HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-07-01, Page 71� � - ��­ il. 7, - _', . :1 � 7 - I . � � � - � , - :l. - �, . . , . � � - . . . q - � � P -- . , - -� - . � I � I � ) q . . I . . % � _ � I " M 1 �7 - - . I . ,� -, . I � . I- - I I . . . I - -I I . i . r _.- , I- 11 I -_ . , . I � 11 . I � . . i � � I � � . I I . i I ! - - � . I . - � P - I 7 _V� - I 1; I : . t ; � . . . . � . �, .. .1 . 1. � ; : ­ : - .. I . . . . I . R _ I . I � � � . - I I I— .. I �� I ­ I . � 11 I . - - I � T 17, - � - . I I . . I 1. I i � I . . . I - .1 -_ - r - I I �, MY I , I's __ . .. 904 � �� I 11 . - . . 1 1 . .__ � ­­ --- ­­ - ­ � - I . . �. �. . ! � I . . I . I � � - I , .- ­_ �, - I - 7 . - - ­ . � - , *­ - � 1 . . _.!, 11�m - I !1� ��, �, 6- __ I LTLY I - I I- - . J 111. �_ 1. ,� . . .. 19044 ,� I I G"ONNIM - —, �� I . � . . . . - I - . — - ; . I � 1 . . . . I THE � __ __ �= H � --.------I--- RON, . � I EXPOSITOR# � --iiiii . _�__ � ,-, I � ; . _1 _; I L � 4 I - , - . 7 ....1 I .: I I � . ­ �__­__­­ _.r� ;!;M=!� — . =__� 1' 11 � I ;0IN - � - I I I - - — - . - - . � . � � � - .1 I __ ­____ -1 I � a - t !I � . ­" i - -_ --- - - � I I I . - - IMM'"Intr #k"amilth III,, A .i,.d III'A 411ii-Ir n"A —,-- - I . I ai� . '. � . �: � ; U 11 I I #- zZaLaa,Z= 'r trumpew 1, -INW I ,�_ �,fv�l��-,�Wjxjr�qa ,� �!��.-! ­ SUi_t.L,: , I ­ ., Z - 0'. � : : rushed for .1 - . and a"J%,o­neFU1o,J,o�,k- ir 1�1 � tried to loge himself in t4r. crowd. Mir. I ' : _­ NIAC I ' - "z; I - ­ . - �;. ­_ Of course e one knC'7. when they ' B � Watts was returning something be bad - � - 44q; 1, � - , ed down on the big straw obats and M = 1 �v �'.i . : � I- v'"'X eve onc nre nded to , 4 . I were envaved an '0 I AL 11 .n � �, I A WIM b WINMbbluiNf a I'le " ,he stre,21;,, AJ'11';, , � - . �6e 1; zutibounets and mquy kinds or uner 1101, U15M IV J41S Ulp J)ofliiel. 0, ,;�_ , I . " Ir - ,- -�e tirprised- w�hen . "'!r -- .., .-,y i J i i # � A.?, - 4V "Prophets of Israel!" exclaimed WIl- .- �',S' � , 4 - the heard it was head apparel tosslin forward they '�:,! h", ;7J 1"'i'v", " I � A �� 1W 1W :' -A' a I ` , 1�i - im denly brokqll N -..-s I n Todd ruefully, -It wasn!t r1ph � 4 - -0 .. � � 1: �i - 7 seemed like surf Wo t llar V., e . �,,� 1�-.-;;- - lr_',.�9 , . eping up the long _ i 'i �_ i � I � off. 1twasfiratsaid beaches, She was cOmIng at last, The N"Vatts"pistol, I)ld you see Mr. Hark- z�'j - I 16-V . she had broken it I !6_11 ­ 11 1 - - ' T,I=�-I,Y-���,-Z,-,-."-*��tf,!.--z� -- =, = -,;: ---, - - � off,, then that Ilia boys whooped In ilia middle of ibe AQ n lezz? I was up on t1w-111 fltoln-4-when. be - Ar . V., � be strect, Some tobsed fll(qr arms to begun. I don't bolitwe lie needs as rol -%�­! , : -iaf -.r.-. �-,rjvr�,rlcnd�, � .., ., 1 &F'%g_ .Al Al I ,:, -�, V ing I .but finally she con- heaven, others expr�soed their emotion - much takin' care o�f a,_4 we think.11 .J , I S* res.4ed that she bad � Ccont r",;I.;, 'f: ., -at ycii- ,rr;iy 11 been r,o irritable, so by somersaults; 6ose most deeply W "Wasn't It ,one (of I hoin I Crossroads " - 0 , I 'r n, * 17 C ,-* '2 411 I ?l ask, -d ?I -. :, I �..% ; i �:, W . u. I-, 1 � :__. . ) - depreiised and blue moved walked on their hands. In Ibe devils that knockM bIN In -it off A I .1 ­ Pj V I , , . r, f *. . 0 . 'ff 1 . .A .z �! � ,� V4 0 � - i�, that she had fairly t1w heads of the Judd Bennett, "I thought I see Rob * , "ki - - rj* �!, _,�. - '.- 7 $* Z I ne saw ovfr I 1 7 I , ' , - -scho you �;. Y9 . . driven hie amlly, r bave Bacla have SkIllett run tit) with a club." 1�_ " e. 1_* -. �; - � ::! � ." h� -o, 1, , - ,-- 0 , ,_ . I - � Iler good looks were multitude tossing banners and the idn isease. lf you neglect . J .W."Ar, ­ . A10 , _� 774 �. I VAnishing, She was moving crests of tri mpbal cars, where Harkless throw open Ilia doors be. 1 .. I ack be it will develo into I _ Z- 1411 drl� 41", ­ �1^, 107 . � � ; � . " 1J 0 ii 1. " - 8 Ilu 1-1111 . I . . - � _XES or I I I� I 11 0 C01,101:68 191CM a "I'mr, 11 IPUILSW . Jt, .7 . .�, I It 74 -TV � J� ��4;& . ; ­ . TWO BG 1-1 . R and hollow -cheek- . something worse-Drights Dis- 10 liow.,;l f --7A -,. r -,4e 0 " rW,,,V#:_14e1�___, ,.i"'. I I - The square was heaving with a Jog- -1 gold," may,came In now," he said. "Ttils. lan't ,� " - r�4 � � �, . . , . 4 ,�­ -i" .�� I A- .� '� j7 ,6ry ; - -f4 �� � J"J I � . .- , - ., -P itt ".� a t ­ Ing � V , ,. f� ' - 1� I . - . . ed, with dark circles case or Diabetes. There Is no -_ . ", r, 'i , � - 'ri � - t tling, moving, good natured, happy and � use rubbing and doctor' my dourtbouse.111 , 0 knwA*n' � around her eyes, I - ), , � 41.1 1 1 r 2s " Orlan There was another flourish of music, _your . k*,? ., �� , %1VIZ - _n'a " �,, , i - k ge� ,-, � constantly Increasing crowd that over- I L Suddenly all society Then all tbe band gave sound, and, back. Cure The kidneys, There f . _ 4 . � � z I - L I . MILBURNI. N., . .. . : , . was pleased again to is only one kidney medicine but I Lf�i r -ft. -3 4 . U�� 11 It cures Backacbe ever . . y timo--* p . , I ory ;f the. parade burst t ; I , flowed ow Afala street In both d1rec- with the blare f b,a.qo, and the crash C ?� U:;- Av,rr'�� 111dr V* *41.4A k 1 The most delicciv4& I :. .. . � bear,of t e engage� HAPTER TI, � 3. , I . - . . . . � ut being renew � � , ' , 1. . . .11 ' - KI � ed In the ratio that Its size Increased, . 'I tmost! -Si . I . r� - I I I . " � ?,, ed, and it was not upon Plattville, G1 ry In the u -!,J,� the pike toward the brick -_ I I � r and NERVE tion,, and whose good nature augment- . 11. me of drums, the 91 HEY walked slowly back alon�6 17 reswe to your gray Itair n-13 I L� R1, tic Ribbon. Ceyloa w� . . . I - . The s1treets were a kaleldo%cope of , I long before a beau- The Impetus of the march time music# 117le hour.e, lie was stooping very N the der. -T, dorkt -rich w1,01 V1 re L . . . I'll, "�_V . - , " . tiful and radiant . 1-1 tgrlylii --. Then be satisftd, I ' �Lnma mcan linnerr excC4.. � �, � many, loloro, and evc�y window open- I bride was taken to the flare of royal ballnCrfl. th0 smiling much as they walked. He f! *4 M -, . PILLS Dodd's -­­ J -- Ayerwo -.air V1,rmr restoted I Ottj we "�"' -11 - . Ing on-Malu street or the square was I - �4 1;!