The Huron Expositor, 1904-06-24, Page 6agAL ESTATS 'FOR SALE,
enialems FOR SALRe-Reee hatpins In farms in
✓ out Tomah* of 11nRettdiorris, and Wawa.
wools elosmity of Iliners, Ingsdre tst ones. WM
-CAMPBElefe Illytk Ont. 177441
Ct. OITSZ AND LOTS FOR HAM -For esle, brick
1111, bntie end 2 lots in Sestet/lb, true lot 'faces
O n North Stain Street and the otbtr on West Wit,
Run Street. The house la a comfortsble briok
eottege and (=anteing a bedrooms, dining roora, sit.
ting room and idtchee, with good eellstr under the
whole house. Herd end wit Water in the house.
There is '44*mA stakhe and driving 0hc4L Ali
kinds of fruit on Mallet. Apply to J. L. ALLAN,
Letediebore, Dr to O. 1itr. Alfa 080N, Seaforth.
Value Yea SALE.-Soughlelf of lot $14 cOnoot
gon 15, Godes-fa township. 40 wrap, good
clay loam, 6 *ores fall wheat, geed frame home mid
kitohen, a good Mier, Solt and herdmiter, frame
bon, 2 frame etablee, ebeep house avi pig pew. A
good never.felling epilog creek nue' through the
het To bo'ffold, as the propel/eta is not able to
work te. le s quarter of a Odle from a lichee'
and two miles from Clinton. ,Apply to WALTON
DonsW0aT11, on- the Fau`de0, or Clint= 1°- of
JL!Ulf FOR 9AL14.--.For tele. the choice IN acre
farm, boing Let 23, and'nerth half of Lot 9,2,
Ccoarasion 4, L.R.9., Tunkeramith, The land fa in
the very best condition. On the 100 stores there is
about 20 soros of good tog' and 10 gores on the 60
sere lot, There is a good fronts 11 Jute and good
been eo x 40feet, and gable eft x71ore the 1e0 save
lot,alas g. -0W here 00 x 40 on the 60 ewes. All
well faxed and plenty of water. Good orchard on
each lot. They are six wile* from Seaforth, four
nab s from Eirtfleld and four miler -from KIppen.
Apply on the premises or to (NORGE BROWNLRE,
Seascirth. 1903x4
VARM FOR SALE. --For stale, Lot 2t. Ceoeteelon
✓ 4, Towre.hip 0 folisilop, containing 100 sores
of excellent land. Situated 2 muss from the town of
Eesforth, oats mile from charch and ecihoei. There
le a good IAA house and frame been and 'outbuild-
ing,' alto good wells and windmill, well fenced and
undertirained, 8 scree of excellent hsrdWood bush.
This faun Is in excitant eorsdition aslikaa been all
seeded to grecs tor a number of years. -Orchard of
choice flub Wet, This* * out conveniently 'nu.
sted tum eud suitable for either gran or stock.
terms easy. Apply_ealkapromisee or to gesforth
P. O. gain WMularr, 185241
tAE Ile GREY' FOR SALE -For ode, a good
fano, being composed,of lot 9, coneeshiou 12,
Grey, near the village ot eibinbrook. It contains
in sem of hest climbed acid to we)) watered and
beautifully Wasted dit the bank of Abe river. There
b on the faun a minimal ienieg which le invaluable.
It In &good state et cultivation; is ,well ienesdi,
underehaWed and hoe on It. bona house, bank -
here and driving shod. It is (=reorient to make*
schools, post cfilei end chambers la is *Malt de*
*ablep110. and will be sold cheep and on. easy
tams so the owner le seeriones, to retire, apply en
the psentbeeee addrese ORAIIBROOK P,O. MEL
VAR)! FOR SALE. -For stale, Let 82, Concession
E 2, L. IL 0., Tuekerevulth. eontainieg 100 Deft*
--The land ball dewed and In. good stem of Gold.
esteem and well fenced send itederdrained. Thereto
re good bens Sexte feet with • 9 toot stone wall
underneath. Two implement bailie. and WO
Imre stables, There is Mee is good -Immo house
with idiehen mid woodshed. The Roese is bested
by a furnace. This exeenent telex is situated on
the mi1 road, out mile. from nruoelleich where
there is every oonvenleoce, also miles from Mia.
forth. There iss school house on the corner of the
farm. Possession eat- be had three weeks After
-purchase. For further particulate apply to ORA.
MASON, Brueetletd, 1891e1
-Being Welt part of Ube 1 and 2, Ooneesie
ion 2, L. ft. 13., Tue eremith. Good concrete, 11
roomed house. 4028, with kitohen, woodshed and
buggy bou'e at$.ehd. Therei b a new bank barn
88x86, wills wing ex nding to the south, 24 feet.
Also brick arched v othouee, 40 feet 1 ug, auder
gangway. All bufldiou in good repair. Orehard
contaire two and re bolt acres of ohoire wieter fruit.
There are two never tailing welle, 6 acres of bush.
