The Huron Expositor, 1904-06-10, Page 3••,et .30-10
10, 1904
Trunk Rai
Whinny Time Tabla
Seedorth es follows :
7or Clinton, Goderich Wingbane
For Clinton and Goderieh
Fot Clinton, Wioetham end Inteaet
Poe Clinton- and Gederleh.
Fo Stratford, Guelph,
lia. North Bey and pole
1110 and Peterbore - and
fard, Guelph, Torenztot Sta.
Iron aud points east.
For Stratford, Guelph and Totontee
mit= and Kincardine.
Pam Pass.
7.80 p.m. 12.20 p.m aaratt..
8.07 1.07 ogo
8.17 1.17 meet
8.05 p,,eft
4.90 ....
8.27 1,80
• 3.38 1.40
Paw Mixed.
.. a,
8b3. g
• .. 7.02. 9.17
..• 7.15 10.00
7,25 10.15
..... 8,10 11.30
00 00,00 00 • • 0.•
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••• gm.. OA, lon,
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nron and Bruce.
6.50 p
C18 5.43
9.80 &NT
10.88 7re
10.50 7 el
11.00 7.845
A. Leo et_
7.01 8.28.
7.14 get
7.22 at*
7.47 4.16
9.05- gag
8.15 441
8.22 4.52
as 5.t5 •
8.48 5 16
Rib A. is. tko
Carriages, Go Cartt
and Carriers
st up-to-date style!, and a !ergo
tectrtment to ohoose from:.
Vindow Shades.
ire stook will be closed out at
(untiOot in price. We nave toot
in Window Screens -different -
tail varied assortment of aiachea
Slattern odd tind faany ebairs sad
ning room and bedroom far*
anal feed. Davits- is the oaly sew -
leaf itir kind, and the beet, irt the
We have it.
adard ie also a gem machineee
ne,-chain and lock 'stitch. Wo
z tf MoKetizie,
Dealers, Undertakers and En.
idle for Undertaking answered at
atelia residence on James, etreet.
OVER 500 BCI -L5
y seem an exaggeration to Me
era from Bad Blood should_ rid
rut this miraculous curs by
avid F. Mott wrote us fret*
alley, Ont, in 1885. He 8aid3---
d from impure blood. and hel4
boils, but since taking B'llite
• can recommend it to any pens
bled with bad blood.
At evritea us from 62 Broad St,
r.Y., under date of Dec. I3I4t
• faysi-Sorne time ago rite
letter from your firm, setyillit
ne years ago you. received &
hal from ene, stating that I bad
n boils. Yes, air, I had, snit
ay that I have never had the rse
ice of one since I took the COUrilt
[God that I have had good health
tet for I was a great sufferer.
[ It.B.B. a world of successewhicIt
[ deeerves. .1
de at all druggists or deatifee
o7.Mietereze CO, ielnlITEDe
otice to Creditors
tore notice te creditore of Jaerat
the. Tawnehip of Hibhert, in the CeunW
. Fernier, deceased.
hereby aiven e untuant to the Statute In
that all creditere and others Win%
net the estate a the Raid Jime$ Miller,
to died on o'eta- tit the 3rd day of April.
ea --
id Tewrithip cf Eleehert, are requies*
the 27th day ct June. next to deliveran
od P. 0. a written etaternent thell-
ewe erid eccupetions with full parti01.
cleims and the hecurity (if any) held br
fiGt"ce is further given ihet after June. ,
win proceed ta dietabute the extatre
aeed, beving regard only to *he elairee
lee teen hat e notice and that I will reta
the proceedsc f the ear.ate a dietnbut-
pereon of whose calm I have nut bat
e time ot eueh distribution.
JA MES MILLER, Atwcod P. 0-
day of May, 1301. 1003ti
eatneci le prepared to pay tbe highs&
or an unlimited quantity of first-cless
Rock Elm, Balsawood, Monk,
Aeh, Hemlock and Oak Log!
the Seaforth Saw and Stave Milt. Left
'even length. except Soft Elm. Sott Ott
/3 era fee.. Witt also- buy
'atiewood Heading Bohan
es long, at $3.50 per cord, delivered.
imber meaeurement or by bulk
al attention paid 1,0 custom. sawing. '-
cilillop Mutual Fir'
urance Company.
ean, President, Hippen P. 0.; Thowaa
president, Brueefteld P. 0. ; Thome* le
ere: &aloe& P. 0..
Vey 84* gth ; John e. Grieve, ireelitiv
me One, Scliforth ; Jar) Reneelfsers
Evces, 14teettwood ; Jetta W, -
,,E1.414 Fre,r Brueefold Abe ff •
; 1:Qortony, V1).109,
• gi411.44 ; §-e
AV:4 i54,4 am*/
ft; #_,06.s iPSEif
fine ef 1-09 ici/Ne
D , Pink Oils Make
Strong, Healthy, Rosy;
Oheeked Lasses.
"1 was attacked with appendicitie,"
says Miss Fable's Grammont, daughter of
Mr, Charles Grammont, a prosperous farm
es; of Champlain, Que., and while the
doctor who attended me cured me of this
trouble, it loft behind after effects from
widish it seemed almost impossible to re -
toyer. I grew weak and very pale ; my
appetite Weee poor; I suffered at times
froth /severe headaches ; and the least (mere
tion left me completely worn out. I tried
several remediet, but instead of getting
better I was gradually growing worse. Any
work about the house left me weak and
dispirited, and I felt a101034 like giving up.
At this time a friend, who hact used Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills with much beeefir,„
strongly urged me te give them a trial. I
got a box, and, ae I did not feel any better
*hen I had used them I would have given
them up but for the lace that my 'Heald
urged that one bdx was not a fair trial. I
then decided to continue the use of the
pills, and by the time J had taken' three
boxes I found my condition was improv-
ing.- I used eight; boxem in all, and by the
time I bad take ni them alt my old time
health bad retuned. My, appetite had
improved, I had gained in weight, and
the glow of nealth had returned to my facet.