-nl N � . was I . the altar. Site had of beautiful court laolef5 and g: reat milk- I wanted to be told that he could look at T of ttp ;ity .,my br-Ir. .,In4 I pf" yr'.A.�y Z � �-_ - _7_�_:.. I . . . ' I A qjf�r - the _ � � .tMpi Wr& gdoand grown, inwmW, oat., filled with. egger faces, By 9 o'clock !iegained bz., good look,,;, her former happy en nobles, sway�ng of bowdalig on . 4 A 1; V, all /ouviainj Irprit." - 10 IN her for a tbousand years, The small - 'I A4 � - I 'I bAn V ..If. N. ly 11 gtoo She had almost given at have . all the windows "of the courffiouSe In dispositior, and strong nerve all through a camel and OephanC awl tile awesome 4 �141_373,'.J- 1AVPMAIL b10C I 'Wii - . , . I! ., � of ovar getting Well Again. * decret a friend gave her. A few bottles of , ,�X.', flee WaS r2rely and exquisitely mod- fl 111 -t bot.t. U; J. "�, A TXV "0- � , � . . the center of the squaie were 6ccupied. Of; Pierces Favorite Prescription -is what sbaldng P beneath the cle- Kidne -k, eled, but perhaps just now the salient All -1 M-Pltlt� .. d"i­%;vi-. lAwr'l ' I- f . Here most of the damsels congregated made two nibre lives happy and mi radiant pbant's fe*t and his devastating eye y 1, . %�; characteristic of her. beault (for tb* - aw, for _. '' I - I � � , "be- .,V,� I _M��N V [bo ., - - .- __ _� . . to enjoy the j5pectacle of the parade bride more beautiful than she� had ever (every one declared lie looked t . PLUS I -r- salient charaeteristle seemed to be a _1 IN W WV � . - 1. � i aptsecked before. ��" VA % -Vnm - , - WX ' 4 � ow wtites : 141 was so ran down that and their swains attended, posted a ed alarmed Mr, Bill 15�oddy, stoutest eftl - a x A.% a., r .. � I wail not able - up by over a third of a ce - I �� .1, � to do my work, was short mtuo : different thing at different times) was x # o,. -IL , - coigns of less vantage belilmd the la- � Of remarkable and uniform cureJ4, a record iren of the county, f 11 In the face as be I � .__--:!�- the coloring a delicate glow -under the ON— 1"1*9 - - - ­ ,g(breath, had a sour stomach every night ,� a" , - . Z.. I � dies, Some of the faces that peeped ouch as no other remedy for the diseatses passed him, and .1dr, 15noddy felt not at - . - � . ---. .- - ,sqd could scarcely eat., My heart palpi. - atid weaknesses pectiliar to women ever All reassured . when Tom klartfu severe- _____ , ___ white skin, a glow that bewJtcbed him -r -thouxii* we Ulm I .. ., I . _644 1 hid faint aod dizzy spells and fell -from the windows of the dark, old, attained the prop Of in old, wornout one.' Yet a lot of you In Its seeming to reflect the rich Veue- of me, 1 k -ew ke - _F1 Me -r - I e to - I - I -- 0 ,rietors and makers -eansoh I �couldn7t talk tt I I I 11 � - WjA and nervous all the time, My sbady courthouse were .pretty, and Dr, Piercela-Vivorite Prescription now feel ly hinted that It wa's with the threaten- " ably stupid be 11 .1. .. .. � I wd got me a box of Milburn's Heart gome of them -were not pretty, but near- fi'lly warranted in offering to pay f5o* In Ing glance of a rival); then the badl, lost your own money oa It and then diction of the noonday sun that bWied hiM. T waluW to send blIn word that I As& tow 1%0,. . - - . 40sw .- stood, by, staring like Idiots, and let overhead, - : - imid Nerve Fills but I told him it was no ly all of them were.rosy cheeked, and ' legal money of the Uniii!d Sptes tor any nage of the clown, f2reaking by In. his I knew I bad'bored Jilm, I ,couldn't I I Me& Z.ab" that I had given up ho case of r,cucorrhea, Female Wea con, I Hartley Dowlder lose $86, and not one Once be bad thought the way to the ,ire that he shouldn't know that .1 � � I Te of evar all ,,rare pleasant I* see because of the prolapsu.1,j or Valling of Wo donkey cart; the ter�-lflc recklessness of endu, , I � , - - �� � - . 1. - . .. I . He however persuaded me I- I mb which t e . of you lifted PL band. How bard did -Briscoe homestead rather a lo � I ­ I - . _. good cheer they kept. . ; n "' " I k, knew I kid, But be was not tbinkizig . . . . cann6t , ft. All they ask is a fai an the spangled hero � who wits drawn - - - all reasonabl gnstutly. � . I them and before I had used b Here ond there; along the �ldewalk e trial of their ineans of cure, along In a cage w114 two striped flgers you work for what tbefle two cheaP bii t now the dlstance sped mall 0 oto MIS in any way. He bad gone te u�__ - I do box I began to tipel better. Two boxes � . - Kro, k crooks took from you 7 Ab," lie cried, ,&rolled they neTer so slow, it was -less S, � . below, a father w 536, writcs, "Itor ucarly two ygarm I & gr t t of all tpis glitterJng pouip _a IF boa'- the uu- - ,9, 0, Scripture, of Prescott, Ariz., L, Box -the delfgIs 'aln In 'his white &7 1 1 - .-40& I& now woman of me and I bave beeg . orked his way through wat CA "it Is because you were greedy that than a "young blrd's flutter from a I I �. � . he . grateful pirate, cruising with Mrs, Vau I � , *4,,'Xad have been able to -do my warl the throng, a licorice bedatibed c 'rub *26rer ;,Ith ulcerati,62 Aud--enlargemat of Rod pageantry need0d even more than I i . D� SW I I 1p� w b, also,guffmd *qersly with d I d walking an your haxids to cxpre,w, I they robbed you so/easilyl You know Wo'od,11 With her acquiescence he rolled Skuyt." � , I 'Worince.", . oil ono arin. his coat (borne with Jong w"910rus down-& perlect wreck. rd=6r'e*da9: It's true. It's when you want to get a cigarette, and she bogan to hum light-- �, - t x"e-ral yearm, got no betw unt" about "even Last of all came 40 toot -Ing calliope, "How t1w 4"-, chaugo u -a!" r -aid � I 11. � . I -, t SUburn's Heart and Ner�e Pills art enough) on the otber, followed by a wouths 2 * I a taki"Or Dfr, Pfercelg Favorite . . I something for nothing that the 'con' ly the I air of a oon- a song of 'ineffably - I . box� or 3 for $t.s$, all dealers or- followed by swarm's,, of -boys as It exe- John. "You- ar* wrong, though. I did . - I 'fe d& I 11 �_.