _1Livv,,s I Hamew shop -- il !�nd Mrs. Thoina ' � Cady's Block ' . i .9 Sweet, ot this A Pretty June Wedding.—" Lew- ant - and -encouraging. inocf,ing, Tbe fiti,J friends. Tho runvr;11 took plate - . . I . Unod for --the old t. excursion by Grail; & Stowart, C, placc had died in Detroit, Shd- had lston,ff the hom,o' of Mr. and Mrs, � . . ' ' S,EAFORTW, - As -Mr. O'Ke 11cmiall dvgrm twim put ou the work" I t.a Brussels ceiiie-1 ery on Tijursday � aefe, bouglA these tattle P. R. �,jents, and left on IrUesda� b001n a resident ot Detroit, -whore Win. Date, of the Huron Road,Tuck- or Ll, � secon ,jfr(n�noon.# . iai bofore t1te recent risc., jyj priec-s morning: Mrs. Jame's Grieve, Mrs.i tier. sister, Mrs,,Hdgan, resides, for .torsinitli, c d degr(%e receiving very -1 I *s Do Not Fool with Z be g Oil o a ey lfl,gli enconiurns for' the inanner in --*— - - . ducation, Must IINVO MfLd(', a. good t-blin Arch. Scott", Somfortb, to Moose Jaw ;� about a year. She died on Sun'day pretty weOddiryl; on Wednesday,.Tune -,v)1i,ah thoy performed their parts, - . - 111 I " I 411in''111 110V __ ,/� . thom—Mrs, John Laird went to Ivar- James ' Scott, 80-afortb, to Arcol#q morning,. June 1961, Miss Sweet had 22nd, when t1i6ir 'Youngest (laughter, �%,blk- tb-e, ' vb3iflng brethren fromi I Brussels. ' - � ?. unek- Win. McIntosh and daughter, 16f� not been feeling. well f Or a few Miss Alico-, became the wife, of Wes- all j]l1e_nQ . r . � - 'Afte � . , an 'Weeks, and ber,caso being more ser. ley - Noi it prosperous young f arm- in ij1,qr I)r,1i1;;(,, - iyliu of- 13r%ssel-, a - . .,�i at ,or her n(,-1)h,ew, N-orv,, ' -, I or ng ges tire, loud , pee ou �d-,. 4 ,11 ill cb- W,Latthrop, to Mineota; Win. L ,ighb i lod A 31<-1ancl1oly Accideni.—T111. - -of the. excellent man nd viainity rvceiv- C �J21 , - ard.—Mr. G**rge, Anderson is,Qs here way, of Const-ance, to DOorame. ious, bK,r attending physician deemed or of Tuckepsmitb, and sqn of Mr. mir iiin -which they were, entertained 4�d a - -S)I00 we", 4 —:, is on Tuesday to atton(i tjl(, f , - � _�, � . k�4_ , I y -e- IM � S_ I . k ort Tu"day, wl14E.,n iL wu-,* 11 i 6 ���� I . . th'is W06'k trom Cambridge, Mass., Elsie Shannon, o and Mrs. . . � STRATFORD,: ONTARIO, , � . f NeKillop, * ; an 01)CI-ation necessary and on Thurs. Goorge Nott, now of Clinton. Rev. by tlie l3ru"field brethren. Vie learn -ed Ovit Mr, John Lamont, one - to Sault ; I Thieschool stande for thshighest And - Mrs. Hugh Grieve. of British Colum_' Mitrie- . . �! - Cook, of Minton tied the ovi ,next district meeting will be held at of thiie' MOSt highly relpected young I . - for a P -11v day:�' visit to -friends.— Barwick, Winthrop, Ste. 1 day ber parents were telegraphed Dr, that.. 6"t in baoine - . . ! : for w1wm on their �,arrival she was tial knot in tbe, presence . o inen of the township of Grey, ha4d - � I so edabadon in Canada; bia, -and formerly of Seaforth, is —The following were ticketed to, femoved to the hospital wh r One hum- God0rfoli.