HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-06-03, Page 7- - � I I - . - -_ . . " � I - I . . I I � I . . I � - . . � I I L � F _., � - � � I . __ . . � . . ; I I . �- , . . I �_ - i � I - I I - � I . . . I I � - I - __ I I . - .. - � - � I I I I. � I . . . - I . . I I �__ I I . . k� .- �- I ­ - : - ---. - - � �. - I - — � - - � - - - I I ; ;z . � .. �. � - - � - - -_ I - � - . �_ . I - 11 � . _. I . � ,- � � . - _­ z:--- - � ­ �-' -- -, - I , , , z - T - - - ­- �,_� � . - I - ! I . � - � - _ I - . � I . . I - -1 I . ; i . - . - . I—- __ � - . P I � I . - I - I - �. I I ! I I . . I __ . . " _­ I I ; . . �, -, . - . � r � r"*_P�' I . I . I � � i - . - I ! I I I I . I � . . . � I . I . I � . - - I I 1, % . - - I � . 'rim - I- I - I HURON EXPOSffOlL 1 7 � I I - __ . � ., ,� JUNE 3,1904 ____ ­ ___ - �. -1 0 �­_ - , - � . _.- ____ - - - onnow- __1 - - - - vftml� t NE ,3. � 4 - !� - - � - -.1- . - J11 f 1904 �� _r__ 'Wriwl— o I- - - � - . I i much mori� afraid of- tbd White Caps njilre. nVell, 0ell be mad I alWl ' ____ � . __�_ ' I - - - -_ 7 I - I I - pgodgey M une, a politician from i A lvfflh ------- _____�_"Tw i � I __ - .. - -1 � Ur, cc I than he was, They knew more about town for her long ago. R-dO In i I , 00 I - I , , � . . - I - I - � . I e Back for .1 I the neighboring county of Galneo, hap better than me.- . , 41%M- . n - I . = 2 them and understood them I . * I 0MV R" . a"I"& +i% he in -plattville on an erra,44 � Sao& .. 11 ,4.!l __ . I ­ . a V I . I me (11u, �-%V, EDUIM ,Y041. A IV . . I I 11 lww -1 , � to -bis henchmen, found the note aiftd i There was no thought of the people sat -e of my apiletite." � __ 'i- Four e scath- . Months* - . 'D ' a a - . [he Wintle " . )A'()M AN it] () Op Vrote beneath the message the scath Houlliallsill -Wouldn't,ene0urng io mu(11- - I . . . of the Crossroads In b1s; mind as lie sat .4� it Ir _. I )t — I , i - , : Ing Inquiry, 44whyrf llv!W at the Pala Lotel." -'nbscrved .- . I 11 . . 11. I AD on the snake fence staring at the little to . -_111. . 4 � I I - ILA ()D ,, When he discovew-d this addendum, Is Uric Acid in Che blood. ' Bowldpr. "'Sorry you wowt ride!' 110, ­_ ��� _iwas � a, - a I I - 'I, no'111URHO _ 4 ornoky sbadow dance 6n 6� wWte'road Vnabl to Turn In Bed I -_ , � the editor �mlletll fof the first time since Unhealthy kidneys are the ratbered the loose viii14 id I . �� �� 4 1 -, Without Help. Fr-om, InAana 14 - I � - - . I ­ . cause of the acid beinK 14 the June sunshine, On the contrary, g ' lip- rvin-1 In , I his advent and reported the Incident in -Ir over Of- daAl- _.. - . ' I hftm , there. If the kidneysacted he wag occupied with the re,alization his hands, 1pane,l r. - .- ;� i The first lesson that the young tit . his next isst � . N14,1 , 1.1 lie.111tk �� — I., I le, sing the rubric ."Why. [I class board aipl st ,_ V. r%iry I , � BY BWI� TARKINGTON of womaullood ig usually a ul onev 1� ^9 they shmild they would that there bad beon, a man In his - ' - I - . I patuf Has the gerald Returned to Life?" R2 I 14A 1w,..% ­r of lail . I t., plasters and Liniments k .. I I She learns to'kn6w what headache means, 4 sing editorial on bon- strain tha UFic Acid out mbition needed 'no ill"'.1o,'"'. T14- tolt, - nit, � 11 I - I - , and backache,, and som6times is fiadly � of the system and rheuma- I - so great-lu PrIte'd Indi-minfly. but �-ho eol]75e. .1 � I - . � I No Good. � I toyrw, ... new experience of life. esty In � jubject of which he tism wouldn't occur, Rbeu- restraint, his promise was � I . I is", hi Doahk4ay & Mahn Co. borne down by this politics, !a F ' 4 - I . i , . I MOM, PhIl"FAS Ic All the pain and misery which young w s methlng. The political watigm is a Kidney Dis- tho strong bellef of the unlvers1ty, a be- to injove down the rowl. lum Ider tbrust � ,_ C"W44 1902, �ky . giTle commonly experience at such a time already liet he could not help knowing -and his 1)1.g head tLrongh Ill- V,1111 Curtain �_ _ - � I 1 e ase, Dodd's Kidney Fills - I � I _�� -- be entirely behind him awl coittintled ibe con -Mr - I - � -1 - --w-6--w, lr�p++++ P j, 1 1 1 msy, in &,most every instance, - I ow 9. 1. - 1. - - 1. la'- - -9 - #4 . - - - . I I ,district to! wbicb. Carlow belonged was I - I -4. A _V ^41r, * 41c" r VW# Idn . � 7 I -A h the use of Doctor vnrnad . ill .11A. -i XATU+11 V, ia . I . W*# tho exporl"c* of Mr. BODIAn hy a limited number of gen- Itave made a great part of � that sevenyqars to a day from his c9m- I niWt f,p,t I � � III -V__ � .1 a- I I %;-- I . - Stew*rf6 ZionvfUe, NAL . - _. _011',PT" ,I.. .. - . - g,erc r, raVorite Preocrfption. It estab- their reputation curing mencement tnis man was sitting on it sat on. a - i .. _e,s -vrhose lv�edlth was ever on the t.11 I . , Wbbon To& -9 IF tones up the ge tlemen I Rheumatism. So get at , fence rail In Indiana. you re. , - L ' r II . HEN the rusty hands of the li@hes regularity. It neral Increase, and h6nesty In Politics was th jut, - � I � I - I I I - . - h"ltb, 4nd cures headacke, backache, of thocguss of ose fearful I Down the pike a buggy came creak. "No, notyet", narldf�tw.i4 I-111glipiL . . TWO.T111RDS OF A box or offlee clock marked half past nervousness and other consequences of a starilffig conception to the minds shooting pains and stif4 I Ing toward him, gray with dust, old "Reckon 111C boyq 'd ru I hvr you stayed - � fresh ar,,,d must boll ; . t .� 1 4, the editor in chief' of the womanly: weakness or disease. ; the passive and mslgned voters, who aching jolints, There to i ' - . . - and frayed 11ke the fat shaggy gray 1,11 tolvIl after darIX," 11w, other ,ealled I e .... �� 4 . . a Carlow County Herald took- The anxious mother of the family often talked the editorial over on tbo street but one sure way- . I mare that drew It, ber unchecked, de- back. $dWpll,C4)11,14�oilt.