HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-06-24, Page 5NE 24. •1 :- kmo-E STORE FOI? YO sneeereeneeemmimmuommour ost durable and the ada. The Slater Shoe L eathers Box Calf, In sizes ant and every pair its give satisfac o look for the Trade - led on the sole --130116 Ie of the latest styles ln our south window. $3.50 and $e kelusively by Seaforth Qty" and " Empriew _ Vancouver, British Coe been in Stratford, vis t and renewing old acq aii. and old raemories. nea. et the bead of one of litit mbas largent lumber in. and was in Ottawa on the a regarding lumber dutinte Perth Notes. - ;esley 'W. Hill tias sold, hie ti.siness in Mitohell toMr. eLaren and bought _a beet. acknow. air C. Fornqtatit, -of Duo- Argetrtine Republic,whes emerse, at T.oronto Uni- i training for a veterinary, r. carr, V. S., at Kirkton, mraer. Thomas -Cheesman, an ene Mitchell, died last wee .,vs ago he had ra &Mini* Yti which henever reeove Chem:nen wris nearly Sda ge but had never married._ ner Stratford young lady, i. Dutton, daughter of the H. Dutton, Mitchell, has led herself at Victoria 'here ehe hos won a eeholn yen to tal years, the Fla- - darship in. Classic& 'L.Robieson, of St. Mary -s, tly graduated from McGf1/ as received firat appoint - he staff of houge stergeens -int-real General Hospital, aft of a recent competitive en Dr. Robinson's duties September 1st, as to his leaving for St. r. A. McWilliams. or Hanle presented with a quarter.* retary and revolving chair )nneregation. Mrs. McWil- presented. with a case of - _tad also table linen from Aid and a pearl sunburst ehoir. The gifts were ace by address.. everting recently, while erglit year old son of Mee v ett, of the_ second cone Fttilarton, was getting he met with a very se - A moment before the - w had taken off his shoest ing-the fence, jumped offee siekle with the reeult sot was terribly cnt from nk. The wound was tiedi child's...mother and he wan e'en to the office of a dee- t was fen.ndrathat several' ie necessary to bring the r e, wjfe of Mr. Wm. er of the oldest and most eitizene of Mitchell, pa - v. ard on Menday of 1ast age of 74 years. She had 1-Ist good Lealth up to a LS ago, when the result" end a very strenuous life !break down her system, y reiulted in her death of her daughter, Mrs. Deceased wag born ha England, and Caro e " with her husband and , set t ling in Mi tench, - Thorne engaged at hiS out and shoes_ bueiness. a fa in ly or thirteen,. Igo. still 1 death noeurred on r ast week., when Alfee M ce, wife of r.- Jam" - or Wa ikor r on, passed e..idence of her mother, liyde, Stratford. Tht been ill only a few eok a serious turn the nine, and grew grachl- iU end. Mrs. Me- ier 26th year, and svas - • oe the Tete Mr. Matt- Alehad lived: in Strate Jif e rill over a -year ago, m trried and moverl te here, her husband is ,rid shoe teesiness. Her rs, Mrs. Theo. Par- . ; !Miee 13Ia oche, en 1e -others Dr. G. R- I, Alf., Michigan ber :LFifLflt baby survive - Go -Carts, Croquet Sets, loves, Rackets, s, Ibers JUNE 24 1904 Etenean, . The aniusi Strawberry FeLtival Teeny ot C*111101 Church will be held on the church. Menoo ereuues on Wednesday, J1204 20th. Menesa Sand wal be In st;endseer. Adialesian 100 •owl 19004 Ghpirnett & Stanbary, barristers, at WI* Tuecday, Thursday sod Saturdays, shops For klein.—Tho Bentsll foursdry aud utalbine ehop s with the lands belonging to the 43.114, far sale eht4p, Far paartioulare apply to Robert Bell, s'estortIL 1803 -5f - G. 3, Putheriandr notary publio, COITITTAS. Avner, cosysyssesr, are and life insaranee agent see inner of marriage Licenses, Deede, ;unstop& Noma and wail carefully drawn upaceordin„,,,, to law %treasonable rates. Private funde, also loan otspsoy's et loWest rate of Interest, - Farm and visage propertise for sale., ,Difiee at the Pen Office. 1888 tf LOCAL, Ilttnene.