HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-06-10, Page 5UNE 10.190
pair of serviceable
iemand for the better ge
Fit direction, as our
.ar a good shoe, but they
Four working shoes from
loge assortmeat to c
wear, and good valet
diem are the folio
ge eyelets, at sue
special at $2 a pair.
2 -end $2 25 a hair.
- at $3.25 a pair.
$3,50 a pair.
Qoauty "` and " Einelesete.
Peaker and wee listened tes
intereet and profit.. -egg
lair, ot the. Kippen road,
an addition put to his
D. McCall, of Brucefie
re cement work, and Me,
the frame vs ork4
know s he will have a good
--Porkers are on else risee
Gilbert Dick, of our villagp.
on the look out for goo&
leaves a ht of money
• farmers during a twelve
Mr. Robert M e or di e wait
ao the past week for steak.
razing. - He brought back a
nick -Rev, nr. &wart, of
win preach in St, Andreae*
ext Sabbath, morning ape
• Institute. -On Friday
d, two very interesting'
e held in the town hall,
• fternoon and the other
ng, under tbe auspices
.1d Branch WoMtneS in_
the afternoon, the twit.
r.ors, Miss Hills and Miss
eave two very practical a„..,
addrese. Miss Hills spoke
id cookery. She told of the.
kinds of foods and of the
-kinds needed by people suf-
from different diseases.
ree dishes, a cornstarch pude
onilet and a cup of cocoa,
veryone had an oatportuetite
and enjoying, for each
plendid. Miss Millar bad
o go very fully into her
Home nureing and 'EMI
• but rhat little time she
made good use of in Showing
apply the different kinds of
e and also in making- Nora*
Imely suggestione about the
at of sick people, When the
was all over all who caul&
were served with a dainty
he members. The adjournea
meeting was then held, when
:fion of officers took °lam
-esideot and two secretariat
-elected. _ The I wo vice-pros.-
esignea and Miss 'lose Snug**
elec.ted first vice -presided
s Hannah Ward, eecoeid. Twee
were appointed, Mrs. James
and Mrs, John Campbells
evening meeting, the hall
most filled and beeides tho
fres see fyora the denionstra-
;mod programme was render -
lose takiner part were
Evans, Dr, Sfai tie, A. P. Er-
(iss Whiddon, Mrreet„
d Miss Luella Rouatt, Tke,
of the Institute desire to
1 these who so kindly gave
isistence and also Mr. Peter
it, who acted as chairman
ade the evening. pass off so
dy. Mies Hills spoke ea
eat Hygiene giving eome
tire practical helpas to how
' our bodices ia health. Mies
old of tee "Aims and objects
en's Institutes " ohich shoul4
ear to every fro:et:eon that this
is doing a good woric. The•
gular meeting of t 1icspeiete
held in coreittnc t ion with the
institute apt" will be in the
beeket paenie ai t he lake,
(Wee t will be thee Prepare-
' 'Vegetables for the Table
oic will be on the -ueual date,
h, the se-efrrid Thursday iN
Tiree.--The rodist cone
on 1 he Walton circuit, at
eppoint merit, w ill have a
arty at Mr. David Boyers
bOUt onf. mile east of
, W neSdfly
ef June. The object is te,
is for repeiring the parson--
heve a plsersent time.
eq.:Terrine! ref music, singint
Mee`, and it very best of
it drinking. will be provided.
frCULi.4 by the ladies,
ng it upbat
, young
sure and do not forget yoUr
rid itners.
Go -Carts,
is Croquet Set
nd Rackets,
k_, )
*JUNE 10, 1904.
Briefese-A siletth reamed Ca rem%
,of Ethel, appeared before W,11
err, S. 1'., on Monday evening, on
a charge of theft, ereLevas commit
ted to Goderieh tti stand his trial.
Xhe boy bad stolen, a watch belong-
ing to G. Pollard, out or a vest
which was hanging in the blaokentith
shoe, anti sold itto a farmer close
Pe for $1lie aeknowledged the
oharge,-A tie game or foot ball was -
played hero, on Thursday evening of
last week, in thZ Intermediate ser-
ies, between Wingham and Bruseels,
Neither team: scoresL Brussele,howg
over, are the evineers of this dist-
• and will 'shortly play with Mild -
pay. The junior team playa tee
return game with Wingham eel Tues-
day evening, which resulted in a
faceore or J. ro 0 in favor of Whighani.
This puts the teem on an even foot-
ing, as the soore was reversed at the
game h,ere, and e goals count. Ar-
rangeniteite have not been complet-
ed as to where and when the 'nal
game will be played off. -We con-,
egratulate T. T. el,cRae end Don. Me -
of this locality, on sucetos-
(tiny passing their third year med-
ical examination. - Miss Fannie
Rogers is home from Chicago for her
holidays. -B. Gerry was taken seri-
ously last Saturday with, stop-
page of the bowels, hut is somewhat
improved now.-elre. W. IL Kerr is
visiting friends in Loadon.-Miss
Clara McCraekeo has gone to De-
troit., where she has aceepeted a sit -
oation.-G. I. Blair, of tariderieh,
Nies calling on old triends in town
-this Week, -W. it Kerr and James
Burgess will attend the High Court
ine C. 0. F. which meets in To -
Toners next wetic.-oler, W. Burgess,
• if most daughters, of Miielielawere
visitors wall friends in town_ last
eveele.-0, 11. Smith, son of John
Smith, of town, left this week for
(Okotons, N W. Te where he has -se-
cured a- good position in the office
of an extensive lumbering firm.-
Ruite a numbe-r from town attend -
fed the rimmed of the lath Alex. Mc-
Nabb, of the lath concessien of Grey,
een Tuesday afternoon. Deceaaed
aught a cold last fall that devel-
oped into conaumption, endinee in
death on Saturday evening. Ile was
U6 years of age and had just been
extarriod,.one year. -The case of James
Ss. Beattie & Clark, which _was non -
suited at. the last Division court
held here, came up .for hearing again
on Wednesday and occupied most of
the slay. The judge reserved hie- de-
Brief Bits. -Rev. E. facheulke,
'tor of the, Luther churele preached
in Berlrn last'Sunday, and Bev. W.
