HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-06-10, Page 8ses THE HURON EXPOSITOR _ Gro T9oIs. If in need o1- a spade, shovel,' his or eke, give testa eon. The quality of our gooia1 tl:ebest. LAWN MAWZRa. We have the largest stook of Lawn mow- ers is town, and any pertcn requiring l not. foil to see theta f incises should n d Our prices are low, Fence Wire and. Gates. A full supply of No. 9 bard coiled wire soft weaving wire end frost gates always on hand. If yyr na wish the beet fence en the market, o11 and examine our " Ideal woven feuoe, all No. 9 bard wire. o 8NEY,eF &'y�p ..SMILEY, SEA1�OR1I , Hardware, Stoves, Etc. DOMINION 1$-ANK. /HE/ASD OFFICB, TORONTO. E. B. OSLER, M. P. T. BI O H,- President Gsr►erallMiwiigor DISTRICT MATTE S. Grogan Again. --A few •w eks ago .we made mention of the act that Grogan had' been secured to write special articles `for the Taro+to Star, During " the `past couple ,f weeks Grogan has had some clever arti- cles in the Star, to whit further interest is added by the act that they are illustrated by hie self. In view of these facts --we are sure our readers will be pleased to 1 .arn that we have scoured from the Star the right to publish these ar hales to- gether with: the illustrati As. The firet ofthese appears on 'age two of this issue, and we will from time •t,o time publish those of i terc st to our readers; Capital, Fully Paid ,Up --$S 000,o00.00 ReservelFuld and un- divided Profits $ 3,474,900 Deposits by Public $ 26,377,000 Total Assets $ 35,745,000 SEAFORTH BRANOH, Maki street, aeaforth. Every facility for the-tranacting of a genital banking business. Collections made on ell points In Oanada and abroad. Advance made to Farman. Special t - ention paid to the collection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Deposits received of One Dollar 411d upwards. interest allowed at bletest rate and compounded half yearly. SAYS, A. E. OIBSON, Mawr Manager. Important* Notice, - National - Cream Separator 250 pounds capacity 350 gonnde capaoitr 450 pounds capacity Simple, ple dinette, etror g and etfy to r pr rate. A machines warranted. llrnufacfured by the_Fay mond Ewing Machine Co., of 1ph and told by W. N. WATSON, Iniursace Agent, and dealer ink Sewing Machine and Bicycles. Borth Miin street, Sesforth. You are theJudge WE ARE THE MA. %ERS OF HIG-H Chi-RA.D ARNES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. -Arm DEALER *r-- -RUBBER )WOS DIfeTERS SWEAT PADS, etc. TRUNKS, VALISES WHIPS ArirGive ns a call. (38-0DERIOk'S Harness Bhop Cady's Block Do Not Fool with Bducation. This school 'tondo fur the highest end best in business education itt Canada. Enter now. Catalogue free. Students admitted at any time, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. To save Timeand Money Ride a Bicycle, We have a fall stook of bicyclee new and second band, prices from $5'to $75. Yoa should' see the new coaster and cush- ion frame. Remember our general repair shop, Bicy- cles, lawnmowers, umbrellas, knives, soissors repaired at G Balthvin it Co. ROYAL Harp_ SEAFORTH. Most Modern Hotel in Seaforth Fully equipped with hot and cold water bath, Ladies' Toilet Rooms, etc. Every attention paid to guests. Good Stable in Connection, 1875 tf The Canadian Bank OF COMMERCE. Capital (paid up) $ 8,700,000. Reserve lrund $ 3,000,000 Aggregate Resources - B. F. Walker, General Manager. London, England, Office, BO LOMBARD STREET, E. C. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A general Banking -buninessitran- Farmers' and Graziers' Notes die.. oounted, and epeeist attention given to the collection of Sate Noteii, etc. interest &leered on deposits of $1 andinpveards. Interest Is credited to accounts on the/ 3let of May and the 30th of November in each year. The Bank ham leS branches ex-110E4.0g throughout Ontario, Queber, Manitoba, Northwest Territoriea, British Columbia, Yukon District, Maritime Pro- -linen and the Unita Mateo, CI,. E. PARKES, lifilnAger. F. HOLMEETED, A Double Misfortune. --D r.A.Hug- ill, of the Huron road, west has been partioularly unfortunate, of. late. On Friday-, the 27th ult, he svasbind- ninding poll broke and he f 11 to the ground breaking e bone in his right should,er, which will ken bim off work for a while. On the °Bowing Friday, while in-Seaforth, r. Ilagill had the furtber misfortun to lose a roll of ibills arnounting to $120. The money was lost some place be- dween the Bell Engine orks and Sills and Murdie's hardw re store. lucky day. Death of Dr. Elder. -On we receiv-ed the following Elder, -Veterinary Surge° Deer, died to -night," W able to glee further poetic will probably receive the course. Dr. Elder was a this county and was well many of our readers. !years be resided on a iar Loridon road, near Rodger practised his profession in for a great many years. ed to the Northwest a years ago.