The Huron Expositor, 1904-05-27, Page 2• Ir *THE HURON EXPOSITOR You can hardly find a home - without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- , vise parents to keep it on hand. leThee best erregh medicine money ean buy 11 Ayees Cherry Pee:erne For the coughs of • -hildren nothing could eadeibly be better." JAMS Surree, Saratoga, Ind. !25eeeto. 111.00. • J. C. ATM 00., II dru g r Mass; Throat, Lungs. Ayers. PIO* greatly aid the Cherry - Pectoral hi breaking up a cold. Dr gun &mita SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, May 27, 1904. Journalistic Enterprise, The Stratford Herald has adopted ere new departure. The Herald, under the direction of its able, enterprising • and genial President and General Manager, Mr. W. S. Dingman, has be- coine one one of the best,brightest and most enterprising journals in the smal- ler cities of Ontario. In fact the only thing we don't like about the Herald is its politics., It ultra Tory, but aside from that it is all right. But, about its new departure: It has re- duced the price of ite daily . edition to two dollars a yeartr, issues two editions a day, one for country and the other for town readers, and is pushing the circulation of the daily ,among the farmers of its constituency. And more important than an, it is following the, example of the beget city papers laid has discontinued the jobbing Manch of its business. The following extract from its announcement contams many statements that are painfully familiar to ou newspaper ilnen and from long experience THE EXPOSITOR can • endorse all it says about the small profits of the jobbing , department of the local newspaper business. We are only sorry that Seaforth is not large enough to afford .pric*s for advertis- ing which would justify THE EXPOSI- TOR in following the exa.mple of the Herald in this respect -We could • cheerfully say good -by to the job room which furnishes three fourths of the woxry and one tenth of the profits connected with the ;combined news- paper and job printing business. But, unfortunately for oar own comfort and peace of mind, Seaforth is not large enough to support a news paper TfinThS the jobbing attachment. So THE EXPOSITOR must. worry on in the old lines, get an the job work we can, do it as well and as cheap as we can and be thankful for such favors as a good public may give us in this way. Hitherto we have had no just cause to complain of the VOluine of pati if it only bulked as well in firofit. But that it does not is not the fault of the public but of some foolish people who seem to think that it pays better to work for nothing than to do nothing. Perhaps in the sweet bye -and -bye, when Tun EXPOSITOR gets- richer and. Seaforth grows largere we may be able to follow the example Of the Herald in this matter. THE Llxposeron, does not often treat its readers to " shdp talk" and the Herald is responsible for this brief talk in that line as it put -us in the humor. The'Herold says: "Iii the earlier day e of newspaper- dom in this country a large propor- tion of the business of newspaper of- • fices was the execution of job -work. This continues to be the case in smal- ler villages and towns *here sufficient support is obtained neither from the newspaper nor from job work alone, bo keep the enterprise afloat. The •e precariousness of such enterprises is indicated by frequent pathetic apolo- gies in the village and small town press for the depleted condition of • local reading columns owing' to " a rush of job work." The late Alex. F. Pierce of the Dandas-Banner, crystal- lized the ambition of the small pub- • lishers by the amusing parody: Let me do the job work ot the nation and care not who makee its laws." With the growth of the centre of publicat- ion and the attainment -to full stature of the newepapeathe job work depart- ment has declined relatively in import- ance, so that it is now the exception ia the larger cities to see lob work and newspapers associated. 'Further, the jobbing department xna,y be retained to the dwarfing of the newspaper. We • could name daily offices in Ontaido where the jobbing department is ex- alted to first place with the result that the newspaper ire stunted ; nor is this policy longer warranted by gilt -edge • profits in the jobbing deptietment, as publishers -who pursue this policy have -been known to admit, These. men allow circumstances to con trol them instead of themselvtei controlling cir- cumstances. The prices of job work have been so constantly depressed, be- tween the folly of cempeting job prin ters -many of whole are hand-to- mouth men -and the inereaeed coi3t. of production, especially in late years, that job printing inay noW be put in the same •class with sugar and cotton in the grocery and dry goods trades respectively, from which articles mer- chants alinoet despair of ever !seeing profits again. Tinder theme