I (satinet too strongly eeconernand Dc, Wilti
hams' Pink Pills to all pale and weak
Good blood is an absolute necessity, and
the only way to have a constant supply of
rich, red, health -giving blood is to take Dr.
Viilliame' Pink Pills. Every dose helps to
make new blood, and tro drive from the
system tuck troubles as anaemia, languid-
ness, neuralgia, dyspepsia, rheumatism,
ete. you can get these pills from any
znedicine dealers, or by men at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the
Dr, Willituna' Medicine Co., Brookville,
School Reports
No. 10, Seatierir.--Fifeh class, Wm. Mo -
Queen, Belle Ross, Senior IV, Mary Ket-
csien Andrew Murdock, Margaret Aiken
hod Junior IV, Ernest Mustard, Clara
McGlegor, Wm. Wilson. III, Mabel
Swann, Nellie Robinson Nettie :Fraser.
II, Jessie Aikenhead, Frank McGregor,
Pesrl Makin'. Senior part 11, Geotie Wil-
son, Gretta Mustard, Jean Murdoch, Jun-
ior part --II , Peter Moffatt, Alice Baitten-
busy, Bettie Wilton. Senior pert I; John
Aikenhead, Russell Makins, Fred Fraser.
Junior pars I, Fred 'Wilson, Flossie Mak-
ino.-Joeer Aduertieue, Teacher.
No. 4, MoKtmore-e-The following is the
-standtehtg ef the pupils of school section No.
4, MoKillep, for the month of May, based
on regularity, punctuality„ good conduct
and general profioiency Part II, Winnie
McIntosh. Creates Riley, George L�khort.
junior 11 oliwJean Cerewell. Senior Il
blase, Emma Iltookhart. John Henderson,
Chester Hendersore. Junior III, -Archie
Dickson. Senior 111, Mary Riley, Minnie
Habkirk, Maggie McClay. Senior IV, Roy
Dorranoe, Ada HabkIrk, Alex. Dickson,
Orville Habkirk, Eva Lockhart, Ivy Hen-
The Joy of Living.
It is only the healthy who find a real joy in lite.
Weak, nervous, languid and discouraged people find
neve hope and energy in the use of Dr.. Chase's
Nerve Food. With new rich blood coursing through
the veins and ihe thrill of new nerve force sent
tingling along the nerve fibres, the joy of living re
turn and disease and weakness disappear.
Miss tlapgood tels how she
escaped an awful iperation by
using Lydia E. Pin ham's Vege-
, table mpound.
Courim Dors:ca.-The council met as a
court of revieion on the 23rd of May.
There was only one appeal- against the as-
sessment roll, that of Mr. James Sinclair,
who complained that his assessment was
too high in comparison with that of his
neighborn. The assessment was reduced
$100 ; the roll was confirmed and the
court olosed. Immediately the council was
formed for regular business. James M.
Woodrow applied to,have rubbish removed
from opposite Tot 4, concession 5, which had
been lately placed there. ,On motion by
Wm, Frer and John Grant, Adam Turn-
bull to attend to it. -Carried. Moved by
Wm. Fraser, seconded by Lorenzo Frain,
that the contract of the Calder bridge be
given to James A. Vance for $1,375, -Car-
ried. Moved by Adam Turnbull, seconded
by Wm. Freser, that the ciontraet of King's
bridge be given to the Mitohell Bridge Co.,
for $1,598. -Carried. Moved by Wm.
Fraser, seconded by Lorenzo Frain, that
the reeve sign the petition presented, by
Francis Balfour and. others for a muni-
cipal driiiren-Carried. Meved by Lorenzo
Frain, seconded by Adam' Turnbull, that
the petition of Francis Balfour and others,
for a drain to be constructed under the
Municipal Drainage Act, be received, and
that John Roger, Ontario Land Surveyoe,
be appointed to make an examination ef the
area to be drained, and prepare a report,
plans and specifications and estimates and
make an assessment of the lands and roads
with their said area to be b-enefitted, and of
otherlands- and roads. liable to be assessed
for said drainage -.-Carried. Tenders for
the construction of the 6th concession drain
with the amounts for each, culverts in-
cluded, are as follows : Andrew Hislop,
$7000; Sigsworth S. Cole, $43,900; Con.
nelly & Waters, $6,985; Longeway & Mc-
Carty. $6,725, Moved by Adam Turnbull,
seconded by Wm. Fraser'that the tender
of Longway & bleCarty be accepted, pro-
vided they furnish satisfactory security,and
that said draM is to be completed on or
about the first of October, 1905. -Carried.
Moved by L. Frain, seconded by A. Turn-
bull, that John Grant employ an inspector
for the Calder bridge abutments re cement
work.-Oarried. Moved by John Grant,
seconded by Wm. Fraser, that the reeve
notify the contractors on the Hall Muni-
cipal Drain, to have said drain completed.
early this steazon.-Carried. Moved by Lor-
enzo Frain, seconded by Adam Turnbull,
that the clerk write to contractors for tend-
ers for construction of cement abutments
*for King's bridge at lot No. 19, concession
9. -Carried. After paining &number of no -
counts, the coattail adjourned to meet on
Monday, June 13ch, at 10 o'olook a. m.,
the tewnship hall.