--: Mrs. Robert Me- . ..Arhur, jr. and daughter, Miss Jennie, ,took advantage of the chen,p exeur- . sion to Detroit by stearnee from God- •erich, the first of this week.-- The esains on Mouday and Tuesday last were much welcomed, and helped all vegetatiore-The Rev, W. J. Doherty, eof StA Paul's, is irr London this week attending the meeting of the Synod of aileron. Air, G. C. Petty also attend= -ed as lay representative. -Miss A. Papple left here for Toronto during thnpast week, where she intends re- maining for a month or So. -The Rev. Dr, Medd preached an anniversary sermon to the Independent Order of Foresters in the Methodist church on Sabbath evening last. The attend- ance was large and the Rev, gentle - Man delivwd a very able and im- pepesive sermon, suitable to the occ- asion.- Miss Constance Carroll, of Beachville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. 3. Sutherland. -Mrs. C. A. McDonald WM in Kippen this week alsiting ativee, rel- - Mr, Bennett. of London, 8pont Sunday with his brothers-in-law, the Messrs. McDonald brothers. -Pie- flies to the lake are now the oader of the date -Mrs. Hunt was in Guelph last week, ----Miss Whitesides, who has very ably arid satisfactorily filled the position of public school teacher on the Babylon Line, near Rannie's Mills, during, the past year, has resigned and intends returning hoirte for the pres- ,ent at the midsummer vaeitition.-,Mr.. W. O. Davis has rented the second. storey of his hriek hlocIrOver his 'gro-, -eery store to the Canadian Order of; Foresters for a new lodge room and the court intends occupying the Same in the course of a little over a month and putting in son.e fine new furni- ture and lodge equipments. Court Ivy Green is a strong and prosperous lodge nutribering over 100 members. - Mrs. Smith, wire of Rev. Mr. Smith, of St, Catherines, was here last week visiting her brother, Dr. Canthorpe.- Mr. John MeEwan returned home re- teently from Buffalo, where he had been for a few days. -The liensall loathe!' team -are receiving much -credit for the fle combination game they put up in the recent match with Lucan. It was their skill in the game that secured them the victory over players with whom they were no match in size and weight, the se -Pre =standing two to nothing in favor of IlensalL-In a, friendly game on..Fri- -day evening, of last week,hetweed the boys and what was known as "Jar - rot's Famous Eleven" resulted in a victory for the latter. it being a con- test between married , and. single . men, the "Famous .Eleven" winning 'Abe laurels for the married twit. -- Mrs. McAllister has returned from Seaforth, where she had been visiting her daughter -Mr. Robert Corrolr, well known as one of the pioneer boys --of Hensell some twenty years ago,was in the village during the past week. His many friends were pleased to see himagain, and to learn of his success. i He s working his way up the ladder of fortune and. fame. -Mr. Thompson Murdock and family attended, on Wednesday last,what is known as the Hunter annual picnic. --Mr. Robert MeCloy, who holds a very good posi- tion with a large firm in Toronto, has been spending the past week at hie home here, -Mr. NVin. Mitchell and family intend goon taking a ttap out to the West, to meet members of their family now residing there. -Mr. Dirstein and his bride, who were -Visiting Mrs. James Ploore, Mr, Dir- stein'e sister, have returned to De- troit. -Mr. Hugh McMartin, of Trott Creek, is here, visiting his sons. -- Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. James Workman, of Stanley, in the death of their son Lynn, and quite a large number attended the 'funeral on Tuesday afternoon lest--: Miss Jessie R. MeLean has resigned her position in London, and has re- turned home to spend the eummer with bee mother, Mrs. D. B. McLean, Tuekerstnith, during Mi. McLean's absence in the Northwest. News Notes. -Farmer John Smith,of Clear .Springs, Manitoba, was • gored to death by a ball a few days ago. He Was knocked down in the pastute field and so severely injured that be died after great suffering. -At the Elgin county court at St. 