circum- stances, and the Herald newspaper • being able to stand alone. we have de- cided tei discontinue our job work de- partment. The' newspaper has always been the important department with us, and with the other depart- • ment divorced, we will be able to ap- • ply ourselves with yet better results to the enlargement of the Herald's We are prepared to let others scramble for the bona.; of job work and to alter the motto parodied by Mr, Pirie into "Let us do the news- paper business of the Perth district and we care not who does its job work." The names of four the Tens isk atning decided upon.. They Pettypiece, after Mr. H. Pettypiece, M.P.P. for East Lampton ; Edwards, after the late Secretary of the Public Works Department Beardmore,after Mr. George Beardmore, master of the • new district townships in been are as have follows te--• Toronto Hunt, a,nd Newmarket, after the town of Newmarket. And tifus will the name of the worthy member for East Lampton be perpetuated through succeeding generations, long after he has become an inhabita,nt of the happy hunting ground .4 where railway taxation bills are not burked by Governments, who have little game i of their own to play and do not tolerate the interference of subordin- ates in such important matters, 111•111111MMIMISMNIIIIIIMIIIIR The Premier's Advice to Young Men. Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier of On- tario, recently delivered an address at the Young Men's Christian! Associa- tion Convention at Buffalo. Asasual, the:Premier had a great deal that was good to J. He said that he was lint tiensely pleased to see the good feel- ing that existed between the people of the United States and Canada at the present time, and hoped that it would ever be the same. " There should be no other feeling between the people who have undisputed possession of the western continent. Let* us hope that the British lion will never be- come too much of a lion in dealing with the American lamb. I bring no particular greeting to you from the people of Canada except the wish that we may live forever in pea,ceful unity.' The Premier then delivered his re- marks to young men and to those who were interested in the work of young nlen. He said that the young men were the assets of a nation. Some as- sets were had. he said and some as- sets were good. He thought that the English had won much in this world because they were able to hold on ten minutes' longer than the other fellows. He quoted Edison's remark that suc- cess consisted of two per cent.of talent and 98 per cent. of application, and that inspiration was but another word for perspiration. England and the United States were trying to perform the same work, only in a different way ; both were trying to show that a clmnocratic government was better than t-ri autocratic government. Yeung men ought to read books andr3rnake good use of the libraries. Atok -young man who laid out a course of a6ding even if he read only ten pages a day, would be splendidly equipped at the end of a year. A. high standard ot. public honor was also necessary. " We ought to be our own policemen, our own detectives, and our own jailers. A man with that characteristic te valuanle asset," he said. feeseamesearease Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels, -you'll like it. 32 -- - How to Kill Mustard. The following are the diVeretions, as issued by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, for applying the Blue Stone Spray on Mustard. There are 'many farms in the elounty of Huron infested with this noxious weed,which not only looks had, but materially les- sens the productiveness of the soil and decreases the value of the farm. If the following directiens are followed the weed can soon be entirely eradi- cated and where it is 'bad the product- iveness of the farm will be increased more thar win pay for the trouble and cost of the spraying: 1. -Solutibn. Dissolve 8 lbs. of blue stone in 2 gallous of hot water. Strain this into a barrel. Then achl enough cold water to Make 40 gallons of the solution. ' - • 2. ---Time to spray. The best time to spray is -when the mustard is between 6 and 7 inches high, and just before it is about to bloom. If rain follows w•thin twenty-four hours of the ap- ication, the operation should be re- peated. One application each year will be plenty. 3. -If the operation is repeated for four years, an the mustard which re- mains ean easily be pulled by hand. 4. -It rcia,kes it possible to extermin- ate this pest withont losing a season's crop. 5. -The yield of egrain will be increas- ed on account of the destruction of the mustard. 0. -The cost, of the blue stone need not exceed eighty cepts an acre. 7. -One man can easily spray 12 to 15 acres a day by this method. 8. -Do not spray muetard in a pea, crop, as the peas are injured by the solution. 9. -The sohition has no injurious effects on clatiler. 