HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-07-01, Page 2f
bir rs are al- d I alre on Aitrolke.11 n ar make is mot usod ntuob, me is not Jowe4 to tak.6 moro ows. Mn
time W im y a extra dollar ft'theF bUtOJ
"A st�roike's r6ighl in -f dolivery'. which a p. moral
orse it is not noces- ,who koci th� bull Jul. soldes praotice,;_ Of cou
t, him for till leis stock, The u, iviry quis ion. Av a man don't employ a professional but-
pprivilege is
M, aljoq�ed � lle man who
EAFORTIT, FRIDAY, July 11 1904� what's bJA by roights, he -hao a otlf�r, 41ut n Is requiretl wbo, oito
g1t. h-VLnd ou t kolks the, rain rul, he gels t he ork neatlyand wel shiroilte or kick as the, do thoW 110 usu6l- lines extra. Twelve. to $20 if year
may- be., Tb' man who takes up the carease, along i 110 k(10113 1110
Premier Ross' Holiday. ilais alloWV1 lbe Man o, e. T o
tings; as� they' comes- an' lit v. and In
ol, r. ou r '1400i"tY Vaid
11 11 ijiier Rowi y ii. hook., for e, i bo, At one Hule
qay,4; M r -anybody it on b
The Globe. in butcher provides
r and Juings I hereon' the por- inemb(s.ri as much ns $10 Niriednosda/y of last week f0i t6 be sat on, Thl imploy- mombl, ull, Is .4 good as. thl imployer- tio or each farnily as the animal for keeping tbf,, 1) al-
flull froo. T his
a gootf* dale, b(Aher, as
ot Spring Virginia. 11� Ivill it a rule iould so liad the use of Lho,
Ig a u c up. Ftob mernbor l
found,t be too Inuch of a good
until August Ut an(l: probab- h v- two nwat bags with his name was
t on, sw that, one, of them 1y for a week or t -so 1100, 'i But I don't see what tW htree may always thlAX or Oro )nan keeping the bull
car min to kick about," says be �at Clio butcht,.r shop, ready to ;c- Itnd. the society soon g6t into dis
, M. abson will tw. acting Pr eile nibership reii orf
I I In', tb( Top: Clancy. "Thoy have a w0i,XlItY aiSY the weekly portion,
Mr. Ross to V o and out ji,
ok no - f
I toirne, iv it, roidial round tb! city in ca", of some rings oacli family Keto uAt the society Was 11rtiall only - one I is "-e in other,,, a go 'holiday List year, and tho exe-, tiV6 their gud clothes," lie says, od u prQ1J
-work ha,,� kept him Pretty well tied "Tht's jI.1t where ye're 0f,Clan- pieco'of blw bind q arter and an In- this methd and ad,, ' I thir
Ao,.vn ently. 1-10 hill eebeen fv,rior piece of OP, front quartor,or 00t 'wlfleb I wDrlwd ad -
I says, '"The aisest* jA is of- or- granted, ember 94(s inirably, Wo pay al t $20 for our
tiont, fo take tbings f. ton th hardest. They 'do a. gud dale vioicj..versi ; in o0rs it in con
oh with piece, hogs wh they are six moliths oJd
has -kept in constant tOtt Jv Toidin round," I say%. " but tbey a piece,, a roAst and a of th arn- don't git a chance to sit down at of st ko
e Govo web week, Tbo, variou's and $20 to $35 for our ams,
evve department a
"I am condnued Mr.
sand has a surprisingly com- it, An it rain-esIometoimcs in -this outs are numbered, and an accurate
Atowart, " that if most of the, Sa-
f tl* details Of counthTy, ye mustn't forgit that. record 1" kept by [lie butober of the
Ithe whole administr4tion, -t of bftf re ved
,citf which hold Cx1 ibi I ions' w ore,
An e. have a change iv wither in th quality and weigh eel Ito e P -in up and -k - p pure bred
am t4redo" said- th,0 Premier winther, too, when yo come to tink by each member.. In this Way it 19 V-1 bb
yesterday to The Globe, "and U iA -it. An be can't have a shmoke possible to arrange f6i each fa
i�y y our societics
j)robably as a result f this that aitther, whini ive approximately' the same dops, -it would be a big improye,ment
be -wants it, poor man,41 to - rece.
r -4m hag been", bothering "I don!t seelhow weld it along weiight of meat, find the same pro- ovar the proseAt Ily tt=, where
ny fa, -bat they
sne a good deal recently� I have widout th cars, aven fur a day,#$ portion of valuable and obioa outs. �here are so ma fits t
treatment f*r it for t1ree gays Clanc e end Itaken no Y. Weld have to git an duriag the season. At th of conflict with each ofh�_ We Ila ve
It I m hoping that the the, tary Of the a sort; of unwritten -14w, lbt; any
atymobile,11 he says. the sum er 'who k(WIPS any -4f our stock
stay tt the springti will xclieve'vae. "WOd curtinlY miss the cars, Organization ftrnislies each membe. man
Joe so t to Imspection by
shall barve a rest at any r#te, and Clancy," I says, Manny's th long With a statement Of the Yeaf':� OP- mus do sub
member or wamters appointed
Apart i roide wetve bad *r feive clatswhin eritons,
fthat ig what need, I think. compiled from the. but
'that purpose, There Live ifrom this Tho;4matism, I am IeOling. ; we had it to sbplre,-'Th attymobile cher's records. As no two animals
it has
ey e,
my well." is all viry well &i thim that can af- will have been, o the same weiht, oo asloim wb *on tound
essary to take anim4is I.Way tOM
r s - ts' .11 balances will have o change
Mr. ADharle.5 Chases the Premie f6ord Jlt, an thim. tha fond iv smjr lqe
f4ithfal attendant, will be his ORIY order to e e -,matters, ually tm mbers, but not Of late thitrong purifumes, b e nd
aion whilee avray. -always agreed The Drummond Agricultural Society.