— 7-
" DEAR MRS. Pretana
for lout years with wl
calledSalpingitis (infla
fallopian tubes and ov
a most distressing and p
affecting all the surr
undermining the eonstit
ping the life forces. I
me a year ago, before I
Lydia E. Pinkham
-1 suffered
at the doers •
motion of the
ritis), which is
i nfal ai lment,
=ding parts,
ton. and sap -
you had seen
began taking
s Vegetable
Compound, and h noticed the
sunken eyes, sallow coniplexionand
general emaciated condition, and corn -
pared that person with me as I am to-
day, robust, hearty and well, you
would not wonder that I feel thankful
to you and your wonderful medicine.
which restored me to new life and
health in five months, and saved me
from an awful operation."- MISS IRENIR
HAP6000, 1022 Sandwich St. Windsor,
Ont. -WOO forfeit If °rifted' of about( letter
proulny genuineness cannot is produced.
Ovaritis or inflammation of the
ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin
the ovaries may result from sudden
stopping of the monthly flow, from
inflammation of the womb, and many
other causes. The slightest indication
of trouble with the ovaries, indicated
by dull throbbing pain in the side, ac-
companied by heat and shooting pains,
'should claim your instant attention.
It "vrill not cure itself, and a hospital
operation, with all itsl terrors, may
easily result from iaeglet.
I 0
Belgreeve ; John Stewart, entered as M. F.
for lot 23,.00ncession 3; Thomas Marshall,
entered as tenanafor south half of lot 27,
concession 9; Levi Toll, entered se tenant
for north half of lot 24, coneession 1, The
court of revision was thei adjourned to
meet) on June 275h, at 10 o olook a. m., and
the council was constituted and proceeded
with regular business. On motion of Code
and Jackson, Mr. Shaw was instruoted to
have a ditch dug on side line between lots
20 and 21, conoession 3, the same to be pub
in a satisfactory condition. On motion of
Code and Taylor, a by-law, for the purpose
of prohibiting stock from running ab large
in this municipality, was _read the third
time and passed, and the o erk ordered to
have printed copies of the a me placed, in
She - hands of_ the poun keepers of the
municipality. On motion 1 of Shaw and
Code, Mr. Tayter Vase instructed to ex-
amine sideline between 1ota25 and 26, cone
oeesion-4, and report at mixt meeting re -
ditch on said
and Taylor, a
mg Dlr. Jones,
of London, as engineer for I the municipal-
ity, and the clerk warn instruoted to notify
him to that effect. On motion of Taylor
and Shaw, the following boundary line ap-
ropriations were made, providing the ad-
joining municipalities ex
sums, namely : Eat b
west boundary, $150;
Wingham, 5O;$eouth of
boundary, $50; south hou
motion of Shaw and Jack
Iwere the leeding figures ; the memoreble
eWherral murder trial ; the loog fought
Jilin Eetrn ineuranee can, and the sen-
sational Melenothon arson case were among
those presided over by Justice Forgiuon.
visaing the necesaity of a
road. Oa motion of She,
by-law was passed, appoin
Sued by His Doctor.
"A doctor here has wed me for $12,50,
which I claimed wee excessive for a case of
°bolero morbus,," says R. White, of Coe -
cholla, Cal. "At the trial be praised his
medical ()kill and medicine. I asked him
11 15 was not Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Dierrhoea Remedy he used, as I had
good reason to believe it was, and he would
not say under oath that it was not." No
Alootor could use a betttr remedy than this
in a case of cholera meanie it never fails.
Sold by ALEX. WIT -60N, Druggist, Sea -
end equivalent
oundary, $150;
n prairie near
elgrave, north
dary, $50. On
on Messrs. Tay-
lor and Code were instruct d to have side -
road between lots 5 and , concession 7,
opened out. On motionIof Taylor and
Code, the reeve was instrueted to have the
bridge at the stone schoolouse, and Mar-
tin'a bridge, on the let lin c , put ina proper
state of repair. A numbeiedof, accounts
were ordered to be paid, and 'the council
adjourned, to meet again f ter court of re-
vision, un the 27th of Jun next.
The Baby's Troubles.
The greatest suffering of chi
eczema scald head, chafing or
irritation or eruption. Beoau
soothing, healing power Dr. C
inestimable value in the ho
small children. No mother w
scores of ways in which br.
be used would think of bei
Triumphs of Mod
No Difference.
-Nu distination is made as to the. kind o
Piles that Hem-Roid cures.
The names Internal, External, Bleeding,
Blind, Itohing, Suppurating, etc., are sim-
ply names of the different stages, through
which every case will pass if it continues
long enough.
Piles are caused by congestion or stagna-
• tion of blood in the lower bowel, and it
takes an internal remedy to remove the
- Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roicl is a tablet
token inbernally.
It is a permanent cure, and no ease of
Tiles has ever been 'mind that it failed to
Money back if it does.
A guarantee with every package.
Wonderful things are
man body by surgery.
out and ecraped and pol
or they may be retnov
are spliced, pipes tak
eased sections of veins,
are applied to wounds,
like injuries] before i
which causes them to h
ation and in one-third; the time required
by the old treatment. Phamberlain's Pain
Balm Dote on thia same principle. It is an
antiseptic, and, when applied to mush in-
juries, mune them to seal very quickly.
It also allays the pain end eorenese. Keep
a bottle of Pain Balm in your homeand it
will save you time and 'money, not to men-
tion the inconvenience and suffering which
such injuries entail. For sale by ALEX.
WrLSON, Druggist, Seaforth.
dhood is caused by
Sher forme of skin
of its extraordinary
ase'e Ointment is of
e where there are
o has learned the
ase's Ointment can
g without it in the
rn Surgery.
one for the bu-
rgans are taken
ehed and put back,
d entirely, bones
the place of die-
ntiseptio dressinge
ruises, burn, and
flammation sets in,
al without matur-
-Edward Blake, M. P., speaking at
Longford. Irelaed, said the choice wee be-
fore him of giving up either the represen-
tation of the constitutevoy or his profess-
ional worls. and he decided to give up the
latter, remaining their representetive as
long as they wished him to do so. Speakiog
of the new Land Act, be said farmers meet
neverlforget that they had at their hacks
the old safeguard, unsatisfactory as it v
of judicial rent. They need not buy land
on ny terms the landlords demanded.