3. Yager, of the Evangelical church
_preached in Stratford.. Rev. Mr.
anemone, of Dashwood, pretrehed in
elle Evangelical church here to -very
large eongregations,-;Mrs. Geor ge
Noland, weer has been in Detroit for
three years, returned home a few
days ago to vit. her Mothere-Mes.
efaeffy, who has been living -ii New
.3(ork State, is here visiting her
Another, Mrs. C. Volland. it is a
,good many years since Mrs. ifseffy
ias been here before. -Mr. C. Schrag
moved, int.° his house, on Monday, and
Mrs. J. Baal bus also moved into her
alouse.-The Evangelical - congrega-
tion on the 14th concession ,have
to erect a new altar in their
church. It will be of the most mod-
em and up -tee -date kink and when
;work is finished the ioterior of their
-church wiJi be iraproveeL-Mr. Alex-
ander. Thompson, an old and much
esespected resident of Blake, passed
'through here with his household
eiffts a few days ago, for Hensel",
orhere he has purchassA a nice res-
idence and where himself and his es-
timable family will hereafter make
!their home. -Zurich's civic holiday
baa been eixed for Friday next, the
17th of June when all ttie places of
pusiness will be closed. Tire child-
tren of the public school' will also
have their pienic to GrIend Bend the
sarae day. The littln folks have pre-
pared a splendid programme and it
„goes without sJying that the whole
;town will turn out to the Bend on
that day and if the weather is- ea-
yorable all will have a speendid
time and will enjoy themselves as
only our-meople know how to do.
We will alt beyoung again for that
I I,
St, Columban, /
Jottings, -Mr. Thomas' Mcgua'dc, of
the.: London Medical College, return-
ed from Toronto last week. Tom
passed with hotiorts, in all sue.
--air, et'eter Tiernan, of Windsor,
called here a few days ago. -The
managers of the 'summer carnival
are negotiating with the Pan-Anter-
ican Railway Co., to rep their Min-
iature 'storm train frien the Ito.se
I amphitheatre to the base ball
and toot ball grounds every ten
satinatte upon the eZntl. The train
carries about 40 paeeengers.-Mr,
Win Melet-od is engaged to sing as.
the ea raival.-Th member,/ of the
St, Columba n °retie:rem v decid-
ed not to play at the Millet picnic.
.-lather McKeon bas requested tbe
carnival agenia McKillop and
flibbert not to ,sell any more Klon-
dike tickets in Seaforeh. Their anx-
iety to head, elf rival agpsits made
some of them more aggressive .than
sasuul. As this is to be t lie last pie-
inic in St. Columban for many years
Ito come, the eitling orkers of the
parish are bound to make it a grati-
tying success on June e2nd. A re-
cord is being keel of all parehosing
and refu.si rig o purchase t ickets.
None of the Klondike shares are
blanks. This is not a raffle, but an
'auction sate . Single fare for round
trip to St. Colurnban from all sta-
tions, good to go June 2let or 2nd,
good to return June 21',I, 2nd or
Lc ndesboro.
Norxr, -The Methodist Sunday
School will hold their annual straw-
' berry festival on the 22nd -inst. at the
nareenge. There will be a baud in
attendance. and a good thne is aeti-
elpetten.-Itov. Mee ICennetly and Rev.
Ur. ebt ), vito spent the past week -
in London attending conference, re-
turned home Monday. -Rev. Mr. Sew-
ers, el* 1;111(.01:le1& eondneted 'the se -r-
111 the Presbyterian (+melt last
Friday.- Dr. MeCallum's sister. of
Ceylon. ie spending a few weeks at his
home here. -Dr. G. N. tVhitley and
friend. Mr. Torrance, of G orrie. spen
Sundae- with friends here, -Mr. and
Mrs. T. Moon, of Smith's Falls, tire
spending t his week with the former's;
mother. -Mr. J. Garret has purchased
Itev, Mr. Kennedy's hor,,e, -Several
-Catloads of hay %yen- shipped frown
here this weele-Mr, rtnd -1rs. W.
\S ,ttst,Ti of Mortis, spent Sunday- with
filen& here. -Mise et. Crisp and :11is5
L. Brigham are appointed ris dele-
gates to attend the convention
withal wiil be •held Winghnen on
thel ith and 15th. --Rev, Mr, Kennedy
will leave for his ne* field or labor, at $3,60 par owe Feedere-Short-keep feed.
the Nile, in about two weeks. +he , en, from 1,100 to 1,200 pounds each,
Methodists 41H1Oft ben very sucteesful i sold at $4,50 to $4.90. Thobe weighing
n scenting, Rev. Mr. Wilson, of the. from 950 to 1,050 pounda, of good qual-
Nile. ity, told at 14 io e4 26 per ewe Stockers
--Choice yeerling calves sold at $3.75 to
$4 • poerer grades and off•colors !sold est sa
to '13 50, eceording to quality. Mitch Cows
-Mitch oosvs and 'wringers' sold from $30
to each. Sbeep-Explot ewes mold at
$4 to 4.25;$export Intake at. $3 to 83.50,
white, who for the past few months Larnbe-Yearliog grain -fed lambs told at
NOTES.-Weddling breezes aie in the
air. -The memberS of the Alma church
are making arrangenlents for having
new roof put on the shed. ---Mr. W.
here on Wednes ay 1 st for Toronto. is to $5 25
h , Spring Lenbre-Prices rouged
as been workin fo Mr. G. Dale, left
-Mr. John Carter, e ncession 2, Hul-
lett, has recently rais d his barn, pre-
paratory to having a stone foundation
put under it -A ne culvert has just
been completed acros the Huron road
in front of Me. Ge ale's farm, the
work being donebv ' B. 'Henderson
and Hon. -Rev. A.E.lien gave a, very
interesting discourse n our church on
Sunday morning on he text "train
up a child in the way e should go."