COMP I obotroet. car a# a manes iv lommot As a atandard price � s ea is same lino of work I-% alrtmdy
ion, unfiss we have to do th shtrap upon at the berglun �ng of the S - r ents er pound#
Dtmdbonald and the Milffis act. I don't care o pay out me son, say tive'o' six W;ng conducted by Ol, Drummonir
p'Ivilege. iv! --tbere.-are no disputes at tbo, Wei
good money fur th r Agricultual Society, looategl near
The followiAg artiolo by the To-
sh,tandin up." Members wbho bav eceived more p0 'he county WI,anark, Vr.
rtb, in L an ood pay fo
owan recently vhsif4 t1w, --wation,
froato Daily Star, is so suitable and the enve a f c, pri agreed upon; and was shown the stock kept by the
fira much, to the, point that' we quote it in full and commend it to te v�ho ave pu� jo more than society, Tn ho evening it meeting
at the bom
i -y have received A*e �aid in the at M. r, P., PA.
vareful. o1W1deratf*n of every per- mC S�A, tho 0 ,�Ul b I 1, Of Baldia 00re-,
soh Ma'takes an *interest in thelm- The Advantwges.- Wlierever it has ta Y, at which a numl�!�r or., wf3lj
tried (his has -given ex-
dis,msodd, The Star I been ki6own breeders and orflecri; of tso-
ort nt suble sswesecollet results': as W sb*wn by the It to ain fact, that A h keeping pure briid stook
Lord Dun&nald Is of the apin- On to 'the s a oy
s MM868, and owns 'two bulls, Ji.
11 -hat ourilitia is in a bad wity, The farm -
on 't I
ot. 80or
thorn and an Ayribir*e, Puring
1�1, -ers are par- t winter t
It tb4s be true, no one political wo bogs !were kept, a
ers! w1vts and daught Party is to for -it, It is cor- We td, as the abun- 13 rkshire, and o T More
tioularly -11 pleasc o -day -In. -dance f fre,.,4b men.
tainly wilte As effective t t. at t bakir com- b s will W bought In the fall. Up
&04 it is probablY far more effec- I i mand simplifies the, qu",tiou of to two years ago, the society kept
blian it was when the C va� providing suitable meals. Then the bred rains... The 1)uruLim bull
onser ,ore
ftirveo left office. .Sir I rick farmers ot their beef at-tbo actual c6st $140 tit the aucUot sale ot %took
rden -bas if Shpakin ly sU.trolkes," says 'more for the- best
Bo by common consent,
oost, paylnlg no hold in 'Otlaw.aj and 'Che yrsbire.
done very, much to -improve, the ef- Clano 'did ye bear that ]Winner- outs than they would tor the cheap- rt,oat $90, bought, It privte
6010noY of the forde under his con- ry"s -4"�t they could buy in retail, r boa
Unde The bulls a rded. a-
0�1d' woman vs on,shtroike
-_ - I tboo operation of' the beef ring each. r6un,d at the ato of $3 a week, du
U01" he t, of course, dono as th Other I d I What was an
Us, or not," 1. uoh it. Lord Dundona fiamily gets Its portion within a few 1ji j une
and July,and tor $3 a
io th r about this toi
rbher professional European oldier, lwurs� -liffer k�lllrrg, so Cluit t1wre, is nion-th during the rest of the year,
would tihink advisable ; -but o has IT as this way," says Clancy. little, (UfficultY In k00Pin(T the Meat The, keep of th nim I t u t
one more than big predece-osorsand I mot him down in th'Ward fli
reah, for nearly a week. The usual society bout $54 e, oh per year,
is not fair game. for party oriti- othor'day, an b is lift car wa�i sell-
methiool is to tise, the steak and r9ast man boaring the animals have,
ed 'up as, bligv( fishit, an �badly
irst, anA pul the, boiling piece 'into use of them. for their %took,
4 Lord Dundonald, in holding thia t burfic1d. ye been argy'
Poll- brine or a rtifrix-p4ator until needed. bulls are kept at th", ditferept M"re should -been. done, agrees ties agin Flinnoriy I' I -�ays. 'Twas
ours truly, P114069 in for�v
with every British officer wit* has the -ould woman this toime,111- be says. usb
'W, A. Clemons. 43v(oiy tljx4w.- weeks the are ruoved
Lasht nobght; wbin 1. wint bomc,P,
jover come into close, contact wit the Department of Agrioulti.irov, 1round, to suit the c nve.nience of
Can;adian militia, According to. fibe Mary Ann w4as 'doin up me whiote Itb(, 'members, Mxmb(-ri are charged
European standard, Canadian defence -,hurt (fur Sandy, an I sort IV 'Well people do not worry. Take $1 each -to join, or which f eo they
in a state Of alarming inefficiene Winted -to hur -tbi& she didn ' t put
nd -it has always been in that ciondi- jist as oine, it Polish on th bussum Compound Iron Fills, and are, permitted to breed two cows to
W well 15P dose for, a quarter. one bull of our altogother. For
a n ce, az Gin Shlino th Choinaman ext *10n, The boundary Und Germany is to -day a net-wrk, of 4re,,! an she, brung me . it swolpe Alex, *14son, Druggist, Seaforth. four more cattle sin "tra. dollar is
arged, T4e. spoluty � lvas a metn-
tortifloations, while there is not a e h iron.' that's b"o' ship of 1 07 and ret,eives a &rov-
rJ fort srhiqb. mojre dan- all." he says. w*uld not b, Societies Owning Stock.