Thia farm iv in. a -good state of cultivation, ,.vvell
longed arid underdtaired, situated 2 miles from the
villege of Reneell. for further erertieulars apply
to THOMAS ICERNICK, Rented', Onterio, 1896 tt
'LURK FOR SALE.-Foi aele, Lot 20, in the 1st
Conceeeion of the townehip of Hay, London
Road, and the south east part of Lot 27, adjedning,
containing in all 126 stereo, more Gr Joao. The pro-
pereer, is ell well fenced ana drained and well seeded
down with the exception of about 16 acres under
woods. There is • frame dwelling house and barn
40/60, cow houee, driving ten". stable and large
*bed over 100 fees long„ Two splendid wells, good
new wind nrig, pumps and abundance of water.
fhere are aleo two gocd orchard s meetly Northern
Spiel. nig fine farce p °porter is within 11 miles of
Mansell and the same 4i,taoCi frcni Rippen and is
on the London road. 1hi.iland is No. 1 and will be
oold cheap and on fa orate.° terms as thee pro.
Prlet3r inteodeglving up tbe farm. For particulars
APO,- t OEOROE Peary, ere) cr to G. J.
SUTREILLAND, Clonveyaneer, Ilensall. 1S69tf
•.. --
WARM FOR SALE.. -Len 11, Conetealon 6, Ifni.
AC lett, containing- 100 aoree of laud, all cleared.
and in fine condition. It is at present all sceded to
grass and in gocd eimpe either tor hay, pastu:e or
cropping. There its a comfortable frame house with
summer kitchen atteched, two barna, one -84 x 50
-feet and the other 80 x 60 feet, and other r ut build.
Ings This farm is eltuated Line mites from Sea.
forth, eoveu and. one half miles from. Clinton and
just one mile and a (muter from the village of
Wilburn, where there are two general etoree, two
blacksmith gimps, poet rflice and school. This farm
is Well situated and wilt be sold` cheap w the pro-
prietor le anxious to sell. For further' particulars
apply ton. le. HAYS, Barrister, Seaforth, or on tbe
vremites. WILLIAM LEITC.111, Constance,
WARld FOR SALE. -For tide in the township of
Tuckeremith, Lot I, Joncession 8, containing
100 acres, neatly all cleared and in a good date of
cultivation, newly underdrained, ivell fenced, two'
geed Wells. There ion -the place a good comforteble
frame hoose, large new bank barn with brick tegu-
ment, driving how°, hog pen and largo hen house;
about an acre of young orchard justbeg.uninebto
hem. The farm is Dearly all sewed to grass, and is
In excellent condition for either grain growing or
stock raising. This exceleent farm is e ell situated,
being two miles from a sohoolepest office, store and
biaoksmith shop, and eix - miles from Seaforth.
Good roads in all directions. Buyers should come
and see the farm while the crop is no. Possession
•eati be given after harvest. Apply ob the premises
or address Seatorth poet btfice.ieSAAIL/EL MUFF.
Weaving. Machin
_to no *4 itA Asimi tita
fiAtt Wows* konts
friFtfi osti noinifip
Oollod itprifig Wir6,
Yitftitifiii6Affig Mt it Wolk witiviatitto
diso tittf tioticag Wife &Mettle Ole
oils bulk tit" lie tool teltenefi
with a Lteetion &nee astatiote ?Bleat and
teekie etratohere, gaiviitmzed fence hooks
for fastening wooden otteye on wire levee,
post hole spoone, and other teneee building
Sills & Murclie
Notice to Creditors.
in the Estate of Ellen Coleman, late of the Town.
ship of efelcillop, in the County of given,
Widow, doweled. 1
Notice is hereby given r`errs-uant to the Statute in
that behalf that all pewee hievieg olaime againet
the estate of the. Mid Ellen Coleman, who died on
the 23rd day.of April, 1904, are rceeired on or b0.
fore the 25th day of June, 1004, to peed by post pro.
paid or deliver to J. L. Rilloran, Si:Worth, Ontario,
Solicitor for Michael Rowland and Patrick J. Ryan,
Executors of the last will of the deceased, their
names and addresses, full particulars of their elsims
sad the stature of the aeouray, it any, held by
fawn ; and that after asid date the Executors will
pteceed to distribute the assets of the said estate
among the persons entitled thereto, bhving regard
only to the elaloos of which they oho!' then have
J. L. KILLORAN, Seeforth, Ontario'
Solia'tor for the ExWettore,
Dated this 8rd day of June, 1901 1904-8
'donee, to leen at lowest ..eatees of Interest 'OD good
Le= etottrit'e.....4PPle ea! JAS., L. }ULLA/RAN,
.13371ifier, tie,funa 171241
Bev. Dr. Talmage Draws ,* Arced Maine -
tfon Bet con ththe
e ' That Is Inspired
fey n• Loe of Alt ThateXs "Noble and
7Pu.Y.4t and On That Bag Become De -
and Bridal Through/the IndnI.
. ,
gcnee of &Melt PaassiOna.
re I erect according to.A cc of Parliament of Can-
• nda, In cite peer 1904. by Virgil:on Rielly, of To -
router at. else Dep`t. of Agriefil eu re, -Os sawn.