MATRIMONIAL. - A very pleasant
event took place at t e residence of
Mr. Thonias teherrit, near here, on
Wednesday of last, eek. This was
the marriage of Miss becca, daugh-
ter of Mr. Sherrit, to Mr. Jonh
mas Turner, of Stanle . The import,
ant ceremony was pe ormed by Rev.
Mr McLennan, of Kippen,in the pres-
ence of a large nurnber of invited
guests. The ceremony and congratul-
ations over, the company were enter-
tained at a most sumptuous wedding
repast after which 11 few hours were
most pleasantly spent by All present.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner begin married
life under the most fa orable circum-
stances and they have a very large
chicle of friends who WiIl unite with
THE EXPOSITOR in extending to them
the warmest congratulations and best
Wishes for their future happinces and
-A committee, IT Anted byleach
ofthe governing bodies of the Presby-
terian, Methodist at d Congregat-
ional denominations will meet Tor-
onto in Sepbeniber ne t to coneider
the question of church union.
estithe:. .e--
.11,10 •••••Nown•sa
• sli*v�i�, June 9, 1904
fail WhesUrreW),Standard..,....... 02 to 04
Oat. per bushel.. „.4 0 tO Pt 0 31
Paso per ofsese,---.— – 0 00 10 0 60
Ler ee pot busbal;. 0 49 so o 40
gl lakes, No. 1, loose o 12 to 0 12
dater, tub . . 0 is so- 0 18
64gs pa .0 13 to0 16
Punt, per 100 le --a....-.- e 2 60 so 276
Ray per Ion new– 7 00 to' 7 60
deo per 100 lbs- Oe et• 6 26
-e. ....e•••••-• 0 00 110 088
Woo _.. e. 018 to 020
toestoesepor bag Orme. ..,, 0 let to
fan (retell) est buret- eo 1 ee 10
were per send Ottng)„ — ,,.. 6 00 to
W oad per and (shore) - 1...#. 8 00 to
yOss „„, 02510
▪ aNdar, sr a* ••• *II 6 00 to
Timothya, 1 26 to
natant. new - to
Fork, poi ZOO•_..___._ 7 60 to 800
Dairy -Markets.
TORONTO, June 7 -Butter -Is unchanged
with the receipts larand the demand
normsl. Qaotetions all'round are steady.
Creamery prints, 17 to 183 ; solids, 15
to -16o; dairy poiuidrolla, kited to choice,
11 to iso; lease dairy rolls, 11 to 123;
poor to inediuin dairy, 9 toll0e, Cheese -
Is about stead , with an osier tone in
sympathy wltb outside rksta. Quota-
tions are uuchanged at 90 r new large,
and 9ie for new twins. 01 large is steady
at 104 per pound for job 1 here, Eggs
-Arrivals hers are fair about blip
enough for ordinary pu . The de-
emed is normal and q tions are un-
obringed at 15cs per dozen.
We q
latt, `Jorte 7—The *feet here is
and unchanged. pts of winked
re still lightt Odic lines lire fair,
t0; Washed, 170; ejections, 13o;
ed, 10 11c.
Live Stook Malfkets.
LosnoN. E gland, 3u 6 -Canadian
cattle are quo d steady and unchanged at
10i to 12e per pound; r disinter beef
is 81 to go per pound ; Sbsp, 12 to 14e
per pound; limbs, 14 to 14c per pound,
lavearoote June 6 Cana1illEi cattle are
quoted at 61 to Bid,
MONTREAL, Jtuse 7-Trad at the Feet
ern Cattle Market, was dull to day and
prices were firmei. Cettle-Receinta
amounted 10 400 head, most of which wore
of good quality. The detnited kr them
was good, and at ncoa fifty remsined , un-
told, Prices ranged art 'allows t -Choice
buteherse 3 to. filo ; goc , 41 to 4e;
medium, 31% to 4o ; esotomrn, 3 to 3&'.
Calves -Receipts amotultedi to 300 head,
the quslity being mostly g eel. The de.
mand was poor, and at uooi 75 remained
unsold. Poor stock, sold at from V, to $3
and good at $4 to $8. SheetJ anl Limb
-Receipt, of ',beep and 1&mti amounted to
60 head each. The sheep brOught from 3-,./
to 4e, ;Tang lambs Efeiling at 82 50 to 85
Gaon The demand wae Ira,. Hoge -Re-
ceipts of hogs amounted to Pei hoel. -Tne
demand was good and pri s rang, d frons ee
to na 1 per pound,
BUYFAW' 'Tune 7 et4 ot4te-herAsetl5cetro;
25 to 85 35;
50 ta
..3 i
si ii?rriS5tel°r
$28. Veer
ga-Recei te,
22,100 bead ; active, 50 lower; heeey,
84 75 to $4,80, a few at 135 ; meditim,
$1,75 so e4,80 • yorkers, $4 l5 to $4 HO ;
pigs, $4 55 to 14.65 ; roughe $4 to $4 20 ;
Atage, $2.50 to $3; dairies, 50 to $4,70.
