HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-06-17, Page 141101110M.MINVISOMMUMMV1141•11•01.10 10 1904 en rre assorted and speaks of having 38 we show are Organdies Wash Skirtings. Huzzar Clothir Cream Sin s. Cream Waistings nti nr at- ter - to le- e at London returned day evening last.—Mrs, recently visited rela- — nds in IlensalI.—Mr. a Goderich his former the past week.—Mr. Th ias placed very attrac- ip-date signs in his pro- ems in Petty's brick Lensali degree team, of at Order a Oddiellows ifited to give the work degree to the district held in Bructfield this James Taylor has re- Lucan where he has hi titughter, Mrs, J. here his dieser tecident that required etre cu.—Mr. D. Be old* hie lue acre farm near Ilertsall, to Mr. it for se,000. Mrnor- - fecee,ession in the fall, seethrop. eres Shoes --odd lines wiriefr t --ort sale Friday and Saturday r.SareplesIntouth window. W. tii Seatorth tor Dorothy Doia Geor;ze A Slater Aloes- for roan- -.tat .--An entertainment c tee oF t he Win throp be held in the new ette on the eveninx next, June 15th. A enent _speakers have .nionr hOlti being Ge -.ondon, chief dairy in- eees t ern OM arip ; MISS, r Gluttpb, Iv111 also ad- in ee in the interest of • Jessie Hills, or eV' ;In address on Do- ind Mr. Ad HisIop, tet ilunxn. Some good ee been engaged, and programme may be ell a dmission fee will te defray expenses.. A then to all Is -inxtend- ter. World—The tiiM$jwco street,. uf a jeyous and hap- dnesday evening of •occ felon being- the etre' ught er, Migg I, to Mr. Charles. proerwrous young . The ceremony; bit Rev. Dr. Hannon '.v of E.vergreens and prttflCC of a large • tem- s and friends. z et i ref pert ies. The, e mcee.= d by Mr. Hiram bri1V was ttSf45t". teete teetilia Itergu- ,ra Me Emnald, of ,es flower girl an& °i... bt td.• was given redo "-le. George Ii*ere e ,ri e vets played l; Tie- bride was , :n Ir(S5 of t " net over it tteelets end Igoe ftf inz. - tfp- • veil and . she carried- !tte'-erne bouquet or ▪ ;,iwr tway dre30- L'' trim - cream silk trini- Tl.e ceremony over rlon4 i*xtended all sat ereitut refeeit, after enee watt spent in. r number r from a r ;Hui were beau' e t * ISIRTY-SIXTH :TZAR. WEIGLE NIMIBIER, 1,905. j SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JUX 1t1 $1 a BROS., Thbli8here in Advance. Fine Taormg 1 Handsome and readgmade Clothing Raincoats. "A•vvvoovoitkAwivootwoovvoi FURS AND to the'llth of June as our be day's FURNISH trip to the Ontario ,A,gricultui al Col- lege, Guelph, we were up bri ht and 1NGS early and boarded the special train at Seatorth, for the farm. s your The Excursion to Clue . (Written for The Exposi or.) As we boys ere looking f or war d VERY MAN AND -readers arc mostly all tfainili r with tbe beautiful trip between 8aforth and Guelph, I will not take p your space on that point, suffice it to say that we irad no aceidents a d the longest entity was only abo t five minutes, oaused by going •aff on sid- ingS to let through express trains fly . paste whieh -we evere real EVERY ful not. to meet on a single track. WOMANWe arrived in Guelph shortly after 'eleven, o'clock and a number ectric Cars met us at the de quickly, conveyed us to the -grounds. The conductor On eetric car pointed out and e to us the most important ob intereet. along the route. loath to leave him when we the grounds, as his talk wa •teresting and instructive. we were real hungry we w Jong in making a bee line large lunch hall, whore --a Isumetuorts dinner was in r for. us. In less than five ,the large and spacious ball w fortably seated with hungry It then flashed through m would there be enoughhfot but my thoughts were Ladies, all the newest styles, and men's of the best and most reliable ehanged.when the large clot 'M. laatom select from, and to those Ivito q make enuiries kets of sandwiches, buns, AWA very rge to N • NEEDS .Qt 1t LOW PRICES. ES. and examine the coats. on sale, the prices will prove exceptionally IOW. sizes etc., were assed iteound, ac p fed by the very best hot for SW email women, large "men, rnu'g Pia' Smaller Ilizeo tothe heavy coffee.. When everyone w weight. parently, satisfied the Presid tus a short but instructive on the workings of the fax 'what we were to see tbere. he was officially informed was taring a large gatherin Huron's stalwart and intellig and d-aughters, and he expre in Cravenette women's In waterproof women's • Men's Cravenette Men's Waterproof Girls' Waterproof • $5 00 to $10 00 2 00 to 10 00 7 00 to 12001 2 50 to 1600 150 to 2 50 All coats in this department must be cleared, and