'Thomas last week, jainee M. Sans, formerly of South Dorchester, cane eicted of having stolen a horse and butfit was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. -At the close of the maii robbery OW at Regina, Wilcox received a sentence a seven years in Stoney. Meantaixi penitentiary. Lawyer • Bangs got eighteen months in Re- tina jail for receiving etolen money. Behan was not arraign ed.. Boyce pleaded guilty and was let off on suspended sentence. -Mr. Joseph E. Goforth, head • elerk in the: f.rr peer y department of !the T, S. Ford Co.'s store, Mitchell, was united in marriage last week, to Mrs. Carrie Cook, Rev. 0. C. Per - ton being the officiating elergyman. • e del i rre luncheon over, 1.1te h;ip- PY Couple took the 1 rain for Hamil- ton, where they purpose spending their honeymoon. - -While M. W. M. Mimic% of Lis- towel, IA as changing the bridle on • horee the ether day the horse beeamr tcynod and ran away. Mr. Clime enis dragged four Orfive nerds when he let go • the lima and ithe buggy ran or him, bruising and cutting him so that he will be confined to •the housei for some --At the annual meeting of the High Court. of the Canadian Order of Foresters held last week in Toronto, Mr. Thomas W. Gibsonchief of the ?department or mines, Ontario, To- ronto, was elected High Vice Chief Renger and W. L. Robinson, of Hare ningsville, High Auditor. The high MITI will meet next year in Gan. anoque. -Mr. Thomag Carney and Miss An- nie Riley, of Downie, were married tit the St. Marys 11. C. church OD Tuesday, June 14, by the Rev. Fattier Brennan. Miss Margaret Riley, the bride's sister and her cousin, Miss 13. rr ie , of L en don, were bridesmaids and Mr. James Carney auppor ted the groom. The bride was attired in 'White brocaded silk with wreath and veil and carried a handsome rosary of pearl beads, After the cdremonq and reception was held at e home of the brh1os parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luke, Riley, Downie, and n the evening the younger friends of the young couple attended a pleas- • ant celebratio* at the same place. B. L. Borden, leader of the Oppoeition in the Dominion Parlia- naent, was pre,sented on Friday with a handsome #et of Inver by 1116 Conservative Senators and mem- txrs of Parliament, the occasion be- ing his 50th birthday, Dr, Sproule, for the Commons, remarked that Mr. Borden had undertaken the onerous task of taking the ehildren of Is - real ".citit ofthe wilderness and into the promised land, drid he hoped that the gift •would be a token of the Silver lining behind .the cloud. —Mr. Win. Cosgrove, a former resident of St. Marys, died at Ber- lin on Friday, June 10. He was 61 ye,a re of age. Some years ago he ,eeenducted the old British hotel in 'St. Marys and was also an the shoe ,bnsineas with his son, John. His chil- dren, John, William, Fred and Ada, • composed ;the famous Cosgrove fam- ily, who travelled about giving mus- ical concerts. Mr. Coegrove bad re- sides' in Berlin for a number of 'years, where be has been in business he also conducted the skating rink at .4or1in. His remains wire inter- redrikqlt. Marys eenietery. fd.4kRKErrs Eisiareasi, Jane 28, 1904 II Wheagnsw),01aridard 88 to OD 4 at, per bsidsal. 0 20 to 0 31. P4n1,1 par babel 0 60 lo 0 00 fenny per blued- 0 40 to 040 loss, No. 1,loo�. ••• ow se •• dense toe 0:fel eel d......- os,- -,... -6, so ow s• • • we Pour, par ar. app,..1110 me al v. 'v. st• Of NW KIT per lost now.. as .• MI Owl fm dm, as z• LE *Tr 100 taL la ow arm . sar •• ft,' Saar kW*. .• .4 ,.• III 111. milr ve •• 1,•••• ' WOO '1:b• . I AM , II• •I PISMO'S/ pa., bag (new),.." ...• - flotroillilsit bowing dm /01, / • / • / 0 W per (long).