Loe. Angeles, • Cal., June 10.—Not
In the literal JAW in the figurative
sense does the preacher dealtwith this
unersUal text by drawing the brood
distinction betwet..n the life thatis
inloared by a„_,, love of all that. is
nirble, and pUre and one that has be-,
come : degraded_ and brutal: through
the ;indulgence of SelfiSh Passions,
The • text is itevelations 3dii, 1 5
"Without are dogs.' '•
"I pester could sympathize. with f he
slur which the Bm
Bible casts upon y
amine, friends," ono said. an 01(1
man to me. ."St. Joh* in that pas-
sage Of Scripture, 'Without are.(logse
aware to despise the dog as I dee
spise the buzzard or. the hyena. He
feeernS to picture the infernal regiohs
as the only suitable place for their
kennels, He .111Sim3nles their corn-
panicedishlp for manij to be a humili-
ation; and a degradation. Now, In
contrast to- that aseerCion, I have
far more respect for an honeet dog
than:for a disheneet, deceitful man,
1 count among my .dearest friends
some, of the representatives of the
canine race. Indeed I go so ftte in
my respect for dogs that if in that
heavenly larid-I found ohe of the
beautiful doge 1 have owned .on earth.
sleeping atmy feet in that abode of
bliss ' or looking -up .nto my face
with the expression,of love and fidel-
ity 1 have 'seen so I, often should
not 'feel it any blightbut rather an
enhancemeot, of my happinveis,",
I could. understand iniettfriend'e feel-
ing, and I love doeS -enoUgh to
' sympa.thizo with ft . There. are no
grounds for a future life
for animal's,. but1 cOnfeSs that if in
the boundless foVe of filod we should
find that ever, for the faithful dog
there was a paradise :1 for one should.
rejoice. „I e Out: (Mealier. that
Sir Walter' Scotthad for tlit';' canine
race,. awl 1 alwayS teal n. eense 01'companionship when a 'dog 114 dozing
in my sandy. ,AS a hoy 1 delighted
to have a, canine compatriot) in mY
ra !tildes, When, .we are ram bl big over
the hills or in our ell y walks and
Ina dog friends stop and Helen 10
ea hat 1. Say 1 an always mire Of. one
• face , that they wal tiot betray my,
confidence as rhave known some Men
to do. ',terse yes," I said toe Inv
aged friend', "like you, 1 ha ve a t-
winy% cloyed 1h'. dog; bat, unlike you,
tflo tot believe I he ,Bible. really de-
preciates the fuithfue
lnss. of a "good
dog," This ;emerge Of Script ttre,
"Without are dogs," is not casting a
slur upon the dog. It is not. sner(r-:
ing at the Ancestors ef some of thoste
noble beasts belonging- to the royal -
fa tis i 1 ie s of doge Which we have
adopted into our liontes as honored
habitueS of our .firesMes.. The seer
(if ratmos had novf.r.lseen silch (togs
as ours. The dogs' with which' lie
was familiar were.IILC1I homeless,
carrion eating dogs' - as those which
to this day roam the narrow-
of .ferusalern a n d Dama se de-
graded curS, whose preseli'ce would
have been defiling to 'that beautiful
city -which .he stiev in 'vision. There-
fore it is to the eastern dog, home-
less;• -and feiendless, s-shich I have so
often seen in my etravela and by
whose hoivlingste have Wee): a wal4=n-
ed at night and 'has" ,watcheci. While
standing .-0,.pon t he Betel porch of the
Far East, IW•herl he says with eVident
gratitlCatiOn, "WithOrt.1 are 'clogs.°
But I believe the a postie. a r
had fu-
ther and deeper meaning'than this. I
thinkahe.,meant that, . the qualaies
which tbe dogi represented to his
mind were excluded Nom the heaven-
ly city. SelfishnesS, degradation,
quarrelsomeness, all that; rendered
dogs hateful to the 3 ewe,. of the
orient, whether in beast or marl, were
outside those eteavenly. walls. And,
first, I believe.' he meant that in
heaven there_would 14,. neither -physi-
cal nor ---mental monstrosities. It is
to be a plaCe' w here there would be
a ' perfect, mind in harmony with a
peefect body anal the, perfecteesoul in.