1!).-Thoroug'hness is the secret of this method of treatment, • FOR ALL UHILDREN. Bafiy's Own Tablet' fa a_ 1110101w good for all children, fiom t h feeblest infant, whose life seems to hang by a thread, to tbe sturdy boy whose digestive..oppara,fus . occasionally gets out of order. Th a Tab- lets instantly relievaqand promptly euro i all stomach_ and bowil tr-,,tibles and all the minor ailments of little (spec Tt.onsands of mothers have proved the truth of these I statsmeuts, among them ?Av. Robert Mor- ' ton, of Daerwood, Manitoba, who says :- 1' Baby's.Own Table's havehoped my baby more than anything I evSr gave him. 1 can conscientiously recommend the Tablets to all mother's." We give pat a solemn ail - Bursae° that the Tablets de not contein one particle of opiate or harmful drug. They. do good -they never can do herrn, and all children take them ae readily as candy. Sold by medicine dealers or sent post paid at 25 cents' a. box by writing The Dr. Williamb' Modioine Co., Brozkville, Ont. Editorial Notes and Comments, I Ernest PaterSon, winner of the first Rhodes scholarship to be awarded in Toronto, is a living illustration of the theory that excellence in studies may be successfully combined with pro wese in athletics. Mr. Paterson 18 one of the best tennis players in Canada, and intS held the amateur chanipionship for more than one season. The happy blending of mental and physical ac- complishments should assure hini welcome at Oxford. ; In a speech reet-cntly delivered' at Penetanguishene, Rim. J. R. Stratton, Provincial Secretary, said : On- tario had contributhd to railways $10,- 000,000 in subsidies, and the . panties $10,000,0110 x ore. Who would be to fore o the advantages they represent or re urn to the condi- tions from which th railways rescued the people in districts through which they ran S"' That fa not the point. The real point is, would. the people not have received just ail great advantages as they now enjoy with halter quarter the expenditure? We believe they would. The Thunder Bay branch of the Grand Trunk Pacific is a case in point. T -hat road isia necessity to the company and the company won have been compelled, in their own in- terests, to build, it, bonus or 110 bonue, and still the Government generously gave them nearly half a million of dol- lars and over a nf thou aeres of land. And after all the aid the railways re- ceive they persiet in discriminating against Ontario shippers in favor of our rivals, the Americans. The more we feed them the worse they serve us. ----- Rev. R. J. HainWell, of Dereham, in an article in the Toronto News recent- ly says what ivi I be recognized by every person to b true. " The union of the three chile heq, about which so much in bein Said, would be an especially grea n to the country pastor. Thousan of weary miles' travel would be spared him each year; and the time thus consumed could be well spent in th , now, too often, ne- glected study ; fo . such over lapping of each other's pastoral work would be unknown." --4--- The Toronto M 11 very truly says : Public ownership ould be desirable under proper co ditions, but in the minds of most of i s advocates it means merely a change private ownership. A city may becom the proprietor of a lighting compa y's plant ; if, how- ever, it has to go into debt to private parties in order to raise the purehase money, what has it gained in inde- pendence? The ot of the 'people is not likely to be im roved by a policy that extinguishes rivate coMmercial companies and bui ds up private lend- ing companies. • e municipal credit is nearly eertain t be morel depressed than the citizens :• va,nta,ged. - The people of M nitoha are about to try the high licens experiment in the regulation of the - iquor traffic. The Attorney -General f that Province re- cently said: "1 i• tend to reconnnend that m high license system be adopted in this Province, a id that the fee for licenses for hotel in all cities and towns with five th usancl inhabitants n,nd over be incr ased to $1,000. The object of this is • enlist the interest of the licenses in s rict enforcement of the license laws, a id the elimination of illicit and illegal traffic. In addit- ion we shall carry ut the enforcement of the present law o the best of our ability. A high li .;ense will improve the clam of h.otels, nd keep down new applicants." The Conservative paper in Pem_ brook, North Renf •ew, is kicking hack at those papers that are trying to make political ca,p a out of Mr. Dun- lop's huge bill for election expenses as published by his 'election agent. It says : "We wish • draw the atten- tion of The Globe nd public general- ly to a fact, thoug well known .to all those who are at a 1 intimate with the political affairs o this riding,1 that paper is evidently gnora,nt of, namely if Me. Hale had p •lished as honest a statement of his lection expenses as