—Mr. Jbsepb Harv*�.y and ', l9ater now. Catalog.u� the dred and fifty invited be k I - I I ' free. Studtnts here just now on ,L vj,-4it to friends distant poifits this wock'by W.'Sorn-, 0I)CPation was suco�ssfull ere guest$, Miss Harvey recently spent a week ell avoidentally ill -ell W111le worl,-- - _. . . - � a4mittod at any t' � Y perforni- Promptly at six o'clock to the w1,01 TtIaLives in St. Marys.—Mrs. C. ing in the -bush. It appears that Mr. � . . 1 77 Me. .� and reJat-i,v(!s._m - ' T, 0. Kemp, erville, rail -way and steamsbip ag- Friday. S$10 'Wils seemingly strains of the wedding marob, play- Cook is visiting her parents at -LamOat, ill com.pany with lais fathc-r � .I I rs. I od on � W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ' Who lids been -in Toronto for .4onle, ."t ', Miss Alice DuMas, of Leadbury, I inwroving towa�ds. P000vary and on I'- - . ____ moo tbs, b -ed by Mr. 'Fred Fowler, the yolang Wroxeter.—Xr. and Mrs. A. Dent, of aud tilreo oLber gt-at14__U1w1, Nvere . � . �vn.-��.Mr. to Elgin, Manitoba; Samuel Harris, 1 Saturday ove,ning When ber father, couple took their places on 'the Miteboll, wert 'in the villag (> b Y in the bush, � mttn GftmPbell, wbic) 14is beeii tel- WintUrop, Lo Yellow Grass, Assina- inotlktr and sig e 'n W4 � -and, as a wtans of ' x'Dr 1 ter 'left hw she was lawn, under a beauliful Irelp, had in ustt a jarg,u sprilIg 1)ale, . , boia, James Reid to Sault ste. Mar- still.i holding her oAvn, but in tliL. flow . . To s,ive Timeand Money ler ;i -n -the Bank of Counnerce. here ar�h of Tu,i visiting relativp_s on Lheir ,, OrS )3 n. The bride way to their do-tta-ge at ?Grand- Dead. -and NvIlile Xr� Lainoril was 4-nfragp - car I - '15 -it - Rlde A Bicycl * ,for Some tima, has-bee,n ordered,by ic, Ontario- Win. Trofer and daugh ly dawn of Sunday� she very, sud- was radlently beauti,ful in a gq n. pole gavt way,, ___ Toronto Llyis work. llis pl, 'Mr. sind f I . - (1(1111Y became worse and expired be- or white illk, with the'u-sual bridal and son lfoward,* are visiting 0617- . o-11 on tbo back Of his Acok, - . 437 Me bank ,,1uthoriti('-S to report in ,ter, of Gre.' ,wn —1-v1r. and Mrs. G' Whibe, of J,ondo . with his work t1w y, to Paulina,-Iowa; . d . ,roe here and Mrs, Jobn Ryan, of Walton, to o ach her bedside. ii tastened becomingly with, or- C. Davis- causing in,4talit dx.atb. I second ban , prices from $5 to $75. —Mr. Isaac Lwngst,rotlt, of I his to ifif th anige. - blossoms, .and carrying a boa- —Quito a l,irge ru ,%vas thirty year,9 of agf�), Un W.arrij,.d ly We have a fall � stock of bicycles, now - and - w,till be takem by Mr- Iteg. Wi4ori.. .Detroit; Andrew Duncan, Varna; Vic deceased was In her twenty relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. Al r. Lamout - _ -vvn Fm -d I -less, sr., Ziirich, and Alex. Yeal' 'dnd w - mber from !I-e,n-' � , a - . sh T- �u abould see the new coaster and oush. 1P this year the, champion K1101wer �i MaBoth, ' Stanley, to Ttmiskaming, cirelt, of fri a's beloved by a large qu,et of bride roses. The, groom's sall and vicinity attended tbe gar- farmor by w,cupation.and ulls highly I Re , ion frame. , . Onds. Among the inany ObArming sister, Miss P. N' t, ook- . - . : ' I � big strawberries. The other day be !New Ontario; Mrs, )I, E. Cherry to florul tributes den social hi4d under the ausI)ic(,k,% or resptcted by every jJ11,[.. wjji) k.J)0W . . . .1 M . was a- very hand- ing hor ssvee�ost in a daipt costume St. Anilrew's aburch.. at Kippen on him. I � - � I Remember our general repair shop, - I ,w York Chicago. _ some, wreath -fron, bor Sunda chool of ore -am chiffon over - - lawanxiowerp B'oy'- showed us a berry of the . ; —4 �s N le green Viriday ovening lost and mporL buv- Briers.