every _ way shall, haveperfect exter-
nalities. There Lite sorne men so de-
graded with their vices that their
N Vey AVMS'. and fi•at have 'weenie
repu lei x e. . Tbe.%.• boar the Setae rela-
tion lo Koji(' 11‘ ibg, intelligeet Men
tha t 1 he orfrat al eees ewe 4,0 Leer
ieyiei,de: ieneefeeniketion
Peeeee to 1111“1: &//:j'#4i•/epee keg
NM ' ff•-i4ifo: i 44, .i,1•1'.1 . th I i'd
'ti' tio: (frfi IT fidli kfiei : the eq•lpOiltiei fo
ieetied Hitt Aftiat eiirt we 1 Hit•liiiii AV t• -e.1...•
finial Aeree',4: - i f iev tifif4Y We it,
trititt it -fat It fine; et -46,1 -if Mild! it het ti
ptql oe C. fthysitaf f(fritY to he el -teethe
n ed ha few, hut -hew diffietat for One
veto)has (O1 eufier Milt itumf pain 00(1
1S Shut Mai IV defortnity front the
FportS a nd , eixere ieleS Of - (*Mafia n io uti
to la sweet teMpered. and genial to
all about hint. "What is the matter
wit h So -and -SO" ' I once aSked a
dear (Head of neme about a - mutual,
acientintience, -Ile be ee 1 eileby and
eensitiet.',,,alete i hi: INtht t v Inm
d fro
the eas will milt him all. out . of
eimpe," -,"Ves," answered my friend,
"that ie true, but perhape eou have
forgotten th a t t hat mad -Was barn
wee, If you t.Vet• StOp to think, Yoti
will alSO find that neurly all men
and women born with physicel in-
firmities are cross and_ (Table.° and
toeehy and eensitive." "el never--
1 heitelit of 1t," 1 finSWered, "I le-
lieee---p,s, 1 know you are righ t."
.1 'is N :41(.0 infirmity is aceompanied by
and, in. fart, involves men t 0 1 pain
and anguish. All this \r 111 be, done
e y ay e 11 11 in the eelest in 1 le t y,
Let me illustrate my thought In
another way, the thought that a
heafihy body le very apt fa' be 'the
' incasement of a healthy mind and
soul. nere is a lit t lo child Vorn into
my home. You look in Woederinent
upon that chile. ,Por weeks and
months you go among your friends
boasting about thut baby. "Why,"
di -say, "that is the . most merle%
i positioned child I ever knew. She
never criee, eatihe ie always sniffing
o,nd cooing, Me rawer awe -teener ue
at night, She is as happy as a, ,
sunbeamin ti -e early morning," But after
creeping into our bedeoom I
that, little child has been in your 1
home eight or ten inonthe euddenlY 1
ller pat= seems; to undergo a radi-
cal change, The hot. hand of fever 1
touchee her forehea.d, The red nuirhs i
blotch her fair skin, „Raked and t
tsvieted With pain, elle cries all the I
day and most, of the night, and even
in her sleep she continualtg titters a
lOw, -'inottning whine. What 1/4 044!
matter? lias the child're diepositioe
changed? Oh, no, . The physical
body dins become dievased, and' now
the mind is fretting in 'sympathy.
Thus ue find that it perfect body in
ape to have a peeled, rninfl nod an
i triperfeet body an imperfect ni Ind.
So, when 14t. John says, "WiLhotit
are dogs," 1 belie -eel he means that
in heaven we shall have no phys•ical
liffirillitiefi, no citiler.foot iike Lord
Byron, rio gnarled mei twieted 11e1' -
V000 organization like Alexander
Pope, no blinded (wee like John 14141-
I on, no deaf ears like BeethoNten, r 0
siyin leprous and covered, with !'seree,
le shall,, be phynicallY a "(loglere4
Itoarnibg again through the crowd-
ed 'streets of Palestine, I find that , Dr, chaas itsc
the Hanle mercilese tribal bitterness Una withstand
and mortal enmities which were once
rife among- the North American In- ALUMS that: ai'e pains It, wiii
(Harts are prevalent among the dogs
of the caret. ,As each Indian tribe
owned its own territory and in time
of war it meant death .for a member
of one tribe to be found wandering
about in the "land of :strangers," so
the dogs of the east take voeseseion
pf- the *different .streets col the great
cities, Each canine tribe has its
sentinel,* standing guard at the end ,
et the streets. Then if one dog of,
another tribe enters that street the
howl of, warning is given. At once
all the'other dogs of that Aribe leap
to their feet and, as a pack of hun-
gry wolves, make a mad 'rush for
that etranger to tear him limb from
limb. ... . 1
We must study my text in the can-
ine language of the east. Old hunt-
ers tell us that no man has truly
heard a 1104 roar unless he has heard
the king of the cores sound his:call
-- at defiance inthe darc jungles of the
- African. continent. Then the', awe
striking 'sewer of t at voiceligpms
to come from everYwhere and iret
from nowhere. The hills are sound-
ing boards which toss' the echoers as
the battledores throw the shuttle-
cocks backwaxd and for -Ward. Thep
the fawns squat .dcavn with fright,
and the mother birds press tower
upon their nests, and the very leaves.
of the trees seem too terror stricken
to move, Like the roaring liens in.
