HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-06-17, Page 8Garden Tools. of 71,-..sp-cle, shovel, hoe vibe, give us • eall. The quelity of GM goods is the Wet, LAWLMOWERS, We have the tergestetoek of Lswn mow. caw in town, and any person requiring a nsowsr should not fail to see them first. Our prima are loW. Pence Wire and Gates. A full supplyof No, 9 hard coiled wire soft weaving wire sod frost gate. always en hand, U you wish the best fence on the market, eell and or allAtte one "Ideal " woven fence, ail NO, 9 bard wire. CHESNEY & . sEAFORTII, Hardware, Stoves,Etc, DOMINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. E, 0. OILER, fist Pr T. G. BROUGH,7 Football General Manager Capital,' Fully Paid U p-$3, 000,000, ReservelFund and un- - divided Profits 3,474,900 Deposits by Public Si 28,377,000 Too Meets $ 35,745,000 ossa•awmo....• SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth. Every fainter for the transacting of a gemwel banking business. Collation* made on all point* la Canada sad abroad, .Advances wads to Farmer*. Special at - .Won paid to ths collection of Oak Note*. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.-Doposils received of One Dollar and upwards. Interest allowed athighest rate and compounded half yearly. 8. HAIM A. E. GIBSON, Molter • iltaaapr. Important Notice. National _ Cream Separator •250 pounde capacity • 350 pound, capacity eio pone& opacity limple, durableirerg ard easy to operate. A' machine' warrittodlianufadured by the Ray mond Wag Machine Oo, Guelph, and sold by W. N, WATSON, Thaurince Agent, and dealer in FewIng Miebine ; and Bicycles, North Nein Week Seaforth, Youare the Judge 1 WE ARE THE MAKERS OF IIIGE HARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. --ALSO •TRUNKS., VALISES WHIPS ttarOlie us s call. nsAixft RUBBER RUGS DUSTERS SWEAT - PADS, etc. BRODERICK'S Harness Shop Cady's Block SEAFORTH._ Do Not ko01 with Education, - STRATFORD* ONTARIO. Thiff school stands for- the highest and best in !menses's education in Canada. Enter now. Catalogue free. Student.; admitted at any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, To save Timeand Money Elide a Bicycle, We have a full stock of bio,yolen new and wend hand, prices from 5 to 875.1 . 'You should see the new coaster and mill- ion frame. Remember our general repair 'hop, Bicy- cles, lawninowerie-umbrelle's, knives, scissors repaired at G. M. Baldwin & Co. SEAFORTH. ROYAL HOTEL SEAFORTH. Most Modern Hotel in Seaforth Fully equipped with hot and cold water bath, Ladiee' Toilet Rome'ete, Every attention pabitointerite, Good Stable in Connection; 1875.0 D. T. PINKNEY, Prop. The Canadian Bank OF ,COMMERCE. HEADaOFFICF,, — TORONTO Capital (paid up) Reserve Fund - Aggregate Resourc • over - $ 8,700,000. $ 3,000,000 es $83,000,000 Hon. G. A, Cox, President. • Et, if. walker, GerteratManager. • London, England, Office, "• 60 LOMBARD STREET, E. C. • 8EAFORTH BRANCH, A general Banking hualneasiltrars.! "meted. Farmers' and Graziers' Notes die- sounteri, ane special Attention given to VS* collection of Sale Notes, etc. •----SAViNGS BANK, Interest allowed on deposits of $1 andlupwardro, interest is credited to accounts on the 31at of May and the 30th of November in each year, The Bank has ISO branches extending throughout Ontario, Quebec-, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, British OsIntobia, Yukon District, Maritime Pro. sinus and the Unit, Nato. Q. E. FARRES, Manager. 16 2e F. EOLILIETED, EOLicitor. 1 DISTRICT MATTERS. Ti• the WwL-The following per - sone' were ticketed to the west this week by Greig & Stewart, 0. P. R. agents, and -left• on Tuesday morn- ing on the first homeseekers' excur- sion; 1,fissealt M. and Etta Cooper, of Kipper', to Alameda, Assinaboia; Vf,. L., Keys, Varna, to Edrieouton; Mtn, Boyd and Mies Boyd, Wintheop, to Deloraine; Engle McDonald, Cbisel- burst, to iiilelita; Peter Douglas, of Blake, to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; john lialteaur,./Kippen, to 'rince Al- bert. a Died ire the Wiist,-A. W. tewart, grand -eon q gm, W. Fowler, of 1far- purhey, died ID, t;l1 hospital at Fer- gus Fags, Mitinclota, oh Monday, Deceased had undergone Several op- erations for SOMO intern41 trouble, but, they were unavailing, in saving hlife es . lie was tu the ram ilway ail . 4, • • service andenian a ,proraiSillg young man. Ills Mother, Mrs. 'Stewart, who bee been bete for some time, was called to tte bedside of her son a few days gig*. The remains were brouglit Iserii for interment in the Harpurhey temetery, ---e---__.7 • Wedding Bells, -A quiet wedding was solemnized at the reeidence Off Mrs. Freeman, Seiatorth4 on Satur- day morning ea.rly, wieen her daugh- ter Nellie was united Wi marriage it to Mr. , J.