—Two, rink.s . � *ft ates, I .varioty wbich measured *eve.n and 11 of Brlwin)s . I girls in Detroit. lie, . � . scissors repsliett at I xe-, silk, and carrying pink r s,grace- ing ,had a -very enjoyable evening.— bowl -i will go t,0 fitr�tford on .Do- I � , y perfoi the duLies f bride's Mr...'and Mrs. Win. Mitchell and minion Day.—Ja,.s. 1j. s13.),1v il,1�5 dis. - � umbrell", kii'vto, a belf by five inches and Nvas 1�vo uLlding.—Tbe Cana- Mats welro brouglit to F,xeter for full , , — and -five eighths inche-s acrus.s, lie di,an BaAk of Commerce have pur- intemient find a Short service wits maid. George Chesney, of . I . halr an chased the, Coloman prope,�Ly- on b-* aforth, daugliber left, li,ere on Tuvusdaym d of thf, 11aral 11ft r(.eenfly Par. I 'Inch smaller the ]a ' old -in Trivitt Memorial church very ably assisted QW groom, and i,ag for tbe we�qt to visit rela:.Ive' .' chased from ja,:s. �Nlj,clj_tll, ;00, th . 5 I - . ' 'WRY Own this Main street, opposite the Cardno - Wly-l-re, , previous to her depaiture little Miss Sproat made .a v ry pret. —Mr. Win. McCloy is home ­,pi.-n1ing 12th conrA!sslon- �of (3re Jo I'll, r90 . � 0. 0. A - Baldwin & 0,0 e I a -one. This season Niii-ben ,'slrawber- block, and. intond orecting on it a !:-P0r DotroiL the dece6sed had been a ty rinff',r bearer, Congra tulations - - ,y, i () . ba " ries ar"' sucb a short crop, we ,new buildin i . ,t fc,w oays witb hi.a fain1lY­X;s9 L. f;rant, of tbe -saum* towm- 11 I . I . SEA -FORTH. . g for tbeir banking par- meniber of tilt, choir and a valued . Ls i ), Tbe .1 . 40ubt if any of --t.110 gy,o,%% el.s will p ,over, tlj(-. party repaired to ;Iiospac- Wood ]of t here Lhii weqk for M.qn- price, rA1W06VC1(1 Wal 4165".. Mr. I �. 4 . �_ . __ - have any . 0i Th.e building will be up to ,.Yorker in the Sabbath Schodl. A ious dining room, Where a 'dainty itoba tio, viiit her br i - ,5 . � C, Sbaw bas since. bo $ 71ii I . - Ro . th"'L will approach Mr. dato in every- �respect and will af- sad inakdent in connection wit), the we d7d , I o t 4 e r, —'M s, . ugbt jolln .�ii. " � I � - M9 supper %v,ls strvied. The. Thorn pso : dcn'i 100 acre farm e A 9� - C, . , _n, of Torontp, is here Msit- � on the saw. e o � � - in � M r, -Mrs. Alex . - Lan troth's for size.—To-day, Fri- ford tbe bank authorities addition- Ise is th;A Miss Sweet was engaged groom's gift tp the, bride was a beau- ing btr par4onts, I , and cession, YAL HOTEL day, is Do inion D,,ty ,1Lft:d. a pul),ic al f,,Ioilities for carrying on -their I Plying 0.100 for it. 9 . I t1o, Mr. 1"rartic Case, an estimab)o titul Pearl crasce,nt. The fargo ar- Thompson.