• NM ••• If MI I I • ea. W ,O41 poroovd (61344)......... -.. weembes.„.. AM WI O. 11 PO MO .I• I I Or at•• •• oer •• I ao• al sa• a• • • •• rin101167 1111116 dal. fa •• Op. .0. a* mai OM If mil tratiAlv, nior lb. . . .. ...: .. .. ow far Pork, par 100is4 04WD /0 . Elorsei Market. urzso 2 0 LS so 0 18' 11250 014 2 50 *o 260 6605o 700 00 So 625 090 ',o -1 60 0 etClo 02a 0 80 lio 90 1 25 to 126 5 00 to 600 8 00 to ,3 60 0 26 to 60 6 00 to 700 1 25 to 226 16 io 05' 7 50 to 800 TORONTO,JUne 22 -At Tuesday's sale at the Repository, a number of good horses were offered and the best sold fairly well, but she medium sold low indeed, sod for the pooreat there was practically no sale. The following is the weekly report of pro. veiling prima: Single roadsters, 15 to 16 hands, nothing offeriug ; single cobs, and carriage horses, 15 to 16 1 hands, $160 to 8250; matched pairs and earriege home, 15 to ' 16.1'hands nothing offering ; delivery horses, 1,100 to 1,200 pound', $125 to $175; general purpose and express horses, 1,200 to 1,350 pounds, MO to 8195; draught horses, 1,350 to 2,750 pounds, $175 to $240; serviceable seoond-hand workers, $60 to $75; serviceable sectond-band drivers, 560 to $115. Cheese Markets. BELLEVILLE, June 18, -At the meeting of the Cheese Board, held here to.day, there were offered 4,400 white end 300 e,olorecleJune cheese. Salm, 2,100 at eight cents. Lortrent, Ont., June 18. -Ab to -day's Cheese Board 3,763 boxes, Were offered, 270 white and the balance colored. Balm, 55 C. Soilton at 9o, and 20 largo ate8ic ; colored at 8o, WA,TERTOWN, N Y,, June 18.-M the Cheese Board, to -day, 8,000 cheese sold at 7ge to 7to for )arge white, ,7go to *80 for large colored. 7fo to 8to for twins, Dairy Markets, TORONTO, June 21 -Butter -Receipts of all kinds are still large, and the market bas en easy tone. The quality of the receipts in fair, and the demand oho t mal. Quotations all round are &aged. Creamery prints, 17 to 18a; olids, 15 to 16o; dairy pontid rolls, geed 50 ehoice, 11 to 13e ; large dairy _ITO, 11 to 120; poor to medium dairy, 9 te 10e. Cbeesee- Ii fairly steady, and quoted unchanged at 90 for new large, and 91e for DOW twins. Old large is offering at 10 to 10to per pound. Eggs -There is, perhaps. a slight- ly easier tone in tbe market, but quota- tions; are unchanged at 15 to 15io. Sec- ond' are unchanged at 12 to 124c per dozen. MONTREAL, June 21 -Cheese -The one of the cheese market was steady, but busi- ness was rather quiet to -day, Finest On- tario, *old a$ no, and Quebees at 8c. But- ter -There was no obangt in butter; finest towaships creamery selling at 170, and even at this figure the offerings were some. whet limited, ' Potatoes. . TORONTO, Juno 21 -Aro quoted un- dimmed at 85 to 90o for care on the track,' and 95 to $1 for out of store stooks. WOOL Tolima°, <Twee 21 -The market con- tinues telebengf d. While receipts of -un- washed are fair, the weather ia too- co yet for the arrival of mute] washed. Qlote- tions ore unehanged at 17e for washed, 13z for rcjettions, and 10 to Ile for' unwashed. • Gram, etc. TORONTO. June 21 -Wheat - White, 92c; red, 92o ; goose, 77c ; spring, 900 ; oats, 27 ; barley, 42c ; peae, 660. Hay -No. 1 timothy, $10 to 812 '• mixed or clover''$7 to $9 • strati, sheaf, $10 ; loose, 16.50. Millfeed--Is steady at $16.50 to 617 for cars of shorts, and $15 for bran in bap , east or west, Manitoba millieed ta steady at $19 for cars of shorts, and $18 for bran, haoke included, Toronto freighti. • Live Stock Markets, LONDON, England, dune 21 -Canadian cattle are firmer at 101 to 1210 perpound ; refrigerator beef, 9.1 to 940 per pound; Sheep, steady, 12 to: 14e per pound; yeariioge, 150 per pound. LIVERPOOL, June 21 -Canadian cattle are quoted at 5id to 6d. . .t1ONTREAL, Jane 21 -Cattle -Most of them were of good quality. The demand for them was bad, and at noon 75 remained unsold. tPrices ranged as follows :-Choice butchers', 5i to 5!o; good, 4•2 5to ; medium,. 