HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-06-10, Page 1TE 351904
Snd the
4ch are
ves our
iii barge
be not
in the
kill give
d after -
Oka, and
ty num-
the full,
he little
ork Will
0 .
upon to take a service. -
years of age and had al -
an exceptionally hearty;
eased well be greatly anise
egretted, holding a nuber
01 conneetion with the
des being the ehairmas
ral of health. The funeral.
y was very largely at --
memorial servico„ being
es Methodist church, after,
ntent was made in the
rt cemetery.
folio Milhansen, who ha*
on agent for nearly two
• 'been promoted to Wale -
fl left for his new elierga
4day, He s sueceeded here
Hinton, of Owen Sound,
avrn charge, -Brussels in-
• football team won two
lie league series during the
- making, than the winners -
strict. Last Friday even--
lefeated Winghani, rn tfiat
e core of 2 to 1 toad at „
-on Menday they got ose
their opponents failed to
II, Wingham played their
r. 11 her last night. The-
ee will be with Mildmay.
:tie winners of the Bruce
'homes Pepper bee dispos-
er= on the 9th 00nCeSSiOlr
Alex. McDonald, -of the
osier,. Mr. Pepper' will
russels in the near future-
, out anootincing the Far-
sion to the Model Farm-
ne. T1e,. date is the 20th '
Jh bneitiess men of Bruse
ne to an arrangement
!laces of business, ex -
(et and resta-urants, wig
eve,:ning at six o'clocir,
." and featueelays excepted,
assets wholfen mill whidf.
•11 for sale by -public =e-
V riday, kiwi not sok( ow --
offers :not reaching the-
ft iq how in the toventw
-i-Mrs. Robert Denbo'
Ieft for Manitolaa ort
.hre Mr.' Denbow has stun Nina Rogers',
orest, is home on enforce
-T. R. Fletcher is home
s vacation from hiCQ0
iy Friendship has been 1111"
ctorls care during; the.
t -Mrs. E. B. Creighton and
of Hamilton, are visiting
. L. Jackson ednif otwir
, Scott, our genial mer-
le Lis store a beautiful
L1 vessel, wbreh 15
rcaleuriosity as well av
It was made bo'Mr...
furdock. It is nicely fin--
, life boats and ali lbw
lhanalia of a real beat
eL red, white and blue
1 Union Jack flying. Ita
get and it, and iaWeU
":enee-Cecit Simpson left'
• near tielet owet, where be
sithei in a store.-Mrs-
oidow of the Iate
, formerly of thIS placer
eed her position in the-
in celleze. Ottawa, where -
'It P.resitlent for severe
Ite George W.mpsenbas
le amity ta .Brightone-'
;er,ince Kaiser, who 1141,
$.11 prieurn011ia, haVe re-
am Fullerton, for fifM
s:dersrf mitcholl, died ovo
Ay 20-th, Deceased -wel
months a being 80
booms McPherson has stela -
in Logan to Mr. Robsgt
f Fullerton, pOSSeSSiall
larch, 1905. There are Ono -
the plaee.
--71-111RTY-SIX.TH TEAR.
177f1010E NUMBER, 1,904.
FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1904.
and I y a ill
dinlade 1 av 0 ou
Wine ITT
'T M
June Sal
.4( -
In progress at present gives you a splendid chance to sample this brand. If
you think of buying a suit at all, and have any hesitation about what to get, a
iook over our tables of line clothing, with the sale prices, may help to a quick
and satisfactory decision.
You may have your doubts about the staying qualities of readymade suits
-fade, not built to hold good shape, poorly lined, coats not' balanced in cut,
and hang badlf. In the put great trouble has been experienced in these par
*Oars points, and, in fact, many clothing houses_haveenot yet overcome the
Our strong points are quality of cloth,
vas hair cloth and paddings in the interior of
perty bdanced coat, bound to keep its shap
on to stay, Eveiy day we add new custom
We have what people want -right goods at
eh will not fade; shrunk can/
beautifully designed and pro.
good linings, and butts put
o our store, simply because
right _prices. We want your
trade, but we expect to it it only if we deserve it, and we deserve it if
goods are better and prices lower than those of our competitors.
Spreading over' the departments of our
Give you the chance of this year,
2 Hundred Men's Sui
Sale prices 7,3.50 to $7.50.