cirnmen f gr of about $67, a.4 we] I
4gerous to Its defondpm tban to its .5 -a eoun Ly
(Written for- The Expositor.) ran't of $P:O, For their
enem U at any point On the boun- dollar, members can take a Kow to
darY bitween Canada and the United A great aeal Of imteesting in -
each boor, Molubers liolding otook
Egland have, 1, ft formlatin 'bas; been gathered racent- can eoll",t mewberohipfees, The par -
special fleets that watch the British ly,by,H. 13, Cowan', Provincial Sul ' )- ties keeping te rams are allowed
bannel; while both -Canada and the crintendent *f, agricultural sOCIC- o char -go mewbors li, 1-2 cenisa
fnit Statoure debarred by treaty tioq, regading L'be ownership Of k f r h OW,
,O e
wh(oh 11; kept at
from putting An- armed esseon pure brod breeding stock, by I)Iaea, No membej in take,
fte Waiers that divide them. al wicieties in* [lie Province-, A nm-
., than two ew.es 14 Ono, kjuj, Tn
Z; One thing we on this, confinant r�- r of soelofies,,' it has Wwn i Olis iway members Of 1�1
m Eurqpa is doing 'eveelletit work.
found, fire 11wir iriefribership tfx, ap allowed to
it many "r1._ tb01 br,ned our C�vrq f -two
Ilitarism, The safety Iis bell
of mi our tiwv% a
-be United ane 0aaada nor in t Province whial ag—ON for'$1. floars kapt t
n exbibitiom were to' pon an im- 111c, sociialy of *J() for file
to -6y . sma
to defend ur- if�ork an own
vive ufJ this ,I n d air- Oelvf.* on land. Both Canada md te eulatk, pure bre4J st-ock, tlivy -%v(
it nusubor V y-ans y,ociety
Inited Status depend - f&!r uvon--, Missus Flinnert.� knows bur btisin-
Mor(.' 'good for I V IS lyou gli t 11 -I L �V I Vo 1 a I V
I sa ys, , n ividintly 6e- 't.licjr �(,*Ljons, 0 control of blie -%ea and th ractiial n Saturday, June 11urnibed-it I L, L w.,s in th ould adavt-'Stroik 10ortaintY Of '111timate suc:cess if at- 11.1,. Mr. Cowan vi,4ited the home ofl
whoi le th iron is hot. taked, Coins equently any person ',Ar, A, M. StAmvart, t Datmeny, Itus-11 lo about 14 llextWoting to find a militia here at GROGAN� st.-I county, who is secretary -of f h ej tlwy tilly tUr('1411 ille 1�oeic,ty,
all ' ourrillarablo, to tilie. prolessional of Osgood grioultural So-,
At tb#,, in wtin't; )Iell ir, t11411, (!V(,n-
�A)r conscript- armics of-Eu:rope., fs Lever's Y-:;,' (Wise Read) Dir ha b�e 0 nfectant ofiety. Tlj;ls socieL S n
hcertain to be fisappointed. !And it Soap Powder duked in the bath, �of zim pure, brod'iimk inei" 1687,- T P_ dir et4 , re unanimous in [be 4z iDu*r opinion -Plwtm�no alarAiist re,_ ector. it belier
the watarand,disiufiectff., good would acc
k)eftq nor sensational comparbsong I beir soolety , lias done
eto-receive- a .0an pwsibly st,ampeda our peoplet good tba if- could possibly have, done 4nta 6�ring the terrible tax of blood The Beef Ring. had it cnde.ivorc-d to hold annual grant on fli4 vvjl,-I.t flivy ac -
and money which would b- nec"..9ary. Mart states Wally (M0.114 for agrivullura pur-
ito oreatf! a "Canadian ar�iy" atk- NiA,�.' FRE811, 01"It -it is the in M basis as I` af pre -
factory to the British War Offc'(4. Ulf, nouril'y tIlat t1w, county- or, ttus-. Our militia prc�telids to, be no el won the, bifnfior ,offered by the Imore. tiban it is- n Instrument of _P Expositor,-AlLhougb live Valley journal to thecoun- N a sit or,. k ew life f or a qua Miller's
ordej� a n grown on alinot every Can, internal A a first (Ijin line ario owning, the Compound Iron Pills. -of diefo�jiroe' Sir Frederick adiaii tbi., farmer 'as a rule best-.4Lock, largely dsi . result of
Bordem's lcx, Wilson, Druggist, Seatortil.