:the African foreste, aro the:howlings
of the degs in the streets Of Damas-
cus and Jerusalene. When one canine
tribe plunges upon a dog of another
tribe ,whieh.- wanders into their street,
or territory it seems as though. all
"'the demoniacal voices of the ififernal
regions are let loose. First there
-conies the 'sharp, angry bark, as
though the picket line of a great
army had fired a gun to call the
host to arms, then muttered growls,
then the fright'ened bark of the pur-
'sued, ,dog, then a very pandemOnium
ell barleinge and growlings and an-
gry, snarling canine voices. They
[awake the sleeping tourist so sud-
denly that at first he -will 'Start 'up
Irma his bed With fright. Then fol-
lowe the suggestive feflence as the ,
battle evidently ends by the death Of
the 'victim or by the escape of• the
pursued. •
What is the Johannian meaningof
this mortal combat between the tri-
bal dogs of the east? Why, it
means that in heaven there are to
be lio family meannesses, no contemp-
t 1 ble, merciless ways such as are
JUNE 24. 19
Eczema on Leg
Dreadful Itching
,Raw Patch of, flesh for tweIVO
years—Oure ;carne with the
use of Dr. Chase's Ointment
' I
The bestling power, of Dr, Chase's Ointment
Is truly marvellous and many of the cures
brought about by its use seem almost liks
irraT Ilt Should ne studied by Those/
' Coniersi plat beg elnerlsworiy.
The at that the offspring may be
the heir to the morbid tendencies of
the parents makes it impoleAlve that
great 18t care 131)001(1 be exercised
pi the se ection of a spouee, but one
- should nolt grow too every 'and hyper-
, critical. o generation ever existed
' which did not poseess some abnormal-
ity, and .rational mode of life will
ten a to ameliorate certain untoward
affeetions . Tlie rule or the -life insur-
Raw, limning, itching sores which stubbornly ance cotroanies to 11)(11111'0 into the
refuse to yield to sny other treatment are soon family tory of time applicant would
herded and cured by.this great ointment and the
skin is left smooth, sift and natural without feat be e preleut eouree for those intend -
or blemish. coi) lug Ward nee to adopt. Even if the as'.
ML ALIT. MA WALL, postmaster, Broad Pirout to marriage evinces no un -
Cove, Marth, N.S„, *rites :—" For twelVs 'years healthy 'symptom, a minute study of
I was* great sufferet from eczema en tee inside the Physical condition of hie Immediate
of ths leg. There leas a raw patch of flesh relativee might disclose the morbid
about three inches square, and the itching was
something fearful, Dr. Chase's Ointment com- tendencY to which he or she le heit.
ly cured ine, Wok away the ritchina and Whenever anomalies and signs of de-
ed up tbe sore, I have no hesitation in ; ti et s
gen re Oe repeatedly present them -
recommending it as a wonderful cure for itching
skin disease I
Dr, Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a box. Ths
portrait and signatere of De. A. W. Chats,
tbefamous receipt k author, are on every box.
he Plaster irticlEly rs.
busy during all
to come, with t
sation of Wor
when there shal
en for about ti
FolloWing my first premise thee
heaven is to be a. btrey place my sec-
ikewise true. How do
busy occupationts
10 offer despised IVOrk
d Iminortale? The
xb prove .that. The
were the scavengere.
The eastern ipeoPle had no wonderful
systems of se
They had no in
by subterranea
refuse of their
the refuse of ti
lid eternities that, are
e exception of one 005-
101' a Short time,
be "silence 4.11
• space. of half an
ond premise. is
I know that th
heaven will. row
for the redeem
words of my
dogs of the es,s
crap as have we,
lens of carrying away
pipes the Offal raitcl
arge towns. But al
e kitohens and the
homes and the Wiens were and 'ire
throvrn into thr streets where, the
dog8 devour there. Irs heaven, howev-
er, we shall h ve nOrie -of the repul-
sive and abhorrent occupations with
which earth ha been cursed.
The eastern dog's death is a
gloomy picture. He dies the death of
all wild beasts, and, that,death is a
tragedy. S'orne years ago the author
of a history f the aeasts of the
African-foreets imade this statement,
which will longl live in iny memory:
"No beast or bird or reptile in all
the dark conti eat dies a, natural
death; No scan er does his physical
strength weakm than there are sorne
entine cannibals or
lis• species ready to
eing body and still
e quick beatings of,
means every deer or
dies a tragic deeth.
d and sharp -clawed
n time before a mor-
onster ltader of the
bestial or ser
some enemy of
feed upon his
the feeble or t
his heart." 'rho.
fawn that dies,
Every quick-ey
lynx must fall
tal foe. - Every
elephantine herd, every shaggy -Maned
Bengal king, iineet die a violet*
death. Ho dies the dog; but, thank
t die the Christian.
h in one of his won -
a. description of
escape of his father,
d English soldier,
'Tibia death. It was
°tie Franco -English
war of .1800, wh n the British troops
were retreating before lightning -
horsed Marshal Hungry and
faint, and sick from exposure and
lack of food and also from, loss of
blood from a W und in the chest,'
ggered along with,
ng as,he could andt
adside to die. "He,
Is son. "It seernedi
God, so does 11
John B. GOU
derail lectures
the remai-kable
who, was an
from dying a, h
during the fai
young Gough st
his regiment eis I
then fell by the r
must die," said
often found at the earthly aresideinevitable that b� must die. Sudden -1
It, means that instead of one father ly, as -he lay upon the ground, a
and one mother gathering their own .:)arge bird of pre , with a red neck
dmi drenea,leout them in mac "Mansion grOwing out of a ruffle of feathers,
of Light.," and saying to ;one of came swooping a ong, almost touch-
ing rny,fathar's b dy with its wings,
and then, circling up, it alighted on
a point of a roc c and turnede its
blood red eye on its intended vic-
tim. AS my father saw that hor-
rible thing watch and waiting to
tear him in pieces, even before life
was extinct,. it 40 filled him with
horror that he crlied: "I cannot _en-
dure this. When I: am unablci to
drive that 'fearful thing away, it will
be tearing my flesh.' Ile rose to his
felt and crawled and struggled on,
crept into a hut
' The death which
nded mana is the
,s the eastern clog.