Hundred Boys' Suits
Sale price $1.25 to $3.00,
1 Hundred Men's' Raincoats
Sale price $2.00 to
1 hundred Women Itaincots
Sale price $2.00 to $8.00. I
hundred pairs Men's panto
Sale pilice 85c to $2.75.
t hundred pairs Boys' Knickers, sale price
50 dozen men's fancy Shirts, sale price
LO dozen boys' fancy Shirts, sale price
50 dozen Men's Sox, sale price 3 pair for.
25 dozen men's fancy Sox, sale price
50 dozen straight band linen collars, sale price
'25c to 75e
-45o to 90c
• 40e to 65c
, 2.5e
• 25c
4 collars forl 25c
50 dozen men's Tie, All styles, 35c to 75c re-
gular, sale,price choice 2
20 dozen Straw Hats, one lot, single choice 2
sedond lot 5
Sun Shades sale price 100 0 1
,(Written for The Expositor.)
Mattasva town is in Nipissing, the
River Ottawa ewiet and wide wash-
es its walls on the ettstern, side, a
pleasanter spot. you never spied, a
more ideal site for a town you rare-
ly see. Geography has been kind to
Ma.ttawa. The ground rises gradu-
ally but empbatically from the edge
of the Ottawa and offera town
site that has all the advantages of
drainage, beauty and picturesque-
ness. On the Quebec side, bold rocky
bluffs rise to the height of a couple
a hundred feet and frorn the top of
these the climber can see a large
portion of the land on the Ontario
side and a. magnificent view of the;
Ottawa Aver. Champlain was the.
first white man who saw this plane.
More than two hundred and fifty
years ago °he ascended the Ottawa
rivet' fr om Mon tr e al to some por t
near here, perhaps to the veryplace,
crossed over to Lake Nipissing,. des-
cended that turbulent rtver after
many toilsome portages to Goon.
gian bay, and from itouthere ex-
tremity went across country aided
by the many rivers that flow into
it, to Lake Ontario. The If
Bay Company established a tr
post here neerly one hundred
ago, I have not been able to earn
the exact date. In pre -railroad ; days
the rivers were the great avenues of
travel and they are yet in this eoun-,
try the highways of transportelion.
for at 'east ono very, valuable :emu.-
utodity, so that the jun,ction of two
ouch livers, the Mattawan aod Ot-
tawa, was a most auitable mita for
a trading post, The town was set -
HO in the seventies, the ,pioneers
coming chiefly from the ceunties of
ikeslifteaf, Ontario' and Ottawa, and
Quebec. The construction of. the
C. P. R. in the early eighties put the
seed of settlement, on the little ham-
let. an,d raised it to the dignity of a
- town.
Fancy -tells me that the chief Opie
of 0011VerSation around Seaforth title
week is the appearance of fall w eat
fields, the extremely wet wea her
and the price of pigs, steers '; and
horses. But here it ha differontsfor
although there are farm hereabouts,
farming is not the chief induetry.