` -;,, reaflMaild . . IL I . he ',c-blldren hang-; - PnwriPt On 99 'Ptems"t Pellet fidence men' steal the money you sweat gentle, slow move'"' I I . . ay feet and work ham all day, irretuia6ire cuted "Wait Till th� Clouds Boll By, MOM #think of you. I have all�- - Us., We bave . ing to her skirts and tagging exisper- Jos"'U"OW worth living, and aball ever feel grateful laughingstock ,re ' -of the morning by 1, Ut T. 10P.SURN 00.v LIM Itedo � Jennie," with Inflnit gumto, . That, and a reft, nee "Yes," she Interru m to you antl shall ilways recomineud your medi - . pted, tomLng bc- -es for all kinds Of � . . atingly liphind, boLding red and blue . - I When it � Allso Sherwood'% of the country. And you, Jim Bard- and perhaps the sinell of bla tobac'M head 'in airy travr"ty of -the Stage 4w- A- , 142ONT90 mr. . - aneg to all who are suffering in any way,t, lock, town marshal; you, who con- mingling with The fragrance o � , . ___ - toy balUpus and delectable candy .. .-- 1.�.,­.__..d1'.V,Alr-_._,­ . ___. . .1 1-1. --1- ___ gaze, relaxed--glie bid been looking on . f her "tiette, ",you think wo-1 megn yau say -1 . . batons; of I spiral striped peppermint Ili.', I f"s that you 'went .In the game 60 roses, awoke � 14 - # I � ; _J_�_J_l J (. I VL7ERINARY . . day for hW sweettead and 1111011elf, K6 as eagerly as any child-axid she turned 0 again the old remlul& ow. Away with you -and your , . � . I . � I . ___ - - __. tightly closed, sadly oficky fingers, A. cents, worth' yoursel"11- 1-112; face wail couce of the night before. A clea so -n � . - attlelono glance around th* buildliss to to speak to Harkle$g and discovered L rly blarneying"I , 11 � We will give a OW 4131SVIrot V4 IF,, hasm toodusio of Onfado thousand cries rent the alr-the stroll- wrathful and stern as be raised his ac- outlined picture rorie before li)w-tbe I I , I .1 I . . � . - I I where a pa#ont figure waited fdr him ' L n- 4 -y went thwu i J V*W-may Uo that he was no longer in 'be room, I And so th', gh � � wobb irmsed. -ft#. A -musaw of Dom" Ing im.ountebanki'and gy-psyIng -booth t cusing band and leveled It at the un- high green slopes tind cool cliff walls , 'the wam i022 P - I dw aw.tgs, "'fams"Ur =n*rWyVDAW6"1i"r"&*d ,0 " mer�hauts, the peanut vendersi ,tbe Tbim he Mod down a side alley and own stead she found Ailunle and Mr. W11- hap' py municipal, nooidide, aud JIttlo be cared' for the . - - pf y "law. was out upon thi country road, trll,Ml�- letts, whom he had summoned t a ne and the sitarp, b,L,at that wilted the fat inullela leavrs . . O" ad iresidewo on Cladefl&I simo, 0113# doil boyi with palm leaf fans for sale,-tbe jog ,J#d4saly 1,@WqW&r& through am : f rom The town marsbal xmiled uneasily little e0tuaj-/ waves be lazily wntebed el ft &'We offloe,� XWorib, 1112-111 . another window, � and nuide, -the barefoot boy who passed . and deprecatingly about him and, see- through half closed Ilds while the pale by SJ,Jp 13 FOR GASH ONLY � HARBIMM V. S.-Honormy ___ candy sellers, -the popcorn peddlers, tise dust, his chi suok la his breast as& "Ile was called ,away," explained gingerly through tbe�burnlnz (_)_,� -graduate of the Italian with the toy balloons that float - � i Ing only angry, frowning brows, bear- minoke of 1310 cigHrette blew out under Ontario vet#rhury College and Honorary Mehl. iii -e a cluster of colored bubbles above hands CIZZ ught- at big slam ' I Lige, "'He thought he'd be back:before � Ing only words of condemnation, passed IC lie dust with anguished W-Gutb and Watery, I I E of the Kedicuil Amciation of the Ontario Vekr. I tb(, rail of a waxon dec w .re be lay ' . and, tben he stopped and b1ttMy burl& the parade was over 4and said you were eye., Litl li,! he knew of At be Iralydid that ' 3[MTGi— . 0� - " � . College, Treats dbe"ev of all domntfo animals the heads of the crowd and the - bal- i his hand uusteadily over hie fat mus- cusliloned, And again a woman pelted . l . M, mM modern �prlvofples. Dentist*, and Milk loong ed a *tons at ii pipIns bird-. on the fowA -enjoying It so much! he didn't want to suddenly whirred Its mills of shrillness r day. . - 50 that ,Y�afl ,like �_& baby; the red, or gay . bobwhite in SO OWL At NOON , opqak to you I I � tacbe, shifted from one leg to the other . e free and sounded fo hot, I I Z yever a "90i0y, Offlee oppoolte Dlok'e Hotel , ' I I No face. with handfuls of rose petals in Ilie 01,1p, � ,, :1 � 3t9nftreet,8ftfvrtb. ;Allordmleft MAhe hZil lemovade,.man, shouting In the s.hrJJI ' and back again, looked up, looked and cried., "Up, )ad, andat lem! Yon- . will wMve prompt aWntion, Night caliareceived ,ve � the patient Agar* was W1 W11101119 ill .: "'Called a . � 'Ice way?" , hot, hot; or t ha t otb er that railed* a t the . I- - '? be ga z I ii tlid reaches evei�wbere and en down, and then, an amiable and Pleas- der is Winter Harbor' I Again t . � . I 5, �A AM 1871-52 . the corner of the courthoun yard, '06ek- Allnule laughe'd, "Oh, everybody sends country quIpt from lbedlin, mol shade I �� .. .. cosy . - I dures fo'i-eve,r: 1111"emo'! Lemoll Five I twipflng a coral ring up�n her anger. f' ure loving man, b6boldlng nothing but In tbe oak raftered casino, breathless - aroun ' I � � a glass! fee cole �lemoll Five ceA, a or.Aln- Harkless," accusation and wrath In beaven. and with pleasure, and heard a young fr! d the brick house, or evvj4 the rain -14- 0-1%% . I LRGAL . Gut -the Aushed young man who had "It was a farmer name of- Bowlder," . 9 : crow that oat on ibe -fence and swore to I. � _RrT . . I . nickel, a h4lf a dime, tke 6rentleth- spoken thickly to her dmrtor � &row as- added 31r. Willetto. "His oon Hartley Is eartk and wishing nothing more than sing the "Angel's Serenade," a young them Ja the ,,fnee of a sunny til -y that I .." , k--) - W ' . - I . JAMES -L KILLORAN. potofadollah! - Lemolf Ice cole lemo'l" en� vied roll of bank *bills froM hill POCk-! drinking again, and there ain't any one to sink Into the waters under the girl who looked so bravely un,conf"ous: tlit�y , -P rabi. zpro lbe &y were I . . - I --all the vociferating harbingers df the . I earth, but having no way of reaching of thL shoulde st - I . . I 26"W"'Gollowt, Notary Public eta, money to - . et and begin to b�t With UPSY Cautiollo but r1arkless can do anything with a big, busbed crowd that listened, - -li — . , � . . 