Sheep and Lambs -Active, yearlings and
ewes, steady; others, lower ; lambs 8440
to $5.85 • yeerlinge, $5.25 to ; wethers,
$5.25 to '$,5 50; ewes, $4.75 to $5; sheep,
mixed, $2.50 W 85.
the usuol heavy Monday run at the -Union
Stook Yards yesterday. Si ty-tbree cars
were received, which mutat ed 1,265 cat-
tle, 6 sheep and 22 calves. Trad,e was
brisk, and everything was sold early.
Prices were efirmer. Expor ere' Cattle -
These were of goot quality,. n4 sold read-
ily, bringiog as high as $ .40. Average
prices for exporter' ranged tween $5 and
$5.30. Bulls brought from $ 75 to wee,
Butchers' Cattle -There we not enough
of butchers' cattle to Rupp's; the I demand,
The best butchers' cattle br ughteas high
as $4 70, avd from this fi nre down to
$4 40, For fait to good load of butchers'
were paid from $4.40 to $4.60 ; eominon to
fair. from $4 2.7.ajo $4 30, and rough to in-
ferior from $3.75 to 84.50.
Tootosero, June 8 -The qu lity of cattle
takee togifther was notao g od as it has
been although there were some choice
loads of exportere' as well as hoteliers'.
Trade was brisk, nearly eve ything being -
sold before 10 o'clock a, ire ricer for fat
cattle were higher, especially in the butch-
ers' dame. Exportere-Choae, well-apish-
ed hey exporters sold at $5,20 to 85,45
per OVO5 ; medium at $4 80 to $5, Export
'Bulls -Choice export bull, s ld at $3 75 to
84 25 ; medium at $3.50 to 3 60, Export
Cows -Prices ranged from 3 75 to $4.25
per cwt.,i
Butchers attle Ohoics picked
lots of hutchore' cattle, qua in quelity to
the beet exporter'', weighin from 1,100 to
1,200 pounds eaoh, sole at $4,75 to $5;
loads of good butchers' at 84.150 to $4.60 ;
medium, at $4.25 to $4 40; mmon, $3.50
to $4 ; rough and ulterior at $3,25 to
to _kers and feedere stew y ;
403 frigher ; prime eteere, 6
cows, $3 6e to $4 73; butte,
et ickere tpringeis, &At,
00 id to choher, 845. to $52; m
$30 to *42; common, $18
25e higber, $4 50 vo $6, H
from $3 to $5 eh. Hogs-Pricefor
straight loade, fed and watersd, were $5,12i
per ewt ; and $4-871 for lighter and fats.
BRETT-Its Seel orth, o* Jura, 71h, to Mr. And Mrs,
Sett Brett a daughter,
WHICESIDE-Iln Hansen, on 22n4, to Mr. and
Mrs Aileen Whiteside, * dauehter.
MeCASOY-In Cincinnati, Ohio, on Missy 30th, (Dee -
oration Hey), to Dr. Edward 0,, and Mu. Me-
Ce+sy, a daughter.
JO0NO-10 thborne, on May Seth, to Mr arid firs,
Henry Johns, a daughter,
JUDD--Ifts Clint no on May 301h, to Mr and Mrs,
TIMMS! Judd, a daughter
JONKS-ln Clinton, on Airy 20th, to sir. and Mrs.
Ed, Jopes,staon.
BONE -In Morris, tot May 20th, to Nt. and Itin,
Thomas W. Bone, a son.
HOLMES-In Whitechurch, on Msy 291b, to Mr,
teed Mrs. J. T. Holmes, a daughter.
illIOULDIOE-McCUAIG-At the dense, MeKiitop,
on June 1st, by Rey 11 Carswell, Mr William
Shouklice, of Grey, to Mies Mary Mcensig, of
McMillen '4
R0138:--ttENZIE-M the rnidenos of Mr James
brother4o4sw of the bride, on June 6th,
by Orr 11Certuell, Mr Robert 0 Rom of Met
age, Illiocis, to Min Christina Manz's, of Mc.
EBEittlain-lieflEit-At the ratline° of Mr
Jacob Meths., Ertmondville grandfather of the
bride, on June Stin by BAY Neil nhaw, Mr.
George 11 Delbert, so Misis Barbara Ellen Me -
(lee, both of euekersinith
SELLARS-HAWTHORNE-10 Lower Wiughem, on
Mee 25th, by WA' N McLean, 0.4, Mr Win
Mellon, to Mho Sheba Hawthorne
.011BleTIF,--FERGU6ON-At the residence of the
brideargrivdmother, Mr* Williams, On June
let, by Rev Ail Mellott, of St Thomas, Mr Obat
W Christie, of Stephen townehip, to Min Ida
Ann Ferguson, daughier of the tato JASZOI Fer-
guson, of Exeter
BAOSHAW--NORTIVOTT.4t the res1den3e of
the bride's pronto, on June 10, by Ker Wm
.0odwio, 114rr James Brgebaw, of Swollen
township, to Miss Nellie, eldest daughter -of Mr
Roger Northcotl, of Hay
DOUGL4S-BUITERY-At the mimeo, Winghain,
nn Joao len be Rev D Perris, Mr Robert 1
Dula, to Miss Margaret Buttery, both of
Ewit-iekSNELL-At Koox church manse, Gcde-
elan, on Janette by Bev James A Ardere n,
' 0 A, Mr Wm Jams. Hodge', W Anse El zebettii
-Jane linen, both of FAA Whwanagh
MoINTOSH-MoltEeN-At ibe reeidenee of Our
briden p 'rents, Brantforn, Junelitio by Key
A W elefetteh, of Belwo el, Mt 0 0 Helot oh,
of Torento ti nlle J., only derriere 01 Mr
and etre tiol eft mama
• Deaths.