ExtenSive lumber operations ' are
carried on along the stream that
'flow into the Ottawa north of here
and Mattawa le' the base of supplies
for the operations. Around thel ho-
tels one meets the owners of the
limits, their agents, foremen, shan-
ty mon and river men. Many of, the
shanty men have recently eomel out
of the woods and some of the river
drivers .hove not gone up yet. Over
the pipes the winter's out of logs,
the ,spring drive an a the stippl of
'water in the creeks is discussed. re-
quently fisb, moose and hear st ries
mix their breath with some -of the
"Stag" and "Fine Cut." Mattawa
is ale° -outside guard to the Te is-
camineue country. A branch ttf the, wondered how many persons exper-
C. P. R. runs northwest along the, ieneed the, same feeling I did the,
shore of the Ottawa to the southern first time 1 walked clown the main
.end of Lake Temiscaminque, a die- avenue, It came over me in an in -
tenet of 38 miles. A steamship Due stant the vastness of it all, the mag -
connects the end of the railway leith nitade of the undeetaking, and the
the towns of New Lisgard and 110- -epearent utter impessibility of cov-
ering it, even in the most cursory
. Tbere is plenty ot water power in manner in any limited time. But
. , ,
this north country and it may till laggard feet never got over so much
be turned to a.ccount some day elf ground, so with maps ever ready for
the•students of physical seienceaolve referenee, we went ,it it with speed
tbe problem of eeonomic trails is- and alaerity, and if we did not see
sion a electrical energy, clear city everything, we care tit least boast
will surely. be uied as a mean f of having be.en throtigh every build -
heating as well as for prode
power, Heat and motion are
vertible factors, one May ermine
other.. Up to the present we
-Used eleetricity dhlefly to pro
motion but when we, learn hos
transmit it without waete of en silty something new, sen ething te in
ehall use it for producing I eat est and_ to instrue.. But a person
Oux dependence on the mine er. must needs be systematie or things
Xenneylvanitie our preettrious die will rezult pretty much as our first
pendence. on them, 'as ° bralkOit lion,to 1 day did. Of courste it was Sunday,
to -us by am strike of miners. to e end es- the buildinge are supposed to
years ego and again by. the freight:: be closed to visitors on. that day,
tete, lee! were unable to #et into many of
one- i them and were attempting a gen-
owe i era 1 survey of the ,grounds. Ti was
-will I not as general as we had expected in
the xnte way, and more ,general than we
wife had anticipated in smother, For de -
Me 'wile repeated consultations with a
guide map we were continually
landing at or :near the point
where we started, uptil we made one
desperate dip into hitherto unex-
plored territory apd then we saw
Q. many things we were not looking
. I for. But When WO Qn0e got the dir-
icat- Lections into our bads things were
lye's, easier,
fires The different State buildings are
en- grouped around the main entrance.
our The majority of itheni are large
ning white, buildings, most beautiful in
and a p peanut ee and arhitecture, and
perhaps . cook our breakfasts MIMI luxurious in furni hingS. The main
still .in bed. What nearer Partadise, exhibition buildings, such as the
hat.? United States Government building,
e hie Electricity, Machitiery, Varied In-
t too distries, ete., are , grouped around
pro- the lagoon at the ,foot of the Case
lines cedes. Like the State buildings,
g the they are white, but more elaborate
, in archectural design and vaster in
' aree, while the ecnIptural designs
I are magnifielent. Here probably is
The Methodist Minister.
'i is the final draft as s of beauty. On every hand the
Tailoring Department very busy.
The prices quoted below ARE making things hustle this month. Wh
otherwise, (Tune has usually been a comparat ve y e . ,
ery busy,
WC say, but not too busy to give your older for a suit the most careful atten-
tion •
Black Dress Suits, sale price
Blue Serge Suits, sale, price
Fancy Striped Suits, sale 'price
Grey Worsted Trousers, gale price
Seoteh Tweed, Suits, sale price
, G. Yelland; AuburneT, 13. Coupland;
'Walton, Amos Thomas; Londesboro,
M. J. Wilson; Bayfield, Jas. A.Snell ;
1 Varna, Robert A. Miller.
1 Exeter distriet - Exeter, Main
Street, Wm. G-ottevie • James Street
1 , ,, l
J. Hannon; Parkhill, S. J. Allen;
• Eliniville, Wm. it Cooper; Central-
- ia, j. Henderson- Hensel', E. Medd;
I Kienren, .E. A. Sbaw; Crediton, R.
1W. Knowles; Grand Bend, J. F.Sut-
; cliffe; Sylvan, j. W. Andrews; Ail-
'sa Craig, A. MeKibbon; Birr, J.
IMahon; Lucan, 3, A. Ayears; Gran-
ton, J. E. Holmes; Woodham, -C. C.
Cozens; Kh•kton, S. A. Anderson.
0 1.
With the Editors to St. Louis.