- , .Military - Camp Notes. Regiment. arrived in cam afternoon train on Tuesd 5.30 p. m. Tents had alr pitched by ari advdnce. dinner prepared eo that were at onee comfortable. ever served io camp. Captain.. Wil- efon has the .honor .of turning oute with the largest and best appearing company irr the regiment. The 33rd is in the first brigede With the 26th, 27th and 32nd. CoioneI P ters gave Wednesday morning and expreed himself as.well p.le,ased with the gen- eral appearance. At a meet ng of the officers on. Tuesday -eveni g, Chee- the Inelfs and Mr. Dunlop, vice -press idente The men are all_ in good spirits and seam to be enjo ing them - peered in the Toronto Gi be. a few days ago; "The W, C. If. baser plat -4d at The Union Stati n trav-. eller& aid agent, Miss Ag es Cowan, eo meet all incoming, triti. is for tbe protection of young girls vho enter .: the city as strangers.. an without friends. Though that is the' chief -object, the travellers' aid lends a helping hand .witb mother. and chile siren. whenever it is neede J.. On one was employed, through On employ- drees as a domestic. She vae met at the station and- as it was •found tlie gagement was cancelled, nd she Was assisted to eemere another .in a re- spectable home.e A deem) ess of the Methodist chureh is also n duty ate the :station, and young g rls coming to tbe city ,are requested to look out for • lfbe uniform of -tie. deaeoneas and the. badge of the tray dlers' aid." Miss Cowan is eminently tdapted for this. work.. She is well known to -many ef our readers,. hay ng been an esteemed. teach.er in tie Seaforth • out tor t championship again this season, et the Burins are after thein, They are he great torus and as Galt only beat -them by one goal on their own grounds, the Hurons expect; .tie make a hinge this time, It will is by far t re best. game seven'. here for :a long ti a Don't fail to see it, Travellers. --The following ere ticketed to distantPoints this eek by W. Somlerville, ailway and see + m - ship agent: Mrs. S. Brownell and daughter, ; to Detr it ; Mrs. 1'. at - thews and family, to Detroit; rs. William ilYteMichste and ,friend,, rs. Alexandtir, to Cle eland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs;. ;Robert ars, tormerl of McKillop, : to Chicago; Mrs. ohn Stewart, ilarpurhey, to Fergus alts, Minnesota ; John $earlett, tci tie Orange "Grand Lod e, Picton ; Jo eph Sproat t:.p sturgeon Falls; Miss 1 Oita Young ! to the World's Fair St. eerie':`. Beautiful; Wed Presents ab ierVa Drug Rose. g 1 Big Sale of Men's'S roes -odd lines nowt be clewed out -on stale Friday and Ss at 93 cent* per pair. Samples in south wind 0. Willis, eple spot hi Se orth for Dorothy than for ladies mid O e A Stater shoe, for 1 hursday telegram ted Deer, are not lars but n in due native of flown to or many on "the ille, and Seaforth out four The 33rd on the y, about ady been orps and the men The offi- the best Our Students.d-Miss J. daugheer of Mr..7. T. Die ersaiith, and Miss C. B. daughter of Mr. Robert graduation examination University and are enti degree of Bachelor of A ts, Mr. J. E. L. Killoran, of Seaforth, has pas- sed his final examinatien in medi- tate but. owing to some ebsurd rule be sdall not be allowed, to pass his erear and consequently vill not be nble to promise in his rein narne un- Mr.