iable of defending
himself he ie toth to pieces. Men;
too, have perish.ed through the vin-
dictive paseions I of their fellows.
Some have .been Crucified, as was
Christ; some hal been stoned, as
Stephen;, Stephenson'. have been behead-
ed, as was Paul; some have been
burned at the stake, as -were _Ridley
and Latimer, But how different was
their Werefrom that of the dog!
FOTA pit f,A94e Fr110)„04
)7P4jieg; grqr hg,vg
Kelm op, MiNtimeft g nh,04,
&vet foit'ev4F ixdom the Wow,
tooirtgi§, doititittd ii-Ve.fe.
• nitigtvy
eg _BA f.„11# olfe,
theinselves: ' "Shut the do
'keep every one else out.
eti(tigh, and more than onon
Let all others take care of
selves as best' they den," all men.
• I
will, be brothears, and all women sis-•
ters. There we shall all be sons and
' dat!,ightera of one God, who is the
Parer, and have kinship to ono
Ch tst, who is the Elder Brother. It
melans that in heaven there lyill be
no! envious - plebeian blood, and no
ditinctive, supercilious, aristocratic
We od, because there we shall all
halve :been washed in the royal blood
of Jesus. . It means that in heaven
• no wealthy man's wife -will, be able
to suck Out the life .of a poor sew -
in girl enerely because she is poor,
an eo , employer will be able to
gr rid hiS employes down until . it
nit ans physical and mental and often
sp ritual death,, It fneans no ven-
detta. or blood feud, lit also meaas
no finanoial. vendetta or money feud.
earning again through the dark,
narrow, -roweled etreets pi 1SW:ern
Vel•J('6t ine I .6.1)nr)j40, IMP. the WP/'44
Pi! my fr 't, that, AeAtykn 1S in ba iii,
ptillAw Of A0floiwil An4 Piiii)mity pe-Atit,
pWingg, k ig to /112 g pitiltivi2 ,APPte
V i ..Ve,f4§ "itiiiiiiiiii 1194 "PiviiiP/1
"A 'Alf 1111104" mid "§Villti. tin," "iiii,P=. _
lit ff" teid "dopmident," :eko" tind
"t ditgling" ,wiii 'Pitl iiiiitheiNlii: Mt
ift fdto 401.iikityg ti titigfiltiNi Vittl,k
WE 'f lertini, et disttfylio'iff t.frii6tt f he leitie
ttyr A- Of. (ittiqh khan fre itithVht tan -
Hitt r(.(1 tipott the funeral pyre (rf a
bts ning frorld. It (1008 not Mean
t h t, heaven be to he a place of ina-
nit on and stagnation o,nri stupidity,
Du , it does mean that. heaven is to
he a plaee where all workmen Shall
;be lionorrd alike and where the dui-
ieke of on' -immortal shall be respect-
ed s rouCh ass are the occupations of
otl er inirnortn1S.- _
1 .1-ty el0 i snake thCbse two as! (tuna-.
big St CI t,(+Tner) 1 8? ,,F111.1L„ beealifie I find
ree 'riled n atm rOglith chapter of lie-
velation the Ilitattling . fact that
"1,1 ere W lfi Silence in heaven about,
the space of lutU an hour," If heaven
✓ and
e have
h now.
alwnys a still place would St.
n haVe written ,„1. hat seri tence in
rencc to thy day of judgment. If
would interpret that. passage in
a commou sense way would you eot
practically say, -Why, heaven is such,
a 1.neey place that all the angels end
archangels and redeemed -1-imoort 114
are working, and working ttil tee
tin? But when St. John haw tee
ks of -the hldgment opened • then
e wasi an awful stillness. IO; pee
ed triesee ger kept still. eveoe
cea,sed, (very oceunatimi
suspiended," Albert 13arnes •
prated this passage, "Then there wee
an awful r stillness, as if, all hex, ee
was reverently waiting for the O -
velopment," Oh, yes, heaven is to lee
a busy place. It has been very bear.;
dliring all the yr o weed the ereillee-
length he
and found safety.
menaced that wo
dea.t h Which aWai
When. he is : ince
sit dithek, tilt l
.18F ktivittleill
gift, and Omit
two/ yofff tiettig
-s, world, 'With its
'row ttnd pain -avid
neithing more than
Mie yeyriif ded,if
.cestit Mg litviftqA
kteiie titid *hest it
folled UP Item t
bitter fruits of so
misery, will mean
your being transnlafited into that
supernalgarden hi which you will
grow and flourish and bear fruit to
the honor and gic+y of God.
