HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-05-20, Page 2the in�n(fxpositor
-0De By Otte. I
(By Mrs. Edward McFau )
The forest trees are budding
Beneath the springtime sun.
`And growing into beanty
One by One.
The forest trees are bloomin
Beneath t he summer sun,
Their bloom will shortly leav them
. One by One,
The forest leaves are fading
Beneath the autumn sun •
A.nd gently falling to the. earth
One by One.
The forest trees are naked
13eneath the 'winter sun,
Their leaves have all departe I
One lay One
So we, through youi h and manhood'a
Life's treacherous journey r in,
Tlwit drop into our autumn *raves
One by One.
Spring, summer, autumn, vinter
'Beneath the living sun
We'll rise, oriel live for ev 1 Ore,
With I
Three in One.
Who Struck Billy Paters n?
In the diSCIISSiDTI orn OM el stoats
est imal es in the Dominion J arlii-
Ment last week, Mr. Fowler who
had a till with Mr. Wilbert' ‘ater-
sort, the Miniet er of c-w4t (Inas, recal-
led t he quoit fon " Who Si riik Billy
Paterson," ft 1:s a curious thing
that Mr. Peterson himeell ;iskedthe
question on the floor of the same
House just !...12 yeere before. Tr the
debate on Wlin %Vag called flit ger-
ry monder of TRA2 Mr. Pa tersor -rose
to epeetle in the elosing Twills. fl,
wog five o'clock in I TiemorninT. Sir
John Macdonald hod dOvill lo
the barber shop and Mr. Paterson
asked Sir Tf-et or La torevin 'f lu
-would consent to 1.1journ. Sir Hee-
or opened his eyes long enou rh 1(1
look ir ross the House and sha J his
head in 1 he nein.' tyro The Ileitis: ri-
but ion bill added Onorelees, 1 wn-
ship and Paris t own from . or th
Brant and .triok away Burford and
Oakland townships and added • hem
Soul h Oxford, Mr. Paterson'. ma- I
Jority at the previous -election had t
'been about two hundred.. It was,
calculated therefore, that t he ger- I
trymander would knock Billy P( ter -
eon out so that gentleman said: "Mr.
Speaker, the queaitian has often been -
asked, who struck Willy Pater*on,
and so- far as I know it has. n 'vex
been satisfactorily answered, but, ;
sir, pointing his finger at Sir Jahn t
Macdonald who had just roturnd o
the Chamber; the answer is furnish-
ed by this measure. It Was !the
Honorable gentleman who is closing 1
a long and. distinguished career in a ,
discreditable manner for, sir, he
struck below the belt," It rnight be :
added that Mr. Paterson fought such I
a- fight under the handicap at the
succeeding election that he retai
his seat by a me jorit y of 176.
Editorial Notes and Comments I
It is estimnted that 78,000 Cana- ;1
dians are fiehermen, (heir annual I
catch being valued at (tier $25,000,-
000. This is one of our most import-
ant and profitable industries.
A eorrespondent remit rke : We
now hew; the standard of 1 he Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway defined by.:
out hority. In roply to the
ift111 of Mr. Oster that yea cannot
construct a new line of the stand-
ard a; the old Grand Trunk, Sir Wm.
Nfulock said " you may buy an ex-
eellent quality of port wine but it
would take time. to mellow it." The
standard of the Grand Trunk Pa-
cific ntay now be called a port wine
Mr. Thomas Bea Sa ri Jose scale
inspector for St. Catharines, claims
to have discovered • a new species of
scale. It was found on a Mac bush,
and when examined under a magni-
fying glass was found to be, differ-
ent from the San :Tose scale, being I
MON' elonga fed, while the effect on
bush and tree is the same as the
San Jose scale on fruit, trees. Sam-
ples have been forwarded (0 the On-
to rio • Afrricul 1 ural College. Nature
o [ways a 'liberal provider of oc-
cupation for f he human family, no
doubt because "Satan atways finds
starlet tong for idle hands 1-o do."
pealing to the Country, nor will he
do so emtil he fella to. So long 113
hie -majority of three bolds out be
will rest and be thankful in the hope
that something better rnay turn up
in the future, ,
Mr, J. H. 13.0ber1son, president of
the Canadi tre Temperance League in
an a.ddress eeceptlY, at Toronto, said:
" Temperance peoPle have lea rne,d
that they nee41.- not put (Itch- trust
in politicians. Fregn the day of •Sit
Oliver Mowers promise for better
temperance legislation for the pro-
vince, up to fhe enigmatical promise
contained in t.111,.. letter of the Hon.
0. W. -Ross to the. members of the
Methodist minister:se deputation, dis-
appointment has to be, written. Ex-
planations. are ..dOubtless possible.
Po Li 1 leal literaturehowever, wheth-
er in the shape of a distinct promise,
a deliberate istateMent in a Speech'
from the *throne, or a letter of
premier to a clergyman, must evi-
dently be interpreted on a different
basis of -ethicS to (hat which regu-
lates he ordinary business affairs of
,Tolin D. Betckereller, thct richest
man in the world, has vary kindly
given his son'r Bible °lase some use-
ful advice on j the sabject of eucce,ss.