4 to ; trommon, n to no. Calves -The quality was mostly good. The demand was good, and at noon nonere. rnained unsold. Poor stock, sold at $1.50 to $3, and good at $4 to $8 each, Sheep and Lambe -The sheep broughb from 3i to 4c, spring lambs willing at $2.50 to $5 eaole Hoge --The demand was good and prices ringed from a to 5to per pound. The export market was OD the easy side to- day, private cables quoting finest stock eeiliog at 112 to 120 at fAverpool. Beereeo, June 21 -Cattle -Dry fed strong '•agrassers, 10 to 20a lower ; prime steers, $6 to $6,40 -shipping, $5,35, to $5,90; butchers', $Z65 to $5.75; heifers, $3.75 to $5,50) COWS, 83.00 to 8465; bulb, 83,25 to $4.50; stockera and feeders, $3 to 54.$5; .tick heifers, $275 to 13.40; fresh cows and springers dull, $2 to $3 low- er; good to choice, $42 to $50 • medium to good, $28 to $40; oOnunon, $18 to $25. Veals-Strong and 25c higher at $4,50 to $5.75, a few at $6. Hoge -Active and strong; heavy, $5,40 to M50; mixed, s $.5.40 e5 45 ; Yorkers, 8535' 85.45; pigs, -25 to 5.30;$roughs, $4 50 to 84 75 tag4, $3 to al 50; dairies, $5,20 to 8530. iihrep arrl ,Lanihs—Sheen easier, iambi tqed y ; latrAM $4,50 to $7,25 ; veer - 86,26 to 50; wafter", $5,25 to 15.50; eivere $4 to $4 25; sheep, mixed, 0771ce,owt711-finiehrd hes.vy exporters are To NT0, June 22 --Export Cattle - went] 50 te 85,75 per cwt., ; medium at $e to $i.35, Export Bello -Choice export buIs.M8425 to $4 50 ; medium at $3.75 s34. Export Cows -Prices rauged from 4 to $4,25 per cwt, Butchers' Cattle Choice pioked lots of butchers' cat- tle, eq al in quality to the beet exporters, weight g lion 1,100 to 1,200 pounds each, seta at $5 to $5 25 ; loads of good butch- ers' at .45 te 84.S0; medium, at $4 20 to 8441;common, 13;50 to 84; rough and inferior at $3 to 3 25 per ewe Feedera- Soort-k ep feeders, from 1,100 to 1.200 pounds eh, sold at $5 to $5 25. Those weighin from 950 to 1,050 pounde,of good quality, sold at, $4,25 to $4.50 per cwt. Stocker. --Choice yearling calves sold at $3.80 to .10 ; poorer grodes and off -colors gold *6 25 tO $3 75, according to qual- ity, M leh Cows -Milch cows and spring - ars sold from $30 to 150 each. Sheep - Export es sold 1st 14 to $4.25; ex rb bucks at $3 to $3,50, Spring Lambs- be prices ra god from $2.50 to $4.50 each. Hogie-P ices for stesight loads, fed and watered, were 85.10 per owt ; and $4 8.5 for lights an4l fats. Births. COUNTE In Seeforth, on Jane 17tb, to Mr sop • Ilre W Counkr, a son BRAW-A Dungannon, on June 8rd, to Mr and Mrs 0 p Bral,v, a .on HEDDEN In Crests! City, Manitoba. on June 4th, to Mr d Mrs W Redden, formerly of Exeter, a dais hter COLLYE to Olinkm, on June 7113, to Mr and Mrs W1JIr13 Oollyer, s daughter RUSH -In Wingham, en June 12513, to Mr and Ms Fred fliuh, a daughter WELSH- n Wingharn, on Juno 9113, W Mr and Mrs John' ebb, • son BELDEN- In Nolosworth, on Juno 18111, to Mr and Km to Belden, twing-boy and girl IfoGRAW At Smith's Hill, on June 10th, to Mr and re Joeeph Males'', a daughter Marriages. CASKEYL, AIKENHEAD-In Stanley, on June 2end,'ai the home of the bridde mother, by Reir. E Sowers, Him Isabella, eldest dsuebter of th ate Jambe Aikenhead, 50 Mr, John (hs. key, f Portege bt Prairie, Manitoba, PATRIC, C-lifoKENZir,-At the mimeo, Egtoond. v1il.,,J on June 22nd, by Rev, N. Shaw, Mr. lion emery Patrick, eon of Mr. Andrew Pat. rick, N1111,b4rt, to Sib% Mary McKenzie, eldeet clan hter of Mrs, Donald UcKeezie, of Senflrth. CAME N-CAKNOOti AN -At the residence of the brid 'a tether; Tookerrmith, by Rev r A. LW', kfn, n JUM122od, Mr, Wm, J, lament), to alio Aanie It , eldtst daughter of Mr, and MEL Wm, osreoehse, all of Tuokerstulth. MILL EMBU8Y-M Iho Methodist parsonage, Britt els, on June Mb, by Riii, T Wesley Coe. ens, Ir Thomas George Mille, cf Orey town ship, to lidise Mary E Peed