Mr. Dunlop did it would have been seen that they °tailed up a larger amount than even Mr. Dunlop's. It is well known that 21 . Hale has not yet paid many of hi election accounts, especially his livery bills, which latter are said to amoun to about $3,500,and we are creditably informed that the livery keepers h ve placed their ac- counts in their Ira yers' hands for col- lection." All of N hid] is quite likely true. Its the oletrick of the pot abusing the kettl ' because it is black, 'The heelers of on party are not one whit whiter than are those of the other. Both °las es assume the name ' Reformer " or " Conservative " for revenue purposes and the party . that bleeds niost, easile and most . prothsely is the party wh • se name they adopt and that receiv s their services. If one party pays o it more money than the other to wi an election it is be- ca,use the one pa ty has more money to pay out than he other. The ques- tion of right or e ong does not form any part of the a lculation. • HIS EA.SON. • For his Stroll Belief in Dodd's Kidney s --His Own .111xp rienoe. Notice to Creditors. In the matter onthe eetets of Wiferon MoSherrY, late of the Townthip of May,th the Countyof Huron, farmer, dammed. Notice is hereby glean pursuant to, E,61.0., 1897, chapter 1M), that all oreditore and °therm hswing claims against the edge of the said Wilnon Me - Sherry, who died on or 'about the 24th day ot March, 1004, are required, on or before the 10th day of Juno, 1934, to and by pObt prepaid or deliver to Messre. Gladman & thebury, of the viliage of Exeter, Sol:elk/re tor she Administretrix, of the uid deccesed, their christien, and surnames ed- dreesee and deteriptione, the full porticulers ofibeir olden, the statement of their ea:grunts an the name of the eeeurities, fft:iny, held by them. And further Mks notice that sf r euoli lett mentioned date the staid administratrix will proceed to distil- buto the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havine regard only to the claim* of which they shall then have notice, and that the said adminberstrix will not be liable for the meld effete or any part thereof to any perms or pereprie of who're olden, notice shall not have betel received by them at the time of such distribution, GLADel AN & STANBURY. Solicitors for maid Adtninistratrix. Detect et Exeter the IOW day of May, 1904. 1091-3 CAmPBELLFORD, n t., May 23rd.-(Spee- ial).-Mr. James A wed, ot this place, Is firmiy convinced th t Lumbago and Blad- der Troubliare the remit of diseased Kid. nem and the reaso he 'given is tiiat he cured hie Kidoeys b usirg Dodd's Kidney Pillo and bas not felt his Lumbago or Bled. der Trouble *ince. Mr. Atwell nays :- fi.r years. I tried ills and a bandage pee- " I had Lumbagojand Bladder Troubles ocribed by the (tooth 'b'ut could get no re- lief. Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, . and they cured me, completely. I will never be witnout Dodd's Kidney Pills in the home " • -The Hamilton Herold satire ; No one but the woman who has to lick them into shape knows how trying are untrained, half -taught, sel &assertive girls,who unblushingly take situations as servants. Quite recently a lady on South John street engaged a girl in lace of one who had gone away to better herself, and found that the new maid. knew absolutely- nothing about the duties she had undertaken to per- &rm. One morning she was told ;to bring in the letters that the postman had just put into the letter box, and she carried them in in her hand. She was told to bring anything into the room on a silver salver provided for the purpose. But it took a double dose of sal volatile to revive the lady when upon requesting. the g'rl to bring in some coals, the girl bro ht them in on the aforesaid silver sa ver. The lady is now open to engage another servant. Stubborn Skin Dibeases. Nothhie is more discouraging. than a case of oz. ems or salt rheum which refuses to heal. By wing Dr. Climes Ointrnent, however, you Goon see that new Akin is forming, and th e [sore part is becoming smaller and enraller. Ihe itching le entirely over. eotne after a few applications, and you are given satiefactory evidence that a continuance ot the treatment will bring a thorough oure. -After a two hundred mile walk, Hon. Howard Conkling, New York State Senator, and his companion, Mr. John Ingersoll, arrived in Montreal a few days ago. The pedestrians left Luzern. N. Y. on Thursday, May 5, and -covered on an average, 20 miles a clay. In conversation, Hon. Mr. (1( ling said that he would rather w - han ride any day, and it was in `se of pleasure in his favorite pas- time that made him plan to take the long walk to Montreal. fesessemeessepees I MilleriaCompound Iron •Pille, cnly 25 onto for 50 doses. Sold by Alex. Wilson., druggist, Seaforth. • -An aunt of the late Father Godtz, ariSh priest, has donated $25,000 to ht. Augustine Roman Catholic church at Brandon, Manitoba. Heals end Soothes the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. Cures COMM, • COLDS, BRONCHITIS, MARIS BESS, eta, quicker than any rem edy kaan. If you have that irri- • tating Cough that keeps you awake at night, a dose of the Syrup will stop it at once. USED FOR EIGHT YEARS. I have used DR. WOOD'S NORWAT PINE SYRUP for every cold I have had for the past eight year', with wonder- ful success. I never see a friend' with cough or cold but that reeommend Mew' 11. M. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N.B. ••PRICE 25 CENTS. I kThe Clydesdale and Shire • Stallions • S.A.S11=11:3, No. 9764 Nateley Master of Arts No, 9764 Will atand for the improvement of stock during Olio mean at their own stable, near Clinton. Terms for either horse -To insure, $10 ; payable 1st of February, 1905, JASPER le one of the best stock horses in Canada, with the largest bone of any Clyde horse. THOS. SHIPLEY & CO. 1901-3 Proprietors. T E E. ick, Noi ,ARATORS Melotte Cream Separators. ) Are the popular cream separators 14r several reasons, One of them is illustrated here. The bowl hsngs on a hardened "steel spindle" which re- volves on ball bearings "as free as the strih on its 7 axis" it has no other trupport, but has free and unimpeded a course as a planet, and fi de its own balance. This simplicity of construction saves frit). tion, saves repairs, saves oil, and saves p per cent. of the wear and tar, to which other oreain Imperat- ore are subject. The only machine with Enameled Bowl casing, only two pieces in the bowl, making It easy to wash, The -only machine fiteed With a brake, handle easily fakes off and put en. without bolt or nut. All wearing pointe of case' hardened steel. Gearing all enclosed. 42.................-.... MBLOTTE CREAM &OPERATORS have gain- ed the highest honors and swards at all the loading exhibitions one trials throughout the world, This ['operator has wily to be inrpeoted and tried - to have its merits fully appreciated, over all corn petitors. Retnember we lead and don't follow. In spectioo kindly invited-. At A, M. Campbell's Wareroom, Sea. forth. Duncan McCallum, agent, Seaforth ; J. D. Walker, agent, Staffa. • R3 d what your neighbors say about the Melotte Cream Separator : - We years or 121 We fl class able, cost. eve used a Melotte Cream Separator for two nd are highly pleased with IL Thera are 10 ri our neighborhood giving go3d satiates:Mon. d it easily operated, easily cleaned, a first immer, a great labor over and very profit - I would not be without it for double what it Joseph Atkinson, Tuokeramith. pu chased a Melotte Cream Separator year ago. We are much pleased with it and it saves a lot of labor in the handling of the milk. A. D, Scott, McKillop, As I have used one of your No. I Meiotic Cream Soperztore with good satiefaction and find it easy to torn, may olean and first clad eklmmer. I also find it eaey to operate and esey to understand, and from the mechanical construction sari the quality of the material of the mchine, I find it to be one of the leading machines of the day, • John Alexander, Tuckeremith. Two years ago you, agent,McMcCallum, put in eize No. 1, Melotte Cream Soperator for me. It Is giving perfect malefaction and takes very small power to turn. It is a close 'skimmer, is etudly cleaned and operated in all respect& I would advim *every far- mer to use a -separator and can with confidence re. commend the Melotte." Thomas J. McQuaide, licKillop. 1897 • Local Improvement Notice F-- Do eu cat& cold easily ? Does the cold h2-cf On? T Shiloh's Consumption! Cure C. WELLS 84 Toronto, Cane LeRoy, N.Y. The Lung Tonic It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Prices 26c 50c. and 51.00 • Take notice that the Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth intends to build cement sidewalks on the following portions of streets in the Town of Suitor* viz :-Sidewalk No. 1: On the west side of Fast William Street, from the old Temperance 'Hall eo Franklin stniet, 4 feet wide. Sidewalk No. 2. On the east side of Chalk street, from George street to the northern limit of Lot 1t2, Goulnlook's Survey, fit feet wide. Sidewalk No. 8 -on the south side of Markei 'street, from Main retreat to Janes street, 4 feet wide. Eitiewalk No. 4 -on the west side of Weet street, from Goderich street to James street, 8/ feet wide. Sidewalk No. '5 -on the east side of Sperling street, horn Market street to John street, si feet wide and to &geese 60 per cent. of the cost upon the property fronting thereon, and 40 per cent upon property flanking thereon. A statement showing the lands liable to pay the aneenneets and the names of the owners so far as they can be Reef - tattled is DOW filed in the offiee of the Clerk of the Municipality and is open for inepection duriog office bower. The estimseted eost is eleven eents per square foot