- Alex Gardiner, of Meldillop, has passed his second year xamination enlock, daughter of Mr. John Gov- enlock, of Seaforth, passe 1 her junior year examination at the Mimi Mas- sey School of Household Science and Art, taking first clas- bonors in almost every subject. We have friends n thei - success. There may- be othe s in t ie count who have but as the add ties is no given with the name in t is publish d list, it is impossible to eittpguis them but i e any have in this way een omitted we sbal be only too pl ased to an- nounce hem at any time if they will acquain us of the fact. son; Tuck- cKinley, of assed their at Toronto led to the played the recreation grounds on Friday evening last, w ten the old time rile's, the Berlin 1 angers and the Hurons came together. leafor- tenately the grounds Isere a little sloppy a a result of the recent rains but desp 1-e this fact we were treated as ha betin played here for a long time. The Ilurene were in splendid form eel their forward ine worlsed like. a piece of fine mac' inery. They were fast and accurate and clearly oetplayed. their opponents. Just as the. game started the Iturdnie leame down As -it 11 a rush, but a goal was foilede on they came again and this time successfully. No lmore ectiring 'was done until the secoad half, when the Hurons added one More, while. Berlin got none. Only the.wet ground end. the excellence of the Ranger's goal keeper prevented a larger score. The leuron.s sboived championship form and they should turn the tad bles on Galt when they c me here. -The final championship game -Kill be played on the recreation gounds here on .Friday next, June 17Lh, be- tween Galt and the rons. Galt Nero last eceeters ehepap one and are her- hioh rday w. W. Dodd men. -1 rs of id in oh Un We hove coming i a number -of o Lehigh Anthracite ma . adios wishing to their winter's supply ty leave ordem w and they will have ou b attention. Ohs" Sager et 26e gallon. 1904 g ring! by ,weight. from $2.60" up, 'wording eller, &Worth. 1934-1 Home made Ma A. 0. Ault's, Badorth We sell oar w You know moody wb to kind. John B Oar prim on s doors and windows ere low. Call and examine our stook before buying, Chesney and Smiley, 180-1 dingo, Socials and eters, . poet in Beam* two oaJolits et, Apply to B. Ies Cream for W Parties at Aberhert's THREE HOUSES F three good dwelling street and one on Cied Porter, ileidorth. ro ply to N lin, Se Figs for 26o at A. G. do not own a good Ome- n* excuse tor it with the offerings' , Jeweller, iteatorth. 180‘.1 lionothe sparkle of a hendsonte, ring w a pretty ban on which you w ohs supply one est will Satisfy, w 11.be moderate. 1901-1 Eight lbs. we maks John B yo would lik come to and the on Louisa streeteistp. oak, 1904-f Plants Plants. Tomato, Cabbage, Celery and Cauliflower, Aliso alr"kindss of Annual Flower Plante, such as Asters, Pansies, Stocks, Petunias, Balsams, Verbenas, and many other varieties. • HAMILTON it IEREILA1111 Seed Merchants - - Seaforth. Pone, Mc of Rabble fof 25e at A. G. 1901.1 • dard" blue flame minimal. stoves nal the • They give perfect satisfaetIon and treestitli grentoomfort in warm weather. For 'sale W001. -We are paying 18e to car of butter, 350 tubs, by 22e, iis fie quell dune 10th. BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- (4 lots) -T-_. frontieg on 'Victoria Park ; oommodiour, comfort- able two storey inidthee with stable all in, good repair ; one of the best loc'ations in Sekorth. Apply House with seven rooms and kitchen te rent in Egroondville. Apply to A. Charlesworth, EgmondvIlle, Ontario. 190241. To ens LADIM-Switchen made 'from combings. Min E. Ron, over W. B. Watson's ce, North Main street. &Worth. -tf Local Briefs. -Mrs. McLaughlin, eif New York, was here this -week visits ang Mrs. Murray, of Goderichstreet. -Mr. John Hays, of Haysville,ewas here .this week visiting bis brother, T, E. Hays. He is on a driving tour and before returning home will vis- it Goderich and- .otber points. Al- though he ie 83 years of age Mr. Hays is driving a three year old colt, and. is enjoying himself thole oughly.-Mr. IL G. Ross, of Chicago, week on a naost interesting mission. On Monday he Was •united in mar- riage to Miss Christina Menzies, of •McKillop, and en Tuesday Mr. and Ors, Rose left for their home In Chicago. The many friends here iof both Mr. and Mrs. Ross will unite With us in extending hearty congrat- ulations and bes w is h es, -Mr . and Mrs. C. C. McIntosh, oC Toronto, are visiting ate the parental home -in Me- 7Killop.