The seed of eternallife planted by
the Holy Spirit in Vour heart (San
clamp your whol bisture, Instead
of Ithose qualities which degrade You
ib 1 the level of the brutes, instead !of
the sinful propensities which distort
and deform your being, there shall
grow from that divine ,seed a plant
of beauty, graceful and glorious
''rVith heavonlY 10Vid 'netts and eternal
in ever developing life. "Ye shall be
like a tree planted by the rivers o
Water, that brtingeth forth its heti
in 1 its seasoneeend whatsoever ye
doth shall prosper." What is your
clutice? Will you live a life of beauty
and usefulness, a life patterned on
that divine life which Christ lived
on earth, rending in a triumphant
resurrection, or will you choose the
wickedness, the vice, the corruption,
of the world, feeding like the eastern
dog on the carrion of life and be-
coming in nature like him? Remem-
ber', if ye live after the flesh ye shall
die, and from that abode of bliss,
whore there are Joys forever more,
you -will be excluded with all whose
natures have grown fierce and cruel
and debased, "Without are dogs."
- " -
ineetrevir •
seiv oi receding and present genera-
sue !nor
sump that
not be sp
a memberof 'such a lam!1 should be
emphatfellly interdicted. Among the
lowqr cl rises and for that matter also
among lose of higher standing the
fact that `there is tuberculosis or in-.
sani ) la the family" is perhaps the
only -deterrent to contemplated conJu-
gal mica and here it is the graphic
and obv ous manifestation of -the dis-
eases w inspire the dread. Of the
natOre Of the numerous other grave
andelisaetrous affeetions the public in
general pi woefully ignorant, Unless.,
the idangers that await them are lin-?
pa0ed to them in an intelligible man-
ner ;there can be little hope for tbe
ainellioratilon a present conditions.,
proving the ascendency of
id affections, we may as -
subsequent generations will
red, and marital iuniou with
amis. ••••••••••••••
Vale um Waxen Model Artist et
aria awd London.
ssaud WRS already famous
efore- she went to England.
th two of her waxen repro
in Paris
it wiis w
ductions, seized by the people for a
parade through the streets of Paris,
that the French revolution was started.
The soldiers attacked the figures,- Two
r followed the memorable
of the Bastille. Modeling
een the fashionable craze of
nd the rich. It was caught
ysientn of Berne named Cur -
turned to fine art bis re -
skill in modeling anatomical
a d,was invited to Paris by
deiConti. Mine. Tussaud,
nee 'merle Gresholtz, the child of a sol -
bis niece and adopted (laugh -
is pupil and finally hie nmas-
were fpw personages whose
famous „now ha connection
.evolution who did, not "sit"
ngartist in wax. The heads
he had to model after the
had been employed upon,
e gave lessons in the art to
the kinces sister,. Mme. Elizabeth,
other among illustrious persons, and
was implrisoned with Josephine de
Bea I) arn
in those
Bimt.aft r the. revolution Mme. Tus-
saud left France forever. Nor dideshe
at first find times in England much
rnorp propitious, After trying the
Strend she' moved to Blackheath, then
a pOpularl resort, but -at last had to go
prim town to town, It was
35 that she was able to settle
tly in London.
&lye lat
wax had
the •Court
fro0 p
mer -able
the 1Prine
dier, was
ter. Them
names ar
with time
to the yo
of lome
them. 81
Is, afterward empress. Even
arty days M. Chrtius had a
of horrors."
on tour
not till 1
Alaska's Glaciers. •
Glacier bay is the most accessible
regijou in which to see large tidewater
glaciers of Alaska. Tbere are eight
glaciers Which discharge bergs into its
waters. The largest of these is Mnir
glaeler, which drains an area of about
800 squalle miles. It is moving with a
maalmuM velocity of about seven feet
a dey and is continually disehar,,ging
large icebergs from its end. Its fluctu-
ations have been great within recent
times. Qhe or two hundred years ago
it eXten d, in common with the other
glaelers j11 the bay, twenty miles below
its Preset ending, and not long before
that thd glaciers were so small that
velleys now barren and bleak were' oc-
cupied bee large forests.
Betties of Tranniallog.
I Ne Britain a missionary in
slatirg was seeking some native
n to convey the idea of a binding
wii n a-ebief suggested that the
briese was, "I would ratber
my wire's mother than 4-0
einfitinfifit g inWinintry
egtmitigt - to trgifglnitft "A
gifff ffitiPtli liOt 44V4f,"
4011# to fft# ggif§fgAlog of oil
tit slfthwileif ij# ittlit06iP
tO kis fitiffofi dint ft had
emit "It fist Vita ne•-fliff ilf@afti
(UM ed
I Dr/
WA 04
filif wit
e tf*I
#fy fon
WA, fetti
Art Aerial 1W1stske,
"Vrou sity the thoughtless act of Mrse
filtiogyleigh caused her husband a seri-
me? What didsh
. e do, in
she came right into the eick
ous .reie
morn are yed in a very expense hat
and dresfr,".