Etubury, G1 Morris , town}sbio, WE8TL4IKE-SQU11LE-In the south -eat bouvdary of Ulborne, oe Juue 15513, by Rev Dr Medd, of • Ilene 11, Mr Henry Weeslake, eon of Mr Wm Westlake, to Mho ',suns Squire, deughter of Mr Hernly Squire, all of Cohere° IVIIITE Y -EDWARD -At the residence of the • brid smother, RosehillTann, Goderich town. ehip, on June 15413, by Rev lames Hamilton, • -,Miss illavy J., daughter of Mrs Wm Edward, to GORDO -4ALKELD--At the residence of the Mrrieeph E Whitely, of Goderloh township li • parents Goderieh, on June 15513, by Rev * Ttirnbull, Miss Mouths, daughter of- Mr end Mrs lease Salkeld, to Mr ,Wm E Gordon, of Si; oleo ALEX* DER,-MeEVIEN-In CliniOn, .on June 16113, it the residence ofbthe bride's piTOD44, by Lev r Steweart, Mies Ells, daughter of Mr Fin- ley cEwen, to Mr Herbert, son ot Ur Wm Aloe nder WAR t/DMORE-Inailinton, 'tithe residence of the idde pariahs, Mr and Mrs Wm Cadmoro, . on J ne 15th, -by Rev Dr Cook, Miss Alice J Cud ore, to Mr Emanuel Ward, of Varna Deaths. DUNB In Grey, on Juno 15413, Eliza Jane Me- Kelv y, wife of Mr John Dunbar, aged 68 years, _\A' 8 mo the and 8 daya 6 ILLE In MoKillop, on Juno 14513, Thomas Oak. ed 54 yeare, 10 months and 6d5111 YOUNG• In East Wawanaeh, on June lath, lo- belia Catharine, infant daughter of If, and, Mrs Ja Young DAWS0 -In Turnberry, on June 14t13, Nettie, dang ter of Mr and Mrs P Dawson, in her four - toot year WATS0 -In Buffalo. N. Y., on June 12th, Bruce L W Won, youngest son of Mr Jame& Watson, Godo ich, aged 24 yoara JONES— n Stephen, on June 14th, Frederick, son of M and Mre Wm Jonee, aged 1 year, 6 month, and 1 1days WOMEN N -In London, on Juno 106h, Clarence Lynn Workman, eon of Mr. Arthur Workman, 01 513 Parr line, ilitsoley, aged 22 years. KEINE In Grey, on June 19513, Javob Koffersaged 81 ye$r. and 4 months. IMPORTANT NOTICES. IllEAC ER WANTED, -School teacher wanted for S hool Section No. 9, Morris, male or female holding rst, second or third class certificate. dot. iee to on nmence after midsummer vacat'on, Apply to JOH SHORTREED, JR., Walton P. 0., Ontario, 1906-4 liras. AND COLT LOST. -Strayed from lbe 1SL p anises of the undersigned, behind, Dick's hotel, 14 *forth, about the 10413 of June, a blood mare, d rk bay, with mall white liar on forehead and a 11 lump on her now and oleo a brand on ht sh uldor and no shoes on hind feet. She was $ccomp nied by a home foal. Any information ading tbe recovery of thew animals will be suitably rewarded. PRANK ALLEN, fieafortb. 1906x4 ool Wanted. ---AT TILE— S aforth Woollen Mills. ighest Prices paid for wool Roll Carding tlfone for the farming public on 8hort notice. F ST. CLASS WORK. _WIN DICK 1906.4 (LIMITED.) D:ering Machines. A sup Tedders and 7 ft and 115 bo had o 1906x2 111/0m/11 • ly of Deering Binders, Movrers, Rakes and n hand in the following sizes. Binders 6 Mowers, 6, 6 and 7 ft. ; Rakes, 8, 9, 10 also 0 an•d 8 fork Tedders, all of which on inutAliate notice, •T. BROWN, Agent, Sestorth. It's Refreshing Pare Englie Nev Buehu 41 OAR hen you are tired mit with your forte to save money, you find it re- reshing to come here and see what on get, and note what we save you plenty tbstle good and plenty of eason for your purchasing bite Hellebore, freshly powdered,no ldetook, fcr worms on gooseberry d currant bashes. Perla Green, the best on the market. r Fail" Corn Cure, the kind that urea. We hear words of praise for title remedy every day. Juniper Kidney Pills for backeche. reit' Come in and see us,-Wi 11 ABERHART, DRUDRUGGIST,kys .. BLOCK .s. poRrr HE 01.* EXPOs,ITOR. oE1NN�T &C s I3:111-"43E-Tla eamsassedataamm••••• .. 0Corner Ma$s to 4• Market Greets 1 i Sestforth, i p. k and Ontario. Ne w Summor Goods. ,-gt...