the season for th garment is at present, Make an early selection if you need one, +++++++++4-1444-14444++++++ is of (d- ot and °liege ur el- plained ects of e were got to so in- ut, as re stet to the ee and adiness ninutes come people.. mind us all, quickly es bas- biscuts, maven - a ane s, ap- nt gave • speech m, aid He said hat he of old tnt sons -d the hope that they would be intellectu- ally benefittee by what the .see and hear during their sh on the farm. He is a fluent table speaker and gave us practical suggestive hints of and industry, which were lis attenti-vely by all present. informed us that we were him wheu we got reete,d aft and that a large eontinge expected at any moment -f Niagara district aril county Land and we would all, heade President and a few ef the should rt visit and af- various 'conomy ened to e then to join r lunch t were OM the of Wel- by the ead.s a of the COOL .smirrs, This 4es a sight W or t h seeing and MAO we boys will re- flect 'College, roa.ke, survey _.cooL uNDERwEIR metemiybesraytolrvealelatfreitetdimeedaereit Iiecainn • halt an houy than we ever knew in our lives before. After awhile we • took a ramble eft by ourselves, as To be reasonably cool during the hot spell, the cool soft bosom Shirt, we wanted to see everything at once, with a thin wool or balbriggan undershirt, will help considerably to that end. and we certainly made good use of Our stock in this branch of men's wear is particularly strong. -assortment of fancy shirts for men and boys, and we can _supply • men's underwear. our legs especially- in eerie ing the wooden buildings and walks being torn down and ripped up, and beauti- ful, extensive stone and cement structures and granolithic walks taking their places. Saturday being the third and last" day of the big horse show, there was an immense crowd a people in the city, and a big Summer Carnival under canvas with tnerry-go-rounds, and all sorts (it amusements. We came to the conclusion that Guelph was a lively and progressive city. Weegot a .100 lunch, including a hot cup of coffee and then hurried down to the sta- tion, where immense crowds oe peo- ple had congregated to take their departure -for their respective des- tinations. We steamed out about 5.30 and after we left Guelph Junc- tion, we flew along at a rapid rate till we stopped at Stratford for wat- er, and arrived in Seaforth about sundoen. Every body seemed well pleased with the outing, but, never- thelees, we were all glad to get borne and have a quiet rest. One of the Boys. The Counly Council The Jane meeting of the County oouncil opened ,at Goderich, on Tues- day last. All Ithe members were present. After routine proceedings, the /following documents were read and referred to their reepeotive committees: Circular from county of Ontario, relating to Goad Roads Association, reterre,d to road and bridge commit - Letter from Mr. ProuAfoot, K. C. respecting a wash out on the toad at Port Albert, in the township of Aslefield, referred to road and bridge committee. Notice from the board of tries - :tees of Listowel high school, stat- ing that pupils from this county will be ,admitted on same terms as resi- dent pupils. Refereed to Educe- ional committee. Claims of high schools at Walk- erton, Parkhill and Harriston, re- ferred to the ,Educational committee. The report of the county auditors was read, and referred te the Finance eommittee. The retort of Mr. Ainsley, county commissi ner, was reed and reterred ere the road, and. bridge committee. The report of committee respect- ing claims a St. Marys' Collegiate Institute was received Iid adopted. Moved by Messrs. Lockhart ;end Ferguson that the council take into consideration the method of raising the amount of money required for the current year.—Carried. A motion of condolence was passed in sympathy with Councillor Pat - tersest and family on account of the atfliction suffered through the ill- ness and death of their daughter. The clerk was instructed to secure .beeelers for coal for use for the court house, jail and registry; office. Said tenders to be laid before the coun- o-enu to tfle high towere where we had a splendid iiduring les preient session. all sizes n (view of the farm and surrounding The in country nd the city ifollowg were appointed nom- .• of Guelph awat, ,inating officers for the. Seen ral di- - The da being off in the, di -stance. 'veeione: H. 'Either, etf. P. I., clerk Shirts 50c to $2.00, Undershirts 25c to $2 bright and clear, we were amply re - of Stephen for division No. 4; Fred paid far our steep, but nit any- • - ess, sr., clerk of Hay, for division veay dangerous climb, as teere are N 3 H o, ; John C. 