He appeared itmong the young men
unherelded, rind delivered a neat.
speeeh 10 them, Although the sena
timents expressed were irreproach-
able, the newsoapers have refused to
reat Cheat seriously, Mr. Rocke-
feller spoke of 1 he advnnttige of
learning to be. self reliant, and said
t hat at :the age et seven he was
taught to milk a eowe " A simple
A hi rig," echoes t he TM ffa lo Express,
scornfully, but f poved the wey
-to milking the publie later on." Mr.
Rockefeller will have tO make a
mighty big clinngi in his business
rn(tho(h1 before his!Tell-ores on mor-
al and religious subjetos will bear
much f ruit. 11 is is a case where ex -
plc is of vast ly -more account
i 1i o precept. He Tight commence
by flitting' inOre of ids goods to feed
t he poor inst fold ryf scheming to rob
bent of theli tle lie!old of hers like
him hove left vith them.
• Lever's Y -Z (Tse Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder du ted inthe bath, of ens
the water and cbitifccts.
A Romance in 1Rea1 Life.
Russel Melville is aweallir ranch -
man from near Ca titan", N. W. T.
Ile OnfilD to Toronto last summer and
stopped at the Walker Home!. While
there he met his fate in 1 he person
of Kate Cole, a dashing dining room
girl, who had only a short time before
arrived from old London. It 'was a
ease of love ati first: Sight. At least
it Was on the part of Iitussolaind Ka 1 e
evidently made the ranch 013 n think
that it was the case on her side ,too
Kate said she usel ano be on act ress
in London and according to her own
story, she had Vesta ,+illeybedten by
several blocks as a In von i le in the
She could sing and dance and
kick high.
Ressel propoeed marriage and was
a ccept ed on cert a 111 conditions. -Be-
fore goingi out to Calgary to settle
down on a ranch for the reit of her
days, she must run across to Lon-
don to s_ort her parents and ta ke
last fa reWell of themi
He erainly Was god to her. He
agreed, -paid her passage, gave her
an abundance of spending money and
Presened her with a geld watch and
elm in, diamond ring apd brooch :end
ot her expensive trinkets, kissed her
good -by, and wished her lion -voyage.
She was gone 1 wo m001104.- 1Te mei
her in Monreal on her return.
They were w ad and :lef 1, for I he big
ranch to bill and coo and live in peace
ever afterwards, just like t wo turtle
But ala.s and alack, somel hing m13$7n
have gone- wrong -in fact did go
wrong. NVItether Mrs. Kate grew
1 ired of life among f he 00111e, or.
v-vhether she missed the music, of the
street pianos around the Walker
House, is a deep, daek Treyeery-.
- But after three months of life as n
ranchman's wife, the lady disappear-
ed, overlooking the fact that her line -
ha ad 113ight Eike lo have been inform-
ed_ of her trip. A.nyway'she went and
Mr. Melville is now in Toronto in
Parch of her, and if' he is, to be be -
levee! there will be a 'whole lot (lo-
ng when he meels hex,
So -far he has found 110 f raee of
Mrs. Melville. If she (tame lo Toronto
none of her former friends hnve soon
The arum II noel (yr maintaining -t he
Mounted Police in Manitoba, the
Nortirwest and the _Yukon am o tin Is
to $1,017,000. The increase in the
great for this purpose 1 his year is
$100,00.0.• When his item was being
-discussed in the Parliament the ot her
day, several Oplms i 1 ion ni ambers
urged -thet 1.1e -re is not now !any nec-
essity for so - large ft force and that
it should he reduced 11 not entirely
disoontinued, one 00m:1er saying as
a reason for Iliis course Thoi 1 he
Indions were becanniing eivilized now
arid learning to drink whiskey like •
Christians," •
The P rem ie r or On! a io reeen1 1 y
visited Ott a wa and ha(' a Ieng,thy.
conferenoe with t he Ihn 1111 kin Pre-
mier a rid of her members if 1 he Cab-
inei . The: object ()f this visit hag
not beenmerle kruT,n, but the -M-
eow:, correspondent rot the Toren( o
M:01 puts_ it (bus; " Hon. G. W.
Ross, Premier of On has been
muen in evidence at Ottawa 1 0 -day.
Ile ht 1 a tong consult at ion with Sir
'Wilfrid Laurier in 1 he merning.. It
is said that hie Objeat in visiting
01 te wa k lo raise t he W here Wi tha
-to car -re Wan through a provincial
general elect 'MI, 11 is firmly •be-
lieved 1 hat Mr. Roes will go to he
province before fitiof her nos.sion. lie
was asked about t hi, mat ter hut was
as evasive as usual. the belief pre-
vails that Mr. liege ae here lo take
catinsel of the Federel Ministers hs
to the most suitable dete for hie ap-
peal to tho province." Now, ,Tfu, Ex_
posi tor has no inside informa lion re -
spec. :tigo the intentions of Mr. Hoqc
and his government, nor is;it ri
peetion to obtain any, but it has o
Tirt-! 4y thorough knowledge of f he
nu n, and we ventliee the statement
t tail any pereon who place/is email-
deans in these predictiona the
M:t it nerreepondesi I, will be badly
fooled. Mr. RORS; hes no intention of
47sso1yin g The tegisla 1 ure end a pe
Congfte. gelds, Imamate', :end other throat
ailments aro quickly relieved by Cresolene
tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists
The Age Or Man and of the
Dear Expesilor,-1 not Wed a let-
ter in ,your edition of the 291h beat.,
which was apparent ly ati answer to
a Hensal 1 • cOrresponden 1 . tipoti ex -
amino 111>11 of the same, T am convin-
ced of f lte out hor's sincerity in the
views he advtra es, some Of which
however, T do not coincide with, a nd
which T hope you will allow me 1 he
favor of explaining them. through
1 he medium of your valuable publi-
c it ion, The Expositor.