-•-•-•-•44-•-•••÷44-.4-#444-o-s-44•4•0 • Our sales during t e last few weeks have been unprecedented. We are now making up for the cold backward spring and there is a regular boom on .1 Our stock got pretty well riddled by the heavy den:tends made upon it Bug- this week we received a large shipment from Montreal which put 3 our stock in good shape in the foilOwing lines : A11 -over Lau' IC white, bleek, linen and two-tioned effeetn at 40e 60a and 75e. Yak Laoe andlesertion, in black, white and /inert effects, at 124o, 25a 50o, 65o and 750, Embroidered Sets in Collars and Calle, in assorted colors and patterns at 25e and 35o, Fanciy• Waist Goods in Mercerized Vesting., Piques and Cream and White Luetree at popular pricer. IndiesiBlouse Sete in pearl, gilt, silver, gun metal and oxodtzed, from 10a to 50o. Wits' White Underwear in Corset Clovers, Skirts', Drawers, eto,, at popular priceer Ladies' Summer Vests in long and short sleeve/1'mA sleevelegs, at 7o, 10; 15; 25; 35a and 503. Boy -'.s Nicker Pante, double beets and knee., at 50o, 60o, and 75a. Bora suits in,great variety at low prices. Our stock of Boots and Shoes is now complete ;a all lines of Wan', misses' and children's, also a full line for men and boys, including the King Quality.. AW4InWts*e~trtetteenisWertAttsoe Early Closing • 0 • At the request of the buiinese people of Blyth the council has passed a by -1a' making it compulsory for all Owes of budness to close et seven o'clock sharp every evening, except Wedneeday and Saturday in each week, oommenaing Jump 27th, 1904. We trust our friends will do their shopping early, and give the clerks a chance to get some fresh oir, •••10•00•481.0 C.A.SIEC .A.INT3D OINTIQ P1310333 McKINNON 8c co., 13LYTH. DO YOU KNOW Why there are so many June we4dingi this year? It's because there are so many pretty wedding presents AT HIM,A4W S. 'It's a great temptation and we don't blame them. You can get lovely presents for 50e, 75c, $1, 0.,50, $2, 12 60, $3, or as high as you like to 840 A-sk to see the NEW DINN1ER SETS, they are beauties and the prices so reasonable at FEAR'S Drug Store Seaforth THE GREAT Ci$11, STORE. HORREIRMIMERIMENDOBERIWIMIt For, the Next Two Weeks *a will offer greatlBargains in the Millinery Department, Everything pe tainifig to Summer Milllinery going at oweepitl reductions, It will pay yo to see what we are offering in LADIES' WIIITEVITEILIL We secured a bargain in that line, and are selling them at greatly reluced prices. See what we have in Ladies' iBlack Underiskirto It will be to 3I•our advantage to get prima before buying elsewhere, We have have a snaplifen's Harvest Shoes, also a nue range of Boots, Shoe i§ and Trunks. Any quantity f Butter and Eggs taken in exchatge for goods. CO:Ii.:11:9Or9 44'1. D. M Mc EATH, pREToRzo.., BLYTH. Hom ro 11 Straw • ens *HAWN 33,RELY. 0++#4,44.4144,•444-* We have mad Tarrangements with Mr. John Walker, of Roxboro, whereby we get his entire output of Strawberries. It is seareely necessary to m ntion the desirability of *miring fresh 'picked fruit for preserving jrnrposes. Orders left in the taprning will be picked and delivered he same day. Redpai h's XXX Granulated Sugar And the Wi184 Strawberry, make ideal presetves-nothing better. If you 'can't get down town in the mornin4, ring up 65, and your order will hay our personal attention. B. B. GUNN, - i GRAND TRUNK ItTEV $17.40 -TO THE REAT- WORLD'S FA ,8i. LOUIS with stopover prIlklegea at CHIC- AGO, DETROIT nd CANADIAN SPAT ONS. NOTE. -0a a plication to eir D, Menet). _. ald, Distriot Passenger Agent, Toronto enoloeiug 40 in stamps, Handsome Illustrated Booklet will be furnished. THROUteH PULLMAN SLEEPERS and VESTOULE 00 ACHES TO ST. LOUIS, RIJN ING DAILY. Dominion Day. SINGLE FARE F Good going June Returnieg until I Home Seeker to po CANADIAN N $30 to $4050 Good going June th, returning until Augne 295h. Good going July 19th, returning until • Septem r 20tb. For TICKETS, I LUSTRATED LIT- ERATURE, regardin WORLD'S FAIR, and further informatio ,apply t,o any Geaud Trunk agent, or to J. D. McDonald, Dia. trict Paseenger Agent Toronto. W. SOMERVILL Town Art. R ROUND TRIP: Oth and July let onday, July 4th, Excursions in RTH WEST. A. F. PHIIVPS, begot Tie et Agent. 