• Bioko% the Bell engine works, The Rev. ural Dean Hodgins performed th,e ceremony in the presee neof the members of the family. After a nice wedding break- fast the young couple drove to Brumfield where -they I ;took the train for London. Theyexpect, to return in a few days add take up housekeeping on Main Street e South. The beet wishes of manY, friends Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bickell, e t 1/0/1•11.....I.E.M/M/M• Seaforth Itaces.-Thinge are shap- ing will for the annual meet of the Seaforth turf club here op jelly 5th and Oth. are busy at the track every day, igoloting it into pertect condition, and already some horses ere in training here. lifri Jonathan Miller has- one with a mark of 212 and Mr. Leo Charlesivorth is getting his green horse in shape, There is an exceptionally large 'number of horses taking in the Canadian grand circuit this year, so that the entries will this year probably eclipse those of any former year, which means exe ceptionel racing and mop!, intc,,Vest for the spectaters. •Altogether this - Year is ripe tor a banner meet in the history of the, Seaforth club.- . The Prii of Coal OiL-The folleiw- eng ereeolar has neon iiieued by the Queen th'ty Oil Company, from their head offiee in Toronto, to their cus- tomers throagh the country; "We bog to adeine you that in consequenice of ehanges' in the elistOMS tariff on petroleum our price ti the trade on all grades of refined oil, benzine and gasoline will be, reduced two and a halt eents per gallon, effec- tive the 9th. inst. The new regula. tionspermitting the importation oft Arnerteen erude ,oil for refining puri poses, vrhile not in any way injuring the production of Canadian crude oil, will enable our manufacturers to 'operate the large Sarnia 'refinery at full capacity. • As the process un- der which' this refinery ,o'perates is the same aee that used in the best 're- fineries be the United- States, we Thinowxpezt, very snortly to be able to 'offer to our customers high grade American o1 made in Canada. We • trust dealers will reduce 'prices to consumers proporionately.ii' The Town Council. -The r egular monthly meeting- of the town coun- cil was beld on Monday evening. On account of family; afflicition the Mayor was pot present' and the chair Was occupied by Mr. J. A. 'Stewaile Accounts tie the, amount : of $405 were passed arid ordered •to be paid Two tender*for the empipletion of the dral•nfige works were received that of Mr. Gueteridge, being the ],wt, 1,t- He places. the tile in Llui ripen drains as required, for $J,091.50' and he completes the seWer on Main street. for $15.75 per •J•od. Mr. Morrison, the town Con- stable, headed in hie raignation, • which ,- was accepted and the clerk was authorized i0 advertise for ap- • plications for Ow positiort. TIie bread by-law was amended so as to permit a loaf of bakers' bread e to be onitid a halt pounds instead ne two pounds as was formeriy speci- fied. A by-law was also passed pro- • viding ,for the een$ truei ion of sev- eral cement stdewalks which were petitioned for. The report of tbe finance committee, recommending the rate of taxation for this year to be twenty four and a half mills on the dollar tM or unicipal and public echool purposes, was dopted. The mayor was authorized to offer Miss Halpin $25 in full settlement of her claim for ilamages sustainial by her property hung flooded with water at the time of the spring freshet, The council adjourned to meet at the call of the mayor. Lacrosse, -The „senior Beavers play- ed their first sehedele game in Owen Sound on Friday last, the game ea - suiting in a tie, three goals all. The meult was very satisfactory to the lacrosse'enthusiats, and the 'sho-wing of the team -augurs well for the • balanee of the mason. The teautar- ;rived home on the 'moon train Sat- tirday, and was niet at the station by tne band. The Toronto Globe gives the following account of the game: 'The Beavers of Seaforth and the B Owen Sound Greys played the ret senior ,charapionship match ever witnessed here, and it ended in a tie game, _ tife refereei J, J. Kelly, a Brantford, declaring the garne un- finisbed. If WA» a fast exhibition of the national gatne, hut marred by• frequent face-offs when Oie half passed under the wire fencing which • held back the speetators. Mayor Greer gave both teams a little talk on manly sport and then Lice(' the ball. Three minutes after play had started Hatcher shot. The ball lost itself in a maze of defence men and rolled into the - net. Sertforth had a streak of hick'on, and in the second quarter, the