In Me first place he says' he leis
conversed with several clergymen or
va rums &nom inn t ions and they all
agree to the 2,000 years from Christ
• to the end. Why aims lia ,not give
• his own ideas, and 101 the clergymen
•eXoresS 11e1r5l-? Does he myt there-
by admi t tlif, t lie is not capable (yf
T] r omulga 1 but: 00 opinion Oti (icon n
(yr ethical ;final deficiency ? Why* does
he go exclusively 10 clergymen: for
his opinions Clergyinen may he.
well edne 1 1 ed, but 1 here are
Wilk -nor go to those who hove made
o sI udy of existing facts `and from
them have deducted the inevitable
concluelen, admit ted end endorsed
by all fair-minded and int elligent
• clergymen, that man is OW lineal
descendant of the monkey, the ser-
pent, and the primal germ ?. Clergy -
Men may ill agree to tho 2,000 years
grid tho more intelligent and fnir-
m Imhof port ion of linina nit y may not
agree th it. Where ie the to (yof ?
On he one hand We have 1 he opin-
ions of bigoted clergymen, who bn ye
misinterpreted 1 he Bible, :Ind of 1he
n neduca 1 ed 'mass, who bel;eve with .
the clergymen because their fathers
berauee it give e an- air of riot -
pee y, an ai m oep h ere of wis-
dom, whieh, in many, the ebuence
woeld pa in fully appn ren to On the
_other hand we have the- opinion of
fa; r -m !ruled minis! er, who tire not
efreid to delve to Ole bottom of n
quest 1 m, and stand hr their convic-
t ions, of srient 1st s. who strive to 'leek
the truth unleemPered. Pr!-con-
teived •-ideaq and (if the intelliarent:
portion of 'humanity, who, from tile
evidenoe submitted to them, and the
conduot of the advocates of the op
inions strive to g,ive a just ver -
1,1 says," Who knows but an apos-
toile tradition asserts this period."
I say who knows but the stors are
knot holes in the floor of the evil
place that give us a glimpse of the
white heat within.
• He says the liensall eorrespondenl.
gives 1110re censure than proof. Bet-
ter ceasure than hide your ignorance
and inability to form a convietion
and to'stand by it, under the opin-
ions of those who appeal .to our em-
otional I -father - than reale:ming -fac-
ulties. Why not" set a good exam-
ple le guide the erring'. by giving
preof that this •good old earth bus
90 years' to exist 1, Does he consider
that 1 he opinions -of all the clergy-
- men -•he, has conversed with, or in
feet 1 w opinions of all the ignorant
and rejudiced fanatics that walk
the f ee of 'the earth, is proof?
osk ye], reader, does his statement
that lergymen believe it, .prove the
point The absurdity of the as-
sumpt on I For proof Om 1 there is
tto in ioation of 1 his otal earl b
eomin to an end in 96 or in 96,-000
years 1 refer you to any -reliable
scient fic work on the subject.
• Ile says he likes, scientific nice
• vete,' veil. NVIto is he that he con -
„denim or 'appreciates anen, na above '
ell sei eilific men, whom he is least
fitted fo judge.. And why does he
tike t • tern very well ? Because they
are ni -fellewe, jelly chaps., old c,01 -
lege oh ums, or is it because like
• hitIlsel . they are unprejudiced and
• • base 1 heir theories on substantial
facts ” But when they assail the
I fl " • e. of ages, then as Christians
.; we ji u
1 is. a
• scienti
rt tt die till the sun goes down
t •
is a (I( at rine of ages, selloff ific men ,
assail. 1 ; f herefore • we MUSi ignOr0
10 men. Why must we•ignere
salient i le men when t bey assail don-
. t rines If ages, I appeal to stan-
dard o. mora lit y in every nem. Dove
it say test their opinions and theor-
ies; deduced' trent facts, and balance
t hem • in the ;inn les (yr reason
• With 1 hose -ty ho obst 11011 ely ignore
Tree. says 1 he teac hinge end
-t ignore them:" Confucianism
et rine or ages ; seientific men
1 ; therefore we, must ignore
ic mere That a snake's 1 alT,
views of Tyndall and Huxley a re no
1 help 0 Christ ian Selene:v. What' I
• mat ter is that. Every Man with ,
Nimes to merit 1 he title, after -a
fair view of the question unhesitat-
ingly expresses his opinion that 'Ilse
(loot rin .s they advereite. are correct
and 111,i arguments they use ore un-
anewer ble. " Christ ian • salient bits,
those %lie) say there are no bones but
tali is Ind, have always looked foe I
bones ( rid other things but Mete al-
ways r .ported that, they found noth-
ing t( contradict the creation of
mare"- Certainly they milaa )-00k
ill, tie crack of• doom, Christians or
• Pagans for things to contradict the
emetic, 1 of man, because man exists
tind .Wie therefore created. Because •
then 11 (12(1 men looked •for anebsurd-
iy and realized their expectations
when hey found if not, we are, to
paseive y follow Owen ignoring them .
who looked_ for facts found them,and
deduced conclusions accordingly,
als(ft write in the spirit of charity
nd W1 11 1130 yearning of a famished
soul 11 at will not be satisfied with
the b 'lids of our fathers because
they heppen to be t heir beliefs; 1 hat
will net ignore doctrines because they
oortflicl with f hose beliefs iind-wi
the: d et i'm inat ion te seek to find and
not lo field. Thanking you for your
t space, I remain,
Cliotort, May 7tli, 1904.