0110. Ingesiorth Kbndsys� Fridaym and Satur. -CIMUS Crying their waies. TIM14 While the circle about the gamVIers kiln, you let him ' them, and finding his troubles quite looked so pure. and I)rl&,bt and gent)e done� Little 111P young man rs ( Wd of ' � i a ta,klo a alck man to I whatt be ato at Judge Briscoseeo good �. .. &J& Office open evory weekday. Over Pickard's uths In - shoes covered !*Ith dust � - yo unbearable and b1mocif unable to MeOt and good, that he bad spoken of 6r as I -, � 'etare, main streek &Sforih, Not watched with fervid Interest, especially nurse or a tipsy feller to bandle, and I I noon dinnor-chlekon wing mul yotsug I - - __ through which the morning polish but Mr, Viifdlock, town marshal. the manifold eye of man, be sought re- "SIr Galahadfw little filster," Ile bad . t - tell you," Mr, WIJIetts went on, with . roas*n Par, liot rolls as light n.-�; the fluir R. 8- HAYS dimly lshoniI and unalterably hooked Fro' eathuslasm, "he Is 4t home, It beats lief after the unsagaclous fashion Of been much taken with tbJs child, but. of a summor eloudlet, and b~7 and aidens bought t �ar up_.Afaln street came the he bad not thought of her from that . eed,s._ - - . 11 I by the arm to blushing m, ,, a larger bird than be. His burly form � - cry " fii's a-comln?! She's a-comin!" me, and lots of peop�e don't think' coi- milk and apple, butter flavored like ' l - I BUTWN $01idim, 0onveyanoer and Notary PubM. - recklessly of peanuto, of candy, of pop- a d a underwent a serles of convulsions .not lime to thil' t - t 409010F Wr ihs Donilalon Rank, Offloo.-In reAr 01 n this nnouncemeut of the parade lege does a man any good, Why, the x, he supposed. 11e.bad al� spleen of Arabla and ft,oriant, finky _________ Tmialm B"k, 8"fortil. Itow lo, Imn, 12a corn, of all known sweetmeats, per- a ujilike fjobs, and he shut his eyes tight � 1 7 � _proving only one of &7 dozen ` false way he cured old Floll- Miss Briscoe and beld them oo, presenting a pleturo most forgotten h", : .N'O! Ile,r fa" lcherry pie und vool, r ",, yellow icreaw. - __ .. �,u a ,ft C � y 7- 11 - .1 - . � I I t, BUT, Barrio", I souclsor, convoyan"r chance, and forced their way to tke alarms a thousand discussions th,ok Interrupted him. l suddenly stood out to blx vlevr as Lige WJ,�,Jpti.,4 wai4 a lov*r, yet lie lia!4 hin, blurts I a NoWy PubU Offloes up, #MIM ovor 0. w lemonade stands, and there, all shyly, place over old fashioned silver time- d%eo!" she cried, pointing out of tho of minery unequaled In tha inemory of though be saw her with bis physical he askei`�, no better than to just go on . IMOW3 bwkdalf, 1114in fitmt, gosiorib, Onisdo, silently mipped the crimson stained am- 'lly d&, window, "Look out t ierel Somet1ringro . _Uting t � , pieces as to when "shell was rea � ___ . __ eye, a sweet and viraelous'ehild'a faep. ,. � . 0 1 1 M7 brosla. Everywhere the hawkers din- L --I- �_ -4 _V_- .at ebt,rry pie till a swo--t Schoflelds' Henry was much a0pealed happened!" � � - I with ]Jgbt brown ligir and gray -eyes n4 f;i nd- . I death ovktook b1m; but raffro. 0- - ned, and everywhere was beard the to a 9 a a . "'� � f right - LF Te- I t Hats , suommi to the We firm of arbiter In these discussions, There was a swirl I In the crowd be. - � And a idiort tipper lip like a curlcd r*.4c wiebes and rp.ftuntnt ehop.,;. migbt I � a K00aug a Holwaaw, Banider, 8011d6of plaintive �squawk of the toy balloon, -from a sense of his having a good deal low, Man wertb running around a cor- __ leaf. And the voice- - ba -re been set bi-for.- 11tirlulesa for all - Anwa - . . sod NoUsy golidsoi loi me can In the courthouse yard, and so sin- to do with time In a general sort of ner of the courthouse, and the women I He stopped sbort "You tre Tom the differeneft It I - - *Aw k of Oommares, Iffemay, so land, Ywm - . . 0- Wo. Ofte in gooWe Block, Malti,sirset ning In the very eye of the law, two way, and thus $chofields! came to be I � . Meredith's If ttlerousln," � "., t , Hats MIN&I swarthy, shif ty lcwklng gentlemen were and children were 1wking after, They I t . "The great Ilarldesi;," sbe answered him, , - I I I 10KINSON AND OARROW, Barristerg, Sallelt, operatin.- with some greasy walnut . reminded that ft was getting on toward wciit so fast and theire were so many - I 1� . At no other ffine Is a 7nan's feeling bf ---- I 10 o'clock, whereas, In the excitement of them that Immediately that whole . I and stretched out her ha�nd.to him. com.panionf,hip with st woman w strong 7 I- f) 04, eto,, Goderich, Ontario, shells and a pea what the fanciful or I I . i : I I - A � I I E. L. DICKINSON, - of festival, he bad not yetstruck 9. portion of the yard became a pushing, I - "I remember you."' as when lip slis at table with.her. �not 1 7 1 unsophisticated might "ve been'pleas- This, rushing forthwith to 40, lie did, 4 I "Isn't It lime"," I , IM41 - CHARM GARROW L. L, B. -1 jugging, g(julfralng ja�n of people, . I at a 1*,r4)r,rt1vX1 -and beratered andible- �d-not want -but actually __ - , . . . ed to call a game of chance, and the . I -­ I � I never forgot Tou!" he 'tert J � - - i nd, in. the elation of the moxg,Ont, seven. "ItFs on*-tbe'other side/0 said Lige, " * - wal -d table, but at a lionif-ly, GPPC- . . . d many more, that will en- t I DENTISTRY. most hitent spectator of the group . I L / "I thought lbad, I didn't know lizl1q, .tvhoI1.,%0nI1.. haint, ,a IQ I - 4 or eJgbt besides, 311so Helen $herwood ',,We can see f cried. _ b Ike iold � - i , rom libe hall window. " . : . . . I I I I who It was I wa,4 remembering, I j udjaL, 'of . ,,0 3,,1,Iiqj!o,!*..� q*Ili* v was ., , -p- - a �, w eather, You will chest; I ' around them was Aft. James Bardlock, looking down on the mass of shif t- Come quick before thdso other folke fill (*ry , -;enea' . � the town marshal. Ile was simply and . . 1, thought It was fanvy, and It was mem- - il)(? lb!11_ is (Inalegil I , .