SCOTT -In Sealant, oe Jule 6th, Praxis Zeott,
sod 02 years and 4 n oath",
torsh, on June 4th, %f
ifriviery Ann_
Rioh, wife Mr Alsrant Worth, aged 78 e eery
ifoliAUGHT01-In Tuckeranitto on Ju' e 415,
Win MeNaughaen. aged ed )0801 aed In dos
DOLMAGS-10 1101011°p, oo Jane 60, Lucie
Derive, relict of the late James Deltnage, aged
84 year'
IfeB itl DE -M Gravenburst, on May 20t5, Annie
facilede, of 167 North John Street,Hem Icon,
Mao of Mrs $ Wallree, o1 Tuekennarh, egret
21 yesrs
zetearr-In Wingbam ore Way 29th, MO eltarles
r gel 61 ye/Shand 0 mentos
IRYIN-In Lower Winghan, on May e7tb, Hobart
Irvin, aged 83 yeere. 10 months sod 16 cloys
IdeMANNUre-In Winghatn, on June 1st, John
Alexander, infant son ef Mr and Mre J 1 Mc.
Itannus, egtd 6 months
ALEXANDER -In Goderich Winning), on Iffy 2815,
Elizsbeth Spline, relict of the late Wm lAlett-
andat, send 92 yesn
000K -In Blyth, on May elet, Roland Cook, aged
38 years and 19 days
McNABB-In Grey, on June 413, Alexander Mbe
Rabb, aged 26 yens and 4 days
Oa Saturday, June, lith, at one o'clock
p. In., at Mr, G. B.Veettis reeidener, Sue
forth, 1100'4111d Furniture. G. B. Scott,
proprietor: Mime Brown, auctioneer.
Oa Tuesolty, June 14411 at 2 o'clock p.
in., on the west hell of at 30, Concession
11. Hibbert, Farm, Farm Stook and Im-
plement', Sim J. J, Mg's, proprietress;
Thomas Browa, auctioneer.
Barrinier, Solicitor, Notary Pronto etc, Money to
.0411, In ftesfortb Mondays, Fraleys and flatus.
diner. effice open *very week day, Over Pickard's
store, Main street, Seat trih, 1904
1.70TION SALE of 60 Choke Stock Steers, Dry
Cows, heifers and If th Corm—James Jones
at received instruetions ham Mr, Wm. Rogers, to
sell by Public Auction, on IAt 23, Conceseion 16,
Township of Loaan, en Wednesday. June 1615, 1901,
the toffowing 2 nem 3 yens old, 20 steers t
year! 014.2 Awn 1 year old. 4 heifer' 0 years old,
4 heifers 2 yawl old, 16 dry casco from 4 to 6 years
oin,2 cows 6 yarn old, due to calve about time of
tale, 1 two.ner-old bull. Sale at two e'clock. Terms
-Six months' °resat will be given on tundshinr sp.
proved joint notes. 61x per cent per annum off tor
-*Ash. Positively no fefetV0 as the proprietor Is
ehert 01 pasture, WU, WJOER1, ProprAor : JA
JONIS, Auctioneer for Perth and Huron, 19044
Alexandra General And Marine
The truatees of the Goderich flogpitel invite ten.
den for tbe nononry, carpentry, plumbing, hosting
eleetrie wiring and other trades to the construotion
of the building in the town of Goderieh. Tenders
steeled rine endorsed tenders tor hovital se111 he re.
calved' up to noon OA June 23 -el, toae by the arch a
iteet, at whose office plans and epecificatione cen be
seen, and from whom all informetion csn be obtein.
ed, vendee necesearily aeceptect, 1. ADBS
FOWLER, 0 E., Architect, Ooderich, 190t12
SEALED TENDERS, addreessal to the mid
ad, and endoreed ?Tender for Gederichl Br le
tor," will be received at this Mlle) until Mon y,
July 4, 1901, inelurivrly, ter the construction 01 a
Breakwater at Goderleh County Of Huron, On no,
aceording to st 'nen aol epecificetion te ba ieen at
the cfties of H. A. Gray, Ue., Engineer in charge of
harbour works, Ontario, Confederation Life Build.
Ing, Toronto, on application to the Postrnasta of
Goderich, Ontario, and at the Department Of Public
Worke, Ottawa,
Tendets will not be. considered unitise made on the
printed form suppled, and sigoed with the actual
signateree of tenderers.
An atimpted °berme on a chartered benk, payabik
to the order of the rionoureble the Milliner of Pule-'
he Works, for nine thous sod dolisers(891000.00) wad
accompany cub tender. The °toque win be fcr-
felted if the party tendering decline the contract or
fail to complete the work contrected for, and will ha
returned in ease of nereacceptance of tender,
The Department does not bind iteelf to accept the
lomat or any tender.
By order,
Department of Publics Works.
ottawa, June 415, 1901.
Newepaperr tea rang this advertitement without
authority (roe the Department, will not be paid for
it, 1904-2
Auction Sale of Valuable Farm
Coder and by virtue of Moe potters givernto Wein
UTIdet the last will apO testament of Woes Hamm,
late of the township of Matinee, lo tbe County cf
Huron, Yeotnan, deceased, tbe Execetort of sad
estate will offer for role by Pnielle Auction on Sat-
urday, the- teth day of June, 1001, at endock in the
afternoon, at the Conimerchel Hotel, la the Town of
Seaforth tbe eaot ban of Lois 22 •ande he west half
of Ltt 24, both in the 8th Concession of the said
Township of Mantel), containing by *dome:sure+
meat 100 aetes of land more or len. There are
satiated on the first described parcel of -lend, a good
house and bsrn and outhouses in good repair; there
is about five lel ei dill in bush and 101acree ander
crop. There are no bundler's on the wired oecondly
deecriiei but tilers Is cn tame %bent e5 acres earlier
crop and abnit 10 acres of bush. There Is • never
tailing supply of ti tic Ing water on this property.