ancient and honorable' Brown Jackson mido a slow shot, which Beynon came tut to stop, but aissed, and it rolled into the net, SeiforLb to�k the third, Johnston scoring, end then °teen Sound put Greenwood, the regular goalkeeper, back into the flags and Beimon went out into the field. After that Sea - forth never scored, though their at- tacks on the local defence were num- erous. Young took the first and sec- ond for Owen Sound, and at half ittme the score was 3 to 2. No one - cored in the last division at lace dem Young. Beyn flags and too A seuffle Bags, and•ith ap. It vies; a forth. has player. and (pen tly appl very satisfaet the players THE HURON EXPOSITOR third quarter. In the ynon made a deeper- / the field, passed to n dashed into the a return from Young. met in front of the • unwire's hand went nine, clean game. Sea- oup of gentlemanly he best work was fre- a.od. Kelly made a ry 'referee, and kept -ell in band," Travellers. The following were ticketed to d stant 'ioi,ats this week by W. Somerv lle, railway and steam- ship *gent; essrs, 1). B. McLean, Kippen; D. A. Reels, Brumfield, and W, McKenzie, Tuckeremith, wore tieketed to he west on, Tuesday's Homeseeker,si Excursion also Mrs. W. Ameist tnd eister, Miss Hazel Winter Lai Bilotti, Michigan, _Maple Syrup, 25a e quart, at A. G. Ault's, **forth. We have a • ell job lot of men'. fine Congress sad, Bal orals, mostly Ore 0, Regular OM to *leo away For pale Friesy and fisturdey. ot ss long so they I t, at 6So per pair, ikimplee In f011th winddw. W. 11, Willis, sole agent tor Dor- othy Dodd • f ladles and Cleo. A, illtifier shoos for mon. • Sometbili oe in Toilet Site, Fancy Ohne new no its, _and Tea Sete, suitable for middies pr I. Young, Hosfortb. 190641 Ert po _ads fip for a quarter at sk• 0. At no, Sof :9064 , Will the • n, who took a pair of led - up gaiter' m Am' by mistnie couple of week m ago, hisdly rn by Tuesday neat, W If, Willis. 190i.1 Tuner floue FOE SALE. - For side, three good &sonic booms n Easfortb, two on Jobn street and one ons d Mulct. Apply to ,Ilre, 1, IL Porter, Soofortb, ro °woo LOIdeli street Ap- ply to F. 0, 1w1ia1 Sesfctrth. 1904-2 BRICK RZHID NOE FOR SALE,- (4 lots) - twang on Vioto Park; commodiour, condo* able two Amoy vesldeooe, with stable, all In good repair one of Do b.s$ locations hi lissforth. Aunty ao DUNCAN LAN, Resforth. 190V4 10004 19004 House with ulv.� rooms and kiteben to ant in noiontivil a. Apply to A. Chmiesworth, Ignsoodville, Oatevo. 190241 • fro THE LADI e -Switches made from combings, Nis E. Illoossi=er W.111. Watooe's *Mee, North Nein street, 18864.1 WANTED,- p 14 and 16o, Wool 18e to Me, we wont het est of butter, midi or Omit; by July 2zut, 0. King, Wingtom, 190i41 tor Sale by irate sole, a quantity of Household F�rnIte. Can b• men at residence of Kn. 0.0. Willson, .rich Street 1906x1 Local Brief. Jacob McGee hes leased hie rea donee, in Egmond to gr. Willie , and intends-xn king his home.- wi la his ;grand -thing ter, rMr. E•berhart.-Mr. 11. Jeffrey bas purchased th residence of the late John/ Weir, r 62,200, It is a ebeap. latoperty, an is a good invest- ment. -Mr. a d. Mrs. F. flolmeeted drove to Go nob/ on Saturday, and ':spent Sunda with friends in the county town. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, of L nilon, were in town 'on ,Sunday, visitingMrs Murray's fa- ther, Mr, Alt. . Scott,- er„, and other f riends. • Mr. Murray leaves this *eek on his ennual trip to the .old country, to nrchaSe goodsfor his ifierreeeMr. . Gevenlock le, home from :Chiceg spending his holidays with his pare Ls, Mr. and Mrs. G, Qovenloek,- s.• -Curtis and little daughter, of eiffalo, are tbe guests of Krand es.. G. F. Rogers, -Mrs. Height and Miss McIntyre, of St. Thorilas, sist and, niece of Mrs. E. McFitut, wer the guests of Mr. and • Mrs. E. ,Mc aal this week. -Mr. S. Bennett,' of 'Ingham, was in town on Tuesday attending the funeral of Miss Claff. Mr. Bennett is one of the tenderer for the new post of- fice building it Winch:am and we are •stirci the wo k could _not fall into better hands, -Mr. Wm. Chesney, of Tuckerstnith, and Miss Chesney spent Sunday in. tbe guests a. Dr. Chesney. --M es, Donovan and Rob - bine were a viteded, third prize ,for their spiendi 1 draught team at the Guelph horst: show last • week. -Dr. McIntosh, of New York state, was' here. this we ,k visiting his brother, Mr. John &c ntosb, who was so but •whie, we are pleased to learn is rec-overing n Oily and we 'hove soon to see him 1 the .old Stand. -Rev. Mr. Larkin Was at Wingham on 'Wednesday thaVering an address at -the County abhath School Convene 'bon being h 1d in that town, -Mr. liarry Willis lute purchaned the• res- idence of Mr. 0.1C. 