—Mr,'j. Collins and sj5ter, AlcFadd-i will bftonw- it r(.,-3jt1p - r,, . D.. I holiday, As a GOM1,0Q116once al - I t be business here. It will also be such Young, man ar the London R � ,nt of . , a SEAFORTH. placea. of -bus-ine . ond, ray of prosajit,s r,ecel . I . - ,sg. will be clo ved by tile M1.9s Kate Bonthron, of,F,xPtrr,,wP,re P'rus4X*-1*4 in the fAll.—Quile a nu)n- I I � Sed.— s %vill be an'ornamont, Lo the town n-o"I'll., nnd boith Nvere looking for- bride were a d eosdyl In tlj(, villa.ge -on Sabbath la, . - " � ful a , t.— L, -*r from tbLs -"Cttion Ieft for' the 1 � --- - are nd a credit, to tho bank. They Ivili'd With mueb Pltasurable antici- %howfng the esteem in which she. h%j � - The- good.people-op I-f,irpurbey , I . , both beaud -haring anothr,,r strate'li of cerilent have se -cured one of t' . Mr. Win. Bachnnian, -son of )iii Alvx, - - �arly held by her rnany frien&, Both tile Most Mod�errt Hotel in Seafarth sidewalk laid do lie best"biLsi- pat -ion to their marriage at an c lv',Vst VIM wock. Among t,he-ni wi., no� . I I � Fully equippod with hot anfl, . art, wn.—Aff's, C. Stnw- n"s stands in town and the. new day. . Bulebanan, of Tuckersini,th town- tioced Xissf's MPtggie Racker and Lu- ' . . . # , . cold water bi Ladies' Toilet, , of Portland, Or'090y", forinerly building will fill up a blan'k on _� ---------W— - contracti-n:,, parties are welli kno,,%V,n ship, took adwinlage of the, ehemp 01a and Gprtrude Ros,;S, 1obn Rf4bib _. -Miss Me and highly t-5tevine.d. They vvilPtake, - . I � Rooms eto. Every atwntion D(>'Ugall, is bc're Just no�v Main stroct wbiob bas Iong'beenan Zuricil, oxcurvsi,031 -to t11t,, West on Tuesdav 1 1111d Xrs� Rachat-1 Tboaip.ion, -of I.. to"AU04W. -visiting lier parenk- find up tlioir residen-ce ou 11a. le. Lane. last.—M-r. Jarw�.,j Clark, of the, I . � 9 fir"A INIrb. W., fri,em(N. - Mr. F, Gutleri<fiir(� t be The, young Couple. have th,e best ,0f Brown & Clark, oarrj4Av, makers, Work, Hugh and Mrs, Lamont Au- . .. paid oth(.; vye, sorz to our citizemi. Mr.Parke PaTtinl Jud.q<,4s._ft6ferring to - l4rus-&ls; A-Irs. J, B. Sn)jtjI, _ V ! , . Good Stable in Connection, ,� Itt r1rie 110% has the local manager, informs us. Lha� i)icnio -friom Zurich to Grand Dend Ivishm"s, or -a 110st of -frienis for a left hewe on Tuesday last for Mari- , gus -Shaw,, 0 C , ,I 071 1 , - I � . � . . __ � - ' -force of men en9cWtUl in lay- thic plans',for the, now building are on Civic holiday, tile He.nsall Ob.5' . P ,t ,r .�J r ) ga 11 Xrs, . I A'n-9 r 'd -(,w" cement sidv,wa1ks._8jxty- no%v being prepared and it is hoped e r- future happy lire., toba, wliCrX, he, intvnds vh-51(ingrpl- I 1i 114c)liv .Ind .Nil-ioi Belli- 'YcLuch- ' . -, Th D. T, PINIK10y, Prop. fo� Pupils, 23 boys "r 9"s Off the following: " J, F_ Council.—Tbe c.ouncil m(t, in (Ile atiWS and frj(�nds. N�fr, ClaXk has � �� � . an,d 41 gi,rhi-nre. -to bitive it ready y by McDonnell and Dave. Cant,elon were town i , - " Ian Of Gr,(!Z;-; James ,aod Mrs. Dun- . 18754 writing at tbo entrance (�kainlna- the now year, The buildi OWIT, 'th-(t gU(�Sfg ID bull,, Sottforib, on Satur-day, not been in the (.njoym,ent 0.f , . . . . v(, " n ,11141 Jolln manning, X. � — . ,re this ng at pre- � , gr, resolu- goo ,ry ­ - . I - __ t ion lic I t1le 00mmittwo, Suric 25tb. The roillowin . I 'r , 'o corr)&81 � svwt occupied by the. bank, -which be- a idently had a. goodtini C P -13t awl XV. If,<-nry, of Alu;a, J6 our )a,( -,W Ista- NVOCk.