The properties will be sold separately r together 44
natty suit inteJding purchasers. Terme of sale, -1.0
per cent cah dawn ou the day of 'Mooed the bal-
anee within 30 daye thereafter witaout interest,
The purobseer will have to sign an egreersent to
complete thank+, The property will lbo offered for
sale eubject to 11 relerved bid. POI for thee patio
Ware apply oo the premises or to the undersigned,
11, .8. HAYS, Solicitor for the Executors.
Dated the 715 day of June, 1904, 1904-8
cKINNON 00.,
This week week we show a fine assortment: of new goods, suitable for the
hot weather, at reek bottom prices, in the allowing new and up-to-date
goods :
Printed merlins, in stripes and floral designs, in 4 great range of eater', at So, 10;
15c, 203 and 25c. White muslins, in stripe; atell opts, at 5e, 80, 100, 133 and 20:.
White lawns, 45 inches wide, very epode', ta 10o, 150 and 203. French organaies, in a
full range of qualities', ,ist black and white, at 10o, 15c, 20o, 25c and 35c. India linens,
In wiete and black, at 103, 12ao, 15c, 203 and 25c. Black mustier, in plain and fancy
open striper, vary epeeist, at 15e, 20,s and 25o. Mereee;o3d vesting', in white and colors,
very stylish goods, at 15e, 26o, 36c and Me. Black grenadines in stripes, cheeks and
floral patter" at 50°, 75o and $1. Fancy linen gpetts for dresses or waists, in fancy
silk stripes, very etylish goods, at 303 and 35o. Bleck and colored voiles, in a good
range of colors, for dresses or waists, at 50c, 751 andl$1. Ladies' black cotton hose,
very spacial, four pairs for 253, leallee' heavy plain Or ribbed cotton hose, regular 15o,
two pair for 253. Men's cotton sox, bine and browe mixed, four pairs for 25c. Men's
heavy wool sox, worth 18o, two pair for 253. Bays' beavy ribbed cozen bon at 15o.
20a and 251. Ladies' fine hermsdorf blaok eotton lion, with nstural wool feet, the co --
root tbing for bot weather. at 253. Mk to see our new waterproof coa0, from $3
to $10,
0 ..A.zsTizsoidn EaR,Iam
ralmist and Psychic,
The greatest living ,edviser. She sees ot * glance whit your troubles are and 'guides you
to ultimate tumors. With marvellous insight of the most phenomenel cheracter she
points the way. Thousands have recognized this wonderful gift, which combines an ali.
solutelnowledge of Pelmistry, together with intellectual powers that make failure im-
possible. There are sleety§ two path. '• she help* you to choose the wiser (me.
Madam Livirtski tells you about bushier', Law Suite, Changes, Marriage, Divorce, Love
Affsin, Ill Health, Aceidents, Dangers and Enemies, Maden Liviriski will be at the
Queen's Hotel,- for one week
Fees, 35c an51150c.
Commenning Tuesday, June 14t
Treasurer's Safe of Lands in arrears
for Taxes,
TOWN of 8EAFORTH to wit,
By virtue of a warrant, issued by the
Mayor of the Town of Bertforth, under his
band and the seal of the Corporation of the
Town of Seafortb, bearing dote the 17th
day of SLIT, in the yesr of our lend, one
thousand Dia. hundred sad four, and to MO
d reeled, commanding ma to levy upon the
several lands herein mentioned and deer:rib-
rid In the said Town of Seaforth (all of
which lands &re pretested) for the arrears,
of taxes due thereoa respectively, together
with costs as hereinafter set forth. I here-
by give notice that unites the said arrears
and costs be sooner paid, I shell, on Wed-
nestley, the 24:h day of August, A, D ,
1904, at the hour of 12 o'clock, no n, at the
Connell Chamber, Town Hell, In the Town
of Seaferth, *foretold, proceed to eell by
public auction so much of said lands re-
opectively as may be sufficient to discharge
such amen of taxes and Paid costs thereon
Description. TO.X84. Costa Total.
Let 1,2,3,4, Cartor's
Sub -division of block
K., Jarvis' Survey,
supposed to belong
toellIne Ellen Mc-
Namara. - • $24,85 $19.00 $43.85
1897 to 1903 irielinive,
Town Treasurer.
Treasurer's Offiec
Seaforth, 1715 May, 1004e
It's Refreshing
When you are tired out with your
effort. to Neve money, you find it re-
freehing to come here and see what
you get, end note what we save you
-plenty that's good and plenty of
reason for your paralleling
Pure White Hellebore, freshly powdered,no
old stock, fee worm" on gooseberry
and current' lot:ohm '
Englieh Paris Ore , the best on the roarket.
"-Never Fail" Cciro Cute, the kind that
cares. We hear words of praite for
this remedi every day.
Buchu Juaiper Ki I ney Pits for backache.
/ex Come n and gee us. eeis
SOALED TENDERS addrened to the under.
signed and endore,ed " Teeder for Post Offi e, Wing.
hue, Ont," will be received at tine offices uetil Mon.
day, lime 12.1904, inclusively. for the construction
of a Poet Oftiee Building at Wingbaut, Ont.