'Willson, on Godo - rich street. Mr. and Mrs. Willis have secure a nine, comfortable home. Mr. a d Mrs. Willson speak - removing to Detroit w.here sev- eral menibeis -et their -family now are. -The Lie" Wel race meet takes piasei on T esday, Wednesday and iThuredait or text week when an un- usually inter Siting programme will be produ.ced. nerd Will be ninehar- ness raceii f $500 cad' and three runs . on $20 each,e-Saturdati •Ls a field day -ler, thee junior football' Weyer's. On aturday last the jun- ior Paradise team. had an exciting game with Lb junior Squares, whom they defeine by two ,goals to one, 4 -Miss Trow, f Stratford, spent Sun- day at • the.rt idence -of Mr. ii. Dick- eion.-Iternenn er the 'football match tine, Friday,- evening between Galt lind e.he Hurons. It will be the best game emit liege for a _long tinie-The hand will be; in attendance. -Mr. J. Shine , is Oiling to the appearance' and eotefort of his 'reeidence by the erection of ,a neat veranitale-Mr, James Melit' heel, Senforth's. veter- an bowler, was in Mitchell dee day • last Week, and brought back with glim the malt of Father Burritt, the boss...bowler pf that burg. It is a, good on that can defeat the "Wee Bools."-The Ilensall Observer of litet week ays ; " Richard Wright andwife of Seaforth, were in town this week tosring their household e•ffectsi . to- eafortb, where he has purchased a residence and intends melding. 11 nsall is losing and Sea - teeth gainin two good citizens by, their defier ure," Mr. and Mrs. Wright are id Seaforthites and we are pleased indeed t� neer,them back .airain, Mrs. W. Mulcahy and son, ,of Al)riancre-Califernia, are here lust now .on J. srisii to friends in Sea - forth and vi,inity. They itre former residents of Ribber t , but Went. about fa tee years ago. -Mr., t Leo. Killoran, inying completed -b is - medical 0011. se in Toronto, le hOrne, just_ now ox , a visit. Dr. Killoran graduated eith honors. -The Ladiee' -Guild, of -St. Tlionies' church, met on Tuesday evening last, and elated tlw .followg officersfor the ensu- ing year; , 'resident, Mrs. Bullard' ; vice -presider t, Mrs. Neelin ; secre- tary, Miss-)., essie Lynch ; treasurer, Johnston. Arrange- eing made for their an - party. -There were 170 at Seaforth for the Far - ion to Guelph on Satur- Trey Stewart, of t he firm tewart, who cut his foot ome weeks ago, is now , e around a littlewith utches.-Mr. Duncan Me, bbert, spent a few days eek with his daughter, . Mr, McLaren had , Miss Berti merits are 1 • nual garde tickets sold aners' excur day, -Mr. H of Greig & so severely able to mo the aid of c Laren, of H here this Mrs, Stewar RAPE SEED, III71110ARIAN IVIILLETTa SEED BUCKWHEAT =and TURNIP SEED, HAMILTON &KERSLAKE Seed Merehahts - • Seaforth, The Last and the Best ChanIp1011811ip FOOT - BALL Match of the ,iiieast Galt vs Hur ns On Recreation Gronnds FRIDAY, JUNE 17th, '04. ddINNOMI••••••••.•Mf 'These two teams have always put upftbo best &Melo of football, but tor this coming match they are receiving special training, and this will enable them to glv• the bat ,sibition of footbell ever soon in 'Worth. GAME CALLED AT 815 Come early and avoid tas rush at the gete. 1904-1 been at Guelph, Stratford and other places, enjoying a well earned boli - day. -Mrs. Hargraves, of this town, has been engaged to sing in the Methodist ehurch, in Clinton, V» Sabbath evening next. -Madre Live inski, Palmist and Psychic as been at the Queen's lsotel here since Tues- day last.. Her announcement will be found on the 8th page of this isinte. ,-Mr. P. Daley has moved into the residence on Goderioh street, which be, recently purchased from Mr. Fowler. Mr. W. a Learoyd now 00- cupiee the residence vacated by Mr. Daley. -Mr, and Mrs. G. B. Scott lett here on Tuesday morning for their new home in Toronto. They take with them the 'good wishes of a very large circle of friends. -Coun- cillor Stewart now sports a hand- some new London buggy which when drawn by his 2.40 driver makes* a very stylish turn. out. -Miss Laura Hall, of Woodstock, sister of Mrs._ J. A. Wilson,' of Seaforth,1 was mar- • ried in New York on the 91h inst., To Dr. /Edward Mills Brown, of Northampton, Mass. -Mr. John Mul- holland, some, years ago clerk in the store of Mr. A. Young, but now one ef the leading capitalists of British Columbia, was calling on old friends her bet; we.ek. Mr. Mulholland was engaged . in the ministry for some years after leaving Seafortb but ul- timately gravitated into gold, min- ing and is still extensively engaged in that business. -Mr. A. W. Stobie is having his residence on. Goderich street neatly painted and otherwise improved. The