-Illfil-,(-!4!11-41fyij'I I . I . tiXes carries the whole burden of I I - �. .. I . Dozat S - bis hand out of his hair, wiped his pen crailzon"0ii stores. The next r 5 and fragrailce froM , , - - bility so� fat as the home medi corners and In, th* i spondent . head lowering before her, git tiny spare thile fr0j), Ibe Judgei'S.", � -� po on ' Is or b week there was' another editorial, per- � � . ,'. his last uotice from the White Caps, common4ilnients of the gir 6ys are . I �; . - � "I i while her incongruous tall waved In- Ife laughed londly 09-1111 In fArQw0l, ' , - I f. A -neo. . The cost of the doctor's visits ' ' in Its application, and 1/1 ,,-"V- I cessantly, like tlia banner of a storming and,the editor y,..tv;4 bis ixindas Bowl - .1 job,%jr IftS put on his coat, swept out the close concer sonal and local 4 I � . _ � At uch �K, -�L , %fy 1 little entry and left the sanctum -for is very 9ften much too great, 6 IT Mr I &*dry - to write to Dr, thereby it, becaiAe evident that the new Dodd's hlr.� � - I - .q k - times the mother is itivitid t I , , . %.. Party. The editor did not bear the der flually tarned his att4?utl0u forward �V. , . _V I - . �jghlt if possible—in an � r � -Kas a theorist . ' 4�-A, I flop of the mare's hoofs nor the sound to the mare. When tbe 11op, top of her , - ED Hiri the bright'June afternoon. - X V, Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y,, for medical proprIetor, of the Hoirald . I .. -CUR corfes� ! It e beSt cup Of tea in f I . He chose the way to the west, stroll- advice; which is fiven free., pond- who believed In general that a politi- � of the wheels, so -deep was his rev- boofs bad died out, HarkleSs realIVAI ; . f I I once & held strict ly confidential, �4. 1 . i I .1, r t i �� ing thoughtfully out 'of town by the clan's bon: or sh'Ould not be merely of I arle, till the vehicle was nearly oppo- that the day was s4lent no 0 V : 13acked up by over a third of a century Kidney I I Dze * 1 � __ . that middling . heal My Species known I � �* go. teft of his experience ta the follow. white, hot, deserted' Vain qt et nd � , re a _, cord � , 3 . . . 401 rema�kable and uniform cures, a re I . site him. The red faced and pei-hpir- was verging luto eveliftig. , 7 words: flFor four'montholwastroubled thence onward by ibe cotintry road Into such as " other remedy for the diseases as "honor among politicians," and In . 0 - I - 11-e dropli'e'd from tho fzence And turn- ; . I i - lax driver drew -rein, and the jounual A a lame back and all this tinic was un. which'its proud bal� mile of old brIck and weaknesses peculiar to 'women.ever . that nodney McCune should �_ - I . I a� - I t ard low tu � particu I looked up and waved a long white ed his face iow� , sbw to turn in bed without help. I tried frame attained� the proptietors and makers of Dr. -i 'a Fills ­ I r, - . otore buildings tup'abledown Prescription now ,feel , not recel i the �omjnatlon of big party . ters an4 liniments of all kinds but wid ftercels, Fzv6rife i so. 1�ow, Mr. McCun I a - - M -_ and to him in greeting. lie fc-it the ]if.-. land liglit about hill), - flas Shops ana thini" a�nted, cottages ftill r, to pay Ssoo In for can , e wag - - - . 1� . &ct- At last I was induced to try . I - 7 p de- I y warranted In offerinj o bted dietato , ingl, Don't threaten, man. o home to *.'Rowdy' do, Mr. Harkless?" called beard the clatler of The blackbirds - on �� . . . . . . . 000 .- _ generatea. line sun was In Dis face effal money of the United State'; for 911Y the und r of the district, i n ,__,b . � . ;Vosn's Kidney Pills, and by the tinia I had , the- main In the buggy. "�Soaklu! -in the above Ijim. beard The bomi g bees bum � . . 11 . . . . . . . . - I I two. . thirds of a box my back -was . as *rbere the road ran ,'between- the sum- case of Uucwkeao penisle Weakness, Pro- . and his llowers laughed -at the otran- 11 your wife,. V11 give you three to out , _ I . � - I I ; F 7 ,ysed and has leapi mer -fields, lying w4veless, low, gra. JaPsus, or Valling of Womb', which they � ger's fant1astle 6nset; but the editor wail I isbe'll be ilad you are out of it.,, weather'?" He 0oh-e lu shouts, though � by, saw the vjtda of whito road and I : . ,.Well and as strong as ever cannot cure, Alt the World's DI'Spe'us ' neither was hard of heaAng. level landscape framod on two side); 11 - . I r ' � , � us In promise; not conte�t with the word of print, He I "I'll give you three to one," said 31c- � � 40 - �ut, coming to a Medicaf M8ociatlonj Proprietors, 1�7_ I I - . of ever silfca." , "Yes, just noaking," auswered Hark- by. the branebes of the grove, a v;.,5ta � e sat - I BjLjkWhejrequent Thirst, Seantyj wood of. hickory and beech and wal- falo X. Y,, -ask Is a fair and iressouable. hired a hOrie afid rode about the c0un- Cune, "that the White Caps wlll got less "It's such a ,,-yp.qy day. UoNv is of Infinite . ly streif4ilin, 110ils of green, - ­ . turn triji of t,keir ineatis of cure, - -a Carlow., You want . 0 � Coudr,ThiekorRighlYColored'Orinej nut That stood beyond, he might . avorits Fracrip- try and 4o 419'()Wn surprlse) proved to I you if you stay I 31r. Bowlder?" .11ned here and there willi woodlands � . . . ci your wonderful tuedicine,' I I � . his doWn-beat hat brim up and hold 1 h" belped me gre I In titue of fiufte�r­ e ,, ptable young man 11rho on- I to look out for yourself, I tell you, my - , , ."X r I . I . 