� � � - F, W. TWEDDLE ' Ing color from a swond story window it up,)# � ; I e -OU do not lot us. sup I ! . " lly, and tile Im- i . ,R11 . unofficially and earnestly Interested, I . 1 i, slnga - � - DENTIST,, � Thus the eye of the law may not be of- ilia courtbouse, and ,she had the They followed him aeroiss the build- ory, I never forgot your Tolm - pllj,at1(j1,1 1,.q ulli.r cralfidentic and lildhg- - I I 410834 01 Royal Mega of Dentist Surgeons of On pjengure of seeing Seboffelds' 'emerge - . � Ing, and I romemboved your fllf!e, to')- Thvrex ,-I,,,(! ft -w gronff'r JI.illglero for a . WW pM graduate courde in crown and bridge work sald to lidye winked upon the nefarl- ' trig and looked down on an agitat,L.j ! I 11 � 'N-othino, �& . I - on The steps beneath her ,vvhcn the bells ,i` : . fhOugh I IIJOU91)t I (111d'I't," Ile d1'M I,wJP1:,,r, Aii 1nr4'wjaIJng Imp perches I . M I atil"k@11183hool,o lea o, Looalanaethetins for ouffness nosr under Its vision. It gazod switrtri or fiqces� Five Dien were stand- . a � 9gaim elarwaan of =1 Offloe--Over A YounWe bad done and beard the clicers (led by .- I a deep breatb. "'fliat.-vras -wby"- 011 I I . * r _' Liq sli-Julder nud, W)ftl.y Ileh-ling the . with strong curiosity, an Itch to dab- ' Ing on the enoance sleps to the d)tjr � "Tom bas'not for"gotten you,"' sb ' 1� groafty dare, Heaforib, . 1704 Mr. 31ortin) with W13101' the crowd-- � " 0 Im, liveir'.4 Par with Ibe fonibers ijf an , 0 " 0S. - . ble and, It must be admitted, a grow- grented his appearance after the per- below thein, and the crowd was tbif.k- � i said no lie pnuxed, I I urrow vinift, wbispPys: "Pretty gay., , Ing bo I- I I _^ I I . . I .1 , pe of proilt, the game was so di- d, leaving a little gern. I I I "WOU14 you nihid- 8111kIng Wuds I isn't it, eb? R Ilier plr.,ouarit to b" �) JA6 Ir -1 . rect and the player so sure. - Several - form,qnce of lils fi-at. circle clear about the steps. Those be- . - ),?" be asked. 'i, 4 1 1 -,a AT -e � I . . - Slic - turoe(l .h.eandrigly to Ilarkless. I onee more tJ ,I, ,girl .411ing there, onn't you think? 4 - � Dr. Oohn McGinnis, countrymiri had won small sums, and 1* bind struggled to get closer and leape4 . "What a faliffly it IR!" she laughed., I She gave him her band again, "Willi -1 ; . I - 4- EnRy having ber notive, your butter ,.- ?FORTE. - E00, 9"dwid Lmdon Wasim Univentir, member one, a charmingly rustle stranger, with In, the ,air to catch a glimpse of what all illy heart, '"'lly?" . 'V QAWo Wlego of nyddans and Surtem. "Just one b1fir. Jolly faintly! I didn't - - JAsito -n-as 4nuply? Thbilt It t.Nldlarat- � 'I'm making a reeord of it, tbat'S Jng to Leind li-or flj�,,w rt)1144? lmoks � 7 1 . WO Wd Zesidmee-rormmly occuptod by, Ift Ww a peculiar accent (he said that him and people could be-like'thIs until I was golug, on., Harkless stood alono on I I . I nlee, I __ . -qekw, V100011a ftrest, Dolt to the iasth�llo 66rag fits goll sbould'now bave a smoot' olt Icnow I I fill, U11'ank you." doemi't -Aiv 'i *11'Ji, � ­ __ - � the top slelj,. lils liand resting on the - � ' , wai . � � � .1 4-It'jyj ank . - ' raft" . I VNIght CAU attended promptly. WWII came & Platt-ville.1 : . I time off his wJnninks, though the lady . I 11 � . _� . . hu pale and contrite and �r 11 ' Idnely broakfast 00"r -r Aman� _ , 'd for lt,"� lie �;) I "They called me '181`_ 4alabad*A' lit- prelffi,.,? Ab Res y0or - . - Tait rule of health - - . . was not manifeoted) had pocketed $25 `J,.hat Jf4 the wol sala, sobered Ila tie % Ott the lowest otep - __ - � I - tie PhAor, nil One suninfer bevauve tile seem ;i 1-10y iliffl, domyet if? J1,ow . A " � I resdug his batid on the easement be- "i I ­ DIR. H. HUGH ROSS, with no trouble -at all. The -two oper- Jim Brardlo'k . $4 I- � grea -e her pour y* -dr � the bov'rels regular. --* . C , . - MandIng with sheep. . i ___ , , 0124usta (f Uafvenity of Toronto Fawlty of 'redl side her, !'I Used to tljlnk If was dezo- You, Vou, q, vwn etceW to,' t: John flarkloss called w4�- that. wolIld you like fo lisvv I � - a V, , - I 011ie, member of evilefcc of Physleline and our. tort; seemed depressed, declaring the , 10111y bang1rug lie and between him ' yoll dalleed AvIth Jile J11 Ole evvnbjx� coffre for you lonjorrow,'my bo,71, How (he great medidne— late, but that was lom, ago 11 , lie lean- y spectator, The edltor'o oulstreteba �. okli 0�'A . . 009 of OptsrJo; pin gradvate courfes luck against. -them and. the .rlattville ,, _ I arid -Ilarkless the 0 o gamblers of the an "Did 1 "", . would It seem to bave $114-11 pleamut lr�rftw 21 MoiWo . . �- Puts. 14wol _f 2to . ". . I 43WC&I 8dwol, chicage ,,, 110yal Opbt I ed from the window to look down, In n ed band began to shake, "You," he . . - . . ___ . � I I � ,W, London, Kogland , Univereity college H - people too brilliant at the game. I hsl`3`16 0000 walnut obells. The journalist held I "Ah/l she su,04, alinkIng lielf livild, - voinpLiny all ii)(-,. rost 44 your life? N l, . . - - 0#041, ' lils dark cbeek wati it glow the- Carlow- ed to co�htlnu*; "You, a man elected I � . . I . __ I ffirmA, &sfodh. Thone No, b, Night couples wo*ed thelr� way arm in arm - fession. . . it_ . 1 �7 , . 4101.0, Milo n there, and wmo� to , � . S �_ E — - `�04'0"-`Kagl'sud, 0't'00 --over 0--w$r & stewawlf prelty ',NJr% Van ,14'Ruyt 11) "011)(11111)" If thlit your . o& beed In lifo 1.5 to pick ber.- . : . -- It was wonderfut how the young follm bad never see - lits hand the twpletuents of their pro. tri "Yoll worp, too bliv. 1)(411'r fu ](IV[, vvlth . J)r,*tty ellperful, Ph? 165 my,convictlou "N''AM' ,DY nalirlivered frwnrefildenaon John fitreet, 1890 - . how lie seemed lesf� 1hin and tired than There came from tbeerowd The Koun0t MIAg"I "INAMWAVIGS - I ­­­_ _ -, .,__________ through tho thickest �,rowds, uever�sepa� "Ybs; give tip every cent," lie. said AY1111% 10111 olity wo! 1!,�vlas nljowed .14) ilp Ill your Artnq and 11311 Away with , F!N' LV f-* I - 1. . usual; Indeed, he d1d not i,cem tired at of a oad, hJgb keyed Yolce drawling, — I .. .. DIN. F. d, SURROWS, I rating, Even at the lemonade stands quietly, , "You've taken $86 from this .. , , I I t it meet yoij as a rv-.