'Morrison, clerk of 444+Helelelefeleiel•+++.1-14444•4•44 various landings on the wai up. the McKillop, for division No. 5; James' tower, The lawns of the grounds !Campbell, clerk of Hullett, for di - surrounding the various buildings are vision No. 2; Joseph Cowan, clerk of all cut by a one hore,e lawn mower with a man in a emit, something Wroxeter, for division No. 8; Wm. &others, clerk of Ashfield, for di- efter a disc harrow fasl lore the vision No. 1; peter Porterfield, clerk mower taking a strip of about five of East Wawanoeh, for division No. round the various flower eels and feet wide, and the horse walking a- 7; F. S. Scott, clerk of Brussels, for ! winding paths with as mucl intelli- 'division No. 6. BIG D lien's and Boys' Clot lug. The couneil adjourned until 10 genee as if he were heman. We alseg o clock Wednesday. visited the conservatory af "mmenee ;ferns and flowers of all shape,s and 1. Vdednesciey, ;lune 8. varieties. And What struck me most The council met al the appointed i was that the names of the various hour and atter reading a number of ,• varieties of plants, flowers and, in accounts the following business was fact, everything on the fi rm was •transacted; Moved by Mr. Hieks, printed on a small stab in each plot; seconded by Mr. Spacktaan, that so one cduld tell at a gla oe what tenders be asked for the erection kind of a shrub or plant 1wc were of a bridge across theSauble river while the clothing you are gating, the style of the garments, tbe trnnming looking at. We visited the laundry on the town line between the town - and all else, are vastly superior to the ordinary clothing store goods. We'll I 'where we 'met a kind and oblieing ships of -Hay and Stephem and that young lady,•who shovved us the vale. the sanee be completed as' speediiy • prove this to your satisfaction if you have any reason to doubt our statement. ions workings of that very useful as possible. Referred ,to the road depar tin e,nt a domestic work, and and bridge committee. 1 Boys -ti*its - we were ld'Iaem- Moved by Mr. Ca.ntelon and second- ed by Mr. Young, that the matter of r.* en s Snits idled mr6 Mr. John Dineley, an inmate at the M / • One of the strongest arguments we have in suit selling is the goodness of quality. We put nothing in our storelmt the very best and most reliable. Our prices are never higher, and very often lower, than Inir • conapetitors ; . . $1.50 to $ 2.751,Nvurin, we bid her farewell, y convinced that We co 3.50 to der of own clothing, pro married wives who are, net ted as we think we now ib As time flew by we had to get an extra move on toad hurriedly visited the various departmental 1 uildings, including tbe natural science, and the magnitieent new structure, which is nearing completion, The Macdon- ald Inetitute, for Girls. I may here state that Sir William Macdonald, of Montreal, with characteriseic liber- ality and public spirit, doraited the hateleome • sum of $175,000 to pro- vide buildings and equipment for in- struetion and practice •in nature study, , &gametic science ape. manual training for teachers, farmer' daughters tine others. In order to give effect to the magnificent plans and purpases of Sir William Ma,cdon- eld, two large buildings lave been as well House of Refuge, be referred to the are. House of Refuge committee to be Choice of one suit from a .dealt with and report at this meet.- pile of 100 suits, men's sizes, the regular price of which $7.50 to $10, for Working Shirts Smocks Overalls 4'4 Pants Cotton Sox, 3 pair Wool Sox, -light weight, 3 pair AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAMA $5,00 50c 50c 60c 906 25c 50c Greig • & Stewa Johnson Bross' Old Stand, SPALHOIRMEE_ The largest and best stocked clothing, Hat and Shirt store in Western Ontario. Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs Homeseekers' Excursion to Northwest June' 28th and July let& Tickets good to return August 29th and September 20th. Special low rates to all points in Manitoba, Assinaboia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, All'information you need at GREIG &H STEVVART, erected on a beaulefel sit ing the College ground, to as .Macdonaid Hall, a, iresi women and the Macdonald which will be devoted t struction and practical tr fermere' daughters and oth mestic science and art, a work of equipping teache ture study, home econ manual training. I took from the, reports distribu at lunch, Every Canadian cause to be thankful for 3 e adjoin - be known ence for Ins tit ute, the in- ining of es in do - d to the s in na.