—),17% 1). Tul- nd t )ley (.v d h<wlth for soint tim � . . ly, or Chicago, i.4 tion was pmssi -and the. clerk in- hlo.i t)_It� trj1p will ha oil a �;Visit 10 )1is loags to tbern, 1-vill, likely, in coursr,* aS tb,ey have be, al 1 U i . , VP "I bentfj- rion. agew and arrivvii livre on I en L, k ng abo t L ,structed to - 1� Wednesda `�' Afternoo' old friend; 'Mr. Michael I'lannery, of of time be fitted up* for stores, Vvit"' since. When, I it came. forward a Py �V­Nflss Mhvl t3c(Y11 -wascall- - I � y .n the Aco to MTS, clal ,effect in that _djrnc1ion._.V1,,,,, Tii,v-,&j ' ­ �H Iful'on R0,1d NJ.41� ft is thirty 'Witli tbe-nt-w bank building and the jadging ,us to w ' to the Win- MCN111191)Wn. " , OV(,,d by John Knapp, of ,London, ,,113& ,N.jrs, 11. Col- I t -d- boxiii-, Inst Friday owill - , Holiday. oight Y(111r.9 Since Llitse oild-friQn(iq `nciv -$v ! bea i f u I young In was the most 'MoNvvin mtoonded by Goorg� S.Black btrt, or Egmon-dville, ,qr( ' 't' � 1r, to the ... - . Post Office building which ( , ut 'd'9 si -In Pr ' . � . - L� on the grounds Outt tfi W"'Y sliddvil &-Ah of 1wr sititm, zz - - 1 ,4 1 W, Plk . I I , , aforti, theY And Itcle,ve MOnt were ai)- sire to -expre&-; their :Efincer.�- .,ii;orrow Fulton.—Thc_- annual strawberry ff!s I t 4r),v%, tts b i 1) � _11 r � , . D 'in hour Nvas spont irt iq�e,,,111- Will be a_4uming (1Uit(_* a city ap- Poll judges. Ais the aspirants an I ifeep regret at tbe deat] " I'd , -, 5- niany , TJ Tat't ,Ind it is needles,; t(x .,�;, ,1 t lie mombers or t1ii-4 c-oancil do- their pareaL-j, M . I , a Se . '1014,�r ill Ill . y t1l, (.xl)(.cl to grat before long, Se 'I T r. and ' v' urini, �.:x- triontbi; of July anj , I Le(t , Mr . I N010 is - '114)(A II!, . wi I - ing tbv old tim". an(l doing�, in this lmrrahce. %, ( - N11s. F.J. Sebvak, � August the atocop itud oLher busi. lixted up for inspection the Repvct at late collea.gue, Mr. Win. I V. their fival -of Garmc-1 eburch, was h0d ��- I "Olo haw" bo4,11 Visiting Willi 'Mrs, � I I - ' party of tile countrY.—Miss Knt(v --a---- tonee made lKeNaugli- W4-'dnt%s&1y evenlag last, and ,.v;,,,, Jolln-Wynn for soln",". 0-alpy 1,1-R this � . - a ohoic�, sticking fo it ton,"and "t' df�-Sire, to PLIP,�, r- v A ell p t i,. , !J I . neds V;�,vccf io flesforth � will be A-fcClituiii of Myth,; )14'04 1)(q -n Vi.4- A Handsome Git' , osp . on c ery v, a r,on z4 -,d sidtring7 011. i ,week ti)r thf-ir �, closed. itin- her sister, Mrs, l,,r,,1j11,- .%I, I , .—Mr" F, 1J4Dim(,s_ With a 'tenacity ot purp and (.,i ��_ coril our hi�gl) appreciation' con. - uninifer lioniv in',Nlus- I t once� I.(.- . " . ____ * I � - ted, -wbo is birnsvir an enthusiastic or i)ursuasiveness that a' : of b i rn very unfavorab2e vireatber, a beavy i k0k.1- Mr -'s. Nvynyl acrI)MI)"Inielltbein. ..