-Dr. and Mrs. Man toSie of :Cattarangtes, N. Y., aro spending a few days- with the doctor's parents, , Mr. and Mrs. George McIntosh, of McKillop. -Mr. W. 11. Willis is hay- ing.the front of his store re -painted. -In a recent • issue of a Seattle., Waehington, paper we notice the pictuze of Mr. Fred Beattie, form- erly of this town, as one of the crack plaYere of the Seattle lacrosse team. !Fred Was a star .elayer on the Beay- ers few years ago. -Mr. G, B. Scott is in town this week making ar- rangements for nao-Ving to Toronto,. Ile will have an auction sale' of "his household effects on Saturday. We regret . very much losing Mr. and Mrs, Scat,' and, trust that their so- journ in- the Queen's City may be a Chicago, was here this week renew- ing old acquaintances in McKillop. - The Beavers play their first senior match ire Owen Sound, tosday, Fri- day. They will be rather handicap- ped by the lose of two good players, Ed. Jackson., who had his leg broken a. week age, and Pa.ul Freeman, who sprained Ifis ankle the other even- ing while practicing. -Mr. 3. L. Kits loran, barrister, is in Seaforth on Mondays,, Fridays and Saturdays of each week. His office here, how- ever, is' open every day. -The Sea - forth company of volunteers under Captain. Alex. Wilson, and accompane led by tbe band, left nere Tuesday inoniurg for London, where they will be in camp for twelve days. -Mrs Ayer, excursion agent for the White Star Lime of Detroit, was in town on Tueedaw in connection with the an- nual two days' excursion to Detriot on June 21st. The Seaterth band has X! made arrangements_ for a moon liglot excursion out of Goderich on Tuesday evening, the 21st, by the magnificent steamer which ti ill carry the excursionists to Detroit the t ollo-wing day. A special train will Tun up to,Goderich. and return giving eyery person an miportunity to Lake in the moonlight excursion. A. Werth, an old resident of Seaforth, died on Saturday lastetged 78 years. Mrs. Worth had been an invalid ,for a long time and for Over a. year was practically helphsei. She lea ves an aged husband and several children. The -remains were interred in the Maitlandbank cemetery on Tuesday.-sThe county council is in 'session at ,Goderich ibis week. -Rev. Rural pea n Rodgin.s is in London thie week attending to his duties•as van and Robins, of' Seaforth, re- ceived 3rd prize for single draught horse at the Galt horse show last week and se-cond for draugh teem, T firet and setond for single was taken by A. Aitcheson, of Gue1ph and the same two took first for team. -The Victoria Parks captaeaed by Charlie Forbes were again suceessful -in a football match on Saturdayetbis time beating the Lilacs, ea 15y- Elwell BeAt, by, a score The Last and the Best shamP io4ship FCOT - BALL Match of the Beason. Gait vs. Hurons On Recreation Gronnds FRIDAY, JUNE 17th, '04. These two teams have away* put up the best article of football, but for thie coming inatch they are reeeiving special training and this will enable them ta give the best exgibitIon of football ever seen in lileaforth, GAME CALLED AT liA5 Come early end avoid the rush at the gate. 1904-1 two, and they are looking for an- other clubs to conquer. -Mr. Robert McKercher has sold the George Mur - die farm, in MeKillop, to Mr. Rob- ert Beattie, for the sum of $6,700, This is about $500 more khan he paid for it about three years ago, but it is another example of the increaee in the values of farm lentil in this county. The farm is very convenient to Mr. Beattie, and he now has two as good farms as t re are in the 1E, county of Huron. -T . students of the Collegiate instit te had a very pleimant at-home ird the assembly hall, on Friday evening last. The programme consisted of • ice-cream, cake and music. The entertainment was co.nfined to the students and mondville, an ex -pupil of tbe Sea - forth Collegiate Institute, has ac- cepted a position as book-keeper in Mr. A. G. Ault's grocery store. -The Farmers' Excureion to the Guelph i. Experimental Farm, •o -morrow, Sat- urday, promises to be one Of the Most pleasant and successful that has been held: The Grand Trunk will provide two Special trains so there should be room, and comfort for all. Several neer and interesting deparements have been added at the college during the ,past year or. two so that the interest of this place which never palls Will be Cifen great- er than in the Past. All that is vvanted is fine weather. Excursionists should also remem er that they can remain at Guelp 1 over Sunday if thee so deeire.