Plans ana specifitiatfons cin be seen and forms of
feeder obtaintd, at this Department end on applica-
tion to Wm Nicholson, Reg , Wiogharn, Ont.
Pommy terideriag are notified that tenders will
not be considered uniets undo on the printed form
ou pplis d, and signed with their actual eignaturee,
Each tender MUOt be accounenice by au amerce
cheque on a chartered bank, made payable fo the
order of the Ilonouraine the Minister of Public
Works, equal to ten per cent (10 p.c.) tf the amount
of the tender, winch will be fun Red if the party
decline to enter into a contract when celled upon to
dos, or lf he fall to complete the work contracted
for. If the tender be not accepted the oheq I *DI be
The Department don not bind 1001 to accept the
lowest or any tender.
Da order,
ere tary.
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, Juno 1, 1004,
Newspapers inserting this advertisement without
authority from the Departaltnt, will not be paid for
It. , 1001.1
STRAY LAW BS,-Stree ed from the precniees of
ref 3. Wesley Beattie, Seaforth, a pair of yearling
iambs 7 be finder will be reearded by epplyIng at
his buteher ;shop, Seaforth. J. WEnLEY BEATIE,
tfaiSTRAY PIG,-Canse into the premien of the
, nciereigued, Lot 3, Conceeslon 3 If unenabcut
themiddle or May, a white sow, The owner can
Imo 61MO by proving property sad poring °bargee,
THOMAS McnICELS.EL, See:min. 1004z3
nilEtCHER WANTED, -Wanted for Settee' fleetion
J. No, 8, Hay, a teacher bolding lest or tecond
eines certifimee. Applieetious will be rectaved up
till July 9,1904. Appileaots to stet* ciiary and ox.
oioorlenee. Duties to coninence etter summer veep
+Mon Forgoes! eppliestion preferred. HES RI'
I '
TRUEMNER, Secretary, 1001x4
Dr. A. Reed's
Cusliion Shoes.
The'Easiest Shoe on Earth.
The stole of the fost, like the palm of
the hand, differ* in every indieldual,
no two being alike. With the otdia-
ary!shoe the friction of the foot on the
herd insole is the cause of wise,' foot
ailnitnte, corns, bunions, enlarged
join., etc. In summer the heat pen.
metes the sole, and in %%doter, damp.
neer and cold result in rheumatism,
neuralgise sto.
The Dr) A. Rerdat Cuebida Sole prevents
and cares all thesis afflictions,
This cu hlon is entirely ualike any "Inner
sol and is bailt into and becomes
per of thp shoe, The lambs -wool
cushion ie pliable and a noa-conductor
of either heat or told ; all animal oil
hieing been extracted. The feet- are
kept at a natural temperature. The
earthy° conforms to and fille everi,
curve of the foot,distributee the weight
eveply and admits of perfect blood cif-
cul*tion, giving to the wearer • de-
lightful senntion of buoyancy and en -
*bin them to cover greater distances'
witbout fatigue than would be possible
with say other shoe.
Dr. A. Reed's
Cushion Shoes
are the greatest invention known for a
eoadortable and etylish shoe,
Made In all:Styles,
Price --$5,00.
Richardson& lit'Innis
Sole Agents, - Seaforth,
For the Just Wright Shoo for men.
We have purchesed the !Utile 8100k of
Pieture Femme carried by Mr. Jas. Oravere
which, with our own complete stock, gives
us the best selection in this minty.
We would be pleased to see all Mr.
Giavsse old customers come to as for their
picture fremiog. Wo will guarantee sortie-
(1401(8ON BROS., Seaforth.
NAND TRUNK 14!`('s1 --ref%
C NOW to See
'rot' rouod trip, with privilege of
hotting to Chicago, also) at Cariadian
f tatilons and at Detroit, Illustrated
1 terature and full information ap-
Ply at (.4said Trunk Agent+, or to J.
lbL NIci.Lnald, Distrust Passenger
gert, Toronto.
Vislit Your Friends in
, Chicago
On you way to the Great 850,000,000 Ex.
powered at St. Louie, as the low rate of
817.4 0.in 'effect from Seaforth, enables you
to stop over at Chicago, trod ably at any
Caned' n station, and Detroit,. A large
numbs - who have already returned from
the Fair, state that beyond all comparison
It is the best Exposition ever held,
and forithhr informatioteapply to any 'rand
Track ttgot, or to 7, I). McDonald, Ws-
triot Penenger Agent, Toronto.
W. . OMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. 'PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
r m ii grown has reeeived instructions from me.
yl' ii:lit J. nne nrci
Logan,tof9 11 by public auction on
4, on the premises that
desirable from, blot; Lot 35, CoomoresWri 0, Loan,
cootaie:pg 100 acre', On tbe farm there Its a com-
fortable idweltiag house, new bank barn, day, driv.
trig (shed bay barn and *pen, Tbe fermi is well
underdr ined and aka well fenced and an abundant
mutiny water, there being three never fail!
well antes* lot. Thie lot le conveniently stilted,
being 11 milers 1f0113 sehool, 21 mina from Dublin
and also convenient to churchee, Privilege given
to do al fell ploughing and other nee. -nary work.
Thie far n Is in a float elan iitste of eunivation there
being let tierce nettedtold on tr ay terms as the proprietor is giving ap
to gran. The farm iw,111 abo
bermingeowing to ill health. Sate at 2 o'clocso
it p
Dublin 0. la, or On the farm. TIMOTHY KELLY,
For luring partieulare apply to the proprietor et
Freon too 908
Corner Main
Niarkot Sroots
Thu Largest
Dry Goode sae
1 East*, Count'
Concern ri
Hundreds of New Bargains
go on sale
Saturday, une
Stocks Must be Reduced.