4W � � t under the Eyes,, Swellink of I - lion, da I "I'm glVin' gWd Sittisf-V10013, ti)qnk I and flat to the horl7on line, the village - � I .. k bw , : 7aft . av, t, of Wwards, ; . . big head erect. Here ,the slitide fell j, writes Mrs, Minta i , I � _._ - Rod I . F#6t and Ankles, are aU symptomf - � -0 M. ULAdwipterl wag unablettodomy work# joyed ex0relse i0th a pitchfork to the ,1 smart boy." was I you, and all at ljoule, She's In lown." lying In their lap. No roll of mead -OW, - . -the ' rojit � while -the farmer talk- I "Good day, Mr. McCune 11 the - :. � . I of to lie confined in vabruaryj andi a 184Y in farmer's p, I � � � I - deep and cool on the green 4tangle , "Give Mrs. 11j,owl(ler my regards," UO r1so -of pasiture land, relieved IbClr I I .. I "I — . == � ;of IddupY trotible that Doan's Kidney i IIHnoig wrote a,nd told me about Y T 116. ter I answer. "Let me have' your note Of . ;=� I . rag and Iron weed and long grass In I qd IIe Wked little himself, but af j � I . ed three bottleo of I Favorite r tion" I � ' id the journ.01!T11, comprebouding tile "renity nor shouldered up from them 'Ir the snake w, .1 - ' sa i 1. � I illswill. cure. . . - fence, al- " 2 . thre c ,1 -would drop a , withdrawal before you le,,ave town this to be called a bill. - . Vie corners .of anud 11 oy I liad the! ellsirt atus u1c tcon listenibg 4u hour or so be ' I - . � - Price so cts- per box or 3 for $ z. 2S, al th- ot ever h#d. Ha u be. symbolism. "llow 1.9 Hartley?" I 11 , . , . ough the sun beat upon the road so' fineme rd from the saddle as be left, and 1 afternoon." The young man paused a . -1 . � , fiwe and would suffer from ttwen't our t hlrty� wo . ded hip bond as be ' The farmc-eg liono8t,face sju,.drdover. A farm bell rang In. the distinuce, 9 "im or . There was no movement six Eours befofe birtb, two then, by �ome 0 1 I , d mellow frolu iff "M . . - -1 . � close, beside. . t ibis i. con urprising wizardry, the ; moment, then exten , for second. "Ile4s be'll st.e.1dy (..vj.r, tinkling comin oniall au . � � I obe a the � td: "Shrike bands, wo�it you? 1-1 a . 9 � - , 11E DOAN hours. Irave a fine Ibma 1`1 ill usills t1w. I " � 11 �4 KIDNEY PILL CO� of the crisp youhg� leaves overhead. most healthy one qf all. I a . farmer, thinking over the Interview, ;. sa I 40 . d at lbe lonesolneneSS OZ .. . � bav:cn!t meant to bo too bard on you. I sence the night you bromflit him ljonw,. far awray, ah -red a lopg, mournfW - KNOOM TORONTO.ONTe High In the boughs there was a qul(-'k i viLvorite Prescription I " a.. i .0 , decided t�ere was oome sense In, what I -1 - iT . . - ... . . I . - , -f- - 0 , -a ,Xn-d gtew curl- I hope things will seem easier and gay- I six 06,1o; Mral, ' dit, I'm kind ,of bolb- that sound he hea DA6 � - - - I - - - flirt of crimson where two robins hop- __,6;m_, tjjjkt *y6u g ejW - I ' � � . "t--%- :- - -:, ­r-:�� 4!� - , A al . dabouttow row-hey,,,afflstocome sigh. Tile next Instant be broke. I . � I .rQ oil ! � . . - I .. .. . INARY . . ped noiselessly. 'The late afternoonj car6slngfy, It had been a gid � tMe As to see what the young fellow had er to you beforel$ng, and If -if any- ., e . . , . ' � J11 for Show day, and S,�Clns if I 11.1j,1111t laugbter, for anotb(!r bell rRng %over the ` - - . I - an do for , . , I - - when,the air Is ite still, had the Uerald. thing should turn up that I c, . . i . . . oul come, bag long ago, gay with embroi , y in further to say In V4, I- - I ­ - - -_ - -1 - I I ' 'MY U0, I MOW" he'll ba ) - I � spring and summer � I I OUN Gi&IM, V.9., honor gradusie of oniarlo ,yet there rested � somewhere on the roljtlas� is the one subject that goes you in a private way I'll be very ,glad, , 41DY el"ll tO - . � I - .. - � the colors of the editor's unlvoislM V,A..Ac ".. #_ � . � Dek and will be rushed . . I � j ToUrlimary College. -, A JdW"es of DomzsU . I to take bis diance-'and us too. Iseems I It I'll - I �� . 0, . . :! -- . � I S11111111g ireaW, Calls promptly sUended to an quiet day a faInt, i pleasant, woody n to tile vitals of every rural American, I you know, Goodby," -18 04cmll� �� ; 11 __ 11 - � you to see our felt diarges moa,iate. Veterinary DentAry a specialty. ', imell. it came to the editor of the � ji d, although now It was frayed to the talk politics af ter The sound of the Herald's -victory ! more ]lke we'd have to let him, lontl� - - - I � # verge of tatters, it still bore an air, of and a Hoosier will me ; we g I � I - I I �� . . .1 11 . � 02w and residence on Goderich street, one doolf ' " , i ot bi'm not to coine hi last night I I , 11 1. . I ' be I - I ' - � I - 11 mht-re. In our boot. . of Dr HeWs offloo, Sesforth. 1112-61 Herald as he climbed to the top rail pristine jauntinessj an air of which Its Is deaa. � went over the state. The paper ca I . I I I I _ I I . - � I - j .9 �that cannot be beeten, - - o ed I Everyb )dy re!9d The campaJgn edi- out regularly. '4 The townsfolk bought - for Kedge Ilallowfly's lecture at the ­ � . - . � - I __ at, and he drew owner In nowlse partook. Ite 10 k' . � courthouse. sny, hoirld that lecture � I . . � . - 451 rt-itius and carpets; � 11 HARBURN V. S. -Honorary gradtfate of the a liong breath to get the elusive odor ' '61ear j torlals and found them interesting, al. I it, and the farmers drove In for it, Old �, � . � i - NX - I I OnWo Veted"ry Gollege and. Honorary Kam. . I from It toward the village in the i I - . strike you? You ,elve Xedgo a mighty � I � ., , " I r� 1� .. I � : oistaon of the Ontario Voter- tuore luxuriously, anq then it was gone one wbo did not I subscribers came back. Old advertls . I I of the Neffical Am . � . I 9 distance and sighed softly as he put though -there 'was no t ; . . 11 . � - 1. - I � urdity of a young -, ers renewed., The Herald began to Belli I flne sencl-off to 11w audi(mee in your in- � . . e a. � � � - . -Milk -in his pocket andi-rest- I . _. - I I I.. altogether. the pouch back perceive he utter abs !ople sub- i troductlon. but I noticed you spoke of � .. . .m modem prinolples. Dentlatryand - I . Carlow and I In Amo, and Gaines county p( paseS�­. .� - I ever a alsity. office opposite Dlok's HoUl , "'A babit of delicacies," he -sald aloud, ing- his, arm on his -knee and his ch1n on , stranger dropping Jnto I jp their him as 1-1 ibinkor,' witljoutsayln' wbat .I I . - - - .. . atinStr ,geafortli. .