- mice and he above, ed to us has just ch a gen- erous giti., but space will ot permit me to dwell further on th's subject. We visited the horses, bred cattle, pigs, poultry departments and every dep kept net and clean. As w our rounds an employee us that nearly 3,000 visitor the grounds that day, it largest ettendance so far • borough- nd dairy rtment is • were on informed were on eing the bis sum- mer • in one day. Tbe liwrie and grounds "looked in the pir dition "1 as an American, present, remarked., " litt has reaton to be proud fair sample of bei agricul ducts." If he remains in !awhile be will cenae to t ion thathe is in b g Agents ',About four o'clock we car for a short round of ff Ca k of con - Who was e Canada f such a ural pro- anada for conclus- ada. oarded a the elty, 111 C.P R. Ticket and Telegraph and Dominion Express,. and vre noticed improvements in the building line all over the city, old ing.—Carried. Plans of the survey of tbe town line between the townships of Mc - Knipp in the county of Huron and the township of Logan in the county of Perth, made by James A. Bell, P. L. S., were placed before tbe coun- eil, together with an account of the expenses of making such survey and referred to the finance committee. Mr. Dalton, reeve Of Ashfield, and others, addressed the council in re- ference to the wash out at Port Al- bert and asked the council to as - slime some share of the c,ost of the damage done. The council adjourned until Thurs- day at ten o'clock. Thursday, June 9. Wall Papets and keep a-- sufficient supply of milk Lor the inmates. On June '7th the committee met and found the farm Window Curtain Pelir es ' lookinremarka.bly WQ11. There a.re Shades 78 iiamt'ates at present provided for in the house. The committee ad- '• vise that a seuffier be purchased for cultivating root crops. Mre. Pi ctu,re_t_raming. 'matron longer than -this year, the ehe does not intend to remein as • Frenth informed the committee diet AI1EX. WINTE , ; committee, therefere advise that the c.ouncil advertise for applications ORM forkeeper and matron, such appli- - esseemese--,.. . cations to be placed before the court - Picture framing a Specialty. ' oil at the December meeting. Regard- ing the Dinsley case, it is recom- , mended that he be discharged, and Seaf orth Racu a paying patient. els that he be nod readmitted except as ' immoung ololiwoms MO.M. The equalization committee • re - The 541 amnia meet oi the commended thett the equalization of SeaferLii Turf Club will be held' au their grounds in Sea - 1, forth on TUESOAY and WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th 704 $1,800 IN PURSES FOR TEM! FOLLOWING EVENTS : 16t Day., 2nd Dey, 2 50 ps 2 22 pe 2 26 pace 2 19 the assessment of the several muni- cipalities in the county be the same e.s last year. The special committee, c onposed a the warden, solicitor, 1- easurer and clerk, appointed to COnSie g the claim Of the St.Marys College ,te In- stitute reported having deeieed to pay $97.06, the full claim for 1903, and $56 for 1904, making $153.06, and that the county is not liable for any - amount elaimed, previous tle 1903. agm.a..••••• mom.. The road and bridge committee re- portedgecommendbag that the Kirk - ton and all other boundary bridges between this and other eatinties, be • left with the engineer, to make the 2 ee seee best poseible terms in conjunction 2 14 pee° with the other counties interested Fese for all. for the eonetruetion or repair of R. Wilsbti, M. Broderick, Priesident. • Secretary. 1903 at; the December session when this intormatine is available. The oceincil adjourned until ten o'clock Feitlay morning. Hay, the bridge to be steel :with Ce - After the adjournment the clerk merit abutments and the tenders to bridges. With reference to Annett s bridge between the townships of Grey and Elma, which bas been in- jured by spring freshets, that it be rebuilt in conjunction with the coun- ty of Perth, the bridge to be made of steel with cement abutments, tend- ers to be asked tor in the usual way. Also that tenders be asked for the re-ereetion of Stanlake's bridge on the boundary between Stepben and invited tee council to -drive to Port Albert te ipersonally view the situ- ation there. as complained of in the letter, of litfr. Proudfoot and by the reeve ot Atthfield; It seemthat the dam criesiting the river at that point brotke fway during the spring treehet and, the -over flow, of water e,arried aestay a portion of the road, causing