Prices are Reduced.
This store is fall of clearing lines. The ones we
tell you of are only a few of the many on sale.
Every person within reach of Seaforth should pay
our store a visit this week, and secure some of the
choice bargains we are offering. The following is
a partial list of the money savers :
Staple Department.
Twelve piezes of Cretonne, pretty designs and coloringe, regular prices
9e and 10e, for 5e,
Five dozen Ladies' Wool Vests in summer weight, without sleeve, regu
lar prize 25e on sale this week at 15e each, or two for 25e.
Special line of Ladies' Plain Cotton Bose, se less, silk finish, on mks
two for 25e,
A job lot of Ladies' Belts on sale at 15a each,
Five dozen Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, nicely trinimed, regular
37e and 53e, for 25e.
Two dozen Ladies' Plain Underskilts to clear at 25c each.
Corset Covers on sale at two for 25e and 25e each,
Forty-five cent Table Linens go on safe this week at 34 a ard,
Thirty•five eet4t Table Linens go on sale this week at 25e a yard.
Thirty cent Table Linens go on sale this week at Mc a yard.
Towels, regular price 20e a pair, this week 14e a pair.
Linen Towels, regular price 25e a pair, this week 18e a pat
A pile of White Bed Clovers, regular price $1, for 49c.
Ten pieces Cottonade, worth 18e, for 12ic.
See our 6ie table—all kinds of goods on this table clearing file.
A pile of new Muslim on sale this week at 12c a yard.
Dress Goods Department
, A table of double fold Dress Goods, regular prices from 30e to 75o, on
sale this week at 25c,
A pile of Remnants this week at half price.
A, pile of Dress Goods, regular price z 20e to 30e, on sale this week at
Ten pairs of ,Lace Curtains, slightly soiled, worth $4, this woek for
A pile of Ta3C0 Curtain ends--manufaeturers' tatnples--bargain priees.
Single odd pairs of Lace Curtains clearing at special prices,
Remnants and ends of all kinds of Carpel* and Mattings,
Clothing Department.
Fifty Colored ShErts on sale Saturday, sins 15 and 163. only, rnaniifa
turers° samples, regular prizes from 75c to $1, for 500,
A table of Straw Hats, worth from 25e to 75c each, your choice for
15 cents,
Men's Cashmere Socks, worth 35e a pair, on Saturday for 25e.
Special values in Men's Cotton Socks at one-third less than • re4 lar
Special clearing lines ofm's Summer Underwear at 25e, 35e, 50e.
Highest prices paid for Butter Eg
and Wools
11/PARD &OpoEc111.ICK.impoBTE
opaGe4A Tnwri Betiding, Corner
f n
A Great Clearing Sale'
The Seaforth
Tea Store
I will sell china, crockery and
wore a east for tee next l5 der, as 1 am
orowdea with overatock. I will give great
bargains. Alto I will sell all kinds orgro-
ceriet very cheep during the sale of chute,
Crockery and glasswate. Now is iho time
to get good bargains. A cordial invitation
is extended to all to call and examine my
etook, awl bo convi;iced that, 1 am giving
gmookrdgbesiertogscinkicinf Eielinttienle.froefrti,noot d,trif,ti.havoef
meogold feed". alio the best varieties of
ternipeetel tied white carrot eeed, and all
kinds of fresh garden seede. Also ell kinds
of seed onions and large onions for cooking
purposes. Nsw maple syrup 253 a quart ;
best Ameriean sugar heuee syrup, 2 ealion
pails, for $1 a pals ; ;3 lbs, good prunes for
253, two,. ihn, apricots for 253, two lb. esti
peaches for 251, five 15r, of oried apples for
25s, 4 lbs. beet, cleaned currante for 25e, 4
lo. hest cleaned raisins for 2.5c ; lemon,
orange and citron poets assorted, 15% lb,
Great velue in all kinds of teas and coffees.
I have IS geed. *teak of seed potatoes in
eteok. The highest price paid for good
sound potatoes in trade or cash. Buster
and eggs taken as cash. I still handle
Weston's Toronto bread. This is head-
auarzers for good pure honey.
Notice to Creditors. -
in tett Esteto of Ellen Ca9IDAO, tate el the To .
hip of Meltillop, In ttee Cenety of Huron,
Whim, deceassod.
Notiec is hereby glare punters* t the Statute io
that behalf that anpereene ba,ving claims against
the entele of the said alien Gateman, who -died on
the 23rd day of April. 3904, *IVO iflOtred on or be-
fore the ffith day f,aJunp, ig04, to eeno by pert pec.
paid er deliver to 3 L. K,ijoran Seaforth, Outerlo,
Solicitor for Michael nowiend auel Patrick 5. Henn,
Esecutore of the led vein of the dm-a:KA, their
ernes and acktreseso, fun parte/unarm of their eleleoe
end the eater° of the teeteray, if any, held ey
tbern and enat salter end date the Executore
prorte4 to distribute IN, onto* pi the fad estate
among tbe persons entitled thereto baying mord
only to the -claims of which they ;hall thee hal+
J. L. HILLORAN, Seaforth, Ontario.
Solinter for the Exerettors.
Dated this 3rd day of June, 1904 1904-3
cnt kinde et different prase.
Different kin& at same prime.
Toronto Silver Plate Co., Pergeee
1847 sad William Rogerrette, Yoe
can depend on them
It pays to buy i,hia ;nese of geode
carefully, as yr n do it bat ,Onee in
a lifetime
We also have Sterling Silver
Seeena ete_.. in all /sizes and many
pattenie. Don't be afraid of tbe
price, We don't ask high prices.