The Inside Inn on the grounds,
where we were located duiring our
visit is a feature worth seeing. It
is certainly a tribute to Axnerican
enterprise and American progres-
siveness, a true example a the Am-
eric,an ambition to do something'
bigger than has previously been
done. The. building, erected on the
aide of a h ill, is two stories in front
running back to sense five or six
Stories in the rear, and covering in
all -twine twelve acres. It contains
abatit three thousand rooms with
more yet to be finished, tied can ace
eommodate mo Te than that many
thousand people, while in both din-
ing rooms, American and European,
they can seat in the neighborhood
Of three thousand ,people at one
tiMe. There are miles of hall ways,
add it walk from where the Cana -
din contingent was located to the
di ing room was a good appetizer
fo breakafst, The staff of employ -
CCM number* eight hundred, quite a
smalf army in themselves. Of course
the. building is of the most tempor-
ary nature and Le iptended for use
during the exposition only. While
we were there the hotel's accommo-
dation was not at all taxed, yet at
one day's dinner Oily bushels of
potatoee were conserned and other
things in proportiOn, so you see
there must have been a few people
there or else they were eriormoue
The St. Louis Exposition (and to
be proper you meese pronounee it
Saint Lewis) just like the In, is on
a startle to outdo anything yet ac-
complished in that line, and the dir-
ectors have certainly made it vaster
Buffalo combinel. The Exhibition
then has beete tiven to Chicago and
grounds therriselves, contain some
1,200 acres of one of St. Louis' most
beautiful parks, and the natural
charm of the place ›as len,t not a
little to the hand of the artist in
making it one vast 'area of beauty.
At the time of our visit there the
_grounds, as well as some of the ex-
hibits, were incomplete, but, from
Wall Papers
Window Shades
Curtain Poles
Picture Framing.
Pieter° framing a Specialty.
Seaforth itac0s
The 5th annual meet of the
Sesforth Turf Club will be
held on their grounds in Sea
forth on
6th di 6thp PO4
$1,800 IN PURSES
ht Dap•2nd Diky.
2 o0 paim 2 26 peke
2 22 pace 25 trot
2 19 paves 2 )4 pace
Free for ell.
R. Wiison, M. Broderick,
President. Oscretary
parently esndeavored to outdo its
neighbor ift setting forth the pro-
dttetivenese of it e soil,
It would be futile for me to at-
tempt anything like it description
of the exhibits in the fifferent build-
ings, and of the different pational-
ities and states. Each is character-
istic of 'iteelf. It may not be out
of ',place, however, to single out
Japan as the most liberal exhibitor
of all. Otte scarcely turns but Jap-
an is there. He sees it an every
side and it gives one no small in-
sight into the enterprise of this
rising power of the east, of which
one reads so much to -day.
But I naust not overlook our fair
Canada, and even to think of it now
gives one feeliog of pride and sat-
isfaction. We are not numerically
every %lay, not excepting Sun- large we must admit, but we av
Ndvolniaet was done and what was being
I the countey, and look as you will
day, gave a fair indication of the you can not find anything in the ex -
magnificence of the completed bibits to cprapare with ours, In the
work, mineral building, Canada stands out
On paper the whole thing does't pre-eminently among all others;
eound so large, but I have often in the agricultural building, Canada
again displays to the full the, pro-
ductivenese of the soil and here
also none can surpass her. Go to
the fish tied game exhibit and. again
Canada looms up big among the
manv other exhibits,while the Grind
Trunk and Intercolonial Railways
present her as a fair and beautiful
eountry, a r egular paradise during
the heat .ef S111111110r and the haven
for the sportsman. In our hart'
cultural exbibit we are at a distaff
vantage, but take from Ca liforni
her tropical fruits and where Will
you find ' anything better or finer
jug ing, and 1301110 Of them several than the produets or the Canadian
on- times. Because cooly time you went erchard red the Canadian vineyard.
the, back you saw something you had not We, as a people, are too often. ov-
dye seen before, sometleng of absorb- et- awed by the vaunted vastness ol.
uce eing interest, and se it would be 'our neighbor, Unele, Sam, but we
to should you. stay h month -always have soninthing to be proud of and I -
am sure that the observant visitor
to the fair cannot but he impressed
with the productiveness and rich-
nees ef Canada's soil and Canada's
mineral Wealth.
Since my return I have oftea
been asked if people are eyeeeinata
ically robbed. That, is rather it hard
question to answer, I did not ex-
perience any of it, We had, as it
press party, speeial rates at the
hotel and I did not feel that we were
paying any -too much under the eir-
curostances. At th/i- Inside Inn the
rates vary from $3 to $7 a day tte-
cording to room, ole. But then
there are plenty of other places
where good accommodation can be
got at much lower rates. Natural-
ly. the people want to make all the
money they can, but you need not
be "bled" unless you wish. Al-
though ir you prefer riding in a
hack to the electric ears, or take
a wheel chair in preference to ;walk-
ing, your day's expenses may sur-
prise yott,
A few hints may be of service.