Thrown From a Wagon.
Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown
from his wagon and sevtrely bruised, He
applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm ;freely,
and says it is the beat liniment he ever us-
ed, Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen
of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing
equal to Pain Balm for sprains and
bruises. It will effect a cure in one-third
the time required by any other treatment.
For sale by Aux. Wthsoete Druggist, Sew
-Stratford Junior's have won the champ-
lonehip in their distriet of the western foot-
ball association.
--The Baptist congregation of Stratford,
has extended a unaminous call t ii,ev.
Donald Grant, of Quebeo, to become their
Miller's Grip Powders Cure.
Sold by Alex.Wilson, drteggiet, Seaforth.
-The crew of the propeller Weston. from
Butfalo,reached Sarnia,the other dayeen the
steamer Benton and the schooner Wilcox
from Georgian Bay. They brought the.
first news of the sinking of- the Weston in
Georgian Bay last Saturday. No lives were
Miller', Compound Iron Pills, only 25
cents for 50 doses. •
Sold by Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth.
-Collector of customs J. R. Phillip says
the second largest amount of duty he has
ever received is that on a shipment last
week of cold -rolled steel from Pittsburg,
paid by the Farmers' Co-operative Harvest-
ing Machine Company, whose agriculturill
implement winkle recently established m
the Patterson and Brown foundry at Whit-
by are an important addition to the indust-
ries of that town.
eouncil met, as a court of revision on May
301h. Ott complaint, L lticCrechen's as,
eeateaeot wee redneeel ;100,-/a44 Thomsa
JSP114/4)0. a604 Welter YilY,geinpisilA
of we WO asseofn84 wsio JM4 g44rtsi0941
of, 4, kili).44W5&IWO Pps;Ast for g-941
ot itthe»d 2, MMI.4)e15giqr,
I' w#osime4; to tto-woeo eon on
fitetch ti At 61 lot M, goimsolow
rioolay, stitsfsd # oniet of frott# fr
- Without having regained consciousness
Hon. Thomas Ferguso , justice of the high
court of Ontario pass
day of last week, at h
onto. He had been i
years, and for the las
to his bad, although h
at the recent civil assi
of age, and one of the
court bench. He eerved fonover a quarter
of a century, andpreSided over many of the
famous criminal oases that have been tried_
in this province. Thsecond trial of the
Hyams brothers, the Dominion Bank case,
yawn Pare, Holden, Mackie and Ponton
d away on Thurs-
o residence, 1Tor-
1 for the past two
month was confined
was on the bench
ea. He was 96 years
veterans of the high
Ladies ! Take Miller's Compound Iron
Pille, if you would have nioe, closet cein-
Sold by Alex. Wilson, druggiat, Seaforth.
-John NheDougald, a farmer liying near
She village of Fullerton, waskilled one
morning recently about 7 o'clock while mov-
e, house from his place to that of his neigh-
bor, Samuel Davie. The reer trucks slip -
from under the house and Mr. MoDougald
was cruehad beneath it. He was about
forty years of age, and leaves a wife and
four or five children.
Miliaria Worm Powders ours all ail-
ments of children like magic.
Sold by Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth.
-Rev. G. A. McKenzie. has resigned as
pastor of the Stratford congregational
church, and may enter the evangelistic work.
-Herbert G. and George W. Stsarling of
St. Marys, who are in attendance at Wee -
ley college, Winnipeg have been succeseful
in taking the higheat standing at the recent
examination in their second college year.
Both were fortunate in winning a scholar-
ship. Herbert in Greek and George in
Rank Poison is created when Food
does not dige t, and that Is when
Sicknese CoilmenCeS.
If the inan or w mart who does not
feel right, Will at once look to putting
the stomach right they will strike the.
right key -Every ache and every pain
is a cry of poison, too much of which
has been made in the process of con-
verting food into nutriment. It may
be the backache or eideache of the
kidneys telling they are overtaxed and
cannot filter the poison -It may be
weight, pain or di tress in the stomach
that tells of fermciritation and decom-
position instead of digestion -It may
be headache. du 1, depressed, which
tells poison has reachedthe fluid which
surrounds the brain cells. The first
coulee is tho same -lack of gastric juice
te) properly digest, 41 -141 -FILL, the
arcs0 Nystana t41ieit js new 4is-
gfrrory which so Spte (an be PW -0110
/401111/* -Pf *Womb, * nsfural
• ly fp4totitikg im moored, To
off@ tia* srem 4 efin3 *4WD a ANTI-
iLld, feta insy f!_syrta aim* toe twato
sdatrawing Co,f
haw* Vo4iti Oa/
A Madinatass Delusion.
Dean Pigou tells the following. story
of a brilliakt man who lost his mind
tenporarily" through overwork and was
confined in 'an English asylum: "His
delusion was that his stomach was full
to repletion of - rats. There • was no
room for anything else. Hood said to
me, 'Go and talk with him and' lead
up to the subject of rats.' I found
him, as is very common, perfectly sane
on every subject but this. After some
conversation I said to him, feigning not
to know who he was: 'You seem to be a
very well informed man. Have you
given. your attention to natural history,
because I notice that _the question is
being discussed as to whether the spe-
cies of the genus rat called the Norwe-
gian still exists?' Instantly he replied,
'Oh, certainly,' and unbuttoning his
dress. said, 'Every known species of
rat, Sir, is here in my stomach:. and,
localizing the rat with his fingernsaid:
'Here in this part of my stomach is_ a
Norwegian nat. You can assure yobr
friends, that as long as L am alive no
species (tin die.' Under the kind. and
humane treatteent of Bethlehem he
was soon at work again and had, of
bourseeno recollection of his delusion."
e Shall Buy a Million
Bottles of Liquozone and Give Them to the Sick.