-Mr. John Meintosh, who was prostrate,d two weeks ago it Tavistock, was onday, but he is managers of the h have given the tory rheu Ma t ISM taken home on still very ill. -Th Presbyterian cher contract for the. eet pews, to the Walkerville conniany and for the leaded, glass to t "e Hobbs corn,pany li of London. The contracts for the furnaces has not yet been given. - A speeial meeting pf the town coun- cil was held on; Monday evenieg when the mayor and clerk were au- thorized to procure the services of an expert to valud the plant of the Electric Light Co, so that the coun- cil will he able 1„cl, place a price on it to submit to the companyi-Mr. and:Mrs. "W. L. Talbot attended the Masonic At-home in Exeter last been pastor of the Methodist' church here for the past! three years has been appointed pestor of the Em- press avenue church, West ',widen. -The Shantrocksi of Egmondville, eaptained by II. Van Egmond, dee foisted the Seaftirth Squares, on Tuesday in a hot 'game of football by five goals to o te-Four rinks of Clinton bowlers car e, down on Tues- day afteenoon tied had a friendly game with our players on the green here. The game resulted in a de- cisive victory for Clinton. -The Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper WaS ob- served in Cavan and Duff's church MeFeillop, on Sabbath. Rev. J. A. Anderson, or Goderich, preached at the preparatory service on Friday, and Rev, E. li, Sawers, of 13rucefield, at the Thanksgiving service, on Monday. Their visit was a source of quickening and, uplifting tot he Iseople.-Mrs. J. C. 13artram and daughter, Grace, are visiting Mrs, Bertram's parents; Mr. end Mrs. H. Toss -ft. -Among those from a dis- eance. who attended the funeral of the late Franees Scott on Tuesday we, noticed the following: Messrs. Robert, William and Francis Scott, ard Dowling, Harristan; Mrs. 3. Habkirk and daughter and My. and Mrs. Wm. Seott, John Scott and A. Innis, Clinton, and Wm. Scott, Lon - and Su.sie Taylor, cif Chatham, are guests at the InanSV.-Miss Rota Young lett to -day for St. Louis, where she will meet her sister, Mies -Bessie, who will return will' her. - Mr. John Tough and daughter, of St nley, left her for Galt on Wed- ne, ay morning, where a son-in-law of Mr. Tough is seriously ill. -Mr. L 1). Price, little son. and daughter, of Aylmer ; Mrs. Blewitt and son man, of Hulled., and Mr. Hutchison, of Listowel, are the guests of the. •Misses Hutchison, North Main street, -About 35 of the Royal Templets of Clinton visited the Seaforth lodge en Monday evening and were entertained in the basement of die Methodist ehurehe The Clinton peo- ple • provided an interesting pro- gramme and a very pleasant 'even- ing, was spent. -Mr. James Reid, of , McLennan, Algoma, is here on his annual viiiit to his friends in this vicinit y, Death or Mr. Scott. -We have this , week again to note the demise of another of Huron's pioneers, in the person -of Mr. Francis Scott, who passed --away Sabbath evening, at the residence or his son-in-law, Mr. John Beattie. 'Mr. Scott b id reached the great age of over 92 year.s. Ile was born in Berwickshire, Scotland, in 1812. Ile came to Canade when 10 years of age, first settling in Galt and afterwards purchased a farm in Dumfries, near th.o.i. town which he cleared. Ile came to Huron 57 years ago. and settled on the farm' wbieb now adjoins Seaforth on the west side and whieh is occupied by his son, Robert. He was married in tained Dumfries in 1837 to Margaret Hap - 4 te : .irk, eldest -daughter of ,the late William Habkirk, Mrs. Scott; died only about two years ago, so that herself and her husband had lived together, sharing each others joys and Borrows, for nearly 62 years, They had a family of 12 children, nine a whom are still living. The sons are Dr, J, GG, Seat, Robert and Andrew, Seaforth.; Frank, of Blue - vale, and Lieut. Col. George Scott, of - Toledo, Ohio. The surviving daughters are Mrs. James Hogg, Mc- Killop ; Mrs. John Beattie, f3oa.forth ; Mrs. Thynne, Paw Paw, Michigan; Mrs. (Dr.) McDonald, Pet.e±rsburg, Michigan. Mr. Scott was, in Marty respects, a remarkable man. Bice was .of a quiet and retiring disposi- tion but led a special genius for mechanics, When be Male up here and .for many years after the coun- try was in •almost its primitive con- dition and Mr. Scott was a very use- ful man among the setticsr3. He did the carpenter work and the; stone work for a good many of the houses, Among these be built the stogie font's dsttion o rrr- J.ition for the St. Colurnban church. Ile also built the stone residence of Mr. John Hannah, in Tuckersmith, and the :stone residence