If you go don't ' be afraid to ask
questions and don't buy a guide
book every time your are asked.
The freight home wou1-1 ruin, you.
Pne good map is all you. require, but
study it carefully. Get the lay of
the grounds before you start. Do
not contract the souvenir habit,
its expensive. Tip dieeriminately,
it pays. Go prepared for rain and
mud. Ladies should take a reef in
their shorte,st skirt. There is noth-
ing stickier than Missouri mud, and
you may get into it. Go prepared to
be tired out, and leave yourself a
(day or two when you get home to
rest up in. And, last oT all, don't
be ashamed to say you came from
$15.00 to $20.00
15.00 to 20.00
14.00 to 20.00
3.00 to 5,00
15.00 to 18.00
Greig Stewart,
Johnson Bros.' Old Stand,
°blockade last winter. It is
withinthe realm pozsibility
inside of twenty yeios, perhaps.
er, the waters of New Ontario
beat the buildings and turn
mills of the Province; the haus
will start her pot to boil by tur
a switch and the Man of the li011.40
will: increase the work of his :fur-
nace a few volts by the simple pro-
cess of moving an indleator each
or two, '
The hugest and best stocked Clothing, Hat and Shirt store
in Western Ontario.
Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs
Homeseeker' Excursion to Northwest
June 14th and 28th, and July lath.
We supply all infosmation to all enquirers, and sell the tickets
to travellers on theseeeursions.
Ed. Note, -When the lime in
ed by our correspondent. ar
WC will be able to light our
cold mornings while comfortbal
sconsed in bed and thus hav
rooms nice and warm when do
our nether and outer garment
GREIG 86 STEWART, , Agents
C P. R. Ticket and Telegraph, and Dominion Express,
would tame want to get than
But, joking aside, we believ
predictions are, not one -will
sanguine. Greater Scientific
geess has been made along the
,of electrical development durin
past twenty years,
the main pohat of intermit as well
' a .
The folios% ng
prepared by the Methodist Confer- grand and imposing buildings, in
e,nce in seseion at London, of the front the beautiful Cascades, which
ministers in the Wingham, Goder- ; in the bright sunshine, pour forth
'eh and Exeter districts; ' 'their sparkling volumes of water.
Wingham Districe-Wingh 11), J• ' background to the Cascades,
R. Gondy •, Kincardine, Joseph
ips; Lucknow, Reuben Mi
Brussels, T. *esley Cosens;
Hero, brought $200. IL took but five
minutes to close the deals, and Mr.
John MeMann, of Seaforth, was the
(Dr).T. C. Bruce, a former
'resident of Clioton, died in Toronto
Hospital last week, after a some-
what lingering
-Wesley Newcombe, of Clinton,
was married in Detroit, on Wednes-
day of last week, to Miss Carrie
Stitch, of that city.
-Mrs, John Shurdy, for thirty
years a resident of Auburn, died on
iThureday, May 20th, agea eighty
years. She le survived by her hus-
band, three sons and two daugbters.
-Saturds-Y, May 26th, Elizabeth
Splann, reliet of the late W. Alex-
ander, Goderich toweiship, depart-
ed this life, aged 92 years, Deceased
was 0110 of the pioneers of the town-
-Miss Amelia Fitzsimons, only re-
enaining ehild of a family of eax, of
the late Samuel Fitzsimons, 4lied at
her home in Clinton, on BIM& V, May
29th, Deceased had been it eafferer
from lung trouble for some years,
She was 28 years of age.
-Mr. Wm, Shipley, of the lluron
*Roatl, near Clinton, lost a $200 mare
last week, by the bursting of a blood
vessel. He has had hard luck -in his
horses, having lost fifteen ley the
last thirteen years.
-Mhts Eva MiteMath, daughter of
Mr. Wm. MacMath, Goderielr_town-
ship, who has been in training as a
nurse at Mount Sinai Hoepital, New
'lark, has graduated with honors,
and also took the directors' orize
of $50, given to the pupil making the
best record during training term.
• -Among the live stock delivered
to Mr, C. IL Reid, of Clinton, last
week, was a steer bought from Mr.