We have purehased for Poo,000 the best hxygen producers. By a process
American rights to Liquozone. We thus requirteg immense apparatus and 14 days'
control. the only way to kill germs in the
body and end a germ disease. We want
the sick to know this product, and at
once. So we make flail remarkable offer.
We will buy a million 5oc bottles and
give them to a million sick ones. Will
you --if you need it -let us buy one [known product can compare. But germs
for you ? are vegetables ; and Liquozone-like an
excesa of oxygen -is deadly to vegetal
matter. Yet this wonderful product
which no serm can iesiit, is, to the
human body the most essential element
of life.
time, these -gases are made part of the
Helmet product.
The result is a product that does what
oxygen does. Oxygen gas as you know,
is the `very source of vitality. Liquozone
ie a tettalizing touic with which no other
Costs $500,000
We publish tins offer in every great
newspaper in Ainerica. The cost of the
offer, we ..expet, will reach $500,000.
We pay that prece because it seems the
only way, to quiCkly let the sick know
what Liquozone does.
The greatest value of Liquozone lies in
the fact that it kills germs in the body
without killing the tissues, too. And no
man knows another way to do it Any
drug that kills germs is e poison, and it
cannot be takettlinternallee. Every phy-
Sheiall knows tat medicine is almost
helpless in any eim disease.
Liquozone does in germ troubles what
all the drugst all the skill in the world,
cannot do withOut it. It cares diseases
which tnedicine ?never cures. .
Acts Like Oicrgeri
Teleaumotte is the result of a
which men hve spent over zo y
electing. *Uses are derivedaoleb,
gas, szu de in larips past frost the
Mestery of -lhe Popular Novel.
"We are apt te think," says the New
York Evening Post, "that the selling of
poor novels by the hundred thousami
Is a modern phenomenon in the book
trade; but in !act,' it is not entirely
new. In one f the Wimp of Haw-
thorne's letters he sayer. 'What is the
mystery of these innumerable editions
of "The Lamplipter" and other books
neither better tior worse? -worse they
could not be, ai d better they need not
be when they sell by the hundred
thousand.' Tilq qutestion is a littie pa-
,f.thetie when w4 remember that Haw-
thorne a little 'before this time had
spoken of himidf as the least read MP'
thor in Americ It shows, too. that
the popular novel was
it is today. One could
y a thrilling tale of
.ted adventure might
captivate the multitude, but the curi-
ous point is that some of the high sell-
ers -are ,sluiply dull and respectable.
These things, too, lie on the knees of
the gods.".
the mystery of
as great then a
understand wl
cheaply conco at Great Deal. •
"Yes, sir," said the lady principal of
the college for girls, "we are proud. of
the thorough athletic training we gine
our :students: We see that they have
every attention from competent in-
structors and develop their physique
along with their intellect."
"Idni - yes!" observed the father.
"You make them strong and lively, do
Gerlitt Diseases
These are the known. germ diseases.
All that medicine can do for these troubles
is to ltelr Nature overcome the germs,
wherever they are, and the results are
indirect and uncertain. Liquozone ki
the' germs wherever they are, and the.
result, are inevitable. destoying the,
cause ' cf the trouble, it invariably ends
the diseaser and forever.
Erma -1101e
Blood relso*
Rowe/ Troubles
Cough Ids
Catarrh --Cancer
flsy Fever-lnSuenra
• Dises-ses
Liver Troubles
blany'lleart Troubles
Plitton-Pneuntosia •
Sidu Diseases
Throat Troubles
Xezeina-Eryalpelas Tuberculosis
Fevers -Gail Stones Tumors -4110M
Goitre -Gout "Varjcocelo
Gonorrhm-Gleet WousszAsZnageses
All diseases that hegira
mation-all catarrh -sal -co
the results of impure or poisonous-
Jn nervous debiliby nnowneosteetetaisteariltas;
leer, accomplishing what noeltrugsreme
50c Bottle 'Free
If you need iiiquocone "met
tried: it, please send.uw covens.
will then. rhail you an mar on yonritocal
druggiat for a full size butt* 'asarsos
will pay your druggist ourselveapisr
This is our free' gift, made to comb=
you ; to show -you whatLitinozeneiadma
what it can do. In justibe to yourallf,
please accept it to -day, for it places you
under no obligation whatever.
Liquozone codasec. and $1.
cArr otrr Tins COOPON-
foribli dimmer noesepostraseen. _PHI out
tite- and man Mkt the 1 ,..epad Ozone
Co., 456,sfoilfaliash.Ave., Chkago.
Mrdinesie in ..... . ..... ............
hirae-aisnatr WW1 Zialpariensan fn"
LicialifieslOsassei bat Wpoo vrallsor ply roe IR
ste, bottlieeresa win tie tt„
sm • • 0 00 -0-0,001004000.04.04V00•00100010101101000.00.M010, 0000 04000000
0 04100000.0400000• • 00.000.
e is
00 04 000,.,0000.00 • • • 0....0010.
Minton be Canada as
A Stiteh In the Side.
A "stitch in the side" is the popular
and expressive term for a sharp stab
felt in the side, an acute spasm, pro-
ducing pain, like the thrust of a needle,
which is felt especially in the inter-
costal muscles. Probably its simplest
form is due to muscular cramp con-
nected with respiration and frequently
brought on by violent exercise after a
full meal, in which there is a greater
accumulation of carbonic acid than can
be readily assimilated or carried off.