clemage to the extent of a- bout $300. Tee Asheield council, who is reeponsible for the mainten- ance of thes road, claim That the break in tee dam was occasioned by a bridge cavned by the coenty. This bridge tvlech was re -built a few years ago was made several feet shorter then the old on.e mad on this account, 'Lt is claimed the ice and other debris coming clown the stream in times et freshet, wedges against the bridete, ,obstructing tle natural tlow of the ,water, thus p acing un- necessary Pressure on the dam as well as iusing the water to flow over the.rad. road. There seems to be in this case material for ati expeneive law suit and feed for the lawyers, but the.councillors after :viewing the _situation have coma to tee conclus- ion that tem county is not reeponsi- ble so they( subs-equently decided not to take any action. Pri,day, June 10. When Itble council met on Friday a telegremi was read from Lieuten- ant •Col met Young, inviting the council to luncheivith the 33rd regi- ment imeainp at Landon on the1Oth. The clerk ,was instructed to reply, thanking ;the Golonel and stating the regret !of the council at not be- ing able tO accept the kind. invita- tion owing to extreme pressure of blieineSee , _ Reports a the, couuty property and Eclucaeide hommittees were read and passed as virtIS also aerepokt by Coua- cillors Miller and Connolly, who were at Toroeto,as a deputation from the -council !la interview the Ontario government on the proposed amend- ments to the county councils act. It wae reselved that Mr. le Pat- erson be, reetarimended to Mr. Ains- ley as inspector of the cement work at the Westfield bridge and that Mr. George GibSon be recommended as inspector! ch the cement work at the new bridge, to be ereeted on the boundary betwe,en Grey and How - ick and teat the clerk write Mr. esinsley to that eiffect. Moved bltr Mt. Miler and second- ed by Mr. Spackman that the ward- en, clerk tied chairman of tete road and bridgeicemmittee, together with 'Mr. Ainsleye :opera the tenders and .lee the ee.tract for the proposed .new bridge in. the south end of the vounty. Referred to the road and bridge oonitriittee. The coulacil adjourned until the first Tuesilay itt Deeember: The council met at the usual hour. iludge Doyle as in attendance and eitended to tee council an invita- tion to be present at the ceremony of the turning of the first sod prepar- atory to the erection of a Marine hospital in the town of Goderich. The report e of th7iHouse of Re- fuge committee, the gad and Bridge Committee and thee. EqualizatioA committee were all reed and passed without amemement. The Gaoler's Report was read and referred to the county property Qom- mittee. A deputation or merchants com- posed of Messrs. Colborne, Saunders, Pridham, Hodgins, McLean, Smith, Martin, Hannah and McKinnon, wait- ed on the council requesting that the fee for hawkers and peddlers licenses be increased. A resolution was passed asking the 'clerk to proeure from the cOlintleS of Middlesex, Wellington and Water- loo, copies of tbeir by-laws relating to hawkers and peddlers, these to be laid before the eouncil at, the De- cember session also that the -clerk procure ,frorn the county solicitor his opinion as to wbether the coun- ell can discriminate in favor of resi- dents et the county as, compared with non-resieents and that the mat- ter be left to be further dealt with REP itTs OF COMMITTEES. linty property committee re - vine visited the several tidings and finding them repair. The new heating baying been installed in he work was, tested. and work satisfactorily. -- Mr. Griefin, county jailer, report- ed the &Mowing prLsoners 'irk con- finemeet : Robert Wallace,. vagran- cy; J. W. Gibson, vagrancy ; George Sehweree sanity; John Oliv Polly, Insnity. He also expressed 'a wish that tbe whole council visit the jai during the session, as there has been _great deal of work done siece the. st meeting. The het wat- er system installed in the jail has bean completed to the entire satis- faction of tbe committee. --- The H e of' Refttge The ported h oounty ib all in gpo a.parat the jai., found to be opened and contract let in ac- cordance with. the terms of the mo- tion of Messrs. Miller and Speck - 'man. It is recommended. that the sum of $300 be granted the county engineer to enable him to get ad- ditional assistance to look after 'work in progress for the remainder of this year. It is recommended that no action be taken in reference to the Port Albert wash out in. Ash- field township, complained of by Mr. Proudfoot and the reeve of