�All orders left at the botel * z3addressing the wide silence complain- Involvind himself In a party ,fight scribed. Carlow folk held i A I - , , - - � . - : , .1 I will receive prmptattenUon. Night astiorecelved his ha�d, sat bjowing clouds of smoke � I en Journalls' ned. I kind. I d1dif t know You wil-s as cau- � - I , "441 "_0 I � Asoffloo. , is7i-s2 ' : Ingl)r. "One taste and they quit," he �Ciut of the sbade Into the,qunohine, ab- . against e bosi of,tbe district. It wag I heads wb m was mentio . I I . - I be Herald announced a news ! tiolls a man as tbatl Of course I kuONV I I �, I - � . I Iluisbed, gazing solemnlY. . upon the . entirely partj fight, for- by grace of * Presently t . I I . - , � i - I — ,_ - . , sently Ivatching the ghostly shadow on Jrely that . Kedge Is honest!'- - �� - _�% . - .1 I � I . . � the last igerrymander the nomination connection -with Rouen, and,w1th I � ... q%,made blouses in the . -_ . � shining little town dowp the road. I I ..4 t, : I : PRGAL - the white dust of the read. sighed; 110h, he's the best * I . � -1, - - I . Lectly and wear well. I - - It was a place of ,which its inhabit A� little garter snake crept under the , carried *Ith it the certainty of elec- and the aid of "patent Insides" began Harkless " - 11 I� . � . I � . . -1 I an era of three Issues a week, appear- we've got, Bowlder.11 . ­ . . . . I i ! T � . and whitewear to - I . bnts oometimes remarked easily that fence beneath him and disappeared to � tion. i ,,Yes, I presume so, but!�- ',h1r. Bowl- , � I ,�m � � - �� i JAMES L. KILLORAN, the 6pulation of from , I bit progressing t A week before the conventlou there Ing on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- - 1. - - , � 11 . . the underbrush; a rab , d,denly as his eyes -1 at you will find A the . .. -MOSU goUdkw, 0onveystiosr and Notary 150 - - The days. The Plattville brass band sere- der broke off su I , � , narket and you, can de- � I - . , 00 to 6,000 souls,, but it .should be on Its travels by a series of brilliant came a - provincial earthquake. opened In surprise, and be exclaimed: . . - - , � ftbRe. -XW87 iD 10011- offloo over flokard's Stoic I I !, I . � - I I Kan I&"* 11"10Ah. - 1628 easy to forgive them for such., state- dashes � and terror,smiften baits, came , news passed from man to man In awe naded the editor. xpected to see you - ! . ;�t a moderate* price. ,, . - . I ments. Civic pride �s. a virtue.- . The within a few yards of him, sat up with , struck whispers-AlcOune had with- . )During the second mouth of the new "Law, I'd never of e . Ou Out I 1�� I 11 __ - �'N ; � - . '. . R. 8- HAY -81 � towh lay In the heart -of that fertile . : . , excaange for good& � . I . . quivering. nose and eyes alight *wIth drawn his name, mak1bg the shallow- regime of the Herald the working force I gettin! here today! Why Rinot V � . . - - . of the paper received an additJon, One I at ,Tudge Briscoe's?" This speech seem- - I - " ! - imidw, 8"10r, 0onveyanoer and Notary Publia. siretch of flat lands In Indiana where fearful 1-maginings and vanlshed, a flash est of excuses to'hJ$ c-ohorts. Nothing oom I I i 11 kazgx" . � � . . ' I e editor found gome barr ed to be Intended with some humor, for %%k I � I � ftwor Kr 00 DOmkftn Bank. Offloo-in rear Of eastern travelers, glancing from car y brown and white, Obadows was known of ibe real reason for his night th I -.�� -, ; ftwiem B"k, ftdoflb. Xmisy to toan. 12a . of fluff. . ' old . Rowider accompanied It with the loud I . X - I l � ,windows, shudder an4 return their eyes . eat beyond the fact that loafers tormenting a patriarchal X .. i " . ew longer; A cricket chirped an_4 heard disordewd retr -____:--1A. 1, - I � "THII . I , preferring even. gr - d a magnificent head and a 1 laughter of sylvan timidity risking a ,.jtt4 -- . t 03K �- BL'T I N BM Ba"bisr, soudior, 0mveyamr to Interior upholstery, tir of he had been In �Plattvllle on the morn- man who ha I - 0 ;,. . i I tinsweris; there was a woodland 9 beard. He had been if jqke..... � � - 4T, - ; I ' . .. I kaw Mliq, Offim OP 09", oytt 0. W the swaying caparlsops of a Pullman to - � Ing befoie his withdrawal and had is- grand white ­­­. - . _,Xj7=, . \11' I - . I toreezes, and the pair of robins left the . _ %.*�,�,O � . - � Lo bwkAo", Men Stir"i, ffimforih, OuUflo, -aloon, and he was so . __ . .. j I � 1027 the monotony without The laudscapo - d,from a visit to the Herald office in thrown out of a a I Why? Whars going on at the . . - - � I branches ovorhead In eager, flight, va sue three � .I- . --- - . ,�­6­6%-- r 1-1. - . . runs on Interminably level lines-Pleak . I ___ , lock of a state of - Palsy. 'Mr. Parker, the drunk with the druukenness of , judge,s?,, __ - _,j,.,0,QjFS� - __ , ___ . I . I .. . I f eating Vefore the arrival of a f He propped I that - � A___0_ - .. I . NOLV=M, ono"Mr to a* Isu am e the Rouen printer, had been present at the weekW steady pouring. He 6"opped, _,__MW7 1 0 In winter, id desolate plain of mud and "Goln! onl Didn't you see f .to exeli-mige -a wara. � X0009114 h 9013noded Borrid", 5001W blackbirds hastening thither er eproved I a lady at the lee *11 r44;___# �i -, - V-1, ...A Iff 6, Z%IIAIAAV My 41119 gun an,Av brif and dusty in summer, miles . Close of the Interview, but he hold his himsolf against a wall and r � strang Lure with 3111nniv I . symutmat . a I I o I . ? eventld� should ue - I 4- OM, man" to load. F"M with ndt nd of his employer, his tormentors in TA N. "I'm walking � ee?ty neld ther COUMAOUSO MUM 4414; jm­ , . � .1 afts 2"k of Mom on miles of flat lonesomeness, attered, gosEilped, peace at the comma Air, Fisbee," remarked the j Briscoe and the judge and did FIst I The first four strokes -were givm with . . IN age, 01!100 - in'swWo pfook, main aim" one cool bill slope aw - ay f rojh the BUD. blackbirds came, ch had been called Into tho sanctum your way, I "I'm strald not, Bow1der." ANN". Quarreled and beat each other with - lie d found, McCune, white and journalist, hooking his arm into the old mechanleal regularity, the pride of The The persistent tourist who seeks for smoker sitting and ha &,,;e leave our friends I "They couldn't talk about allYthl"19 custodian who operatcd the bell being I ]DIONINSON A" GARROW, Barristare, 80110it- signs of man in this sad expanse per- their wings above the shaking, I leaning on the deqk. maws. "Suppose else at the poitoflicet this mornin! and - on, eta,, Goderfeb, Onlatio. on the top fence rail. I to Produce the effect of a clockwork - . - Z, L, DICKINSON, ceives a m.