-L 'fie clubs, wbieh-if qysbeni of ri lwork don(,,. by this so-
Unds it vry (Fifficult to furili.14 A
tabl(,' isupported-would give, us a popul- wUh resh xn/eet during, the sqmrfler moht1js. Salt pork' and -Qu, ng Sing, one of To6nto'# most, #too-
Ition of good -.-9hots, is probably thf, Tbe Osgood .4001(Ay ows (bree pouttry art- 1 gvneral uy, but it i,4 bulls, two of whiell re Ayrsbiros, Ocfihfui Chichmer, was mbrried at his ploce
pffloat practical measuri of Canadin, le
a Liberal sW)I;ly W011esft, 85 Queen ma,rve Of ;defence which hai ever b(t(-n p r' h beef would mke prob)e I xd four boars. Tfiv re inost Tre bride was Angu-jis
ro if . Shortliorn, twelve rams The South A,fri-.,j-n conLin- U of 1preparLng much e.A�Acr for ly but icIncM two v vg lady w"68 P �6"tu'ii" A 9
Igents, .ShOwed wbat thi. Worn"'n (A the houebolol, ad Villo. Accordlog to the brioe, Qumgla love
aw on ecAort ftorn or fwc can dr. nd. one, Oxford Dow �r w Id vnsur t rriorc, wholeso 00 94 P%1,14 fit in sr"
essimud militi and- yet it include one nimal each Or 1in ror following braeols, Tarnwort)), want bill (At far(., for thk, f hospital mee
to say (hat h w- oil _,toput off t�e
the X,oIt,d lot ngtts bpx-n submitted to the J36 -t- IdaJug d!ly, but
in I hi�f veruip butchers rnilts f ro a 0 -She weno iq s
cein tim(t of peace, IT botli in
lqcated -woul(t b( ednw"DiOnt siolliat? aud P,mpMn,
,(tn, as. too jv(, diffvnmt svelions of Lbe. )er or 00y to rtmki na heir file wife,
nd 04 4. Q,100gd d
and untrained to b*6 of ny ser- Any twelve T-jrmpr In (3hullman a I flit every dFlY wnsbifps aftfr-
waide, Isad wi wi �rj the rc% It veari nd take,
ter work thrt tlic, mclifmv like Tbin- woorbwh mi -n nd rt, apt lo find, and, in oniwor to thdrl quevi ion if h
A f k i r, will, on rf,'que.41 wooild Y the 910# Qsr,11K conoented,
r It is n full be .1 h vary Jittlo h(h Toe pot eimen
WiL, offizer lie L could wj' consume raw o�r binmr, by Ow csooie(y, or t Ith
tVJ went liome and donesd U;t r bot� tlotP
Igive is the of Itis military ik for thern. G�,n- -nd ouz officer.14 i -i cwt ot the questio'fo tbink of vrally one Is isk(d for return they
of kalirif4 his own, Tn- ordf'r 10 Ito 1 -1 -RAM from birn Ili(, outlincs yf!ar, morp being (a)-wrt It -
0 young
lon, and tn
with- 'fill luf thj Frkd Viclor 141A
It.'he TnIlMiry m I 1114, Uu,(1 Of TneUL in cv- (4,,r b -ft
- I <.ry f;irrn 110mv, even dur,infr urnmar s woman who 4VA61 W faho Pa t in ton apre
out abviowfly fllifikinf bee 1114. Onl
t! . on 'itook thp bni no On U-04receivid Ohl orolf with
4 of the Amc �i w 0. wolves ready to dvvotir us if the op- r(,c(mra(vL+4 OW, Iricirz, iis tlplwi UPea immedie0.1y alt -r tJl-y
pled fo w4ri�m'4(lemitnand ,
ift; 60 pr# -
and .;kinx tfwrn, Somf, bulls bove menred Ow bfidV Mt b-'117111) ji'ArAICY,
Tulf!1714 Or' Our f114 hif-TIJ a-4 S,400, Aa- devolo- more. Orno in([ troney lo f Ili, on. for in orav sections of of I'fie i but, absurd t, d inh) J,,v xid buff st puUmarioU4 colik of It Europt".14 rinwi re nol, ddomt $100 1,1114 il9 txplaa O'd 0 L 'I
ony 'but he wito t, o buly to) %
with rlil- oNat hv(- won tbe but arf., Xroup,4 of jvo)jol, r1l(�r1il 11 uch -if honeymoon trip M, preio
it (,xhibiflos a,4 t,o lippl Olvir c,>ni inued �,f r,Stew- it
They ]Know
been sible (r) Th'atioands, of p(4,,tp1,j the
twOnty ()r fUrTIN), all tfie ninials w4k(A es of ix count�y know thlit lhi,, (frroriz t1w Toronto Daily. St,,4 r.) tw�lnf y-rour xriernbm-4, 21(bo)ugb Tf svetion sk for tlirvc for Pdeh--ojuf,mrnt8, ffuppoE;v.rte;; acd ap
us.,iny forty re en- tb4, soni(.fy money, pliances-will "Ob Oure.