Pr fltable Egg Production.
( ,'it ten .for The Expositer.)
l'ullel. for Winter Laying a- The
Fresh Egg Trade -Export ing Eggs.
•. , —
Pot. ill • farneve a most. profitable
branch (if the poultry business is
the p roductten of (•ggs during the
sityS Mr. F. C. Hare,' chief of
ultry division, Otto wn. Every
there is a great demand for
d eggs; 1 he supply is always
and high prices are paid. fp
ge cities strictly fresh eggs
artily during 1 he. past winter
al :fro it 40 to 60 oents per dozen.
Sotee e letters are so eiluated that
thee •tan maintain a -city trade in
fresh- eggs throughout the year. A
premit/ n of several cents a dozen
can U.S ally be obtained for new laid
eggs sI ipped weekly to the dity mer-
ehana.: . ..
the ry,
new la
11011 te
lw liti
SOld r(
Markel Requirements.
There, is a growing preference on
t he Ito ne market for brown shelled
, (ergs. The shells of the eggs should
i be win td clean if nee.essa.ry, and the
i egi4 raded in size. For shipment
t o 1 h nyzehant t hey should be
packed in cases holding 12 dozen o
la doz, n each, Egg e to be palatabl
shouldbe ea 1 en in a strictly fresh
condi( i nt, 1113,1'f:fore they :ghoul(
33';! 011 he 0011.81111) ('r wit hunt unnec-
dellay, This., reqeires 1 -that
a- be colleoted regularly every
day . and sl tired in 11 e001 r00113. teTn-
pel'a ( II ',V, 40 to rio degrees, Fe until
a surfirient •number are on bend to
dtd itle.r 10 a dealer ; 2--tliftl 1 he deal-
er for -aid the eggs to t he merchant
at leas. once a -week, and 3 -that the
int:reliant prof eat 1 he eggs from de-
. ,.
fetiora i ion while in his possession.
• Pi llet s Pot. r1111 er Laying
. Aa n general: rule pullets ha trilled
during May ar early dune will prove
most • profitable for winter laying.
Farmers who expect to inake a spec,-
ia It y tA high twined new laid eggs
next, 1.%-nt er should be at the, present
time tel.• hatching (Mt :1 good 1111113-
bor of lelticks from which 1 0 select
suitable pull(O•s, The cockerels
should lw sold in the early fall. rne
leas I ilea or(' housed in the fields andi
require ' 111 1 le a 1 t en 1 1011 . 01' eV ra
feed, t, te most , profitable age f or
rn a rke I q ig is 20 u 0 mon 1 Its. A f ter
3110 1. 110 t fie e051 a feed per pound
of , ga ill in live w eight rapidly, in-
The 0, illets should ha comfortab-
ly e nd. i flPr11114 nen i ly housed. in
the fall • transferring mature pul-
lets to a strange pen defers egg -
product ion, Early winter laying -de-
mands !Iberia feeding, which in in a Idition to 1 ho grain, weak'.
Mea t, or animal food, and vegetable
food, • 1... ont 1 eo flocks of Barred
Plyruout 1 Rork pullets the t• were
liberally fed from birth for i early
Imj 1 uriiN at the Bond Ville, Quebee,
Tllustra int 83 11 tion eggs were giq-
here(' cb; ily a f 1 er. the pullets were
four 1 . 1 ill.; a nd one week old. Ex-
lierini en 154 al 111e : Vtica Experiment
Station lioeed that 1 Ite profit from
young li '11or • pullet 9 was abou t
five i hii..s gren 1 er 1131111 1 ha f from
hens three or . four years old. !slot
only (1.:(1 The old hens lay aonsider-
ably fewt,r eggs, but the eggs were
worth lei9. per dozen. This is Pie-
caunfed for • by the foal that the
pullets laid a Jaeger ,proportion of
thefir eggs in Winter, when the price
Was good, i
Breeding Fr Winter Layers.
• Whelk the ju1Jots aro forced for
winter egg pt+luotion, there should
be kept in addition emother breed -
trig pen of seletted fowls from h
ao rear the ch clos, A hert or pullet
that commences to lay in the spring
will at that time produce st ronger-
germed eggs for hatching than will
another that has had her vitality
impaired by winter laying.
The farmer' should select from
the flock of' Pullets len or twelve
the best winter layers, plaeing it
regularle.g band or a, piece of •wire
around, the leg of each. The next
winter those pullets, then yearling
hens, Amulet be separated from the,
laying hene ind kept in good. health
'and medium, flesh, but not fed for
winter • laying. In February or
Morel) they should bo mated with
a suitable cockerel, and their rat-
ions increased, So as to bring them in-
to laying at the flute when their
eggs are reqUired for hatching. Such
it process of selection Would. soon
produce a p rticularly fine strain
win ter la ers.
E parting:Eggs.
The expoie rade carries _off the
Surplus eggs p oduced durin4r the
summer mo ths, when pricas are
low, but ha. Matte or no effect On
the price of new -laid eggs in the
winter. Eff ri44 to increase our ex-
port trade 1 i iggs need riot, 1 here-
fore, alarrn coesumers in cities or
towns. Eggs that are placed in cold
storage from' April to July are ship-
ped to Great Britain for the Septern-
'kir and October trade ; thoee that
ge into cold •storage in the, fall are
exported during the winter months.