and levied ill the proportion above men- tioned. A Come of Revleion will be held on Tues- day, May 31s0 next. at 10 o'clook a. m., at the Council room, for the purpose of hearing eomplaints ageing's the, proposed assessment or accuracy of frontage meresuremente, or any other oompleint which persons interested new deoire to make and which is, by law, cognizeble by the Court. WM. meow, Clerk. Dated this 10th day of May, A. D., IOW. 1900-2 Thoroughbred Shorthorns For Sale. For aide, two Shorthorn Bulls, both of them broth ars to imported " Seotchnien" now etook bull at the Ontario Agricnitural OollegeGuelph, A1i0 a num. ber of females, All Intuit be sold as the owner has sold bis farm. They can be seen at Riverside Perm and at Exeter. Parties calling on me at Exeter will be driven to the farm, Apply lo, or eddress 18844• TROT RUSSELL, Exeter. • Prize Winning Short Horns for Sale. Eight young Eicotoh Short Horn Bulls, from im- ported and home bred mete, got by imported bull, also young (IOWA with calf a foot or in calf to im- ported bull, also a number of heifers of breeding ageand younger. Aleut a lot of imed peas of the early June vatiety, a medfum sized white pas, grown from seed got near North Bay last year. They yielded over IR bushels per acre and not a bug In them. Pricevery moderate. DAVID MILNE & SON, Ethel Ont. 1890-0.1. fildrillop Directory for 1903. MICHAEL MURDIE, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. JOHN 8. BROWN, eouticillor, Seeforth P. 0. CHARLES LITTLE, Ciounedion Winthrop P. 0.; ,JOHN MURRAY, Councillor, BeechwoW I'. 0. JOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Oormdfllor, Winthrop P.0, JOHN O. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop 1'. 0 DAVID M. ROSS, Trosemrer, Wlnthrop P 0, SOLOMON J. SHANNON. J. P., Sanitary Inspector Winthrop P. 0. EgEP,IFir TROUBLES WEN. Thousands of women suffer from backache and kindred kidney ills. There is no need for any woman to be ailing for an instant. There is a sue and positive cure in DR. PiiITCHER'S - ACKACHE-KIDNEY TABLETS. CEDAR POSTS. A Full Car dust Arrived. N. CLUFF & SONS, SEAFORTH. Money to Loan. The Corporation of Tuokerernith have V,700 of wheel fund model an hand tee loan on geed feriae securities at current rater of inter quirlteg_meh eleould *poly to G. N. Turner, arta* tueri Clanton P. O., orlo A. G. Smillte, Clerk, Ilea - L'. 0,, or to the undersigned,IG.S. Blachtizetest, Seaforth P0. There i% no one more to be pitied than the woman who has to drag through the clay's work suffering from a terrible &eke in the ba..:k, a darting pain between the shoulders, a heavy dragging pain in the loins, or a persistent headache that will not let up for an instant. 11Iore than three-fourths of the scifferiags of womankind come from disordered kid- neys and poisoned blood -not from BO- Calit:d female troubles." Get the kidneys acting right -have them filter the poisons from the blood and pains and aches flee and good health returns. Here is a statement from Mrs. W. J. Smith, Smith's Falls, Ont., a woman, who knows whereof she speaks : "1 believe Dr. Pitcher's Backache- - Kidney Tablets didme more good than any remedy I ever 1,bsed. My kidneys and back caused me much misesiy, but the Ta.b:ets promptly • relieved me. I gave them to my little girl for Weakness of the kidneys and the results 'were satisfactory. My mother also has used them and thinks there was, never a kidney medicine to equal them." Dr. Pitcheeat Backache -Kidney Tablets are small, cholate -coated and easily taken. Price soc. a bottle of so Tablets, at druggists or by mail. The Dr. Zino Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont. For sale by J.S. Robertiedruggist, Seaforth ........••••••••••••••••• rhe Zoldrillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED - TOWIli PROPERTY ONLY INSURED MIMI& J. B. McLean, President, Kinen P. 0.; Thorns. Frown vice-president, Brocaded P. 0.; Thomas Z. clays, Sao -Tress.. Seaforth P. O.. WllHain maumous. Chaney Seafortb John G. Grieve, Win. terop; Georg. Dale, fiaatoeth ; John Bennewels, Dublin; James Evans, Esschwood • John Watt, gado* ; Thomas Fraser Bruosiske; John B. No Lean, Hippan ; Janes Climnolly;, 011uton. Robe. Smith. Bedeck ; E. 'mangey, Seaforth; •anise Cumming legenondv fel ,• I. W. Teo, Holmes rills P. 04 George Murdis and Sohn 0. Morrison auditors Parties desirous to elect lasturanoes or Haar 'et atm. bulbul's will be promptly attended te policaitor to any of the above *Scars, sddrimed ad, respective peat ofeees MEN WANTED. Wanted, three good men to run the vett-feeding threshing nitchine of the Staffs Thresith3g Con3panv, One engineer and two to run the separator. Appli- cations, dating wages desired, to he sent to the Secretary before the 10th of June. RICHARD f3ELLERY, 1901x3 eleeretery, Stan P.O. Troubled' with Kidney Trouble for Six Months, %any Men and Women Are Troubles 1 With Kidney Trouble, Some For Less I Time, Some For Longer -No Need To Be Troubled For Any Length Of Time, If They Only Knew Of The Cures Being Made By DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Rackache Is The First Sign -Of Kidney Trouble -Then Come Complications Of A More Serious Nature. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS TAK.EN AT TEE FIRST SIGN a? BACKACHE WILL SAVE YOIJ YEARS OF MISERY. Mrs, William H. Beaks Torbrook Mines, N.S., tens the pub- lic about the great qualities of Deaiiie Kidney Pills in the following words: -I was troubled with kidney trouble for eix months, and had such terrible paine across my kidneys all the thne that 1 could. hardly get around. After felting one bort of Doan's Kidney PilI I began to feel better, and by the time I had taken three boxes I was completely cured, Price 50e, per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; all dealers or The Doan ICidney Pill Co. Toronto, Ont. One Grade Only, and That the best. also Who Wants a Buggy? Oa. •••••• •••••• I yds& to inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country, that, I am receiving A Car -Load of McLaughlin Buggies. These buggies are known Canada over for their superiority in style and finish to all other buggies on the market. I have sold these buggieo for eight years and None of My Customers have • had a Tire reset. The Tires are All Bet Cold. I ask all farmers, thinking of investing in a new buggy, to give me a call and they will never regret it. I Do Not Canvass the Country, give the farmer the benefit of what it would cost me to do that. A Full Line of Farm Implements Always on Hand, A. M. Oampbel, SEAFORTH. 18r6-12 Cook's Cotton Root COtralltird Ladies' Favoeette, Is the only se.fe, regulator on which woman ean depend "In .03 hour and time of -need.", Prepared in two degrers of strength. No. 3. a ei No. 2. NO, 1. -For Ordinary V.08 Is by f ar the beet dollar medicine 'known. NO. 2-11'Or special eases -10 deerere Stronger -three dollars per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for Cortieere Cotton Root eiontpound. Takeno other SS ell pills, mixtures arid imientione idangerous. No. 1 and Ne. 2 are sesi nee". *recommended by all druggiste In the Du - 'minion of Canada, Mailed to any nehireee on receiptof_Vice and four 2 -0# -tet poeenenn tamp. The Cook compeer, • Wiadeeee Otrie No.1 and No. 2 AM sold in Eleaforth by J. S. Bob arts, Alex. Wilson, C. Aberneat and I, V. Fear, drug. glebe. 3.869 Eating Became a Dread, HOW -MANY PEOPLE ARE ALMOST AFRAID TO SIT DOWN TO THEIR MEALS? • YOU MAY BE ONE OF TEM IF YOU ARE, THERE IS A CURE FOR YOU. BURDOCK BLOOD - BITTERS 3rand Trunk System. • RkilWaY 7Iin.Table Treins leave ormforta as renews : .605. no. For Clinton, Goder:eh Vettighem ginm-rdine. For Clinton and Gaderloh Por cunton, Winghare and Meow dine. For Clinton and Gederloh. 7.5.9 a. el. For Strstford, Guelph, Tome., Ori_ Ills, North Bay and palate weleie Belleville and Paterboro and peke; east. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, lime t,rt.nd pante eade - For Stretford, Guelph end Tome" Palmerston, and Kincardine. Game Noun. Pus. Pam Weed leeeeete 720 p.m. 12.20 p.m e. el en 8.07 1.07 nw 8,17 1.17 lex* 2.27 1.80 los* Wingbame. 8.88 140 IMO Gorge Som. Pam Mixed. pmg. Winghem,.. 13,58seen 2 a.m. 3-06a 3kiervele .. 7.02 8.17 nes 7i,15 10.00 3.te Ethel. .• 10.15 3,se 8.1.0 1129 12.40 p. sn, 6.16 13. m. 10.18 p. ,37 ps m. 222. CURES INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, SOUR, WEAK AND,, ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. Mr. J. G. Clunie, f3arrthy's River, N.8., teals of what this wonderful rem- edy has done for hirn:-It is with grati- tude that I can testify to the wonderful curative powers of B.B.B. I was so badly troubled with indigestion that whatever I ate caused inc so much torture that eating became a dread. to me. I tried Timms/ thisicians, bt4 Adjpedicinci seemed to reaW-M worse : I thought would try B.B.B., so got a bottle, and after taking a few doses felt a lot 'better. By the time I had taken the last 21 two. bottles I was as well as ever, and ha. -4 had no return of the trouble since. I recommend your medicine to the highest ilogras. B.B.B. le for sale at all dealers. THE HURON HOTEL, GODERIOH, - ONT. . J. T. ELLIS, Formerly of the Conunercial Hotel, Seafortk, ex- tends a cordial invitation to 411 his old friends and patrons, when viating Goderich, to b000mo CeSta of the Huron Hotel. tarThie hotel Is first -c iin every respect, and all will be made oomfortable. Terms moderate, 1800.if J. T. ELLIS, Proprietor, Court of Revision. Notice le hereby given then the first sitting of the Court for ehe revision of tbe Aseessment Roll for the Tewnehip of Tuckeremith for Ehe year 1.904 will be held at Strong e' Hall, on Saturday, May 28th, at 10 o'clock re at, for the hewing and trial of complaints against the said roll. Interedted parVes will plow take notice and govern themselves' accordingly. Parties who have disposed of their doge bine.