painting and orna- menting is being done by Mr. John Paterson, who is an adapt at this kind of work. -Mr. Ilarry Edge bus commenced to excayate . for the handsome new residence lie intends erecting. on John street. -Mrs. Ar- chibald Scott and. little daughter intend leaving next week for a three months' visit; with friends in Man- itoba and the Northweet. - The bronzed veterans froni the London military camp are eitpected home Saturday. -Captain Alex. Wilsop, of Seaforth, bas been offered a posi- tion an the Bisley team thie year but as be is in camp just now we have not learned whether he will 'ac- cept or note -The members of the band who are not in camp gave a concert in the park on Friday even- ing last. Mr. John Thornton acted as leader and the programme render- ed was a good one. -Mr, C.W. Leach, of Detroit, was here this week visite iting his cousin, Mrs. George Cheni ney, and. •other friends. Mr; Leach is a prosperous lumber merchant in Detroit. -Mr. Wm. Smi h, who wits visiting the ircenes of 1 is 'youth in the old country, espe ially in tlie beautiful Emerald Lel , returned home on Friday last.i They had ai- very rough passage t ming home and at ,one time Mr. Smitli bad some doubts as to whethe or not be would ever see Seafo th again, - Mr, Wm, Sclater is in -kerne tide week attendingthe iliii h Court of Canadian .Order: or Fort ter. Be is accompanied bir Mrs. dater. Mr. ;Cohn Britton is also th re as dele- gate from Cons time Lo ge.-Mr. R. Wright has pu chased t te residence of Miss McBride Sparlin street and is now residing ere. . and Mrs,: Wright have . centred 1t nice, com- fortable. home, Mr. Ila ry Purcell, of Bradford, hos returned to town and taken a p . Rion with Chesney & Smiley. Mr. Fur ell's many friends will be pleased , to welcarne him , back to Statiortin-Couneillor Adam Turnbull and Mrls. Turnbull, of Grey, passel through here last week on their way 1.0 visit mime friends in the • them !part of Us- bornie-Mr. and Mrs. Goatee Mardie lett on There& y on ittpldriving trip north to Atwoo arid inner points to vieit friends.- ;dor Anderson had a Learn end a jno ing rretchine out a Couple of da t is weekj cutting the long grass on ti. back etreets. This dots bhp wor a good deal more quiekly than the old fashioned scythe. -For the first time this year the Squares ha a Won a foot ball 'match. Oh We Inesday night they del ea ted ' the Parks by three goals to lege-Mrs, , Kerslake and little soil are visitin, friends and relat- ives in the vicinity of Staffa and Cromarty. -Mr. ;fames Devereux vis- ited friends in Guelph end Toronto daring the past week .4 -The people of Roxboro and vicinify will bold their ennuel picnic on Mr. John Scot t's Hats on the :lite' noel: of Sat arday, June 25th, Jvcrybody is made weleome. _ Come end bring your baskets with you. fnvitations are out, announcing the marriag,e of Mks Alien Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Dale, ofi the Huron Road West, to Mr. G. W. Nott, on Wednesday next -.Th e G it foot ball club have arranged -to r n a special train here on Friday foi the match with tbe Hurons. The t ain will ar- rive here in lime to givj the excur- sionists an opportunit to have supper- before of ti , mat ,h, and the virk n. managers the, Iaclubexpect the excursion will ie, more argely pat- ronized than any formeij one, as on, the result of this garne depends the championship. -Mr. Tho as Somer- ville, of Brantford, anfI Mr. John McAllister, of Grey, near Etbel„ ewere here Wednesday i4ght. Both I gentlemen are able and arnest gos- pel expounders frorn t , Plymouth Brethren standpoint and are "going about doidg good." -The annual I *N. meeting of the Huron Farmers' As- sociation will be held at Bla,ckall'e hotel, Uensall, on Wednesday, June 22nd at 2 o'clock p. in. 'Ali Interest - in the laudable -work in which the aseociation is engaged will be made weleonie at this meeting. -Mrs. J. L. Smith, -of London, was in town last w ek, attending the funeral of bier, rn in tber, Mre, Dolage.