sof Mr. James Scott, Roxboro. In addition to his work as a builder, he 'tilde and mended the boots and shoes for many of the people, as well as clean- ed .and repaired the clocks. There is at: the prescs ant time a clock in Mr. Bulger's jewelry store, Seaforlb, which was made by Mr. Scott over sixty yeare ago and which served as the reliable family time piece for many years. He was also , the inven- tor of the logging chain hook which has been in such general use the world over for so many years, but 'although he had until very recently the wooden model from which the first hook of this kind was made, he never got " it patented, We have heard of many other of hismechan- ical achie epients but we have in- stanced 'enough to show the great versatility of his skill in the line of mechanics, Through his long and varied life he never knew what it wee to suffer from illness tor even a day. A few weeks ago he had a slight attack of la grippe, but aside from that he suffered from no spec - but gradually gave way t weight of years. -Since of his wife he lived with rs. John Beattie and it was there he passed away on Sunday. ev- ening ae nosily and as peacefully as if going t , sleep. His death ends the career ,of a good and useful man. 190 THERE F. PEOPLE tio the gr the death Mr. and Persona .-Miss Ethel McLaren, of Mitchell, has returned home after spending I a week with her friend, Miss Via* Cluff. I. O. F.! Picnic.-Brueefield lodge of the independe.ut Order of Forest- ers, together with their familiee, and friends will hold a picnic to Bay- field on Virednesday next, the 15th inst. All I are cordially invited to join with' the Foresters in a pleas- ant. cloy's Outing at the lake. During the afternPon an address will be de- livered bel Mr. Frenk McCormac, of lit. Thomas, High Secretary. of the 1 Who shrink from patronizing a first- cl:hss store, because they infer that prices are a litt,e higher than they are in stores run on the hit and miss plan -good values to -day, bad values to- niorrow•---sbmetim9s satisfaction, more often disappointment, Our policy of selling the highest grade for .the low* st possible price,has been tek,ted for years, and has had a lasting influence on public opinion, Often people are heard to say ; When we want what's good we go to M4FAUL'S kr it. One thing is sure -it pays to buy at a steady-, reliable stare. if you are not a regular customer, we would. like an opportunity to show you how we excel both in reliable merchandise and good service. 1 THE STOCIt in all the departments is well assorted a d the goods in demand have a freshness that speaks of having lately arrived. Some of the NEW THINGS we show areq Fancy Neckwear New Belts White Gloves Emb'd Hosiery Slimmer Corsets Organdies Summer Underwear Wash Skirting& Lawn Waists Huzzar Cloths' Silk Waists Cream Suitings. Dress Skirts Cream Waistings °You are in touch with the latest and best es soon as you enter our premises. Our pods are selected by people who are thoroughly trained in the business and who are thinking of you and your interests, week in and week out. This fact ought to mean much to you for it saves you from a mass of unat- tractive styles, and a lot of poor mer- chandise which is a great burden to most stores • The Classes In Art Needle- work are now open MORNING' AFTERNOON T e Lessons are Notes.-guite a large number of People attended the Lumley school picnic in Xr. John Glenn's grove, gn Saturday last, No doubt the crowd would have been larger had the weather tinring the week been more favorable.1 However all had a pleas- ant outing. -Mr. John Westlake, of Farquhare has -the cement founda- tion for Mr. Glenn's brick residence nearly conapleted.-Mr.James Broad - foot, of the boundary recently sold a span of three year old colts to Mr. Archibald McGregor, of Tuck- ersmith, fbr which he received $100. They were good ones ae the price in- dicates,-Mis.s Maud and Mri John Glenn visited friends. on the Thamee road, on Sunday last. Briors.HMr. Robert Sommer has se- cured a pesition as baker in one of the large, baker shops of Wingbana and left .for that town last week, Bob ie a ood base ball player and tF will be st addition to the aiready strong te m of that town. --The in- vitations /ire out for the marriage of one of o t popular young men, but, as usual, ie is getting his bride from grave,waS visiting her aunt in town the past Week. -A few of the young men of the town left for London on Tnesday, ;having joined the Clinton .company :of the 33rd regiment. -Mr. spent Sunday in town, visiting the C. P. R. by-law in East Wawanosh carried by a majority of 44, on Sat- urday. This is the last. place to vote in these parts, so we May now expect the roilway to start opera- tions at dray time.