0 NAP TO THRESHERS.- Now " Challenge' 0 Separator, at about h lt price. Just rule one season Apply to WM. Ist INT0811, Winthrop, .106541 Seaforth. A GREAT OLER AING SALE I NOW GOING ON AT Th4 Seaforth Tea Sore ir I will sell China, Crookery and Glass- ware at t ost for the next, 15 days, as I am orowded 1wfth overstock -I will give great bargains. I will also sell all kinds of gran cries veey cheap during the sale of China, Crockern and Glassware. Now -is the time to get gdod bergains. A cordial Invitation is extended to all to call and examine my stock and be convinced that I am 'giving good bar sins in all kind' of goods. I have the beat arieties of turnip -seed, aleo large onions f r cooking purposee, new maple syrup 25 a quart, best American Anger house ey up 2 gallon pails, for $1 a pail, 2 • lbs. evap rated peaohes for 25e, 2 lbs. apri- cots for 5o. 21 lbcan of peaches for 10c, 5 lbs. of ried,apples for 25e, 4 lbs, best cleaned currants for 25a, 4 lbs. best cleaned raisins for 25; lemon, orange and citron peel, Me rted 15c a lb„ 2 cans good red io salmon f r 2.5n Great values in all kinds of teas and coffees. I have a good stook of seed potetoes in stock, Best brand of flour at $2 50 a hundred, Butter and eggs taken !, se cash. 1 I ati I handle Weston's Toronto bread. hie i headquarters for good pure honey, AU LT tAFORTIL ar see .I The Largest Dry Goads V 4 a Clothin9 Concern In Fteuc Sountie OUT - PRICE tamarsamareselesaaacto fa ap aro ego as.. law ve mwasammaaallaila••• Vinyls 1330-11.TINTI'N-0- SATURDAY _JUNE .25 h. ,EVERY ON_ Should visit our store and secure some of the CHOICE BARGAIN WE ARE OFFERING. ++44444,144-1-144+++++ Bargains in every department The store is full of Bargains. Die ones we mention1 below are only A pile of fancy silks, regular priees 50o to 39c a yard, 30 pieces double fold dress goods, worth from 30 to 60cfo, r25c a yard. A few ends of double fold dress goods, worth from 40o t 75c, to clear at 36e. A special line of fancy mn8IInl worth 20o a yard, for 12c yard, Parasols worth *1.25 to $1,50, to clear a sun A pile of dress trimmings, worth 10c, 123-0 and 1 a yard. A few ends of embroidery, of 4i and 5 yards each, to at half price. Big bargains in ladies' black plain and fancy ribbed Cash- mere hose this week—three pairs for $1.00. Ladies' white corset covers, embroidery trimmed, aa sale t 30 cents. A new lot of shirt waists in plain white and cOlored, on aio Saturday at 50c each. Special line of waists On sale Saturday at $1 each-. 3 dozen ladies' top skirts, in plain and fancy black lustros, grey frieze, navy, camel's hair, tweed, &c,, worth from $2.25, to $5 each, your choice for $1,75 cad, 12 ladies' thyee-quarter length raineoits to clear at $3,$0, A few ends of roller towelling, regular price 5o a yard, to clear at 30. Special 10c towelling for 63,c, A few ends of towelling worth 13e, to clear for filo A pile of linen towels,, regnlar price 27c, to clear at 17c. A. quantity of towels, mixed lot, regular prices 25o to to clear for 19c. 3 pieces table linen, regular price 30o, to clear at 15e Four ends of 45o table linen, on Saturday for 3 o. A large quantity of mill ends of cottonade at Bpcciai pri Six ends of art muslin, regular price 10c,,on Saturday for 610. Five ends of 15e art nauslin on Saturday for 81c. A pile of men's flannelette shirts on Saturday for Wc each. A large assortment of men's and boy's straw hats at half price. A nuniber of men's summer coats at special prices. A number of men's 1igh summf3r vests for 25e eaeb. .eettnier eneee Highest prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wool. WPROM.ICKAD&. JMRECT IMPORTERS Oppodte Town Building, Corner Main and Market St4i, Seafortla. 7•••