All these are sold in Great Britain
as “-Canadian fresh eggs,"
NV, A. Clemons.
Department of Agriculture,
Y 20
When the littlefolki take cold
and coughs, dorit neglect them and
let them strain the tender mem-
branes of their lungs. Give them
Cure The Lung Tonle
It will cure them quickly and
strengthen their lungs.
It is pleasant to take.
Prices 25c,, 50c. and $1.00
. 5. C, WELLS Sr CO.
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y.
Thoroughbred Shorthorns
For Sale.
For sale, two Shorthorn Bulls, both of them broth -
ere to imported " fientehman" now etook hull at tho
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Moo a num-
ber of females, All mita be sold as the owner has
mold his farm. They can be nen at Riverside Farm
and at Exeter. Parties calling on me at Exeter will
be driven to the farm, Apply to, or Iddrens
Prize -Winning Short Horns for Sale.
Eight young fkoteb Short Ilorn bulls, from im-
ported and home bred mats, got by imported bull,
also young coo( with calf a foot or In call to lin,
ported bull, also a numberof heifer@ of breeding
ago and younger. Mita a lot of seed peas; of the
early June variety, a medium Azad white pea,
grown from seed got near North Bay last year.
They yielded over 37 bushels per aero and nnt 11 hug
In them, Prices %%try mederate. DAVID MILNE: &
SON, Ethel OA
idelliiicp Directory for 1903,
MICHAEL -MI1RDIE, Rte.ve, Winthrop P. O.
JOHN 8. P,ROWN, Councillor, Settforth P. 0,
CHARLEt4 LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop P.
JOHN MURRAY, Couneillor, Beechwood P, 0.
JOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Councillor, Winthrop P.O.
JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clark, Winthrop P. 0
DAVID M, ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop I' 0.
SOLOMON J. SHANNON, 3, P„ Sanitary Inspeetor
Winthrop P. a
Are a Tr
e Heart Tonic,
• I
Nerve Food and tood Enricher. They build
up and renew the worn out and waste41
tissues of the boldy, o'nd restore perfect hogItla
and vigor tote entire (system.
Nervouences, Sieepieesnees, Nervous Pros-
tration, Bruin Fag, Lack of Vitality, After
Effects of La Crippe, Anzmia, Weak and
Dizzy Spoils, Lees of' flernory, Palpitation ot
the Heurt, Loa of Energy, Shortness of
Broath, etc,, carrell bo curled by using
Milburn's Hear and Nerve Pills.
Priem Mc. a bo or 3 for $1.25. All dealers or
TUE MILOCItli CO.1. LIMITED, Toronto, Ont.
Ate the popular
roatone. One of t
hangs on n haide
rot es on bell bear
wet " It bee`no ot
un mpeded a mut
hal nee. This Mtn
tie ,
0nve0 repaint
of he wear and to
ons are subject.
SI 1 casing, only
It Cloy to stash,
bra. e, handle ea
hot cr nut. All
steel. Gearing all
ream Separators.
cream Imperatore for soy oral
em hi Illustrated here. The bowl
ed 1. dee! spindle " which re-
ngs " as free as the earth on its
or suppart, but, hoe aii tree sod
n se a planet, and finds its own
Betty of construction Bevel, frle•
saves oil, and eaves 60 per cent.
r, to which other cream Heperat.
he only machine with Enameled
two pieces in the bowl, making
ho only maims fitted with it
'caring points of Cabe hardened
filly:if:8k: elf and put on, without
ed the highest honors and awards at all tho loading
exhibiti-one and trials throughout the world.
This serrator inte only to be impeded and tried
forth il
paltere. Raman) er we lead and dense follow. In"
spectlo) kindly in ited.
At A. M. Carripbell's Wareroom, -Sea.
. Joeoph Atkinson, Tuokeremith.
• 1 purchased a MoIntto Cream Seperator year
ago. We aro numb pleased with It Find it Paves a
Jot of labor In the handling of the milk
to have 9 worlte !fully appreciated, over all 00711
r Duncan McCelailum, agent, Seaforth
1.1 ;
, D. W Iker, agent, Staffa.
Riad what your neighbors say about the
Molotte Cream Separator
esso ry
he eg
We have mod a McIatte Cream Sopa...tiler for two
years and are highly ploaqed with it There are 10
or 12 in our neighborhood giving pod baths( salon.
We find it easily operated, civilly cleaned, a first
claws sic'tnmer, a greet lebor Raver and very profit.
able. I would not be without It for double whet it
A D. ticett, McKillep.
Ae I have uqed one of your No 1 Meiotic Cr
Separators with good satiefaction and find it, easy to
tern, enqy to (dean and a first elan ekimmer,. I aleo
find It eaey to opertste and owiy lo iinderstand, and
(rem the met:Nutlet! condi uction fine the millity of
the material of tht Ma .hine, 1 lind it to be one of
the leading machines of the day.
• John Alexander, Tuciteranith,
Two yenni afro vour agent,Mr.McCallum put In elm
No. 1. Molotte iji»arz, Separator 1.77 tr.e. Ibis giving
perfect satisfaction and takee very small poWer to
turn. 1330 a clone ;61clininer, to etoily cleaned and
operated In all reepinitte. 1 would ativI•e every far-
mer to nee a seperater and can with confidence re0
commend tho " Atelate."