to ;4I 'Tne b t t th In (Ifjly .1
- but �J` 11141Y sk for one we pirsing
ply one b,,,( -:f rtimal (Turin- Ow -miui_ hand i ord(,r to &rd Is Hem Riiil is c. plenly o7f o*4;IVt.d (",tab eir from (lie twc-1 iner al _iW Dr. L b iinv for prc-fmr'tfi0n, thP, if,, one of tbes e a fly ihat removei the c,.*l1tt; draw I(A-14 Ole previous to I i ()n4, to g I-Mes, 14 pfropa,
ether wifli tile govern- Y'Very
Ole order in whiab il ey packs g"old, Ofirri eo 9 guarantee with it, d a litth.,
hll contribute nininis, jAftm- ilW xlrm funds which royyj(,, in in oth It isporfeedy harm I 'stlitheetnot, deli.
my VX01111 T1 fo at futiou, A mon Tn< a y me Cate coned 6 treatoin no,
number:�, ir find it muturilly d- Ow or kP_cpIn.,,,, [lie nimals, er;y pack -hg -q. Sol ' d at, $1 0(),
Two smfll fmilies r,vt P'4()m(' tinl0s btve beon forced to t(in rqg;�H to
Ober informs i ft at,
COMbine for mw intr) at other times Ni:�) tiv� drug k0re. 0
Tlw A nilm- I The U.S11- as much a,4 two
JJU' to 1110 good. At -A man inmed Kelly, f, om. (411 01)
sujjply a or uwjer OWN, we have over $100 oil )yjnti Sund'&3, JuLse 19,�b, cfwited is Awn4t,r)JI in
bu,ilthy nd iti,,rood with ill(- "'OVOrnMent grant -con) Of, Lutflerik;l 6hurch, ew (11.4.5Lsixtiz-froni 400 to :-;Oo flu(,, ()urgrfii Is ll0ur (ulminatvd io ls arr at, - He cxif ert (I the
b(- th 0-atirids af hNI, ajiI 1-ri-ain-fed rol, t r$ 6 3. '4ornir- ach arch in i -ext ch of I wo ( f HJ3 abi, drep, wbu the other tbat th -.sht rcvt li-wit ix previous (o lcillimr. u i I., I ny ,.s (�igllf bull.:;, thirtc,vn rms hadh-mPupporudb th5i $trandmooh
an is up to ill(, stan& r.1t, y r Al Ilw end of a in the Village, UU(i dFrost) ed th&� ttif-y
shtrol-ke wan iv tbese days v thl rn(I tb, f, OW n - I&OUld bts gJvVn t otber or round from liv- fli-ed. ho; t.re# fig 9
dont their nioinds. ITIS to, nc-OuIllf" Of him, 0 al- bei" rf. %ted pUCh a dWu b%aea
tin, to be a viry 'fishionable I au H
it 134, '5-6 on i 0 (]IV q r Iinbr( (f. led :0 Jib arrel, The decision in imch ing', Wli,(-n 'I'(- 1Ir(-PdinAL t ovk bS G r I n, he- s1tys, thure was no or ,I difly usefulness, it Is sold to silGli tiliz s sit, --Nliyl wur C011- conlulittc-e of ins1wetion. In Our Grandi I th hiilcb(ir nd tbe money COMPS th Youtti. T
a firtied W take wNit K;,Iliyt,, but- bm-k to (he s' 'Para1�1KII Was 0 In the �-outb of dintlft unbs-ard
our and now nem 1� ever7, ne,,vspape is�_emplckvct to kill in(] cut 111) ithat purtv oF14,n, An I danno [)ut 11.1 the un of a rim contaln-4 a rword ut 60reame bu I g *TJ1 Jkf-a %Jth ill(, Jh owner retiniYIP' f(,r ll t1wir ln-d of 1b^ tbig doadful Zfif PZ1;414 _1A in 0
bon r fOrm (f helpleff
falk wel off thin a's t h ey fat nd hid'
e. The ani- -tor two "PlItY q divving Of the rervej;, Md rav a) wpyy bp n
prevefted by the of Dr. qbas,s
four knod, a priparstiowbich hAS so z1val as A crostor
iorunt-qmid �or killifig nd cuttina up member N entillod to bree Verve c,,
continted man. An' ye're -not con- -a boast is usually $2 to $2.50, with cows duelng Vhc ypar, and if th,e bull Of nefvO force.