- I Wednesday Afterhoon I cr, of Seaforth, and also ac Til(� 110 C, (�_ hD�� 1(..,-, ,),Is pres(�nted to the Sel- w. as a _Nfunicipal Offirwr as -,vt-ll ,Is tbu.ndc.r storm..comiiirr on in tlitk lni4j- i —The intvrwedi-,i4_, f<xj,t 1). -Ill team � of each week &t I o'clock p. rr,., . an 0C Xrs. MatihvNv C;krl)(-rt, of 11u, , Club a life i I 7 - forth Bowling " fled a bias. The fair charnis ol our <,'Mleun for him ,13 a j)rivaln dle of the afternoon which prevent- I 9(wN to Plattsvi' , - . ^griiii to trLis, efteot h%vi�,,. Rlfl.—A succE-,-,-,fu] 1,,Nvll soei�,11 _ Size .Por- "O"It*r SO innueboed our -,E,xg 9(tntlein.111, W1. iLL-v) desire to vx_ ed man' from aft fll-N oil Friday of this :r Nv:us trah, ,bandsomely fr�me,d, of Mr. King " tbat ifol- 0 : y M'ding o had ar- I WP('k to play t1w 'first gain4t lit the - , been simlied IT held by the L . nc(, lie became ob- Imess our sincere and heartfelLsylu- . w 11 a adies' Guild of. ,st. Jaixi(xq McIffiiii flie. veLeran ' to th, T-Inged tO do so. As in former yivirs I final-, for the W. ). . Pre- v'Ou', e, condition Of t1m, pro- PathY wilh the widow .,Ind f,1_,11ily 0, F.. A. thampionv;bip. I I the ladies of th,e oDnxregati,o1j I The ri,.Turn p*arne will bt, pl-iyed here Z Thanias oburch, oil t-lif. Mrou.n(L'A or . sid(t,nr -of the club, to be hung up in ��cv- nmrket, and arch0red his op- th<t dmeased on account of tbe irre- I L. XcFAUL CO, , the oliil Col(ii - I -Ity'aD & wil,'�O,-T, V n property, on Tues- the. c,11kb house. The poriLrait bears 1111 -on so solidly. proved more, than bountiful provid- , on N.Tondoy vvi.ining n_vx1,_j, G, - 1,01i . d, (�rening- ot t he Then it Was at this Parable loss they have susta".6nod. ems and tb.e, tiablc-s presented an 'a.p- i fikv,nf�, of l3russi-I's, )j,1.s ..q.nt the To- - 'a .M W. El - $V ILLIS L"s t - ,klt110uK11 t he t1w. following inscription: -, Jaai(�s juncture that the, keen eye and lion -r That the :zlerk be reqwt:sted to peti,7,ing as -%vell as attractiv�v ap- ron -%vect And 45 othcr.-,. weather was - not ver 11 -tr I 11 I � %�A . , . � thtlrre was a large atiendance 'I n good si,nd _ I to Globe soniv full I � y promjsii� , McMichael, Esq., Pre�sident exl)erionce or j. E. stood him i blowia ,.9 . y be- 'Mrs. 0 An interesliug progr��m I imis'. Thpy were sown 1�jsj failand I - 1907-1 -son ze,&mied w 1. n A. Seafforth Lawn Bowling -Club., to stvad for he found biding shil ,1 copy of this rv,solution to I Tyearanze. � - OvcrY ppi . have a goo M Naughton." The reeive is- �i t 4 Wb'w�u : . . . � ,90n0ro3ity th,e Club is in,�e�_t_ hind a parasol, the altogether b I was tarriod out all'a 4 very pleasan t� � have bewn M blossom since 111t ' I - I i It , I )_ I , , d � - � I I I *��i I � I ` �71 �, ,3 1 1 (� .4 1, 11�1, " , " ,till Fi I . . I � s ; L . -1 � -I I I Mg , - , : b 4 'I - � I 'I I Al I b 0 'I 4 1 1 1 1 , 1 I 11 " t , " I 10 4le � 0 , If9 I I - - - - I � 'I I - - , , - - , , I A , I ., . love- sued is ,w�arr.ajpt ,for a now election I e-v,8n11K5 n).ent.—Mr. xud Mr! 2oth ..... . , . _ . I . . . -,- . _i. ,Tame;s 1 of 3'une. , . � .. . I .. . . . � . .- . . . - I - I . I . I � ­ - . - . - . . . . � - � // , . I . - I 9 � I . 1. . . . ! I I "I � I � I I -_ I � __ . � � , ­ � . . . . . . � . I � I I .- . - . I . . ; I I . . �, � 0