Tbonses J Mt thatch , egfilop.
Local Improvement Notice
Take notice tha tho Municipal Council of the
Town of Seeforth Jntendo to build cement sidewalks
on the following portions of streets in the Town of
Seaforth, viz :-Sideiyalk No. 1. On the west Ode
of East William f4treet, from the old Teuiperatate
Mall to Franklin et cot, 4 feet wide. Sidewalk No.
2, On the east Hide of Chalk street, from George
area to the northern limit of Lot 1(2, Goulnioekes
Survey, n feet wide, Sidewelk No, 5-00 the qouth
lade of Market street, from Main street to Jarvio
otreet, 4 feet wide, Sidewalk No, 4 --on the weet
eide et Went etreet, from Goderich street to Janeem
etreet 14 feet wide, Sidewalk No. 6 -on the east
side et Sperlino street, frotn Market area to John
[drat, 31 feat wide, and -to 088088 60 rer cent. of the
cost upon the property fronting thereon, and 40 per
cent upon property flanking thereon. A stateno nb
°bowing the betide J1a,Jc t par the amesements ;sod
the names of the owners so tar as they can be slicer.
Mined is now filed in the eine% of the Clerk of the
Municipality and is open ter inspertion ditrin,,,, mike
holm. The palmated mat le eleven cents, per
equare foot at,d levied in the prapertien above men-
tioned. A Court of Revieion will ins held on Teen.
day, May 31s3: next. at 10 n'eleek A. ts,„ at the
Council porn, for the ',impose nf hearing obmplainte
againtbe proposed, assesernent or acouraPy of
frontage measurements, or any other complaint
which person() interested may desire to make and
which ise by law, cognizable by the Court.
• Vs'M ELLIOTT, Clerk.
Dated this 10th day of May, A. D„ 1004.
. 1000.2.
• 71"' 1 7 •;41;" Yr(
ea4. l4 fee/ (1 es1,7:41.
a.; ir4 4:•3
-e 4
•11::!* cAn.blif P ia••=
• 1. 1.4 41 by all dee 1.•et, 4;kat
1 lit .5, grow, 21kef,
tt, ..c4,:,..1rs
.s.?1dc. ',et/a:id f.reo Lit
PtarlY IX CO.
1,3rj viin,..usoR, okra-.
a -
Court of Revision.
Notice le herelry given that the first gifting of the
Court for the revision of tho Aseerement Roll for the
Township of Tuekeremith for tho year 1004 will be
held at Strong& Hall, on Saturday, May 28111, at 10
o'clock a. m„ for the hearing and trial of complaints
againet the said roll. Intereoted parties will please
take notice and govern themeelves accordingly.
Parties who heve disposed of their dogs since being
rimmed must have them struck off at tho shove
Court or tho tax will be collected.
A. G. fitsfILLIE, Clerk of Tuokerinnithl
Dated May 1st, 1901. 1890
• „
/11.' t;#1 F;f141
t- 4s.ifr
41,s !wee
. Eighty per cent. of the ills of
womankind are due to Xidney
derangement, Backache, pain
in the side, headache, depression,
pimples aed eruptions, swelling
oldie feet. had taste in the mouth,
all come from di...ordered kidneys
allowing poisons which should
he carried off to remain in ilia
Dr, Pitriter'sBackarthe-Kidney
-Tablets cure all kidney
trouble, and tree women from
aches and ailments.
Mrs, iebal 11 .71',y17 • , Preston, On t .
nays: I bad a 0V01e pain in zny
bade that gave MPflilreteaso in th.i
day tie.° and dit.r al lrd me niichts.
Dr. int enerns bitele.,The Kidney rab-
letneured 315001 tivy pet n, and I have
no lorty,er that depressing weakness
in the morning OA formerly,"
Dr Pitcher's P, -E. Tablets are coe
a lice t:e, at urn ggir, ts or by mail. 'P h e
Itr Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont.
Far sato by 3,8. Pi, oberte,druggitt,
/the facKiliop Mutual FiriA.
• Insurance Company.
j, B, tfefiean, Preeldent, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas
Fraser, vice.prooldent, Brneelleld P. 0,1 Thomas Z.
clays, Booy•Trerta. Bostorth P. 0„
william Chestier lioafortb -; John 0. Grieve, Win.
iarop ; Goorge Delo, Soo -forth; John nonnative's,
Dublin 3, James Evans, Beechwood ; John Watt,
Matlock; Thomas Fraser, Brnoefield John 13, Ito
Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clintov.
}WM. Smith. Harlot*; E. Hineblev, Seaforth ;
Ann* Cumming Efemondv ; J. W. lteo, tiorwee
vIlle P. O.; George Montle and John C. Morrieor
Parties desirous to effect Inourances nr tr.a,
rot °the: business will be promptly otten•ind to
pvittottlor to any of the shave errirnpt 441•.,•00,4
heir 000000i•ve oort nes,I70s
,A Full Car
Money to Loan.