ULY I OR 'TOWN OF SEAFOR ri lt.PLWJ Treasure4rvs of Lands in arrears for Taxes. BAr'-, 1E TOWIf of SEAFORrH to v- ]3y virtuo kway of A warran , itrucd by 3rand Tru n Rail MAyor of the Town of unler his System'. band and th-0 heal of the Corpotation. of I ho Town of Hesforth, bearig dato the 17th MAE Y d4y - of May, in the yoar of our Lgril, one Railwvy Tim* Tablo thfwand Dino hundred andfour, and t 2 commading Me to levy upon thc, I A U, L14E Tice eeveral Uoils honin Weattioned an4 deterib. 12 4r p. M. F(0 Ciffithn AM I W. - For chfit9n. WITgh-1*1 isti-I J�, nf�'ar ad in the raid Town of (all of P' dine. r Which la�a&sre patentvd) for the arrt-ori 70,38 P, I,-,, Fla Olyston 4114 is for strol-rd. Gni,4pb, T�,,m of taxes 4ae zhereon realmetivoly, toaother 7,f orillis, North Bay a. -A i -
Withcosto Az hereiziattor eet forth. I here- rhGro Uellevillo rnd Peft by give notice thtit unleas the fisid arrears and costo be soonor paid, I *hX11, on Wed- 3,37 P, ul. For 8 , tratford, T "eoday, the 24-th day of Auguot, A. D., 5.33 P. M. For Stratterd. Guelpb And Twito, 1904, at the h-uur of 12 o'dock, no 5n, at the —#-- W
Council Chsrhber, Town Hall, in the Town Pahnerston and Kmeardine, jot
QUICY. of Seafortb, aforaosid, proceed to sell by pvblio auction so . much of sui laniis ro. am's lqokm� PA", pa", 7,20 p.m. 12,20 p.m RELIEF opeatively " may be suffiefent to discharge Zthej . . .. 8.07 1.07 V 30 such arre&rs of taxes and asid cote thereon s.17 2.17 10.00. - .0.27 1.,v respectively. B1114VAIVA1111. — U 70,20 A X 0 Delf-cription, Taxm, Oostii. Total. w4ughaw'. .. _ .. 8.38 1,40 21.10 4008 SOL -M, ft", mixed. Pill% Lot 1,9,3.,4, cutoes P 0 I'll; i Sub-divief6notblook 7.02 9.17 PIM K, Jarvis' Survey, 11 ]h .0.00 suppoffd to belong ............ 7.25, 10-11) A
to Mrs. Ellen xe� ........ &20 11.30 if
Namara. - - - 0, 1897 to 1903 laclugive. London. Rur6n and Brucei, 1"o NORTH— WK. M-10TTI UM&DI 16 Town Treasurer. 15.4.1". Treaffurer's OM20 — b t4 _The woriderfisIly 'd effect of Dr. NeaforW, 17th Usy, 1W4, 10. 5 le_4� T�'blcts in cur. ....... . Pitcher's Uacka�l Ki n t'll . ing the seve-rest., kidney, bladder and uejn- . . . ...... t 1,1 I - __
Cnnton Z.Lkl . ary troubles, m4co thime Affected rejoice, TARMTUZd, 217915� 0 e V:
Such diseasies And 4jrrders av lame or 10.38 746 A Weted gire of speed, iveak back, oweUing of the . . .. .... .. 714 111111der the &yzH,,'r rdmm,h hotol, -Ilfttm, noon Bruce 7:4 the tietne, scaldGg, frequont duriog flold for r4ght. Tuv&"y,-VWn*, "on I VzVs, 90fxf 5007z- night, Wodno0av�-Dollmood, nom; brafflion, WIWbaw, depsrt_� Z,lof� six;
tbe day or ii1ght, pa;n in the uric night, Thurmidy,-Exeter, noon; F*rquhzr.n1ght. ...... 7.101 acid in the blood, drowsiness, Fria-ty,-staffa, n -ion V wsy of Dublid, 0 U_ 7.14 rapid Loss of fio.sb, habUtual 11joadvillo, Sgurday,-At hig Own qUble, F4=nd- Londtoboro.......,_ �4 liver torpor, weAkriess of the vr�oary or.. ...... gans in children and ifie. all. ...... -quickly relieved and permainent ly cured, C0 86 -&o
L46 U345 Onto, says U,ard work and con,,f ant the E,ovdm. J"Iftelji_ je and Kidney n fievere backaef trouileb! ()The Oerations were ihick and scanty. r4eved we I got Baby Carriages, G 0 0- a. r u it bottle of Dr. J-!;tcber`% fte1mcbe-Kidney and Carriers* Taqleto, ThhIr stopped tile pain and fiorl'"ess, Kidney. action became. In be lateot up-to-datte and g* it -Of
I and I am exceedingly 4"Ortmentr to thoose frow. a ;rajarul, and g!4�d to add this tesdmony to Don% scold the little
the, Xpression" Of goodwill I bave heard ones if the bed is wev., in- Window Rades. and