° being assessed must have them struck off at the above Court, or the tax will be colleeted. A. G. SMILLIE, Clerk of Tuckeranith. Dated Ma v let, 1904. 1896 London" Enron and Bruce. a1DO NOPLTD- 1,on=sdertirt-- -. 04 osor 44 Oen e I err 444 11EX eller vow 44.4 4ms• Jr 4 4ar mot MIO agneal OM .1 .a.• *Mk*, Air 4.• Nippon-. 4*-**4*444444 4111 Brneefield OP VA 44... 444 44 44 0lin4012.1100 Land eeb010-.". 4WD la• ages •era BlYilha. NM *MOWN** Ve• 31440•4,04 Seigrarea•• Aro fiks aao Whighirta Srtiltel.4444. at 4 itollia ifOUTS•••• Win g t depert........- Belgrave...-,.•..a • MY* •4 IP al' Loaded; V) • II. • ...WV q.. * ant Ot 1.•• •••• 4.4. I.** 04 .••• 4.4 Brneerileld.1.• AM` le • 11•• •If. a. Hippest- ...... a*** mr- 41 MIMI L. 40 4. a.. *or ,floa *to 44 am Exeter.. LOIN 41. 4.0. WM, Ceara" if' • i• ,••• London, tarsive).. • • Paseeeger, 2.15 sex. eno e 9.18 5.48 9.805.549.44 eng 9. 50• 0.1e 9.58 0.12 10,15 0.$5 1020 6,61 10.88 • ono 10,50 tir 21,00 eie Peter:ogee 0.60 A.m. L1C 7.01 Lee 7.14 ins 7.22 846 7.47 4,15 11-05 4.58 8.15 4.47 842 452 8,85 .5.e5 8.46 6.15 9.454. 11. 6.10 TARENT&M, 21795. A tested Aire of speed. Monday,--Greham's hotel, Clinton, naafi; lInme field for night. Tuesday, -Varna, neon; Blake. night. Wedneeds,y,- Deshwood, nom; Crectitanc night. Thursday, -Exeter, noon ; Perquharelleit- rriday,--Staffe, noon by way of Dublin, to ng. mondvilie. Saturday, -At hie own etable - mond- Me, 3384( Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received by the Council of the township of Mullett unsil 2 p ni, on MONDAY, 16th DAY OF M AN, 1904, for the Or03t1012 of concrete abutmente to nipped the small !Wel bridges Also for a concrete arch, 2214 long end 43inches in diameter Two of the bridges are within st, fullest of Londeeboro and the other near Clinton The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Speeifichtiene can Inman st the Clerk's office, Londeeboro. 1808-4 • JAMES CAMPBELL, Cknk Baby Carriages, Go Carts and Carriers In the Iatesb up-to-date dyke, and a large aesortment to choose from. Window Shades. Our entire stook will be closed nut great reduction in price. We have latest idea in Window Screens-differset sizes, _ • A large and varied assortment of Celebes and Parlor Suites, odd and fancy chairs and rockers, dining room and bedroom feasi- ture, eto. The vertical feed Davis is the only sew- ing machine of its kind, and the best in the country. We have it. The Standard is also a gem machine - two in one -chain and lock stitch. We have it too, Knecht -0- & McKenzie, Furniture Dgalere, Undertakers' and Far bahners, SEAFORTH. Night calls for Undertaking answer Mr. Kneehters residence on James street. LOGS WANTED. The 'undersigned is prepared to pay the 'high% Cash prate for an unlimited quantity of first -elate Soft Elm, Rock Ehu Basswood, Maple Beech, Ade Heinktek and Oak Logs Delivered at the Seaforth Saw a.nd Stave Mill. lo be out an oven length, except Soft Eta. Soft to he out 11, 18 and 16 feet. WIII ilea buy Basswood lies,ding Bolts, 40 Inches Jong, at $8•50Por eterd, delivered. Will also buy timber by measurement or by bulk 1s bush. Spools' attention paid to custom sawing, and satisfaction gusiwnteed. 1378 WM. AMENT. TOWN OF 8EAFORTI4 Treasurer's Sale of Lands in arrears for Taxes. • TOWN of SEAFORTH to wit. By virtue of a warrant, issued by Or Mayor of the Town of Seaforth, under lus hand wad the seal of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth, beaming date the 171$h day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and four, and t. 1115 directed, commanding me to levy upon toe several lands herein mentioned and deedi. ed in the said Town of Seaforth (11 el -which Uncle are patented) for On grail of taxes due -thereoil reefactively, toastiet with costs as hereinafter set forth 1hem by give notice that unless the said dna* and costs be sooner paid, I shall, on We& nesday, the nth (lay of August, A. 1904, at the hour of 12 o'clock, teen, at OW Council Chamber, Town Hall, in the Toon of Sea/orbit, aferesaid, proceed to sell br public auction so Trim% of said landierei "opectively as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and said costs themes respectively. Description. Taxed. Coata.c'i Teta Lot 1,2,3,4, Carter's Sub -division of block K., Jarvis' Survey, supposed to belong to Mrs. Ellen Mc- Namara. - - •- $9e1.85 $19,00 1897 to 1903 inclusive. • WM. ELLIOTT, Town Treasnrcr. Treasurer's Office Seaforth, 17th Ifay, 1904. 1901-13 • More Oalves for Sale. James C. Pareons, of Kippen, will be at the At 1 +o'clock . roC.°,manindParteial 11 On Wednesday, May 25tbs ate], Sesierthe LONDESBORO, on Saturday, May 23th, _ At 1 o'clock p.nro., with a lot of good are. for 1906.1 _ ,,._ sale. • JAIXPE 0. moos. *1 Al .•.^-.%;