-Mrs. .1. McAlli ter, onniensall, was here this week 'shifting her daughter, Mrs/ A. Forbes -Mr. A, Doh -nage, of Grims- by, formerly of- our low,n, was here to be liresent at hie mother's funer- al. -M s Clem Case, of the New York Thospita1; is spending her holi- days at the hoine of her mother, Mrs. ff. Case, of Yfaple Hall. i e -- Wednesday Half Holiday. ---The fol- lowing merchants and bueiness men a Seaforth have agreed to close their !respective places of business on W dnesda afternoon of each week uring lh4 monthe of July and August. in or it. to allow their em- ployeett a ha f' holiday on these days: E. MoJl4aui, 3.. S. Roberts, A. Winter, Dominion Bank, L V. Fear, Wm, Pickard) M. Broderick, C, 8. AndreWs, litimilton & Kerslake, J. A. ;Stewart'. ;Beattie Brothers, A. Ctose,A. McKenzie, Greig & Stew- art,' T. Quigl y, A. Oke, firoadfoot & 13O,, John 1 Bulger, Thos. Daly, 13, B, Gunn, J DtII, G. M, Baldwin, Reid & Wilson Richardson & Me - Innis, W. IL 'Willis, P. Mulcahy, j. Dunn,Kennedy Brothers, 3, V.Daly, J. W:;Beattie, j, P, Bell, J, Graves, Canadian Bank of Commerce, Joseph Weber, R. Se Hays, J. M. Beet, R. Willis' & Son, 1 W. R. Counter, Ches- ney & Smiley A. G, Ault, F. 3. Bur- rows, F. W.weddle J. J. Purcell, A, 'Yoting, Br'ght Braltere. . • Death •of Dr, Elder. -We mentioned last Week the death of Mr, J. W. Elder, at Red Deer, Alberta, Since then we have received a copy of the Red Deer Advocate which givethe follow ng particulars; "Red Deer was p4ixtfully surprised On Thursday morning to learn that Dr. J. W. Elder, V. S.., had passed away the night before labout ten o'clock. It was ene,rally known that he had been try siCk, but no one antici- pated that iti would prove fatal so quickly. He had been suffering for about 'a month with Bright's disease and although no hope could be as- sured of bee permanent recovery, It waS hoped that he would suffic- iently recover- to be' out and. around again. But he took a change for the worse wad, shortly after passed away e Dr. Elder was born October '14, 1842, in Rodgerville, Huron coun- ty, Ofitafio, where be received his earlier, education. He afterwardfi at - 'tended Toronto Veterinary College, from ! whieh he graduated. After gradu4ting, Dr. Elder took up a practie,e in Seafortle Ontario, and remained there for 22 years. Ile was then !appointed Government Voter- iinarian in Stratford, and moved to that i place, 'living there just pre- vious Ito hie :coming wet. In 1901 he came to Red Deer, and has lived here !continuously ever since. In 1864 he, married Miss Catherine Ross, daughter of the late Alex. Ross, of Brucefield, Ontario. They had five children, four of whom 'died in the east before he came west. A widow and one child survives." 1 . Sensall. Gladman & Staribury, barristers, at Hen mai Tuesday, Monday .and Saturdays, 1f82-tf Shop For Sale -The Henna fouedry ankmacbino shops with the lands belonging to the same, fdr sale cheap. For particulars apply to Robert Doll, Mesh:nth.; G. J. Sutherland, notary public), closa-mmtfis- toner, conveydnet, fire and life insurance agent and lestudr of mar lage lin ceseDm s, eeds, er:gages, 44UB anti wills reftilly drawn up according to law at retulonable;. rate.Private funds,also loan 'oompatuIs at lowest rate of interest. Farm and propeiticeifor sale. Office at the Poll Office. 1883 No Sale. -We mentioned last week that Mr. 0.13. McLean, had disposed f his' farm in Tuckerseciith, near here, to his neighbor, Mr. Henry Horne , Thi4j was 41 right at the time, but we understand that since hen r. McLean has clanged his mind and tliat by the mutual eon- a;nd good will of all parties, theusale has' been anulled. Mr, Mc- Lean, !we are sorry to learn, has not been exijoying good health for SOMe tinle, !anti ii going to take a trip to thei west' to visit lis son James, who iii loca el in the Saskatchewan district. Tin wish of his many triendin will be that the trip will be ,of !geelet ben fit to 1iirn, and that- be will return ful1y restored. Local. Brie ..-The excursion to the Model !Fermi o.t Guelph, on Saturday last, Ives la gely patronized from HODS a 11 and. ificinity, and all report a very pleas et trip. -Mrs. Campbell, ivife of Dr. ,Campbell, of Zurich, Apent the fir*: part a the week with her perents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mar- idock.--Severel of our business men had adventei 'ties with horses during the mist % eiek but came off very safely,eve tithing considered, -Mr. Wrri. Kemp its engaged with gr. A. 11. efcBrien, 4arriess maker„ -Miss 13, Sparks' left 11,c;re this week for Lon- don. -The bany ;friends of Mr. J. Stewarit, so la Mr. _Robert Stewart of Tu4kers ilth, will be pleased Lo learn !that e has so far recovered from his site us illness as to enable thim to go bout a little._ We bope 300.11 to See ina in the enjoyment of his aceuetori xi heal th,-Mrs. A. Ben- nett, of Lon on, is visiting her bro- there, the ewers, MeDonelleliMrs. E. Itermie and Mrs. J. Stacey spent Sabbath lasi With friends in Guelph. -Mrs. J. . Case, of Toronto, is Visiting her tiarente, Mr. rind Mrs. Moir.e Picnic parties to the lake and, l'awberry festivals will soon be the 'order of the day.-Mre. Me K:11 is in Guelph visiting her sister,- ie road grader has been doing me j.00d work on the roads; in 1ICJl4aJi ift neighborbood.