Th0 Corporation of Tnekeremith havo ;3,700 of
school fund monies on hand to loan on good I0r01
seeurities at current rateo of intereet. Partioe re-
quiring such should imply to G. N. Turner, treas-
urer, Clint= P. or to A. G. Clerk, Hen-
sel! P, 0, or to the undereigned,10,8. Black, Reeve,
Seaforth P„ 0, 188841
Dyspepsia, Bolls,
Loss of Appetite,
Salt Rheum,
and all troubiss
arising from tho
Stomach, Lye,- ,
Boviols or Blood.
of Kallytiu:l.,
wrir‘-s; "1 I.t
avoold he,v 0 1,7,
my grav o
ht4 It to fit .1:» ft.r
Tiortirs.k 1' .it J4.1 -
tent. I yr_ de vv.;
t,) hue!) 1.1! exter,1
that I 1 0,
ly n.ivo ..t
it) 3crer4_4
tovelo,olsee ar o
TP P '
1;0110 14•,1 1 v. .fk'
1014bits to d 1 1t 1
br.t.w,evrerk, After
too, I
f.00 4 Ito;
lo cif!) ro,to-ed
wantril re, 4nnn;e7441
IV to all t.'d. ao,
worn out women:.
e Grade OnIy,
and That the best.
Who Wants a Buggy?
I wish to inform the farme.re of the sur-
rounding coantry, that. I am receiving
A Car -Load of McLaughlin
These buggiee Bre known Canada over for
their superiority in etyle and finieh
to ell other buggies On the market. I
• have sold these buggies for eight years
• and
None of My Customers have
• had a Tire reset.
The Tires are All Set Cold.
ask all formers, thinking of investing in a
new buggy, to give me a call end they
• will never regret it.
I Do Not Canvass the Country,
I give the farmer the benefit of what it
would cost me to do that.
A Full Line of Farm implements
Always on Hand.
A. M. Oampbel
It -46.12
Cook's Cotton Root Compc.
Ladies, Fa r
Is the only filf••, 1 '710
rCgt11.1tor 013. T.c; 1,.' . •
Can 411 pill 1 "I ]
‘,411 0.13l1 inv. of e,..e.•
Prepreed in two dael - ;
strength. No. 1 :
No, 1. -Fur orat
is by far Ili- 1.1 . • ;
noalicino how.. ro
No. 2 ---Por hOe(ig••••' 1) ,t
atronger—tbree per 134)
Ladies -ask yortr d nye et. • r • 'I •
Cotton Boot Cdflopoo;“1. '1'• •
as ail pins, mixter an(1 iteieteie-
dangerous. No, 1 tied No, e a,
recommended by all drool!, ,.3
minion of Canada. Nailed 7,, to.;
on receipt of juice 31110 ••li' 1-- • 1 • ,
. StEtrapg. Wire Cook ,
EVratl-, ,t-,
No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Seaforth by J. 8. Bob
(Its, Alex, Wileon, C. Abernart and V. Fear, drug.
gists. • Ita60
041vi'''' 1-7.37" yr
,. ‘
lr tt P
•1e4 ' et
. ...,,I.e• ,d.....4-
Aron. comae- 1: ' i•e thc 1''' S'0 t 1
the nano vani.o.,,, it getelne
ocalim and r,
Sink Inahe, -Jaundice, 1-Tea.re -
burn, Cetteart'll f" the Storion oh, Dletra
rums, Blotaah.00 Pci
Dyspepsia, SOup Starrtach,
tiranb, folvtrer Conaplaint;, Leellove or
Muddy Complexion.
Sweeten thc brr.us% (*fir fovay al sr; Adttio
and poieonon.t um!, ve 1 root th-
Priee 26o, bottle or for 1,41.4s), A )1 dealers
or Tire T. liTatetater Co., aetuited, Toronto,
uommicH, (AT.
tr. T.—ET:LIS,
Formerly of the Con,merolal Hotel, fiessfortit, ex4
tootles cordial invitetion to all ble old friers+, and
• patrons, when vielting Godoneb, 30 beeome gueete
• of the Huron Hotel fret Thie hotel Is flret.olase 30
every respect, and all will be made cerrfortante
Tornio moderate.
.1. T. ELLIS, Proprietor.
3rand Trunk Rail
Railway Time Table
• Train@ leave Bee,forth as followe ;
.00 1. no. For Clinton, GrAeri,b Wlegliate
12.40 p, rn. For Clinton and Ge.derieh
.15 p, m, For Clinton, Wiearbaro ales moat
10,18 p. m. For Clinton and Ondt vitt.
7,53 a. tn. For Stratford, Gae!ph, Tom, -,t,.
OMB*, North Bey ar.4 pear* wat
Belleville and Petertscro and poxidi
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, 3(00,
tress! and points ealt.
For Stratford, Ouelph and Toronto.
3.37 p. 111,
5,23 p. m.
Pa1merston and
GOINO NO11111. Pam.
Palmerston-- - 7.30 p.m
le 07
Brustels- ft.17
Morale ...; 8,27
Wtogbam., .... 8.38
Gotoo Bourn, Pass.
WIngham- ;„ .. 8 53 a.m
3luevale . 7.02
13ruseels,.,.. „.. 7.16
Ethel •7.26
London, Baron
1734(3 110.2117--
• • •• • •
001131.1LornJon14 • /I • • • • .0' ••• • IF •
Exeter— -
Londessboro -
'8'4 844"171--
INIngtmtu, depart., -
LtsndMions..., ..... .
..• • •••
Kippen- .