Such ilight stitch is often removed by
stooping; henee the old time popular
remedy was to make tbe sign of the
cross upon the foot.
Such a stitch is also associated with
pleurisy, andthen it is caused by a
stretching of the not uncoramon ad-
hesions betwe0 two pleuritic -surfaces.
At other times the source is neuralgia.
In any case t� persist in muscular ex-
ertion when ihe stitch is severe is te
take a great Ask.
"That is one of our chief aims."
; -Well, do you think you could edu-
cate Lizzie here so that in time she
will nd strong enough to belp ber moth-
er do the -dishwashing when the cook
is cu strike?"
Spared the Historian.
On one We:tenon during- nlommsen's
reeidenc.e in Italy, when making an ex-
ctreskm in the neighborhood of_ Rome
\Vial StAlli? tourists, the party was stop-
ped by brigands. The latter, while
tinny rifling the company's pocket% -in-
quired their names. "Sono Thecidor
nionunsen," was the choleric profess-
or's indignant reply, whereupon the
4•I lief of the band stayed lets harot
he would sown in rob oKto who inid
4vw »Q 111 fog Miro reetnyne,
Credit With Perrenbrotetesten
That men ca.n and do establish a line
of credit with pawnbrokers is -a prop-
osition beyon& belief to the man who
has been offered ouly $20 on a watch
that coat S.75; The fact remains, how-
ever, that all pawnbrokers have fa-
vored patrpeas on their books who can
always get the mount of money they
want upon almost any old thing that
takes the shape of jewelry or other
"hockable" Personal property. A lo-
cal sport tried to raise $50 on his split
second stop watcb the other day and
was offered $30 less than the value of
the case melted. A. friend who has
an established credit took the same
watch to the same pawnbroker and
got $75 on ft without a question be-
ing asked. It was the man, not the
watch, that made the loan possible,
Adde Min," §414 Kge-J4 Kos/ td-W..o
ieteio Wiese en' inin kW iintioi tant 48
linen 4i14 kin get eti'W ta WOW same
- 1/21 toklittoit WA, ;:.
I Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often attacked suddenly byl psinfu
and dangerous colic CrampreDiarrhoes, Dysentery.
Choler Iforbus, deters Infantura, eto Dr Fowl-
er's E tract of 'Wild Strawbeiry is a prompt and
sure cire, which should &twee s be kept in the house
Spring Medicine.
.As 'pries medioine Burdock Blood Bitters has
no eqfial It fovea up the system and removes all
linputitits from the blood, and takes away that tir-
ed, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring
es et
Tbe! essential lung -healing panel pal of the pine
tree b*s finally been sueecestully separated and re
fined nto a perfect cough medicine -Dr Wood's
1411TWS y Pine Syrup Sold by all dealers on a guar.
antee f sotielaction Price 26 cents
• we 0 Ss
Do Vs RIMY PILLS act On the kidneys, bladder
and urthary organs only They cure backehe�,
weak back, rheumatism, diabetes, tong, widen, in-
flammation, gravel, Bright's disesee and all other
diseases arising from moos action of the kidneys
and haulder
The Ladies' Favorite.
Lois -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine.
Theyiopepals, without griping, purging or &ken-
eure Constipation, Sick Headache, ;Biliousness
ing •
es/ • *-
Matey people say they are all nerves," easily
etaitted or -upset, easily worried and irritettd 111.
burn' Heart snd Nerve Pills ate juot the remedy
such people require They restore perfect harmony
of the nerve centres and give new eery° force to
shattered nervone systems
Se Ong Iler Right.
Noah Webster, the learned compiler
of the well known dictionary, was an
unconventi+1 man who loved his un-
conventional, friends, but bis wife was
a stickler for propriety. Once, says the
Idler, the god lady left borne on what
Was suppos&1 to be a prolonged visit,
but some interference caused her to re-
turn, unexpectedly, and she found
husband in his shirt sleeves, holeleng
carnival over strong waters in compa-
ny with a number of triends also in
shirt sleeves. The shocked lady gazed
at this disreputable gathering for a mo.
rueut in silence. Then she said, "Well,
I ani surprised!" "No, my dear," saiii
the lexicographer mildly, "I am sur-
prised. You are astonished."
The following well known stallione will
travel during the season of 1904 as follows:
Izaalt. Walton is the patron saint of
all good fishermen. Here is his advice
as to bait: "Let your bait be as big a
red worm as you can find, without a
knot. Get a pint or a quart of them ix
an evening in garden walks or chalky noon; then east, to coneeemon 2, L. R. S.,
commons after a enower of rain, and ritickersmith, to James W. McLean's for
put them -with clean moss well washed the night. Saturday -West along the town
and picked' and the water squeezed out tine to John Cochrane's, Hills Green, for
of the meta as dry as you can into au moon, then west to Nicholson's hotel,
13Iake, for one hour, then to his own
earthen pot or pipkin set dry, and table, wbere he will remain until the fol.
owing Monday morning. 1901
The following routes will be continued
during the season. health and weather per -
In :
P Bred Fashionable
No. 10,529.
Geiger & MoNevin, proprietors.
pOrilt FOR SERYWE. - The undersigned will
liag keep for eervlee on Lot 22, Concession -8, Mc-
Killop, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. Terms -
91 ; payable at the time cf e,erviee' with the privi-
lege Of returning if necessary. W.P. THOMPSON.
1110 RENT. -Twenty-five aeroe to rent for pasture,
spring of water running through the centre.
Also eleven acres 50 sell for hay, second crop. For
terms, apply on the place, Lot 9,0oncess1on 0, Tuck.
emith, or addrecs 51180 STOREY, Eginoudville.
filEACHER WANTED. -Wanted for school sec.