TI4k1e4 With a Feather. ,
never knew any one who conld be
00 tickled with -a feather as my wife."
"Tickliele is she?"
"Not xi! tinily. but this Wag an oxide')
feather 13he bought at a bergain Bele."
Never mind where you work: let
your caI 'e be for the work itself.--
CrieditOrs have better memories than
debtors. -Franklin,
Rani, 1110- DYES
'These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk,
Jute Ffr hilxed Goods in one bath—they are
the latest and mot improved Dye in tile
world. Ty a package. If your druggfsb
hasn't the 'end direct) to Rexall OhemioM
Co., 80 Adelaide Ste, Eesb Toronto.
Blue Ribbon Tea is "hill grown" Ceylon
The best tea because it grows slowly in the cool mountain air
and obtains all the fragrance and deliciousness the plant can,
extract from a soil rich in these properties.
A nerve -nourishing- tee—a sense -pleasing tea—invalua.b1e for
brain-workers—scliacing and comforting.
lue Ribbon.
evion Tea
lilleolg, Miami! 400 co roaia
d b
Ask ter tlesee
11.04 leabsel
Your Furniture want's, ean be best supplied by um We
the stockithat will please You, and our prices for all inde of
Demand your attention for a short time. We will give a
Special liedttation
On Couches, Parlor Suites Springs and Mattresses FOR -CASH ONLY.
_ Promptly attended to night or day.
S. T. 'HOLMES Manager..
Summer Needs.
Li ht weight suits
Light weight under-
Light weight socks Straw Hats _
Oman, Shirts
Light Felt Hak
These are only a few of th.. things you need—not ant—but actually
nee i. for summer. We have them all, and nearly more, that wiil en
sure comfort and good health during the hot weather. You will diet
yourpurse and rob yourself ol comfort if you do not let us su
your needs along these lines.
gar We make a specialty of High Class Ordered Clothing.
"Igiriegii/ENXIMER Zi7gar=: •
/ .14
Wreathe hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft anti -glossy
falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores
or to hair. Sold for fifty years.
Buying Watches
You must rely largely on thel honesty
and imigmene of the jeweller, Com-
mon sense, therefore, Commends you to
go -to a reputable store where watches
are bought and mold by experte and
where no advantage will be taken of
you. That's here, and you will find a
good stock to choose from.
_b CDR 8.A.1..i'1
Seed Buckwheat,
Feed Corn, Feed Peas, Barley
and Oats.
Cub or Time SI ru-renged.
W. H. PERRIN, Clintor
Local Improvemen
Take notice that the Munieipal Oeittlar
of the Town 04See.ferth, intends to build
cement sidewalks on the followmg pram*
of streets in the Town of Seaforth.
8:dewelk No. 6, on the ;Vett -side el
West Wiliam et reet from Cob*
streee to the Northern limit _of Lot *
Beeitiese Survey, 3 1-4 feet wide,
Sideweik WQ, 70 en the north Mt ,,-
rootf.4149iftftlii Woo; vw
ffifftoolit No, on Om nowt
Nov* from Mein etves4
Wet, *53 to#o *Me,
gudetimik u � 6-14 cio Dfirvb gdo
t t' 4hk-tifigef PON AO wtst sids
etfeet fer Matti iftfW, 4 ilia stifiti
WIttid6,57,:eelkt,M4011 14j/off: !reets"to 1168
iset Oefiret of Lot 70,Beatties Sun
*telt, wide,
Sidewalk kle, 11, enorth
n the nor
Goderieh street east from where
sidewalk terminates in front of Lot
Sparling's Survey, to the routh-east tome, of Lot part farm 24, lot Concession
McKillop, owned by Robert Wilton, 41E4
the property frontirsg thereon$
And to Assess 81) per eent,of the
40 per cent', upon the ipeeptety flat
thereon, Astatement, allowing the
liable to pay the assessments and the nal.
'of the owners, eo far as they ean be M'' tained, is now filed in the offiee of
.1 Clerk of the Municipality and is open__
Inspection during (Ace &Aim Thn
ated coat is eleveracontsper iqnare feet
;levied itt the proportion above menti'
tAdhaeyC7Cojnurutrelyocif4IRtibteotvoni.3n:Ffsowr"itihilfeli°3pb'ellijee-ditce°60;tnitC:ir" il$t"
ing complaints against the pioneered seliel_!
4 merit or aceureey el frottege meatier
or any other complaint which litmus
Deted this ietteCi'DTel;oEfl:TLuInOeTT. C
/sA. ae
Money to Loan.
The Corporation of Tuckerau Me have tS,All'le
school fund monies on hand to loan on goed istla
we -unties at current ratei of interegt. PargliolP
quiring ouch should apply to G. N. Turner#Volfr
rer, Clinten P. O., or to A. 0, Smillie, Cale
Il P. 0,, or to the undcreigned, Ok.a.
Stafotth P. O.