-Okless amount of rail fence, But he had remembered, A,thousand "Parker," said the editor, exhibiting h2re and go home-" f I at Tom Martin's. $be come yesterday � - in" 0HARL-Z8 GARROW L, L. B, ' Mr, Mabee was the one Inhabitant o you belt, such as be had once heard In 010, at Intervals a large barn, and here and miles to the cast it was commencement a bundle, of papors lie hold In hJs band, on the afternoon accommodation. � ouse at Itonen, but The fifth and � past, ought courth � I - --- ' tient, , 41 to know all about It because I --- --- there man himself, IncurlOus, Pa "I want you to witnass a verbal con- kbe town poohiesslug an unknown j I m the fields a�a. day, seven years to a day from bis — , - - and a glamour of romance wag thrown sixth strokes were baltIng achieve - I glow,, looking up fro _____ - I - when 3,11unle and her father went to DENTIMY, %I own commencement. - � OL I I 1%,n"+ 114 -in hy the frossins who ngreed .&U U- A ^111 1,14a,hao -Witb ments, as, after 4 d'elock lie oft0n It) -Ft I I - thatically asthe 11miteuLl IUD LY,y . V TV " I tile Guefive L VX a � 7 Five years ago, on another June af t- I I - ta-ildlfng it in-- ft ftnt 01 . and then the triln passes a village 1 $5 , that there was a dark, portentous ZC- ,em, and when tile buckboard come count In the strain of the effbrt for pre- dious - - A anc-* W11* I F- Wo TWEDDLE1 ernoon, a young man from the east bad - e 2' , ,be cise Imitation. There was a pause after . PMOTM � cret In his life, an opinion not too well . I I I - built s�atteringly about a courth*ude# station 4 I through town be was settin' on I t oven -rack of the M � DEIMPST, confirmed by the old man's appearance- back seat with her. That:s what stir- tile 131xtb* thon a dijbious, nnd whict-Ont with a mill or two humming near the alighted on the platform of the A f I GMA'asto of Royal colege of DenW Surgeons of Oa- tracko. This Is a county meat, and the DOrth of Plattville find, entering the I 4 I I I 0 f Ilig Ane eyes had a babit of wandering - Stroup, fxlveii; a longrr palmop. follo-wro I I iWo yM gxsdu-te, urse in crown and blidge work oj�njbus that lingered there � . red the town up �o, Nobody could fl., askinkslyo Bohm', Chloodo. L0M*VA8th#tW_ for rs refer rickety I � to the horizon, and his expresgion was ger It out any WffY, and nobody ,gvt by a final ring w'th desperale deel Mlan i- - lzsgw� I � Inliabltants gind the local PaPe af- . ad, lost Ja dreama. ­40ghil Hark-lesg loolied at his wat,01. ,&fnrd r-'Mfim elb-s-1--low- eft-teth. OMIRC4-0761 -A younglo to'It confidently as "our city." seeking whom It might. rattle to dw � mild, vague and sa much of a good look alt. b(ir illen except j i 9-V00--ty Store, xesforb. 17" ness, demanded to be driven to the L f It was twenty Injuutts of 6. was lbwfing a Sim-ple and I 0. - such a county seat was Flattville, Herald building. It did not strike khe , I CE At ilia first glance ono gueoffed 'bat Judd Bennett. Ile said she bad kind o As�be crossed the enurthouse yard lo I capital of Carlow county. The social pra� . his dreams would never be practicable a new look to her. ThaVs all any of ---sei Draw *6 - . I/ I ralaee bott'l on his Way to suplow ,_ fil opemtioru I MBDIOAL, ' - driver that the newcomer Was I in their application, and some such IM- , r I I and business energy of the town con (. I em could git out of Judd. lie was In a I tile tdL- m'., ftont eye the olven fOv- I centrated on the square, sud here In cigely a gay young man whendbe climb- .,if, . presslon of him was probably what sort of a dreamy state. I;ut Mfldy ljp, I he Stopped to ezcllange a, _ivord witb . dandtherackbrirWth,-,P2n Dr. John McGinniso ed Into tile omnib,us, but an hoUr later, caused the editor of the Herald to ni(,k- I ton- you know 31fidy? Sbe works out I th' i "' ' . , - summer time the gentlemen were wont as lie stood in the doorway of the edi- - 1; , e bell ringer, wbM wated on the stcjx� I ! its coa=ts out of the oveD - I Esn, Gisdaste London Wadom Unlyefft M#Mb" to lounge from store to store in their � name him, In big -own mind, "the White at Briscoe,611- was inopping bis tirow wlill on -air of 1, me it iny be thorougblY .. o.f ftjvW Oofte of Pbyliclans and inmeons, hirt sleeves, and In the center Of flee he had Indicated as big destination, I Iculght.11 "Yes, I know 1411dy," I bard earned satisfaction. Me wd Iromorly omplod by W. WM 6 Md -with the greatest eW- plak4rd, R16d, 0*0 so the 0408110 Cbwoh the square stood the old red brick depression seemed to have settled into I _ Mr. Fisbee, coming to Plattville from ,,She comq in to the postoffice with "Oood eyeuizg, is,vbotiel,491'" be vald. I . I �1. Impmd I 0 1 xford Rang -0 Anight h1undod Pay. WISH courthouse, looselY fenced in a sbady the marrow of his bones. I I -nobody knew where, bad taught In the tho news tbis hady's nitme Was Sher- $,you eante in strong on the la I at stroke , � an d- . maple and , clm­'1ffiliPVry Plattville was Instantly alert to the 1� high school for ten years, but he proved wood and abo 11yes at Rouen. Miss tonixTat" " � _- em thelabor of cooking. -1 ' grove 'of tranger's presence, and interesting con- � I raost SUCci&419 , I . DR, 1H.