-Tbe Presbyterian °beech Seep packed on Sunday even- ing on aScount of there riot being service ini the other churches. Rev. isr. Holmes was in attendance. at the London Cenference and Rev. Mr. Ed- munds i reaching at Ids charge in Auburn. The Monday Mail and Em- pire contt ined the notice of the wed- ding of iss Grace Edmunds; to Mr. Frank Staab, of Toronto, -There was ,a veity large. attendance at the funeral of Mr. Rollie Cook, which took leapt: hist Thursday, showing the esteeen in which he was held. - Dr, D. Siteith, of the northern part cif Michigan, is at present visiting his felted and friends in theSe parts. -Mr. W ri. Campbell has been ap- pointed suer of marriage licenses for this innity in tbe place of Mr. White is it present the guest of her daughter! in Winglearre-Yr. Baxter McArtee has sold out his photo- graph gellery here to Mr. Brewer, of Brusseie. Mr. McArtet is at pres- ent in camp at London and when he returns In intends leaving for the west to Lily his fortune in the new Colorados is at present vieiting his brother. iiThis is the first time he has visitVI these parts for fourteen SOS, Waal a visitor in town on Sun- day. -Mr gartin Rich M Lind, who has been building a pa tent theeshieg rnachineehes it completed and will stem be ahlf: to bring it before the manufacterer to sell the patent, Mr, Richrhand has put a great deal of work .iire 1 his machine and deeerves to meet 'Mit h suceess.-Me. and Mrs. Lockluirtellof St. Helens,- were vis- iting theiee eaughter in town this week. -m*, Lou Proetor, of Toron- to, is at ipd!fisertt visiting her broth- er in tow* -The business men held a meeting In Mr. McMurchie's bank 'on Mondese evening for the purpose 00),14141. SeeePed% Pi led'eladve ter, AU itei Th E. McFaul DR Y GOODS CO., plaees of business to elese every evening lit 7 o'clock with the ex- ception of Wednesday and Saturday, The petition was presented to the council Tuesday evening and al- though they were not in favor of it they had no other course than to do as ,the petitioners asked. They are having a special meeting in a few days to pass the by-law, which is to come into force on July 1st. -Mr. Young, who has been village clerk for the past year and a half, has resigned and the council intend to combine th.e three offices of clerk, treasurer and collector. -D. -13. McKinnon and A. W. Robinson ing of the merchants in Goilerich, to petition the county council to 'n- or -mese t We pedlars' license, and went over there on Thursday. sall Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday& -180241 Shops For Sele.-The Hansen foundry and:machine shops with the lands belonging to the same, far sale cheap, Fur particulars apply to Roberti Bell, &Worth, 130341- G. J. Sutherlend, notary tommis- toner, conveyancer, flre and life 01361211113CO agent and illetler of marriage licensee. Deed.. mortgages, leans and wills carefully drawn up according to law at rearonable tans, Private funds, also loan oompany's st lowest ran of interest, Fann and village properties for sale. Offiee at the Post Ofilee. 1883 tf his fancy driver to Mr. Denman, of Blyth, for tlai sum of $300. This horse west sired by the weli knee -n horse, Wilderlee. It certainly pays to bre,ed to good horses. -Our read - ere will regret to learn of the death of Mrs, Thomas Blacksvell, of the township of Hay, which occurred on Tuesday last and further reference to which will be made next week. - A very good cut of the Rev. Dr. Medd appeared in the Daily Adver- tiser oe be '7th, in connection with a very able lecture he gave on the eubject of missions, at the London Conference. The reverend gentle- man is recognized as an Able preach - and lecterer not only in hie own itlistriet but ale° in t he Conference. -Mrs. John Jarrott, tht the London road, recently returned from Dub- lin where she had been vieiting Mr. and Mrs. James Canning. -Mrs. Vance and family, of Toronto, are in Hensall and vicinity. -Me. J. C. Stoneman visite.d the Conference at