WjUiam.Snell, of Hullett, which
weighed 1,725 pounds, -Tend- realized
$88.25. The steer was not quite
hree years old, and in quality and
finish was a euperior animaL In the
same shipment was it bullock, which
was bought from Mr. 3. MeCallough,
of Stanley, which weighed 1,575
-The following facts of interest
are taken, from the assessment roll
for the township of Grey: Total
real assessment, $1,793,725 ; per-
sonal, $8,100 ; maks 21 to 60 years,
758 ; population, 3,184 ; -children be-
tween 5 and 21 years, 870 ; between
8 and 14 years, s34 ; number of cat-
tle, 9,520 ; sheep, 1,894 ; )logs, 3,986 ;
horses, 2,026 ; births, 59 ; deaths,
17 ; acres of fall wheat, 365 ; num-
b& of steam boilers, 23.
-Mr. Robert Irvin died at his
home in Lower Wingham on Friday
of last week in his 84111 year. De-
ceased bad been ailing for some time
and was not abk to be about very
much for some years. He was one
of the early pioneers of his section
coming there in 1865. He 'eaves a
family of two sons and several
daughters. Deceased was one of the
oldest members of the Orange Order
lOur dtejr7
conducted by the members of the
county and the funeral was
-On Thursday, May 26th, another
well -lived life was brought to a close
with the patosing of the spirit of
tend to construct, right away, a
John T, Andereon, of the Bayfield
the age branch of their road from Toronto
line Goderieli township, at
a reside,nt of the township for over
of 136 years, Mr. Arnim's= had been IntoaiSitudjibnucrya,t ltoharapnoLeit, 11,411/41rtivir,
have 300 men al work grubbing on
oily yea re, coming there from
the north end of the road. Thus
Brantford. lie was a relive of Ire -
far the company have noi asked. for
hind, and was highly respeeted by all
any Government or public, aid. This
;who knew him. For the. past two
years he had not enjoyed the best ruotrarditiovriyll a.es,OVAre, Maek 1)714 atiltide NjeaLtel
of health, and time hung heavily on
him, but he was sustained in his nr:ndt, blvtntls(vs:ena iih)femueastnoef 1711,10S0,0;
ilengthy hY a loving and ten- taonde, itdbee0.1171allr,ioth; jtegDiselnaltittlii7:nials'atrLiagi
der Wife, who survives him, and a
family of eight sons end two daugh-
durable texture, are fashieried he
exact model of a bird's eine. Itaeh
wing has an area of et feet. They,
are eorked by a most ingenious but
strikingly simple -system of levers,
whith are moved by presenre of the
operator's feet. The 1111701110r eX-
'wolf; 10 a trial trip in a few
days, and if evereehing poets satis-
factorily he then crose lo Tor-
onto, after which be will etart on a
trip to lit. Louis, to the Wortl's
Fair, 'where, a prize of $100,000 is of-
fered for a machine that will en-
able a man to fly,
-Rev. Dr. Milligan, or Toren' ,
has been appointed Motleretor of the
I?resbyterian General Assembly,
which met in St. John, Nevi Bruns-
wick last week.
-Mrs. Robertson, assistant mat-
ron at Brockville, will 'succeed Miss
Jones as assistant matron at the
Hamilton Asylum, and Miss McGilli-
cuddy will become assistant. matron
at Brockville.
_Wre, 11. Miller, Supreme Mas-
ter Workman of the Ancient Order
ef United Workmen, died a.t Battle
Creek, Michigan, the past. week, af-
ter an illness of several weeks. Mr.
Miller was a Canadian,
-There is to be sold at the bors.e
repository, in Toronto, by auction.
on June 23rd, fifty Clydesdale fillies,
one, two and three years old, im-
ported from Scotland by Graham
Brothers, of Claremont..
-Alex. Hassan!, a young farmer
of Weyburn district, Manitoba,jump-
ed from a rig with a chLeel in his
hip pocket, The chi.sel struck the
wheel and cut the main artery in his
arm. No doctor being near, he bled
to death &fore medical aid -could be
-There is too be it great activity
in the mining districts of New On-
tario. A rich deposit of mild is
said te have been discovered, in the
Sultana Mine, near Rat Portage,
while it is reported that beesimer
ore has been found on number's Is-
-Rev. Richard Hobbs, a Strath-
roy, WaS -elected president of t he
London Methodist Conference. Ikv.