- HUGH ROBB, liumll-called the ,,courthouse yard." a " quite unable to refrain from lecturing Tibbs says that wasn't no 1IMS-YOU ,,,Wbgt we npeA bere," respoudeA Ike 11res the andua4ectubive'nit OfToront0faculty-01-M e jectures were hazarded all day long at �j AM , - � laftio, unmber oil Cb] a Of PbY#lcbnf aud our- When the sun grew too hot for the dry ek door of Martin's Dry Goods � I - to the dumfounded pupils on archae- ,could tall she wg g a el ty lady with both b#11 ringer, "is more public sperrited ' . - � I . agewifes or w6b 1. Reous otontafle ., O_Ad"U 0013"" Ohl"90 goods box whittlers In front of the the ba to was the club during 11" ology, neglecting more find more the your eyeo Shut. 'But 'HIldY SaYs FlObee men, I Aln't kirkin! on you, Vir. 11ark- " --- , ,atoue of our zIltdcasobooLchi 0- RoyislophOWMIC stores around tbe inuare and the occu- UmPOrlum (th I op-np, 0 0 au V. t 'Men _r ogland 1, 601TOMty (Muege H - 11 - � ordtaltryy Courses --f instruction, grow- _ ivag golW to stay for supper, and be je _ : Jr; but W, W - t Or - ord L'alle � , W. London, 11 - =i, 2 ­ � LoWon, ftland. Oftleo-OvOy GUIX & _81dw0rV# pants of the chairs In front of the.pal- the day), and at supper the new at 1, . like they got In Rouen, We want =(,'R �hc Imperial oxf . . . Ing year by year more forgetful and come to the le( .-ture with 'em and drove - - 9V An#, Main Woo, Beafortli Tbone No. 6. Night I rival and his probable purposes were � �Wb onswered from rez;;6 on jobn fir"t. MO see hotel .on tho corner they would go - I 11 absent lost In his few books and 1,15 off with *cm afterwerds. Sol Tibbs That III git Alain, street paved wlik e Gurney . . ___ ross and 4rape them"lves Over the discussed over every table In the toWn I.. I refiections, until �at last be- 'bad says he reckoned It was because r, Isbee block or asphalt; men 1bat '11 put 1-4 � . __ Ac jM@ Upon Inquiry be had informed Judd I own I Duladry Coo DIN, F, is SURRO fence and earrve their Initlalp on fbat'Bris- factories, -man that 'D ac-t-nOt set W.80 Bennett, tho driver of tb* omnibus, I Peen d-lscbar9e4.Xpr Incompetency. The was the only tnun In Carlow # . dazed old I 13 rouDd like that ol � 1A=it0& top board. Irrom the P081thib Of the Naturally , 111 _ I _Is_ � man bad no Money and no coeg thought bad h b0011. Y tool martin qj�d r021to . SNUUMMMME gun the editor of the Herald judge& that he had cotae to Otay. - . way to make any. � One day bo dropped to be smart enougl) to talk to her, but laug)i and pollywo,9910 Along a -I'd M."U0 -_ . - . =tre&2, 14FIZMIM�og &"Ak Mu and ReW4=0 - "odeAeh street, east ot the that these operationo wav 20W 'I* such a doclaration, caused a sensation, Mr, RodmV Mcou-ne found thenote. in gt the hotel bar, Where WIlkenon, 31iss Seljny says it tbat,was so they?a U 4a Out- . ' . . fun of POW pperrit, day I , I Y , 11 - - . aw I. V o0odid churob. I .e,' progress, and he was not d0ePlY elated as people did not come to PlAttvills to truct between *r. McCune and myself. the professional drunkard,* favored bim bave got you Insteiad, L111(l so ihey had I reckon I do my bpst for 11te, 01ty.11 - , � I Tn"nox.z No, 40 �' -and - Of course -0b, nobody minds old Tom 31artWP ­-- - Corover for the County of linfan. , 'ji the knowledge tha$ WbitfvcL*� daul. lite except through the inadvertency of These papers are an affidavit .wjth big society. The old man under to all,jest about give It UP, I t V&SIS it I L I in$ ,; tory -conversation M11;fi am gaas tieing born there. In addition the young copies of some records of a str everybody got a good look at her at the observe,(,j Harklvs-�, I"lVg only Wf the . . I . bo inan's appearance and attire were ve- stood. He knew it was the beginning AE, SEAFORTH.; to man on the fence would probably , - company wbkh obtained a charter ' of the end his books In order lecture-tbey set on the platform rl'ht ,time be juealis anytiling I)y wbat he I rted to b4 extraordinary. Many of . He sold " . I b - � — — . IDR& SCOTT & MaCKAY, inspired by his OWS convj&jons. ex- Vo �, while Mr. McC�ne was in tbo legisla- to contioue his credit at the Palace behind you .and TIalloway, and she did ,Say$!, I . .. I I . I PHYSIMANS AND SURGIZONN, . . pressed editorially In be Zerald. the curious; among them most of the ture. They were . sent to me by a man � marriageable females Of th# Place, took bar, and once or twice, unable to pro- look smart. What got me, though, was ,,,,Xhat,s jus�t what I bate about blIn't , . ' � 0"edoh #book oypMte Methodid ebuich,Nsdoft a I do not know, �n anonyMous friend of kind of a little da- returned the bell ringer In a tone Of � I I Ile drew a faded tobacco bag and occasion to pass and repaos the sign of , ceed to his own, -dwelling, spent, thO. the way she wore a M � I L - r pipe from big Docket and, aftel Mr. McCuue-tn fact, ii 'friend he 'head. % . high complaint. I � � 9. SCOTT, mdualle Victoria mid Ann Arba, and brie night In a lumber yard, piloted tisither gar stuck fstraJgbt through ber . ,,you t,anit never 401 ; I maniber &Urio 0011098 Of P4Zdd4n6 fOd jilling and lighting jhe pipe, twirled the the _Carlow County Herald during the seems to have 'lost. On consideratio ; I " n by -the hardier veteran Wilkerson, Seemed a good d(Al of a silcrIfice JP-st w-bleh half it fig, TAok at Jilin now'." I E D_1,._S# ftmeons. Gown" for county of Hurm evening. I i of our not. prl�tlug these papers Mr. rjgbt . � I pouch mechanically about big Roger, i ated . The morning after the editor took to make sure your bat was on The genl),nnan mforred to was stalld- . . - . 0. MACKAY, hOM911, cmdmio Trinity UnlvaWlyl Meanwbile the stranger was Be ' to retire f rom politics him home Fisbee appeared at tka Her- You 33ever spe ber at all?" Ing over In froxit of the botol talhi- I Member then, suddenly regarding It p4te—Ut McCune agrees ng q -.r gold modslist Trinity Nedfoal CoUege . - - . - I 11 1. - In the dingy office 1upstairs -with h 1.9 i understand, If he ever . A I- q +493- UcUege of Phyglatsus and Sw9#009, 0G16d0- for good. You aid office In a .new hat and a decent "I'm afraid riot," answerod Harkless tc .oatl4,9, ,ys, wbo sat � ,_,V_4__A _� i r 160 . head bowed low on his arms., Twilight ') a row of ( _4 loungo I We bave - . IL z ou stole through the dirty window paner, lifts his head again politically we pub- suit of black. Re had received his oat- absently.