London one day last week. -Quite a large quantity of hay has been mar- eted here during the past week, the farmers are anxious to make room for the new crop. -Mr. and Mrs. R, Wright, who lialre. resided in Heesall tor a great many years have moved to Seeforths They will be oilseed by their many relatives and friends here. -Mr. Arthur McA.111,ster, who is engaged ae teacher at Constance wae here on Saturday spending the day with. his mother and sister. -Mr. D. Wren attended tbe Conference at London last week. -Mrs. S. T. Hof - per and her sister, Miss DuImage were in Exeter on Friday evening last attending the MOSOnic At-home. Dr. Sellery _was also present. -Miss Gilgit'', who was suffering from a very sore hand, is now much itn- proved.-A large number from Hen- s* and vicinity intend takine ad - 'vantage of the cheap excursion on Saturday, to visit the Agricultural College Farm at Guelph.-Mesers, J. and 0, McDonell recently purchased a fine driver to take the place of one they lost last winter. -The Revs Dr. Medd and Mrs. Medd, Rev. E. A. Shaw and Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. the Conference at London retur home on Tuesday evening.last.-Mrss John Jarrott recently vi.sited rela- tives and friends in Ifensall.-Mr. Ellis wee Goderich his fernier home during the past week. --Mr. A. Can -whet luts 'placed very attrace lee iond up-to-date signs in his pro- duce warerooms in Petty's briok bloek.-Tlie 'len:sail degree team of the Independent Order of Oddfellows have been invited to give the work or the semond degrde to the district meeting. to be held in 13rueefield this Mont 31. -Mr. James Taylor 130:4 re- turned from Lnean -where he bas been visiting his daughter, Mrs. is S. Wren. While there his driver met unit an accident that required good veterinary eare.-Mr. D. B. McLean bus eold his 100 -acre farm in Tucker:smith, near Hens:ill, to Mr. Henry Horton for efi,n00. Mr. Rec- tos) will take peesession in the fall. Big Sale of Men's Shoes- --odd ineewhieh must be cleared out -on side Friday and Saturday at CO cents' per pain Sawlike In south window. W, U. Willie, sole agent In Seoforth for Dorothy Dad *bora for and Deoreu Mater shoes for men, Enter La inment.-An entertainment under the auspiees of the, Winthrop Creamery will be held in the new hall, at Winthrop, on the evening of Wednesday next, June 150. A number of prominent smetkers have been secured, among them being G. H. Barr, or London, chief slairY in- structor for Western Ornarie; M-55' Belle, Miller, of Guelph, wiel aliso ad- dress the meeting in the interest .of the patrons; Mies Jessie of Toronto, will give -an address on 'Do - 'nestle Science, and Mr. A, Rieke), M. P. P., for East Huron. Some good an, interesting programme -may be expected. A small admission,fee will he charged to -defray expenses. A cordial invitatien to all is ;extend- ed to be present. Exeter The Way of the Worl .-The home of Mrs. E. 'Williams, Simcoe street,. was the scene of a joyous and hap- py event on Wednesday evening or last meek, the occasion being the marriage of her granddaughter, Mise Ida. Ann Ferguson, to Mr. Charles W., Christie, a presperous young farmer, of Stephen. The eeremong was performed by Rev. Dr, Hannon under a -canopy of evergreens and flowers, in the presence of a large - number of invited guests and frieeds. of the con t met int; part les. The greem was eupportete by Mr. Hiram Shapton and the bride was as.siste ed by her shster, Miss Cenilia Fe.rgu- son, while Miss Clara McDonald, of Stratferd, acted as flower giro and. ring -bearer. The bride was given away be her Uncle, Mr. 1.;enrge Fen- gitson, while I he. nrireli wee played by Mrs. G. Willianis. The bride was ' beautifully ;attired in a dreSS of cream silk with Craani net over it and trimmed with rushines and lace medallions, ribbons and plait ineo Up- on the bead was a bridal Veil and orange blossoms, while she carried in her hand a handsome bouquet or roses. The • bride's going away tire 35 was champagne 141.4k.S1 eitith. med with silver braid and applique, tlae waist being of cream silk trim- med with lace. The ceremony Ov24` and congratulations extended all set - down to a beuntiful repast, after which the evening was spent in - games and .inerry chat. A number of gueets were present from a dis- ta,nce. -The wedding gifts yrere bean' tiful, useful and costly. 1 •