-eard for f-lijohig nv bpr, not anyw1jerr. bi partle0ar, 'but . . they drank holding the. glasses In their , I - L a all, by far the contrary, and be clariled boy, Hand ft over," Tbat's a nice vast Jim's got on, bu 1,1 very best, nil(I vou-you bolVid 101) julit run.and rilil "in(I y.111) aw.gy"', � . ; 8M3.A_3rC:)3Rr_r1_1 * lilinself tiprIght, when bp was not . aln't- hardly the featbers III ten for a z . outer hands. Such are the saerifim . The men began to edge down closer The Indulgenve or it granimimf r and Aflor d1nner ibey wet)t 0.11t Jo Jb_# '.. I _. 1, 11 I . - I stooping to see under the hat though ostrleb, is ar, - . ?J, , .. . - - � - . I . omw an demanded by etiquette. But obwv- to- f be crow,d, gfvltjg little, swif t, des- aslu'd 1110 10 datillf., I mnd,j. nn,I the rinfir-men vinokod, , . . � e --- -_ - Vq I � . � A 11.6oldouce—Goderich otreet, � ast of the ; I . . � . Cc . not as If be thoug�it about it. "I be- IlarkJass broke Into a ringing laugh I . gi . � L I � .... ; I Vathodl*churr . � .... . I - �� - - -t fils (,IjRlr dowii (in lthe i � . . . - oh, I i Jn- the graciou& outpouring of fortune perate, searching looks from left to andfutliprt Ilow ,yomig I I � . I - " I rp . I I ... . __ � I Tiltapito" KoA0 fleve they are ,.the best people I know," and turned to the shell men, "Give up . "T " flu, ,i gr. . The J111190, sr n - - . . . . , , L Q)roner for the Courity of Huron, 1 upon the rare rustic. �just mentioned, right and right to left and moving ne". , wa Q Ifow4m) L-41"Lix-511.4'", 1 grouud. tilted baell in it witb I .. . 0 - jj�s feet L 11 � S en! 6 ,( i - - 11 � . & be went on. "Perhaps it Is because the boy's motley. Hurry", � . I 7 - p - is,'( Youth in a green tie d1senggpd, his ously about like wen.wils In a trap, 111,111 nfrald illy vonvor,401011 1111 � on Ibio steps and blew a wavmy. dow..: I 11% . I . . __ �� ; ::: -1 6 they have been so kfind to me; but "Stop d6wn here and git It," ofild the- ( not ,I L - I "I . - . I . . I arm.�-for the first time In two hours- "Close up, there," said Ilarkless, "i. -LF - t lit, vill .4 it . . - Make a great 1111111 s. -I'm upon ) ju," ', ad city np lu Ili(, ifr, .1 k - . I - ' L I __ . .1 DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, . ! from' that of a girl �who looked upon they are kind to each other, too -kind, ,,IXTj1t lot them out," one who had spoken. � I . � . . I good people," I .There was a turbulent motion In the 1 f0he (1)14111UNJ. , I h0fld emlifort, Ile liked to filt wit frow w . I FITY810JANS AND OURGICON0, � I him w1th, fond, uncertain Mulles and, "W'y cai?t we git no square treitt- I Imour I .. : 111 _41d, I fln] reMPIMI)vring very : under ibe porc.1) r*of. be fujid. U* L I "I know," she r2ald, nodding, "I - I I ; . &W A. , - ""AlIF801, onomfe Kaftod!0 uhnrah,Seafarth ' condueUng crowd, and a cry, arose. "Rijn lem out! I ,ut It t . . . I � her to a corner of the yard, ' ment here?" 'one of the gamblers wbin- fpst, Ify-in *,vi!l ivnit ,I in,onivni I w1li I wantod to get.morn of th* fi4y. Tile � � - - - know, There -are fat women, women 1,11de lem on a roll! Tar and feathers! ' , .. , . � .L L . ( bade her remain there until he retum- I . I(Vt 0*++* . 41� 110 M,,, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, ard - who rock and ro0c on plazvms by the ed, But his riyes bhazed with a rage Itun lem out 01 tqwn!" I tell yon !,oine ()f I I;" J.J3JIJJrq y*_.0 J;;J 1 others nov4,d tbeir Ouilln; 4owia Vo I . I � I- . i . , , . . somber ontaricr ()0110ire of p,h, qxnv sufl ! ed, . Ile b#d - . . I __ f yfj1(, , - to speak L to H&rUe7 Bowl- , that belled the plaintive passivity of ,� I J")Jw in 'Ibe -eeJesUal -yWon. A ftiaib- . JIMeanti. ( ehk Of 6 untry people "I wouldn't dillydolly long if I were I 111v -,.I-.l J,;J:­IJ,.fl inerl-113% Iflif-flover ; ­ 34roner for Clou ty of Huron, sea, and they sp 0 1 1 1 D - , .Xffalker, of Rokbaror .- a 1, -der,'he explained. . hls tone, "We ain't been rujinjil, no lwd 13 � -sii. I ly .11 I 11:1 t It was be. 1 ery lb;n vloud or two.bad bot -u fanned � I I 10- MAOICAT honci groidusie TrIcHy Uviveivity, ' ns the ,lower classes.1 HoW happy you", fifiRl yrarldew4, �'k roll of bilig -,V'J.05 ! 1,41W Jaugl of 'r I I - I - . I . I . 6rfle& It is- scaredy .. t0a W;A Then he plunged, xed faced and "I skini )V'y d'ye say wo,gottvii give up - I -1 - - , I . Millet TrfaW Uodical 0011figo. Rember L - - this bIg fairilly is in not knovylng it 4.4 sullonly plaved In lils liand, iv))Jf.-b lie � v(pliIng j,r�rrlhly difliviiii not to IMI bor veross It. but savo for Ilif-ro them was- � . �4' 'timeons.ontorlo. cited, Into the circle about the shell ling freoh, picked fruit W896 of Phyeloltsaas and G our own moDey i You gotter prove it ' I � i 1 114148 tile lower classes!'! , coujited and turnod over to the elder I ll()A,v afli)r,iblo v.l�,. was, 411 v.vouldn't , nothii3s but glorlous And— If-sidt'r bril- L. . . . . . . _ L � .. L I - haven't L - 11skod Our money " Olt- Ivarl.11 I I -' ,mi&4 ro vjear laud J L, ricaming will be picked -, , � - manipfilators and offered to lay a waii "We w"Is a 0611, We it Jiowlder. One of the simll men cluteliod I JI)AV., 11 if I wa-pl. 91 fp- -a win, Ilunt blup, It P_ -_ - . I - . ... . I- -- ger. - - . I . , 7 -ad Nordau do,wtj fult"', . . . I - . in * r . 