.T.P. Wilson, of Peterboro, was elect-
ed president of the Bay of 'Quite
Conference, and Rev, John Pickering.
of St. Catherines, president of the
Hamilton Conference.
-The Galt Horse Show, held last
week, was a success. The attend-
ance ef spectatere each day exceed-
ed 3,000. The competition in tbe
various classes was very keen, and
the quality of the animals unexcep-
tional. Nearly every elase was
largely represented, and some of the
first horses in Canada competed,
-While, Miss Pearl Geouvreau, of
Barretville, Essex county, was pre-
paring supper her clothing taught
fire. After an unsuocessful attempt
to smother the flames she ran to a
ditch filled with water, a short 411S-
tanet from the house, and threw
herself into it. She was badly burn-
ed, but saved her life by her prompt
-The Canadian Pacific Railway in-
-sion gave it guarantee of bonds to
*thee?, rpl; sseCdhapjelaTefuilli yl °I'ats'y away to tWing-heitunlatItt7ialtFlift:srum:iinilaginl:tief,txeckftiltviiirinioitri:80Zamis;teorilviiserni:ne.
better land on Sabbath morning, May
2/Aillilo'ttlitlialdliebeleign°:ffe6e5bleYehaerlliNifrost-• Irtaoisnvn, abnyd aLropuw:111,11:
some years find Since early last fall ford, was frightened al a riming
has been eonfined to her bed, De -
ring tt
ceased winen woman held in high es- ghreretagsupaeret,,rsAntaedir?iwithenhaititte
teem by it large circle of friends, t
'and was for many years a member of mai made a jump over the hack or
the Wingbarn Presbyterian church. it huggY ocenek'd by Jeseeb Craig,
Mr. Elliott's home has for some Guelph. Lowell's horse broke
years lied more than it e share of en, and in the leap Mr. Lov/ell went
!sickness and trouble. Ono daugh- horliosiu.isasivetrh: caticargl
ter, DVSS LiZZie ElliOtt, has been con- ing about twenty feet wee, Both
fined to lo bed for S01110 ye;trs and
mother rtd. daughter Jay in the same wre_re;r1h:preeote Sr:Ilya) :Ix::: 181.0 0 M
home for months and not able to see ell was not much hurt.
each °I her.
-leest week Wm. Gould, of Goder- tee Paid Mews- fineYer Cetneenr,
ich township, went to the pasture ea Stittot,eirrilealyairllats,t,wtithlet enintiirotr;6.0,zo autrijdt
field to drive it bull to the stable,
when the animal attacked him, have now taken possession of the
Robert Elliot t, -who saw the attack, property, All the works of the own-
rusbed to Mr. Gould's assistance, and PanY neW be started into op -
with his bare hend, grasped the ring eration rapidly SIS passible. A
in the ;mimes nose and twisted it Apecial effort- will be made h.) come
so effectually as to tame the animal Ulen00 OM tolling of rails, in order;
for the time being, thereby releasing to provide the lerge sepplies require
Mr, Gould from his dangerous posit- ed for the Graml Trunk Pacific con -
ion, Mr. Gould had one hand badly struction, and Superintendent LeWiS
injured and was otherwise consider- expeege. to commence rolling rails
sibly bruised, but it is expected he. Were the first of July at the rate
will soon be able to reeume his dut- of_5A00 ntiocens jautd.satyjo.n as to a Tau_
ites on the farm. •
_01-1 Wednesday afternoon of last way company's responsibility for
Week a very ple,asing event took baggage tame up before Judge mole
place at the residence of Mr. Harry SOD, in the division court the other
Hawthorne, Lower ,Wingham, when daY, 'when Mr. M, Gooderhang
his daughter, Martha. May, became barrister, of Toronto, sued the New
the 131id0 Mr,S.Sellers, of Morris York Central reilway for $85, beinee
township,. The ceremony Wag per- the price of :t fur -lined coat, which
formed at. 3.30 o'clock by the Rev. • he had. left for a few moments in
J. N. McLean, 13. A., in the presence the Pullnian drawing-room,which
a about 150 invited. guests. After lad reserved, v.hile he went outeide,
the usual eongratulatione, a very and which was gone *heel he return -
elaborate supper was partaken •13.1, Tetrocionrgnptan erzposnheoibuiilde,
being served on the lawn. An 011-
ve been given in e,barge to the par -
people set you a aoyable time was afterwards spent
Phil and on the hill facing you is the Canada. The press
by the assembled guests, a large ter. They :lisp eeeert want of juris-
Tees- ',Festival Hall and the imposing Col- good example there,
W, D. M. number of whom were from a tits- diction in the coUrt. Judgment was.