J tion No. 13, ticKill tp, within twe miles of Sea.
leith, a teacher holding professional certificate.
Dudes to commence at eloee of trummer holidays.
Apply with rtiferenees, steti, g eidety, to Jelin'
SieDOWELL, Secretary, Box 41, &With. le03x4
NY ONE wishlug 5) buy or sell Witnipee city
11L, property or farm landin the -Province of
Manitoba or the Territoriee, your correspondence
wlUi us 10 alieited, and full information giveu.
Mite call °nor addrets HARE& LANDIe1loltotne.11
No. 427 Mein street, Winnipeg, Maniotoba. 1586 -ti
lEACIIER WANTED. -Wanted, -a reale er female
J. teseher in Union School Seetion No. 12, Morris
and Mullett. Dutlee to commence after summer
helidiaes, State !Mary and address to J, W.
Secretary -Treasurer, Bleth PAX )902x4
Etilild FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For sale or to
L rant, a good leo acre farm, being the East half
of Lot 19 and the West half of Lot 20. on the 9;11
Conceselon of MoKillop, lir is all eceded to grater.
There are ten acres of good hush, There tea wind
Mill and spring creek. It is well fenced and eon-
vernently eituated. Appleto or addrees ARTHUR
GALBRAITH, SeafoAle i39841
1110 PIG littLEDERS.-The undersigned will keep
for eervice the pure bred Yorkshire sire, Oek.
Lodge Maranonrecently purchaeed from the well
known herd of, Brothour. Burford, entitle, and
bred from some his best Meek, hie sire being the
champloe .4 450 Pan American. Terms $1. A. G
SWUM, Tuckereinith. 187441
D CO LOST. -Strayed from the ath teoncestilon of
IHibbert. a black collie dog, an blaok with&
bort tail. A reward will be offered for any inform.
ati en that will lead to his recovery, and -1033y person
found barbering him after this nonce, will the pace-
ecuted. DENNIS CROTON, 85, Columban P. 0.1902-f
nesday- Will proceed i miles west; then
21, miles south, to ' Eli Orioles for noon,
then lt miles ease, then 2t miles, to his
own stable fyr the night, Tharaday-Will
proceed 2i mile, east, then south 11 miles
to James Martin's for noon; then east, 32
mike, then north 1/ miles to James Carlini
for night. Friday -Will proceed 11 miles
north, then n miles, west to John Scott's
for noon Othert to Wm. Storey's foe the
night, Saturday -Will proceed to On-
stance,at Albert Coates' for noon, then to
his own etable where be will remain until
the fallowing idondav morning. 1899-6
Monday -Will leave his own stable, Hen -
and proceed east to Harry Jacobi's,
Chiselhurst, for noon ; then to the tenth
corteession of Tuckerimith, then west and
north, to Strong's hotel for the night.
Tuesday -To James Dick's hotel, Seaforth,
foi noon, and remain there over night.
Wednesday -By way of the 2ad
Trickeramith, to Chas. Coleman's for noon ;
then went to the Commercial hotel, Clin-
ton, for the night. Thureday-Soulh by
wey of the London Road to Chan Wilson's
hotel, Brucefield, for noon; then south to
Henry Shaffer's hotel, Kippen, for night.
Friday -West to Robert Lone's, Hills
Green, for noon; then west to Goshen line,
and south to Johestop's hotel, Zurich, for
night. Saturday -East to James Higgenis,
jr., where he will remain one hour, then to
his own stable where he will remain until
tbe tollovting Monday morning. To insure
a foal $15.
Berry & Blair, proprietors._
Monday, May 20d -Will leave his OW11
stable'miles south of Brucefield, and go
eouth by way of the London Road. to Cud-
more's corner, then eent to Frauk Ups:hail's
for noon ; then met to Staffs, at Carlin's
hotel for night. Tuesday -North to flub -
lin, at Boehler Brothers' hotel for 'noon;
then west along the Buren Read, to Diek's
botel, Seaforth, for night. Wednesday -
By way of tbe Huron Road, to Clinton, ab
the Ceminercial hotel for noon, and remain
until Thursday morning, Thursday -By
way of the Londou Road to his own stable
for noon, and remain until Friday morning.
Friday -West by way of the Bayfield road,
to John Johneton's, one mile west of Varna
for tioon ; then by way of -the Goshen Line
to Zurich, at the Commercial botel for
night. Saturday -By way of Zurich road
to lieneall, at the Commercial hotel for
noon; then by way of the London road to
his own stsblo, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning. 1899-tf.
Geigers & McNevire proprietore.
Mondan-Will leave hie own stable, lot
21, concession 12, Hay, and go by way of
Zurieh to Mr. Davidson's, Goshen line,Hay,
for noon ; then sonth and west, by way of
the Broneon line, to his own stable for the
ritght. Tuesday -West to concession 14,
end south to George Edighoffer's for noon ;
then south and west to Henry &bailey's,
LAB Shore Road, for the night. Wednes-
day -North to Regis Donor:ay* for noon;
then north and east to Christopher Ging-
Heide, Stanley, for night. Thursday -
North and east to Nelson Key's, Babylon
I line, for noon ; then to Cook's hotel, Varna,
for night. Friday-Senth and east to
James ROW?, conceesiOn 3, Stanley, for
OTICE TO CREDITORS. - In the estat,e of
11 Waimea Dunn, late of the Township el Me-
l:11110p, in the County of Huron, Fasiner, doeeased.
Nonce is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O., chapter
121) section ..38, that all persons having dares
against 550 etezte of the raid Micheel Dunn w ho
died on the lItle day of April, 1004. are rev/4d on
or before the 255h day of June, 1904,50 send by peat
prepaid or deliver to J. 11. Rest, Seiefortaa Ontario.