1. . . all, , - (i I". * 6ne niarvlelfid the 11,14P- rb r1c , L , ' . H ,P," sald Jo n,, -l"Old Tom Vaetinfo 1� id. I "bi-oallso I ININ't -wi'di to you at . I . hei 11 . , I the editor's sleeire with his dirty hai a - . ' ­__� — L . � I : � AUCTIGNEEF.S. ckly .6 a n 0, le up'liere, E*ph Watts, spire In the distariep did not plr-mr It. an . __; "o Descolit of '11, , Frl(q5d.,," to ih L I � 111411 on there, CnVentrlssoll thi fin-urke work Jtj -il ' 1111rolre It! C I "We balu't done wl' youse," he said . T sbut,my 1:11S li-Ill win treirible(i ;ill ­ V110MASSROWIT, Liecomid Auctioneer for. th-o objected , young man beside _tile 0(141()r J111,fled 1,;i o. i.sl. tim., I was dU='- I Yet at flio mimp lime tbe x-ly,r arwended I - left L a" "IS$ My J,Urn."L Mh �. hoarsely, "Don't bellef It, not for a ,- (Jyf - a ,;hie(] � and , w4 Tlbbii on 11,111a. I r V V 0 1,,V . , res inost for - , - ; ited Sugar ,� L . c d, smiling -"friends,. here's a mae - Ing whij yemf, I 414 jl;A sl(+l 41- - r1r, � - , ,i�,,IDDUOttegoffillronandPmtb.' Ordorg him. . n j 111, t-' rn.11ps snd jallm Into wa ; bimmer- ; � Chmpbolliet ftopi6nient wL Ar6rooms, Soafortli, or , ; Rookh' and_'Reulah.' Aud why not'i" .row millute, sec?" " Py . � I - : .1. . .. P I � T111, "I'm f Hartley," .re (*tqll� WO, r"Itl Out of tn'wn iolwr 1)vvau4e be � I r � ­ &pwron ofyico, svill reivelvo promprtattortion, ,ifst, turned the oth- "It was it girl from' Sout Ii east - The town marsbal op".1it-d bN PYPS 111P.10, aild J waa '-:I)JIaJJJ1y, wondi-ring Jug letber, Far away two hu=ards 3ves­nath' betiter� a f au gtraranttbd or U0 obarge. 17084f - . - i Ing - . . 11 . er. "Yqi� can hold yer hoss&, I reckon." .knew too much '0I)oJJtLJhllJ1gS of this C),] ("J(.b of L 'r"lJ"Jt 11j" '-,"J'* j1,11,hIrf,�4 w(,p1ljl II)I-nk �5wung slowly at anchor lla)fway 140 the 1-1.1. - . . is - y bridge, A.InIm," sald I-Telon, "who beard bylilkly and, pladng a hand I Is - 09 r; fy*��17- s.nd your, I � I I - =. -".1y'. -W_-0,ftMW.4t...K-;VJ. v - - .W* . = , : z I 41 I L MRS 6, MemfollART" 11"Cusad suationuor for Plenty -ter each and All, gents , In I wa% from Indiatia an if sort, He's come baek to us again, and the gamblers, said, "I do bereby arres t I _=.t�4_- '._4*__-_------ _ ; S11n, I � � - � . JAtho count), ot Huron, Salem attanct&dtainan; terrupf&l one of tbe shell men, "Place he's here to stay. Ile'll glva us an ob- 110 bright, tranolue-&nt, etrubr,an bun, z I m I "d of tb * I I didn't 'bale to live so fall alv,av from your ould persons and decJare, yon my � , I 1"e -WIngii JJrJfJ 40" in Vf_LV,­ r I . I ; . I 0 COUnty at modersts ratc#, and satistaotio-i I ,t My WJ4* � - � � - guamntOtd, Ordero left at tho sestorth pobt offla � y.(,r gpoodulles on de, little ball. IV Icb Ject,lek;son on the %liell ganic.11 Most Re'markable_ � N. I . . things,'." There was it pause wbile.r4lie ,, prisonenp,." ; . . , . '4114 ut % conmasion 2, Ifullett J�q tic! ne-1 lucky gmit -to win our mon- ,emariced Mr. . . . - )E:,:afiDrth-,.,. � , ;v11I receive .1 � ..� leaned out of the window with ber face Ics pretty S1111p)(, " i , The ery arose again loudr-r.- "Itun lern I ' ffnrkJmq quoW-, poInting thow out to� I , � � . . I . . IN124f ey? Gent bets four slXt�-flve be S'he remArked 117 Is to ple . 11 , 1 LH - . . � * "Umpt atkutfon, seen de 'aside from him. Irl'ben :11ratts, "Tbo hest k up out! 1114-1- ring 'e m up! Nallg,om! Hwng ealing Powers llelt!n, -(To !)I,, rnrilinu,pirl.) L � 1=___=V. - . UMONEERING.-B, ff. Phill", Licensed little ball go under de middle sliell. Up � card16, sly, "I met her at Winter Har- the ball -w1di your sk-emid 1higer and thom!" And a forward ruAb was made. I I I . L I 0- ­ . � . ' ' ' - L �. I 'A' Auctioneer for the counuos of Hurm atij ighe _qonic5! Dis tijlae� we wlns. Platt, I . . the Pack part of yom, t1im),i), 118 you - ; 4. I . �� for I '4b- B0113ir a pmtimil famei slid tharoughfy WIL CVCI ' bor." "Th"s -way, Min, Qu!vk!" erled Hark- I Old Isores which refuse'to � F"ETTINO CHILDREN. - ,re Your Needs - . ville can't n -Y time, NYbo's do e pretend to lay the shi"Al down over it- I � .- . 11�dft%*dlng the valacof farm nook and hnpla- 1. *_Ipo you go to Winfer Harbor?" h L Io.fis, bendfuz down and jerking ope of I Wle-�l .;t 0414 freo; :--,ml vrjf--� .il- L . l.. '""e"460 Places me In a Wtterposition tO Mlb�� K003 gent?"' I - - 1 - : i nex1lucky this way", He flInstrated and showed � yfeldlo any other treatment - L Vriew I . .. , , I � 1'. I-Twoll-ly 01, Tw,j of Ow � Speang? the g,fluiWers halt way - tip tlj(,, Ac' ;�Z 011swasniMorate, astlawtionguarantoot asked. , -1. , I 1,111��l V"Al . I - � I y. All ordorelefii at fronsall pogt offico of- Fentriss edged sloiwly out of the clr- selVeral methods of njanJpulatlon with are cured by Dr. Chaiw-'s :. I � i --- . 2:, _ "We .have gone there every summer � "Get through the ball to'tbe other sidi- ' ; ; i-ifabl- in nint, ewry('A wit W, ten li­- I - as ko � Ointment- 1. /* ,.`f1hJJf Or bfj,�4, Is. Fur- , , %ICbaaebsion 2, Ifay, will be prim -put, cle,-gbashed and with rapidly whiten-, Have You professional .sang frold, and 4 - '��14 41 r ;to , � . - . to 41 until this one for years. and thou run lem t the 101*111), -No , - . . 1709 1 - I P you neV4 a Spring Hat or Ing ebeeks. Ile paused for a moment . which I . . I _ J " . . made plan the vul""Ir swindle by - 0 ' M-" 1-wi .111d d"finlipirr-Ilit"11 1)�tl -I- -_--------_ friends who go there"" - ­ otle will stop you that way, Waits and f - 1W__ . �, 0 U '�' a to many hadf been du that morning I Many of the cures biought about through the 4 1.11d J - thirg new in cal'* good*,,*- I AVES A. SilTIT, Roomed suctioneer for the outside, slowly- realizing th t all hill Of 091 ., I _rtovl u, .:It , -J -e, bJf)-t-!;-;­ 4. 11- v Y I will I I � . , . . LIT L"had once. Tbere was a classma I iold tbls d4r. , . . .!er, lmce curtain_q for your wbr in IV Mllfb of Huron', Ssieff p7onipfly attendel to miDney had gone In one wild, blind " I : tbero aroso a�i ang and threatening . . J L xtraordinary ant.sepue be.ding jxwyers of Dr, !japt-i-mv 1-111ur m, i--,j5,F.f,JAIy da it - � - f" ty and iutflifwtion sruaran. of mine from Rouen - . Cbase'soir,tmomt.treirul.ym-irvei'loijs. Fxzrerna, ,4�1'4-111-i -111#1 Wa hwve -all of - -- t '46td.yrdIdt.0"Whe, "un earned so I . Bardlat,k hustled lils prldton#rs Ibiwigh ' e " of# ­n ft.i,j 41,11:1w liot rt, alue'liar I on nthrup F'. 0, IBM& whirl -the money he bad 41W * UP I � -_. ., : .-.-tV r oaf � bat -was 111s name? Perhaps I murmur, � 1' the doorway, and. the crowd pushed ,.,qvi � �_ - a i : 1, 111141, iv I:Aill 4 (),..�11 . - it nore tbings you � _------_-_-_—__� bo rd al3d -saved so hRrd to make a boll- "You all seei" saldillark,less, raising salt rhm.ra and'itcMag skin diwsc3 whkh Me", 'J*,l I j!