Henson-- . -
Cf4ntrail$1. • • • • • ••• • • • • .•
pan, mix,4
12.20 p.m 53,•26
9 a.re. 3.05 par;
0,17 3.13
10.00 3 26
10.15 :1%6
11.39 4.20
aud Bruce.
la,.1h to P N
018 It;
920 ti
3.44 6.45
9t.0 s, It
.4 LW t
11. 1:- ;,s
le 7(0
1e re ;j
1. CO 7s5
7141 3.21
7:4 3 !fp
7.2a 8.45
7 47 4.16
1-.15 441
8.22 4.12
fi.40 5.15
2.45 0. W. r417
Wood'F4 PhoRpholiines
The Greet English Reptit
an old, well era -ab,
lithed cti.,) reliable
preparation. Iias beso
preocribcd and nsocl
over ars. ado*
gibto in the Dominion
of Canada 8011 aee
rocomuysed 41.1 be
the only nereafelies
ite kind that num
givos univerfial natl.:44(4ton. It promptly as,,i
permanently cores all forms of ;VI/Toys Mob
71.C4g. Erni11110128, lipermatorrhwa, Ympeteney,
arid anti:feats of aburawr ozceei.es; the er.ceasirs
use of Tobacco, Opium. or Mintulitnis, Mental
and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmitm
Insanity, Consumptiou and an Early Crave.
Price $1, per package or six kr go Onsio0
please, six will eurp, waited prompt) rfil
coipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Addl.'s&
• The Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont., Canada/
Wood's Phoepbodine fe Fold In Spalortb byeAber-
hart, 7. V. P2ar;:-...t. S. P,./.berts Alex. Wilson, and
druggists. • 1662
and After,
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be received by the C...uncil
townehip of Mullett until 2 p to, on
MONDAY, 16th DAY OF MAY, 1914,
for the erestion of concrete abutments to support
the small steel bridges Also for r, ('013 roto arCb.
2233 long and 43 inches to diameter Two of the
bridges are within 21 miles of Lendedloro and till
other near Clinton The lowett or zip, tender not
necessarily aceepted Specifications eau hesti=:a at
the Clerk's office, Londesboro,
' 1898.4 JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk
Notice to Creditors.
In the estate cif James Landol-orough, late of the
Township of Tuokersraith, in the County of
Huron, Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pi/reliant to the Statute in
that behelf thet all pet -gene having claims split,
the estate of the said lamed Laodeborou4h, who
died 011 the 16th day of Mareb, 3004, are required on
/ or before tho 3 at day cf May, 1904, to send by pos.
• prepaid or deliver, to 3 L. Killoran, Ser.forth,
• Ontario, Solicitor for William trandsborotigh and
David Landebert ugh, Id. 11 , executor, ot the de-
• ceased, thtir »amen 4rei addresseo, full partieulars
of their claim, and the nature cf the tiecutity ii
any).held by them, and that after imii date, the bald
Exwutore willproceed to dieribute the atteto of
the sa.d estate oolong the perlons (Witted thereto,
I having rogard only to the t1111318 01 which they shall
4 then have notice.
J. L. KILLORAN, firiforth, Ont.,
I 8olioiter for the Exenutors.
I Dated this 7th day of My, 1904. 1901.3
'Baby Carriages, Go Cexts
and Carriers
In the latest up -to -dale styles, and to lirge
assortment to choose from.
• Window Shades.
ii Our entire stock will be elneed out it
a great reduction in price. We have the
4 latest idea in Window Screene-different
, sizes.
1 A large and varied ftIVIOrttrI013t, of Couches
and Parlor Suites, odd and fancy ehaire and
• rockers, dining room and bedroom furni-
ture, etc.
• The vertical feed Davie is the enly Bev'
• ing machine of its kind, and th3 boot in this
t.,ountry. We have it.
• The 8taindard le ale° a gem 000011300 -
two in one -chain and. leek stitch. We
I have it too.
Kneohtel t McKenzie
Furniture Deuhrio Undertakers tool Eon -
Mehl, calls for Undertaking red at
Mr Knee:kers residonto o1. Jamos street.
The undersigned le prer,nnd to 17n, the kighee
Calif) price Iran uolinotei qoantit; of fatt-0400
SOil. Elm, Rock Eini, Rapsy,loioi, Maple,
Beech, Ash, Hemleck and Oak Logs _
Pc:vit.:red at the /lenient] saw and St tte )11:;1. I.D;ft
to 1 cut an even kngth„ xeept Soft itin.. noft Eire
to lso rad 11, 13 and 13, Iry , Will absc ate
Basswood Ifeadieg
40 inet es long, at VA() p0r cord, deli/red.
Will oleo buy timber by measurement or h., bulk ht
WM. Special attention paid to f•uotorn owing, and
s031e10c31e.r1 guaranteed.
-- A tested sire et epee&
Monday,- Grahanfq hotel, 'Clinton, norai ;
field tGr night.Tuesday,- Varna, noon ; Biagi
night. Wednesday, - Daehwood, rmen ; Crediton,
night, Thmeday,- Exeter. noon ; Farlubarmfght
Friday,-litarfa, Henn by Kay 1,1
mondville. iiaturilay,-At Ms own stahle, Egmond•
I* Is Ohs few bur cod Who ton ot Unto-dna& the hoorleot strain -never
eags-alia Ins world over. Order through oar looal agenb or direct from no.
THE PAGE WIRE FENCE 00. LIMITED, WalkerrIlle, Ont. Montreal, Que. St. John, LE, Wlmol,Pr-g/ nolo