0016 ve tftt�oance to, the morni6g. It in't t1w, Our entiro stock will be C'196011 out At in irs g it is no won4er Dr, Pitcher's Tablets W fro f a we4., k - a grout reduction in price� Wo &V,e Ji"a CUrO 00well -they-are the precription ebild's fault, It i .1 -ring rom latest, i4m. in Wjndovr� Q - of a Xidneysopl In i HWS of the kidneys and bladder, and weak 114-differt-u&v talist and contai ngre- die,ats not founJ in Common* kidney P!11'1� kidneys. need A Woe and vured v ue1w a So Tablets In aibottle. 11 You cawt, afford to risk delay. Neglect 101W -of rice foe, or,3 f0i and 11&r14r Suitt,k, oold and Janey ebaire UU4 $ is 25, att drugksts or by mai , The Dr, entail a lifetime of o4tforlag aud MAinry, rookeris, dining room uud bedourn Zinc Pitcher C4., Toronto, Ont. I Ulm, ate. For N&Lla by, 18,:RalVerbs. dru-zgIzt,8iVorth The vertiml fr#d Davis ja ae only -p pw* DOAN'S ing machine of its kJoid end th*1 bV81, irJ t;18, KIDNEY PILLS wuntry, We bove ft.# and
Wood Wanted, The Stal-ldsrd ix also a gem Machine- etrengthen the Wneys x6d bWder, then two in one---chdill and 101�k &ll trouble is at an end. r V have It Wo. E. Kidaer, a Landon, Ont,, mother. Seaforth Woollen iiX,ir','9',t, 4" Gray mys; 44(ky little daugliter, six yeus old, hosi Knechtel b I Mills. Ad Welk idn�ys since birth; 1ant, Fell, uary I got a box of Doans X-Idney Pilb4 Famiturre D,,zleri, Uniertakern at Strourr's drug gore. Siam takinj thwil Highest Prices paid for woo! she has had no more kidndv trouble of nav ind. I tj atatmwnb bo -4 SEAFOPITH,- causo of t o benefit my child las rewived Night calls for Undertaking answir&4 fit- Roll Oarding from this medicine," Mr- KDO41101-419 16fid481:06 On JAMed 5,'rtet_., A -or (lone for the farming L J)UbJ ie on Short notico. BRITISH 0T r One Grade Only, 18f3 WORK. FIRST CLA JOHN DICK, and That the best.- or_
Who Wants a Buggy ? The
.0 C,
I wish to inform the farmeri of the our- Deering Machines, rounding co-Intrr, tho�t. I am raeAving A supply of Noting Dioders, Kowere, 00-ro sod A Car -Load of McLaughlin T.Werj on hand In the followfng oft.m. Ditidpri; 0 BUggleS, and 7 ft 14owtro 5 6 "d 7 M; Rakes, 8, 9, 10 anot 12 it WOO) 61"� 9 fork Tedden, *11 ot -Arblah oan Thelvi buggies are known Canada over for be NA on fintr #nish. ,edfaie. wAfco, thtir itipeti-prity in etW' T17 BROWN, Agent, SaMorth, to all other bujigi" on the� mgrkab. I 100M elm
b4va sold theho buggies for eib � ytare an4 Thorough,bred Shorthorns For Sale. None of My Custoiners have Tw 0 04 P bad a firereset. For We, tw Shorthom flulfiv, both rf them brotb, er,a to fmporte4l now Mok bull St tfjo_L 'All Set Cold. LINUMENT The Tire4 are ontirlo AgriewfAirAl 6114ph, Also a nUffl- ber I ask oll fronerip, thinkin of investing in a offewsleat' All mud he told a9she owner bus FOR 6014blostairm,� Theyeaubaseen atRivemideParfa new buggy, to give m a cAll and they, And at ftdari Parties attiling on me at Zxde W111 will nevisr regrtt it. be drivou to the WM, Apply to, or %ddre" 4=�� &Mlasp C^ TIrMASRUSSELL, Zxd-.r, I Do Not Canvass the Countryt Open Scfv, Bruisess, Stiff jbints,, Bitts ;z -,d I give tba armer the benefit of what it Stiaggs of Insects, coezfiz�, COW, contf-acted would awt rae to do that. d A Ful) Line of Farm fmplements cordst Rheumati=:'�- Always on Hand. croupt fwrc TfirV4 ficcl�_Qc Conti =4 aU Painful SwelUns- wi
b6l, A, �M Oa'mp A LARGE ROTTM 2Sc-. by
SEAF* it' Pays Qwk'a Cotton Root liadies) LU
U the only can �d*-pentl "Ji in I. -,r 10 Tbe PrO-00at ig DuO Of tba bte. eWone of tt A yciir formaiIng 'a, stArt in any r)f 411 Quit '"Irpm; Ulk throu It 1, now Melofte 8ream Sc#ara-tor& thAt ttx- studroz %ho Jr1V_ndji ITalm -a
buinc-vs or 6h_rtbjnj C_0uyk4_-, znd wo� 2-r Ato tho I am &�pzv,04r.4 for moviors-.1 I wir tho i11dAr-%toA herer. The bowl C41ton Roo o 4 r f )at Al"sidy 0..(;r el 1,00 PW longo on a 1) sd(,.nfd zteel OpIndle 11 wbi'Llf re- as ll p1liz. Vjr�'% lrri'. �;o Aull Jp1 11 r�onlbo, Do )o; AwIvor 9