� , '� �-;�" 71 V . TV 'I' ; .N , . I . , = know b1m." Slie stole a glance at him - "wL- the steps, while Harkle,is struggled to _ ph I �;J, I .�' 4 ll I 4- -w ,01 I I : .. I : ,,e L . . - � blif voice, . hat a s 1nI)Je cheat ft is- Clear Unt to defy thP, slCill 40f'.- yZiClAnS 237e, tw' -g I qq.0, 1 , I-.-, I! L4 -r, ),.:;I 17,16id-, lieF-41- r# - and saw that his foce bad fallen Into 1 �, , �-aifllleed of a newfadorl'- WKWOP weltory for 1903. a,*. . - � keep the veotIbule 11 Watts! I . W tr,JWn'!-%.we.terPrc0f C01116 - � ,. . 7L . � I _ .,----. I ____ � thoroughly and pmasnently cured by IDIG -I v, TL -1--4. T.Ajli-i� v­.nfl:�, revol- I AUCRAZI, KLURDIN, Fweve, Winthrop p. o. - _� sad lines. 7. I I L g,ot the double doors closed. "Sta"d chaseis ointmeaL - '. �� 14 i I . I #I,, fVp".0�*', e'ure c4pri'll-p-Iiiisn' foot I At . - abLer rag, an umbrall-4, . 0 We like best to call He's forgotten me, I dare sa , hark, there!" be Rbouted, "Wo all ov(,J-. . � , 30619 8- B'ROW*,,;, Coune' 111or, Seafartb P.O. I I . . �: .jld Vold (�;car,(. ? We can k0pply Yon M"LER LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop p. o., baven't seen him for seven yearg and ' - Don't be fooll;;b. Tbe law Is good MR, J01.04 POLLARD, &h* JUS, I Algorna Co., � J1r1-V­W '!"1114-10:1, r1'-;JTl''(* hiw,� at remo . riable prices, I L. JO" MURRAY. CouveMor, Beachwood p, 0. ' 0 SCOTT'S EMULSION ' " . ont" wlites:- "Last spring � Ll a running - *,FVi!, � I. 11, - 1,41 PVtOrIJ011, !-ewfol. 11 i t fir- . Jo 'i L I Dry - ' RN 11- GOYRINLOCK Counoillor, Winibrop P.O. , - � that's a long time, you know, and be's q Pnough for us. .Stand back, wJ11 youl," %ore, right on ibe knee cap and 0-fld Lc,arce,'y I - 4, f. Va, '11- 1-bloo, rilyl IJ4. /jv(vi ' � ,-f'(;rf,cr,riea anti: itilpIle 0 $ . I _ , - so em- � -'out in the worl 9J. Ile was shoving Yigorously with opon gptaround with it. It .,. " bortl h;.,b*,. ? Ions(), NoTip-130i &rk� Winibrop P a food becaw-5c it stands . d,i where rememberin . % �,aya fregh Ord up t�-datri, . "VID It. ROSS �re�;qrqr, Winthrov P 0. . V I was tll,- !�bf&.t thing I '.% 't 11 -*,04`V ilf), 3 Tif, . ! . I h ort � 40LO]IONS SHINNON J. P.,8&n1j&r,- Inopo&.07 J . L I 0;11., ��!V*�' --e hi.01eat pricelf in c" I phaticafl.y for perfect nutrition. Is harder, Here In Plattville we don't', bad and would krep cr)r,-�Otljtly g2thering 'a L I I A& - hand and elbo,T, when a eompact. 11ttle ever I I .-,It , .1. �J-f!-, Ji'f+ i JVN . � � . Winth"p, P.O, . up " .d breaking, '17hough I trwd miwy sa'.w.-S Ana 1* f �- I :141, 11"T's", 1)v '. ir11J!4,T_-i -1he . V-; anti tgg& . I . ,4 .-knd vet in the matter --of .reeltor- 0 forget." 'I I group of men gudilf,rily dasbed the . , , . . I I ,loft t - MIL __ I Inilmelas tb(�j did not t.exin to do "BIC any good. - J;, �': 111i"L�Villi, ill lt,,J. 4.4#1M fili tLe� : V. ,fk,�Wnt Ciyngtaace- - . I - ?e ing lappetitc, of giving ileMr ) "Were you evier at Winter Harbor ' ,. . .1teps together, and a heavy stlek - Ilearing ,about Dr� (,b;t,,f!.s 0�6!1!jF!�Ilt I pro. � , , . %4, Tylntl�vr � , � .1 INARRIAGE LIO "I was once, -1 spent a very happy ", ��� swung out ever their beRdg. .k straw cured a Wx and can fref-;y :-,.iy tt,carrd mly )�_g -..JIn(,1., . of lifils. ITIls-N. , � � ENGES '� stren,,,th to the tissues. especially $ I. I I .izq,UJq f.v VJ0410-if tht�rqj." So14 b.y � � d1Ca.Un0tg;p"k too hJgfAJ nd,,�rful , I � � � . of iv, wo . . . . ­- - .--. ­ � 0 day, there long ago, when you must i hat with a. gay, ribbon sailed through an m --til at ` . . � ee to* thc nerves, its action is that 17 1 -.1 � � I g,I ilr-.!��. t.o4; or ,,­nt I),, � I . . � 0 I have been a little girl, 11'ere you thera ,' A' Unless the S01"Iff) Y0�' the air, The editor's long -arms -went � haing power." - _. .. � . I - evilln ;- 11,10% 1* �.,ri�alg Th" Of -Wil - 1. of a medicine, . . . I -EY TO LOAN - � - TRE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, . Send for free -xmp!r., I intl . � i . I out swiftly from his body In several Dr. Chase's Ointmelit, 60 c.-rits it box, at aU l".".7yis',"I lliv;131. Vr�q Jlft.ellvifle, 4)JJ- ati,)vy;6t rates of 1-iwriot on . : IQWXE, Chemis "Listen!" obb cried, 14r -3 ',� , .. � MD04 $ 13COTT & J; sts, . Xhe procession ! use has this brandYO'J directions, the hat)ds not -open, but d4mlers, Or F.Almanson, J,av,,s & (:-),, I wmto. I , I %lit#, .r . ­­ ,* � . _­ . L. K1Lr,oF_A?(,- - I SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Teran'to, (J.tario. I Ig tile x rtrait A;;iAy tj JAK. . . Is coming. Look at the peoplelf" I I elinched and bard. Thin next Instant TO PrOtdc-t -You , --liul-t imitati0t,:; F , 'N 'o, ' I 110 .1112 11 I *� ' 4- a � .0 I - , 1 50c, and $jxa; all dr�gjistz. . are not nttlng the Nc ---t - I .flJIer%-, Worm J .1-4144's DoAkc . ; . The parade bad seized a Psy 0 t --.--,; he and Mr. Watts stood alone on the and -signature of Dr. A. W. Ow -v!, ,tbe fainous I _. . � . $ ' . ldr4-n hf-ItLY"i . . 4 IN � 11 1 ill, ii I . 1. �. 'NO WITNESSE&I, REOUIRED. �l�,�ll���i�,,��i�,,��i��,�l!�i,'II !1,11� F I al- moment There was 9 fanfare of " - I - . steps, and a man with a bleeding, blas- rec-pipt bW,c author, are on eirery box. ,ChJ Wils I 4 ., i . Asx Lar Lhe Oc gun uar� 245 . . I Alex, .,on, j)I,11gg,E,,,.$caX4ortb* - -.1-1 1 7 il: . . ­ � ! . i . . � 1, ! I . I � � I � . I . ; - i - , I- I , . � . I � . .1 I I ; I � I � __ , . I . - . i I I 1� I ` - - - � I L - � I . � � I , ""y , R I 0"WROW-W I O" i WW n A - E A I "Y-1 ��7--"?"-'� .110. _� `1 _-_� r. ` � � I I L, L Jr got I ku 1 4 wat ou 11 I E Uft" I 11 , I I I i I I _. - � I . . . ] ! k . . � . I _. - . � . � Is , q � I I . - I .__ I I . I "I - . I � : � . . I . i 4L .., . . I - -1. . . - - � - . I � I i . � � . ­ I 14 I I . i � � i . . i I . � . - I � . . _. . . I . z . . . I � - 1� - � . i � -_ ­ . I � . . . . I __l , � I . . I � . I . . � I . - - . .. - I .. I . . I . I . . . . ­ . . - 1;_1 -1-1 - I - . I. : - . . I . - � ! A I . , . . � -_ . . . . � I . � . __._-1__i"._.1__ 1__ . I . ----,- __c_____._� - - __ ____ � . .__­_.___.­_­­, ; -.-..;.--,--�.---.,----.---a,—.�l-- - � ­ 1-1 - - � ---- � -..--- - .__ _­­ __ ­ ---1 1__1--_l_ ____­____.___,­_ 6060