-Mre. John debit and ehildren, at Port Iluroraare v' Wes! "IiIrs.Sinclair, her mother, -ler alionme Welsh is tak- ing iidva n L;it4 of t he long elven- 1 his ek th get, his electric ligh t plant J 11 OUCal beilerff Clean- ed and evern'thing, put in first class shape. -Mr. k Eid Ars. F. Sinallacombe and eleildren Were in Guelph recent-- ly, visiting n latines arid friend.s.- Mr. D. T. Vfra 1 kbn,, wile was here learning telegrap-hing and railroad" ing with Mr A. Brandt, G. T. R. agent, has 1ic.W ecured a good sit- ua,tion iL Pnimeniton station, --Mr. John I). Stelwatt Alas recently much 3mprove(1 ti e ef his dwelling peepertY by the erection anda in 4(1. inilitn; frinucirarniadedijnrir°ntlf:i7lrace- to bY haring the Idivelling nicely re- pointe.d. FIcai1l takes first place for 'tasty Ili'f'1321$:PA.-MiSfl Maggie Peffer turned home from Lon- don. -Mr. ari Mrie C. A. McDontill spent part Jof laSt week and. this with re1ative0 in; London. -The late Mrs. Black leen, whose death we mentioned 1» last week's issue, was born in Louden township, In the year 50c FOR WIDE FRENCH ORGANDIES ollIMMONOIONIONIOSOMIO FOR FINE SUMMER SILKS Lace Collars Fancy Neckwear Belts and Buckles Lustre Ribbons Lace Hosiery NEW FOR JUNE 17, 1904 GOODS I ve FOR ARM DAY, NAM. m NOW— I Are making their appearance daily Make it a point to see the when they are most want41 Come and look over our dainty Summer Fabrics for Dresses and Waists FRENCH ORGANDIES POINT SPOT SWISS INDIA LINENS VOILES AND EOLIENES PANAMA VESTINGS WHITE & CREAM WAISTINGS, We are showing a very attractive assortment of other Sumtner things ; Silk Gloves Outing Hats Parasols Corsets Cambric Underwear ksoss.sfteo.o...wo,..swt FOR :XTRA FINE OPEN WORK HOSIERY , Lawn Wsiws Silk Waists Tinder Skirts Dress Skirts Capes Ladies' Showerproof Coats 45 Inches in Length That will do For Rain or Shine $3.75 FOR SUMMER SKIRTS We could never have such a Busy Store but for the following established Set -of Rules A FIRST-OLASS STOCK STYLISH—TYP-TO-DATE CORRECT IN ALL ITS DEPARMIENTS EVERY CONVENIENCE FOR FLIONOMIOAL SHOPPING WITH PROMPT, INTELLIGENT AND FAITHFUL SERVICE. • Don't forget the Classes in Art Needle - 'work, morning and afternoon Lessons Free $7.00 FOR GOOD , RAINCOATS The E. McFaul DRY G -001)i CO., SEAFORTIEL 1 $1.5Q FOR FINE LAWN WAISTS eitite- 4 5.00 FOR, kiNDSOME 81 EK WAISTS 4837, and moved with her parents to the township of Hay m 1854. She was marri4d in 1858 to Thomas. Black: ivho predeceased her nearly six years ago. The deceased was a very active, industrious W0423.11 and a kind and obliging neighbor. She WAS a meMber of the Church of England. She leaves to mourn her loss four eerie and five daughters. The fun- eral to the Exeter cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, was largely attended testifying to the :respect felt for the deceased and sympathy -for the bereaved family. - Quite a large number from Bewail and vicinity attended Ringling Bros.' eircus in London' on Friday last. - Mr. D. B. McLean, a the township of Tuekersmith, left here recently for a trip to Manitoba. -Mrs. Henry Cook, Mrs, C. Cook and, Miss IL Sutherhind spent, several days re- cently Wii,11 MTS. H. E. Johns, of Guelph, Mrs. H. Cook's daughter. - The Presbytery of Huron met in Carmel church, Hensall, on the 10th inst., to conside a call from the eonerregation of Bewail to the Rev, E. F. McL. Smith, of Milton. The eall was sustained and ordered to be forwarded to the Toronto Presby- tery. Provisional arrangeinents were made for his induction at Hensall, if he -should aecept lhe call. Rev. J. McNeil, Moderator of Presbytery,1 o preeide, or in his absence, Rev, E. H. Sewers; Rev. C. Fletcher eo ad- dress the minister, and Rev, W. M. Martin, the people. Rev. E. a Sew- ers and Messrs. W. Moir and John Maeart hue were tippointed to ap- pear before the Toronto Presbytery in behalf of the translation of Mr. Smith. The time -of the induction, if Mr. Smith, accepts the call, to be left in the bards of the moderator of the Presbytery. • Virinithreep Notes,-Quile a number around here took in the excursion to Guelph last Saturday. -Miss M. Brumbley, of Londesboro, was visiting Mr. T. Dodds last weeini-Mr, Charles SMit of ifarlock, was 06 guest of friends here hod Tuesday evening, -Mr. F. ,McEwen, of Clinton, was calling on Messrs,. IL and W. Ross last week. - Mimi Ida Boyd was {he guest of Miss M. MeSpaddere-Mr. A. Calder, the bating maker, wee vieitiene his mother hist week. -Some of the farmers around here have not fin- ished seeding kot on account of the wet weather, -Mr. W. A. Rosa is giv- ing his house if coat ot paint and it is improving it very reneh.