� " Milos lirlscoe stopped me -on with thelr Pha , lips ijllx!,d baek agalust r lied 1�y us. - fish them, and the courts will do the �. I tbe'way out and told me she had a - I ary in advance, his books,had been re- the props of the wooden nWnh)9 tiAlt . � . prices for all kinds � AUCTIONEERS, 11 and faded into darkness, Night filled rest. Now, in� case anything should purchased and be bad become the re- visitor," projp,cted, over Ilip fildewalk. Tb#.Ir the room, He did not move, The young 0? . . happen to me - �_ $-Young man,"' Raid Dowld'-T, "'You fat;co were, turned to,ward the eollrt� . 'Of I . . Congo — T U 0 F= . pia, n S man from the east had bougbtjtbe Her- � , portorlal stag of the Carlow County I � :EL -W ontiftes of Hur,on and FerW Ordm left M - "Something will happen to you all , 11 T, .1 � Herald; also he was to write various better go out t1jore right awaY," Ile house d i --yell thmm-lost In irwdila- I . Campbell's Implement wartroemsi seaforth or � 1,,' N-ei-y f ziriner knows that old from an agent -had bougbt it with- � right!" brOke out '�NICCuDe. "You can For the first raloM. the r(,.Iljg t ,d to the gra-v I _ . - 3 EXPOSIfOR offloo" win roosive, prmpt A0000n, ng been within a hundred treatises for tile paper. ,irj(l clucke tiVe Wilittling hIld 100k(N3 131) 101 ]all' .'))- .imc� We will give a" Seed or no charge. 170841 outever havi bank on that, You lblacWl- artin, ' -stisf"tion gusrum I bw better ffian wa, . few evenings when be started home — - ____ - Al r. V, ()j)(. ,)f iiis jim)(1,4 lbrulA Irt t sonic plaiits gr,. : miles - of Platt-ville, The Herald 0- 2� I " . I "Come", the editor interrupted not 0 , a pockc-t or ilig nlpaea cont and the oth- AN.0tion AMZ8 G. Me -MICHAEL, 11cenwd sue'Vonect fOr others. Sol rja b the same an alleged weekly which bad some- from th ffice his chief walked with - j the county of Huron. S!�Jes &%ttendedtoinany uupi,eagantly. "Why i3bould there be I him, clIttlug cheerfully, until they er softly earor,sing jAs wiry, gray i.-blu . Oft , and satMaction �e M11 C -the sanie times appeared within' five days of its anything personal In a�l this? I don't ' Nerves Exhausted .. . CA811 ONLY- ' of the wunty at modayste ratN offica and secd may ise declared date of bublIcation and some- I bad passed the Palace bar. But Flv,- b(,aril, his rusty sllk hat tilt( -d forwartl rasaes FOR Kuranteed. Orders left at the Saadortb post recognize YOU as my private enemy- ption was 00 AL - d .. �. ; Of At Lot 2, Concession 2, Rullett, All rocelve but -some plants are we -A and ..p times missed lire altogetbero It was a I' bee's redem mplete. Body EinacialEll till lbe brim filinfod refatfA- on tile . 11�� prmyt Attenuen, =24f . ndt at all-aud I think you gre getting' The editor of the Herald kept stc-pad- brfdgo of 111.1 jj()�,;(!, was address,in,91 . - - - I ; I I eof every patriot of � — others Strong. thorn In.1be side , - raither easily, aren't you? You keep I ily at his work, and as time Tirod ftolingrLis and ftrrible - them I I I I - off - went on I � lit a ow�, limyvd voice, the melan- - F' I ..O- TT Gr ..- A UUMONEZRING.441. S. pullpf. mom"d And tbat's the way wi th Carlow county, and Carlow pe . ople, aft , out of politics and everything will be I the bitterneos his Predecessor's swindle weakness-suffored five Years rboly wbluo- of wbleh, tboUgh Dot the ,� �M Auctioneer for the counties of 11aron and - Teftb- mng a prsaWcal tamer and tbowugWy er supporflng the paper loyaliy and! ortable, You ought never to have ! , d away, But his And restorad to health woriN, I*netratod to the eourtboim .:ht or day. . children. They are like young , I bad left iu him Passe I I . UlWardanding !be ralueet farm dock and imple- long, bad at last given it up and sub- i co" -& , by Dr. ChaeWs Norve , I -meats, ptacza me in & wwr poedtion to reahze good . lome, been in it, you see. IVs a mistake no 0110-liness and a sease of Aefeat gre'vr Food. stemg. * I i & f I _'-4.- 1 Vrkn, Chugesmodmte. satwsalonguaranWd plants. Same food, same I scribed for the Gazette, publighed In to go square, because In the long run ' (To be continued.) � I i. I Amo. The , ! and deepened. When the vistas of the -to - . I of no p4y, All orders lef i at Rensal post office of ,rowbig the neighboring county Of somebody is oure to give you away 1 MRS, GRIDAC;s Coor., I.Valland, Clist., st. - #_ ILJ U . f � ,at Ldj sa, C013ceaston 2, Bay, will be MmVMy sanie care but some 9 7 - I world bad opened to his first ,youth he ,, por five years I was trwq�led with nefyouz. F T—To MOTHEp _ - 1. . --..OVW %Wnded to. IM41 and strong while others stay former �Proprlctor of the Herald, a like the fellow who ment'.me thes� i A _I�7 ..S. � - . I . � -A-901 se to hold to a strictl athe and a teffibie weak. — f, - - fill 0- I surreptitlous genticmsft with a goatee, you promi . y pri- had not thougbt to spend his life in jacm, tiredfleding, head� � --,&-;' (D_RX-b� AHM A. SMITH, licensed auctioneer Im the small ,.ind weak. had taken -the precaution of leaving such a place ag Plattrille, but�be found I new, I was so mim. - - i4 16kly,fret- � ej counthollfuron. silespromptlystNended to - vats life?" If you have a chikt thiLt, . __ I himself doing It, and it was i) no great able thit I could not at- us, restless at nighf;. or tuf- � ft vioa guama- - � In Avy a ot the ani2ty and eatlalwt M15 -if Scott's Emulsion offers an plattTille forever on the afternoon pre- "You're a traitor to the party," uroan- I . edge I tend to -my bousebold fill and nervo I ---I- - happiness to him thfit the lion. X fers from I , ------- � ked. Iddrese Winthrop P. 0. sor's arrival. Th* any sto-umeh or bow -ed troubles of � - ceding big sucec's -A the other; "but you only wait!'