Ashfield, hlso tbat no action be taken on the good roads communication from the °aunty af Ontario. The Educational committe report - e4 as:follows: In the matter ot the claims of the Walkertoa school we advise that no money be paid for pu- pils' previous to 1904 as notification was received by clerk after Febru- ary 18tb., 1904. The report of the Godericb, Collegiete eestitute re- epecting non-resident pupils is riot satisfactory as it does not include •statement of receipts for non-res- ident pupils. Clinton Institute has also omitted receipts. Seefortb. In- stitute reports baying made c,ollec- tions aceording to the act. We ad- vise that the council require the a- mount of collections nide by each Institute as provided by the act. We advise the payment of the claim of the Listowel Institute as proper no- tice bas been received. In reference to the claim of Harriston for non- resident pupils it is advised that the clerk notify the, board to send an account of claims after date of no- tification and for which the county is only responsible. The committee idansider the county not liable for the. Parkhill claim as notification Was not received until after the time specified by statute. The committee advise that the seat of examination Lor entrance carididates be chaneed from Bayfield to Varna in order to better accomodate candidates for 1904 and the clere notify the inspec- tor acoordingly. , insanity; Jas. Gunn, iti- atatiel Todd, ,vagraecy ; r Carson, larceny: Mrs. committee 'reported having made a careful in- spection ef the house and farm on the 301h March and are quite satis- fied thee the management is good. Mrs. Feeeeh wished to withdraw her ia and remain as matron iend a this year at least, et of workmen being em - the new building, the Am- vised that Jas. Gunn he to thejail for a time. resignall until the On ace° ployed o mittee a trensferr The corateittee advised tbe keeper and inspeetee to purchase a cow th disbursements $72,856.34, leaving a balance- to be carried to 1e04 of 86,- 796.61; that they lia4 ex:11ined ihe mcxrlgageix held by the county on ac- count of sinking funds and they cor- responded with the treasurer's re- port ; that they hed written velvet mortgagee notifying him oI the prin- cipal due on his mortgege at the old a the year 1903 as shown by the treasurer's books and asked him to write as to whether the sum men- tioned was correct. The following is the County treas- urer's estainates for the receipts and expenditures for tbe current year: Expenditures. Administration of Justice, Gaol Expenditure Division Court Jury telehools School Management Grants Municipal Government Stationery and Printing Miscellaneous Lunatics and Charities Industrial Home County Property Roads and Bridges Interest Debentures $4,500 2,200 Fund 50 8,00e 2,409 1,50 4,500 1,000 100 800 -4,500 2,000 7,384 100 5,500 $44,534 Receipts. Surplus troan 1903 Lioe.xises , Balance 1.$1,000 1,466 $43,063 Canada. —While at the circus, in Ham tone the other day, Mrs, George Gray had her pocket picked for $200. —The Grand Orange Lode of Brit- ish North America beld its annual session last week at name Most of the officers were re-elected. Owen Sound was selected as the meeting place for next year. _ —A former prominent resident' of Pickering township, Mr. Schooley Wilson, died at Whitby Sunday morning in the House of Refuge from a kick of a horse received the day before at the Queen's hotel, in Oshawa. —While shooting at the 200 and. 400 yard ranges at the camp ;shoot- ing match at London, on Saturday, an Indian from the Muncey reserve amed Smith, made 14 bulLseyes out of 14 ship -is, the hest shooting ever known in Canada.. , —The Richelieu & Ontario Naviga- tion Company's steemer, Canada, was sunk near Sorel in collision with the coal steamer, Cape Breton, Four passengers and -pile of the crew lost their lives. There were about 100 passengers on board at the time, —A case of small -pox developed In the London military camp lase ;week. The victim is named McCrae, and. he belongs to No.. 2 company, Oxford rifles. The case was a mild one, and the man was placed in an solation tent and all necessary per - ,cautions taken to prevent the di- sease spreading. —Hon, James Sutherland, Minister of Public Works, in the Dominion • Government, has gone to Danes - vale, N.Y.,wbere be will spend some time at the Jacksonville Sanitarium. He Ls greatly run down and his friends who saw him before he left say he is ha a very had conditioe of health. —The ed i reapers a the Western • Fair, Ltindon, have decided to refit -ea the offdr of a grant of $10,e00 from the Ontario Government for a per- manent dairy buildina on the fair grounds, unless the city council a- grees to extend the lease of the grounds for twenty years from 1900. The council has ass, nted to a ten- year extension. —Om; of the best known of the older business men and financiers of Toronto passed away suddenly on Saturday in the person of Mr. Tbos. • Sutherland Stayner, for many years president of the Bristol and West of England Canadiao Loan, Mortgage and Investment Company. Mr, Stay - nee was advanced in years, being 79 years old at the time of his death. The Finance comniittee, after re- commending the payment of a long list .of accounts report us follows: We recent) nihrid. that the matter re- lating to the Logan and McKillop boundary be lett over until the De- c.ember meeting and that the clerk ask for additional particulars. We again draw the attention of the council to the necessity of placing it limit as to cost a furnishings and repairs. We tind.' that the total equalized assessment of the eounty is $32,301,290' and to raise $43,068.31, the amohni, required, it will be ne- cessary to impose a rate of 1 1-3 milLs on the dollar. We advise that we issue debentures for the sum of $25,000, to cover a period of fifteen years, at 3 and one-half per cent., the proceeds to be used for the con- struction of bridges and the additioxi to the HOUSe of Refuge, -- Mr. Ainsley, county commissioner, reported as follows: Bonds and agreements have been duly signed by The contractors for the bridges which - the council ordered or let at the January meeting, an except the • Kirkton bridge. In this ease the county of Pertlathas not yet accepted a tender for a steel bridge, as it ap- pears they prefer a concrete bridge - The spring fri.bet has -done More than the usual amount of damage to the bridges. It has destroyed a bridge on the boundary of Grey and Elam which should be re -built as soon as possible, the county of Perth to pay half the cost. The. old bridge was about 100 feet long and. the new one should be about 70 feet. I am of the opinion that a steel bridge on 'concrete abutments would be most suitable. The old bridges 'will re- quire about tbe usual amount of re- pairs to be made and perhaps some • will be required to be rebuilt during the present year. The amount of the cost for 1,ridge:3 and approaches during the present year I estimate will not exceed $21,000. odddotrat.0 The, eounty auditors retorted hav- ing examined the treaeu erht books and accounts and found tbera ail cor- rect and well kept; that the cash re- ceipts for 1903 were $7,652,95 and —Mr. St T. Rowe, who was it pion- eer of Paisley, Ontario, died sudden- ly -on Sunday. He was on it visit to his daughter, Mrs. C. Mickle, nI Gravenhurst, when the sultan:lane Game, as be was preparhag, for churcb. He, was in his 800 year, and had lived in Paisley for over 53 years, having settled there ellen it was it wilderneee, being the second settler to navigate the Saugeen River and locate Paisley before it was stir vey ed. _The womt storm in the history of the district occurred at Brandon, Manitoba, last Friday evenieg, &v- end homes in the town were blown over, and a number badly damaged. Part a the skating rink was carried eway, and a stable belongieg to F. Dodds was blown down. The horses were inside at the time, and escaped uninjured. The storm eame from the south-west, and appeared to have been general throughout the entire district. The damage in the sur- rounding country was also very great. —A very sad accident occurred on Saturday, causing the 'death of Miss Nellie Black, aged 16 years, the .ecc- ond daughtor of Mr. John Mack, • farmer, residing three miles south of the village of Alviston, Lan -Abby -a outaty. Mr. Black wa-ci ploughing in the field, when his team became frightened arid ran away. His daughter, who was standing by the fence watching them, was struck by the team when they were jumping tbe fence and instantly killed.teliee Black was a beautiful younff wo- mao. —Death carne with startling slit dennese shortly -after eight o'clock Saturday morning to Miss Lydia Swallow, of Durham, at the home • of her sister, Mrs. Frank Wixom of Ingersoll. Deceased accomeanied by herp rlift;voitil)tu.esr, ,Teuer.iseLyt otoI nagietresoe thc r 141) the sister,• • IsnoAlamlracrnia:3M:. nistLGshialsnNWrgIe5te,111 schorgs!vatfTlYlatild(rli3twibsn'teteolli.!) irsub- ject to periodical heart attackee The excitement surrounding the wed- ding is isffoaisrzbipee:ris,ed4fmtothliabeviengbdnue triton