lonade of the. Sta tats. And still back
• time°, Many handsome and useful 1 rserved.
P. Wells; Fordwicle Jas. allssar ; building. presents attested the esteem in -A peeuli er dross ning, ateitlent oce
water, B. Clement ; Ethel, haries of this is the magnificient Arts Huron Notes.
Gorrie, joseph W. Holmes ; 'W rox- I At some distance are the Agricule -While playing at school in (.lin- which the bride is held. Mr. and curred .il Cornwall hoo %seek. Fran-
eter, J. IL Osrerhout, 13.1). ;' Blue- i tenet building, the Horticultural ton, the other daY, Clarence Ranee Mrs. *liars have settled en their cis Clarence Berg(r:son, see 14..yeare
vale, Ge,orge Baker ; Ashfield, farm' in Morris township, svbere they old son of Mr. Frarteis Bergeron,
A. Smith; Salem, James Walker, I'Vah !building and the buildings of the fell 'and fractured his elbow.,
:foreign powers, while Washington -George Buxton, of Goderich, has will have the best wishes of a host went'. fishing after sellool and f
Bethel, Simon V. 11. 'Pentland ; Rip-
. t
' University is used as an adminis- purchased the Waverly hotel, in of friends. ed to relurn. A search Was insti-
ley,, Robert e, lieseeee; Berme, , tration building, and here are to be Clinton, arid gets posseesion at tuied, end the following morning
William B. Vance and A. C. Heine's; 1 found the jubilee presents of our once, -A St. Catharines man, named j. Ids father etiv, the tee! a a fish -
Tiverton, E. W. Edwards; 1.-Viliteg I late beloved Queen. The buildings e -On Wednesday, the fixest Sod was R., Dalincida, One of the teachers at ing rod slickinit up in the old csnal,
cburch, Christopher C, Keine; 13e1- , of the different powers are certainly turned for the General and Marine Ridley College, clailns to have in- between the lower locks. When be
grave, Albert E. Jones.
-. . characteristic of each. That of Bel- Hospital, Goderich, hY Warden JaMts 'vented a practical airship. Mr.Dal- pulled it up lies body of his eon
Gc,derieh district -Goderich, North : ghee probably eclipses all others Bowmanwida has now completed his ma- (same te the surfaile. The line, wae
Street, Rev. Geo. N. H. Hazeos, Vic- ! in the matter of beauty, while -Mr. George Nott, Tueleersroith alone and, hopes in the course of a wrapped eeveral tillieS around one
-torte Street, Wm. H. Graham, Clin- :France excels in grandeur, with township's rising horse financier. few days to make his first flight by hand, and attached t/i 1h4' hook WaS
. ton, Wesley church, Henry Man-. China and Japan the most fantastic, made two good horse sales tbe Past ies aid. IL is constructed of light, a big eel. It is, thought filet the hid,
St , reetJoseph S. The Agricultural building. is the week. A three year old brown car- but tough and strong bamboo, and while fishing off the lock gate, hook -
largest on the grounds and covers riage mare, sire by Jim Corbett, is built to resernble as elosely as ed the eel, end. in the struggle to
some twenty acres. Here are ells- land it, was pulled into the water
played the products of the soil of and held down by, the liae till he
the various etates and each has ap- drowned, s
/ ntng, Ontario
Cook; Seatorth, A.S.Birks ;
F. Swan; Blyth, John
Dungannon, John W. Rol
Nile, John Kennedy; )3.0Pnel
inson ;
ler, J.
which brought a good figure, was possible the shape of a bird. The
one of them, and a chestnut geld- wings, constructed of bamboo and
hag, five years old, sired hy Red silk eativa.a of beautifully, fine and