- - duties. During this time ­_ __ - - , -y. , . - ___ _111 ifficu . HILIloway of Amo, whom the Herald'i3 tg. Don't ---,-- 0 eas way out of -the d It tl -- I was a great sufferer and si)y sorb, give it Bs&ylm Own Tible ing of the cuuncit of % . young man f rom the cast had " � -T The editor smiled sadl.v. "Walt noth. had sent to . � . , . ,,v,, - to AleCtme - teod � � . � � L .. - I be aid of this medicinO-0 is guAr" � , . .1_________.0 oppositlon bemme mucla eamd Str I County of Huron, ' I Child weakness often means ,overpaid for his purchase. More sr — — - . -gem&-, - . 9 . I 11 I t� . .- f)"ive I � . hIngton, came to depend on big An- . � atec to contain no opiate or bakrinful ?%rug. . DYE WORKS. . ". 7 % i i � . st-arvation, not because of lack the price he bad paid for It was all the . was nor did the I Was treftAed by- a the Tabl,ate to the ftick c-ijild aad watch the . - fluence for renomInation, I , Vy I , W-111 111#4 is Id. ! I Food doctor with no- quick rf,lie, an, rapid rvatoratio3l to health t - ir�,.jj c.j ttt: c�ounty ot nuran, a 0- -Having boughi out Athe A inoney he 11jad in the war . a 9 U e.t ekmu.bur in tt e T�,vvu Of "erw, intereWof the dye i 91 Pure soap I" You've heard i re lizatlon that the editor of the Car- A . ,clock. 0- of food, but because the fo( . " : 13em irm jftF_ .to huz�znd bu Thia next morulng be went bitterly t* I change for the better and ' tbe 7th of Jim next, 'at a Njak Mokel of her is . il 0 1 �161 to 1.%entj' low counf�r Herald had come to be - I .1 ad.,!W. me to and attrangth. ThwAvauds of mtherm r.re � , , Poo - merly of Senforth, t ara �reoared fr C. d ua� b, ki f to do a I does 110t feed. I A -he words. in Sunlight . ee,aml i Vj c-ow.e b.,Aore the cou-nall W , n a 0 vrork. He hired a compositor from L . sor as political dicta, /.. � M - I z Nme uuLng this medidne fer their Jittle on,-, bee . Ukrk on cr Ltj)r, fjr.t day Of wd-#t'P'- d ing, oleaning aDd -asaing All vork . GROMENVOMMIUM i .0 succes . - r, 3yallpraisait. What strong,w. ev.1" * W� Dj �5 I : 0 short notice. J. T. SEGiZ, Victorif. at., . . - A - which I did and in till yof nained Farker, � I &RE , C1.14, done on Scott's Ei-nulsion really feeds 1 Itouen; a young man have the fact. "�Cune i I Pit j Soap you - a perceptibly enlivening ef- I ild . a few doon south of the 0, T. R., Clinton, Out, fmsm� . tor produce I , -Vol1sirm 1M:t� L -long and helm - - . 11 - can you want. .Mrs. D. A. V md, !901. . � I I who set -type all nigh i t f , , . a short time was r1such r - - _�, Baby'a Own ' ; the child grow' Uy. I � IMM ing � i feet upon the young maiL The years Kits, 0001t improved in beatth, Ai. Saaderinglism, ,jjat,, -lay* . �____ l and gives ents all I . i I . him pursue advertilsem . - all the claim you Make II - - - i drifted v ter using six boxer, of this predous medicine V Tablets eert;AWY . " S . I W � ery slowly, and to him it seem- fin nders for Draj r' - - strength. - f Weak.1 The citizens abook their heads pessi- I #_ . f , went by while he stood,far was 5*91 nd ind well. I shall alwa-'s rccOfflmend . so f&r as my experiones goss. L I . � - ed that they for ,hem _ I for obil- - - . . � .— - MARRIAGE LIOENSES , mistically. They had about given uP ; ieve it gaved -Ane s 5W . Whatevcr the cause o eonsider thein a perfect wedit �, ever I aside and could not even See them Dr. Cbaas Nerve Food for I bi) - I r will' �e if -f t lv(-d at the ClOrWO cdl(*' - 11 - I w iu the hou.-C." & ��, - I the Idea that the Herald could I R,yt keep the , h 9. � y t1l. June K"t, rit %t,. toE the cons ISSUED AT — , i � move, lie did not cons.lder the life he I" Years Of m!z�r, jw dren, SUA a1w, t�, ness and failure to grow � i lk/4;�e Food tho great blood a froza- stv dealer in � sP . amonut to anything, and they betrayed 1 Dr, chasf�q A I you can get the Tabk& . . raiGb ,.a ffit. Town of Heatorth. ;jiw 1 � I- - � T-nd low, I gLn innocent but caustic doubt of "It- I � led an exciting one, but the other citi- I . V ;,!, - bet-ri at the CIC -A's Wfice� THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Scott's Emulsion seei-ris to find ' buildej and nerve restorative, W cents a baj� medicine or if you writaTbo Dr. William, I �.,*r ,Aot rict,naarily accepted. 11 I I � I AEDUCES 7,eng of Carlow did when be undertook ,1-0 protect you a ainst imniations the portrait Medicine 0)" uro*vffle, 014" they 'will . 'OTT, Of", it and set the matter r--ight. Jty In any stranger. gainfit tho White Caps, deni- and signature *f 8r, A. W. Cbw,, the fitnious 1, . WAI. E -U, i990 - SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, Send f free sam�ic, One day the new editor left a note on a war a u a box b,y wail Post 131'id I*r 25 . allies jeceipt bwk audwo an on r�vy bQx of bis 918WI 70 I � Uy -6, Vk(A. - 1� I pow"C' &mists, Toronto, Ontaiia, XXPENSZ 7,0us of Six 'Crossroads, seven i - - ­ eeat*, . . cmtj - � ­­ I .1-1- ­__________� . I Scott & I lals door; "Will return in fifteen miu- if 14C . - 1. . ­ � ; � I- � 40c, 213d $i,uo; all druggists. i trmf F I I -est 011 Aplatty1fle., 1,40, nollv## were t �a 4 . - , . 231 MONEY TO LOAN ,'- NO WITNESeE_Sl REOUIRED . U Ask Of 00 Qd*903k Sla, I � - . . e ff.t 0 so _W_- I _� I . ", . . - . ; - . � . � � � I W loan at lowe.;8t raim of Tter OW . .1 . iEibw - . � , I I �� 6, �� 1 ; - - 11ty, Ar,ply to JAB., �*# I 11 . i . I � : . , &wforw * . . I . . 2 . . - - - . � - � . I I . ; . I � i -;.--. . I . I � ! I I � . . .1 . _. . . � i- . �, I . � . : I - � i . . � . .. . I . . � a I I � . . I � - . � .. ; . . - - I . . ­ � I . I . I .. . - . I : ; - I . i . I � - ; . . . I � I � � . - . I i � - - I � I � . � I . . I � - I I "ll" � . . . . �. - - . I � � . I � . I I . . . � .