Vol ves on W11 Naf I p 04 If, e AW 016 e1r,h 01) U-4 dangerouk. I und Ito w3fillalt ow.. h axIs it ON Dt 0'-h# 1111PPart, but hat' 9*4 frPe al -d reeorrano-p(N.-d b aD -lare. jfpvr �,y evrr *4;epr unfinpeAed x platiot, ar;a firjij 1-iri 0011 InInII)n of C. Ira W4109110 I It out, WT434.- f r it ItA. (ty ot on 10SIAll'?0I Thl rotrurlon, lip.4 ID11 reeelvf Mon ffwaj relmirs, - va*off,mind ;G of of tijf, weir and V,Jr whi'Al other arps"i pt;p-. fat, tw D. MdAG HLAN C0.1 oto are oubject. Th* only nizohint. witti DIM (,,tr0!n9,,4hs)ff1y t*o pfev,,4 la the bewl_ ttlikin I r"A NO. '? isre f4,13 In Fr-afortb hy .1 1.4. 30) bat�anj, t 01fly ),*a I ThO onl� ywwhlrio fittfi,ti; w)ib a A*xtXt M10.6, C. Abc6i,4rt Aud 1, V. braku, hatWo eosll�, faicats f 0 aa4 put 0". *Jthol)t 11,01t Gr "ut, 411 we0109 P010te of eate nairdned kir" oil f
W61, LOGS WANTED. MF,f,(y.rTJr9 HAD'OVEIR 500 13 61 Lz. ed thp highest haroo#q and r4wards at till 1143 JOAdIrIg pre,rared to -,my !;;ij Xb1bitJoiln Ali Thls m. -i to y0% Ca*3b prico an
r trialt tbroughout the svorld, seem ao cza 1z An Unhwitedqia tity g rimteme BUT IT, IS TRUE boft Elm. Rock Elm, BAU4K)l, NUPIrs This Reperatur bappify to*e I asper��d snd 4 have itq Mali" full'y Appfc-l"Isted, OvLr &H suffeidr from Beecli, sti, Hemlock and Ok Logo COW Bad Blood sliould read ptitora, Rom. onsbei %t e leAd sod don% folieAy, In about, this miraculo U beffvcycd 2:-& tbd 80-afortbl so4 Stave 1-49* p6ctloo) kindly ibyKed, 'by tO LO "S 11 4LVCn Soft MIX#. kt A, M.. da'ni Eea- SURDOCK BLOOD STTERS. to be cut 13, 13 MW 16 lee.� Will Alto filly pbell's Wareroorn,
orth, CURED IN is85. Basewood H�eadjng Bf.;,2,tF1 eaforth; -- 3fr, David F, -,Nfott cbes Jong, at sz.5o pc rora, Duncan i40allum, agent, Se 40 In
Wrote US frOM Will algo buy t1mber by jremuregaent or 1,,, 1pdk to
J, D, Walker, agent, Staffa. I ().nt,, in 13S5. 11i said; Speeir.1 attent;on paid w custom Read whal your neighbors asy the - I- suffered from imptire blood and �Q eatlafle"In gmr.-Dwd. &Iotte Cce�m 8sparetor - -over 500 boils, but inee taking BUR- We b%ve use i a X0,0tte Cre%m epargoy :ior twb DOCK BLOOD BITTERS I ain gatirely exre 14nd are lifghly plizoed wigh It, Thert are lo e
.Ured, gr d can TeCMMend it to an -3, pw- rho IffeXR10p Z&Ut:
r 12 In out n(Ighborhood wiving, go -d EAU'rsatto", 1&1 Fir# ve find it easily opprAted, eadly 01040 troubled with bad blood. , ed, 4, Arx; I I= &
'Japs akfmmar, a xvist Itbir saver "d very p;roflt_ WNFIRRED IN IDOL Insuance ADOMUMV. b10- I wauld nOt Wlhlftuft It fat double what Is, 3 . ormpb Ajkfns�n, Toe,,kprbU11th . Mr. Mott -writes us from Z2 11road St., FARM AND ISOLATED 'r�r3WX Utica., N.Y., Uyider date of Des,. 319t, pumhw4 Roparatnr yearl ]POL He zays,.-Some thne. ago I re. PROPERTY ONLY VIN,64JRJU) ao. Wo Aro Piuch 14eseeA witb ft and it ot of labor io he handlin lefter from your '4 of the Milk, firm , ssaing f A D Swtt. ycK1113p, Iffint some year.,; ago you rewilrid a AA I have u . one of ),Our No. I Vdatte crosm I testimonxl from me, stating that I- had eperfstors Wh frw=, # I W00d hatistafttfou -sod MA i; "P� to' ft-Seld P, 0, Z, tire, a"yy to e#n4nd&flr#trJ-o*rk11nQ*fsr, Jul oer 509 boiN, Yr -,31 sir, I fall, an4 Ism PA"ineh P, b., rld it e&*y to parate ayid to undcro"nd. arj* I .Iiugt �;),y t at I have nevei- had) the mr-mmoss, r, IIComb w -don ;�"d the 6 - i� Wiliam MA*ucy 4,11rility ar aLi/,mraneo of one inra I took 0t, FLOOD BITTERS, he tv Aterfal a the I Ond it v.? t)a cn,, rjl 1141 ;, rf d;& day, f BUR-DOCF, I John Alf x4rdcr. Tik-kc-ranjith. i Mank God I have had god bi-alth Wo 3-ews age Irrlly sizent'.41 rWrAjuti, put, in tze aluce, for I gT geter. L"r4 10�*U UMCO Cmnally, �Cnntm TA7
o L elotto Pream 8"ravir for ire. ft fly givs,nX _!�at u� ASAM. - joric ot gatiblAcition, zDd iuyrj. 16 in a djoee Ekimmer, 15 4-a4fl Glened a;)d I SU'relv dezerves- mae DUMIM *Mor:dv J. W. Yce, Uolwee
perpted In all-topMif, I would Advi-a CYPA, 11r- For ;21� At all or Jealem viHe P. 19.# George MnMle Lnd John 0, x0flu" Ir W nae a fwperstorand CAD with Con euditon ornwond the It re. T= T. Mmuuax Co,, Lnum, FaWas dasirma to P_�zpgcs Vnmoft zg U!*m Tboraso J, NeQuMde, NeXillop, ONT. vdotht2, bugaimmwMbe prom" aoead,-4 lo, 1897 "U0410P 60 Any of fte &have excem SMAr*04 * kdr _"Wzl�rp vm team I