Solicitor for Mary Dunn, the administratrix of ties
property of the said Michael Dunn, deceased, their
nettles and addreeses, full particulars of their -claims
and the nature of the security (if any) held by them.
And take notioe Meat atter the Uah day of June,
1934, the said administrateix will proceed to dis-
tribute the tieeets of the estate among the persons
entitled thereto, havicg regard only to the elatms of
which e50.5011 then have tidies,. J. M. HEST, Sea -
forth, Solicitor for the Administratriz.
Dated this 30th day of May, 1904. 1903-3
§TVCK FOR SALL - For. sale, one 4 -year-old
driving horse, also three Jersey heifers, Apply
A CHARLESWORTII, F.gmondville. 190341
pi ULM FOR SALE. -The tindersigned have for
sale tee thercughbred Durham Hulls, one 14
months and the ether 10 months old, one red, the
other roan, both eligible for registration. Can be
seen on lot 21, Conceesioti 4,11.R. 8., Tmokersrnith.
A. and J. BROADFOOT, Seaforth P.0. 41
Li FOR SALE, -Tho *undersigned has for sale aev.
trill thoroughbred Leicester Sheep and Durham
Cattle of both sexes, Address Egntondville te 0.,
spiny at fartn, Mill Road, Tuekersmith, ROBEPT
ifillehrecht, Proprietor.
Monday, -Will leave hie own stable,
Brodhagen, at noon and proceed to Pat
Beechwood, for night.-Tuettlay,
.__ At:bort Beattie's, lot 20, concession 5,
for noon; to Thos. McMichael's
Hullo% for night,where he will remain un-
til Wednesday noon; 50 Auelrew
-Kinburn, for nighr.-Thursday,-to George
McKee's, Winthrop, for noon, where he
Will remain until Friday mirning.-Friday,
-to Geo Sellhein's, los 10, concession 9,
MoKillop, - for noon:; thence to hie own
stable, 'where be will remain -until the fol-
lowing Monday morning. Terme-To in-
sure a foal $10, to be paid 1st of January,
1905. Parties trying mares and not return-
ingthern, must pay insurance, Parties dis-
posing of their mares before foaling time,
muse pay insurance, whether in foal or not.
Mares must be reeurned according to orders
of manager. All accidents at the risk of
1900 ,
change the moss fresh every three or
four days for three weeks or a month
together, "Then your bait will be at
the best, or it will be clear and live-
fillemeieg Vagla N.
Von 13:iimwr-f 7414 ngar
tewei ttem.r Adirondaeito,
Mr§.- fifiirgsr,
when yeti' re ttgh Ws" 44 Oro%
George Dale te ;1913, proprietors.
Monday -Will leave ins own stable, lot
Tockeeemitla and Pieeeed 4.0041 Ulee, nhenener Wnee to Mr, Sailnyie nerreer
91 won ; ORD weet I* nithet, thew norat
st 1 mi-ee O
U Niko, f,tmn we...4 lg* tEpipriD
' Paes tor night, 'foo4sy---houth v) Os
Gig botsi, ,i.giatoto, for zioos ; th,to
toast to Ms owrt sis* for tbe Elgkt, Wed,
Rome, Trip
Ulm Tlairsilay, an* 23
Twarnairlin Detroit
S./L Asar,rsts•
BULLf3 FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for
eat° two thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls, ellt
gibie for registiatioo, itged 18 and 12 menthe, One
red andthe other white. ,Apply to JOIIN Mc-
NEVIN, Rippen. 189141
in,s sale, s ecrumwdlous and pleasantly situated
residence on John street, Seaforth. There are two
center iota nicely planted with fruit and ornamental.
trees. A stone foundation under the whole house,
and good cellar, with wood shed, etuneneteldIreben
and hard and volt water, Also "'good stable. 15 10
convenient to the business part of the town. Apply
to A. D. scorr, Thornton Hall F-aren, or at Tun
EXPOSITOn Orrmco. 3901-4t
r„, The tindereigned :has forting 6 pure bred Dux -
beta bulls witb pedigreee or eligible for registration.
My aged bull, which is the sire of the others, isto.
eluded in the offering and has proved himself a tun,
atock getter. He was aired by Riverside Stamp
which did such good service be the herd of .1. and W
B. Watt, of Selena and is a half brother to -Star of
Tifoining, recently owned by. James Snell, of lint -
lett, which took fleet prize at London fair and eold
at his diversion sale for $400 A ly on but IC
Concession 2, else?, or JOHN ELBE Heaven P. 0.
The Special Excursion TeMn will leave Stratford
at 6.40 a M., Clinton, 7,40 s. m., Tuesday, June
Dam Kincardine, Winghaen' etc. take morning
train June 21s1, eonneeting atClinton, 7.40 -a. za,
With special train for feloderieh. Special train
leaves Coderich for Clinton and way stations to
Stratiotd on artival of steamer Thursday night.
Goderieh Band Moonlight
8 p. in., Monday, June 20.
Leave Goderich foe Detroit 8.30 a. m., Tuaday,
June 21-st.
Leave Detroit for Ooderich 2 p. m, Thursday,
June 2$
Leave Code:lett for Detroit 8.30 a. m., Friday,
June 24th.
All Canada Time.
The ehingle seaeon is now in full
Swing. If you need e. new Tool
call and see our stock and
Get our Best Price.
Lor Gravel Boxes,
r _
44'd L4
tt L0_111
P., 7.
e5) 1-1
'CO 7:2-itei
10 "1
three good nen to run the ecif-fecaing
ilsbine 05 450 Stella Thresilieg 001111413Y.
kif 4p0 two SO OM the separator, eppli.
Jog wage* 4esdr.-4, to be sent to tlm
9r4 the 5 -9th 5tone.
sfer.4*-41, wys, p,-9,