-Mr. it Dodds sold a team of horses to a man near Clinton, for whien be re_ e‘ti %red a good prie,e. Mr. Dodds thinks it pays to keep good stock, -Messrs. Cowan and Simpson's steam press has been doing • quite a lot of work around bere.-Mr. Robert Ad- ams has pureliesed a new buggy, - The end was blown out Of the boiler at the creamery on Tuesday-, but no further dainage was done and. the break IS mow repaired. The Crearnery Entertainment. - The entertainment under the aus- pices of the Winthrop Creamery in the new hall Imre on Wednesday ev- ening was a highly successful,pleas- ant and, profitable affair. The pro- prietors of the creamery, Meesrs. Scarlett and Calder have fitted up a very neat and cornfortable hall in connection with the -creamery, which will be a great acquisition to the villege as it will make a social centre in which entertainments and meetings of all kinds can be held and it will s ply a long felt want in the place. This, therefore, was the first entertainment held. in the new hall and if its success can be taken as an augury of the popular- ity of the hall and the success of the creamery, no person will have canoe to complain.- The chair was .taken by Rev. Mr. Carswell and he proved to bejust the right man for the place. There was a fair sized addience and there would have been many more present but for another entertainment a few miles distant the same evening. Musical sele tions were given by Me.sers. Roy, Willis and Willie Hays, with Miss Bathwell, of Seaforth, as aceompan- hest. It is needless to say that these were ranch appreciated and added materialiy to the pleasure of the evening. Address were a1.59 deliver- ed by Miss Millet; of Guelph, and Miss Hills, of Toronto, and by Mr. R. H. Barr, chief dairy instructor for Western Ontario, A. Hislop, P. P. for East Huron and by Mr. M, Y. McLeen, of Seaforth. Miss Mil- ler's theme was the dairy and she ga Ve Man y useful, practical hints on the care of cream and the best meth- ods to be adopted by both patron and makers to secure the best re- sults in dairying, Miss Hills spoke on Domestic Science, its -connection with dairying and its value in the work of every day farm life. Mr. Barr emphasized the necessity of uniformity in the quality of butter which can only be secured by tbe creamery system, in order to raise and retain the reputation pf our butter in ihe, markets of -the world and without whith the beet tesults anete be obtained. He instanced what bad been done in the matter of cheese and the same can be accom- plisbed in butter if the right meth- ods are adopted. lie also gave il- lustrations of the profits made in dairying when properly conducted. The addresses were all short and to the point and centeined much practical information eiliieh can- not fail to be beneficial to those en- gaged in the dairying business if acted upon. in fact the wbole pro- ra ni me was admirably arraneted and was sufficiently varied not to bo Wvar isomP. if • Naeh Meetings were held more frequently good re- sults would be sure to follow. The audience ;seemed to be intensely in- terested and pleased and the pleas- ant meeting was brought to a elose by all uniting in singing the Nation- al Anthem. Messre. Scarlatit and Cal- der are to be congratulated on the sucmss of this their first venture in this direction and we trust their enterprisc will be abundantly re- warded, .-.- --. `'' - 0 - .2.. .... ••-.. Zurich. Notes. -Our footballers beat Dash- wood, in a friendly match last week by a score of 1 to 0. -Mr. and, Mrs. Schneuk, after a pleasant viiiit here, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Grebb, have returned to their nome in Milverton. -Mr. Ed. Axt has purthased a three-year-old colt front Mr, John M. Oesch f or SM. -Quite a number from this I , vicinity took in the excursion to the Model Farm, Gue ph, on tiat- urdaye-Mr. W. G. II .,s bite torn down his bicycle hop and in its place will erect a more , unable' and convenient one. The b 'Ming "iliorn down was erected about 35 years ago andwas one or the first ones • built here. -The forty hours' devo- tion servities began in the Catholic church on 'Sunday. Father Herm, of Chatham conducted the services. - The crops in this vicinity are look- ing fine and tbe growth is advanced nearly ainfar as it was this time last . year. -Mf. John Haberer, of Park Rapids, 'Minnesota, is the guest of his brother, Mr. Jacob Hsberer, of the Blind line, His step -brother, ' Mr. Fred gilgus, of Louisvilledlen- ' tucky, who has not been in Zurich • for 21 years, is also visiting at Mr- • Haberer's.-Mr. Wm. Schwalm, on the Blind lime and Mr. Moses Gei- ger, on the, Bronson, have raised their barns and built foundations underne,ath. i •